View Full Version : D&D TV - Let The Games Begin! (IC)

2017-09-05, 06:54 PM
Stepping out of the HoverTram, your team is led into the wide tunnels beneath the (in)famous Middle Ground. The guards before you each carry their pistols at their side, but clearly within easy reach... For your sake and the other contestants'. No one here is allowed to harm another, regardless of their countries differences.

Until you enter the Arenas, anyway. Which is why you all are here.

Beside you are your own (unarmed) guards, but more importantly, your counsel and guide. Sonsih, a tall Elf in draping violet robes, has been talking no-stop since you've gotten on the tram an hour ago. Mostly about the rules of the game (for the hundredth time...) in an effort to ensure that you first-timers don't embarass your sovereign nation-state. He is matter-of-fact, stern, and quite hopeful that you outperform his expectations.

With him is Felogy, another Elf of Doesium. She is much quieter however, only truly speaking when spoken towards. Whip-thin in her leathers, she is a veteran of the Arenas themselves, and not their management. Since her injury, she's been tasked with taking care of your martial needs and training, as well as procurements during the challenges. She is warm and almost wistful, and glad to see your excitement at the opportunities ahead.

As Sonsih rattles off rules you could probably recite in your sleep at this point, Felogy gestures at the entrance hall of the Middle Ground, it's floors covered in tile and its ceilings covered in colorful scry-screens scrolling information about this year's festivities, schedules, and (of course) their many sponsors.

Walking through the Security screens, you feel the several magical and anti-magical defenses pour over you as you cross under various scrutinies. At the other end, you are taken to your labelled starting position underneath the awaiting crowd aboveground. Waving at Sonsih, Felogy lets you get ready. "Remember, these are your first impressions! You're setting the stage for yourselves now!"

Climbing into the green and gold carriage, surrounded by a decorated color-guard, you await your first entrance into the vaunted Middle Ground.

Doesium's flag is Green, Gold, and White: a Green Tree against a white sky, with golden roots in green earth. It represents many things, but nowadays is said to embody the growing power of a nation built on it's gold reserves, and it's ability to invest them for future profit.

Doesium was once an Elven territory, but has long since become a globalized society that rewards innovation of all kinds, especially in matters of the market. Their main export is gold, silver and platinum, which they do not mine but hold and trade as an international middle-party. Transactions are made safely (and quietly) via their third party process of verification / storage / investment, allowing a prosperous international trade that tends to stay quite balanced in politics.

Tyro is aware that Doesium was once quite a religious land, but that once the Gods and Goddesses declared Divine Neutrality, they mostly traded their devotions for an equal devotion in their land and people, instead trying to grow themselves as much as possible.

A True-Neutral Island nation staffed and run by verified Centrists, these nation focuses almost entirely on it's military technologies and the marketing of the games as a non-national. They keep the peace internally with deadly force, quick to stamp out anything that appears it may disrupt their only focus: Running the challenges of The Arenas.

Blikja remembers this area quite differently, however. A long time ago, this was the center of a great Druid circle, a magical leyline that many would come to see and attempt to connect and/or tap into themselves.

The Arenas are known very little of, changing year to year in an ever-increasing attempt to hold the interest of the world.

Pyrom knows little about the story of Felogy, other than that she comes from a rich and respected house in Doesium.

Once you have decided on your Team Name, Symbol, and opening ceremony impression, we can get under way! Feel free to talk amongst yourselves while you wait your turn :smallsmile:

2017-09-06, 05:33 AM
With perfect posture, Pyrom sits in the carriage waiting for their entrance. His chainmail is covered with a set of fine clothing in a dark green color with golden accents. He has chosen to forgo on adding white to his clothing in the grounds that it didn't match well with the outfit. A small metal badge hangs from a rope around his neck.

He concentrates for a second to make sure everyone was slightly more charismatic before speaking.
Anyone have any flashy magic they want to show off?

Making sure the presence aura is active to give people plus 1 to intimidate, bluff and diplomacy.

If there is the ability to make a speech, Pyrom would want to do it. Otherwise he doesn't have much he can do beyond just various posturing.

2017-09-06, 08:58 AM
Hugo slouches in his seat, picking out a song on the nearly-real guitar on his hands.

"Nah, the flash of my blade outta take care of that on my part. You guys ready?"

2017-09-06, 10:21 PM
"I've got good old light, if you're interested," Tyro says, raising a shimmering hand. "Not the most impressive, especially compared to what the Arena's seen, but a classic."

