View Full Version : Increasing spell save dc

2017-09-01, 10:27 PM
How can i do this. Say im going to be fighting a Paladin. They have great saves. I need Kill that paladin quickly so i don't get smote to the ground. Any spell will prolly juat bounce right. He is going to ambush me because he is an "ally". How is this best approached?

Mike Miller
2017-09-01, 11:01 PM
Boost your stats, heighten spell, or similarly decrease his saves first

What character are you using?

2017-09-02, 12:48 AM
Dread necro

2017-09-02, 01:13 AM
What level are you and how much time do you have to prepare.
Typically the best solution would be to use no-save spells. Animate Dead for something large/huge to kill him would work. Ray of Enfeeblement doesn't require a save. Ray of Exhaustion has a nice partial effect even on a save. False Life is always good.

2017-09-02, 01:35 AM
Use spells that do not require a save to defend against.

necromancy is full of these; vampiric touch, Enervation are the two big ones.

failing that. just throw your undead minions at him until he is dead.

2017-09-02, 01:47 AM
You're a caster, albeit a weak one. Don't use spells with saves as suggested previously, also don't completely rely on spells. Eggshell grenades, Aboleth Mucus and the like can be good. If you want to be extra mean, create big undead as suggested before but coat all their natural weapons with Aboleth Mucus and every first hit with the natural weapons force a Fort save DC 20 or basically a death. Between 5 or 6 saves, plus a couple of spells and the undeads, there is no chance the paladin survives.

If you want to go even meaner create the undead inside a Desecrate area with a shrine to an evil god. Use that to create more powerful undead and instead of the normal Animate dead use Create Undead to create Bone Creatures (BoVD), basically they are skeletons with Intelligence and therefore feats, plus also a dexterity bonus. Or if you rather zombies, go with Juju zombie (UE) which is also created through Animate dead and is way more powerful than the conventional zombie.

2017-09-02, 03:24 AM
How can i do this. Say im going to be fighting a Paladin. They have great saves. I need Kill that paladin quickly so i don't get smote to the ground. Any spell will prolly juat bounce right. He is going to ambush me because he is an "ally". How is this best approached?

Is your character evil aligned?

2017-09-02, 11:14 AM
I once fed a baby elf to a slightly larger baby elf

Edit: ok so not really but yes. Dn is not evil lite

2017-09-11, 01:49 AM
Make some undead. Once the battle begins, do enervation twice, then switch back to spells that do allow a save. The enervations will lower his saves, and the lowered attack will be helpful.

No need to increase the DC when you can enervate his saves into the negatives.

2017-09-11, 02:15 AM
How can i do this. Say im going to be fighting a Paladin. They have great saves. I need Kill that paladin quickly so i don't get smote to the ground. Any spell will prolly juat bounce right. He is going to ambush me because he is an "ally". How is this best approached?

why would you use a spell with a save?

use spells with no saves. if you're a necro, use minions or summons. summon undead line gets you some allips. get those, drain his wis to 0, cdg, and turn him into a mummy or something.

it sound suspiciously like you're contemplating pvp. if so, don't. it never ends well.

2017-09-11, 02:29 AM
What level are you? If you have undead mastery theres no way any but the most optimized of paladins is going to cut through 4+ Cha Mod * CL hit dice of undead, as long as they arent human zombies or something. Giant and troll skeletons work wonders. Really anything with high strength.

2017-09-11, 05:44 AM
why would you use a spell with a save?

use spells with no saves. if you're a necro, use minions or summons. summon undead line gets you some allips. get those, drain his wis to 0, cdg, and turn him into a mummy or something.

it sound suspiciously like you're contemplating pvp. if so, don't. it never ends well.

Agreed. That said, if this is the GM's paladin npc that's a rather different matter. Ultimately you know the situation better than we do and have to make your own decisions, but pvp in dungeons and dragons tends to end poorly. In part because (at least with in person games) they can punch you in real life for being a jerk in game.

So good luck thead op, have fun, and make sure that the players are on the same page with you out of character, even if in character the utterly disagree with the whole 'paladin vs necromancer show down' going on.

2017-09-11, 06:13 AM
Shivering Touch could also be a possibility. No Save no SR. 3d6 Dex dmg on touch (attack) for clvl/rounds. An average of 10.5 Dex dmg per turn, would solve the problem probably in 2 rounds in most chases.
And since Paladins tend to walk in heavy armor they don't have a high touch AC and are most likely easy to hit.

2017-09-11, 12:15 PM
Spell focus: ___, Greater Spell Focus: ____, Cold Focus: ____, Greater Cold Focus: ____, Snowcasting = +4dc

Fatespinner = +5dc or +15dc

Increase your casting stat.

Fatespinner makes your opponent reroll if he makes the save.

Make every spellcaster in your party prepare Alter Fortune