View Full Version : Wormverse 'Villains' Game Team 1 Solo IC

2017-09-09, 03:34 PM

After the Methlab Takeover was concluded Speed-demon and Bounce showed up. A brutal cape-fight ensues, one which Milla hides from.

Bounce being a recent trigger does something stupid and accidentally stabs herself though the leg. Speed-Demon decides he needs to flee and drag his teammate somewhere for medical attention but not before getting in a cheep shot and, thanks to wielding a Freddy Kruger-style knife gauntlet, gets an serious injury on Aspect. When Speed-demon runs away he runs past Shade VI and his localised field of time affects him on the way out.

Shade VI could have gotten a touch of Speed-Demon during this, or he ran past, which could count as an exposure to his power (a localised field of accelerated time).

After this Rat King or Gator appears to offer some discrete help and provides a car and the contact details of a doctor to treat the wounded. Chimera, Argus, and Aspect go to the doctor to treat their wounds while Horizon-e and Shade VI stay behind to sort things out at the lab.

Meanwhile at the doctor the team members sent there just up and disappear along with the doctor. I know what would happen in this scenario but am keeping it hidden as a plot thing that can come up.

Back at base Horizon-e, after watching a teammate get pretty-much disembowelled by Speed-Demon, decides she is not cut out for this and has to return home.

Suggestion: What about if the Meth Lab Takeover was successful but now there's nobody to hold it? Maybe they transported some goods/money back to base but there weren't anybody to free, so no minions just yet. Thoughts? Anything else we should touch on before continueing?

Meth Lab Aftermatch

Back at base Milla is curled up in a corner of the fancy looking place, her back against the wall and her arms wrapped around her knees. Horizon had left earlier, the others hadn't returned from the doctor yet and she was all alone. 'It wouldn't matter if they had been here anyway, they probably wouldn't talk to me. Not after my complete failure in the fight against speed-demon.' She dug her head into her arms as if trying to hide herself from the world. Her cheeks were wet but there were no more tears to cry. 'Maybe if I had helped fight speed-demon Jane wouldn't have been hurt. Maybe if I had told them about how I can copy powers I could have protected her. Like if I had just gone to Face I could have told Chimera and Jane could have been a lot tougher.'

There was a pause in her thoughts and somehow in the midst of her sorrow she realized.

'Maybe I should do that' the thought was liberating. She tried tasting the words. 'Maybe I should do that' and again 'I should do that'. A smile slowly crept over her face. A kind of smile that hadn't been seen there for many years. A kind of smile someone who made a decision for themselves. A smile of determination.

Plastic Surgery

Milla took all of the $2000 they had gotten from singularity with her from the base. She had looked up the options that Face provided one more time and found a few fitting picture online that she would show her. She had had the presense of mind to take the time to shower and to swing by a shop on the way to purchase new cloth. Surely Face would have started asking questions if a stinky homeless walked in with hundreds of dollars.

Now standing outside of the clinique her stomach tightens and she feels the strongest urge to turn around and run away. 'What if she is onto me?' is the most recuring thought but other doubts are present too.

She takes a moment to remember why she is here and pictures the admiration on the faces on her teamates. With as determined steps she can muster she walks forwards and opens the door.

Face's Clinic:

The building is moderately large and well decorated, From the inviting sign outside to the white and blue furnishing within.

Most of the building seems to be this initial waiting room, from the automatic doors the woman at the desk smiles at you from behind her computer while typing up something. To her left is a column with a number of useful notes, from the pricing for the various 'tester' appointments to a reminder on the no celebrity lookalikes policy. To your right form the door is a number of booths each with a computer, showing a face from the same system from the website, one is already occupied.

Straight ahead is a door with an adjacent electronic screen showing a list of numbers, what seems to be the organisational system for those customers who lack a prior appointment. That will probably be better explained later by the secretary or whoever that is at the desk. Well to the right of that is another door marked 'Staff Only'.

"Well hello there miss." States the upbeat woman at the desk "You have an appointment or here to try before you buy? This your first time here? I'm sure I'd recognise you if so. I may not be the boss but I'm still pretty good with faces." she jokes putting on a positive atmosphere.

2017-09-10, 02:52 PM
Face's Clinic

Milla took the sight in and felt her stomach tighten, the nervousness comming back. 'I'm doing it!'

Despite having memorises everything Face offers, she walks over and studies the prices at the desk. She really only had one approach to this, the insecure, slightly desperate school-girl with rich parents. Perhaps it wouldn't be required but it couldn't hurt to lay the groundwork.

She forcibly stopped herself from jumping when the lady behind the disk suddenly spoke. She looked up, putting on her best, "innocent but spoiled girl"- face on, laughed as appropriate to the joke and responded in a chipper voice: "It's my first time and I'd like to try out some thing".

2017-09-11, 05:31 PM
Face's Clinic

Milla took the sight in and felt her stomach tighten, the nervousness comming back. 'I'm doing it!'

Despite having memorises everything Face offers, she walks over and studies the prices at the desk. She really only had one approach to this, the insecure, slightly desperate school-girl with rich parents. Perhaps it wouldn't be required but it couldn't hurt to lay the groundwork.

She forcibly stopped herself from jumping when the lady behind the disk suddenly spoke. She looked up, putting on her best, "innocent but spoiled girl"- face on, laughed as appropriate to the joke and responded in a chipper voice: "It's my first time and I'd like to try out some thing".

"Alright" the woman smiles back at you "you have two options, as you see on the pricing guide here. You can try on what you want yourself for fifty dollars, or if your prefer for ten we can call in our staff model to wear the face for you and you can see the results from an outside perspective. In either case we need your name. We then assign you to one of the booths where you can use our editing software to assemble the basic outline for the face you want and once satisfied you will be given a number for when its your turn with Face. On her end she is given the image of the face you assembled and then she will put it on you or the model and you may change things as you wish. Got all that"?

2017-09-12, 09:17 AM
At the reception

"I wanna try it on myself!" she says, not needing to fake enthusiasm. She was so close to gaining another power!. She then rolls it back a little: "Do I pay now or afterwards?"

The request for her name catches her unprepared. She suppreses a curse and her mind starts thinking. The first name that pops into her mind is Alexandra Wilcow, her little sister. She irks back at the thought and tries to think of another name. It needed to be someone who existed if they looked her up. It also needed to someone who didn't have a criminal record or who weren't famous, so she couldn't use her own even if she wanted to. Her mind blanks and her chest starts feeling compressed, anxiety building up. Realizing that she hadn't answered and that time was dragging on she burst out: "Alexandra Wilcox".

It left a sour taste in her mouth. She was impersonating her sister? Gah.

Quickly she catches her composure: "Yes maam!"

At the booth

Assuming nothing went sour Milla went to the booth and sat down.

Right, now she just needed to find something complicated enough that it would take Face at least 25 minutes. Maybe she could do with less time.

In the end that proved a suprisingly easy task. As soon as Milla started looking into the many different alterations she could be exposed to her mind drifting and all her insecurities regarding her look bubbled to the surface. She wanted to be taller. She wanted to be skinnier. More muscular. More tanned. Older, maybe around 16. Smoother skin, removing her insignificant acne and frecles. She wanted her face slimmer and with a smaller forehead. Slightly deeper eyes. And blue. Smaller ears. Blond hair. Less sharp nose. Whiter teeth.....

Currently Milla's active powers are Queen Bee, Moses, Chimera(Although no changes have been made), Argus.

2017-09-13, 04:22 PM
At the reception
"I wanna try it on myself!" she says, not needing to fake enthusiasm. She was so close to gaining another power!. She then rolls it back a little: "Do I pay now or afterwards?"

The request for her name catches her unprepared. She suppreses a curse and her mind starts thinking. The first name that pops into her mind is Alexandra Wilcow, her little sister. She irks back at the thought and tries to think of another name. It needed to be someone who existed if they looked her up. It also needed to someone who didn't have a criminal record or who weren't famous, so she couldn't use her own even if she wanted to. Her mind blanks and her chest starts feeling compressed, anxiety building up. Realizing that she hadn't answered and that time was dragging on she burst out: "Alexandra Wilcox".

It left a sour taste in her mouth. She was impersonating her sister? Gah.

Quickly she catches her composure: "Yes maam!"

The woman types away for a bit as she replies. "Money upfront I'm afraid. Part of the reason we do this is because we used to have people pull a runner..." she trials off as she finishes typing, takes a moment to read the screen and announces "Alright. That should be Booth A-two free for you. Reddy to go".

The woman at the desk is proving variable in her thoughts. First she is pleased at the new customer before showing mild boredom one you are at your booth. Showing up in flickers now and again is concern that, doing by where it seems to point is directed towards the room Face is.

[At the booth

Assuming nothing went sour Milla went to the booth and sat down.

Right, now she just needed to find something complicated enough that it would take Face at least 25 minutes. Maybe she could do with less time.

In the end that proved a suprisingly easy task. As soon as Milla started looking into the many different alterations she could be exposed to her mind drifting and all her insecurities regarding her look bubbled to the surface. She wanted to be taller. She wanted to be skinnier. More muscular. More tanned. Older, maybe around 16. Smoother skin, removing her insignificant acne and frecles. She wanted her face slimmer and with a smaller forehead. Slightly deeper eyes. And blue. Smaller ears. Blond hair. Less sharp nose. Whiter teeth.....

Currently Milla's active powers are Queen Bee, Moses, Chimera(Although no changes have been made), Argus.

The initial template to try on decided, you finalise things and almost immediately a small ticket showing the number two-thee-six. According to the screen in front of Face's door you are next after a woman who came out of her own booth a few minutes before you did yours.

Over about fifteen minutes the woman enters and then leves, making sure to take one of the fliers containing booking details on the way out.

Next your turns comes around. Through the door you find a decently large room. One corner is set aside in what looks like an office, the computer showing the face you wish to use as an initial template and around are selves of files and the other assorted fare to be expected. Sat at the computer, if immediately standing, is a woman who appears to be the very picture of modern beauty standards and dressed in appropriately fancy business attire. Face smiles warmly and nods to you as she walks over. "Hello miss Wilcox. Any last questions before we get started?" as she speaks he gestures at what resembles a wheeled salon chair at the entrance to an open octagonal arrangement of mirrors. Overhead a complex affair of lights can be seen. Towards the back of the room is a curtain that can be drawn forward from where it would block the view from another mirror, presumably to let people check their modified figure in private.

Like her employee Face is showing concern herself, this time directed towards an unknown person some distance away but this fades swiftly once you enter the room and is replaced with a buisnesslike seriousness.

2017-09-13, 04:48 PM
At the reception

"That's fine" Milla smiles and appears to dig deep into her pockets before conjuring $50 which she carefully counts up. She then heads to the booth.

At the booth

Her anxiety and eagerness slowly builds as the woman stays in to the degree that she needs to contain herself to sit still.

'15 minutes?' Milla smiles looking at the time when the woman exited. She would need at max 25 minutes and on average only 12.5 minutes to get a full shot of face. The odds were in her favour.

Milla breathes deeply. This was important. She quickly reminded herself of the proud faces of the group and of Jade in particular before walking in.

"Wow, you are pretty!" she bursts out with the complete adoration that only a child can pull off. Then she pulls it back a little and looks down on her feet, then back to face. "I mean, hi, nice to meet you" her hand stretched out in a polite greeting.

2017-09-15, 01:35 PM
At the booth

Her anxiety and eagerness slowly builds as the woman stays in to the degree that she needs to contain herself to sit still.

'15 minutes?' Milla smiles looking at the time when the woman exited. She would need at max 25 minutes and on average only 12.5 minutes to get a full shot of face. The odds were in her favour.

Milla breathes deeply. This was important. She quickly reminded herself of the proud faces of the group and of Jade in particular before walking in.

"Wow, you are pretty!" she bursts out with the complete adoration that only a child can pull off. Then she pulls it back a little and looks down on her feet, then back to face. "I mean, hi, nice to meet you" her hand stretched out in a polite greeting.

Face continues smiling away at you and responds by shaking your offered hand, her grip is firm and goes on a little long. "Ah, yes, in this job it pays to show my work" She says in good humour gesturing towards her own face "anyway good too meet you too. As you would imagine I am Face. If you would like to begin we will do so over by the mirror. You may sit or stand as is your preference but for full-body changes I would suggest standing".

2017-09-16, 04:43 AM
Milla feels wave of satisfaction run from her toes all the way to her hair roots as her hand touches Face's and she gains an exposure. 'One down, five to go'.

"Why standing?" she asks with slightly tilted head, continuing to run with her childish. Now the stalling began.

"Also, have anyone ever asked you to give them the legs of Usain Bolt so they could outrun everyone?" She curiously asks, pauses and then adds: "Oh wait no, you wouldnt do celebraties. What about the legs of some other superfast runner?"

The approach was a gamble but it was a calculated one. Face was a changer and rumour had it that changers usually manifested due personal insecurities.

2017-09-18, 03:23 PM
"Why standing?" she asks with slightly tilted head, continuing to run with her childish. Now the stalling began.

"It's quite simple really." Says face in what seems her usual manner, professional without becoming cold. "It is easier for people to watch changes in their figure if they are standing. And if they can see I am doing better, they can direct me to what they want.

"Also, have anyone ever asked you to give them the legs of Usain Bolt so they could outrun everyone?" She curiously asks, pauses and then adds: "Oh wait no, you wouldnt do celebraties. What about the legs of some other superfast runner?"

The approach was a gamble but it was a calculated one. Face was a changer and rumour had it that changers usually manifested due personal insecurities.

"Yes, that was a common thing people ask for, still do sometimes. I can't do Bolt though. My big limitation is that I can't create a body part from nothing. Instead I get a mental copy of sorts of the parts of others I have seen or touched, and those I can mix-and-match those features with those of anyone else I have... I suppose scanned is the word to use. So to do Bolt's legs I would need to get a look at them." After this she moves onto another point you mentioned.

"As to the whole 'no celebrities' thing that is just for people wanting me to turn them into what is basically a clone of one. I helped out some impersonators once and that opened the floodgate for the creepers. The no changing fingerprints thing started similarly when, le-" she coughs "Sorry, lets call them people of dubious intent, found out about me. A lot of the rules here started from things like that now I think on it".

"Anyway, ready to begin?"

Face is mostly as she as been thus far. Twinges of disgust make themselves known with the mention of 'creepers', and the mention of some criminal element bringing back feeling of worry.

This last feeling spikes into a moment of remembered horror as she seems to recall something major.

2017-09-21, 04:29 AM
"Anyway, ready to begin?"

"Yeah, absolutely" she says as she waltzes over to stand where directed.

She feels euphoric as Face touches her and she gains another exposure to the power. '2 down' she tells herself, unable to keep a smile from her face.

"Hmm, how small can you go down in terms of features? My teacher taught us about cells a few weeks ago, could you say, cure cancer?" she asks, continuing her stream of questions to distract and stall Face.

2017-09-22, 04:18 PM
"Yeah, absolutely" she says as she waltzes over to stand where directed.

Face comes up behind you a little after you get in position, taking only a moment to adjust the overhead lights to better light the area you are standing in.

"Alright I will touch the side of your neck to start things up. This will fell a little odd." with contact made you feel an almost itchy, almost being tickled, and not quite either sensation over first your head and extending down the rest of you.

"The face you selected will finish up momentarily and I will work on the body once that finishes. Remember to point out anything else you want." says Face.

[She feels euphoric as Face touches her and she gains another exposure to the power. '2 down' she tells herself, unable to keep a smile from her face.

"Hmm, how small can you go down in terms of features? My teacher taught us about cells a few weeks ago, could you say, cure cancer?" she asks, continuing her stream of questions to distract and stall Face.

As you ask your question you see your eyes blend from their natural colour to the blue you selected and the other changes begin to take hold.

"Well, I can go down to that small but it's not easy." she explains "My power does not tell me the health of someone or any of that but if I touch them and find, say a tumour, I can swap out those parts of the body for healthy versions". "What's the matter? you have a sick relative or something?" She asks with concern.

Emotionally Face shows every much the concern present in her voice.

As a little update on things you are about a minute away from another exposure

2017-09-22, 10:13 PM
Face comes up behind you a little after you get in position, taking only a moment to adjust the overhead lights to better light the area you are standing in.

It felt weird having turned your back to ones enemy, even if face didn't count as an enemy per say. More so like an opponent in a chess game. No, that was a bad metaphor. In chess you knew that you were playing a game to win. Her game consisted of making Face think they weren't playing a game. Opponent might fit after all.

Milla pointedly avoids thinking about the better word for describing the situation of Face. Victim.

Still she allowed herself to Track Face's movements in the mirror.

"The face you selected will finish up momentarily and I will work on the body once that finishes. Remember to point out anything else you want."

Milla nods and smiles like a good child: "Will do!". 'But only after you have finished' she adds silently.

"Well, I can go down to that small but it's not easy." she explains "My power does not tell me the health of someone or any of that but if I touch them and find, say a tumour, I can swap out those parts of the body for healthy versions". "What's the matter? you have a sick relative or something?" She asks with concern.

Milla froze where she stood. When she had asked the question she had been prepared to keep asking questions to distract Face, to respond to inquisitive questions or even had her escape plan mapped out. She hadn't however been prepared for the mental picture, Face's question had brought forth.

Eyes, that normally was so determined, closed. Arms so everly active unmoving. Tight lips slightly separated to make room for a metallic device that were breathing air into her Gretchen's lungs. Milla had always admired her mother'so majestic facial features but now, lying in coma, there wasn't the warmth to them that usually softened the hard features.

Milla stopped paying attention to Face.

'Could.. could. this. save. mom?'

Gretchen is the name of Milla'stopped mom. In case I didn't make that clear.

2017-09-24, 02:01 PM
Milla froze where she stood. When she had asked the question she had been prepared to keep asking questions to distract Face, to respond to inquisitive questions or even had her escape plan mapped out. She hadn't however been prepared for the mental picture, Face's question had brought forth.

Eyes, that normally was so determined, closed. Arms so everly active unmoving. Tight lips slightly separated to make room for a metallic device that were breathing air into her Gretchen's lungs. Milla had always admired her mother'so majestic facial features but now, lying in coma, there wasn't the warmth to them that usually softened the hard features.

Milla stopped paying attention to Face.

'Could.. could. this. save. mom?'

Gretchen is the name of Milla'stopped mom. In case I didn't make that clear.

"Sorry if it sounded like I was trying to pry." says Face, taking your silence to mean she very well could be right. Face leaves you to your thoughts while the changes finish up.

"And the head is finished!" she says in a slightly exaggeratedly cheery way trying to force in some levity. "Starting on the rest of you now. I'd recommend moving your face around to test the feel".

Face feels a moment of guilt over bringing up what she guesses to be a painful memory. After this she seems to remind herself of the distant person she was concerned for when you first entered before swiftly returning herself to her usual demeanour.

2017-09-26, 11:23 AM
"And the head is finished!"

'Finished?' The cheery voice manages to reach Milla in her dark memory and pulls her back to the real world. 'What was I doing again? Right. Face.' She moves her head testingly side to side, after which she turns to look at the mirror and is momentarily lost in her own image. 'Is that me?' she reaches a hand up to stroke her own cheek to verify she was in fact looking at herself. This was so weird.

Right. Need to stall. Distract face. Every second Face could freely concentrate on the task was a second lost. Her mind races and a decision is made. Flattery then discomfort.

"This is amazing" she says with perhaps a little too much enthusiasm. Then after a moment she adds: "How come you don't work in hospitals? It seems like you could save a lot of people"

It wasn't great. Too crude and too straightforward. She silently curses herself for being dragged so throughly out of the situation. Still it should serve it's purpose and give her more time to think. And maybe the last prompt would show something about who Face was thinking about.

2017-10-01, 03:29 PM
"This is amazing" she says with perhaps a little too much enthusiasm. Then after a moment she adds: "How come you don't work in hospitals? It seems like you could save a lot of people"

It wasn't great. Too crude and too straightforward. She silently curses herself for being dragged so throughly out of the situation. Still it should serve it's purpose and give her more time to think. And maybe the last prompt would show something about who Face was thinking about.

It is a minute before Face responds, well really only about half that but it takes some time nonetheless.

"That is the million dollar question, 'aint it." says face in a strange, quiet tone, almost more to herself than you. You are probably not the first to ask this.

"The sort answer is that my power isn't good at it, healing is a happy accident. My powers don't tell me how to put an injured person back together, only how they are at the time. Unless I've touched them before in which case I know them at a prior time but that is still not much use. So I need a doctor anyway to know what's wrong and I have no chance of getting the degree myself. Also my power cannot put things pack together right, I swap a broken femur and what happens? The person just gets a different broken femur, what my power can do is fill the gaps in a set bone and such. So that..." Face just pauses for a bit, you even feel her stop using her power for a second before she sighs and continues.

"Sorry but can we stop this topic? My inability to properly heal is something that bugs me and talking about it is getting me flustered and, and... sorry. So moving on the rest of the changes are just finishing up, Happy with things so far"?

Initially Face seems almost depressed before moving onto something akin to anger directed towards herself. As she continues about her issues with healing her emotions move from guilt, to frustration, and back again, before she calms herself.

2017-10-02, 06:15 AM
Milla hadn't anticipated feeling this bad over proding Face with that question. She had expected to feel a little bad but being able to feel Face emotions on her own body made it so much worse. She catches herself taking a deep breath as Face were doing the same. She needed to become better at separating her own emotions from that of the power. 'Wonder how the original person manages this? Maybe the full version makes it easier to handle the emotions.'

"Sorry but can we stop this topic?"

"Of course", Milla responds almost per automatic. There would be a big chance of backlash if she had responded otherwise.

"Happy with things so far"

Milla looked in the mirror quizingly. Everything looked pretty much as she had designed it in the room. She would need to invent new things. Golden eyes? Would be too easy. Bones? Face might need to search a little.

"Could you maybe make the cheekbones a little higher?"

Assuming Face starts working on that she'll start counting the seconds: 'One potato, two potato, three potato...'. It would have been much simpler with a watch but you can't have everything.

"Also, actually can I have my frekkles back? I think they would look good on this skin."

'One potato, two potato...'

2017-10-03, 01:55 PM
"Could you maybe make the cheekbones a little higher?"

Assuming Face starts working on that she'll start counting the seconds: 'One potato, two potato, three potato...'. It would have been much simpler with a watch but you can't have everything.

"Also, actually can I have my frekkles back? I think they would look good on this skin."

'One potato, two potato...'

"Can do" says Face, as if the prior conversation on healing never happened. "Freckles will take just a second and cheekbones should start taking shape afterword".

Face is mostly a little embarrassed over the prior conversation but otherwise seems mentally fine.

2017-10-04, 06:31 AM
A surge of gratification surges through Milla as she gains yet another exposure to Face's power. '5 down'. She can't help herself but to smile. And only 3 minutes to the next one!

She tried jumping with her new body and looks quizingly in the mirror. "What about the legs? I know you couldn't do Usain Bolt but what about some other fast jumpy persons legs?"

2017-10-07, 11:44 AM
Testing power

Safe home at the base after gaining all exposures of Face's power Milla fires up for Chimera's power.

Looking intensely at her index finger she scrolled through various monkey nails before deciding on chimp and changes the tip of her nail to that of a chimp. She admires it for a moment before trying to change it back to that of her own nail with Face's power.

I'm trying to verify that Milla can turn back to a human from something that resembles a human enough(like a monkey) so I can use Chimera's power without being trapped in a monster's form.

The fighting body

Milla scrolled through the internet, searching for some martial arts tournament that happened in the near future. Mixed martial arts were prefered but it was more important that it was immediate.

Calling the blood

At the most crowded time in downtown Milla let her hands discretely touch a few random people she passed by, went into an alley to discretely change into a hispanic woman and moved forward. She wasn't sure if Bloody Mary would know her natural form or her current form but regardless this would be the right move.

Gently she whispers: "Bloody Mary" and then continues walking forward at a normal pace, trying to disappear in the crowd. Hopefully it would take Bloody Mary a moment to transfer her senses to a position above her or at least decide to use that aspect of her power, and that she would be gone before Bloody mary reached the space.

The fighting body cont.

Reaching her destination Milla walked in and looked around. She'll try to touch as many people as posible.

2017-10-08, 02:58 PM
Testing power

Safe home at the base after gaining all exposures of Face's power Milla fires up for Chimera's power.

Looking intensely at her index finger she scrolled through various monkey nails before deciding on chimp and changes the tip of her nail to that of a chimp. She admires it for a moment before trying to change it back to that of her own nail with Face's power.

I'm trying to verify that Milla can turn back to a human from something that resembles a human enough(like a monkey) so I can use Chimera's power without being trapped in a monster's form.

As you change your nail its outermost rim turn into the black coloured equivalent of a chimpanzee. Promisingly Face's power immediately 'files it away' and memorises it so that you could use it to reapply the feature to yourself and others later even without Chimera's power. Changing it back is just as simple as any other change Face's power does, treating the effects of Chimera's power as a hundred percent human.

The fighting body

Milla scrolled through the internet, searching for some martial arts tournament that happened in the near future. Mixed martial arts were prefered but it was more important that it was immediate.

As luck would have it one of the local gyms would be closing early, around midday, to host the annual 'All-Comers Mixed Martial Arts & Unarmed Combat Tournament' A little web surfing shows it the work of a graduate of the local school of martial arts that has grew over the years. Just to make it interesting everyone puts in five dollars and winner takes the lot.

Calling the blood

At the most crowded time in downtown Milla let her hands discretely touch a few random people she passed by, went into an alley to discretely change into a hispanic woman and moved forward. She wasn't sure if Bloody Mary would know her natural form or her current form but regardless this would be the right move.

Gently she whispers: "Bloody Mary" and then continues walking forward at a normal pace, trying to disappear in the crowd. Hopefully it would take Bloody Mary a moment to transfer her senses to a position above her or at least decide to use that aspect of her power, and that she would be gone before Bloody mary reached the space.

You walk on and it almost seems nothing has happened. The only proof of anything was you gaining an exposure of Bloody Mary's power. Strangely from what you can feel of it there is no sign of the partial power ever materialising phantasmal limbs or puppeting the bodies of others.

"You rang?" Answers a whispering female voice, both from nowhere and right beside you.

I'm avoiding moving onto the tournament for now until I see Milla's response to Mary

2017-10-08, 04:23 PM
Testing Power

Milla continues changing parts of her body into mammals further and further away from humans, then changing back, and if that doesn't work changing that bodypart to whatever most closely resembles humans and then change back to herself.

Does she encounter any problems? If not I'll have to start searching for cool mammals to combine.

Calling the Blood

'Crap' Milla thought. She hadn't anticipated that Bloody Mary would actually talk to her. How had she seen her through the crowd? Maybe her powers somehow allowed her to localise Milla in the middle of the crowd.

"I did" she answered trying to buy time. Suddenly the approach had backlashed. The idea had to not be seen. If she instead had been in front of a mirror in her normal form, instead of this adult copy, she might have been able to swing childish curiosity but like this? Probably wouldn't fly. Quick.

"I am new to town and wanted to have a talk with other capes", She whispered out. She suddenly had an idea. She wasn't quite sure how Argus power worked but there was a chance. She started using Argus power aiming upwards and taking care not to mark any of the people around her. "And it seemed like you were someone who were easy to get in contact with. Do you have time for a chat? If not I won't disturb you again."

If she successfully mark something she'll stop marking.

2017-10-10, 02:24 PM
Calling the Blood

'Crap' Milla thought. She hadn't anticipated that Bloody Mary would actually talk to her. How had she seen her through the crowd? Maybe her powers somehow allowed her to localise Milla in the middle of the crowd.

"I did" she answered trying to buy time. Suddenly the approach had backlashed. The idea had to not be seen. If she instead had been in front of a mirror in her normal form, instead of this adult copy, she might have been able to swing childish curiosity but like this? Probably wouldn't fly. Quick.

"I am new to town and wanted to have a talk with other capes", She whispered out. She suddenly had an idea. She wasn't quite sure how Argus power worked but there was a chance. She started using Argus power aiming upwards and taking care not to mark any of the people around her. "And it seemed like you were someone who were easy to get in contact with. Do you have time for a chat? If not I won't disturb you again."

If she successfully mark something she'll stop marking.

You fail to mark anything with Argus's power.

"Odd, aren't you. Either we have a Changer or your an unmasked idiot. Both are better than another kid staring into their bathroom mirror anyway. Find somewhere away from listening ears, this voice 'aint in your head but people will still stare if you talk to it. I can talk". Mary says all this quietly yet apparently good-humouredly but with your emotion-reading unable to detect her you cannot be sure.

"You clearly know who I am, but what can I call you stranger"?

2017-10-12, 03:17 PM
You fail to mark anything with Argus's power.

'huh'. Suppose that the form she had wasn't physical. At least that was good to know.

She listened to Bloody Mary's order but instead of following the directions she fetched a phone from her pocket and put it to her ear with a cherry: "Hello."

"This works too right?" She says good humoured. The PRT file on Bloody Mary hadn't implied that she frequently killed but if she were contemplating the possibility of eliminating new competition this way at least would brand her as a killer publicly. "The first guess might be the right one, although I can't claim not to be an idiot on occations."

"You clearly know who I am, but what can I call you stranger"?

Something was wrong. Bloody Mary would already know her name, why were she pretending otherwise. At any rate it would be a mistake to reveal that she had information that said otherwise.

"I'll consede I haven't quite come up with a good name yet. Never been the creative sort. But yeah, I do need to think of a name. Call me Nebula for now."

"Anyway, are you how capes communicate in town? Hearing about you I guessed that you abilities would be incredible in getting messages discretely passed around."

2017-10-15, 03:55 PM
'huh'. Suppose that the form she had wasn't physical. At least that was good to know.

She listened to Bloody Mary's order but instead of following the directions she fetched a phone from her pocket and put it to her ear with a cherry: "Hello."

"This works too right?" She says good humoured. The PRT file on Bloody Mary hadn't implied that she frequently killed but if she were contemplating the possibility of eliminating new competition this way at least would brand her as a killer publicly. "The first guess might be the right one, although I can't claim not to be an idiot on occations."

Something was wrong. Bloody Mary would already know her name, why were she pretending otherwise. At any rate it would be a mistake to reveal that she had information that said otherwise.

"I'll consede I haven't quite come up with a good name yet. Never been the creative sort. But yeah, I do need to think of a name. Call me Nebula for now."

"Anyway, are you how capes communicate in town? Hearing about you I guessed that you abilities would be incredible in getting messages discretely passed around."

"That works too. Smart idea you got there, Nebula." Mary's voice seems to now be coming from somewhere closer than before "Messaging between groups here is handled by the rat. Rat King that is. The general idea is he lacks the muscle to take on the other big players while having the dirt to take them with him. Ask a hobo if you need to chat and if not he'll find you". Next up she says almost as an aside with an audible grin "Decent guy really, like you seen that monster of his? They say he found her as a child in the sewers and just raised her, like his own daughter".

She continued, and by the tone of her voice her grin has grew mischievous "Now, that's not to say I tried something similar but the fuzz had a public safely announcement to ruin my fun and my power was leaked. Now, I'm something of a recluse when not 'on the job'" she says with spoken quotations "and so nobody knows where I am and combine that with how when called I get information on the caller before taking a peek, well... the paranoid can imagine the trouble with someone with all the secrets and no accountability".

