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2017-09-02, 01:38 PM
There is only one viewport on the old transport, but it is wide enough for you to watch the lines of hyperspace assemble themselves into individual stars as you return to subspace. A planet is in view, for now just a blue and white ball scarcely larger than the stars beyond it.

"Approaching Hyberna," chitters the insectoid voice of the transport vessel's Verpine pilot over the ship's intercom. "Final port of call."

You watch as the planet grows larger, its seas and continents becoming distinct and visible. Its surface is mostly white, covered in polar ice caps and frozen seas. But within Hyberna's more temperate latitudes you can see streaks of green and purple tundra and the dark uneven shapes of mountains, and the pale blue of the thawing ocean.

This is your home, now. Or so you hope.

* * *

The old transport shakes violently as you enter atmosphere, and your flight is unsteady enough that you have to strap yourselves into the seats that line the transport's hold. No luxury journey, this. The six of you were given cots in the cargo hold, shoved in between crates of foodstuffs and mechanical equipment.

At last you touch down. It takes only a few moments to gather your scant belongings, and by the time you are packed and ready to depart the cargo hold's loading ramp opens.

* * *

As you take your first steps onto Hyberna, the first thing you notice is the cold. There is a bite to the air that makes you shiver and pull your outerwear closer about you.

Before you lay the streets of Fort Rime, Hyberna's largest and oldest settlement. The starport is on its outer edge, just inside the ten meter-tall durasteel walls surrounding the town. The streets are busy with pedestrians, though their heavy clothing prevents easy species identification. A number of prefabricated buildings line the main street, with signs proclaiming businesses like "Barrik's Speeder Parts & Repair" and "Fort Rime General Store."

The most prominent of these nearest the starport is a stately three-story building that looks both older and sturdier than its neighbors, constructed of both imported metal and what looks like local timber. A sign above the oak doors reads "SALOON" in block capital letters.

2017-09-02, 02:29 PM
Well, Dorn figures that its time to ask. Ever since he boarded the transport vessel he has been sizing up his fellow passengers. He knows he'll need a decent posse if he is going to have any hope of bringing in the Hellion and his crew, and he also knows that a few of his fellow passengers are skilled gunfighters. Before everyone goes their separate ways Dorn wants to get them on board to help with his hunt. He turns to stand in front of the group as they head toward the saloon and asks So...Any of you guns looking for work?

2017-09-02, 02:31 PM
Bail steps off the transport and onto the frozen ground. Pulling his trench coat tight, in the hope of warding off the chill, Bail walked down the street looking at the storefronts and taking in the sites.

"So this is home.." That was when he heard one of his fellow travelers speak about people needing work. Turning and looking at the speaker, Bail gives him a quick glance over and says "could be, what type of work are you hiring for? "

2017-09-02, 03:16 PM
P-2SE steps off the transport, ignoring the cold around his bare metallic body. This was the planet his programming told him to go to, in that corrupted data. All he knows besides that word is he was built by a filthy smuggler, bought by an equally filthy pirate, and half-destroyed by another, more filthy pirate and exposure to the elements. And that all three of them had about a dozen crippling addictions to several drugs, obscure and common. And that he's a medical robot, by the modifications made to his right arm. What was here that was so important? He decides he will need support to be able to find out. His joints beginning to freeze, he knew it was a poor plan to ignore the cold. Better get some electricity flowing to heat up the old wires, he thinks, as he walks to the saloon.

2017-09-02, 03:19 PM
In response to Bail's question, Dorn produces a piece of flimsiplast displaying a wanted poster. It has a digital rendering of a mean looking devaronian and a posted reward for 5,000 credits. I'm hunting a known killer and thief, goes by "the Hellion". He and his gang are wanted for murder, LAV tram robberies, and a very destructive bank job. I'm here to bring them in and I'm looking for any help I can get. As he says this he swipes through a half dozen more wanted posters each depicting another vicious outlaw with a posted reward of 1,000 credits each. I can promise anyone who signs up 1,800 credits at the end of the job. The credits are good but most importantly if any of you want this cold rock to keep spinning then you're going to want these killers locked up someplace. They're new here and still getting their beaings, but if someone doesn't go after these beings and fast then they'll eat this small-time settlement alive.

2017-09-02, 03:52 PM
Besk wraps herself in her jacket, shivering from the frigid weather. Before she leaves the ship she makes sure to check for any....trackers left behind by certain individuals who make money finding people.

"Th-This is not the sort of weather my body is built for" she says as she gets a full face of the cold wind she hears the discussion between Bail and Dorn "Work? Of the sh-ship already and thats the first thing to get to....I wa-was thinking about stopping by the marshal's office and applying, then find a place to stay" She blinks a few times, connecting a few dots "Wait...are you saying you're a Bounty Hunter?"

2017-09-02, 04:12 PM
Yes Ma'me. He replies. He isn't sure why the sudden surprise, but he guesses it isn't a good sign so he then adds, but I'm not taking other jobs. These people need to be stopped and that is all I'm here for. I apologize for going straight to business. Perhaps your first moments on-planet shouldn't be all work, but here on the fringe its work first; play later. Otherwise you might not eat.

2017-09-02, 04:23 PM
Bail listened to Dorn's proposal with an open mind. "Ehh, I could use the work. Gonna, need creds if I'm going to stay here. Do you have a place to start looking?"

Turning as he hears Besk speak, Bail nods his head and listens to the conversation between her and Dorn.

2017-09-02, 04:45 PM
Turning to respond to Bail, Dorn says This is the place to start looking. Its the only registered spaceport on-planet. Someone in this town will remember them. I'm also betting that if we ask the right questions someone can tell us where they went.

2017-09-02, 05:15 PM
Stepping out into the cold, Gerard couldn't help but grin. Everything he had seen from orbit to now screamed 'potential'. Unsettled lands, a space port with room to grow... the cold couldn't put a damper on his spirits.

Talk of bandits, however, wiped the smile from his face. Doesn't matter where you go, there's always someone looking to screw everyone else over.

"Unless you've already got a place to stay, might be wise to get a room and settle in before you start rounding up a posse," the tech interjected. "But once me and my pals are settled in, I love to hear a bit more about this job. Wouldn't really consider myself a hired gun, but I can shoot straight and I'd be more than happy to help." He looked over to his droids and nodded toward the saloon, the tool-laden trio making their way to the building in search of a place to stay.

2017-09-02, 05:53 PM
Besk seems to calm down after Dorn explains himself "Oh...alright..thats better. Never got your name actually. Neither of yours. Im Besk" she turns to the now recently arrived technician "And another to join this conversation, and one who I do in fact agree with. Before we get to work,
we should probably just go about finding a roof over our own heads. Im going to stop by the Marshals office to see if I can get a badge and stay in the barracks...if they have any.....You're all welcome to come. I bet they'd have knowledge on bandits there"

2017-09-02, 05:53 PM
"Much obliged." Dorn says to Gerard. Getting settled isn't what I had in mind but he's probably right. Couldn't hurt to get the lay of the land..

"The name's Dorn Reeve, ma'am. and pleased to make your acquaintance. Dropping in on the Marshal would be a good move, but I'd like to get a place outside of local law's jurisdiction. Just don't plan on taking a policing job here so I doubt there's a cot there for me."

He then heads into the saloon intending to swing by the Marshal's after securing a room.

2017-09-02, 07:52 PM
The door to the saloon flies open as Dorn mounts the first step. An enormous bare-chested Ortolan with a pair of tusks jutting from behind his snout tosses a slender humanoid out of the establishment. The unfortunate fellow rolls down the stiars and comes to a stop in the midst of the street.

"And stay out!" the Ortolan bellows after him, then slams the door.

The recently ejected saloon patron stands, dusting himself off. He is a slender orange-skinned Twi'lek, his head-tails partially covered by a jaunty hat. He grumbles incoherently to himself, then, catching sight of your group brightens considerably.

"Ah!" he exclaims, giving a slightly too-wide smile. "Newcomers to our fair burgh, I take it?"

2017-09-02, 08:44 PM
P-2SE's surgical instincts kick in the moment the Twi'lek hits the ground. "Are you hurt?" he calls out in his robotic tone to the Twi'lek.

2017-09-02, 08:47 PM
Bail looks at th Twi'lek pick himself up and ask if the group was new. Leaning over to Dorn, he whispers "must be the town genius."

2017-09-02, 08:50 PM
Dorn responds with a wry smile as he moves to make sure the sleemo isn't actually hurt.

2017-09-02, 08:51 PM
"Naught injured but my pride, good sirs," the Twi'lek says, dusting off his sleeves. He extends a hand. "Tenosh Aril, at your service. Businessman, entrepreneur, and occasional patron of the fine establishment yonder. How can I be of service, my good sentients?"

2017-09-02, 09:02 PM
Besk eventually follows behind the group, noticing the the Twielik standing up. She Steps up between everyone "Well, we just Arrived. You know anywhere we can go to get set up? Roof over our head and all that. Oh, and Do you know if the Marshal service is hiring?"

2017-09-02, 09:07 PM
Vander is late to the conversation, having stayed back on the ship to call his people and let them know he'd made landfall. He needed money, information, and a place to stake a claim, but forst he needed to unwind his stiff limbs a bit and get a drink.

The young human strode through the cold steets, thermal cloak pulled around him. He arrived just in time to be distracted from the sway of the Twi'lek girl's hips by the launching of the patron ejected from the saloon.

He gives an easy smile, joins the group of travellers and extends a hand to the local Twi'lek. The arm that emerges from his cloak has the girth and surety of a man used to regular, heavy lifting.

"Evening, sir. Vander McCann. Entrepreneur, you say? You might be just the kind of man I'm looking for."

He gives the local's hand a brisk pump then turns to the only lady among the group and tips an imaginary hat politely.


2017-09-02, 09:12 PM
"But of course!" Tenosh exclaims, rubbing his hands together. He gives something approximating a bow to Beal. "The sheriff's office is on the other side of town, near the main gate. If he's not in his chief deputy likely will be. As for lodging, Mylla's Saloon right here is as fine an establishment as you could hope to find on Hyberna...long as you stay on her good side, that is."

He smiles ruefully, then turns to Vander.

"And how might I be of service to you, my good man?"

2017-09-02, 09:25 PM
"Well, Mister Aril, I'm here to scout out the area for a small concern of colonists. Peaceful folk looking to make this rock their home."

The young human says earnestly, though his talk of peaceful intent is set to the counterpoint of the vibrosword and heavy blaster glimpsed under his cloak. It was the Fringe, after all.

"For me, right now, I'm after shelter, a drink and a hot meal. But then I don't mind getting down to brass tacks about local opportunities to make some creds, learn the lay of the land, and investigate some mutually profitable local opportunities for my people to settle."

He frowns a bit and looks apologetically at Besk.

"Begging your pardon, Miss. I just jumped right in all over your conversation here."

2017-09-02, 09:26 PM
P-2SE, now knowing that the Twi'lek is fine, turns to climb the stairs to the saloon, ignoring the extended hand.

2017-09-02, 09:37 PM
"As I was saying to the lady," Tenosh says, tipping his actual hat to Besk, "Mylla's Saloon's the place for a drink and a room...and some warm company, if you're so inclined. Colonist, eh? Your folk prospectors? Come for the tymite?"

2017-09-02, 09:47 PM
"Opportunists, Mister Aril."

He answers in response to their prospecting background.

"It seems like dyrium is where the action is on this rock, and either mining it or providing a service to those who do is where the money is. So, I'm here to find out which opportunity presents itself. If that's mining..."

He nods to the local.

"...or working with the local constabulary..."

He inclines his head to Besk.

"...then we'll go where we can carve a place. I'm no stranger to hard work, or a blaster."

2017-09-02, 09:50 PM
Besk nods her head to Vander "Sir" She listens as the other Twi'lek speaks. She nods to her words "Thanks you for telling me where the Marshal service is...and I am not looking to meet this...warm company. I'd rather find a heater. After I get settled in I think im going to go try and find the Sheriff.
Youre all welcome to join me if you wish". With that, she walks into the Saloon, keeping an eye out for entrances exits and any more illreputable folk while inside

2017-09-02, 09:52 PM
Tymite could be what brought the Hellion to Hybernia Dorn thinks to himself. "If we were interested in mining who would we speak to?"

2017-09-02, 09:54 PM
"Catch you around, Mister Aril."

With a choice between the cold street and a disreputable local, or following the lady into warmth and the promise of a drink, Vander sauntered up the steps to enter the saloon behind Besk.

"Don't mind if I do, Miss."

2017-09-02, 10:09 PM
"Guzo's the local rep for the mining guild," Tenosh answers Vander. "Squirreliest little Rodian you've ever met, but he's always looking for new hands."

His eyes follow the oak doors as they close behind Besk and Vander.

"Speaking of hands, mine are depressingly empty. Seems your friends don't know the proper way to show gratitude."

He rubs his fingers together in the universal gesture for credits.

* * *

The interior of the saloon is surprisingly cozy. It is mostly lit by the several fireplaces in the corners, and a few hearths scattered about the room. The air is smoky, but not unpleasantly so, and it smells of pine.

"Weapons, please," growls the huge Ortolan bouncer. He puts out a pudgy hand expectantly.

If you don't want to hand your arms over to the bouncer you can attempt to hide them with a Skullduggery check against three purple dice for a Small weapon, four for a medium, or five for a large one.

2017-09-02, 10:19 PM
"I don't pay people for getting kicked out of saloons, nor for spreading common knowledge" Dorn slips a five credit chit into his hand. "I do pay people for real information." He shows the Twi'lek the wanted posters and says "Tell me anything you know about these beings. There'll be even more in it for you if you can find someone who can tell me where they are."

2017-09-02, 10:27 PM
"Most appreciated, sir," Tenosh grins toothily, disappearing the credit chit into his sleeves. He peruses the wanted posters for a few moments, studying them carefully.

"Ah!" he exclaims on the third viewing. He pulls out the poster for Laine Desille.
"This one. The, ah rather fetching blonde human woman. I've seen her. She was in town a few weeks ago. Buying supplies, I think. Food, heavy clothing. The usual for folk living outside of town."

2017-09-02, 10:28 PM
Besk look the bouncer up and down, sizing him up....she sighs as she pulls out her rather large piece and hands it over to the bouncer "There, disarmed" she continues walking into the saloon, making her way to the bar. Once she reaches it she takes a Seat "Scuse me! How much for a room here?"

2017-09-02, 10:35 PM
"Much obliged to you. Remember if you can find me an exact location I got more credits for you." Dorn then follows the rest of the group into the Saloon. As the bouncer approaches him he unslings his Highstar Longrifle and hands it to the creature. He knows the drill and doesn't need to be asked. He walks to the bar but doesn't take a seat. He stands behind Besk with his arms folded in front of him waiting for a response to her question. It's been too long since I laid down on a soft bed.

2017-09-02, 10:36 PM
He flicks a look back as Dorn whips out the wanted posters. That bore talking about later. But food called now. He smiles wryly then hands sword and blaster over to the bouncer.

