View Full Version : Shadowrun: Dealing with Dragons (IC)

2017-09-03, 07:09 PM
This is the IC thread for the Dealing with Dragons Shadowrun Game.

OOC Thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?535202

2017-09-03, 08:04 PM
Cancer...thats what this world is. Always has been, always will be. The human systems and their corruption, may one day be purged...

The Shaman lets out his wings once more and stands straighter, streching his wings and legs. His feathers are greyed and older, reflecting his old age. The sharpness and fire in his eyes havent dulled even the slightest. His beak and talons, wrll taken care of and maintained are still sharp.

The stink of seattle never dulls... thats fine though, a necessary evil. This land needed a native shaman, and he could help more of his people in Seattle than he could in Spokane. So here he would stay, builfing a reputation, strengthening himself and better equiping himself to destroy mankind. Until then... he must stomach this. He ruffles his feathers with his beak.

The Shaman would appear as an ancient eagle to anyone who would lay eyes on him. His behavior could be strange to those familiar with eagles. The Shaman doesnt fly high and proudly, he flies low and grissly like predator who knows the experience of being hunted. Always looking up as well as down.

2017-09-05, 06:07 AM
The Wilds...

How long has it been?, she wondered to herself. The tall elf strode through a meadow on long legs, gnawing on the last few peices of meat on a bone. Her normally fair skin was tanned now, her hair unkempt. She had spent quite some time in the wilderness, she found it didn't change her mindset on things, yet her perspective had been broadened. It was in the city as it was here, kill for what you want, steal the rest. She felt a kind of expanded awareness, she felt new power swell in her chest. New ways to lie, cheat, steal, and kill formed in her mind. Mother nature had been a good teacher. A bird sings nearby, perched on a branch, White Wolf unceremoniously spits the bone onto the ground, "Well, enough of this crap. It's been fun and all, but seriously it has not been the slightest bit of fun. This wolf needs pizza." The bird seemed to look at White Wolf quizzically, "Fcuk you, I'm not crazy, you're crazy..."

The Seattle border guards almost took her for a native from afar, when they saw she was an elf it only brought up more questions. Most of White Wolfs answers leaned towards "I was out for a walk, is that illegal? Just check my damn I.D. I want some damned pizza." With a few basic checks and no reason to hold her, she would be on her way to the apartment. Shower, new clothes, spa day, lots of junk food, and checking on those rowdy orcs of hers was on the agenda. As a courtesy, White Wolf lets all her trusted friends and contacts know she is back in town.

Trusted contacts include the characters from the last party and her high-level contacts.

2017-09-05, 02:51 PM
Fresh from a bath with nothing but a towel wrapped around her waist, Salock stood 2 meters tall, weighing 220 kilograms with lightly tan skin, green eyes, and short thick dark red hair with 3 small horns just barely poking through. More attractive than most, the finely tuned muscular fomori troll looked herself over in front of the full body mirror stretching her arms crossed in front working out the last of the stiffness in her shoulders while inspecting the most recent bit of bruising.

“Was careless” is all she says as she turns away and begins getting dressed in her typical day off clothing of well fitted blue jeans, green long sleeve V-neck shirt and zip-up hoodie. Bills are paid, just finished some work, nothing planned and/or scheduled for the day. Without so much as the slightest strain the horned redhead lifts up large heavy black bag and one by one begins pull out each piece of her gear and begins inspecting the armor for damage to fix. Then moves onto her collection of fire arms and with each one she calmly inspects, takes apart, and cleans them putting them back together each in turn.

When finished the fomori goes about making food, then while eating she contemplates how she receive the most recent set of bruising… “Barney’ll have ta start paying more fer when he botches a meet” she says quietly talking to her self.

2017-09-05, 04:23 PM
Stoli wasn't the biggest guy on the block but by god he made sure he was the drunkest, and crankiest. Luckily for most people he secluded himself to his workshop in Redmond when he wasn't on the job. If anyone could look into the shop right this moment they'd see a 150lb Dwarf hanging and pulling on a breaker bar attached a nut on the side of his Rover, and hear the frustrated dwarf yelling, "Zaebis cyka blyat!" then finally see the bolt give way and the bar turn throwing Stoli to the ground causing him to yell at no one really again.

Stoli may have seemed angry but this is what he loved doing working on his POS Rover making sure it was always up to the next job. Picking him self up and wiping the sweat from his forehead Stoli walked over to the counter, poured a glass of vodka, made sure the AC was at a cool 32 degrees F, and took his drink uttering "Lyubov".

2017-09-05, 07:18 PM
White Wolf:

White Wolf walks into her apartment, everything appears to be exactly as she left it. She grabs her commlink (the REAL one) out of its hiding spot on her way to the shower. The first thing she notices is a message from Sylph… make that 6 messages? what’s going on? She plays it back (the voice is urgent sounding) [Whitewolf, I need you to call me AS SOON as you get this message. Don’t go to the Coda until you call me.] This can’t be good…


Salok wakes up late in the morning (who doesn’t sleep in after a job gets finished) to the sound of her commlink call alert. She looks at the ID, its Barney. [Hey Sal, I might have a job for you, looks like a personal protection gig like you’re so good at *ahem* I can arrange the meeting if you want, you up for it?]

2017-09-05, 07:51 PM
Salok wakes up late in the morning (who doesn’t sleep in after a job gets finished) to the sound of her commlink call alert. She looks at the ID, its Barney. [Hey Sal, I might have a job for you, looks like a personal protection gig like you’re so good at *ahem* I can arrange the meeting if you want, you up for it?]

Waking to the sound of her running commlink Salock remains in bed stretching her hands strait in front then runs them through here hair fumbling around her horns while her legs go out strait and toes almost poke out form under the sheets. Then giving the voice command she answers [Barney? Yeah, could use an easy gig so as long its not your pointy ears I'm guarding, gona start charging ya extra for each chair 'r bat they brake on me from now on. Beam the details over and charge em my usual fee.]

After ending the comm with Barney Salock stairs up at the sealing "Garbage, should had made sure no dragons we'r involved... ...nah he knows better" she laughs to herself, then gets up and prepares for her day.

2017-09-06, 05:54 AM

[Guy aint a corp type, it’s probably gonna end up being a milk run or some such. I’ll send ya the details, Later]
A few moments later the message with the meet details arrives. Meet is a family restaurant on the Belview side of touristville (think Applebees) around lunchtime today, guy’s name is “Raven” apparently.

You can make a 6d6 knowledge check to see if that means anything to you

2017-09-06, 12:13 PM
Oh no! My poor baby needs me!

