View Full Version : Kindly copying the quarter scene in no country for old men (fleeting thought)

2017-09-02, 01:55 AM
I saw the end of Dirty Harry and the "do you feel lucky punk" line reminded me of the quarter scene from no country for old men. But instead I'd like to propose a less evil version:

+1 gold coin
+1 bag of 100 gold coins
+1 really high dc illusion spell

NPC: Can you spare a coin kind sir?
PC: What's the most you've ever lost in a coin toss?
... (other dialogue)
PC: You know what the date is on this coin? X. And it's been waiting Y years to get here and now it's here and it's either heads or tails.
NPC: *Calls the coin*
PC: *Casts illusion to make sure that's what it turns up as*
PC: *Uncovers result of toss* Well done. *Hands over pouch of gold coins*
PC: Don't put it in with the others, that's your lucky coin.
NPC: Where do you want me to put it.
PC: Anywhere, just not in there otherwise it will get mixed in with the others and become just a coin. Which it is.

Of course, that depends if the DM goes along with it I guess.

2017-09-02, 08:21 AM
Cute thought, too bad it comes from one of the longest life-waster of movies.