View Full Version : Kung Fu Princess, A story of Thieves.

The Vagabond
2017-09-02, 05:07 PM
OoC Thread
You have, as of late, been enjoying the spoils from your most recent endevour for John, your “Patron” as he refers to himself. In his center of operations, a worn down warehouse that he refers to as his “Castle,” even with it’s lack of contents, you can enjoy yourself a few cups of wine as he kicks down a wall, an elemental breaking through before being bellowed down with his his frostfire breath until it’s nothing but a puddle of acid.
“Third time this week.” he said, annoyed, “You’d think that the damn bastard would learn to stop sending this stuff after us.”
He looks to the party, “Either way, it seems like everythings going well here. I presume that the pool over there shows why I called everyone here today- These acidbreathers are absolutely ascinine, and I think it’s time you folks took them out. I’ve let them linger for quite a bit, because I know they only had a few blocks to their name, but three times is just too much. I’d recommend you guys prepare yourselves- I expect them dead by tomorrow morning. Don’t forget the last time someone ignored my instructions.”
He lies down, and glares at each of you.
“I presume you guys wish to know more. The Acid Spitters are a gang from the Green Side of the city, a relatively small one, led by a young but particularly clever shadowdrake. Recently their area had been closed by order of the 9 to be redesigned, so they’ve been looking for a place to claim instead. I decided to show a bit of mercy and let them hide out for the week, yet now they seem to think my area’s theirs.”

2017-09-03, 07:49 AM
Rinzen Vlitra

In the corner, his body covered by a long tattered brown cloak giving him a vagrant appearance, Rinzen watched the elemental become reduced to acid by John, listening to every word. He offers them a place and instead of offering gratitude, they decide to send elementals after him? That's just insulting.

He met the glare with a slightly bored look before moving his eyes towards the others that have gathered here, his eyes lingering on Atropa for a moment longer. He was always ready to do something, to occupy himself, but what about them? He took a sip from his cup, the wine watered down somewhat, just enough to enjoy it and not worry about being impaired in any way later.

2017-09-03, 03:51 PM
Jakros the Giant

Jakros sat against the wall, drinking from a large jug of ale. He preferred the stuff his own tavern sold, which was why they were all drinking liquor he had provided - maybe not from the top shelf, but better than average. When the wall burst forth, he at up, eager for action. However, he instead was forced to watch in mild amusement at the futility of the elemental's attack; but he did secretly hope it would do something amazing ... like explode into a raging inferno, or turn into a mutated Titan! But alas, they simply died ... not with a bang, but a sizzle.

Talking a long pull, he listened to their Patron's frustrations, nodding absently at the new orders. He was curious what resistance they could expect; normally the Dragon would send one of them to handle 'issues.' Maybe there was a chance this could be a challenge!

At the glare, he sat up a bit straighter - it wasn't for fear; it was an unspoken understanding where the Dragon pretended that they might fail and they pretended they needed the extra incentive. Raising his jug Jakros smiled at the others. "It shall be as you say, Lord John. We shall visit eath and destruction to your enemies ... misfortune and misery to your adversaries ... suffering and sorrow upon your foes!

It'll be fun!"

Let's do this! And for those curious, but too busy to check mythweavers:

Jakros is a huge beast of a man. Or rather giant. Half-giant. Or perhaps ogre. You know what, it really doesn't matter - this fellow is huge! When you're facing over 7 feet tall and 400lbs of smiling killer, the last thing you should be thinking is about his lineage; otherwise it may be your last thought.

His skin is pale, in contrast to the dark tribal markings across his shoulders and face. Deepest eyes stare out from his large brow, glittering midnight blue; however they glow when he calls upon his powers. He is bald, but keeps a short, bushy beard - manicured and wild looking at the same time.

Jakros favors a huge two-handed blade he carries across his back, but keeps an enormous hammer handy, too. He carries a couple of javelins and a small, curved blade - ideal for carving meat ... or foes.