Genuinely distressed over the idea of Slpyh being in trouble, White Wolf contacts Slyph immediately, putting off all other activity.

2017-09-06, 12:14 PM

Vengeful Eagle was spending another evening in this hovel that he called an apartment. It contained a device that they called a “central home node” or something. All he could get it to do is produce a white pasty gruel, which tasted like garbage, and act as a type of voice and visual communication device. Eagle preferred to live outdoors, but being in Seattle, it was a necessary evil to have a permanent “home” like this one.

Eagle was drawn from his brooding by a ring from the communicator device. The image says it was his acquaintance Dame, so he answered the call.

[Eagle, I think I may have found some work for you. I found a team that needs a new mage, and I think I can get you in touch. Come on over to my place if you’re interested, I’ll be here]

Ah well, If I’m going to stay here, I will need some employment…

2017-09-06, 12:37 PM
Vengeful eagle pecks at the device until it magically comes to life. He had no idea what he was doing as he couldnt read anything on the screen. He pecked until he hit home. He heard Dame and he responded with a proud eagle screech. Dame would know Vengeful Eagle hates being a human. He pecks at it a few times not really sure if it did anything and he left it there. He turned to the window and flew out of his appartment. Making way to dame.

Dame, what a sweet elven girl. She certainly has made me proud. Sure she doesnt hate humans with my undying passion but she helps. Its been an honor being her mentor.

As much as it disgusts me to take employment doing something that could even remotely be beneficial to humans.... i need the money. It took me forever to talk my way out of the pet fine for my appartment.

Vengeful eagle inwardly smiles at his little joke to himself. He wasnt actually charged for a pet fine. He soared through the air flapping his glorious wings. It was cheaper than driving and probably safer too. Less likely to get robbed.

Should probably cast my spells before i meet with the team... eh, when i see dame will be a good place to do it.

2017-09-06, 12:41 PM

You call Sylph, she answers with a speed that could only mean that she's online right this moment: [Wolf, good that you’re back. You didn’t go by the Coda yet did you?]
[Good, listen, some … bad… stuff happened while you were gone. Turns out this tempo thing is getting bad and the syndicates and gangs are starting to fight. The Crimson crush decided to “expand” their territory a few weeks ago, and G-man and his crew kinda got caught up in it. Point is that the Coda got burned and G-mand and about 8 of the others got fragged. I don’t know what happened to the rest, but that area is crush territory now, so I would stay away. And before you start a crusade, you know the crush are second tier and have the mafia backing them up, so DON’T!]

2017-09-06, 12:54 PM

[Guy aint a corp type, it’s probably gonna end up being a milk run or some such. I’ll send ya the details, Later]
A few moments later the message with the meet details arrives. Meet is a family restaurant on the Belview side of touristville (think Applebees) around lunchtime today, guy’s name is “Raven” apparently.

You can make a 6d6 knowledge check to see if that means anything to you

"Could'a said som..." Salock blurts as she looks at the time, after sleeping in she is running short on time. She mills over the place and name trying to remember something about them. Figuring the place sounded low-key she best not go looking like she is working, throwing on a clean set of clothes and running shoes she stuffs her all of gear back into the large caring bag except for the krime stopper. That she makes sure is loaded with stick-n-shock rounds with the 5 extra rounds in it's under carriage, quickly stuffing it into a concealed holster at the small of her back she lets her hoodie fall over it.

Salock is then out the door to stow her gear in the concealed compartment of her, currently silver, Rover 2068 and is on her way to to the meet.


2017-09-06, 02:50 PM
[Oh... Ok...] Was all Wolf managed with the barely contained rage of 1000 suns. Those were her boys, she had great plans for them... [So, whats the plan? I'm back now and I've learned a few tricks. Just tell me when and where to be... And how much killing I'll be doing.] Her swedish accent became more pronounced as she held back her outrage. There would be blood for this.

2017-09-07, 08:30 AM

You seem to recall that this ‘Raven’ is a smuggler of some type who operates out of Seattle. That is, If this is the same guy… This might just be interesting.

You arrive at the restaurant and the hostess asks for your name, upon hearing it she leads you directly back to a corner booth occupied by a gentleman appearing to be in his late forties. He has short salt and pepper hair and beard and is dressed in a t-shirt and sport coat. Hello, please have a seat. As he motions for you to sit across the booth.


You arrive at Dame’s apartment and alight on the balcony railing. You let out a loud Shriek to alert her to your presence. After a few moments, Dame walks out onto the balcony, Hello Vengeful Eagle, I see you were home when I called.
I have some work for you if you’re interested. I know you don’t like people, but this team is short some members and they really need some magical muscle. Are you willing to at least give it a look?
I’m just asking you to give it a shot, you will have to work with people occasionally around here, and not ALL people are evil environment haters.


Sylph continues, [Anyway, I might have a lead from an ‘acquaintance’ of mine on a mage to take over for Reason. I’m supposed to meet them some time tomorrow, since you’re back, I assume you want to as well? And while you’re at it, can you call Stoli for me? I refuse to talk to him in that state, he’s been drunk off his ass for the last 10 days… Anyway, I’ll see you tomorrow at the meeting. Here’s the info.] *Sylph sends a time and place appointment to your link and disconnects the call*


You sit taking a break and drinking your vodka and your thoughts drift for a moment to the rest of your team. Come to think of it, you haven’t heard from either of the other two for almost two weeks (almost a month in White Wolfs case) Maybe Wolf would be down for some drinks, she always did like a party… and a fight.

2017-09-07, 09:17 AM
Vengeful eagle, stayed perched on the railing. He streched out his wings so they wouldnt get sore from the flying. He listened to dame, twitching his head in all directions like birds do. He pecked at nothing on the railing as dame spoke. Then, somehow he let out a sigh and rolled his eyes. Vengeful eagle connected their minds so he could speak to her.

{Fair enough. And i know not all people are bad Dame. You are someone i can be proud of.... its just humans i hate. But ill hold my tongue. I need financial sustenance. I shall be their shaman. I am The Shaman after all. Give me the details.

2017-09-07, 01:08 PM
Wolf continued getting ready to go out. When she was cleaned up, dressed, and equipped properly she contacted Stoli, mentally preparing herself for another round of dealing-with-drunks. [Ring-Ring]

2017-09-07, 02:40 PM

You sit taking a break and drinking your vodka and your thoughts drift for a moment to the rest of your team. Come to think of it, you haven’t heard from either of the other two for almost two weeks (almost a month in White Wolfs case) Maybe Wolf would be down for some drinks, she always did like a party… and a fight.