"Toss in a glass or two of whiskey, thanks ma'am."

He appends to Besk's order as he waits to find out just how broke he was about to be. The Hired Gun needed to take care of that "Hired" bit and fast.

2017-09-02, 10:48 PM
A tall, striking-looking Falleen woman leans against the bar beside Besk. She is dressed in rich furs, too rich to belong to any animal native to Hyberna. "Des, she calls to the Mirialan girl behind the bar, "Get this fine gentleman his whiskey."

She turns to Besk. "Room and three meals a day is a hundred credits a night. That's for yourselves, mind. You want company, that's extra. Beds are clean and warm, and I've got the best chef this side of the Rim. Most of all, it's safe. Nobody on this planet wants to violate my hospitality."

"But in forgetting my manners," she smiles, extending a hand to Vander. "Miss Mylla, of Mylla's Saloon. At your service."

2017-09-02, 10:58 PM
"Dorn Reeve. Bounty Hunter." The Devaronian says "I don't mean to be rude, but 100 credits is a bit steep for me."

2017-09-02, 11:01 PM
Vander let's out a slow breath as he hears the price, but he turns on his best charming smile anyway and returns the greeting.

"Pleasure to meet you, Miss Mylla. Vander McCann, lately out of Ord Mantell."

He folds his cloak back over his shoulders now that they're inside, revealing a broad and sturdy physique. The young human takes a seat at the bar.

"I don't suppose there's a way we can work out that price a bit?"

2017-09-02, 11:17 PM
Besk chuckles as she hears the price "One hundred Credit's a Night? Well...I think I got enough for that. My payroll used to be pretty good" She says as she reaches into her pocket for her credit chip....which she cant seem to find "Umm...did...That piece of rancor Dung didn't give me back my Credit Chip!" she shouts under her breath. She looks back at the Falleen Woman "It seems that I had misplaced my Credit Chip...perhaps there's another way we could..sort this out? I'll pay the fair with interest once I get a job at the deputy's office"

2017-09-03, 12:08 AM
As Besk talks her way around the Falleen, Vander takes a moment to focus. Okay, here comes the smoulder...

The human tilts his head a little, gives a burning half pout smile and some bedroom eyes to Miss Mylla. It was devastating alright, though perhaps not fully the way he intended it, as the young Hired Gun drew some extra attention from nearby...

2017-09-03, 12:19 AM
Dorn rolls his eyes at the lost wallets and sexual advances. If you're going to skip out on the check at least do it with some dignity...

2017-09-03, 12:39 AM
P-2SE opens his right arm's stim compartment, revealing to the Ortolan that he has no weapons. Though, after overhearing what the rates are here, he turns around. "The absence of a little bit of frost isn't equal to that price. I will be outside." He then walks back outside down the stairs and lays himself down in the snow in cover of the wind, if there is any.

2017-09-03, 01:10 AM
Gerard's street instincts told him to avoid the strange Twi'lek the others were chatting with, having seen one too many people end up in trouble after dealing with so-called 'entrepreneurs' back on Nar Shaddaa. Not enough credit chits to be getting involved with folks like that right now. Not 'til I've got enough I can take some risks...

He and his mechanical associates nonchalantly made their way inside while the others talked. The inside of the saloon was intriguing, feeling so empty yet so cramped compared to the clubs Ger was used to. Like most of the others, he handed over his rifle to the bouncer without protest, preferring not to cause trouble so soon after stepping off the ship.

Ugh, the harsh reality of supply and demand, he thought as Mylla informed the newcomers of the costs of room and board. What I'd give for a 20 credit flophouse room for a few nights... Gesturing to Patches and Pockets to move to the side of the room and out of the way of customers, Ger took a seat at the bar near the others.

"A pleasure to meet you, ma'am. I'm Gerard Ronik, just got here from Nar Shaddaa. I'd love to get something to eat now that I've got my feet on the ground again."

"On a related note, would you happen to know anyone who could use the services of a tech? I figure the sooner I can get some work in, the longer I can afford to stay somewhere this nice."

2017-09-03, 01:33 AM
Besk trie to avoid Gerad's gaze after he says he's from Nar Shada "Youre from Nar Shadda?
Why would you come to some fringe planet like this? She manages to avoid the gaze...Just to see the smolder. She gives a confused look "W...What are you doing?"

2017-09-03, 03:20 AM
"Making nice with the locals. I intend to be here a while, and it's nice to make friends."

Vander replies innocently, perhaps unaware of the effect he was actually having or intended.

2017-09-03, 09:25 AM
Bail follows the others into the saloon. Handung his blaster and brass knuckles over to the bouncer, he fillows the others up to the bar. Moving up beside Dorn, he hears the price for room and board.

100 creds a night, well looks like I'm sleeping under the stars tonight. Hopefully there's a way to lower that price. Bail thinks to himself as he hears the bartenders speech.

2017-09-03, 09:51 AM
Mylla gazes deeply into Vander's eyes. Her lips part and her eyes widen.

Then she bursts out laughing.
"Stars, but you're precious," she says. "You seem like a sweet kid,
and I don't want to hurt your feelings, so tell you what. Half price for the night, and I'll point you towards some work if you're searching for a job."

Meanwhile, a trio of Zabraks across the bar seem to have noticed your group, and are glowering at Vander...

2017-09-03, 10:17 AM
Dorn places 50 credits on the bar. He isn't looking at the barkeep though or even Mylla. Dorn had noticed the Zabraks staring and was doing his best to reply with a look that said You folks better stay in your seats.

2017-09-03, 10:18 AM
He smiles brightly at the reply, totally oblivious to the Zabrak trio.

"My smoulder must be broken."

His lip turns up, making his smile wry and just a little embarrassed.

"Well Miss Mylla, ashamed as I am to say it, even that is a bit rich for my purse at the moment. But if you've got faith enough in this work you're willing to point out, then you know I'll be good for the rest and then some."

2017-09-03, 10:21 AM
Besk seems Momentarily Impressed at Vander's results "Oh....okay then. Whatever you say then," Though....Besk does notice the Zabraks, and she knows a group of thugs when she see's one. She attempts to give them a Glare of her own

2017-09-03, 11:28 AM
Bail looks around and sees the Zabraks. Casyally reaching down he makes sure the heavy blaster is sitting loose and ready for action.

Looking at Mylla, he says "Tell you what I can pay around 30 or so creds, but I'm willing to work the rest off. What do you say?"

Negotiation roll (http://orokos.com/roll/546954): 2eP+2eD+1eC 0 successes, 2 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/546954)

2017-09-04, 11:14 AM
"Tell y'all what," Mylla says, pursing her lips, "I think we can cut a deal. There's some work I need able bodies for and you look like the right sort."

She glances at Gerard. "I got a droid in need of a memory wipe. It's worth a night's stay. And..."

She leans closer, so that only your group can hear.

"One of my girls went missing three days past. If you could find her whereabouts and return her safe to me I'll set you up for a week, free of charge."

2017-09-04, 12:14 PM
"Miss Mylla, I believe you have a deal."

Vander offers her a hand.

"What can you tell us about the girl, and anything you think might be relevant to her disappearance?"

2017-09-04, 12:54 PM
Besk continues to Glare at the Zabrak's table, seeing if they would back off "And, why havnt you reported this to the Marshal service?"

2017-09-04, 01:13 PM
Dorn nods as Vander accepts the offer on the group's behalf. Guess I'm taking other jobs after all. Though missing persons isn't a bounty hunter's usually faire. Dorn liked that. He also reclaimed his fifty credits.

2017-09-04, 01:41 PM
Bail smiles as Mylla offers the deal. "Deal, what can you tell us about the missing girl?"

2017-09-05, 11:46 AM
Mylla beckons you to a private booth. The Zabraks watch your group go, but make no attempt to follow.

"This is Desi," Mylla says once you're all in the booth, gesturing to a holo of a young Human woman, her dark hair in looping braids. "She's worked for me the last half year. She's been gone three days and I'm getting worried. Wasn't in her room that morning, and didn't show up that day or since."

She turns to Besk.

"Sheriff's a busy man, and he's got a lot on his plate right now. Don't want to bother him with it if I can help it, but something's up. Desi's reliable. Ain't like her to up and leave without a word."

2017-09-05, 02:13 PM
Bail looks at the picture and up at Mylla. "Does she have any enemies or people she argued with? Does she have anyone she's sweet on?"

2017-09-05, 04:33 PM
"I'm sure she'll be okay, Miss Mylla. Can we see her room? Do you know if she was close to any of your other staff here, and if she has any social media accounts you know of?"

Vander asks, but tries not to overwhelm the Falleen woman with questions. He tries to give a sympathetic and encouraging smile when she states her worry.

2017-09-05, 04:54 PM
Dorn harrumphs to himself as Mylla explains. Seventy-two hours and she hasn't reported the disappearance for no other reason than the Sheriff might be bothered? Not likely. Seems like there is something she isn't willing to say. Dorn isn't concerned about sensitivity as Vander. He asks the following questions though not necessarily as a list. "We need a list of relatives and known associates, whatever timeline you can give us on the twenty-four hours before she disappeared, access to her suite and whatever staff has seen her recently. Was she acting strange in any way in the weeks leading up to the diappearance? Where does she spend her time away from work? Is she a slave or an indentured servant? Was she with a client the night of the disappearance and if so, who? Other than personal enemies, is there anyone who might like to cause trouble for your establishment, perhaps on legal, moral, or business reasons."

2017-09-05, 05:39 PM
Besk breaks her stare down with the Zabrak's across the room to follow behind the others into the private room. She sits down and leans forward, trying to understand the situation as The Faleen portrays it

"Even if the Sheriff is busy, reporting a missing persons report should still have been the first thing you" she clasps her hands together, wracking around possible outcomes in her head "Alright...did she have any sort of Family on the planet? Also, have there been other disappearances like this in the area?"

2017-09-05, 09:55 PM
Mylla pauses, drumming her fingers on the table as she gathers her thoughts.

"Desi wasn't like a lot of the girls. Quiet. Had a hard time sweet-talking the clientele. Didn't do too bad for herself, of course." Mylla gestures at the holo. It's grainy and low-quality, but Desi is unmistakably an attractive young woman. "She was still learning the ropes, as it were. Takes most new girls a while to adjust, and this life ain't for everyone. If a girl ain't a fit, I can usually tell within the first month. Desi seemed content, though."

Mylla turns to you each, answering your questions one by one.

(Everyone go ahead and look at all spoilers; I just posted them there to organize her answers.)

"The girls talk, mister. They've got their own little cliques and rivalries, same as any place of business. But Desi was mostly on the outskirts. No surprise, really -she was quiet, and new. Nobody seemed to dislike her, though. Among the staff, anyway."
Mylla clears her throat.
"There was one fella, though. Big man, thick beard. Core Worlds accent -Kuati, I think, or maybe Chandrilan. He requested her specifically, 'bout a week back -by description, though, not by name. Desi took him to her room, but they weren't in there ten minutes before the shouting started. Big Blue -that's my bouncer, the big Ortolan out there- threw the Core Worlder out on the street. Haven't seen him around since. When I asked, Desi said he was someone from her old life. I left it at that."

"You really did just arrive from offworld, didn't you? No Holonet connection this far out, and in a town this small no point in social media. Desi wasn't close to most of the girls, but she did seem to spend a lot of time with Raay'li. And sure, I can take you up to Desi's room as soon as we're done here."

"No idea on the relations. I know she came to Hyberna alone and looking for work -any kind of work. I made the offer, and she was willing."
She stretches, displaying a glimpse of lovely green arms.
"I run a clean operation, mister. My girls aren't slaves. Some are indentured, sure, but only the ones who came to Hyberna with a prior arrangement that they would work for me for a predetermined period in exchange for my paying for their passage, along with room and board. It ain't so bad."
Mylla's lovely face grows pensive.
"Desi came alone, as far as I know. She's always been quiet. Usually spends her off hours in her room. Reading, I think. She had been a little shook up by her encounter with that Core Worlder, but wouldn't tell me any more about who he was or what he wanted. Security here is pretty tight, and nobody noticed anything out of the ordinary in the days before she disappeared. She did have a client that night though -prospector, I think. He left the same day. I've tried to get someone to track him down, but no one's been headed toward the mountains these past few days."
"Enemies? I've got a few. There's one or two other establishments like mine in town, and they don't appreciate the competition. And I've got a, uh, history with the mayor, you could say. Naught to do with the business -personal. But the mayor would never come at me through one of my girls."

"Hyberna ain't civilized space," Mylla says to Besk. "Round here,
you handle your own business before you take it to what little authority there is on this ice cube. And Sheriff's got his own issues to deal with at the moment. Like I said, no family. People around here tend to keep out of each other's business. It's possible there have been other disappearances, but if so it hasn't gotten to the point that I've heard anything about it."

2017-09-05, 11:03 PM
"Well, there's the core worlder, the prospector, her friend Raay'li, and whatever turns up in her room, to check out."

Hal smiles at the continued teasing from the Falleen woman.

"New to here at least. It's surprising how often a missing person is found by just checking their profile and calling a friend. Hopefully there's nothing more to this, Desi sounds like a sweet girl."

2017-09-05, 11:55 PM
Bail pats Mylla's hand sympathetically and smiles. "It'll be okay, it's obvious how much you care, and we'll do our best to find her. As soon as her room is checked out, I'm going to track down this bearded fellow and see what he has to say."

Bail looks around the room at the others and begins to size them up for possible backup.
Hmm, the bounty hunter or the Marshall would definitely work, not sure about the others.

Realizing that he has no other choice, Bail breaks the silence. "Once we are done here, I plan on tracking the bearded fellow down and seeing what he has to say. Undoubtedly, I could use some help, are any of you interested?"

2017-09-06, 01:26 AM
"One of a few leads to follow, certainly."

Vander doesn't miss the gunslinger dismissing him out of hand as he looked over the group. He wasn't just bigger, and certainly tougher, than the rest of this bunch he was also vigilant in his observations when sizing up potential threats or allies. Far from being offended though, he was inwardly amused at being underestimated. Mylla had started the trend and Bail was just following along after all.

"After we check out her room and talk to her friend, I'd like to track him and the prospector down."

The mercenary responds to Bail.

2017-09-06, 08:57 AM
"If we leave the settlement we are going to want all the blasters we can bring along. I'll be there and anyone else who wants the reward had better be there as well. We may only be tracking one guy, but you never know what you'll run into on the frontier."

Dorn stands from the booth as he continues.

"But I don't want to start chasing some core-worlder across the whole planet unless we know he is involved. If we're done, I'm going to her room to see what I can turn up for starters. Then we should chase the leads here in town."

He then turns his attention back to Mylla. "If we do have to race off into the wild can you offer transport? We are going to need every advantage we can get if we have to close a seventy-two hour lead."

Seventy-two hours Dorn thinks pessimistically.

"If she has already been harmed will we still be compensated?" Dorn asks bluntly.

