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Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-09, 09:53 AM
A messenger found you in a nearby village, delivering the following letter:

Sir Jarrak,

I hope that this letter finds you well. Would you join me for supper on the evening of the 13th? There are some curious circumstances which I think warrant further investigation, so I am assembling a party to investigate. I hope I can engage your valuable services.

Galdren, Mayor of Anberd

Isilda visited you a couple days ago. Before leaving, she said, "My father would like you to join us for dinner on Thursday. We're worried about some curious circumstances, and hope you might take part in an investigation. He's putting together a team for the purpose, and that team will be there Thursday."

As you arrived back in the town of Anberd, just passing through, you happened to pass the new mayor, Galdren, in the street.
He remembered you from your last visit. "Some of the townsfolk tell me you've had quite a few adventures," he said. "Oh, don't look worried! I actually could use just that skill set! I'm having a few others over for supper tomorrow night. If you'd be interested in working an investigative job, please join us."

One night, as you played your viol in The Tipsy Troll, one of the customers dropped a letter into your hat. It was this message from the mayor:

Dear Varis,

While your musical talents are delighting many of my citizens, I have a matter to investigate which may require some of your other talents. Please join me for supper on the 13th. I'm assembling a team for what I hope will be a fairly short mission, and I can provide payment. I hope you will join the team.

Galdren, Mayor of Anberd

After arriving in the dinky little town of Anberd, you found yourself staying at The Tipsy Troll. A half-elf with coal black hair and blue eyes played the viol there. The next morning, before you left, Morton the barkeeper handed you a letter that was left for you.

Captain Samani Claspshands,

I hope this letter finds you well. I do not know what business brings you back to Anberd, but I would be grateful if you could provide your investigative assistance on a local matter. I am assembling a team to look into some curious circumstances. If you can spare some time for our mission, I will do my best to compensate you. Please join me at my home for supper tomorrow night if you are interested.

Galdren, Mayor of Anberd

When you came back into the town one day, your sister Andrea gave you a letter which had been left for you.

Dear Mutt,

I hope this letter finds you well. There are some curious circumstances which may mean the town is in danger. I hope I can convince you to join a party to investigate the matter. We are gathering at my home for supper on the 13th. Please join us if you are willing to help.

Galdren, Mayor of Anberd

Each of you has been summoned to meet Galdren at his home this evening for supper. He lives with his daughter Isilda, in a spacious cabin attached to the forge. You have no problems finding your way to his home at the appointed hour. Galdren and Isilda are inside, waiting.

2017-09-09, 12:28 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

A tall figure in a beat up cloak slowly walks up to the edge of the town.

Reaching into his pouch he drew out a note and read it once more. It had been a while since he'd heard from Galdren, long enough that he hadn't known about the smith becoming the new mayor of the town. Too long.

He threw back the hood on his cloak, letting his blonde hair spill down his shoulders, then marched into town with a smile on his face. The place hadn't changed much since he left, and before long he found himself standing outside Galdren's cabin.

He reached up to knock on the door, saw his own hand and paused to wipe what he could of the dust and the trail off on his already dirty cloak before knocking.

"Anybody home?"

2017-09-09, 01:19 PM
Martin came to the house, dressed in his finer clothes but wearing no signet ring. The idea of working for investigation was not initially appealing to him but he had been on the other end of this process more than once, and this would allow him to further think up his counter measures.

One they are greeted he enters the house smiling, shaking the hand of both Galdren and his daughter. "So how is life as a mayor treating you? Martin said in an effort to make small talk with Galdren, I'm sure, as capable as you are you've taken it in your stride.

2017-09-09, 01:27 PM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)

Varis picks up the letter. He wondered what it was, a letter from an admirer? This was a rather small town, Varis would have to careful with things of that nature...

On the 13th Varis is heading towards the mayor's house. Not a letter from a fan then. Though Galdren had been impressed by Varis' recollection of his escapades. He wondered why a mayor of a small town such as this would want to 'assemble a team'. Perhaps bandits? Varis hoped it was nothing too serious. He rather liked the little town. He usually took a vacation, staying in a small town like this for a month or two, provided there was enough audience for him to make a living. Whatever this was, Varis hoped there was a money involved. His purse was very light at the moment.

Varis notices someone waiting at Galdren's doorstep. "Evening! Jarrak, wasn't it?" Varis says cheerily to the other half-elf."Are you here about the mission as well?"

2017-09-09, 01:28 PM
To AndreaWhat no greetings just a letter and send me on my way? He says with a stern face til he breaks down and gives Andrea a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. How's work sis? Hear any good gossip? Any new suiters? He says with a growl. Well looks like I may be gone awhile longer. I brought you some pheasant here. I love you sis. he says with a grin his typical farewell.

His whole mood changes from that moment. His home dispite the poor treatment was in trouble. He walks up to the door and knocks. He says I hope this is worth my time.
I could be spending time with my sister. still a stern expression.

2017-09-09, 01:46 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

Jarrak turned, surprised to see a familiar face. They'd never been introduced to each others, but when people traveled the towns as much as he did they'd inevitably cross paths. And he recognized the man he'd occasionally seen in taverns from time to time. Good entertainers were worth remembering.

Besides, he was quite sure that besides the two of them there were hardly any half-elfs to be found for leagues in any direction.

"Well met," He says offering his hand to the newcomer with a smile, "You are right, Jarrak is my name and if I'm not mistaken you're Varis the bard?"

2017-09-09, 04:35 PM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

So this was Anberd? It slightly struck a chord in her mind, but really, these places all looked the same compared to the way cities just made sense. In a rural town, you couldn't tell where you were in by the way the road felt beneath your boots or by the way the air smelled. (Not to say that the air did not smell, but it was all the same smell.) There wasn't any sport to finding your way around. It must have made coppering out here an utter bore.

Samani felt at once both claustrophobic and agoraphobic. There were so few people, but they were all just far too cozy. The first time she'd left Crowhame to visit the countryside, she'd become immediately suspicious with how friendly and talkative everyone was. It struck her that the entire town must have had something to hide. Of course, she'd been right, but the problem was that these small towns hid more secrets than they had any right to and it made finding real leads immensely irritating. She cared about actual crimes, not trivialities like that the local tanner had been paying off the butcher to hide that he'd been (as the saying goes) sneaking flowers into the barmaid's mailbox.

With such experience in mind, she was entirely unsurprised to receive a note after her first bloody night in town. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she read the note as the barman looked on. Galdren? The name sounded familiar, though maybe that was Gundren or Galavant or something... Either way, a letter from the mayor wasn't the worst place to start sniffing about, and so Samani finds herself outside the mayor's property the next night.

She notes that the two half-elves that have already arrived seem to know one another. There are also a few more people already in the house, and so she makes her way into the door, greeting Galdren with a firm handshake. "Good evening, Mayor," she says, "It's quite the... ehm, team you've assembled here. I can hardly imagine the circumstances that must have warranted it. Still, I'm never one to turn down the hospitality of a free meal."

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-09, 05:25 PM
Galdren welcomes each of you in turn, as you arrive.

"Come on in, Jarrak, it's good to see you! And Varis, yes, take a seat at the table."

"Martin, welcome! Being mayor is a balancing act, but that's part of why you're here."

He gestures them to the large oak table, with seats all around it. His daughter is bringing in serving bowls of meat and vegetables, and there is already bread and rice on the table.

"Captain! I'm so glad you could make it. I don't believe you've been around these parts since returning that sword to me, but you are always welcome. These are, indeed, strange circumstances, and unfortunately the local law enforcement is not entirely available at the moment. But we'll get to all that in due time."

"Some of you already know her, but this is my daughter Isilda," he adds, as she comes back in with a pitcher of ale. "Isilda has taken over my forge since I became mayor. Thank you for grabbing the rest of the food, dear," he adds, speaking to Isilda.

"Of course," she replies.

"I'm expecting a couple more, so I'll hold off on the business talk, but feel free to begin dining. Take a bowl and add whatever you'd like, there's more in the kitchen."

He settles down at the head of the table, snatching a roll and beginning to eat. Isilda sits on the far end, contenting herself for the moment with a few sips of ale.

2017-09-09, 09:07 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

Jarrak clasps hands with Galdren, "Congratulations on becoming the mayor."

He sets his bag, cloak, sword and armor in a corner, and pulls a small jar out of his things.

"Thanks for the hospitality," He says as he bows his head to Galdren and Isilda, "I'm afraid I didn't have much time to get anything so I'm afraid this is all I have to contribute to the meal."

He sets a jar of honey down next to the rolls.

He dishes up some food and ale, glancing over to Isilda, "How's business?"

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-09, 09:38 PM
To Mutt's arrival, Galdren responds, "Well, I certainly hope it will prove worth your time, but I suppose you'll have to be the judge of that. I do appreciate your coming here."

Galdren acknowledges Jarrak's gift, "Why thank you, but there was no need to contribute to tonight's meal."

And upon the knight's query, Isilda replies, "The forge has been quite busy. At first everyone's a little unsure, they're so used to Father. But they're willing to give me a chance, and they've kept coming back." She smiles a little uncomfortably, proud of her success but not eager to boast of it.

So sorry, I missed Mutt's entrance between the other posts! :smallredface: So that means Karghun will be the last to arrive.

2017-09-10, 12:49 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

A few days ago
Karghun sat by the fire listening to Isilda's tale. The young woman had seemed to grow so fast. These short-lived humans were always rushing things...including how quickly they became adults. He nodded his head as he stared at the flames in the hearth. "It is strange. You can tell your father I'll be happy to help him out of course. A team, eh? It'll be interesting to see what kind of team he has in mind. Team. That term cracks me up. Your father." He chuckles a bit.

After visiting, he shows Isilda out, handing off some of his most recent shipment from home. Parsnip and carrot soup. Some things grew pretty well underground, and the Argent Hills had some great chefs, surprisingly, who were willing to pass on some great recipes. "Make sure the old man is getting enough to eat."

Kurghen walks into Galdren's house without bothering to knock. "Sorry I'm late, Galdren. I've been trying to arrange for a merchant who can...." Kurghen pauses as he sees the small arrangement of strangers around the house. He silently takes each of them in, assessing their possible usefulness to his old friend. He finally nods to the collection, "Hello. You must be, He looks at Isilda and smiles, "the team. I'm Kurghen Silvergforged. Galdren and I go back....well, further than he'd probably like to admit. "

Kurghen walks past the others and helps himself to a mug, pours himself some ale, and finally has a seat at the table. "Did we start yet?"

2017-09-10, 02:32 PM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)

"Indeed I am. I heard from Morton you're the one responsible for those direwolf heads. You must tell me the story some day. Morton's told it, sure, but I'd be eager to hear the first-hand account."

Varis enters the room, and greets the mayor and his daughter eagerly with a wide grin. "I'm afraid I didn't bring anything for the dinner table, but perhaps I can play something after the meal", Varis says and sets his violin case down.

"I'm expecting a couple more, so I'll hold off on the business talk, but feel free to begin dining. Take a bowl and add whatever you'd like, there's more in the kitchen."

"Well then, don't mind if I do", Varis says and starts filling his plate with gracious portions. Offer of free food was something he'd always take advantage of.

As Varis starts eating, he wonders what the local law enforcement couldn't deal with. Honestly, it was probably plenty of things. That Hannon fellow wasn't bad or anything, certainly better than the many crooked city guards Varis had had to deal with in the past. Those were often worse than the criminals themselves. No, Hannon could be much worse, but likely not that much help in solving actual, serious crimes.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-10, 03:09 PM
"Welcome, Karghun. We were just about to begin, and introductions are a good way to start. Some of you already know each other, but some of you aren't from Anberd."

Galdren indicates the dwarven cleric who just entered. "Karghun Silverforge, of Anberd," and then the other dwarf, "Captain Samani Claspshands, from Crowhame, who successfully tracked down a stolen sword for me years ago."

He gestures to a man with great, bushy beard. "Mutt here is an excellent hunter, who keeps an eye out for any trouble heading in from beyond town."

Then Galdren turns to another man, in fine clothes. "Martin Riders, a trader with some adventures to his name."

"Varis," he says, pointing out the entertainer, "whose talents are not limited to music."

"And finally," the mayor says, gesturing to the first of the visitors to have arrived, "Jarrak of Blackmoore, who once slew a pair of dire wolves who were terrorizing the town."

He takes a few sips of ale, and his face turns serious. "Thank you all for joining me this evening. There are a number of curious circumstances that have come to my attention recently, and I suspect there may once again be some kind of dangerous beast in the area around Anberd. First of all, Isilda has noticed that there are a lot of used weapons and tools coming in as scrap. They've mostly been found out in the woods beyond the nearest villages. This alone seemed quite strange, but it's not clear where they're coming from."

He pauses for a moment, before continuing. "Our sheriff, Hannon, is known to visit the woods to the north, past the village of Oakwell, for frequent hunting trips. It's a three-day ride there, three days back, and he generally hunts for two to three days before returning. He's been gone now for sixteen days, without any messages. He hasn't been seen in Oakwell since his party left there for the hunt."

"But our messenger came back from Oakwell, and said Hannon's not the only one missing. There seem to be several villagers missing as well. I'm not sure what's out there, but I'd like you to head out there and see if you can sort out the problem. Figure out what's out there, find Hannon and the other missing villagers, if you can, and see if you can put an end to this."

"What do you say?"

2017-09-10, 05:33 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

"This sounds pretty serious," Jarrak notes, setting his ale down and sitting back in his chair, "Missing people, and a sudden appearance of weapons and tools? It sounds like somebody has moved into those woods."

"I'm willing to look into this."

2017-09-10, 09:47 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Karghun snorts. "You know you didn't need to bribe me with drinks and food to get me to look into this. Of course I'll go, whether or not anyone else signs on. Anything else we should know?"

2017-09-10, 11:17 PM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

"Missing persons, Galdren?" Samani sighs, "And Anberd's sheriff among them? I'm amazed your entire town hasn't collapsed into anarchy... but that's just the city in me talking, and I suppose it's beside the main point. What kind of people have been going missing, do you know? It could make quite the difference in approaching the situation, if the missing persons are all hunters or mostly those who stay in the town."

2017-09-10, 11:25 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Karghun chuckles. "If anyone acts up around here without Hannon around, they know ol' Galdren will knock them around." Though he didn't seem upset on the outside, his thoughts were swirling. It was extremely unlike Hannon to just disappear and not tell anyone what was going on. Something must have happened. Part of what drew Karghun to this area was the people...the quiet...what was going on?

2017-09-10, 11:37 PM
Mutt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)

This concerns Mutt greatly. Hannon was an old friend of Mutts father. The man was there for help, after thier father died and step mom was out of thier life, whenever Mutt and Andrea needed it though they preceded to look after themselves. He may not have called his son friend but he wasn't tortured by him.

Mutt chimes in Is his son on the trip as well? Does anyone else know anything? trying to not show his concern though he felt the need to leave right then. Should be tell his sister?

2017-09-11, 04:59 AM
Hmm, if there was something going on there this could pin him down unable to travel for a little to long, whereas these others seemed an interesting enough bunch.

Sure, I'll lend a hand, little else for me to do this season and it's always important to look for everyone's safety. Although would you know if things can be provided for the costs of doing all this.

2017-09-11, 05:26 AM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)

No wonder Hannon couldn't do anything about this, he was a victim himself. Varis thought about asking whether there was a reward included, but everyone volunteered so quickly, it seemed crass. Perhaps after the whole thing was resolved, he could inquire about it more tactfully. Or perhaps he would find something valuable during the mission that would serve as reward.

