View Full Version : Rules Q&A Rolling for abilities?

2017-09-04, 01:26 PM
So, the first time I ever played DnD, when rolling for abilities, we basically rolled a D20, seven times and dropped the lowest. I haven't really heard of anything about that when I look up rolling for abilities, my friend who is trying to Dm says there's multiple ways to roll for stats, so we rolled that way. Now my Barbarian, a Half-orc has a 20 in Str, and Con, and an 18 in Dex. He has an AC of 19. I just feel terribly overpowered, in-fact I think all of our characters are kind of OP, even though we almost died to the first set of goblins in this premade campaign (I wasn't using the Barbarian for that fight, my cleric died, mostly because of **** rolls for health and such.)

2017-09-04, 02:09 PM
In my experience most people tend to play characters significantly more powerful than baseline standard array or point buy characters. My DM now gives standard array with +1 to any two abilities before racial adjustments. Almost everyone is OP, as long as there are no PC that aren't good at anything you won't have problems.

2017-09-04, 03:57 PM
There's several ways to roll for ability scores.
Usually it's 3d6, 4d6 and drop the lowest die, roll 7 scores and drop the lowest of the bunch..
I've also heard one that I rather like: Roll 2d6+6.
This way there's a basement of 8, and a ceiling of 18.
Before racial modifiers, of course. You could still have a 20 Str Barbarian if you go Half-Orc or something.
I just like that there's a hard basement to how much you can possibly suck at any 1 skill.

2017-09-04, 04:07 PM
Now my Barbarian, a Half-orc has a 20 in Str, and Con, and an 18 in Dex.

You rolled a straight d20 for stats and rolled two 18s and a 19? I pity the person in that system who rolls two 3s and a 2. For reference, there are lots of ways to generate stats but I have heard of literally no-one ever rolling a straight d20. That seems like a terrible terrible idea.

You have better stats than most of my party members and in my current campaign the DM wanted us to roll 4d6 drop lowest and roll a full set of stats 3 times and choose the one we wanted (which I also think has left us somewhat overpowered).

2017-09-04, 05:07 PM
There was a time (very early OD&D) where heroes seldom had more than two stats above 12. One of my favorite early ones had two 12s as high stats and two low (below 9) stats.

This being 5e, I just use point buy to get a reasonable "Heroic" (but not Superheroic) character for the class(es) I want to play.

Rolling something like 4D6 drop low or 3D6 with backup option of standard array (or point buy) if you really had a low 3rd sigma set of rolls would be about as close to the old days as I want to experience.

2017-09-04, 05:09 PM
So, the first time I ever played DnD, when rolling for abilities, we basically rolled a D20, seven times and dropped the lowest. I haven't really heard of anything about that when I look up rolling for abilities, my friend who is trying to Dm says there's multiple ways to roll for stats, so we rolled that way. Now my Barbarian, a Half-orc has a 20 in Str, and Con, and an 18 in Dex. He has an AC of 19. I just feel terribly overpowered, in-fact I think all of our characters are kind of OP, even though we almost died to the first set of goblins in this premade campaign (I wasn't using the Barbarian for that fight, my cleric died, mostly because of **** rolls for health and such.)

Impressed with those starting stats but with one of my D20s I have never rolled above a 12. That would be painful if I rolled 12 and under for a character in your game!

2017-09-04, 06:13 PM
My group likes to do it this way:
Every player rolls 4d6 and drops lowest. We take each players results and they form the array that everyone uses. If we have less than 6 players the DM rolls the remainder necessary.
From the sound of it you're playing Lost Mine of Phandelver? Don't worry, you won't feel super OP for long. Higher than average stats start to even out around level 3 or so.

2017-09-04, 07:04 PM
My group likes to do it this way:
Every player rolls 4d6 and drops lowest. And that's the default method in the PHB. :smallbiggrin:

2017-09-04, 07:09 PM
And that's the default method in the PHB. :smallbiggrin:

Correct me if i'm wrong, but I think the PHB has each player roll their own set of 6x 4d6d1, where my table each player rolls 1x 4d6d1 and we share the results. Randomized stats while also equal between all at the table.

2017-09-04, 07:11 PM
Correct me if i'm wrong, but I think the PHB has each player roll their own set of 6x 4d6d1, where my table each player rolls 1x 4d6d1 and we share the results. Randomized stats while also equal between all at the table. I misunderstood your answer. I've seen that method you described used before in the interest of "balance" between characters. (In my opinion, worrying about balance between PC's is a sign of a dysfunctional table, but apparently enough people worry about that such that it is a norm at some tables).

2017-09-04, 07:13 PM
Not dysfunctional, we just find it funny when we all roll super poorly and have nobody to blame but each other :smallbiggrin:

2017-09-04, 07:59 PM
I always use point buy.

Well; almost always. In my new campaign Im making the Players roll 3d6 in order (swap one ability score of choice for a 13).

Multiclass requirements are increased to 15's in new class/es (13's in current class).

Aiming for a more old school feel. So far it's working a treat.

2017-09-04, 08:08 PM
I had a GM once in 2e who let us roll 3d6 and place stats OR d20 down the list... once I had a character with 2 Strength and 20 Charisma...

2017-09-04, 08:20 PM
I had a GM once in 2e who let us roll 3d6 and place stats OR d20 down the list... once I had a character with 2 Strength and 20 Charisma...

Ive been tempted to try a true 'zero to hero' game. 4+2d4 in order (or a lower point buy, specifics TBA). Stats starting at the 6-14 range (after racial mods).

Every ASI grants an additional +1 to any ability score of choice (Feat and +1 or +2/+1).

2017-09-04, 08:30 PM
Ooh now that sounds interesting.

2017-09-04, 08:32 PM
I don't mind rolling for ability scores but using a d20 is extreme. While your numbers are higher than normal they won't break the game. Hopefully your DM won't overcompensate with the monsters putting in too many and/or too strong. As the levels progress the party will have more feats or possibly better secondary scores. Your campaign will be among the higher powered, but that's not an inherently bad thing. The campaign would be high cinematic fantasy, and there's nothing wrong with that.