I'll cast Light on my armor sigil, and I've got up to five more to spread to anyone what wants 'em. They'll last 30 minutes. (Disrupt Undead is about the only other useful cantrip I have, and that's being generous. If we die to a bunch of skeletons at 2 HP each, then I'll feel really awkward, but until then I'm getting illuminated.)

2017-09-07, 08:45 AM
Seems like a good way to make us stand out more. I can cover my own just to spread the cantrips out a bit better. I will also put presitidigitation up, I'm not quite sure how it could be useful but with how long it lasts, might as well have it up just in case. Pyrom says. He casts presitidigitation but waits until the others give their input on the light spell.

So, should I use one of speeches to make this performance easier or should I hold off until the actual games? Pyrom asks.

Casting presitidigitation

2017-09-07, 08:50 AM
Hugo looks at the others, "Light is cool, makes it look like we have our own personal spotlights. I'll say that I'm not big on making speeches.
If that's your thing, make it happen. Maybe if you add a bit of sparkle while you talk. That could be worthwhile."

2017-09-07, 12:21 PM
I do speeches and talking quite well. Sounds weird but they are the reason why I did so well in the teamwork tests but so poorly in one on one combat. Anyways, I ask mostly because I can only do about three of the really good ones each day and I do have to talk while doing it. Pyrom says.

2017-09-07, 12:27 PM
"Three times a day? Save it for the games, then. If you have one left over after, use it then."

2017-09-07, 05:20 PM
Blikja is fiddling with buckles on her right knee pad, loosening and then tightening them again. She looks up at the other three, and gives a wan smile.

I don't think there's much more I can do at this stage. But I'm ready

2017-09-11, 10:39 AM
The colorguard snaps to attention and begins to move, your carriage in the center reargaurd and center stage. Before you, you can hear the crowd dying down from the previous first-years' performance, and you take your pre-determined positions, ready to display your acrobatics and smiles. Blikja's hand-made sigils are set aglow by Tyro's magic, ready to reveal your symbol for its first time.

The loud-speakers reverberate with the announcers as you get closer to the gate. "I imagine all those extra limbs must come... In-Handy!" The crowd roars with a mixture of laughter and groaning. "And now... The newest fruit of the Golden Tree itself! Please put your all those many hands together for... Whispered Revolution!" As the formation breaks through the screen of magical darkness, the colorguard begins their fanfare in earnest, bringing you into the center of the massive stone-carved stadium.

The air is filled with insectile animated cameras which dart around in every angle for the scry-screens at home and the large ones ringing the sky. One column of the audience shakes their green and white banners in pure exuberance at your display, while the rest are still quite clearly enjoying the show. Scrolling images across the stone ground around you play about in a pre-arranged display, a show of roots crawling outward, encircling small bands of dancers and instrumentalists.

With Blikja in front and the three taller men encircling her, you all smile and wave at the cameras. Once the carriage arrives at the center, the colorguard and fanfare focus instead on you and your team, giving the signal for your performance. Hugo steps back from the center as Tyro and Pyrom balance their spear and glaive (haft up) on Blikja's shoulders, the blades behind her against the carriage floor. Hugo steps on top with a foot on each blade. Together, Tyro and Pyrom push down on their weapons, sending Hugo flying into the air, grabbing their weapons into a ready position. Blikja rushes forward and slides to her knees, as Hugo does a mid-air flip, meterializing his Courtblade and landing just behind her. Now in the shape of your team sigil, each of you brandishing your weapons as you shout your warcry.

After the warcry, the colorguard and musicians pick up their performance as the crowd cheers in a mutual attempt to dorwn out on another. The announcers however, cut above all the rest. "What a display! Clearly a team that knows how to take advantage of each other! Can we look forward to more feats of acrobatics this evening? Encore! Encore!" As the carriage rolls off-stage, you can hear them continue, "A revolution in Doesium, in my lifetime? I find that hard to believe! Maybe we can see a shake-up in their rankings this year, at least!"

Taking 10, each of you makes your roll to accomplish the above. No need to worry!

Rolls for the crowd reception will be made in secret, but you've got some really good chances :smallsmile:
Thinking about the announcer's last statement, Pyrom remembers hearing something about Felogy, and her last stint in the ring. There was a lot of heated discussion many years back about humanoid rights in during the challenges with regards to alleged/percieved torture.

But, you don't recall where that went, or anything more than that.

2017-09-11, 10:51 AM
"THAT WAS GREAT! DID YOU FEEL THAT RUSH! THEY LOVED US!" Hugo is obviously feeling his oats. It takes little study to see him shaking with excitement.

