View Full Version : [IC] Keep on the Shadowfell (4E)

2017-09-04, 10:40 PM
A low fire burns in the hearth of this comfortable common room. The tavern, called the Gilded Lady, is empty of patrons except for a lone human man and yourselves. Each of you have your reasons for being here. Life has taken each of you through many trials, both rewarded and painful, before leading you here. Some of you flop down into comfortable seating, enjoying the rest after a long day's ride. Some enjoy a sampling of wares from this cozy waypoint at the base of the Thunder Peaks. Some of you found refuge from the storms outside and some are just passing through on the way home. Some of you are longing for a place to call 'home'. Whichever of Fate's skeins brought you here, for this moment, you have peace, comfort and rest. And it is welcome.

Where would you like to sit? The M is the only other patron. There is a barman, fiddling with things at the top left corner of the bar.

2017-09-05, 07:17 AM
http://i.imgur.com/G2ezhp4.png I'll stand by the hearth. That little red D

Ser Deimos rests his single-horned helm atop the hearth while leaning against it. His vibrant green eyes seem to scan the room with dull interest; plate-armored arms folding over his chest. A dark, brooding figure to be certain. One could note that his ashy, obsidian hued skin seems to be more vibrant the closer it is to the heat of the fire. A mighty steel shield remains strapped to his back, a frightening-looking flail at his side.

He keeps to himself, remaining still as a statue, though his general presence within the Gilded Lady and his unblinking, hellish-green eyes have kept any of the waitstaff from pressing him for any refreshment.

2017-09-05, 08:13 AM
She was small for her tender age of nine years, standing just under the height of most dwarves a 3 foot 9 and being lean and lanky. Her attire consisted of a blue shirt, brown pants, a pair of black boots and a hooded green cloak. It was obviously evident that she was travelling alone at the moment.

The girl looked very sad at the moment and kept to herself. She was currently sitting on the sofa, knees brought up to her chest, cradling her backpack protectively in her lap. There is a distant look in her eyes as she warms herself in front of the fire.

Maria will start at H4.

2017-09-05, 09:29 AM
The prisoner's garb hadn't suited Maacah, and she'd put the cloth armor on instead. The hardened cloth covered her chest with dark gray padding but left her slightly lighter gray shoulders bare. Plain brown cloth sleeves she was intent on dying purple covered the arm past that up to her forearm, with pants to match and padded cloth underneath.
The red-eyed drow shifted in her seat across from the cleric seated with her, not sure of how to persuade him to sign the contract that would let her take her things and move on with her life.
But she was bored, and didn't know what they were waiting for, so she pulled out a deck of cards from her Gambling Cheats kit and lifted them over her head calling for a game over at an empty table.
"Come one, come all to play Royal Bids. Low stakes."

((I start the game over at F3))

2017-09-05, 09:40 AM
Dorn figured the tavern would be packed with travelers trying to avoid the storm tonight, but he finds only a handful of people inside. It takes a single glance to understand why anyone might risk the inclement weather rather than patronize the Gilded Lady. A dark elf, cambion, and some strange golem are keeping dry in the common space. Dorn looks around. There are two other men in the place, not including the tender, and a halfling on the couch. Dumb, blind, or enslaved. Either Dorn was going to witness the three get slaughtered, or the six of them were going to come at him together. He considers the storm outside, but the golem would be tireless in its pursuit, and the drow's superior darkvision would give it an advantage. Not to mention, running through the woods in a rainstorm while a devil-worshiper lobs fireballs at him doesn't sound like a good idea. Better to take them here. Use their numbers against them, so the tiefling can't throw its fire around while Dorn is surrounded by the others. Kick chairs in their way, knock tables over in front of them. A few swings of his sword to even things up...

Yes, as tough spots go, this is one of the tougher ones. Dorn mutters a curse to the gods of luck and fate, and moves to a more defensible position.

Move from E9 to E4.

2017-09-05, 09:47 AM
"You there!" Maacah indicates the half-orc brandishing weapons.
"You look like you need to relax. Why not a good game of Royal Bids? I only have four gold pieces, we won't be betting all that high."

2017-09-05, 11:19 AM
Prism, the Light of Dawn

Prism sits at one of the tables, watching in disappointment as his charge once again resorted to games of chance to generate social interaction. Still, unless he was cheating, it was nothing the church prohibited. He made his way over to the fire, seeing the small girl. His voice echos in her mind, a strange, shimmering tone.
<Maria> "Greetings child. Are you traveling alone?"

Prism will be seated at I3. Underline represents telepathy, with <> indicating the recipient of the message.

2017-09-05, 12:35 PM
The drow takes Dorn by surprise with her direct approach, but he keeps moving toward the table and takes a seat.

You look like you need to relax. Why not a good game of Royal Bids? I only have four gold pieces, we won't be betting all that high.

Yeah, you'd like me to relax, Dorn thinks to himself, Come sit right within range of your poison darts and then let my guard down. Not tonight.

Bugger off, he says, sitting down.

Suddenly the golem goes to stand near the halfling by the fire, just watching the woman.

It's about to happen... Dorn thinks to himself, ready for an attack to go down.

2017-09-05, 12:57 PM
Maacah's eyes appraise the half-orc, noting his readiness for a fight and attention toward the exits.

"So who's after you?" she asks as casually as she can manage, shuffling cards and dropping a few of them. She begins scooping them back up.

2017-09-05, 03:32 PM
Receiving no response from potential players or the half-orc, Maacah moves again and sits near the Tiefling, positioning her body to look at him.
"You're all armored up," she observes.
"You ever meet anyone whose name was not Eabis?"

2017-09-05, 04:10 PM
Maria is taken aback by the voice in her mind and realizes the shardmind currently beside her was talking to her telepathically. She shakes her head and says, My mom and dad are dead. I don't want to talk about it.

There is a hint of pain in her voice but she is bravely trying not to show weakness. So she tries to say it in a calm, though not intentionally rude voice as she looks at the shardmind directly to make sure he knows she is talking to him. The girl does not know for sure if she can return a telepathic message so she speaks directly. If one were to take a closer look, one would realize that Maria is indeed a human child, lacking certain 'womanly features' to be an adult but definitely a little girl.

2017-09-05, 05:45 PM
Prism, the Light of Dawn

Prism pauses for a moment, reordering his thoughts to speak aloud. His verbal speech, unlike the music of the telepathy, is stiff, formal, and somewhat jerky, delivered at an odd cadence that reflects a relative lack of use.
"I apologize for the intrusion. It is my understanding that the young of your kind are not often well suited to protecting themselves, or to traveling alone. I felt it only just to offer my protection for your journey, if you wished it. The Eternal Sun smiles upon children, after all, and it would be a great sorrow if you came to harm."

2017-09-05, 06:21 PM
Ser Deimos

The brash nature of the half-orc did not go unnoticed by the tiefling, despite the attitude not being directed at him. Deimos had been used to stares, crude comments, and even physicalities exchanged between himself and others; so of course his ears gave a slight twitch when he heard him speak to the drow.

He turned his head when she spoke to him and his eyes seemed to flash with green flame for a moment. "I have met many without the name of Eabis. Though surely you mean to ask if I had heard of him?"

Deimos overheard the girl, the human, he knew she was human. She had to be. Too innocent to be a halfling and too scared to be anything but. He raised his palm as if to pardon himself briefly from the conversation with Maacah.

"Were your parents devout folk, you needn't worry, child. Kelemvor would surely see their souls to a peaceful rest. If they were among the faithless..." The tiefling rolls his shoulders once and folded his arms as he readjusted his stance against the hearth. "... then the time spent among the Wall would be well-spent in service of sparing their souls eternal."

At last, the silent statue of a man decided to speak after sharing a close space with the young girl, Maria. His attention went back to the drow as his gaze seemed to penetrate to her very soul.


2017-09-05, 06:41 PM
"I was acquainted with a tiefling woman who went by Eabis, but it wasn't her real name," Maacah explained.

Perhaps you can explain this foreign concept of faith being a virtue. Where I was born, following a goddess destroyed our society and the most faithful were the ones who slaughtered innocents."
Maacah was somewhat interested, and had no other questions for this tiefling if he hadn't heard of Eabis. She had heard a lot about the gods, but none of them actually seemed like people she would ever want to meet and she'd never truly believed in any of them.

2017-09-05, 10:13 PM
Sitting down in I6.

"You there! You look like you need to relax. Why not a good game of Royal Bids? I only have four gold pieces, we won't be betting all that high."

The unremarkable-looking human sitting across the hearth from the prismatic creature straightens up in his seat and smiles toward the luscious dark elf. "I'm in, if we can play for pebbles picked from our bootsoles. That's all I've got." He mostly looks the part, with muddy and worn traveling clothes, though the fine Bahamutan amulet around his neck suggests otherwise. Platinum, if it's the real thing and not a replica. Hard to say -- it looks drab compared to the gleaming crystal person.

Maria shakes her head and says, My mom and dad are dead. I don't want to talk about it.

The man turns his head at the girl's words. His look of mild shock and sorrow is quickly replaced by confusion when he hears the reply she gets, and he chooses not to say anything. He does glance toward the girl now and again, obviously somewhat worried for her.

Perhaps you can explain this foreign concept of faith being a virtue. Where I was born, following a goddess destroyed our society and the most faithful were the ones who slaughtered innocents."

"That sounds pretty awful. I can see why you'd rather be on the road," the ... priest? ... comments with raised eyebrows.

2017-09-05, 10:23 PM
Maacah shrugged.
"I left when I was still a kid. Hardly remember the Lolth cult aside from what Ma told me of it." A peasant's accent slipped through her voice - normally indistinct, as if it could have come from anyone - and she frowned briefly before shrugging it off.
She placed the deck of cards next to her in case more interest was sparked.
"Playing just to remember the rules can work, but I'm already in the middle of a chat, so I'll only be playing if the tiefling joins in."

With a scarcely noticeable pause for thought, as if wondering if she would lose anything by saying it, she added:
"I'm not really on the road by choice. I'm working off my debt with Pebbles over there."
She nodded to the cleric.

2017-09-05, 11:59 PM
Maria was not exactly happy about Ser Deimos reaction to her saying that her parents death and seems to glare at the tiefling for a while until she realizes, or thinks she realizes that he is trying to comfort her. Not very well it seems. The way he spoke rubbed her the wrong way. Too religious in its own right. She did not mind religion. It is when it infers and assumes on others that irks her. Still her mother always taught her to keep calm and only react politely and with a calm voice. That was how one handled awkward, possible confronting situations. So she simply did not reply. Nor did she react to the somewhat annoying drow. Even at her tender years she knew that gambling was wrong. She did not judge others but she herself, given her situation, did not believe in it.

The shardmind moved her though. But she was afraid of losing people because of her. So she says nothing but nods in agreement at the moment. She is not sure what to say to him but she does not want to explain here under these circumstances with people she does not know.

2017-09-06, 12:17 AM
Gilded Lady
The common room becomes more lively as the patrons begin to move about and engage each other. Their discussions so numerous and focused that the entrance of new patrons does not, at first, draw much attention. Just seven more thirsty mouths. It is not until they break up with obvious purpose and cover both doors, two at each, with three humans going to stand by the human hiding in the shadows of the tall booths that eyes begin to glance their way.

2017-09-06, 01:01 AM
Ser Deimos

He remained still as he kept up the brief conversation with the drow. "Faith is both like a hammer and a nail. A hammer has many uses; it can help build strong structures. It can also be used to break them down. It can be used to strike down an enemy just as well." The tiefling closed his eyes.

"A nail serves a similar purpose, being used to hold things together. A nail cannot drive itself, however. It requires the hammer to do so. There are many Hammers of many faiths out there. Priests are spiritual leaders, Hammers of their clergy. Their clergy are the Nails. Together, they form a strong structure that can withstand any hardship. Even if a nail were to falter and break, leaving the structure weak, the others can help rebuild it."

Deimos did not like to "preach" but his metaphors were often straightforward. "And in the reverse, a Hammer can just as easily drive a nail as it can draw one out."

At the offer Maacah made at playing a game, the tiefling knew what his limits were. A game of chance could not be influenced by his faith. "T'would be a cold day in the Nine Hells were a knight to gamble. I have little more to part with than that beggar, in any case." He pointed at Valar while his arms remained folded, letting out a gentle huff.