AC: 20 / CMD: 16 / HPs: 52
F +9 R +8 W +7 / Init +5; Move 40'
Weapons: +1 nodachi (+17/+12, 2d8+12); +1 earthbreaker (+17/+12, 3d6+12)
Perception +9; Stealth +10; Craft +14; Sense Motive +11; Spellcraft +14; Autohypnosis +5
Stances: Aura of misfortune, Distorted clock, Formless dance
Maneuvers: Fading strike, Reflected blade style, Time skitter, Scything strike, Minute hand
Effects: Stance (-2 to adversary saves w/40')

2017-09-04, 08:56 AM
Atropa Belladonna

A large spider with a woman's torso sits, or stands, it can be difficult to tell with all of those legs, at the center of the room. Her skin is a pale grey, her hair long and dark, and her eyes sharp and golden. She's wearing a frilly, flattering outfit, as she is in 'polite' company.

"I see." Her voice is a loud, rasping whisper. "Those rats. I don't understand you extending clemency to them. As far as I can tell, they are not worth the time or the trouble." She sighs, and crosses her arms, glancing down and to the side coyly. "Of course, I do not mean to question your actions. I would think that the expenses for repairing that wall alone after the first would have triggered a more swift retribution."

Atropa hasn't been drinking anything. She never does when she's expecting work. Not that it matters, as she is so large and vigorous that she could drink a barrel of ale and be entirely sober. In fact, she always seems strangely reserved, and not many know about her personal life. Not even, Rinzen, who sleeps on her porch.

2017-09-04, 04:19 PM
Antoine glanced at the puddle of acid and grunted, thus demonstrating the extent of his verbal capabilities. He always forgot how hard it was to lip read dragons. He still caught the general gist of the assignment, which was enough for the tiefling. Catching Jakros's words, as well as Atropa's, he approximated a laugh, though his various deformities gave the intended mirth a coughing and hissing tone. Antoine saw no point in making his personal assent to the job known to John, the dragon had likely known him long enough to understand Antoine would not turn down a job with the prospect of combat.

He stood up from his seat, where he had been absently sipping at water and nibbling at bread, and hefted his weapons, a falchion of massive, but elegant proportions, and a similarly massive composite bow, striped with dark and light woods, and gestured towards the door.

The Vagabond
2017-09-06, 09:46 AM
"It is good to hear your cooperation." The dragon said, rasing up, "And while I had hoped to have an ally to extend into the Green side, I have waited too long. Now leave my presence- You have someone to kill."
All of you leave into the city, you enter into the dusky and musky street of 4th district, Light side. Despite it's name, it has been shrouded in shadow for the last hundred years, daylight leaking in through the dark clouds like a thin mist. The houses are derelict and worn, built upon hundreds of years of housing falling into the silt that 4th district was built on.
Either way, you've lived here for quite a time. This shouldn't be new for you. What is new, however, is the mild scent of something burning. It isn’t an easy scent, but it’s there, and has been there for a little more than a week.
The Acid Spitters have always been known for the fact that they use a non-traditional element, in the form of Acid. Consisting mostly of Alchemists, oozes, and warped elementals, they’re known for their tendency to be upfront and blunt. It doesn’t take you long until you stumble upon an Elemental, floating in the street, it’s orcish handler leaning against the wall, plated in the group's classic green-black iconography.
“Oy, get lost. This is Spitter territory.” The Orc says, Blase and bored.

2017-09-06, 07:31 PM
Jakros the Giant

Jakros strode through the streets with the others eyeing the windows and doors with great interest. This part of town was one of his favorites, since it fit his typical motif for battle. He glanced at his companions at one point, speaking softly. "Least we be unclear with one another, we are to slay all of these upstarts, yes? If there are any issues, please speak up now - once the battle is joined, it may be too late."

Presuming no one has issues with the approach, Jakros would keep his blade handy. When they came up on the orc and his pet, Jakros snorted at the man's bravado. "I think you are mistaken friend. You are in our territory. Get dead!"

