View Full Version : Deathwatch: Shell Game

2017-09-07, 05:27 PM
You never interacted much with the mortal crew of the Gallant Blade, but even you could feel the chill that fell over their mood on the way back to Watch-Fortress Erioch. No official statements were ever made to the ratings about what happened on the surface of the planet, of course, but rumours are unstoppable. A cloud hung over the ship in those days.

That's not to say that there weren't successes during the journey. Naimon regained consciousness a couple days into transit, and the ship's chirurgeons were able to set Interrogator Feinmann on the long road toward recovery. In quiet sessions with Inquisitor Jiang, the Interrogator begins relating more of the story of what became of her team, but few of the details filter through to your team. The most pertinent revelation Jiang passes on is the possible survival of the group's tech-priest, Valken Lund. Feinmann says that she was shown only Lund's severed arm while the tech-marine was attempting to break her, even though he proudly paraded all the others' corpses in front of her. Perhaps they left him alive for some reason, or perhaps that arm was all that was left when they were done with him.

When you arrived back at the Watch-Fortress, you were greeted by neither Watch-Captain Horsa nor Chaplain Haman. In fact, you didn't see any familiar faces, even among the Chapter serfs. You were all hastily shuffled off to a private ward in the medicae decks, even Rafen, whose superficial injuries were long healed by that time. "Precautionary measures," they said. "Can't be certain of the effects of exposure to unknown xenos," they said. Excuses. Smokescreens. But there was little to be done to get at the truth without defying orders carrying Watch-Commander Scarion's own seals of authority.

After over a week of such delays, once even Jaden is back on his feet, you are finally permitted to travel beyond the medicae ward. New orders direct you to a small tech-sacristy adjoining the vaults housing Erioch's Dreadnought sarcophagi. The long march past the ranks of those half-fallen heroes is sobering, to say the least, but it is nothing compared to the sight which awaits you in the sacristy.

The lifespan of the Astartes can be measured in centuries if not interrupted by violence. Under the influence of the Warp or in the embrace of sus-an sleep, it can even stretch into millennia. Yet, for all that incredible longevity, you couldn't say that you have ever seen a Space Marine who truly looks old, in human terms.

Until today, that is.

The only occupant of the tech-sacristy is a Black Shield, the tattered remnants of a silver-furred felinoid pelt draped over his otherwise unmarked armour. His unhelmed, unmasked face is gaunt and worn, skin pulled too tight against the bone in some places and sagging in deep wrinkles elsewhere. His thin wisps of white hair do nothing to hide the liver spots spread across his scalp. Even his body has lost its battle with time, it seems, given how his massive armoured shoulders stoop, given how heavily he leans on his cane of ebony and steel.

"I am sorry to make you lot meet me here," he says, waving a gauntleted hand, "But I'm afraid I don't get out much these days. Seeing as how I'm supposed to be in one of those tombs out there."

His smile exposes metal teeth.

"But enough about our surroundings. What's important is what we share."

He takes a swaying step forward, moving into a shaft of light. It illuminates his eyes, a manic glint showing in them.

"I fought them too, I did. The skeleton soldiers. The living effigies. Would you like to know their name?"

First off, a bit of bookkeeping I forgot to take care of.

I'm giving you all 2000 XP to spend before the next mission starts. The first 1000 of that finishes out Rank 1, and the second 1000 of that can be spent on Rank 2 Advances.

You will also advance to Respected Renown, though I don't have a Requisition total nailed down for this mission yet. I'll get that to you when you're given your new mission objectives IC.

If you want to fill in anything regarding what you've been doing the last couple weeks, feel free to include that in your next post, though if you'd rather skim past that and just reply to the Black Shield here, that would be fine too.

Inspector Valin
2017-09-07, 07:05 PM
"Would this ancient name be something you learned fighting these xenos mechanika alongside Dorn and Sanguinus at the battle of Sagetus II?"

It's been a while since Jaden spoke. He hasn't said much, at least within the kill-team's hearing. He's had the acolytes to attend to, and needed to talk with Chaplin Haman about the loss of the Joyless. Neither duty has worn well on the Stormseer, and he proceeded down the avenue of sarcophagi with a sullen look, mind lingering elsewhere. Nothing sours Jaden quite like being forced into bleak deeds by duty or circumstance.

The old-timer's manner however has awoken a little of the psyker's irreverent humour, for better or worse. That spark of energy, of exuberance in the metallic eyes reminds Jaden of his old mentor, of days spent atop the plains, ready for whatever adventure Chogoris might throw at them. The Space Marine bows his head, and while his tone is a touch biting he looks towards his senior with warmth and pride, "Carry on, ancient one. Try not to clank too much, we don't want a techpriest coming in and complaining at our mistreatment of a historical artifact."

2017-09-08, 03:33 AM
The past few weeks had not been kind to Rafen, his failures at Zanatov still weighing heavily on his mind. While his brothers had been undergoing necessary reconstruction, both at Erioch and aboard the Gallant Blade, Rafen had switched between pacing the medicae decks and trying to find peace in meditation. Neither had been helpful, Ogedai's loss, both as a warrior and as a father to future Astartes, had been hard enough, and the opportunity to ask forgiveness from Jaden for the loss of his brother still hadn't presented itself.

If that hadn't been bad enough, the matter of the Templars' geneseed recovery had been a disaster, after conversations with Inquisitor Jiang had revealed their true identity. The decision of what to do with it had weighed even heavier, they were his enemy, but his duty was to recover precious geneseed no matter the risk or cost. Normally, consultation with other Sanguinary Priests would help, but that was an impossibility. Eventually, he reached a decision, to surrender the geneseed to the medicae at Erioch, and leave it for their judgement. This in turn had led to the difficult admission that on their first mission, the team Apothecary had lost one loyalist geneseed and recovered several traitor ones.

The walk past the sarcophagi had further shaken Rafen, their cold, judgemental eyes boring into his very resolve, and finding it wanting. Before the Deathwatch, things had been simpler, and he had come here looking for more purpose. Instead, he had found doubt, clawing away at him, and the usual quiet solace he would find in the heroes vault at Baal evaporated as Rafen awaiting the call that his time with the Deathwatch was over.

The fires in Rafen, nearly extinguished from their ordeal, stoked slighly at the sight of the ancient, one how had endured far worse than Rafen and still walked. This was not a time for regret, this was a time for redemption. Choosing to ignore Jaden's quips, the immediate future between them would be difficult enough, Rafen dropped to one knee, bowing his head as a small part of his combat knife became visible through his robes.

"Revered one, we would be honoured if you would impart your knowledge upon us"

I'll catch up on exp after the weekend since I'm going camping, unless you're feeling particularly evil it won't matter before then :smallsmile:

2017-09-08, 03:45 AM
The loss of a Brother had caused Karael a great deal of distress. When they first appeared in the teleportarium aboard the Gallant Blade, he had dropped the Missile Launcher on the ground in fury over their forced retreat. He hadn't liked their odds of survival, but still hoped that they could all make it out alive. Meditation had been a top priority of Karael after that, and he barely interacted with any of his brothers until they got contained together in the medical wards in the Watch-Fortress itself. And through all the testing and transfusions, he could only think of revenge.

Karael scowls at Jaden's disrespectful attempt at humor towards the ancient Astartes. Not many Space Marines made it to a venerable age, with the eternal battlefield constantly tempting the reaper. To make it long enough for ones bones to grow brittle showed signs of great fortitude and ability. ''Don't mind the White Scar, his mouth and brain run on different tracks. Tell us instead the name of these Xenos constructs that rise from wounds that would fell any mortal foe.''

Toxic Mind
2017-09-08, 12:32 PM
Vahn is silent, though he does nod his approval.

He had spent the interim time endlessly calibrating his scope, a relic bestowed upon him by his Chapter. He is even more reticent then usual, often lost in his own thoughts and calibrations. It is clear that he is taking the loss of Ogdei hard. It was his command, which meant it was his responsibility. Despite his promotion to the Deathwatch, he did not yet possess the stark pragmatism that many of his Chapter were famed for. If he had, he might have given more credit to Ogdei's own choices, but such logic was not his in this instance.

He waits for the ancient one to speak, marking how strange it was to see such an aged Astartes. Their number did not often survive intact so long, given their proclivities in battle.

2017-09-08, 02:20 PM
On the return journey Aldwin had not taken their defeat well. The broken leg had enforced a period of inactivity on him where he had been mostly confined to his quarters while he healed. He was well aware how little use he would be in battle if called upon in this condition. The manner of Ogedai's death does not help his mood. On the face of it the White Scar had died doing his duty and Aldwin hoped be would be able to meet his end in the same way when the time came. But if the Heretek yet survived would it all have been for nothing?

Unable to properly train or spar with the others Aldwin has been reading what reports he can obtain on the crusade's progress in the Jericho Reach. Ocasionally he rewatches the footage of the xenos tomb that was stored in his helmet cam.


While he recognises that Jaden is joking, Aldwin privately thinks that anyone who truely fought beside two of the Primarchs would be worth listening too, whatever his age. He will not rebuke the Storm Seer though. It was likely that of all of them, Jaden would feel the loss of a chapter brother the most accutely.

To the Black Shield, 'I would learn all you can teach us.'Whether the man's information was useful or not, Aldwin had to start somewhere.

2017-09-08, 05:16 PM
"Dorn and Sanguinius? No, I fought beside the Warhawk..."

The venerable Blackshield's cane swings up with surprising speed, catching Jaden in the chest, drawing a sharp spike of pain from his still-healing wounds.

"He apologised to me for the idiocy of his sons."

That silver grin splits his face again, and he laughs.

"Fortunately for you, I'm fond of idiots."

He pushes off from Jaden's chest and falls heavily back onto his cane, but waves off anyone who might move to assist him.

"Before I tell you lot what you've come to hear, you should understand something first. You shouldn't know what you know. Those xenos are a secret kept not just from the peons, but from the mighty. There is a group here in the Reach who're supposed to handle them. You may have heard the rumours about them yourself, a small council of Marines and Inquisitors... a Cabal, some call them. They hold all the secrets to themselves.

"But Jiang didn't know. He was new to the Reach from Ultramar. And Horsa didn't know what he was looking at either."

The Blackshield shrugs as he says, "Emperor only knows why Scarion didn't put a stop to it before you were sent out. Maybe he doesn't know the truth either, or maybe he thought the Cabal needed the help. It could even be a power play. Regardless, there you went in. Blind."

A look of disgust twists his face as he adds, "And Bramimonde stuck her nose in, knowing she wasn't welcome. You lot didn't know any better, but that was premeditated. And now you're all stuck in the mire."

He looks each of you in the eye, gaze steely, mouth set into a scowl.

"If you turn and walk away, right this very moment, you might be able to leave this whole mess behind. You could be made to forget what they don't want you to remember. There're ways it can be done. But if I say one more word to you about those xenos, you belong to the Cabal. Knowing what you know, and what you'll soon know, there can be no going back to the way it was before. You will share the Cabal's secrets with no one. Not Horsa, not Haman, not even your own Chapter. The burden of knowledge will be yours alone to carry."

Toxic Mind
2017-09-08, 06:03 PM
"We are sworn in the blood of our fallen Brother. Speak, honored one." Vahn says. There is no double in his mind that every marine here wanted more than anything else to avenge the fallen. None of them would turn away.

2017-09-08, 06:14 PM
Karael looks down at the ground for only a short moment as Vahn speaks. He then raises his head and nods ''This new Xeno menace can't be ignored. I will not shirk from the burden of this knowledge.''

Inspector Valin
2017-09-08, 06:29 PM
The mention of the Khan gets a look of innocent wonder from Jaden's eyes... that the old marine is quick to exploit. Coughing, it takes the White Scar almost longer than the Black Shield to find his footing again. Once he's upright though, Jaden's grinning fit to bust at the old man. As weathered as the cliffs of Monda Caprica and still able to bring down some young idiot of a White Scar. He really would've made a good Stormseer, in some other lifetime.

Unfortunately, the politics talk is enough to dampen Jaden's mood. The White Scar listens intently: following the course of events can prove important, but the main takeaway from the narrative for Jaden is a feeling of guilt towards Jiang and his men, and a growing fondness and appreciation for Inquisitor Bramimonde. Intervening in the secret affairs of the secret club of secrecy seems like a thoroughly good idea to Jaden, and the thought of the smiling woman being ahead of dusty old Watch Captains brings a twinkle to the psyker's eyes. If you can hear this, mi'lady, thank you. At Vahn and Kharel's swift acceptance of the Black Shield's demands of secrecy. Jaden holds up a hand while chuckling at his pair' eagerness, "Hold a second, 'Sarge'. And you too, painter. I have a question for the old one first."

Jaden takes a few seconds to flex his shoulders: still feeling a little stiff from the sharp encounter with hard steel flooring. Once he finishes, the White Scar turns to the Black Shield, his smile fading just enough to show the importance of the matter he had to raise. "Jiang found traces of Alpha Legion involvement with the Templars on Zanatov's Harbour. My augury confirmed that. We don't have the evidence to say just how they came to turn the Templars of Blood, but it seems clear the Great Enemy now know of these aliens of yours, and are actively engaged in some kind of alliance with them? Or study? Or manipulation?"

The last seems most likely, given the Alpha Legion's reputation, but that point isn't what has Jaden concerned right now. The White Scar chuckles, gesturing behind him as his words turn back to the Templars' original mission to Zanatov's Harbour, "A squad that just happened to have been infiltrated by the Legion, was sent to a world that would provide evidence of these mysterious aliens. Samach forces and an errant Rogue Trader were in place to assist this undertaking. The Great Enemy tries their hardest to turn all the galaxy against us, but the odds of that 'just happening' are low. If they had a hand within the specific squad sent to the surface, it's likely they had eyes in the right place to see where these xenos were buried, and a voice to choose the marines dispatched."

The Stormseer leans back against the sacristy wall. There's a faint smile on his face, as if at some quiet joke, but little levity in his eyes now. The stakes are too high, and the secrecy of this Cabal is not something he appreciates. Still, the young psyker manages a brief chortle. "I lied earlier. I don't actually have a question. I just wanted to share my thoughts with my battle brothers, before we all agreed to this. You've pointed out how all the people on Eiroch fit into your little web, but omitted the most important part. The enemy. And after how Zanatov played out, they're the piece of the puzzle that most concerns me. Either the gods of the warp conspired to pass your secrets to the ears of the Traitor Legions by amazing fortune... or they had some help along the way."

2017-09-08, 06:38 PM
The idea that he could not speak of this to his own chapter gives Aldwin pause. What would be the harm? Surely it was better to have even a working knowledge of these enemies rather than to go in blind as the kill team had. But there was really no choice here. 'If you know anything that can help me kill them I want to hear it.'

Was thinking of elaborating on some things but I'll add it to the next IC post instead

2017-09-09, 12:36 AM
The Blackshield shakes his head at Jaden's objections.

"It's a matter of timing, boy. I don't know all the particulars of what you encountered on Zanatov's Harbour, but I've read Inquisitor Jiang's reports, and I didn't get to look like this without learning history. The Templars of Blood squad left behind on the planet went silent sixty-four years before your visit to the planet. Did that ramshackle camp you found there look like the fruit of sixty-four years of conspiracy? I'd wager my boots that your Alpha Legionnaires found the Templars of Blood already dead."

The old Marine frowns.

"You're not wrong to question the Cabal. It's ugly business, Astartes and Inquisitors keeping secrets from each other. And it's not something that can last forever. The truth will out eventually, and when it does, worlds will suffer. But critique them as we may, their shadow games are no service to the Great Enemy. You know the maxim they teach raw PDF recruits and manufactorum workers: 'Ignorance is strength.' Even in our relatively exalted state, even in service to the Inquisition, there is still some truth in those words."

The venerable Marine takes a deep breath, bracing himself, and lets go of his cane for a moment, a mag-clamp or some other tech-sorcery keeping it upright as he gestures with both hands.

"They say we Astartes do not know fear," he says, holding out his left hand. "But we do know the touch of hope," he goes on, holding out his right.

"Hope can be a valuable tool, but for all that it can lend you strength, it is itself so... delicate."

He clenches his right hand into a tight fist as he says, "So easily... crushed."

He sways a moment, catching himself again on his cane.

"There are truths that make us weak. Truths to drown the dreams of hope in tides of sorrow. The Inquisition does much to hide such truths from the masses, but some things... some few things are best kept hidden even from the Ordos' all-seeing eyes. Ignorance, in such cases, can be a bulwark. The most efficacious shield against despair."

He looks you all over again, each one in turn.

"Are you truly ready to abandon that defense and venture out into the cold dark of understanding? This is the last time I will ask. No turning back beyond this point. When you take up the burden of knowledge, you forgo the protection of the shield of ignorance in order to become that shield for others. You will know precisely so that they they may not, and you yourself will suffer for it."

Inspector Valin
2017-09-09, 06:06 AM
"Your boots, or your dreadnaught's boots? How much boot are you wagering exactly?"

Jaden's mouth always does seem a few steps to the side of his thought process. This was a deflection on the Black Shield's part; the odds of the Alpha Legion just stumbling across the Cartel's secret are low, but pressing him further won't accomplish much. All the White Scar has for now are suspicions and an instinctive distrust for people he can't see (and thus stab). The Stormseer sits quietly through the old marine's speech. At his final question, the Chogorian smiles, glancing once around the company before returning his gaze to the Ancient One, raising a fist towards the ceiling. "No shield is as great as a well placed sword arm. And no foe is so terrible as to be beyond the wrath of the Space Marines, or the judgement of the Emperor."

Simple words, but honestly felt. Even with the sting of energy fire still lingering on his torso, that belief hadn't left the White Scar. Answer given, Jaden looks at the Black Shield with a raised eyebrow, and a mischievous grin, "You keep speaking as if you're not part of this Cabal, overly wizened one. Why are you the one giving this speech on their behalf then? Did you just want an excuse to stretch your legs? A chance to share your stories of the alien with the marines who just got shot at by them?"

Toxic Mind
2017-09-09, 08:00 AM
As long as a single faithful soul stands against the darkness, hope is not lost. If this Cabal needs warriors, then we stand ready to answer the call. Vahn says resolutely, with a great deal more conviction in his voice than he has had about anything in the past week. Here was a chance to finally put a target in his sights.

2017-09-09, 11:45 AM
"The Cabal claimed me the same way they're now claiming you," the old man says, in response to Jaden's questions, "My knowledge of these xenos came from the battlefield, not from their lips. They thought you might better appreciate hearing about it all from me, instead of directly from them. But I'll be sure to tell them that you wouldn't know respect for your elders if it grew out of your own ass."

The ancient Marine's smile belies his harsh words. The smile disappears, however, as he pulls himself straighter and clears his throat, finally readying himself to move on to the true matter of this meeting.

"As for the xenos you fought... the Eldar call them Negh-Kron-Tyr. Necrontyr, to put it in plain Gothic. In ancient times, when the Eldar were first spreading across the stars, their races were rivals, and they warred all across the galaxy. The details... what few the pointy-ears have deigned to share with the Inquisitors of the Cabal... are all wrapped up in a bunch of religious nonsense, so I can't tell you exactly what happened. The long and short of it is that the Necrontyr figured out they couldn't beat the Eldar, not then and there. So they decided they would have to outlast them. They placed their souls into metal bodies forged through impossible technologies. Bodies impervious to the rigors of age, bodies able to repair almost any damage done to them. That's right. Those skeleton warriors aren't simply constructs. They are the Necrontyr.

"And then they buried themselves in stasis crypts to await the day when the Eldar... long-lived, but still, ultimately, mortal... had died out. And it wasn't just a splinter sect that did this, some little group of extremists. No. They aren't just buried on Zanatov's Harbour. They aren't just buried in the Jericho Reach. Their entire empire marched into the tombs... those bastards are all across the galaxy. Lurking under the surface of Primarchs-only-know how many worlds. And prophecy claims they're just about ready to rise again.

"One Tomb World is bad enough. But if any of them can set off a chain reaction, start bringing all their people back to life... it's no exaggeration to say that it would be the worst blow the Imperium has suffered since the coming of Hive Fleet Behemoth. And these bastards wouldn't be coming in out of the galactic fringe, they'd be coming up from under our own feet.

"Now do you get the picture? As long as they keep on sleeping, there's no immediate threat... but that's all we can try to do. Keep 'em sleeping."

2017-09-09, 01:04 PM
Karael snarls at the very idea of the Imperium and its loyal citizens being thrust into a war they couldn't hope to defend against. Xenos were always thought of as the enemy without, as it always struck upon undefended worlds like the cowards they were. But to fight something that has lived under your feet for millenia is threat that can't be ignored. What more mysteries did the Cabal know about these Necrontyr? How long had they fought? Too many variables for a warrior that fights not with a book but with bolter and chainsword.

''How? How can we fight these Necrontyr, Ancient? How can this secret Cabal fight a Xenos race that slumbers beneath our feet, and rebuild they're fallen like broken puppets while the battle still rages?''

Inspector Valin
2017-09-09, 03:32 PM
Jaden doesn't even attempt to interrupt the old man's brief history of their new foes. It was grim matter, but at least it made the idea behind the Cabal make a little more sense. That information should be kept secret from the mainline Imperial forces. If it should be kept secret from the Inquisition and Astartes, forces entrusted to act as the Hand of the Emperor is quite another matter, but a debate to be had later. Perhaps to needle whatever even older fools might outrank this old fool.

The ancient Marine's worst case scenario interrupts any planned witticism in Jaden's mind. The young White Scar looks at the veteran, honestly shocked at the implications of what he'd just shared. It takes Jaden a second to recover, and when he does he emits his customary chuckle, but there's no humour in it for once. "That makes Zanatov's Harbour a worse situation than we'd previously thought. That's... impressive."

It's hard to tell how the Black Shield can be so calm, at a time like this. Perhaps his reading of their reports had skimmed the final part? With a frown, jaden tries to explain. "They had some kind of cross world portal operational. Blancandrin theorized it was similar to Eldar Webway technology. From the design of the area we found, Zanatov's Harbour fits the bill of one of these world-tombs. But they're awake, capable of intergalactic travel, and there's no imperial force in system to stop them. Hells, thanks to this Cabal, there's only a handful of Imperial forces who even know these Neck Wrong Tear exist!"

It's a good job the area is remote, because Jaden has very much started to raise his voice in frustration. A hint of lightning crackles behind the psyker's blue eyes. Still, no one here is to blame for the situation. Turning away, Jaden takes a breath, and then a second trying to centre himself. He mutters in the silence,


The Stormseer trails off, unable to even being that sentence. Words have deserted him, along with the Joyless' usual title. A Brother of the White Scars' final action may have just saved a countless number of worlds, but there was no way to know if he'd been successful. The confusing emotions of the situation are not going to be easy for Jaden to sort through.

2017-09-09, 09:55 PM
Aldwin is floored by the scope of the Black Shield's revelations. On the return to Erioch it had occcurred to him that Zanatov's Harbour needn't be the only world inhabited by these Necrontyr. It had after all once been inhabited by humanity, who had apparently lived there unaware of the threat that existed beneath their feet. How many other Imperial worlds held similar tomb complexes, and did the Cabal know enough to identify their locations before the worst happened. He frowns at the mention of information gained from dealings with the Eldar. What reason would they have to ever tell humanity the unvarnished truth? Though having felt the sting of the Necrontyr's technology up close, Aldwin could certainly believe that the two races had once been rivals.