"Most conversation in years..." Deimos hadn't been used to it, so as a result he quieted up and resumed his brooding.

He would come to thank the drow in time for breaking him of his stoic silence, his attention drawn to the eyes that he felt upon him. Once again, being used to this feeling, he leered back at them with an unwavering glare to the three men and the shadowy figure.

Can I roll Perception to see if I notice anything about the newcomers?

2017-09-06, 06:29 AM
Prism, the Light of Dawn

The swirling mass of crystals rises quickly, a light beginning to gather within it. Again the cracked and stilted voice emanates from the mass of crystal.
"Gentlemen, while I am sure that you think your intentions are justified, I think you will find this course both ignoble and unwise, and would suggest you reconsider any violence you intend."

2017-09-06, 08:20 AM
"Seriously guys, read the room. We've got muscles over there," Maacah nods toward the half-orc.
"A knight, a guy made out of rocks, and the lady who sees you for the amateurs you are. It would be best for you to clear out."

[roll0] to INTIMIDATE.

2017-09-06, 09:37 AM
Rolling Insight to determine the intention of the strangers, namely the group with the shadowy figure.


2017-09-06, 09:49 AM

My mom and dad are dead. I don't want to talk about it.

A child's voice emerges from the form on the couch. Not a halfling then. A human child. Whose child? Dorn wonders, looking at the other men in the room. Or a ploy?

I apologize for the intrusion. It is my understanding that the young of your kind are not often well suited to protecting themselves, or to traveling alone. I felt it only just to offer my protection for your journey, if you wished it. The Eternal Sun smiles upon children, after all, and it would be a great sorrow if you came to harm.

A bleeding heart golem? If this is all a ruse, they're going to great lengths...

Dorn stays attentive as the dark elf and the tiefling begin speak to each other. They don't appear to know one another.

Kelemvor. The Death God. Dorn knows plenty of mercenaries that pay lip service to the Judge of the Damned. Not exactly what he'd expect from a cambion.

The drow starts up a game with one of the other men, a beggar-priest, perhaps. She mentions being indebted to the sappy golem. Maybe that's what's keeping her blades sheathed...

Dorn makes his way to the barkeep, Hey, what's the story here? he asks discreetly, nodding at the strange group.

Suddenly, the sound of the storm outside can be heard clearly as the doors to the tavern swing open. Dorn keeps his eyes focused on the wall ahead of him, behind the bar, and finishes his drink. When the doors close, he puts his mug down and takes a look. Seven men. Two at each entrance. Strangely, three have cornered the other man sitting at a bench on his own.

The half-orc glances at the others. The tiefling is paying close attention, and the golem... makes an appeal to peace?

Gentlemen, while I am sure that you think your intentions are justified, I think you will find this course both ignoble and unwise, and would suggest you reconsider any violence you intend.


The drow pipes up, Seriously guys, read the room. We've got muscles over there, a knight, a guy made out of rocks, and the lady who sees you for the amateurs you are. It would be best for you to clear out.

Not a half bad attempt at unnerving this lot... Dorn waits to see what the men will do.

2017-09-06, 03:06 PM
Even at her tender years she knew the new arrivals were trouble. She did not like being hemmed up in a room like they were doing. Though at the very least they did not seemed interested in her. But she did not trust them and reached into one of her backpack's side pockets and pulls out a thin rod that suspiciously looks like a wand and waits.


2017-09-06, 03:08 PM
OOC: Sorry forgot to engulf the spoiler with roll tags and by the time I realized it it was too late.


2017-09-06, 08:59 PM
The mendicant didn't pay attention to the shady fellows as they filtered into the tavern, but he catches the current of tension once the young girl readies herself for danger. In retrospect he realizes the drow must have been addressing the newcomers. Hope I'm not in danger ... he thinks with a furrowed brow. He glances over his shoulder at the thuggish trio and stands from his chair, stretching sore muscles as a cover for untying a long pocket on the leg of his pants. It doesn't hurt to be prepared.

Standing from 'prone'. Otherwise, just displaying that I have neither Insight nor Bluff trained. :smalltongue:

2017-09-06, 11:58 PM
Gilded Lady
The brute leaning over the man huddled in the booth is obviously the leader. While the two thuggish women next to him seem capable, the four other lackeys are clearly novices with few skills. The leader had an air of confidence about him, and even seemed amused, if not fully comprehending, by the shardmind's words. Once the drow spoke, however, his military-like countenance wavered.
Turning at the words of the shardmind, the tall one encroaching on the fellow in the booth sneered and was about to dismiss the interruption until the drow began speaking. Looking about the room as she speaks, his eyes widen in appraisal. Murmuring to the two brutish women next to him, he straightens up with his hands open to his sides. "No need to get huffy," he says to the room. "Mistook him for a friend. No harm done." He moves slowly to towards the southern door with his two associates flanking him. With a nod, the other four slip out the doors, followed by the three with the tall fellow glancing once more with a sour look over his shoulder.

2017-09-07, 12:19 AM

Maacah Asherim

Maacah lets out a breath, and a slight tremble in her left hand betrays that she had no plan whatsoever if her threat had failed.
"Were they the ones chasing you?" Maacah asks the half-orc.
"If they were, and I know their type, they'll be waiting for you to leave the tavern alone."
She's feeling rather pleased with herself, and it shows for a half-second before she checks herself and her face takes on a more relaxed expression.
"You know, Pebbles, if ending a thug organization will pay off my debt I think I can collect some information on those guys."

2017-09-07, 05:34 AM

The seven men leave without incident, for now. Dorn ignores the drow, wishing she were more murderous than irritating, That'd be simpler. Instead, he makes his way over to the man in the booth and sits down across from him at the table.

Any other night you'd be cursing Beshaba's name to find yourself in a tavern with this freak show over here, he says, nodding to the others in the room, but Tymora smiles on you this evening. Seems all it takes is a mouthy dark elf to scare off those tenderfoots that are after you.

And it's clear they're after you.

But the drow's right. They'll be waiting for you out there. Probably hang back until the spider-kisser and her pals make on their merry way. But they'll get you. Hell, they're braving the storm right now just to find your lonely ass. Don't know what you did. Don't care what you did. But they sure do.

Seems you're in quite the predicament. You don't strike me as the kind of lad that can tussle with those ruffians and come out on top. Just so happens, I can. My services don't come free though.

Feel like living through this night?

2017-09-07, 05:21 PM
Maria relaxes when the thugs are gone and puts away her wand. She is at least more sympathetic to the priest than the half orc and frowns at Dorn's mercenary ideas. She understands that not everyone is honorable and some really need money but a life is a life.

Why don't we be the ones to escort that man to whereever he needs to go?, Maria says to the Shardmind, At least we would be a lot cheaper than the half orc there.

2017-09-07, 06:02 PM
Maacah Asherim

Maacah tosses a look at the kid through the corner of her eye.


Maacah takes in the wand the kid was gripping, reads her body language to find out very little.

Maacah had been older than this child when she'd started her career, even accounting for the lifespan difference, but she'd met several cutthroats who'd started out a bit younger. She was confident that this kid could handle herself.

2017-09-07, 06:04 PM
Prism, the Light of Dawn

Prism turns to the girl.
"For a child so young, you have a noble heart. Though perhaps we should first hear more of the details of this conflict."

2017-09-07, 10:52 PM
The mendicant relaxes back into his chair, taking deep breaths. He waits to see how the abuse target will respond -- and the hulking tiefling, too. There's a startling mix of religions and philosophies in this inn tonight.

2017-09-08, 01:33 AM
Gilded Lady
The man huddled in the booth is dressed in plain clothes, indistinguishable from a craftsman or farmer were it not for the holy symbol that he now clutches in white-knuckled hands. The man’s brown hair is in utter disarray, and even now, his thin, wiry frame quivers from the traumatic experience. He looks up at the half-orc with wide, blue eyes. When he speaks, it is with a nervous, tremulous voice. Whether the waverings are caused by the encounter or the imposing slayer before him is uncertain.
“Th-th-thank you so much for saving me. Chauntea bless you; bless all of you! I thought for sure I was d-d-dead. My name is Gevarn, and I’m an acolyte of Chauntea.As such I would not be able to pay you much for your services tonight, but...perhaps..." He casts his eyes around the room, looking at the interesting assemblage. He raises his voice to sound throughout the room. "I may have an offer of interest to all here. A... uh... paying offer?" he adds.

2017-09-08, 09:34 AM
Maacah Asherim

Maacah moved from her seat and plopped down next to the half-orc.
"You are very welcome," she said, surprisingly graciously.
"And I'm all ears."

2017-09-08, 07:04 PM
Why were those men after you?, Maria asks Gevarn.

2017-09-08, 11:42 PM
Gilded Lady
He turns towards the young girl. “Hired street thugs—ruffians sent by the forces of evil to stop me on my mission.” Seeing a listening audience, he presses on quickly. “I come from a town called Winterhaven up in the Thunder Peaks. The cleric I serve, Sister Linora, has learned that a cult of Shar has asserted itself in our town. She sent me to go find help, but I’m afraid I’m not well-educated in the ways of the world, and those men must have tracked me down to stop me from finding aid.” He looks around, hoping to hold their attention a moment longer, and speaks even faster. “Which brings me to the offer. I thank you all for coming to my aid. Having seen how well you handled yourselves with those thugs, might I beseech you to come to the aid of our beleaguered town? The lord of the town would surely reward you if you manage to find this cult and eliminate it. You would also have the thanks of me, Sister Linora, and the Great Mother if you would lend us your aid.” At last, he takes a few deep breaths, and gazes from person to person, searching for some signs of interest.

2017-09-08, 11:53 PM
Ser Deimos

His interest was piqued at the mention of a "cult" and pushed himself off of the corner of the hearth with his shoulders. Deimos took a slow, ponderous step forward towards the one named Gevarn and scooped up his helm to hold under his arm.

"You speak for the Lord of your town? With his authority?" The tiefling was skeptical but perhaps it was well warranted. The man had people after him, that much was certain. Even though things didn't seem like they were quite in anyone's favor, Ser Deimos couldn't allow this man to travel by himself when the likelihood of him getting jumped or ambushed increased.

"I will accompany you, sirrah. If only to see you safely to your town and to hear more about this...

2017-09-09, 12:00 AM
Maacah Asherim

"What is the cult of Shar, who is Shar, and do you know if those thugs have a frequent hangout somewhere?
Their connection to the cult may be a lead that we can use."
Maacah turned slightly to take a look at Prism, unsure if he was actually interested. He might hate cults of other gods, but the god of the sun might be chummy with Shar, she didn't know.
Regardless, if they ended up looking into these cultists she thought she could trace them through the thugs.

Which definition of "cult" are we using?

2017-09-09, 06:30 AM
Prism, the Light of Dawn

Prism turns to look at Maccah.
"I would have expected a dark one to know of the Mistress of the Night, the Lady of Darkness. Shar is one of the greatest evils to blight the surface of Toril, and it is my sworn duty as a servant of the Morninglord to oppose her workings wherever I find them."

2017-09-09, 06:58 AM

Th-th-thank you so much for saving me. Chauntea bless you; bless all of you! I thought for sure I was d-d-dead. My name is Gevarn, and I’m an acolyte of Chauntea. As such I would not be able to pay you much for your services tonight, but...perhaps... I may have an offer of interest to all here. A... uh... paying offer?

Dorn looks grumpy. What, them? Don't worry about them. It doesn't take much to scare off a couple of greenhorns, especially when you look like that. I'm your man. But, how are you offering payment for another job if you can't even pay for tonight?

Maacah moves from her seat and plops down right next to Dorn. You are very welcome, she says, surprisingly graciously. And I'm all ears.

All elves are all ears, Dorn says to get her attention. He gestures at the dagger in his hand under the table, No funny business dark elf.

Why were those men after you? the little girl asks.

Hired street thugs—ruffians sent by the forces of evil to stop me on my mission. the man responds, Dorn raises an incredulous eyebrow. I come from a town called Winterhaven up in the Thunder Peaks. The cleric I serve, Sister Linora, has learned that a cult of Shar has asserted itself in our town. She sent me to go find help, but I’m afraid I’m not well-educated in the ways of the world, and those men must have tracked me down to stop me from finding aid. Which brings me to the offer. I thank you all for coming to my aid. Having seen how well you handled yourselves with those thugs, might I beseech you to come to the aid of our beleaguered town? The lord of the town would surely reward you if you manage to find this cult and eliminate it. You would also have the thanks of me, Sister Linora, and the Great Mother if you would lend us your aid.