Moving quickly forward with his giant blade, Jakros attacked the handler, grinning the whole way. As he disappeared and reappeared back where he started, he pointed his sword at the handlers, whispering "Your soul is mine. Consider yourself lucky!"
Okay ... time for combat, I suppose. If his companions agreed to kill everyone, Jakros will attack. If not, he will wait for the others to act first.
Advance to attack (move action); use Fading Strike to attack, then teleport back to his companions (standard action). Finally Dark Claim the handler and his elemental to regain his maneuver
[roll0] w/Nodachi; [roll1]. ([roll2]; [roll3]+Dam. If flat-footed, [roll4]
AC: 20 (22) / CMD: 16 / HPs: 52
F +9 R +8 (+10) W +7 / Init +5; Move 40'
Weapons: +1 nodachi (+17/+12, 2d8+12); +1 earthbreaker (+17/+12, 3d6+12)
Perception +9; Stealth +10; Craft +14; Sense Motive +11; Spellcraft +14; Autohypnosis +5
Stances: Aura of misfortune, Distorted clock, Formless dance
Maneuvers: Fading strike, Reflected blade style, Time skitter, Scything strike, Minute hand
Effects: Stance (-2 to adversary saves w/40'); elusive shadow (+2 AC:Ref when moving 10' +); fading strike (Attack:teleport as standard action); Handler/Elemental are claimed/cursed for 3 rounds (-2 to hit Jakros;

2017-09-06, 09:10 PM

Atropa joins the sudden attack with a blast of audibly sharp crystal shards taht wind their way to her opponents. "Needless to say, I am disinclined to acquiesce to your proposal. To understand my attitude on your position, realize my associate is more charitable than I."

Crystal Razor Blast , chained

Versus orc
[roll0] touch
[roll1] + [roll2] sneak attack, 3 bleeding
Reflex 20 versus entangling crystals
Reflex 20 versus half movement

[roll3] touch
[roll4] + [roll5] sneak attack, 3 bleeding
Reflex 20 versus entangling crystals
Reflex 20 versus half movement

2017-09-06, 09:18 PM
Rolling wild magic [roll0] on a one

2017-09-07, 05:48 PM

As quick as a wind, Rinzen pulled out his bow and took aim at the elemental near the handler, before letting loose a volley of arrows at the creature.

"It's Showtime!"

Full attack with flurry with bow.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Attack [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

The Vagabond
2017-09-08, 12:59 PM
The result of the first onslaught is what can best be described as a girlish screech as the Orc gets his head bashed aside, his elemental is absolutely destroyed, the fragile pool of acid pooling into the craggy crystal area, and the ground itself begins to crawl up to him.
The Half-Orc began a panicked attempt to run away, screaming, almost bleeding out, provoking an attack of opportunity from Jakros

2017-09-08, 02:51 PM
Jakros the Giant

Jakros almost pouted at how easy this had been. As the handler tan past, he swung lazily, without much heart. "Well that was underwhelming..."

[roll0] [roll1] [roll2], [roll3]
AC: 20 (22) / CMD: 16 / HPs: 52
F +9 R +8 (+10) W +7 / Init +5; Move 40'
Weapons: +1 nodachi (+17/+12, 2d8+12); +1 earthbreaker (+17/+12, 3d6+12)
Perception +9; Stealth +10; Craft +14; Sense Motive +11; Spellcraft +14; Autohypnosis +5
Stances: Aura of misfortune, Distorted clock, Formless dance
Maneuvers: Fading strike, Reflected blade style, Time skitter, Scything strike, Minute hand
Effects: Stance (-2 to adversary saves w/40'); elusive shadow (+2 AC:Ref when moving 10' +); fading strike (Attack:teleport as standard action); Handler/Elemental are claimed/cursed for 3 rounds (-2 to hit Jakros;

2017-09-09, 08:53 PM
Antoine grumbles indistinctly, as he lazily knocks an arrow on his long bow with another gripped backwards against the palm of his draw hand. He centers the the bow at the base of the half-orc's neck, firing and drawing both arrows in a fluid motion without hesitation.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

Crit Confirm 1: [roll4]
Crit Confirm 2: [roll5]

The Vagabond
2017-09-10, 08:19 AM
The orc is brutally murdered in an act of gang warfare, which is rather predictable. As it's on the edge of the territory they've claimed, you don't see anyone else around to slay. You walk forward to reclaim the land that rightfully belongs to your patron.
The air is thick with corrosion, as you see the streets burned with acid. The shops, are boarded up, the windows locked and isolated. It's a mess out here, and you wonder if, perhaps, the umbral drake that ran the gang went mad. This place does have a bad habit of doing that to dragons, one of the major reasons that your patron hasn't died yet. Something about the shade.
Either way, you eventually find the source of the stench- An abandoned townhome that smells so absolutely terrible, that you're fairly certain that even the 9 might rebuke going in there.

