View Full Version : Roy's story is just beginning [Spoiler]

2007-08-12, 02:42 AM
Normally I don't participate in spoilers, but I've noticed a lot of people saying that they hope Roy is dead for good, or that his story is ending, because he hasn't been resurrected yet, or for any other reason. While I think Rich is the type to not over do the cliche hero resurrection bit, I THINK I've got it figured out.

I don't know too much about D&D afterlife, but I know that each alignment box has their own section in the afterlife. Roy is dead, and Lawful Good. His spirit is probably going to the Lawful Good section where people die. Miko is dead too, and probably in the Lawful Good area when you go to die. Certainly not in the one with the Paladins, because she's not a paladin. Thats puts her with Roy. Maybe she retains redemption from beyond the grave?

Personally, I expect the following.

Roy: Great. I'm dead, Azure City is in danger, the gang are all in danger, Celia is in danger, the entire UNIVERSE is in danger, and Xykon still has no idea who I am. I don't know how this can get any worse.

Miko: You! Greenhilt!

Roy: *Facepalm*

Then they go through the afterlife-plotty-goodness for an entire story arc, and the gang is left to manage on their own. They realize how crucial Roy was to the team, and all have to mature up a bit to replace him in the meantime, and Roy realizes how much the gang means to him.

Please let me know if there are any holes in this idea. :smallbiggrin: Thanks!

PS. Rich, if I'm -too- close to the actual story (Unlikely, but you never know :D) feel free to delete this post.

2007-08-12, 02:51 AM
Or they just get pissed off at each other again on a whole new plane!

:miko: How did YOU make it to this afterlife? This plot goes further than I could have imagined! Obviously the Gods are co-conspirators of yours to conquer the outer planes! -slash slash!-

Ok fine, she's probably not that dumb. but I like making fun of Miko.

Also the OOTs afterlife may be dractically different from the standard D&D afterlife, seeing as the major deites are non-standard.

2007-08-12, 03:35 AM
Interesting plot lines :smallsmile:

In either case it would really be a 'first' if the writer kills his main character for good when there is so much left to do, so much left to the story and no 'obvious' plot continuer can be found.

Now if Roy didn't have an 18 year old son :smallamused: , any scenario where Roy returns can fit the story except his permanent death.

2007-08-12, 04:19 AM
I always imagined roy in the afterlife saying exacly what you said and that, but just..

:roy: <(..How can this get any worse.)
*turns around*
:miko: <(oh, its you)> :roy:

Cade Shadow
2007-08-12, 10:23 AM
Interesting plot lines :smallsmile:

In either case it would really be a 'first' if the writer kills his main character for good when there is so much left to do, so much left to the story and no 'obvious' plot continuer can be found.

Now if Roy didn't have an 18 year old son :smallamused: , any scenario where Roy returns can fit the story except his permanent death.

celia could be pregnant and her child could come from the future to fight the war his father couldn't. Then rich could make fun of that Trope.

I'm da Rogue!
2007-08-12, 10:51 AM
I always imagined roy in the afterlife saying exacly what you said and that, but just..

:roy: <(..How can this get any worse.)
*turns around*
:miko: <(oh, its you)> :roy:

That's it. I can imagine Roy's face when he realises that. Sweet! :smallamused:

2007-08-12, 08:30 PM
it feels weird to post right after myself.

I cant believe im saying this but i want miko and roy to go out. Please dont kill me yet. I want miko to realize the fault of her actions and go on a redemption quest/journey-that-will-change-her-entirely. hey i know its out there, but death changes people.

Charles Phipps
2007-08-12, 08:39 PM
Interesting plot lines :smallsmile:

In either case it would really be a 'first' if the writer kills his main character for good when there is so much left to do, so much left to the story and no 'obvious' plot continuer can be found.

Alfred Hitchcock did it in Psycho.

2007-08-12, 09:30 PM
This is a DnD world and the Order of the Stick has a cleric that can cast ressurection, and Roy died from falling damage, so it won't be to hard to bring him back. Now this doesn't mean there is no character death, it is quite possible in DnD to leave people harder to ressurect or even impossible.

2007-08-12, 10:22 PM
Another possibility is if Roy and Miko run into each other in the afterlife and begin slugging it out with their fists. However, at that moment Durkon casts raise dead and both souls are dragged into Roy's body.

I suspect Miko would be reconsidering her actions in the afterlife though. She presumably had a lot of respect for Soon and he clearly pointed out to her that she hadn't repented for her sins or ever admitted she could be wrong.

2007-08-12, 10:38 PM
Another possibility is if Roy and Miko run into each other in the afterlife and begin slugging it out with their fists. However, at that moment Durkon casts raise dead and both souls are dragged into Roy's body.

Doesn't work like that, you only get one. And the reason Eugene short-circuited the summoning spell cast by the Azure City cleric is that it was a summon, not a raise/resurrection.

This is a DnD world and the Order of the Stick has a cleric that can cast ressurection, and Roy died from falling damage, so it won't be to hard to bring him back. Now this doesn't mean there is no character death, it is quite possible in DnD to leave people harder to ressurect or even impossible.