2017-09-11, 12:17 PM
"Now we just have to keep it up," Tyro says, hands twisting nervously on the haft of his glaive.

2017-09-11, 12:24 PM
"Don't even WORRY about it, Tyro! Your Light trick was brilliant showmanship! Special effects can do WONDERS! You were awesome in there and I think you'll be just as awesome IN the arena!"

2017-09-11, 12:50 PM
It did seem to go quite well. I think they liked our teamwork, people do tend to like that.

I'm sure we can keep the momentum. After all, we are quite a likeable group. Just remember to set up award moments if you get the chance. Always looks good to get a bunch of extra awards. Pyrom says pulling out a flask and taking a quick drink. He mentally commanded his prestidigitation spell to clean any dust or dirt that might have gotten on his clothes.

2017-09-11, 04:17 PM
Well, it worked. She says, her voice shaking a little. I think... I think we're up against a lot of good people. They have a lot of good people every year. But if we can work as a team, we'll look a lot more interesting, a lot more original.

She gives a sigh.

It's just... all those people. I guess I'll get used to it.

2017-09-11, 04:22 PM
"I hear it helps to imagine they are all in their underwear." Hugo winks at the little dwarf.

2017-09-13, 07:35 PM
As the carriage pulls up to its stop, you are greeted once again by Sonsih and Felogy, both smiling. Trading the colorguard for another security retinue, you are taken into the halls beneath once more. As you walk, Sonsih reads his personal scry-screen apparatus for updates and Felogy talks about the announcers and their excitement for Doesium this year, at least in your bracket anyway.

Arriving at your quarters, the security guards stand outside after letting you in. Hewn from stone, the large living quarters are decorated with plush seats and cushions to accomodate you, mostly circled around the right wall. The right wall is made up of several scry-screens, each tuned to a different feed of information, each focused on a different aspect of the festivities to come.

Letting you seat yourselves, Felogy takes a tall wooden stool while Sonsih moves to the center of the right wall. "The announcers are certainly hopeful, but let us not get too far ahead of our carriage. The first round challenges for this evening have been announced, and you can show them exactly what to expect then. We've been paired with Guncelawit for your debut, in a 3 minute Pit Lord challenge. Have a seat, and I'll explain the specifics this year."


In this Challenge, each team will vie for the title of Pit Lord, ruler of the designated lowest position on
the field. This position will be public knowledge, and will remain the Pit even if it ceases to remain the
lowest position during the challenge.

To win this challenge, your team must win the most points at the end of 3 Minutes.


+1 Points per Ally ending the round in the Pit (Ground Contact Only)
+2 Points per Opponent death caused by an Ally
+3 Points per round ending with one or more Allies and no Opponents in the Pit
-3 Points per Ally death while inside the Pit


Play of the Game

Completely arbitrary, determined by a panel of observing judges.

Most Valuable Player

Most points earned in the challenge
Additional consideration given to various 'assist' points via teamwork

Unstoppable Force

+1 Points per round entering the Pit from outside
+1 Points per successful Tumble into the Pit past an Opponent
+X Points per feat of success to move/trample an Opponent

Immovable Object

+1 Points per full round spent in the Pit
+1 Points per full round spent in the Pit without moving from their position
+X Points per feat of resistance against being moved/trampled by an Opponent


+1 Points per damaging attack on an Opponent in the Pit, while outside
+1 Points per damaging attack on an Opponent entering the Pit from outside
+X Points per feat of opposition to stop an Opponent from entering the Pit


+1 Points per harmless spell / ability targeting an Ally in the Pit
+1 Points per readied Standard action unused while in the Pit
+X Points per non-combat turn spent fortifying the Pit from within

Alright, we have two hours before your match. No magical/supernatural
preparations made during this time will persist through the security gating leading
into the challenge.

2017-09-13, 08:52 PM
Hugo cracks his knuckles and checks the pleats of his short skirt, "I'm willing to hold the Pit if no-one else wants that position. Just keep 'em coming one at a time."

2017-09-13, 09:26 PM
What odds do the bookies have us at? Also interesting that if you die in the pit it is a swing of 5 points compared to just 2 if you are out of the pit. That means if you think you are going to die you should leave the pit. Do we know if a negative score is possible? Does casting spells on yourself count for the foundation award? What happens to the awards if the opponent is completely killed off?

I prefer a bit more strategy than just you holding the center so here is what I'm thinking. We want to get into the pit as quick as possible, obviously as we don't have many ways to get people out of the pit beyond killing them. Traps that force opponents to not move could also be extremely good. If we can defeat our opponents and can keep the person advantage we should be good. Due to not knowing the area, unfortunately we will have to do most of the strategy on the fly. Other than that, if we are losing we can try to do hit and run tactics to take advantage of my healing aura but with how short the match is that most likely wouldn't work.