2017-09-10, 12:16 PM
Atropa Belladonna

The spider woman leans down to be level with the party. "The enemy hive, full of scum. Perhaps now would be a good time to formulate a strategy. I have climb through a window, avoiding the main entrance entirely. Perhaps then we can infiltrate from with, avoid the main sentries, and erase their leader with little effort."

Atropa switches to Body of Night stance, mostly to get the +6 to stealth.

2017-09-11, 02:39 PM

Rinzen hides his bow and jumps, his size changing mid air to one fourth his height as he lands on Atropa's back. As long as he can Maintain his focus, this will hold.

"Then let's get going."

Rinzen is using Shapeshift on himself, using Blank form and Size changing to Tiny. Doesn't spend spellpoint. At same time I realize that I should have also had non composite bow due to strength penalties because I didn't pick mageknight's resizer. Eitherway, size change is a talent I am keeping on sheet

2017-09-11, 06:09 PM
Jakros the Giant

Jakros wiped off his blade and sheathed it, nodding to his companions. "Lead on, then. We will most likely stumble into a trap and die horrible deaths at the hands of our enemies ... and possibly be raise as undead soldiers to fight Lord John ... then be destroyed and subsequently raised back tononlt, only to have Lord John torture us for an eternity.

But those are the chances we take, I suppose!"

AC: 20 (22) / CMD: 16 / HPs: 52
F +9 R +8 (+10) W +7 / Init +5; Move 40'
Weapons: +1 nodachi (+17/+12, 2d8+12); +1 earthbreaker (+17/+12, 3d6+12)
Perception +9; Stealth +10; Craft +14; Sense Motive +11; Spellcraft +14; Autohypnosis +5
Stances: Aura of misfortune, Distorted clock, Formless dance
Maneuvers: Fading strike, Reflected blade style, Time skitter, Scything strike, Minute hand
Effects: Stance (-2 to adversary saves w/40'); elusive shadow (+2 AC:Ref when moving 10' +); fading strike (Attack:teleport as standard action); Handler/Elemental are claimed/cursed for 3 rounds (-2 to hit Jakros;

2017-09-12, 04:51 PM
Antoine growls in a manner that suggests that if he could speak, he would have just said "They can just try me". He then plants his index finger in Jakros' chest, its needlepoint making a distinctive Clink against the scale pattern of the giant's armor, and then points it back at himself. Realizing that was not clear enough communication for his colleagues, he grunts and scribbles in his notepad by his waist. He shows it to Jakros, then the rest of the party, stony-faced. His handwriting is a thick-lined cursive with minimal embellishment, and makes use of extensive short hand.

J & An → 2 heavy hitters go to front, go to inconspic. location. R & At, → back entrance. Make distinct noise, will be signal for us to move in through front entrance. Buy you 2 time to deal w/ pesky mages, clear out enemies. Converge on Sdw Drake. Kill.

The Vagabond
2017-09-12, 08:57 PM
Just so you know that I'm not abandoning this, but I'd like a coherent plan before I push things forward. But, to provide some info, a map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1r7bTwS0QXJZlJqeYtyAuHoz5ucC0eaDGiqgC_YJTxBw/edit)
DC 25 perception check to figure out what each character is built for
DC 15 alchemy check to figure out what each character has.
DC 20 Knowledge (Local) check to recognize some of the orcs.

2017-09-12, 09:12 PM
Atropa Belladonna

Atropa lowers herself and leans over to read Antoine's note. "Perhaps it would be better if you didn't embellish your writing when trying to communicate in a timely fashion," she rasps. She sits back up, her spider legs returning to a standing position. She strokes her chine in thought. "Then perhaps I could serve as a distraction. Yes, the plan does have merit. Are you still back there, rapscallion/" She leans over her should to see if Rinzen is present. "Good, good."

She gets ready to head aorund back to make a distraction.

