View Full Version : [PF Homebrew] The Free Realm

2017-09-07, 12:31 PM

Through a dark woods lie the ruins of an ancient keep. Local rumors say that a catacomb beneath the keep contains long-lost treasures --- but diabolical monsters have lately infested the ruins. The treasures might still be safe, but certainly not for much longer.

You've departed your homes in Dunblane with enough provisions to take you almost a hundred miles away. The trek through the forest would be slower by bringing beasts of burden, but the option was still available should you decide to do so.

An old, worn path barely makes it through the overgrown areas, but it is enough to keep you on track and serve as a landmark should you get lost.

Your group has come to rest within the first forested area just outside of the town after a long days march. Camp has been set up and you begin your first watch.


Who is on watch? Are you splitting them into even watches or just First and Second?
I need a d100 roll from anyone on watch, please.

2017-09-07, 02:14 PM
Beltin is smiling as the group makes camp. It is good to be on the road again. He had never been particularly comfortable remaining in one place for long.

The tall man dresses well, preferring fine clothing and plenty of color. At present, he is wearing a set of well maintained scale mail over a light grey tunic, and a deep blue cloak with silver trim hangs from his shoulders.

While tying up his mule, a sturdy thing by the name of Stamper, he asks his companions, "So! Who wants first watch? I assume no one else wants last. As you know I like starting my day out watching the stars anyways."
Watch roll as requested
[roll0]Well, that is thoroughly... average, not sure if that is good or bad.

2017-09-07, 03:51 PM
Aethyr is willing to take 1st watch. He sets up his sparse bedroll near the fire, sits down in a kneeling position and starts eating his gruel, facing away from the fire, eyes scanning the twilight woods for any sign of movement. As soon as he's done eating, he starts pacing the perimeter of the campsite, careful to keep his eyes away from the fire.

He is a tall, gaunt teenager with cord-like muscles, wearing neat, but obviously home-spun and undyed monk's robes of natural grays and browns. He keeps a shortbow at hand, with a quiver of arrows at his waist.

I assume we will have even watches so everyone can get a full night rest. Random encounter roll: [roll0]
In case a perception is needed (+10), [roll1]

2017-09-08, 12:59 PM
Aellyna, being deaf, probably should not watch alone. She therefore joins Aethyr on the first watch.

Aellyna looks like a teenager with pale skin, white hair and lithe body. But, well, as a sylph, her actual age is much more than that (don't ask though). Aellyna wears sky-blue martial art robes, not too different from what's usually called monk robes. Gentle breeze seems to surround her as she talks around.

She keeps a wakizashi readied in her right hand, and keep gesturing with her left hand as she walks around the campsite: she casts detect magic from time to time, silently, adding a weird layer of security to the watch.

I'll edit this post if we somehow manage to agree on a different watch assignment scheme.

2017-09-08, 09:37 PM
OOC: I have slightly forgotten which game this is. Was I the Gnome Summoner with the Giant Hamster?
Edit: Yes, I was.
Filnut decided to take last watch. He was always a morning person, and he didn't see that well in the dark. He scratched his Eildon, Lord Qurrball, and lay down on its back.

Filnut is short, with scruffy blond hair and hazel eyes. He wears a light blue robe with silver accents.
1d100 roll: [roll0]

2017-09-09, 12:56 PM
"I suppose I'll take second watch, then", Elamaer chimes in. The elf has ditched his usual burgundy cape for a drab green full cloak, and his usual tights and ruffled shirt for practical (but well-fitted) breeches, tunic and vest. "I have mending and cleaning spells if any of you need it".
Elamaer is of slim but muscular build, with long silvery hair in a ponytail. The younger adventurers from Dunblane probably only know him as a tailor and magical dabbler; the older ones remember his past as "The Incinerator". He is wearing leather armor, with a longsword on his belt.

2017-09-09, 06:41 PM
Aethyr's face flashes a quizzical look at Elamear to quickly to register. Aethyr wonders to himself how one would build any character if they relied on spells to do all the work. Must be an elf thing. There is to much that he doesn't know yet!

2017-09-10, 07:08 AM
Aellyna brings out pen, ink and a sheet of paper and writes down everyone's self-assignment.

2017-09-10, 05:38 PM
Beltin undoes his chain mail, setting the heavy bit of armor to the side and stretching his back. He'll help get the rest of the camp set up, and cook a bit of supper over a small fire before looking to retire to his own bedroll. He chats amiably with the others, just small talk for the moment.

2017-09-12, 03:30 PM
Zonk is off a ways, cleaning his gun. He isn't that social.

2017-09-13, 07:24 PM
First Watch

Aethyr and Aellyna enjoy a somewhat peaceful watch, though midway through, a howl comes from the distance. Aethyr hears the creature as Aellyna notices it and two others like it approaching the camp in a pack-like formation.

The earless, panther-like beasts snarl as the skin on their faces begin to twitch and peel back, revealing bone and muscle underneath. They slowly pace around the edge of your camp, keeping their eyes on the two of you.

2017-09-14, 12:32 AM
Have Aellyna read about this kind of panther beast before?

Knowledge(Arcana): [roll0]

2017-09-14, 12:57 AM
Have Aellyna read about this kind of panther beast before?