"So, You part of a group?" She says as if she did not in fact imply what she did a moment ago.

2017-10-16, 06:28 AM
"That works too. Smart idea you got there, Nebula."

Milla didn't detect any disappointment in Mary's voice which was a good sign. She had been a little conserned that Mary had been trying to get her to somewhere discrete for malicious purposes.

"Hmm, hadn't heard about him. An a monster daughter? Good to know" She lies flatly. She had of course read the file of RatKing on the PRT computer at base.

Milla mirrored the grin and nodded but didn't have anything to add to Mary's talk of secrets.

"So, You part of a group?"

"Not yet, still looking. Do you have any groups I should stay away from?"

2017-10-17, 05:09 PM
"Not yet, still looking. Do you have any groups I should stay away from?"

"Well, Lobos should be avoided out of sheer self-respect." says Mary in a sneer "And the Tarot haven't recruited since running out of names to suit the theme. Not to say our local bogymen may not be looking with their recent losses, Tower's collapsed and Hanged Man got the gallows last I heard. Hear nothing good about those who have tried to join up either. You know what Devil does right"?

"Let's see" she sighs. You get the impression that Mary is probably counting groups off on her fingers. "For the rest of the 'Old Guard' such as they are, I'm sure The Crew are up to something shady, Shadier than the rest of us anyway, and if you count Foundry I'd avoid their base simply because with all those Tinkers something is bound to vaporise you. With this she laughs a little, non maliciously. "Oh yeah, and anything in a mask should avoid Hekatonkheir and his little fief. Can't say much on the guy himself, has never been known to recruit and mostly sticks to his territory. For the new blood, well, there is these three who have yet to get themselves like to rough up the newbies. Last of all did you hear about that monster-cape from Mexico? Well its coming here so if you see clay-looking goop in the street's I'd run".

"Anyway, now it's my turn for a question. Have you anything fun planned? I don't get a call often and so I figure we could make a day of it if I'm along for the ride!" With that said she laughs again is a manner that falls pretty much evenly between 'friendly' and 'slightly unhinged supervillain'

Due to the length of conversation another exposure of Bloody Mary's power is gained

2017-10-19, 04:51 PM
"Well, Lobos should be avoided out of sheer self-respect."

Milla contributes with an appropriate and sufficiently condescending "pff" .

So Hanged Man were taken out. That was news, the PRT files had only mentioned Tower. If nothing else she were enjoying Mary's lack of respect for the local villaneous overlords.

"You know what Devil does right"?

"I hear the f***er make people into puppets." Nebula responds with genuine disgust. "I don't understand why anyone would want that for themselves"

"Anyway, now it's my turn for a question. Have you anything fun planned? I don't get a call often and so I figure we could make a day of it if I'm along for the ride!"

"Sorry" Milla responds faking regret: "Don't have anything right now but I'll be sure to give you a call when something comes up as a thank you. Assuming you'll keep it between us."

Milla accepts that exposure but won't accept any more exposure so not get next boost.

2017-10-21, 02:26 PM
"Sorry" Milla responds faking regret: "Don't have anything right now but I'll be sure to give you a call when something comes up as a thank you. Assuming you'll keep it between us."

Milla accepts that exposure but won't accept any more exposure so not get next boost.

"Sure." says Mary with a giggle "I have a thing tonight but call me up whenever. Bye then Nebs, or perhaps I never leave. Who knows"!

And with that she goes quiet.

The Tournament:
I'm assuming you are still doing this?

You head to the gym where the tournament is taking place and find it quite bustling. Competitors and spectators are scattered around and there is even a local food van parked nearby taking orders. Everyone is mostly polite but a few in gang colours are speckled about.

The location itself has mats laid out both inside and outdoors, likely due to the extra room spectators take up. Sign ups appear to be taking place at a pair of outdoor tables with a person wearing a badge sat at each.

2017-10-22, 06:10 PM
Noone home

Milla sat in the corner of the base with her arms wrapped around her legs, sending long eyes towards the closed door. She had been wearing a big smile ever after she came back from Face, newly empowered and eager to share her adventure, but the smile had graduately faded as time went by and nobody showed up. Where had the others gone?

She sat around for a while until a bright idea appeared in her head. She would go out and get her new form prepared. Then the others would be impressed for sure. With a smile on her face she got up and started the preperations.

This is just for describing what happened before, intended to give some more details. No respondses needed.

Calling the Blood

Milla's face turns a little uncomfortable but it's merely a show. In 5 minutes she would know whether Bloody Mary still was a around and she'll keep walking around until she was sure Mary had gone away.


Milla tries to remember if she remembers any of the gangs represented.

She then walks around and attempts to discretely touch as many people as possible. Sticking around to the end she follows the tournament happening and tries to remember who of those she touched that got the furthest.


Back at base after the tournament Milla's consern deepens. Where were everyone?

She had transformed into a a chimera lookalike, using the best body she found at the tounrmanet as a base. She had added muscle mass on top of the already athletic body such that it now was half a time bigger but that was far from the only modification. Her teeth and claws were sharp and her jaw changed to a catlike shape, as were her eyes. Her nose was slightly bigger and flatter and rather than skin she has something that looked like scales. Her ears were big and pointy and between her legs and arms were a elastic skinlike material that had allowed her to fly into the pillar under the roof she were currently dangling from, head down.

50% increased mass from primates as appropriate.
Nose/smell of a blood hound.
Claws from lion.
Eyes from cat.
Teeth and jaw of a Jaguar(one of the strongest bites in the animal world).
"Scales of Pangolin".
Bendable neck of a Tarsier.
Ears, feet and wings from a bat.

Calling the Rat

Assuming nothing happens in the prior scene Milla anxiety keeps rising and she'll eventually take the cover off the cage with their rat and ask: "Ratking, can we talk?"

Hopefully the rascal were paying attention

2017-10-23, 02:45 PM
Calling the Blood

Milla's face turns a little uncomfortable but it's merely a show. In 5 minutes she would know whether Bloody Mary still was a around and she'll keep walking around until she was sure Mary had gone away.

Time passes and it seems you are free from any prying eyes. Mary's at least.


Milla tries to remember if she remembers any of the gangs represented.

She then walks around and attempts to discretely touch as many people as possible. Sticking around to the end she follows the tournament happening and tries to remember who of those she touched that got the furthest.

Once all is said and done the top-placing competitor you touched proves to be Carina Cortes, although as luck would have it she only placed tenth overall.

From what you have picked up the gang presences were from Los Lobos, who almost started something after one of their guys lost early on, and a smaller number looking to be from Legion. A trio in biker leathers also were in attendance but it could not be said for sure if they were a part of something from the glances you saw.


Back at base after the tournament Milla's consern deepens. Where were everyone?

She had transformed into a a chimera lookalike, using the best body she found at the tounrmanet as a base. She had added muscle mass on top of the already athletic body such that it now was half a time bigger but that was far from the only modification. Her teeth and claws were sharp and her jaw changed to a catlike shape, as were her eyes. Her nose was slightly bigger and flatter and rather than skin she has something that looked like scales. Her ears were big and pointy and between her legs and arms were a elastic skinlike material that had allowed her to fly into the pillar under the roof she were currently dangling from, head down.

50% increased mass from primates as appropriate.
Nose/smell of a blood hound.
Claws from lion.
Eyes from cat.
Teeth and jaw of a Jaguar(one of the strongest bites in the animal world).
"Scales of Pangolin".
Bendable neck of a Tarsier.
Ears, feet and wings from a bat.

I'm dubious that this set up would allow for true flight. Gliding is probably possible though. Either making the body lighter or the wings larger I think would be needed. For your current description it sounds like the wings end at the wrist or similar and so what would make things work better, to me at least, is also working in a bat-like 'hand' and longer fingers which would sometimes mess with manual dexterity (the claws would still work with this structure). Speed-Demon's power also probably works well to help flap and react faster, with the faster speech potentially helping echolocate

[Calling the Rat

Assuming nothing happens in the prior scene Milla anxiety keeps rising and she'll eventually take the cover off the cage with their rat and ask: "Ratking, can we talk?"

Hopefully the rascal were paying attention

The rat scampers over to you, rises to its back legs, and nods, before returning to normal behaviour.

About seven minutes later you hear a quiet knock on the door.

Fill in the gap on how you let him in. (e.g. normal looking or not)

Rat King is presciently out of costume and in his civilian guise, wearing an only slightly grimy business suit and holding a briefcase. "Hopefully this getup proves less suspicious than a known villain appearing at the door." he says once inside, waiting on you to start on what you have to talk about.

2017-10-24, 07:09 AM
Brains brains

Milla spent some time at the computer trying to find a neuro scientist in town, hopefully a qualified one. Truth be told Face were wasting her power away by just doing plastic surgeries. There were soooo much potential in that power. Finding a good athletic body for a villain had been the least of her problems but there seemed to be no reason as to why the power couldn't give an old person a new body. Certainly people would pay way more to be forever young than they would for a mere plastic surgery. More importantly though Face could pick apart the brain.

The brain were where all information lied. With a little luck she could change parts of her own brain to learn new skills but more importantly she might be able to wake her mom up. Before she could start tring things out she needed to know a few things though, most importantly which parts that were essential to a person being them and not being someone else.

She'll also look to see if there exist any tinkers with a focus in either neuroscience or some other biology thing.

Calling the rat

The reaction of the rat made Milla shiver. Up until that point she had just thought that Ratking could see and hear through rats but this? This was straight up mindrape. The thought were uncomfortable to say the least and it didn't get better through. Just how many creature were Ratking controlling?

The thoughts didn't leave her in the time it took for Ratking to show up. She stayed dangling from the roof just waiting for him to come in, in her new batlike form. After all Ratking had been inside the house when they initially had arrived so he surely had a way of comming in.

If he doesn't come in for a little while she'll drift down and open the door with a grimace that in her human form would have been a pleasant smile but in her current form were more terrifying than anything.

"Hopefully this getup proves less suspicious than a known villain appearing at the door."

"It probably is" Milla answered, having had enough foresight to keep her human vocal cords. "Do you know what happened to the rest of my team? They went to the doctor but I haven't seen them in a few days" she did her best to conseal the fear in her voice but weren't fully convinced she did a good job.

2017-10-25, 03:16 PM
Brains brains

Milla spent some time at the computer trying to find a neuro scientist in town, hopefully a qualified one. Truth be told Face were wasting her power away by just doing plastic surgeries. There were soooo much potential in that power. Finding a good athletic body for a villain had been the least of her problems but there seemed to be no reason as to why the power couldn't give an old person a new body. Certainly people would pay way more to be forever young than they would for a mere plastic surgery. More importantly though Face could pick apart the brain.

The brain were where all information lied. With a little luck she could change parts of her own brain to learn new skills but more importantly she might be able to wake her mom up. Before she could start tring things out she needed to know a few things though, most importantly which parts that were essential to a person being them and not being someone else.

She'll also look to see if there exist any tinkers with a focus in either neuroscience or some other biology thing.

As far as parahuman experts go the best seems to be Cranial of the Toybox, a ostensibly villainous organisation on Tinkers who operate on the black market. Cranial's exploits include memory removal and transfer, including skills and even if rumour has it 'plug and play' trigger events to grant powers.

In terms of what is both local and of a more mundane bent there is the Texas Neurosciences Institute, where it can be assumed most people there would know something.

Calling the rat

The reaction of the rat made Milla shiver. Up until that point she had just thought that Ratking could see and hear through rats but this? This was straight up mindrape. The thought were uncomfortable to say the least and it didn't get better through. Just how many creature were Ratking controlling?

The thoughts didn't leave her in the time it took for Ratking to show up. She stayed dangling from the roof just waiting for him to come in, in her new batlike form. After all Ratking had been inside the house when they initially had arrived so he surely had a way of comming in.

If he doesn't come in for a little while she'll drift down and open the door with a grimace that in her human form would have been a pleasant smile but in her current form were more terrifying than anything.

After realising you were waiting Rat King lets himself in. He seems nonplussed about your present appearance.

"It probably is" Milla answered, having had enough foresight to keep her human vocal cords. "Do you know what happened to the rest of my team? They went to the doctor but I haven't seen them in a few days" she did her best to conseal the fear in her voice but weren't fully convinced she did a good job.

"In a word? No." says Rat King, failing to hide his frustration about as much as you your fear. "There gone, the docs gone, and I half expect the building to up and vanish the second I take my rats out. The best I can offer for now is I saw what must be the results of Chimara's Striker power. As did the PRT who are currently running DNA on what used to be a person. I have guy keeping track of what they find but thus far it points to a kidnapping. Planned too. I'm not the only one who has people use that doctor but just in case I'm investigating my own organisation for a leek and am planning to look into the locals who match that MO". As Rat King talks he makes his way over to the rat you used to contact him, casually brushing it to reapply his power.

Simply put Rat King is not only frustrated but well into a private, quiet anger at the situation.

2017-10-25, 04:09 PM
Brains brains

Milla spend some time looking into the researchers at the Texas Neuroscience Institute looking at the fields of specialization, and then puts the idea on for later. She had a tournament to attend.

Calling the Rat

The news feels like a bunch to Milla's chest. "No" she hers someone say and only partly realizes it's herself. The thought of them being kidnapped was heartbreaking. Memories came back of her own kidnapping. However what really scares her by an order of magnitutde more is the fact that she could have been kidnapped if she had gone with them and she never wanted to being back in someone else's control.

"How come you didn't see what happened?" despite the words, the tone doesn't hold any accusation, Milla can after all sense his anger. "Actually nevermind, more importantly, can you find them?"

Brains cont.

Finding time after her visit by Ratking she heads out to the Texas Neuroscience Institute. The body she is using this time is a middle-aged white man whose body seemed fairly athletic and whose hair already had started pulling back. She wasn't super comfortable with the gender change but were expecting to be taken more serious in this body rather than her own.

Having previously checked that this indeed was within her selected professors office hours, she.. he knocking on the door to and waited.

Assuming we won't get to talk about this OOC before I post this Milla will prioritize researchers with the following fields in descending priority: Learning, Personality, Memory, Body control

2017-10-27, 04:29 PM
Calling the Rat

The news feels like a bunch to Milla's chest. "No" she hers someone say and only partly realizes it's herself. The thought of them being kidnapped was heartbreaking. Memories came back of her own kidnapping. However what really scares her by an order of magnitutde more is the fact that she could have been kidnapped if she had gone with them and she never wanted to being back in someone else's control. A single tear falls down her cheek which looks oddly out of place on her predatorian face.

"How come you didn't see what happened?" despite the words, the tone doesn't hold any accusation, Milla can after all sense his anger. "Actually nevermind, more importantly, can you find them?"

Rat King nods with a sympathetic look in his eye. "I will find them, don't you worry. I'm already getting more eyes on the streets, human and otherwise, putting rats in places I normally don't; That's why I couldn't keep watch of the doctor, the rats are a health risk. And I'm considering alerting the other big names, not like anyone likes kidnapers after all. Kidnaping means Masters and that sets a lot of angry eyes toward the likely culprits".

After a moment of thought he continues. "To hazard a guess it could have been Chain-gang, if her group decided to up their game it's very possible. Keep an ear to the ground, grab some new faces, parade them around to show dominance, makes sense. Then again that is also optimistically ignoring the worst case scenarios. Hell, with the influx of new capes it could be anything and we'll only know for certain once they turn up. With things in this state through, what's your plan? I'm here to help after all".

Rat King is only slightly calmer than before although it is still his predominant emotion.

Brains cont.

Finding time after her visit by Ratking she heads out to the Texas Neuroscience Institute. The body she is using this time is a middle-aged white man whose body seemed fairly athletic and whose hair already had started pulling back. She wasn't super comfortable with the gender change but were expecting to be taken more serious in this body rather than her own.

Having previously checked that this indeed was within her selected professors office hours, she.. he knocking on the door to and waited.

Assuming we won't get to talk about this OOC before I post this Milla will prioritize researchers with the following fields in descending priority: Learning, Personality, Memory, Body control

Off what I'm imagining being worked on I'd say the person most likely to fall under what you are looking for is Dale Carver, presently him and his team are researching parahumans neurological structure, specifically the effects of both the corona pollentia and gemma and their effects on overall brain function during initial formation and longterm presence.

The other things being researched are mostly concerned with medical advances in mind and so I figured the above was the most relevant to what you seem to be looking for. I'm wording things in a way that leaves wiggle room to adjust things

After you knock it is not long until the door is opened and you are welcomed inside.

Waiting to see how you proceed before I can fill in more details.

2017-10-28, 04:51 PM
Calling the Rat

She felt heavy. It wasn't fair. She had just finally gotten around to meeting people and despite their weird quirks the feeling of belonging had become strong suprisingly quick. She even had planned to tell Jane about her power as soon as she saw her next. But now she was gone, and sure, Ratking said that he probably would find them but all the emotions Milla read in him said otherwise. She would have cried but the tear channels in her eyes didn't seem to react on her emotions.

Milla is silent for a long uncomfortable moment, holding her gaze towards the floor.

'And then what? Am I just going to sit here and do nothing?' She thought back to the month she had stayed huddled up in the homeless shelter. 'Do I want a life like that?'

Her eyes slowly elevated to face Ratking. She had made her decision.

"I want you to arrange a meeting with Bad Company. Don't tell them that I'm with this group. Tell them that I'm a newly triggered parahuman who wants to earn some money. Name is Nebula."

"Also, how come you weren't suprised over seeing me like this?" She asks later.

Feel free to start a scene with for meeting Bad Company

Brains cont.

"Pleasure meeting you Professor [Name goes here]", the middle-aged man said in a friendly tone. "My name is Clyde Grey and I have an offer I believe you might be interested in."

Once he was sitting he continued: "You see, I recently had an unpleasant experience but the outcome was that I now am one of those parahumans. It seems I am able to modify my brain and the brain of others but my power unfortunately don't give me knowledge of what those modifications would do. So in a nutshell I am willing to offer you access to my power in terms in return of being taught about the parts of the brain. I am sure that you can think of hypothesis that until now weren't testable but would be with my aid. And if none of those are in your interest one of your collegues might be interested?"

Going with Neuroanatomy.

2017-10-29, 05:41 PM
Calling the Rat

She felt heavy. It wasn't fair. She had just finally gotten around to meeting people and despite their weird quirks the feeling of belonging had become strong suprisingly quick. She even had planned to tell Jane about her power as soon as she saw her next. But now she was gone, and sure, Ratking said that he probably would find them but all the emotions Milla read in him said otherwise. She would have cried but the tear channels in her eyes didn't seem to react on her emotions.

Milla is silent for a long uncomfortable moment, holding her gaze towards the floor.

'And then what? Am I just going to sit here and do nothing?' She thought back to the month she had stayed huddled up in the homeless shelter. 'Do I want a life like that?'

Her eyes slowly elevated to face Ratking. She had made her decision.

"I want you to arrange a meeting with Bad Company. Don't tell them that I'm with this group. Tell them that I'm a newly triggered parahuman who wants to earn some money. Name is Nebula."

"On how short a notice do you want things? Generally it takes about a day to book you in but they can speed things up for recruiting. What you will want is a résumé as well as ideally a written summary of your powers, although you don't need to offer your civilian name until you formally sign on as a member but you have their assurance of it staying hidden. You should find this like any other job application from what I have seen although I doubt they will reject anyone not obviously unstable. Oh I should mention that they will preform a background check on you." Rat King ends seeming quite positive on them overall as he points out what relevant details that come to mind.

"Also, how come you weren't suprised over seeing me like this?"[/COLOR] She asks later.

Rat kings laughs, just a little. "Two reasons really, first, well..." He gestures to the caged rat "I saw. And I guess I'm just used to the odder-looking capes what with my group having Gator and all".

Then his eyes go wide. "It seems I may have to leave early something's came up in my territory. I can operate from my rats for now but I will have to go soon. Any last questions? And while I can do you mind if I have rats chew a hole to help me come and go"?

Rat king has continued to calm and his strongest emotions have begun to give way to frustration.

This then becomes a spike of concern directed towards a large group of people some distance away.

Leaving the start of the meeting for my next post, time is short for now

[Brains cont.

"Pleasure meeting you Professor [Name goes here]", the middle-aged man said in a friendly tone. "My name is Clyde Grey and I have an offer I believe you might be interested in."

Once he was sitting he continued: "You see, I recently had an unpleasant experience but the outcome was that I now am one of those parahumans. It seems I am able to modify my brain and the brain of others but my power unfortunately don't give me knowledge of what those modifications would do. So in a nutshell I am willing to offer you access to my power in terms in return of being taught about the parts of the brain. I am sure that you can think of hypothesis that until now weren't testable but would be with my aid. And if none of those are in your interest one of your collegues might be interested?"

Going with Neuroanatomy.

For the guys name lets use Lucas Hartman

Professor Hartman stood there for a bit unsure on how to react. "Oh." he eventfully says. "Um, where are my manners, yes Mr grey I do believe you could be a great asset to us, although your means of contacting us is a little unusual. I'll have to call up the higher ups before we can work out anything longterm". The professor sits there looking almost like he is up to no good for a second before saying "But just in case the guys up top say no, we can start things out between ourselves. First thing we need to work out is, well what exactly does your power do? You said it modifies brains but what is your experience of that so far? Have you contacted the Protectorate for any form of formal examination or the like"?

As the professors brain catches up with what is happening it is pure and simple curiosity that colours it more an anything else

2017-10-30, 05:10 AM
Calling the Rat

"Just whenever. I'd rather have before rather than later but I'm not in any rush."

"Huh, a resume and abackground check? I don't like that, there are a certain someone who is hunting me and I would like it to not get known that I am in town. Do you know of a way to avoid that, or perhaps good way of pretending that I am someone else?"

I don't know when specifically Ratking needed to head out in the conversation but feel free to have him leave whenever.

Brains Brains

"Um, where are my manners, yes Mr grey I do believe you could be a great asset to us, although your means of contacting us is a little unusual."

Grey nonchalantly shrugs.

The professor sits there looking almost like he is up to no good for a second

Milla inwardsly smiles. She might be able to use that.

"First thing we need to work out is, well what exactly does your power do? You said it modifies brains but what is your experience of that so far? Have you contacted the Protectorate for any form of formal examination or the like"?

"I only triggered a week ago so there are a few things that are unknown. I know that I can copy brains from people I have touched and it seems I can copy only specific parts all the way down to cellular level. There seem to be some aid in terms of neuron connections but I don't know what would happen if I copied a specific neuron from one person to another. My power don't give me any knowledge of what any given change will do, which is why I am here. Being able to copy various skills seems very useful but I want to be sure that I only copy what I want and not, say, change my personality by mistake."

"I don't like the PRT. They have far too much power and even if they claim that none of the lead members are capes we don't have any proof. They already have a monopoly on capes and I don't want them to influence me as well."

2017-10-31, 04:20 PM
Calling the Rat
"Huh, a resume and a background check? I don't like that, there are a certain someone who is hunting me and I would like it to not get known that I am in town. Do you know of a way to avoid that, or perhaps good way of pretending that I am someone else?"

I don't know when specifically Ratking needed to head out in the conversation but feel free to have him leave whenever.

"Mabey." says Rat King, Stroking his chin for a second. What if you told them that, and ideally who? You'll have to give them something though. Alternatively You could get fake identification, I ask my people and they get you in contact with someone who can fix the records for you. Although I don't know how much it will end up costing".

I'll have Rat King need to leave once this conversation point has been resolved

Brains Brains
"I only triggered a week ago so there are a few things that are unknown. I know that I can copy brains from people I have touched and it seems I can copy only specific parts all the way down to cellular level. There seem to be some aid in terms of neuron connections but I don't know what would happen if I copied a specific neuron from one person to another. My power don't give me any knowledge of what any given change will do, which is why I am here. Being able to copy various skills seems very useful but I want to be sure that I only copy what I want and not, say, change my personality by mistake."

"I don't like the PRT. They have far too much power and even if they claim that none of the lead members are capes we don't have any proof. They already have a monopoly on capes and I don't want them to influence me as well."

Hartman ponders on your details as he decides how to start things off.

"How well do remember the brains you copy? If something goes wrong can you restore the effected areas to their prior state? That details is important for how we proceeded". A thought strikes the professor for a moment "Have you tried using your ability on other species? we shouldn't make the assumption of humans only. If you can will help with testing that your abilities are safe so that we can move onto working with humans. In any case It seems we may have to go though the higher rings of the totem pole. Get materials for you to practice on, a tutor to help you until you can just copy our education, assorted bureaucracy. For now I'll see to keeping this internal".

After the slightly motormouthed professor takes a breath he continues "Anyway I think the best place to start is getting you to know your way around a brain, Do you have any education in this to start from"?

The professor remains about as he was, brain rushing with ideas and considerations.

2017-11-01, 08:12 AM
Calling the Rat

"What do you think would work best? Would they accept that I didn't want anyone to look into my background if I told them that I were being chased?"

Brains Brains

Milla were pretty satisfied with how things were going. Hartman were excactly as excited about this whole thing as she had hoped for.

"I remember the brains I copy perfectly so there should be relatively little risk involved, so I think I should be able to rewind if something bad happens althought I haven't tried yet."
"I haven't yet tried to use it on other species. We could try that." That of course was a straight lie and would waste a little time but it helped preserve the image that she wasn't just Face trying something new.

"Anyway I think the best place to start is getting you to know your way around a brain, Do you have any education in this to start from"?

"Unfortunately, no. So I'll have to rely on you a lot for this. How do we start?"

2017-11-02, 05:13 PM
Calling the Rat

"What do you think would work best? Would they accept that I didn't want anyone to look into my background if I told them that I were being chased?"

"Yes. That might just work." Says Rat King, drawing out the first word as he thinks. "Although the most likely way they will respond to that is to investigate themselves with what information they can get or buy the information from me. I can say you already paid for me to not reveal that information but if they up the price..." he looks at you apologetically "I'll be honest with you here. I like money. I use most of what I get to support my people and things always stretch thin".

"If you offer some assurances that this guy who is after you is someone they can deal with that should be enough. Their power or something. As long as they are satisfied you won't suddenly drop that you once kicked Crawler in the danglers or the like on them You should be good.

Rat King is about as sorry as he sounds.

Brains Brains

Milla were pretty satisfied with how things were going. Hartman were excactly as excited about this whole thing as she had hoped for.

"I remember the brains I copy perfectly so there should be relatively little risk involved, so I think I should be able to rewind if something bad happens althought I haven't tried yet."
"I haven't yet tried to use it on other species. We could try that." That of course was a straight lie and would waste a little time but it helped preserve the image that she wasn't just Face trying something new.

"Alright, I'll start things off by calling in a favour from one of the other guys, have him send over a mouse or a guinea pig. We're not permitted to use lab rats around here thanks to one of the local villains, in case you are not from here." He shrugs "Seems safest to try that out anyway".

"Unfortunately, no. So I'll have to rely on you a lot for this. How do we start?"

Hartman thinks for a minute. I suppose I can tutor you for some of the basics. Although I am thinking I may have to inform the higher-ups, probably have them get you a proper teacher, toss in some sort of licence to stop you getting sued for unlicensed medical work, but until then I can spare some time... Weekly? By appointment? what is a good schedule for you?"

Do you want me to go into deeper detail with this stuff as it progresses or handle most of it using timeskips and broad-strokes.

2017-11-02, 06:43 PM
Calling the Rat

Milla grins and responds: "I like an honest man" she contemplates for a moment: "What would you tell them? How much do you actually know about me? I like to think I have kept a low profile."

"I can tell them that to my best knowledge he doesn't know where I am, that even if he did he wouldn't be able to recognize me and that the group should be able to handle him should he appear. Do you think that'll suffice?"

Brains Brains

For a long moment Clyde stands looking confused and then he burst into laughter making the connection. "There's a safety protocol that he might steal information. That's hilarious and also absolutely makes sense."

"These days I would have time to do it multiple times a day but I expect to have a new job opportunity in the near future and I don't know my work schedule" he responds: "Let's get started"

I think timeskips and broad strokes are better unless something unusual comes up.

2017-11-04, 04:55 PM
Calling the Rat

Milla grins and responds: "I like an honest man" she contemplates for a moment: "What would you tell them? How much do you actually know about me? I like to think I have kept a low profile."

"They'd get what they pay for really. Out of politeness I have been keeping details on you and the others private, but the next day I should know most of what they ask for. Someone after you just gives my people a better trail".

"I can tell them that to my best knowledge he doesn't know where I am, that even if he did he wouldn't be able to recognize me and that the group should be able to handle him should he appear. Do you think that'll suffice?"

Rat King nods. "That might just work. They should be confident enough that, if nothing else Flood can handle it. 'Guys a lot tougher than most think".

Assume the part where rat king says he ahs to go happens now. Are you satisfied with this to move onto the meeting with Bad Company?

Brains Brains
For a long moment Clyde stands looking confused and then he burst into laughter making the connection. "There's a safety protocol that he might steal information. That's hilarious and also absolutely makes sense."

"These days I would have time to do it multiple times a day but I expect to have a new job opportunity in the near future and I don't know my work schedule" he responds: "Let's get started"

I think timeskips and broad strokes are better unless something unusual comes up.

"Right." Smiles Hartman going to his phone...

"Yes, Keith, Can you send a spare critter up? It's kind of a long story but we need them to have a check of one..."

With the Animal testing a bust the remaining time is spent education you on the basics of brain structure, just to give the background for the more in depth material. Future plans are to go over the method of memory generation next time.

2017-11-06, 05:52 PM
Rat King had came back some hours later, Looking a little worse for wear, after dealing with whatever the issue was and informed you on the details of the meeting. It is to occur early tomorrow, just after rush hour to avoid being seen in costume. In order to assist with maintaining your anonymity Bad Company have offered to provide a car to pick you up at a location of your choice.

The next day, Meeting with Bad Company:

Weather by car or by foot you have made your way to Bad Company's building, Which appears to be disguised as a temp-agency. Bizarrely as you look at the building your emotion sense reads it. It is watching you.

Making your way to the back you are almost immediately greeted by 'Roach who waves you in from the suddenly opening 'Employees Only' door next to the private interior parking. 'Roach is equipped with a vest or what looks to cylindrical rubber piping over his costume, covering his shoulders and upper torso.

"You would be Nebula, yes?" his tone is business like but it is possible to pick up the traces of a smile. "Follow me please".

You are taken through the building a short way and to an elevator, 'Roach proceeds to type in a code beside it, it opens, and you both enter.

You are picked up in a place of your choice. The exterior of the car is black. Black paint, Black glass, black everything contrasting with the red interior. The driver exits and opens the rear seats for you. Once inside you find yourself next to 'Roach, who on top of his regular costume is equipped with a vest or what looks to cylindrical rubber piping over his costume, covering his shoulders and upper torso. "Nebula." He politely nods as you enter but otherwise not speaking unless spoken too.

Once you reach the building the car heads around the back and into the private interior parking where you both exit. "If you would follow me please" says your guide.

You are taken through the building a short way and to an elevator, 'Roach proceeds to type in a code beside it, it opens, and you both enter.