He had listened to Jaden's words with interest. The Storm Seer was acting with a level of paranoia that was only appropriate given the Alpha Legion's involvement and, given his own suspicions on Zanatov's Harbour, he could hardly fault it. The talk of secrets was the most unwelcome part of this. Aldwin could understand not telling the common people, but why keep it from the Adeptus Astartes who would likely be in the forefront of engagements with this enemy. When the time came would lives be lost needlessly?

In any case, even if the Black Shield was exaggerating the scale of the threat Aldwin had to know more. Perhaps the man was right about the value of ignorance but in that case they had all already gone too far to turn back when they had entered the tomb complex. 'Old One, I was always told to listen closely to the words of veterans, but I would prefer to know what to call you first.' A Black Shield could hide his Chapter and in this case perhaps even the nature of his geneseed, but he must still have a name and a reputation. Then there was perhaps the reason he had had them all meet here in the first place. 'And beyond keeping it's secrets what does this Cabal expect of us?' Like Vahn, Aldwin would be happy to pointed at a target, but it has occurred to him that the Black Shield has not yet spoken of what their duties might be.

2017-09-10, 12:06 AM
Softly chuckling, the Blackshield tells Aldwin, "You may call me Brother Argentum," before addressing Jaden and Karael's broader questions.

"The Jericho Reach is supposed to be a tipping point, or so say all the prophets the Cabal can lay its hands on. What's actually been happening here seems to lend that idea some merit. Zanatov's Harbour is not the first Tomb World to have awakened in the Reach, nor is it likely to be the last, but the Necrontyr here seem... confused. Directionless. The Cabal are trying to keep them that way."

He waves his hand, brushing aside that issue.

"But they keep their own counsel in such matters. The threat they want you to address is more immediate, and more familiar."

Brother Argentum extends his cane, slotting it into one of the tech-sacristy's data ports. Moments later, a hololithic projection fills the air between you and the ancient Marine, showing you a slightly fuzzy pict-capture of a man in a grox-hide jacket. Bare metal augmetics fill a broad scar down the right side of his face, his right eye a camera lens. At least a day's worth of stubble sandpapers his jaw, and dark, unkempt hair falls to his chin. The pict captures him with a look of impatience.

"I don't imagine any of you have seen his face before, but this is Brenden Ulixes, the Rogue Trader you found to be in league with the Alpha Legion. As soon as Inquisitor Jiang reported in to declare him Hereticus Majoris, the ships of Battlegroup Icarus were mobilised to bring him to justice. Unfortunately, he slipped their net. Current intelligence suggests that he's gone to ground in Tau space.

"Inquisitor Bramimonde came forward with a plan to extract Captain Ulixes without having to mount an invasion to do it. The Tau are yet naive in the arena of diplomacy. The propaganda they feed themselves and the humans they keep under their thumb requires them to pretend at 'fairness' and 'justice' and other such high-minded nonsense. We will send in a diplomatic team to inform them that Captain Ulixes is a criminal under our laws and to demand that he be returned to us to face judgment. And there's the slightest chance that approach might actually work."

You can feel the weight of the old Marine's stare boring into you even through the luminous haze of the hololith.

"I shouldn't have to tell you that we are not leaving the matter to chance. You lot will accompany the diplomatic team as an honour guard. If the Tau accede to our demands and hand Ulixes over, then an honour guard is all you'll be. But if negotiations go poorly, you will detach yourselves from the diplomatic team, locate Ulixes yourselves, and terminate him with extreme prejudice. His ship and crew as well, if you can manage it."

Having an idea by now how conversations with you all are likely to go, Brother Argentum looks directly at Jaden as he asks, "Any questions?"

Inspector Valin
2017-09-10, 02:17 AM
The silver-named old Marine finds Jaden waiting for him with a smirk and a bow, "Just one. In all your years, revered Brother Argentum, have you ever managed to blow up a whole starship with just a Kill Team at your side, and no Imperial backup?"

The Stormseer laughs; a deep and hardy sound that lacks malice towards the elder. The mission briefing has cheered him up nicely: whatever loose ends might linger from their last engagement, this was the sort of task Jaden had imagined when joining the Deathwatch. Bold, daring and a challenge worthy of a hero. He's excited now, Emperor help you all. Humming to himself, the White Scar begins to think aloud. "Even if the diplomacy plan works, Ulixes and his crew won't surrender themselves to Imperial mercy. They're not idiots. I'd expect them to try and fight their way out if the Tau judgement doesn't favour them. They'll likely have an escape plan already in place. We should expect a fight either way."

Jaden chuckles, "Of course, trying to fight him through a hostile world, and trying to fight him with the Tau's assistance are entirely different things. We could slay every xeno in our path and extract from the world flawlessly, but the rogue Rogue and his crew might simply outpace us. We should strive to help Bramimonde and the diplomatic team as best we can."

2017-09-10, 05:52 PM
Karael scowls at the very thought of negotiating with Xenos about the Rogue trader. But he couldn't lie to himself when it came to what enemies he preferred to fight. There was just something different with seeing the enemy realise that their doom has arrived, compared to a soulless construct who only persues war in a cold calcutating way.

''Sounds straight forward. I doubt any of these curs have ever fought dedicated Astartes before. It should be easy if we are provided with the assets required to get close to our target if negotiations fail.'' He says as he contemplates the mission and the specific requirements that it would require depending on how they went about it, and who would be leading it of course.

''Do we have any information about the Tau we would be meeting? Has a meeting ground been decided for that matter? We don't want to help the Tau unless completely necessary, yet if we hold any bargaining chips this would be a good place to lay them on the table to sweeten the deal and make a live capture guaranteed. The Tau seem to value their subjects greatly, and I belive the Watch Fortess has captured more than one since it was founded.'' he says with a smile on his lips

Toxic Mind
2017-09-10, 09:49 PM
Vahn cannot keep the smile from his face. As a consummate marksman, there was something uniquely satisfying about fighting the Tau; besting them at their own game. He had little doubt that it would devolve into violence eventually. And he would be there, stalker bolter in hand - well, not there, exactly, more likely 300m away through a scope - waiting to end those who stood in the way of the Imperium. "A chance for payback and a chance to further the Imperium's cause against the Tau? Are you certain we are not being rewarded?"

2017-09-11, 04:13 AM
Remaining relatively quiet during the exposition of secrets within secrets and of a mechanical xenos race. He'd had acted as councel to other Blood Angels who talked of these mechanical constructs before, but somewhere deep down, he'd never truly believed them, a Sanguinary Priest was a role of flesh and blood. Even the mighty Titans of the Mechanicus had an organic crew, even if they didn't look like it.

As talk turned to that of Humans and Tau, Rafen felt more at ease. The Tau, for all their advances, were most definitely still made of flesh, as was 'Captain' Ulixes. Still, underestimating their foe had already caused enough damage to their team, both in terms of physical loss and, judging by the demeanour of the rest of the team, psychological effects. The talk of a mission with much clearer foes and parameters would go some way to repairing the doubts in the team's minds, but the lack of a fifth was still a worry.

"Brother Argentum, when we entered Zanatov, we did so with a distinct lack of technical expertise. Now, you wish us to travel to Tau worlds with this same lack of expertise, as well as missing a team member who paid the price for that lack of expertise. I may not have much of a read on Watch Captain Horsa, but given the distinct lack of Deathwatch Astartes at the best of times, I doubt we can expect reinforcement. We are not Wolves, with pack in birth and death, how do we go about gathering our forces for this?"

2017-09-12, 02:29 PM
"Starships are easy, Son of the Steppes," Argentum replies to Jaden, with a laugh, "Fusion reactors, Warp engines... they're trying to blow themselves up every moment they're under power. All you have to do is give them a little nudge to help them along."

Karael's comments also elicit a chuckle.

"Shrewd. You're well on your way to sounding more Deathwatch than Blood Angel. The details, meeting place and time, have yet to be agreed upon, but I will be sure to pass on your recommendation of a prisoner exchange to the negotiation team. That could certainly prove a useful bargaining chip."

Vahn wins a nod. "Vengeance is its own reward. Redemption is found in retribution."

At Rafen's question, his brows knit together, and he runs his tongue across his silver teeth.

"Dagon's recent gains have us stretched thin, and five Marines are already suspiciously heavily armed for an honour guard. The Tau would likely not perceive any threat if technical 'advisors' were attached to the diplomatic team, however. Their own society organises warriors, diplomats, and technicians into separate castes, and all three will likely be represented in their own delegation."

2017-09-12, 09:52 PM
Aldwin is content with this new mission. Whatever the motivations of the Cabal, the Rogue Trader needed to be captured. Privately, Aldwin would be just as happy to see him meet his death at the Kill Team's hands. If they were able to take him alive he might tell them something useful about his affiliation with the Alpha Legion, but such information could equally be something misleading or dangerous that the Legion was willing to release to turn to it's own advantage. With the Hydra, nothing was ever certain.

Given the scope of the Necrontyr threat, the prospect of battle against the Tau comes as something of a relief. While Aldwin had heard that they should not be underestimated as an enemy, when compared to the Archenemy, or to more dangerous species of Xenos, they were merely an irritant. If not for Behemoth, the Tau might have already been wiped out. This 'diplomacy' would be a sadly necessary ruse until the day that the Imperium was less distracted by other foes.

To Brother Argentum, 'Do we know how the Tau feel about the Archenemy? If Ulixes is tied to the Alpha Legion he is far worse then a mere criminal. Perhaps the Tau would see no reason to trust him either if they knew about his recent activities.'

2017-09-12, 10:24 PM
Brother Argentum shakes his head.

"The Tau are stupid. Some would say naive, but I say stupid. Daemons don't have a taste for their souls because, as I understand it, a Tau doesn't have much in the way of a soul to begin with. So they think that means the Archenemy is insignificant. Just superstition on the part of us unenlightened humans."

He snorts a cruel laugh.

"We'll see how they feel about that when all the bastard witches they're letting breed on the worlds they've conquered start vomiting Bloodletters and Plaguebearers into existence. But no, for now I'm sure they'd think nothing of Ulixes' darker connections."

Inspector Valin
2017-09-13, 09:01 AM
Jaden closes his eyes at Argentum's words. They're not the first denigration of psykers he's heard, and they likely won't be the last. They didn't even change his opinion of the old marine too much. But some things leave an impact on you no matter what. It takes the Chogorian a few seconds to repoen his lids, coughing and smiling just like always. As if nothing was wrong.

"Do we have more information on the Tau delegation, or Ulixes himself? I think we're ready to begin preparations, but any further data could be helpful with making plans for this mission. Forces, methodology, equipment ect.."

2017-09-13, 06:51 PM
Brother Argentum twists his cane and pulls it free from the wall, disengaging the hololith of Captain Ulixes.

"As I've said, the preliminaries with the Tau aren't finished yet. I know jack all about what to expect; it's been at least a decade since we last invoked the contact protocols. You'll be notified whenever Inquisitor Bramimonde sees fit to share her plans with the rest of us."

A derisive snort suggests how he feels about the ostentatious Inquisitor.

"As for Ulixes, I suspect there's more information in our archives. The Deathwatch anticipated that he might become a threat, but until now he's always been able to hide behind his Warrant of Trade. I imagine that if you ask around the Watch-Fortress, you could find all manner of people who would be quite pleased to hear that you're authorised to kill him now. And yes... you are now free to ask around the Watch-Fortress.

"As long as you keep the Cabal's secrets, there should be no further restriction on your movements or activities. Your knowledge should be shackle enough."

Something of a shudder runs through Argentum's body, and he grimaces.

"And I think that should be enough for now. Until we meet again, remember... don't go out and do anything stupid. You're Astartes; remember that should mean something."

He depresses a switch hidden within the handle of his cane, and a wall of the tech-sacristy blooms open, panels concealed in its mechanisms shifting and folding outward. A chill wind blows out of the revealed passage, and thin fingers of fog creep out onto the floor.

"Fare thee well," he wishes you, and hobbles through the hidden door, which begins closing almost before he's even through it.

If you'd like to catch up with any characters from the last mission, investigate Ulixes' background, or just generally take some time to talk / meditate / what have you, I'll leave you to your own devices for a little while before Bramimonde nails down the details of the meeting with the Tau and we roll on into the main plot.

Toxic Mind
2017-09-13, 07:05 PM
"Finally freed. I'll be at the range. I have a lascannon to test - if the Tau field their armour and technology, it will be invaluable in taking it down." Vahn says, and there is just a hint of his old vigor. When among the Raptors, he had always favored single shot Heavy weapons, only resulting to Heavy Bolters when a Lascannon or Multimelta had no application on the battlefield. It was good to be back in the swing of things. His stalker pattern bolter had finally arrived from his Chapter, a request submitted months ago, long before the mission to Zanatov's Harbour. With it, he knew, he would be well and truly prepared to take on the task of eliminating the Fallen Rogue Trader, and any Tau needed.

2017-09-14, 03:35 AM
With the spectre of restriction lifted, if only for a short while, Rafen finally had time to return to his duties amongst the other Blood Angels at the Watch, hoping that the link to some level of normality would restore his demeanour. However, he had one further task to attend to.

"Stormseer Jaden, a moment of your time?"

"Brother, on Zanatov, I failed you and your chapter. Due to my inaction, Brother Ogedai was lost to us forever, his chance to ascend a son atomized in a storm of heat and fire. While such losses are to be occasionally expected, they are still tragedies, and should be treated as such"

"Amongst my chapter, and in such a situation, it is customary for the failing Priest to offer his blade to a close representitive of the fallen, a Sergeant or Company Commander, to be done with as the superior believes fit. In most cases, the blade is withheld until the Priest has demonstrated true repentence, while in others, the blade is used to give the Priest a more permanent reminder of their inaction."

Rafen slowly dropped to one knee and pulled his combat knife from inside his robes, offering it hilt first to Jaden.

"To my knowledge, you are the most senior representitive of the White Scars upon the fortress, and as such I offer my blade to you, to do with as you see fit. My penance will be complete once I have earned it back, when you so deem it."

Rafen remains on one knee, awaiting either words or actions from Jaden

Inspector Valin
2017-09-14, 04:25 AM
Jaden's eyes narrow. He takes a knee to meet Rafen's gaze, looking into the priest's eyes with a serene, sombre expression. The Stormseer places a hand over his brother's outstretched one, holding the grip together. "Brother. Your actions on Zanatov were impeccable. You and Brother Karael did Bhaal proud, and you kept up the fight alongside the Joyless while I was senseless in sus-an. What happened was unavoidable, and you owe the Scars nothing. No penance is needed."

Leaving the knife in Rafen's hand, Jaden gets to his feet, offering his Battle Brother a hand to rise with him and a forgiving smile. Once they are both standing, Jaden hums contemplatively,"Still, Ogedai's seed being lost is an injustice. And one I don't appreciate. While you aren't at fault, perhaps we'd both rest easier if we worked to right the scales of fate a little?"

The psyker hums to himself, starting to speak almost as if no one else was there. "The Inquisition ask a tithe of every Apothecarium, I believe. There will be White Scars geneseed within an Adeptus Terra vault somewhere. If we could find a way to have a portion of that returned to Chogoris, I think Temur would rest easier for it. The loss of his son would mean less than the loss of a White Scar." Jaden is silent for a second, eyes wandering to the view-port. Then he snorts, turning back to his brother with a wry grin. "I've no idea where to even begin with something like that. I suspect it would require wading through bureaucracy. But if you're willing to join me on the quest Rafen, I'd welcome your assistance."

2017-09-14, 09:12 AM
With the meeting dealt with, Karael looks to the rest of his Battle-Brothers and nods ''I trust I'll see some of you around the training cages, Brothers.'' he says before walking away to the armory. Whilst inside, he makes a request to see equipment of past Blood Angels aboard the Watch Fortress. It takes him many hours to find exactly what he was looking for. A blade that once belonged to a Brother from his last assault squad, used during his own time whilst clearing the Xeno scrum away from the rim of the Reach. A power sword still decorated by angelic wings by the cross guard, and a blood drop affixed to the pommel of the handle.

While investigating the weight, the Blood Angel also sees a peculiar relic of his chapter. A real Angelus Bolter, only used by the Sanguinary guard back on Baal. It had always been his ambition to join the very elite of the chapter, and to wield one of their iconic weapons was an honor beyond belief. With his armament chosen and his armor repaired after the new additions to the battle scaring upon his plate, Karael heads down to the Hunting Grounds to train himself once more against some more clever foes that could give him a challenge while not risking his life if he goes alone.

For the next day he spends his time hunting Kroot within grounds made to look like a civilized world. His aim not improving much more than what it usually was, but by combining his new power sword together with his chainsword he makes short work of any alien in his path, his bolter breaking apart those that flee or try to evade the whirlwind of death that he brings. Seeing the fallen foes stay down only raises his spirits even higher after facing the Necrontyr, a foe he despises yet also respects for their tenacity beyond life.

2017-09-14, 11:50 PM
With the meeting dealt with, Karael looks to the rest of his Battle-Brothers and nods ''I trust I'll see some of you around the training cages, Brothers.''

Aldwin will shake his head at that. His leg is healing but he is trying to make sure he is properly recovered before they depart. 'I believe I will give you the chance to beat me again on the journey there.'

Presumably all damage is healed by the time it matters. Also Karael has a lot of WS :smallamused:

While he could not properly exercise his body, Aldwin will try to exercise his mind instead. He has been spending time in the Great Ossuaries, as the bones displayed there offered a reminder of what Astartes and the Deathwatch specifically were capable of killing when they put their minds to it. Perhaps one day the skulls of the Necrontyr and their pet monster would also be laid here. When not simply meditating Aldwin is reading some of the works of military thought that have come with him to Erioch. The Codex, whatever it's limitations, was a useful starting point, but Guilliman seemed to leave out a lot of what other writers had covered better elsewhere. He will also be refreshing his memory by reading technical manuals on the proper use of explosives, which was a skill that he had barely had reason to use since he was a scout. He cannot compete with Vahn as a marksman, or really most of the others with a blade, but he can seek to fill the roles that the squad lacked.

When he has the time Aldwin will ask around anyone outside the squad that he has had any contact with if they can tell him anything useful about Captain Ulixes.

I don't expect this to go anywhere but I'll roll Inquiry on this. If it helps and he's still around I'll ask Captain Smith directly.

Roll vs. Fel 36 / 2 - TN 18


2017-09-15, 06:21 PM
Even aboard a Watch-Fortress of the Deathwatch, people's responses to being questioned by a seven foot tall superman, particularly one from a Chapter with as stern a reputation as the Subjugators, tend to be subdued. Though everyone Aldwin asks is properly respectful, nothing they share about Ulixes is particularly useful. Those who've heard of him generally give the same basic description, characterizing him as a man with a piratical spirit who has frequently pushed the boundaries of the permissions granted by his Warrant of Trade... which is nothing you didn't already know.

Aldwin does, however, notice something curious. The Gallant Blade is still being held in one of the Watch-Fortress's outer docks (ostensibly for repairs to the minor damage inflicted on it by Ulixes' ship during its flight from Zanatov's Harbour, but likely also so that the Cabal can determine that none of its crew knows any more than they are authorised to know), but when he goes searching for Captain Smith, the Rogue Trader is nowhere to be found, neither aboard his ship nor in the precious few spaces aboard the Watch-Fotress which are open to non-Inquisitorial visitors.

Where might Captain Smith be?

This isn't a major sidequest, but it is a thread which could be pulled if you're interested.

2017-09-18, 07:39 AM
"My thanks for your words, brother" came the reply, Rafen taking Jaden's hand up, and returning the knife to it's sheath, "Although I will still need to seek to improve my actions, every battle should be seen as a chance to improve one's self. As per the tithe, I am aware of geneseed being delivered to the vaults of the Adeptus Mechanicus for purity testing, I myself have overseen this task before, however I have not encountered any situation with the Inquisition taking such a stand on a chapter. If you do wish to investigate this, I would be honoured to help."

2017-09-18, 07:55 PM
Aldwin is going to go looking for Inquisitor Jiang to ask him about Captain Smith's whereabouts. It was better to be as informed as possible about the battlefield before you entered in to it, and so any information he could dig up on their target might be useful.

Was probably overthinking it. I'll pass on that speculation about Argentum when we're all together

Inspector Valin
2017-09-19, 11:58 AM
"We can begin this after the diplomatic mission. For now, I feel we should both be making ready for it. It's a simple assignment in theory, but so many variables... a thousand petals scattered by a hurricane, same as always."

The Stormseer laughs heartily, as if at some private joke. Jaden bows his head politely to Rafen, before turning and striding into the distant corridors of Erioch. There are many possibilities for how to assist this mission. An augury is certainly in order, and some communication with the Mechanicus and Inquisition about captured Tau vehicles might provide a useful trump card. But first.... Jaden intends to pay a visit to the Telepathica Outpost. A ruthless Rogue Trader most likely has some navigator or warp witch on their staff: the Warrant of Trade makes such things within their power. The support of a psyker contingent could be highly a useful counter-measure.

And it will be... pleasant. To spend some time with a group who don't use witch as a slur.

2017-09-20, 10:38 AM
The Tower of Brass (Aldwin)

As a visiting Inquisitor with few connections in the Jericho Reach, Inquisitor Jiang has been allotted only a modest apartment in the lowest levels of the Tower of Brass. Fortunately, that enforced humility makes it easier for Aldwin to locate his accommodations. The scholarly Inquisitor answers his door with weary eyes and ink-stained hands, and, glancing past him, Aldwin can see that every flat surface in his hab-unit seems to be covered over with a layer of books, maps, and scrolls.

"Captain Smith? He ought to be aboard his ship... I'm afraid it will likely be a while more before my colleagues permit him to go. Here, let's try the vox."

The Inquisitor plucks an archaic wired handset from out of a nest of loose papers and hails the Gallant Blade.

"Could you put me through to Captain Smith? Thank you, yes. ...Captain Smith? It's good to hear you... No, I... One of my associates was looking to speak with you earlier today, and couldn't seem to get in touch with you. ...you were? Well, I suppose... Wait, one moment."

Jiang lowers the handset and looks up to Aldwin, frowning slightly.

"He says he was being questioned by one of my Inquisitorial colleagues. That's possible, but the interrogations started at the top... he's already been dealt with, and I'm not aware of anything that would have occasioned further questioning. Certainly none was scheduled for today..."

The Astropathic Choristry (Jaden)

Seen from the void, the spire housing Erioch's astropathic choir stands in the shadow of its infamous Tower of Brass, small and fragile-looking in comparison to the monumental Inquisitorial Enclave. However, as Jaden mounts the stairs spiraling to its summit, the Choristry seems vaster than the bustling, vital Tower of Brass could ever be, its halls magnified by their empty austerity and haunted air. Grief soaks the walls here, the quiet pain of all those who have lived and died over the millennia as messengers of the Angels of Death, screaming portents and warnings out across the troubled Warp of the Reach.

The choral chamber itself seems all but empty, as, like almost everything aboard the Watch-Fortress, it was built on a much grander scale than its current use requires. Long rows of psyk-cradles stand empty, ringing round the few in which active astropaths are ensconced. Walls of rune-marked iron pipes climb to a domed ceiling, the crystal window at its peak granting an unfiltered view out into the void. The pipes resonate with a odd melody, intoned by the touch of Erioch's chief astropath, who sits at the organ console at the center of the chamber.