The crystal golem, the one the dark elf calls Pebbles, speaks up, Shar is one of the greatest evils to blight the surface of Toril, and it is my sworn duty as a servant of the Morninglord to oppose her workings wherever I find them.

Sworn duty huh? Sounds like you'll help for free. That's good of you. He turns to Gevarn, I was up in the Thunder Peaks not that long ago. Couldn't find much in the way of work. I'll take you back to Winterhaven and you take me to Sister Linora and your Lord Mayor so I can hear the offer straight from their mouths. He extends a scarred and heavily muscled arm to shake hands with the man, Deal?

2017-09-09, 11:16 AM
As Gevarn's eye touches on him briefly, the worn priest adds, "I passed through Winterhaven twice in the last three months. Sharrans would be an awful blight on such a nice spot. And Shar is no more beloved of Bahamut than she is of Amaunator. I think I may need to join you folk."

2017-09-09, 11:45 AM
Maacah Asherim

Maacah's eyebrows went up at the half-orc's protest at not being the solitary hire.
"You have a point there. One of us scared them off, though you seem to have forgotten which."
At the priest's words and the realization that they were all checking in, Maacah added:
"I have to go where Pebbles goes. You coming too, kid?"

2017-09-09, 01:31 PM
Well I guess I am coming too just to make sure you all do not get killed., Maria says with a bit of humor that is not denigrating and more of a friendly jibe.


2017-09-11, 02:18 AM
Gilded Lady
Looking at Ser Deimos, he only pauses a moment at the paladin's appearance before saying, "Thank you, good sir, thank you! Chauntea's blessing upon you!"

Turning to the dark elf, she pauses only slightly longer, "Shar, the Mistress of Night, seeks ever to increase her influence over the world and bring us all to ruin. She reigns over caverns, secrets, and," looking up and down Maacah, "the Underdark. The Sister instructed me to go find help while she tries to uncover the cult and discover its dark purpose.”cult (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cult): a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious (see spurious 2); also : its body of adherents"I sincerely doubt these ruffians are followers of the Dark One. Their dedication was easily broken."

Taking Prism in turn, her pause lengthens slightly before shrugging and continuing on. "Certainly. Adding my cause would definitely be hindrance to her diabolical plans. I thank you for your support."

Looking Dorn in the eyes, he can only hold his gaze for a moment, eyes widening, before blinking away. However, his tone is nothing but graciously as he says, "You will hear their offer for yourself, yes, if you can return me safely to Winterhaven!" He takes the half-orcs hand gingerly as if fearing his mere touch will cause great pain. "It is a deal."

Seeing Valar, a 'common' human, he visibly relaxes. "Thank good sir. You would be most welcome on this journey, most welcome." He smiles, seemingly reassured.

Looking now upon Maria, he says, "But I fear, little one, such journeys are not to be yours just yet. I can see that you have a brave heart, and I am sure your parents would be most proud of your courage and sense of responsibility, but these are adult matters. Please, rest easy and leave us be," he says in a slightly dismissive tone.Shar is a greater goddess who, with her sister Selûne, created Abeir-Toril. She longs to see a desolate world filled only with evil and despair. Following the Spellplague, Shar found it within her power to reshape the Plane of Shadow, which she transformed into the Shadowfell. The Shadowfell is a dark reflection of Toril, where undead and shadowy humanoids stalk the land.Located in the Thunder Peaks between Highmoon and Arabel, the majority of villagers are farmers, though Winterhaven employs various craftspeople as well. Wagons occasionally come into Winterhaven, causing the villagers to excitedly gather in the Market Square to hear news of the outside world and to buy new and exotic goods. The population of Winterhaven is predominantly human, with a scattering of dwarf families, and a handful of individuals of other common races, including a couple of elves.

2017-09-11, 06:42 AM
Prism, the Light of Dawn

Prism makes an odd, rumbling sound, which quickly seems to have been the imitation of clearing his throat.
"I must insist that the child accompany us. I could not, in good faith, leave her to continue wandering the roads alone."

2017-09-11, 08:36 AM
Maacah Asherim

"I don't think you were ever a child," Maacah commented.
"Loads of people I've known have started-" the drow briefly glanced at Prism.
"-completely legitimate professions at her age. She'll be fine."
Maacah excused herself at the table and approached the bar.
"I'd like to write a letter," she informed the barkeep.
"How much do you need to send it? Also, may I have a pen and paper?"

2017-09-11, 10:56 AM

The half-orc squeezes Gevarn's hand in a firm, calloused shake, Good. The name's Dorn. Dorn, the Killer, he says, eying everyone present.

... Pebbles seems to be doing this out of duty, and the dark elf is indebted to him. The man opposes these... cultists of Shar or whatever they are. He looks like he doesn't care much for coin anyway. The tiefling... he says he just wants to see Gevarn to safety. But he might try to cut in on this deal... And the girl, well, it's just a little girl. She won't be fighting any cultists. I don't know who she belongs to, but if these fools bring her along we'll probably leave her in Winterhaven with a wet nurse or something.

Seems like a good chance for a fair bit of coin.

He flashes a toothy grin at Gevarn, When are we leaving?

2017-09-11, 03:42 PM
Maria is thankful that Prism is willing to allow her to come. Even though it is more out of her protection rather than out of professionalism which was fine with her. She was a child after all. However she does not like the idea of leaving immediately.

If you ask me we should wait till morning. Particularly with that stormy weather out there.
But I am ready to leave either way.

2017-09-11, 11:50 PM
Gilded Lady
He casts a concerned look at the young girl, but shrugs and continues. "It is a four day journey. We should wait until the morning to see if the weather clears. Sunrise shall we say? Excellent." He gazes around him, smiling at all the party. "Thank you all. Blessings of Chauntea on you all."

2017-09-11, 11:56 PM
Will the Barkeep take a letter?

Maacah Asherim

"And I guess we'll also need some rooms." Maacah looked back at the band of travelers.
"Who's willing to buddy up? Are you with me, kid?"

2017-09-12, 01:10 AM
Well I guess I am coming too just to make sure you all do not get killed., Maria says with a bit of humor that is not denigrating and more of a friendly jibe.

Valar smiles broadly, not bothered at all by the repartee.

He gazes around him, smiling at all the party. "Thank you all. Blessings of Chauntea on you all."

"And the blessings of Bahamut upon you, Gevarn. Specifically, the blessing of one to watch while you rest, in case those ruffians come back." Near the room's ceiling a tiny patch of cloud swirls into being, quickly taking a vaguely dragon-like shape. Though almost without substance, it perches on the back of the armchair, raising its head in a watchful pose. "This delightful creature was a gift from the holy folk in a Bahamutan shrine I've just come from. He can stay awake while you rest. Not so, I myself -- obviously I need my 'beauty sleep'." The man chuckles with self-deprecation.

"My name is Valar, by the way," he adds, coming over to shake Gevarn's hand.

2017-09-12, 06:46 AM
Prism, the Light of Dawn

Prism nods.
"I am called Prism, servant of Amaunator's Light. And I shall join the dragon creature in keeping watch through the dark of night."

2017-09-12, 10:35 AM

Thank you all. Blessings of Chauntea on you all.

And the blessings of Bahamut upon you, Gevarn.

Dorn gets up from the table, Save your blessings. Can't eat blessings. Can't buy a room with blessings.

Near the room's ceiling a tiny patch of cloud swirls into being, quickly taking a vaguely dragon-like shape. Though almost without substance, it perches on the back of the armchair, raising its head in a watchful pose. This delightful creature was a gift from the holy folk in a Bahamutan shrine I've just come from. He can stay awake while you rest. My name is Valar, by the way.

I am called Prism, servant of Amaunator's Light. And I shall join the dragon creature in keeping watch through the dark of night.

It warms the heart to be surrounded by such fine folk and their good intentions, Dorn says, rolling his eyes to the barkeep as he walks over, I'll take a spot by the hearth for the night.

2017-09-12, 11:42 AM
Well my name is Maria and I guess once I am finished my dinner I will go straight to bed.
I am not all that picky about the room I am in as long as it is reasonably presentable and clean but I will be willing to pay a room with two beds. If not I can be willing to share.

After politely excusing herself Maria gets herself a room and goes straight to bed.

2017-09-12, 11:26 PM
Gilded Lady
The barkeep is willing to take Maacah's letter to pass on to trustworthy travelers heading in the right direction.

Rooms are available for those who need them, courtesy of an overjoyed Gevarn (with his blessings).

The night passes without incident and each are well rested. The morning greets you with damp roads but clear skies. When Gevarn comes down in the morning, he is ready and eager to go. Just as soon as he has eaten breakfast.

2017-09-12, 11:30 PM
Maacah Asherim

Maacah washes herself thoroughly in her room including the inside of her mouth to keep her winning smile. She eats quickly and decides to go outside of the tavern first to see if the thugs waited all night.
"Hello? Various angry people?" she calls out.


2017-09-13, 08:48 AM

Dorn is sitting near the fire with his feat up when the others begin to come down from their rooms. He eyes everyone as they make their way to breakfast. When Gevarn sits to eat, Dorn grabs himself a bowl and slides up next to the man, Mornin'. Sleep well? He puts a spoonful of food in his mouth, What kind o' troubles you been having exactly with this cult? Tithes? You know, the not voluntary kind, he says, laughing, or defacing the other churches? Sacrificing people at the altar?

2017-09-13, 10:24 AM
Prism, the Light of Dawn

Prism is, of course, already awake when the others enter the common room, and he gathers his meager belongings and prepares for travel.
"The rights of Shar are themselves profane acts, performed in darkness to hide their shame. The channeling of power to such an unholy being is not something that decent folk should be exposed to."

2017-09-13, 12:00 PM

Dorn turns to regard the crystalline creature, Prism, right? What are you? he asks, looking the golem up and down.

You say you don't like dark and profane things, but you travel with a dark elf in tow, so forgive me if I'm not exactly convinced...

2017-09-13, 12:05 PM
Prism, the Light of Dawn

Prism turns his attention to Dorn
"I am a servant of the light. The dark elf is a thief, placed into my custody for rehabilitation."

2017-09-13, 12:19 PM

Dorn snorts, That looks like a servant of the light, he says, pointing at Valar, Poor. Meek. Like he needs to beg for food. Or that, he says, pointing at Deimos, if you ignore the fact that he's a devil. Stiff-backed and miserable, silently judging everyone because he's better-than.

But you? You look like a walking gemstone. I could probably chip a piece off and travel luxuriously from here to Winterhaven. I've never seen a walking gemstone before. Never killed one. That's why I ask, what are you? A wizard's pet? A enchanted rock? I don't think you slept last night. Do you eat anything? Or drink?

2017-09-13, 12:56 PM
When Maria comes down to eat breakfast, she has eggs and sausage. She also takes out a large, leather bound book and begins perusing it while eating. It is engraved with the image of a teddy bear. But it seems to have a lot of pages for a children's book.

He is a shardmind I believe., Maria answers Dorn's question.

2017-09-13, 01:03 PM
Prism, the Light of Dawn

Prism's tone sounds offended.
"I am Prism. And I find it quite rude of you to speak of my parts as if they were not part of a whole. Should I observe about the dogs who could be fed if parts of your meat were removed?"
His attention shifts to the girl.
"Indeed, so I have been called. A part of the Living Gate, a barrier between this realm and the realm of madness, shattered and reconstituted in the service of the Light."

2017-09-13, 05:13 PM
Maacah Asherim

Maacah doesn't see anything amiss and returns into the tavern.
"I didn't see anything dangerous ahead," she relates to the group.
"We can head out. I'm sure we'll see those thugs again, but maybe not immediately."

2017-09-13, 06:52 PM
Dorn snorts, That looks like a servant of the light, he says, pointing at Valar, Poor. Meek. Like he needs to beg for food. Or that, he says, pointing at Deimos, if you ignore the fact that he's a devil. Stiff-backed and miserable, silently judging everyone because he's better-than.