Stoli finished his bottle and went over to the freezer to get the next bottle, getting there he saw he was out of vodka. Deflated that he was out of his thoughts drifted to White Wolf it'd been a few days, maybe weeks [Hell, time flies when you're on vodka. Drink when you have a problem when you are done the problem is gone or you just don't care anymore. It's Magic I tell you.]

Stoli heard his phone ring and saw it was Wolf calling."Think of the she-devil and she calls! You are back to real world Wolf!? I have run out of vodka, I need more. Care to join? Maybe we find heads to smash along with drink!"

2017-09-07, 03:14 PM
Wolf calls Stoli, who answers drunkenly. He does at least appear to be a jovial drunk... at the moment at least.

2017-09-07, 04:52 PM

You seem to recall that this ‘Raven’ is a smuggler of some type who operates out of Seattle. That is, If this is the same guy… This might just be interesting.

You arrive at the restaurant and the hostess asks for your name, upon hearing it she leads you directly back to a corner booth occupied by a gentleman appearing to be in his late forties. He has short salt and pepper hair and beard and is dressed in a t-shirt and sport coat. Hello, please have a seat. As he motions for you to sit across the booth.

"Thanks" is all Salock says as she polity nodes her head and takes the indicated seat. Thinking "If this Raven is that Raven then he's a pro. That means one o' two things, it's something he doesn't have time ta do, or don't want ta do." Hoping it's a time issue, Salock readies her self to take on another job she is probably going to end up with more bruises from.

2017-09-07, 06:28 PM
"Thanks" is all Salock says as she polity nodes her head and takes the indicated seat. Thinking "If this Raven is that Raven then he's a pro. That means one o' two things, it's something he doesn't have time ta do, or don't want ta do." Hoping it's a time issue, Salock readies her self to take on another job she is probably going to end up with more bruises from.

I recommend the beer here, it’s real and they brew it on site. Raven orders a drink for both of you and sends the waiter away.

Now then, I understand that you have been doing personal security lately. But I also know that you have some… other… skills as well.

He pauses to let that sit for a moment.

I know a group of people that could use a new member with your skills and temperament.

He leaves that thought hanging as if wanting a response.

You can make a perception test 10D if you like, and a 5D con check both are optional

2017-09-07, 06:39 PM
Vengeful eagle, stayed perched on the railing. He streched out his wings so they wouldnt get sore from the flying. He listened to dame, twitching his head in all directions like birds do. He pecked at nothing on the railing as dame spoke. Then, somehow he let out a sigh and rolled his eyes. Vengeful eagle connected their minds so he could speak to her.

{Fair enough. And i know not all people are bad Dame. You are someone i can be proud of.... its just humans i hate. But ill hold my tongue. I need financial sustenance. I shall be their shaman. I am The Shaman after all. Give me the details.

If you like, I can go make a call and we will go meet them today. Is that acceptable to you?

She turns and begins talking to the air in front of her.

Hello... Yes, he has agreed to meet you... I believe this evening would be fine... no, I think someplace more open would be better. Perhaps a park?... very well, I will see you there.

She then turns back to eagle, There, it's arranged. Shall we?

2017-09-07, 07:00 PM
Wolf had to seriously weigh the options of making a suicide run on the Coda with the drunken rigger. It sounded fun, but so did living to fight another day. ["Stoli, so sweet to me. Yeah, I'm back from punching bears into submission. Listen, bad news, all my orcs are dead or assumed to be. Apparently this tempo drug has caused some power shifts in the underworld and my boys couldn't keep up with the competition. The old team has gone dark as well, you're the only one I could reach. Got a meeting tomorrow about all of it, you in? Thinking we can take inventory of our firepower and fill in any blanks while we have time. I'll buy a bottle or two, what do you say?"]

2017-09-07, 10:15 PM
Vengeful Eagle screaches his approval and flaps once, then landing on the woman's shoulder, not clamping down too hard on her shoulder. Her faithful shoulder companion. He speaks through his mind link.

{Flying in my old age is great to stay in shape. Still, an old man should do well not to over do it. Would you mind?}

Vengeful eagle inwardly beams in happiness. He didnt mind the slow walking speed, bit anything to give his wings a rest, even for a moment. Dame should be used to Vengeful Eagle's inability to comprehend personal space, much like any and every animal on the face of the planet.

He does have enough social graces that if she does mind the added weight to her shoulder thrn he will give his legs a work out and awkwardly birdwalk at her feet, screeching at any random passerbys amd inwardly laughing as he scares the **** out of them. He does this regardless if he is on her shoulder or at her feet.

2017-09-07, 11:07 PM
I recommend the beer here, it’s real and they brew it on site. Raven orders a drink for both of you and sends the waiter away.

Now then, I understand that you have been doing personal security lately. But I also know that you have some… other… skills as well.

He pauses to let that sit for a moment.

I know a group of people that could use a new member with your skills and temperament.

He leaves that thought hanging as if wanting a response.

You can make a perception test 10D if you like, and a 5D con check both are optional

"I do quite a few things, mostly pulling folks out of fires 'r throwing others in, depends on the job." Salock replies, then taking a moment to enjoy a real beer she respectfully lifts it to her lips just enough so that the fragrance of the crafted drink can fill her senses tips it slowly so that the organic flavor can fill her pallet. She will have to remember this place, and when she finds her family bring them here to enjoy such a rare treat.

"Take most jobs so as long as it pays... an' some that don't... 'cept fer dealings with dragons, I'll have none of that. Most know better, but it's my Da's rule ta always ask." Glancing around the place, the fact that this Raven seams to runs the place means he must be that Raven, so things are probably on the level. "S'long that's the case I'll meet the folks that need me fer what I'm good at." Enjoying the miraculous liquid Salock begins to regret the rule about only one drink when working, and for what ever this was, chances are she was working.



2017-09-08, 07:56 AM

Raven lets out a small chuckle. The only dragon I deal with regularly is a helicopter, so I think we’re safe on that count.

You get the feeling that this guy is being, at least mostly, on the level, and nothing seems to feel or look out of the ordinary so far.

Have you ever been to Underworld 93?

2017-09-08, 11:59 AM

Raven lets out a small chuckle. The only dragon I deal with regularly is a helicopter, so I think we’re safe on that count.

You get the feeling that this guy is being, at least mostly, on the level, and nothing seems to feel or look out of the ordinary so far.