"Sure, I'm in. Sounds exciting." It would be a shame if the peace and quiet of this little town was disturbed. Disappearances could be due to many things, like beasts, but weapons don't just appear out of nowhere.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-11, 08:32 AM
Galdren listens to the reactions of his team. Good, he thinks, I at least have a team for this.

Then he begins to address their concerns. "Hannon left with a few other men from the town guard. His son didn't leave on this trip. As for the missing people in Oakwell, the messenger didn't get many details, he thought it was more important to get back to Anberd with the news."

2017-09-11, 12:41 PM

Mutt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Well if we are all agreed then shall we leave tomorrow? Galdren gave short introductions before so how about we complete the introduction and maybe start some plan making?
I'll start. Yes I hunt well. I use every part of the beast I kill. I also keep watch over these lands and how this situation escaped me is beyond my comprehension. I have some nature magic mostly dedicated to survival. I am skilled with animals. I can mix up batches of herbs for health or enjoyment. I have some stealthy magic as well. Let us complete introductions and plans quickly so I don't miss too much time with my sis. She is baking a cake for desert.

2017-09-11, 02:30 PM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)

"Alright, then introductions!" Varis says and gives a deep bow, flourishing his coat sleeves as if he had a cloak. "If you've spent an evening in the Tips Troll, you may have heard me play, and so you must know I'm an excellent entertainer. I have light feet and..." with a flick of his wrist, Varis brings out a shuriken hidden inside his sleeve. With another quick motion he throws the shuriken at the wall. "...that."

Varis gives Galdren a guilty look. "Ah, sorry about the wall." He clears his throat and plucks the shuriken out of the wall. "It sounds like Hannon might have gotten far. Can you provide us with horses? I don't own one myself. Very expensive to keep up."

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-11, 03:06 PM
Galdren only laughs at the shuriken trick. "I think the wall will be okay, but do be mindful."

At the mention of horses, his eyes light up. "Ah, yes. The town can provide you with horses and feed for the journey. We'll try to help with any other accommodations you feel are necessary. I'll provide you with a letter that should allow you to put your inns' stays on Anberd's tab. But that doesn't count for unlimited ale!" He laughs a bit more, helping himself to another glass.

2017-09-11, 03:16 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Karghun winces as the shuriken lands in the nice oaken walls of his friend's dining room. He shakes his head in distaste at the mark as the young bard pulls his weapon out of the wall. "I hit things hard with my hammer. If they still be standin' after that....I hit 'em again." As he speaks, he stands and makes his way over to where the shuriken had previously been stuck in the wall. He reaches up and moves his hand down the wooden structure, almost caressing it. As his hand passes over it the second time, the mark is completely gone. He turns and gives a disapproving glare to Varis. "A craftsman spent his life learning to make structures like this. Let's not be so careless, eh?" He then looks around at the others to see what kind of people his friend had brought together.

2017-09-11, 04:26 PM
Mutt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
To Varis he says"I have to agree with Karghun only because my father helped build most everything in this town that's made from wood. He was a skilled carpenter. I bet you are capable of much more then entertaining and tossing blades or else you wouldn't be here.
I for one have thouroughly enjoyed your performances." To Karghun he says "I doubt that's all you can contribute. Thank you for the quick repair friend."

2017-09-11, 08:25 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

"I am Jarrak of Blackmoore, a sell-sword by trade. By necessity I'm a trained woodsman and hunter, though only enough to get by," he pauses then adds, "I also have some small skill at mending wounds."

2017-09-11, 09:37 PM
Mutt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
To Jarrak"Jarrak was it? The wolf killer? I hope you put use to the wolves bodies paying them honor. Though I'm fairly sure it That situation could have been resolved with less bloodshed it proves your capable. I welcome your company and will enjoy hunting with you, just let's avoid killing more then nessarry."

2017-09-12, 07:19 AM
Martins eyes case shifting between the other diners and he raises to his feet, a warm smile across his face.

I'm Martin, I've not had wrestled with the foes quite as often as you lot have, but I've got my own tricks in any fight and I'm always ready to help when needed. My skills more in winning friends than winning fights here but I'll always have your back when I need it.

2017-09-12, 08:44 AM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

Samani takes a roll from the bowl and slices it in half. She spreads honey over the bread and hardly glances up from her plate as she speaks. It is, however, hardly a shy gesture.

"As our host said, I'm Watch Captain Samani Claspshands of Crowhame. No doubt most of you know what that entails." She looks up pointedly at the more roguish characters, "...some of you more than others. Regardless, I am not here for anything other than Galdren's mission, so nobody stand up."

She doesn't quite chuckle at the last statement. After the introduction, she turns back to Galdren, "I suppose that makes sense. Can't expect everyone to know the most important details, after all. Any recommendations on who we should talk to when we get to Oakwell?"

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-12, 10:09 AM
"Well," Galdren replies, "I'd talk to Thurbin, first. He's the village elder. I imagine he has an idea of what's going on, or at least who else you should talk to."

2017-09-12, 01:32 PM
"A craftsman spent his life learning to make structures like this. Let's not be so careless, eh?"

Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)

"Fair point, master Karghun. But I did spend a fair amount of my youth practicing this well." with a quick motion, the odd weapon disappears back into Varis' sleeve. "I think I should be allowed to show off once in a while."

Varis responds to Samani's look with a pleasant smile. Varis wasn't exactly overjoyed to be working with someone from a watch, but he trusted Galdren's judgement, so she couldn't be all that bad.

Nothing more to add, ready to move on.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-12, 08:27 PM
The group gets to know each other a little bit more over the remainder of their meal, and both Galdren and Isilda thank them for taking on this mission. Galdren provides the group with a letter, affixed with the mayor's seal, which will afford them accommodations at the town's expense.

Then he also offers them each 5 gp as an advance payment for their services, and arranges for mounts to be available for them the next day.

* * * * *

The next morning, the group is ready to depart after breakfast. The road north is small and lightly traveled, but will easily take them to Oakfell with a three days' ride. It passes by a number of small villages, if they can even be called villages. It is about a days' ride between inns in this area.

The party sets out on the road north. After a short time, they catch up to a group of elves also taking the road north. There are two of them on horseback, with a third driving a small cart laden with fabrics.

After a moment, you recognize that these are elves who work in Anberd with the merchant, Sal.

2017-09-12, 10:18 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

Jarrak greets the others cheerfully in the morning, looking much less ragged after having a night at an inn to clean himself up.

He chats with anybody interested in talking and happily shares a few amusing tales he picked up in his travels.

This continues until the elves come into sight. Slowly Jarrak's expression becomes more solemn and quiet as the other travelers get closer and closer.

2017-09-12, 10:43 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Karghun arrives with bleary eyes and a large mug of steaming coffee. "Not a morning person," he says as he checks out saddles and harnesses on the horse. "Gonna have t' gimme a bit afore I'm much of a talker." His mood improves incrementally as he gets more and more of the coffee into himself. Karghun slows his horse as they come upon the elves travelling the road but once he recognizes them, he waves. "Ho! How's it going boys? Braving the roads even with all the problems, eh? Guess ol' Sal believes there's no reason not to keep making money, eh?."

2017-09-13, 05:25 AM
Mutt wakes up, likely before anyone else and begins his day by checking his trap and finding some wild fruit in which he crushes and spreads on some leftover biscuits his sis made. He readies his mind with spells and ritually casts speak with animal before heading to the meeting place. He kisses his sister's head before he goes. She is still asleep.

When he arrives he thanks the horses for thier assistance and explains the situation in order to motivate them. He appologizes for the burden he and the others will be. He knows they sense the predator in him and assures them that he won't eat them. He asks them for any assistance they can give like watching for danger closely. [roll0] handle animal

He then asks "Has everyone eaten?"

When they approach the elves in elven he says "Hello there. Fine day for travel.
What brings you out from Anberd?"

2017-09-13, 07:41 AM
Martin arrives in good order, managing not to show much of his tiredness, he makes polite conversation with the others while they ride out, constantly asking about thier personal histories.

When he spies the elves he stays quiet, not wanting to begin the conversation until he is more certain of the elve's disposition.

2017-09-13, 10:14 AM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

There are some things that really transcend origins, Samani muses as she rides. Despite being a city dwarf, she found herself much like Karghun in some ways. Chiefly apparent on this day to be her feelings on mornings. She spends the first hours responding to queries in singular words and otherwise operating entirely on habit.

By the time the elves appear, she has gained a semblance of consciousness, enough so that she notices Karghun's familiarity with them. She turns to him and asks simply, "You know these people?"

Without waiting for a response, she addresses the elves, "Morning. Risky business, being out here without guard. How far are you all headed today?"

2017-09-13, 11:21 AM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Kaarghun nods in response to Samani's question. "Aye. They're employed by Sal, a merchant in town. In fact, it was him that I was talkin' t' right afore I came in on dinner last night. I'm looking into gettin' some materials moved in t' town t' start puttin' together ma own church."

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-13, 11:42 AM
One of the elves on horseback rides closer to the party and returns their salutations. "Greetings, friends and strangers! My name is Eolas, and my companions are called Piriel and Triss. We're merely visiting the villages to sell some wares. But this road isn't usually described as dangerous! What are these problems you speak of?"

Triss pulls her horse closer and chimes in, "And if it's so dangerous, what brings you this way?"

2017-09-13, 11:45 AM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Karghun, having finally fully woken up, chuckles at the elf's responses. "Very astute. Very astute. Well, t' answer the second question first, we're on this road because of the danger." Karghun pauses as his face scrunches a little in thought. "Well, that's not completely true. We're on the road to determine if there is, in fact, a danger. Some people have come up missing, and we're heading out to take a poke around. Have ya' heard of anythin' strange going on out here?"

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-13, 01:03 PM
"Nothing too strange," replies Eolas. "I know Hannon's crew is missing, but they went hunting in the Werewoods," he adds, using an old name for the forest, "and we've no intention of heading out there. Who else is missing?"

2017-09-13, 01:19 PM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

"That's one of the things we're wondering about ourselves." Samani replies, "My advice would be to keep a wide berth between yourselves and Oakwell for the time being... and maybe even hire yourself a guard."

2017-09-13, 01:23 PM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)

Varis moves to front to greet the elves. "Morning fellas. We don't know exactly who's missing yet. Some people from Oakwell."

"So, you've heard about Hannon? Has there been something weird happening in Werewoods then?"

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-13, 02:43 PM
"Well, I don't know about anything weird there, aside from Hannon's crew going missing," answers Eolas. "But perhaps we'll stop short of Oakwell."

From the cart, Piriel calls out, "Have you any interest in our fine fabrics? Or valuable spices from the eastern regions of Merthen?"

2017-09-13, 08:03 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
"I'm Sure your wares are exceptional and maybe I'll purchase something later for my sister but I think we should make all do haste to see if Hannon still lives."

2017-09-13, 08:28 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

Jarrak bows his head slightly, holding up a hand and shaking his head to politely indicate he's not interested in Piriel's offer.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-14, 09:38 AM
Piriel answers back, "I see. Well, safe travels, and do come back in one piece!"

I'll wait a bit in case anyone else wants to interact with the elves, then we can push forward.

2017-09-14, 03:19 PM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)

"Tell Sal I said hi. And it might do good to be vary of any armed strangers you might meet."

2017-09-15, 10:33 AM
Karghun chuckles. "Or even unarmed strangers. Not everyone needs a weapon to be dangerous!"

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-15, 04:31 PM
The elves laugh at Karghun's admonition, and slowly fade behind you after you've passed them. The journey goes without incident for most of the day, and you begin to feel that there is no danger on this road.

* * * * *

But as evening nears, you hear voices off the road a little ahead of you and to your left. A man's voice shouts out, then several seconds later this is followed by a ghastly, hair-raising growl and a woman's scream. You can't see where this is happening, through the combination of trees and the rising slope of the ground before you, but it can't be far from the road.

You recognize what the man shouts, a colorful profanity in the Infernal tongue.

2017-09-15, 04:38 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Mutt leaps from the saddle and runs to find the comotion.

2017-09-15, 04:47 PM
Martin leaps off the horse and edges towards the side of the clearing, no sense in rushing into combat when there are other hot headed men willing to do so on your behalf.

2017-09-15, 05:24 PM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)
AC: 15 HP: 17/17

As Varis hears the shouts, he momentarily freezes. He hadn't heard the alien language for such long time, not since the monastery, where the monks used it. Varis starts when Mutt leaps from the saddle and runs towards the screams. Varis curses, but hops down from the saddle and runs after Mutt.

"<Elvish> This is bad, this is bad..." Varis mutters. If it really was someone from the monastery... Varis now was very aware he hadn't properly trained in many years. Sure, he'd gotten some practice in street fights, but he didn't actually search out troubles as a rule. His ki control was so out of whack, he would have gotten a beating if he had to demonstrate to a an older acolyte.

Varis almost stumbles on a tree root, and so decides to focus on the moment instead of worrying.

I noticed I didn't add explanation in backstory why Varis knew such an odd language. Well, that was the reason.

2017-09-15, 11:57 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

After the elves move on Jarrak slowly relaxed, looking more like himself, and less like a soldier at attention.

As the miles go on he becomes less introspective and more social again. Still by the end of the day he was happy for the silence of the trail. His companions seemed like largely good people, and were fun to talk to, but years of solitary travel had left him with an appreciation for silence and solitude. And the end of the day was a nice relaxing trip down the trail, with the promise of a soft bed and a warm meal only hours away.

But his daydreams of a warm hearth and ale were shattered when heard the noise ahead.

The lumbering man was nowhere near as quick as some of his companions, but what he lacked in sheer speed he made up in enthusiasm. Crashing to the ground he hit the ground running, pull his shield around into place as he heard the snarl.

"Ye gods," He swore beneath his breath, "Not more wolves."

The scream of the woman pushed away any misgivings he had about charging into this danger. He might regret running headlong into what he found, but not as much as he'd regret leaving some poor soul to die.

He roared, slamming his gauntlet against his shield, his armored knuckles evoking a metalic ring from the shield as it impacted on the crudely painted lion embossed upon it.

From a tactical standpoint it was foolish as all hell. But if it was an animal the noise might scare it off. If it wasn't? Well, he hoped it might draw attention away from the victims being attacked long enough for them to arrive.

2017-09-16, 11:41 AM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Karghun lowered his head and covered his eyes with his hands. These young ones would be the death of him. If he didn't owe so much to Galden, he'd turn around and head home right this moment. He yells after the one who calls himself Mutt, "Get back here, ya right fool. There's safety in numbers. If'n it's anything more than a beastie, then you're gonna get yourself all dead,
and I'll have some explainin' to do t' your loved ones."

The screaming woman was a trick he'd seen both in town and in the wild. Nobody could withstand a lass in distress. Also, had these children never heard a mountain lion scream? It sounded just like a woman. That would be best case scenario, really. Finally, the lumbering dwarf hops down off his horse and reluctantly grabs his hammer, marching towards the commotion. "Fall in and form up! Keep tight and keep your eyes open. Squishy types in the middle!" He hoped some of this troop was more dangerous than they appeared.

Perception to locate the source of the disturbance: [roll0]

2017-09-16, 02:38 PM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

"Man's got a point." Samani adds before calling for the rest to enter formation, "Though it may not be a bad idea for a couple of us to survey the site quickly so we know what we're getting into."

While she was used to situations like this, there was a huge difference between sending a couple coppers into a dark alley and doing the same in the wilderness. Regardless, her shield would be no less useful, prompting her to draw it and her longsword.

"Mutt, why don't you stand by me while we move ahead, since you're so eager to see what's going on?"

