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2017-09-07, 10:06 PM
The Laser's Edge: Flashpoint Emerald Raven

Dobara is a wretched hive of scum and moral ambiguity. This backwater world was conquered close to a decade ago, and not even the most zealous and empathetic rebels have given a thought to liberating it. Why would they? It's a giant swamp that occasionally gives way to cave-riddled cliffs, a cesspool of a planet that has only survived this long because of extensive trade deals and a thriving criminal underworld.

The booze is cheap, the air is pungent, and the citizenry are unruly. If it weren't for the imperial garrison (understaffed and underfunded) and the regnant bureaucracy (poorly managed and poorly marketed) there would be no reason for you to ever set foot on this footnote of an intergalactic travel destination.

But here you are. The four of you have been summoned to this world by your handlers in the Vasra Supremacy. You have debts, and loyalties, and today they're being called in.

The message brought you to the city of New Oldtown, to the shipping district. Behemoths of corrugated neo-steel grind against each other, and twisting alleys criss-cross through the district in search of an escape. The industry here is dead, or maybe undead. Dobara has never been an industrial hot spot, and attempts like this to create a factory economy have failed dramatically. Still, the abandoned warehouse industry has never been more profitable.

You know each other only by reputation. The 2nd best pirate. A Revoxi. The scourge of New Heaven. That creepy fox thing. You're all expected to play nice. Well, nice is a relative term. Just don't kill each other before Imperial Intelligence shows up.

There's the cue.

An imperial dropship, a black and red spike bristling with jagged angles, drops out of cloaking and smoothly glides into the warehouse you're all waiting in. The vessel lands, and the bay door unfolds to create a gangplank.

Eight jackboots march out and stand in formation, adorned in the black armored uniforms of imperial troopers, with the classic white markings to indicate their grunt status. A red-marked trooper follows after them and stands in front of the block, clearly the squad leader; a redcoat.

Then the Agent emerges.

The Agent is a Vasran of noble stock, with soft crimson skin and subtle horns. His eyes are calculating, piercing, black orbs with orange irises like twin eclipses. His uniform is nondescript, a charcoal peacoat and laborer's boots. Nothing of his appearance would suggest he is anything more than a well-to-do citizen of the Supremacy, but he is possessed of an abiding presence that weighs on you like a lead vest.

The Agent is smoking a cigarette. An exotic laboratory concoction, by the look of it. He takes a long, final drag of its toxic vapors and flicks it to the floor. He crushes it beneath his boot heel, then looks at the four of you as if the cigarette was an allegory for your faces and his boot was an allegory for his boot.

"Let's cut the pleasantries." His voice is gravel-smooth, a rough and low drawl. "You're here because my boss, Lady Shadowmaven, thinks the four of you together can serve the Vasra Supremacy more adequately than as you were before."

"You work for me, I work for Lady Shadowmaven, and she works for the Empress. Welcome to Imperial Intelligence, operatives." He smirks. "The first rule of the job is easy: Imperial Intelligence doesn't exist, and you're all private contractors with no relation to said nonexistent organization."

"This isn't a stealth mission." He jerks his thumb at the jackboots. "I wouldn't be loaning them to you if it were. Don't misuse them; they are the face of the empire, and the empire will not be made a fool of."

The Agent pulls out a data chit and tosses it to the Revoxi. "Details of the mission inside. You have a week to figure out why imperial supply lines in this sector are being disrupted and excise the issue as one would a tumor."

"Don't screw this up." The Agent turns smartly and vanishes into the shadows of the imperial dropship, which only seconds later ascends and cloaks. The transport ship disappears and takes the Agent to parts unknown.

You are given a moment to collect yourselves before the redcoat steps up and delivers the traditional imperial salute, a fist to the chest. She's another Vasran, though a little rougher around the edges and with darker red skin.

"Enforcer Coldfist, sirs. It's my job to translate your operational directives into actionable orders, and keep the troopers in line. I can answer any questions you have about their capabilities, and provide strategic input in combat situations. When you'd like, I can also show you to a safehouse that I-I has procured nearby." She pronounces the acronym for Imperial Intelligence as 'eye-eye', or perhaps 'aye-aye'.

She stands in front of you crisply and awaits your assessment. The other troopers stand at attention.

The data chit classifies this operation as Flashpoint: Emerald Raven. It indicates that Dobara is a low-priority Supremacy world, not fully subsumed into the machine of the empire but not deemed sufficiently dangerous enough to host a large military presence. Every imperial on the planet is there for a reason, involved in bureaucracy or peacekeeping.

Imperial supply lines are sometimes long and meandering, and the supply line that passes through Dobara is certainly one of those. Ships carrying weapons, medkits, and rations land in a bloated bog to refuel, then travel through a shadowy swamp to reach the imperial garrison's murky marsh. Once they've passed inspection and local restocking is complete, the supplies are shipped offworld to the next destination on their journey. This complicated interaction is, the data chit assures you, completely necessary to preserve the integrity of the Supremacy's resource network.