And Durkon has already said that he doesn't have raise dead or resurrection prepped today. Additionally, there's a lot of references to people being raised/rezzed in the OOTS world all the freakin' time. Eugene even has had it done a few times himself.

Flopsy will be back. Eventually. The comic needs the straight man, and Hinjo is fun but just doesn't quite cut it.

Sly Reference
2007-08-12, 11:41 PM
Alfred Hitchcock did it in Psycho.

She wasn't the protagonist. She was a villain, and we just got to see the movie from her point of view. It was always Norman's movie, but Hitchcock got us to sit through half an hour of exposition without realizing it. You can tell because Hitchcock had the girl steal money from her boss. She was a thief, and the killing was a bit of justice. Justice that was too harsh for the crime, coming from someone who didn't have the right,* but justice nonetheless.

*kind of like Miko killing the old dude who made fun of Roy to his face. :smallwink:

2007-08-13, 01:04 AM
Well since the blood of oath of vengeance has been passed to roy *and* julia both there is the possibility she will come back to 'set things right'. Roy will be back, the question is how long will it take for him to get rezzed. I think it would be funny if he doesn't get rezzed until AFTER julia defeats xykon thereby fulfilling the blood oath of vengeance and not allowing roy to prove to his father that fighters can be just as effective as mages. Of course there would be continued threat to the gates as nale, redcloak, etc. continues to unlock their power.

Charles Phipps
2007-08-13, 02:40 AM
She wasn't the protagonist. She was a villain, and we just got to see the movie from her point of view. It was always Norman's movie, but Hitchcock got us to sit through half an hour of exposition without realizing it. You can tell because Hitchcock had the girl steal money from her boss. She was a thief, and the killing was a bit of justice. Justice that was too harsh for the crime, coming from someone who didn't have the right,* but justice nonetheless.

*kind of like Miko killing the old dude who made fun of Roy to his face. :smallwink:

Now you're arguing with Alfred Hitchcock. Alfred Hitchcock said that he created the story to be that we'd switch perspectives in mid-story with the fact he created a sympathetic and beautiful protagionist on the run, kill her in the start of the movie then move onto the real protagionist in Norman Bates whom was actually the killer.

And I totally disagree with that.

So its a simple point, I don't see anything wrong with Roy being perma-dead. He's become One with the Force.

2007-08-13, 02:57 AM
I always imagined roy in the afterlife saying exacly what you said and that, but just..

:roy: <(..How can this get any worse.)
*turns around*
:miko: <(oh, its you)> :roy:

Normally, one of them would have to continue with

"How are you gentlemen? All your base are belong to us!"

2007-08-13, 12:49 PM
Actually that would be said by a confused Elf god that liiks like V and can't tell human sexes apart.

2007-08-13, 01:00 PM
SoD spoilers...kinda

Isn't Roy kind of uneligible to actually get into the afterlife? Per the epilogue of SoD, Eugene is stuck in an odd limbo-like place because he can't get into his destined afterlife plane because Xykon is still un-alive. Since the Oath was passed down to Roy, he will have the same difficulties getting into his plane of after-life. I think the only person he possibly could encounter while dead would be his father, as both of them are in the same situation. Time for Julia to step up to the plate :smallamused:

2007-08-13, 04:49 PM
I've been waiting for Roy and his dad to talk as ghosts since Roy died.

It just seems to be a convenient time for Roy to be yelled at.

Sly Reference
2007-08-13, 09:54 PM
Now you're arguing with Alfred Hitchcock. Alfred Hitchcock said that he created the story to be that we'd switch perspectives in mid-story with the fact he created a sympathetic and beautiful protagionist on the run, kill her in the start of the movie then move onto the real protagionist in Norman Bates whom was actually the killer.

And I totally disagree with that.

This is one case where I wouldn't mind arguing against Hitchcock. After all, creators aren't always the best judge of the finished product because they remember their intent, and that's not always what the audience sees. At the end of the day, Psycho is one movie and not two. Only one story is really told to its dramatic finale -- Norman's. Marion's story is told to support his.

To pull myself back on topic, I can see Roy either fighting with Miko in the afterlife or helping her atone for what she did. I do NOT see them getting together as a couple anytime soon. Roy was superficially attracted to Miko. She would have to change A LOT before Roy would be able to get over the fact that she killed Lord Shojo right before an invasion...in which he lost his own life. Miko single-handedly made the situation far worse than it would have been. Roy is too smart to get involved with a woman like that.

Of course, the Trouser Titan may have other ideas.

2007-08-13, 10:07 PM
I strongly doubt Roy and Miko could meet in the afterlife, for the simple reason I don't think Miko was of a Good-alignment when she died. She obviously was at some point in her past, or she wouldn't have been a Paladin, but to me, the ultimate reason why she fell was that she had cared too much about the Law, and too little about the Good. This caused her to do all the bad things she's done, including striking down Shojo, which was the final drop.
So I strongly suspect Miko is actually hanging around in the Lawful Neutral afterlife.