It takes a moment, but Jaden comes to realize that the organ's music sounds odd because, heard only by the ear of the flesh, it is incomplete. Only by opening his senses to the Empyrean can he appreciate how it resonates with the psychic voices of the astropathic choir, their own songs framed as a vital piece of the organist's instrument. As the organist-chorister lifts his hands from the keys, so too do the voices of the astropaths die away in perfect unison with the organ's tune.

"Librarian," the chief astropath greets Jaden, turning his empty eye sockets' gaze on the Stormseer, "What brings you from the halls of books into the halls of music on this day?"

The Shooting Ranges (Vahn)

As Vahn practises his marksmanship, further honing his already considerable skill with lascannon and stalker bolter in hand, a polite cough, an oddly human affectation, draws his attention from the targets downrange. Chaplain Haman has entered the otherwise empty shooting range. The warning cough is, however, the closest to contrition he shows for intruding on the Raptor's privacy. Haman is here with a purpose.

"I don't know precisely what happened on your mission, and it's been made clear to me that I do not want to know," he says, forestalling any objection, "But I know that Temur Ogedei did not return."

Haman comes to kneel beside Vahn, leaning on his Crozius.

"I hope you understand that loss is what you should be feeling. He was not a brother of the Raptors, no more than I, but we are all brothers of the Astartes and of the Deathwatch, bound by oath and purpose. And, yes, he was under your command. No matter what principles your Chapter may espouse, that should hurt. You should feel that in your hearts.

"And yet..."

Haman disengages his gauntlet with a clank and hiss of mechanics, pulling it off to expose a thick, ridged scar on the back of his hand.

"We are Astartes. We endure our hurts. We learn from them, and we grow stronger. And we revisit our hurts a thousandfold on those who dare to strike us. Do not be disheartened. Use this loss. Let it fuel you. And watch all your enemies burn in that flame."

The Hunting Grounds (Karael)

Hours into the hunt, the bloodied corpse of a kroot falls at Karael's feet, dropped from the roof of a nearby building, its facade fashioned in approximation of an Imperial chapel. Looking up, the Blood Angel sees a grinning, filthy-faced Space Wolf clinging to the chapel's steeple. The Wolf waves his combat knife in greeting.

"Ironic, isn't it?" he says, "They fancy themselves predators. But if these are the best hunters the Tau can find, I don't know how we haven't wiped them out yet."

The Wolf leaps from the rooftop, landing with a heavy thud atop the corpse of the kroot, his boots crushing its head and cracking its spine.

"Just our luck that the only Marines close to the Damocles Gulf were Codex-thumpers, eh?"

Toxic Mind
2017-09-20, 12:12 PM
Vahn - Shooting Ranges

"He was a Brother in deed and in name, and had I the chance I would have given myself to see him here in my place. It was my command, Chaplain. My responsibility."

He fire off a shot that drills into the head of the servitor target.

"My failure."

He looks at the Chaplain's skull mask, as if it were no obstruction to the face beneath. "My Chapter teaches that death is inevitable, that we should be pragmatic in our application of force and in our loss. If a resource was used to its fullest, there should be no sorrow in its loss."

"Temur Ogdei was not used to his fullest."

2017-09-20, 12:19 PM
The Hunting Grounds

Karael cracks a smile and chuckles momentarily at the Wolves introduction ''Given your chapters hate of the good Codex, I sometimes wonder if your kind even knows it contents anymore. I wouldn't be much surprised to find that you order them by bulk to keep the hearth warm instead.''

He plucks a piece of Kroot brain away from the barrel of his Angelus Bolter while keeping a smirk on his face. He speaks up while he still has the word ''As you said, these evolved avians are just another proof that we have bigger troubles to deal with than another upstart Xeno empire. I sure as hell wouldn't overcomit to their genocide when more pressing concerns keep on mounting.'' Karael takes a step to the side to look at a track of the Kroot group he had been tracking for the last half hour. ''But where are my manners, the name is Karael. Brother of the Blood Angels.'' he salutes towards the stranger with his power sword. ''Had a good hunt sofar I hope, Space Wolf?''

Inspector Valin
2017-09-20, 05:40 PM
His pace should be fast. There is much to be done, and time is uncertain. None the less, Jaden walks slowly through the halls of the Choristry. The echoes in this place are enough to harrow the uninitiated, but they are a strange comfort for the Stormseer. Whatever they may have felt, this is a place where psykers have lived and served the Imperium for centuries. He cal feel the shadows of those past and present, their steps, the echo of their voices... and it is a comfort to the Chorgorian Psyker. Pain, fear, entreaties; it is all still the stuffof living.

And the music! The organ and chorus in perfect harmony is beyond description to one without Warp Sight. Jaden could have listened to it for hours, standing stock still within the choral chamber, but alas, business must take priority. Having to interrupt the Choir is vexing though. Jaden'd wanted to speak to an aide, but such luxuries were not to be wasted on the psykers, presumably. He bows his head low to the senior seer, "I am searching for allies, choirmaster. I would not ask your own to join the fight, but I hope you might guide my path."

Some marines confess worries and sins to their Chaplin. Jaden is more used to confessing to Astropaths. They can see your feelings after all. Their shared bond with the warp has always left Jaden looking up to the senior members of the Psykana. Taking a knee to bring himself level with the Chief Astropath, Jaden endeavours to explain. "Inquisitor Bramimond is putting together a diplomatic mission to retrieve a dangerous fugitive from Tau custody. Brenden Ulixes, the Rogue Trader. I am... worried that he might take advantage of the xenos' gullibility. The Tau have little knowledge of the Warp, and Ulixes has made contact with both Samech and the Alpha Legion in recent days. He may well have a coterie of the unsanctioned aboard his ship, and his current hosts would accept whatever practices his delegation might attempt as innocent."

The Stormseer places a hand to his side, where the hilt of his combat knife rests. Where his blade grip would be, were he in full armour. "I and my battle brothers will strive to protect the delegation from assault. But I am a man of battle, not wisdom. I was hoping that the Telepathica might be able to spare personnel to accompany us with ward and augury. They would be well placed with Bramimond's team." He lets the request end at that, closing his eyes and focusing on the emphyrian above the material. His sight could not match that of the Choir, but...it was the principal of the thing, dang it.

2017-09-20, 07:09 PM
The Tower of Brass (Aldwin)

Aldwin will try to remain impassive. So Smith had been questioned by someone who did not see fit to announce their identity. How many were involved in this Cabal anyway? He briefly wondered how likely an Inquisitor like Jiang would be to look into their colleages business as a matter of course and how the Cabal was likely to respond if he did. Would Jiang end up having his own introduction to the Necrontyr.

Without referring to whoever else might have been talking to Smith, Aldwin will explain his purpose. ‘We have been tasked with bringing the Emperor’s Justice to the Rogue Trader Brenden Ulixes. Captain Smith spoke of him aboard the Gallant Blade. I would hear anything Smith can tell us about Ulixes' ship and associates.'

2017-09-21, 02:51 AM
As the other team members head off to their respective destinations, Rafen takes some time to reflect upon the revelations of the last few minutes, before wandering the halls of the Watch Fortress, loosing himself in thought upon his travels.

Some time later, maybe minutes, maybe hours, Rafen found himself at the entrance way to the training cages, and allowed himself an outlet to his fury. Keeping his knife sheathed, he set into the machines and servitors as they approached with nothing more than his body as a weapon.

Some hours later, with his bones aching and his muscles on fire, he called a halt to the exercise, and looked around, the cage littered with drones and dummies, the recovery servitors struggling to keep up with the rate of devastation Rafen had unleashed. Small amounts of servitor blood could be found upon the floor mixed in with the oils and unguents that had kept them running, the smell of it mixing with his adrenaline, and Rafen stood upon the knife edge of control and barbarism, as his flawed seed threatened to take control.

2017-09-22, 04:41 PM
The Shooting Range

"Leadership of a kill-team is... difficult," Haman says, frowning at Vahn's assumption of full blame. "As with most aspects of service to the Inquisition, a kill-team leader deals in far fewer absolutes than any Sergeant commanding a squad of his own Chapter brothers. Did you command the action which took Brother Ogedei's life, or did he act on his own initiative? Though you bear formal responsibility in either case... the Deathwatch understands the difficulties new-formed kill-teams face."

The Hunting Ground

The Wolf snorts as Karael names him "Space Wolf," as if the Blood Angel has just said something funny, but makes no comment on it.

"Surma," he introduces himself, "Formerly of Sven Bloodhowl's retinue."

He gives Karael a toothy grin and a langourous shrug of his shoulders.

"But I hear rumours he went and picked a fight with some Inquisitors while I've been away, so maybe I'm not any longer."

The topic of his possible exile from his Great Company doesn't seem to particularly trouble Surma, and he moves on to the topic of hunting.

"Too easy," he complains. "Any xenos here was already captured once by our brethren. The bravest died on the field of battle. The smartest escaped our grasp. That means that all we have here are their cowards and idiots. The least of their kind."

Surma waves his combat knife toward a lightly wooded area to the north, a space which would likely be a public park were this a true Imperial city and not a facsimile.

"I think I already found the pack you're tracking."

He traces a fresh scar across his breastplate with his thumb, and smiles.

"One of them was worth fighting. Can't say the same for the rest."

The Choristry

"If I may ask, which Chapter do you hail from, Honoured Librarian?" the elder Astropath asks. "Few among the Astartes have the humility to admit that anything lies beyond their sight... much less to ask the blind to see it for them."

The Tower of Brass

"Well," Jiang says, "that, at least, should be simple enough."

He adjusts the settings of his vox set, and a soft fuzz of static bursts from a speaking tube attached to the wall.

"What of Brenden Ulixes, Captain Smith?" the Inquisitor asks.

Smith's voice is attenuated by the antiquated vox-unit, but it comes through clearly enough to be understood.

"I first heard of him when he fell foul of the Navy in the Calixis Sector on charges of piracy. He'd been robbing ships as a kind of hobby... civilian vessels, tramp freighters and pilgrim ships. Nothing rich, nothing challenging, just vulnerable ships that might not be missed. The local admiralty strongly encouraged him to turn his talents against the enemies of the Imperium, rather than its citizens, and he took their advice to heart. That was what got him into the Cold Trade. Seems that he didn't see a point in waylaying xenos ships if he couldn't sell whatever he captured.

"That ship he's sailing now is a Shrike-class raider. Small, but potent... they were built with heretical technologies, even before whatever modifications Ulixes may have made. Throne only knows whether he got hold of it through piracy or trade."

There's a brief pause before Smith continues.

"I've never met the man personally. I only know him by reputation. But I would advise you to be careful. Going against the Inquisition, going against the Adeptus Astartes... I'm certain he knows he wouldn't stand a chance against you in a fair fight. That's precisely why he'll never give you one. He will have a backup plan. Maybe even a backup plan for that backup plan."

The Training Cages (Rafen)

In that moment of crisis, as Rafen stands on the precipice of savagery, a deep, rumbling voice, with the metallic edge common to those wearing an Astartes battle helm, calls out, "Viciously fought, Apothecary."

The man who strides into the cage is a giant even by the standards of the Astartes, standing at least half a head taller than Rafen in his Mk8 plate. The bovine mark of the infamous Minotaurs Chapter glares from his pauldron.

"I think lightning claws would be more efficient, if you want to kill with your own hands," he says, leaning over one of the fallen servitors to examine the blunt trauma dealt to the half-human machine.

His impassive eye-lenses sweep toward Rafen's face.

"But efficiency may not be your goal."

The accusation in the Minotaur's voice is clear.

Inspector Valin
2017-09-22, 05:43 PM
The question wins a swift smile from Jaden. Pride in his world and chapter are things he has never lacked. He puffs up his chest, standing tall even by the norms of the Astartes. "I am of the White Scars, honoured one! The thunder of Chogoris beats in my veins. My brothers are of the hawk, the bow and the sword; and no chapter delivers the Emperor's Vengeance more swiftly than the Khan's own!"

The boasts come easy to the Stormseer. But they feel a little empty with this context. He sighs, though he still manages a smile for the Chief Astropath. "They would laugh to hear you call me humble. Upon the field of battle, I am nothing of the kind. I will stride out, proud as the sun, ready to meet our foes with a song on my lips, my blade raised high and the joy of the Emperor's grace in my heart."

"But such is the place of any Astartes on the field of battle. When removed from it.... well, I am young by the norms of the Stormseers. The old beaks drilled into me many a time that my way is not the certain way, to bow to age, wisdom and experience." The psyker snorts, before glancing around the choir chamber, "They meant their own, of course, but I prefer to apply the lesson more widely. The Emperor's blessings do not make me better than you. They are a tool, like my sword, or my mind. With time, I may do great things with them. But that does not make me, in this moment, any greater or more holy than you, or any member of this choir."

2017-09-23, 07:26 AM
The Hunting Grounds

Karael looks a bit surprised at the dismissal of the Wolves brother so casually. For him, it would be an outrage if an inquisitor saw fit to seek out his sergeant. Instead of responding to it, Karael simply nods instead.

He looks towards the place that Surma is pointing with his blade, a slight frown on his face that his query had already been hunted. ''A shame, I'd been harrying them to see when fear overtook them. For I feel much the same, unfortunately. While they could put up a fight against the Imperial Guard, they hold no chance in killing one of our own in a place such as this. I was hoping for more of a challenge myself, but only their Shapers and mounts prove to hold any mettle.''

Karael reaches out his hand as he proposes something ''Shall we perhaps join forces for this hunt? I haven't seen too many of your kind fight beyond recordings, and it might prove a learning experience for us both.''

I'm rolling a Common Lore (Deathwatch) to find out if I've heard of this Space Wolf around the fort before, and if he has any rumours surrounding him.

[roll0] TN:40

2017-09-23, 05:05 PM
His breathing still deep, Rafen sized up the newcomer for a moment, glad the giant in front of him wore the plate of an Astarte as it dragged his mind back to the side of control. A small smile crept across his face as the red mist was banished once more behind a wall of calm and serenity. His voice, was clear and even, despite the litres of Oxygen coursing it's way though his respiratory system, talking care to only emphasize his title among his words.

"We use our weapons when we want to kill something. We use our bare hands when we want to punish something. We should always use the correct tool for the job, lest we waste our Emperor given talents. I am Brother Rafen, Sanguinary Priest of the Blood Angels, and how might be of help to you today?"

2017-09-23, 10:58 PM
Aldwin will frown at the mention of the attempt by the Navy to make Ulixes a privateer. A pirate for the Imperium was still a pirate and would likely continue to act that way while the Navy's back was turned. It should never have been allowed. That the man had since moved into the Cold Trade was only a natural progression. If was not stamped out, a smaller heresy would inevitably begat a larger one.

He was aware that Rogue Traders varied widely in their inclinations and some of them had served the Imperium well, but others fell all too easily into practices that undermined it from within. In that sense, a man like Ulixes might be capable of anything. 'So he is one of those Rogue Traders. I think our visit is long overdue. Your warning is appreciated Captain, but I have no intention of fighting fairly.'

2017-09-24, 11:09 AM
The Choristry

There is a pause, a moment of utter stillness, before the old astropath smiles.

"As I said... a very rare attitude. I don't know that your brothers would appreciate hearing you speak this way, but it will serve you well in pursuit of your goal."

He raises a hand, gesturing to encompass the choir chamber, or perhaps the void beyond. Perhaps something more expansive even than that.

"Think what binds the Imperium, Stormseer. What connects each and every distant star. The Adeptus Astra Telepathica is all around you. To call upon their aid, you need only have the sight to see them in your midst."

The Hunting Grounds

Clouds of rumour follow all the sons of Fenris when they travel beyond their own realms, but the whispers which swirl around Surma are more wild, more unbelievable than most. Allegedly, during his very first action as a member of the Deathwatch he challenged the leader of his kill-team, a brother of the Angels of Absolution, to a duel in the midst of an attack by Chaos cultists, lashing out at his commander with the combat knife in his left hand even as he carried on slaying heretics with the chainsword in his right. When his Watch-Captain demanded an explanation afterward, he said only that he'd gotten bored with the cultists and was seeking a better challenge. Or so the story goes.

Even if his antics have grown more outlandish in the telling, Surma is undeniably a loose cannon, and is currently on his third kill-team since coming to Erioch. Word has it that he would've simply been dismissed from the Deathwatch by now were it not for the fact that communications between his Wolf Lord and the Inquisition have broken down to the point where it's currently impossible to send him home.

His smile shows the enlarged canines which are a hallmark of his gene-seed.

"There aren't many in this Watch-Fortress who would learn from a wild-man... but I see the gore on your blades, Angel," he says, approvingly. "Perhaps you're more than just a pretty face."

He scrapes drying blood from his combat knife onto the thigh of his armour, then cleans the last traces from it with his tongue before returning the blade to its sheath. That frees his hand to draw a sword from his back... a sword instantly recognisable as one of the Space Wolves' fabled Frost Blades. He spurs its arcane machinery to a soft idling purr.

"On, then. Let's see how we kill together."

The Training Cages

"Punishment..." the Minotaur's deep basso voice echoes. "An interesting choice of words. For which crime do these drones deserve to be punished? For daring to raise a hand against a Sanguinary Priest? For following the dictates of their programming? For daring to exist?"

He reaches down and picks up one of the broken servitors by the neck, hauling it up level with his helmet so that he can stare into its dead eyes.

His tone shifts to a more menacing timbre as he asks, "For failing to bleed?"

He tosses the servitor carelessly aside and strides over to the weapons rack standing beside the entrance to the training cage, stocked with barely-blunted training blades for the use of sparring warriors.

"Tell me, Blood-Priest," he asks, scraping a gauntleted finger across the edge of an antique labrys, "were you to find yourself facing a brother of the Adeptus Astartes, would you take up a weapon... or would you use your fists?"

The Tower of Brass

There's a brief pause on the line as Captain Smith determines whether or not to be offended by the tone with which Aldwin speaks about his profession, but he determines it far wiser to let the comment pass.

"Good hunting. Emperor go with you," he says, and the line fuzzes dead.

Inquisitor Jiang rubs his tired eyes before looking back up to Aldwin.

"Is there anything else I could help you with?" the Inquisitor asks.

Toxic Mind
2017-09-24, 11:59 AM
The Shooting Range

"He made his own choice, a choice I would have forbid of him given the chance." Vahn says softly. "It is not formal blame that I worry for, Honored Chaplain, but the blame within my own heart. I have never held such doubt before. Could I have altered his fate?"

Vahn looks up as if snapped free of a trance. "The enemy will suffer for this, Chaplain. I am set on the hunt for the scum who put Brother Ogdei in such a place. Were it not for his treason, Temur Odgei would be alive. I will find him and end him, and only then will my soul be at peace once more."

2017-09-25, 03:51 AM
The Training Cages

"Their failure is, as ever, obvious..." Rafen replied, taking a brief look at the carnage around him again "...however, they are not the ones being punished. Through pain and suffering, we may seek forgiveness our own failings, or, at least, be better equipped in future."

"Would this hypothetical face off with a brother be training, or battle?"

2017-09-25, 12:10 PM
The Hunting Grounds

Karael smiles at the Lone Wolf, drawing his blades and shrugging his shoulders to release some tension. His fangs match the Space Wolf in the ferocity it hides behind a mask of self-control. ''If you were nought but a savage, with only your raw power to wield your blade, you wouldn't be wielding that relic of your chapter. And more likely, you would be polishing that blade like a serf instead.''

He begins walking towards his next prey while there is still blood in the air that he can follow ''Keep up and try to keep that mouth shut. Don't want the Xeno to smell us before they see us.'' Karael says with a smirk on his face that he keeps from the sight of Surma.

2017-09-25, 08:16 PM
The Tower of Brass

Aldwin will look at the Inquisitor for a moment and consider telling him of Brother Argentum. As a member of the Ordo Xenos the man likely deserved to know everything, even if only to better understand the threat represented by the Necrontyr. Yet he says nothing. Even if Jiang was trustrustworthy and was willing to treat the information with the seriousness it deserved, how many others might he tell? Would the slow dispersal of the secret of the Necrontyr's existence bring closer the time when they would be awakened and in open conflict with the Imperium. The virtue of ignorance indeed.

'No, that will be all. A pleasure working with you Inquisitor.' Perhaps Jiang would soon return to Ultramar and be away from all this. With a brief nod, Aldwin will turn and leave Jiang's quarters. Despite his leg wound he will visit the shooting ranges and find something he can take his frustration out on.

2017-09-25, 10:23 PM
The Shooting Range:

Chaplain Haman frowns slightly at Vahn's first words, but nods in affirmation of his conclusion. He stands to his feet and places his hand on Vahn's shoulder.

"Yes. Vengeance is the surest penance. Bring a just death to the heretic, and Temur Ogedei's spirit will smile. Now..."

He inclines his head toward the distant targets downrange, riddled by Vahn's precision fire.

"I will leave you to your Emperor-blessed work. I have every faith in you, Brother Vahn of the Raptors and of the Deathwatch. You and your brothers will see justice to all those who deserve it."

The Training Cages:

The Minotaur lifts the labrys from the rack of training blades, hefting the heavy axe easily in one hand. He holds it up toward the dim lights set above the cages, scrutinizing it.

"I have fought brothers of the Astartes," he says, his voice calm and even, simply matter-of-fact. "I do not refer to the Traitor Legions of the Archenemy, thrice cursed be their names. It was in the years of the Macharian Heresy, after the death of the Lord Commander Solar. The Doom Warriors and the Inceptors came to blows. I know not why, nor do I care. We of the Minotaurs were sent in to stop their fighting... and that we did."

He sets the labrys back into the rack and turns toward Rafen, flexing the gauntleted fingers of his right hand.

"That battle could be rightly called an act of punishment, but we did not use our fists."

He tilts his head to one side, and despite his helmet Rafen can hear the sudden smile in his voice.

"Nevertheless, their pain and suffering was instructive. Perhaps our definitions of punishment are not so different, after all."

2017-09-26, 08:37 AM
Training Cages

Rafen had heard rumours of the Minotaurs deeds during the Macharian Heresy, but had presumed them false. To hear one talk of them so candidly, it set Rafen back on edge again, although years of acting as council for Blood Angels who had begun their fall stopped him showing a look of disapproval.

"The Emperor gives us what we need, as well as what we deserve. Above all, he places us where we need to be. If we had been there instead of you, maybe things would be different, but we weren't there, you were, and there must be reason for that. Regardless, it is done, as my time in these cages draws to it's close, it's job complete."

Giving lesson to the Minotaur, Rafen found truth in his own words. Ogedai had died for a reason, he geneseed lost for a reason; to see them all escape from the abominable xenos. The matter was settled with Jaden, the appearance of the Minotaur had set his own daemons to rest. To continue to feel his failure as anything other than a learning exercise would be to doubt the Emperor's plan for all.

"Enough talk of the past, we do not inhabit it. Do you have time to spar, brother? I've tired myself out to give you a chance."

A large smile erupted across the Blood Angel's face as his character returned.

2017-09-26, 08:04 PM
The Training Cages

The Minotaur laughs. His laugh is deep and ugly, but genuine in spirit.

"I have time," he says, and settles into a pugilist's stance.