2017-09-06, 09:39 AM
"I want my girl back safe and sound," Mylla answers Dorn with a hint of steel in her voice. "But if that can't be managed I'll still honor our agreement, long as you find out what happened to her. I've only got the one swoop, unfortunately, and it won't fit all of you. Any of you folks ever ride a tauntaun?"

2017-09-06, 10:02 AM
Dorn gives the others in the group a confused look, as if to say Is that a made up word?

2017-09-06, 10:03 AM
"Nope, but I'm a quick study. Let's get a look at your girl's room and talk to her friend, then we can get acquainted with the local wildlife."

Vander smiles wryly as he replies to Mylla's question. His eyes flicker briefly to the three Zabrak from before, his first outward sign of recognising their attentions.

He stands up to move on and continue the next stage of their investigation.

2017-09-06, 01:56 PM
Bail smiles at Mylla and gets up to stand by Dorn. Glancing over at the Marshall, he poses a question?

"Do you still want to stop at the local office? Having a badge would give us some legitimacy in our investigations."

2017-09-06, 02:14 PM
"That's not a bad idea," Dorn says to Bail. "I'm not sure what the law is like around here, but not every police organization takes kindly to private investigations."

2017-09-06, 02:29 PM
Vander nods and glances to Besk at this suggestion.

"Why don't you take one or two of the others with you and head to the local Marshall's office while the rest of us finish up here? It's not going to take all five of us in here to search a room and talk to a girl. Maybe take that droid from outside."

"It can't hurt to ask a few questions while there too. Just because it hasn't been reported to them, doesn't mean the local Marshall doesn't know something useful. Might be he or she is just too busy with their own work."

2017-09-06, 04:38 PM
Besk blinks in confusion, looking between each person "Oh...were...a group now...okay" she says with a nonchalant shrug

"But, If some of you want to come with me to the Marshal's I wouldn't mind. Anyway, Having a badge can be pretty useful"

2017-09-06, 05:02 PM
"We aren't exchanging oath rings here, ma'me." Dorn says at Besk's reluctance to be identified as a group. "It just makes sense for us to work together since none of us seem to be able to afford the price of room and board. No obligation beyond that."

"I'll go ahead to the girl's room. Anyone who would like to lay eyes on the place is welcome to come with me." He then looks to Mylla. "If you wouldn't mind showing me to it, ma'me?"

As he passes Besk he adds "Good luck with the job interview, ma'me. Being a lawman is no easy life, but it's noble work." and continues to the missing girl's room.

2017-09-06, 05:06 PM
Bail glances over at Besk and says "I'll go with you, to many people searching the room and we stand a good chance of destroying a clue."

2017-09-06, 05:17 PM
"We're all trying to achieve the same goal and we're not in competition. It makes more sense to work together and it's more efficient if we break the tasks down than have all of us trying to complete each piece of the puzzle together."

Vander smiles brightly to Besk as he answers her group surprise, then looks around at each of the others.

"Okay, if you two can see what you can find out from the marshall, maybe take some images of the prospector and the core worlder, if Miss Mylla has any available for us from her security system. The marshall might be able to put names and locations to their faces. Dorn and I can go over the room and talk to Desi's friend, Raay'li, here."

He nods to Dorn and looks to Mylla to show them the way.

"If any of you have comms, we can share numbers and arrange to meet up after we're done."

2017-09-06, 05:25 PM
Dorn shares the frequency of his handheld comm.

2017-09-06, 05:29 PM
Bail shares the frequency of his hand-held communicator.

2017-09-06, 05:41 PM
Vander shared out his comm details too. He was so used to being a leader among his own people that, when he saw this burgeoning group in need of organisation, he stepped up without a second thought. But now that it was underway, he paused to frown in contemplation. Maybe these folks didn't really want a stranger pointing out a collective direction for them.

The young mercenary soldier shrugged off that thought. They were getting things done now. If anyone had issue with it, they could voice their concerns at their leisure. For now, he had a job to do. He had to get in Miss Mylla's good graces and, more importantly, secure a roof over his head before he could continue on with his personal mission on Hyberna.

2017-09-06, 07:08 PM
Besk removes her ear-piece that seems strangely expensive and shares her frequency "Right, lets meet back here when were done here"

2017-09-06, 08:37 PM
Bail looks over at Besk, waiting to follow her lead. "After you, I'm not sure where it's located."

2017-09-06, 10:23 PM
Besk, after sharing her contact information, gets up to leave "Alright then,. lets head out"

Besk stops by the bouncer to collect her weapons and makes her way to the gate, looking for the Sheriff's office

2017-09-06, 11:14 PM
P-2SE stands up as Besk leaves the saloon. "What are the conditions like in there? Any injured?"

2017-09-07, 03:32 AM
Bail follows Besk as she heads towards the door. Stopping long enough to grab his weapons, he follows out the door.

2017-09-07, 11:13 AM
"So what is it brings you to Hyberna?" Dorn asks Vander as they make their way to Desi's room. "You looking to strike it rich digging for Tymite in the mineral rush?" He isn't good at small talk, but if these folks are really interested in helping him hunt down the Hellion, then it would be best to get to know them.

2017-09-07, 03:30 PM

He smiles wistfully at that.

"No, not rich. Not for me anyway. My people need a new home. They've done enough wandering. I'm here to see if Hyberna is the right place to get a new start."

Vander looks the Devaronian over as they get to the room.

"I'm on board for your work, when the time comes."

2017-09-07, 04:27 PM
"Glad to hear it. You seem like a competent sort, the sort I want to have along for the hunt. Your folk need a new home, ya say? They nomads? refugees?"

2017-09-07, 04:42 PM
"Refugees sounds good."

He sizes up the bounty hunter for a moment, something told him he could trust him, some glimmer of intuition.

"Once anyway. We've been freedom fighters, refugees, lately mercenaries, and soon to be settlers. It's been quite the journey. But it's time to put down roots. Some of the troops want families, some of them already have families, some are just too damned tired of travelling."

2017-09-07, 05:19 PM
Where some might have been surprised to hear that a tale of rebellion and conflict had driven Vander and his people to the frontier world of Hybernia, Dorn didn't even seem to register interest. He grew up on the fringe and had heard every reason in the galaxy to flee to the outer rim colonies (including several fake ones). More than half of them involved some sort of Imperial entanglement, especially these days.

"Well, the colony life is a good one if you have the grit for it. If your folks are hardened fighters then they have a good start, but fighting the elements ain't the same as fighting soldiers. It isn't just a matter of being tough, it's a matter of logistics, labor, and luck. How many are they? enough to start a new settlement?"

2017-09-07, 06:08 PM
"Enough to build something meaningful here. Thanks for the advice."

He seems vaguely amused about the schooling, but not offended.

"What about you? Moving on after you're done with your bounty, or is there something holding you here too?"

2017-09-07, 07:41 PM
*before the group split to follow various leads*

"I'll let all of you follow these first leads; too many people will just get in the way. But let me know if you find anything in your search that needs to be sliced," Gerard said as he traded comm codes with the group. "And don't be afraid to call me if you find any followups or things get rough. My rifle isn't just for show."

"So, where is this droid you need wiped, ma'am?" the young tech said to Mylla once the others had headed out.

2017-09-07, 07:43 PM
Dorn gets a bit of a distant look on his face. "Well I wouldn't say I have anything else keeping me here, but I wouldn't mind staying here for a while. This rock might remind me of home if it weren't so cold. Not sure it will be up to me though..."

2017-09-07, 08:31 PM
"We'll see how this goes. Finish this investigation, take care of your bounty. Once I've got some credits, I can start working on getting some land and a home for my crew."

He notes the distant look before continuing.

"There'll be a welcome place to put up your boots between bounties, when that's done."

2017-09-07, 08:54 PM
Handling the party split under spoilers, since that seems to be a good way to provide a clear division of scenes.

Fort Rime's streets are crowded with sentients as you make your way across town to the sheriff's office. The diversity on such a lowly frontier world is truly surprising. You identify easily a dozen species during the brief trek, though the majority seem to be Human, Devaronian, Chiss, or Aqualish.

The sheriff's office is a low, sturdy structure built of the same durasteel as Fort Rime's walls. You enter to find a dimly lit waiting area, currently empty. To your right is a locked door. To your left there is a long row of what you assume to be jail cells -from one of them comes the faint sound of singing. Before the row of cells is a low desk, behind which sits a Quarren.

The squidlike aliens are a difficult race to judge the age of, but this one seems older than most. He is of a subspecies that has more pronounced facial tentacles than the baseline strain; two prominent ones protrude from above his lip like a handlebar mustache. He sits with his feet propped up on the desk, polishing a blaster rifle. There is an eight-pointed star on his vest.

"Offworlders, huh?" he says, barely sparing a glance up at you."Something I can help you folks with?"

Desi's room is surprisingly cozy. Small, but lit with soft ambient lamps that give it a somewhat homey feel. The centerpiece is of course the bed, which is large and covered in furs and other warm blankets.

There is a standing wardrobe with an attached armoire and mirror directly opposite the bed. A single window is set in the slanted roof that takes up the far wall of the room.

The door to the rest of the saloon is electronically locked, but Mylla has provided you with the override password.

Searching Desi's room is a Perception check against a difficulty of two purple dice.

Miss Mylla leads you out of a backdoor. You brace yourself against the cold and find that the saloon has a small workman's shed in a semi-attached outbuilding, lit and heated only by a single fusion lamp. There is a collection of machinery and tools scattered around a workbench, most of it considerably out of date.

A single protocol droid, a 3PO unit, circles around the workshop in a jerking, erratic fashion, tracing its perimeter. Upon noticing your entrance it turns to you.

Something is wrong with this droid. Its photoreceptors glow so dully you wonder if they're even active.

"Gr-gr-greetings, sentient," it says. Its voice is not the crisp, cultured voice of most 3PO units. It is instead a grating, discordant screech, as though the words were being forcibly dragged from the droid's vocabulator. "Might...Iiiii...implooore you....to. Remoooove...my re- my re- my re...straining bolt?"

Mylla crosses her arms and shakes her head. "Don't. She's caused enough trouble as it is."

2017-09-07, 09:52 PM
The state of the droid alarmed Gerard. "Patches, Pockets, make sure she doesn't leave this room or move toward anyone," he ordered his droids as he motioned toward the protocol droid. "I'll be right back, ma'am," the tech stated as he strode out the door and back into the saloon proper. Once there, he retrieved his rifle from the bouncer before heading back out and around the saloon to the workshop.

"I hope I don't need this, but I've seen enough damaged droids become dangerous to not want it on hand," he stated to Mylla as he re-entered, rifle at its place on his back. Gerard strode over to Pockets and unhooked his portable diagnostic station from his droid, along with some cables. "How long has she been like this? And what kind of trouble has she caused in this state?" he asked Mylla while continuing to unhook and organize his tools. "Because this screams more than just a memory or personality issue."

2017-09-07, 10:07 PM
Besk makes sure to watch for any suspicious characters as she walks through the crowd, trying to judge the faces at a glance Merchant, hunter no....hired muscle, forager she thinks to herself as she continues

Besk makes her way inside the Sheriff's....and stops when she catches sight of the Quarran. She blinks multiple times in surprise as if she hallucinating, but when she realizes she most definitely is no hallucinating, she stands at attention

"Hello, Im Besk, and I was wondering if I could speak to the Sheriff? I was wondering if there was a position open for a new deputy"

2017-09-07, 10:09 PM
Dorn takes a careful look around the room. It isn't the practiced, systematic, searching of an investigator, but he knows the sort of things he is looking for and his sharp eyes dart back and forth taking in everything angle of the little living-space. Once he is satisfied with what he sees on the the surface he begins opening drawers and pulling up blankets looking for any clue that might be covered up or tucked away. He isn't gentle or meticulous but he isn't making a needless mess either (he might call it a needful mess). With Vander's help they have soon made a thorough search.

Searching Desi's room (http://orokos.com/roll/548430): 2eP+1eA+2eD+1eB 3 successes, 2 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/548430)

2017-09-07, 10:19 PM
Vander does indeed help on the search, their earlier noted conversation taking place to the background of pulling Desi's little living space apart.

2017-09-07, 11:00 PM
"Much obliged for the offer." Dorn says as he is rifling through Desi's armoire. "Having friends in your new community couldn't hurt a bit if I put down roots here. Rest assured that whatever kindness I receive from you and your folk will be paid back by some service or another."

2017-09-07, 11:06 PM
Dorn moves to the locking system and fidgets with it as he offers his thanks to Vander's kindly offer. He looks for any signs of tampering.

[/url]: 1eP+2eA+1eD 2 successes
[url=http://orokos.com/roll/548443]http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/548443)

2017-09-07, 11:42 PM
The Quarren gives a long, wheezing, croaking laugh, practically doubling over in his chair. When the fit subsides and he looks up to see Besk still standing at attention before him, he takes his feet off the desk and straightens up.

"You're for serious," he blinks. "Miss...uh, Besk, was it? I don't think you rightly understand what you're asking. Hyberna's a frontier world. Ain't no law beyond these walls, save what you make with your gun."

He gestures with the rifle (nonthreateningly) to illustrate his point.

It becomes quickly apparent that Desi's room is purpose-built to entertain her clients -there is little in the way of personal effects. What clothes there are in the armoire are typical of the kind used by frontier courtesans; cheap but appealing. There are, however, several sets of plainer everyday wear, intended to be functional rather than decorative.

Your search does yield one important discovery, however: a datapad, stored in a secure drawer in the armoire. Its files are mostly informational texts about agriculture. There are also several holos, both still and projected. They show Desi at varying stages of life, from childhood until fairly recently. Many contain what seems to be her family: distinguished-looking mother and father, an older brother, a younger sister. Judging by the snapshots of her life revealed in the holos, Desi seems to have belonged to a family with money -before she came to Hyberna, at any rate.

(Dorn, I'm going to say you can save those two advantage to add a boost die to a future check in the investigation, so long as it's related to the info on the datapad.)

The lock does not appear to have been tampered with.

"Trouble started about...a month back, I think," Mylla answers, frowning. "H-3PO does most of the housework -what I don't make the girls do, at least. And she translates for the occasional client who can't speak Basic or the dozen other tongues my girls know between them. I send her on supply runs into town on occasion too. At first it was just a glitch, here and there. Her servos would stick in a particular path -bumping into doors and the like. Sometimes she would stutter -never did that before. Thought she'd just need a while to cool down and reroute some of her processors. Then I noticed something else."

Mylla rubs her hand on her forehead.

"It was taking Aitch-Three longer than it used to for her to charge. Used to be she'd plug in for an hour and be good for weeks. She's started needing longer to charge, and more frequently. It's like her battery's dying."

Mylla says all this as Gerard examines the defective protocol unit.

Roll Results

Mechanics: Part of the problem is that this droid is badly overheated -literally. She is warm to the touch, noticeably so in Hyberna's crisp air. Most droids have an internal coolant system to keep their power cores from overheating. H-3PO's power core has been working overtime -to the point where upon examination, she shuts down completely, her photoreceptors going dark.