[roll0] Alchemy
[roll1] Local
[roll2] Perception

2017-09-12, 11:27 PM
Jakros the Giant

Jakros eyed his companion's pantomime, one eye raised in amusement. After reading the note, he laughed aloud. "Of course that's what you meant. I will join you at the front as our sneaker friends circle around back. We shall lay waste to these fools.

Unless they kill us first."
Sounds good to me.
AC: 20 / CMD: 16 / HPs: 52
F +9 R +8 W +7 / Init +5; Move 40'
Weapons: +1 nodachi (+17/+12, 2d8+12); +1 earthbreaker (+17/+12, 3d6+12)
Perception +9; Stealth +10; Craft +14; Sense Motive +11; Spellcraft +14; Autohypnosis +5
Stances: Aura of misfortune, Distorted clock, Formless dance
Maneuvers: Fading strike, Reflected blade style, Time skitter, Scything strike, Minute hand
Effects: Stance (gain blur, see invisible); elusive shadow (+2 AC, Ref when moving 10'+)

2017-09-13, 02:09 PM

Rinzen simply nodded back at Atropa before making himself comfortable as he held onto her fur. His size will allow him to sneak as good if not better than Atropa. And hey, a free ride.

Perception: [roll0]
Craft(Alchemy): [roll1]
Local: [roll2]

The Vagabond
2017-09-13, 07:12 PM
And so it begins.

You quickly realize that the half-orc patrolling the foyer is a young one, and one that Atropa would be well aware of- Young Old Fimbletounge, son of Ol' Fimbletounge. Poor guy was born with barely enough intelligence to keep himself standing, with barely any capacity to speak. His mother tried to teach the poor kid sign language, and even that he can barely speak.
The worst part is that it's quite clear what he is- Adventurer bait. He's standing around, proud and gleeful, carrying a ceramic shield- Something Atropa and Jakros realize is a well known item that is usually given to summoned creatures. When hit, it releases its alchemical weapon payload, spraying it on the poor guy who attempts to hit him.

I've labeled the characters on the map, along with you guys. Young Old Fimbletounge is colored green, W=Wizard, M=Magus, A=Alchemist

2017-09-14, 07:49 AM
Atropa Belladonna

Atropa opens the back door, and weaves a powerful spell to assail the wizard and magus orcs!

"The time has come to pay for your misdeeds!" she yells, as she outstretches her hand, unleashing a chain of crystals that glitter in the fire light. "Take the young Master Old Fimbletongue alive," she yells to the other team on the other side of the building.

Nice map! :0

Crystal Chain Blast w/time steal (Time Thief) 4 SP
Taking 1 Nonlethal.
On a one, rod of wonder effect [roll0]. Effect: [roll1]
Rolling DC 13 versus sickening [roll2]

Attack rolls versus Wizard [roll3] Touch, Flatfooted
Damage [roll4] + [roll5] SA w/ Bleeding 3
Reflex 20 versus Entangled
Will 19 versus Dazed 1 Round


Attack rolls versus Magus [roll6] Touch, Flatfooted
Damage [roll7] + [roll8] SA w/ Bleeding 3
Reflex 20 versus Entangled
Will 19 versus Dazed 1 Round

If they fail a save verus the daze, Atropa makes another blast
Razor/Crystal Chain Blast 1 SP
Taking 1 Nonlethal.
On a one, rod of wonder effect [roll9]. Effect: [roll10]
Rolling DC 13 versus sickening [roll11]

Attack rolls versus Magus [roll12] Touch, Flatfooted
Damage [roll13] + [roll14] SA w/ Bleeding 3
DC 20 Versus half movement
DC20 Versus entangle

Attack rolls versus Magus [roll15] Touch, Flatfooted
Damage [roll16] + [roll17] SA w/ Bleeding 3
DC 20 Versus half movement
DC20 Versus entangle

[roll18] Init

2017-09-16, 05:46 PM
Antoine's eyes flare, a demonic manic burning within their depths. His body stretches, bulges impossibly, growing to an easy nine feet. He bursts through the front door, locating Young Old Fimbletongue. He glares at the half-orc, an animalistic growl escaping his lips as he points to the orc and then to behind Antoine, before baring his teeth.