Samani will draw her shield and longsword, then dash forward to come abreast of Mutt so they can move together.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-16, 03:50 PM
As the group moves forward and more or less organizes their formation, they catch a glimpse of action unfolding before them. A man with horns growing out of his head is caught in a net, suspended from a tree. He is clearly a tiefling, though not all of you have seen one before. Beyond him, a terrifying creature with sharp, dagger-like spines along its tail and body, large wings, and a forked trident crouches, staring intently at a woman and hissing.

The woman has long, golden curls falling onto her leather armor, a bow at the ready. She quickly and expertly draws two arrows and shoots; each of them strikes true, and the devil lets out a blood-curdling shriek.

Meanwhile, the tiefling cuts a gash through the net and tumbles onto the ground. He turns toward your group as he rises, stepping into the trees for cover. He seems to pay no attention to the combat behind him.

Everyone in the party is in the same initiative block. You all get a turn, in whichever order, then the devil acts, then it's back to the top with the woman archer and the tiefling.

The battle map is linked in my sig. There's a Map Legend tab now which should clarify what you're looking at, but questions are fine. I approximated where I thought you ended up after your initial reactions; if you want to slightly adjust your position that's fine.
Use coordinates (i.e. the tiefling moves to Q14) to specify where you're moving, in an OOC spoiler. If you don't care as much about the specifics, I'll interpret any more general movement descriptions you provide and put you somewhere fitting.

2017-09-16, 06:37 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

Jarrak missed a step as he saw the winged monstrosity.

Suddenly I pine for the wolves.

The creature obviously had it's eye on the archer who's bow wasn't going to do her much good if that thing closed in on her. He charged around the side of the creature, turning in to place himself between it and the woman, his sword sweeping out at the monster to drive it back.

Moving to T-13 and standard attack on the creature.
Attack [roll0] Damage[roll1]

2017-09-16, 07:18 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Pack tactics. Sourround and overwhelm. No escape. Must protect this land.
Mutt rushes to a spot near Jarrak. He gives a deep growl and slashes his arm foward. As he slashed he grows long black nails and an even longer arm that stabs and grabs at the demon dragging it next to Mutt. The bear figurine around mutts neck poses similiarly. "You two ok?"
Move: V14
Action: thorn whip [roll0] damage [roll1] magical piercing damage if hits drags 10ft closer to U14 I think (trying to put it between Mutt and Jarrak)
Object iteraction: Don Shield

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-16, 09:22 PM
Jarrak's sword work fails to connect, but before the devil can react, Mutt's attack draws him closer.

To Mutt's query, the woman looks confused for a second, then shouts out, "Don't let him get away!"

The thorn whip hits and pulls the devil to U14.
Mutt, is your AC 19 now, with the shield?

2017-09-16, 09:28 PM
no I guess I just forget that shields don't count unless you Don them when calculting ac I'll fix it shortly

"My prey never escapes!"

2017-09-17, 12:05 AM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Kurghen is pleased for a brief moment when the others agree to cluster up and approach carefully. That only lasts for a few moments before Jarrak and Mutt rush forward. The dwarf sighs and mutters something to himself as he begins to follow. He approaches the tiefling, placing himself between the demon and the tiefling. "What's goin' on here? Explain quickly."

Move to R14

2017-09-17, 04:35 AM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)
AC: 15 HP: 17/17 Ki: 2/2

Varis was in a way relieved the ones who had been speaking infernal had actually been two devilish creatures and not mortal assassins. But was the tiefling with the devil or not? Karghun seemed to be taking care of him. Better deal with the obvious monstrosity first.

Varis rushes towards the devil, drawing his sword. He swings at it, and for good measure, throws a punch aimed at its bony gut.

Attack with shortsword: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Unarmed attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-17, 12:59 PM
To Karghun's question, the tiefling briefly replies, "Well, she trapped me in that bloody net! Crazy woman!"

Varis's shortsword connects, though it doesn't leave as deep of a wound as the blow usually would leave. His punch, however, is easily evaded as the devil turns its eyes toward the monk.

The devil has resistance to mundane melee damage.

2017-09-17, 02:37 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Karghan scowls at the tiefling and points a finger at him, coming within six inches of his face. "You stay right there until we get this sorted out." He turns and yells over to the woman. "Oi...you! What's your story?"

2017-09-18, 08:44 AM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

"Some rope, man!" Samani shouts toward the other dwarf, "Make sure he can't hurt himself or anyone else before we can get his account. And someone might want to do the same for our other participant, while we're at it. We can figure out the situation once that devil is gone."

She rushes toward the devil as she explains, attempting to close with her longsword held low, striking upward from her guarded pose as she entered range. As she does so, she feels a powerful surge of righteous fury. Putting down something undeniably evil struck her as a rare moment of actual justice in a world that never seemed to hold clear cut answers.

Samani will move to flank the devil and will then strike it with a Divine Smite.

Movement: 20 ft. to T14
Longsword Attack: [roll0]
Longsword Damage: [roll1] slashing damage
Divine Smite (1st Level): [roll2] + [roll3](fiend) radiant damage

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-18, 08:54 AM
Samani's effort is valiant, but her shouting alerts the devil to her incoming attack. The devil ducks below her jab with preternatural quickness, and her sword merely glances off of the edge of one of its fiendish spines.

You do not lose the spell slot, since you can choose whether to smite after learning whether the attack hits.

2017-09-18, 10:00 AM
Martin rushes to the side of the archer.

Don't panic we're on your side", he says through heavy breaths. He glances at her chest checking for wounds.

He then hurls insults at the devil I've eaten pies with more profane might than you!

Viscous mockery cantrip, wis save or [roll0] pshycic damage and disadvantage on attacks.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-18, 10:50 AM
The devil is stung by the potency of Martin's words. It is obviously wounded, and darts into the sky before anyone can stop it. Unfurling its batlike wings, the spined devil flies over a tree, hovering in place, before turning its steely gaze on the woman once more.

For her part, the woman turns her attention to the tiefling. She lifts her bow and fires two arrows at the fiend-blooded man. One of them pierces his leather armor, and he cries out with a shriek. The archer starts to run towards the tiefling; without pausing to answer Karghun, the tiefling starts to run off in the direction the party came from. But he stops, turns and utters an incantation. The ring on his finger glows bright red for a moment.

Just as the ring glows, you see another, even smaller, devil appear—an imp. It is hovering in the space O16.
Then he shouts out, in the infernal tongue.

"Stop them from getting me!"

The spined devil disengages. I've marked it on the map, but note that it is now elevated 15 ft. off the ground.
Martin and Jarrak, you may make an opportunity attack against the archer if you so desire.
Karghun, you may make an opportunity attack against the tiefling if you so desire.
The initiative order is being altered. Karghun and Varis can now go, in whichever order. Then I get a turn before the rest of the party goes.

2017-09-18, 11:57 AM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

The arrow strikes the tiefling and he cries out. "Blast it, woman. I asked ya t' explain yourself. Not shoot the..."The tiefling begins to make a break for it. Karghun growls as he brings his hammer down towards the retreating creature. "Hey now. I warned' ye not t' go anywhere 'til we could sort this out."

Attack: for damage.

Shaking his head, he comes to realize that the best way to settle things was going to be to knock things around now and ask questions later. He really should have listened and tied the tiefling up while he had the chance. He brings his hammer around for another swing on the tiefling.

Nonlethal again...trying to knock him out.
Attack: [roll2] for d8+4 damage
Crit damage in case either attack crits: [roll3]

2017-09-18, 12:20 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Not quite able to catch the retreating tiefling, the dwarf mumbles under his breath. "Alrigh' then. Have it your way." He raises his left hand, the one without the hammer, and mutters something the others can't hear from their distance away. A silver light glows from his hand, and continues to brighten as he closes the hand into a fist.

The light suddenly goes out as he brings his left hand down quickly, but the silver light appears above the tiefling and falls toward him.

The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 radiant damage. The target gains no benefit from cover for this saving throw.

Damage: [roll0]

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-18, 12:24 PM
The tiefling deftly dodges Karghun's radiant flame, looks over the dwarf's head, and chuckles.

2017-09-18, 01:36 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

When the winged monstrosity lept into the air he expected an attack and was confused when none came.

A flash of movement drew his attention, and he only just managed to stay his hand when he realized it was the archer. The situation was becoming confused and he hesitated as he tried to figure his next move, until another flash of movement drew his attention.

"Karghun," He roared, "Another winged monster behind you! Beware!"

"Archer, your left!"

Jarrak will pass on his Attack of Opportunity.

2017-09-18, 01:43 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

The glint in the eye of the tiefling before him confuses Karghun momentarily. Jarrak's yell, however, let's him know what's going on. He bows his head and slumps his shoulders in disappointment with himself as he exhales. "Of course there is."

2017-09-18, 01:45 PM
Martin reckons he's going to get better luck talking to this girl than the fleeing tiefling and this adventuter person he was, believed in valour and trust. He stays his hand from striking at the girl.

2017-09-18, 04:35 PM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)
AC: 15 HP: 17/17

"Get back down and fight like a monster!" Varis shouts at the devil, unable to reach it anymore.

Varis was just about to about to throw a shuriken at the devil, when he hears the tiefling shout orders at the two fiendish creatures.

Varis sprints towards the tiefling, laying into him with a flurry of steel and fists.

"Commanding devils, huh? That's pretty nasty", Varis says to the tiefling.

Move to M18 (Varis should have just enough movement) and attack the tiefling, non-lethally.

Shortsword: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Use 1 ki to do flurry of blows (2 unarmed attacks)
Unarmed: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Unarmed: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-18, 05:00 PM
The tiefling cries out as Varis's powerful attacks find their mark. His ring glints as he mutters a few syllables, and Varis finds himself surrounded by hellish flames. The tiefling shouts once more in infernal.

"Stop him, you mongrel!"

The tiefling casts Hellish Rebuke as a reaction.

Varis, you made the save for half! Take 8 points of fire damage.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-18, 05:12 PM
The imp, following the tiefling's fiendish command, flies right over the reach of Karghun and Varis, then darts to the ground while trying to direct the weight of its descent through its sting into the intrepid monk. However, such a tricky maneuver proves beyond the imp's skill, and its sting stabs ineffectually at the air beside Varis.

The imp moves to L19 and lands. Its path avoids opportunity attacks.
[roll0] [roll1]

Sorry Majin, but you're the target right now. Haha! It misses!

After this is resolved, Jarrak, Samani, Mutt, and Martin can go in any order.

2017-09-18, 06:14 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Mutt really wasn't sure what was going on all he knew is that these things were unnatural and must be removed. The horned man and the woman could kill each other for all he cared but if the horned man was causing these beasties then Mutt would end him.

Mutt moves toward the creature he attacked before and hisses at it. The little bear figurine opens up it mouth as if roaring and mutts neck stretches toward the little monster. His neck becomes scalely and his face warps to that of a viper.

Mutt then says "Fire may bring destruction but after the burn life returns"
Move: X15 I believe
Attack: Thorn whip [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] magical piercing
Bonus: Healing word on Varis [roll2]

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-18, 06:27 PM
Mutt's cantrip strikes the spined devil, pulling it a little closer to the ground. The devil shrieks an unholy shriek, but seems undeterred.

2017-09-19, 08:56 AM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

Seeing that Karghun has backup, he turns his attention back to the flying spined demon.

Charging forward he swept his shield up towards the creature, stabbing up at it with his blade while yelling. Even if he couldn't hit it from here, he hoped to draw it's attention away from his less armored companions. Focusing his will into his sword he felt it humm as it swept through the air.

OOC: Moving to Y 16.
Disadvantage attack on the Spined Devil
Disadvantage 1 (1d20+4)[10]
Disadvantage 2 (1d20+4)[13]
Damage [roll]1d8+2[roll]
And if it connects going to burn a spell for a smite Damage (3d8)[8]

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-19, 09:05 AM
Jarrak's attack is easily avoided by the spined devil, who dodges upward to avoid the blade.

2017-09-19, 09:31 AM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

Samani pinches the bridge of her nose with a sigh as she lets her sword drop back down to a neutral stance. She'll have to make a point of practicing her swordplay next time she stops by a training yard... if they even have those out here. It is a couple of seconds later that she notices the Tiefling taking off.

With a frustrated growl, she runs toward him, shouting in her best tone of authority, "HALT! In the name of the law!"

Samani will move toward the Tiefling and cast Command at 1st level with the command word being "halt".

Movement: 25 ft. to O16
Wisdom Save DC for Tiefling: 12

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-19, 09:40 AM
For a moment the tiefling seems to freeze in place, but he shakes out of it, and prepares to continue on his way.


2017-09-19, 11:48 AM
Worried about his position out in the open, Martin hurries 30ft towards the archer, taking cover behind a sturdy tree trunk before firing at the devil with his crossbow.


Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-19, 01:24 PM
Martin's shot goes wide.

I'm assuming you were shooting at the spined devil, not the imp. It doesn't matter much, since neither would be hit. I moved you from U11 to Q13; let me know if you'd like to adjust that.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-19, 01:57 PM
The spined devil flicks its tail twice, in Jarrak's and Mutt's directions. Two of its tail spines detach, one for each of the devil's nearest antagonists.

One spine strikes Jarrak right at the joint of his shoulder, bursting into flames as it hits. Mutt dodges the second tail spine, which only harms the grass as it bursts into flame as well.

The devil cackles with glee as it lofts higher in the air and makes for the rest of the party.

[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] [roll4] [roll5]

Jarrak takes 8 piercing damage and 4 fire damage from the tail spine.

The devil is now higher than before, 20 ft. up, having learned from its mistake.

Next up, the woman and tiefling.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-19, 02:09 PM
The woman chases after the tiefling, firing two more arrows to bring down her quarry. The first shot downs the tiefling, but the woman isn't taking any chances. The second shot hits him cleanly, and she's pretty sure he's really down.

With the tiefling's loss of consciousness, the two devils disappear, as the magic which brought them to this world ceases. They leave behind an acrid stench of brimstone.

The woman addresses Karghun and the others. "You wanted an explanation. This man is Akros, the Goat. He's wanted, dead or alive, for theft and murder. I've been tracking him for over a week, and now I intend to take him to Bearhaven and collect the bounty." At this, she starts to take some rope out of her pack.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2017-09-19, 02:54 PM
Really? Bounty hunter, this guy under a general warrant or did he piss off someone in particular?

As she talks Martin makes a show of looking for his bolt but truly keeps a close eye on her for giveaways, she seemed decent at first glance but the again, so did he.


2017-09-19, 02:55 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Karghun nods his head as he listens to the woman's story. He grunts acknowledgement of her words. He looks at the unconscious tiefling, then up to the space the imp disappeared from, and finally back to the tiefling. "Ye have a Writ of Bounty? Somethin' from Bearhaven provin' your intention?" Though he questions the strange woman, Karghun makes no move to stop her. "The law 'round here don't take kindly to people just shootin' people down and haulin' 'em off."

Once he gets that all out, he kneels next to the fallen figure. He rips some of the tiefling's clothes into strips and makes some bandages to staunch the bleeding.

Medicine check: [roll0]

2017-09-19, 03:34 PM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)
AC: 15 HP: 16/17 Ki: 1/2

As the tiefling falls from the two arrows, the battle seems to be over. Varis flourishes his sword and sheathes it.

"Karghun, the man was summoning devils, surely he was up to no good. And he almost burned my duster besides!" Varis says.

Varis turns to the archer and smiles. "That was pretty good shooting, miss Bounty Hunter. But I don't want want to imagine what would have happened if we weren't around. Say, how big is this bounty? I'd say we deserve some small reward for our valiant actions."