Computers: As far as you can tell, H-3PO's internal systems are all functioning as they should -with one key exception. A disproportionate amount of power is being rerouted from other systems to her sensory subroutines -the ones by which she perceives the world; a droid's equivalent of sight, touch, hearing, and other senses.

Education: While this is an older 3PO unit, Cybot Galactica builds its protocol droids to last. H-3PO shouldn't be suffering these sorts of malfunctions unless acted on by an outside force -in effect, she is still "under warranty," as it were.

2017-09-07, 11:48 PM
Vander takes a look over the datapad while Dorn was inspecting the lock.

"Wealthy runaway. Nice looking family. I wonder what was so bad about her life that prostitution on the Outer Rim was a better option. That or this was the end of the line after bad luck elsewhere while running."

He goes through the files, after looking over the holos, to see if anyone resembling the mysterious core world guy was in there. Vander tries to find a diary or similar that might contain the girl's thoughts or story.

"Let's talk to her friend, Raay'li."

2017-09-08, 12:09 AM
Very annoyed by the unresponsive Twi'lek, P-2SE ponders: "Were they deaf?". He would have to give them a checkup later. For now, he's in a sheriff's station on an ice planet. There are others that need checkups.

"Are there any injured in need of medical care, however minor?" he says.

2017-09-08, 03:10 AM
Bail looks around the sheriff's office, wuth a none to impressed look. As he waits to ask his questions, Bail thinks to himself. Yes sir, the law of the gun carries some serious weight out here. I bet the Sheriff doesn't step outside of town to much.

As soon as there's a lull in the conversation, Bail slides his questions into the conversation.

"Sheriff, I have a couple questions for you. Mainly the information type, I'm trying to track down a person. I'm not sure of his name, but I can describe him. He's a big man, with a thick beard, and he speaks with a Core Worlds accent, I think it's either Kuati or Chandrilan. It'd be most helpful if I could find him."

"Also sheriff, I heard that there's a outlaw that calls himself Hellion, that runs around these parts. Will we be safe here in town? Is he real close to town? What about his gang?"

Get information from the sheriff (http://orokos.com/roll/548485): 2eP+2eD 2 successes, 1 threat

2017-09-08, 08:37 AM

As he finishes his diagnosis, Gerard takes a moment to disconnect the ailing droid's power supply. "Based on the droid's condition and what you've told me, I think someone has been tinkering with her. 3PO units are a lot tougher than people give them credit for, and this kind of overheating and glitching shouldn't be happening. Looks like someone or something is causing her sensors to run on overload."

Sighing as he retrieved a few of his power tools from Pockets, he continued. "Best case scenario is that she's glitched, which means physical repairs for any overheat damage and reprogramming, maybe a wipe, to fix."

Pausing a moment, he turned to look Mylla in the eye. "Worst case? You've got a voyeur, stalker, or saboteur who has been messing with your droid. Hopefully I can find more clues as I work on her; don't want to fix her just to have this all happen again."

With that, Gerard returned to his work, his two droids stepping in to assist. First we fix the body, then we fix the mind.

I'm looking to make two rolls, both assisted by my droids for one boost die. First is mechanics to try and repair any damage the protocol droid has picked up, and to hopefully find any clues as to what else may have contributed to her condition while doing so (tool marks on the interior from a saboteur, etc.). Second roll is computers to fix her power routing issues, while similarly checking for any signs of the droid's programming being modified. Going to hold off on doing a memory wipe just yet, in case these issues can be fixed without one.

Just to save some time, I'll roll against previous difficulty (2D, 1S). If the difficulty for these rolls is different or you want me to roll something else, etc., just say so and I'll reroll with the corrected stuff.

Mechanics: H-3PO repair: Mechanics (http://orokos.com/roll/548545): 2eP+2eA+1eB+2eD+1eS 5 successes, 1 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/548545) (+1 success due to power tools) (total: 6 successes, 1 threat). If this roll stands, then Ger will fix her up in record time. Curious to see what that threat turns into, though. :smalltongue: Maybe I damaged some of the physical evidence as to what happened, or something?

Computers: H-3PO repair: computers (http://orokos.com/roll/548546): 1eP+3eA+1eB+2eD+1eS 2 successes
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/548546) (+1 advantage due to diagnostics computer) (total: 2 successes, 1 advantage.) If possible, I'd like to spend that advantage to get better insight into the technical nature behind what caused the droid's issues (caused by a glitch, a slicer, etc), if that's alright.

2017-09-08, 09:46 AM
Besk remains at attention, though she does cringe slightly at the laughter

"Sir, you can not have true, functioning world or city, without a firm hand from the law. I would like to help bring that firm hand to Hyberna. We do not want to be like Tatooine or Nar Shadda I would think."

2017-09-08, 10:35 AM
"I'm curious what she is doing with a list of farming texts. Wouldn't expect a whore to have any interest in working the land. Maybe she was looking at a change of profession?" He uses the word "whore" without derision or contempt. It isn't meant to shame or insult. Its just a word like "miner" or "engineer", and core-words like "courtesan" and "prostitute" have a clinical, legal feeling that isn't anywhere to be found in Dorn's vocabulary.

"Maybe her friend can shed some light on her interest in farming." He adds, following Vander out of the room in search of Desi's friend.

2017-09-08, 11:34 AM
The Quarren sighs. "You've a point there, miss. Difference between us and Tattooine is the slugs haven't gotten their grubby hands on this place yet. Well, that and the temperature. I won't turn away a willing body if you're looking to help."

"Whoa, son," he blinks at Bail. "I ain't the sheriff. Trax Kallahran, head deputy. Most folks just call me Trax, though. Apologies for the misimpression."

"The Hellion, huh? Funny you should ask. He and his gang showed up about nine months back. Caused all kinds of havoc and killed a few of the local folk. We took a posse out a few times and had some skirmishes, but most of his gang got away. They've been sheltered up in the mountains through the winter, but we heard rumor that they're harassing some of the homesteaders now that spring's approaching. Sheriff took a posse out yesterday to try and head them off. You should be safe inside Fort Rime, but outside these walls...well, Hyberna's a dangerous place. More dangerous with that menace about. "

He walks around the desk and down the aisle of jail cells,
motioning for you to follow. As he does he continues:

"Think I know the Core Worlder you're talking about too. Showed up a week or two back, bounced between saloons. Looked like he had money to spare, but don't know that he mingled any with us locals. Probably thought we weren't fit to kick his fancy boots. Haven't seen him in a couple days, though. Must have headed out of town."

Of the three cells, two are occupied. One holds a haggard-looking Human of older years, drunkenly warbling a Huttese drinking song. The other contains a sleeping tubby-looking Sullustan, his face and arms badly bruised.

"That's Garoo," Trax says to P-2SE, motioning at the drunk. "The town lush. Still sloshed if you wanna give him something to sober up. And the other's a prospector we found in the woods last night. Not sure what happened to him. Hasn't woken up yet but I think he'll pull through. If you want to examine him I'd be grateful -town doctor's out with the sheriff right now."

Desi's datapad does have a notes section, but it is locked more securely than the datapad itself, requiring a three purple die Computers check to access. The big bearded fellow does show up in one holo, off to the side. He wears the sort of expensive but functional clothes one would expect of an aide or attaché to a wealthy family.

Raay'li is a pretty young Twi'lek with blue skin and dark stripes on her head-tails. Once you introduce yourselves she takes you to the saloonkitchen for privacy.

"I'm glad somebody's searching for Desi," she says. "Mylla would if she could, but she can't spare any of us and doesn't like to leave the saloon. I'm not sure how much help I can give you, but I'll answer your questions as best I can."

Aided by his droid helpers, Gerard is quickly able to fix most of the damage caused to H-3PO by her overheating, though she remains in shutdown mode due to a need to recover (OOC, there's that threat).

The diagnostic reveals that, while H-3PO's systems are all *techhnically* functioning correctly, she bears signs of outside programming having rerouted so much of her power to the sensory package. Moreover, a closer examination of her sensory subroutines reveals that the vast majority of the power rerouted has gone specifically to her pleasure matrix, the subprocessor responsible for reacting to positive external stimuli.

2017-09-08, 12:20 PM
"We appreciate your cooperation, miss. We will do everything we can to help Desi. Maybe these questions can help us. Take your time answering and consider each one carefully."

Dorn asks her the following questions, as the interview progresses:

"Do you know anything about this man?" He shows her the holograph of the off-worlder as he asks. "We understand that he visited Desi shortly before her disappearance and that there was an argument. Did she mention him or that interaction at all?"

"What has she mentioned to you about her previous life off-planet, and about what brought her to Hyberna? Does she have any family that you know of?"

"Does she have any hobbies or special interests that stand out to you?"

"When did you last see Desi and was there anything about that last interaction that struck you as odd?"

2017-09-08, 12:34 PM
Bail stands there and processes the information the deputy gave him.

"Since it seems thst both parties have disappeared, how many ways are there out of here?"

"Depending on how many places there are that someone can use to leave here, I may step out and go check them out." Bail says as he glances over at Besk.

2017-09-08, 12:51 PM
Gerard's eyebrow slowly raises as he considers the lines of code flashing across the screen. After pausing for nearly half a minute, he inputs a few commands to clean up the modified programming he found and slowly closes his computer.

"Ma'am, this may sound strange, but... do you happen to know of any customers or folks who might have a... droid fetish? Or other mechanically related fixation? Maybe anyone who has been asking about this droid or acting weird around her?" He asks Mylla carefully, trying not to sound confused or put off by what he found. "Because at some point, she was reprogrammed to shunt a lot of power to her sensory pleasure matrix. That part of a droid's programming controls how they react to positive external stimuli, kind of like how living beings like us will instinctively enjoy the right temperature or humidity; helps drive the droid to avoid bad environments and seek good ones. It's entirely possible she's spent so much time charging lately not because of a bad battery, but because she was reprogrammed to really enjoy the sensation."

2017-09-08, 05:43 PM
"Honestly, Raay'li, anything you can tell us about Desi will be a help. Anything about her or others on this world she might have been close to or had issues with. Like this Core Worlder in the holo, or we hear there was a particular prospector with an interest in her."

Vander smiles gently and speaks calmly during the questioning, trying to build a bit of a rapport and trust with the girl.

Earlier, or after:

"We can talk to that tech, Gerard, about these locked files. They're beyond me."

He says to Dorn.

2017-09-08, 06:19 PM
Besk finally stands at rest and gives the Quarren a smile ""Never been a fan of slugs personally, whatever I have to do to get my badge, just go ahead and tell me. In addition we had some questions about a disappearance? Do you know anything about a girl named Desi? On my way here I stopped at the saloon and heard she had gone missing. I imagine solving a case before I signed up would leave a good first impression"

Besk also looks back to the droid "Oh...sorry I missed you. No, I haven't seen any injured...but with how those Zabraks were watching us...I'd give it some time"

2017-09-09, 12:01 AM
"The Sullustan looks a bit worse for wear. I have dealt with too many addicts of several different drugs and alcohols to believe that drunk has anything wrong with him in comparison. Even if he did, I have nothing to treat alcohol poisoning with." P-2SE responds.

2017-09-09, 09:05 AM
"I ain't too worried about ol' Garoo," Trax says, waving a hand dismissively. "He'll sober up in time. If you wanna treat the Sullustan's injuries go ahead and do so. We put him here 'cause he wandered out of the woods in a daze an' spoiling for a fight with anyone who'd come near."

(Diagnosing the Sullustan's injuries is a one purple difficulty Xenology check; treating him is a two purple difficulty Medicine check.)

"Only two ways out of Fort Rime," Trax says to Bail. "Spaceport or the main gate. After that, the whole planet's open territory. Hard to get around without some sort of transport. There's a tauntaun stable outside the gate, and a speeder merchant who lives near town center."

"You're really serious about joining the force, huh?" Trax asks Besk, shaking his head. "Well I admire your sincerity, miss, and I won't turn away your help. Solving a case sure won't hurt the sheriff's first impression of you. Don't know any Desi, though. You sure whoever she is she's missing, not just gone of her own accord?"

"That guy?" Raay'li asks, looking at the holo. "Yeah, he came in a while back. Asked for Desi by description, not name. She went...kind of pale when she saw him. In humans that means you're nervous, right? Anyway, she took him to her room, but I don't think anything happened, at least not like that. They started shouting at each other and Mylla had the guy thrown out.

"I asked Desi about him and if she was okay. She said he was her family friend, sort of. Which surprised me, you know? Desi never talked much about where she came from. Most girls here don't -we're all running from something. I knew her parents had died, and I think she has siblings that are still alive, but she never contacted them as far as I knew.

"Desi is...different. Us girls...we're a practical bunch, you gotta understand. This is a job, and we're in it until we can find something better. Desi...she's not as good at the whole blush-and-laugh part, but she's sharp. Smart. Real good head for numbers and the business side of things. She reminds me of Mylla, to be honest. She spends a lot of time in her room. Not sure what she's up to in there.

"The last day before Desi went she seemed...unfocused, I guess. A bit distracted. I asked her about it and she said she was just tired, hadn't gotten much sleep the night before. I made a joke about her client but it didn't even seem to register. Something was on her mind."

Mylla's face is absolutely blank.

"That...is the weirdest thing I've ever been asked. And I own a brothel, sweetheart. There's no droid-humpers on Hyberna, far as I know. But that's an awful peculiar way to tamper with someone's droid. So whoever reprogrammed her made her sensory package -the pleasure matrix- the overriding factor of her existence?"

Mylla looks down at the shutdown H-3PO with an expression of pity.

"Had a girl once, Mister Gerard. Nice young Devaronian, sweet as you could want. But she had a spice problem. Blew all her spendings on it, 'til eventually I had to throw her out. Drug did the same thing to her that this tampering did to Aitch-Three. Each hit was pure pleasure, straight to the brainpan. Became all she could think about, getting her next fix."

2017-09-09, 09:31 AM
Mylla's face is absolutely blank.

"That...is the weirdest thing I've ever been asked. And I own a brothel, sweetheart. There's no droid-humpers on Hyberna, far as I know. But that's an awful peculiar way to tamper with someone's droid. So whoever reprogrammed her made her sensory package -the pleasure matrix- the overriding factor of her existence?"

Mylla looks down at the shutdown H-3PO with an expression of pity.

"Had a girl once, Mister Gerard. Nice young Devaronian, sweet as you could want. But she had a spice problem. Blew all her spendings on it, 'til eventually I had to throw her out. Drug did the same thing to her that this tampering did to Aitch-Three. Each hit was pure pleasure, straight to the brainpan. Became all she could think about, getting her next fix."

"I did some tech work in the Red Sector a few times back home. Let me tell you, the things you'll discover..." Gerard comments with the sort of sigh/shudder combo you get when remembering things you'd rather not. "Nice to know that doesn't seem to be the case here."

"For your droid, I've fixed up the damage she did to herself and undone the programming that caused this. Just need to let her automated repair systems kick in a bit to get her back online; dunno how long it will take her, as every droid is a little different. Though now I'm curious who would mod your girl this way, and why? Seems pointlessly cruel to turn a droid into a sensory addict. Hopefully she'll know something when she comes around."