2017-09-30, 03:43 AM
A few days more pass before before Inquisitor Bramimonde issues her summons, time enough for all your wounds to finish mending, for any necessary maintenance on your wargear to be performed, to attend services at the shrine or chapel of your preference, and generally to settle back into the rhythm of life aboard Watch-Fortress Erioch, almost as it was before your fateful mission to Zantaov's Harbour.

In that time, Brother Jaden is able to perform another reading of the Emperor's Tarot, leaving him with much more Warp-spawned prophetic babble on which to dwell.
When Jaden sits to perform his reading, it takes an effort of will to summon up his connection with the cards, the Empyrean, and the distant Emperor beyond, but when the vision comes upon him, it takes him by force, guiding his hands and mind through a seven-card spread.

Unsurprisingly, the first card Jaden draws is The Rogue Trader, inverted. The sight of the iconic merchant of the tarot card, weighed down by furs and jewelry, soon gives way to another glimpse of prophecy.

"-failing, Captain!"

"Mobilise armsmen to the landing bays! Prepare to repel boarders!"

The metal-and-sulfur scent of the aether fills your lungs as a boarding party appears directly on the bridge, bypassing your remaining defences entirely. Your first officer, always quick with his reflexes, manages to draw his laspistol and fire, drilling a hole directly through the head of one of the boarders just as he materialises.

"Oops," Brenden Ulixes sneers, his fractal image juddering into view centimeters away from the spot where your XO's shot found its mark. He laughs with three faces. "You missed."

Four phantom images of the pirate's power sword stike out-

The card that follows is The Jackal, opportunistic and hungry.

-blandly smiling human man in alien garb stands beside the emissary.

"We are very pleased," the man says, an odd accent tinging his Gothic, "to hear that you have decided to contribute your considerable resources to the Greater-

The Near Future
The Magos, inverted, is an echo of Jaden's last reading, but-

-the hands that lift the Necrontyr flayer rifle are grey-blue and four-fingered. An unintelligible voice-

The Querent Himself
The Harlequin appears again, but it feels different this time, nothing like it did in Jaden's last spread. An uncomfortable smile forces itself onto Jaden's face as he looks at it, stretching his lips into a rictus grin.

-laugh as we kill...

...do we laugh as we-

External Influences
The familiar Serpent sneers at Jaden.

"-want to hear a different story?" the man asked, his face showing surprise that couldn't be heard at all in his voice. "Oh, very well then. This is another old tale, which you have likely heard before, but I doubt that you've heard it the way I tell it. You see, there once was a family of frogs, many, many years ago, and these frogs were as hungry as they were cruel, and as cruel as they were hungry. Oftentimes they would offer an animal passing near the river by which they lived a ride upon one of their backs, offering to help them cross the mighty river. Then when any of the animals accepted, like, say, a trusting country mouse, they would take that mouse out only as far as the middle of the river, and then they would duck under the water, drowning the mouse. Then they would eat the mouse, or whatever else they might have tricked, for their dinner.

"Now, word slowly spread of the frogs' cruelty, and fewer and fewer animals were willing to trust them. After a while, the only friends they had left were a family of scorpions who were equally cruel, nurturing deadly venom within their tails. Sometimes the frogs would ferry the scorpions across the river to help them get at larger prey, and then when the scorpions' deadly venom struck, all the frogs and scorpions ate well. Even human flesh wasn't beyond their reach while they worked together.

"But even as the scorpions and the frogs learned to cooperate to hunt their prey, resentment began to grow between them. Each remembered how things had been before, when they had hunted only for their own benefit, using their own skill. Each thought that their method, deception or venom, was clearly the superior one, and secretly wished to prove it. The simmering tension between them reached its peak during a river crossing, while three scorpions happened to be riding atop three frogs all at the same time.

"One scorpion suddenly struck the frog on which he was riding with his venomous sting. The second frog, at that very moment, without having seen what was happening to his fellow frog, decided to dive beneath the waves, carrying his scorpion passenger down to drown. The scorpions and frogs still gathered on the banks of the river then fixed their eyes on the third frog and scorpion who were out on the water, to see what they might do to break the stalemate... and suddenly a bird swooped down to eat them both.

"Thus, the moral of the story is-"

What Should the Querent Do?
Seeking a bit of direct personal guidance, Jaden draws The Cleansing Flame, and-
-shots came from somewhere above, but he can't be sure, can't get a bead.

"If we had a damn missile launcher, we could-"

The Final Outcome
A genuine laugh might come to Jaden as he draws The Hulk as the final card of the spread. As a strong signifier of death in the void, practically any path the coming mission might take, for good or for ill, would likely end in The Hulk. He may wait for a further vision to come, to help explicate that last card, but nothing comes to him. The trance is past.

It is only then, however, as he comes out of the grip of his visions and looks around himself with eyes untethered from the Warp, that he realizes that the pattern in which he dealt his cards is not precisely the ancient "horseshoe" spread he thought he was reading. Rather than forming a single U-shaped arc, the line of cards he dealt out instead undulates, forming a shape that looks like nothing so much as... well... the body of a snake.
Word that Bramimonde is ready to move to the final stage of preparations for the coming mission finally comes in the form of gilt-edged formal invitations, delivered to the door of each of your sleeping chambers. Buried amidst the letters' baroque greetings and elaborate flourishes of High Gothic calligraphy, each contains only a partial set of directions, requiring you to come together as a group to fathom out how to reach the location she has set for your briefing. The trail starts near the Tower of Brass, but leads you on into a maze of little-used maintenance passages, winding across decks, vaguely headed in the direction of one of the Watch-Fortress's docking arms.

At last you find yourself approaching an unassuming hatchway, notable only in that it appears to be guarded. The serf standing by the door is a large man, by the standards of the unaugmented, whose corded muscle hints at a lifetime of heavy labour, likely dock work, but all the colour drains out of his face at the sight of five of the Emperor's finest, and he immediately steps aside, bowing and waving you on through the door.

As you step close enough to open the door, the sounds coming from the room beyond distinguish themselves from the omnipresent dull hum of machinery audible on any void station. The sound is muffled, as if shrouded by audio baffles or some more exotic technology, but it has a more lively tenor than anything you've heard on Erioch before, a murmur of laughter and conversation, overlaid with a musical beat (https://youtu.be/qgFVdKvQpy4?t=3m4s) found in no votive hymns approved by the Ecclesiarchy or the Astartes.

The festival noise rises sharply in volume as the door is unsecured and pulled open, only to crash to a sudden, panicked halt as your massive forms loom into view. You find yourselves looking into a comfortably-sized compartment furnished as an upscale pub, the usual steel and stone of the Watch-Fortress giving way to warm brown hardwoods. The concealed bar's shocked patrons are split between throwing themselves to their knees in obeisance and simply freezing in place, fixed by their shock. Captain Smith falls in the latter category, still clutching at the young woman seated beside him even as his face turns ashen.

A beaded curtain at the back of the room rustles, and Inquisitor Bramimonde emerges, her initial look of confusion transmuting to a delighted smile as soon as she lays eyes on you.

"Ah! I am so glad you could make it," she greets you. "I hope your journey wasn't too unpleasant... I'm afraid this establishment stakes an awful lot on being difficult to find."

She looks around at the terrified occupants of the bar, smirking to herself at the murmurs which ripple through them at the revelation that she herself invited you.

"Now, I'm afraid my friends and I have some rather serious business to attend to, so I'll have to ask that you all clear the room. Go on, scurry on!"

There is some slight hesitation at that command, as the five of you are standing by the only exit, but after a moment the realisation works through the crowd's collective brain that leaving is the only way to get out of the way of the wrath of either a kill-team, an Inquisitor, or all of the above. That's worth a hasty walk of shame past your ranks. After that moment of tension, the bar clears out quickly.

"You too, now," she hisses at the harpsichordist, still paralysed by her fear, "I dearly wish to go the day without threatening anyone."

The girl breaks into a run, leaving you alone with the inquisitor. Bramimonde beams another smile and claps her hands.

"There we go. Much better."

The long-legged inquisitor slides smoothly behind the bar and takes up the bartender's dropped cocktail shaker with practised ease.

"Would any of you care for a drink? I know the Wolves of Fenris are partial to mjod, but I don't know that other Chapters drink..."

Her eyes dart up at the two Blood Angels among your number, and she smirks.


Toxic Mind
2017-09-30, 11:27 AM
Vahn shakes his head with a wry smile. "There is never an end to the games among you Inquisitors, is there?" he says, almost to himself, declining the drink with a wave. He never understood the fascination people had with imbibing poison willingly, no matter how enjoyable its effects.

2017-09-30, 12:31 PM
Karael is irritated by the behaviour of the Inquisitor, as he so often was. If you asked the common man living in a hive what they thought of Inquisitors they would tell you such tall tales that you would never expect them to be anything but the right hand of the Emperor. Yet here was just another example of their overflowing ego. In ancient times, before the oceans of Terra were boiled away in an atomic holocaust, there was a human who said; Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it. And nowhere is it as true as the Holy-Inquisition.

With a short look to the others, Karael frowns and raises his hand to indicate that he will pass. ''I'll pass thank you. The Purifier ensures that any ethanol-based beverages only survive on their taste alone. And I don't think this is the time for a wine tasting.'' He takes a step forward to look at this place of decadence, wondering if even bringing it up to the Watch-Captain was worth the effort. The wolves obviously brought their own rumors to the behavior of Astartes, but Karael is quite sure that nobody has missed the rumors of the Blood Angels enjoying the taste of warm crimson on their tongue. It was true of course, but outsiders could not hope to grasp at the full use of the Omophagea organ and the traditions that Sanguinius created ten millenia ago.

Moving even closer to the counter, he speaks what is truly on his mind instead of attempting any pleasantries. ''Our bolters are loaded, our swords cleaned and sharpened to perfection. The only thing we now need is to hear your breathing, Inquisitor.''

2017-09-30, 10:22 PM
Aldwin is confused by the sight of this place. Whatever else it was, Erioch was a Fortress Monastery, and a place like this seemed like a frivolous waste of resources. The Inquisition did things very differently.

He thought it unlikely that they would serve water here, so he doesn't respond to the Inquisitor's question.

Inspector Valin
2017-10-01, 04:38 AM
The winds of Chogoris slowly recede from the warded cell Jaden sat within. The Stormseer takes several hefty breaths; the reading had been... intense. He can hear old voices chiding him across the tides of the aether, calling him a fool for gambling with his life like this. And the day the kill team actually receives good intelligence about a mission is the day I'll start listening. No, it's not the tiredness that worries the psyker as much as it is the Warp's intent. The omens were clear, perhaps some of the most precise and useful he's ever glimpsed, but the Serpant continues to bedevil his sight. Are the Alpha Legion intentionally casting a pall over events, or is Chaos merely standing behind its champions?

An academic question, ultimately. It's not the Void, the Serpant, or even the pattern of the draw that dominates Jaden's focus as much as it is his own card. The Harlquin. Perhaps fitting, for that laughing visage to tie to a brother who enjoys life, but something about the card and its effects have left the Stormseer unsettled. Memories of a hard fought duel still linger in his mind. Slowly, Jaden picks up the card, turning the wafer over in his hands. The image shows on both sides, fixed there proud in auric blue by Jaden's own mind. The Psyker studies it with an aytpically straight face, before speaking.

"You don't define me."


Jaden doesn't even try to suppress a grin as the Battle Brothers enter the bar. For such a place as this to be operating on Eiroch warms the Stormseer's heart. Even in a revered and holy Watch Station like this, humans continue to be... human. I wonder if the serfs in Quan Zhou have a place like this? The reaction to the group's presence however leaves the psyker with a thin line upon his face: he keeps an impassive look as the inhabitants stream out, broken only by an apologetic glance to Captain Smith and the harpsichordist. This is... vexxing. Perhaps he'll return here later, after the mission was done, and try to make amends.

For the moment though, they have to focus on Inquisitor Bramimonde. Which is an easy task. Her actions here might not be to his liking, but Jaden finds it hard to hold much against the theatrical woman. At her remark, the White Scar chuckles openly, nodding to her request. "Amasec does seem like an Angel's drink. Rich, cultured and rooted in its age. Have they any kumys? A mist of kumys before a chaser of blue binary was my..." Taking a glance around at his Brothers, Jaden starts to get a sense that not all of them were so easy about the subject. Other Chapters: uptight and rigid over so many different things. Coughing the White Scar tries to diffray their differences with a smile to Bramimonde, "I'll trust your judgement."

The Marine glances down at the barstools, deciding swiftly against testing their strength. Instead, Jaden moves to lean against the bar itself, resting his elbow upon it while raising an eyebrow at their gracious host. "This might be the most ostentatious secret meeting I've ever witnessed." The phrase is not an insult. More an expression of curiosity. Jaden waves his off-hand across the room, "You've just told a bar full of people that you're having a private briefing session with a Kill Team. I didn't think there was going to be much of a covert aspect to this operation beside on-site reconnaissance and planning, so..."

2017-10-03, 11:32 PM
Bramimonde pouts a bit at the predictably businesslike nature of the majority of the kill-team, but then laughs when Jaden makes his request.

"I fear my stock may not be to your liking, Stormseer... but since I can't give you a taste of your home, how about a taste of mine?"

Her hands fly into motion, mixing several ingredients from bottles of various sizes and shades until she at last deposits, in a dainty stemmed glass, a drink that is undeniably... pink.

"I hail from a world of hives, you see..." she explains, "and I can't say I know of any other drink that's quite so... cosmopolitan."

For a moment, she laughs as if she's just told a marvelous joke, but then she sighs, remembering her audience.

"Fine, fine, enough fun. We are, after all, all here for a purpose."

She lays a long-fingered, manicured hand on top of the bar with a flourish and strokes its elaborate jewelry, awakening an inner glow which swells to a small hololithic projection. A blank globe of grid lines reshapes and resolves itself into a bulbous alien structure.

"The meeting has been set for a small Tau void station beyond the nominal borders of the Velk'Han Sept. That's the closest to neutral ground we could get them to agree upon. In a worst-case scenario, its position does guarantee that we could bring reinforcements to the site more quickly than they could, given the low speed of Tau Warp travel, but we should all be hoping it doesn't come to that. I don't have much faith in a diplomatic resolution here, but I do have faith that you are capable of carrying out a surgical strike, rather than allowing this to escalate into a full-scale battle."

She dismisses the hololith, freeing both hands to reach under the bar and produce dataslates for each of you. They unlock with her handprint.

"You will find here a list of the mission objectives that have been prepared for you. Please pay attention to how they are prioritised. I understand that in your last mission you got my tech-priest and one of your own comrades blown up over a tertiary objective and a target of opportunity. While I'm out in the field with you, I should quite like to see a little more calculation and a little bit less risk."

> Ensure, by any means necessary, that Rogue Trader Brenden Ulixes is captured or killed [Skilled, Assault]
> Ensure the survival of Inquisitor Bramimonde [Skilled, Defence]

> Support the diplomatic team in earning the Tau’s capitulation to our demands [Skilled]
> Avoid provoking armed conflict with the Tau representatives [Veteran, Stealth]
> Verify whether or not the Tau have received Necrontyr technology from Ulixes [Skilled, Recon]
> If Ulixes has provided the Tau with Necrontyr technology, make certain that they are unable to profit from it [Veteran, Conditional]
> Capture or destroy Ulixes’ ship [Skilled, Assault]
> Capture or kill Ulixes’ associates [Skilled, Assault]

> Safely extract the diplomatic team [Skilled, Defence]
> It would be ever so kind if you would, quite simply, keep your mouths shut about the Necrontyr [Novice]

Requisition: 120
"You will be supported by diplomatic and technical teams, as well as myself," she continues. "The Tau's preliminary demands, however, included an upper limit on the size of the vessel we can take to meet them, so void support will be limited. I highly doubt that we will have sufficient firepower to engage both their void station and Ulixes' ship in a pure ship-to-ship contest and come out victorious. If and when the shooting does begin, you five will need to be the factor that tips the scales in our favor."

Inspector Valin
2017-10-04, 08:42 AM
Jaden takes the strange drink, looking down at it with a curious smile. Bramimonde certainly seems to know her craft. The psyker takes a slow sip, trying to get a better feeling for the concoction before determining if he should drink it quickly or slowly. Life's little riddles.

When his dataslate comes his way, Jaden glances over it briefly. All items that made sense, logical. The final command made him wonder just how Inquisitor Bramimonde's 'debriefing' on the matter of the Dead Cabal had gone. Putting the device to one side, the Stormseer turns, looking at both the Inquisitor and his fellow marines. "Before we get further, I should share the results of my augury and the preparations I've been working on."

The psyker takes a breath before beginning, but there's a smile on his face. For once, he has a good amount to share. "Ulixies isn't meek. He's a pirate, but he's the type of pirate that led from the front. He's got a power sword, and some kind of holographic duplicate field. Either xenotech or archeotech. Regardless, he's used to fighting and while he lacks our blessings, he probably has had the time to prepare a few dirty tricks to even the playing field as much as he can. Be aware that he's a combatant, and unlike the Tau, knows his way around a sword."

That likely wouldn't deter anyone in this group, but it'd stop the rogue taking them by surprise at least. The start done, Jaden continues, "He's already entered negotiations with the Tau. Or at least some of them. I saw one of their human lackies talking to him, as if an agreement had already been entered, and then blue alien hands holding that Zanatov pattern rifle." The Psyker frowns: Tau Fire Warrior teams with those armaments are a grim prospect. And xenos are sometimes willing to blend technology: what could they do with any more potent artifacts Brenden may have in his hold? Still, something about this seems... off to Jaden. He takes another sip of his drink, and smiles at Bramimonde. "Given this, I'm a little surprised that the Tau agreed to the diplomatic meeting at all. Guns for asylum seems like a simple deal; why complicate it by allowing the Imperium the chance to speak? It could be an attempt at an ambush, but... just to kill us? Unless you've personally infuriated the Tau, Inquisitor, I think we're missing something."

Jaden has a few ideas, but for the moment keeps his mouth shut. Any theory offered now would lack substance. Instead he turns to a more practical idea that'd occured to him. "I took the liberty of inquiring about the use of a captive Tau troop deployment ship. If we need to make an extraction from the station, using one of their vessels should confuse the xenos' IFFs enough to give us the advantage of surprise. In a hostile environment, with targets to protect, I'd prefer that to overwhelming firepower."

That's it. No other matters to hide behind. With a deep breath, and a swig to down the rest of the Pink Concoction, Jaden turns to the final matter, his tone as routine as he could force himself to be. Oh. And the portents around the Alpha Legion's involvement are growing stronger. With your permission, Bramimonde, I've invited a delegation from the Adeptus Astra Telepathica to join our mission. They'll provide wards to interfere with enemy scrying attempts, and endeavour to keep a closer eye upon our wayward Rogue Trader. Forewarned is forearmed, as they say."

2017-10-04, 04:33 PM
Karael raises an eyebrow at Jaden as he watches him down the exotic drink. He turns to look at Rafen for some indication of solidarity, while at the same time not speaking out towards the act. To each their own after all. He carefully reads through each point on his dataslate as he takes in and processes the information in terms of what their true priority should be. It was quite clear that no surgical strike could commence while there were so many non-combatant bodies standing between the Deathwatch and the enemy.

He listens intently at the premonitions from the warp, his cold blue eyes staring at the Stormseer while trying to determine if the Librarian is truly confident in his predictions. ''This entire setup smells like a trap. The enemy has shown an ability to predict our moves to some degree, and are likely going to expect us to act out in a more violent manner once the diplomatic aproach fails. We need to be sure that the enemy is not using this as an oportunity to perform a surgical strike of their own. If we are not carefull we might be ferying the snakes to the fortress in our very own holds.'' Karael sighs heavily as he places one hand gently on the bar so as not to scratch the expensive furniture.

''I know how terribly paranoid that sounds. But I see not why the Rogue Trader himself would ever allow the Tau to hand him over. As stated before, he has a well-equipped ship with probably more than one ace just waiting to be revealed upon us if we ever get into a void battle. We can't expect him to have docked at the station while awaiting his verdict. I presume that we won't be doing any docking ourselves either, just anchoring at a safe distance while we send of a few landing craft.'' By now Karael is so immersed in his own speach that he might as well be talking to himself more than anyone else, as he tries to get a good grip on the situation.

He turns to each of his Battle-Brothers as he continues ''In that situation, we would be safer from potential boarding, but we would also not have much of a chance to use any captured Xeno craft. As they without a doubt have good enough instruments and crew to realise that the craft itself never left any of their stations itself. It would require an extraordinary amout of luck for this path to be worth the effort.''

''I also fail to see how we would ever sneak away to board an enemy vessel without killing more than a few dozen guards as we tried to head away from the Tau security detail. We are not snakes ourselves, and unless we decide to arrive in scout armor, a terrible decision I'm sure, we would be alerting the enemy in minutes when we need hours. So what can be done to make this situation work for us? If the Captain isn't being chained down to the docks by force, we will be having one hell of a time with this mission, and even then it would still be risk filled to the extreme.'' He keeps his tone as conversational as he can, fully understanding that together they could come up with something to make the Deathwatch proud, while alone they would only be acting out on hope.

Inspector Valin
2017-10-04, 05:22 PM
Jaden shows no doubt or hesitancy as he reveals his visions. Those feelings are for people less self assured. He listens to Karael's words, only speaking once the Blood Angel is done to try and provide a little more context and an alternate perspective. "Ulixies has some reason to play this in accordance with his host's wishes. The Tau have a wide dominion, and they're known for granting asylum to human traitors. They're the safest place he could hope to run to after his treachery on Zanatov became known to the Ordos. So he'll want to be on their good side. While he'll likely be ready for a fight, looking like he's ready to fight his would be benefactors would be frowned upon. Which likely has limited his ability to prepare somewhat, just as it will ours"

How much is the ten thousand gelt question, of course. Jaden raps his fingers gently on the bartop, glad that he's attending this briefing out of armour. "I can't deny that the setup seems like a trap. But that still seems wrong to me. They must expect any Imperial delegation to be as armed as possible, and expecting treachery. They know we'll fight them to a man, and bleed them dry if they attack us. If they win that fight... what do they gain?" The death of one Kill Team? One Inquisitor? A handful of Imperial diplomats? Jaden shakes his head: none of these answers satisfy him. That battle would hurt the Tau far more than it would the Imperium. "It seems pyrrhic, to me at least. And if the Tau had taken Ulixies up on his offer, there's even less reason to chance his survival with a diplomatic mission like this. His hand is so good that the mere fact the negotiation is going ahead at all makes me think that the affair is salvageable. Is that strange?"

The psyker laughs, looking around the others to take their feelings on the matter..

2017-10-05, 03:59 AM
Continuing to look unimpressed throughout the Inquisitors games, Rafen breaks his silence

"The Tau clearly believe they have something to gain by this meeting. As for Ulixies, he's still a Rogue Trader at his core, trying to profit from any given situation. There is the potential he could not kill us, but capture us. Imagine, a Rogue Trader, already deep in the Cold Trade, getting access to an Inquisitors mind of secrets, or an Astartes body of wonders. It would cost him, surely, but in his mind anything short of his own destruction would be worth it."

Pausing a moment, Rafen ponders, then resumes

"You are all familiar with Tau powered armour, yes? Imagine how powerful the Tau or Ulixies would be if they combined Tau armour with Astartes genetic augmentations. Maybe this is their endgame?"

