View Full Version : Pathfinder invulnerable rager help

2017-09-04, 02:52 PM
Making an invulnerable rager for pathfinder. We're currently at level 34

I'm just not sure how to optimize this character. Its a bit weird...

I'm a half swamp troll, I get Darkvision 60 ft, +2 stealth(+4in swampy and forested areas,) regen 1 fire/acid negates and must be covered in mud for it to work. Also must be covered in mud to breathe, though I can survive for my con score hours outside of mud(modified from 1/2 con score hours.) I also get various ability boosts which I already added into the scores below.
Traits swamp rebel +2 stealth in swamps, stealth always a class skill.
Muscle of the society +2 str when breaking doors or lifting porticullis and +2 str when determining carry capacity.

Str 22
Dex 15
Con 18
Int 9
Wis 10
Cha 8

Dr from class is now at two

So far I've taken power attack and cleave as feats

With the superstitious and which hunter rage power(s)

2017-09-04, 03:20 PM
Barbarian with power attack, 2 handed weapon, and beast totem for pounce is pretty much the go to for most builds. With invulnerable rager, you probably want to take fire resistance as it will help keep your fast healing going. It is more common than cold damage anyways.

Eventually you want furious focus and maybe cornagun smash if you maxed intimidate. Since you focused on stealth, it is a decent skill to max. Since you took superstitious, witch hunter is a good rage power. You also qualify for disruptive and spellbreaker, making you a very effective mage hunter.

2017-09-05, 01:17 PM
Barbarian with power attack, 2 handed weapon, and beast totem for pounce is pretty much the go to for most builds. With invulnerable rager, you probably want to take fire resistance as it will help keep your fast healing going. It is more common than cold damage anyways.

Eventually you want furious focus and maybe cornagun smash if you maxed intimidate. Since you focused on stealth, it is a decent skill to max. Since you took superstitious, witch hunter is a good rage power. You also qualify for disruptive and spellbreaker, making you a very effective mage hunter.

I did indeed take fire resistance. Though due to events from our previous game session I find I need acid resistance as well.

Leveled to four:

Witch hunter is the second power I took because f clerics and wizards and their magic.

Bumped up str to 22 to round it out

Editing op to reflect new character stats

2017-09-06, 02:04 AM

Did you use the old Half Troll template and if yes, what base race did you use, or is this a custom race? What size is it and does it have natural reach?

Cleave is mostly not such a good choice for a Barbarian if not based on a Orc, H-Orc or Dwarf as those have quite powerful racial feats expanding the usefulness of Cleave. So you might want to talk to your gm about swapping it for Combat Reflexes, which will get very useful in the mid levels for an invulnerable rager.

Consider that you want to enter into the rage power lines, Beast totem (3 powers), Superstitious (4 powers) and Surprise Accuracy (at least 2 powers with Lethal Accuracy), along with Come And Get Me and Reckless Abandon. That only works by taking Extra Rage Power more than once.
As a tip, go for beast totem late and as a block, take Lesser at 8th, Extra Rage Power (Beast Totem) at 9th as a feat and Greater at 10th.

That leaves very few feats: Power Attack, Combat Reflexes and Dazing Assault for use with CAGM, Step Up > Step Up And Strike for Superstitious > Spellsunder.

2017-09-08, 05:04 PM

Did you use the old Half Troll template and if yes, what base race did you use, or is this a custom race? What size is it and does it have natural reach?

Cleave is mostly not such a good choice for a Barbarian if not based on a Orc, H-Orc or Dwarf as those have quite powerful racial feats expanding the usefulness of Cleave. So you might want to talk to your gm about swapping it for Combat Reflexes, which will get very useful in the mid levels for an invulnerable rager.

Consider that you want to enter into the rage power lines, Beast totem (3 powers), Superstitious (4 powers) and Surprise Accuracy (at least 2 powers with Lethal Accuracy), along with Come And Get Me and Reckless Abandon. That only works by taking Extra Rage Power more than once.
As a tip, go for beast totem late and as a block, take Lesser at 8th, Extra Rage Power (Beast Totem) at 9th as a feat and Greater at 10th.

That leaves very few feats: Power Attack, Combat Reflexes and Dazing Assault for use with CAGM, Step Up > Step Up And Strike for Superstitious > Spellsunder.

Unsure dm furnished the race to me himself after years of asking to be a troll.

Medium, standard reach.

Cleave was only taken for great cleave later. Ive got two fighters on the rear left and right most all the time, a short distance away if not within 10 feet so if anyone steps between is they're flanked. Which has constantly opened me up to being able to slay enemy after enemy but unable because I don't have grew cleave.

So far, I'm a tank, who soaks up the damage and strikes hard, with the support to keep his vulnerable bits out of danger. All I have to worry about is magic and fire and acid. Ive only been dropped to zero once and that was during a duel with a paladin, who I was two attacks away from killing, and was because he used burning weapon.