View Full Version : Aspiring Cult Leader(?)

2017-09-02, 03:34 PM
There's this huge chance that my character dies next session, so I figured I'd try to spawn a new character concept. We're currently at level 2, use rolled stats and it's a city campaign.

My idea is to create a character that got a goal to become a cult leader of sorts. I'm not entirely sure what kind of cult (sorry) but it sounds like it could be a lot of fun!
Sort of like a mix between Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish from Game of Thrones and Griffith from Berserk, but preferably with spellcasting.



Maybe I'm just rambling, but does anyone got an idea how this could be envisioned? A bit MAD is fine and multiclassing is ok but no UA unfortunately.

Edit: Fixed links instead of pics

2017-09-02, 03:45 PM
Anything with either Acolyte or Charlatan background, depending on how sincere the cult leader is, preferably something with high charisma. Most likely bard, rogue, sorcerer or warlock for those who are in it for themselves, cleric or maybe paladin for genuine leaders. Persuasion, deception, intimidation, depending on prefered method of controlling the followers. Inspiring Leader feat helps.

2017-09-02, 05:42 PM
Make sure your DM and your players are OK with very evil PCs, if you want to make someone like Littlefinger or Griffith.

Now, if you want to make a spellcaster, a Bard might be your best option. Otherwise, Mastermind Rogue, maybe with a dip in Cleric, or a Warlock?

2017-09-03, 08:13 PM
Warlock comes to mind when yuou talk about Griffith from Berserk. For quite a while I think most would be called Griffith Good so you need have no worry about Evil Patrons they grant power and pay no attention to the minion until they get to very high levels and the fall is truly tragic.

Warlock can use Friends cantrip with disguise self invocation to create lots of political intrigue and chaos that the character can benefit from. The illusion cantrip and illusion invocation work together to allow illusions with sound. The spell list for Warlocks have most of the good face spells, like Glibness, so it's not like Bards are the only class that can be a face. I like a little Rogue dip to pick Expertise, but varying amounts of Rogue are very helpful. Warlock as it grows can get minions with GOOs thrall which GOO can talk to telepathy.