2017-09-19, 03:41 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Karghan's eyes narrow a bit at Varis' admonition. Satisfied that his bandaging job would keep the tiefling from dying any time soon, he turned his attention back to the supposed bounty hunter. "Or it could just as easily be someone's upset ex-wife. Though, the devils do lend me t' think tha' she speaks th' truth. Either way, t'won't hurt her none t' produce th' writ if she speaks truly." He contemplates the woman before him. "And what's your name there, milady? T' whom do I have th' honor o' addressin'?" Nobody could say dwarves didn't have manners.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-19, 04:11 PM
The bounty hunter glares at the dwarven cleric. "You can call me Bree," she answers. "He's wanted by the city of Bearhaven," she adds, "and I might still have that poster." After a little digging through her pack, she finds a folded and water-damaged sheet of parchment. She unfolds it and hands it to Karghun.


the criminal also known as The Goat,
is wanted, dead or alive,
by the city of Bearhaven,
which city offers a bounty of 400 gold pieces
for the successful capture of this criminal.

The parchment also includes a rough sketch of the tiefling and the seal of the city of Bearhaven. The likeness is far from perfect, but it's probably the right tiefling.

"As for the reward, I'm the one who's tracked him this far. You helped a little, but don't expect full shares. If you come with me to Bearhaven, I'll give you 20 gold from the reward. I think that's more than fair."

As far as you can tell, she's being straight and honest with you. And she seems annoyed at the prospect of losing the bounty she feels she's earned.

Assuming you take a look at the poster, it seems genuine to you, from your experience with Bearhaven and wanted posters in general.

2017-09-19, 04:34 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Mutt appears very confused and a bit wild. He looks around for any sign of the demon he was battling fully ready to resume the hunt. Nothing. He looks around and listens. He decides the danger has passed. Horned man is dead or unconcious. Good.

"20 would be fine for me after all its more important that we remove a danger then being greedy. Are you hurt.... Bree was it? I'm happy to assist you as I'm sure everyone else was.
By the way have you been aware of any hunting party going towards the werewood about 2 weeks ago? We need to find them.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-19, 04:58 PM
"I'm fine, thanks," Bree says. "We didn't really head through any heavy woods; he's mostly been slinking through farmland."

2017-09-19, 08:07 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Mutt suposes she means to say that she has been chasing this man for a bit and hasn't had a the opertunity to notice the hunting party while reeking through the farmland.

"I don't see a horse. It would be much quicker if youd had one. If you don't I'm sure we can arrange something. We can accompany you back I suppose town can provide us more info about our goal."

2017-09-19, 10:10 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

When the demons disappeared he held his shield up in spite of the pain for another minute as he looked for any sign of danger. As everybody moved over towards the Tiefling, Jarrak held his ground, putting his back to the others.

Bracing himself he sheathed his sword, then ripped the thorn out of his shoulder. It was all he could do to bite back a yelp of pain, as the thorn ripped free of the burnt skin.

With a deep breath he dropped the thorn to the ground, then placed a hand over the wound. He closed his eyes and relaxed as he turned his face to the sky. A pleasant warmth covered his skin and the pain from his injured shoulder faded. With a sigh he opened his eyes to examine the wound. What might have been a crippling injury before was not nothing more than a nasty looking cut.

Throwing the shield over his shoulder, he retrieved the two thorns, pausing to stomp the grass around the other one had landed to make sure a fire didn't break out.

He wasn't sure what to do with the thorns, chances were that burning them wouldn't be effective, but he was worried about what might happen if they were just left alone. Perhaps a cleric would know what to do with them.

As he moved to join the others he looked down at the tiefling, then over at the wanted poster.

"Ah, unrelated to our problems then, I'd guess," He rubbed his beard.

Going to use lay on hands to clear up ten points of damage.

2017-09-19, 10:33 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Karghan shakes his head. "Our paths go different ways. You'll jus' all have t' chock this'n up to bein' good people. If'n everyone is alright, then I suggest we make a few more miles a'fore it gets dark."

2017-09-20, 08:47 AM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

Samani makes here way over to the rest of the group, finding as she gets there that they are in the midst of conversation. After the wanted poster is drawn and the situation explained, she makes up her mind along with Jarrack and Karghun.

"I agree. We haven't got the time to escort this bounty hunter all the way back to Bearhaven. The poster is legitimate, as far as I can tell, and I'm sure she can handle the situation."

She turns to Bree for a moment, rubbing her chin thoughtfully, "Next time you run into this kind of situation, you'd do well to make it crystal clear that you're chasing a criminal and are a bounty hunter. You're obviously competent, but people are touchy around vigilante types even when they know who they are. If you're ever near Crowhame, stop by the guardhouse and at least give honest policing a thought. We could really use someone of your caliber."

2017-09-20, 08:55 AM
Martin stayed silent throughout this actually now needing to search for his bolt, while this type of money never was missed he would have been all to nervous heading to a bounty clerks office, though Riders had never been convicted nor called for, a few of his other persons had.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-20, 11:22 AM
Bree takes in the various opinions of the group as they slowly reach a consensus. "Well, you know," she says to Samani, "heat of the moment and all. Suddenly he starts summoning devils and all I can think is, there's no way I'm letting him get past me." She smiles. "As for honest police work... Well, as far as I'm concerned, that's pretty much what I'm doing. Only the pay's better and I can run my own schedule." She chuckles.

She proceeds to start tying up the tiefling, then the broken net she'd previously caught him with. With a little work, she can rig into something to drag the body in, if he doesn't wake up for a while.

* * * * *

You return to the road and resume your quiet progress. After a little more than an hour, you find yourself at the first inn this side of Anberd: Old Man Roland's Inn. It's a small inn with an attached stable and a small tavern, located in a cluster of only four buildings: the inn, two farmers' homes, and a small shop. Those of you from the area know that the current Old Man Roland is Roland IV, though his son, Roland V, helps him with running the inn.

Feel free to RP if you'd like and take care of anything else you'd like to do, then we can move forward when you're ready.

2017-09-20, 12:27 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
To Bree before departing "Keep up the good hunt. Use the share you promised us to get yourself a horse."

To one of the Rolands when we arrive "Good day! We are looking for rooms obviously do you have any to spare?
I don't want my usual request. How bout I trade you for some of the hunt I've gathered? I feel I may need the little gold I have left for the rest of out journey.

After business is completed to everyone "Anyone wish to join me for a hunt and snare setting before bed?

2017-09-20, 01:10 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Now assured that all was well, Karghan helps Bree restrain the tiefling. He grabs the discarded net, takes each broken end and puts them back together. His fingers glow for a moment as each broken piece touches its mate, and the strands of the net are reconnected. "That oughta make th' trip a li'l easier on ya, though it'll be slow goin' without a horse t' load him up on."


The group rides up to Old Man Roland's Inn. There had been an Old Man Roland at the inn as long as Karghan could remember. Usually a Young Man Roland as well. He had always thought to himself that it was the demands of the inn that turned each of them into an Old Man Roland. He nodded satisfactorily to himself as they rode up, taking his horse around to the stable. "There ya go, Ollie," he tells the horse as he dismounts, "Ol' Man Roland's boys here will take great care a ya until th' mornin'." He pulls out a silver piece and tips the groom. "There's twice that if he looks happy and warm when I come get 'im in the morning, eh?"

Finally the dwarf stalks inside and greets Roland. "Could certainly use some a that rabbit stew you make, and a big ol' loaf a bread. An' keep the ale flowing, Roland." Karghan declines Mutt's hunting trip. "Ya wouldn't want t' eat anything left a what I hunted. SMOOSH!!!" The dwarf laughs uproariously, already being several mugs of ale into the night by the time Mutt is ready to set his snares.

2017-09-20, 01:36 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

Jarrak gave the Rolands a boisterous greeting before begging off to make use of the equipment in the stables.

He aided the kids in setting up and caring for the horses before he pulled out his equipment and went to work on repairing his armor. He'd never taken to blacksmithing as well as some members of his adoptive family, but he liked to think it was because they had nearly fifty years of experience on him. Still he was confidant he'd repaired the tear the demon's thorn had made in his chainmail would turn away most attacks.

Still, he thought as he looked at the repair work critically, it would be best to get Isilda to fix it once they got back.

Once he got back into the inn he heard Mutt's inquiry and begged off with, "Thank you for the offer, but I believe I'd be better suited with a good nights rest to wash away the aches and pains of combat."

"Still, if you see the white stag let me know. I've hunted this area for ages, but I've never had the pleasure of laying eyes on it," He holds up a hand to stave off any concern, "And I hunt that one only with my eyes, you need not fear for it's safety from me."

Some of the locals believed it to be a good omen, some believed it to be a forest protector. Some believed it was just a deer, but only a foolish man would risk the ire of the locals over a bit of food.

2017-09-20, 02:05 PM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)
AC: 15 HP: 17/17

To Mutt, Varis replies: "Oh, no thank you. I've trekked enough for today."

Varis turns to the innkeeper. "Now, master Roland, I am wondering if you have any entertainers here tonight? Because I happen to be excellent one, indeed! The cost of our rooms should be taken care of, but if you'll keep my mug filled , I can keep your guests entertained! I tell you, that's quite the bargain for an entertainer of my caliber."

If Roland agrees, Edric will play his viol and do some juggling in the common room, for a few hours at least

2017-09-20, 07:42 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

"This far out we might have to go for a walk around and invite the locals to get a big audience," Jarrak notes, "Of course they'll probably be happy for some entertainment, so with a bit of effort we might end up with quite the crowd."

2017-09-21, 05:56 AM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Mutt was feeling what his sis called "unfriendly". He always struggled with that with everyone but his family. Even people kind to him. Maybe it was his treatment or maybe he was just meant to be wild but he was ready to be off by himself for a while.

To Varis "I'll let people in the area know while I'm out."

To Jarrek I'll be sure to let you know. That stag is a handsome animal. Maybe this time I can get closer then 200 paces.

Mutt figures that this is where him and his companions will bunk so he decides to use some magic. To everyone "Here hand me your waterskins. in druidic for verbal components. "Let me refill your waterskins" He waggles all his fingers as if drizzling and then holds his hand as if pouring from a pitcher over thier waterskins and they refill to capacity. The bear figurine on his neck appears to swim a little before becoming immobile once again. Any leftover he offers to refill Rolands water barrel a bit. "I'll be back later. Maybe I'll catch some of the festivities. He had no intention of that at all.

When he is outside after setting his snares and well away from everything he shifts into his lonstrider form to catch a rabbit. He knows he needs to practice now and then so as to avoid incident. He sets up a fire to cook the rabbit. He casts another spell while cooking dashing it with spices singing a song in druidic him and his sis used to sing. He will give these to his companions in the morning. Wouldn't want to cheat Roland out of selling a bit of food. These were a bit more filling then average and seemed to make aches go away a little.

When Mutt gets back he says to anyone who wonders "I'm going off to bed.
Had a bit of trouble on my hunt. I'm a bit wore out now. Whether that's true or not that's what he says.

If no one could tell I cast goodberry and create water.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-21, 08:34 AM
Old Man Roland is a plump man with thin, graying hair. He greets the party as they come in, recognizing a few of them. "Aye, we've some rooms, that'll be five silvers apiece, but I'll accept any game you've got instead, Mutt."

But shortly thereafter the group shows him Galdren's letter, so the accommodations are covered by the town of Anberd. "Mind ye, ye'll have to pay after the first drink!," he chuckles, glancing at the dwarves. But he accepts Varis's suggested trade, glad to have a bit of entertainment.

It is, indeed, a small crowd, but the tavern isn't really intended to host much of a crowd. It's not a very large room, with only a few tables and the bar. In fact, Roland the younger has to relocated one of the tables in order to create a space for Varis to play his viol. When Jarrak suggests finding more locals, Old Man Roland laughs. "Well, Jerr' and Ben are already here, there's not much locals besides them!"

* * * * *
Mutt has no troubles with his hunt. There is plenty of dim light on this clear night with a waning gibbous moon. This area is mostly farmland, with small stretches of untamed forest between them. You don't see any animals larger than a cat, but it's not hard to find the rabbit.

It'll be 4 cp per tankard of ale after the first, or 2 sp for a gallon-sized pitcher. Varis and Mutt won't have to pay for drinks.

2017-09-21, 10:56 AM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

Samani spends the night quietly sitting at the bar, sipping her mug contemplatively. She watches the locals and thinks about how simple it must be to keep people in check. In the city you could get a feel for certain individuals, and just about any tavern employee would have a good grasp of their regulars. A bounty hunter doing their thing there would just upset the balance, get in the way. Here? There wasn't anything to disrupt, really, except for the ebb and flow of daily life.

Odd, that. She didn't really feel particularly positively or negatively about the situation. Wasn't for her, but she could see the appeal. It was really no wonder that the sheriff spent most of his time pursuing hobbies.

2017-09-21, 12:13 PM
Ah bar life! Best in the city but with an imaginary name, plenty of alcohol and a few tricks words the world is your oyster, Martin only gets two drinks for himself, but is all to sociable engaging in easy conversation with any attractive folk who seem to be lacking company, all to willing to get a few drinks for those who catch his eye.

2017-09-21, 01:32 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

While Varis was entertaining, Jarrak worked the crowd.

He might not have been friends with everybody there, but the faces were familiar, and it was always good to talk with the locals. Sometimes they just complained about the weather. Sometimes they'd clue him into dangers in the area. And on a blue moon they'd have an idea who might have a job for him.

It was also nice just to talk to them because it often took years to get the locals comfortable enough to talk to the stranger who marched into town dressed for war, and letting them know he wasn't up to any mischief would pay off handsomely down the road.

Country folk tended to be suspicious, but if you could get them to warm up to you? Well, you'd have a hand when you needed it. A hand that would see you made it through almost anything. Most nobody out these ways could afford handouts, but they never shied from offering a hand up.

When Varis took a break, Jarrak picked up the ball by sharing a humorous story about a bumbling man who went off to save a damsel in distress, and how everything had gone wrong on every step of the way.

During this story he finished his second mug of ale, then excused himself to head back to his room. Tomorrow was another day, and he had not the constitution of his dwarven friends, after all.

2017-09-21, 03:13 PM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)
AC: 15 HP: 17/17

Varis would have hoped for a bigger crowd, but you couldn't expect too much for a small town inn like this, not on an average night. Well, deal's a deal, and he would be getting free drinks.

Varis tries to choose his music by the room's mood, starting by playing some rural songs he'd heard while traveling in the countryside. If it seemed like people wanted to start dancing, Varis switches to faster paced jig. It was funny how similar some of them were to some of the other songs he already knew. The words might have been different, but the tunes were almost the same.

Varis keeps his entertainment to music tonight, as the smaller room really doesn't allow him to perform his more flashy maneuvers, especially not after he got a few drinks in.

Varis laughs loudly Jarrak's story.
"Hey, that was pretty good.
If you ever get tired of this knight schtick, I think you'd make a good storyteller!" Varis says laughing, and pats Jarrak on the shoulder.

Following Jarrak's tale, Varis finishes his show with a dwarven drinking song (though sung in common). After the song, Varis is contend to sit on his seat, sip ale and make small talk.

Nothing more to add, unless something happens in the common room.

2017-09-21, 07:10 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

Jarrak laughs, "Kind words, good bard."

He leans over and whispers in a conspiratorial tone, "To be frank, it pays for most of my meals in the colder months."

He winks and leans back, "Honestly, some days I think I ought to learn how to play an instrument. Has to be easier than swinging a sword around, right?"

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-22, 08:34 AM
The small crowd enjoys the entertainment provided by both Varis's music and Jarrak's story. Martin has a very pleasant conversation with the young daughter of a farmer, but it soon becomes clear that farmer is in the room, eyeing him suspiciously. Unfortunately, this just isn't a big city tavern, and almost everyone knows everyone else, except for tonight's travelers—the party.