Your mom's a servant of d'light :smalltongue:

Still smiling at Dorn's innocent ignorance, Valar hefts his full pack onto his back, picks up an iron-capped wooden shortstaff, and whistles to his wispy dragon. The creature floats toward him lazily but disperses into the air before it reaches him. The man returns his scraped-clean plate to the keeper with a murmur of thanks, then stands by the door, ready to step out ahead of Gevarn. Valar moves gracefully for his age.

2017-09-13, 07:15 PM
Ser Deimos

As the others bunked down for the night, Ser Deimos kept himself in his own room for the most part. A silent night for him as he pondered who these strangers were: a talkative drow, an overly friendly shardmind, a half-orc with a chip of some sort on his shoulder, a human child with some mystery surrounding her... and even more than that.

The others likely saw the tiefling as a darker figure, but he wasn't going to persuade them otherwise. He would let his actions speak for themselves.

The next morning after a modest meal, the others introduced themselves by name. The bluntness of the half-orc made Deimos tense up a moment. "I've seen executioners who pass judgement less swiftly than yourself, sirrah." He directed at Dorn, passing by the others to pass his wineskin to the barkeep for a quick refill.

"You may call me Deimos. Ser Deimos." He says after a moment, adjusting the gauntlet on his armor while his hellish eyes flickered a moment. "Where I'm from matters not."

2017-09-13, 09:41 PM

Prism's tone sounds offended. I am Prism. And I find it quite rude of you to speak of my parts as if they were not part of a whole. Should I observe about the dogs who could be fed if parts of your meat were removed?

Dorn shrugs, You "find it quite rude", he says, mimicking Prism's voice and raising his eyebrows in mock surprise, Fancy speech for a talking rock. Rude, huh? So you've got feelings. And they can be hurt.

I wonder what else it can feel. And what else can hurt it...

He is a shardmind I believe, says the little girl. Dorn raises an eyebrow at the child.

Indeed, so I have been called. A part of the Living Gate, a barrier between this realm and the realm of madness, shattered and reconstituted in the service of the Light.

Dorn looks between Maria and Prism, seemingly at a loss for words, before he begins to laugh loudly. Living Gate?! Realm of Madness?! That makes perfect sense! Anyone would have to be mad to think they can rehabilitate a drow!

I've seen executioners who pass judgement less swiftly than yourself, sirrah. Deimos directs at Dorn.

Oh I bet you've seen all sorts of things, Dorn says with a knowing smile.

You may call me Deimos. Ser Deimos, he says after a moment, adjusting the gauntlet on his armor while his hellish eyes flickered a moment. Where I'm from matters not.

Dorn scoffs in response but doesn't say anything.

Yeah, it doesn't really matter *which* of the Nine Hells you come from...

The half-orc gets up from the table and grabs his pack from near the fireplace. He throws it on and carries his massive sword in hand, leaning against his shoulder, I'm ready.

2017-09-13, 11:01 PM
Maacah Asherim

Living Gate?! Realm of Madness?! That makes perfect sense! Anyone would have to be mad to think they can rehabilitate a drow!

Maacah snorts, taking a seat near their client.
"Alright, orcy. Settle down before your whine slips out from beneath the bravado."

2017-09-13, 11:03 PM
Maria knows that the half orc simply enjoying the reactions of the others towards his rudeness. She knows how he seems to work. So she simply does not react and chooses to ignore him. After finishing her breakfast, she neatly arranges her plate and puts away her book in her backpack, slinging the backpack over her back, before giving the plate to the barkeeper, thanking him for his hospitality. She then says, Okay I am ready.

2017-09-14, 05:16 AM
Prism, the Light of Dawn

Prism ***** his head at Dorn, apparently puzzled
"An interesting perspective. So you believe that one's heritage determines one's fate. Is that correct, orc-child?"

2017-09-14, 09:18 AM
"An interesting perspective. So you believe that one's heritage determines one fate. Is that correct, orc-child?"

Valar laughs aloud. "Truth -- how one has been treated becomes a model for how one should treat others. Stepping beyond the bounds of that labyrinth is harder than walking it anew."

2017-09-14, 09:24 AM

Maacah snorts, Alright, orcy. Settle down before your whine slips out from beneath the bravado.

Prism ***** his head at Dorn, apparently puzzled, An interesting perspective. So you believe that one's heritage determines one fate. Is that correct, orc-child?

Dorn leans against the wall with his arms crossed, waiting for the others to get ready with a smile on his face.

Child? Heh, that's a child, he says, nodding at Maria, I don't give two ****es about fate. I make my own way. But if you're interested, I can tell you your fortune Prism. It goes something like this... You're walking. Through the woods. Probably lecturing the drow about being good and nice and keeping her sticky fingers to herself. Then wham! You get a knife in the back. Or a pickaxe. Or whatever can crack that shiny hide of yours. Probably why she hasn't done it yet. Can't find the chink in your armor. When it's all done, you'll be another pile of rocks in the dirt. For being in service to the light, your future doesn't look to bright Prism. I'd keep my guard up around that one, he says, pointing at Maacah and giving her a wink.

The first one's free, to whet your appetite. But if you want more "portents of fate" he says in Prism's cadence, you'll have to pay up! He laughs, obviously satisfied with himself.

Come on! Let's get a move on. I want to crack some skulls and spend some money!

2017-09-14, 10:04 AM
Maacah Asherim

A few responses flew threw her head.
First and foremost, she'd never killed anyone.
"We never commit hanging crimes, kid. Every criminal gets caught at least once. Your one time is only your ast if you're caught doing something you'll hang for."
Eabis had then given out a brief snort.
"'Course, I never needed to tell you that, did I, Soft?"
Second, if it were as simple as that she just wouldn't be here. If all that the church was holding onto were a few valuables then she'd be gone already, Pebbles couldn't stop her.
But she had no reason to tell any of that to the half-orc. Certainly no reason to tell the whole room. Let the orc make his assumptions, and let him be wrong. After a few days on the road the priest would tire of the slayer's bickering while being insistent that he was the only member of value and she'd never have to see him again.
So she didn't bother refuting Dorn's accusations. Instead:
"So, Orcy. When you're wagging your mouth this way, do you often stab yourself in the face with your fangs?
Because that would explain the whole..." Maacah's left hand went up and vaguely indicated the half-orc's entire face.
"Never mind."

2017-09-14, 02:04 PM

Dorn smiles, No darlin'. That's what happens when you fight people face to face.

2017-09-14, 03:33 PM
Maacah Asherim

"You lose?" Maacah asked, sitting back to get her back into a more comfortable position.

2017-09-14, 04:43 PM

Dorn is surprised by the come back and stares for a second before erupting into boisterous laughter. He starts to quiet down for a moment before going into another laughing fit. Oh, oh gods that's funny. You're funny! You've got some spirit. They don't say you dark elves have a sense of humor. He wipes a tear from his eye. I suppose I'm not pretty to look at, it's true. But you see, that's just it! That's what I like about you fine zealots! I'm normally the scariest ugliest thing in the room! Not at the Gilded Lady. Not today! And not in Winterhaven come a few days time. Doesn't sound too bad actually...

He chuckles again, Did I lose. I wouldn't be here if I lost. Fights I have don't exactly let you walk away if you lose. But that's funny, he says shaking a finger at her. At least we'll all die laughing.

I'll be waiting outside, he says, leaving through the main door with a chuckle.

2017-09-15, 05:49 PM
Maacah Asherim

Maacah raises an eyebrow at what she sees as transparent blustering prior to a retreat.
She takes a sip of cider.
"I think Orcling insulted you guys."

2017-09-15, 09:46 PM
I don't care. Let's go. We have to head to Winterhaven. The sooner we start the better., Maria says growing somewhat annoyed at Maacah's tardiness in getting going.

2017-09-15, 10:17 PM
We're all waiting on the cleric guy!

2017-09-16, 02:13 AM
Gilded Lady
The rising sun lights a slightly hazy day. Wet patches on The East Way belie the rain's presence in the night. No other travelers or lurkers are visible.Gevarn wipes his mouth, lets out a polite burp of satisfaction, and pushes himself back from the table. "Ah, a well fed journey is a pleasant one. Shall we?"

When, at last, the party starts on its way, the road west in an easy one, well traveled and cared for by these days' standards. Over the next four days, the journey could not be more pleasant. Warmish weather and light breezes bring thoughts far from trouble, making the trip almost vacation-like. Evenings in cleared spots are restful, if not comfy. The days pass with conversation and many miles underfoot so that in four days time, you find yourself looking down the road from a small rise into the town of Winterhaven. A small walled village of twenty buildings or so lies up the next rise about three miles away. As you make your way down into the shallow dale, the wind in your face is cool and comfortable. The road beneath your feet is level. An occasional ancient cobblestone peeks through the dirt road, indicating decades of use. You notice footprints leading up and down the road, many of which were made by small, clawed feet.

2017-09-16, 03:43 AM
"Hm. Gevarn, do your fellow townsfolk herd turkeys or rheas? I'm seeing a lot of tracks along the road ... I could use a good turkey dinner. It's been months since I had decently-cooked fowl. The shrine I was visiting had no domestic birds at all." Valar has mostly been quiet on the trip west but did mention his pilgrimage to a very spartan commune in the mountains.

2017-09-16, 09:51 AM
Maacah Asherim

Maacah crouches down and takes a closer look at the tracks.
She lifts herself back from the tracks.

2017-09-16, 10:33 AM
Maria is new to travel, that much is certain. Although she tries to soldier on and move forward without complaint. She will not act like a baby and she does not. But it did not mean that she would occasionally stop for a few seconds to rest. She is smart enough to stay in the middle of party, 4th from the front having both her back and front covered in case of attack. She does notice the claw prints and tries to view her surroundings with a critical eye as she takes her wand out.

[roll0] Perception Check
[roll1] Identify Claw tracks using Nature Check

2017-09-17, 10:48 AM

Dorn stops to look at the clawed footprints along the path.

Hm. Gevarn, do your fellow townsfolk herd turkeys or rheas? I'm seeing a lot of tracks along the road ... I could use a good turkey dinner. It's been months since I had decently-cooked fowl. The shrine I was visiting had no domestic birds at all.

Dorn scoffs quietly, Beggars are always thinking with their stomachs...

I don't see dog tracks, or a shepherd's footprints. Turkeys would cross the road here but they wouldn't march up and down like this.

He stands up, dusts his hands off, and looks around with a grin on his face, We might get lucky and see some action before Winterhaven.

2017-09-17, 12:28 PM
Oh yeah we should determine what our characters told the others over these four days.
Maacah responded to a question about the letter she wrote and reveals that she contacted her brothers, who live in a tavern. She's also revealed that Prism's church is holding onto some items of hers until she works off her debt with the cleric.
I'm interested in whether or not the knight is actually a beggar and how long Maria's been on her own.

2017-09-18, 12:52 AM
The East Way
You see the tracks made by small, almost bird-like feet, leading both east and west along the road, sometimes veering off the path. It is impossible to tell exact numbers but they range in age from a couple days to less than an hour.You see the tracks made by small, almost bird-like feet, leading both east and west along the road, sometimes veering off the path. They are the footprints of kobolds. Kobolds are a reptillian race. They have a strong reverence to dragons, as they are themselves a humanoid version of a dragon (yet significantly shrunken to only 3-4 feet high, and with a rodent-like visage.)
Kobolds base their lairs near dragons, and make sacrifical offerings to what they perceive as gods.
Kobolds are well known for constructing traps, which they can use to defend their lair or capture prey.
Judgin only by their prints, it is impossible to tell exact numbers.
The path curves to the left at the lowest point while small clumps of trees and rocks dot the landscape. The trees begin to thicken as the road leads uphill towards the weathered walls of Winterhaven.Pick a location on the road between letters O and V. You are heading west (to the left).
THE MAP (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/19ra_6o-SN9_JgmkS_Otkv-h1JGJhes1TSaDIKSo_gz8/edit?usp=sharing)

2017-09-18, 06:25 AM
Dorn scoffs quietly, Beggars are always thinking with their stomachs...

I don't see dog tracks, or a shepherd's footprints. Turkeys would cross the road here but they wouldn't march up and down like this.

"Hm! Good points."

He stands up, dusts his hands off, and looks around with a grin on his face, We might get lucky and see some action before Winterhaven.

Valar blushes brightly. "Some action? ... Oh, you mean combat, not ..." He glances nervously in Maria's direction. "Well. Right. But Dorn, if you're a mercenary, surely you'd prefer to avoid combats you're not getting paid for?"