Have you ever been to Underworld 93?

"Newer then some, but I don't live under a rock." Salock replies now with a slight frown. "He'rd some stories of folks I'd rather not cross who hav' hand in the place." Now that the beer has warmed and loosened her joints a bit Salock sits up to her full height popping and loosening joints then takes a another swig of the delightful refreshment and leans in a bit. "Not say'ng no, just need ta know what I'm looking at." she finishes with a confident smile.

Bars and Clubs (Seattle):[roll0]
Yakuza (Turf):[roll1]
Music (Trash Metal Troll):[roll3]

2017-09-08, 04:10 PM
"Newer then some, but I don't live under a rock." Salock replies now with a slight frown. "He'rd some stories of folks I'd rather not cross who hav' hand in the place." Now that the beer has warmed and loosened her joints a bit Salock sits up to her full height popping and loosening joints then takes a another swig of the delightful refreshment and leans in a bit. "Not say'ng no, just need ta know what I'm looking at." she finishes with a confident smile.

Raven raises a hand in supplication

I only ask because it isn’t everyone’s scene. In any case, here is her commcode. Call her when you get there and show this to the doorman.

He slides a card across the table with a comm number written on the back. The front of the card is an underworld 93 logo with a signature scrawled across it.

She should be there this evening and I told her to expect you. She’ll know who you are.

With that, he slides out of the booth and begins to leave. He stops and turns back to you.

Oh yes, here is your normal fee, per our mutual friend. For your time and trouble this afternoon.

He then turns and walks out.

Your commlink has a transfer pending for the amount of your usual service fee for one day of bodyguard work.

2017-09-08, 06:44 PM
Wolf had to seriously weigh the options of making a suicide run on the Coda with the drunken rigger. It sounded fun, but so did living to fight another day. ["Stoli, so sweet to me. Yeah, I'm back from punching bears into submission. Listen, bad news, all my orcs are dead or assumed to be. Apparently this tempo drug has caused some power shifts in the underworld and my boys couldn't keep up with the competition. The old team has gone dark as well, you're the only one I could reach. Got a meeting tomorrow about all of it, you in? Thinking we can take inventory of our firepower and fill in any blanks while we have time. I'll buy a bottle or two, what do you say?"]

Stoli cackles a little bit before responding, [Haha you expected the stupid orcs to hold down a gang to hold down territory without a boss. You should've left me in charge while you went and punched your bears missy. But if it's a fight we'll be having, get the drinks, guns, and come to my shop we can start prepping my truck for the fun. I finally have it repaired from our last job.]

2017-09-08, 06:49 PM
Stoli cackles a little bit before responding, {Haha you expected the stupid orcs to hold down a gang to hold down territory without a boss. You should've left me in charge while you went and punched your bears missy. But if it's a fight we'll be having, get the drinks, guns, and come to my shop we can start prepping my truck for the fun. I finally have it repaired from our last job.}

Reminder [matrix] and {magic/telepathy}

Wolf, you recall that Sylph was interested in everyone meeting up to 'interview' a new potential member.

2017-09-08, 07:39 PM
[My equipment could use some dusting off, see you soon with that bottle. END CALL] Wolf finished packing up her equipment and called for her trusty cab. After a quick stop to a liquor store and buying some top-shelf vodka, Wolf made her way to Stoli to drink, catch up, and perform some needed maintenance on her equipment. On the ride she tries to reach G-man, Cutie, and Lady her close armorer friend. Simple messages asking for a call back, and in Lady's case to announce her return and maybe set up a late-night rendezvous.

2017-09-08, 09:00 PM
After getting off the phone with Wolf Stoli proceeds to put his tools away. He then get the shop ready for a job organizing his weaponry and drones. All the time in the background ProleteR - Circus playing.

2017-09-08, 09:17 PM
And so the night went on with the elf and dwarf preparing for the next run that would undoubtedly come. They shared stories, old and new, and caught up on the time Wolf had missed in civilization. She freely told Stoli of her ordeals, expressing that even though he was a dirty little rigger, she uncharacteristically trusted him. It's nice to have a friend, I guess, she thought. After the work was done, the heavy drinking began and woe to all who stood in their way.

Unless you want a narration of us destroying Seattle drunkenly and fighting cops, I wouldn't mind skipping ahead to the meeting.

2017-09-08, 10:07 PM
Raven raises a hand in supplication

I only ask because it isn’t everyone’s scene. In any case, here is her commcode. Call her when you get there and show this to the doorman.

He slides a card across the table with a comm number written on the back. The front of the card is an underworld 93 logo with a signature scrawled across it.

She should be there this evening and I told her to expect you. She’ll know who you are.

With that, he slides out of the booth and begins to leave. He stops and turns back to you.

Oh yes, here is your normal fee, per our mutual friend. For your time and trouble this afternoon.

He then turns and walks out.

Your commlink has a transfer pending for the amount of your usual service fee for one day of bodyguard work.

Salock slips the card it into her pocket, pays the tab and walks out making careful note to remember the place. After climbing into her now dark blue SUV she instructing the pilot program to take her home as she begins performing a basic open data search to see who is performing at Underworld 93 tonight. When she get home she dresses accordingly for tonight and programs the new number into her "working" datapad saving it with a question mark.

As always, she leaves just early enough to get the lay of the land and find safe place to keep her ride while still being close enough to call on if needed.

2017-09-09, 05:57 AM
The deposit was 9k nuyen, 10 minus Barney’s cut.


The current act at Underworld is a newer up and coming retro punk band that you haven’t heard much about, good reviews though apparently. The trip to the club is uneventful and you arrive fashionably early. The line outside is wrapping around the building, as usual. You park in an accessible place and make your way to the head of the line and hand your card to the bouncer at the VIP entrance. He looks it over for a moment, and hands it back to you as he steps aside to let you by.

Inside the foyer, you are asked to turn in any weapons to the check room and you see an obvious but non-obtrusive MAD scanner in the inner doorway.

I need to know what gear you are wearing/carrying and what you are surrendering to the coat check. Having been here before, you know that they secure weapons and give them back upon exit routinely.


Wolf is unable to contact either G-Man or Cutie, she does manage to contact Lady, and set up a meeting after all this business is finished up.

Your drinking binge lasts well into the night and involves some insignificant gangers being beaten to a pulp at some point. By the time you come around the following day, it is midafternoon and about time to get ready to meet Sylph, Underworld is a fair drive from here. Although you do like the place, you recall the last time you were there you ended up fighting some toxic spirits. Hopefully this visit will be slightly less exciting.