Yet a ways into the evening, the elven party of Eolas, Triss, and Piriel arrives at the inn. They stay in the tavern for a while, listening to the entertainment. It seems they encountered nothing unusual on the road the rest of the way.

* * * * *

The next morning arrives. After the modest breakfast provided by Old Man Roland, you find your horses well tended by Ollie the stable boy.

The day is clear and pleasant, so the party moves forward, eager to continue the journey. The day's ride is smooth and uneventful, the road slowly passing beneath your feet. It is not yet dusk when you reach the village of Trowton. The village is much more substantial than the cluster of houses around Old Man Roland's Inn, but it's still smaller than Anberd. Someone is ringing a bell not far from the square, in which there are still a fair number of villagers. A carpenter seems to be collecting his displayed wares, and there is a traveling salesman still selling trinkets from his wagon. On the corner of the square sits The Thirsty Ogre, the last inn this side of Oakfell.

You could ride further tonight and make a camp, but this is the last place to stay at an inn. It should be another day's ride to Oakfell.

2017-09-22, 09:30 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

Giving the Thirsty Ogre and uncomfortable look, he looked to the others, sounding just a little too positive, "You know, we could keep going. There's plenty of light, and the weather is-"

He glances at the sky, frowns and continues, "Well there's plenty of light."

2017-09-22, 11:00 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Karghun frowns at Jarrak just a bit as he suggests pushing on. "We don't know what we're gonna be up 'gainst when we get out there. I'd rather sleep in a bed...the sleep that a few pints of ale helps t' bring 'round."

2017-09-23, 12:31 AM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

"Ah, come on, where's your sense of adventure? It'll be fun, and a good chance to get things sorted out before we're camping in enemy territory," Jarrak offers, with a strained smile.

2017-09-23, 01:11 AM
I'm with Jarrack, the light is still good and besides the sooner we reach Oakfell the more good we can do for the souls there.

2017-09-23, 05:32 AM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
"I'm sure everyone can tell by now that I am not fond of sleeping in town, I'm quite proficient in camping, however If we do decide to bunk here then we will need little in the way of pulling guard duty. We could explore the town here for anyone unfamiliar with it, that ringing is not unfamiliar to me but I've no idea what it means. If We decide to go further I can see if I can convince a nocturnal creature to watch over us and the horses too to pull guard duty as well. Let me know so I can conserve my energy for that. Either way we will still arrive tomorrow in oakwell.

2017-09-23, 07:13 AM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)
AC: 15 HP: 17/17

"I agree with Karghun here, let's stay at an inn. Who knows, we might hear something useful about this whole situation. Besides, it's paid already", Varis says, and adds to Jarrak: "And I call fighting devils and an evil mage an adventure, not sleeping in a ditch."

2017-09-23, 03:53 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

"Oh, never sleep in a ditch, Varis," Jarrak notes with honest concern, "They build those for drainage. I only made that mistake once. Rainstorm came, washed my camp away and nearly drown me."

He coughs, looking slightly embarrassed, "I was much younger then."

He turns his head off towards the sound of the bell, "Well, how about we see what's going on at the temple before we make up our mind? Could just be evening services, but maybe somebody might know what's going on in Oakwell."

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-23, 08:08 PM
You head through the square towards the sound of the ringing bell. Down the street, a man in blue robes is ringing the bell; he stands before a small shrine, consisting of a statue of the goddess Tymora, an altar, and a number of figures and paintings on shelves. The shrine is a small area open on three sides, with a wall at the back which is the front wall of the parsonage. As you approach, the priest smiles and says to you, "Care to make a donation to Lady Luck? A copper to the Lady returns tenfold in gold!" He holds out a donation bowl.

I'm assuming at least Jarrak and Mutt head this way. Anyone else can follow or hang back as they desire.

I'm still waiting on the group's decision on whether to stay or go, which will likely be made once Samani's opinion is heard.

2017-09-23, 08:42 PM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

"Ah, never discount the virtues of sleeping in a ditch. You know what they say about ditches, Jarrack? If you wait long enough, a single ditch will catch every piece of s... She hesitates for a moment, tapping her chin once, before finishing her sentence, "Catch every bit of slime around, they will. I agree with sticking around in town. Camping won't gain us anything but backaches and maybe an hour or two. We might as well see what we can dig up in town here for the night."

Upon the appearance of the priest, she motions with her hand, "I prefer to give anonymously and from a distance, thanks. Like to keep the dear lady out of mind, lest I name her and send her away, you know." She is hardly a stranger to the street solicitor, be they hawking salvation or meat pies.

2017-09-23, 09:01 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)

I suppose we are staying in town then.

To the woman I'm Well on enough without money I suppose I could spread it around. I'd do it even if lady luck didn't bless me. Its the right thing to do. Here is a silver and a bit of hunt. Here is two morsels I prepared yesterday special but Seems I won't be getting to eat it so give it to two very hungry. Its more filling then it seems.

2017-09-24, 12:28 AM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

Jarrak deflates visibly as the team decides to stay in town.

He drops two silver into the bowl.

"I need all the luck I can get," He says with a sigh.

2017-09-24, 01:57 PM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)
AC: 15 HP: 17/17

"I'm sure you will get a chance to sleep under the stars, or in ditches, soon enough, so don't worry. But for now, we'll be all civilized and sleep in beds, or under the roof at the very least", Varis says with a grin, looking at the outdoors enthusiasts of the group.


Varis heads towards the sounds of bells as well. "Lady Luck, you say? Well, one certainly needs luck", Varis says and brings up his coin purse, taking two coins out of it. "Tell you what. Heads, I'll give you a gold coin, tails, a copper one."

Let's say 1 is heads, 2 is tails.


Varis flips the coin, and it comes down tails. "Well well, I guess Lady Luck is telling me not to spend so much", Varis says and drops a copper coin into the cleric's bowl.

2017-09-24, 02:21 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Kurghan follows the group through town to the ringing bell. He was a bit deflated a bit when he finds something no more important going on then a priest asking for alms. He leads toward Samani and says, "Where I'm from, bells are used for things of much more import than begging. They aren't cheap, for one thing." Nonetheless, Kurghan is not one to dismiss the fickle goddess so lightly. He steps forward and places two silver pieces in the collection.

2017-09-24, 03:47 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

Jarrak turns his attention back to the man in the blue robes and smiles, "By any chance have you seen a man named Hannon? He's the sheriff in Anberd, came out this way to go hunting in Oakwell with some of his friends. He hasn't come back yet, and I was just wondering if you might have came across him by chance?"

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-24, 08:46 PM
"Thank you, kind travelers," the priest replies to those of you who donated, "feel free to take some time to pray at the shrine." Then he responds to Jarrak's question. "Ah yes, the sheriff Hannon. He passes through Trowton with some frequency. Fancies himself an adventurer, but I'm not sure those hunts of his truly count," he says with a chuckle. "I seem to recall seeing him a couple of weeks ago."

"And what brings such a group as yourselves to our little town?"

2017-09-24, 09:32 PM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

"Well, Father, Hannon's disappearance may be foul play, though we have very little to go on right now. We've been asked to carry out an investigation. Any additional information or leads you may have would be very helpful." Samani crosses her arms, but keeps the barest hint of a smile on her face.

She glances sidelong at Karghun and answers him surreptitiously, "Where I come from, my friend, you had best hope that the tolling bells you follow are only those not meant for you."

2017-09-24, 11:47 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

Jarrak nods at Samani's comments, "Indeed. Have you heard any strange happenings in Oakwell? From what we've heard it seems to be the focal point for a number of missing people recently."

2017-09-25, 03:27 AM
Martin slipped a gold piece into the bowl than asked the priest.

Do you know where I may aquire one of lady lucks symbols in this town? There were things men of the cloth could get away with others couldn't and this god was more permissive of elaboratefalsehoods than some others.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-25, 08:17 AM
"Well," says the priest, "I didn't realize that people were going missing! And you're planning to track them down? That sounds like a daring mission; you'll have to come back and tell us of your exploits!"

Then he turns to Martin, excitedly. "My good sir, do you wish to champion the Lady Tymara? Are you interested in joining our ranks? We have a number of symbols, what manner of symbol were looking for? Perhaps a fine amulet? Winston! Come help this man with a holy symbol." He pushes Martin forward, and a young lad runs into the parsonage, returning with a chest full of holy symbols.

"We'll have to charge you for any of the fancy ones," the boy says, "but you can take one of these patches for free if you sew it on yourself." He holds up a couple hand-sewn patches, the size of your palm, bearing the image of Tymora's face-up coin.

You can probably find whatever type of symbol you're looking for in the chest. Most of them cost 5 gp, but there are some fancier ones in gold or silver that cost more.

2017-09-25, 11:23 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

Jarrak bows his head to the shrine and mumbles, "Let us hope Tymara is looking out for our lost people."

Tymara wasn't his deity of choice, but he valued any favor she might grant. A man in his line of work often lived and died by the smallest measures, and any extra luck could be helpful.

2017-09-26, 02:46 AM
Please I wish only for a simple symbol, as any wandering cleric may own. Perhaps this one?

As he says this he picks a picks a holy symbol from the chest, and pays the five gold pieces.

2017-09-26, 03:08 AM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)
AC: 15 HP: 17/17

The priest hadn't heard anything? That likely meant no-one, or at least not many people, had gone missing here. "You've a sheriff or a guard captain or something like that here? They might know if something suspicious has been happening nearby."

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-26, 08:16 AM
The priest answers, "Well, you can talk to the mayor, Otto. I'm not sure where he'd be right now, but he often stops by the tavern in the evenings."

Meanwhile, Winston gladly sells the holy symbol to Martin. "Best luck on your travels, kind sir! Spread the Lady's word to everyone you meet!"

2017-09-26, 07:45 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

"And that's mah cue! I'll be lookin' fer th' tavern....erm...the mayor." Kurghan turns and wanders to the tavern. Once entering, he looks around the area out of habit, looking for danger. He then remembers where he is, shakes his head a little, then approaches the bar. "Lookin' fer Mayor Otto. He be around yet?"

2017-09-26, 10:15 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Mutt knows no one in this tavern. He is a bit nervous but tried to hide it. He hasn't had good expieriences with groups of people. Only reason he came in here was cause of the rest of the group. There are strength in numbers. Only reason he is ok in anberd is because he had friends though maybe small in number. He walks up to the bar with Karghun feeling a little more secure even though he didn't know the dwarf that well. He pulls out some of his hunt and puts it on the table.

Mutt speaks somewhat sheepishly "I'd like to trade this for drinks all night if you font mind.

2017-09-26, 11:48 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

Jarrak sighs and follows the others to the tavern, releasing his tied back hair so that it fell to cover his face, hunched over and did his best to avoid attention as he attempts to find the darkest corner to sit in.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-27, 09:00 AM
When you make your way to The Thirsty Ogre, you find a much larger tavern than the one you stayed in last night, though you can't imagine the crowds in this village are enough to fill it regularly. The barkeeper accepts Mutt's trade, and indicates that Otto should be around after a little while.

There are a number of patrons in the tavern; most of them look like local farmers. There are a few obvious travelers, including a pair of gnomes in a corner table whispering to each other. Then there's a blonde halfling dressed in robes who is seated alone at a table laden with a veritable feast—plates of food, cakes, pudding, and a bottle of fine wine. Some of you may recognize him as none other than Colton Picklethumb, the herbalist of Anberd.

A little while later, a tall man enters, with dark hair that's starting to gray under a distinctive red, wide-brimmed hat. One of the villagers points him out to you—it's Mayor Otto.

2017-09-27, 02:46 PM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)
AC: 15 HP: 17/17

When they enter the inn, Varis makes the same suggestion to the innkeeper as he did in the last town; He gets drinks, the patrons get entertainment. Though tonight Varis felt like he'd have to go at it a bit slower. It seemed like there were dangerous people moving about, it wouldn't do to be hungover. Nevertheless, Varis gets a drink and takes a seat, waiting for the mayor to arrive.

Varis moves to the tall man when he enters the inn. "Greetings! I take it you're the mayor of this town, Otto? We're from Anberd, and if it's okay, we'd like to have a little chat with you." Varis points to a table.

"You see, the mayor of Anberd, Galdren, sent us. The town's sheriff and apparently some other people have gone missing. Have you heard anything about that sort of thing?"

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-28, 08:26 AM
The barkeeper agrees to Varis's arrangement, and the gathering villagers look eager for entertainment.

When Varis approaches Otto, the mayor agrees to talk with the party for a while.

"Sent from Anberd, eh? Yeah, I know Galdren real well, we go back a while. I'm glad he's doing well, though of course being mayor isn't all glamorous, is it? But right, these missing people. I didn't realize Hannon was missing, too, that's troubling. He's an experienced hunter, and he always takes a team. You see, the missing people are mostly from Oakfell and the other towns that border the forest, from what I can tell. Trowton's doing okay. But many of the crops north of here have been hit by some kind of disease. Bad year. So everyone's relying on the hunters, but they're not always coming back from the forest. I mean, I know it can be dangerous, but it's usually one hunt in a dozen or two where there's some trouble, not every other hunt. I don't know what's going on out there, but it's going to be a rough winter for them."

2017-09-28, 08:52 AM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

Samani listens carefully as Otto talks, foregoing a drink for now.

"A crop blight and disappearances in the woods... do you know if the disease and the disappearances started at roughly the same time, Mayor?"

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-28, 09:32 AM
Otto thinks for a moment at Samani's question. "Well, the crop troubles have been growing all season, but I don't think I heard anything about disappearances until the last few weeks. But I can't say for sure. Why, you think something sinister's behind the crop troubles?" He seems troubled by the suggestion.

A few of the other patrons in the tavern seem to notice your conversation. Some of the villagers shake their heads in disbelief, as does the feasting halfling, and one man audibly gasps at the suggestion of something sinister.

2017-09-28, 11:06 AM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Mutt is starting to feel a little more at ease with a drink under his belt.

To the mayor a little loudly for others to hear and because of the drink."No of course not.It's probably just a bit of an insect problem or lack of rain.
If it's an insect problem that just means that just like our hunters other creatures are having trouble finding food. I believe lavender is a natural repellent. Am I right picklethumb? Or is it garlic? I forget a bit with a bit of drink in me.

2017-09-28, 12:48 PM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

"I wouldn't like to jump to conclusions." Samani replies, "But that goes both for confirming and denying possibilities. In this case, I'd wager that the crops are likely just bad luck. In all honesty, I can't say whether the disappearances are anything more than the same without further evidence."

She's not so sure about the situation, but there's no reason to worry the town needlessly. Even if there is something nefarious behind both the crop troubles and the disappearances, the potential link is now a known quantity to her.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-28, 10:15 PM
In response to Mutt's question, the halfling Colton Picklethumb equivocates for a second. "Oh, well.. yes, that sounds right. Yes!" He sounds more confident now, even exuberant, as it's clear he's also had a fair bit of drink in him. "Lavender, and also rosemary, those will help repel insects! Though I must say, insects are part of the natural cycle, so you'd best be careful messing with that..." He trails off, turning his attention to the pudding before him.

Meanwhile, Otto is happy to accept Mutt's and Samani's reassurances that it's only the disappearances that likely have a sinister cause. "Yes, of course. Well, my money's on something being behind the disappearances, whether it's some foul beast or a band of filthy orcs. But who knows? Just about anything could be lurking in those woods."