Free action to bloodrage, move action to enter the house, standard to demoralize Fimbletongue.

Intimidate Check: [roll0]

I get a +15 naturally, and then a +4 to being one size larger than Fimbletongue.

2017-09-16, 10:43 PM
Rinzen Vlitra

Rinzen just let his focus on the size spell drop as he realized that, no, this ain't gonna be sneaking it seems. Not with Atropa going guns full blazing. He took out his bow once more and prepared the blunt arrows he held, before aiming two at the wizard and two at the magus. Let's end this before it begins!

Blunt arrows to deal Non Lethal:
Flurry of Blows with Arrows. Spending Ki Point to add one more attack at full BAB.
Assuming Point Blank Shot applies, it looks like within 30 feet

Aiming at Wizard:
Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage Roll [roll1]

Attack Roll [roll2]
Damage Roll [roll3]

Aiming at Magus:
Attack Roll [roll4]
Damage Roll [roll5]

Attack Roll [roll6]
Damage Roll [roll7]


The Vagabond
2017-09-18, 12:21 PM
29- Rizen (Winner!)
19- Fimbletongue
13- Magus
12- Antoine
9- Atropa
7- Wizard

Fimbletongue's day was going wonderfully. He'd been given a shield and was allowed to do whatever he wanted, he was free to do what he wished, it was all fine and dandy. Not a common occurrence for someone like him. But the folks here taught him strength, and gave him this weird stuff that's kept him awake for three days! It was a life he never had!
Until suddenly, a literal demon broke down the door and screamed in his face.
Predictably, the half-orc was rather terrified, as he tends to be. His immediate response was to blindly flail his shield at Jakros.

Make a mellee attack with a shield.

Make a DC 25 perception or Alchemy check.

The Wizard was not merely surprised, he was shocked, and left completely unprepared as his chest is impaled with an arrow and his shoulder impaled by a crystal. The Wizard, predictably, starts screaming in terror.
The Magus, however, was not. She was ready, but there was little the orc could do but summon his Astral Suit and Mace, and glare in anger as her shoulders were hit, once by an arrow and once by a crystal. Even despite the crystals at her feet clawing to her, she remains stalwart.

Initiative [roll3]
The Magus makes a full attack on the giant spider that just appeared behind her, smacking her in the face.
[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]
He then attempts to warp away,
[roll8] concentration DC 19

Initiative [roll9]
The Wizard continues to scream, as he throws an acid bomb right at Atropa's face, immediately casting Full Pouch, withdrawing some sort of pellet, and stomping on it as he makes his desperate escape into the adjacent room.
[roll10] vs Touch. [roll11] damage DC 17 for half. Splash within 20 feet for 7 damage.

Post in any order you wish, don't feel bound by initiative. Initiative will determine how the actions resolve at the end of the turn.

2017-09-18, 02:02 PM
Atropa hisses at acid being thrown at her!

Fading dodge. The skill check is an auto success
I think I'm out of range to dirty trick the wizard

She then attacks the magus

Spear [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Bite [roll2]
Roll [roll3] and poison D.C. 20 fort, 1d2 con for 6 rounds, Cure 1 save

2017-09-18, 03:36 PM
Rinzen Vlitra

Rinzen smirked for but a moment as he let his ki guide him once more, as he shoots four of blunt arrows at the Magus. Trying to strike Atropa? That really wasn't smart, not just because she can and definitely will bite his face off, but... actually, that was the reason.

Spending another ki point

Attack Roll 1 [roll0]
Damage Roll 1 [roll1]

Attack Roll 2 [roll2]
Damage Roll 2 [roll3]

Attack Roll 3 [roll4]
Damage Roll 3 [roll5]

Attack Roll 4 [roll6]
Damage Roll 4 [roll7]

2017-09-18, 05:53 PM
Jakros the Giant

As the mute monster next to him suddenly leapt forward into the structure, growing and growling, Jakros blinked in surprise, before following somewhat belatedly. "It seems the fight is a-foot! I would demand your surrender, but it is best you simply lay upon the floor and await our blades ... your death is at hand!"
[roll0] ... Should be able to Fading strike our chump first (Surprise round?) Then move in and attack more - do I have two or three actions?
Time Skitter then Fading Strike - Teleport in, then attack. [roll1], [roll2]