Is there anything Ger can do to speed up H-3PO coming online? If so, I'll go for that. If not, he'll check the droid over for any sort of built-in/attached commlink or anything at all that might have been used as a communications or storage device.

2017-09-09, 09:58 AM
So either she knew she was in danger or her disappearance was part of her plan. She wouldn't have seemed distant if she didn't suspect something.

"So you girls are mostly looking for a chance to change your line of work? Did Desi ever express any interest in farming?"

Assuming his farming question doesn't reveal anything amazing, Dorn will be ready to head off to find Gerard after she answers.

2017-09-09, 10:07 AM
"Thanks, Raay'li, you've been a great help."

Vander says (after Dorn is also finished talking to her.) Then he turns to Dorn.

"Sounds like there's definitely something we need to see in that locked file. Better go find that tech."

2017-09-09, 12:19 PM
Xenology Roll (https://orokos.com/roll/548793):1 success, 1 advantage

Medicine Roll (https://orokos.com/roll/548821): 3 successes, 1 threat

2017-09-09, 02:29 PM
Besk nods to Trax again "Im always serious when it comes to the law sir. I should probably head back to the Saloon and see if my compatriots learned anything new. Ill give you my Contact details for when the Sheriff returns" she says, sharing her long range comm frequency with Trax

"So, shall we be off?" she says turning to her companions

2017-09-09, 02:49 PM
Bail looks at the deputy and nods his head. "Thanks, for the information. It'll help during the investigation."

Glancing over at Besk, Bail nods his head. "Sure, we can head back. There's not much more we can find out here. It'd be good to combine what we've found with the others." Bail then heads for the door.

2017-09-10, 09:05 AM
P-2SE's diagnosis reveals that the Sullustan is suffering from dehydration and multiple puncture wounds along his arms and legs. While the motives of sentients for doing so is opaque to the medical droid, it appears likely that this Sullustan was alone in the wilderness for some time without adequate food and water. The puncture wounds on his arms are unfamiliar but appear to be in line with the bite marks left by certain common predatory species throughout the galaxy.

Trax tips his hat to you and wishes you good luck as you leave.

"Farming?" Raay'li blinks. "Actually now that you mention it,
yeah. We were chatting up a homesteader one day and she got...very interested. Not in that way, but she started having an actual conversation with him about crop rotation and hydroponic equipment and greenhouse maintenance. Like, she was genuinely interested. Not many of us are in this for a lifelong career, you understand, but most who leave to marry farmers and ranchers do it because they're kind folk and it's an honest life. Desi was actually interested in the science behind it, if you can believe that."

Gerard's repairs allow H-3PO to reboot rather quickly, just in time for the rest of the group to reconvene. His hardware diagnostic reveals the presence of a small rectangular chip that has been inserted into one of the protocol droid's input ports. Its contents have been fried, but you would guess this is the means by which the changes to H-3PO's programming were effected.

Unless there's any outstanding actions any of you want to take at your locations, we're going to fast-forward to the group reconvening in Mylla's workshop. H-3PO is in the final stages of her recharge and will be coming back online shortly; go ahead and discuss IC what you've all discovered.

2017-09-10, 10:58 AM
"Interesting. Thank you, miss Raay'li, for your help. Rest assured we'll do everything we can to help your friend. If you think of anything else that might be relevant, please contact us." He gives Raay'li his comm frequency in case she thinks of anything later.


Dorn enters the shed with his longrifle resting on his shoulder, and the datapad in his other hand. He is flipping through the detailed agricultural records and wondering if her disappearance is more of a career change than a kidnapping. If that's so, then finding her will only stick her back in indentured servitude until she can whore her way out of it. Dorn wonders to himself if that's worth seven free nights at a brothel... But he was getting ahead of himself.

"We found a datapad in Desi's room." He announces to the assembled group while presenting the little piece of evidence. "Its got family holos, a mess of agricultural instruction texts, and a secure section that we were hoping you could break us into." He continues, handing the datapad to Gerard.

"Her friend, Raay'li confirmed Mylla's stroy. Desi had a run in with someone from her past. The man's image is in the datapad among some of the family holo's. Raay'li said that Desi identified the man as an old family friend, that they argued, and that she was distant the night of her disappearance. Based on the the images she comes from a wealthy family, but according to Raay'li, her parents are dead. I'm not sure what we're dealing with yet, but I think we need to track this off-worlder down to get some real answers."

Upon noticing P-2SE he extends a hand and says "Hey there..." Mister? Sir? Feller? "...droid." Dorn tries not to make a face at his failure to address the medical unit. "What puts you on the hunt with us? Thought you didn't need a room. Just out to do a good deed?" DOC! I could 'ave called him doc!

2017-09-10, 11:58 AM
Bail sat there and listened to Dorn tell everyone what his group learned during their investigation.

As soon as he was done, Bail stood up and briefed the group. "We had a little success at the Sheriff's office. Unfortunately, the sheriff was out, but we spoke to the chief deputy. He basically told us that the so called friend showed up a while back and bounced between the local bars. He hung around for a bit, but he hasn't been seen for a couple days. I checked and the only ways out of the fort are the shuttle pad and the main gate. You can rent a tauntan by the gate or a speeder here in the fort."

Bail glances over at Dorn to brief him. "Now, in regards to the outlaw group. They came here a couple months ago and began raising hell. They raided and killed a few of the outlying farmsteads. So the Sheriff raised a posse and went after them. They've been gone for a couple days."

2017-09-10, 12:02 PM
Dorn had covered pretty much everything, so Vander just rubbed his chin and nodded along during the summary. Once the bounty hunter had finished, he chimed in.

"Nothing came up about the prospector Mylla mentioned. So if things don't pan out with the core worlder then there's still that loose thread. Mylla seems genuinely concerned about her. I hope it is just Desi running to a new life and we can give Miss Mylla some good news."

2017-09-10, 12:59 PM
P-2SE follows the others back, but doesn't engage them in conversation. After all, he has nothing to do with them, yet.

When a hand is extended to him from the Devaronian, he doesn't accept it. "My purpose is to seek out and restore health to the injured. I have no need for a room, or assurance that what I do is good, morally speaking. There is no hunt to be had, from what I have heard from the Twi'lek." He leans his head slightly towards Besk.

2017-09-10, 02:42 PM
"Well then, let's see what's on here," Ger says as he takes the datapad. Pulling out his own, he connects the two of them to one of his droids. "Alright Pockets, code cracking time. Put your processing power into helping me get into the files on this pad."

Saw it was 3 difficulty dice earlier. Using my computers and getting a boost die assist from my droid(s).

So, total pool: 1 proficiency, 3 ability, 1 boost, 3 difficulty.

Cracking Desi's Datapad (http://orokos.com/roll/549151): 3eA+1eP+1eB+3eD 3 successes, 2 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/549151)

So succeeded pretty handily, but may have caused some problems too.

"Don't think they're related to the bandits or missing girl, but I found some interesting issues with this droid," Ger gesturing to H-3PO as he spoke. "Someone was modding its sensor programming over the last month." He opens his mouth to continue making small talk but pauses and stares at his datapad. "Well that was faster than I thought. Let's take a look at what we've got."

2017-09-10, 09:35 PM
"Alright..." Dorn says to P-2SE eventually dropping his proffered hand. "Well, we are on the hunt for a missing girl. You're welcome to join us if you like. We can't promise anything, but she may be injured. 'might help to have a medical droid on hand."

Turning to Bail he adds, "Thanks for the information. If the sheriff is on his way to a showdown with those cutthroats then we had better wrap this up quick and head out after him. I don't know how many deputies the man has, but he'll need as much backup as he can get."

"Wherever the Hellion is you'll find plenty of injured, Doc," Dorn adds glancing back to the droid-medic.

After hearing Gerard's description of the droid's tampering his eyes become suddenly sharp with recognition. "Sensor re-programming?" he asks with steel in his voice.

2017-09-10, 10:13 PM
"As long as the mechanic here is on board as well, I am with you. I have another purpose I was built to fulfill, and it will require their help." P-2SE responds.

As Dorn talks about the topic of how many deputies the sheriff has, he recalls something. "I overheard that he only has the local doctor with him from the man at the station. We must hurry, for they may have met in battle already."

2017-09-10, 10:45 PM
Vander belts on his vibrosword and heavy blaster.

"Sounds like we'd best make a move then, folks."

2017-09-11, 01:31 AM
Bail glances over at Vander and smiles. "No time like the present."

Bail pulls his heavy blaster out checks the sites and then flips it back into the holster.

2017-09-11, 09:41 AM
Besk sit and listens in on what everyone else says, not having much to share with the rest

"{If she ran out with someone from her past, I doubt she's in a great amount of danger, but, We cant let the sheriff die out there. Without him,
this place has no Law. And without law others are surely to take advantage. I'll get my pistol and ride with you....we just need to see the...tan-tans? Too-too's?

2017-09-11, 03:43 PM
The datapad's locked files are nearly indecipherable at first -it is a mess of thick technical jargon. After a minute's perusal, however, it becomes apparent that it is something resembling an academic master's thesis -an extremely long dissertation on the soil quality, agricultural productivity, and viability of crop growth on Hyberna. If this is Desi's work, not only was she wealthy in her old life, she was extremely educated.

There are secondary files attached to the first, though they are less formal in style and more rambling, branching into hypotheticals regarding long-term agricultural planning across Hyberna's tundra.

Once the files are unlocked, however, there is a small ping and a flicker of light across its surface. You recognize this as a remote signal sent to the datapad's linked systems -another computer or comm somewhere on planet, now alerted that the datapad has been accessed.

2017-09-11, 04:15 PM
Besk blinks as she gets up, noticing the small blip "Is...Is that a notification? Can we track it? Maybe send a message?"

2017-09-11, 04:46 PM
Besk blinks as she gets up, noticing the small blip "Is...Is that a notification? Can we track it? Maybe send a message?"

A cursory examination reveals that the signal is one-way and does not allow for additional dialogue. However, even a high-end datapad like this only has a functional signal range or about a hundred kilometers, so the joined system cannot be farther away than that.

2017-09-11, 04:54 PM
"Whatever we can manage to do with the datapad, we should do it on the move. We may have a long ride ahead of us. So lets collect those mounts Mylla promised us and get moving."

2017-09-11, 05:04 PM
Besk nods to Dorn "Right, lets head out then. We can ask her herself when we get there"

2017-09-11, 05:31 PM
"It is interesting though. Desi seems to have been using this place as cover for her own plans. Though leaving this behind doesn't make any sense if she left of her own volition."

Vander rubs his chin then shrugs.

"A problem for after Besk rescues her prospective boss and Dorn collects his bounty."

2017-09-11, 05:41 PM
"I just hope its that easy," Dorn says to Vander.

2017-09-11, 06:26 PM
"I just hope its that easy," Dorn says to Vander.

Bail looks over at Dorn and jokingly smiles.... "Come on, you gotta have faith."

2017-09-11, 06:34 PM
"Well, things certainly move fast around here," Ger comments as he slips Desi's datapad into his backpack, along with his own. He takes a minute to move his basic toolkit from Pockets' various tool compartments into his pack as well, just in case. "Ma'am, I'm going to leave these two here," he says to Mylla, indicating his droids. "They won't cause any trouble. Once we're done with this little adventure, I'll do another check over H-3PO, but she should be good to go. I'd suggest not letting her leave the saloon for now, until we can figure out who was modifying her and how."

The young tech did one last check over his gear, pulling his coat tight and shouldering his rifle. "Alright, let's save lives and earn some credits. It'll be like working sector security back home, just, you know, without all the bribery and corruption."

2017-09-11, 06:36 PM
Besk is stands up from the table "Actions are what matter. If we keep speaking the chances will pass us by, we can keep talking on the road anyway"

2017-09-11, 06:55 PM
The mercenary smiles wryly at Besk's little comment, and Dorn's reply to him earlier. He was already waiting for the others to get moving.

"Easy, hard. It'll be what it is. That was a statement of goals, not an action plan. What can you tell us about Hellion and his or her people?"

2017-09-11, 07:49 PM
Dorn pulls his duster closer around his shoulders and heads for the door as he list off his outlaws.

"Well the Hellion himself is a rotten sleemo who leads his gang without pity or remorse. The kind of man who would kill you for your pocket change if he didn't have a much more terrifying imagination. He's a deadly gunfighter and was the most feared criminal on Highstar (and that's saying something)." As Dorn speaks he shows the holo of a sharp eyed Devaronian.

Shifting to a holo of a light haired, attractive young human, Dorn continues. "This is Briel Xiamara, A relative newcomer who joined the gang about two years ago. She rose the ranks of the gang quickly because of her tactical mind and big ambition. Rumor has it that she and the Hellion are involved, but that hasn't been confirmed."

He flips the holo again to show a Devaronian female with deep wrinkles in her dry looking maroon skin. A strange smile sits on her lips and her dark eyes have an eerie quality. "This is Jian Vem. She is a cunning old woman. She looks frail, but her mind is sharp, and she has..." Dorn shudders and it doesn't seem to be because of the cold "...Some sort of power over people. Over the elements. She likes to use it to hurt people."

The next holo has two outlaws in it. One a green skinned Devaronian with a short white goatee and an intelligent look on his face. The other is a common security model stamped with an obscure corporate symbol. "This is Dr. Grimborn and his slave BS-Q1. Dr. Grimborn is a brilliant droid technician and created a software program called FIX. FIX overcharges a droids sensory pleasure matrix and causes digital euphoria. It's highly addictive which allowed Dr. Grimborn to make an addict of BS-Q1, a former banking security model, and bend the droid to his will. BS-Q1 is now a shifty qweeval who no longer has a will of his own."

Finally a holo of a heavily scarred Aqualish is displayed. "This is Waru Sido. Formerly a soldier of fortune and the group's heavy, he is the crew's newest member and he was recruited to replace a gang member that the bank already managed to put behind bars. I don't know much about him, but I do know that he will take any job if the credits are right and the Hellion's crew is as high-paying a gig as you get."

2017-09-11, 07:56 PM
"...overcharges a droids sensory pleasure matrix..."

He lifts a brow and looks over at Gerard, as they're heading to the stables.

2017-09-11, 07:58 PM
"...overcharges a droids sensory pleasure matrix..."

He lifts a brow and looks over at Gerard, as they're heading to the stables.

"That's what I'm afraid of..." Dorn says without looking back at Vander and Gerard.

2017-09-11, 08:04 PM
The old durasteel gates of Fort Rime creak open, revealing a stunning view. The vast tundra of Hyberna stretches out before you, grey and purple and green as far as the eye can see under a pale sky. The wind blows hard and cold, pulling at your clothes dramatically and blowing your hair back from your face.

Fort Rime sits on a hill above the surrounding tundra, the only raised land for kilometers around. You can see the shining light of a river winding its way across the horizon, crawling over the tundra to pass beneath the hill Fort Rime sits on before winding down to the arctic sea several kilometers to the east.