2007-08-13, 10:16 PM
Please let this not degenerate into another "Miko's Alignment" thread!

2007-08-13, 10:33 PM
What if the events surrounding her death (like talking to Soon) caused Miko to mellow out. And when Roy meets her in the afterlife, sans bitchiness, he starts becoming attracted to her again.

2007-08-13, 10:48 PM
Please let this not degenerate into another "Miko's Alignment" thread!Sorry. I usually don't read much in this sub-forum, and haven't been reading these forums for a long time to begin with, so I honestly didn't know this subject had been discussed to death before, or I wouldn't haved touched upon the taboo.
Since I do not agree with the basic assumptions of this thread, and they are not to be discussed, I shall leave this thread now.

2007-08-13, 11:51 PM
What if the events surrounding her death (like talking to Soon) caused Miko to mellow out. And when Roy meets her in the afterlife, sans bitchiness, he starts becoming attracted to her again.

Talk about taking the fun out of a character. Not to mention, Roy's already in a relationship, remember?

2007-08-14, 09:34 AM
Talk about taking the fun out of a character. Not to mention, Roy's already in a relationship, remember?

Which would make for a very interesting storyline :smallwink:

Aris Katsaris
2007-08-14, 09:48 AM
Well honestly Roy was an ass to her from beginning to end. He started with presumption and condescescion (calling her "honey" etc), continued with a fake apology meant only to make the sting of his insult-to-follow sharper, and even after she fell from grace Roy was being his typical antifeminist self by saying that her problems arose from not getting laid enough.

Even if not getting laid enough was indeed one of her problems, the one person that has no right to say that is the person that had multiple times had his advances rejected by her. It felt like sheer spite from Roy's side. Oh sure, she didn't like you enough to have sex with you, so you're throwing her lack of a sex life to her face as an insult. Boooo, Roy! Boo!!!! How much more unchivalrous can you get?

So, in short, even if Miko *did* become nicer in the afterlife, Roy also needs become lots and lots nicer before a relationship between the two of them was anywhere near feasible.

2007-08-14, 10:15 AM
Wouldn't it be something if Miko and Roy met up in the afterlife and Miko had the realization that she was wrong and the gods favored her to return and she was good and didn't have a stick up her ass?
that would be great

And then Roy made peace with his father before being returned to his body and was infused with celestial energy so that he shattered Xykon with a laser beam that shot out of his eyes?
that would be super...


2007-08-14, 11:10 AM
Well honestly Roy was an ass to her from beginning to end. He started with presumption and condescescion (calling her "honey" etc), continued with a fake apology meant only to make the sting of his insult-to-follow sharper, and even after she fell from grace Roy was being his typical antifeminist self by saying that her problems arose from not getting laid enough.

Even if not getting laid enough was indeed one of her problems, the one person that has no right to say that is the person that had multiple times had his advances rejected by her. It felt like sheer spite from Roy's side. Oh sure, she didn't like you enough to have sex with you, so you're throwing her lack of a sex life to her face as an insult. Boooo, Roy! Boo!!!! How much more unchivalrous can you get?

So, in short, even if Miko *did* become nicer in the afterlife, Roy also needs become lots and lots nicer before a relationship between the two of them was anywhere near feasible.

I don't think it had anything to do with Roy's attitudes towards women in general. I think it was just because of his attitude toward Miko specifically.

I think we're both aware of what the right women can do to a male brain. Notice you don't see him treating any other women in the comic in a condescending manner.

Douglas Limmer
2007-08-14, 11:48 AM
SoD spoilers...kinda

Isn't Roy kind of uneligible to actually get into the afterlife? Per the epilogue of SoD, Eugene is stuck in an odd limbo-like place because he can't get into his destined afterlife plane because Xykon is still un-alive. Since the Oath was passed down to Roy, he will have the same difficulties getting into his plane of after-life. I think the only person he possibly could encounter while dead would be his father, as both of them are in the same situation. Time for Julia to step up to the plate :smallamused:

I thought the responsibility to fulfill the Oath was passed down to Roy, not the Oath itself. Eugene is stuck until a descendant fulfills it, but Roy shouldn't be. Maybe I should go back and read that story again to be sure (like I actually need an excuse :smallsmile:).

2007-08-14, 01:51 PM
This has nothing to with Roy, but how do you make a link to show a custom avatar?
and how do you get pictures on your replys 'cuz that pic Paladin Freak has is freakin' awsome

2007-08-14, 02:17 PM
Doesn't work like that, you only get one. And the reason Eugene short-circuited the summoning spell cast by the Azure City cleric is that it was a summon, not a raise/resurrection.

Since when is it "[d]oesn't work like that" been a reason for anything in this comic? Wasn't that Thor being berated because he let one of his priests do Sonic damage with his lightning bolt when he wasn't supposed to?

2007-08-15, 07:00 AM
2 cents is in fact worth 2 cents

2007-08-15, 07:23 AM
Rich can bend the rules to his own sick desires and more power to him for doing it lol