AC: 20 (23) / CMD: 16 / HPs: 52
F +9 R +8 (+11) W +7 / Init +5; Move 40'
Weapons: +1 nodachi (+17/+12, 2d8+12); +1 earthbreaker (+17/+12, 3d6+12)
Perception +9; Stealth +10; Craft +14; Sense Motive +11; Spellcraft +14; Autohypnosis +5
Stances: Aura of misfortune, Distorted clock, Formless dance
Maneuvers: Fading strike, Reflected blade style, Time skitter, Scything strike, Minute hand
Effects: Stance (gain blur, see invisible); elusive shadow (+2 AC, Ref when moving 10'+); haste (+1 AC, att, Ref, extra attack w/full attack; +30'; 4 rounds)

The Vagabond
2017-09-22, 10:49 PM
As Antoine has not posted, he may take an extra standard action this turn, and an additional immediate action.
Jakros does the thing that he was not supposed to do, and has to watch as the half orc Desperately attempts to block with his shield, and the shield shatters, breaking through and bashing the half-orc in the face, as young ol' fimble tongue screams in pain.
The Shield shatters, as it releases its payload- A vial of Perfect Ice, exploding out, the ice crystal radiating out, like a cloak of winter. Ice covers every foot, including the poor half-orc’s feet.
[roll0] DC 18 fort save half. The entire room is covered, top to bottom, with what is effectively Caltrops.

Rizen hits the Magus with all but one missile, causing significant damage, but it seems like she shrugs off a ton of it. She completes her teleportation, and vanishes into seemingly nothingness. You’re fairly certain she’s deeper into the building.

You watch as, from the smoke he left behind, a tree stump-sized bundle of tubes immediately begins to emit arcs of multi-colored sparks. It’s almost blinding, and the noise is almost deafening.
(Those who wishes to make it to the Foye from the dining room make a DC 17 Reflex save, or be deafened for 1 hour and blinded for [roll1] rounds .

Fimbletounge does nothing but scream in absolute terror as the water in his feet begin to freeze off, and his ally begins to lob bombs into the foyer.
HP: -2, dies at -32

An alchemist comes from the map room to throw an acid bomb at all 3 people in the Foyer, targeting a square rather than anyone in specific, dealing 7 acid damage to all creatures, reflex DC 18 to half it.
You watch as a tiny stirge walks through the fireworks, and is immediately blinded. It flies around crazily, looking for something to attach to.

Alchemist 1 and 2 act on the same Initiative as the Magus.

Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1r7bTwS0QXJZlJqeYtyAuHoz5ucC0eaDGiqgC_YJTxBw/edit)

2017-09-22, 11:25 PM
Antoine turns, locking eyes with the alchemist who had begun attacking, and stomps through the ice methodically, staring him down. On the way, his arms begin lengthening and twisting, appearing almost gorilla like as they heft his falchion, now a massive silvery razor. He hefts it once in range, and swings it in an overhead strike, grazing the ceiling without slowing down.

First Standard Action: Casting Longarm (10 ft. reach now)

Move action to A1, I am presuming the door is open so I can attack the alchemist, as he did me. I should have the movement to reach even at half speed.

Standard to attack with Power Attack.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Fortitude: [roll2]
Reflex: [roll3]

I just realized I forgot my animal companion existed. They will not be taking part in this fight, but will in future fights.

2017-09-24, 02:16 AM
Jakros the Giant

A wave of cold washed over the group, making movement more difficult. Moving slowly, Jakros avoid the icy spikes all over the floor. Raising his sword, he attacked again, blade flashing.
move half speed to close with A1. [roll0]
AC: 20 (23) / CMD: 16 / HPs: 52
F +9 R +8 (+11) W +7 / Init +5; Move 40'
Weapons: +1 nodachi (+17/+12, 2d8+12); +1 earthbreaker (+17/+12, 3d6+12)
Perception +9; Stealth +10; Craft +14; Sense Motive +11; Spellcraft +14; Autohypnosis +5
Stances: Aura of misfortune, Distorted clock, Formless dance
Maneuvers: Fading strike, Reflected blade style, Time skitter, Scything strike, Minute hand
Effects: Stance (gain blur, see invisible); elusive shadow (+2 AC, Ref when moving 10'+); haste (+1 AC, att, Ref, extra attack w/full attack; +30'; 3 rounds)

2017-09-25, 10:18 AM

Atropa covers her eyes. "Ah ****! I can't see anything." She drops her hands slightly. "I think it's wearing off... give me a minute!" She yells again.