Dobara is of interest to small-time illegal organizations because it has very exciting and dangerous flora and fauna that make delightful sport for the idle rich. The criminal element on this world has been considered irrelevant so far, but I-I has reason to believe they might be connected to the supply line disruption.

The final piece of data you receive is about the disruption itself. The supply line hasn't been broken here,
merely depleted. Sometimes a supply ship goes missing, sometimes simply a few crates go missing.
Such disappearances are suspicious, but more cause for an internal affairs officer to show up. I-I is involved because the rate of disruption is increasing; more is going missing, and garrison command is tight-lipped about the details.

Serve the empire. Enforce the will of the Empress. Find the pest responsible for this and crush them like the pathetic insect they are.

You have gained an aspect with two free charges. You can invoke Emerald Raven Data Chit in any situation where I-I's intel might prove relevant.

All players are restored to their full refresh of Fate Points.

Since it's easier, we're going to be using standard d6 and the forum roller, and just treating 1/2 as a -, 3/4 as a blank, and 5/6 as a +. You can of course choose to spend fate after you've rolled, but if you reroll I'd prefer it if you added a second block rather than editing over the first one.

If you're ever uncertain about what approach a roll should be using, you can always drop a question in OOC. Of course, with the added time that PbP gives us it should be easy to dissect the action that's happening and figure out what fits best.

If you invoke an aspect, make sure to narrate how exactly you're using that aspect to succeed.

2017-09-08, 08:48 AM
Najima wraps her hoodie tightly around herself as she listens to the Agent blabber on about how great he is and litter and leave. What does he know about being in charge? He's never blown up a planet. That cigarette will, at worst, add a finite amount of pollution to Dobara's atmosphere.

"You all sicken me." Najima tells everyone, just to get it out of the way. "Look for the best hunters and we can find out where they're getting their equipment. They must've got their filthy fleshy mitts on weapons somewhere, and the supply ships are as good a place as any."

2017-09-08, 01:42 PM
Metalpaws just looks up at Najima with their big adorable eyes in response to her words, not believing anyone would be "sickened" by them.

2017-09-08, 03:10 PM
Selena's eyes open in mock surprise at the girl's words.

Really? And I did my best to look presentable, just for you. Besides, she goes on, her eyes narrowing, Youre not exactly a looker yourself.

But you do have a point. Pirates are probably our best place to start looking. But they hardly have to be the best to steal from this backwater world.

2017-09-08, 10:33 PM
"Impossible. Our physiologies are close enough to each other, at least in relative terms, that it should be morphologically impossible for any sort of biological residue myself, Captain Vess, or the Vasrans leave behind in the air to render you physically sick." Mika comments almost absentmindedly, intently reading the data chit the Agent left behind. "Unless there was some sort of error in the creation of your artificial form that renders your immune systems vulnerable to one of the aforementioned substances? Worth determining, I suppose."

"Enforcer Coldfist," not missing a beat as he addresses their handler, "What sort of information do we have on local arms dealers and the like? It might be prudent in aiding the investigation."

2017-09-09, 05:09 AM
Coldfist nods at Mika, then delivers a clinical report. "The criminal element here is small but wily. Any efforts to suppress them have been met with a network of boltholes and traps. There's the usual gambling, drug-dealing, and petty theft, but the main draw is smuggling; dangerous animals and valuable plants of interest to off-world buyers. The biggest smuggling ring on the planet is run by a real sleaze, Boss Oleemo. There's also a contingent from the Osiris Arm Cartel, but only a token few."

The Enforcer checks her own chit and reads through it quickly. "Looks like the only known gunrunner is a Telrosi gal who goes by Hawke. Not a native though, she's wanted in most imperial systems. I guess this is just her latest job. Could be something there, sir. I'll send you all we have on her."

Mika receives a laundry list of crimes attached to Hawke, along with speculation by local authorities as to her usual haunts in the region. She's definitely based in New Oldtown, but the jackboots here lack the subtlety to draw her out.

2017-09-09, 06:14 PM
"My form is perfect. I should know; I made it." Najima corrects her 'allies' before she listens through Coldfist's explanation and lets out a long sigh. "Why don't we simply find this Oleemo and destroy them?"

2017-09-09, 06:53 PM
If that is perfection, I must be setting my standards for companionship too high.

Selena sighs as the girl asks why they can't crush them.

Because, child. The Supremacy needs an example. If we just walk in, ray guns blazing, then it will just be another gap for another band of low level pirates to fill. However, I have a solution for that. We go in, take some of them, including thier ring leader, alive. We bring them back for public execution, and my ship and crew take thier place. We can serve as the local criminal authority, the Supremacy loses far less on material than it did, and, since we are working for the Supremacy, the supplies are being used in its service.

