View Full Version : Abusing the Mystic: A DM's Challenge

2017-09-04, 01:39 PM
Hey all, I ask for your help in relation to the Mystic being used by my players later on in my campaigns.

I haven't personally played one, and while there are variants online of altered/ nerfed versions from the Mystic V3, I would rather use the WotC version if I can help it. I'm confident in my ability to balance encounters around my players and while they try to do the best version of their class that they can, they don't overshadow one another. My main concern is that I feel with the sheer number of options available to the Mystic which other classes are either restricted in or lack completely, I would rather not be surprised by what a Mystic can do at the table but instead be able to prep for it. This lets me keep things under control while giving satisfying results to the player who is using the abilities.

So I propose a challenge to anyone who either has plenty of experience or has played the Mystic V3 already.
Create your most optimized Mystic, multiclass or no, using all point buy up to level 12 we'll say.

When I say powerful I don't mean just combat, but rather all three pillars of play taken into consideration.
I've a vague understanding of the Mystic being versatile and powerful at early levels, but are caught up to towards levels 8+ by spellcasters.

Thank you for anyone who can help, I look forward to what kinds of crazy combos you all come up with!

2017-09-04, 03:50 PM
Hobgoblin Nomad 12

Starting: 14/14/14/16/8/8
Ending: 14/16/14/20/8/8

Disciplines: Beastial Form, Brute Force, Giant Growth, Intellect Fortress, Mastery of Force, Nomadic Mind, Nomadic Step, Telepathic Contact

Talents: Mystic Hand, Delusion, Mind Thrust

Strats: Use psionic mastery with giant growth, be huge have 25 ft reach, and +2d6 +1d4 to all melee weapon attacks and 30 temp hp. Use as many points as you want on bestial claws to make crap load of attacks each doing 1d10+2d6+1d4 +2 . Next turn do whatever you want and end it with a few more bewtial claws attacks. Probably use Inertial Armor or bestial transformation(flying + ac boost) . Maybe teleport a whole bunch while you do it with Nomadic step.

Exploration: use Nomadic Mind to go astral scouting and also pick up even more skills than your subclass gave you. You can also taxi your party anywhere.

Social: gain any language or skill or tool every long rest with Breadth of Knowledge, Delusion and occuluded mind for Jedi mind tricks, exacting query for interrogation. Not a very charming person but still helpful in social encounters especially with telepathy to have instant thought conversations with party to determine exact questions to ask people without breaking character