2017-09-18, 08:32 AM
Guys we are dealing with kobolds. Those are kobold tracks and I think we should look out for ambushes., Maria says as she prepares herself.

Maria readies to cast Magic Missile in case of ambush at nearest kobold making an attack on party. She will be on S5.

2017-09-18, 09:00 AM

Other words

2017-09-18, 09:14 AM

Valar blushes brightly. Some action? ... Oh, you mean combat, not ... He glances nervously in Maria's direction.

Dorn chuckles a low rumble, Well if I weren't sure you were a holy man before, hehehe.

Well. Right. But Dorn, if you're a mercenary, surely you'd prefer to avoid combats you're not getting paid for?

Gotta keep the blade sharp for when the real work needs to get done, he says with another toothy smile.

Guys we are dealing with kobolds. Those are kobold tracks and I think we should look out for ambushes, Maria says as she prepares herself.

Little walking whetstones, Dorn says, unsheathing his sword and preparing for combat.

Location - T7
Draw Greatsword
Enter Berserker's Charge stance

2017-09-18, 09:39 AM
Maacah Asherim

"Why would you look at her?" she asks Valar.
"There are a lot of us here, and I think Orcling wants to have some action with you."
Maacah draws her hand crossbow, loads it, and points it at the ground until a target shows up.

2017-09-18, 06:37 PM

I will be at M8 for now.

Ser Deimos

In typical tiefling fashion, despite not being a typical tiefling, Deimos remained quiet for their journey. An agreeable nod, a gentle tap or two of his thumb over the end of his flail, and sometimes a subtle roll of his eyes as the party continued onward.

Upon the mention of kobold tracks, he gave a light roll of his shoulders and reached behind his back to slide his bracer into the straps of his shield. Upon drawing it, he unlatched his flail and waited.

2017-09-18, 09:00 PM
Sorry forgot to include initiative in my last post.


2017-09-19, 09:34 AM
Prism, the Light of Dawn

As the girl warns of kobolds, a light begins to gather around Prism's head.

I'll start at T5
Initiative: [roll0]

2017-09-20, 12:34 AM
The East Way
As you walk along the well-worn path, small creatures hiding behind the rocks spring into view and begin to move toward you. With a shriek, the small humanoids attack. Scaled and rust-colored, they have reptilian heads and tails. The are small but numerous. Their attack quick and possibly fierce, however, expected.
As some of you had readied actions, the party may act as one. Then they shall have their turn.

2017-09-20, 07:24 AM
Prism, the Light of Dawn

Prism steps forwards as the light concentrates, then flares out to encompass the nearest kobolds, his pronouncement echoing in the minds of his allies.

Move to O5 and use Shining Symbol [L3-N5]
Standard Action: Shining Symbol [Encounter]
Divine, Implement, Radiant; Close Blast 3
Target: Each enemy in the blast
Attack: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2] vs Will (in book order)
Hit: [roll3] radiant damage and the target takes a -2 penalty to hit until the end of my next turn.

2017-09-20, 08:09 AM

Dorn smiles widely, then gives Gevarn a sidelong glance, Make sure you stay alive! The half-orc squints as Prism unleashes a beaming ball of light at the clustered kobolds, Don't get greedy now!

Dorn charges forward, past Sir Deimos and the other kobolds to one in the back that managed to find itself away from the pack. With a swift fluid motion he runs up to the creature and draws his massive sword into a downward cut.

Stance - Berserker's Charge
Move Action - Move to N7
Standard Action - Charge Kobold (H5)
Charge Move - End in I6
Charge Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2017-09-20, 09:23 AM
Maacah Asherim

Maacah aims her hand crossbow at the nearest uninjured kobold and fires.

After firing, she addresses her target directly (if alive).
"There's more where that came from. So you'd best turn around and wait for an easier target to come along."


2017-09-20, 09:26 AM
Okay that didn't work (rolling)


2017-09-20, 11:32 AM
After moving backward a bit, Maria supplements Prism's attack with lightning, unleashing a bolt that comes at one target and zigzags to deflect into another without harming her friends.

Move to t6. Cast Arc Lightning. INT vs REF. 11 damage if attack is critical.

Arc Lightning on N9 and M4 respectively: [roll0] and [roll1]
Damage If Hit: [roll2]

2017-09-20, 09:30 PM
After glancing behind the party to see whether they're surrounded, Valar draws his shortstaff and zips forward. He plunges through the greenery and fakes out the more heavily protected of the kobolds, quickly getting into melee range of the back line.

Minor action to draw rod, two moves to get to H2 without provoking an OA. No attacks for me this turn. :smallfrown:

2017-09-22, 02:37 AM
The East Way
A sudden flurry of action on the road sends kobolds flying all around.

A brilliant blast of radiant energy erases two kobolds and leaves one wide-eyed and silent.

Fleet-footed death in the form of a half-orc charges another kobold, slices him neatly in twain, and startles others who thought they were still hidden from view.

Thinking he has the drop on the tiefling, a kobold is surprised to find he receives a crossbow bolt in his chest and a threatening taunt on his way down to his eternal rest.

The air crackles with energies as the diminutive mage releases her pent up power. Zot. No more minions.

The only sign of the monk's passage is the snapping of robes as he makes his way along the way to appear suddenly in front an ambushing assailant, much to the slinger's surprise.

Ser Demios, then their turn, if any are left standing.

2017-09-22, 12:21 PM
Can I tell how many Kobolds are left?

EDIT: Never-mind, I got it.

2017-09-24, 10:10 PM
Ser Demios
The paladin, after turning tobe sure the sneaky kobold behind him was put down by the bolt, draw and spins his flail with righteous might. Stepping between the the half-orc and the dragonshield, he levels his flail at the kobold. He is rewarded by a solid hit against his foe. Kelemvor is so pleased with his prowess that he gives Ser Demios' ally, Dorn, the blessing of protection. The paladin asks Kelemvor to watch over his foe, lest his attention stray to someone less worthy.

Move Action: to J5.
Standard Action - Forbidding Strike vs Dragonshield 3 AC - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1] and adjacent ally gains resist 2 all until end of next turn, Dorn
Minor Action - Divine Challenge Dragonshield 3

2017-09-24, 10:39 PM
Ambush on the East Way
The two kobold slingers move in sync, couter-clockwise around the boulder, both shifting quickly like skittering lizards. They snap off shots using unusually large sling stones that wizz towards Valor and Dorn. The pot that shatters behind Valor releases a sticky mess that would have bound up the binder had it hit, while the pot that sails past Dorn's ear smashes on the road leaving a trail of fire. The unhappy kobolds slither around the rocks into hiding.

The southern dragonshields draw their short swords and charge at the half orc. The first to arrive swings wide, his blade easily dodged but the second manages to catch the thrice threatened slayer with its edge. The chitter in victory before backing up a step.

Then northern dragonshield feels obliged to swing his sword at the nearby paladin. His blade is easily turned by tiefling. The grumbling kobold retreats around the boulder to push into the bushes towards softer targets.
Slinger 1
Minor Action - Shift to E6
Standard Action - Sling vs Dorn AC (17)- [roll0] miss
Damage - [roll1]
Move Action - Move to G12

Slinger 2
Minor Action - shift to F3
Standard Action - Sling vs Valor AC (17) - [roll2] miss
Damage - [roll3]
Move Action - move to E6

Dragonshield 1
Move Action - move to F10
Standard - Charge to H7 vs Dorn AC (17) - [roll4] miss
Damage - [roll5]
Minor Action - shift to G8

Dragonshield 2
Move Action - move to G10
Standard - Charge to I7 vs Dorn AC (17) - [roll6] HIT
Damage - [roll7]
Minor Action - shift to J8

Dragonshield 3
Standard Action - Short sword vs Ser Demios AC (20) - [roll8] miss
Didn't roll damage. lucky it missed
Minor Action - shift to J3
Move Action - move to O4

2017-09-24, 11:04 PM
Maacah Asherim

Seeing Dorn get hit, Maacah immediately rushes to Prism's aid, getting behind the Dragonshield at 04, going to 03 (moving 5 squares out of 6). As she runs, she draws her short sword and, flanking the Dragonshield, lets loose a sneak attack.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (-1 = 12)

Maacah drives her short sword into the back of the kobold and twists it as hard as she can while it is inside of him before yanking it out.

2017-09-25, 05:57 AM
Prism, the Light of Dawn

The holy light burns in Prism's eyes, and concentrates into another beam that shoots towards the kobold threatening him. The light then settles around Dorn, reinforcing the area around the mercenary's injury.

Standard Action: Sacred Flame [At-Will]
Divine, Implement, Radiant; Ranged 5
Target: One Creature [Dragonshield 3]
Attack: [roll0] vs Reflex
Hit: [roll1] radiant damage and one ally Prism can see gains 3 Temporary Hit Points.

2017-09-25, 08:08 AM

Dorn's sword cleaves into the kobold and the creature lets out a screech before whimpering and falling to the ground dead. One down, he thinks smugly, turning quickly to engage the rest. All types of magic are are cutting through the air as the group takes down the remaining would-be ambushers, Well, well, the freak show has some skill.

The sound of rustling behind him has him turn around to see more kobolds appearing. A slingshot barely misses his head, and two warriors run up to him, striking with swords from behind their shields. The three of them exchange strikes, each trying to find a way past their opponent's defenses. Despite their size, the warriors are skilled, and one nearly catches Dorn. He turns the blade away but the other sees the opening and strikes. The sword hits him hard in the mid-riff, failing to penetrate his gambeson but certainly leaving some bruises to his ribs. Dorn lets out a cry of pain, something between a bark and a laugh, Let me return the favor! he growls, swinging in a wide arc to catch both kobolds at once. But the shifty creatures scamper out of his way, backing up and out of his reach. As they do, Dorn can feel energy swirling around him, and he feels fortified. He turns to see Sir Deimos and Prism weaving magic his way and he nods at them before turning his attention back to the dragonshields.

Hit and run huh? Goad me forward so your buddy there can take another shot at me with his sling? Not today.

Dorn turns and charges at the slinger on the sideline, hoping to take the creature down so he can fight the others without fear of being struck from behind.

Minor Action - Switch to Battle Wrath stance.
Standard Action - Charge Kobold Slinger 2.
Charge Move - End movement in F6.
Charge Attack - [roll0]
Charge Damage - [roll1]

If Attack Hits...
Free Action - Furious Assault - [roll2]
No Action - Power Strike - [roll3]
No Action - Takedown Strike - 4 damage and Kobold Slinger is knocked PRONE.

2017-09-25, 11:14 AM
Manuevering around a few graves Maria takes cover seeing the slingers firing their slings at allies. She'd be more willing to fire on the slingers if the dragonshields were not an issue. So she concentrates her lightning on the two unchallenged dragonshields so far.

Move Action: Move to T2.
Standard Action: Arc Lightning on Dragonshields 2 and 1. INT vs REF. If critical hit(natural 20 roll) does 11 damage. Because it is an evocation spell, get one reroll of natural 1 damage. Because Maria has Wand Expertise, ignore Partial and Superior Cover.

D2: [roll0]
D1: [roll1]
Damage if Hit: [roll2]
Reroll Natural 1 damage(if necessary): [roll3]

2017-09-26, 10:48 PM
Valar steps toward the skittering attackers with a sudden aura of commanding presence. They turn to stare in shock as he momentarily takes on a platinum dragon's visage. Winds whip around the priest as if from invisible wings, throwing grit and dirt into the air. Two kobolds back away from him in fear, but not before one of them feels a hint of scorching dragonbreath penetrate its armor.

Move action: walk from H4 to G7.
Standard action:"draconic glare" (echoing dirge)
dragonshield 1, [roll0] vs Will
dragonshield 2, [roll1] vs Will
A hit triggers my flurry of blows (5 fire damage to dragonshield1 and I may shift 1 square), deals [roll2] psychic, and pushes up to 2 squares. My shift will take me from G7 to F8, then I push dragonshield1 from G8 to G9, dragonshield2 from J8 to J10. (Assuming I push from where I used the power, not my newly shifted location.)

If a kobold gets felled adjacent to me, I might use "draconic wind" (shadow warp) to slide an enemy to a worse position or an ally to a better one. The whipping winds flavortext is there to justify it. WaffleLord, feel free to apply the power while processing other people's turns, though I'll also post again if I see a good opportunity myself.