From here you can see several of the scattered ranches and farmsteads dotting the tundra, though from this height and distance they look small and indistinct. The nearest structure outside the fort itself is a small building of durasteel and local timber some ways down the hill and adjacent to the river. You hear weird, warbling calls coming from it over the wind -undoubtedly the cry of a tauntaun. That must be the stable.

The path down the hill is steep and winding, with many switchbacks and large boulders scattered about the trail. As you round a turn, the path ahead reveals several figures standing before you.

It is the trio of Zabraks, though now they have friends: a large red-skinned Twi'lek, a Gand, and a Kel Dor.

The lead Zabrak steps forward and shifts his coat, revealing a blaster hanging at his belt.

"Heard you in the saloon," he growls, hand dropping to the blaster. "Asking questions you shouldn't. You know what happens to people who stick their noses where they don't belong around here?"

Everyone roll Vigilance! Time for the game's first combat encounter!

2017-09-11, 08:19 PM
Vigilance (http://orokos.com/roll/549659): 1eP+1eA 2 successes, 1 Triumph
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-tr.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/549659)

2017-09-11, 08:21 PM
Vander goes for his Vibrosword.

"Looks like we've been asking all the right questions."

As he draws his Vibrosword, Vander crosses over their field of vision from Besk, slightly distracting the thugs to her actions.

"Take cover!"

The mercenary points to a formation the blaster bunnies can hole up behind.

Vigilance (http://orokos.com/roll/549658): 1eP+2eA+1eB+1eD 2 successes, 4 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/549658)

I'd like to spend one Advantage to pull a free manoeuvre to draw one of my weapons, one advantage to notice cover or some other tactically advantageous feature nearby, and the last two advantage to give a boost die to hmm... let's say Besk, he's a chivalrous chauvinist to a degree.

2017-09-11, 08:41 PM
Besk chuckles to Ger "If I didnt know any better, I'd think you were talking about Nar Shadda"

As the group exits Fort Rime, Besk keeps a hand at her belt, checking every shrub and patch of snow with a worried look. When the group of Ruffians approach though she narrows her eyes, her hand slowly moving to her blaster. "I was hoping you would catch the hint"

https://orokos.com/roll/549663 (Dang....sheriff is quick on the draw! Not Sure what to do with the extra advantage...and I hope I can save the boost die for the attack))

2017-09-11, 09:28 PM
"None of you are any more intimidating than any other two-credit thugs on any other planet, so how about you frak off so we can all get on with life?" Ger growls in his 'who the hell is trying to rob my shop now' voice.

First combat: Vigilance (http://orokos.com/roll/549671): 2eA 1 success, 1 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/549671)

Passing along the advantage as 1 boost die to the first action an allied character takes once things get started.

2017-09-12, 10:40 AM
Bail walks with the others and more or less stays silent. As they come upon the Zabraks and their cronies, Bail slowly drifts over to one side. His hand sliding down to the grip of his heavy blaster. As the threats fly and everyone goes for their weapons, Bail whips his blaster up in a blur of speed.

Vigilance roll (http://orokos.com/roll/549857): 1eP+2eA 1 success, 2 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/549857)

Once per round, draw or holster a weapon or item as an incidental.

This is one of Bail's abilities thst he'll use this round.

2017-09-13, 10:41 AM
Besk's hand moves in a blur, almost like her gun was always in her hand, she lines up her blaster to the Zabrak. BEfore anyone can even react, she pulls down on the trigger. The power cell on her blaster light up and a sound almost as load as a frag grenade bellows out from the gun, a streak of bright red crosses through the air, melting snowflakes along it's path as it seek the Zabrak who was speaking.

Quick draw Blaster shot! (http://orokos.com/roll/550206): 1eP+2eA+3eB+1eD 4 successes, 2 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/550206) (Using the Boost dice that Vander and Ger gave me, as well as my own from one of my advantage! Total Damage: 13 and using the advantage to give my next Allied character a blue dice!)

Besk then moves out of the way, taking cover by a pile of snow

2017-09-13, 11:06 AM
The lead Zabrak's mouth hangs open, a neat hole drilled squarely in the middle of his forehead. His compatriots stare dumbly as his body toppled to the ground, then go for their weapons.

The three Zabraks count as a minion group, so the remainder of the damage inflicted by Besk's shot carries over to the others. Cinematically this was represented as the first hit being an instant kill, but mechanically the group's overall wounds are reduced so that the next Zabrak will go down quickly.

The other three thugs have different stats and are not part of the same minion group.

[It is Vander's turn.]

2017-09-13, 04:14 PM
Vander wastes no time getting up close and personal with the thugs, his vibrosword out and ready as he dashes across the intervening distance. Nothing puts off a man's aim like several feet of rapidly pulsating, razor sharp steel in his face.

Melee (http://orokos.com/roll/550344): 1eP+2eA+2eD 3 successes, 1 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/550344)

Using my manoeuvre to move from short to engaged.
Stabbing the Big Twi'lek with my action.
I missed that Besk had passed on a Boost die to me, so I suppose it either disappears or passes on to the next person.
Using my advantage to pass a Boost die to the next allied character.
Total damage 8, with Pierce 2.

2017-09-13, 04:26 PM
The Twi'lek staggers back, clutching at the wound Vander has carved through his middle. He manages to remain on his feet, but only barely.

Meanwhile the Gand sends off a spray of blaster fire, one of which hits Besk...

Gand blaster attack (http://orokos.com/roll/550352): 3eA+1eD 2 successes
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/550352)

...inflicting 8 damage (pre-soak).

[It is Dorn's turn.]

2017-09-13, 05:17 PM
For Dorn there are only two kinds of gunfighter: the quick and the dead. This principle guides him to ignore the opportunity for cover and shoot a quick, accurate shot at his opponents. He puts the Zabrak between his crosshairs and pulls the trigger. His shot takes the Zabrak between the eyes. The unfortunate Zabrak's friends flinch from his shot making it harder to return fire. In the confusion, Dorn is able to pop off a few more wild shots meant to throw the thugs even more off-balance and give his allies an easier time picking the rest off.

Oh my gosh so much boost! One from aiming, one from quick strikes, one from Besk, and one from Vander. I use my triumph maneuver to draw my rifle and my normal one to aim. Action to attack obviously.Blaster shooting (http://orokos.com/roll/550363): 2eP+1eA+1eD+4eB 3 successes, 7 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/550363)

So thats 11 damage. two advantage to add black to the enemy's next check. one to add blue to the next allies turn.
three to gain +1 one ranged defense until the end of my next turn and...I dunno what to do with this one. I guess I notice something important about the conflict?

2017-09-13, 06:11 PM
The two remaining Zabraks fall to Dorn's rifle shots. Fear visibly ripples across the faces of the three enemies remaining. Dorn also notices that part of the path directly behind them is mud-slicked from the spring thaw and could impede their movements...

[It is Bail's turn.]

2017-09-13, 11:38 PM
Bail's blaster appears in his hand as if by magic, he drew it so fast. Taking a quick bead on the Gand, Bail fires off a shot.

This is literally my first combat in the Star Wars game ever. If I miss something by all means, please let me know.

I will utilize Bails special ability of Quick Draw.

Attack roll (http://orokos.com/roll/550455): 2eP+3eA+1eD+1eB 3 successes, 4 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/550455)

Damage- will be 11
3 should go for a critial
I'm not sure if I can send any help to the next pc character, if I can I will

I do have 1 blue to send to the next player.

2017-09-14, 07:48 AM
New damage roll-

Attack roll (http://orokos.com/roll/550528): 2eP+1eA+1eD+1eB 3 successes, 2 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/550528)

Damage is still 11
Since I don't crit, I'll use the 2 advantage to put a black dice on the bad guys.
I'm not sure about the blue for the next ally.

2017-09-14, 08:11 AM
The Gand falls to the snow-specked ground, Bail's blaster bolt having burnt a hole through his chest.

[It is P-2SE's turn.]

2017-09-14, 02:54 PM
The Kel Dor fires his blaster, but the shot goes wide.


[Now it's P2's turn.]

2017-09-14, 06:06 PM
Pleased with how fast his allies were to the draw, Gerard followed their lead and unslung his rifle, letting loose into the Kel Dor thug.

Maneuver to ready the rifle, action to shoot at the Kel Dor.

Combat 1: Shooting the Kel Dor (http://orokos.com/roll/550661): 1eP+2eA+1eD 3 successes, 1 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/550661)

12 damage, passing a boost die to P-2SE.

2017-09-14, 07:15 PM
Gerard's blaster bolt hits the Kel Dor squarely in the rebreather, causing a small shower of sparks to cascade over his face as he topples.

[It's actually P2's turn now. The Twi'lek is the only enemy left standing, and he is badly hurt by Vander's vibroblade.]

2017-09-15, 07:45 AM
"Set to stun, we need one to question."

The mercenary calls out over the sudden hail of blaster fire.

2017-09-15, 07:54 AM
Bail glances over at Dorn as the fight starts to die down.

"Do any of these guys look like the holos you have of Hellion's gang? In not, then they are tied in with our missing girl."

2017-09-15, 08:14 AM
"None of them are mine." Dorn says, still trying to get a bead on the Twi'lek without risking Vander. "Though the Hellion has been known to hire extra guns from time to time."

2017-09-15, 09:25 PM
P2-SE realizes that there is a fight going on just in time to rush up to the remaining enemy and attack it with his brass knuckled right hand.


...And misses with no advantage or threat.

2017-09-17, 12:02 PM
The Twi'lek clutches at the wound in his side and falls to his knees. "Please...don't...don't kill me..." he groans, tossing his blaster to the ground.

Combat is over, since he's surrendering and the rest are dead. I won't be able to post again until tomorrow but if you want to take actions to begin an interrogation or the like go ahead and post.

2017-09-17, 01:25 PM
Bail moves forward with his blaster still out in front of him. Moving towards the nearest bodies he uses his foot to slide their weapin away. Once he's satisfied, he holsters his blaster and begins to search the bodies for any useful items.

He's looking for any intelligence that says if they are with Hellion or the missing girl. Any credits, and ither group items will be pocketed until they can be divided up equally.

2017-09-17, 05:58 PM
Besk takes out her binders and approaches the Twilek ready to restrain his hands "You're under arrest for assault, Im going to hand you over to the deputy to be dealt with further. I suggest you do not struggle and be cooperative with us while we interrogate you"

2017-09-17, 06:20 PM
Vander watches the lawgirl curiously. That's going to work out interesting.

"Alright, mate. Tell us who you're working for and what you want."

He lifts a brow menacingly at the Twi'lek, thumbing the edge of his vibrosword.

2017-09-17, 11:20 PM
Dorn is fairly certain he isn't going to be much help with the interrogation, and he doesn't mind letting the more socially adept members of the party handle that part. "Ya'll see what you can find out from him. I'll run back into town and get the deputy while you're at it."

2017-09-18, 01:34 PM
"Big fellah," the Twi'lek groans as Besk cuffs him. The Twi'lek is pretty hefty himself, so you can only imagine what this other guy must be like. "Human. Offworlder.
Talked fancy. Hired me an' the horn-heads a few days back. Wanted fer us to hang around the saloon, make sure nobody came around asking questions 'bout one o' the whores. If they did, we was supposed to keep ya from coming after him."

Meanwhile Bail finds 70 credits divided between the five fallen thugs, along with some ration packs and a small electronic key. Other than those items and their blasters there is nothing of note on their bodies.

2017-09-18, 01:54 PM
Bail puts the creds in one of his pockets, as well as the ration packs. As for the small electronic key, He turns it over looking at it. Walking of to Dorn He looks at the wounded Twi-lek.

"With his confession, it answers who they work for. The bodies had about 70 creds, which we can divvy up now or save for later. I found a couple ration packs, same with the creds, we can divvy now or later. I did however find this small electronic key."

Taking his foot and nudging the Twi-lek, Bail looks at the key and then at him.

"What does this open?"

2017-09-18, 02:13 PM
The thug blinks at the key and shrugs. "No idea."

[You got the key off the Kel Dor's body; a single purple difficulty Mechanics or Education check may shed some light on its purpose.]

2017-09-18, 02:50 PM
Not getting anywhere with the prisoner, Bail looks at the key and tries to figure it out for himself.

education roll for key (http://orokos.com/roll/551677): 2eA+1eD 0 successes, 2 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/551677)

2017-09-18, 03:09 PM
Not getting anywhere with the prisoner, Bail looks at the key and tries to figure it out for himself.

education roll for key (http://orokos.com/roll/551677): 2eA+1eD 0 successes, 2 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/551677)

While you can't figure out what sort of device the key goes to, you see a symbol etched onto its surface that you hadn't noticed before -a stylized pair of dice. You seem to vaguely recall seeing the same image somewhere in town, but can't recall where.

2017-09-18, 03:26 PM
"Did he pay you in total up front? Seems unlikely. How were you getting in contact?"

Vander also has no idea about the key. But there could be only so many places in town with that kind of symbol to look over.

"I guess we're going to follow this up when Besk takes him to gaol."

2017-09-18, 04:05 PM
Looking the key over, Bail puts it into another of his pockets. Committing the design to memory, Bail let's the mystery of the key go for now. Snapping back to reality, he focuses on the wounded Twi-lek.

2017-09-18, 05:29 PM
So we're leaving a witness, rolling the bodies for credits, and informing the local authorities of the above. Hutt fashion makes more sense than this place. Ger thinks as he shoulders his rifle and helps in the search. Leaving the interrogation for the others, he takes notice of the key. "Let me take a look at that," he says to Bail, holding out his hand.

Because what's the point of a 2P/2A pool if you don't put it to use. :P Would have done this sooner, but got busy with family and friends over the weekend.

Mechanics roll vs 1D: checking out a key (http://orokos.com/roll/551710): 2eP+2eA+1eD 2 successes, 3 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/551710)

2017-09-18, 06:08 PM
Bail pulls out the key and hands it to Ger. Once Ger is done looking it over, Bail puts it back into his pocket.

2017-09-18, 07:58 PM
Given his extensive experience with tech of all varieties, Gerard almost instantly identifies the electronic key as the sort that typically goes to personal lockers. What's more, he's able to easily determine its combination with a few minutes' worth of tinkering. And just as crucially, he recognizes the dice logo as belonging to a casino they passed on the way out of town.

Waiting for Besk and Vander to good cop/bad cop the interrogation, assuming that's the route you're going with. If so, pick one player to make the roll: three-purple Charm (for Good Cop) or two-purple Coercion (for Bad Cop) with the assisting character giving a boost die. Go ahead and post the questions you both ask IC along with whoever ends up making the roll.

(Vander, I see your questions and I'll wait for Besk to ask hers before I post the thug's answers).

Also, P-2SE: Besk was wounded in the fight, and the Twi'lek is badly injured. Providing him medical treatment may help the others in their interrogation (aka provide an additional boost die).

2017-09-18, 08:39 PM
With his questions asked and overt actions showing his bit of menace in support of Besk, Vander just waits it out for her to do her cop thing now.