Knowledge(Arcana): [roll0]

She has! Krenshar are rumored to lurk within the Weyrwood. You know that they hunt in packs, can hunt by scent, and have the ability to frighten others by peeling back the skin on their faces!

I will also need 3 Will Saves from the two of you (one for each Krenshar, as they are individual creatures). Followed by initiatives.

2017-09-14, 01:22 AM
Books can help you a lot. However, it cannot replace adventuring experience -- no matter how much you have read about the krenshars, as long as you are still inexperienced, you are prone to be frightened at the sight of them.

Will save x3

2017-09-14, 10:42 AM
Will Saves:

2017-09-14, 11:18 AM
A lovely map made with Dungeonographer to help lay out the combat. Pick a bedroll in which you were sleeping or stationed near. Each square equals 5 feet.

Also, pictures of said beasties.



Aelynna: Upon seeing a krenshar for the first time, you knew what to expect from your readings. However, the sight of two others was certainly too much for a first time adventurer. You are PANICKED.

Aethyr: It wasn't so much the sight but the noise the first one made that FRIGHTENED you, but you steel yourself and your resolve against the others.

Aethyr (21), Krenshar (19), Krenshar Alpha (11), Aelynna and Krenshar (7, 7)

2017-09-14, 11:47 AM
Aellyna is so panicked that she drops her wakizashi and flees towards the center of the camp. She screams and is unable to act due to sheer fear.

(OOC: Aellyna was bed 1. She was on watch though.)

2017-09-14, 12:13 PM
Aethyr hadn't seen anything that looks like that... thing. He yells, fleeing through camp then down the path and away from the krenshar with his mind racing in overdrive, unable to come up with a plan on how to deal with them.

Bed 6, but was on patrol around the campfire.

2017-09-14, 12:15 PM

2017-09-14, 01:55 PM
Bolting up at the sound of screams, Beltin grabs his shield and utters a quick prayer. A faint burst of divine light radiates out from the cleric, settling onto his companions.

Bless spell, affects all allies withing 50' For the next minute, they add 1 to attack rolls and saving throws. Hopefully that can make the difference here.

Beltin would not have been able to sleep in his armor, so AC is unfortunately all the way down to 14 right now.

2017-09-14, 02:21 PM
With Aelynna fleeing as fast as she can, and Aethyr fleeing as well, the initiative is still followed somewhat here.

Aelynna goes first (or last). Aethyr has taken his turn to run to the far end of the camp.

Krenshar 1
The first beast watches as the girl shrieks and flees, bounding towards her with the intent to pounce. It pays no initial mind to the cleric as it moves past him to engage the girl.

You get an attack of opportunity against the one moving past you, then you will need to make a save since you already took your turn to cast a spell and wake up. Only one Will Save because you can only see the one.


2017-09-14, 02:29 PM
Still unsure of exactly what was going on, Beltin strikes out as one of the weird creatures dashes by him.

Attack [roll0] [roll1]
Will [roll2]

2017-09-14, 02:53 PM
The creature takes a mighty hit from Beltin's morningstar, nearly reeling from the attack.
It lets out a horrid yelp, the cleric unaffected by it's horrifying appearance. Slowed in its pursuit of Aelynna, it manages to make it to her, but is unable to attack this turn.

The yelp of the creature, combined with the screams of comrades is enough to wake up Elamaer, Zonk, and Filnut. Roll initiatives and tell me what sleeping bag you are in.

Krenshar Alpha
The larger of the three stalks towards the campsite, moving just next to Spot 2 (whoever that may be) as it snarls and nudges the blankets to get a better look at its prey...

... it is now Aelynna's turn.

2017-09-14, 05:36 PM
[roll0] for Initiative. I'm in sleeping bag 2.

2017-09-14, 08:48 PM
Initiative: [roll0]. I am in bag #4.

2017-09-15, 02:03 AM
Still panicked, Aellyna withdraws towards the general direction of her party.

2017-09-18, 06:52 PM
Updating our map a little bit to show our current movements.

Krenshar 2

The animal lets out a terrifying howl and bounds towards Beltin, gnashing its teeth in order to get ahold in an attempt to trip.


2017-09-18, 10:41 PM
Elamaer the Incinerator

Elamaer pulls his sleeping mask up around his forehead, annoyed at the noise. He gasps when he sees the horrid creatures, bolts upright, and strides towards the one chasing Aelynna with a look of grim determination, as a gout of flame washes over the monster and lights up the clearing for a moment.

stand up, 5' step south-east (from sleeping bag #4), Flame Arc on the Krenshar chasing Aelynna. Damage [roll0], reflex DC 13 for half.

2017-09-19, 08:08 AM
Hearing his friends join in battle, and safely away from the immediate danger, Aethyr turns around to join combat, head shakes in confusion, turns around again to flee, then turns around to face battle. (Ends in the same square).

2017-09-19, 08:06 PM
I awakening to the sights of chaos, and hastily cast Mage Armor on myself.

2017-09-22, 10:30 PM
Beltin charges after the Krenshar he wounded before it can bring more harm to Aellyna, striking out with his morningstar again. He yells out, "Rise and Rally!"

I don't think it is my turn, but lets get this moving again shall we?
+2 to hit, -2 AC for one round from charge attack