...'Roach drums his fingers on the elevator walls. "Um, yeah, this thing can be slow. The security checks. I think." he says slightly exasperated. The awkward silence lingers.

"Soo... What brings you to want to join up?" he asks.

'Roach overall is remaining cautious and is ever so slightly tense.
The... whatever it is you sense is showing curiosity, directed at you.

2017-11-07, 05:38 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Milla had taken the offer of being picked up in car and had appeared in her non-monstrous martial arts form.

"Roach" she responds.

Sitting in the car not speaking to 'roach quickly tuns awkward but she reminds herself she is supposed to be a trained killer. Trained killers didn't small talk.

Bizarrely as you look at the building your emotion sense reads it. It is watching you.

'Hi Fortress' she thinks sensing the curiosity from the building. That was useful to know. She weights to pros and cons and eventually decides she might as well reveal som of her mojo, she did have to appear to be useful all things considered. "Fortress" she greets with a nod.

When following her guide and walking into the elevator she will look for a chance to descretely touch him, keeping in mind that Fortress is watching from all angle. She'll only take is if an opportunity presents itself.

'Roach drums his fingers on the elevator walls. "Um, yeah, this thing can be slow. The security checks. I think."

The only responds is a non-commital grunt.

"Soo... What brings you to want to join up?"

"Money, mostly. And you?" her voice isn't unfriendly and her eyes studies him closely, although the sweat on her hands in her pockets would have revealed her anxiety. This was villain territory after all.

2017-11-08, 04:10 PM
Meeting with Bad Company
'Hi Fortress' she thinks sensing the curiosity from the building. That was useful to know. She weights to pros and cons and eventually decides she might as well reveal som of her mojo, she did have to appear to be useful all things considered. "Fortress" she greets with a nod.

"Oh, um, He isn't allowed to make himself known up here. The changes to the building tend to be noticeable." answers 'Roach where his teammate can't. "Does he even have an ear up here?" he muses to himself.

When following her guide and walking into the elevator she will look for a chance to descretely touch him, keeping in mind that Fortress is watching from all angle. She'll only take is if an opportunity presents itself.

I think this is something best handled by a dice roll. I'll just do one here for you,. This will be unlikely however, what with him directly paying attention to you including watching for Striker powers, there being no other distractions, ect. [roll0]. Also I should Ask if Mila is taking any of the exposures to Fortress she is getting

Despite keeping an eye out you do not see the opening to gain an exposure of 'Roach's power.

"Money, mostly. And you?" her voice isn't unfriendly and her eyes studies him closely, although the sweat on her hands in her pockets would have revealed her anxiety. This was villain territory after all.

"'Bout the same." says 'Roach before adding with what might be some warmth "Have to admit it's nice having someone you can count on peeling you off the wall at the end of the day". So anyway what was the trick letting you see Fortress"?

The elevator makes a noise and the door opens. The following corridor is periodically lined with statues featuring a humanoid torso atop a spiralling pillar. One looks over to you. "Your the new girl, yeah?" The next as you keep walking smiles back and holds out a hand "Yes, I'm Fortress".

It is not long until you come to a door that your guide gestures for you to enter.

2017-11-08, 05:34 PM
"Does he even have an ear up here?"

"Didn't see no ears" Nebula answers neutrally. She had thrown the hook out and 'Roach had to bite if he wanted the real answer. There were an implication she noted to herself. If her understanding were right then Queen Bee's power only detected emotions from people which meant that when Fortress used her power she BECAME the building rather than just controlling it, and that meant that she might be able to gain powers if of anyone in a given building. Worth testing anyway.

She is mildly annoyed that there weren't any openings but shrug it off. If things went according to plan she would get plenty of opportunities. If not she now knew where they lived...

"Have to admit it's nice having someone you can count on peeling you off the wall at the end of the day"

"HAH! I can appreciate an honest man" she barks, possibly breaking any illusions about Nebula being a polite lady: "To answer your question I have a limited ability to sense powers in the area I am in. It's not reliable but it have come in handy a few times" she lies with a straight face.

"Your the new girl, yeah?"

Nebula responds with a shrug: "Depends on how the meeting goes". She could see that Fortress was trying to be friendly but she had her persona to preserve, and to compensate of the mild rejection she made sure to shake his hand in a way she thinks equal badass people would, keeping in mind not going too far.

When gestured to enter she enters.

2017-11-12, 05:24 PM
Nebula responds with a shrug: "Depends on how the meeting goes". She could see that Fortress was trying to be friendly but she had her persona to preserve, and to compensate of the mild rejection she made sure to shake his hand in a way she thinks equal badass people would, keeping in mind not going too far.

Along with the handshake Fortress going into a fistbump.

"Good luck in there. Hooah!"

When gestured to enter she enters.

Inside is actually a pretty normal office meeting room. Dominating it is a large wooden table, six office chairs with room for more, the floor some sort of carpet, the back wall of the room featuring a board that can display the image from a presently absent computer. In front of that board and directly on the other side of the table to you is Flood and beside him Pulse.

"Nebula." Says Flood, his tone neutral "Glad you could make it here. Take a seat, 'Roach will remain beside you. I understand you wish to join our organisation. According Rat-King you presently wish to keep your personal details private for now. So let us start with the basic stuff then. Your power. What can you do? We need to start with this to prepare our training room for later.

Flood is, more than anything else, displaying tension directed at you. It is like he is just on the edge of asking a question.

2017-11-12, 08:48 PM
Along with the handshake Fortress going into a fistbump.

"Good luck in there. Hooah!"

Milla returns the fistbump with an vicious smile. She would have to fight alongside Fortress and she couldn't help herself but to look forward to it.

Milla looks around the room putting on a face of mild approval. It was professional, just the place to make money.


"Flood. Pulse." Milla returns the greeting with a nod to each of the villains.

Glad you could make it here. Take a seat

"Thanks for having me", she responds neutrally as she places herself in a chair. It didn't really worry her that 'Roach was beside her. She felt as confident that she could escape whatever he threw at her as she felt confident she didn't stand a chance against Flood and Pulse.

I understand you wish to join our organisation. According Rat-King you presently wish to keep your personal details private for now.

Milla doesn't move a muscle in responds. They already knew. If they wanted answers they'd have to ask.

Your power. What can you do?

It was fortunate that she had prepared for that question. It was less fortunate however that she hadn't realized the brilliant idea of a cover before Ratking already had informed Bad Company of her cover identity. "It's better explained with a demonstration". Without asking for permission she rose to her feet, popped her neck, took her shoes and socks off and called for Chimera's power. Her skin turned leathery, claws spread from her feet, her ears turned and where a woman had standed before stood a werebat showing off its massive wing-spread.

I'm going for something like the below except it would recognizably like her current form and possibly thinner if that would yield a better flight speed.
According to wikipedia there's a bat that can fly about 160km/h and with twice that from Speed-Demon we are for sure over 300km/H
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fimg04.deviantart.net%2Ffb54%2Fi%2F 2011%2F003%2F0%2Ff%2Fthe_khlysti_evangelist_by_maj ass-d36dfbx.png&f=1

"Part of my power is that I can turn into werebeast forms of various mammals. In this form I can fly about 3 times faster than freeway drivers. Other forms have different advantages, most of them generic. Aside from that..." she changed back to her human form: "Limited ability to sense active cape powers and lastly" her body structure slowly changed to something more manly and eventually a man known as Clyde Grey was sitting across the table: "I can take the form of people I have seen in person although I can only ever remember 5 people at a time"

2017-11-16, 03:33 PM
It was fortunate that she had prepared for that question. It was less fortunate however that she hadn't realized the brilliant idea of a cover before Ratking already had informed Bad Company of her cover identity. "It's better explained with a demonstration". Without asking for permission she rose to her feet, popped her neck, took her shoes and socks off and called for Chimera's power. Her skin turned leathery, claws spread from her feet, her ears turned and where a woman had standed before stood a werebat showing off its massive wing-spread.

I'm going for something like the below except it would recognizably like her current form and possibly thinner if that would yield a better flight speed.
According to wikipedia there's a bat that can fly about 160km/h and with twice that from Speed-Demon we are for sure over 300km/H
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fimg04.deviantart.net%2Ffb54%2Fi%2F 2011%2F003%2F0%2Ff%2Fthe_khlysti_evangelist_by_maj ass-d36dfbx.png&f=1

"Part of my power is that I can turn into werebeast forms of various mammals. In this form I can fly about 3 times faster than freeway drivers. Other forms have different advantages, most of them generic. Aside from that..." she changed back to her human form: "Limited ability to sense active cape powers and lastly" her body structure slowly changed to something more manly and eventually a man known as Clyde Grey was sitting across the table: "I can take the form of people I have seen in person although I can only ever remember 5 people at a time"

Flood nods along as you list points while 'Roach takes a half-step backwards to give your wingspan room.

"That ability to sense powers you mentioned." says Flood "Can you elaborate"?

After you respond your emotion sense tells you that Flood is building up to that question suggested by his tension as it reaches its peak, all of it evident in his tone.

"Now I have one question we need answered before we can continue. This person who is after you, I needed you to say in no uncertain terms that knowing what you do about us and about him, should you join us and this guy finds you: can we beat him"?

2017-11-17, 06:26 AM
Milla reverts back to 'Nebula' and studies the group while they listens to her talk, looking for cues for how they are taking the information.

"That ability to sense powers you mentioned." says Flood "Can you elaborate"?

Nebula smiles and nods. This was, fortunately, one of the questions she had prepared for. She had needed something that was close enough to the truth to be reliably replicated but not "In a nuthsell the power gives me some information about a power nearby. Not complete, and the information is much better if I am personally affected. For instance" Nebula gestures to the room around them: "I know that there isn't a maximum size to what Fortress can control. I know that he can convert whatever he is merged with into some weird material which he can control and use to move whereever he is attached to. The material is treated as both being Fortress and being inorganic but I don't know how that interacts with say Roid or Puppeteer."

can we beat him"?

Nebula snorts. "The f***** wouldn't stand a chance."

She then awaits hearing where they want to go from here. It was a job interview after all and she were well aware she wasn't in charge.

2017-11-18, 03:34 PM
Nebula snorts. "The f***** wouldn't stand a chance."

She then awaits hearing where they want to go from here. It was a job interview after all and she were well aware she wasn't in charge.

The tensions leaving him Flood lets out a small but noticeable breath. "However this day continues don't hold it against me if I hold you to that. Anyhow, elephant out of the room, lets move onto any training or experience you have that may prove relevant in this line of work. Don't worry and make things up here please, we offer training to all employees if needed but out in the field lying here may see you hurt or incarcerated".

The other parahumans around you are both emotionally as impassive as they appear but they too relax slightly.

2017-11-18, 07:24 PM
"lets move onto any training or experience you have that may prove relevant in this line of work"


Milla hadn't prepared for that. It was problematic, on one hand she would like to have a persona that should be hardened but on the other she didn't actually have any experience.

"I am good at reading people and move fairly silently but aside from that I don't really have many skills to speak off" is the responds she decides on, not needing to fake the annoyance at herself that the statement causes her to feel.

2017-11-20, 04:04 PM

Milla hadn't prepared for that. It was problematic, on one hand she would like to have a persona that should be hardened but on the other she didn't actually have any experience.

"I am good at reading people and move fairly silently but aside from that I don't really have many skills to speak off" is the responds she decides on, not needing to fake the annoyance at herself that the statement causes her to feel.

"Quite alright, We will know where to start at any rate". Flood's speech pauses for a moment as he seems to get an idea. He reaches up to his ear, or rather an earpiece, "Seeker, prepare the range. One of the HMG's with blanks. Want to see how the interviewee fares".

Flood turns back to you. "Sorry about that, I had an idea for something in the testing area. Which incidentally should be finished setting up soon, so until then let me go over the specifics of your potential employment here; Feel free to interrupt me at any time".

"First as you know we are mercs. Thus we will be hired out by various groups, both in part and in our entirety. Never less than two of us on one job, transport and equipment provided. You have the right to turn down any jobs you consider too risky with good explanation why but pay is by job. Before we act on any job we will plan our activities out, everyone gets their voice. In the event of the capture or arrest of a teammate all members that are able will assist with recovery".

"Next up we allow members to undertake independent criminal action outside our usual work but it must be discussed in advance with the rest of us. If it would make too big an enemy to be too risky it not be allowed. The help of the rest of the team may be asked for and it is up to the individual to accept, typically for a share of the profits. If something goes wrong and the rest of the ream needs brought in to assist we ask for ten percept for the teams treasury. Similarly we may launder money for you at the cost of ten percept".

"As for how things will work between jobs if accepted you will be given a work phone and everything needed to access this and our other facilities. You will be given a fake identity as an employee in the Temp agency this building also serves as along with a bank account where your payment will be sent. Here you will be able to store your costume and any equipment you may use. As a bonus for joining you get a costume made to your specifications. Tinker made for the best quality".

Flood's hand returns to his earpiece. "That is the preparations make in the testing area. I can answer any questions on the way".

Presently flood is trying to get an opinion of you, waiting to see how he should feel.

2017-11-21, 02:29 PM
Meeting with Bad Company
Sitting through the meeting Nebula had time to both listen to Flood speech and to examine Fortress' power. There were... possibilities here. And some of them troublesome, at least on an ethical layer. And at the same time, this was perhaps even enough to let them win a Endbringer fight. The prospect was staggering. Regardless it would have to wait.

"That all sounds good" Nebula honestly agrees: "Much like I expected really."

"I have a few questions actually" she says as she follows Flood to the practise range: "If I were employed how soon and often could I expect a job? Do you have any enemies you should know of? "

Hospital visit

After finishing the meeting with Bad Company Milla headed out. With everything that had happened she had a hospital to visit.

She found the hospital that her mother were living in and changing shape to someone else inside a crowd she entered it and started looking for a bathroom in the visitors department which she scanned for cameras.

If she doesn't find any she will take on Fortress power and spend time merging with the building. She will start spreading her zone of awesomeness and eventually cover the building, however long that takes. While doing that she will try to find a different place to place her core body while she is doing her thing and if able to do it unseen slide it through the building to there.

2017-11-22, 05:54 PM
Meeting with Bad Company
"I have a few questions actually" [/COLOR]she says as she follows Flood to the practise range: "If I were employed how soon and often could I expect a job? Do you have any enemies you should know of? ".

"On average we receive a job between weekly to a monthly, and we may or may not be in the process of working on a contract at the time, for obvious reason we cannot disclose current jobs to you at the time."

Flood continues to take to you the testing area as he answers your questions. Pulse to his side, 'Roach to yours.

"As for enemies the main one is Hekatonkheir." he says, only having the barest difficulty with the name. "Yes, he tries to kill anyone in a mask in his territory, but he has a special hate for us. Now that is not to say he will extend it to you. He is an odd one, until you have violated his rules you might be fine. Have you heard anyone mentioning what happened when the Elite tried to move into the city? Hekatonkheir happened. Thankfully he is quit otherwise. Stays to his territory, no gang, attacks on defence, and mostly just robs banks. Beyond his there's Upgrade. Doesn't stop him hiring us sometimes but him and Seeker have a rivalry". by this point your destination is in sight, a bulky metal and plastic door built into a reinforced wall.

"Out of city we have this guy called Igor. We're not sure how but he always escapes when we fight and comes back. Tinker-Two according to the PRT but not to be underestimated. Anyway that about wraps it up and here we are".

The inside of the testing area is a large plain room, almost clinically so, of light cream walls and a floor of what feels like a lightly padded material. A variety of equipment is set about so that is almost resembles a gym somewhere, and an empty area with additional protective padding around the floor and walls. Split off from the rest by a wall of what seems to be some sort of plastic with a sliding door is a shooting range, behind which a consumed woman is checking a large mounted gun. Seeker. Noticing your arrival she joins you all. "Hey." she communally waves in your direction "Here we will test out your physical ability and power, I'll be taking the readings of the machinery." She turns to Flood. "Where'd we start"?

"I think it's best to start Nebula here off with a spar." Flood turns to you "Will that be fine with you"?

Hospital visit

After finishing the meeting with Bad Company Milla headed out. With everything that had happened she had a hospital to visit.

She found the hospital that her mother were living in and changing shape to someone else inside a crowd she entered it and started looking for a bathroom in the visitors department which she scanned for cameras.

The bathroom lacks any interior cameras, at least that you can see. There are plenty outside however, including once facing the bathroom.

To double check Mila is using Face's in the crowd? They wouldn't really notice anything but I feel it best to check. It may or may not come up.

I'm assuming she is using Fortress's power form within a locked bathroom stall?

[If she doesn't find any she will take on Fortress power and spend time merging with the building. She will start spreading her zone of awesomeness and eventually cover the building, however long that takes. While doing that she will try to find a different place to place her core body while she is doing her thing and if able to do it unseen slide it through the building to there.

The cost clear, you take root. You feel all the agony as minute-by-minute your legs form the knee down and arms from elbow up change. Face's power tells you each and every little change you undergo is extensive detail; Your arms have their bones fuse and turn to cartilage, the veins and arteries replicate until visible through skin that retracts away from the effected regions. Things begin taking shape as the end of each limb twists together into a stubby mass that proceeds to elongate and produce dozens of further tendrils that reach out with an intelligence not your own and burrow itself into the surrounding walls and floor. Five minutes later and now you only have to wait.

I need you to specify how large a hospital the current building is.

2017-11-22, 07:04 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

As they talk on their way to the training grounds and Flood is talking, Nebula will look for opportunities to either bump into 'Roach or lightly touch him as she swings her arms while walking. Discretion is of course vital, it needs to either be unnoticed or look accidental. Walking around corners might be a good opportunity.

"I'll be taking the readings of the machinery."

"What does it do?" she asks curiously.

"I think it's best to start Nebula here off with a spar."

She grins predatorily: "Sounds like fun. Who'll be my opponent?"

Hospital Visit

Milla struggles to hold back her curses. This stuff was painful. Hopefully the good professor would tell her where the pain receptors was soon.

Face's power tells you each and every little change you undergo is extensive detail

"Thanks, that's very useful" she complains through her painful breath, as if Face's power was an actual person.

As Fortress power slowly increases the area she is controlling she uses Face's power to look at the internal map of the building. Immediate priority is to find some place more discrete than a bathroom but if she encounters any rooms with what looks like a respirator she'll take a peak, starting by sensing whether it feels like there are any people in the room, then creating a small tentacle with an eye under something low(like a table or a bed) to look around trying to notice any legs, if none are seen she creates an eye in the corner of the room for spotting and finally she'll look inside the respiration to see if it's her mom.

Yes, she uses Face's power while in the crowd.
Yeah, she's using Fortress power inside the locked bathroom.
Being the GM, you choose the size of the hospital.

2017-11-24, 06:46 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

As they talk on their way to the training grounds and Flood is talking, Nebula will look for opportunities to either bump into 'Roach or lightly touch him as she swings her arms while walking. Discretion is of course vital, it needs to either be unnoticed or look accidental. Walking around corners might be a good opportunity.

Seems reasonable, rolled for it and it was successful.

Your attempt proves successful as you allow 'Roach to grow a few inches closer, our arms further out, and you manage to just barely tap him.

"What does it do?" she asks curiously.

"Each does their own thing." Says Seeker, "Like that," Referring to the device based around a large piston, "is for measuring Brute durability. Similar stuff to what the Protectorate use". She sounds rather proud when describing that.

She grins predatorily: "Sounds like fun. Who'll be my opponent?"

"Me." Says 'Roach with an audible smile before turning to Flood, who nods before turning to face you while walking you both to the open padded area.

"Nebula, you are permitted to aim however lethally you wish. It's not like we can get a good observation if you are forced to hold back. 'Roach can take whatever you throw at him, do not worry. As you are not a regenerator 'Roach will not go to such lengths. I would suggest using your power to change into something."

"Ready?" says 'Roach as he takes place in the designated 'arena'.

'Roach, while sounding positive is also doing the emotional equivalent to a shrug. Likely related to how the regenerator is expecting to take a few hits.

Hospital Visit
"Thanks, that's very useful" she complains through her painful breath, as if Face's power was an actual person.

As you are left the undeterminable time it takes you to take over, definitely somewhere over an hour. In that time several people enter and leave the bathroom, even one banging on your door complaining 'You've been in there forever' before a different stall opened up.

[As Fortress power slowly increases the area she is controlling she uses Face's power to look at the internal map of the building. Immediate priority is to find some place more discrete than a bathroom but if she encounters any rooms with what looks like a respirator she'll take a peak, starting by sensing whether it feels like there are any people in the room, then creating a small tentacle with an eye under something low(like a table or a bed) to look around trying to notice any legs, if none are seen she creates an eye in the corner of the room for spotting and finally she'll look inside the respiration to see if it's her mom.

Next up as you convent parts of the building into the hybrid tissue you may create you get to finding somewhere to stash yourself...

Stuff that could work is in a hollow somewhere in the wall/floor/ceiling, Perhaps somewhere in the boiler room between some pipes or something. Maybe an air vent could work. Your thoughts?

While at it you discover yourself to get an exposure of a new power. Some form of forced hallucination.

Looking for Respirators then takes a bit until you find the right one, your first being the wrong person, and the second a CAT scanner. third times the charm however and you find her.

2017-12-07, 10:14 AM
Meeting with Bad Company

"Each does their own thing." Says Seeker, "Like that," Referring to the device based around a large piston, "is for measuring Brute durability. Similar stuff to what the Protectorate use". She sounds rather proud when describing that.

Milla's blood runs cold and a surge of fear runs through her body, if consealed well behind the friendly face.

"Oh, I have never heard of those. How do they work?" she asks in a perfect picture of mild interest.

'S***, what do I do?' Those machines could reveal that her power expanded beyond what she had let on. And she couldn't exactly run from here. Even if she managed to avoid both Pulse and Flood, which were unlikely in an off itself, she was litterally INSIDE Fortress. Escape was impossible.

Her mind raced through her options. If everything came burning down she could at least run far enough away from 'Roach that the copy of his power would kick in and she could be start taking a beating. That was a maybe though. The best course was to continue pretending nothing was wrong, pay particular attention to the emotions of Seeker, and keep her direct contact with 'Roach in short burst, hopefully meaning that Seeker only had time to look at the ratings in some of the machines.

There was also something suspicious. Her power itched and she could feel gaining an exposure of some illusion-based power. Somebody were tinkering with her mind.


Nebula walks to the designated area and calls on Chimera's power. Her body grows and becomes streamlined, grows white fur, claws, teeth and eventually leaves a werewolf-like creature standing where the previously attractive lady were standing. She uses parts from various dog breeds and gorilla to complete the shape in a sufficiently werewolf like form. She cracks her neck and stretches her muscles and with a growl responds: "I'm ready"

In a burst of speed she pounces towards 'Roach, picking up speed. The bundle of raw muscles flies towards 'Roach with around 60mph and in the last moment jumps above him and reaches down with her long arms, jamming her claws into his shoulder and throwing him violently into a nearby wall.

Watching the impact she flinches and calls out: "Hey Fortress, ehm, does that hurt? My power tells me that you get tactile feedback from buildings you are merged with but does that include pain?"

Hospital Visit

Milla anxiously waits in the locker and sends gratitude out in the universe when whoever complained about her taking a lot of time ended up not actually doing something.

A hollow area between floor and ceiling close to an entrance to the roof sounds good.

After finding a good hiding spot Milla makes an eye in a corner of the bathroom and when nobody is looking she opens the lock to the stall she was in, possibly making a camera replay a prior recording if a camera is present.

She does whatever a building's equivalent of a frown is when noticing the new exposure. Someone were making illusions and the only cape she knew could do that were Mirage. What were the PRT heroes doing at a hospital? Or if Mirage had come by herself, why were she playing with her power. She couldn't feel any other powers right now but one of her weaknesses was that there was a 1-5 minute window in which she couldn't detect powers so it was possible. For now she would sit tight and hope for the best.

While waiting for the next of whoever was close she continued her search for her mother and finding her, she scouts the room for other residents. If it's empty she creates a small tentacle from a place inside the respirator and lightly touches her mother. If not she waits and observes.

2017-12-08, 07:35 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Milla's blood runs cold and a surge of fear runs through her body, if consealed well behind the friendly face.

"Oh, I have never heard of those. How do they work?" she asks in a perfect picture of mild interest.

"Well..." Says an eager Seeker "...The ones that resemble gym equipment basically are. A few harder materials, some measurement devices, and that is sorted. Like the treadmill there measures your speed, acceleration, and can speed up as you do; I expect to have you running like a cheetah later. The durability testing device is programmed to deliver a specific amount of force, and we start with a light punch and scale from there. You stand in here the handles indicate and it hits you, simple really".

Nebula walks to the designated area and calls on Chimera's power. Her body grows and becomes streamlined, grows white fur, claws, teeth and eventually leaves a werewolf-like creature standing where the previously attractive lady were standing. She uses parts from various dog breeds and gorilla to complete the shape in a sufficiently werewolf like form. She cracks her neck and stretches her muscles and with a growl responds: "I'm ready"

In a burst of speed she pounces towards 'Roach, picking up speed. The bundle of raw muscles flies towards 'Roach with around 60mph and in the last moment jumps above him and reaches down with her long arms, jamming her claws into his shoulder and throwing him violently into a nearby wall.

Letting the hit land 'Roach lands into the wall, but your claws are successfully blocked by the armoured costume. "That all you got?" he says radiating a mock smugness he doesn't really feel even as something in his arms clicks back into place.

Watching the impact she flinches and calls out: "Hey Fortress, ehm, does that hurt? My power tells me that you get tactile feedback from buildings you are merged with but does that include pain?"

A few loops of the floor material raise up before a spongy bag sprouts and inflates, a diaphragm and a lung. Afterword a short tube extends along the ground to a growing mouth that breaks into a smile. On the walls a few eyes sprout at irregular intervals. "Don't worry about it, I never feel much pain anyway. Itches when something breaks though".

Fortress is feeling a relaxed amusement from your concern for him

Barely done talking to Fortress 'Roach is at you again in no time at all and already in your guard "Careful taking your eyes off the enemy in a fight." he says as he foot goes for your knee. The joint takes out your balance and 'Roach turns this into a throw behind him as he ducks forward.

Hospital Visit

Milla anxiously waits in the locker and sends gratitude out in the universe when whoever complained about her taking a lot of time ended up not actually doing something.

A hollow area between floor and ceiling close to an entrance to the roof sounds good.

After finding a good hiding spot Milla makes an eye in a corner of the bathroom and when nobody is looking she opens the lock to the stall she was in, possibly making a camera replay a prior recording if a camera is present.

She does whatever a building's equivalent of a frown is when noticing the new exposure. Someone were making illusions and the only cape she knew could do that were Mirage. What were the PRT heroes doing at a hospital? Or if Mirage had come by herself, why were she playing with her power. She couldn't feel any other powers right now but one of her weaknesses was that there was a 1-5 minute window in which she couldn't detect powers so it was possible. For now she would sit tight and hope for the best.

While waiting for the next of whoever was close she continued her search for her mother and finding her, she scouts the room for other residents. If it's empty she creates a small tentacle from a place inside the respirator and lightly touches her mother. If not she waits and observes.

Finding a good place to hide yourself you tuck into a space in a wall near an exit to the roof.

The room with your mother proves empty, and as you touch her Face's power acts, making a copy of her every feature in your mind.

2017-12-10, 06:21 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Nebula relaxes when hearing Seekers unintentionally reassuring words. "So what about that one?" she asks curiously pointing at each of the machines in turn.

She have to admire 'Roach fighting capabilitis. Not only were he able to land a hit on her when she moved more than double his speed but he also had strength enough to simply throw a werewolf over his back.

The corners of her mouth goes up in what probably could have been a pleasant smile on the woman, but which on the werewolf merely adds another layer of horror. She rolls around and immediate pounces back for 'Roach and starts ripping him apart with many fast slashes. He might be able to regenerate a single wound quickly but he ought to need oxygen to move and if she kept his throat open that shouldn't be possible.

She will accept all exposures from 'Roach and continues paying attention to Seeker's emotions.

Hospital Visit

Having reached her objective Milla is about to roll out and leave but she is stopped by a subtle want. She didn't know what or who the present cape are but she wants it. She wants all of it.
She occupies the time that she is waiting for another exposure with searching for the cape, creating small hidden eyes in corners around and feeling where the visuals don't match the tactile senses she gets from the building itself.

A rat's offer

Once Shade VI is back at base she head straight for the rat cage.

"Rat King" she says to the rat feeling a little silly in doing so: "I have an offer for you"

2017-12-11, 06:35 PM
Observations of Rat King after his meeting with Bad Company:

Rat king, on reforming found himself in one of the areas of his territory where the homeless congregated. He was moving with purpose to one old building, no doubt assisted with this by the vermin scurrying around. Many of those he passes hold him favourably going by their emotions.

At his destination an area has been marked out with sheets painted with a red plus sign, an improvised hospital. Outside several pained-looking people stand, roughly bandaged and some with visible blisters. Rat King heads inside. An aging man in decently clean clothing stands cleaning one persons wounds. Rat King waits for him to finish, useful given bloody Mary's power does not assist with multitasking.

"You don't need to keep coming here yourself you know." Says the man.
"In fact I do Doc, My people are hurt so I'll see that the recover." says Rat King

The two stand around without taking for a moment. 'Doc' grabs a sheep of paper from a nearby desk.

"Won't keep the people outside waiting long." he says "These are what I need."
Folding the paper and putting it into a fold of his costume Rat King discorporates.

Rat King had since passed the note on and spent time after that in several underground rooms in the sewers that he seems to store his rats in, Feeding the thousands of hungry mouths. He has now reformed in a similar room but this one housing people queuing in line at the far end where food is being issues out. After getting his bowl of the soup and bread he sits down at a table with a woman who is obviously a Case Fifty-Three, green skin, mandibles and a tail curling out behind her. She is in a costume of metal plates with gauntlets beside her and her eyes are surrounded by a metal band.

"Hey pops, things work out with the merks?" says the upbeat green woman.
"Well, if things go the direction I fear they are not going to make the situation worse".
"And your so cryptic why? Oh! right, the... issue".
Rat King nods. "I have something to deal with after I'm done here, you mind dealing with moleman for me"?
"'Was heading out with some of the guys to get some spending money but yeah, I can do that after".

Not long after Rat King came back to give you the details on the meeting with Bad Company.

Meeting with Bad Company

Nebula relaxes when hearing Seekers unintentionally reassuring words. "So what about that one?" she asks curiously pointing at each of the machines in turn.

She have to admire 'Roach fighting capabilitis. Not only were he able to land a hit on her when she moved more than double his speed but he also had strength enough to simply throw a werewolf over his back.

The corners of her mouth goes up in what probably could have been a pleasant smile on the woman, but which on the werewolf merely adds another layer of horror. She rolls around and immediate pounces back for 'Roach and starts ripping him apart with many fast slashes. He might be able to regenerate a single wound quickly but he ought to need oxygen to move and if she kept his throat open that shouldn't be possible.

She will accept all exposures from 'Roach and continues paying attention to Seeker's emotions.