2017-09-29, 10:52 AM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

The ale in Karghun's mouth soured a bit as he heard of blighted crops as well as increased disappearances. And believe-you-me, getting an ale to sour in a dwarf's mouth only happened on the Twelfth of Never. He sets his mug down on the table as the wheels in his head start to spin. Blighted crops as well as HALF of the hunting parties disappearing? That was no coincidence, no matter what the townsfolk wanted to believe. He would ask for guidance in his prayers tonight. Marthammor Duin would know where to send him.

2017-09-30, 03:40 PM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)
AC: 15 HP: 17/17

Varis starts tuning his instrument while he talks, getting ready to play for the modest crowd. "Orcs or bandits could be behind the disappearances, though I don't think they would have remained a mystery for so long. And I don't think either would be responsible for the crops. That might be unconnected in any case. Aren't there just bad harvests sometimes?"

"Well, whatever it is, I suppose we'll find out sooner or later."

2017-09-30, 04:10 PM
While everyone else is doing serious things Martin is off listening to the tavern's rumour's and greatly exaggerating the importance of his mission to anyone listening without givingaway to many details.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-09-30, 08:14 PM
Otto agrees with Varis, "Yes, there are just bad years for crops, though this one is exceptionally poor. At least the crops around Trowton are doing okay."

The rest of the evening goes well—the crowd enjoys Varis's playing, the ale is good, Mutt isn't pressured into being social, Colton Picklethumb manages to finish his entire feast and stumble out the door, and Otto buys everyone a round of drinks before heading home for the night. All in all, a fine evening.

* * * * *

The next morning, you set out once more for Oakfell, which you should reach by the evening. The road this way is relatively quiet. Everything seems normal until about midway through the day, when you pass through an area where the crops near the road are pale, withered, and dying. These must be the diseased plants you've heard about.

* * * * *

As dusk nears, you come to the village of Oakfell. It is a quiet and somber place, with no children in the streets and few people walking about. A man is smoking a pipe outside The Red Boar Inn, and you see a few villagers setting up a bonfire on the far side of town. Three men in hide armor are pacing near the fire, bearing swords, bows, and axes. Almost everyone seems a little on edge.

Feel free to also check out the crops if you had any ideas there, but I figured I'd move us forward all the way to Oakfell.

2017-10-01, 12:55 AM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

When they came across the blighted land he took the time to climb down an examine the damage. He was far from an expert, but sometimes problems were far easier to figure out than people might have expected.

He took his time considering the damage, and joined the others on their travel to Oakfell.

On their arrival he became very concerned. As much as he tried to avoid the last town, he'd spent a fair amount of time around Oakfell. So the lack of children concerned him. The armed and armored men worried him more.

Obviously his hopes that the disappearances had been an unfortunate tragedy with no outside influence to blame were fruitless. But then he'd been hoping for the best, and preparing for the worst.

Tying off his horse outside the inn, he made his way towards the bonfire.

"Hail," He called out to the armed men, "It looks as though an ill wind blows in Oakfell tonight. What trouble keeps you good men standing vigil?"

Survival check to see if he can figure out what's killing the plants [roll0]

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-01, 02:53 PM
Though he can clearly see the current condition of the crops, Jarrak is unable to discern what caused them to reach such a state.

* * * * *

One of the men walks toward Jarrak to reply to his question. "We fear that something malicious lurks in the woods. Men have been going out to hunt and failing to return. We mean to make sure whatever is haunting these woods stays in the woods. If it wants to enter town, it will have to get through us."

2017-10-01, 06:15 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

Jarrak nods, "We came to investigate the disappearance of Sheriff Hannon from Anberd. The closer we've come the more we've heard about strange disappearances, but nobody seems to know what's causing it."

He glances at the bonfire, "Have the disappearances happened in the town already, or is this just a precaution?"

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-01, 07:19 PM
The man looks at the bonfire and answers, "Nothing's happened in town, at least not yet. It's a precaution, but we're really not sure what we're going to do. Some of the villagers are talking about moving south to stay with family, but Oakfell is the only place I've called home." He sighs.

"You can go looking for Hannon, but I'm guessing he's as good as gone at this point. Be careful out there. We've lost some capable men to this." He makes to return to his post.

2017-10-01, 07:38 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Knowing hed be passing the crops so he prepared detect poison and deasiese. He says "Tell me what's the matter" In druidic. He begins sniffing at the plants and his bear pendant mimicks the motion as well.

When speaking to the villagers "I guessing no one's came back at all or caught glipse of the beast? What evidence do you have that it is a beast and not like it's orcs or something?
Lets hope we can prevent further loss and possibly rescue some survivors.

2017-10-01, 07:46 PM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

"There's no point in going out in the dark, so I suggest we all do some digging in town to see what we can find," Samani says, "Are any of the missing persons' kin available? That's as good a starting point as any."

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-02, 09:04 AM
As you examine the wheat plants by the road, your mystical connection reveals their malady. They are suffering from Hag Blight, a highly contagious plant disease that affects many domesticated crops but few untamed plants. Rumor has it that Hag Blight first entered the world the rituals of hags, and some suspect that hags are behind every outbreak.

* * * * *

One of the villagers responds to Mutt, "We don't know if it's orcs, or some beast, or what it is. Do you really think you can save us?"

He then responds to Samani's question. "You can talk to Beatrice. Her husband John and her son Johnny were the first to go missing, or at least the first I heard about." He points out her cottage to you.

2017-10-02, 12:50 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Karghun stops with the others in the middle of the day, but having no real background in plants, lets the others check them out.

When they reach the town that evening, he is impressed at the size of the bonfire, and the armed guards seem to know their business for such a small town. When the topic of searching out more information comes up, he finally speaks up. "Right, then. I'll check out the inn...see wha' they're talkin' about in there."

As he walks through the town toward the inn, Karghun looks around for anything out of place. Anything that may not be normal in a small town like Oakfell. Once in the bar, he sits and observes for a bit, ordering an ale...just to make sure he doesn't stand out. Blend in. Be one of the group. Yeah.

Investigation for the walk to the inn: [roll0]
Investigation check while sitting in the inn, trying to overhear anything relevant: [roll1]

2017-10-02, 01:29 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

Jarrak watches the proceedings for a few minutes.

"I think I will remain here, aid with the setup and take a turn on watch," He turns to the others, "A single watch shouldn't take too much time out of a night's sleep. I'll be good to march when we set out tomorrow."

2017-10-02, 03:42 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)

Mutt stands up with a bit of dead plant in his beard and says "Well... I think these two instances may be connected as we feared. The plants have hags blight. Does anyone have any knowledge of hags?" Mutt tries to recall things maybe his mother or father may have taught him when he was young or stories he may have heard Int check [roll0].

Afterwards Mutt tries to find something to write on and with if he does he writes a note. He tells the party "If we could just stop for a bit. I think no can get a message to picklethumb."

Mutt then ritually casts speak with animal. He then seeks out a sparrow or some bird and attempts to speak with it in druidic handle animal check [roll1]. He says to the bird while giving it some food it may like and casting animal freindship. He speaks in druidic if it makes a difference. "I'm sorry to bug you my winged friend but I'd like to ask you a favor. Could you please allow me to tie this to you and could you seek out a friend of mine in a town nearby? If the bird allows it he describes picklethumb. The note says that the disease is hags blight and to see if he can help to rid the crops of it for a fee mind you though it would be nice if he did it for free and might bring more business later on.

Once Jarrack suggests taking a watch Mutt volunteers as well.He says "A good pack never leaves itself unaware. There is always a sentinel on watch. I'll take a watch too. When it approaches dark Mutt tries and locate a bat after ritually casting speak with animal. Handle animal [roll2]. He also casts animal friendship. Mutt asks it I'm druidic if it matters "I know your busy with your hunts but could you tell me if you have seen any hags in the area or maybe let me know if you spot any while you hunt tonight in the forest.
If you see anything could you come back and let me know.

Mutt takes a watch as well.

2017-10-02, 11:07 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

"Hags?" Jarrak says, obviously perplexed, "I have a lot of stories, but I think most of them are fairy tales outside the realm of reality."

He rubs his beard with a look of serious concentration, "No, no, it's just far to silly. One story even talks about throwing rice at them, and that they'd have to stop to count every grain before they chased after you."

He scoffs, "More likely they'd just eat you with rice."

2017-10-03, 07:46 AM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)
AC: 15 HP: 17/17

"Yeah, I'm in the same boat as Jarrak here. Unless you're talking about old unpleasant women, I don't know any more than what's said in children's stories. And I don't think those are exactly reliable. I'll tell you if anything comes to mind. At least we're probably too old to be tasty to a hag, right?"

"Well, have fun with the guard duty. I think I'll head to the inn as well. People always like to talk over a mug of ale", Varis says to Jarrak and Mutt.

Varis heads to the inn, and looks for a group of locals. He goes over and starts chatting with them, asking what songs he'd like them to play and asking about happenings in town.

Persuasion: [roll0]

Maybe Varis has heard something relevant about hags? General Int roll: [roll1]

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-03, 08:44 AM
The road to Oakfell

Hags are more a creature of legend than anything you expected to ever encounter in real life. You know roughly what they are—evil witch creatures, known to inhabit swamps and other dark and dank parts of nature. You've heard tales that they sometimes take on human form. They are common in fairy tales, where they do terrible things to children who misbehave, but you're not sure whether there's any truth to those tales.

Mutt finds a bird and successfully convinces it to carry his message. The bird is eager to help him, and patiently waits for him to finish tying the message. The bird flies off in the right direction.

* * * * *


As Karghun makes his way about town, the only particularly unusual sights are what he's already noticed: the children are not outside playing, the men are preparing a watch for the night, and people generally seem on edge.

In the Red Boar Inn, there's a bit of a crowd, as the people seek comfort together. An old man with a lyre is singing a tale about a fairy in a secluded waterfall granting wishes to those who find her. The innkeeper provides you with ale. As you listen to the room, you hear a few people asking if there are any new disappearances, but most people are there to forget about their troubles.

A few men are leaving the inn as Varis approaches. Varis tries to entice the men to stay by talking about his musical offerings, but the men just laugh him off and head on their way. When Varis goes inside, he realizes there's already a musician here, which might explain why his approach was futile.

* * * * *

As it gets darker, Mutt goes looking about for a bat. Before he can track down a bat, he spots an owl in a nearby tree. Once again he gains the favor of an animal. The owl isn't sure what hags are, but after a little describing, the owl indicates that it hasn't seen any ugly-witch-ladies, just man-people and goblin-people. It agrees to return after the night's hunt.

The townsmen are glad to allow Jarrak and Mutt to take turns keeping vigil.

It's still night. I'll let you interact with your various scenes before moving forward. There's still time to visit Beatrice's house this evening,
or you can go in the morning.

I hope the presentation is easy to follow, with my narration now spread out over time and place. :smallsmile: Bolding character names seemed like a useful way to help you find your sections.

2017-10-03, 10:07 AM
Martin wanders idly, he could deal with internal threats or taking knowledge off those in the know but now he was being asked to track down a hostile base in the middle of the wilderness? No divisions among the enemy to take advantage of, no rifts among his own side to mend. And so he separated from the group and went to wander among the people, spinning tales to men of the militia and hoping to lift thier spirits by measure of the demonslayers that had now arrived.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-03, 10:40 AM
The villagers respond to Martin's boast with glee, at first. These demonslayers are here to take on our woods enigma?! But this is mixed with a greater apprehension. Could there be demons lurking in these woods?

One of them voices this concern, "Good hero, do you believe it is a tribe of demons that takes our men from the woods? What can we do to survive?"

2017-10-03, 11:13 AM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Watching the people in the inn, Karghun swears to do anything he can to bring an end to the fears of the village. Nobody should have'ta live like this, he thinks to himself. Lookin' one another in th' eye, wonderin' if their loved one is the next t' go. He fumbles for his holy symbol and turns his thoughts toward his god in prayer. Marthammor, You 'n' me ain't always seen eye t' eye on they way my life has gone, or on where You've called me to. But You've seen fit t' place me here now. If'n ya let these folks down, we're gonna have words.

Having said his part to his god, the cleric charges his one drink to Anberd if the barkeep will accept it and heads back out to the village center, meeting anyone from the village who may be there, offering blessings of the Wanderer's God, and trying to help them feel more at ease until he retires for the night.

2017-10-03, 12:58 PM
No, it is unlikely that this is demons work, they leave certain tracks and certain wounds that are easily identifiable by a crew as expierienced as ours.

Martin sat back in his chair an flicker of contemplation crossing his brow.

Tell me do any of you know of any distinctive markings around areas the victims have vanished from? They may aid us in identifying the foe.

2017-10-03, 01:32 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Mutt goes around and sees if anyone wants to speak with that Beatrice with him before his watch. He also mentions to them all that there are goblins in the woods as well though that's not too uncommon.

2017-10-03, 02:30 PM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)
AC: 15 HP: 17/17

Well that was a shame, finally a room with a good crowd, and there already was an entertainer. Varis orders a beer and sits down, listening to the old man play his lyre. Varis doesn't stress himself too much with gathering information, random townsfolk wouldn't know much more besides rumors. They could talk to mayor or some other authority figure tomorrow.

Varis spends most of the evening listening to the song, though if he spots an ongoing dice game, he joins in.

2017-10-03, 03:36 PM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

Samani thanks the man and sets off for the cottage he pointed out to her. She knocks on the door, though not as hard as she is used to knocking. Generally the doors upon which she knocks are those of people less inclined to answer.

When/if the door opens, she introduces herself and asks to interview Beatrice.

2017-10-03, 11:20 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

Jarrak takes some time assisting the guards in prepping the area, familiarizing himself with the area, and then works with them so that he's taking a watch during the darkest part of the night. With his inborn ability to see well in the dark it only made sense.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-04, 12:39 PM
Samani and Mutt head over to Beatrice's cottage. It is a simple home, with black linens hanging from the eaves in front. Samani knocks. After a few moments, she hears movement inside. A middle-aged woman with thin, blonde hair opens the door. After Samani introduces herself and her mission, Beatrice lets the pair inside to talk.

"I'm afraid there's not much I can say to help you," she begins, as she takes a seat at the old, wooden table and gestures for you to join her. "My boys liked to go deep into the forest, laying traps along the way, then hunt their way back, checking the traps. They're usually gone for about a week, maybe a little less. When they left, it was the 18th of Fire. I remember saying, you shouldn't go out hunting during the darks of the month, but John insisted they needed to go on several extra hunts before the cold season came in. Bad year for crops, and all." She catches herself before she sobs, taking a couple deep breaths. "I don't suppose I can interest you in some fruit cake. The villagers have been awfully generous since.. well they've been real kind, all sorts of cakes and such." She starts to rise to fetch some refreshments for her guests.

* * * * *

When Martin asks the villagers gathering around him about markings in the woods, there are blank faces. Then one fellow pipes up, "You oughtta talk to Phil. He went out and tried to follow the game trails looking for the missing hunters. Didn't find anything, but maybe he noticed something." The group slowly chimes in, eventually leading you to realize Phil is one of the men setting up the bonfire.

Meanwhile, Varis enjoys the rest of the man's fairy tale, but after that the man turns to some familiar but tired ballads. There doesn't seem to be any gaming going on tonight, though a few men start to challenge each other to arm wrestling.

Once the innkeeper understands that the party is there on Anberd's business, Karghun has no troubles excusing himself. There aren't many people out in the village center as the night grows dark, but the few who are seem thankful for the dwarf priest's words.

* * * * *

The guards appreciate Jarrak's assistance in setting up, and the experienced knight is able to offer some pointers in how they set up their basic defenses.

I'll let all the evening scenes play out before moving through the night with Mutt's and Jarrak's watches.