Inspector Valin
2017-10-05, 09:51 AM
Jaden hums, considering Rafen's hypothesis carefully. "That's the sort of play Ulixies might make. But it seems uncharacteristic of the Tau. It brings certain losses for extremely uncertain rewards. The xenos are a small empire; they won't spend soldiers so casually when their ability to reinforce their worlds is slight and they're facing the might of the Imperium across the salient. A Rogue Trader has a silver tongue, but there's no way he could convince them to throw their lives away en masse for..."

The psyker stops cold, mid sentence as a potential revelation comes to him. He looks between his fellows, as if to say something, but thinks better of it for the moment. This hits the line of what he's comfortable with sharing around his visions. The Warp is a trickster, the Warp misleads you, trusting it is the beginning of the end. But... it made sense. It fits into piece perfectly. And the Warp doesn't always lie. Looking down at the bar, Jaden tries to reason the matter through, muttering to himself. "Thus, the moral of the story is-"

Toxic Mind
2017-10-05, 01:34 PM
"Inquisitor. What is your stake in all of this, that it would require your personal touch?"

2017-10-05, 02:01 PM
Karael listens to the valid points of his brothers, hoping that they are right about the Rogue Traders greed and overwhelming pride. He also wonders if Jaden's vision might have referred to an Eldar Holo-field that Ulixies might have acquired through his trade with the Xenos. Such a thing would make it quite annoying to face him, especialy if he was a capable fighter in his own right. He decides against showing his anticipation towards finding it out on his own while a Sanguinary Priest is in the vecinity.

''While I'm sure the Tau would enjoy having Astartes to put under the looking glass, I doubt their civilization has reached our levels of mastery when it comes to biotechnology. It took the brightest and greatest minds of humanity to create the first Astartes. Even then it could never have been done without the great mind of the Emperor of Mankind to see it to fruition. Let's just hope they also realize that.''

He turns to Jaden as he barely acknowledges the mutter. ''Anything the matter, Brother?''

2017-10-05, 07:52 PM
Aldwin has been listening to the conversation in silence while he watches the Inquisitor and wonders what kind of homeworld she came from. Much as he barely remembered his life before ascending to the Chapter, he too came from a hiveworld and he felt he would have remembered a drink like the one she had made for Jaden.

He will speak up in response to Rafen's point. 'I would not discount anything, but if the Tau aimed to take specimens there have been numerous battlefields here and in the Damocles Crusade where they could have taken them. They may not even need us.' Aldwin chooses not to dwell on the implication that the Tau might have successfully taken Astartes prisoner since the Imperium first encountered them. 'However, that we are all now associated with the Deathwatch may make us valuable in other ways. I have no idea how much the Tau are aware of the Inquisition, let alone the Deathwatch.' He is still looking at the Inquisitor as he says this.

'Of Captain Ulixes I would expect he has no more reason to trust the Tau then we do. He may have held something back until his position amongst the Tau was asured. Something like the world where he found the guns in the first place perhaps?' Aldwin falls silent for a moment, imagining the Tau visiting Zanatov's Harbour in force. The Tau's capacity to absorb other xenos and even human traitors to put them to work in their Empire suddenly had darker implications. Would the Tau actually try to negotiate with the Necrontyr as potential allies, and would they in their ignorance wake more of them up? 'It can only be guesswork of course, but the Tau might be negotiating with us because they are not yet sure Ulixes is valuable enough to keep.'

2017-10-06, 12:23 AM
Bramimonde smiles at Vahn's question.

"Why, secrets, naturally."

She taps her fingertips together conspiratorially.

"My sparkling personality would be an asset in any diplomatic situation, of course, and you all ought to be grateful for my assistance, but aiding you also brings me one step closer to winning the Cabal's confidence. And they keep ever so many delicious secrets."

Inspector Valin
2017-10-06, 06:56 AM
"I'm... considering a point."

Jaden doesn't hide his reluctance well. This is information he doesn't trust, and he shouldn't present it to the rest of the squad casually. However, it seems potentially useful and offering it as a theory means the idea is out there. With a breath, the Stormseer returns his gaze to the group. "Is there a way Ulixies could profit by turning us against the Tau?"

When the Scorpian kills the Frog and the Frog kills the Scorpian, the victor is the bird with the full belly. "A Rogue Trader tries to read his opposition. He knows what we're going to do, roughly. Perhaps... he could use this diplomatic mission as a way to enhance his case with the Tau?" The idea is weak, and hazy. Jaden speaks slowly as he tries to explain it. "They doubt Ulixies, so agree to this negotiation. We make a surgical strike if it looks like diplomacy will fail. If he can thwart the strike, or even just escape with a handful of the Tau ambassadorial staff, he becomes a hero to them. He saved their representatives. We'd have secured his place for him."

Is that the plan? The psyker keeps an impassive face, but personally he doubts it. No Rogue Trader would play the odds like that with Astartes as their opposition: it's too high a gamble. However, it's just one possibility. "The alternative is that he has no intention of seeking sanctuary with the Tau. He just told them that, knowing the Inquisition would hear and attempt a negotiation like this. One of the oldest games in the book is to let two foes battle, and then face the weakened victor. Perhaps he's eyeing the station as a pirate base, perhaps he's just looking for plunder from both sides. Though that would imply that he is confident in his own position, when set against the Imperium and the Tau."

Jaden hums, bringing the conversation back to the point he'd been trying to avoid. The heart of this theory, unbeknownst to his comrades. "Our friend is backed by the Alpha Legion. I don't know if he himself is a disciple of the dark gods, but their interest in him concerns me. What if the Traitors managed to turn a portion of the Tau contingent? Or supplied re-enforcements themselves?"

2017-10-06, 11:57 PM
Aldwin is discomforted by the mention of the Alpha Legion, but Jaden's analysis was sound. 'That legion has a history of wearing the colours of loyalist chapters in order to manipulate us. I have seen it at first hand. If they wanted to set the Tau against us it would be a simple thing to pose as loyal servants of the Emperor who were seeking to to derail any negotiations.' Arguably there was little they could do about the possibility of the Hydra's presance until it chose to show itself. They could only remain watchful and ready to pull out the diplomatic team when the time came.

The matter Karael had raised was just as important. 'If this diplomacy succeeds enough that we do not end up fighting on multiple fronts, we likely need a way to board Ulixes' ship without attracting the Tau's attention.' Short of them all being lucky enough to catch Ulixes on the Tau station this would likely be the crux of the mission. 'If it is physically docked with the station can we void walk to get onto the ship's hull? This might at least minimise any chance of getting noticed by any of our enemies.' Aldwin will glance at Vahn for that. The Subjugators had no particular aptitude for stealth but sought to use it when neccessary. The successful destruction of the enemy came before all else. 'If the diplomacy fails then any need for subtly is gone. I am sure that we all have had some experience boarding a ship in the middle of a void battle?'

Inspector Valin
2017-10-08, 09:11 AM
"Back during the Euristhius VI fighting, we rode fightercraft as an impromptu boarding action. Magboots to the centre of mass, detatch when above the enemy ship. There's nothing more exhilarating than riding at void speeds without inertial dampeners."

Jaden grins at his comrades. It's always hard to tell if the White Scar is being sincere or having some little joke. Regardless, he barrels into planning. "We have three potential scenarios we need to plan. Insertion onto the station. Extraction from the station, with a civilian group. And insertion onto the enemy ship." He raps on the bar to punctuate the tally. The Thinking back a little, Jaden hums, "Depending on the ship we use, a boarding torpedo solves the last of these. That was Captain Smith's idea on Zanatov, and it still holds. It's conventional, a straight up fight, but nothing beyond us. It remains the station that concerns me, since even if it's comparatively small, its size and defences will likely be greater than a voidship."
Not the best method. No excitement, no glory. But functional enough. "We can leave insertion onto the station as an edge case scenario. Likely, we'll be able to remain aboard as part of the diplomatic crew. It's extraction that worries me, hence my request for the enemy craft. We can secure a landing bay, but that still requires a shuttlecraft to get onto and away from the hostile station. And you can bet the group will be a priority target for enemy forces."

Well, depending on what forces the Tau could bring to bear. This is why forward planning never engaged Jaden too much. Without knowing what your enmy could do, there was always this element of uncertianty. All you can do is try to put the pieces in order as best you can. In that light, with a smile, the psyker turned towards the idea he'd suggested earlier. "Provisionally, I'd say the Orca should eject once we hit the system. Let the pilots angle it towards the station while still in close proximity to our ship, then go dark. If they're in void suits, they could rely on drift for positioning and carry the distance while negotiations are going on. That way, if extraction is needed, they come 'online' from a position closer to the station. Still a risk, but in the heat of the moment, odds are good that the Tau would refrain from firing on a potential friendly target. They're quite naive, after all."

Toxic Mind
2017-10-08, 02:58 PM
"Boarding torpedoes are our best bet. A space-walk is doable, but risky, and slow. Chances of detection are almost nil, though. We would require chainfists to breach starship armor, however."

2017-10-08, 04:00 PM
Karael reaches behind the bar, grabbing a crystal beaker filled with clean drinking water that hasn't acquired the taste of a recycler. He fills a glass slowly as he listens and tries to make the situation work through his mind. ''You are quite correct, White Scar. The main points that will matter for us for the moment will be our detachment from the Inquisitor and the other non-combatants without detection. Then Inserting into the Rogue Traders vessel and fighting our way to the bridge.'' He takes a small sip of the cold water, taking his gauntlet off to ensure he doesn't damage the glass in any way.

''I wonder then if we truly need the Orca craft? If we are to use a boarding torpedo, we only need to return to our ship. If we assume that we won't engage in combat on the station. we should be able to simply return with the diplomatic envoys and then employ the Boarding Torpedo for our insertion.'' Karael looks at the others with his hands spread out as if asking them all the same question ''I still see no reason for the Orca in this scenario. So if we do not intent to use it for the boarding, are we not better off without it? If we need to extract from the station itself while engaged in combat, we would stand a better change of stealing one anyway.''

Turning to look at Vahn to answer another question, Karael smiles at its relative simplicity ''That's what bulkhead shears are for, Brother. Not the most subtle of equipment to bring, but it does its job well. Won't be an issue of course if we have a torpedo to solve the breaching problem for us.''

Inspector Valin
2017-10-08, 05:09 PM
"Your plan sounds good, cos. But it's built on shaky ground."

Even out of armour, Jaden seems to have lost little of his confidence. The Stormseer glances across the bar, briefly looking for other drinks, before returning hisattention to Rafan and his plan. "If we hold our attack until the diplomacy's over, and we've withdrawn from the station, then we'll no longer have eyes on Ulixies. We'll have to guess if he's on the station, or his ship. And if we guess wrong, the mission's over right there." The brown haired marine unfurls one palm, then the second as he outlines the two sides of their dilemma."Hit the ship with him on the station, we'll have revealed our hand and they'll fortify to keep us out. It'll be us vs their entire army. Hit the station with him aboard the ship, all he has to do is jump to warp. Either way, the odds are too low by far."

This doesn't seem to concern Jaden much however. The psyker chuckles, slowly letting his weight drag him down until he is siting against the bar rather than leaning atop it. "Even if we could guarantee his position reliably, such as confirming he's not aboard the station during negotiations and intercepting his ship before it goes to warp, there's no way to be sure the meeting will go off without a hitch regardless. I wouldn't put it past a pirate to have prepared some kind of ambush or attack, to better cover his own escape. The protection of Bramimond and her team is as vital as capturing the traitor, so we need a good extraction plan for an enemy station. Having an Orca ready with imperial pilots who can take it to the docking bay of our choice beats shooting through bays trying to retrieve one. And a Xeno pilot. We could do it as a squad just fine, but in a hostile environment, protecting a civilian group? I'd rather have that settled in advance so we can focus on escort and securing the area."

Toxic Mind
2017-10-08, 10:17 PM
Vahn holds up a hand for silence. "The Stormseer is right. Planning for the worst and expecting the best from your enemies is sound tactical reasoning. Hope, like hoping your foes will be incompetent, is the first step on the road to disappointment." Vahn says diplomatically. It is not a rebuke, nor a chastisement. "If we do not need the craft, then it is better to have prepared for needing it and not, than find ourselves without it. Diplomacy, much as I am loathe to say, is our first weapon here. If we can alienate Ulixies from his supposed allies, than our paths become more open. Stealth may serve us better than raw firepower. They will expect us to be brutish, straightforward. We must defy those expectations, and only then reveal the blade at their throats."

2017-10-09, 08:05 AM
With a sighs, Karael stops speaking for a moment and observes the Inquisitor as the discussion goes on. There was no surprise that so many varied chapters would have their own way of handling the situation. ''Our main objective may very well be the capture or termination of Ulixies, but I do not wish to come into a situation where we endanger the lives of Imperials when we can avoid it. If we begin fighting on the station, the Tau will no doubt have crisis suits and defense turrets at the ready to shred our diplomats and perhaps even us apart while we do the same to them. If the Trader is present, he would still have his holo-field active to evade any assassination attempt we try at that point. The risk to the mission is to great to attack during the process of negotiation in my humble opinion.''

He smiles with his incisors clearly visible as he speaks, thanks to the gifts of his geneseed. ''I enjoy a straight up fight and taking the first opportunity as much as anyone else, but the Deathwatch operates quite differently as we have all learned. We need to be patient and engage when our extraction is assured. We need to capture his vessel at the end of the day anyway, and what captain stays far away from his ship when he expects trouble?''

A thought occurs to him that perhaps he has become a naysayer in this particular conversation. And the thought almost worries him for a moment before remembering that he was simply worried for unnecessary casualties over the absolute success of the mission. He remembers his last trial to become Astartes like it was just yesterday, and he feels in his heart that his path is just. Now he could only hope to convince the others of the same thing.

Inspector Valin
2017-10-09, 10:00 AM
"You're not providing much of a counterpoint, cos. Just pointing out the risks of fighting on the station."

Jaden flexes his fingers, gaze narrow though not hostile. "I agree. But the Tau or Ulixies could initiate that fight, even if we don't. We have to consider all the battles we could be called upon to wage. Also, if striking during the station meeting is our chance to get Ulixies, then we have to take it. We can keep the delegation safe in a battle on the station, no matter what danger gets thrown at us. But striking after the meeting remains risky, because the enemy has superior numbers to the point that we can't make this a straight up fight. If it comes down to endurance against the two, we're going to lose"

The Stormseer waves a hand. "I'm not saying set 'attack during the meeting' in stone. I agree with Vahn, Diplomacy is our greatest weapon here: if we can get the Tau to withdraw their support, this got a thousand times easier. But we have to plan around the idea that we're going to need to take down Ulixies on the station, extract with the civilians and leave the ship. It's ultimately our secondary objective here, if things go badly it's the lead traitor that matters above his underlings."

2017-10-09, 02:58 PM
"Why even limit yourselves to a Plan A and a Plan B?" Bramimonde asks, cheerfully. "The Gothic alphabet has ever so many letters, and if the Alpha Legion is directly involved, I'm sure they've prepared just as many contingencies."

She waves away such concerns with a laugh.

"But there's still time yet to plan fragile plans as armour against the unknown. More pressingly, this mission needs a leader. Someone must take responsibility... and I understand that you also have all sorts of droll oaths and things to take care of before we depart."

She leans across the bar with an expectant grin.

"So... who feels most confident in his oh-so-fragile plans?

Inspector Valin
2017-10-09, 03:20 PM
Surprise, surprise, Jaden is on his feet and bowing to the Inquisitor.

"Confidence is my watchword, ma'am! I have seen enough of the future to be sure in this team and our plans. We will not falter."

2017-10-09, 03:49 PM
Karael laughs, mostly to himself, as he listens to Jaden. It sounded more like an ecclesiarchs rabid speech about the immortality of an Adeptus Astartes rather than the much bleaker reality. ''If only I could outrun the speed of sound brother, I would not worry about shielding the humans. Sadly, that isn't the case''

With arguments beginning to circle, Karael puts the stopper on the crystal beaker and places it back behind the bar again with the glass placed back. ''The Inquisitor is right of course, this can be discussed further once we have someone to make the proper choice as the squad leader. I simply hope we don't bring a lot of people on this diplomatic venture, unless we only bring them as living shields for the important dignitaries...'' He puts his gauntlet back on and snaps it in place. He was hoping that Jaden wouldn't take the insult to him too harshly, but he could not with a clear conscience allow someone who saw the survival of the diplomats as a tertiary objective lead them without opposition.

''I don't doubt your ability to see the future, Brother, but I do question your ability to act in the now. I don't wish to bring back the memories of what good your prophecies gave us last time. Unless you saw yourself laying in a pool of blood and didn't tell us of course?'' With his critique thrown at the Stormseer, Karael places his iron fist on his plastron with a heavy thud ''As this mission involves protecting human assets while also eventually requiring a swift assault upon our enemies, I vote myself as the squad leader. None shall be left behind under my command, and none shall survive our fury once unleashed!''

Inspector Valin
2017-10-09, 04:57 PM
"And none shall survive hearing you puff yourself up, cos."

Jaden laughs, a long timber that linger in the bar. The Psyker drains the dregs of his drink, taking a lengthy second with them before setting his drink back on the bar. That was, at long last,t he limit of what he could put up with. "Forget my powers. This is about tactics. I've calculated all the angles, all the possible ways this might go. You're running with one, and one that's a longshot at that. The idea that a launch after the negotiations are done will be quick enough to hit the target before they fortify. What 'quick assault' gives the enemy time to prepare by withdrawing first? You're surrendering your best chance at the main objective just to make the other half of it easier on yourself. To make sure you don't have to put in effort to protect the diplomatic team"

A laugh, again. It's hard to tell if that's the Stormseer's accurate assessment or just a cheap jab. Regardless, Jaden's voice grows a touch quieter as he continues, "There are stakes here. Ulixies and the Tau allying puts those Necrontyr weapons in the hands of a major Imperial foe. And means the Tau will start actively looking for Tomb Worlds. That's unacceptable, and the chance that you'd refuse to take the shot during negotiations just on the chance it puts the diplomats at risk is equally unacceptable." There's the firmness of iron in those words. Jaden looks around the group, before returning to Karael, "We can protect the delegation, and take down Ulixies. We don't have to sacrifice one objective to achieve the other. Perhaps we will be able to pull off doing it your way, cos, I don't rule that out. But I can adapt to what the ground situation needs. You're set in your plan, and as far as I can tell your Primarch couldn't dissuade you of it now."

A breath. Then Jaden meets his brothers gaze, voice calm, detached and damning. "Even if I don't take this, you're still the wrong choice."

2017-10-09, 11:45 PM
Turning to look at Vahn to answer another question, Karael smiles at its relative simplicity ''That's what bulkhead shears are for, Brother. Not the most subtle of equipment to bring, but it does its job well. Won't be an issue of course if we have a torpedo to solve the breaching problem for us.''

Aldwin will add to that. 'And there are always maintenance hatches and other weakpoints. Few ships are designed to be fortresses. It does of course depend on how much time we have to make such an insertion.'

While listening to the others Aldwin has been trying to run through all the variables for the mission in his head. Without more luck than you ever expect in battle, it would be difficult to be certain of fufilling both their main objectives. It would be easier to leave the Inquisitor behind, and bring as many allies as they could find to the meeting to fight it out honestly. Sadly, this was likely to be their only chance, as Aldwin was well aware of how hard pressed the Crusade forces were all across the region.

'If diplomacy...the word sounds sour on his tongue...is our best option, how can we contribute to it's success? Do we speak of Ulixes' associates? Do we speak of the Archenemy?' These were not subjects to be spoken of lightly, but with Xenos did such prohibitions even matter? 'Even Xenos like the Eldar are aware of the threat represented by the warp, and these Tau have the Hadex Anomoly on their doorstep. If they have not encountered it they soon will.' Even if the mission failed, if the Tau were forewarned perhaps they could finish off Ulixes themselves.

The suggestion that they might be forced to execute Ulixies in the middle of this peace conference was satisfying to hear spoken aloud even as the risks were obvious. 'If we can take Ulixies in front of the Tau I have no objection to it, whatever the consequences. As long as the odds of killing or capturing the man are sufficiently high. We must be certain we can be successful before starting a battle we might have trouble finishing.' Aldwin will look at each of the others at that to assess their resolve. Was taking their main objective for each of them worth the lives of imperial servants that might be lost in the crossfire.

"So... who feels most confident in his oh-so-fragile plans?

At that, Aldwin will glance suspiciously at the Inquisitor. The sober seeming Jiang had been more to his taste.

2017-10-10, 12:03 PM
Karael stares at Jaden throughout his speech with a cold look that spoke volumes of his inner rage bubbling ever closer to the surface. In that moment where Aldwin speaks, he instead steels himself to not do something foolish. To bite his tongue and think with some semblance of clarity. ''I can't say I didn't expect someone from your chapter to rush headfirst and deal with the consequences later on. Sadly I lack that ability when I find myself in the planning stages of an assault. Your plan focuses a hell on a lot on the Rogue Trader's death, at the detriment of other just as important objectives in the long run. You fail to see just how prepared for such an assault our enemies will be.''

Karael takes a step away from the bar and towards Jaden, clearly calling for his attention as he sneers. ''You think he will reinforce more than he already has only once we leave? Don't make me laugh, Brother. I plan to take him as he takes a breath of reprieve, believing that we have failed our main objective. If we instead attack him right then and there during the meeting, Ulixies will have the support of an enemy well renown for their ranged abilities. They will turn hostile, and will not quickly forget their interaction with the Imperium, only further interfering in Imperial affairs in the area if they think we stray from their misguided ideals.'' He now lowers his voice to make his next point stand out further. Speaking in less hostile terms about the Tau was perhaps a mistake in this company, but no enemy is ever truly as insidious as a traitor.

''And what then happens to his own pirate vessel, pray tell? Think it can't be steered onward without one man? If our enemy still has those accursed Xeno weapons they are likely to be found only with the capture of that vessel. The cogitator banks within undoubtedly hold answers to where the ship has performed it's heretical trade since it began, and we can use that very information to destroy it on all fronts. My dead set plan may have faults, agreed. But only through it do we stand a chance to capture our target and gain an edge instead of destroying dead ends.'' He balls his fists and awaits the retort with a look of determination.

Inspector Valin
2017-10-10, 02:29 PM
Jaden notes the balled fists, the sneer, the venom. All things he's seen before; perhaps for different reasons, perhaps not. Either way, the psyker sighs. He can't allow himself the same luxury, the anger, the snarling, the clenched fists. People accept those things in an assault marine, not in a 'witch' talking with his allies. As ever, he lets the rage and contempt flow through him, embrace then release into the endlessness of the aether. When Jaden finally opens his eyes again, the psyker's voice is calm. Forcibly so. "Brother, you aren't answering my points. You just claim that your plan will work, because... because. Did you miss the explanation of just why we're using diplomacy here to begin with?"

