View Full Version : Chult/Tomb of Annihilation character play

2017-09-06, 02:18 PM
Looking at the start of a campaign for Chult/Tomb of Annihilation play.

We ran some 1 hour games with Tier 1 characters in Chult the last few weeks.

Looking to change from Life Cleric to play a class I have little experience with - Rogue.

Previous experience - AD&D Dwarf Fighter/Thief at what would be Tier 1 by today's edition.

Variant Human, background Sage/Librarian or Scribe just to be investigation oriented rogue.

ST 8
DE 16
CO 14
IN 14
WI 13
CH 9

Rogue (* is expertise)
Stealth * - all those years working in libraries and Scriptoriums.


Feat: Skilled

Draconic or Goblin

Thieves' Tools

Question 1 - Should I switch WI and CH and gain a single level of Draconic Sorcerer for AC and low level spells/Cantrips?

Question 2 - leave abilities along and either go
A) single class Rogue
B) MC a level or two of Cleric? (Probable party has possibly 4 characters who currently have healing spells)

Gracias in advance for useful advice.

2017-09-06, 06:21 PM
Are you looking for SCAG cantrips for your offensive capabilities? Then a level of Sorcerer makes a lot of sense. Shield spell always makes my DM cry. The healing capabilities of the party seem fine without a Cleric dip.

I would suggest changing the starting feat to Ritual Caster though. As long as someone in the party is an Outlander or has Survival, you could probably get more mileage from rituals such as Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, and Identify than you would have call to be a tracker.

If your Rogue wears a brown fedora and wields a whip, then disregard.

One or two levels of Wizard may be even better though. You get the ritual casting, amazing versatility depending on spell choices, SCAG cantrips if available, and keep those skills. Portent/Abjurers Ward if you go 2 levels.

2017-09-07, 07:26 AM
Question 1 - Should I switch WI and CH and gain a single level of Draconic Sorcerer for AC and low level spells/Cantrips?

Question 2 - leave abilities alone and either go
A) single class Rogue
B) MC a level or two of Cleric? (Probable party has possibly 4 characters who currently have healing spells).

1. Nah. A rogue in studded leather has plenty of AC, and you can get cantrips elsewhere. Plus you're gonna need Wis for Perception.

2. I don't really see the benefit of cleric levels here. Wizard would make more sense for the reasons Ventruenox mentions, but I'd still advise single-classed rogue, at least until you get to higher levels. Rogues are awesome.

Aside: I will speak to the value of the Skilled feat though, particularly in games that are light on combat. Our DM let us take a 'free' feat at level 1 on the understanding we couldn't have one at level 4, so I built a half-elf noblewoman diviner with Skilled (https://www.myth-weavers.com//sheet.html#id=691366). It's been so much fun, because she's basically always in the game (outside of combat, obviosuly).

2017-09-07, 08:47 AM
Change one of the languages to Chult. That would be my only advice.

2017-09-07, 09:48 AM
Are you looking for SCAG cantrips for your offensive capabilities? Then a level of Sorcerer makes a lot of sense. Shield spell always makes my DM cry. The healing capabilities of the party seem fine without a Cleric dip.

I would suggest changing the starting feat to Ritual Caster though. As long as someone in the party is an Outlander or has Survival, you could probably get more mileage from rituals such as Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, and Identify than you would have call to be a tracker.

If your Rogue wears a brown fedora and wields a whip, then disregard.

One or two levels of Wizard may be even better though. You get the ritual casting, amazing versatility depending on spell choices, SCAG cantrips if available, and keep those skills. Portent/Abjurers Ward if you go 2 levels.

Well the Ritual Caster has merit but it does switch out the skills from skilled.

Survival, Religion, and Nature would drop off the sheet.

Was not thinking of SCAG cantrips. This ex-Librarian/Scribe prefers not closing with stronger oponents. The plan is shoot them if possible while being an intellectual detective/font of information for the party and possibly a scout since the Ranger (and 4 caster types) tend to hang back. The Dwarf Life Cleric was "point Dwarf" most if not all the time in tactical play.

Edit: the DM and organizer is looking to break the seven players up into two groups with two DMs. That could affect my plans but for now I will stick with switching out Rogue though if I was free Wednesdays I suppose I could run the Life Cleric with that group. Cannot run them at two tables the same night... :smallwink:

The Ranger watched a female elf begging for rescue be pulled into the jungle (quote "Bye-bye") while the Dwarf went in and grabbed the unconscious Tabaxi. After I waded in and the jungle attacked from an encircling position then the other characters started shooting/spelling to cover my Tabaxi laden withdrawal. Credit to the Dragonborn for coming to my support on my right with his glaive. Also one other character (still learning player names, character classes) moved to the opposite flank to engage in melee. Once someone committed they supported but everyone seems deathly concerned (pun intended) with "being poisoned or dying/soul trapped" to taking hyper-cautious actions.

If I am going to be "point" I might as well be a Rogue rather than a chainmail wearing Life Cleric, right?