2017-10-04, 10:42 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Mutt was starting to regret talking to this woman. He was never comfortable with emotions. Its been about the hunt most the time for him. He understood her dire predicament however. No longer a Hunter around to provide for this woman likely she will perish. He declines her gift seeing as how she will likely need it more. "No you keep it. You will need it for the cold months. I have a bit of a surplus so you can have some of my hunt. Would you mind telling us of any of thier adventures into the wilderness. Maybe that might give us a clue as to what's going on. I know the odds are not great but maybe they still live and we can bring them home. I make no promises however. " Mutt hands her some of his hunts.

2017-10-05, 12:05 PM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

Samani reaches out to touch the woman's arm before she leaves, speaking gently, "You have my deepest condolences. We'll do our absolute best to discover what has been going on. Do you know to which direction they set out and if they had any notable personal effects on them?"

2017-10-05, 12:33 PM
Martin traveled over to the back of the bonfire whence he engaged this Phil in conversation, carefully watching for any signs of deceit.

So, I hear you are the one brace enough to try and find that which endangers the village. I humbly ask you to share what you know with me so I may aid you in this cause.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-05, 02:32 PM
Beatrice replies to Samani and Mutt, "Oh, thank you. You are too kind. There is a road that heads north out of town, into the forest. After a while it becomes nothing more than a game trail. They followed this road for the most part, then I think there's a river, but I don't really know. I never went out with them. The furthest they'd go was usually the foothills. John swears he saw a giant once, but I don't know what else to say." She goes quiet, reminiscing.

* * * * *

Phil sizes Martin up before responding. "And I suppose you think you can solve this mystery? I've been out in these woods before. You gotta be careful!" He pauses a moment, and continues. "But I suppose that won't stop you lot. Well, I followed them game trails, and I didn't see anything out there. I did find a campfire that smelled something foul, but nothing else around. No sign of the men, really. At least, I didn't see any bodies or nothin'."

2017-10-06, 02:54 AM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Mutt replies Thank you for your time Beatrice. I agreed to help with the watch either to give some men a break or cover more ground I'm not to sure which. I wish you the best of luck in your continued survival. Mutt leaves for his watch.

2017-10-07, 04:56 PM
Martin adopts a reassuring pose and clasps Martin shoulder,

I think we have a shot at ending it here and now and if not we're capable enough to get men out alive, but we'll be careful I promise you that. Anyways I better rest up for the action tomorrow, and you should do the same if your not on watch, the sharper your mind the better your chances.

After hearing any reply from Phil Martin goes to a night of fitful, worried sleep.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-08, 01:41 PM
Beatrice thanks Samani and Mutt for their efforts, and wishes them luck on the journey.

Meanwhile, Phil bids Martin luck, and takes his watch by the fire.

* * * * *

Jarrak's watch goes quietly, as it starts to rain. It takes a little work to keep the fire going. Whatever lurks in the werewoods does not venture to enter Oakfell at this time; whether this is due to the rain, the fire, or something else altogether remains unclear. The other guards are grateful to him for taking the darkest watch.

Mutt's watch is also quiet, and also wet. The owl he had charmed earlier returns, reporting that it did not see any ugly-witch-ladies. It leaves in a hurry, eager to find a dry place to roost.

* * * * *

Morning arrives in Oakfell. The village is again uncharacteristically quiet and on edge, and the steady rain only seems to worsen everyone's moods. The tavern is filled with long faces breaking their fasts in near silence, the weight of their town's predicament heavy in their eyes.

The party sets out on the only path that seems to make sense, the small road heading north. After about an hour the road begins to narrow into little more than a game trail. You are now truly in the forest, and the going is slow. Every now and then, you see some evidence of persons having left the trail—shrubs bent down, narrow cross-paths, and the like. The path is getting fairly muddy as the rain continues. Mutt stops the party for a moment, examining the muddy ground.

As you proceed across one of these crosspaths, you notice a few remaining footprints in the mud. It is hard to make out, but you are pretty sure you see the footprint of a large bugbear, along with a few small footprints that probably belong to goblins. They head west.

I'm pretty sure you all want to head out of Oakfell now, but let me know if you wanted to look around the village and talk to anyone else first,
and we'll pause the traveling. I'm assuming you're bringing your horses, but you can choose otherwise if you wish. You do know that Hannon's team, at least,
hunted on horseback.

2017-10-08, 10:43 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Mutt wasn't terribly surprised about the possibility of goblins or that there was no evidence of a hag. After all if they were easy to find then they wouldn't be fairy tails. But the fairy tails have to come from something right?

When Mutt comes across the path he stops the party and hushes them and gets them down.

"Gentlemen we may not be alone in these woods. The birds told me that there may be goblins about. See these here. This seems to be a bugbear and a few goblins heading off in that direction. Now I don't see anymore tracks to give evidence of any humans or near human but that doesn't mean they didn't pass this way.
The goblins may have something to do with this trouble. Even if they don't only good goblins are dead goblins. Basically what I'm saying is that no matter what these goblins are up to we should check them out. What say the rest of you? If need be I could go ahead and track them down and we can ambush them.

2017-10-09, 12:16 AM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Karghun grunts in agreement with Mutt's assessment. "Course we're not alone in th' woods. Somethin's takin' all o' these people. It ain't us. That means it be someone else." He pauses and listens to the rest of what Mutt has to say. "Well, you been a busy one, young'un. I say we find these goblins n' see if'n we can't get 'em to tell us anything."

2017-10-09, 09:39 AM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

Nodding toward the two men talking, Samani agrees with Karghun, "It would be better, I say, to try to capture at least one goblin alive. You don't get a lot of the greenskin folk in the city, but my every experience with them has shown that they're all very talkative with the most minor of pressure."

2017-10-09, 03:10 PM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)
AC: 15 HP: 17/17

"Yeah, they're not very brave. Or smart, so... Take whatever they say with a grain of salt."

"I say we all go together. No point in going alone and getting ambushed and captured by goblins. Because that's not something you will want in your heroic tale. And there's probably something else in the woods."

2017-10-09, 06:03 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

Jarrak looks at the surroundings in contemplation.

"I would suggest caution in our approach," He says after a few moments, "So far we have a lot of missing people, but no sightings, and no one has escaped."

"Either they were caught completely unaware each and every time or there is something to this threat we haven't discovered yet."

2017-10-10, 08:57 AM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
"Well let's get to it then. I suggest we go at a normal pace for a while to catch up and when the tracks look a bit fresher slow down to ambush them."

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-12, 11:34 AM
With that, Mutt leads the group through the forest, following muddy footprints through the increasingly heavy rain. But it isn't long before the tracks seem to run out. There's just so much rain that what tracks were there have largely been obliterated.

Yet after a short while of trying to find more tracks, Mutt has a stroke of luck, or perhaps a stroke of genius. He spots an outcropping of rock and leads the rest of you there. Under the overhanging rock, the ground is mostly dry. Clear as day are the muddy footprints of a number of creatures who passed by, some of them evidently pausing under the rock to avoid the rain water. Mutt believes there are two goblins with the bugbear. Other tracks belong to local wildlife—rabbits, a fox, and a panther, at least.

The tracks head off to the northwest, and the path is evident—they seem to be heading through a series of rock outcroppings, probably in an attempt to stay dry, possibly even to find a cave. Sensing that you are approaching the goblins, you proceed carefully from this point forward, trying to avoid notice.

You successfully follow the trail, which disappears through much of the wet ground but reappears beneath the outcroppings. You continue to see bugbear, goblin, and panther footprints, though not consistently all three.

It is about midday, and still raining, when Mutt notices the cave, which he quickly points out to the rest of you. There is a small and dark opening in a rocky ridge a bit further ahead. Mutt chanced to look at just the right moment, as a panther emerged, lapping water from a puddle. Just inside the cave, two goblins are peering out into the forest; they don't seem to have seen you. And the bugbear you've been tracking appears to be napping behind them.

The battle map is updated. Do check out the updated map legend; there is plenty of difficult terrain in the rainy forest. You're not in initiative time unless you take an action that requires it.

2017-10-12, 06:49 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
"Friends I think I can convince the panther to leave us alone but I must get closer. I'd prefer not to kill an innocent animal needlessly. I may alert the goblins so be prepared to back me up. Does that sound like a good plan?"

2017-10-13, 06:05 PM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)
AC: 15 HP: 17/17

Varis nods. "That would help a lot.
Kitty looks like it has wicked claws. Go for it buddy. I'll be sneaking right behind you, ready to give support if those little buggers decide to attack." Varis grins and clutches the hilt of his sword.

2017-10-13, 07:41 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

"I'm afraid they will hear me coming a mile away," Jarrak whispers, "But we can make that work for us. After the rest of you get into position I can come out and try to talk to them, drawing their attention. If they decide to attack... well, maybe we have found our problem, and we're in position to do something about it. If they talk, well, maybe we can finally learn about what's going on in this forest."

He glances to the others to see what they think.

2017-10-14, 02:47 AM
Martin nods in agreement

If we can surround them, and relocate the panther convincing them to surrender can't be that hard. I say we go for it.

2017-10-14, 09:32 AM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Exellent suggestion Jarrak.
Wolves sometimes distract a bear to steal its food surrounding and harrassing it. Lets sneak up there then
Mutt moves to w7 just behind a tree. This may take several rounds. Stealth [roll0]. He then casts animal friendship dc 14 wisdom save. Animal handling [roll1] He tosses some meat off away from the goblins. He ttys to convey that he would rather the panther stay away with the meat for a while.

Just in case initiative [roll2]

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-14, 11:52 AM
As Mutt climbs a tree, he places his weight on a weak limb, which gives with a loud crack. Mutt does not fall, but the crack attracts the attention of the goblins and the panther.

The panther backs instinctively toward the cave, snarling, while the two goblins raise their bows and prepare to fire at Mutt.

The bugbear is still asleep at the moment.
Initiative goes: Samani and Mutt can act in either order; then the goblins; then Karghun and Varis in either order; then the panther; then Martin, Jarrak, Samani, and Mutt as a group in any order.

Mutt: Since the stealth came first, and that's what triggered initiative, you haven't yet cast Animal Friendship or tossed the meat. You may do so with this turn, but you have goblin bows trained on you. They will attack on their turn unless something changes their mind. Let me know if I misinterpreted your intent.

EDIT: One more thing, the rest of the party can have moved forward a little while Mutt and Varis were sneaking, perhaps as far as columns N and O, if you wish.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-14, 07:12 PM
Mutt attempts to cast Animal Friendship on the panther, but the spell fails. Something about the panther is not as it seems. The panther looks at Mutt, who feels a watchful intelligence in its eyes.

2017-10-14, 10:13 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

"I only wish to speak," Jarrak declares walking out into the open as best he can with his hands raised away from his weapons, "We are looking for some missing friends. We are not interested in hurting anyone."

Not sure if he can really move outside of the initiative, but would probably be around O4 if possible, if not farther.

2017-10-15, 02:20 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Mutt is used to animals being smarter then they appear. Raccoons foxes ravens all have a way of figuring out some man-made wether exploiting them or subverting them to get into mischief. However still his spell should have worked but it didn't even register as affecting the "panther". Mutt puts his hunch to the test.

In druidic mutt says To the "panther" Please we mean you no harm. We only come to talk. Are you like me? Can you understand?

2017-10-15, 09:53 PM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

I am incredibly out of my element here, Samani realizes as water drips down the back of her neck. She shivers from the rain. It would take her too long to cover the distance to the cave, so she tries her best to stay out of the line of sight of the goblins as she approaches. She keeps her hands from her weapon, much as she would prefer its reassuring weight.

Samani will have moved to N3, so she will try to advance. She will approach R2 or as close to it as possible, while attempting to remain hidden as best as possible. She will keep to the side, hoping to use Jarrak's distraction to her advantage.

Stealth Rolls (Disadvantage): [roll0] [roll1]

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-16, 08:55 AM
The goblins and the panther react with some confusion to the appearance of the paladin Jarrak, asking peace, and the presence of Mutt in the tree, both of whom have begun speaking to them in different tongues.

The first goblin backs off for a moment, rousing the bugbear behind him. The second goblin doesn't hesitate, firing an arrow toward Mutt which ineffectually deflects in the tree branches, but the panther snarls at him when he does so. This second goblin whines at the panther as the bugbear rises, grabbing his javelin and engaging in a spirited conversation with the goblins.

Then the bugbear shouts out, in Common, "We know nothing of your friends. Leave us if you value your lives."

[roll0] [roll1]

Karghun and Varis may act now, in either order.

2017-10-16, 02:12 PM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)
AC: 15 HP: 17/17

It seemed others might still want to talk. Varis doesn't trust the goblins to play nice, and decides to keep hiding.

Continue hiding. Stealth if needed: [roll0]

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-16, 03:40 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

"Fair enough," Jarrak calls back.

Barring a startled attack, entirely understandable in Jarrak's mind, these creatures hadn't done anything to really warrant any untoward actions, "Just one more question. People have been disappearing around this forest. You know about anything in this forest that might be responsible?"

"It only started recently, something new might have moved into the forest?"

* * * * *

When it sees the dialogue starting between the bugbear and Jarrak, the panther takes its cue and leaves the cave, climbing up a tree adjacent to the one Mutt is in. Once it finds a perch, it transforms into a short man with long dark hair and a beard. He is dressed for wilderness travel in leather and linens, and speaks to Mutt in Druidic, with some urgency.

"Hello, brother. What is your mission here? Did Zeltrina send you? What of those travelers over there?"
Meanwhile, the bugbear responds to Jarrak's explanations. "The forest is filled with dangers. We are among those dangers, if you cross us. And that goes for your skulking friends, too," he adds, stabbing his javelin in the direction of Varis and Mutt.

I've restored the deleted Jarrak post here, because I ended initiative order upon better considering the situation. Sorry for any resulting confusion. I'll try to clarify if there are further questions.

2017-10-16, 10:02 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
In druidic Mutt responds.
[COLOR="#008000"]I've No idea of this "zeltrina"
I assume this is a teacher or a leader of some sort? If so I'm self taught so calling me brother might be like calling someone brother who has no memory of why or possibly an adopted child like I am. I've some affinity in my blood it seems for the power of nature and transformation. Please do not reveal my powers to these gentlemen. I revealed some inadvertently before and it was met with fright. And I've no wish to lose even more friends. My mission here is to find missing men and stop what's making them go missing. The men I travel with are also doing the same. Who is zeltrina? What are you traveling with goblin kind for? So you know anything of these dissappearances? Maybe you could help me understand my powers better if nothing else? Could you please do something about the bugbear I feel as though he might get in the way of any peace we might reach. My name is mutt foster what is yours?[/COLOR

To the bugbear in common Clearly there is reason to "skulk" since the only reasonable one amoung you is the one speaking to me now. We come here in peace to speak with you not to battle but if you keep threatening or my friends I can't promise just how long that will last. We outnumber you. Could you please explain the dangers in these woods besides yourselves?

2017-10-18, 07:39 AM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

"They have every right to be mad," Jarrak says so everyone can hear, "I'd be quite mad too if I discovered a bunch of armed men sneaking up on us in the middle of a forest."

"I think they're innocent. They've had plenty of opportunities to attack us, even though they thought to have had numbers on their side, and preferred to talk instead," He nods, "Which seems very strange considering the only thing we know so far as that the threat has not left any witnesses."

"I think we should pull back and continue our search elsewhere."

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-18, 09:03 AM
The short druid with the long hair is taken aback by Mutt's revelations, and answers in Druidic.

"I'm afraid I cannot answer all of your questions; I mistook you for a member of my order. I am traveling with these goblins for complicated reasons, and I'm sorry your friends seem to have become lost in the forest. I recommend you leave before you meet the same fate, cousin."

