View Full Version : Martial Archetype for Fighter class: Dragon Ascendant

2017-09-08, 12:18 AM
Any thoughts or opinions on this?

Fighter, Martial Archetype: Dragon Ascendant
Dragon Ascendants are Dragonborn who seek to fully awaken their draconic bloodline to become full dragons. They undergo intense physical and mental conditioning to tap into the innate magic of their blood. Many are able to improve themselves and become more in touch with their ancestors, but only a very few of the most dedicated and talented individuals are capable of ascending to pure dragons.

Improved Breath Weapon
Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you add +1 damage per damage dice rolled by your Breath Weapon. In addition, at the beginning of each of your turns in combat when your Breath Weapon is unavailable, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6 on the die, your Breath Weapon is recharged. Your Breath Weapon also recharges if you spend one minute or longer out of combat.

Heightened Senses
Starting at 7th level, the draconic blood in your veins has improved all of your senses. You gain darkvision out to a distance of 60 feet and blindsense to a distance of 10 feet. Additionally, you gain proficiency in the Perception skill. If you are already proficient in Perception, you add double your proficiency bonus to all Perception ability checks.

Improved Physiology
At 10th level, you gain certain perks based on your draconic heritage. Black, Green, Bronze, and Gold Dragonborn gain a swim speed of 30 feet and the ability to breath underwater. Blue, White, Brass, and Silver Dragonborn gain a burrow speed of 30 feet. Red and Copper Dragonborn gain a climb speed of 30 feet.

Elemental Affinity
At 15th level, you become immune to the element associated with your draconic heritage. You also gain immunity to conditions and effects related to that element such as being in a hot environment as a red dragonborn, a cold environment for a white dragonborn, or effects that cause the poisoned condition for a green dragonborn, etc.

At 18th level, your conditioning has paid off and your blood has finally become pure. You are always under the effects of the Shapechange spell but can only use it to change into an adult dragon that corresponds to your draconic heritage, back to your original form, or to become a humanoid or beast whose challenge rating is equal to or less than your fighter level. Your dragon form becomes your true form and this feature replaces the Change Shape ability of metallic dragons.

Variant Rule: Normalized Dragon form

At 18th level, your blood purity has become absolute. You immediately change into a dragon whose type corresponds to your draconic heritage, taking on their physical appearance and characteristics.

Your size becomes Huge.

Your Strength score and maximum Strength score both increase by 6.

Your Constitution score and maximum Constitution score both increase by 4.

You gain natural armor equal to 19 + your Dexterity modifier.

Your speed increases to 40 ft and you gain a flying speed of 80 ft.

If you are a Black, Green, Bronze, or Gold dragon, you gain a Swimming speed of 40 ft and the ability to breath underwater.

If you are a Blue, White, Brass, or Silver dragon, you gain a Burrowing speed of 40 ft.

If you are a Red or Copper dragon, you gain a Climb speed of 40 ft.

You gain proficiency in Dexterity, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.

You gain blindsight to a distance of 60 ft and darkvision to a distance of 120 ft.

When taking the Attack action, you use your Claws. These are natural weapons and you are proficient in using them. On a hit, they deal 2d6 slashing damage. Add your Strength modifier to attack and damage rolls with your claws.

When taking the Attack action, you may substitute one Claw attack for a Bite attack which deals 2d10 piercing damage. This is a natural weapon that you are proficient in using and you add your Strength modifier to your attack and damage rolls made with this attack.

When taking the Attack action, you may substitute one Claw attack for a Tail attack which deals 2d8 bludgeoning damage. This is a natural weapon that you are proficient in using and you add your Strength modifier to attack and damage rolls made with this attack.

As a bonus action, you attempt to use Frightful Presence to intimidate all nearby enemies. Make an Intimidation ability check, this becomes your Frightful Presence DC. Each creature of your choice within 120 feet of you that is aware of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your Frightful Presence DC or become frightened of you for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, it is immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.

Your Breath Weapon damage increases to 10d10 and the range increases to 30 feet if it is a cone breath attack or 60 feet of it is a line breath attack.

You gain the ability to Change Shape. As an action, you can polymorph yourself in a humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating no higher than your character level, or back into your true form. You revert to your true form if you die. Any equipment you are wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new form. In a new form, you retain your alignment, hit points, Hit Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies, and intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as this action. Your statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced by those of the new form, except any class features or legendary actions of that form. When becoming a humanoid form, you retain all of your Fighter class features.

I keep thinking to myself... Martial characters, especially a pure one like a fighter, exists only to deal and take physical damage and take the attack action every round.

Bards, Warlocks, Wizards, etc have immense levels of damage and utility, then starting at 17th level they get True Polymorph, can turn into a dragon, and then also have superior hitpoints and damage to fighters, in addition to a fancy breath weapon, flight, lots of other stuff. So they can replace the group's fighter at that point or at least rival/surpass them at their only job.

So I don't really see the harm in allowing this sort of thing since at least this guy specialized in physical attacks, hitpoints, and his breath weapon his entire character's life.

2017-09-08, 12:48 AM
Well, I usually add in darkvision and better breath weapon damage (2d6 @ 1st, 4d6 @ 5th, 6d6 @ 11th, 8d6 @ 17th) on stock dragonborn so I'm not seeing a problem.

In fact it appears a little bit below the power curve until the capstone dragon form kicks in. I'd personally add in flight but theres the UA feat for that.

I'd advise against the variant though, and maybe just clean up the level 18 ability to just polymorph into an adult dragon once per long rest without concentration and up to 8 hours duration.

2017-09-08, 08:46 AM
I'd consider adding more specificity to the Elemental Affinity feature. Lightning and Acid-based dragonborn should know exactly what it is they're receiving; otherwise the feature becomes either underpowered for them, or horribly abusable.

The 18th level feature, while not overpowered per se (other classes gain similarly powerful features around this level), it is definitely out of line with the level of power a fighter archetype is supposed to provide at 18th Level. Fighter archetype capstones are not usually so dramatic, since a fighter's real capstones are four attacks and an extra action surge. Would you really consider the Purity feature to be on par with things like Survivor or Improved Combat Superiority? That's the only thing I view as a fundamental flaw in the class design; the rest seems groovy.