2017-09-07, 09:56 AM
Change one of the languages to Chult. That would be my only advice.

Will talk to DM, guess I can argue I learned it in my youth as a Librarian/Scribe. Since we all arrived by boat from the Sword Coast area that might be the only way he would allow it rather than hiring a translator-guide. No one chose Chult as a language (or has admitted to it) so far.

2017-09-07, 10:04 AM
Will talk to DM, guess I can argue I learned it in my youth as a Librarian/Scribe. Since we all arrived by boat from the Sword Coast area that might be the only way he would allow it rather than hiring a translator-guide. No one chose Chult as a language (or has admitted to it) so far.

In the Tomb of Annihilation primer, while it is more focused on AL, humans can take Chult as one of their known languages.

2017-09-07, 10:16 AM

Variant Human, background Sage/Librarian or Scribe just to be investigation oriented rogue.

ST 8
DE 16
CO 14
IN 14
WI 13
CH 9

Rogue (* is expertise)
Perception - may switch one of my expertises to this.
Stealth * - all those years working in libraries and Scriptoriums.


Feat: Skilled - replacing with Ritual Caster was suggested but I still think the Nature skill would be very useful. TBD.

Languages - changes
Changed to Chultian pending DM okay

Thieves' Tools


Gracias in advance for useful advice.

Latest description.

2017-09-07, 10:48 AM
Looks like you have an incredibly thematic character. If Chult is allowed by your DM, then the skilled approach is great. I forgot that taking this exotic language was an option. Since you don't need the combat boost with cantrips for this character, pure Rogue progression would be the way to go. With your extensive RP experience, I have no doubt that it would work out well. I'm guessing a seasoned field investigator approach instead of a sheltered bookworm?

A Wizard dip or taking Ritual Caster later on is always an option, depending on ritual availability from your DM. With the researcher background feature, access should not be much of an issue.

My personal preference is for a magical approach via rituals or otherwise, mostly because the Dice Gods love to deny me when I actually need the rolls to progress the narrative, and then give me nat 20s on the fluff rolls. (I need an Erfworld Luckamancer at my table to correct this.)

2017-09-07, 10:51 AM
In the Tomb of Annihilation primer, while it is more focused on AL, humans can take Chult as one of their known languages.

So far it has all been AL play.

So I speak Chultian. Cool!

2017-09-07, 11:09 AM
Looks like you have an incredibly thematic character. If Chult is allowed by your DM, then the skilled approach is great. I forgot that taking this exotic language was an option. Since you don't need the combat boost with cantrips for this character, pure Rogue progression would be the way to go. With your extensive RP experience, I have no doubt that it would work out well. I'm guessing a seasoned field investigator approach instead of a sheltered bookworm?

A Wizard dip or taking Ritual Caster later on is always an option, depending on ritual availability from your DM. With the researcher background feature, access should not be much of an issue.

My personal preference is for a magical approach via rituals or otherwise, mostly because the Dice Gods love to deny me when I actually need the rolls to progress the narrative, and then give me nat 20s on the fluff rolls. (I need an Erfworld Luckamancer at my table to correct this.)

A few tavern brawls as a youth taught him some significant lessons in life. Solved a few minor missing items cases among the staff/students lead his interest in investigation. Since he retired (age selected as 67) he has been bitten by the adventuring bug ("Researching Chultian Culture" is his rationalization - he claims he might write some tomes on his findings) and realizes if he was not great in fisticuffs in his youth then he probably is not any better (Ahem) in melee at first level as a retiree.

His relaxation when not reading/researching/writting was darts at the tavern and, when weather was good, outside archery with an inexpensive bow. Never lost a fist fight to an archery target.

Ritual Caster is not ruled out later if he survives. Arcane Trickster was offline suggested but my inclination is, for now, basic "treasure finder" role with a slightly less physical slant to the character than many Rogues have.

I have this yellow D20 that has never exceeded 5. Convinced a young DM to use it at a critical roll against my character. He rolled a one. Ah the trusting foibles of youth. Couldn't resist the, "I cannot believe you actually used my die," rejoiner to his shock at the roll.

My yellow dice have created a role of "Critical Fail at the worst possible time" mantra for me as a player. Damage rolls are fine, to hit rolls are fine, saves and checks not so much...

2017-09-07, 08:09 PM
Moving on with the Thief subclass route build:

Here are the possible feats I am considering at 4, 8, 12, maybe others we go to more levels:

4) Resilient Wisdom (proficiency saves, 13 -> 14)

8) DE +2 -> 18

Edit: 10) left out by accident. TBD

12) Dungeon Delver versus Alert versus Mobile versus Ritual Caster (Cleric or Druid or Wizard) - Decisions, decisions, decisions...

16) DE +2 -> 20 versus CO +2 -> 16 versus IN +2 -> 16. See level 12 for likelihood of which I choose.

19) Bumping up CH +1 -> 10 plus other goodies via Actor versus Observant.

All of this is cast in wet mud and could change as the campaign cintinues.