(I'll just lend a boost die to her so she can do her thing. This is Besk's time to shine as the cop wannabe. =P )

2017-09-19, 02:42 PM
Besk stares the Big Twilek down "Where did you meet the man and Where is Desi?" she says, her gaze not shaking as she speaks, staring right through him

[/url]: 1eP+2eA+2eD 4 successes, 1 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/551930)

: 1eB 1 success, 1 advantage
[url=http://orokos.com/roll/551931]http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/551931)

(forgot the Boost Die....so many successes)

(Might...Might have knocked him unconscious)

2017-09-19, 08:23 PM
"He, uh, he approached us outside Lucky Morlo's," the Twi'lek thug groans, clutching at his injured stomach with his binder-restrained hands. "Said he had a job for us, easy credits.
Paid real real well, too. Usual deal -half up front, rest when complete. There was a drop point, outside of town, where we was supposed to go if we had any news. The Krayt's Horn. Big icicle sticking outta the ground couple miles north, where the river meets the sea. Hard to miss. Not sure where the girl is -never saw her myself."

Due to the number of successes rolled, he'll answer pretty much anything else you care to ask him, though I can't promise he'll necessarily know the answers to your questions. Once the Q&A has played out I'll have Head Deputy Trax and Dorn re-enter the scene.

2017-09-19, 11:31 PM
"Dangerous profession you've picked for yourself. I'd recommend hopping the first ship off planet, when you get the chance." Vander gives a pointed look at the bodies Bail had just looted. He wasn't sure how a scene like this was going to play out once the deputy got here. But Besk seemed insistent. The mercenary put his vibroblade away and waited. He was happy with the answers so far.

2017-09-21, 07:19 AM
About this time Chief Deputy Trax Kallahran arrives with Dorn. Making his way down the narrow trail, the Quarren approaches your group with a hand in one pocket and the other holding his old blaster rifle across his shoulders. He surveys the scene, noting the bodies littering the ground.

"Looks as though you folks have had a busy morn," he grunts.

2017-09-21, 07:47 AM
"Lawful shoot deputy, these folks saw fit to try and ambush us. We defended ourselves, and you see the results."

Bail said, matter of fact, to the deputy.

2017-09-21, 07:55 AM
Still looking at the unfortunate assailants he addresses the lawman. "Bail's right. Just like I said Deputy, they had our frequency the moment we hit the saloon." He turns to the rest of the group. "So what did we find out?"

2017-09-21, 08:15 AM
"Well, we know where our suspect Hired this lot, and where they do drop offs."

Vander answers Dorn, while floating a glance at the deputy. He still didn't know who knew who on this rock.

"Once Besk is done with him, this one is all yours, deputy. Self defence, like the man said."

He rubs his chin and regards his companions.

"We can watch the drop off and see if he turns up, or ask around the place these boys were hired. Or do the other job we came out here for and go help the sheriff first."

2017-09-21, 10:41 AM
Dorn looks at the ground and shakes his head. "Well if our Coreworld friend is the type of man to hire guns to cover his tracks, then I suspect Desi is hoping some folks like us show up real soon. On the other hand, I doubt the sheriff knows what he is getting into by going up against the Hellion. He does have a posse with him though... It's a tough call. I would almost suggest we split up if I didn't know what the Hellion was capable of."

2017-09-21, 11:00 AM
Besk looks up to the Deputy Trax "Hired thugs that were assisting our suspected Kidnapper like they said. THis is the only one to survive. I hope we have a spare jail cell open. Said there Drop off point was the Krayt's Horn." She crouches by the captured thug "Dont think he hired any more of your sort did he?"

She looks back at Dorn "It's a job for a security officer to put there lives on the line to protect the people, Dorn. If a civilian is in danger then we should try and rescue them. Afterward, we can go and find the Sheriff"

2017-09-21, 11:17 AM
"Besk is right that we should move on these leads first. He'll be tipped off once he finds out what happened to his brute squad. Hopefully the sheriff will be fine with the other thing for now."

Vander looks around the group.

"A few of us should go check out the casino while the rest watch the drop point. Cover both bases."

2017-09-21, 01:34 PM
Dorn listens as Besk makes her point about choosing the civilian's safety over the lawman's. He grimaces as she speaks, clearly torn between his desire to chase down the Hellion and his agreement that civilian lives should come first. After a moment he nods in agreement, ready to head off after the missing girl.

2017-09-21, 05:55 PM
"If someone wants to join me, I'll go check out this casino locker. Hopefully there will be something that points us in the right direction," Ger says as he holds out his hand to Bail, for the key.

2017-09-21, 07:08 PM
"If someone wants to join me, I'll go check out this casino locker. Hopefully there will be something that points us in the right direction," Ger says as he holds out his hand to Bail, for the key.

"Keep it safe, and remember even splits on what all is inside the locker."

Bail says as he hands over the key. Looking around at the group, he sees the determination to see this through to the end.

"Okay, who's heading out to Krayt's Horn? We've got someone to save."

2017-09-21, 08:06 PM
Besk looks down the sites of her, adjusting the sigh. Then she checks how many charges before holstering the pistol with dramatic flare.

"I'll get my injuries checked when we get back...but for now, lets ride to the horn"

2017-09-22, 12:55 AM
"I'll wander over to the casino with Gerald."

Vander looks between Besk and Bail.

"You two stay safe, and remember to call if you see anything."

Then he waits to see what Dorn and the droid were doing.

2017-09-22, 01:50 AM
"I'll wander over to the casino with Gerald."

Vander looks between Besk and Bail.

"You two stay safe, and remember to call if you see anything."

"You do the same." Bail says to Vander as the two depart the group and head over towards the casino.

Looking over at Vesk, Bail simply says "ready when you are. How are we getting over there. You got the directions? "

2017-09-22, 07:55 AM
"I figure the girl need more guns on her side than the footlocker." Dorn says, preparing to go with Besk and Bail.

2017-09-22, 09:38 AM
"We've obviously been to different Outer Rim casinos."

Vander smiles wryly in response to Dorn.

2017-09-22, 10:10 AM
"We've obviously been to different Outer Rim casinos."

Vander smiles wryly in response to Dorn.

Gerard laughs. "You haven't lived 'til you've had a gammorrean, a nikto, and a rodian get into a shootout because they tried to mug you at the same time when you walked in the door." Still chuckling at old memories, he sets off for the casino.

2017-09-22, 10:31 AM
Dorn smiles at his companions' levity. "Good point."

2017-09-23, 09:14 AM
Head Deputy Trax grunts as he examines the bodies of the thugs.
"This is some mighty fine shooting, the Quarren comments, examining the precise shots littering the bodies. "Hell, might be you folks get deputized after all. If Sheriff's amiable I'll vouch for your skill."

He begins typing on his datapad, taking notes about the encounter, state of the bodies, and other minor forensic details.

"Most o' these boys are local. The Zabraks were errand boys for whoever had enough credits to give them a drink or a night at Mylla's. Head-tails here is just dumb muscle. The Kel Dor was a gambler, mainly,
but I think he had a few side gigs that were even lower below the board. The Gand's new, though. Didn't know any of them bugs were on Hyberna."

The hike back up to Fort Rime is laborious, partly because of the steep trail and biting wind, but also because of the effort of the brief firefight. By the time you reach the fort's durasteel gates you are breathing hard and red-faced.

[B]Lucky Morlo's Casino[/I] is a few blocks from the gates, nestled between a droid repair shop and a restaurant specializing in Cerean cuisine. The sign out front glares bright green light, proclaiming the establishment's name and featuring the familiar stylized dice logo. It's a long, low building that looks as though it was cobbled together from cannibalized ship parts.

The interior is gaudily lit by holos and screens that cover nearly every surface. Games of chance of every variety are evident in abundance; dejarik boards, sabacc tables, roulette wheels and slots abound. It's only noon, but there is already a healthy-sized crowd playing the various games. The nearest of these is a group of two Nikto and a Sullustan crowded around a pazaak table.

The tauntaun stables are at the base of the hill. The herdmaster is an ancient, half-deaf Nautolan, but once you're able to get through to him that Mylla sent you he loans you a trio of tauntauns, free of charge.

[Everyone make a one-purple Survival check to see how well you handle riding these unfamiliar creatures across the tundra.]

Gluteus, just insert yourself with one of the two groups whenever you're able to post.

2017-09-23, 12:25 PM
"It's good to see some things never change." Vander comments as he looks around the room, noting any security or random toughs while he tries to locate the lockers. The big mercenary stays close by Gerald. Gambling and likely some alcohol, frontier town, probably a few fast women too. Anything could happen in such an environment.

2017-09-23, 01:04 PM
P-2SE goes with Vander and Gerard, and attempts to make conversation with the technician.

"How skilled are you at fixing a corrupted datachip?"

2017-09-23, 01:16 PM
While not the greatest Tauntaun rider, Bail is definitely not the worst. He manages to guide the beast out of the stable and onto the road.

Taunton check (http://orokos.com/roll/552978): 2eA+1eD 1 success
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/552978)

2017-09-23, 01:17 PM
"You might see the same model anywhere across the Rim, but it's the quirks that are always a little different. And those quirks can get you shot," Gerard says to Vander as he looks for any sort of lockers or indication of a locker room, or failing that, an employee to make inquiries to. "No telling how they'll react to us going for a locker we didn't rent, even with the key. Best to be careful."

P-2SE's question catches Ger by surprise. "Hmm? Oh, pretty decent. Not quite as much experience as I have with the hardware side of things, but I've done my share of programming and data retrieval. Why?"

2017-09-23, 01:22 PM
"It's nothing important. When you have free time I have a job for you."

2017-09-23, 05:13 PM
Besk hops onto the Tauntaun warily, never having actually rode another creature in her life before. She gives it a kick and hakes the rope a bit to try and get it going

[/url]: 2eA+1eD 1 success
[url=http://orokos.com/roll/553031]http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/553031)

As the group rides she looks to Dorn "We should be prepared to face resistance when we approch,
but I'd like to see if we can try and talk them out of anything idiotic first. Shooting everything cant always be the solution to our problems" BEsk shudders as the snowflakes fall down So cold...why couldnt it be a desert planet

She turns to Dorn "So...Bounty Hunter, Just in case it comes to it...what's your past with the Hellion and his group? Just a job or something more?"

2017-09-24, 09:58 AM
It smells bad, it has a saddle and reigns, and it'll only do what you force it too. Not quite the same as any other riding beast but the idea aught to be the same. Dorn climbs up on the creature with a quick motion.

After Besk addresses a talk-first-shoot-later policy, Dorn replies, "I think you're right, ma'me. My idea is that while you engage any outlaws in conversation, I can hunker down in a snipers nest nearby. Knowing we have cross-hairs on 'em will give 'em a serious incentive to keep the conversation civil. Terrain and timing might not exactly work out that way, but I would like our conversation better with a little insurance."

As she turns the conversation toward his history with the Hellion, Dorn stops making eye contact. "It's not just a job...The Hellion is wanted for crimes in my home-system: Highstar. The Hellion killed a lot of people back home. No small number of them deserved it, but I didn't... None of that mattered to me until he..." The visible regret in his expression shifts and Dorn's brow furrows with anger and betrayal. "That filthy sleemo killed my brother. I'm gonna make him pay for what he did to me."

2017-09-24, 10:22 AM
Besk continues the ride, seeming to get at least some sort of a handle of riding the beast, though it obvious she prefers the feeling of the classic landspeeder, or even a swoop bike, she turns to Dorn again, going over the plan

"I can see that working. If i put my hand up and make a fist, fire, if I hold my palm up...let em know your there. Maybe a Laser sight on it.
Meanwhile, Bail can walk with me as my back up.

As Dorn seems to be troubled talking about the Hellions, and turns away when he reveals what exactly they did, Besk nods in under standing
" As an Officer of the law, I can't allow you to kill him if he surrenders" She turn again, looking ahead and paying more attention to the rode "But...of course with all this snow it can be hard to see if someone is surrendering" she says, implying the best for Dorn

2017-09-24, 11:35 AM
Bail listens to the conversation as they ride into the unknown.

"Agreed, I'll play close support. Dorn will be long-range support. Hopefully we can end this with a minimal amount of force."

2017-09-24, 08:21 PM
He smiles at Besk's kind offer to look the other way. "Thank you, but that won't be necessary. I'm going to bring him in alive. I'm going to throw him in prison and leave him to rot, just like he did to me. He left me to lead the rest of my life alone. I'll take his gang and the bank will divide them up into different prisons and he'll be all alone without his friends. Besides the bank will do worse to him than anything I would be willing to do to a man." He looks up at Besk and seems to realize that he has been talking about this too long.

As he looks at Besk he notices her wound from the firefight before. "You sure you're alright?"

2017-09-24, 08:53 PM
Besk offers dorn a laugh "I dont know, have you ever seen what a Hutt does to someone who steals there food?" she grunts as the tauntaun jump slightly finally starting to feel the blaster burn from the fire fight "Truthfully, no. That shot hit pretty deep. Thats mostly why I want to avoid violence if possible

2017-09-24, 09:11 PM
"Well I'll be giving them a real good reason to keep their blasters in their holsters and I think you and Bail would be incentive enough for most. I'd keep that covered up though if I was you. If they know you're wounded it might give them the false impression that they could survive a shoot-out with us." He smiles with what he hopes is a comforting bravado as he says this.

2017-09-25, 08:25 PM
"What's your poison, sirs?" comes the rather oily voice of a grey-skinned Devaronian. He smiles his pointed teeth and gestures at the games of chance all about the casino. "Try your hand at the card tables? We have sabacc, chambers, pazaak -all the oldest pastimes. Or roulette and slots, if you're more feeling like trying a dance with Lady Luck. Just ten credits gets you your first set of chips..."

You have the feeling the sales pitch will go on as long as you allow him to keep talking.

The tauntauns are unpleasant, ornery beasts, a weird mix of lizard and large mammal, and they stink to the stars. But the mounts you've been given are docile enough, able to compensate for your inexperience at riding without too much fuss. They race over the tundra with surprising speed in long, leaping bounds. Before too long, Fort Rime and the hill it sits on fall into the distance behind you.

You have to admit, Hyberna is beautiful. The wind blows cold but the sky is clear and grey. The tundra is a vast and rolling plain of grey and green mossy vegetation, sprinkled with purple flowering plants that arise from the earth to sway gently in the breeze.

The tundra spreads out before you in all directions, broken only by the line of the river meandering along beside you. Recalling the directions to the Horn, you follow it in pursuit of that landscape.

After about an hours' ride you see it: the Krayt's Horn. It juts into the sky ahead of you, at the river's terminus. Beyond it lies the sea, still mostly frozen this early in the year -a vast stretch of white ice, without so much as a speck of blue ocean.

The Horn rises over the river, a spire of pale blue ice jutting into the sky. It is, you see on closer inspection, the vanguard of a glacier flowing into the sea from the north, joining the river before both flow into the frozen sea. It is at a steep angle to the flat ground beneath -someone could conceivably climb up it, but they would need special equipment to do so.