'Roach is unprepared for your speed and you deliver a flurry of blows that eventually allow your claws through the armour on his neck and in to the meat, apparently some joint or other structural weakness makes it inferior to that on his shoulders. 'Roach for his part is slightly thrown off by the reflexive reaction to the damage and beginning to choke in his own blood. The arterial spray never quite seems to stop as his own blood regenerates.

This is far from 'Roach's first instance of grievous bodily harm and he is yet in fighting shape. Having got a feeling for what you can do he stays on the defensive for a time before diving low and pulling on your leg with all the strength he can to send you to the ground as he dives for a grab...

'Roach is initially gripped by a spike of all-things-considered muted primal terror as his back is tore open, but this barely lasts a moment as he acclimatises with resignation that this is going to be as unpleasant as usual followed by respect directed towards you.

Seeker is watching the fight in mild interest until her teammate is torn apart for no-doubt the umpteenth time causing her to feel uncomfortable.

Hospital Visit

Having reached her objective Milla is about to roll out and leave but she is stopped by a subtle want. She didn't know what or who the present cape are but she wants it. She wants all of it.
She occupies the time that she is waiting for another exposure with searching for the cape, creating small hidden eyes in corners around and feeling where the visuals don't match the tactile senses she gets from the building itself.

You get yourself another exposure as you search but find no signs of power use. What you do find on growing an eye is a pair of small coaster-sized chrome disks floating through the air which rapidly respond to your growth through flying at the eye, seemingly observing it for a time. Just as quickly one flies off while at the same time the other emits a blinding flash, leaving you without sight in that eye. Before things can clear up the fire alarm goes off.

A rat's offer

Once Shade VI is back at base she head straight for the rat cage.

"Rat King" she says to the rat feeling a little silly in doing so: "I have an offer for you"

The rat is directly controlled again and nods.

It is a little longer than usual until Rat King arrives, knocking and letting himself in. He is once again in a suit and sporting a briefcase.

Edited in missing stuff.

2017-12-14, 12:11 PM
Observation of Rat King

Milla observes carefully as Rat King tends his subordinates. Was it real care or did he simply pretend to earn favours. So that was the Doc that her team had been heading towards. She takes a good look at him, oh how convinient would it be to snatch a copy of him but that unfortunately wasn't an option.

Does the emotion detection power work through Bloody Mary's power?


'Huh, so that's his daughter' she thinks taking the odd view. She had never seen a case 53 before. Chimera had come close but from how he spoke it didn't seem that he was part of that group.

She is annoyed at how vague the conversation is. It seemed that Rat King were expecting someone to spy on him and that they had talked about it but based on the 53's reaction it was something new. Couldn't be bloody mary then. There were a bunch of thinkers in town, could it be them? And who was moleman?

Does Milla from looking through the PRT files know the top candidates to who the two might have been talking about?

Meeting with Bad Company

Milla tries to jump backwards, keeping her upper body forwards, ready to claw at any outstretched hand.

If she succeeds she'll say admiringly: "You're good. I am faster and stronger but I don't have a clean way of neutralizing you. You're regeneration is too fast for me to keep up with and if I tried to give you a big nice hug you'd win in endurance."

She looks around for something long and hard, a pipe or a chair leg would do, while staying on the defensive, dodging and weaving. If she finds it she'll grap it, try to tackle 'Roach and impale his heart with the iron bar. Maybe she couldn't keep up with his regeneration but he could be passified by a malfunctioning heart and his regeneration couldn't keep his heart working with something hard inside.

Else she'll try doing the same thing but with a few of her claws.

Hospital Visit

As the alarm sounds Milla initially panicks and seeks to find the nearest way out but after a moment of searching she calms down again. There was still a chance that she'd be able to gain more exposures!

While waiting at her nice and cozy place she'll track her tactile senses and figure out if there is in fact a fire in the building or if it was just the illusion.

A rat's offer

"Welcome" shade greets, hand stretched out. She was still beating herself over not getting any exposures last time he was here. She then gestures towards the long table that were originally made for 6 people plus guests but now she was the only one who used.

After they are seated she says: "Before going to business I'd like to ask you a question. What do you know about me and my power?"

2017-12-15, 05:03 PM
[B]Meeting with Bad Company

Milla tries to jump backwards, keeping her upper body forwards, ready to claw at any outstretched hand.

If she succeeds she'll say admiringly: "You're good. I am faster and stronger but I don't have a clean way of neutralizing you. You're regeneration is too fast for me to keep up with and if I tried to give you a big nice hug you'd win in endurance."

You dodge but fail to get a hit in as 'Roach turns his failing grab into a sideward dodge to recover and steps back to avoid your great reach. His mouth opens as if to reply but he only manages to produce air from the hole in his neck and simply nods, slowly working on getting around you.

'Roach is peeved on his missing throat before his attention turns to Flood.

He gestures to Flood, gesturing him to respond with something even as 'Roach retains a defensive stance.

"I believe 'Roach is having similar thoughts on his ability to harm you. As we cannot be here all day Let the winner be the one who first keeps the other from standing".

'Roach himself gives a thumbs up at the suggestion.

She looks around for something long and hard, a pipe or a chair leg would do, while staying on the defensive, dodging and weaving. If she finds it she'll grap it, try to tackle 'Roach and impale his heart with the iron bar. Maybe she couldn't keep up with his regeneration but he could be passified by a malfunctioning heart and his regeneration couldn't keep his heart working with something hard inside.

Else she'll try doing the same thing but with a few of her claws.

With the only potential improvised weapons available being the rest of the equipment nearby you are forced to use your claws. Your tackle manages to be fast enough you are almost on him before he can dodge so by the time you connect you get the unarmoured chest of his costume at an angle. You go through the fabric and start facing resistance of his flesh and soon the crack of ribs. You missed the heart but have managed to puncture a lung.

'Roach wheezes breathlessly and is left similarly to when his throat went but more so, leaving him only able to stagger away to take time to heal.

Hospital Visit

As the alarm sounds Milla initially panicks and seeks to find the nearest way out but after a moment of searching she calms down again. There was still a chance that she'd be able to gain more exposures!

While waiting at her nice and cozy place she'll track her tactile senses and figure out if there is in fact a fire in the building or if it was just the illusion.

No matter how you look you fires can be felt or seen. From any eyes you still have around you can see more of the flying disks. On top of that a few dog-sized machines are present, some on trends while others move on legs of varied design. The odd rat is also present in the vents and other hard to reach places.

In terms of people, the employees, patents, and visitors, are filing their way through the doors. Notably a few employees are staying with the patent that cannot be moved, with one you can be reasonably confident is moving to the room where your mother was. Beyond them there are only two, a woman on her phone running not to the exits but somewhere else, easily the fastest in the building while elsewhere is the slowest. A large, plodding man who is looking about the ground floor intently, his face hidden behind a high collar and hood.

The woman is showing worry, her thoughts flashing between worry for someone nearby and some traumatic memory she recalls.
Whatever it is the man with the hidden face has no emotions,

A rat's offer

"Welcome" shade greets, hand stretched out. She was still beating herself over not getting any exposures last time he was here. She then gestures towards the long table that were originally made for 6 people plus guests but now she was the only one who used.

After they are seated she says: "Before going to business I'd like to ask you a question. What do you know about me and my power?"

He shacks the offered hand and takes the offered seat.

"About you?" says Rat King not expecting this direction of conversation "Not much more than last time you asked. I believe my rats saw you at the hospital so I assume you have family in poor health. Now your power..." This is where he hums for a second "To my knowledge it was a danger sense and maybe some stunning Blaster power? But if that is accurate with your shapeshifting I don't Know. Personal biokinetic"?

He waits for you to go on.

Rat King is suspicious, not the sort where he feels in danger but the sort were he is waiting for the other shoe to drop.

2017-12-15, 06:08 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Nebula shivers a little seeing the open lung and hearing the rasping. If she didn't knew for a fact that he would regenerate she would never had done it.

She sends a questioning look towards Flood after hitting his lung.

If flood doesn't seem to discourage continueing she circles around Ratking, pretending to try to find a good angle while he was distracted by breathing problems, but really stalling for time for another exposure. She then dives for the attack, fakes an attack towards the eyes but instead going for the other lung, or heart, she wasn't discriminant.

Hospital Visit

Milla does whatever the eqivalent of a frown is for a building is as she observes everything but doesn't interact directly. Initially she had thought that the flying disks were just illusions but with the number that seemed odd. Why would anyone make those kinds of illusions? And she hadn't gained any exposures when it had blown up in her face, so to speak, so it had to be some kind of tinker invention. Who, other than Singularity could make robots? Magician, maybe? Wait, both Mirage and Singularity was with the PRT. If it were in fact them, then they might be suspecting a villain action here.

She hadn't felt any thinker powers yet, which would mean that they were as much in the blinds as she was. She follows the movements of the two couple while waiting for another exposure. Oh, and of course she also had to stay here for her mother, lest they would do anything serious to her. She feels ashamed that this was a consideration that came so late. Why did she value powers so much?

Rat's Offer

It irked her more than she allowed to let on that he knew about her hospital visit. There weren't really much you could hide from this rat guy. It was good then that she had chosen to check in with him before starting to hire his minions.

"To be honest I don't understand the full extend of it myself yet. Either it's slowly growing or I am learning how to use it better. Something that happened recently, however, is that I seem to be able to revert aging somewhat and cure some diseases. Would you like a demonstration?"

If Rat King agrees she'll ask for his hand, place her hand on top of it, and she'll call on Face's power to remove some of his wrinkles and tighten the muscles a little. Maybe 5 years tops. "Do you want to be turned back?"

Then she dropped the bomb:

"Rumour has it that you genuinely care for your people. I need a gang to establish teritory and homeless people are those who suffer the worst from aging and diseases. I want to offer them health in exchange for service but they are your people and I want your blessing before I do it."

Printing Copies

The next day Milla spends some time on the PRT computer before her appointment with the good doctor. She is looking for a 3d printer that is big enough to print an entire human body with organs and all. How much would such a thing cost?

2017-12-18, 03:04 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Nebula shivers a little seeing the open lung and hearing the rasping. If she didn't knew for a fact that he would regenerate she would never had done it.

She sends a questioning look towards Flood after hitting his lung.

If flood doesn't seem to discourage continueing she circles around 'Roach, pretending to try to find a good angle while he was distracted by breathing problems, but really stalling for time for another exposure. She then dives for the attack, fakes an attack towards the eyes but instead going for the other lung, or heart, she wasn't discriminant.

Flood nods for you to continue.

Your claw dives in again sheading the heart, the bits all still ineffectually beating, and even manage to burst the other lung. 'Roach at this time was also trying to circle you and your superior speed and his newest debilitating wound catch him off guard.

'Roach has been stunned for a moment while the freshly damaged lung is rapidly piecing itself back together. You have time to press your advantage.

Hospital Visit

Milla does whatever the eqivalent of a frown is for a building is as she observes everything but doesn't interact directly. Initially she had thought that the flying disks were just illusions but with the number that seemed odd. Why would anyone make those kinds of illusions? And she hadn't gained any exposures when it had blown up in her face, so to speak, so it had to be some kind of tinker invention. Who, other than Singularity could make robots? Magician, maybe? Wait, both Mirage and Singularity was with the PRT. If it were in fact them, then they might be suspecting a villain action here.

She hadn't felt any thinker powers yet, which would mean that they were as much in the blinds as she was. She follows the movements of the two couple while waiting for another exposure. Oh, and of course she also had to stay here for her mother, lest they would do anything serious to her. She feels ashamed that this was a consideration that came so late. Why did she value powers so much?

The woman moves into an occupied room. Within already is a blond woman on the bed, hooked to an IV but otherwise awake. The other occupant is a heavyset man standing near the door. The woman who entered is speaking with the others but without an ear no sense can be made of things.

She is showing concern over the woman in the bed
She is showing an angry sort of paranoia directed at the building/you

The emotionless... whatever proceeds in it's examination of the ground floor.

And then Bloody Mary's power activates. The speaker is nearby, in the direction of the front entrance, and with five others in the range of detection.

Rat's Offer

It irked her more than she allowed to let on that he knew about her hospital visit. There weren't really much you could hide from this rat guy. It was good then that she had chosen to check in with him before starting to hire his minions.

"To be honest I don't understand the full extend of it myself yet. Either it's slowly growing or I am learning how to use it better. Something that happened recently, however, is that I seem to be able to revert aging somewhat and cure some diseases. Would you like a demonstration?"

If Rat King agrees she'll ask for his hand, place her hand on top of it, and she'll call on Face's power to remove some of his wrinkles and tighten the muscles a little. Maybe 5 years tops. "Do you want to be turned back?"

"It takes Rat King half a minute to think it over. "I have to pass on that one. No offence but I'd rather avoid being effected by powers until all the details are known."

Rat King almost seems like he was going to take you up on your offer before changing his mind when thinking of something he would rather not and forces himself onto another topic.

He laughs a little at a private joke that he decides to voice. "If you want a Labrat he is in the 'Cage".

Then she dropped the bomb:

"Rumour has it that you genuinely care for your people. I need a gang to establish teritory and homeless people are those who suffer the worst from aging and diseases. I want to offer them health in exchange for service but they are your people and I want your blessing before I do it."

"That may cause issue with my apparent neutrality I'm afraid. I have to keep up appearances. What if I look for some people that my prove useful and extend them your offer?

Printing Copies

The next day Milla spends some time on the PRT computer before her appointment with the good doctor. She is looking for a 3d printer that is big enough to print an entire human body with organs and all. How much would such a thing cost?

After looking around the internet for a while the price for those about the right size averages at around forty-seven thousand.

2017-12-18, 07:47 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Seizing the moment, Nebula aims a long kick after 'Roach legs and then rolls on top of him. A more efficient way of neutralizing him would be to just jam something into his heart but she'd had a change of heart and couldn't really make herself do that again. She had reached her limit. No more gore. Just putting her weight on top of him should do the trick.

Hospital Visit

Milla keeps an ear and eye on the small group and also creates a pair at discrete places around the front entrance. What was going on here?

Rat's Offer

"I can respect that" Shade responds.

She smiles at his joke but doesn't comment on it.

"Well. That'll depend on how we go about it. I'm not asking you to hand me men, that would be a clear breach. I am asking for your permission to offer your men a chance to change loyalty in exchange for a boon. You're a smart man, I'm sure you can find a solution appearance wise if you really wanted to. How strong is the loyalty exactly of the entire homeless population? It would be believable that at least some of them would be willing to ditch you for a better health and longer life. You are of course welcome to act as a middle man or to give me recommendations."

Printing Copies

"Huh" It was a steep price, but it would absolutely be worth it. Now she just needed a way of getting money.

2017-12-22, 05:51 PM
Sorry for delays on my end, was away visiting family.

Meeting with Bad Company

Seizing the moment, Nebula aims a long kick after 'Roach legs and then rolls on top of him. A more efficient way of neutralizing him would be to just jam something into his heart but she'd had a change of heart and couldn't really make herself do that again. She had reached her limit. No more gore. Just putting her weight on top of him should do the trick.

'Roach is downed and pined by you.

Do you want to end the fight here?

Hospital Visit

Milla keeps an ear and eye on the small group and also creates a pair at discrete places around the front entrance. What was going on here?

You listen in on the conversation with the woman who had entered the room speaking quietly to the others, phone in hand and still mid call.

"...ce Fortress's location is confirmed. Until then we h-have to wait." She says that last word like it was painful and turns to speak directly to the woman on the bed before continuing. "The team has someone to get the IV out of you. W-Will you be able to walk?"

"Calm sis, Painkillers will leave me a little shaky but I will be fine. Cant you just get rid of them anyway"?

The standing woman takes a deep breath. "Doesn't work like that, I swap the blood not what else is in it. Wait. Shouldn't I change us for more security"?

The woman on the IV nods. The standing one moves to say something into her phone. "Um, I am changing our appearances for security, remaining on site and waiting for extraction". As she talks her eyes have already turned to green as she lays a hand on her sisters bare arm. Both have their facial features shift over minutes.

[Standing woman's emotions]She is still concerned over the woman in the bed, her sister apparently, but is also receiving periodic thoughts to some prior event in her history[/spoiler]
She is still showing the same emotions and still directed at you

The inhuman... thing meanwhile seems to have finished patrolling the ground floor and is taking a stairs. Out of nowhere it turns in a stiff movement and rams it's fist into and though the stairwell, an uncomfortable but not painful sensation to you, it proceeds to finish pulling through a rat. The animal is dead, the fist having the creature's spine bet to a right angle. It is dropped and discarded as the thing makes its way further up.

By the entrance outside you hear the likely speaker.

"...I repeat Unknown is confirmed to be Fortress or Fool. Unknown Changer also identified but relation of this situation is unknown. Master-Stranger protocols in effect. Assume radio communications are compromised. We move on signal".

The man and those round him are dressed like a SWAT team and show the identifying markers of the PRT. Two clearly armed with foam sprayers. Further back Singularity in his powered exoskeleton stands working from a holographic display. Behind him is a crowd formed of a combination of the people from the hospital, fast responding cap groupies, and the PRT personnel still setting up a line of tape.

Rat's Offer

"I can respect that" Shade responds.

She smiles at his joke but doesn't comment on it.

"Well. That'll depend on how we go about it. I'm not asking you to hand me men, that would be a clear breach. I am asking for your permission to offer your men a chance to change loyalty in exchange for a boon. You're a smart man, I'm sure you can find a solution appearance wise if you really wanted to. How strong is the loyalty exactly of the entire homeless population? It would be believable that at least some of them would be willing to ditch you for a better health and longer life. You are of course welcome to act as a middle man or to give me recommendations."

Rat King nods as you finish "Perhaps you make the offer down by the abandoned warehouse in Ninth street, along the river? A lot of homeless congregate there and the open lot beside it has formed something of a box city. Turn up there, make the offer, I have Gator turn up, she contacts me, I contact a doctor who inhabits my territory who checks the effects of your healing, and then if it is safe I allow you to continue your recruitment. Although if the healing works out I would like you to help some people who were hurt in an attack yesterday. Fair exchange"?

2017-12-23, 08:06 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Milla stays on top of 'Roach but doesn't do a too good job at pinning him down. If someone judged the fight to be over that would be it but she wanted to give 'Roach the opportunity to wrestle free. The longer the fight lasted, the more exposures she would get.

We can do a timeskip until the end of the fight. I do hope to get a chance to shake hands with Flood. One of my plans can only be executed when Milla can turn herself into water, or some other discrete way of getting into the PRT space.
Also, feel free to start a scene in which Bad Company contacts Nebula regarding a job sometime later down the line.

Hospital Visit

So it was Mirage and Singularity, huh. And if you looked at how one group referred to her as Fortress and the other as either Fortress or Fool, it would seem like they weren't communicating. Which was confirmed with how Singularity knew that the woman was a stranger. So that made at least three groups, including her, with possibly that last inhuman thing being part of a fourth group.

She checked another time on her mom to make sure she was safe with all this happening.

It clicked for her that the woman who were changing hair probably was Face. No other cape in town could change herself and others, and would litterally change the blood of people but only by replacing it. This would also explain how the woman who probably was Face knew that she were using Fortress power. She would know that the building was living by touching it and since Milla already had the full power she wouldn't get any new exposures so she wouldn't detect that a power was used, a weakness she hadn't considered before. Only a single group had seen her eye and given that she had been blinded by one of the machines that was the PRT group, but with Face they would know that the building was living. Too many things fit perfectly for that to not be Face.

Did the inhuman thing just off one of Rat King's scouts? Was that intentional? It would certainly help explain how the PRT appeared so quickly at the scene.

It was still unclear of what was so bad about extracting Face's sister.

The risk for Milla to actually get trapped seemed fairly low, however she started looking for good places to transfer her body mass, should it be nessesary. She didn't really want to give them more reason to think that Fortress was really involved so she didn't feel inclined to assist the two teams either way, however, if she somehow could stage a fight such that everyone fought there was a good chance that she would get more exposures, and THAT was worth getting involved for.

For now she remains passive, waiting to either figure out what the fuzz is all about or for a good, and preferably smooth, way of getting the various groups facing each other.

Rat's Offer

"Gator?" Shade send him a questioning look

"Done. We do however need a way to stage it such that it doesn't get out that we are relatively allied. Ideas? Can we do it without anyone knowing that a parahuman is involved? And who attacked you?"

Tattoo of Shade

After the meeting with Rat King, Milla changed to civilian outfit and took the shape of white guy in his early twenties, took some money from the stash and went out to find a tattoo artist in town. She needed to have a mark that would identify folks as being one of her gang.

This isn't as much a scene as it's me stating that Milla goes out to get a tattoo
I am looking to have the backs of both of her forearms have a tattoo.
The tattoo itself are a vines, sprouting from a central small flower of life

https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fc300221.r21.cf1.rackcdn.com%2Fflow er-of-life-1362129627_b.jpg&f=1
such that the vines are relatively small and the entire tatoo are about palm-sized. Moreover it needs to be shadowy, like flower of life is the only thing that is on the surface of the skin and that the vines are spreading out both underneath and on the skin. See picture below for an idea of what I'm talking about.
https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2F8d%2F4f%2Fb e%2F8d4fbe18dea23529ecaaa4b98e9fc92b--cool-tattoos-deep-tattoos.jpg&f=1

2017-12-24, 06:10 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Milla stays on top of 'Roach but doesn't do a too good job at pinning him down. If someone judged the fight to be over that would be it but she wanted to give 'Roach the opportunity to wrestle free. The longer the fight lasted, the more exposures she would get.

We can do a timeskip until the end of the fight. I do hope to get a chance to shake hands with Flood. One of my plans can only be executed when Milla can turn herself into water, or some other discrete way of getting into the PRT space.
Also, feel free to start a scene in which Bad Company contacts Nebula regarding a job sometime later down the line.

'Roach decides to wave a hand to call things to an end.

"You are surrendering?" Asks Flood.

'Roach gives a thumbs up.

"Well that is it. Congratulations Nebula." he nods to you "Fortress will bring you water and towels to clean yourself up. 'Roach: as usual".

The regenerator makes a gesture of understanding as he gets up. He offers to shake your hand before going to sand where he won't get blood everywhere.

Flood turns back to you as a bucket of water and some towels fold their way from the floor. "Up next is an examination of your physical capabilities, strength, durability, speed, and then endurance. If you'll follow Seeker when you're ready..."

"It is essentially just reinforced weights." says Seeker while shrugging.

Hospital Visit

So it was Mirage and Singularity, huh. And if you looked at how one group referred to her as Fortress and the other as either Fortress or Fool, it would seem like they weren't communicating. Which was confirmed with how Singularity knew that the woman was a stranger. So that made at least three groups, including her, with possibly that last inhuman thing being part of a fourth group.

She checked another time on her mom to make sure she was safe with all this happening.

You can still feel the assorted robots and the inhuman thing searching around the hospital, with the later patrolling the second similarly to the first.

Back in your mother's room an employee here who stayed is in checking on her, as other employees are doing with unmovable patents.

It clicked for her that the woman who were changing hair probably was Face. No other cape in town could change herself and others, and would litterally change the blood of people but only by replacing it. This would also explain how the woman who probably was Face knew that she were using Fortress power. She would know that the building was living by touching it and since Milla already had the full power she wouldn't get any new exposures so she wouldn't detect that a power was used, a weakness she hadn't considered before. Only a single group had seen her eye and given that she had been blinded by one of the machines that was the PRT group, but with Face they would know that the building was living. Too many things fit perfectly for that to not be Face.

Did the inhuman thing just off one of Rat King's scouts? Was that intentional? It would certainly help explain how the PRT appeared so quickly at the scene.

It was still unclear of what was so bad about extracting Face's sister.

The risk for Milla to actually get trapped seemed fairly low, however she started looking for good places to transfer her body mass, should it be nessesary. She didn't really want to give them more reason to think that Fortress was really involved so she didn't feel inclined to assist the two teams either way, however, if she somehow could stage a fight such that everyone fought there was a good chance that she would get more exposures, and THAT was worth getting involved for.

For now she remains passive, waiting to either figure out what the fuzz is all about or for a good, and preferably smooth, way of getting the various groups facing each other.

The other groups appear to wait similarly to you. the room with Face is staying put, the PRT are waiting on a signal, and Sigularity has no need to move with his 'bots already in.

Any preference on what sort of location to relocate to?

Rat's Offer

"Gator?" Shade send him a questioning look

"That's right, you hadn't met her yet. She is the other cape in my group. A case fifty-three who turned up in the sewers years ago, only a child at the time even, so as the only cape around I took her in. Now she is essentially my lieutenant.

"Done. We do however need a way to stage it such that it doesn't get out that we are relatively allied. Ideas? Can we do it without anyone knowing that a parahuman is involved? And who attacked you?"

"How about we pretend to negotiate our arrangements on-site. Turn it into a negotiation and trade. You healing for me in exchange for trying to recruit from my territory's residents? Should be believable".

"As for the attack, well it looks like an accident. Unaligned drug lab in my territory went up in smoke, made some kind of mustard gas, suspiciously large cloud flouts through my territory. Looks like more gas than the fire could make so I'm guessing Tinker. Perhaps Devil after my people again or someone new proving a point. In any case I will wait for the one guy who got out of the fire alive to wake up and answer my questions.

[Rat-King's emotions]Rat king is showing anger at the guilty party behind the incident[/spoiler]

2017-12-25, 10:00 AM
Meeting with Bad Company

Nebula rolls off 'Roach and turns around to extend a hand to help him up but the regenerator was faster than she thought. She accepts his handshake and says with the growling wolf-voice: "Thank you for the match, Roach. I am impressed with how well you held up and would love to train with you in the future."

Hearing Seeker prepare for the next tests she acclaims: "Yeah" and gives Seeker a friendly pat on the back: "This'll be fun."

Hospital Visit

So the thing wasn't a cape, huh. Pity, she could use some offensive mojo. It wasn't too unusually all things considered, multiple capes could change humans into something more powerful. From Tarot alone Devil, Chariot and Strength all had the potential to create something like this. But that would mean that Face had somehow aligned herself with Tarot.

Putting that idea aside it seemed possible that Germ potentially could change people, she had heard of people used virus to manipulate genes, but she found it unlikely that the PRT would allow for something like that. Chimera could too but he had been missing for a while. The thought were saddening and she had to force herself back to reality.

It was of course also possible that this was somehow a creation of someone which could include Husk, Moon and Gemini. Hopefully something would show more pointers.

Milla waited and kept ears and eyes on the respective groups.

It really depends on the layout of the hospital. She wants to be as far away from where the action is. Preferably in a location from which she is both safe from which she both can't be seen and from which it'll take a low ammount of time to reach some exit. For instance somewhere inside a wall in the parking garage, assuming there is such a thing.

Rat's Offer

Shade remains sceptic to the suggestion: "You, of course, have more experience than I do in navigating being neutral but how would negotiating in public be any more neutral than negotiating in private? It isn't exactly hard to get a private meeting with you, just just have to find a rat and ask for it."

"Why would Devil be after you?"

2017-12-26, 06:52 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Nebula rolls off 'Roach and turns around to extend a hand to help him up but the regenerator was faster than she thought. She accepts his handshake and says with the growling wolf-voice: "Thank you for the match, Roach. I am impressed with how well you held up and would love to train with you in the future."

Your recent opponent gives you a thumbs up in response as 'Roach is still unable to speak and bleeding profusely. As the rest of the physical testing occurs he spends it standing in the corner until healed.

Hearing Seeker prepare for the next tests she acclaims: "Yeah" and gives Seeker a friendly pat on the back: "This'll be fun."

"Well lets get started." says Seeker.

Seeker is expressing eagerness to the continuation of the tests
Exposure gained.

Strength testing is about as simple as it has been described to you. You are asked to lie on a reinforced bench of metal that has only been barely padded, and you lift weights attached to the bar above you. The test works up through ones that anyone could use, to that used only by bodybuilders and showoffs, and into ones Seeker has to ask Fortress to move. Inevitably your limit is reached and a record is made.

After the weights you are offered the opportunity to alter yourself before durability testing starts, it being suggested you shrink down a little from something like the form you fought 'Roach with. And so begins the part of testing where you stand around getting hit by a bit of machinery. You are told to stand where the machine indicates, holds on, and Seeker presses the activation button. The piston comes forward and you are subject to little more than a light punch, the padded or foam tip distributing the force. Seeker establishes you are fine and the strength is turned up.

And so it went, you chest becoming tender with repeat impact until you are told that it is over, Whatever readings Seeker gets from the machine tells her you have reached your tolerance like the bruise tells you the same. At some point 'Roach recovered and joined the rest as you notice on the way to the fancy-looking treadmill. Here they will test both your speed and endurance, giving you time to change yourself before both. For speed you are examined both for maximum speed and acceleration. Endurance testing is simply 'run 'til you can't no more' and the end is called.

That testing is done and results logged seeker is pointing you towards the firing range.

"Right!" she says in anticipation of what is coming up "you need shown how to work a gun yes? Oh also Get yourself a humanlike head for the ear protection".

Hospital Visit

So the thing wasn't a cape, huh. Pity, she could use some offensive mojo. It wasn't too unusually all things considered, multiple capes could change humans into something more powerful. From Tarot alone Devil, Chariot and Strength all had the potential to create something like this. But that would mean that Face had somehow aligned herself with Tarot.

Putting that idea aside it seemed possible that Germ potentially could change people, she had heard of people used virus to manipulate genes, but she found it unlikely that the PRT would allow for something like that. Chimera could too but he had been missing for a while. The thought were saddening and she had to force herself back to reality.

It was of course also possible that this was somehow a creation of someone which could include Husk, Moon and Gemini. Hopefully something would show more pointers.

Milla waited and kept ears and eyes on the respective groups.

It really depends on the layout of the hospital. She wants to be as far away from where the action is. Preferably in a location from which she is both safe from which she both can't be seen and from which it'll take a low ammount of time to reach some exit. For instance somewhere inside a wall in the parking garage, assuming there is such a thing.

Exposure of mystery cape's power gained
Listing some options of roughly the areas that could work. Pick one.
Right at the bottom of the hospital where Mila could slip into the sewers as she detaches.

At the fire escapes or roof, prepare wings and fly away.

Ground floor, near a staff entrance, slip out the back.

Finding a safe location you keep watching the groups inside. Beyond the inhuman thing finishing up the first floor and moving to the second all have remained waiting.

Of the larger quadrupedal robots two have began patrols of the ground floor while another has went down to the lower floors and is emitting some sort of green light from the visor-like structure on its head for some purpose. The smaller drones are harder to track but have begun to congregate to the external fire escape.

Outside the one in charge of the PRT squad speaks after getting a message from over his radio.

"Signal clear we move in three, Two, and...". He gestures and the team moves as one into th building. You detect other movement entering from the third floor where Face and company also is.

On their part the changed Face is told something through her phone and nods to the others in the room.

Rat's Offer

Shade remains sceptic to the suggestion: "You, of course, have more experience than I do in navigating being neutral but how would negotiating in public be any more neutral than negotiating in private? It isn't exactly hard to get a private meeting with you, just just have to find a rat and ask for it."