2017-09-27, 01:28 AM
Ambush on the Easy Way
The dragonshield finding an enemy focusing energy at him without proper defense, decides to let him know he's still there. Stabbing quickly with his short sword, he feels a jolt of radiant energy course through his body as he targets the shardmind. The pain distracts him just enough to only harmlessly score the stony figure. Flames erupt around the kobold, who squeals in agony and drops to the ground, motionless and silent.
Attack of Opportunity (-2 marked)
Short sword vs Prism AC (19) - [roll0] miss
Damage - [roll1] and marked
HOWEVER, takes 6 damage from Divine Challenge

Ser Demios
Capitalizing on the wide open dragonshield, he rushes to engage his new foe. Faced with an attack the kobold dodges quickly to the side, but his action is mirrored by the tiefling. The paladin swings his flail once, twice, three times before bringing it to bear on his new foe. The kobold manages to take the attack on his dragon scale shield. He flicks his tongue tauntingly.Move Action - move to J9 then J10 after kobold shift
Minor Action - Divine Challenge
Standard Action - Enfeebling Strike vs dragonshield 2 AC - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3] and it is -2 to attack until EoNT

2017-09-27, 01:36 AM
Ambush on the East Way
The remaining slinger loads and fires at the quickly moving monk, another large pot sailing through the air. Smashing at the feet of the monk, the sticky goo cements him to the ground making movement impossible. Grunting and squeaking with glee, the slinger capers off to another vantage point.
Standard Action
Sling vs Valor AC (17) - [roll0] HIT
Damage - [roll1] and target is immobilized (save ends)
Minor Action - shift to H13
Move Action - move to N10

The dragonshields, finding foes at the ready, launch quick, violent attacks against each. The stationary monk, unable to dodge the incoming blade, receives a poke to his shoulder. The paladin easily turns away the blade of his opponent. One happy and one disappointed kobold meet by the boulder, grouped back to back for mutual protection.
Dragonshield 1
Short sword vs Valor AC (17) - [roll2] HIT
Damage - [roll3]
Minor Action - shift to G10
Move Action - move to I13

Dragonshield 2
Short sword vs Ser Demios AC (20) - [roll4] miss
Damage - [roll5]
Minor Action - shift to J12

Party's turn

2017-09-27, 07:30 AM

Dorn's greatsword cleaves through the kobold cleanly, killing the creature in an instant. He turns in time to see two bolts of lightning strike the nearby dragonshields. He looks to see where they originated, and thinks it came near where Maria is behind the bushes, The girl?

Valar runs up to engage the kobold warriors and Dorn shouts at him, What are yo--?! but the man is enveloped in magic of some kind, a powerful presence that awes the kobolds. He shoots out a gout of flame and knocks the warriors back. Dorn laughs, Not bad, priest! He sees an opening as the kobolds recover from Valar's attack, and charges forward to engage the dragonshields.

Minor Action - Switch to Berserker's Charge stance.
Move Action - Move to C12.
Standard Action - Charge Dragonshield 1.
Charge Movement - End in H13 (or J13 if Kobold shifts)
Charge Attack - [roll0]
Charge Damage - [roll1]

2017-09-27, 09:24 AM
Maacah Asherim

The drow put away her unloaded crossbow and then looked toward the last slinger, drawing a dagger.
Maacah charged at the slinging kobold, but stopped short of actually meeting it head-on.
From hardly in front of the kobold at all, she threw her dagger at it.

Attack (Dagger Throw): [roll0] Natural One
Damage (Dagger Throw): [roll1]

Maacah's fighting history was spotty at best, her specialty being con artistry. If she pulled off her job right, she didn't have to fight. If it went wrong, her best bet was usually to comply until she could run.
Her inexperienced fingers released the dagger before it came to the proper end of its arc in her hand, and the throw went wide.

2017-09-27, 11:24 AM
Moving forward again and hoping that the drow can keep the dragonshield preoccupied, Maria makes a circular motion with her wand creating a ball of fire behind one of the dragonshields searing both.

Move to R5. Cast Flaming Sphere on K12. Flaming Sphere attack on Dragonshield 2. INT vs REF.
If attack is critical does 17 points of damage. Any creature that starts it turn next to the sphere takes 8 damage(see below).

Flaming Sphere Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] Use Heroic Effort human encounter power triggered by missed attack to add +4 to attack making roll 13.
Damage for being adjacent to sphere: [roll2]

2017-09-30, 08:24 PM
Seeing one of the assailants getting close to the back of the party where Maria stands alone, Valar ignores his own bleeding and rushes over with wind at his back. A half-visible force moves past him to strengthen his attack as he swings down his shortstaff.

Move action: Open The Gates Of Battle movement technique to get from F8 to N11.
Standard action: Open The Gates Of Battle attack technique on Slinger1. Use guidance of the past power to roll twice with a 1-in-20 chance of dazing me. Better of [roll0] or [roll1] vs Reflex. A hit deals [roll2] untyped damage and triggers my flurry for a separate 5 fire damage. If I'm reading the rules right, the flurry can trigger even if I do get dazed.

The kobold's skull shattering can be heard several feet away, and the creature is clearly dead even before a lick of fire rolls down the rod to its head.

2017-10-01, 11:13 AM
Prism, the Light of Dawn

Seeing Valar's courage to charge into battle despite the wound to his shoulder, Prism steps forward, raising a hand and sending a wave of light to encapsulate the monk.
"Be healed, child."
Then his blazing eyes fall upon the kobold dragonshield nearest, and a strike of blazing fire erupts from the crystalline focus in his head and streaks towards the little beast.

Move to K9.
Minor: Healing Word on Valar, heal surge + [roll0]
Standard: Vengeful Flare [Encounter]
Divine, Fire, Implement, Radiant; Ranged 7
Target: One creature [Kobold Dragonshield 2]
Attack: [roll1] vs Reflex
Hit: [roll2] fire damage, 3 radiant damage and the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses UEOMNT.

2017-10-02, 12:16 AM
Ser Demios

Seeing two of the three remaining kobolds handily defeat spurs the paladin to join in. "For Kelemvor!" he cries while charging down the final dragonshield. A long swing of his flail and the dragonshield's helmet lands many feet away and rolls to a stop.
Minor Action
Divine Challenge Dragonshield 2
Standard Action
Charge Dragonshield 2 - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Gevarn peeks his head out of the bushes where he had dived when fighting began. "My! Oh, my!" He looks around at the kobolds. "I don't know what they were intending, but I seem to have chosen myself a handy crew. Yes," he says smiling at the company.

(Out of initiative.)

2017-10-02, 12:26 AM
Maacah Asherim

Maacah tries to retrieve her dagger and bolt, and also decides to take a sling with as much ammo as she can find to give herself more ranged options.


After finding all she's going to, Maacah joins the rest of the party, clearly disturbed by the blood on her shortsword. As she looks at the blade, she seems uncertain of what to do with it, whether she should just sheath it as is or scrape it on a rock until the blood comes off. It occurs to her that the dragonshields had short swords and she could swap with one of them since barely any of them could hit anything.

2017-10-02, 04:12 AM
"Child?" Valar raises an eyebrow, wondering how old Prism is to be calling him 'child'. Regardless, he's clearly glad for the healing of the miracle light -- just bemused. His reaction to Dorn's approval is much the same. This group is an odd meeting of cultures.

Valar takes a seat on a rock to catch his breath. He looks to Maria and, finding her unharmed, asks, "How did you learn to throw lightning like that? That was quite a display!"

"I don't know what they were intending, but I seem to have chosen myself a handy crew."

Valar nods in response. "I believe fate favored you that night in the inn, Gevarn. No, I can't guess what their intentions were either, but I can say they acted nothing like the one kobold I've met in person before. Crazed assault was not his way of greeting strangers."

Short rest for encounter powers. Spend a second surge to get back to full HP.

2017-10-02, 06:31 PM
I am a wizard, more or less like an evocation mage. My mom and dad taught me., Maria says as she starts to search the kobolds as well.


2017-10-02, 11:30 PM
The East Way
A search of the kobold bodies reveal a pitiful 24 silver pieces, three slings with many bullets, two fire pots and one glue pot, three short swords, four spears, and seven javelins. There are also various light shields, some standard and some made of dragon scales. All equipment is in good condition.

Gevarn waits idly by on the road becoming more and more fidgety as the party rests and forages. "You don't think there are more of them nearby, do you? The town isn't too far ahead. We could make our way there easily, yes?"

2017-10-02, 11:46 PM
Maacah Asherim

Maacah chooses to take one of the short swords as a spare, two slings with many bullets (I'm going to say 50) and resigns herself to writing off that dagger as a loss. She divides up the silver, meeting Prism's eyes as she makes a point of doing so evenly. Then she leaves the rest of the weaponry for the others and strides up next to Gevarn.

"Yeah, we can probably make it fine. I'm ready when these louts are."

2017-10-03, 08:22 AM

Dorn rolls a couple of the kobold corpses over with a kick, Bah, prolly nuthin' but a few coins. If that. He looks to the others, a strange look of bemusement on his weathered, tusky face, So what are you all wizards or sumthin'? Lotta magic being tossed about.

I am a wizard, more or less like an evocation mage. My mom and dad taught me, Maria says as she starts to search the kobolds as well.

Dorn laughs, wiping the blade of his giant sword several times on the leather armor of one of the dead kobolds, They teach you how to loot corpses too?

Gevarn waits idly by on the road becoming more and more fidgety as the party rests and forages. "You don't think there are more of them nearby, do you? The town isn't too far ahead. We could make our way there easily, yes?"

Dorn laughs at the man and accepts his share of the found coins from Maacah, Thanks, he says, sheathing his sword and waiting for the others.

2017-10-03, 12:55 PM
Maacah Asherim

Copying Dorn’s technique, Maacah cleans off her sword. Looking over the pile of goods she’d left again, she reconsiders and picks up the three pots.

”Why, did your parents not teach you how to loot corpses?”

Maacah’s parents had taught her to do that as a child, though once they were out of the underdark they tried to get her to forget.

2017-10-03, 02:28 PM
Maria just ignores Dorn as she takes her 4 silver pieces and puts it in her money pouch. She will not let that man get to her.

Well I say we head to Winterhaven now before we are accosted by more bandits.

2017-10-03, 02:44 PM
Maacah Asherim

"I mean, it didn't end too badly," Maacah pointed out.
"No one wants a javelin?" she asks the group.
"You should take a sword, kid. Reliance on any one trick is setting yourself up for failure."

2017-10-03, 06:49 PM

Why, did your parents not teach you how to loot corpses?

Dorn shrugs at the drow, No, never met 'em.

Well I say we head to Winterhaven now before we are accosted by more bandits.

Dorn raises his eyebrows at Maria in feigned concern, then looks back to Maacah, I wish I had. Then maybe I'd be calling the shots around here and throwing lightnin' bolts out my arse! He laughs, Come on, let's get a move on before the little one gets angry at us!

2017-10-04, 10:17 PM
So what are you all wizards or sumthin'? Lotta magic being tossed about.

Valar shrugs. "My family has been dedicated to the Platinum Lord for generations. You don't worship a dragon all your life without learning a trick or two."

As the others talk and gather resources -- waste not, want not! -- Valar drags the dead kobolds off the pathway and sets each in a restful pose. He murmurs a blessing on their souls and hopes they find their way to the shelter of Bahamut's wing in the afterlife. The priest returns as Dorn delivers his latest crack. He shakes his head. "Mister, if you're throwing anything out your arse, bandits are the least of your worries. And have a care -- your missing parents might not mean anything to you, but Maria's loss is fresh and hurtful." He seems confused by Dorn's callousness.

The pilgrim gestures to Gevarn to show that he's ready to move along.

2017-10-05, 01:09 AM
The East Way

The rutted East Way winds through the Thunder Peaks, eventually coming upon the walled town of Winterhaven. The town is nestled in a forested valley in the midst of the Thunder Peaks. The stone walls appear weathered but still manage to support the defensive palisades. Small thatched homes stand around Winterhaven, each fronting a small piece of farmland that’s been cleared of trees. Beyond the farms, to the west and south, are dark woods, and in all directions rise tall mountain peaks.