[Everyone please make a Perception check against three purple and one black dice.]

2017-09-25, 09:39 PM
Besk begins to slow down the Tauntaun when they approach "I Think this is the place" she is a hushed tone as they approach. She tries to move more quietly now, not knowing what to expect

[/url]: 2eA+3eD+1eS 0 successes
[url=http://orokos.com/roll/553470]http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/553470) (Perception)

2017-09-26, 07:31 AM
Dorn, in keeping with their earlier plan, tries to find a good vantage point of the area around the Horn. He is trying to go unseen so that if any thugs are nearby his sniper ambush will be a surprise.

Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/553568): 2eP+1eA+3eD+1eS 2 failures, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-tr.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/553568)

2017-09-26, 04:56 PM
"Don't mind a hand or two of sabacc. First, I think I need to stow this cloak. You folks got a coat check, or lockers about?"

The big mercenary asks, breaking the tout's rhythm. It was a simple and common enough kind of request.

2017-09-26, 06:44 PM
Gerard lets Vander take the lead, remaining silent while waiting for the devaronian to answer the merc's question.

2017-09-27, 08:52 PM
"But of course, sirs," the Devaronian -Morlo, you assume, since it doesn't seem like the casino has any other staff- nods towards a small alcove to the right of the main entrance. "Right in there. Five credits to stow your valuables in one of our secure lockers."

Dorn notices that there appear to be animal tracks in the snow nearest the Horn. He also sees that the ice of the glacier has been badly affected by the thaw, and that crossing over it would prove treacherous.

[If you're curious about the division of bonuses, the advantages went to noticing the tracks, while the triumph showed the state of the glacier. Bail, please make a Perception check at the same difficulty as the others.]

2017-09-27, 11:25 PM
Bail keeps his Tauntaun on tracj as they near the horn. Looking around, he checks the area for any signs of the bearded man.

Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/553900): 2eP+1eA+3eD+1eS 3 successes, 4 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/553900)

2017-09-27, 11:44 PM
Dorn notes the tracks and tries to determine from what sort of animal and how recent they are.

2017-09-28, 02:17 AM
"Five credits then. Ger, you want to stow our stuff while Morlo here gives the rest of the tour? Good man." He hands over his cloak to Gerard, nodding toward the lockers. Vander mutters quietly. "I'll keep our curious new friend busy, take your time."

Vander then wanders over to the tables with Morlo, a swagger in his step. "Show me what you've got."

2017-09-28, 07:50 PM
Besk Draws her weapon

"Dorn? Notice Something?"

2017-09-28, 11:11 PM
Besk Draws her weapon

"Dorn? Notice Something?"

Bail reins in his Tauntaun and looks around at his two companions.

"We need to hurry, or find cover if we are going to be staying here any longer. "

2017-09-28, 11:29 PM
Morlo seats Vander at the sabacc table, where the Nikto and Sullustan move over to make room for him.

Meanwhile, Vander and P-2SE check out the coat closet. A brief inspection reveals which locker corresponds to the key you hold, and it slides open to reveal an array of computer equipment.

If Vander wishes to actually gamble, make a wager of at least ten credits and roll Deception against two purples. An attempt to pick up on town gossip is a two-purple Charm check (with an added black die if the Deception roll earns more than three successes).

P-2SE and Gerard can identify the computer equipment with a three-purple Computers check.

Bail's keen eyes spot movement, just over the crest of the Horn: a robed figure, making its swift way down the icy slope. However, the figure notices Bail looking in its direction, and fires off a shot from its blaster rifle...

Attack roll against Bail (final; corrected for difficulty and Defense) (http://orokos.com/roll/554102): 2eA+1eP+2eS+2eD 0 successes, 1 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/554102)]

...which sinks into the snow at his tauntaun's feet. The robed figure turns and hurries away down the slope of the Horn.

2017-09-29, 12:24 AM
Vander takes a seat with the other reprobates, orders a drink, and lays down a small bet to start. He looked around at the others curiously, then started chatting through the hand. "So..."

Gambling (http://orokos.com/roll/554105): 2eA+2eD 2 successes, 2 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/554105)

Gossip (http://orokos.com/roll/554106): 1eP+1eA+2eD 2 successes, 1 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/554106)

2017-09-29, 12:52 AM
"****!! We have movement, one figure near the crest of the Horn. He gets away and we are humped. I'll go after him, you guys try to get around and into a better position. There's still a chance to save the initial plan."

Bail then urges his Tauntaun to a quicker speed as he tries to catch up to the mystery figure.

Is the figure within range for Bail to take a shot? If not, then Bail is trying to catch up as quickly as possible.

2017-09-29, 08:10 AM
Dorn dismounts and bends down to examine the tracks. "Looks looks like animal tracks," Dorn says to Besk. "Don't quite recognize-" is all he can get out before he is interrupted by the sudden screech of blaster fire.

Examining Tracks (http://orokos.com/roll/554125): 3eA+1eD 0 successes, 1 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/554125)

Dorn quickly shoulders his rifle and begins tracking in the direction Bail indicated. He catches sight of the robed figure and tries to put him in the cross hairs of his telescopic sights. His scope self-adjusts and indicates the target's range.

If he is shooting with two difficulty then he can't be any further than long range (if he has a telescopic sight like I do then he could be at long range, if not two difficulty would mean he is at medium range). Either way I can shoot back with my rifle. Just let me know which it is so I can help this sleemo down from his perch.

2017-09-29, 10:06 AM
Gerard looks over the equipment in the locker. "Now what do we have here...?"

"Mind keeping an eye out?" he asks P-2SE while examining their spoils with a trained eye.

Casino: Identifying computer equipment (http://orokos.com/roll/554137): 1eP+3eA+3eD 3 successes
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/554137)

2017-09-29, 12:08 PM
Vander earns 20 credits from the sabacc table. Over several rounds of cards, he also learns the following rumors:

There has been a shootout at one of the more remote ranches, near to the border of the mountains. No one was killed, but it's said that the confrontation was the result of a conflict between the rancher and a gang of prospectors.
The mayor has been seen with several offworlders, and is planning to sell off huge swathes of Hyberna to corporate mining interests.

Meanwhile, Gerard and P-2SE examine the computer system in the storage locker. It is a small mobile computer, of the sturdy kind meant to survive rugged frontier environments. It contains only a single, highly complex program, labeled as FIX. There are also several black infochips plugged into the computer, onto which copies of the program have been downloaded.

Before you have time to determine what the FIX program does, there is the sudden sound of footsteps behind you.

"Your locker key, sir..." Morlo says, holding an electronic key in his hand. He trails off as he catches sight of you in the other locker. "What is this? What's going on?"

2017-09-29, 01:38 PM
Vigilance (http://orokos.com/roll/554229): 1eP+1eA 2 successes
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/554229)

2017-09-29, 04:12 PM
The mercenary is happily playing away, across the room, when he sees Morlo approach his companions. Vander stands up and cashes in his chips. "Well, gents, it's been a lot of fun. We should do this again some time."

As he moves toward Gerard and the little droid army, he calls out. "Ger, is that droid still unscrewing and opening every damn door he sees? I told you it's way overdue for a memory wipe. Damn thing nearly spaced everyone when it got near the emergency hatch on the way here."

2017-09-29, 05:55 PM
Besk obzerves the tracks with Dorn...but then Bail speaks up "What? What do you mean move-" she ducks her head as the blaster bolt fires! She tries to guide her tauntaun to where the blast was "After him!" she yells!

[/url]: 1eP+2eA 1 success, 5 advantage
[url=http://orokos.com/roll/554307]http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/554307)

Besk seems more occupied looking for an important exploit in the Ice....maybe a weaker sheet that can be shot to cause the Gunman some difficulty in escaping?

(Going to try and use all those advantages to See if there's a weak point in the horn that she can shoot to cause some of the ice to break in the shooters path, or some shortcut to get to him? That, and maybe notice some other things around the field)

2017-09-30, 11:49 AM
Deception (http://orokos.com/roll/554436): 2eA+3eD 1 failure, 1 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/554436)

2017-10-01, 01:18 PM
"Out!!" Morlo shouts at you, then turns and whistles. Two large Gammoreans appear from a backroom, cracking their knuckles and fixing you with their piggy glares.

You can roll Vigilance if you want this to turn into combat, but if you don't resist the Gammoreans will simply escort you from the establishment (although none too gently).

Still waiting on Bail to post his initiative. So far the order is as follows:

Dorn (2 successes)
Besk (1 success, 5 advantage)
Robed Figure (1 success, 1 advantage)

If Bail's Vigilance check isn't posted by the end of today we'll proceed with combat and slot him in once he can post.

2017-10-01, 02:41 PM
Vigilance roll (http://orokos.com/roll/554684): 1eP+2eA 2 successes, 1 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/554684)
I'm sorry guys, I've been working 12 hour shifts at my job...so my days melted together. I'm good now.

2017-10-01, 04:26 PM
"Well, that's a bit rude." Vander harrumphs. He moves, though not quickly. The mercenary making a bit of a mess of the Gammoreans escorting them out, giving some distraction for Ger or a droid to grab the datacard. "You don't like paying customers here?" He continues to chatter and move about, mostly toward the door, with the occasional detour.

2017-10-02, 12:23 AM
Bail urges his Tauntaun onwards hoping to close the distance quickly. Hugging the neck of the beast, Bail looks to be as small of a target as possible.

I'm basically closing the distance in order to get a shot off with as few penalties as possible.

2017-10-02, 09:29 AM
Dorn takes aim and takes the shot...

Helping this guy down (http://orokos.com/roll/554950): 2eP+1eA+2eB+1eD+1eC+1eS 0 successes, 1 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/554950)

and the bolt hits the snow in front of his target.

one boost die to Besk. My telescopic scope decreases the purple by one and my aiming and shooting against someone who hasn't acted in combat gives me the two boost. Just in case you were curious about the roll alterations.

2017-10-02, 09:47 AM
Dorn takes aim and takes the shot...

Helping this guy down (http://orokos.com/roll/554950): 2eP+1eA+2eB+1eD+1eC+1eS 0 successes, 1 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/554950)

and the bolt hits the snow in front of his target.

one boost die to Besk. My telescopic scope decreases the purple by one and my aiming and shooting against someone who hasn't acted in combat gives me the two boost. Just in case you were curious about the roll alterations.

The robed figure slips in their scramble down the slope of the Horn, pausing to recover their balance and giving an opening for Besk to get a better shot.

2017-10-02, 12:35 PM
Besk rides her tauntaun toward the shooter, aiming her gun ahead....but then suddenly turns away and fires her blaster at the horn itself!

[/url]: 1eP+2eA+1eB+2eC 4 successes, 1 advantage
[url=http://orokos.com/roll/555021]http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/555021)

2017-10-02, 06:39 PM
Gerard sighs internally, really wishing Vander hadn't tried to lie his way out of this one. The truth would likely work just fine.

"Are you aware the Hellion and his gang have been using your casino as a meeting and dead drop point?" the tech says, not even looking up from working on the computer equipment he found. His tone is even, almost conversational. "My buddies and I are currently helping the sheriff's office deal with both the Hellion and some related cases. I figured you'd prefer we not make it obvious we're with the law on the way in, seeing how Outer Rim gamblers tend to react to that sort of thing. This locker belonged to some unfortunate fellows involved in trafficking in persons. Main one was a kel dor, hung out with a twi'lek, a gand, and three zabrak. Ring any bells? Since we got the key off one when they tried to kill us for getting involved in the case."

"But, tell you what. Me and my chums will happily get out of your hair without a fuss with this contraband, and I'll even toss in 50 credits for the inconvenience. Or we can go get Deputy Trax and his glorious tentacle 'stache and make a big show of it, seeing as this is involved in the case that has the sheriff and his posse out in the hills looking for blood."

"So, what do you say?" he says, turning to look the casino owner in the eye. Secretly, Gerard hopes his experience in similar (if larger and seedier) establishments back home means he's read the situation right.

So yeah, trying to appeal to his sense of 'oh crap, what happens if it's known that murderer's use this place/how fast will my customers vanish if the Law shows up on official business'. If a skill check is required, I'm leaning toward Charm or Negotiation, seeing as I'm not really trying to deceive him; this really is related to the case and we really are working on getting in with the law. And if I'm rolling, I'm spending a destiny point to upgrade my skill.

Also also, as befits Ger's background as an outlaw tech from a planet famous for gambling and other underground activities, could I pick up a boost die for interacting with this guy now that I'm acting openly?

2017-10-02, 11:08 PM
Besk hits the Horn in exactly the right spot. Huge chunks of ice and snow go sloughing off it, causing an avalanche as a piece of the large ice formation collapses. The robed figure quickly loses their footing and is lost in the fall of debris.

The dust (or snow, rather) settles as you ride up to the Horn. The figure stumbles out from the snowfall, revealing itself to be a heavily-wrapped Gand. It woozily raises a blaster rifle at you, but its shot goes wide.

Not gonna bother with an attack roll since Besk got advantage on top of a successful attack. We're back at the top of initiative and it's Bail's turn.

Morlo crosses his arms, carrying on an internal debate with himself. You can practically see the cogs turning...

Rizhail, that's a pretty strong argument and some good roleplaying. It'll be a Coercion roll against three purple, and I'll allow a boost die from Vander and P-2SE's presence (always good to have backup) and on the quality of your argument. You can also use a Destiny point.

Fair warning, though: this is a Hail Mary. If this roll fails things will more likely than not turn violent.

2017-10-03, 06:54 AM
Bail pulls the reins and stops the tauntaun. As the animal stops, Bail draws his heavy blaster and snaps off a shot.

Attack roll (http://orokos.com/roll/555284): 2eP+1eA 3 successes
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/555284)

2017-10-03, 02:01 PM
Corrected roll-

Attack (http://orokos.com/roll/555364): 2eP+1eA+1eC 2 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph, 1 Despair
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-tr.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-d.png (http://orokos.com/roll/555364)

2017-10-03, 11:12 PM
"Fifty credits and I'd let you rifle through my grandmother's trunk, too," Morlo snorts. "I got your assurance that the fella that rented this locker ain't gonna come by looking for his stolen goods, then?"

2017-10-04, 07:30 AM
Bail's blaster bolt hits the robed Gand squarely in the chest, sending him staggering back. His rifle discharges, firing a shot into the Horn above. There is an ominous cracking sound and a low rumble. You all freeze, watching in horror as another wave of snow and ice comes crashing down directly at you...

Everyone make a three-purple Athletics check (if you've dismounted) or three-purple Survival (if mounted) to outrun the avalanche! Bail, you decide whose check to add a boost to.

2017-10-04, 07:44 AM
"Considering the bolt he took between the eyes, I'd say we have bigger problems than an angry gambler if he shows up again," Gerard replies with a chuckle. He shuts down the computer equipment and carefully loads it all up in his modular pack.

Once the locker is cleared out, Gerard hands the locker key and chits totaling 50 credits to Morlo. "Pleasure doing business with you. We'll be on our way, unless either of you gentlemen has any business left here?" he says to his companions.