"The idea was to not make it look planed. From the outside viewers perspective you approach my territory and make your offer. They know that I will know this, I am Rat King and thus if someone is in a costume it can be assumed I am watching them. So Gator makes an appearance while I toss in a small show of force with my rats, She does the talking until I make an appearance, and then we pretend to negotiate what deals we already have here. It would seem abnormal if I just show up to the new cape and the dangerous prying eyes know that. That sort of behaviour would see me dead years ago. Pretending we have not met means this looks like me taking advantage of your idea to let you get what you want rather than me initiating any part of our arrangement.

"Why would Devil be after you?"

"Not me." says Rat King mood visibly souring, "My people. one or twice a year he has people cause a ruckus and uses the distraction to drag people off in ones and twos. Missing homeless won't be noticed by the authorities. Although it could be retaliation. The PRT may have gotten an anomalous tip last week that led to an abandoned motel he seemed to use for 'storage'". He practically spits that last word.

2017-12-27, 07:25 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Whoop whoop

Milla complies with the waitlifting eagerly. She hadn't actually thought too much about it but the feeling of raw strength brought a satisfied grin on her face.

When it comes to the durability machine she takes the first couple of hits without flinching but as the level increases and she can do nothing but stand and take the hits, she starts sweating.

'Moses raises his hand and Milla knows fully well what is going to happen. He hits her. He hits her again. And again. And even as the hits keep falling and she can feel the pain exploding all over her body, there's a layer of dullness that blocks all urges to act. He hits her again and she sees his grin widen as he for a second withdraws his power. She cries out an earpiercing scream and jerks backwards, but as soon as she moves, the layer of dullness is back and she doesn't resist as he hits her again.'

She stood frozen for a long moment until fell to the flood and got hit in the head on her way down. Tears are streaming down her face which she hides within a protective curl.

Hospital Visit

Ground floor, near staff exit.

The scanning drones might be able to penetrate the floor which would mean that they would reveal her location. As she relocates her main body she does so while avoiding being directly underneath any of the scanning robots.

She continues keeping discrete ears and eyes on the two groups while destroying the ears and eyes they leave behind.

Rat's Offer

Shade still isn't convinced by Rat King's logic but he would be the one to lose from this if he was ratted(heh) out. "Fine, Let's start talking script then. Why should a cape approach you to recruit your men, rather than contacting those she thinks she can recruit directly? Or maybe, I start out by extending the offer to homeless around and Gater shows up before someone actually takes the offer?"

We can fade out here or we can just do the preperating script off screen or OOC. Or just discuss it IC while we wait for the hospital scene to play out.

2017-12-29, 04:54 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Whoop whoop

Milla complies with the waitlifting eagerly. She hadn't actually thought too much about it but the feeling of raw strength brought a satisfied grin on her face.

When it comes to the durability machine she takes the first couple of hits without flinching but as the level increases and she can do nothing but stand and take the hits, she starts sweating.

'Moses raises his hand and Milla knows fully well what is going to happen. He hits her. He hits her again. And again. And even as the hits keep falling and she can feel the pain exploding all over her body, there's a layer of dullness that blocks all urges to act. He hits her again and she sees his grin widen as he for a second withdraws his power. She cries out an earpiercing scream and jerks backwards, but as soon as she moves, the layer of dullness is back and she doesn't resist as he hits her again.'

She stood frozen for a long moment until fell to the flood and got hit in the head on her way down. Tears are streaming down her face which she hides within a protective curl.

The room seems to freeze for a moment as present company process what is happening. Seeker, being closest, is first to react. First through franticly checking the display on the equipment for wrong settings and then approaching you after thinking this may be something more emotional.

Initially showing concern, Seeker remembers for a second that she is approaching an emotionally distressed Brute and stops an arms length away.

"So... um." she starts "You alright? Nothin' Broke or anything?".

Hospital Visit

Ground floor, near staff exit.

The scanning drones might be able to penetrate the floor which would mean that they would reveal her location. As she relocates her main body she does so while avoiding being directly underneath any of the scanning robots.

She continues keeping discrete ears and eyes on the two groups while destroying the ears and eyes they leave behind.

You successfully avoid the sight of the robots as you move. Your ability to track the team that moved in from the front is functioning fine as they fan out from the entrance and take position again to move up to the main stairs up.

The other team that came in by the fire exit is proving an issue. From the brief flickers you get when making an eye or ear they are silent and equipped similarly to the first team, but this is all you get until you are detected by the drones and are blinded or deafened by flashbangs or small lasers. They seem to be going the direction of the room with Face.

Rat's Offer

Shade still isn't convinced by Rat King's logic but he would be the one to lose from this if he was ratted(heh) out. "Fine, Let's start talking script then. Why should a cape approach you to recruit your men, rather than contacting those she thinks she can recruit directly? Or maybe, I start out by extending the offer to homeless around and Gater shows up before someone actually takes the offer?"

We can fade out here or we can just do the preperating script off screen or OOC. Or just discuss it IC while we wait for the hospital scene to play out.

"Do the later, I thought we had already cleared that up. Replies Rat King in a business like way. "We will have a delay until Gator arrives, once word of mouth reaches her of your presence she will come. Use this as time to get a feel to your audience. After that...

Nebula is to approach The suggested area of Rat King's territory. After that she makes her recruitment pitch. She is to pretend she and Rat King has had no other contact other than arranging the meeting with Bad Company.
The people of the territory will report that to Gator who will arrive and begin discussion.
Rat King makes a show of force by bringing out a mass of rats at this time.
Rat King will continue the arranged discussion and suggests the group moves to a private room to continue negotiations.
Ten minutes later the three leave. Rat King discorporates and leaves. Gator lets herself be seen informing some of the homeless that work for Rat King that Nebula is permitted to recruit from the area an to inform the others of this.

2017-12-30, 03:58 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Seeker's consern does nothing to elliviate Milla of her racing heart but it does bring her back to reality. 'Calm yourself. Moses isn't here' a voice comes from the small part of her that isn't overflooded by emotions.

'But he is! He always is! And it hurts!' she objects the voice, faintly aware of how childish her own voice says.

'No he isn't. Not right now. It's just you and you're ruining your chance of getting more powers...' The rational part of her responds.

'But he'll find me. And then he'll hurt me again!'

'Maybe. But there is a few things you can do to be ready for when he comes. Like not making them think you are crazy. Let me help you'

As Milla's internal dialogue progresses, she slowly regains her sense. Realizing her face is wet, she whipes the water off with a sleeve and changes her eyes back to what they were before she started crying. After a moment she stands up

"Sorry", she says rather sheepishly: "I have bad experiences being unable to retaliate a hit. Can we proceed?"

Hospital Visit

She allows a door to remain closed as the group with Face tries to walk through it, ready to open it if they press the button that'll open it. If it wasn't Face she would know.

If she doesn't gain an exposure from the Stranger touching the button, she'll assume that it is actually Face and return to her dispassionate watching. There'd be exactly one cape who she could be gaining power from and she didn't have to do anything about it.

Rat's Offer

That's sounds good.

2017-12-31, 04:06 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Seeker's consern does nothing to elliviate Milla of her racing heart but it does bring her back to reality. 'Calm yourself. Moses isn't here' a voice comes from the small part of her that isn't overflooded by emotions.

'But he is! He always is! And it hurts!' she objects the voice, faintly aware of how childish her own voice says.

'No he isn't. Not right now. It's just you and you're ruining your chance of getting more powers...' The rational part of her responds.

'But he'll find me. And then he'll hurt me again!'

'Maybe. But there is a few things you can do to be ready for when he comes. Like not making them think you are crazy. Let me help you'

As Milla's internal dialogue progresses, she slowly regains her sense. Realizing her face is wet, she whipes the water off with a sleeve and changes her eyes back to what they were before she started crying. After a moment she stands up

"Sorry", she says rather sheepishly: "I have bad experiences being unable to retaliate a hit. Can we proceed?"

"Yes." says Seeker reassuringly "It's alright, don't worry". She turns to look at Flood who nods. "Just over this way".

Pulse meanwhile seems to be trying to give Flood a look as she wordlessly tries to say something about your breakdown and is ignored.
Pulse is presently showing feelings of dismissal directed at you

As you approach the treadmill Seeker speaks again. "If it helps when your on the range later try and imagine whoever it was' face on the target".

Hospital Visit

She allows a door to remain closed as the group with Face tries to walk through it, ready to open it if they press the button that'll open it. If it wasn't Face she would know.

If she doesn't gain an exposure from the Stranger touching the button, she'll assume that it is actually Face and return to her dispassionate watching. There'd be exactly one cape who she could be gaining power from and she didn't have to do anything about it.

Their is some time until the door is opened, by this time the approaching PRT squad that cane form the fire escape has reached the door. The woman, who can now be confirmed as Face through how you gained nether an exposure of her nor hid your copy of her power activate to grant you knowledge of her physical makeup, opens the door. She is left mouth-agape for a moment before her head darts around the room.

At this time one member of the squad begins removing the IV from the woman on the bed and a pair of the flying drones enter and soon begin firing lasers at your sense organs concealed in the room.

"Wait! Get me..." what face was saying you are defend to. Seconds later the other drone flies up to your eye and blinds you.

The time until another exposure of the illusion Power was only one minute, so another is gained.

2018-01-03, 05:13 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Milla curses under her breath. Why did this have to happen now. And here! **** that Bastard Moses.

She did her best to conseal her shaking as she followed Seeker to the treadmill, and her read on Flood didn't help. At least she would get to move here.

Should I assume that the stuff you described in the previous "Meeting" post still applies or that something new happened?

Hospital Visit

The building-equivalent of a frown deepens. How did the machines know where all her sense organs was. Most she would have thought reasonable but somehow Singular-bots knew to look under only the machinary that she had places ears under. She'll create sense organs at even more descrete places. An eye inside the oval-shaped black box that hid the camera, ears inside machinery.

While still keeping track of Singularity's machines. Are any of them coming close? What is happening to her mom?

2018-01-04, 05:06 PM
Hospital Visit

The building-equivalent of a frown deepens. How did the machines know where all her sense organs was. Most she would have thought reasonable but somehow Singular-bots knew to look under only the machinary that she had places ears under. She'll create sense organs at even more descrete places. An eye inside the oval-shaped black box that hid the camera, ears inside machinery.

While still keeping track of Singularity's machines. Are any of them coming close? What is happening to her mom?

The more discreetly placed sense organs prove more effective, the ears inside items remain untouched if the sound they receive roves muffled. The hidden eye works for a decent time as the drones continue orbiting the room and scouting but whatever sensors they use find it and one drone proceeds to burn through the plastic of the camera to get at you.

Your eye has enough time to see one of the PRT squad remove an IV from Face's sister and gets her unsteadily on her feet. Face herself is hurriedly talking to the one who seems to be in charge of the squad. The man who was in the room falls in with the rest of the PRT. The sound of footsteps signify that they begin to leave.

From your outside viewing eyes Singularity's emotions change to something negative and hard to out a name to, something akin to weariness maybe, and born from fulfilled expectation that you, if not you specifically but rather the parahuman they believe to be Fortress, are going to become an issue

As to the other robots in the building, the four-legged ones have mostly remained where they were, the scanner remaining on it's floor and the ones on the ground floor are still patrolling. Another has joined the PRT squad as they take the stairs up.

The emotionless thing has by now finished on the second floor and is well into the third. It is ignored by the robots and ignores them in turn but seems to be almost rushing this floor.

Your mother is as she was left, the employee of the hospital since left to see to the other patents who could not be evacuated.

Meeting the Professor
Returning to the institute the receptionist remembers you.

"Ah! Mr... Grey was it? Proffessor Hartman Should be ready to see you".

2018-01-06, 09:18 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Nebula nods in responds, looking determined.

The rest of of the tests goes smoothly and Nebula turns herself into her original human shape. Strength wouldn't really help precision and she couldn't come up with anything animal that should be better. Perhaps if she had had more time, she could have researched something but as is human is as good as it gets. She'll reach for opportunities of getting more exposures.

Hospital Visit

'Alright boys, pack it up, we're out of here' Milla imagined the chorus of powers saying, as she started the process of extracting herself from the building. With the cape being Face there wouldn't be any fight and no chance of her getting a chance to get some of the tinkers juice. And with Face captured it would just be a matter of time before she got caught.

The only real fear was if something happened to her mother but even if that happened she had a stored copy. Only things that would keep her from doing that is if she was killed. Or captured.

She made a larger concentration of eyes and ears in a part of the hospital in which she wasn't in.

If she manages to reform her body, she'll change into the form of one of the nurses that already left the building and casually walk out.

Meeting the Professor

"Thank you" Clyde responds with the a wink to the receptionist. He then proceeds to his scheduled meeting. Ideally he would learn how to access memories but anything the professor could teach him would be useful.

2018-01-08, 04:41 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Nebula nods in responds, looking determined.

The rest of of the tests goes smoothly and Nebula turns herself into her original human shape. Strength wouldn't really help precision and she couldn't come up with anything animal that should be better. Perhaps if she had had more time, she could have researched something but as is human is as good as it gets. She'll reach for opportunities of getting more exposures.

I'm assuming this happening when preparing for the firing range?

"So before movin' onto the big gun" Seeker points at the gun behind her that looks like it should be mounted on the back of a vehicle "You will learn the ropes with this." She shows you a smaller pistol and holds it out for you.

You feel yourself gain an exposure as you brush against her fingers taking the gun and are walked over to a prepared space on the range, paper target already in place.

"Right two ground rules before I let you load that thing." says Seeker in more serious tones than usual. "One: When not tryin' to someone the safety is on, and when the weapon is stored ammunition is out. Second: You never point the barrel at someone you are not shooting. Got this"?

"With that out of the way you will be firing at these paper targets, 'Roach has only just pulled himself bac together after all..." she jokes. she continues on describing how to hold the gun, how to remain on target, and everything else important before allowing you to even load the thing.

"...And that done load the pistol and fire, aiming for the target".

Hospital Visit

'Alright boys, pack it up, we're out of here' Milla imagined the chorus of powers saying, as she started the process of extracting herself from the building. With the cape being Face there wouldn't be any fight and no chance of her getting a chance to get some of the tinkers juice. And with Face captured it would just be a matter of time before she got caught.

The only real fear was if something happened to her mother but even if that happened she had a stored copy. Only things that would keep her from doing that is if she was killed. Or captured.

She made a larger concentration of eyes and ears in a part of the hospital in which she wasn't in.

If she manages to reform her body, she'll change into the form of one of the nurses that already left the building and casually walk out.

The eyes grow and with your last moments of building-wide awareness you can feel that the PRT squad with Face and her sister are escorting them along the route they entered from, with the other squad supporting them from behind. The robots not changing in behaviour.

By the time you separate you cannot tell how things may have changed. Thankfully removing yourself from a building is much less painful experience where clusters of tentacles detach from around you, re-join into one, and you rapidly regain control and sensation as bones, joints, and digits reform.

You exit and York your way out. Outside you see that a number of the larger robots have repositioned their way outside but beyond some scanning you are ignore. Additionally the hospital has received some damage, the outside windows near where placed that bunch of eyes and ears have broken and glass shards litter the ground below. The cause is made manifest when one of the small drones is launched by a pseudopod from inside as the still-animate hospital defends itself.

Meeting the Professor

"Thank you" Clyde responds with the a wink to the receptionist. He then proceeds to his scheduled meeting. Ideally he would learn how to access memories but anything the professor could teach him would be useful.

"Ah, Mr Grey" Says the Professor holding his hand out "So how about we start things of today with quickly going back over what parts of the brain relate to skill retention and brains structure again before we" He breaks into a smile "put that into practice"?

After giving a moment to gauge your reaction he elaborates. "I have prepared a potential experiment, I have a form given to me by the guys up-top you need to signs first, but anyway you will answer three multiple choice tests on random trivia. Your answers will be recorded and then you will use your power to use my memory of the correct answers. I know the answers to two of the three tests while the third is a control. It would be preferred if you use your power to reset your brain to the point at which you started the tests but I can understand if you have some reservations about essentially erasing some minutes of your own memory. You will then try and use my memory of the correct answers to do the tests again. Does this sound agreeable"?

2018-01-09, 02:50 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Correct. She changed to a human form when heading towards the shooting range.

Nebula nods, her eyes paying close attention. After the instructions she fumbles with the gun, avoiding to point at anyone. She takes careful aim and proceeds to missing

"****" she curses. Wouldn't it have been lovely if she could use Seeker's power right now.

Hospital Visit

Milla makes a grimace as her body reforms. She wasn't unfamiliar to pain but she never liked it. She'd have to find a way to turn it off as soon as she learned more about how brains worked.

Milla's stomach does summersaults as she approaches the robots. She sends a silent prayer to noone in particular but decides to approach them anyway. Running away would be too suspicious at this point. They shouldn't expect seeing a stranger now that Face had been caught. Right??

A wave of guilt hits her as she sees how much the hospital was damage. It wasn't fair, she had done nothing aside from observing and had been shot at anyway. Hopefully nothing would happen to her mother due to it.

A frown appears on her forehead as she sees the pseudopod. Why was the building attacking Singularity's robots? The PRT wasn't her enemy. More like a neutral part who had been aiding her in the past and who she intended to make deals with in the future. It felt at odds about what she felt when she mentally examined the power. Sure, she felt some fear in relation to being discovered but whatever the building was doing wasn't helping. It could also. No, could it be? Did the building harbour some of Fortress hostility towards the PRT?

She turns to walk away, intending to disappear in the chaos.

Meeting the Professor

"Professor Hartman" Clyde Grey responds with a pleasant smile as he gives him a firm handshake and takes the chair across the table. He doesn't have to fake the smile that spreads across his face as Hartman talks.

"That sounds better than agreeable!" Clyde explaims. He looks at the contract and has to force himself to read through it before signing, eager to begin.

His eyes open wide at the thought of deleting his own memory: "I'm.. hessitant at replacing my entire brain... Perhaps at a later point when I have a firmer grasp on what parts that are essential to me"


Shade VII that made his way to one of Rat Kings territory. Milla had taken the base of a 6'5 muscular man and had added in muscle mass. While most of her body, and particularly her posture, were unmistakenly human, she bore little resemblance to Shade VI. His strong arms ended in long metal claws and his face only revealed two dark eyes. The only real similarity to Milla's usual attire was the style of clothing, dark, loose clothing that didn't revealed any skin. At a distance it is difficult to see when his dark silhuet ends and when the chilly night air begins.

"I. Am. Shade." his deep voice bounces loudly against the concrete buildings in the less-than-wealthy- district. "I offer anyone who wishes the opportunity to join me. I hold many gifts. Some of which are health and youth. I am generous towards those who are loyal towards me."

We'll have to hold off with the actual healing scene until we've progressed to a sufficient point in the professor scene but I gather there's a bunch of roleplaying first so we can at least start out.

Active major powers: 'Roach, Mirage, Face.
Muscle mass primarily taken from lean predators (felines) for quickness over strength.
Claws made of Titanium. Only claws are our of the costume, the hands themselves are within the cloak
Scales from Pandolin, also made of Titanium.

2018-01-10, 04:50 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Correct. She changed to a human form when heading towards the shooting range.

Nebula nods, her eyes paying close attention. After the instructions she fumbles with the gun, avoiding to point at anyone. She takes careful aim and proceeds to missing

"****" she curses. Wouldn't it have been lovely if she could use Seeker's power right now.

"Keep at it, nobody's perfect from day one."

Seeker continues to observe, offering ways to improve.

After more time she asks "Starting to feel like you'd be comfortable with the big one"?

Hospital Visit

Milla makes a grimace as her body reforms. She wasn't unfamiliar to pain but she never liked it. She'd have to find a way to turn it off as soon as she learned more about how brains worked.

Milla's stomach does summersaults as she approaches the robots. She sends a silent prayer to noone in particular but decides to approach them anyway. Running away would be too suspicious at this point. They shouldn't expect seeing a stranger now that Face had been caught. Right??

A wave of guilt hits her as she sees how much the hospital was damage. It wasn't fair, she had done nothing aside from observing and had been shot at anyway. Hopefully nothing would happen to her mother due to it.

A frown appears on her forehead as she sees the pseudopod. Why was the building attacking Singularity's robots? The PRT wasn't her enemy. More like a neutral part who had been aiding her in the past and who she intended to make deals with in the future. It felt at odds about what she felt when she mentally examined the power. Sure, she felt some fear in relation to being discovered but whatever the building was doing wasn't helping. It could also. No, could it be? Did the building harbour some of Fortress hostility towards the PRT?

She turns to walk away, intending to disappear in the chaos.

You manage to leave successfully, finding yourself passing and ignored by Puppeteer who you can see moving underneath the ground thanks to Seeker's power. The serpentine hero looks to have been circling from the back of the hospital.

Meeting the Professor

"Professor Hartman" Clyde Grey responds with a pleasant smile as he gives him a firm handshake and takes the chair across the table. He doesn't have to fake the smile that spreads across his face as Hartman talks.

"That sounds better than agreeable!" Clyde explaims. He looks at the contract and has to force himself to read through it before signing, eager to begin.

His eyes open wide at the thought of deleting his own memory: "I'm.. hessitant at replacing my entire brain... Perhaps at a later point when I have a firmer grasp on what parts that are essential to me"

"To be expected" the professor shrugs "That does raise many a ethical concern but it was the most scientific way to handle the experiment".

"So now that we are not responsible if you harm yourself with your power let us just double check you won't. To start do you recall the difference between short and long term memory?"...

One done ensuring you know roughly what structures you will be working with and what you are doing to them, the Professor gets a tablet from a nearby drawer and hand it to you. it is already loaded with the tests you are to do.

"Just fill these in without using your power first".

Shade VII that made his way to one of Rat Kings territory. Milla had taken the base of a 6'5 muscular man and had added in muscle mass. While most of her body, and particularly her posture, were unmistakenly human, she bore little resemblance to Shade VI. His strong arms ended in long metal claws and his face only revealed two dark eyes. The only real similarity to Milla's usual attire was the style of clothing, dark, loose clothing that didn't revealed any skin. At a distance it is difficult to see when his dark silhuet ends and when the chilly night air begins.

"I. Am. Shade." his deep voice bounces loudly against the concrete buildings in the less-than-wealthy- district. "I offer anyone who wishes the opportunity to join me. I hold many gifts. Some of which are health and youth. I am generous towards those who are loyal towards me."

We'll have to hold off with the actual healing scene until we've progressed to a sufficient point in the professor scene but I gather there's a bunch of roleplaying first so we can at least start out.

Active major powers: 'Roach, Mirage, Face.
Muscle mass primarily taken from lean predators (felines) for quickness over strength.
Claws made of Titanium. Only claws are our of the costume, the hands themselves are within the cloak
Scales from Pandolin, also made of Titanium.

A small trickle of the homeless have began to leave as the obvious trouble that is you came into sight and when you spoke. The area itself is rather open once one discounts the amenities of the locals lives and is mostly lit by barrels burning whatever fuel could be harvested by the ones warming themselves. Emotionally the people are overall mildly concerned with the ones who directly work for Rat King, looking a little better fed and dressed than the rest, have an edge to some of them. Of them one who is watching you sends another elsewhere a you make your announcement.

It is a solid half-minute before anyone responds. "What would we be doing" says a thirty-ish looking woman who plods from out of sight using a plank as a cane, her leg warped in a way suggesting an old break not healing right.

2018-01-14, 10:51 AM
Meeting with Bad Company

Nebula continue shooting and missing, although her missing becomes less drastic as she gets more practice under her belt.

"Depends", she says with a teasing smile while still looking towards the target: "Are you comfortable with dodging?"

Hospital Visit

Milla eyes the serpentine for a little too long. Oh, she wished she had that power, gliding through solid material like it was nothing. Alas, she couldn't think of a way to get close to him or draw him out that wouldn't also cause her imprisonment.

Meeting the Professor

"It does indeed", mr. Grey agrees to the doctor's consern. "As well as a number of other applications of the power, especially in regards to identity and morality."

"I do" he responds as he fills in the papers, eager to start.


VII stands and endures the awkward silence, focusing on standing still and preserving the mysterious vibe. Of course he hadn't expected anyone to just jump, suspicion was expected. When someone finally adresses him he feels a wave of relief. So far so good, even if the plan didn't nessesarily require anyone saying yes today.

"You" he face turns to face the speaker: "would do the things I told you to". It had been a tough choice between going the uncompromising way or the way of accepting people as doing what they were willing to do. The latter would probably have given more supporters. However a crucial aspect of The Power was that he needed to trust the people he outreached aspects to. Surely, some people were so desperate that they were willing to submit themselves to get relief of their misery. This woman might or might not be at that place but after the terse reply he might throw her a bone: "One of which would be accepting the gift of running."

Even if she didn't accept the thought would stay nagging.

2018-01-15, 04:23 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Nebula continue shooting and missing, although her missing becomes less drastic as she gets more practice under her belt.

"Depends", she says with a teasing smile while still looking towards the target: "Are you comfortable with dodging?"

"Oh, don't be so hard on yourself." says Seeker returning the smile. "Although seeing as that sounds like a yes, I'd recommend bulking out again. These puppies" she reaches over to tap the big gun "are normally mounted on vehicles".

Should you move on you are instructed in the machine gun's function similarly to the pistol you were using before.

Meeting the Professor

"It does indeed", mr. Grey agrees to the doctor's consern. "As well as a number of other applications of the power, especially in regards to identity and morality."

"I do" he responds as he fills in the papers, eager to start.

You fill in the tests as instructed and save the answers, which the professor proves able to view on his computer. After he reviews them and fills the results into a different document he resets the answers on the tablet you are viewing them on.

"Right. And now begins where we hope to get some results today. Use by memories to get the correct answers. Remember I know the answers to two of the three tests".


VII stands and endures the awkward silence, focusing on standing still and preserving the mysterious vibe. Of course he hadn't expected anyone to just jump, suspicion was expected. When someone finally adresses him he feels a wave of relief. So far so good, even if the plan didn't nessesarily require anyone saying yes today.

"You" he face turns to face the speaker: "would do the things I told you to". It had been a tough choice between going the uncompromising way or the way of accepting people as doing what they were willing to do. The latter would probably have given more supporters. However a crucial aspect of The Power was that he needed to trust the people he outreached aspects to. Surely, some people were so desperate that they were willing to submit themselves to get relief of their misery. This woman might or might not be at that place but after the terse reply he might throw her a bone: "One of which would be accepting the gift of running."

Even if she didn't accept the thought would stay nagging.

The woman continues. "That all depends what you're asking for. And you have still not said how longs this would last either". Even as she spoke the traveling word has attracted more over to hear your offer.

"Hey, ***hole!" comes a vaguely familiar voice. Looking over you find it belongs to the cape in the costume that resembles a tetanus factory. Gator strides over to you covered in the mound of polished scrap metal she calls a costume, only her head and tail are uncovered and even then the first has that band over her eyes while the later has several rings. "What are you up to here!" As he continues she pulls a handful of metal fragments from a pocket.

Despite her seeming hostility Gator is mostly calm and focussed, bar the odd worry of making a mistake. These emotions are focused towards you, herself, the nearby building, and someone farther away that can be assumed to be Rat King.

2018-01-16, 02:44 AM
Meeting with Bad Company

Nebula places her butt behind the machine gun and begins testing it out.

Meeeting the Professor

Mr. Grey does as instructed, copying the instructed parts of the professor and fills out the documents.

I am guessing that the professor have taught Milla which parts of the brain to copy?


Shade sends the woman a second gaze "I am only interested in people who are ready to commit" and then looks away, clearly done with the conversation. She was going for the bad powerful villain image here. Being this much of a douche also.. felt good.

"Ah, Gator." he says as he spreads his arms welcomingly: "Great timing. I am getting the word out that I am recruiting. Any interest?"

2018-01-17, 03:39 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Nebula places her butt behind the machine gun and begins testing it out.

It is an effort using the weapon and not only because you are expected try and use your power assume a shape that can let you carry the thing yourself.

Seeker just stands there watching your reaction as you attempt to control the bucking gun.

Meeeting the Professor

Mr. Grey does as instructed, copying the instructed parts of the professor and fills out the documents.

Not quite sure how to handle this. Perhaps roll three individual D100 and should any be 70+ Mila finds the information and figures out a start on modifying brains.

I am guessing that the professor have taught Milla which parts of the brain to copy?

Yes, that was one of the things that was gone over 'ofscreen' in prior meetings.

Shade sends the woman a second gaze "I am only interested in people who are ready to commit" and then looks away, clearly done with the conversation. She was going for the bad powerful villain image here. Being this much of a douche also.. felt good.

"Ah, Gator." he says as he spreads his arms welcomingly: "Great timing. I am getting the word out that I am recruiting. Any interest?"

Gator just stares. First flatly then unimpressed, although emotionally this is still all part of the act. "Okay one, poaching capes is bad form but you're new here and that can slide; Two, I 'aint ever seen a cape make that offer out of the goodness of their heart so-." she is interrupted by something and looks down to her leg for a second before turning back to you.

At this time a plague of vermin show themselves, emerging from everywhere, boxes, peoples pockets, sewer grates, from under objects, and some you only realise are there now they move with purpose.

"Hold on. Boss wants to talk".

Almost half of the rats break off from the living mat to scurry your way. They form a pile as they go, which then seems to implode for a moment as Rat King walks out with still more of the vermin clinging to his costume. He stops beside Gator.

"Shade, right? Would you grant those who accept your offer the right to leave as they wish, and would you concede to me monitoring you and your organisation? Well, more than I would anyway. Agree to these and we may then begin negotiations.

2018-01-25, 08:24 AM
Meeting with Bad Company

Milla continues her feeble attempts to handling the bucket gun.

There isn't really any point in telling me what Milla was expected to if I don't know where this information comes from. Are you implying that Milla can deduce that Seeker wanted her to change into a bigger shape due her feelings?

Professor Visit

Sure, go ahead.


A dark mist slowly starts to emit from Shade's big figure as Gator starts lecturing him but it dispatches as the rats start to appear.

"Negotiations?" he asks in a tone that implies a raised eyebrow: "Over what? Do these people need your permission to join me?"

The mist is made with the-mystery-cape-who-I-think-is-Mirage's power.

2018-01-26, 06:21 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Milla continues her feeble attempts to handling the bucket gun.

There isn't really any point in telling me what Milla was expected to if I don't know where this information comes from. Are you implying that Milla can deduce that Seeker wanted her to change into a bigger shape due her feelings?

I thought it had been said a few times they wanted Mila to try a larger form for this. I guess it is easy to miss when posts are days apart but eh, no matter. Will you have Mila try using a larger form or should we skip to the end of the shooting range segment?

Professor Visit

Sure, go ahead.

I was expecting you to roll these but I will just do it below and edit the result in.

It takes a while and several failed attempts as you find the wrong information completely. In the end, towards when your time is running out, you just find the answers to everything, well except the '80s music trivia' test.

The professor, perhaps seeing something in your eye then speaks. "Well, anything"?


A dark mist slowly starts to emit from Shade's big figure as Gator starts lecturing him but it dispatches as the rats start to appear.

"Negotiations?" he asks in a tone that implies a raised eyebrow: "Over what? Do these people need your permission to join me?"