Rinzen is going to have to direct her.

2017-09-26, 01:46 PM

Rinzen managed to cover his eyes by burying his head in Atropa's fur and closing them, while he covered his ears with his hands. Once they got through, he realized he could see properly... Although Atropa seemed to have done not so well.

'Wouldn't be really beneficial to lead her now, let's focus on attack right now...'

With that, he let his eyes locate the wizard once more and he shot three blunt arrows at the mage.

Full Attack - Flurry
3 Non Lethal arrow attacks

Attack Roll 1 [roll0]
Damage roll 1 [roll1]

Attack Roll 2 [roll2]
Damage roll 2 [roll3]

Attack Roll 3 [roll4]
Damage roll 3 [roll5]

The Vagabond
2017-09-29, 08:52 PM
Somehow, each arrow misses it's mark as a giant spider breaks through the doorframe, the wizard looks, shocked and panicked, and desperately tries to claw the nearby window open. He's completely terrified, as he desperately attempts to claw the window open, and attempting to climb out the door.

The Alchemist gets his face smacked into a nearby wall, as he looks in shock, and quite clearly rather wounded, with Antoine's aim gets missed and
You just hear a thud.

Standard action attempt to open a door, move action crawl out the window, requires a DC 10 acrobatics check to crawl out the window.

The Alchemist is incredibly damaged, and looks at you shocked, throwing a desperate acid bomb.
[roll1] [roll2] DC 17 half.
Alchemist 2 responds very reasonably, and also attempts to get the hell out of there.

The perfect ice deals [roll4] damage, DC 18 fort for half.
[roll5] against Jakros,
[roll6] against Antoine.

2017-09-29, 09:08 PM
Rinzen Vlitra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1311540)
Level 6 Zen Archer/Incanter | HP: 39/39 | AC: 24 | Ki points 7/9

He grit his teeth and once more took aim at the wizard, preparing his blunt arrows and with a hopefully sharp aim, shot three of them in succession at the wizard.

3 Non Lethal attacks
Within 30 feet, point blank shot

Attack Roll 1 [roll0]
Damage Roll 1 [roll1]

Attack Roll 2 [roll2]
Damage Roll 2 [roll3]

Attack Roll 3 [roll4]
Damage Roll 3 [roll5]

2017-10-02, 10:21 AM
Jakros the Giant

Jakros moaned as he fought against the small man. "Damn you Alchemist! What mysterious poisons have you released into the air? He stepped in, marking the man with his sorcerous eyes and attacking with a flourish of blows from his long blade.
Step as necessary. Swift action to claim alchemist (gain two maneuvers back) Full attack!
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5]

[roll6] just in case ...
AC: 20 (23) / CMD: 16 / HPs: 52
F +9 R +8 (+11) W +7 / Init +5; Move 40'
Weapons: +1 nodachi (+17/+12, 2d8+12); +1 earthbreaker (+17/+12, 3d6+12)
Perception +9; Stealth +10; Craft +14; Sense Motive +11; Spellcraft +14; Autohypnosis +5
Stances: Aura of misfortune, Distorted clock, Formless dance
Maneuvers: Fading strike, Reflected blade style, Time skitter, Scything strike, Minute hand
Effects: Stance (gain blur, see invisible); elusive shadow (+2 AC, Ref when moving 10'+); haste (+1 AC, att, Ref, extra attack w/full attack; +30'; 2 rounds)

2017-10-10, 05:44 PM
Atropa ccomplains loudly about being blind. "Damn. If I weren't blind, we wouldn't be in in this predicament. Of all of the weapons, it had to be this one. Where is that wizard? I'll tear him limb from limb..." Atropa wanders forward, her arms outstretched.