I need your gear worn/carried as well.

2017-09-09, 10:59 AM

The current act at Underworld is a newer up and coming retro punk band that you haven’t heard much about, good reviews though apparently. The trip to the club is uneventful and you arrive fashionably early. The line outside is wrapping around the building, as usual. You park in an accessible place and make your way to the head of the line and hand your card to the bouncer at the VIP entrance. He looks it over for a moment, and hands it back to you as he steps aside to let you by.

Inside the foyer, you are asked to turn in any weapons to the check room and you see an obvious but non-obtrusive MAD scanner in the inner doorway.

Dressing for the occasion Salock decides that blending in is probably the best way to go. she dresses in tight black jean pants, combat boots, hot pink tank top, and her short leather jacket. Leaving the rest of her gear in the SUV her "working" comlink is all that she carries with her into Underworld 93. If any of her implants trigger detection she will open her jacket showing she is not packing and shrug to the guards. Otherwise she just contuses unto the club looking for a place she can be visible for whoever is looking for her near cover that she ether dive or throw someone into, and waits while enjoying the atmosphere.

Perception (Visual): [roll0]

2017-09-09, 01:21 PM

You walk into the club proper and are immediately assaulted by the light, noise, and enormous press of people. It is early enough that the band isn’t on stage yet, but the music is overpowering. You wade through the crowd and take a seat at a table near one end of the bar and survey the crowd.

You spot a young woman making her way toward you. She is about average height (human) With short black hair and a shock of hot pink in her bangs. She is wearing a dark blue miniskirt length Chinese style kimono dress with white and gold dragons.
She casually takes a seat at your table smiles and says. So, you’re Salok. Nice to meet you.

2017-09-09, 06:08 PM

You walk into the club proper and are immediately assaulted by the light, noise, and enormous press of people. It is early enough that the band isn’t on stage yet, but the music is overpowering. You wade through the crowd and take a seat at a table near one end of the bar and survey the crowd.

You spot a young woman making her way toward you. She is about average height (human) With short black hair and a shock of hot pink in her bangs. She is wearing a dark blue miniskirt length Chinese style kimono dress with white and gold dragons.
She casually takes a seat at your table smiles and says. So, you’re Salok. Nice to meet you.

"I am." Salock warmly replies "There a name I might know you by?" and begins thinking 'If Raven is Raven then this is who I'm ta protect 'cept she don't know it 'cause something else about ta happen, well ****e'. Now feeling slightly "under dressed" with a tiny itch at the small of her back where she normally keeps her krime stopper she figures that she will know what is planned soon enough.

2017-09-09, 06:33 PM
"I am." Salock warmly replies "There a name I might know you by?" and begins thinking 'If Raven is Raven then this is who I'm ta protect 'cept she don't know it 'cause something else about ta happen, well ****e'. Now feeling slightly "under dressed" with a tiny itch at the small of her back where she normally keeps her krime stopper she figures that she will know what is planned soon enough.

I’m Sylph, and our mutual friend thinks you might be able to help me and my friends out. You see, our little group is short a few members after some recent… Circumstances, and we are looking for some new blood. Speaking figuratively, of course.

Now that you have a better look at her, she appears rather young, you would guess anywhere from 16 to maybe 20. And you noticed that you weren’t the only person taking a look at her while she walked over, or while she’s sitting here now.

My friends should be getting here sometime soon, then we can have a chat and get to know each other better. In the meantime, you should order something.

About this time a waitress walks by the table and sets down a blue frozen drink next to Sylph and walks away.

Sylph looks right at you with a pair of piercing blue eyes Oh, you can relax, you aren't on a job right now, this is more like an interview..

2017-09-09, 07:44 PM
Stoli wakes up mid-afternoon with a hangover the likes which the likes he hasn't had in a while. He had forgotten how drinking with Wolf usually ended. "Cyka" he mutters to him self as he gets and starts prepping for the meeting later.

Stoli wears his Urban Explorer Jumpsuit, his cyberwear. Storing in his Smugglers Compartment 2 Mags of Gel Rounds, 2 mags of EX-Explosive Rounds, 250 Rounds of Explosive Rounds for his drone, 3 MCT Fly-Spy Drones conceals his custom M4A1. In the trunk of the car Stoli stored his GMC Chariot, cloaked as a regular drone with weapon concealed loaded with hollow point rounds, and his medkit in the back seat.

Stoli also offered space to Wolf for anything she needed stored.

2017-09-09, 07:54 PM
I’m Sylph, and our mutual friend thinks you might be able to help me and my friends out. You see, our little group is short a few members after some recent… Circumstances, and we are looking for some new blood. Speaking figuratively, of course.

Now that you have a better look at her, she appears rather young, you would guess anywhere from 16 to maybe 20. And you noticed that you weren’t the only person taking a look at her while she walked over, or while she’s sitting here now.

My friends should be getting here sometime soon, then we can have a chat and get to know each other better. In the meantime, you should order something.

About this time a waitress walks by the table and sets down a blue frozen drink next to Sylph and walks away.

Sylph looks right at you with a pair of piercing blue eyes Oh, you can relax, you aren't on a job right now, this is more like an interview..

Salock jokingly replays "Getting interviewed b'y a faerie queen wrapped 'n a dragon, I'm workin' all right." She then turns her attention to datapad at the bar and begins looking through the selection of drinks slowly becoming disgusted. Beer, I mean, real bear, is not something you get over in a few hours... and ends up ordering some generic synthesized cold lemon tea. "Know any 'o the folks who's jaw is kissing the floor?" Smiling she says paying the tab then turning to face out, back to the bar leaning with elbows resting on the ledge. Salock then uses glaceing scans she looks for anyone staring at Sylph with their tong still in their head.

Perception (Visual): [roll0]

2017-09-10, 01:11 PM
Wolf realizes her time spent in the wilds has dulled her tolerance, but the hangover as always was a mild concern. She had her street clothes on and had brought the essentials. She wasn't worried about a bad meeting, this was Sylph after all. Her holdouts would remain on her person but the thunderhawks would stay put in Stoli's vehicle for now. "Shall we get a move on? You know she doesn't like to be kept waiting."

2017-09-10, 01:32 PM
Wolf and Stoli arrive at the club and walk up to the bouncer at the VIP entrance. After a short and almost heated discussion, you manage to get in. Once you pass through the metal detectors, you are greeted with the pounding pulse of the music and the press of the crowd. Looking around, you see the place is packed almost to capacity. Stoli is the first to spot Sylph, wearing a dark blue dress and sitting at a table with a rather good looking (for a troll anyway) troll. As you approach the table Sylph looks over in your direction and smiles.