"No." States Rat King bluntly but calm, otherwise remaining in the same spot as more rats gather "The people may affiliate themselves as they wish and you may freely move through my territories for as long as our organisations aren't in conflict. But allowing you to operate within my territories is something more that will demand certain assurances and perhaps a greased palm." he ends with a slightly humorous tone before becoming serious again.

"And recruiting. Now that especially demands assurances. I don't know you so you're new here. let me tell you who I am. I look after the homeless of the city, they are my people. In short if you want to recruit here you need to convince me you yourself mean your recruits no harm".

"So yes. Negotiations." He turns to leave, waving you to follow "You come to my house it's only right you get some of my hospitality, such as it is. I have a room where we can begin in earnest. Gator you follow and keep watch too".

The mist is made with the-mystery-cape-who-I-think-is-Mirage's power.

I had thought that. Also may as well specify that yes it is Mirage's power.

2018-01-27, 05:41 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

After struggling with the gun for a while she decides to try a different approach and returns to the same form she fought 'Roach with and starts practising shooting with the different body size.

Not that I recall but I might have missed it

Professor Visit

"I guess you aren't the biggest fan of music from the 80th", Clyde says with a smile: "It was suprisingly difficult to find but I think I am starting to get the hand of it!"


Shade stands unmoving as Ratking speaks. He considers replying to the long thing but decides that he want to preserve the image of the mysterious silent hooded person for now. He hangs back just long enough to send a signal and then follow Ratking into his lair.

2018-01-31, 06:24 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

After struggling with the gun for a while she decides to try a different approach and returns to the same form she fought 'Roach with and starts practising shooting with the different body size.

Not that I recall but I might have missed it

In a larger form it becomes significantly easier to use the machine gun. Seeker continues to observe, nodding to herself. After you burn though enough ammo you need to reload she turns around and give the watching Flood a thumbs up.

Seeker turns back to you. "Well I think we have found what we were looking for. So would ya like to keep at the range for a bit or finish this interview off? I think the boss just has a few last questions".

Professor Visit

"I guess you aren't the biggest fan of music from the 80th", Clyde says with a smile: "It was suprisingly difficult to find but I think I am starting to get the hand of it!"

"So it Worked then! Excellent. Before our time runs out do you mind giving a description of what it was like from your perceptive? My superiors will probably want to know"."


Shade stands unmoving as Ratking speaks. He considers replying to the long thing but decides that he want to preserve the image of the mysterious silent hooded person for now. He hangs back just long enough to send a signal and then follow Ratking into his lair.

Rat King leads you to the adjacent warehouse with Gator following behind. Outside a number of his subordinates have gathered and the building seems rather busy. Once inside you are taken to an upstairs room. Interestingly plates of sheet metal have been bolted to the door and surrounding walls. Rat King opens the door for you and motions for you to sit before he follows Gator in.

The room is centred around a table with other desks situated around, as are chairs. Beyond these are an projector and a coffee machine. And rats of course, lots of those. As your escorts sit Rat King looks to Gator a long moment.

"We're clear. No prying eyes". as she finishes she visibly relaxes and lets out a breath as she turns to you. "We can speak freely, that acting thing is hard work. I'm Gator by the way. Oh! And sorry about calling you a ***hole. You know, acting..." She trails off.

"Well while we're here" asks Rat King "What is the power of this 'Shade' persona anyway? People will want to know and they will come to me to information. Where is he from"?

2018-02-01, 04:16 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Nebula is suprised over the easy of which she can operate the gun in the bigger size. She wondered how it would be to operate if she enlarged her..

Her attention is moved when Seeker begins talking. "I think I'd like to give this a few more tries. I wonder if one of the other werebeasts would be better at handling it. Beside, it's fun."

She tries a were-gorilla and a were-kangaroo(with large jumpy feet) before running out of ammo again, putting the weapon down, and heading the way of Flood.

Professor Visit

"It did", he says with a big smile, sharing the professors enthusiasm. This would be incredibly useful in the next few days.

"Hmm. I wasn't really paying attention to how I felt. I guess I didn't really had any of my own memories popping up but had one of earlier today when you spilled that cup of coffee." The last thing was said with a smile, trying to midigate the potential offensive impact.


Shade follows along as they go through Rat King's base, as a looming shadow tracing behind the two.

"We're clear. No prying eyes"

Shade visibly relaxes. He walks over to the coffe machine and pours himself a cup before sitting down in a chair. "Who would have thought that being an a**hole is so exhausting. How do people do it on a daily basis?", he complains while sending a smile to Gator. "Also, hey. I don't know how much Rat King have told you about me but my working alias actually is Shade, although I have been working with as Shade VI before and intend to be going with Shade VII now. Also, good job on the acting out there" he follows the last statement with a fistbump(or some equivalence if Gator doesn't have fists, using the claws as protection if Gator's liquid power will actively destroy his skin).

"In terms of powers. You really have more experience with what people will believe, so what about I just give you a pitch of ideas to a powerset and you tell me what people will think are realistic, eh?"

Assuming he responds positively he'll continue: "The last Shade was stapped and killed by some guy, let's call him John?" there's a short pause of questioning pause before he continues: "shortly after the fight with Lobos during which her previous team were injured and shortly after disappeared. John started acted weirdly in the days thereafter, soon started calling himself Shade, and seems to now be recruiting. There's clearly something different in terms of powers, the most glaringly obvious being that the new shade has long metal claws. Shade VII also talks some about 'Gifts' although to your knowledge, which we all know are pretty comprehensive, he haven't given any. He advertised that he could grant health and youth, whatever that means. Gator saw that he was able to make some kind of mist but are unsure of how that works. In our negotiations here I convince you that I can cure most if not all of your people, and we agree that you give me some information of the local capes and not stand in my way when I recruit. You can even complain about how I know that it's beneficial for me to demonstrate that I can heal some folks for recruitment purposes but that I twisted your arm but I'll leave that to you. Thoughts?"

2018-02-02, 07:52 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Nebula is suprised over the easy of which she can operate the gun in the bigger size. She wondered how it would be to operate if she enlarged her..

Her attention is moved when Seeker begins talking. "I think I'd like to give this a few more tries. I wonder if one of the other werebeasts would be better at handling it. Beside, it's fun."

She tries a were-gorilla and a were-kangaroo(with large jumpy feet) before running out of ammo again, putting the weapon down, and heading the way of Flood.

As practice continues you find the gorilla's upper body strength advantageous to controlling the weapon while the kangaroo's leg structure seems advantageous to your own stability. against the recoil.

When you run out of ammo and finish you return to the rest of the team where Flood has acquired a clipboard and pen.

"You have preformed well. We just have a few last questions we need to provide your fake ID should you be accepted? Alright so first: What name do you want to use"?

Professor Visit

"It did", he says with a big smile, sharing the professors enthusiasm. This would be incredibly useful in the next few days.

"Hmm. I wasn't really paying attention to how I felt. I guess I didn't really had any of my own memories popping up but had one of earlier today when you spilled that cup of coffee." The last thing was said with a smile, trying to midigate the potential offensive impact.

"And right onto a stack of papers..." mumbles the professor under his breath but good humouredly. "But in any case that is the end of our time for today and I need to write up today's progress".


Shade follows along as they go through Rat King's base, as a looming shadow tracing behind the two.

Shade visibly relaxes. He walks over to the coffe machine and pours himself a cup before sitting down in a chair. "Who would have thought that being an a**hole is so exhausting. How do people do it on a daily basis?", he complains while sending a smile to Gator. "Also, hey. I don't know how much Rat King have told you about me but my working alias actually is Shade, although I have been working with as Shade VI before and intend to be going with Shade VII now. Also, good job on the acting out there" he follows the last statement with a fistbump(or some equivalence if Gator doesn't have fists, using the claws as protection if Gator's liquid power will actively destroy his skin).

Gator smiles back (as far as can be told) and follows up on the fistbump, or at least the best she can using a scrap metal boxing glove.

Would Mila still gain an exposure through a couple inches of metal?

"In terms of powers. You really have more experience with what people will believe, so what about I just give you a pitch of ideas to a powerset and you tell me what people will think are realistic, eh?"

Assuming he responds positively he'll continue: "The last Shade was stapped and killed by some guy, let's call him John?" there's a short pause of questioning pause before he continues: "shortly after the fight with Lobos during which her previous team were injured and shortly after disappeared. John started acted weirdly in the days thereafter, soon started calling himself Shade, and seems to now be recruiting. There's clearly something different in terms of powers, the most glaringly obvious being that the new shade has long metal claws. Shade VII also talks some about 'Gifts' although to your knowledge, which we all know are pretty comprehensive, he haven't given any. He advertised that he could grant health and youth, whatever that means. Gator saw that he was able to make some kind of mist but are unsure of how that works. In our negotiations here I convince you that I can cure most if not all of your people, and we agree that you give me some information of the local capes and not stand in my way when I recruit. You can even complain about how I know that it's beneficial for me to demonstrate that I can heal some folks for recruitment purposes but that I twisted your arm but I'll leave that to you. Thoughts?"

"It would be a hard sell." says Rat King "Should people go asking the Lobos who were there the story falls apart, and that assumes a lack of Thinker or Stranger activity." The grows quiet, thinking. "What if we sell it as that smoke you make messes with memory? You only recall what happens inside it when already inside. Nobody saw your power at the lab right? And your selling yourself as a second butcher, so Shade VII. I give the theory that you takeover the mind of your killer and gain an extra power. Seven powers to fake. That is the butcher like power, healing, the smoke, what you're doing to grow that metal, and then four tricks from your shapeshifting. Think you can make that idea work"?

2018-02-04, 06:05 AM
Meeting with Bad Company

"Yeah! I nailed it!" Nebula bellows and moves a hand up to give Flood a high five.

She shrugs at the question of the name: "I guess something like Anna or Louis works as well as anything else."

Professor Visit

Clyde smiles warmly at the mumbling and nods. "Do you need me to do anything else?"


Shade is happy that his mask hides his face as to not show his disappointment. Inches of iron seemed to be too far a distance for his power to work. He'll look for opportunities for a light touch throughout the movement.

"Which part would be a hard sell? Does Los Lobos know what happened to Shade VI after the fight? It's true that noone saw my power during the lab attack. Why should the smoke change memory in that specific way? While I am trying to go with a Butcher vibe, I find it more likely that my powers work exactly like Butchers since no two cape have the exact same power. Maybe all my past powerset is scrapped or changed after death? Although you of course might not know that."

2018-02-05, 08:56 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

"Yeah! I nailed it!" Nebula bellows and moves a hand up to give Flood a high five.

She shrugs at the question of the name: "I guess something like Anna or Louis works as well as anything else."

Flood goes through a few other questions to sort out your details before you are done.

"Right, everyone is arranged. We will contact you in two-to-three days from now. Would you like us to post a letter through Rat King or do you have a work number we can contact you through"?

"Fortress will direct you the exit. There will be a car for you, tell the driver where you want to be dropped off".

Professor Visit

Clyde smiles warmly at the mumbling and nods. "Do you need me to do anything else?"

"No, we have everything we need, our next appointment is at the usual time. Goodbye"

Shade is happy that his mask hides his face as to not show his disappointment. Inches of iron seemed to be too far a distance for his power to work. He'll look for opportunities for a light touch throughout the movement.

"Which part would be a hard sell? Does Los Lobos know what happened to Shade VI after the fight? It's true that noone saw my power during the lab attack. Why should the smoke change memory in that specific way? While I am trying to go with a Butcher vibe, I find it more likely that my powers work exactly like Butchers since no two cape have the exact same power. Maybe all my past powerset is scrapped or changed after death? Although you of course might not know that."

"One of those ideas can work." nods Rat King "The core issue is proving that this 'John' existed to become the next Shade, and if you leave the hole in your story that John's friends have no knowledge of such a person then everyone knows something fishy is happening. What if the story drifts down to those Lobos at the lab? What if it then drifts back up to their capes? The lie falls apart. It may be improbable but so is a man leaping fifty foot up and firing lightning from his eyes, but I know for a fact he named himself Jumper-Cable".

Gator stifles a giggle on hearing the cheesy name.

"Thus the memory alteration explanation. They don't remember John because Shade got to them. And if Espectro was behind you the whole time? Well he must have got smoked too. The smoke explanation can grow as it is needed to. The only issue this leaves is if someone else was watching you from a distance the whole time and if that is the case you have bigger problems because someone know you'd be at that lab. Understand?

2018-02-08, 02:45 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Nebula answers the question and asks a few more questions of practicality.

"Contact me through Rat King. I'll get a work phone for when we meet next time."

She nods in responds to the instruction and puts a hand out, offering a handshake: "It's been a pleasure. I look forward to working with you."

Professor Visit

"Goodby" Clyde responds before he heads out. The timing of this couldn't have been better, he certainly could use this new knowledge in his deal with Rat King.


"I'm sure we can find an appropriate person who recently suicided or simply disappeared. We live in a big city, it isn't unusual. We can roll with the smoke affecting memory, but if that were the case, why would you know? How exactly did you imagine this memory altercation works?"

"I still don't get why you think that the story would fall apart if it reached Los Lobos. I said this thing would happen after the encounter. It's not as if they tracked us?"

He waves his hand at the last thought. "Yeah, yeah. If someone are watching us right now everything falls apart anyway, so let's work from the assumption that that isn't happening. Unlles you want to try to turn the light off?"

2018-02-09, 05:57 PM
Meeting with Bad Company
Nebula answers the question and asks a few more questions of practicality.

"Contact me through Rat King. I'll get a work phone for when we meet next time."

She nods in responds to the instruction and puts a hand out, offering a handshake: "It's been a pleasure. I look forward to working with you."

There is a brief burst of panic as you offer your hand in Flood's direction before its source, 'Roach, shakes in his place.

"And to you." says Flood "Even if not accepted I hope you and our organisation can maintain a good relationship and ideally business.


"I'm sure we can find an appropriate person who recently suicided or simply disappeared. We live in a big city, it isn't unusual. We can roll with the smoke affecting memory, but if that were the case, why would you know? How exactly did you imagine this memory altercation works?"[/COLOR]

Rat king quietly thinks to himself for a moment "A suicide or disappearance might work, I will look through potential people. You can copy others? Because I could get you to the corpse. As to the smoke, say it functions when the nervous system is in the cloud. As for why I am fine, and why your identity won't be using that power, Say it's hard to direct. You just make and steer it, not direct it. A Stranger-Shaker like that would have the PRT come down hard so Shade doesn't throw it around for any reason. All the while blasting potential informants like me is a bad move, or perhaps you have, how would I know?" he grins and shrugs.

"I still don't get why you think that the story would fall apart if it reached Los Lobos. I said this thing would happen after the encounter. It's not as if they tracked us?"

He waves his hand at the last thought. "Yeah, yeah. If someone are watching us right now everything falls apart anyway, so let's work from the assumption that that isn't happening. Unlles you want to try to turn the light off?"

"It would fall apart because the Lobos would prove you are lying about your identity. Who can be more trusted on if this person existed, the once whose truthful identity is in question or those he claims were his friends who have no knowledge of such a person ever existing. And then the Lobos capes pass it around until those whose powers will let them track you come into the equation. Your lie is a sensitive one, I cannot stress this enough, It can work but you need to cover all avenues".

2018-02-10, 09:28 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Nebula eyes go awkwardly to the ground, clearly feeling guilty over Flood's reaction.

Her posture drops another notch when hearing Flood's tentative rejection. After a moment she regains her composure: "Absolutely. I do hope that we can have a working arrangement however." There's another awkward pause and she continues: "And in regards to my earlier.. flip. I am normally fine taking hits but I get.. antsy if I can't return the favor. "

When the conversations seems to be over she offers the hand to the surrounding capes and heads out.


"None of my powers work on the dead but if you can find someone that can passibly go for this guy it'll be fine. I'll be wearing the same loose costume when I go to the field so it shouldn't be much noticable."

"Sure, that might work", he responds to the idea about memory-control.

"You were seriously assuming that I was suggesting that John were affiliated with Lobos or had friends you know?", he says in a tone that implies a raised eyebrow: "Please. I'm not retarded. He was just some lowlife that saw an opportunity to snatch some cash from a young girl. And I'm 100% sure that "

"You're right. It's a sensitive lie. But by my count there are exactly 5 capes in town who can see through it. Spotter can directly but he works for the PRT so he'll probably play nice as long as I'm in on the whole villain thing. Mastermind can if I give him enough time but if that happens we're screwed anyway. And Hierophant and the World probably can if I go out of character. Fool has a chance but that depends on how our powers interact. Anything I missed?"

"On that note I'd like to schedule a meeting with Spotter but I don't know what the details are on what the Ward program looks like and it's not time-pressing. I need to make a deal with him regarding help of an Endbringer attack."

2018-02-14, 07:36 PM
Meeting with Bad Company

Nebula eyes go awkwardly to the ground, clearly feeling guilty over Flood's reaction.

Her posture drops another notch when hearing Flood's tentative rejection. After a moment she regains her composure: "Absolutely. I do hope that we can have a working arrangement however." There's another awkward pause and she continues: "And in regards to my earlier.. flip. I am normally fine taking hits but I get.. antsy if I can't return the favor. "

When the conversations seems to be over she offers the hand to the surrounding capes and heads out.
"We all get issue like that." says 'roach "So no worries. Just think about how messed up I am for signing up as human meat shied?" he jokes at his expense, although his emotions show honesty to those words.


[QUOTE=Sønderjye;22832029]"You were seriously assuming that I was suggesting that John were affiliated with Lobos or had friends you know?", he says in a tone that implies a raised eyebrow: "Please. I'm not retarded. He was just some lowlife that saw an opportunity to snatch some cash from a young girl. And I'm 100% sure that "

"You're right. It's a sensitive lie. But by my count there are exactly 5 capes in town who can see through it. Spotter can directly but he works for the PRT so he'll probably play nice as long as I'm in on the whole villain thing. Mastermind can if I give him enough time but if that happens we're screwed anyway. And Hierophant and the World probably can if I go out of character. Fool has a chance but that depends on how our powers interact. Anything I missed?"

"Maybe Lovers. Diablo, a Changer new in town, has postcog like Matermind when transformed but it is random according to reports. Gemeni's duplicate can also tell everyone you secrets if you get in range. Beyond them Tinkers. All of them. They will find a way should something hint to them all is not as it seems".

"On that note I'd like to schedule a meeting with Spotter but I don't know what the details are on what the Ward program looks like and it's not time-pressing. I need to make a deal with him regarding help of an Endbringer attack."

Your words manage to throw Rat King off a moment.

"And... what exactly is this deal to consist off, ideally. Knowing should help work out how to approach this. Otherwise, are you doing this officially?, Under the table? What?

2018-02-15, 12:57 PM

"You really don't think that it's possible to keep this facade up?" Shade is silent for a long moment: "Well. What about we go about it another way. Worst case scenario for me is that people will think me a little more untrustworthy, not a significant blow, being a villain and all. For you however you risk losing your neutrality. How can we spin this in a way that minimizes the risk for you?"

A small smirk appears on Shade's lips seeing Rat Kings reaction but it quickly disappears: "I won't go into the specifics but the basic gist is that he agrees to lie about my powers to the PRT and everyone else, and I'll throw him a carrot. If he refuses I'll just use my memory removal mojo." The last part were said partly teasing.

Google is your friend

Back at base Milla searches online to find out if there's a neutral place she can meet capes. She also checks to see if there's any website in which local Parahumans talk or any promenent sides in which people guess/discuss about their personalities/powers/goals/similar. She would be particularly interested in places where they have a 'if I had X's power, this is what I'd do'.

2018-02-19, 07:47 PM

"You really don't think that it's possible to keep this facade up?" Shade is silent for a long moment: "Well. What about we go about it another way. Worst case scenario for me is that people will think me a little more untrustworthy, not a significant blow, being a villain and all. For you however you risk losing your neutrality. How can we spin this in a way that minimizes the risk for you?"

"I never said it's impossible, only that there's plenty of capes who could find out. Never a time that's not true. Just be careful".

"As for my own security, I have a few ideas. First I can just say I didn't know. I'm only almost omniscient and my sources can be wrong. Far from my best option but nobody can prove me wrong. In fact we can maybe turn that to our advantage. If it does get out we say later I find a mole in my organisation. And this may cause the actual mole behind your teammates disappearance to become overconfident and slip up. Beyond that it is a case of seeing how the situation develops and what opportunities that opens up".

A small smirk appears on Shade's lips seeing Rat Kings reaction but it quickly disappears: "I won't go into the specifics but the basic gist is that he agrees to lie about my powers to the PRT and everyone else, and I'll throw him a carrot. If he refuses I'll just use my memory removal mojo." The last part were said partly teasing.

"While there is no good way to do this the best idea that comes to mind is to wait until you done recruiting and established. Then your people lead Spotter when he is patrolling onto a trail to you, Ideally in a hard to reach location, then isolate him from whoever he is with and remove his weapon. From there he is at your mercy. Then you have about ten minutes to talk and get out as you will have the Protectorate right behind you. My suggestion is wait until he is partnered with Dark Age. You have to deal with a brute but she will help knock out the Wards means of contacting other capes. They also send her farther away from headquarters because people in the nicer parts of the city yell louder about the power being knocked out so that will usually buy you time, The other wards they like to keep closer to base so you'll have less time".

"Are you planning a meeting or a kidnapping?" buts in Gator.

"Surprisingly the same logic applies." says Rat King.

Google is your friend

Back at base Milla searches online to find out if there's a neutral place she can meet capes. She also checks to see if there's any website in which local Parahumans talk or any promenent sides in which people guess/discuss about their personalities/powers/goals/similar. She would be particularly interested in places where they have a 'if I had X's power, this is what I'd do'.

As far a meeting places go the closest thing to what you are looking for is actually a small support group ran by Freezerburn, it is centred around letting capes whose powers mess with their lives talk about their problems and meet others who and emphasise with them. Heroes and Rogues turn up in person but facilities for any cape to attend through live video are available. The other option you find are forum posts about a Los Lobos controlled nightclub where cape sightings have been reported, although the rumour has been around for long enough that which club it is varies from telling to telling.

That forum itself also seems useful to you, the San Antonio board for Parahumans Online, an assortment of cape fans, people who work with capes, and parahumans themselves, where you can find pretty much everything you are looking for..

2018-02-20, 05:39 PM

Shade listens carefully to Rat Kings conserns and reassurances. "I'll be mindfull", he concludes.

"We'll see what opportunities present themselves", Shades makes a non-commital shrug at gator's question but he didn't feel inclined to share those with Rat King.

"Now then, should we get started with the healing process?"

Feel free to transition over to the scene in which Shade starts healing people.

Google is your friend

Milla scoffs at the lack of cape bar, scrolls past the bookmarks the cape website and continues her search, this time trying to dig up any sightings of capes that weren't in the PRT files.

Setting up a profile

Once the rumours that she was recruiting and that she could heal wounds came out, she expected to have people try to contact her. Chances weren't that not many people would come, partly because she had avoided answering the question of whether people could leave afterwards and partly because she was relatively unknown. But anyone who couldn't afford health care and who had a fatal sickness would at least have some insentive and those who were desperate even more so.

They'd need a way for contacting her and it was with this in mind that she was setting up a profile at Parahumans Online. Her profile picture was the tattoo she had gotten tattooed earlier that week and her profile text mentioned some vague terms about recruiting and the virtue of loyalty, and vaguely hinted that Shade had villanous intends. She then transformed into Shade VII, wrote a note saying that the profile just started was actually him and send it in as confirmation to the mods.

Spotting Spotter, and Judge

After that she did a search for Spotter, particular focussed on anything that could hint about Spotter's personality, his schedule both in and out of cape, and his age and appearance. Then she does the same for Judge.

2018-02-21, 05:49 PM

Shade listens carefully to Rat Kings conserns and reassurances. "I'll be mindfull", he concludes.

"We'll see what opportunities present themselves", Shades makes a non-commital shrug at gator's question but he didn't feel inclined to share those with Rat King.

"Now then, should we get started with the healing process?"

"Yes. I had the injured moved to this building on the grounds of benefiting from better facilities here. I contacted one of the doctors living in my territory while we were talking and arranged for them to get a car here. He'll only be shortly behind us and can better explain the issue. Follow me as we did when we entered".

"Hey." asks Gator before you leave "We have a minute and I was wondering, What's up with that metal on you? I can't feel it or anything".

You follow Rat King to an area of the building that seems to have been walled off, a few people can be seen attending to figures on the gurneys behind a plastic sheet.

Rat kind turns to address you as you enter.
"The doctor I've had treating them will be here in... se-no six minutes to explain the issue, beyond the obvious.

Those inside are covered in fluid-filled blisters and many have angry red swellings in the effected areas. Most are not awake other than one who turns to stare at you. Two gurneys are empty in the otherwise full room.

Google is your friend

Milla scoffs at the lack of cape bar, scrolls past the bookmarks the cape website and continues her search, this time trying to dig up any sightings of capes that weren't in the PRT files.

Setting up a profile

Once the rumours that she was recruiting and that she could heal wounds came out, she expected to have people try to contact her. Chances weren't that not many people would come, partly because she had avoided answering the question of whether people could leave afterwards and partly because she was relatively unknown. But anyone who couldn't afford health care and who had a fatal sickness would at least have some insentive and those who were desperate even more so.

They'd need a way for contacting her and it was with this in mind that she was setting up a profile at Parahumans Online. Her profile picture was the tattoo she had gotten tattooed earlier that week and her profile text mentioned some vague terms about recruiting and the virtue of loyalty, and vaguely hinted that Shade had villanous intends. She then transformed into Shade VII, wrote a note saying that the profile just started was actually him and send it in as confirmation to the mods.

At first their are no notes of people looking for your services or employment and it is about half an hour until the mods contact you asking for photo evidence of you in costume using your power before they can grant you confirmed parahuman status.

Spotting Spotter, and Judge

After that she did a search for Spotter, particular focussed on anything that could hint about Spotter's personality, his schedule both in and out of cape, and his age and appearance. Then she does the same for Judge.

It quickly becomes apparent that details on the wards patrol schedules and the like are a non starter, with the mods quickly ending discussion of this stripe. Civilian matters are worse, with the banhammer seeing hefty use. The Protectorote keep this information locked tight it seems.

Judge on the other hand, posts actively himself and his own patrol routes are semi-regular, most notably stopping at a food van at least twice a week where he sometimes signs autographs. He appears to be rather easily insulted were one to go by the flamewars. He also expresses interest in 'cleans the streets' and generally being a proactive cape, beyond cheering for local sports teams.

A Letter from Bad Company:
Two days after your interview you find a mundane envelope slid under your door. A tinkertech spiderbot was trying to drag it off to little success and stops as you approach.

Greetings Nebua. You have been accepted into Bad company. We will Have a car waiting
at the same location you were previously picked up at 1PM sharp. Should this be
unsuitable please contact us at our website or the listed Parahumans Online account
below with a civilian account:

Please refrain from mentioning Bad Company or parahuman activity in such messages.

Once at our base you will be provided with previously discussed documentation.
Please destroy this letter after reading.

Should the reader of this not be Nebula destroy this letter and refrain from telling anyone.
We will Find out.
No need to reply to this, this just serves to bridge the time.

Bad Company HQ:
You are picked up at the correct time and place and brought to Bad Company's base. Your base now too.
Meeting you at the elevator is Seeker who holds out a hand.

"Hey Nebula, Welcome to the team. Flood's been hit by a unexpected visitor we can't exactly turn away so I'm up here to welcome you".

2018-02-22, 03:48 PM

Shade trails along Rat King towards the infirmary.

"We have a minute and I was wondering, What's up with that metal on you? I can't feel it or anything"

Fascinating. He considered whether it was a feint but Gator didn't seem like the plotting type. There was something innocent in her demeanor. "It's living metal, part of my body", he answered truthfully: "It's a part of my body. What does it mean that you can't feel it?"

Shade, now being back in his menacing persona, doesn't visibly respond to Rat Kings statement about the doctor comming. While waiting he touches various instruments, thinking about how he can heal everyone in the infirmary, and pays attention to what Seeker's power gives him.

Bad Company HQ

"Seeker!"Nebula greets with an enthusiastic smile and she takes the outstretched hand eagerly.

"Huh. Who would that be?" she asks with a conserned facial expression.

2018-02-23, 04:26 PM
Fascinating. He considered whether it was a feint but Gator didn't seem like the plotting type. There was something innocent in her demeanor. "It's living metal, part of my body", he answered truthfully: "It's a part of my body. What does it mean that you can't feel it?"

"Well, um, I sort of sense metal around me. If it's close enough the feeling becomes stronger and I can make it move around, but I know where it is always. But yours?" She shrugs "Nada. Can't see from it either. My power just... doesn't work".

Shade, now being back in his menacing persona, doesn't visibly respond to Rat Kings statement about the doctor comming. While waiting he touches various instruments, thinking about how he can heal everyone in the infirmary, and pays attention to what Seeker's power gives him.

The facilities are unfortunately limited. By far the most useful discovery is that the antibiotics in the IV bags are not the right kind for the injured showing infections.

It is not long until the doctor arrives, the same one you saw some days ago. As he enters he turns to Rat King.

"This the guy"?
"Yes, we have a deal, his end is to do what he can here".

He turns to you. "Well then these people have two problems. The blisters and the infection. It was mustard gas, of all things, if that's important. Anyway they cannot heal the blisters thanks to the infection but the blisters are keeping them open to all the world's diseases. You got anything"?

The doctor enters cautiously hopeful but grows mildly suspicious on finally entering, Not accusingly so but suspicion born of doubt.

Bad Company HQ
"Seeker!"Nebula greets with an enthusiastic smile and she takes the outstretched hand eagerly.

"Huh. Who would that be?" she asks with a conserned facial expression.

"Justice." Seeker all-but spits. before calling the elevator. "You hear about the attack on a hospital that's been pinned on Fortress? Well it sure ain't anything from us and Tarot claim it wasn't Fool. Sounds like something that Dumb*** would do and has.".

The Elevator doors open as Seeker steps inside, waiting on you. "Oh, when we're down there don't talk about anything you won't want heard. Justice hears through walls".

As the worlds slowest elevator starts moving she continues. "Anyway Justice is looking for the truth and so are we between jobs. Honestly it's probably a new Trump, lord knows we don't have enough of those already and we got capes beelining to this city after Tower tried to grey-goo the place.

2018-02-25, 11:22 PM

"Well, um, I sort of sense metal around me. If it's close enough the feeling becomes stronger and I can make it move around, but I know where it is always. But yours?" She shrugs "Nada. Can't see from it either. My power just... doesn't work".

Shade nods thoughtfully. "Hmm, so you're suggesting that my metal isn't actually metal but something else? Interesting. Do you know of any other cape in town with which you have had similar experience?"

"Well then these people have two problems. The blisters and the infection. It was mustard gas, of all things, if that's important. Anyway they cannot heal the blisters thanks to the infection but the blisters are keeping them open to all the world's diseases. You got anything"?

"Not yet. They waited for you until I begun the examinations." Looking back at the doctors who touched handles, buttons and other parts of him when he was immersed with the hospital he draws on their medical knowledge: "Tell me what you have found this far before we start the examination."