The outer gate is policed by two guards with halberds. They nod amiably to Gevarn and wave the party, with the suspicious glances required by their position, through the gates.

This section of the village is only about 100 feet wide and 300 feet long. Several long thatched-roofed buildings stand among taller shingled structures. A few people wander in and out among the main street that meanders around to the temple at the far end of the village. A fork in the path leads to a second gate in the north wall that you assume heads towards the lord's manor.

Gevarn seems very excited and is much more animated now that he is within the city walls. "Oh thank you, thank you. Please, check yourselves in at Wrafton's, just there," he says gesturing to an inn just inside the city gate. "Tell them you are with me. That should be enough to get you rooms. Settle yourselves then come to the temple, there." He gestures to the imposing building at the end of the road. "I must meet with Sister Linora. So much to do, so much." He bustles off in an excited fashion, nearly tripping over himself.

Wrafton's inn and tavern serves as the public house for the region. Like alehouses everywhere, Wrafton’s
Inn offers beer, wine, and, on occasion, spirits. Meals are served for those with the coin, and beds for travelers are available. A sparse crowd enjoying their early meal looks only once at the party coming in. Travelers are far from uncommon.

2017-10-05, 01:16 AM
Maacah Asherim

"Hey kid, remember to get me a room. I just have a question for Gevarn before he runs off. I'll be right back."
Maacah does follow after Gevarn, but as she'd mentioned before in the tavern she had never really trusted anyone of faith, and the second she goes into the crowd she vanishes.

Stealth to keep out of sight of the party and Gevarn [roll0]

And he already indicated where he was going.

She isn't familiar with these streets, and so at first stumbles as she walks and bumps into some people. As she sees those around her she begins copying their movements, blending into crowds in ways a dark elf in the town shouldn't be able to, weaving in and out of groups as she tails Gevarn. She remembers Eabis's training on how to fade into a crowd and makes herself as invisible as possible.

2017-10-05, 10:48 AM

My family has been dedicated to the Platinum Lord for generations. You don't worship a dragon all your life without learning a trick or two.

Platinum Lord... cant says I heard of a metal dragon god. Sounds rich.


Mister, if you're throwing anything out your arse, bandits are the least of your worries. And have a care -- your missing parents might not mean anything to you, but Maria's loss is fresh and hurtful.

Dorn chuckles at being called "mister". He gives Valar an appraising look, I didnt know you and the girl was together. Doesnt matter. The sooner she gets over it, the better. Trust me on that one priest.


Dorn grips Gevarn by the arm as the man tries to leave, Don't forget our deal, he says with a wink, before letting the man go.

At Wrafton's, Dorn settles in to a nice meal and drink, See Valar? What's so bad about bumpin' into some kobolds on the road, huh? He jingles the pouch full of silver coins, We eat and sleep here on Gevarn's word, and then we've got a little bit of extra playing money!

2017-10-07, 08:28 PM
Maria really did not want to talk about her parents and the sad memories that brought with. So she concentrated on the tasks at hand and right now getting Gevarn back to Winterhaven was the priority. Anything else was extraneous. She is silent the whole trip, staying on the fourth spot from the front of party.

Once safely in town, Maria heads to the inn with the rest of party. She is not a very flamboyant person and simply ignores Dorn. Instead she sits at the bar, making sure the innkeeper knows that she is with the adventuring group that just entered the inn, and politely orders some apple cider and beef stew. She appraises everyone else that is in the room other than herself and her friends, while asking, We had a run in with kobolds while on our way here. Is that commonplace around these parts?


2017-10-08, 03:18 PM
Maacah weaves through the sparse crowd, hugging the corners of the winding road. As she leaves the city square, she notices the stare of an elf selling wildflowers from a cart on the edge of the square. Gevarn walks in a very focused manner, rubbing his arm where Dorn had grabbed him, not greeting anyone, not making any stops heading directly up the road until it comes to a temple of Chauntea. He opens the front doors and steps inside without hesitation.

Wrafton's Inn
The innkeeper, a smiling female human, looks with wrinkled eyes at the young girl. “Kobolds! Those buggers are getting braver all the time! They've been getting pretty feisty as of late. Lord Padraig would probably be interested in hearing your story. He’s been trying to get the militia to clear out those vermin for the last few months with no success.”

2017-10-08, 04:19 PM
Maacah Asherim

Maacah steps up to the door and knocks on it, too close to let up now.

2017-10-09, 10:23 AM

The innkeeper, a smiling female human, looks with wrinkled eyes at Maria. “Kobolds! Those buggers are getting braver all the time! They've been getting pretty feisty as of late. Lord Padraig would probably be interested in hearing your story. He’s been trying to get the militia to clear out those vermin for the last few months with no success.”

Oh yeah? Dorn asks, sidling up to the bar at the mention of another interested party, We just met with some success on the way here. What'd we take down Maria? Six, seven kobolds? He looks back to the innkeeper, She's a little wizard y'know. Dropped a couple of the little scampers herself. I think Lord Padraig would be very interested to talk to us. Where can we find him?

2017-10-10, 09:06 PM
Valar looks pleased but wistful at the sight of Winterhaven's farmhouses. Not surprising, given how he talked about his cottager background on the trip here. He doesn't have a lot to say as the group settle in at Wrafton's, but does order himself a pitcher of ale to wash the trail dust from his throat. He sits to watch the people watching Maria and Dorn.

2017-10-11, 12:06 AM
There is a short pause, silence from within, then boots on flagstone footsteps before the door opens. A middle-aged human woman in religious garb opens the door. Her eyes widen for a moment on seeing a drow outside her door, but she keeps her voice even toned. "Greetings, friend. How may Chauntea assist?"
"That's one of them!" calls Gevarn from within. "She's said she will help us!"
"Oh!" The woman's eyes lighten. "Please, come in. We were just discussing our next steps." She steps to the side and invites Maacah into the temple.

Wrafton's Inn
At Dorn's words, she looks at Maria with an appraising expression but her tone is very skeptical. "Mmmm. Yes, she seems very ...uh... mighty." She brightens at the sound of Padraig's name. "Oh, the Lord. Lord Padraig himself often comes down here to honor our establishment. He is a very open man, shares his time and wisdom, he does." She glances out the window. "Another little while, the sun'll get lower and the crowds will pick up. You may just see him yourself."

2017-10-11, 12:47 AM
Maacah Asherim

Maacah enters with a smile and begins sizing up whom she assumes to be Sister Linora.


Upon sizing her up, Maacah introduces herself with a hearty handshake and a winning smile.
"I am Maacah Asherim. Did your temple receive a letter addressed from a tavern owned by Josiah and Kilcom Halevi? I believe it would be addressed to me."

2017-10-11, 01:00 AM
Well that didn't work.


2017-10-12, 07:44 AM

Wow! Dorn says with raised eyebrows, How nice of the man to come rub shoulders with the rest o' us. I can't wait to meet him.

2017-10-15, 08:32 PM
Maria is used to the innkeeper's attitude. This was the norm for children. So she took things as is. Instead she continued to observe her surroundings and the rest of the people in the inn who are not her friends.

May I have a private room for tonight at least too please. How much? So any other interesting news or events other than the kobolds occuring around heres recently?

2017-10-16, 02:22 AM
Temple of Chauntea
Sister Linora appears to be middle-aged though her face certainly carries a wisdom far older than her years. She returns Maacah's handshake with a forgiving grip and a knowing smile. Her smile is gentle and comforting but the hard lines on her eyes belie a stern countenance when needed. "It is a blessing to meet you, Maacah. When have not as of yet received anything addressed to you, but I shall ask them family to be watchful." She turns at sits on the arm of a nearby pew. "I don't know what Acolyte Gevarn has told you, but our trouble is far beyond the simple kobolds that most villagers seem afraid of. Both portents and the whispered words of my lady speak of the coming evils of Shar." She blinks hard for a moment, but presses on. “She is the Mistress of Night, one of the greater gods, and she has only evil in her heart. Out of the primordial chaos, she and her sister, Selûne, created the world. However, unlike her good sister, Shar longs to see the world fall into darkness and evil.” She takes a steadying breath and continues. "I beg of you. FInd some proof that will convince Lord Padraig of the coming evil. While I respect and appreciate his love and faith in Chauntea, he underestimates the threat this evil presents. We have collected other information but," she averts her eyes for a moment, "our last investigator has gone missing. Douven Staul has done some previous work and went to check on an archeological dig in a gully to the south. He has not returned. We ask that you follow his leads and find him if possible. He is one of our family. We would appreciate his return."

Wrafton's Inn
"Of course, dear. We'll keep you safe in your own room, don't fear. Gevarn said he would cover the cost of his guests. Don't worry yourself over the cost," she says as she smiles at Maria in a motherly way. "interesting news? Besides the green buggers? Hmmm. Well, we had a fellow go missing a week ago. Some crazy history man going out digging in the south every day just stopped coming back. I think the buggers got 'em. Only a matter of time." She moves down the bar and around to the tables to take an order from an older human, farmer by the look of him, who came in and sat down in the corner and put his feet up on an empty chair next to him. Over the next few minutes, four others come in. Three men, also farmers, sit at a table and begin to talk loudly, while a female elf, moving smoothly in leather, quietly sits in the corner opposite the first farmer.

2017-10-16, 08:46 AM
Maacah Asherim

For a second Maacah tenses up, then she relaxes.
"Oh, is that all? Shouldn't be too hard. I'll just need the answers to a few questions. Do the cultists have a phrase when they greet each other, like 'darkness bless you' or 'live short and die in poverty?' Do they recruit Drow? And do you have a cosmetics kit?"
Maacah resembled half the attractive drow above the underdark. Before she tried particularly dangerous cons, she took steps to resemble the other half.

2017-10-20, 12:14 PM
I suppose there are no Death Cults in the area., Maria says offhandedly, Sister Linora sent someone to help find some Death Cult around heres.

Maria discretely looks around to gage any reactions to what she just said.


2017-10-23, 03:13 AM
Temple of Chauntea
Sister Linora gets a concerned look on her face. "We know they have some connections in town but we do not know who or how they communicate. It is not a very big town so they know each other without telltales. We cannot tell if they are actively recruiting. They are in league with the kobold marauders that have been vexing they city. Whether they are merely minions causing chaos or serve a greater purpose, our investigator was trying to determine. They had been reported lurking around the dig to the south and Douven had gone to check things out. That was several days ago." She looks a little confused about Maacah's final request. "I...guess we can find...something to help cosmetically."

Wrafton's Inn
Salvana, the innkeeper, chuckles, "Evil cults? Oh little one, you listen to too many late night tales. There are no cults in Winterhaven, dear."

At the mention of cults, the elf in leather, does a little too good a job of "not" listening.

2017-10-23, 09:21 AM
Maacah Asherim

Maacah saw that Sister Linora didn't really understand her requests and decided to outline her plan.
"My plan is to infiltrate their ranks and claim that I am a prophet of Shar to get inside of their hideout. Once there, I can grab any evidence and get out. Is there any knowledge that would help me accomplish this?"
She would assume that Linora could fill in the gaps that Maacah would rather look like a different Drow while doing this.

2017-10-23, 09:55 AM

Salvana, the innkeeper, chuckles, "Evil cults? Oh little one, you listen to too many late night tales. There are no cults in Winterhaven, dear."

That so? Dorn asks, Gevarn says otherwise. He's not touched in the head, is he?

2017-10-25, 06:35 PM
Well a few thugs decided to accost him at the Gilded Lady Inn in Highmoon. It's a good thing we were there otherwise he would have been killed., Maria said, making a mental note of the elf's reaction but not looking in her direction, That is why we are here. To escort Gevarn home and see if there are any truths to the matter.

2017-10-27, 01:52 AM
Temple of Chauntea
"Hmmmm. It's possible. Though Lolth claims many of...your kind, Shar does have her followers from below. The trouble will be finding their connections or even their location. We feel Her influence from Our Lady and in the actions of evil around us, but we have no idea where they may be based."

Wrafton's Inn
Salvana smiles good naturedly. "Oh, I wouldn't call Gevarn mad. Just overly suspicious. Do evil cults exist somewhere in the lands? Sure. Netheril? Shadowdale? You bet. The southern edge of the Peaks? Maybe. Haunted Keep up north? Slight chance. But Winterhaven? Absolutely not," she says with finality. A squeak of the door steals her attention. "Ah! My good Lord!" A human male of sixty years enters. His finery, clean hands, and styled hair make him an easy mark. Lord Padraig smiles broad and waves a genial hand to Salvana and an all-encompassing wave to the rest of the room before sitting at a table along the west wall, spreading himself out comfortably at a medium sized table.