About time you two, I was starting to wonder if you had gotten held up. Have a seat, I have someone you need to meet.

2017-09-10, 04:43 PM
Stoli greets Sylph "Privet, how are you Sylph", After sitting Stoli remembers how the last meeting in this place went orders a double shot, more so he has something in his hand than to have any effect on him.

2017-09-10, 06:17 PM
"Sylph! Always a pleasu-," Wolf's grin was predatory as she passed behind Sylph, ever the lecher. A bit of color drained from her already fair skin for a moment when she laid eyes on the fomori. "A-and who is your friend that I have the pleasure of meeting?" What a magnificent creature... "I am White Wolf, a friend of Syph's is a friend of mine, tentatively." Wolf held out her hand as a damsel does in greeting.

2017-09-10, 07:49 PM
After the dwarf Salock is a bit surprised by the formality of the elf, still not to be out done. "Known by Safety Lock, friends call me Salock." She replies after standing to her full height and straitening her jacket, snapping her heels neatly together. Then in the gentleman's tradition she places her left hand behind her back and with her right hand, using only the tips of her fingers, she slightly lifts up the extended eleven hand by the fingers giving a slight bow towards it.

"Raised by me da' an' brothers, never learned a proper curtsy." Salock replies after releasing the hand and sitting back into the stool, back against the bar, elbows resting once more on the rail. Then glances to towards the dwarf "The beard have a name of who' it's attached ta?".

2017-09-10, 08:19 PM
His Name is Stoli Sylph waves a hand to present the dwarf dressed in a rugged jumpsuit. And of course you met White Wolf glancing at the elf standing in front of you.

Everyone, Salok here is a pro and comes with good references. I think we should all get to know one another and see if we can work together.

Sylph leans toward White Wolf, And I have a lead in a new mage, I hope we can meet him later. I suspect he might be a bit odd though...

Conversation can develop if you like, or we can hand wave getting to know one another and move to the next meeting, your call

2017-09-10, 08:49 PM
White Wolf stared with wide eyes at the fomori's full height, Sploosh. Wolf grinned mischievously, turning to Sylph, "Thank you Sylph, for this wonderful gift you've given me on this day." She redirects her attention back to Salock, "My companion likes vodka, fighting, and fire superiority, and I'm not sure what order that goes in." Wolf takes a seat between the two lovely women, if possible, favoring Salock. "I share some of his proclivities, but not all. While I do enjoy a good fight, I am just as much a lover." She accentuates the L in lover. "And as for teams, I don't discriminate."

2017-09-10, 09:00 PM
I should warn you Salok, Wolf here bats for the other team most of the time *grin*

She looks at wolf What?! its true...

2017-09-11, 10:57 AM
"Well met Salok, Wolf is correct, vodka, fighting, and fire superiority are great things and lead to the best memories when had together." Stoli orders a drink for the others on the table, before turning to them saying "If we must work together then let us drink to new friends, I refuse to trust someone on a job that I have not drunk with." While the waitress goes to get the drinks Stoli looks at Salok and says, "While my friend Wolf seems happy to have you just off looks, I would like to know what exactly you bring to the team."

2017-09-11, 01:55 PM
Salock just bursts into laughter "You lot are all right!" Then against better judgement pounds the shot and steps over to the surly dwarf and effortlessly scoops down under the dwarfs chair to the base of the seat with one arm then lifts him beard and all high into the air above her head. "Case you'v missed it, I'm a Fomori, an' Fomori are trolls, tho som' better then others, we have a talent fer fightin', liftin' and pulling folks smaller then us out of a fire, or throwing them in." She says with a confident grin. Then sets Stoli back down and neatly in place with his shot still in hand. "That enough o' story fer ya'?".

2017-09-11, 08:07 PM
Wolf watches, amused at Salock's lifting of the dwarf, "Ooo, me! Do me next!"

2017-09-12, 04:17 PM
Stoli just breaks into laughter seeing Wolf's amusement and says "Aye that's enough story, I am sure you'll be busier than you planned with a job like that." then drinks his shot and orders another round for the table.

2017-09-15, 07:46 PM
Some of the patrons glance over for a moment at your rather boisterous antics and one of the bouncers takes a slightly keener interest, but once you put the dwarf back down everyone goes back to whatever was entertaining them before and they ignore you all.

Well, I guess it’s drinks for getting to know one another then Sylph takes one of the shots and downs it like a pro.

The remainder of the evening goes uneventfully (unless someone wants to start something), and Sylph reminds everyone that there is another potential member meeting the next evening

Unless anything else happens, I am going to advance to the meeting tomorrow

2017-09-19, 05:44 AM
White Wolf continues her antics, as is tradition, using her charm and wit to procure free drinks and cause mischief.

Onward to the next meeting!

2017-09-20, 03:30 PM
The site for the meeting is a large public park in a somewhat run-down part of town, it doesn’t get much traffic aside from transients and the occasional homeless person.

Salok arrives at the meeting site first and sees Sylph sitting on a Bright red Suzuki Mirage bike wearing jeans, a t-shirt and a leather bomber jacket.

Sylph greets you and continues to wait for the others

You can make a perception check to see what details you notice (that goes for everyone)

A few minutes later Stoli and White Wolf drive up in a well maintained, but rugged Rover.
Once everyone is assembled Sylph speaks:

Ok, we are meeting a friend of a friend named Dame, who is going to do intros for a guy who can maybe do magic support for us. He goes by “the Shaman”, but I don’t know much else, so we’ll see…

2017-09-20, 05:39 PM
Salock just walks up and greets Sylph making ideal chic chat while waiting for the meeting.

Bars and Clubs (Seattle):[roll0]
Music (Trash Metal Troll):[roll1]
News (Seattle):[roll2]
Area Knowledge - Seattle:[roll3]

2017-09-20, 05:56 PM
Salock just walks up and greets Sylph making ideal chic chat while waiting for the meeting.

Bars and Clubs (Seattle):[roll0]
Music (Trash Metal Troll):[roll1]
News (Seattle):[roll2]
Area Knowledge - Seattle:[roll3]

You chat about current events, which is mostly hype about the tempo epidemic, You also catch a glimpse of some sort of pistol she has concealed under her jacket

2017-09-20, 06:00 PM
White Wolf stepped down from the rover, she wore her usual street clothes; white blouse exposing her midriff, brown leather chaps over worn and faded jeans, cartridge belt filled with high-powered ammo and two empty warhawk-sized holsters, and some well-worn high-heeled cowboy boots. Her prized earrings were on, small replicas of scramasaxs. Her concealed weapons were... Well, concealed. She saunters up to Sylph and gives her a suggestive wink before the meeting began.