2017-09-09, 07:18 PM
Najima blinks slowly. "CHILD?! While you were still learning how to spell your name, I was destroying planets!" She stamps her foot. "If I had my Hypermatter Railgun, I would obliterate you where you stand!"

2017-09-09, 10:02 PM
Not a second after Najima finishes her threat, Mika steps in between the two feuding women, staring the former directly in the eye. "This confrontation serves no practical purpose. If your first response to any minor provocation is to bluster and threaten, perhaps you should not be here. Both of you." Despite the statement being something of an minor insult, his tone remains completely neutral throughout.

"But what Agent Najima says is correct. Targeting the largest criminal element first would likely produce results, if only intel on a more proper target. Shall we begin?"

2017-09-09, 10:12 PM
Metalwpaws yawns. Not for biological reasons. But because this empty shouting is substandard and boring. Princess Darksmile would have already severed the offending party's limbs and used them to repaint the grunts' armor by now.

2017-09-10, 01:58 AM
Coldfist transfers over more data to Mika's chit. It seems she came well-prepared for this mission, or perhaps she simply has access to local files that weren't included in your briefing.

The local smuggler kingpin has been on Dobara since he was a young pickpocket,
and weathered the Supremacy's conquest with a steady grip on his small but respectable crime syndicate.

His location is public knowledge, as he has managed to carefully avoid drawing the ire of the Vasrans.
He pays his taxes on time, which is better than can be said of many a Dobaran citizen. Boss Oleemo lives in and operates out of the only casino on Dobara, in the luxury district of New Oldtown: The Portly Penguin.

2017-09-10, 06:53 AM
"I didn't ask to be here! I'm not allowed a ship!" Najima informs Mika, as she turns her back to her and crosses her arms. "And my name is Najima. Not Agent or whatever other titles you jerks use."

2017-09-10, 08:47 PM
Oh, darling. I am not threatening. Or blustering. I am merely expressing my opinion. But, Serena says, a hand at her hip pushing her coat back to reveal the low slung ray pistol holstered there, If I were to start doing so, you would know.

She takes her hand away from the pistol.

Now, she goes on, rubbing her hands together. Shall we put all this unpleasantness behind us, and discuss how we are going to achieve our goal without disrupting the local economy?

2017-09-10, 09:10 PM
"We could just destroy parts of him. How attached is Oleemo to his genitals?" Najima suggests.

2017-09-10, 09:12 PM
Mika's a guy, by the way. I made that pretty clear in his bio, but I can understand how his nickname might be misleading.

"Define my statement as you will, Captain Vess, provided it allows us to proceed unhindered." Mika says with a shrug. "Intuition leads me to conclude that Boss Oleemo would have some level of knowledge on virtually all criminal activities in a planet as backwater and criminally-constrained as this one. So, I propose we pay a visit to his casino and work out some sort of compromise in exchange for intelligence. With my familial connections, it would be easy enough to work out some sort of pardon for his past crimes. Or perhaps one of you has something in mind?"

2017-09-10, 10:32 PM
Metalpaws rolls over onto their back and paws at the air as they wait for a direction to be agreed upon.

2017-09-11, 08:36 PM
Enforcer Coldfist leads you to the Portly Penguin, New Oldtown's premier casino.

It is a towering monolith of cheap gold foil and weathered brick, looming over the city like a hunchbacked beggar. There is a brass statue in front of the building depicting an excessively rotund creature with flippers and a beak; the titular penguin, perhaps.

Garish lights blink on and off; they are strung across the casino; hanging from the penguin's metallic, corpulent flesh; and ringing the velvet-carpeted entrance to this den of vice. A dozen cheap neon signs advertise the greed and gluttony contained within.

The redcoat and her troopers hang back, ready to join you if the command is given but presenting you with the option to try a subtler approach first.

The door is guarded by a sharkoid with white stripes and a fuzzy little imp creature. The sharkoid gives you a nod and asks, "You here for business or pleasure? We don't get many strangers in these parts." Her stance is guarded, but not suspicious.

The imp says in a tinny voice, "Yeah, not many strangers, ya get me?" His look is far more suspect, and far more intense, despite his diminutive size.

You have 2 free uses of Emerald Raven Data Chit.

2017-09-11, 09:08 PM
I am invoking 2nd Most Infamous Pirate of the Central Lanes.

Selena swaggers up to the front door, her coat flapping open in a gust of wind to reveal her laser sword in its scabbard and ray guns strapped to her thighs. However, she does not slow down as she nears the pair at the door, instead addressing them in a friendly tone of voice. Come now, boys! Surely you already know that my business is my pleasure, and my pleasure is business? She keeps talking to them, even as she walks right past them.

Why don't you run along and tell your boss that Selena Vess is here. Have him send for me at the bar, would you, dearies?