Apparently so, judging by his 'plan'. Before Karael can clarify, Jaden launches into his explanation, that same old smug look on his face like armour. The armour of contempt. "The whole point of this meeting is our trying to stop Ulixies forging an alliance with the Tau. If the meeting's over unsuccessfully... he's allied with the Tau. He's not an idiot, he won't leave their side until we're out of system. He'll have the unambiguous support of their forces, and with us right there, he's going to play that for all its worth." Some might expect Jaden to tune down his traditional half joking tone, as if every word was at the expense of the person he's addressing. Why should I? I'm right, and he's acting like an idiot. However, he does grow a little softer as he continues, frowning at the topic of balancing priorities. This is something the jocular marine takes very seriously. "Striking during the meeting is not ideal. It does expose the rest of our group to additional risk. The ideal is that the diplomatic mission is successful and the Tau ally with us, thus allowing for the ship battle to be clean and simple. But if that's not going to happen, a quick assault during the meeting allows us the element of surprise, and keeps the Tau on their toes. Who shot first? Which humans are trying to kill them? That's the condition we can use for a surgical strike, when combined with good intel about the station's layout and our target's location."

Jaden looks across at Vahn for a second, smiling at the Raptor without the faux arrogance he so often wears. He's grateful for the other marine, and the topic reminded the psyker of that. Whatever sardonic inner commentary he may have added in his head, Vahn had proven his competence on the last mission and the recon work here was perfect for the Corvaxian. The group was lucky to have him. But luck is seldom perfect, and with that thought in mind, Jaden returns to Karael. "As to the ship, it and the crew are secondary objectives for a reason. I doubt Ulixies will have left records enough for one of his underlings to continue the Zanatov trade. If he did, that underling would've killed the idiot and taken his ship already."

Really, that should've been self evident when talking about pirates. Jaden waves a hand to forestall the next objection. "It likely has Necrontyr weapons aboard, yes. We eliminate it if presented with the chance. But if the tides of battle don't allow for that fight, then we don't pick it just because it's on the dataslate. We don't have the resources to hold in space against two foes simultaneously for long, and trying to find any given target on that scale will require time. 'Don't let our transport get blown up' might not be on the objectives list specifically, but it's generally supposed to go without saying."

2017-10-11, 03:16 AM
Looking across at Karael, Rafen sees the telltale signs he's seen a thousand times before, those he saw in himself just a few hours ago. Both Astartes believed themselves correct, as decades of training and experience would assert to, but one was much more a munitorum under fire than the other.

"Brothers, we all want to see this mission complete and successful, an enemy of the Imperium incarcerated, and the flow of these Xenos weapons stopped. Part of what we do is analyse and plan, yes, but another part is reactive. We see the situation, we assess it, we react to it, and we dominate it before our enemy has even determined what to do. Ulixies certainly has surprises for us, and no doubt a list of plans stretching from here to the other side of the Fortress. Tell me, how many times has a list of plans helped? How many times have your Captains, your Sergeants, even yourselves, assessed, reacted and dominated?"

Rafen left a brief pause for thought, but not enough for reply

"We make plans, yes. The journey there will most likely be a week at least, we plan for every eventuality we can think of, in a tome to rival the Codex Astartes itself. We engage Ulixies on his ship in space. We engage Ulixies on the ground. We seize the ship to prevent Ulixies' escape. We act as honour guard as the Tau actually hand Ulixies over, then chase him as he flees. We put Astartes aboard his vessel and wait in ambush, while the other act as guard. As we get more information, more intelligence, we adapt and refine those plans, we prepare them all for execution. They are all relevant, and they all have a place, but ask yourself, what is the likelihood that Ulixies has prepared something we are not planning for? He is resourceful, and he know we are coming for him. He is powerful, well armed and has the advantage of home ground. But he is not one of us. He may assess. React. Even dominate if the situation is to his favour, but for all we know, his plan is to project such a strength that we paralyze ourselves in planning and second guessing while he achieves his objectives. Trust in the Emperor. Trust in His Wisdom, that He has gifted us all with. Trust in your training, your experience. Trust in your assessments, your reactions, and your reward will be the domination of our foes."

Again, a brief pause, the tail end of his sermon to Astartes graduating from their Scout positions find a new home in the minds of other chapters.

"I would suggest we get ourselves in order for departure. Our, droll oaths, as you put it, need to be undertaken with utmost reverence, and every moment we spend here is another that Ulixies can prepare for our coming. If needs be, we can continue this conversation en-route."

2017-10-11, 05:38 AM
Karael closes his eyes and releases the tension in his shoulders, taking a less defensive stance and tries to press his anger to the foreground. This was no place to do battle with allies, even if he still strongly disagreed with the philosophy that Jaden brought to the table. It was hard to argue against his chapter Brother though. And his assessment is something he could trust without a doubt. Not just anyone could become a respected Sanquinary Priest in their chapter, and it was wise to heed their council, lest you fall to the darkness within.

He turns to Rafen and nods ''You are correct, Brother. Time will tell what paths are open to us, and I for one hope just as much as anyone that diplomacy prevails when we encounter the Tau. I just don't wish for us to chop of the head of a snake, only for it to turn out to be a hydra with plenty to spare, and another to take its place before we can burn out the entire nest.'' With his double heartbeat returning to a slow beat he sighs and grabs his dataslate from the bar and places it upon his belt. He would need a lot of meditation before they reached their destination. Perhaps his time with the wolf of Fenris had fired up his temper more than he was ever aware of, yet he feared that it was just a convenient excuse.

Karael returns his sight to Jaden and the others, his determination still showing clearly. There were far too many Imperial commanders that forgot the value of human lives, and he was not looking forward to fighting beside someone who saw it as nothing more than a minor inconvenience towards a single goal. This needed to be decided now or never. ''While I agree that plans will made later, we can't step around our choice of a squad leader. So... who will it be?'' he asks while raising his eyebrows and raising his arms diplomatically at waist level to indicate that the choice was up to them all.

Inspector Valin
2017-10-11, 06:24 AM
At the Sanguinary Priest's words, Jaden... sighs. His brother is trying, he appreciates that, but emotional appeals do little to him. As such he simply frowns, shaking his head apologetically. "Rafen. You've missed the argument as far as I can tell." There's no snide mockery or laughter in the Stormseer's tone as he continues, laying out the situation almost despondently. "I agree with you. Planning is all very well, but adaptability is far more important. You need to be able to analyse the situation on the ground and work out what we do with that. The argument came because Cos was ruling out possibilities, laying down things that he refuses to do. And he's doing that because he can't accept the idea of the mission needing to go that way. We could hash this out a thousand times, and nothing will change. It's a disagreement of philosophy, approach and method, not logic. We have different beliefs, and they are not compatible."

A depressing admission. Part of being with the Deathwatch, perhaps. Jaden spends a second in dour meditation, before reopening his eyes, grinning as he rises to his feet. With a showman's flourish, the seer waves towards Karael while looking between the three remaining brothers. "So yes. The choice. Do you pick the Marine who will knowingly sacrifice an objective so he doesn't have to feel bad about putting others in the slightest bit of danger? Who balls his fists when talking to a brother marine, let alone a xenos we're supposed to be negotiating with?" He laughs, gesturing to himself in turn. "Or the psyker?" It might just be a balanced situation.

Toxic Mind
2017-10-11, 08:19 AM
"Neither." Finally, Vahn speaks. He has been silently watching this entire time, barely even acknowledging that there were others in the room. "I choose the one who was willing to talk openly, to see both sides of the issue, to not discount, or belittle. Words are a powerful weapon here. I cast my vote for brother Rafen, if he will have it."

2017-10-11, 08:26 AM
A gentle smile appears across Rafen's face, the kind a priest shows just before delivering a sermon.

"Did I miss the argument? Or did I find another cause? With the exception of myself and Karael, we are all of different backgrounds, of different heraldries. We cannot claim to be Ultramarine and successor, following the same Codex and the same ideas; to be like Bolts in a magazine. We think differently, we act differently. Brother Karael rules things out because, based upon his experiences, that is a suitable thing to do. Simultaneously, you include those same things, based upon your experiences, because that is also a suitable thing to do."

Once more, a pause, and as with Jaden, there is no malice or ill-intent in Rafen's eyes or mannerisms.

"I once had the experience of leading a squad of my brothers on an Imperial world, Tralis. Every day, we would run actions to keep the enemy off balance, and every evening, at the war council, the commanders of different regiments would argue as to the best course of action for the main assault. The Verilian Heavy wanted a full frontal attack. The Hamar Light wanted to skirmish. The Calvis Armoured wanted to be the hammer, but nobody was willing to be their anvil. None of them realised the only reason the enemy hadn't attacked, was because my squad and I were delaying it. I turned to deal with the enemy behind me, to unite the commanders, and the enemy ahead attacked. It was only then, when we found ourselves attacked by waves of heretics, that the defense became unified."

Rafen looked away for a moment, somewhat mournful, before continuing.

"Tralis is a dead world now, it's ashes include all those commanders who thought they knew best. Six of my brothers also lie there, two more still bear the cybernetic scars of the action. I learned we cannot afford to unite only in the fire of crisis, and yet, last mission, that is precisely what happened, with Brother Ogedai paying the price for it. We have different ideas of what is right, but it is based on our experience, and we cannot rely on our experiences being the same. What we can do, is use those experiences to be better than our enemies. Brother Jaden, the White Scars are famed for their expertise in fast attacks, it seems fit to have you make those preparations, and train us in what to do. Brother Karael, we Blood Angels are famed for our ferocity, our actions in the melee, so it would seem fit to give those plans to you. Brother Aldwin of the Subjugators, who work best with unrelenting attacks and full force concentration, therefore seems fit to plan for these eventualities, where we move and act as one. The Raptors are known for independent operations and Scout actions, Brother Vahn would be more suited to plan scenarios where we operate in intermittent vox contact only. We play to our strengths, and we might actually learn from each other along the way."

I feel like I'm at the very least framing myself as squad leader, and potentially usurping the position. While Rafen would be willing to take it on, this isn't a power play to seize the position without a vote, it's more getting everyone back on the same page, since Rafen sees the team as more damaged than it actually is.

Inspector Valin
2017-10-11, 09:02 AM
Jaden... balls his fists at Vahn's words, looking away. Somehow a short remark from the Raptor had stung more than any of Karael's words or posturing. His response to Rafen was cooler, though still that slight regretful smile lingers on the Marine's face. "No, you're making a different argument. And trying to give a sermon about unity. Unfortunately, I'm not in the mood for inspiring words of wisdom. The last Marine who tried to share some with me found a grave of his own."

Not a threat. Just an explanation. Jaden takes a deep breath before continuing. "Tell me where I made a mistake. Where I let emotion cloud my logic or decision making. What I overlooked. Because unless I missed something, you are reprimanding the pair of us just because we disagree. Because we're talking through how it should go. Whatever I might say of Karael, at least he was arguing from honest belief in protecting Imperial citizens, not trying to criticise me for having an opinion about the mission." Jaden glares daggers at Vahn for that, before returning his attention to the Sanguinary priest. "This isn't a question of who makes the plans, or precise specifics of operations. Our philosophies differ, and differ significantly. They'd differ just the same if neither of us took point. If you're going to run with Cousin Vahn's nomination, tell us how you intend to handle this mission. Otherwise your request for unity is empty rhetoric."

I'm not against Rafen taking it in theory... however, Vahn's remark escalated the situation significantly for Jaden. He views the sentiment of unity as dodging the question. and unless Rafen answers... well, he lacks the power to do anything, Vahn Rafen and Karael make a majority, but you're going to have a very unhappy Librarian on your hands. And Jaden doesn't take orders well on a good day. :smallwink:

It's also a point worth noting that under Rafen's logic, shouldn't this mission as a whole go to Jaden? Even if we went with Karael's plan, that's still a fast surgical strike against a superior force. White Scar speciality

2017-10-11, 02:16 PM
Let me echo Koris's caution. IC conflict is all well and good... disagreeing over combat philosophy is part of what makes the Deathwatch compelling in the first place, after all... but we're dangerously close to the line where we could cross over into OOC conflict. That's definitely the kind of thing that can sabotage even a long-running game. Let's just tread carefully here.

"If you accept the premise that your opinion and his are utterly irreconcilable," Bramimonde cooly interrupts, showing no fear of interjecting herself into the arguments of giants, "then the way forward could never be found by declaring one of you 'right.' After all, at the end of the day, you two are teammates, and can be no other... walking away is not an option. The Imperium, the Deathwatch, the Cabal, and your own personal honour would never allow it. So since neither one of you can walk away, neither one of you can possibly 'win' this argument, either, or the other would be made to 'lose,' and the 'loser' would carry that resentment all through the coming mission. Resentment clouds judgment. Clouded judgment would threaten the success of any strategem you might attempt to carry out. And a poorly executed strategem could lead to the deaths of every single person in this room."

She holds out her hands, then clenches both into fists. She brings those fists together, grinding them against each other with all her strength. You can see her trembling from the exertion.

"So if you cannot agree... and neither of you can win... and neither of you can walk away... the only way forward is to guide yourselves onto parallel paths."

She moves her hands so that her fists can slide past each other, moving without resistance.

"Stormseer," she says to Jaden, "you argue that it may be necessary to pursue Ulixes while Imperial personnel are still at risk. It is important that a contingency be in place for that possibility of extraction from a hostile station. Plan for that."

But to Karael, she says, "You, Brother Karael, argue that Imperial personnel must be secured first, even at the risk of making Ulixes' capture more difficult. Which... well, I'm flattered by the attention, but don't lose sight of our larger object, either. There's where your planning can come in. We do need a contingency plan which assumes a difficult pursuit, likely involving a boarding action against Ulixes' vessel. Plan for that."

She places her hands on the bar, lacing her fingers together.

"But the leader of your team needs to be someone willing to put any plan into action, as befits the circumstance. Without bias or rancor occluding the path to victory. Who can stand to that charge?"

Toxic Mind
2017-10-11, 02:40 PM
Vahn looks at Jaden and Karael. His face is somber, but not without emotion. "The Inquisitor has it best."

"Both of you are capable leaders." He looks to Jaden. "I have seen your mettle tested on Zanatov's Harbor. You would make an effective leader of this team, of that I have no doubt. Planning, Rationale, Sacrifice. These are what you bring to our team - and they are needed."

He shifts his gaze to Karael. "Action, Empathy and Rightous Fury. Attributes that none of us can long survive without."

"A leader must be more. They must understand, and unite. Things that I failed to do, at great cost."

"I will not allow that mistake again."

2017-10-11, 10:14 PM
Aldwin has been sitting stony-faced while the two argue. Whatever the value of this discussion he had no wish to do it in front of the Inquisitor, for all that she did not seem bothered by it. Disagreements over tactical matters were not uncommon amongst squadmates, but the bonds of a shared Chapter typically kept any arguments peaceful. In the Deathwatch discipline was sadly lacking in comparison. Until Karael seemed to relax, Aldwin has been preparing himself to come between the two on the off chance they came to blows.

He does not consider offering himself as a candidate. He believed that he lacked the temprement to successfully lead a group of marines this disparate, but more importantly would likely be unsuited to this form of warfare anyway. Better to advise the squad where he can be useful. What worried him though was whether this situation was sustainable. If this bickering continued without some sort of long-term resolution, would a compromise be needed between the two?

Aldwin will nod in agreement with Vahn. Either Jaden or Karael would make a competent leader, but only one of them appeared ready to do what might be necessary. While Rafen might be an acceptable alternative to both, the nobility of the Blood Angels suggested that they might hesitate at a crucial moment for fear of the consequences to their allies. So his vote was clear, even as he expected to be outvoted again. 'For what it is worth, I vote for Jaden. If we are forced to undertake the mission in this way, then we should be at least willing to act as he suggests. We were all on Zanatov's Harbour and we all know what the stakes appear to be. I do not wish to say I did not do all I can to prevent the Tau learning of what we saw there.'

And he will address Karael directly for a moment as he feels it is a point worth making. While he did not think he could easily persuade the Blood Angel, he could at least elaborate on why he was voting against him. 'Brother, any one we take with us the on the mission are our comrades. If they know the risks and go into possible danger anyway then their choice should be respected. I would not seek battle with the Tau on these terms lightly. With my Chapter beside me it would be a different story. So we will do what we can to avoid open war, and do what we can to extract them if there is a need. Beyond that, as they are comrades I am willing to die to protect them if it is required, but if there is no other way to complete our mission we must be willing to act accordingly. Our oath to the Deathwatch demands no less.'

Voting for Jaden as the Blood Angels are likely to be too soft in this case :smallsmile: (Vahn would probably have been acceptable as well)

I don't have a problem with the infighting, although Aldwin will be judging you for it. Also IC worried about the effect it might have on squad cohesion, but not enough to let it affect the vote.

I should add that I am not in favour of needless casulties in war. The idea is that regular humans who are good servants of the Imperium deserve respect for their actions even if it results in dying for the Emperor. Space Marines can't be everywhere and anyone who is willing to go above and beyond in the name of duty should be lauded. This is the other side of the Subjugators tendency to be ok with collateral damage in the name of wiping out chaos taint.

2017-10-12, 03:16 AM
Rafen silently cursed himself, in calming down one brother, he had angered the other, and he could not rely upon his Chapter's posting to act as a backup if things went awry. Vahn, Aldwin, even the Inquisitor had managed to grasp his point, but Jaden felt threatened. Nonetheless, he was still a valuable ally, attempting to pull some kind of moral superiority, while it may work, would be counterproductive. Besides, he had raised valid points, and his plans made sense, particularly given the situation.

"How would I approach this mission? I would attempt to plan to each objective, to achieve them all, but given our primary action is more important, I would relegate our secondary objectives to objectives of opportunity. Ulixies must be apprehended or eliminated, the cold trade must be stopped. Two of us would accompany the Inquisitor and the remaining personnel, providing an honour guard as well as close protection and hiding the full extent of our hand. I believe the Tau would not engage our civilian personnel if they remain peaceful and distance themselves from our 'rogue actions', and I am willing to stake those lives upon it. One of us would remain ready to get ahead of Ulixies on the ground if he attempts an escape on foot, attempting to cut him off wherever his shuttle lies, or simply engage if the opportunity arises. This gives opportunity for the honour guard to either catch up or extract to orbit. Most likely, Ulixies' lander will be nearby, catching up would not take long. The remaining two would infiltrate Ulixies' vessel during the negotiation. Without it, his trade shuts down, Ulixies' will therefore flee to it for ex-filtration. From there, they can sabotage the vessel, open a hole for the remainder of us as reinforcement, or simply secure the bridge and give Ulixies nowhere to flee to."

"However, that is only one of many plans, one attempting to exhaust Ulixies' tricks before we exhaust our resources, to present threats wherever he runs to, to give him no time to regroup or resupply, and to appear everywhere at once. To do that, we must divide our already small force, something that is not ideal, and make potentially lethal assumptions about both Ulixies and the Tau. If we are to remain concentrated, this mission will require speed and surprise. Much as I am honoured by Brother Vahn's confidence in me, these are not my strengths, and I am not the correct choice for this mission."

"My vote goes to Brother Jaden. Brother, you made no mistake, no oversight or issue. My argument was one of a united front. You both believe yourselves correct, and you both are. There is no one right answer, but there is a wrong answer, one where we raise our fists, rather than our words, against each other. From my experience, when a Brother of my Chapter readies his fists, another is not far behind, such is our curse. I am very much still adapting to different gene seeds and their own effects upon their sons. For that, I apologise for my presumption."

[b]"We have seen what the Alpha's can do without our help, let us not do their grim work for them."

2017-10-12, 05:02 AM
With a new air of calm to him, Karael absentmindedly taps on the helmet hanging from his belt with his right hand. It was quite clear that he would not receive the privilege of leading this mission, and the thought shames him. He understood why the Sanguinary Priest would not accept the responsibility of leading it himself, even if the support towards him would be high. In the same way that Chaplains or Commissars didn't lead, so to must the priest stand behind the line of man and provide the spiritual support needed in times most dire. That sadly didn't lift his spirit any higher, as he still distrusted the judgement of the Stormseer. But then again, it wasn't his decision anymore.

''If Rafen will not accept any votes towards him, the votes seems to already point to a candidate.'' Karael turns to Jaden after a short moment. Not feeling any need for words, he stays silent and digests the information he has heard here today. It was going to be a long journey, and there were still oaths to be made and many plans that needed to be ironed out.

Toxic Mind
2017-10-12, 11:02 AM
"It is decided then. Stormseer - you have my support, as you always have. It would be unjust of my to leave my concerns silent, but now that you know them, I have no doubt you will rise to the challenge. There is no disappointment on Vahn's face, or even in his voice. If the Sanguinary Priests believes that Jaden can overcome the challenge of uniting the kill-team, that is enough for Vahn. He never had a doubt of Jaden's other skills.

"Propose the Oath then, Squad Leader. I would see us hastened to our foes."

Inspector Valin
2017-10-12, 12:09 PM
Jaden stays silent as his comrades speak, though his eyes and mouth flicker up and down as his emotions shift. He smiles at Aldwin's support, pragmatic and reasonable but still appreciated. Vahn too warms the psyker's heart a little; the Raptor was beating himself up about Zanatov still, so him getting tetchy at disunity made sense. That went for him and Rafen. The White Scar listens to the Sanguinary Priest's words solemnly, just as he had Bramimonde's. A little pain simmers, but not enough to cloud his judgement of his brother's words. A leader who was willing to think, to consider all the options. That's all he'd wanted. All the team wanted. And Rafen seemed to fit the bill. A little pompous for Jaden's personal tastes, but competent and assured enough to try and settle the team's differences. Perfect. He's about to speak up to settle the matter...

... when the Blood Priest threw him a curveball.

Jaden takes a second to adjust, eyes wide with utter surprise. Vahn's blunt reprimand earlier had stung in part because it was true: joining in Karael's argument was as good as him forfeiting his claim to the position. This didn't settle things between him and the other Blood Angel. It weakened the bonds of unity. But... he had the other marines with him regardless. He looks around the group, half grateful, half bewildered, before returning to Rafen with a look that defied all description. Surprise, gratitude, disbelief, uncertainty and apoplectic fury were all contorting themselves on Jaden's face. I... I was going to vote for you! You bastard!

But he can't back out. The last thing they need at this stage is more division and discussion. So he bows, closing his eyes. The Psyker takes a deep breath, and his face is set into a serious look. Quietly, he intones a small invocation. Something half way between a vow and a prayer. "Unity and brotherhood. Karael, Rafen, Vahn, Aldwin and Yamaki. Beneath the sight of the Emperor, let us stand as one."

Small. But it helps. Jaden smiles up at the group, some confidence starting to return to him. He nods at Vahn's words. "If I'm the one choosing oaths, I'd advocate for an Oath of Knowledge. It's hard to know what forces Ulixies will bring to bear, but the Tau have been fighting the Imperium since Tiber Achilus led the Crusade. A study of their tactics, equipment and weaknesses would serve us all well."

The Stormseer casts a brief eye across his comrades, looking for any objections or mixed feelings on the idea. While giving them a moment to mull it over, he turns to Bramimonde. "Inquisitor, do you have a idea of how long the negotiations are likely to run? I don't need precise information, but is this likely to be a single conversation, or an extended series of debates?" It's not an urgent question to have answered, but it'd occured to Jaden that their information thus far was a little unclear, and the two situations could lead to different opportunities for the team.

Toxic Mind
2017-10-12, 12:20 PM
Vahns grin was positively feral. "Study the foe before charging in? What would the sons of Chogoris think of you now?" He says, the laughter in his voice evident. Finally, it was time to be on the way, done with the debates and talking.

And on to more debates and talking. But this time, with people he was probably going to get to kill in the end.