Once the doctor have shared what he have found this far Shade moves on to the first patient. Touching them with a claw he examines the mental image that Face have given to find the exact problems and using the clawed contact he restores the affected areas to a healthy state.

Bad Company HQ

"Huh? What attack?" Nebula asks with as much sincere as she can muster.

2018-02-28, 06:20 PM
Shade nods thoughtfully. "Hmm, so you're suggesting that my metal isn't actually metal but something else? Interesting. Do you know of any other cape in town with which you have had similar experience?"

"Can't say I have" Gator shrugs with nothing else to add.

"Not yet. They waited for you until I begun the examinations." Looking back at the doctors who touched handles, buttons and other parts of him when he was immersed with the hospital he draws on their medical knowledge: "Tell me what you have found this far before we start the examination."

Once the doctor have shared what he have found this far Shade moves on to the first patient. Touching them with a claw he examines the mental image that Face have given to find the exact problems and using the clawed contact he restores the affected areas to a healthy state.

Just noting that I have to amount what the doctor says to 'and then he explains the problem' as while the character is a doctor I am not, and so sometimes there will be things I cannot fully explain.

After explaining the issue the doctor leaves it to you to find a solution.

Tossing together the memories of a number of medical personnel you manage to piece some useful details together.

The simplest place to start is with the blistering. Replace those with healthy skin and half the issue is solved.

More difficult is the infection. Severe Cellulitis turning to sepsis originating from the blistering. The Cellulitis can be dealt with similarly to the blisters. Then the blood infection has to be dealt with, needing the replacement of their blood with one that is free of bacteria and toxins. This leaves some traces of cellular damage but is the most that can be done without more significant alterations.

"Blistering's gone and infection's dying down." says the doctor, making observations. "What did you do? are the bacteria gone"?

Bad Company HQ

"Huh? What attack?" Nebula asks with as much sincere as she can muster.

"Couple days ago, not long after you left. the Idiot was all over the news and internet. What they didn't know was Mirage was there." Her next two words give the impression of a cunning grin "In civvies. Gotta love inside info".

The elevator makes a noise and you reach the bottom.

"Normally We'd take you to a meeting room to officially welcome you as a member but 'seein Flood being busy I'll take you to the lounge.

Instead of leading you down the corridor she knocks on the walls. "Fortress, if you'll do the honours..."

Almost immediately the walls flow around to made a new route through the building.

"First thing to show you, just ask and Fortress will move things around to get you around faster. Real convenient, huh.

2018-03-03, 07:16 AM

Shade frowns behind his mask. It was a step but it wasn't good enough. Painting with the art of memory manipulation, what does he think will happen if he successfully cleansed the blood? Would this be sufficient?

He blatantly ignores the doctor's question and instead focuses his entire attention on the body that his long claw is touching.

Bad Company HQ

"I have been busy. Do we know why he would break into a hospital? And wait, how did you know that Mirage was there? Can't she make herself invisible of some sh*t?"

Nebula looks with wide eyes as Fortress reshapes the building. "That's awesome!" she exclaims enthusiastically. "It's like Fortress is a god and we're in his realm." The implications that immidiately follows sends a slight chilld own her spine, if Fortress could move walls this effortly he could also move them in around her.

"Any other glaring awesomeness you have been keeping from me?" she asks Seeker with a teasing eyebrow raised .

2018-03-05, 08:26 PM

Shade frowns behind his mask. It was a step but it wasn't good enough. Painting with the art of memory manipulation, what does he think will happen if he successfully cleansed the blood? Would this be sufficient?

He blatantly ignores the doctor's question and instead focuses his entire attention on the body that his long claw is touching.

Putting useful bits and pieces here and there you find blood replacement the primary benefit is the removal of bacteria and toxins from the blood of the sick. Once this is done the immune systems of the affected will have time to recover somewhat which combined with how this method removes the septicaemia from those infected will dramatically improve chances of recovery, all but guarantee it with the right antibiotics. One persons years of biology study raises the concern of the change in the numerous dissolved stuff in the blood but the fact these are homeless people suggests whoever's blood you use is probably from someone heathier and better fed.

As another memory clicks into place, apparently someone studying to become a haematologist. It raises the concern about what if the new blood is from someone with some condition or another like haemophilia or HIV.

Bad Company HQ

"I have been busy. Do we know why he would break into a hospital? And wait, how did you know that Mirage was there? Can't she make herself invisible of some sh*t?"

"That isn't known yet. The Protectorate was on site quickly enough that whatever their plan it probably wasn't successful. As for how I know my inside information, it's my power really. It can tell me, among other things, the passwords to get onto any files, even the PRT's and they just cant stop me. As a large international organisation they need to put the info onto their computers, they won't just change the entire system to stop me.

Nebula looks with wide eyes as Fortress reshapes the building. "That's awesome!" she exclaims enthusiastically. "It's like Fortress is a god and we're in his realm." The implications that immidiately follows sends a slight chilld own her spine, if Fortress could move walls this effortly he could also move them in around her.

Seeker laughs in good humour "I suppose that's one way to put it." say says before giggling away.

Going by the emotions of the building she is not the only one with those feelings. as the two of you make your way down the shifting corridor that folds back into it's original position

"Any other glaring awesomeness you have been keeping from me?" she asks Seeker with a teasing eyebrow raised.

"Nothing too fancy really, walls are reinforced against most things and soundproofed. In case of emergency we are able to seal off the lower levels, better than an Endbringer shelter if the worst happens and you're in costume. You get your own quarters if you ever need 'em. The armoury's worth a look if your into that. And we have a number of vehicles including a Tinkertech hovercraft to get us around".

"Ah, here here." says Seeker before turning to an otherwise unremarkable door.

Inside the room is large and has two current occupants, one is Pulse sat in front of a television with the news on and the other is an unmasked Hispanic man who looks around his early twenties. The man is in front of a table with a coffee machine, presently brewing a cup.

He sees the two of you enter and waves with a polite smile "Hola, You must be Nebula si, er, yes? Care for a cup? Seeker, you?

2018-03-06, 04:41 AM

Shade smiles satisfied behind the mask. Now he had his solution, now it just needed to be refined. He is about to implement it when the second memory appears. He frowns. The conserns about transmitted diseases were valid. But if that were an actual consern, why weren't people made aware of it on Face's website? Still better to pick the right subject for the blood transfusion.

He pulls up a mental Face map of the hospital when he initially made contact with it. Starting from the informaiton disk he mentally tracks the signs towards the blood donation department and once there he goes through the bodies of the people who donated blood that day. There were intense screenings of those. He also picks someone young, partly because he remember reading that blood infusion in younger people made older people more active and partly because a young person had had left time to contract a disease.

Having picked his 'donor' he swaps out a single blood cell in the homeless guy and in the mental model of the homeless he zooms in to the surrounding area to see what happens on a cellular level. If nothing seems to go wrong and none of the doctor memories imply that something is off he continues to a small section of the blood stream. If nothing seems off he'll do a sweep of multiple smaller segments and give it 10 minutes. If nothing seems wrong at that point he'll do all of the blood.

He observes for 15 minutes to spot for errors or something being off and consult the doctors memories for more possible complications. If nothing comes up he'll asks the homeless person: "How do you feel?"

Bad Company HQ

As for how I know my inside information, it's my power really. It can tell me, among other things, the passwords to get onto any files, even the PRT's and they just cant stop me. As a large international organisation they need to put the info onto their computers, they won't just change the entire system to stop me.

Nebula stops dead in her tracks. "WHAT?", she exclaims in loud disbelief. There's a long pause during which she waits for Seeker to say that she was just kidding: "That. is incredible. Holy. No. That's.." she scratches her head: "The implications of that is.. I need you to show me!"

Nebula had considered lying and pretending to be friendly with Justice but had quickly discarded the idea. Being in a stress situation and being under the loop her heartrate would increase and with Justice's supernatural hearing it would give her away. So she had needed to give him another reason for her agitation. And one idea sprang readily to mind.

"How closely do you... interact with the Tarot?" she asks while walking towards the meeting room, not bothering to hide the animosity in her voice.

Once they arrived to the room Nebula put on a neutral face.

"That's me", she answered coldly, not responding to the greeting or to the offer for a cup. She took a seat and sent Pulse a nod.

2018-03-09, 02:03 PM
Shade smiles satisfied behind the mask. Now he had his solution, now it just needed to be refined. He is about to implement it when the second memory appears. He frowns. The conserns about transmitted diseases were valid. But if that were an actual consern, why weren't people made aware of it on Face's website? Still better to pick the right subject for the blood transfusion.

He pulls up a mental Face map of the hospital when he initially made contact with it. Starting from the informaiton disk he mentally tracks the signs towards the blood donation department and once there he goes through the bodies of the people who donated blood that day. There were intense screenings of those. He also picks someone young, partly because he remember reading that blood infusion in younger people made older people more active and partly because a young person had had left time to contract a disease.

Having picked his 'donor' he swaps out a single blood cell in the homeless guy and in the mental model of the homeless he zooms in to the surrounding area to see what happens on a cellular level. If nothing seems to go wrong and none of the doctor memories imply that something is off he continues to a small section of the blood stream. If nothing seems off he'll do a sweep of multiple smaller segments and give it 10 minutes. If nothing seems wrong at that point he'll do all of the blood.

He observes for 15 minutes to spot for errors or something being off and consult the doctors memories for more possible complications.

The body of your patient shows no bad reaction to the blood, treating it as it's own without an immune response. At least that's the impression you get from one blob not getting harassed by other native blobs.

If nothing comes up he'll asks the homeless person: "How do you feel?"

"Like ****." is the blunt response as the person seems suddenly surprised and looks down at themselves "But, yeh, better. Pains gone".

Bad Company HQ

Nebula stops dead in her tracks. "WHAT?", she exclaims in loud disbelief. There's a long pause during which she waits for Seeker to say that she was just kidding: "That. is incredible. Holy. No. That's.." she scratches her head: "The implications of that is.. I need you to show me!"

"Um, okay..." Says Seeker who doesn't quite get the big deal being used to her power, "Like what"?

Nebula had considered lying and pretending to be friendly with Justice but had quickly discarded the idea. Being in a stress situation and being under the loop her heartrate would increase and with Justice's supernatural hearing it would give her away. So she had needed to give him another reason for her agitation. And one idea sprang readily to mind.

"How closely do you... interact with the Tarot?" she asks while walking towards the meeting room, not bothering to hide the animosity in her voice.

"Not often, they propose the odd job when they decide they have better things to do, but they have the manpower to not need to. Hell, I think when they do that it's more an 'or else' thing. You ever seen video of Death in action?" she sights stops a shudder that you still 'see' thanks to your emotion sense. "Like squashing bugs. And when you're wanted dead he just Kool-Aid man's through your wall".

"Nobody in this city likes the Tarot but between Death and Emperor there is not much we can do." Says Seeker almost bitter "Protectorate won't even send in Eidolon because of Fool. 'Corse I say this but I've only been part of Company for a couple years and had to put up with then only twice".

Once they arrived to the room Nebula put on a neutral face.

"That's me", she answered coldly, not responding to the greeting or to the offer for a cup.

"Well good to meet you." says the man ignoring your demeanour "I'm Thunderbird in costume, real name will have to wait until the prying ears leave.

"I'll take a cup." says Seeker.

She took a seat and sent Pulse a nod.

"Nebula." she replies coldly. "Boss left the envelope containing The codes and identification you need with me." she reaches to the adjacent table and passes over a large brown envelope.

2018-03-12, 01:02 PM

Milla suppresses the impulsion to snort and instead, in a neutral tone says: "Try moving around", and then turns to the doctor: "I cleaned the bloodstream, cleaned the wound and restored tissue to a normal state. If they get the right antibiotics they should be fine." and then to Rat King: "The first took a long time because I wanted to be sure. Now that I know the problem it'll be faster for the next. Let's continue"

For future patients Shade will assume that their problems are similar and only make brief checks to be sure that things are in working order.

Bad Company HQ

Nebual loses a little of her steam when she sees Seeker's responds. "You have access to all their plans and blueprints of their tinkertech?", she tries.

"Not often, they propose the odd job when they decide they have better things to do, but they have the manpower to not need to. Hell, I think when they do that it's more an 'or else' thing. You ever seen video of Death in action?"

"Does the option of refusing to take a job still stand when it comes to Tarot? Or are there special rules since they are so dominant?". It didn't really matter what the answer was, the point were that Justice would be listening in and would get the impression she didn't like Tarot.


Nebula looks from Pulse to Thunderbird and back, and then burst into laughter. "I thought you were Justice", she laugh again and then shoots him an apologetic look. "Sorry. Hi, I'm Nebula. I look forward to working with you". She then extends a hand.

"Thanks" Nebula takes the envelope with a sheepish look. Hopefully they wouldn't be holding this too much against her. She is however unable to ressist the temptations of touching Pulse when she reaches for the envelope.

2018-03-12, 07:16 PM

Milla suppresses the impulsion to snort and instead, in a neutral tone says: "Try moving around",
Your patient does as told, stretching his arms and legs before twisting himself round and slowly trying to stand.

"Hey, yeah, better." he says his emotions making his elation clear. "Hey, what do I call ya"?

and then turns to the doctor: "I cleaned the bloodstream, cleaned the wound and restored tissue to a normal state. If they get the right antibiotics they should be fine." and then to Rat King: "The first took a long time because I wanted to be sure. Now that I know the problem it'll be faster for the next. Let's continue"

For future patients Shade will assume that their problems are similar and only make brief checks to be sure that things are in working order.

"Rat King only nods but you can see the metaphorical weight lift off his shoulders with your emotion sense".

"You said right antibiotics?" Asks the doctor "I used what I did because it's cheep and usually effective, what do you suggest"?

[b]Bad Company HQ

Nebual loses a little of her steam when she sees Seeker's responds. "You have access to all their plans and blueprints of their tinkertech?", she tries.
"Yeah, I'll show you some later. Don't expect to make some yourself though, most Tinkers keep awful notes and when I try and put things together it always is missin' something.

"Does the option of refusing to take a job still stand when it comes to Tarot? Or are there special rules since they are so dominant?". It didn't really matter what the answer was, the point were that Justice would be listening in and would get the impression she didn't like Tarot.
"Yes, it's just your risk to take when that happens. We'd back you up if they try something though".

Nebula looks from Pulse to Thunderbird and back, and then burst into laughter. "I thought you were Justice", she laugh again and then shoots him an apologetic look. "Sorry. Hi, I'm Nebula. I look forward to working with you". She then extends a hand.

Thunderbird laughs heartily as he takes your hand "If only the wings didn't get in the way indoors eh?" he turns to the laughing Seeker "See, now I'm being mistaken for a woman? I told the boss I should keep charged or people wont recognise me".

Your emotion sense even shows even Pulse finds this amusing despite hiding it well.

He turns back to you. "Anyway brave to offer your hand to the human joy buzzer, here's to a successful future. I'd offer champagne but policy is no drinking if we're planning later so that has to wait.

I will write up Thunderbird's power next time I post. As for choosing to accept it or not be mindful it has a subtle compulsion to desire electrocution and to 'charge' yourself

"Thanks" Nebula takes the envelope with a sheepish look. Hopefully they wouldn't be holding this too much against her. She is however unable to ressist the temptations of touching Pulse when she reaches for the envelope.
You try to go for a touch but your fingers stay just apart and to inch forward would be weird and suspicious.

Rolled a dice for it, came up a 14, so no touch.

"Flood will finish with Justice soon, until then we wait." says Pulse.

2018-03-13, 05:07 PM

"Hey, what do I call ya"?

"Shade" was the reply

"I used what I did because it's cheep and usually effective, what do you suggest"?

Shade starts the mental digging again. What was it about these antibiotics that made them bad? If he finds it he'll tell and if he doesn't he'll say: "I'll need to look again."

Bad Company HQ

"Yeah, I'll show you some later. Don't expect to make some yourself though, most Tinkers keep awful notes and when I try and put things together it always is missin' something.

"I guess your power doesn't let you fill in the blanks?"

"See, now I'm being mistaken for a woman? I told the boss I should keep charged or people wont recognise me".

Nebula blinks. "Justice is a woman?" and then "I guess that's fitting with lady justice and all."

Anyway brave to offer your hand to the human joy buzzer, here's to a successful future. I'd offer champagne but policy is no drinking if we're planning later so that has to wait.

"Well, if you're going to be playing pranks on me I might as well learn it earlier", she says with a smile and a shrug.

Nebula keeps her displeasure with the lack of exposure to herself but her mind is set. She sits down besides Pulse and starts opening the letter. As she takes it out of the envelope she'll cross her legs and try to 'accidentally' touch Pulse. Followed by a quick apology and making distance.

2018-03-14, 05:00 PM
Shade starts the mental digging again. What was it about these antibiotics that made them bad? If he finds it he'll tell and if he doesn't he'll say: "I'll need to look again."
After a minute something clicks. Levaquin, Rocephin, Garamycin, or some combination of the three should prove effective. Apparently the issue was that antibiotics were each limited to functioning of some bacteria but not all. What the doctor was using was likely something the bacteria were resistant towards.

Bad Company HQ
"I guess your power doesn't let you fill in the blanks?"
"No." she says shrugging, "It's the weirdest thing, stick the finished thing in front of me and I can fix it indefinitely, but I can never build by own. You know what bugs me? PRT sill call me a Tinker. Can't help but feel like they are rubbing it in my face".

"Well, if you're going to be playing pranks on me I might as well learn it earlier", she says with a smile and a shrug.
"Ah, Don't worry about it, I know better".

Nebula keeps her displeasure with the lack of exposure to herself but her mind is set. She sits down besides Pulse and starts opening the letter. As she takes it out of the envelope she'll cross her legs and try to 'accidentally' touch Pulse. Followed by a quick apology and making distance.

You manage to get yourself an exposure with no questions asked.

Sorry no time to write up powers today. Will do so before they may become relevant.

And so the team is left to mingle for a while. Then, finally Fortress messages you all through a newly sprouted lung in the celling.

""And at last we can stop watching our tongues. Justice is gone, and we are all to join the others in meeting room three"...

...Once there the room is much like thee one used during your recruitment. Flood and 'Roach are already seated and everyone takes a seat.

"First on the agenda, let me officially welcome Nebula into Bad Company." says Flood like someone used to public speaking before going back to all business.

"Before getting down to business I'm afraid to tell you we may end up having to work with the Tarot again over this. Emperor has suggested our organisations share information on leads behind the one who attacked the hospital the other day. Unfortunately I couldn't find any reasonable justification to refuse that offer so until this matter is dealt with we are stuck with them. Their running theory thus far is a new Trump who got access to Protectorate documentation and tried to abduct or take out Mirage. On our end we will have t prepare a document on what we know, which for the informed I will specify is that the reason or the prompt Protectorate response was that Singularity provides all schools, hospitals, and other state services with a small robot that observes their security feeds and tracks possible parahuman activity, particularly Strangers and Shapeshifters".

"Now that is out of the way, Nebula, As you are new here do you have any questions before we begin"?

2018-03-15, 10:39 AM

Shade conveys what his power told him as his own information and then turns to Rat King: "Next person please"

Bad Company HQ

"It's the weirdest thing, stick the finished thing in front of me and I can fix it indefinitely, but I can never build by own. You know what bugs me? PRT sill call me a Tinker. Can't help but feel like they are rubbing it in my face"

"How insensitive" Nebula agrees teasingly.

Nebula holds her gaze steady on the letter without reading as she allows the rewarding surge to pass through her body.

"And at last we can stop watching our tongues. Justice is gone, and we are all to join the others in meeting room three"

"Do we know his.. her range?"

"First on the agenda, let me officially welcome Nebula into Bad Company."

Nebula nods in responds but doesn't interupt to say anything. It looked like Flood had more to say.

She listens to Flood's explanation of her talk with some suspicion. There was a chance, however low, that some of the thiker Tarot members had identified her as being the culprint and had come to 'warn' Flood. She quickly shakes the thought away. If they had been discussing her specifically she would have learned with Mary's power. Just to be safe though she checks in to see whether Flood's emotions towards her were different now.

"Now that is out of the way, Nebula, As you are new here do you have any questions before we begin"?

Nebula shrugs. "Iduno. I don't know much about how you operate during missions but I guess I'll be briefed around that when we get to it. I guess when is the first mission?"

2018-03-19, 08:33 PM
Shade conveys what his power told him as his own information and then turns to Rat King: "Next person please"

The next patient, this one in worst state is similar to the first, only with greater bloodborne toxin buildup. Meaning it should be able to be cured the same way.

Bad Company HQ[/B]

"Do we know his.. her range?"

"Only equivalent to that of any of us, her hearing just ignores any obstacles. Same range, just better within that range" replies Flood before he turns to Seeker " I believe there was something else too"?

"It also in effect lets her hear every sound she could hear individually and process all that information at once. So a, say a jackhammer is beside her and a pin drops a short distance away she hears both perfectly. Manton effect limited too, so no heartbeats or that sort of thing." She replies.

"Iduno. I don't know much about how you operate during missions but I guess I'll be briefed around that when we get to it. I guess when is the first mission?"[/COLOR]

The planning stage begins now. It would be good to get yourself acquainted with how we do things, weather you end up in the field or not".

Flood turns to talk to the team on the whole as the screed behind him turns on "The job is the stealing of corporate data from Hal-Com, a company with ties to The Crew, for one of their rivals. Standard cape-assisted corporate sabotage. These files are stored offline so we need to go in and get them manually". Flood moves aside as half the screen behind him shows a blueprint layout while the other has several pictures of the interior and exterior.

"Before any further planning who is in on this? In any case I'd suggest we avoid going in loud on this one. Keep the heavies in the back while the rest infiltrate.

Forgot to specify the envelope with the IDs and such also included a burner phone preloaded with everyone's contact details, using fake civilian names.

2018-03-24, 11:58 AM

Shade mentally pulls up his sleeves and gets to work on the next patient.

Bad Company

"Huh, that's less impressive that I thought. Although I should be sure to say that where he can't hear it", Nebula says in a playful tone.

She listens to the briefing with a serious face: "I'm in", she says.

You might wnat to give an extra look at format for future posts. The two quotes in the last post was painful :smalltongue:
Also I've been sick for the last week, lack of posting was due to that.

2018-03-28, 07:54 PM
Shade mentally pulls up his sleeves and gets to work on the next patient.

The patients go one after the other and soon you're done. They still need bedrest and an eye on them just in case but they should be sorted.

"So... They're good? After the antibiotics you suggested anyway?" the doctor asks, pleased with things.

"Well, I believe this is you end of the bargain." Adds Rat King who holds out a hand "You are free to recruit from within my territories". He looks over to a few of his people who came at some call.

"All of you make sure the word is known. Shade is permitted to hire from within my territories". Those who join are still welcome here under the same rules as always". the small groups spread out at the order.

Bad Company
She listens to the briefing with a serious face: "I'm in", she says.

"So am I." says Seeker.

"I'll do it." Pulse chimes in.

"Lets do this thing." adds Fortress from above.

"I've have to pass, got a date tonight, I can stick around for this part though." adds Thunderbird.

"And me makes five." finishes Flood with a nod. "Nebula, you're up to speed on what everyone can do right?"

You might wnat to give an extra look at format for future posts. The two quotes in the last post was painful :smalltongue:

Yeah, that happens sometimes, usually catch it when it's the text colour

Ironically enough I missed the end quotes in this posit until I previewed it...

2018-03-30, 03:01 PM

"As good as they were before they were impacted, which is to say malnourished and sleeping on the streets", Shade responds, trying to keep his tone neutral. It was such bull**** that there was so many homeless starving people in the town in which you only had to go a few blocks over before the wealth practically flooded onto the streets.

He doesn't miss a beat accepting the extended hand. Power, sweet power. "Pleasure doing business with you", he says and leaves it at that. He hadn't actually gotten his prize yet so there weren't any point in being overly pleases. The stage was set though and now all he had to do was wait as the rumours spread and someone was desperate enough to seek help despite Shade's discouraging appearance.

He showed himself out.

Bad Company HQ

"Mostly?", Nebula starts responding. "You turn into water and can control some amount of water. Pulse here", she says with a friendly pat on the back of the guy to her right: "works as our imprumto door opener and have an Alexandra package besides. Seeker knows how tech work and have some unspecified tinker trinkets. 'Roach can take a beating like no other and is pretty good at close quarter combat."

2018-03-30, 06:45 PM

"As good as they were before they were impacted, which is to say malnourished and sleeping on the streets", Shade responds, trying to keep his tone neutral. It was such bull**** that there was so many homeless starving people in the town in which you only had to go a few blocks over before the wealth practically flooded onto the streets.

He doesn't miss a beat accepting the extended hand. Power, sweet power. "Pleasure doing business with you", he says and leaves it at that. He hadn't actually gotten his prize yet so there weren't any point in being overly pleases. The stage was set though and now all he had to do was wait as the rumours spread and someone was desperate enough to seek help despite Shade's discouraging appearance.

He showed himself out.

Time passes and some people begin to trickle in. A man on a crutch, an elderly woman, and a handful of teens who see this as an opportunity for something bigger, are the first...

Rolling for exactly how many you get to start off with.

As they come some ask some questions about how your operation will be run.
"Hey, any chance you have a roof for us, or is a base of operations something you are working your way up to"?

"Yo, by any chance is there any money in this job beside healing? one of the guys here, he gets it real bad unless he has a little of the good stuff to take the edge off y'know. The offer might help call more guys in too".

Bad Company HQ

"Mostly?", Nebula starts responding. "You turn into water and can control some amount of water. Pulse here", she says with a friendly pat on the back of the guy to her right: "works as our imprumto door opener and have an Alexandra package besides. Seeker knows how tech work and have some unspecified tinker trinkets. 'Roach can take a beating like no other and is pretty good at close quarter combat."

"About right. I can also change my water's temperature, and you know doubt know Fortress attaches to a building and controls it like his own body". Adds Flood. "So who all is in favour of a stealthier approach"? he continues.

"I'm fine with whatever. begins Fortress.

"Stealth for me." votes Seeker.

You see interest directed towards you and then contemplation in Pulse for a second "Lets see what our new shapeshifter can do".

"Guess stealth it is." Comments 'Roach "Won't have much to add other than as a distraction though".

Pulse turns to you "First Idea. Would you have issue with a solo infiltration? I'm thinking have you carry a camera and earpiece so Seeker can feed you info from nearby. I fly in as backup if it goes **** up.

2018-04-01, 02:02 AM

"Hey, any chance you have a roof for us, or is a base of operations something you are working your way up to"?

"Eh". Shade is taking aback by the question. "Yes, I have a base", he responds trying to hide his building panic. There were so many people and he had squat leadership experience, and the casual tone that his future minions were speaking to him were throwing him off. He is thankful that the mask is hiding his face. Discretely he takes a deep breath. 'Just stick to the plan', he reminds himself. The plan, right.

"Yo, by any chance is there any money in this job beside healing? one of the guys here, he gets it real bad unless he has a little of the good stuff to take the edge off y'know. The offer might help call more guys in too"

When the next recruit speaks up he is better prepared.

"I'm not interested in more people. I am interested in loyal people. And if you're only here for the money you should leave. Healing is not the only gift I can bestow but I will revoke most of my gifts if you decide to leave later."

He tenses behind the costume, ancitipating that some will leave. Hopefully at least a few will stay. Please?

For anyone that stays Shade will start doing interviews one by one, asking them about their life, why they ended up here, and what problems they have.

Bad Company HQ

Nebula have to pull herself out of the euphoria she got from touching Pulse. So much juice in just one person. She wanted all of it.

"Yes? That shouldn't be a problem."

2018-04-04, 02:45 PM
When the next recruit speaks up he is better prepared.

"I'm not interested in more people. I am interested in loyal people. And if you're only here for the money you should leave. Healing is not the only gift I can bestow but I will revoke most of my gifts if you decide to leave later."

He tenses behind the costume, ancitipating that some will leave. Hopefully at least a few will stay. Please?

Messed up the roll. Re-rolled t by myself and you keep a total of 13 people.

A few of those considering joining decide to leave, mostly the more able bodied and a couple of the teens but more than half stay.

For anyone that stays Shade will start doing interviews one by one, asking them about their life, why they ended up here, and what problems they have.
I will edit in a list with a brief summary of everyone later. Still sick, lost track of time

Bad Company HQ

Nebula have to pull herself out of the euphoria she got from touching Pulse. So much juice in just one person. She wanted all of it.

"Yes? That shouldn't be a problem."

"We will call this plan A then." says Flood before saying to the group "Then we need an identity for Nebula to steal. I propose we check their records for anyone absent from work at the time, find their house and then I and Nebula get in, I restrain all witnesses, she takes their form and ID, we leave then in ice for a couple hours so nobody gets warned".

"Sounds good" says Seeker "Fortress, can I get my laptop over"? It is not long until the wall stretches over to deposit said laptop as Seeker gets to work.

'Roach is next to comment "The best way I see to contribute is I stick with Seeker in support. If things go wrong I bust in and become a distraction, Seeker evacs with some of me in case of PRT, and I force security to divide themselves between me at the bottom and Nebula and Pulse higher up. Any capes show up and they have to go through me. Oh, on the topic of evac, Fortress could do that if we're going in quiet?

"Probably..." says the voice from above in thought "I could move into the building next door when Flood and Nebula are after the guy, if we find one. I come with the others, Pulse hides on the roof, 'Roach and Seeker drive around the block so it's not suspicious, and to get Nebula out I stretch over as a bridge. Bring everyone to me and I drop us in the sewers".

"Which leaves me open to assist elsewhere..." adds Flood.

Leaving things at a bit you can use to comment on the plain or raise a suggestion.

Giving you some options here. Even after Bad Company finish off this plan they still discuss other options, I just directed things to get this one up first. Would you prefer A). The whole team continues to discuss things even after the ins and outs of this pan are sorted out, or B). We just assume the current plan is decided to be the best bet?

2018-04-09, 07:59 AM

Shade stares in disbelief as only a single guy walks away. What? Were they suicidal? He had just told them that they'd effectively be bound to him if they stayed and they still wanted to. He should feel happy about this but there was an unnerving feeling of taking advantage of people. And this many people.

He mentally shakes his head. No. This were minor. He were helping all these people and he needed them for the changes he was going to make to the city. He could never stop Tarot alone and he needed to gather loyal people if he were to have any chance of creating the world he wanted.

He'll take the people he find exploitable to his base of operations. He'll transfer the Mark onto the forearm of each of them as a symbol of initiation, give them the password to the base and send someone out for food.

Waiting for interviews but I'm moving forwards under the assumption that at least one person seems trustworthy.
Also the rat cage have to be moved to a more discrete place.

Spotting Spotter

Back at base Shade was sitting in his office facing away from the door. Two knocks are heard from the door. He waits for a few seconds before in a strong voice proclaiming: "Enter."

He waits as he listens to the door opening and the two pairs of feet entering, slightly limping and another is accompanied with a thump for every other step. He wouldn't have noticed the third person in the room if he hadn't been paying attention to the feelings of those who entered. They were mostly fear. Good.