2017-09-20, 07:37 PM
Stoli quite literally jumps down from his seat in his Rover adjusts his clothing which looks much the same as the full set of gear he was wearing last night, adjusts his quite visible thought surprisingly small M4, he has it partially concealed so it was easily seen by anyone who does more than a cursory walk by and nod. Don't wanna draw too much attention but won't lose any time getting it out if needed.

Stoli walks over to everyone already gathering and gingerly says "Aye, looks like we all here let us go see this crackerjack."

2017-09-20, 08:13 PM
The four of you walk into the park as a group. In the central plaza you see a woman sitting on a bench with a rather large eagle perched on her shoulder. Aside from being larger than normal, is also appears rather old and haggard, but not feeble.

Sylph steps forward and addresses the woman:

Good afternoon Dame, She then looks around, Where is The Shaman?

The woman gestures to the bird perched on her shoulder, He's here, I should let him introduce himself.


You and Dame are sitting on a bench in the park where you are supposed to meat this team. A group of four people approaches, A rugged looking dwarf carrying a rifle, A female elf, a female troll, and a female human. The three females are all dressed in casual clothing and the dwarf is wearing a jumpsuit, He is also the only one that appears armed.

The human girl speaks to Dame, and she responds, indicating you should make your introduction.

2017-09-20, 08:47 PM
The shaman stretches his large wingspan and lightly flaps his wings. The large aged eagle closes his eyes and he reaches out with his mind. The eagle reopens his eyes and gently lowers himself from Dame's shoulder. He hops on his legs towards the four people. He nods towards the human woman to show Dame he is trying. But he only speaks to the four nonhumans.

{The sun graces our precense once more on this day. For i am blessed with meeting four predators that i gladly hunt with. We will dive down and kill, decieve and overcome thst which decieve them. We have met, I am called the Shaman. I will guide you through magican opposition.}

Vengeful eagle, pecks at an insignificant bug crawling on the ground. He stops talking and kills it, consuming the insect.

2017-09-20, 09:08 PM
Stoli chuckles at the Shaman's way of speaking, Looks like we got us retarded chicken Shaman, he can't even count and see that there is 5 of us here.

2017-09-21, 07:27 AM
Sylph snickers and smiles at Stoli, unless you're counting your rifle, there are 4 of us. so who is it that can't count?

And what are you talking about anyway?

2017-09-21, 07:58 AM
Vengeful eagle shakes his head as he assenses. He notices the afept is an astral beacon. What a delightful surprise. She will be easier to see during mission. He pecks the ground and tilts his head at the dwarf, he doesnt apear to hear the human.

{You, cyber dwarf, the elf killer, the magnificent troll and myself. We are nonhumans and therefore are nothing close to prey. This concept of retarded birds...it is strange to me. Would it not be assumed common sense that a bird of prey at my age would be anything but foolish? Alas, i digress. We are all here now Shall we begin?.}

2017-09-21, 09:52 AM
Stoli turns his head to Sylph and says, I was including our friend Dame, it seems the Bird doesn't like humans and considers you prey. then cocking his head at the Shaman says in a more serious tone You presume too much thinking I'd prefer your company to Sylph's over here, magical support or not I suggest you include her in your mind-link if we going to be working together. She's a friend you've yet to prove any such thing yet.

2017-09-21, 10:15 AM
Dame speaks up, As I have made introductions, I believe I should retire and leave you to discuss your plans.

To Vengeful Eagle, {are these people acceptable to you, shall I leave you to converse with them?}

with her comment, Dame leaves the group to converse amongst themselves.

2017-09-21, 10:42 AM
Salock tilts her head towards Sylph "ti's magic of some sort tha' I'm sure, birdy over there must be a pet o' this Shaman person an' talking through 'im." The formi then looks at the bird "Ohy Shamey boy, putting magic in a persons head without asking is no kind of greeting." Cocking and eyebrow Salock looks to the other three members clearly at a loss for words.

2017-09-21, 11:05 AM
I'm pretty sure the bird IS the shaman

Most likely a beast form spell

2017-09-21, 11:43 AM
To Dame

{I apreciate this Dame. I shall remember your kindness. Yes this will do.}

The shaman looks to the human who spoke about the beast form spell. It is a shame, he comes to them in his truest of forms in his natural way of communication and they misunderstand. Humanoids are quite confusing. The eagle shakes his head at the humans assessment.

{Unfortunate, this is how i naturally communicate. This is no beast spell. I am as you see me. I am what you call an Eagle that can simply change form into a vile....human. Into the monstrosities that murdered my people. But the human is right about one thing. I am The Shaman. I thought aproaching you and speaking in my true natural form would make this easier, though if you wish i will temporarily take my...human form. Communication should be easier.}

2017-09-22, 01:19 AM
White Wolf wasn't unnerved by the physic communication, the hawk wasn't the most unpleasant thing that had gotten into her head. Plus she could, you know, step on it if she wanted. She'd been silent until now, but couldn't stand the sensation of not talking anymore. She let her psychic voice boom, as her psychic presence does, for all to hear, "Allllllright.... Talking bird is actually a magical bird and not a magical human pretending to be a bird, check, seen weirder **** this is pretty easy to accept. Hates humans, double check, I can trust hate. So unless our new shaman here is working for a dragon - and by all the gods if you are I will tear you apart feather by feather and poach you in brandy - I have doubts that we'll be betrayed for a handful of bird seed, or like 100 dead rats or something. So, looking good in the trustworthy department, barring one thing. What the fcuk does a hawk want to run the shadows with us for? Why is it, ser bird, that you involve yourself in the petty bullsh!t of us bipedal nitwits, when you could be off hunting in the wilds, fcuking all the bird-puss you want, throwing fireballs for fun, etcetera, etcetera?"

2017-09-22, 06:52 AM
The shaman looks up and then looks down. His head bobs up and down vigorously in thought then he stoos and speaks again.

{A good question. Initially I didnt, but my friend Dame there convinced me. Alas i gave a mission. What i was born and raised to do was destroy humans. Alas, i can hardly take such a mission seriously.

My people gave me no resources. I cannot be a threat to the entire human race alone. This goal is on the back burner until i get stronger. So until that time comes i act as a shaman for my people here and i fly in the shadows in order to make money.