Inspector Valin
2017-10-12, 04:27 PM
Perfect. Just perfect. Jaden's spirit soars and face beams as he laughs heartily alongside Vahn, "About the same. How did you think I ended up out here?"

2017-10-16, 01:43 AM
Bramimonde blinks in surprise as the Space Marines' argument resolves itself as rapidly as it brewed in the first place. After a moment, a smile spreads across her face.

"Well then... it seems we are resolved."


Despite Bramimonde's briefing being given and Jaden's selection as team leader being affirmed, another day and a half pass before all preparations for the mission are finalized and the kill-team is summoned to the docks. The ship that awaits them has the blunt-prowed profile peculiar among the ships of man to those of the Inquisitorial fleet. Its precise class is difficult to place, but it looks a bit larger than the Gallant Blade, and significantly better armoured. Near the rear of the vessel, a crimson Inquisitorial I backed by a massive silver Aquila provides the only spot of colour to be seen along its matte-black length.

Aside from the ship itself, the scene at the docks might seem eerily familiar to the kill-team, as Bramimonde awaits them, once again towering above a motley crowd of mundane humans. She wears her characteristic self-satisfied grin, and waves a hand to indicate her newly expanded entourage.

"You all know dear Olivia, of course," she says, ruffling her translator's hair, much to the Sister's chagrin, "but I thought you might like to be introduced to the rest of our support staff for this mission... well, the luminaries among them, at least."

She gestures gracefully to a couple standing together, a short but barrel-chested man with a salt-and-pepper moustache and a woman with a waterfall of red hair, both wearing the quasi-military uniforms of Imperial diplomatic envoys.

"Decimus and Lassarina Boothroyd will be heading our diplomatic contingent."

"Pleased to make your acquaintance," Decimus greets the kill-team, with a voice that booms louder than his stature would suggest. "I had a cousin once who placed into the Ultramarines... you lads have nothing but my utmost respect."

Lassarina stifles a laugh at her husband's boisterous greeting, and she herself simply gives the Marines a deep bow.

The role of the crimson-robed tech-priest standing nearby is obvious enough, but Bramimonde still gives the dark-skinned woman an introduction.

"Since my Naimon is... indisposed... I asked Biocogitatus Shastri to lead our tech-analysis team."

There are other acolytes and attaches in the group, but Bramimonde ignores them. Though not entirely devoid of her usual quirks, Bramimonde seems a bit less extravagant than usual today.

"I suspect that's enough socialisation for most of you, but if there's anything else that needs doing before we depart, now is the time. I wouldn't want to hear after we've arrived that you left all your plasma pistol's ammunition flasks in your bunk or somesuch."

Toxic Mind
2017-10-16, 11:15 AM
"I knew I was forgetting something." Vahn says dourly before boarding the ship.

2017-10-16, 09:04 PM
Aldwin is studying the ship with interest. Of course a bigger class of ship would always be welcome but this one at least looked like it could hold it's own in a fight. He is now in full armour again, which he intends to use to keep a distance from the ordinary humans, but he will respond to the diplomats in spite of himself. 'Honour to your cousin.' The Ultramarines that he had met were too civilised for his taste as a rule, but he had fought beside their succcessors in the Segmentum Pacificus many times.

2017-10-17, 04:09 AM
Karael reaches out to shake the hand of the diplomats, greeting them in turn ''I am Karael of the Blood Angels. We will do our best to support you during the diplomatic part of the mission, but I think you expect that already. If things get heated, don't hesitate to seek our assistance.'' he says with a smile. After his quick greeting he begins to walk towards the ship as well, wasting no time as he orders a servitor to show him to his quarters.

While walking up the ramp, Karael keys his gorget vox to the squad channel ''I remember we still had planning to do. Do we require another meeting once the ship has set off perhaps, Stormseer?''

2017-10-17, 04:56 AM
Rafen sent his serfs on ahead to load his equipment and armour, choosing to board the vessel in robes in order to make himself more approachable. Blood Angels had always had a better relationship with baseline humans than most other chapters, and given their close cooperation with the diplomatic team this time around, removing barriers seemed a good idea.

As they proceeded towards the vessel, Rafen gave a small nod to Olivia, before addressing the diplomats

"I am sure your cousin serves with honour. I've had the opportunity to fight alongside the Ultramarines before, some decades ago, they are a little too rigid for my tastes, but you cannot argue with their results."

Managing a brief nod to the diplomats, as well as the new tech priest, Rafen turns to Bramimonde

"How does Naimon's recovery progress? I have yet to have the chance to enquire until now."

Finally, on the Inquisitor's joke, Rafen responds with his own

"The only reason to fetch something from my bunk is if those you provide are not big enough for us."

Inspector Valin
2017-10-22, 05:57 AM
"A pleasure to meet all of you!"

Jaden is in his armour but has forsaken his helm for the moment, letting it rest on his belt. It's better to greet people with your face visible, and as such the assembled humans can see the Stormseer grinning heartily. He has to suppress a smirk at Vahn and Rafen's jokes, but Jaden is honestly cheery to be about the mission. This is what he lives for. Working in concert with regular humans, supporting the Imperium in its work. Not fighting and dying in some wretched backwater planet. He gives Olivia a smile of recognition, before bowing first to the diplomat couple and then to the Magos. "Brother Jaden, happy to be a part of this endeavour, and to stand beside you all."

Karael's message over the squad vox causes Jaden a moment's hesitation: he can't use the gorget vox to continue the conversation while standing with the group and Bramimonde. After a second's thought, Jaden focuses, and broadcasts his thoughts to the Kill Team alone. "A more in-depth strategy session needs on the ground information. Positioning of Ulixies' ship, the station, additional defences, ect. We will have a tactical session as the ship leaves warp, getting sensor data relayed to us for the purpose, so we can form strategy before the meeting begins. Void speeds should buy us time enough to talk things through. For the moment though, familiarizing ourselves with our ship and ward should take priority."

Fettered Short Range Telepathy. TN 87. Range of 100 meters, specific to the kill team, no risk for failure AFAiCT

2017-10-22, 02:44 PM
"Naimon will be fine, in time," Bramimonde replies to Rafen's question, and then she allows herself a grim smile. "In fact, I understand that he's already planning to use the injury as an excuse to occasion more cybernetic augmentation."

She shakes her head and chuckles softly.


Bramimonde twitches involuntarily, and her eyes jerk over to Jaden for a fleeting moment.

"But, yes, we all have business to attend to."

The Inquisitor turns to the boarding ramp and strides forward. After a moment, she glances back over her shoulder, and, with more of her usual cheer, calls, "Come along, now!"


On the second morning of the Executioner of Falsehood's warp transit, Jaden wakes not to nightmares of that which lies beyond the thin shroud of the ship's Gellar field, but to an echo of memory.

"Think what binds the Imperium, Stormseer," the old arch-chorister of Erioch had said, "What connects each and every distant star. The Adeptus Astra Telepathica is all around you. To call upon their aid, you need only have the sight to see them in your midst."

The psychic conclave whose assistance Jaden had requested wasn't waiting for him on the docks with the envoys and tech-priests attached to the mission, nor does it stand in the Executioner of Falsehood's hangar bays like the small craft he requisitioned. But does that mean his requests fell on deaf ears, or does that mean...


The Inquisitorial ship - the Executioner of Falsehood, you come to learn - is more spacious than the Gallant Blade, even built with an eye toward accommodating occasional Astartes passengers, but it is also colder and quieter. The vibrant warmth that was at the heart of the Rogue Trader's ship is replaced with a will of steel. Servitors and stranger things, their organic components long withered with age, man many of the ship's stations, and the living crew is little more lively, carrying out their duties with straightforward efficiency.

There is little enough to do during the transit. The Executioner of Falsehood has a proper training cage, at least, but further planning awaits better intelligence, and even the Deathwatch databases have little hard data on Tau deep space stations, save a basic description of their function as waystations to aid in the supply and upkeep of their Kor'vattra merchant fleet. They are isolated enough in the void that finding them without provided coordinates has proved nearly impossible.

Fortunately, by habit and design, the black ships of the Inquisition are a subtler tool than typical Imperial vessels. The Executioner of Falsehood has dropped out of Warp beyond the predicted sensor range of the Tau station, and now drifts toward the meeting on its momentum, running lights doused, systems largely dark. You have been called to the bridge, where a dim view of the Tau station is slowly crystallizing on the forward oculus.

The bulbous outpost dwarfs Ulixes heretekal raider, nestled against its flank, but the station is still small by Imperial standards - no bigger than an Imperial battlecruiser, at least in length. A crust of boxy... cargo containers, perhaps?... partially covers the station itself, marring its alien curves. The image is still blurred, but your trained eyes can pick out the suggestion of turrets, clear enough to show that the station does have its own teeth.

"It ought to be operated by their so-called 'Air Caste' for the most part," Bramimonde informs you. "Excellent pilots and voidsmen, but all but useless in personal combat. The gravity aboard Tau void stations is too low to quarter their warriors there full-time. So that's some small comfort."

2017-10-23, 08:18 PM
During the journey Aldwin has been exploring the Executioner in order to see what a vessel loaned to the Inquisition might be capable of. The austere character of the ship appealed to him.

On the bridge he is staring intently at the occulus. While he has not had direct experience with the Tau he has heard stories from Subjugators who once fought on the Greyhell Front. 'If there is a minimal garrison there it may be supplemented by those machine intellegences they use.' Tau drones were said to be a minor threat but could still be dangerous enough in numbers. 'Though of course the Tau envoy will have brought his own warriors just as we have. If Ulixies is already here presumably his Tau friends are as well. Did they bring their own ship?' It has occurred to Aldwin that one or more Tau ships could be out there running on minimal power just as the Executioner was. 'Inquisitor, it changes little but are we expecting the Tau to treat these negotiations honourably?'

2017-10-24, 09:58 PM
You came so close on that FL: Xenos roll, I'll give Aldwin this: The station looks to have fewer gun turrets than a comparably sized Imperial ship would have, but the towers they're mounted on will give them each a wider field of fire. Overlapping fire arcs could potentially negate the Executioner's slim advantage in that regard.

Bramimonde frowns, almost pouts.

"We're not seeing any Tau ships, and we shouldn't... the team that handled our preliminary negotiations and arranged this meeting set that as one of the conditions, since we would be meeting on Tau ground... but those same negotiations limited the size of our own transport. If it hadn't, we'd be in at least a battlecruiser and I would feel much more confident."

She does seem more perturbed than you've seen her. Where her self-satisfaction is usually so great as to cross into arrogance, she's had more of a nervous energy ever since she met you on the docks.

"As to their honour, I suspect it depends on who among them is in charge. If it's the Water Caste, their diplomats... they're silver-tongued, but still naive. They believe their own propaganda. They would attempt to deal with us 'fairly.' But if they feel they have reason to treat this chiefly as a military operation...

"Their Fire Caste believes in a principle called the Kauyon, or the 'patient hunter.' It's the principle of baiting a trap and then waiting in ambush."

She waves a hand at the picture on the oculus, as if to say 'like so.'

2017-10-25, 07:40 AM
The transit had been mostly quiet for Karael, as he spent most of his time in the practice cages fighting against servitors made to simulate a quick and nimble opponent. As a consequence he had become slightly more proficient in making reparations on his armors paintwork, and marginally better at using his new power sword. Meditation and research was only secondary to his training, as in the end he recognized that his arm would be used more than his voice if his intuition was anything to go by.

Karael stands on the bridge in his full battle-plate with his helmet hanging from his belt. He studies a data slate to cross reference Intel on recorded Tau activity in the sector over the past few decades. Without raising his head from the slate, he speaks to the squad and the Inquisitor with a tinge of discomfort coloring his voice. ''I'm surprised the Rogue Trader agreed to dock against the station. Does make our mission less complicated as a consequence if we wish to board later on if it doesn't do an emergency departure.''

He turns his gaze away from the slate and instead towards the Inquisitor ''Have the Tau made any demands on how we are to approach the station?'' He places the slate back on his belt and places his hands on his armaments instead, with his mind seeking for any weakness that he hadn't thought of before he saw the station itself. As a battlefield, he didn't enjoy the potential for vipers hiding at the edge of perception, but even more he was worried about what the detailed plan would be from Jaden.

2017-10-26, 12:14 AM
Aldwin is watching the Tau station with the academic interest of someone who might learn something useful here. Even if things remained peaceful on this mission, battle with the Tau at some point was likely inevitable for each of them. The station was large and well armed enough to be a match for the Executioner, and was likely to have a range advantage on top of that. It was of little consequence, as if they were really forced to fight the Tau it would be better to for the Kill-Team to board the station and do what damage they could from within.

And he will respond to the Inquisitor, following her train of thought. 'So their diplomats might deal with us fairly if they see any value in trying this again in the future, but their military would be open to the possibility of betrayal enough to prepare for it. I would prepare for it in their position.' Aldwin imagined the Tau military acting to protect their civilians from their own willingness to negotiate with an enemy they had no business negotiating with. On some level he could sympathise. 'But I do not think they would go to the trouble of getting us out here if they intended to shoot first.'

And will reply to Karael in the same tone. 'Is Ulixies confident enough to anticipate a boarding action or arrogant enough to not be worried it would ever happen? Regardless, there is no sense baiting a trap if we can possibly avoid it. We should try to find a quiet way in if we can, even if we do not end up needing to use it.' If the ship was able to disengage first, it would make such planning irrelevent, but on the other hand achieving their objective would become so much simpler.

'On the matter of what we might expect aboard, Captain Smith told me that this ship has heretekical origins in addition to whatever Ulixies might have added to it since. Perhaps one of the Inquisitor's people can speak more of this, but the ship must be based on designs familiar to us on some level? It has the same weakpoints as any ship however well he seeks to defend them.'

If this is appropriate I'm going to roll Tactics (Recon and Stealth) to look for points of entry to a spaceship that aren't typically that well defended. I was thinking of visibly damaged sections that look like they might be depressurised, or the equivelent of the lower decks which aren't used and are where Hullghasts live.

vs. Int 46

Toxic Mind
2017-10-26, 04:43 PM
Vahn merely assesses. Possible traps, points of ingress, memorizing the outside of the station, so that it might aide his understanding inside. Nothing about this seemed right.

"Perhaps we board the station and assess for ourselves? Scan for explosives, and if we find none ascertain with our own eyes what is going on here?"

2017-10-28, 12:07 AM
Though the starships of man in the 41st millennium are far removed from the ocean-going battleships of old, their design is still habitually constrained by quaint notions of "up" and "down," as if the galactic plane were a flat sea upon which they sail. Even a ship crafted by heretekal hands would likely be largely blind to an approach from underneath the rear of the vessel - though once inside, the nearby engine rooms are all but guaranteed to be under close guard.

"We'll need to announce ourselves before we get too close," Bramimonde answers Karael, "but we can draw nearer before we do that. It might be to our advantage to give them just a bit of a fright."

2017-10-28, 08:59 AM
"Perhaps we board the station and assess for ourselves? "

Aldwin will nod at that. While he thought they had other options here they largely relied on avoiding diplomacy altogether. The keel of their enemies ship seemed like a particularly inviting target, but they had to sure that Ulixies was aboard first. Such plans could be held in reserve.

'If we are not to attempt something more high risk we should board the station. Even if only for the sake of scouting a potential battlefield.'

2017-10-29, 07:55 AM
Karael really didn't like how vulnerable the enemy was here. It all seemed too convenient, somehow. Several branching paths would be available to them here, depending on what approach they wished to take. ''Stormseer, what is your take on this? If we plan to attack the Rogue during the diplomatic negotiations, we would do well to all be present to ensure our target is destroyed and our allies are well protected. While it may also prove to be a good idea to separate and either sneak through the station or even disable the danger of the enemy vessel with an aggressive boarding action.''

''I'm unsure how well we could scout things out on the station without putting a great risk to the diplomatic option. But if we decide on that course of action, we would be best served by sending Vahn on his own, whose chapter is clearly more experienced with this sort of action and would not be as easily discovered.''

Inspector Valin
2017-11-01, 07:16 PM
"Why dock?"

Jaden's been muttering to himself for a little now, clearly distracted. "His ship's small but it has to have shuttles. Why dock? It'll make it harder to jump to warp. It'll ease getting back aboard... so he's planning to join us in person? But all the same, a skilled shuttle pilot... "

This isn't helpful. There's not enough information to answer the question truly. With a sigh and a cough, Jaden returns to reality, nodding politely to Rafen. "Boarding the station is inevitable. I don't see another option for information gathering at this point that's promising, and a legitimate approach makes our case that Ulixies is the perfidious one that bit stronger. Brother Vahn, we can't know ahead of time how much latitude you will have to slip away and scout the station. Are you confident in making that decision on the ground?"

Looking to the Raptor, the Stormseer's face is somewhat pensive. He's still mulling things over even now, "I'll go with your opinion on the matter. And there's no shame in sticking with us. I don't feel we need additional scouting here. Our three crucial points to move between are the meeting area, the shuttlebay, and whatever umbilical links the station to Ulixies' ship. And we'll see two of those by simply acting as the honour guard. Getting an advance picture of the route we'd need to insert onto the raider would be helpful, giving us a stronger picture of the defences and fastest path... but we're Astartes. So long as we keep the direction of our target in mind, fast movement and a rapid assault can compensate for not having an exact look at what's ahead of us. And scouting in an environment like this chances you being cut off from the group if something goes wrong. I am uneasy with the idea of you putting yourself at risk for a non-essential advantage. Do you follow?"

Toxic Mind
2017-11-01, 11:55 PM
"Perfectly. Should the opportunity arise I think we should seize it - but no unnecessary risks" he says, conciliatory. "Perhaps the Inquisitor has some vox-capture devices of subtle make, or hidden pict recorders that I might plant, given that opportunity?" Vahn says evenly, betraying no judgement. It was, after all, the nature of their mission here. Such pre-planning was to be lauded, not condemned.

2017-11-03, 04:51 AM
Rafen stood on the bridge, armoured but with helmet tucked under his arm, as befit a Blood Angel on parade. Various pieces of white hung from his armour, confirming his status as a Sanguinary Priest to friends and foes alike. The last time he had worn it was the passing from the 10th some years ago, and before that had been the internment of Brother Arthis to his venerable body of steel. The pressure of the moment, still hours in the making, was beginning to build, but Rafen took it in his stride. He'd played the role of honour guard and bait before, they always produced the best stories to bring the unruly in line.

As the bridge sprung into line, Rafen contemplated on the opposed natures of the Astartes and the Inquisition, one confronting their foes head on, the other skulking in the shadows, but both entirely uncompromising in their duties. Two sides of the same coin, the phrase had been said before. Remaining silent as Jaden began organising, Rafen looked out the forward ocular port at the Tau station, attempting to figure some sense of the design in Imperial terms.

2017-11-05, 11:05 AM
"We have some resources for espionage," Bramimonde answers Vahn, "but nothing that is both easily concealable and capable of being monitored remotely from the ship. The devices would need to be planted, allowed to record, and then retrieved for access and interpretation. Unless we stall for time during the negotiations, I don't know that we would have time to implement that strategy."

2017-11-05, 11:22 PM
Aldwin is still running through various scenarios in his head. Aggressively boarding Ulixies ship would be satisfying but likely risky and might not even allow them to take their target. They could split up in some capacity to seek some covert advatage, and could even attempt this before the Executioner formallly annouced itself, but failure would risk undermining any chance of diplomacy if the Tau discovered them.

Perhaps the aftermath of the negotiations could at least be prepared for? If the Tau were agreeable they might even become allies against Ulixies, but Aldwin had little confidence that the Tau would see reason here. 'Espionage is all very well. I had thought more of locating alternative routes to exit the station if they are needed and can be found. As Jaden says, these are things we can perhaps discern for ourselves anyway without needing to take special measures, but if we need to leave in a hurry it would be prudent to seek a fallback plan even if we do not need to use it.

There is also the matter of dealing with the Tau if we are forced to fight. While I think it unlikely that we need to worry about Tau firepower as much as we would on a more open battlefield, I dislike the idea of becoming bogged down with Kroot or some such only for us to be surrounded. I have heard something of the Tau tactics that the Inquisitor spoke of, and there is little sense in underestimating them in that regard. Unless we can find a position worth defending or we have no other choice we do not get distracted by battles we do not need to fight. This time we will be better prepared.' He is thinking of their last fight together on Zanatov but does not elaborate.

2017-11-13, 06:47 PM
Though the kill-team's plotting is deadlocked, the hand of time knows no mercy. The necessary verifications are exchanged, and the Executioner of Falsehood closes on the Tau station. Though tension mounts, and revulsion crawls in the stomachs of the Inquisitorial crew, both sides' guns remain silent.

The full diplomatic team gathers on the hangar deck in the shadow of an Inquisitorial gun-cutter, a blunt-beaked raptor larger even than the bulbous Tau Orca bolted to the deck beside it. The Boothroyds are there, of course, leading their sharply-dressed delegation of envoys. A trio of hooded tech-priests surround Pritha Shastri, chittering binharic code to each other. Even Nyneve has come, representing the conclave of astropaths who have conferred with Jaden throughout the Executioner's journey. Inquisitor Bramimonde towers above them all, issuing direction with grandiose gestures, Sister Olivia meekly following in her wake. The arrival of your kill-team completes the assembly, and the entire entourage embarks.

While the entirety of its design is abhorrently alien, perhaps the strangest thing about the Tau station, which becomes ever clearer as your shuttle draws near it, is its hybrid purpose. Thin-skinned mercantile bulk cargo pods scab over its surface, but the defensive turrets which overlook them are military grade. And then there's its crew... the station must be capable of accommodating thousands, given its size, but according to Bramimonde they have no regular infantry garrison. Even Rogue Traders' infamously mutipurpose vessels are rarely this incoherent in their design.

Fear the alien. Abhor its works.

The Tau station's docking umbilicals are incompatible with the gun-cutter (raising further questions about how Ulixes' ship is docked), but a hangar yawns open to admit it. In this, at least, Tau design mirrors that of humanity, and your pilot sets down without any further difficulty.

The welcoming committee which meets you at the bottom of the gun-cutter's ramp is almost comical. A double-row of black-armoured Pathfinders await the Imperial delegation, looking almost like a miniaturized mirror of its own hulking Deathwatch escort. Envoy Boothroyd begins his formal greetings, but the Pathfinder sergeant interrupts him.

"With respect, ambassador," he croaks, in heavily accented Gothic, "is best to save greetings for Por'O Vral. This way."

The Pathfinders usher you on to what is recognizably a meeting room, dominated by a long, narrow oval table adorned with the symbols of all five Tau castes. The Tau delegation is already seated at the far end of the table, flanked by a second squad of Pathfinders standing stiffly at attention. The three figures at the head of the table rise as they see you enter. In the center stands a tall Tau, robes hanging loose from her thin frame, her face lined with... age? Are wrinkles a sign of age in Tau as they are in humans? You're not sure. To her left is a Tau with a stockier warrior's build. Unlike the honour guard, he does not wear Pathfinder armour, rather he is clad in a bodysuit dotted with interface ports, not entirely unlike the sockets of the black carapace. To her right stands... not a Tau, but a human. A balding human dressed in Tau fashion. A traitor. A xenos pet. The rest of the delegation, however, is all Tau. Brenden Ulixes is not in attendance.

When the formal greetings from both parties are concluded, the Tau ambassador makes her introductions.

