View Full Version : Enchanting without the pre-req spells. Possible?

2017-09-01, 06:57 PM
For a Pathfinder game I'm apart of, my character is Pack Mule (Fighter) 2/Witch 5/Eldritch Knight 7 with the Thunder Child template (because everyone in our campaign gets a free +2 CR template for...... reasons.) The character is an armor and weapons crafter, who makes magical items for a living, that has made herself a suit of Clockwork Armor, and is built around being a weak spell-caster (to a degree) and being able to enter basically power armor when it comes to a battle. I've already reduced the Arcane Spell Failure to 5% from making it Mithral, and taking the Arcane Armor feat line, so no issue there. The trouble I'm having is that I want to have a bit more bulk to my character, to make the suit really feel powerful.

One such spell helps with that is Divine Power. It doesn't give any straight Strength bonuses, but it makes Strength checks, damage and attack rolls, and Strength Skills go up without making it absurd. The only problem I'm having is that I'm a witch, and witches don't get Divine Power, which is really unfortunate. This leads me to some solutions.

1) Find a way to enchant it myself for a reduced cost: I would very much like to enchant it myself for that sweet 50% discount (minus the whole +1.5 base cost because additional enchantment) and have the whole shpeal of "I made *all of this* MYSELF! Kiss it!!! Is it possible for me to somehow take the spell from another source (perhaps a scroll or wand/staff) and do it that way......


2) Ask the DM and hope for the best: Maybe I'll have to swallow my pride, and see if there's a divine caster who also happens to be a crafter that will assist me in this venture. This is the least preferred route, since my character doesn't really trust things made/done by other people, but if it's the only way, so be it.

If there's a third option, please enlighten me. And if you suggest I change the character around, please refrain. The character is currently set in stone, and also it took me a long time to draft the sheet.

Thank you!!

List o' Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Firearms): Because technology.

Point Blank Shot (Human Bonus): Paying my taxes.

Precise Shot (Fighter 2nd): No Friendly Fire. "Why no Fighter 1 bonus?" Because I took Packmule archetype, because armor is heavy. Mainly skills though.

Scribe Scroll (3rd): Good way to make some cash on the side, and give allies support scrolls.

Craft Wondrous Item (5th): Because I'm a crafter.

Craft Arms and Armor (7th): Self Explanitory.

Power Attack (Eldritch Knight 1): Hack and Slash goodies.

Arcane Armor Training (9th): Reduced ASF for funsies.

Arcane Armor Mastery (11th): 20% reduction is fine.

Vital Strike (Eldritch Knight 5): Shoulder-Mounted Musket needs love. "You have a shoulder mounted musket?" DC 20 Armorsmithing check can put it on Clockwork Armor, so yes.

Forge Ring (13th): Bling?

2017-09-01, 07:09 PM
Yeah, as far as I can tell, the only thing in your way is DM permission for a custom item, but you can enchant items with spells you don't know, it just increases the crafting DC by 5 for each prerequisite you're missing.

2017-09-01, 07:48 PM
Where's that tid-bit of info, just so I can show my DM if he asks?

2017-09-01, 07:51 PM
Nevermind, I found it :P. Thanks!