As for awards, if someone could get the immovable object and foundation awards it should be me or Blikja. I would suggest me going for both while Blikja acts as the back up if I get taken out or am consistently forced to not work on the awards. For example, if they are holding the pit when we get there you will most likely get the awards as I would have a harder time getting in.

MVP and play of the game is mostly just luck. If we win, then we should naturally get MVP.

Hugo is the obvious choice for the unstoppable award. You are the most likely to be able to get past opponents and get out of the pit quickly. We don't need to do it a lot and afterwards you can stay in the pit to help us get more points. Just a few times should be enough unless our opponents are actively doing it as well.

Finally, Tyro has the best chance at orbiter if there is a good sniping position or Hugo if we can force them to run past Hugo to get into the pit.

Pyrom says tapping his chin slightly. He lounges comfortably on his seat. In stark contrast to his perfect posture in the carriage, he seems to be almost lying sideways in his chair with his legs over one of the arm rests.

So to summarize I should get to the center of the pit so you three can hear my awesome speech and then sit there. Tyro either goes next to me or if there is a sniping position goes there. Blikja should be in the pit as well to help protect me and Tyro moving to the edges to try to stab anyone who tries to enter if we are safe. Hugo should stay close to the edges to attack anyone who tries to enter the pit and to jump in and out of it when possible. It is vital Tyro stays alive or we will get massacred by any decent mage or archer. In the case they are all ranged attackers, Blikja holds the pit and the rest of us try to run them down.
Pyrom continues.

Feel free to interject, did it all in one long post just so I wasn't spamming here for each award suggestion I have.

2017-09-15, 06:07 PM
Blikja remains thinking for a long time, letting the others speak first. Once Pyrom has wound down, she starts.

These rules... don't really make sense, unless holding the pit is a really bad place to be. You get 3 points every six second just for holding it unopposed, plus a point per person just for standing there. So it's got to be an exposed position, hard to hold, and either making you vulnerable or dangerous in some way.

Her brow crinkles.

Do we know how many teams are competing at once? Simply being the focus of attention could be deadly. From the rules it looks like they're expecting teams to leave the pit rather than risk dying there. So, hold, retreat, heal, return. While keeping someone outside the pit to disrupt people trying to get in, stop them from coorindating from several sides at once.

She looks up.

Anyone reckon they can get hold of a Tower Sheild in the next two hours? Or just something we can use as cover?

2017-09-15, 07:14 PM
Well it is the lowest point, so yeah I imagine it is relatively hard to defend. The game also heavily rewards us for being aggressive, if we hold back with so few ranged attackers they will quickly rack up points. Again, Tyro is vital here. As long as we can protect Tyro from the opponent's arrows they should hopefully be able to kill the enemy ranged attackers.

I have the money for two tower shields if we can get them. I wouldn't be able to hit anyone or really cast spells if I used one but if I were going for the foundation and immovable awards that is ok and my speeches don't care that much if I can't cast spells.

Pyrom says.

2017-09-16, 02:39 PM
"Three minutes might be a short time outside the ring, but this will be a pitched battle. It's going to seem like forever and I only have so many spells. I'll make them count, but once I'm empty, I'll head to the Pit and make my stand. I'm armored enough that I can do a bit of good there."

2017-09-16, 02:44 PM
"Huh, tactics were never my best subject... Tell you what. You all tell me where you want me and I'll be there and ready to fight!"

2017-09-17, 06:32 PM
Blikja nods hesitantly.

I've got a bow, which I'm ok with. She frowns. I had it specially made for me and it cost a fortune, so I'm really hoping it's ok. She says, with the vehemence of someone who really doesn't like to fight with weapons she hasn't made herself.

But the problem is that whatever we have in ranged combat, we're likely to be in a worse position. Sitting in the pit has to be a disadvantage for bowfire at least, since it has to be a hard position to hold.

But we can fortify the pit - it even gives us points for it. If we have a tower shield, or even some old barrels, or something else that gives cover, we can change the dynamic. I can hammer a couple of spikes into the ground, to hold the thing upright, and then we can just sit behind cover, forcing them to come to us. Or at least force them to change position.

She looks up, blinking.

Or am I overthinking this? I don't think there's much else we can do to prepare. My main worry is that they'll just throw area spells or alchemist's fire down the pit. We'd survive, but we won't look good doing it.