"I am Por'O Vral, High Ambassador of the Water Caste and speaker for the Velk'han Sept in these negotiations," she says, in surprisingly soft and fluent Gothic. She indicates the warrior to her left and says, "This is Shas'el Velk'han Vior'va, my military consultant."

"Subcommander Greatblood," he interjects gruffly, "in your benighted tongue."

Vral twitches slightly as he interrupts her, but does not openly reprimand her comrade, instead picking her introductions back up with, "And this is Gue'vesa'vre Goodman Clark, my human aide."

She pauses and pulls her lips back into a rough approximation of a human smile.

"He has helped greatly in advancing my understanding your people."

She waves a hand at the Pathfinder and Deathwatch contingents overlooking the negotiating table.

"Now, shall we not put away our weapons for a time, so that we may carry out these talks in a sincere spirit of peace?"

Toxic Mind
2017-11-14, 10:28 AM
Vahn is the first to speak, and he does so through the vox-grille of his helmet. "In that we can ill acquiesce, I am afraid. It is understandable that your pet would not comprehend the workings of the weaponry and armor of the Adeptus Astartes. The machine spirits of my weapons would be much insulted were they to be removed from my presence. They are my arms and my eyes, I could no more part with them than you could your organs."

He pauses for a moment, then hefts his lascannon. "Perhaps it is the sight of such egregious implements of war? I could set its spirit to rest for now, if that would assuage your concern. Our tech-priests could keep it near - to placate its anger, but not within my hands?"

Vahn is no greenhorn - it is important that they seem conciliatory, and willing to talk. This sacrifice was ultimately meaningless. The tech-priest could keep the lascannon ready if fighting were to erupt, and it would take the space of an instant for Vahn to regain it.

2017-11-14, 10:34 AM
As if on the parade grounds of Baal, Rafen moved with the diplomatic party, boltgun held firmly across his chest as escorted. His helmet still resided upon his belt, the perfection of human form visible for all to see, his face clearly free of the fear that would no doubt grip a normal human guard. His remaining weapons also sat upon his belt in their various holsters and scabbards, while everything about him was immaculately cleaned as if presenting himself to Chapter Master Dante himself. Truly, his serfs had done a fine job while he had performed rites upon his weaponry, and he would be sure to suitably commend them for their duties upon his return to the watch fortress. From his armour, robes and surplices hung, displaying his position for all who could understand to see.

Moving through the alien station, Rafen attempted to take in as much as possible without being overtly obvious, passing up opportunities for fear of drawing attention to himself. Within the diplomatic chamber itself, Rafen maintains himself at attention throughout the introductions; the Inquisitor would make any pleasantries she deemed necessary, his expertise lay elsewhere.

Sizing up the escort across the table, Rafen could deduce the Pathfinders, whose weapons would be ineffective at this range, some kind of suit pilot, distinctly missing his armour, and the diplomats themselves. There had to be something else, internal defenses flush with the walls or ceiling, otherwise his restraint would be all that stopped a simple vault across the table with his chainsword. A part of him regretted not being helmed, the optics might reveal something his eyes could not, but his eyes could send messages his helmet could not. Rafen takes a moment to lock menacing eyes with Clark, before returning to a parade stance, as he contemplated what could make a man turn from the light of the Emperor. Even the Ruinious powers worked by corrupting the spirit of the faithless, the Tau had no such tricks he was aware of. If, nay, when, things turned violent, Rafen could potentially capture him to find out, however the question of their mission obviously came first.

On request of withdrawing arms, Rafen waits for an instruction from either Bramimonde or, preferably, Brother Jaden. Irrespective of the situation, Astartes did not take orders from Xenos. Beyond that, he maintains his position towards the front of the escort group, well placed to charge and also shield the mortals behind him.

2017-11-14, 04:54 PM
Karael stands on the right flank of the gathered Astartes, one hand on the scabbard to his blade while the other is holding his meltagun by the frontal grip as it hangs loosely from a sling going over his shoulder. He too has no helmet on, wishing to look the Xenos in the eye and show what the gift of Sanguinius looks like. Although he is waiting for the spark that will ignite the fire, he is well aware that the Imperial forces won't attack without the renegade within sight. In a way, he feels relief that he won't need to risk the mortals if they fail the diplomatic talks. He stares at the human traitor across the table with a piercing gaze, offended that the man would even dare to stay in the room as a squad of Deathwatch and an Inquisitor.

Karael can't help but wonder if his plans will come into the discussion if the diplomacy goes nowhere. They still had the chance to execute a surprise attack on the Rogue Traders vessel if they played it right. For now, he is brought back by the jabs set by Vahn towards the Xeno scum. He adds his voice to it with his gaze redirected towards the Tau diplomat. ''I'm sure you know full well that Astartes are never unarmed. Just as we know that Tau don't like fair fights. If it makes you feel more at ease, trust me when I tell you that we have no interest in taking your lives here today. We only want the Renegade.''

He returns his sight to the Human traitor in front of him, playing a finger over the trigger hidden under his scabbard for his stummers vox nullification option. In case of a fight, he reckoned that he could mess with any vox thieves in the area in case the Tau were only using audio sources to keep a check on them. There was also the chance that the room had been bugged by other forces, and any delay could be for their benefit.

2017-11-14, 08:11 PM
On the way in Aldwin has been mostly watching the Tau. Physically they were as unimpressive as he'd heard, for all that he knew that their technology was the real threat. For all that the diplomacy may prove successful, he assumes that it's failure is probably inevitable and they will be called upon to fight these warriors. So, while he is mindful of the need to maintain appearances, he considers this the equivalent of the open stages of a battle.

Aldwin walks to the rear of the group and carries his bolter one handed with it pointed towards the ground. He wears his helm for the protection it offers and for the information provided by it's machine spirit, but he is well aware of the intimidating effect his armour has had in the past against those mortal humans he had been called on to fight. With his armour he is an agent of the Emperor's justice and wants all to know it.

In the room, while Aldwin glances at the Pathfinders as the main potential threat, he is otherwise focused on the Subcommander. He would target this one first if there was a need. The Xenos had a chain of command that could be disrupted just like any human military.

The idea of truly disarming all weapons including his grenades and combat knife amuses him. Perhaps this human pet would be asked to carry all their wargear out of here. He will wait for a response to Vahn's question before he moves to do anything though. He will chuckle softly over the squad vox at Karael's fairfight comment.

On the way in Aldwin is trying to memorise the layout of the place, and is watching for anything unusual that stands out.

vs. Per 37 (+20)

2017-11-16, 10:15 PM
For a moment the Water Caste ambassador looks taken aback, and then she forms her equivalent of a smile again.

"Ah, no... I do not wish to offend, but I believe you, honoured Astartes, are those who have misunderstood. I am entirely aware of your fame as warriors without human peer. That is why I am asking you to leave us. Our warriors will go with you, of course. You may all wait in the vestibule. Perhaps you will even find something to talk about amongst yourselves, having shared experience of battle?"

Bramimonde bristles.

"You would ask us to stand in the heart of your space station without any defense?"

"Only a door would separate you," the ambassador attempts to soothe, "and clearly they have brought firepower sufficient to deal with any door which might be placed before them. Besides, as I said, we would be dismissing our own warriors as well."

"Don't pretend those Pathfinders are your only guards, ambassador."

The Tau's false smile sharpens.

"Don't pretend you and your... tech-priests are not armed, Inquisitor."

2017-11-17, 05:02 AM
The Tau's talk irritates Rafen, as it attempts to bend words to suit it's own agenda. However, seeing an opportunity, Rafen leans into his brothers, whispering as best as an Astartes can and once more regretting being unhelmed

"We could suggest a single warrior of each stays, the rest remain outside. It might give our more stealth inclined brothers a chance to, well, go for a wander."

The words feel almost dirty, proud warriors slinking around an alien station and not doing their best to destroy it, but before entering into Deathwatch service, he could not have imagined any situation where he was even talking with a Xenos.

Toxic Mind
2017-11-17, 09:54 AM
Vahn can see the opportunity clearly. Over his vox, oh-so quietly, he says. "Brother Jaden should stay. He is our leader, and thus speaks for our needs. I trust his resolve to acquire the traitor, and his power is unknown to the Tau. He among all of us is armed best even without weapons. This ploy speaks of treachery, but we will turn their devices upon its own maker."

It goes without saying that Vahn, as one most trained in stealth, would be ideal outside, plying his trade. Further, his stalker bolter, with its integrated silencer, would be ideal for "dealing" with the Tau if it became necessary to, without alerting the others.

Inspector Valin
2017-11-17, 06:52 PM
"So many things are relative. The might of the Astartes against a humble door."

Jaden has been playing a quiet game. He takes pains not to look at Vahn as the Raptor subvocalizes, seemingly studying the indicated portal but a small dip of the head at the end indicated he'd been listening. With a smile, the White Scar turns back towards the group, helmet off to meet the Xenos' collective gaze. We laugh as we kill. We smile as we look you in the eye. "Brother Rafen has the right of it. Forsaking all guard on both sides won't help these negotiations. It will just make Pathfinders and Astartes alike jumpy. Our charges might be in danger and we're not there. One guard for each delegation seems reasonable."

He bows to the Water Caste, just low enough to be polite. "If you are willing, Ambassador Vral, I will take that place for the Imperium. And will disarm to whatever standards you demand. One weapon apiece for me and Commander Greatblood, perhaps?" He turns his smile towards the irritable seeming Fire Caste, looking at the xenos curiously. Honesty? From the Alien? Intriguing.

2017-11-17, 09:38 PM
Greatblood opens his mouth to speak, but Vral preempts him.

"Your proposition is... acceptable," she concedes. Greatblood shoots her a look... the xenos' body language isn't as easy to read as a human's, but you still get the impression that he isn't pleased that the ambassador came to a decision without consulting him.

Greatblood holds out a hand toward one of the Pathfinders and mutters something in his own language. The Pathfinder places her pulse carbine in his hand. He swings it toward Jaden and for a breathless moment every being in the room tenses for violence, but Vral's hand shoots out and deflects the carbine's barrel toward the conference room's ceiling.

"Behave," she says sharply, using Gothic. She then blurts an equally sharp term in the Tau tongue, and the Pathfinders bow their heads and turn to face the door through which you entered, weapons lowered toward the floor.

"They will be leaving now," Vral decrees.

2017-11-17, 11:18 PM
Aldwin frowns beneath his helmet. On the surface, he did not believe that the Tau were being dishonest here, but what Jaden had revealed about his auguary gave him pause. There was likely more going on here then meets the eye, and if things went bad he had no wish to be the one to explain to the Deathwatch that they had willingly abandoned their charge just because the Tau asked them to. Yet to disagree here would mean they might as well give up and go home. They had come this far already in the name of 'diplomacy', so further sacrifices apparently must be made.

Inspector Valin
2017-11-18, 06:42 AM
Jaden doesn't flinch at Greatblood's gesture, though the subcommander might have noticed the stormseer's eyes thin at the display. Even the xenos are prone to group divisions. Did Ulixies exploit that? Could we? Best to play it safe for the moment and respect the pair of them. After Vral's remarks are done, Jaden takes a second to bow to both the Ambassador and the Subcommander before stepping towards the side of the door. Kneeling down, he gently removes first his bolter, then his pistol, his knife and finally each of his grenades in sequence. The only weapon remaining on his armour is the sheathed blade that rests at his side.

Once he is done, the Astartes rises, chuckling grimly as he returns to the group. Bramimonde seems to have Vral's number, so Jaden returns his focus to Greatblood with a roguish smile. "I hope your station has good security, Subcommander. I'd never hear the end of it if my weapons were stolen while I was in the next room." Jaden's eyes are on the Tau, but the Kill Team can hear the echo of his voice in their minds, even as the stormseer is grinning at Greatblood. I'll keep you updated as best I can. Stay alert. This link is short range. Good luck, Vahn.

2017-11-20, 05:23 AM
With his left hand still placed at the hilt of his sword, Karael switches of the safety of his Angelus Bolt Gun with a slight twitch of his ring finger, switching the trajectory of his arm mount to the Tau threatening the Stormseer. In that tense millisecond, he hesitates to fire and be the one to start the aggression aboard, yet when Vral breaks it up, Karael stays his hand.

With a nod to Jaden and the Inquisitor, he steps out of the chamber without a word. For the sake of good communication, he then takes his helmet from the clip on his belt and places it back on his head. Once the machine spirit has properly awoken, he begins listening on the vox for any traffic.

2017-11-21, 07:34 PM
Even though Aldwin has been expecting something like it to happen, the sudden voice in his head is still surprising. At least they would have some warning of any treachery. He wasn't entirely sure that the Tau didn't know exactly what Jaden was, but that didn't mean they would have a counter for it.

He had noticed Vral’s behaviour but didn’t react to it. If the Subcommander attacked Jaden then Aldwin would shoot him. He was confident which of them would come out worse from the exchange.

Without orders to the contrary he will follow Karael outside and will switch to watching the Pathfinders. Over the squad vox, 'The Water Caste Envoy likely has the final say here, and so it is ultimately the Inquisitor's job to persuade her, but is there anything we can say to this lot that might help our case?' For that matter, should they be talking with Xenos at all? He had been dwelling on this matter on the journey here. The needs of the mission ought to come before any feelings of distaste, but he was suddenly glad of the demands of secrecy imposed by the Deathwatch. Nothing of what might happen here would ever get back to his Chapter.

2017-11-23, 12:21 AM
The Conference Room

"If you want me to brag about station security so you can learn more about the precautions we have taken, your efforts are wasted," Greatblood growls in response to Jaden's attempt at humour.

Aside from the grouchy Subcommander, however, the Tau delegation seems to visibly relax as the Space Marines - bar Jaden - depart. The negotiations are finally able to begin in earnest. Unfortunately, though, the discussion keeps circling back around to the same sticking point.

"You keep alleging that this man is a dangerous criminal," Vral summarizes, "That it is in our best interests to submit him to your justice. But, to be frank, your sense of justice is not the same as ours. What is this man's crime, that he occasions such effort, that he deserves such judgment? Can you not tell us what danger we are supposedly in?"

"It's as I've told you," Bramimonde replies, just short of exasperation, "The precise details are classified beyond top secret. But are you telling me that your 'Greater Good' tolerates murder, theft, illegal trade, rebellion..."

"Perhaps he would not have had to go to such extremes if he had been born into a more tolerant society. Without knowing his motivations, how am I to judge?"

"Have you even met the man you're defending?"


A curved hallway runs around the perimeter of the oval conference room, four halls branching off from it, heading off in each of the cardinal directions. The "south" hallway is the one that leads back to the hangar where your shuttle landed. Eight Pathfinders have been left to watch over you, flanking the door into the conference room, four on each side. Their numbers pose something of a problem should violence become necessary... they should be no serious challenge to you in martial terms, but it's unlikely you would be able to dispose of two each quietly and quickly enough to avoid drawing the attention of the diplomats.

The Pathfinders don't seem particularly eager for conversation, but you might be able to engage them if you took the initiative.

2017-11-23, 05:51 AM
Rafen stood across from the aliens, still dehelmed to show the perfection of man, boltgun still held across his chest. The guards opposite were as unmoving as himself, neither side willing to speculate on what was occuring inside. No shots or crys for assistance had gone up, despite both sides being ready for exactly that.

After a few tense minutes, Rafen allows himself to relax a little, had the Tau had treachery in mind, they would have done something already. A thought popped into his head, searching to provide further advantage. Imperial Guard personnel he had served with would often lose focus over prolonged periods, particularly if they began conversing. The unaugmented human mind was simply as that, he could never hold it against them unless they were directly on the front. Potentially, these Tau had the same weakness, catching them in conversation might given them a few extra micro-seconds if the shooting started, as well as the opportunity to gather intelligence on this foe and potentially give some of his brothers a chance to slink away into the shadows. To that end, there was only one topic suitable for warriors that might have shot at each other in the past. Looking towards the less senior personnel opposite, he speaks softly

"That is an impressive specimen of a weapon you hold. How many times have you had the honour of taking it into battle?"

Inspector Valin
2017-11-23, 07:11 PM
Jaden chuckles. Good old fashioned simple hostility. Nothing he says short of a direct insult will make the subcommander more hostile, so there's no need to overthink the matter. He bows, "Indeed. You are so prepared, you were even ready for reverse psychology. Your team have clearly planned this well.." He moves to stand behind Bramimonde at that, ready to defend her from potential ambush. There may be time enough for more ribbing of the stuck up xeno later. What will be will be.


Jaden is silent as the détente begins: he doesn't want to get involved in the negotiations, but the precise subject matter was one he might be able to contribute with. Coughing loudly, the Astartes steps forward, nodding first to Bramimonde then to Vral . "Ambassador, I have witnessed Ulixies' conduct when leading a raid. The idea that he is some misunderstood victim of Imperial dogma is hard to believe."

Well, that's true in a sense. But trying to explain divination to xenos who didn't believe in the Warp was more trouble than it could possibly be worth. The White Scar takes a second, looking across at the assembled Tau. His mind goes back, strangely, to his homeworld. Telling tales around a campfire, you aim to get the group caught up. Not an individual. Jaden gestures as he continues, losing himself in his words. "This is a man who will look into the eyes of a desperate foe, a merchant fighting fervently to protect his crew and life, and laugh as he runs them through. A killer who enjoys not the challenge, not the fight, but the pain and death. A man who revels in blood like that will be no credit to your empire, any more than he was a credit to the Imperium."

A thought strikes Jaden. He almost looks to Greatblood, as if to draw some common experience with the xenos leader, but instead turns his glance towards the wall. Thought and reflection are safer. And his experiences should be worth enough, surely. "I've seen men like that before. Seen Guard Commanders who try to put them to use. It never ends well. You can milk a serpent day after day, but it always bites you in the end."

2017-11-24, 10:40 PM
Aldwin will stare at the Tau for a moment until he is sure that they aren't going to start anything. He was confident that these warriors offered little threat to them while they wore their armour. Perhaps if they were willing to focus their fire against a single marine, but in that situation they would probably not survive long after.

He will join in with Rafen and move nearer to their guards. Perhaps it would be useful to Vahn if the Tau were focused on a few of them over the rest. He is wondering how many servants of the Emperor have personally died at the hands of these warriors, but will attempt to be diplomaticic. 'And how much experience have you had with wielding these weapons. What battlefields in the Reach have you fought on?'

2017-11-27, 01:46 AM
The Pathfinders:

One of the Pathfinders, marked out from his peers by a helm of contrasting white, lifts his pulse carbine in recognition of Rafen and Aldwin's interest. As the hallway's light plays over the boxy weapon, deep scuff marks become apparent, flaws the weapons' recent parade gloss paint job is incapable of completely disguising. Signs of hard use.

"We are the most veteran Pathfinders of the Velk'han Sept," the sergeant brags. "Each one of us has been in active service since at least the Lar'fios Campaign. I myself have fought in nine engagements, having deployed on Zor'qon, D'shas'ka, and even Ra'va'she."

The Tau's xenos tongue corrupts the planets' names into unfamiliar forms, but the sounds are near enough to surmise that the sergeant has fought along the spinward edge of the Greyhell Front. Of course, his boasting of a pathetically mortal life's worth of battlefield experience is nothing compared to any but a novice Scout's battle record among the Adeptus Astartes.

"I have faced your kind twice," he adds, in a slightly darker tone, "and your lighter battlesuits once. Your 'bolt' weapons may be graceless, but they are extremely effective."

The Diplomats

Vral's mouth pulls into a tight line.

"Do you pursue every pirate who flees from your space with such extraordinary effort?" she asks. Looking to Bramimonde, she continues, "You have admitted that your very reason for being here is classified. I must question whether you are negotiating in good faith here."

"We are authorised to permit the release of certain prisoners of war we have taken from your people, if you would prefer to view this simply as a prisoner exchange, rather than an extradition," Envoy Boothroyd interjects, offering a possible redress for Vral's objections.

"The difference being that Brenden Ulixes is no prisoner of the Sept. He came as a refugee, seeking... I believe your word is asylum. I appreciate the offer you have made, and would certainly relish the chance to welcome those lost back into our fold, but it would be an... unequal exchange."

2017-11-27, 03:41 PM
The Pathfinders

From his service with the Crusade, Aldwin recognises some of the Tau terms for the Greyhell Front. These warriors had had experience against Astartes, perhaps even against the Subjugators who had been present here a decade or so back. But he suppresses the spike of anger he feels at having his suspicions confirmed.

'I have Brothers who fought on Ravacene. They spoke well of the quality of the fighting there. This was true, but was as much about the sheer number of Kroot that had been present as it was of the Tau themselves. 'If you have fought us and survived, you are veterans, and your leaders are no fools at least for bringing you.'

'If you know us then you likely know our nature. I likely speak for all of us when I say that we would rather be fighting with you then talking.' He doubted that this was news to the Tau. 'Yet we are bound to peace by our Oath. I point this out to underline that we have no reason to lie to you. Have your superiors told you of the point of these negotiations?'

In a pub, so excuse blatent spelling mistakes

I don't think I need to roll it, but I have Common Lore (Jericho) if it seems important

Toxic Mind
2017-12-01, 11:03 AM
"This is pointless." Vahn says, obviously loudly enough that the Tau can hear. "There is no point in us waiting here playing babysitter to these xenos scum. Their very presence is an affront to my senses. I will go wait in the ship. When the negotiations are done, contact me."

He turns to leave, then looks over his shoulder. "If that's alright with you, honored xenos." His tone is mocking, and his grip on his bolter tight.

2017-12-03, 03:36 PM
The xenos sergeant is making noncommittal noises, mulling over just how to respond to Aldwin's question, when Vahn suddenly announces that he is quitting his vigil.

"Ah, w-wait!" the sergeant stammers, taken off guard. "You are unfamiliar with our station. Please allow us to escort you back to your ship, so you do not become lost. There are many corridors, unlabeled in your language."

He looks briefly over his men and nods at two.

"Kais, Shi, please show our honoured guest the way."

The two indicated Pathfinders step to Vahn's side.

"Please follow us, sir," one asks in a soft, slurring voice, more heavily accented than the other Tau you've heard speaking Gothic.

2017-12-04, 03:55 AM
Rafen does his best to suppress his surprise, he'd expected Brother Vahn to sneak off somehow, but to do so so, brazenly, had never occurred to him. Waiting for Vahn and the Xenos guards to leave, Rafen speaks

"Apologies for my brother, we are built for war and battle, and some of us handle diplomacy and standing around better than others. I believe you were about to say something?"

2017-12-05, 11:55 AM
Aldwin is amused at the transparency of Vahn's ploy. Diplomacy was overrated it seemed. He trusted that if the Raptor wanted to try anything he could probably handle it himself.

He is still watching the Tau sergeant to try to judge his motives. Aldwin had assumed that they would know of Ulixies at least but perhaps their superiors wished to keep them in the dark. 'It is possible that you have not been told, or perhaps you have been asked not to speak of it to outsiders?'

If they aren't talking that's fine. If they know anything I want to find out what they know about Ulixies, and hopefully give them a reason not to trust him that they might pass on to Vral.

Toxic Mind
2017-12-05, 12:08 PM
"I have no need of an escort." Vahn almost growls, but he does not attempt to stop the fire warriors from accompanying him. His memory makes their presence superfluous, a fact he keeps concealed, waiting for them to decide how they would escort him.