View Full Version : Good "monster of the week" X-Files episodes?

2017-09-06, 01:40 PM
I watched X-Files back in the day, but interest petered out as the government alien conspiracy nonsense dragged on, and it became increasingly clear that Chris Carter didn't have an overall plan when he launched into a series that badly needed one.

All the episodes I remember fondly are the MotW ones. I re-watched "Home" this morning, and I'm planning to invite my little sister over tomorrow and introduce her to some good episodes. I'll probably also be doing some more re-watches in the coming weeks. Any suggestions?

(I am definitely going to include "Squeeze")

2017-09-06, 03:35 PM
There's also Tooms, which is the followup episode to Squeeze.

The Host is also one of the classic MotW eps.

2017-09-06, 03:41 PM
I have very fond memories of "Arcadia", where Mulder and Scully have to infiltrate a suburban neighborhood with a dark secret by posing as husband and wife. Hilarity ensues.

2017-09-06, 04:41 PM
If you live or have lived anywhere near a bigish forest, watch "darkness falls". To this day the episode that scared me most.

2017-09-06, 07:01 PM
Those were always my favorites. I wasn't too into the through story episodes, which is unusual for me! In addition to those already mentioned, "Jose Chung's From Outer Space", "The Post-Modern Prometheus", "Unusual Suspects" (I love the Lone Gunmen), "Kill Switch", "Bad Blood", "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas" and "Hollywood A.D." are all favorites of mine. "Chinga" (by Stephen King) is fun too for the role reversal of Mulder and Scully.

Does "Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man" count? It's fairly stand-alone, but really ties to the rest.

Darth Ultron
2017-09-06, 07:26 PM
Squeeze is a good one.

The Host, Arcadia, Leonard Betts, Detour, and Ice.

Paper Hearts, well, the guy is just a human...but he sure is a monster.

Eve has just clone girls, but they sure are creepy.

2017-09-06, 10:05 PM
"Clive Bruckman's Final Repose" is one of my favorites, as are "War of the Coprophages" and "Bad Blood".

"Eve", "Humbug", "Pusher" (and sequel "Kitsunegari"), "Quagmire", "Small Potatoes", "Unusual Suspects", "The Post-Modern Prometheus", "Drive", "Triangle", "Three of a Kind", and "X-Cops" are all excellent stand-alone episodes.

While not all of them are "monster" of the week, they should all be watched.

2017-09-10, 03:15 PM
I liked Unruhe. Leonard Butts is OK, but not outstanding.

If you want something a bit different, check out Humbug. It's basically a comedy, but it's very good IMO.

The Glyphstone
2017-09-10, 03:54 PM
Leonard Betts is the only X-files episode I remember ever watching, so it must have been good enough to stick around my overcrowded memory.

2017-09-14, 07:01 PM
Lol. Yeah, Betts not Butts.

2017-09-21, 05:31 AM
E.B.E if I recall right was something of a Microchasum of the show. Blood had a bit of an interesting twist of us not being told if Mulder was right or not. As did Beyond The Sea.

Duane Barry and Ascension were also good eps.

As was The Host and Musings Of A Cigarette Smoking Man.