So i can live here and my peoole dont have to comstantly find me prowling the streets. Long story short? I still need money to live here as you all do. I am a very old bird. I didnt get old by doing something as stupid as working for a dragon. No one wins in that situation... except for the dragon}.

2017-09-22, 05:39 PM
"Ok, cool. Lets go buy you a perch and rats or whatever. I'll probably need a few fashionable falconer's gauntlets. Anyway, welcome to team 'Destroy-All-Humans-Except-Sylph-And-Her-Loved-Ones'!"

2017-09-22, 06:52 PM
{Sylph? Very well. This sounds ideal. I am more than willing to eat rats, goats are my favorite but begfars can't be choosers as the humanoids say. So is there a Johnson we are supposed to meet?}

2017-09-23, 06:11 AM
So, is it safe to assume there is a conversation going on here that I'm not invited to?

I really hope you aren't plotting my demise or anything. There are some folks that would be kinda' upset if you did that...

To the original group: So, whats the verdict on the bird, since I'm obviously not in the decision process here...

You have to admit Wolf, she IS kinda' cute when she's mad

2017-09-23, 08:21 PM
"If he is magician that's a bird or a bird that's magician it's all the same to me. don't like human folk, that's fine so as long as you don't go killing the ones I'm trying ta keep on this side of living it matters little to me." Salock replies rubbing her right temple at the whole mind talking thing. "What do you say bearded one? or do ya need ta take off yer shoes ta finish counting first?" She says to Stoli with a wink and mischievous grin.

2017-09-24, 07:38 PM
"I would never let old feather-butt here hurt you, sweet creature. I'd turn him into hawk bulgogi. I am, however, going to advocate for him hurting a lot of other people. So wait, are we talking cool support magics and utilitarian stuff or the big booms and people running around on fire screaming? Side note, we should go eat Korean food tonight."

2017-09-24, 08:01 PM
The eagle's response was nearly a whisper.


2017-09-24, 08:33 PM
"Excellent, I'm starving, I want duk mandu guk and pork bulgogi."

2017-09-24, 08:52 PM
{I dont know what that is but i heard Duck and duck is exquisite. Im in}.

2017-09-29, 05:21 AM
Odd that you would mention Korean Wolf... Are we decided, 'cause I have a possible job. We are supposed to meet a guy in a couple hours, what should I say?

2017-10-02, 06:09 PM
Salock stretches and cracks her neck and back from standing idle to long "Well I'm good, lets get the day of meeting over."

2017-10-03, 05:49 AM
"Any info on the job? I suppose a meeting almost never hurts, sure."

2017-10-03, 09:08 AM
Agreed, lets depart and get this underway. Who are we supposed to talk to?

2017-10-04, 06:06 PM
Sylph looks off distracted for a moment and then starts walking back to the cars.

Ok, Johnson is named Mr. Yakamura and he’s meeting us at this address.

About that time everyones comlinks buzz with a data message.

Its casual, so we should be fine like we are… minus the obvious hardware, She glances over her shoulder at Stoli. I assume we are traveling separate and meeting up there?

Everyone gets to the restaurant, if anyone is going in armed I need to know what and where, Also, if anyone ISNT going inside. Also, a big bird or a naked man will probably cause a scene, just sayin.

You all meet again outside the restaurant. It is an old and dirty building but it is well maintained. Walking in you are confronted with the worn authentic Korean décor and the smell of authentic Korean food coming from the kitchen. You see there are only a few customers in the restaurant as you walk towards the back to a large table where a troll is sitting alone. He stands as you approach and greets you.

Greetings, my name is Kaz Yakamura, please, have a seat and we can talk.

If anyone is looking around, assensing, etc., let me know and make the appropriate rolls.

2017-10-04, 07:17 PM
Vengeful eagle eagle takes this time to fly back and change into human form, before catching a cab to the restaurant, most likely ariving later than the rest. He waves as he walks up to the group.

Hello, its The Shaman. Im in my human disguise.

2017-10-04, 09:01 PM
Salock quietly approaches Mr. Yakamura with the rest of the group inspecting the area and seeing if there is anything she remembers about the location. She keeps her trusty Krime Stopper holstered under her hoodie at the small of her back still loaded with stick-n-shock rounds.

Perception (Visual) - [roll0]

Area Knowlage: Seattle - [roll1]
Ghost Cartels (Turf) - [roll2]
Syndicates (Seattle) - [roll3]
Underworld (Smuggling) - [roll4]
Yakuza (Turf) - [roll5]

2017-10-05, 06:01 AM
The Shaman meets you at the restaurant and identifies himself just as your group is about to go inside. His human form is that of an older native American male with very sharp, angular, and avian features. Once he arrives, you all enter as a group.

2017-10-05, 11:57 PM
White Wolf very much believes the job starts even before you meet the Johnson, so as always, she put on a show. Her entrance, approach, and first words were all calculated to be as charming as possible. She wouldn't turn up the sultriness until she saw an opening for it, so she would go for girl-next-door become power-lawyer. "Goodness, does it smell like heaven in here or what?" Cue prized smile, "Good day, Mr. Yakamura," White Wolf extends her hand in a lady-like manner for him to take, "I am called White Wolf, just Wolf for short if you'd like, and these are my associates." She introduced each by their commonly used street names, resisting the powerful urge to call their newest companion 'Bird-Brain'. "I believe you know Ms. Sylph. Have you ordered yet? I admit I've had a craving for Korean food lately, I'd love to discuss business over or even after we've eaten. Your choice, Mr. Yakamura."

White Wolf turns off 'potentially murderous' and enters 'charming as ****' mode.
Etiquette - [roll0]

2017-10-07, 02:04 AM
Stoli follows closely broodingly behind White Wolf letting her do all the talking, with his rifle put away in the truck feeling as if it is probably more trouble than it is worth in this situation. Stoli also looks over disdainfully at the Shaman obviously still not trusting of him.

2017-10-07, 08:04 AM
The Shaman doesn't seem to notice or care as his head pivots and twists freakishly like a bird as he keeps constant watch everywhere. He lets Whitewolf do the talking. Once we get the info will be when Vengeful Eagle can do his job. He then focuses on Mr. Yakamura, waiting on what he has to say.

2017-10-07, 08:04 PM
Salock had something she wanted to wispier to Wolf about... what was it? this place? Mr. Yakamura? all she is sure of right now is that the shaman bird thing should not be brought in to the meets from now on, and begins trying to think of a story as to why he is so damn strange...