As you turn to see who has entered, you catch a better look at the elf in the corner. You recognize her as the one who interviewed you last time you came through.

2017-10-27, 10:40 AM
Maacah Asherim
Maacah purses her lips, then shrugs.
"Well, I guess I'll wait at the inn. You can send the cosmetics kit with Gevarn."
Maacah backs off then, heading back to the inn.

Maacah enters the Inn behind Lord Padraig and sits next to Maria.

2017-10-27, 08:22 PM
"You must be Lord Padraig, then," Valar says as he rises from his table. He offers his hand to the older gentleman. "Salvana has been talking you up heartily. I'm Valar Baham -- just a pilgrim. We, ah, my companions and I ..." He gestures to include several people now in the room. "We'd like to swap stories of kobolds in the hills, if you've the time."

2017-10-30, 09:59 AM

Dorn turns to see Lord Paidrig enter the inn, and as he's tracking the man's progress through the common room, he catches sight of the elf he had interviewed with last time he had been through Winterhaven. He has half a mind to speak with her first, getting an idea of what's been happening since last time he was there, but Valar approaches Paidrig already, so Dorn walks over to join in on the conversation, not interrupting the priest's introduction.

We'd like to swap stories of kobolds in the hills, if you've the time.

In particular, the story of where your militia is having trouble with the little buggers, and we just cleared out a group of them on the way here, he says with a wink and a toothy grin.

2017-10-31, 12:31 AM
Wrafton's Inn
Lord Padraig stands and takes the offered. His grip is firm and experienced. He turns to Dorn with raised eyebrows.“You’ve eliminated some of the kobolds that have turned the East Way and our outlying farms into their personal hunting grounds? Those beasts vex me sorely. Yet the villagers refuse to recognize the seriousness of the problem. Attacks along the road have grown more frequent over the last few months. Something’s stirring the kobolds up." He tilts his head questioningly and asks, "I don’t suppose you would be interested in taking a commission from me? I promise you, I can pay well for your services.”

2017-10-31, 08:31 AM

I'd be very interested in taking that commission from you, Dorn says. Where in particular have these lizard dogs been vexing you the most?

2017-11-02, 04:14 PM
Maria just listens in on the conversation, keeping a discreet close eye on the elf to see her reactions. She continues to eat silently but tries to remember any valid information she may have researched that might help the situation.


2017-11-02, 11:55 PM
Maacah Asherim


You are kidding me.

Maacah seems distracted, and doesn't even notice Maria's gaze. Unconsciously, the drow's left hand closes around something that is not there. For a second she looks panicked, then glances at prism as though thinking, oh, right before settling back down.

2017-11-05, 01:52 AM
Wrafton's Inn
Lord Padraig smiles broadly. "Excellent. Excellent! Well met, indeed," he says, clapping Dorn on the shoulder. "The little beggars have been pestering the travelers on the roads. Whether pestering them to the east or west, they always retreat to the south. So say the survivors. I would, and will, lay my money that they shelter there."

The elf seems to have closed up her reactions better than before. You know that kobolds, while crafty and shifty, are not good climbers. The mountains far to the south would make poor living conditions for them. However, the narrow gullies to the south, closer than the mountains, would be ideal for their lair.

2017-11-05, 11:13 PM

Dorn shoots a side-long glance at Lord Paidrig's hand clapping him on the shoulder. The half-orc seems unsettled briefly, before returning the lord's smile. Good to hear, good to hear. Let's talk about wages then. Because the thing of it is, I'm here on business already. I just need to be sure it's worth my time to head south for a bit and clear these tunnel rats out for you. Shouldn't be no trouble at all, if the price is right.

2017-11-05, 11:23 PM
Valar pipes up, "What my friend here is trying to say is, while we're glad for the opportunity to help people in need, it is fitting to reward those who put their own lives on the line." He shoots a mischevious smile in Dorn's direction as soon as Lord Padraig turns away.

Valar is being cheeky in mansplaining Dorn, heh heh. "Silly half-orc, you couldn't possibly be canny enough to cut a deal yourself!"

I presume that a negotiation for good reward is a Diplomacy check ... ? [roll0]

2017-11-10, 11:14 PM
Maria keeps silent and keeps a discreet close watch on the elf as she listens in on the conversations with Lord Padraig.

2017-11-12, 01:59 AM
Wrafton's Inn
Lord Padraig gives Dorn, Valor, and the others an appraising gaze, rubs his chin and says, "Well said, good sir, well said." He fiddles in his belt pouch for a minute and produces a hand drawn map of the area. Spreading it flat on the table, he gestures to an area southeast of the town. "Most likely, they keep themselves down here, near that bone dig going on." He looks quickly around the room and says in a lower voice, "While I appreciate your honor in helping us, perhaps it would encourage you further if I told you that you could keep any spoils you may find." He becomes very stern. "We need this solved quickly. Rumors are making traders pass us by and push on. We need the trade routes to stop here. Our businesses rely on it." He leans back and returns to his normal, jovial voice. "I thank you, good adventurers. Much gratitude for you promised assistance."

2017-11-12, 09:19 PM
Maacah Asherim

"...you could keep any spoils you may find."

Maacah looked up at the nobleman with an offended glare.
"I'm sorry, you seem to have confused us with brigands and petty thieves. Cheap ones, at that. I'm afraid you'll find them a four days' walk away at the Gilded Lady. I don't work for promises. Write up a contract. Right here, right now." Maacah glared at the man, taking in his fineries and status in stride. She wasn't known here, and with luck she'd never visit again.


2017-11-12, 11:09 PM

Dorn's hand curls into a fist when Valar butts in with a smile, but Paidrig seems to take the intrusion well, Well said, good sir, well said. The man fiddles in his belt pouch for a minute and produces a hand drawn map of the area. Spreading it flat on the table, he gestures to an area southeast of the town. Most likely, they keep themselves down here, near that bone dig going on. He looks quickly around the room and says in a lower voice, While I appreciate your honor in helping us, perhaps it would encourage you further if I told you that you could keep any spoils you may find. He becomes very stern. We need this solved quickly. Rumors are making traders pass us by and push on. We need the trade routes to stop here. Our businesses rely on it. He leans back and returns to his normal, jovial voice. I thank you, good adventurers. Much gratitude for your promised assistance.

Dorn screws his face at the notion of keeping whatever they find from a dig site, but he crosses his arms and leans back, staring at Valar with a predatory grin, Whadya say priest? We get to keep bones outta the dirt fer killin' kobolds. Sound good to you? He raises an eyebrow at Valar, goading the man to follow through now that he's made himself a part of the conversation. But suddenly a familiar voice sounds out.

I'm sorry, you seem to have confused us with brigands and petty thieves. Dorn turns to see Maacah in the inn with them, When did you--?

Cheap ones, at that. I'm afraid you'll find them a four days' walk away at the Gilded Lady. I don't work for promises. Write up a contract. Right here, right now. Maacah glares at the man. Dorn's eyes shift from her to Lord Paidrig. It's a tricky thing to strongarm someone in a position of power, especially when he's at his favorite table, at his favorite inn, surrounded by an adoring crowd. Dorn hasn't started many intimidations with "I'm sorry" either. The elf has a bit to learn. But... she's drow. That might be enough to scare the man. I'm sure he means we keep what we find in addition to payment, aint that right Lord Paidrig? he offers, giving the man an easy out in their favor, or forcing an uncomfortable clarification, But I'll let yous guys work out the details, Dorn says, walking over to the elf at the table.

He pulls up a seat and sits down, Well well well, if it isn't... whats-yer-face. I'm ****e with names. How's it been since last I saw ya? Seems works been... picking up since then.

2017-11-15, 11:55 PM
Grinning, Valar responds, "We pilgrim types do appreciate a good ancient bone to fawn over. But, my fierce friend, sites have also borne coin, gems and magic artifacts. Nothing hints that our missing historian would prefer to be poor -- perhaps he put his life in danger for some reason. Which is, again, not to say that we'd rather go unpaid ourselves, my good Lord Padraig."

2017-11-23, 03:14 AM
Wrafton's Inn
Lord Padraig blusters looking from Valor to Maacah. "Of course, of course," he sputters. "No need to get in a ruffle. Wouldn't insult my champions with such a lack of an offer, no! The city's coffers could pay you fif...er... seventy-five gold coins. I will sign my name to whatever scrap you'd like. Return here with sufficient proof and it's yours."

The elf looks with stern disinterest at Dorn. "Hmmph. Slayer. Found work, eh?" She takes a drink and turns her head from him. She sits without any interest in conversation.

2017-11-23, 05:51 PM
Valar turns to Maacah for a decision. The value of money outside his own village has little meaning to him -- a share of 75 pieces of gold would pay upkeep on his cottage for two or three months, but out here, it's likely to buy much less. The drow seems to have a keen sense for value. And she certainly cares more about it than the threadbare pilgrim, for pride or for purchasing power.

2017-11-23, 06:37 PM
Maria continues to listen to the conversations between Padraig and her friends. But she does continue to keep a close eye on the elf. So she asks the barkeeper, Who is that elf over there?

2017-11-24, 07:35 PM

The elf looks with stern disinterest at Dorn. Hmmph. Slayer. Found work, eh? She takes a drink and turns her head from him. She sits without any interest in conversation. Dorn doesn't seem to take notice of her attitude, Yeah, seems like. Kobolds and cultists, runnin' around scarin' folks. You run into any of 'em? What can you tell me?

2017-11-26, 09:53 PM
Wrafton's Inn
Lord Padraig blusters looking from Valor to Maacah. "Of course, of course," he sputters. "No need to get in a ruffle. Wouldn't insult my champions with such a lack of an offer, no! The city's coffers could pay you fif...er... seventy-five gold coins. I will sign my name to whatever scrap you'd like. Return here with sufficient proof and it's yours."

The elf looks with stern disinterest at Dorn. "Hmmph. Slayer. Found work, eh?" She takes a drink and turns her head from him. She sits without any interest in conversation.

Maacah was a con artist.
Fighting those kobolds was the most she'd ever fought.
She had no idea how valuable her services as a warrior were.
The orcling, though, he could fight. She was fairly certain that they could fight some kobolds, they were easy enough to take out earlier.
Not to mention the possible contacts that a Lord might bring.
"We accept." She turned toward the barkeep and requested a pen and paper.

2017-11-27, 02:38 AM
Wrafton's Inn
Passing pen and paper to the drow, she turns to Maria. "That be Ninaran. She a local trapper. In most nights but keeps a cabin out the walls. Not much a talker. Sells me extra meat when she's got it."

Ninaran grunts before taking a drink. "Always trouble runnin' around for those lookin. I just keep to my lines and trails. Always more rabbits then trouble."

Lord Padraig claps his hands together. "Excellent! Excellent! Write it up. Let's get this cleansing underway. I want my town's safety returned from this reptilian menace."

2017-11-27, 10:22 AM
Maacah briefly wrote out a simple contract that outlined that the party would go to the place believed to be the Kobold Hideout, and would attack every hostile creature in that hideout until it was empty. In return, seventy gold pieces would be given to the party. She left a spot open for the Lord to sign and handed him the contract.

2017-11-28, 11:20 AM

Ninaran grunts before taking a drink. "Always trouble runnin' around for those lookin. I just keep to my lines and trails. Always more rabbits then trouble."

Dorn scratches his chin, Always trouble for those lookin... See, the thing is, I was here lookin' fer trouble 'bout a month ago. You and me were sittin' right here in fact. You didnt mention no cultists or kobolds. Sent me on my way in fact. Lost time and coin...

He lets a silence grow between them before continuing.

But, it seems my fortunes are turnin around and I'm feelin' good, so I'm willin' to let bygones be bygones. So. What have you noticed on yer lines and trails? Anything might be useful to me and my... he looks at the others, acquaintances? Tell me what you've seen chasin yer rabbits.

2017-12-17, 01:11 AM
Maria for the most part simply stays silent for the rest of the night. Once she has finished dinner, keeping a discreet eye on the elf, she heads to her room and goes to bed.