The bugbear scowls at the talk of outnumbering. He lets Jarrak finish his piece, but answers with anger in his voice. "What are numbers when it's man-flesh against goblin-flesh? Who are you to judge us innocent or guilty? There is no guilty or innocent in these woods. There is death and survival. We will protect ourselves and our dens. Leave now if you value your lives!" He points his javelin at Jarrak, and jerks his head toward the goblins. They lift their bows and point them at the party.

2017-10-18, 12:10 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
I appreciate that and I don't believe we will be leaving until we figure out just what is happening. Thank you for the time you could spare and if you find you have more time later could you track me down or give me a way to find you later? I am very curious. I think we will be withdrawing

Back to the bugbear We do not proclaim your guilt of anything. We do not wish to fight needlessly. Only wish to know what you know of these happenings since you've been in the area longer. I believe we will be withdrawing

2017-10-19, 03:00 PM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)
AC: 15 HP: 17/17

Varis comes out of hiding after the bugbear calls him out. He stops to lean on a tree, resting his hand on the hilt of his sword, and listens to the conversation.

"Well, if you don't know anything, I suppose we shouldn't waster our time here", Varis says and turns to leave.

2017-10-20, 02:58 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Karghun watches the scene unfold, silently assessing the threat of the group they were facing. It certainly seemed like a strong enough group to cause all the problems in the area, and there may even be more lurking nearby for all they knew.

Insight: [roll0] Do they seem to be telling the truth?

2017-10-22, 08:30 AM
While the tense conversation was going on to avoid combat Martin stayed down in his hiding place, when it seems no blood will be shed today he calms himself down and makes to leave, crawling steadily through the undergrowth.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-23, 08:39 AM
The druid replies one last time to Mutt, a pained look on his face for just a moment.

Go now, I may track you down some time in the future. Now is not the best time.

Then he darts down the tree and heads for the cave as Mutt and Varis begin to withdraw. The bugbear and goblins keep their weapons pointed at the party, but don't attack.

You get the distinct sense that the bugbear knows exactly what happened to your friends. It also seems that he really wants to attack you, but something is holding him back.

Martin and Varis are able to get back to the group, which means Jarrak can also withdraw. What do you do now? Some options:

You can leave the way you came, trying to find your way back to the game trail.
You can retreat a little and consider another approach on these goblins.
You can bide your time and try to track them again from here.
You can look for shelter from the rain.
You can go about the woods from here, looking for more signs of what happened.
Whatever else you come up with.

Sorry again for being out of it the last few days.

2017-10-23, 02:00 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Karghun glares at the bugbear for a few moments. He gestures toward him then calls out, "Oi, you. Brother of Battles. Do ya have anything t' add?"

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-23, 03:52 PM
"Yes," growls the bugbear. He then mutters a couple of words in Goblin, prompting one of the goblins to fire an arrow wide of the party. "That's your last warning!"

Feel free to give me an updated position, if anyone's inclined to start combat (which you can totally avoid if you keep retreating, ball's in your court). I pulled Mutt and Varis back but just picked spots; you had time to retreat further if you like. Samani and Jarrak might wish to retreat as well. Karghun probably moved forward to speak, but I wasn't sure how far to move him so I didn't.

2017-10-23, 04:15 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Karghun lets out a big sigh and shakes his head. He had hoped the warrior would give up some information on their quarry, but he wasn't willing to beat it out of him...unless that was the group's decision. He turns and walks back toward the rest of his group, speaking loud enough for the bugbear and his companions to hear. "They don' know a thing. We'll have t' keep trompin' around and lookin' ever-where." He tenses up a bit under his armor, hoping not to get hit, but ready in case he does.

Ready the dodge action: Imbue disadvantage on any attack against you before the beginning of your next turn.

2017-10-23, 11:28 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

When the arrow flew, Jarrak lowered his left arm, letting his shield slide down his arm to his waiting hand, and his right hand rested on the hilt of his sword.

He understood that this creature was scared, was posturing, and all of his constant yelling (which he noted his adoptive family would have translated as "kill me, kill me") was a frantic attempt to make himself look big and strong for his lackeys. There was a chance that they were scared by whatever was in the forest, and probably by the heavily armed strangers. He knew that what he was seeing here was just a defensive move.

But he knew that their scared posturing could turn into cold blooded murder in seconds. And while he would afterwards feel terrible for having to kill them, he would defend himself against people trying to kill him.

Still as he stood there he felt that there was still a chance of them walking away as long as-

He winced as Karghun gruffly dismissed the bugbear.

2017-10-24, 12:52 AM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Mutt growls at the arrow. He hates being bullied.
"I hope your reasons are just friend. Please keep The goblin blooded under control. I'll send word by bird.
Don't betray my trust. I will be speaking to my friends about what we discussed.

When the group is regrouped Mutt discusses all he spoke to the druid about adding "I had a hunch that my words of magic would be understood and we spoke for a bit. I am going to speak with some animals and have them watch and deliver a note when the man is alone unless anyone else has any good ideas? Hopefully the animals will help us track and keep eyes on our new adversaries.

2017-10-25, 11:12 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

Jarrak frowns, lost in thought, "I really don't think they're the source of the issue. Their leader seemed downright terrified, and avoided a fight as much as he could."

He sighs, "But we should try to find a good defendable camp tonight. If he thinks we're the threat, or just feels that we've undercut his authority he might attempt to attack us at our weakest just to prove how tough he is to his followers."

2017-10-26, 10:14 AM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

Samani watches the ongoing event, flinching as the arrow flies. She pulls back to the group and listens to Mutt's suggestion carefully.

"I agree, druid," She says in response, "It looks like the situation has a good number of unknown sides to it. We should be keeping an eye on this group, to see what they know and how they react to this little meeting of ours."

2017-10-26, 12:02 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Karghun grunts in agreement with Samani's plan. "Tha's a good thought. The sneakiest o' us should follow them f'r a bit while'n th' rest o' us set up camp. Anyone else got 'nuther thought?"

2017-10-26, 08:00 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Mutt thought about the word "cousin" and "druid" a bit. He asked himself if he was possibly a druid then? He always thought himself more of a huntsmen and woodsmen who through expierience trial and error learned some nature secrets. Didn't druids join circles or in groups to protect an area of sorts? Maybe that man could tell me more.

Mutt responds to Jarrak "I agree with that assessment. Wolves will establish a similiar pecking order and the alpha will do anything to keep that chain.

Mutt responds to Samani You give me high praise indeed with that title. I am nothing but a simple Hunter with a few tricks.

Mutt says to Karghun I didn't get much out of that man and you seemed to pick up on something when you said they didn't know a thing. What did you pick up on? Do you think it wise for any of us to sneak on them? They seem pretty on guard spotting us easily. Besides that what if that one or team of sneaks are discovered with no backup?

Proceeds to devise a plan of sorts and discuss it with party "I am going to write a note for a bird to carry to the man I spoke with. I'm going to write it in magical words so the goblins can't read just in case they intercept. I'm trying to figure out just what it should say. So far I figured out to ask a bird to deliver this message when the man is alone. Maybe in the note mention a meeting point but barring that maybe just communicate with the notes. He seems to be the only reasonable one among them and I'd like to know more if I can. So are we stopping until the goblin blood move again? Did anyone see a good spot to make camp?

I just wanted to say that when Mutt discussed what The man and him spoke of that he didn't mention his own ability to transform.

2017-10-26, 08:41 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Karghun grunts in thought as he responds to Mutt, though as he does so, he realizes that he tends to grunt a lot. No problem, though. Grunting can mean so many things. "That thar bugbear be knowin' more 'n he be lettin' on. I think he has knowledge o' what's goin' on. If he truly ain't involved, he at least knows sump'n."

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-27, 08:45 AM
The group slowly retreats from the cave where the goblins and the druid are keeping shelter, as the rain continues to pour. It is still about midday. It doesn't take long for them to find another cave in this rocky, wooded area. They settle in for some shelter, considering their options as the day continues.

Mutt wants to find a bird for a message, and Jarrak suggested making camp. Shall we wait out the rain until the evening, then? Or would you like to accomplish anything else in that time?

2017-10-27, 09:11 AM
Samani Claspshands (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1325510)
Paladin 2

Samani muses beneath the cover of the cave, "I've been thinking of what you said about the bugbear, Karghun. I'd bet my britches that he isn't the cause of the disappearances, but I agree that his motley crew knows more than they're letting on. Mutt, do you think you could use that skill with animals to convince something nearby to trail them? "

2017-10-27, 11:39 AM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
"I can only request so much for so long. I can usually diverge an animals natural instincts for about a day. So you think I should convince more then one animal to help? I can do that but it will deplete nearly all of my magical energies.

With that mutt begins a note in druidic adressed to the man he spoke with. It says to either send a note back or find a way to separate from his group so me and him and possibly my party can speak in more length without harassment.

Knowing that his actions are a bit strange mutt makes a request please do not follow me around I must get in time with our surroundings. Plus it takes a while so I wouldn't want you to get bored or distract me or scare away potential allies. with that he leaves the camp. He keeps an eye out for anyone following him confronting whoever might follow. He then ritually casts speak with animal and tries to find some birds. He then casts animal friendship after collecting some tasty seeds to offer the animals.

He asks The first oneHello friend. I have some seeds for you here and a request. Will you allow me to The this note to your leg and could you deliver it to the man traveling with the goblin blooded whenever you find him alone? I'd be very appreciative and I'll have more tasty morsels for you upon your return."

To The other bird "I have more of this food for you if you will do me a favor.
There is a small group of 3 goblin bloods and a man traveling nearby. Could you keep an eye on them and help me track them down. We believe they know what happened to part of our flock. Any additional info you have would help as well.

Not sure just what rolls you will want or if advantage or disadvantage.
Perception [roll0] reroll [roll1]
Survival [roll2] reroll [roll3]
Handle animal 1st [roll4] reroll [roll5]
Handle animal 2nd [roll6] reroll [roll7]

2017-10-27, 11:43 AM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Don't know just what rolls you want.
My passive perception is 16.
Perception [roll0] reroll [roll1]
Survival [roll2] reroll [roll3]
1st handle animal [roll4] reroll [roll5]
2nd handle animal [roll6] reroll [roll7]

2017-10-27, 03:34 PM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)
AC: 15 HP: 17/17

"I agree trailing them is a good idea. If they work for someone, they might go and report to them now. They might lead us to some clues." Varis shrugs. "Or come back with a bigger force and hunt us down. I do hope it's not that one."

"Anyway, are you sure about this druid guy? I mean, he was traveling with them... I hope he doesn't try to set ambush for us."

2017-10-27, 04:07 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Mutt responds before he leaves to varis"I can't be sure of anything without more details. This man didn't seem to be willing to travel with these goblins. He seemed compelled to do so by something else. He seemed genuine in his concern for us and was openly hostile to the goblin that took a shot at me.He seems to have some sway or else I think the goblins would have attacked. He seemed to be the only one not openly hostile. Besides that I've never met anyone besides me and my sister to speak that tongue though she has forgotten it. Honestly thought it was just a made up language until I started noticing things the more time I spent outside of town and discovered its magic. This to me means he knows things I don't and I must know.
It may be a trap but every hunt is a risk. Especially these days in these woods.

2017-10-27, 04:38 PM
Martin rejoins the party from the brush then promptly clears his throat.

I mean from the sound of this does seems as if it's worth mentioning that i have abilities elated to disguising myself as other creatures. once we know enough about the buggers for me to spin a story or two i could probably walk right up and have a little chat.

2017-10-27, 05:22 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Curious about disgising "So it's only a disguise right? I mean goblins are small would you be able to appear as such? What sort of tale could we weave with as little info we have?Maybe we could kidnap one goblin when he alone and you take his place. It might know something by itself without going to The bugbear. Its dangerous though. Think you could handle it by yourself?

2017-10-29, 04:21 AM
My good friend, this is a little bit more than just a disguise, though I warn you it does not work once they are close enough to touch me. However perhaps I may better show it with a practical demonstration

With that he walks up to Mutt and as a wave of light washes over him steadily assumes his shape and features.

What do you think?

2017-10-29, 04:55 AM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Mutt looks at Martin with displeasure "I think you just gave me another reason to distrust humanoids. Though that is useful for our situation. Have you thought of your plan of infiltration? he ends looking a bit calmer.

2017-10-29, 06:59 AM
If I've given you reasons to distrust people, than I've done you a favour. Trust me on that one.

The mutt copy replies looking oddly proud.

Now if we could abduct, abscond with and interrogate a goblin that would be ideal, the more information you go into these things with the more you come out with.

2017-10-29, 01:19 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Hmm well after a bit of scouting and such we may not need infiltration then but if that doesn't prove fruitful enough setting snares for the goblin blood may get us the goblin you need. Maybe you could go in with car is as backup. Im not the worst at stealth despite my mishap earlier and if not me maybe I can convince something to go along with you.

2017-10-29, 08:53 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

"I should like to point out that we've really spent very little time so far searching these woods. While their presence is a little unusual it's not really a sign of them being to blame for things that have happened so far," Jarrak notes, "If I may suggest it, maybe we should continue our search of the woods for another day or so to see if we can find evidence of the culprit. If we don't find anything we can always go back to trying this plan on the goblins."

"I am hesitant about it because I have no doubt that if they catch us interfering with them again they will resort to violence, and we'll be forced to do the same. Should they be guilty I have no issues with striking them down," He says with a tired resignation, "But I'd prefer to avoid putting ourselves in that situation simply because they were born goblins and we don't trust them."

It was foolish to think he knew how anything of the goblins motives or desires, but he understood being judged and condemned for nothing more than the race of his parents.

2017-10-30, 08:59 AM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

"Jarrak has a point," Karghun says. "How's about we jus' move along and see what other oddities there be to see?"

2017-10-30, 12:01 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Still sticking around for discussion "That's reasonable. But Karghun didn't you say the hobgoblin knew something? If you still think he does then should i still have some birds watch that group?

2017-10-30, 12:23 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Karghun consider's Mutt's question for a few moments, worry wrinkles lining his forehead. "It...could'na hurt, I guess. S'long as it doesn't take up too much of your magical energies for th' day."

2017-10-30, 02:46 PM
Varis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320550)
AC: 15 HP: 17/17

Varis had sat down to listen Mutt and Martin, chewing a clover."Yeah, that tracking from afar sounds better than infiltration. I think that would run a risk of getting caught alone. If they go to report to someone they saw us..." Varis glances over his shoulder. "You know, if they suspect we're up to something, they might start tracking us as well, especially if they have allies."

Varis then stands up, wiping dirt off his trousers. "So, shall we get a move on then?"

2017-10-30, 06:59 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
I Hadn't even considered them tracking us. Lets keep our gaurd up. We are in a nother creatures territory.

2017-10-30, 09:23 PM
Jarrak of Blackmoore (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320890)

"It may be in our best interest to return to this cave before sundown and see about fortifying it," He notes, considering the defensive possibilities of the cave, "It would likely be safer than camping out in the open."

2017-10-31, 02:37 PM
Karghun Silverforged ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320473)
Second Level Cleric
HP: 17/17 AC: 18
Concentrating on:
Other effects:

Karghun nods in agreement. "It would be easier to stay here. Mark it's location if anyone has a map. Let's keep lookin' around, though. We need t' come up with somethin' fairly quickly so none others disappear. As far as what th' bugbear knows or doesn't know, I think he has no thoughts t' helpin' us."

2017-10-31, 11:09 PM
Mutt Foster (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1320366)
Don't worry I'm never lost