Kame Ushioda(eye), Gabriel de la Cruz(athritis), Doniece Jordan(age)

Without making any movements he calls Pulse power to slowly push the chair to turn around to face Gabriel de la Cruz and Doniece Jordan, with Kame Ushioda standing slightly behind the two. "You came", he observes in a pleased voice.

The man shoots the woman a look unsure of how to react. Eventually he decides on: "As you asked for, Shade"

"Lord Shade", the immediate responds comes: "And yes I did. I have a task for you. You are to find and follow Spotter and learn where he lives without him or anyone else noticing." He pauses and extends a clawed hand: "Now, come closer"

He waits for them to come closer and assuming they do he'll touch the tattoo on their forearm and grant them a boon. For Doniece he regresses her age with about 20 years, for Gabriel he cures his arthritis and for Kame he grows a new eye from the tissue in her eye socket. "Consider this your first gift, granted in trust of what you will become. I hope I won't be disappointed."

I took the liberty of controlling the NPC's a little here. Let me know if it was too much.

Bad Company HQ

On ice? Nebula feels a little unnerved by the thought. Hopefully Flood were talking metaphorically and not physically.

Nebula nods in agreement with the plan but still raises a question: "So what's plan B?"

Let's say that the plan is decided upon and move on to the active part.
Just a note on Shade's plan with Bad Company. She's primarily here to get to touch all the the capes and hopefully get to fight some of the capes from the other organizations. She wants to appear competent enough that they'll want to keep her but doesn't real too much of her competences.

2018-04-11, 06:12 PM
Spotting Spotter
Back at base Shade was sitting in his office facing away from the door. Two knocks are heard from the door. He waits for a few seconds before in a strong voice proclaiming: "Enter."

He waits as he listens to the door opening and the two pairs of feet entering, slightly limping and another is accompanied with a thump for every other step. He wouldn't have noticed the third person in the room if he hadn't been paying attention to the feelings of those who entered. They were mostly fear. Good.

Kame Ushioda(eye), Gabriel de la Cruz(athritis), Doniece Jordan(age)

Without making any movements he calls Pulse power to slowly push the chair to turn around to face Gabriel de la Cruz and Doniece Jordan, with Kame Ushioda standing slightly behind the two. "You came", he observes in a pleased voice.

The man shoots the woman a look unsure of how to react. Eventually he decides on: "As you asked for, Shade"

"Lord Shade", the immediate responds comes: "And yes I did. I have a task for you. You are to find and follow Spotter and learn where he lives without him or anyone else noticing." He pauses and extends a clawed hand: "Now, come closer"

He waits for them to come closer and assuming they do he'll touch the tattoo on their forearm and grant them a boon. For Doniece he regresses her age with about 20 years, for Gabriel he cures his arthritis and for Kame he grows a new eye from the tissue in her eye socket. "Consider this your first gift, granted in trust of what you will become. I hope I won't be disappointed."

Your servants notice the rapid loss of their various issues. Gabriel stretches before standing a little taller while Kame gently prods the area around here new eye after seeing Doniece's rejuvenation.

"Spotter?" asks Gabriel "That's the kid right"?

"Sha-erm, Lord? Shade, I have a place to start" voices Kame turning back to you. "Some women I know have children about high-school age, how about I ask if there's set to be a presentation By the wards? we might trail them afterword or something".

Bad Company HQ
On ice? Nebula feels a little unnerved by the thought. Hopefully Flood were talking metaphorically and not physically.

Nebula nods in agreement with the plan but still raises a question: "So what's plan B?"

Let's say that the plan is decided upon and move on to the active part.
Just a note on Shade's plan with Bad Company. She's primarily here to get to touch all the the capes and hopefully get to fight some of the capes from the other organizations. She wants to appear competent enough that they'll want to keep her but doesn't real too much of her competences.

The Plan in Action:
With a number of approaches put forward the team decides on the original suggestion. Flood will be with you as both a general purpose problem solver and on-hand muscle who can deal with a problem as it arises.

Next up was the ins and outs. What to do what can go wrong, you were to study the blueprints in case your ability to communicate with Seeker was compromised. What can go wrong will go wrong and what will go wrong you are prepared for. Then you were briefed on the parahumans of The Crew and how to counter or work around them, both in and out of disguise.

Bad company are paranoid.

In the end the near perfect guy to serve as a distraction is found. Benjamin Jacobs, a major shareholder and manager, working his way to the board of directors. And presently off with the cold.

You and Flood will have ten minutes where Seeker will knock out his security. In this time Flood will restrain Benjamin and his family while you take his form and car. By the time you are ready Seeker will have prepared copies of Benjamin's ID that will be picked up shortly before infiltration.

Go Time:
After getting dropped off nearby you and Flood travel by rooftop until you are looking down at the fancy building your target calls home from the adjacent roof.

You see the standard 'rich person' house. Pool in the back, glass aplenty on the ground floor letting in light, and surveillance cameras studding the walls.

Flood, transformed back due to his inability to speak when transformed, looks to you and pulls out his phone. "Reddy? We have to be quick about this".

2018-04-14, 06:24 AM
Spotting Spotter

Shade follows their movements closely.

"Spotter?" asks Gabriel "That's the kid right"?

Shade nods in responds. He's mildly suprised that he doesn't sense any qualms about stalking a kid but suppose that being crippled and nobody caring took a toll on your moral.

"Sha-erm, Lord? Shade, I have a place to start" voices Kame turning back to you. "Some women I know have children about high-school age, how about I ask if there's set to be a presentation By the wards? we might trail them afterword or something"

"I trust that you will succeed", Lord Shade says indicating that they don't need his permission for how they go around succeeding the task.

The plan in Action

Nebula listens carefully to the plan and make liberal use of handshakes and pats on the shoulder when someone makes a good suggestion.

Go Time

Nebula were standing beside Flood looking down on the building. The wind followed her feline figure and rustled up her fur. She had taken a werepanther form for increased mobility, flexibility and stealth for the occation. She barred her fangs in anticipation. "Ready", she purrs.

She'll take any opportunity presented to 'fall' and 'accidently' touch Flood although only once.

2018-04-16, 06:02 PM
Spotting Spotter
"I trust that you will succeed", Lord Shade says indicating that they don't need his permission for how they go around succeeding the task.

Your new servants leave, discussing their options on the way out.

The plan in Action

Nebula listens carefully to the plan and make liberal use of handshakes and pats on the shoulder when someone makes a good suggestion.

By the time the plan is settled you manage an exposure of both 'Roach and Pulse.

Pulse: [roll0]
'Roach: [roll1]

Go Time[/B]

Nebula were standing beside Flood looking down on the building. The wind followed her feline figure and rustled up her fur. She had taken a werepanther form for increased mobility, flexibility and stealth for the occation. She barred her fangs in anticipation. "Ready", she purrs.

She'll take any opportunity presented to 'fall' and 'accidently' touch Flood although only once.

Flood dials Seeker on his phone to signal the security knockout. "I'll get the door and head upstairs, you take downstairs. I'll be back down then we get him. Remember to keep an eye out for his keys too".

He transforms and drops, turning to steam and gliding for a few seconds after to splash into him on the way down. By the time you arrive he had slipped under the door and has a watery limb (or rather most of his body) into the lock and is pressing himself into the shape of the key, all the while growing his mass towards the stairs.

Exposure acquired. Floods power and 3/6 version of Pulse's will be written next time I am posting.

Door opened you see that the stairs are to the left and block sight to the area behind then. The room is open plan and you can hear music and tone-death singing, probably Benjamin's wife from out of view. Flood is already pouring upstairs.

2018-04-18, 03:45 PM
Minion management

With the three scouts gone Scourge talks to Troy Cannon. He instructs the one-armed ex-military man to train the recruits, both in physical stamina and in combat. He is to use the underground training grounds and are free to draw on the firearm or combat experience of the other recruits.

The Plan in Action

Nebula struggles hard to keep a neutral facial expression while the euphoric feelings of getting not one but two power exposures.

She remains politely interested throughout the rest of the meeting.

Go Time

With Flood heading upwards, Nebula crawls forward. Putting one padded paw-like hand in front of the other she sneaks ahed, staying out of sight she attempts to get an idea of who is in the ground floor by using her refined hearing and smell.

Face, Roach, Moses, Queen Bee, Speed Demon, Bloody Mary, Chimera, and Mirage

2018-04-23, 05:57 PM
Minion management
With the three scouts gone Scourge talks to Troy Cannon. He instructs the one-armed ex-military man to train the recruits, both in physical stamina and in combat. He is to use the underground training grounds and are free to draw on the firearm or combat experience of the other recruits.

Troy salutes "Yes sir."

After an inspection of facilities training begins within the hour, with Troy channelling memories of his old drill sergeant.
I'm assuming Try gets a new, roughly matching, arm?

Go Time

With Flood heading upwards, Nebula crawls forward. Putting one padded paw-like hand in front of the other she sneaks ahed, staying out of sight she attempts to get an idea of who is in the ground floor by using her refined hearing and smell.

Face, Roach, Moses, Queen Bee, Speed Demon, Bloody Mary, Chimera, and Mirage

The smells are of the whole family. Four people, the pork getting put into the oven almost able to be mistaken for a fifth. Two perfumes and a scented deodorant, mostly clinging to the seating with any airborne since settled with the exception of one of the perfumes. Almost definitely the wife downstairs then. You hear metal and ceramic grinding slightly, an oven opening, and metal utensils are set down with a slight clang when one collides with the other.

This leaves the target upstairs alongside his two children. As long as she isn't facing towards you when you turn the corner or you are unlucky and she sops you from the corner of her eye all should be good.

Added floods power if you missed that. Also added 2/3 Pulse.

I'd imagine rolling a dice when turning the corner and doing whatever you decide to is a good idea.

2018-04-24, 08:36 AM
Minion Management

Shade stands and watches the training for 20 minutes

Not quite yet. The others needed the new parts to do a great job and served as a good showcase that Shade can actually do what she says she can. Troy hasn't done anything great yet and needs to earn it a little. Shade fully intends to give it to him somewhere down the line but if she gives her gifts out too loosely they will stop matter.

Drugs and rewards

When finding the available time Shade will search online for illegal drug related locations in down. Ideally the city had safe injection sites but if not she'd give priority to anywhere they legally administrated drugs and drug rehabilitation centers.

Go Time

Nebula shakes her head trying to dissect the many different smells. Only one woman in the kitchen? Her mission was to touch and restrict her husband but if she heard noice from upstairs and called the police the operation would be ruined, so she would have to take the woman out.

She silently crawls forward to just behind the counter and waits. She listens intensely to the footsteps and noices in the kitchen, and when it appears that the woman have turned her back towards her, she draws on Speed-Demons power to run out from her hiding spot and pounces onto the woman, intending to knock her out with a good jap to the head. Hopefully it wouldn't be permanent.

If the woman turns around that doesn't change her course of actions.

Chance roll: [roll0]
I don't know what happens at what roll though. For future action I suggest that I specify what I intend to do and you roll a d100 to decide what the result is.

2018-04-25, 04:17 PM
Minion Management

Shade stands and watches the training for 20 minutes
Troy handles things fairly well but is noticeably hampered by the one arm, limiting his ability to show the correct stance or hold. As it stands he is presently focussing on monitoring the health level and general fitness of your recuts. One that is done another ten minutes is spent of basic unarmed combat stance and just ensuring everyone is at the same level of throwing a punch without breaking something.

Drugs and rewards
When finding the available time Shade will search online for illegal drug related locations in down. Ideally the city had safe injection sites but if not she'd give priority to anywhere they legally administrated drugs and drug rehabilitation centers.

You find no safe injection sites, proposals to set them up being countered by how money would need to be diverted from hospitals and complaints from the public about helping the addicts.

What can be found are a trio of rehab clinics. The government funded centre is downtown while a private institution exists a few miles outside the city that focusses on using exposure to nature to help. The other private clinic exists in a midpoint of the two locations by the river and serves the public who would rather pay a premium that be subject to underfunded healthcare.

Legally issued drugs are found in the hospitals throughout the city as well as related structures, the smattering of dentists, a plastic surgeon who handles those who don't use Face for one reason or another, and a business that while ostensibly for tattoos and piercings also handles more extreme body modification such that they use painkillers.

Go Time
Nebula shakes her head trying to dissect the many different smells. Only one woman in the kitchen? Her mission was to touch and restrict her husband but if she heard noice from upstairs and called the police the operation would be ruined, so she would have to take the woman out.

She silently crawls forward to just behind the counter and waits. She listens intensely to the footsteps and noices in the kitchen, and when it appears that the woman have turned her back towards her, she draws on Speed-Demons power to run out from her hiding spot and pounces onto the woman, intending to knock her out with a good jap to the head. Hopefully it wouldn't be permanent.

If the woman turns around that doesn't change her course of actions.

The woman was facing the oven, thankfully positioned to the back wall once you turn. You get there with the stealth of a big cat and have your hands on her in under five seconds.

You see it in slow motion, only partly from Speed-Demon's power. Her emotions flip from contentedness and self-satisfaction, and then as you grab her panic. She jumps from fright which turns into true panic, and then nothing as you send her into unconsciousness before her whimper becomes a scream.

With it seems three upstairs you have a minute or two until Flood is done.


You have a full minute until you hear a teenage girl's voice from upstairs but that is quickly silenced.

Soon after you hear a metal door hinge squeak and then the sound of a shower running, previously muffled.
Letting you have a space to react.

Chance roll: [roll0]
I don't know what happens at what roll though. For future action I suggest that I specify what I intend to do and you roll a d100 to decide what the result is.

Sounds like a plan.

2018-04-27, 11:34 AM
Minion Management

Shade looked feeling satisfied. They'd be a good bunch of soldiers once Troy was done with them. She would need to give the grunt an arm within the comming week but he would have to cope with his helpers for now.

He then turns and with her loose cape flying behind him, he leaves the training ground.

Drugs and rewards

Taking the information in Shade considers. He wanted to have some drug alterated brains in his deposit for various uses but the trip to the hospital had scared him. Not so much for the fear of being caught but more for the fact that Fortress power had started attacking the heroes when she had disconnected. Maybe her fear had played in or maybe she just needed to give it clear orders. She would have to experiment with that before heading to those kinds of public facilities again, lest anyone would get hurt.

First though she goes through the mental map of the prior hospital and through the brains of the folks that touched the building to try to find people with a brain state that were altered due to an injection.

Go Time

Nebula winces as the woman falls limb to the ground. That gotta hurt. She listens to the womans breathing and does a quick check of the newly acquired mental map of her brain to be sure there aren't any permanent damage before heading onwards. She turns around and sends a look back and whispers: "Sorry". before continueing the search.

She'll search her current floor and if she finds nobody here, she will search the other floors.

2018-05-02, 05:07 PM
Drugs and rewards

Taking the information in Shade considers. He wanted to have some drug alterated brains in his deposit for various uses but the trip to the hospital had scared him. Not so much for the fear of being caught but more for the fact that Fortress power had started attacking the heroes when she had disconnected. Maybe her fear had played in or maybe she just needed to give it clear orders. She would have to experiment with that before heading to those kinds of public facilities again, lest anyone would get hurt.

First though she goes through the mental map of the prior hospital and through the brains of the folks that touched the building to try to find people with a brain state that were altered due to an injection.
It can be assumed that morphine is in use but I am struggling to find a list of other 'high' causing drags that would be found. I suppose you can pick [roll0] others that you know are reasonably common and just list their names and main effects to me.

Go Time
Nebula winces as the woman falls limb to the ground. That gotta hurt. She listens to the womans breathing and does a quick check of the newly acquired mental map of her brain to be sure there aren't any permanent damage before heading onwards. She turns around and sends a look back and whispers: "Sorry". before continueing the search.

She'll search her current floor and if she finds nobody here, she will search the other floors.

Brain damage:[roll1]


You find the woman is mostly fine beside a mild concussion that will have no longterm effects.

After searching downstairs to find it empty. Upstairs you reach the top to find Flood dragging a middle-aged and partly iced over man, Benjamin, from the shower. Flood continues to use ice to stick Benjamin's legs to his arms, leaving him 'hog tied'. The man is as terrified as one would imagine, screams muffled by the ice gag.

At the same time a watery tendril stretches over to offer you a set of keys as its mass begins pulling itself closer to you and taking humanoid shape.

2018-05-06, 04:25 PM
Drugs and Rewards

I'll do some research.

Go Time

Nebula nods, takes the key and walks over to Benjamin. She tries to ignore the feelings of terror emiting from the man but Queen Bee's power is insistingly showing them to the forefront of her mind. 'Don't worry', she silently reassures herself: 'we're not actually going to do anything with the guy, he'll be fine, we're just borrowing this from him'.

Oh her way to Benjamin she tries to discretely gain another exposure from Flood but letting her tail touch her on the way to the entrapped businessman.

She makes a small growl and sink her teeth into his neck, just enough to penetrate the skin, and still with her mouth connected to his side she transform until she resembles a copy of Benjamin.

She takes a napkin from the suit and wipes her mouth from the blood before turning back to Flood: "I'm ready."

2018-05-09, 06:37 PM
Go Time

Nebula nods, takes the key and walks over to Benjamin. She tries to ignore the feelings of terror emiting from the man but Queen Bee's power is insistingly showing them to the forefront of her mind. 'Don't worry', she silently reassures herself: 'we're not actually going to do anything with the guy, he'll be fine, we're just borrowing this from him'.

Oh her way to Benjamin she tries to discretely gain another exposure from Flood but letting her tail touch her on the way to the entrapped businessman.

She makes a small growl and sink her teeth into his neck, just enough to penetrate the skin, and still with her mouth connected to his side she transform until she resembles a copy of Benjamin.

She takes a napkin from the suit and wipes her mouth from the blood before turning back to Flood: "I'm ready."

Flood drags a last few things over to himself, A spare suit and a handful of assorted jewellery. Then he turns back into his human form, letting his excess mass plummet down the stairs. He leans down to talk to Benjamin.

"Relax." he says to the man presently having a Pantherine horror sink its teeth into his neck. "You'll defrost in a few hours and your family is unharmed. Now remember the stairs will be iced over so if you or a loved one tries something, slips and breaks their neck on the way down, that's on them not us. You have been warned".

He turns back to you.

"We're done here. You can change into the suit later." He presents for you to go down the stairs first "Your driving".
Exposure gained. Honestly under these circumstances contacting flood is easy enough you'd have gotten one almost no-matter what.

2018-05-15, 11:05 AM
Drugs and rewards

TBH, I don't know much about drugs but this was stuff that I found.
Heroin is used as a pain-reliever, such as for people in car accidents.
I am just realizing that since Milla is accessing the brain directly I don't need to bother with the drugs themselves, I can just look at the hormones I want.
Dopamine and Seratonine are two hormones that are widely considered the happiness hormones. They exist naturally in the brain and the way many drugs work are just by opening the 'gates' that allow them to flow into the brain so to speak.
There's a range of cases in which people want to activate these hormones in a hospital. One include for relieving people of nausea/vomiting after cancer treatment.
Endorphine is another pain-killer and is also the reason that people feel good after exercise(runner's high).
Oxytocin is commonly known as the love hormone. It is associated with bonding with other people and known to appear after people have had sex and during breastfeeding. It's used to induce labour in hospitals.

Any problems with Milla figuring out how to open those gates?

Similarly I'm sure that there are some kind of brain chemicals or signals lying around that Milla could use for punishment?

Fan Club

Having a little time before heading out to the Bad Company Milla checks out the Parahuman boards for local fan clubs. It seemed to be an ideal excuse to shake the hands of heroes without being suspicious.

Go Time

The new Benjamin copy stretches and testingly moves his legs. He takes a few awkward steps before seemingly becoming more proficient in moving around. Nebula of course hadn't needed time to adjust to a different body type before but nobody in the room needed to know that, and the more she could make her power look different the more time she would have in the long run.

He then walks down the stairs and sits into the car before driving off.

This probably was handled in the plan or off screen but what about security proof such as cards or keys?
Also, feel free to throw in an update for sometime down the line on whether the team managed to locate Spotter's local residence or not.

2018-05-18, 05:08 PM
Drugs and rewards

TBH, I don't know much about drugs but this was stuff that I found.
Heroin is used as a pain-reliever, such as for people in car accidents.
I am just realizing that since Milla is accessing the brain directly I don't need to bother with the drugs themselves, I can just look at the hormones I want.
Dopamine and Seratonine are two hormones that are widely considered the happiness hormones. They exist naturally in the brain and the way many drugs work are just by opening the 'gates' that allow them to flow into the brain so to speak.
There's a range of cases in which people want to activate these hormones in a hospital. One include for relieving people of nausea/vomiting after cancer treatment.
Endorphine is another pain-killer and is also the reason that people feel good after exercise(runner's high).
Oxytocin is commonly known as the love hormone. It is associated with bonding with other people and known to appear after people have had sex and during breastfeeding. It's used to induce labour in hospitals.

Any problems with Milla figuring out how to open those gates?

Similarly I'm sure that there are some kind of brain chemicals or signals lying around that Milla could use for punishment?

I'll have to read up on brain chemistry and get back to you on this.

Fan Club

Having a little time before heading out to the Bad Company Milla checks out the Parahuman boards for local fan clubs. It seemed to be an ideal excuse to shake the hands of heroes without being suspicious.

After a little searching you can find a pair of fan clubs for Freezerburn and Mirage, both with minor government supervision. They are mostly just places where the members can hang out but sometimes raise money that is donated to efforts such as repairing cape-related property damage and sometimes have the hero the club is built around show up.

More notable is Judge's 'fab club' which takes a little more digging to find. While it styles itself like the official ones for the heroes there are rumors that Judge's fans outright help him out with supplies and information, with the cape himself meeting them often.

Go Time
The new Benjamin copy stretches and testingly moves his legs. He takes a few awkward steps before seemingly becoming more proficient in moving around. Nebula of course hadn't needed time to adjust to a different body type before but nobody in the room needed to know that, and the more she could make her power look different the more time she would have in the long run.

He then walks down the stairs and sits into the car before driving off.

This probably was handled in the plan or off screen but what about security proof such as cards or keys?
Also, feel free to throw in an update for sometime down the line on whether the team managed to locate Spotter's local residence or not.

Flood returns to his changer state and pours himself down the stairs behind you, icing them over on his way. In the car he oozes inside and freezes as a flat few inches of ice on the ceiling.

You and the rest of the team are all prepared inside the evac building Fortress has already attached to. Seeker is briefing you on the tech that will let her keep in touch.

"First see this contact lens?" she briefs you on the film dotted with fine circuitry "That will let me see what you see. Then we have the earpiece" she hands you a device made of transparent material, when held against the skin it becomes almost invisible. "I'll can talk to you but you can't talk back. If I ask a question wiki once for no and twice for yes, pretend your scratching your eye or something. Then keep this on you" She hands you a flash drive "Just stick this in the port I tell you, Flood has a spare is something messes. And none of this stuffs waterproof so keep that in mind if you use Flood as a shot absorber or something".

"On that topic" adds the water hazard in question, having affixed his own earpiece, lens, and mask, Where do you want me? I could fit in a back pocket easily enough or I can hide a bit of frost in your hair".

I meant to add a point about getting ID and such while getting the car keys but forget. Assume Mila took his wallet while downstairs and flood took a keycard he found in a drawer upstairs.

As to the attempt to find Spotter's house I was going to do that after the current job but I suppose I could, won't have time today though. As it's a longshot I'll roll a dice. [roll0]

2018-05-21, 02:19 PM
Fan Club

Milla spend some time researching Judge and then sends an e-mail to the Judge fanclub:

From: Milla
To: Judge fanclub
Topic: Judge is awesome and I want to join!

Hi guys

I saw that video of Judge's fight with Tarot. That was so awesome. I want to help out!

Where do you guys meet? How can I help?


Go Time

Nebula listened carefully to the explanation. "Wiki?", she asked unsure of what Seeker wanted.

"In the hair", she answers without batting an eye. Hell would freeze over before she would let such an excellent opportunity for getting an exposure slip by.

"Anything else I need to know? Secret passcodes, directions, whatnot?", she asks ready to head out.

2018-05-21, 05:00 PM
Fan Club
Milla spend some time researching Judge and then sends an e-mail to the Judge fanclub:

From: Milla
To: Judge fanclub
Topic: Judge is awesome and I want to join!

Hi guys

I saw that video of Judge's fight with Tarot. That was so awesome. I want to help out!

Where do you guys meet? How can I help?


From: Milla
To: Judge fanclub
Topic: Judge is awesome and I want to join!

Hi guys

I saw that video of Judge's fight with Tarot. That was so awesome. I want to help out!

Where do you guys meet? How can I help?

From: Judge fanclub
To: Milla
Topic: Judge is awesome and I want to join!

Was a fun one wasn't it.

Reporting any rumors or any new gang-signs you spot is the easiest way for a concerned citizen to see justice met out.

Next meeting is Elmendorf Lake Park, Judge plans to make a stop there and can stop by. We'll be the people by the hot dog stand.

Go Time

Nebula listened carefully to the explanation. "Wiki?", she asked unsure of what Seeker wanted.

"In the hair", she answers without batting an eye. Hell would freeze over before she would let such an excellent opportunity for getting an exposure slip by.

"Anything else I need to know? Secret passcodes, directions, whatnot?", she asks ready to head out.

[/spoiler=OOC]The 'wiki' bit was a typo my spell check failed to highlight for me. It was supposed to read 'wink'. I must've failed to properly press the N key and then when moving my hand it slid onto I.

The blueprints and where to find everything to carry out your objective were some of the things went over in the timeskip in the original meeting

Flood exposure gained. more will be added periodically[/spoiler]

As Seeker replies Flood turns to his changer state while standing a short distance away and carefully works a small portion of himself into the roots of your hair and through rapid freeing of thin areas of himself snaps of excess mass off until he in concealed.

"Everything should be as the blueprints said but I'll be there to give a heads up. Any codes you need I will read to you and the keycard you got will get you to th' objective.

Minion Report:
Kame and Gabriel are giving a report as to their mission so far.

"We had some success." explains Kame, "I did find out about a ward presentation at one of the schools from one of my old, urm, coworkers. Some ****-hole school. Place was so bad I could blend into the crowd and leave later. Could probably recognise the ward by voice. Probably Well I try and follow them out, Gabe wat-"

"Gabriel." he corrects her.

"Gabriel watched the security outside and we hoped we could track them on the way out, back to base, and to his home. You know, see where the vans drop people off, narrow thing down. Doniece even got hold of an old camera we're using to start a list of their people and-"

"It isn't working." interrupts Gabriel "They got the ward wrapped up tighter than fort Knox and for obvious reasons our ability to track their vehicles is limited".

2018-05-22, 05:03 AM
Go Time

"Alright. Let's go!", Nebula says in an attempt to heighten morale. She then heads towards the facility.

Gotja. Also in my first post I am keeping tracks on exposures if you ever feel unsure.

Minion Report

Shade listens to the report without moving a muscle. Scary image that needed to be preserved.

"So you learned things about how their security works. What are your next step?"

Fanning the Judge

At the mentioned time Milla shows up in Elmendorf Lake Park. For the occation she is in her original form with only somewhat ragged clothing. She looks around nervously trying to find the hot dog stand that the Judge fan she had spoken to mentioned.

2018-05-23, 03:27 PM
Nearly forgot to reply to this. Got distracted with some pathfinder homebrew.

2/3 Flood power has been added.

Go Time

"Alright. Let's go!", Nebula says in an attempt to heighten morale. She then heads towards the facility.

Gotja. Also in my first post I am keeping tracks on exposures if you ever feel unsure.

You enter, seeker already telling you which ID to show before you've walked up to the desk to register yourself.

"Oh, feeling better I take it?" says the person at the front desk as they wait to see the ID.

Once past that Seeker speaks up again. Take the elevator around the corner, not the one to your left".

The room is 'L' shaped and floored with off-white tiles, the font was windowed to let in light. There are few people around with most probably working away upstairs.

Minion Report

Shade listens to the report without moving a muscle. Scary image that needed to be preserved.

"So you learned things about how their security works. What are your next step?"

"Well..." Begins Gabriel "We are still working on it. So far we figure if we get a car and change the plates that is a start. After that we need to find a way to safely trail them. If that fails then Kame had a couple ideas".

"So first idea, oh, and let me say neither of these are good plans but hey 'if it works'. So first idea we try a new angle. We attract the wards with a crime and drive off with them. Just keep trying until we get lucky and make some pocket change in the process. Second idea is, uh, do you have some paper or something? I need some".

Fanning the Judge
At the mentioned time Milla shows up in Elmendorf Lake Park. For the occation she is in her original form with only somewhat ragged clothing. She looks around nervously trying to find the hot dog stand that the Judge fan she had spoken to mentioned.

The stand is easy enough to find with a walk around the perimeter and at it is a crowd of people numbering a dozen, a couple more trickling in, grabbing a bite to eat.

It's quite a mixture of people in attendance, styles of dress suggesting a spread of backgrounds.

2018-05-26, 02:57 PM
Anything good?

Go Time

"Oh, feeling better I take it?"

"Much better", Nebula says with a hopefully reassuring smile.

She walks down and takes the elevator she's directed to, trying not to appear suspicious.

Minion Report

Shade remained silent during the presentation. He uses a claw to open a drawer and takes out a piece of paper out, which he silently places on the table.

Fanning the Judge

Milla walks over to the hot dog stand, orders some food and then stands awkwardly around. She eyes the group occationally but appears too shy to take initiative.

2018-06-01, 04:53 PM
Anything good?

I'm filling to connect this statement to anything else

Go Time
"Much better", Nebula says with a hopefully reassuring smile.

She walks down and takes the elevator she's directed to, trying not to appear suspicious.

In the lift Seeker speaks up again. "Fourth floor. The objective is behind a lock, only those with permission have the key bu-"

"That's Interesting. Uh, sorry. We got Manticore in the back of an SUV heading your way. No sign you've been caught this end though".

The elevator door opens.

"So we're after a key that doesn't leave the building. That would be in Benjamin's office. Down this corridor, second left, first right.

As you walk you run into someone. "There you are, I finally got those files you wanted." he says trying to hand you a small pile of papers . He waits expectantly.

Emotionally you can tell he is expectant of something, tinged with concerns of failure.

Minion Report

Shade remained silent during the presentation. He uses a claw to open a drawer and takes out a piece of paper out, which he silently places on the table.

Kame takes the paper and a pen she had on her person.

She gives the paper back shortly afterword with text.

The first thing written is 'Hire Bloody Mary?'

It continues giving her thoughts as to the plan.

'one of us says her name, she infiltrates the building. Gets Spotter when he is in van.'
'Hear she is in it for 'fun'. Low cost to hire?'

She then lists some problems with the plan.
'Hear is unstable. Mary is on her side, not ours. May just water off if board?'

Fanning the Judge
Milla walks over to the hot dog stand, orders some food and then stands awkwardly around. She eyes the group occationally but appears too shy to take initiative.

Those in attendance mill about making small talk, a few discussing their mutual experiences of having a gang expand into their neighbourhoods.

One man comes over to you. "Hey, you're one of the new people right? I don't Recognise you anyway".

At about this time a motorbike's engine can be heard. The bike is well cared for if a bit of a junker and customised with metal plates, spikes in the front and by the wheels. In the back is a rack of metal rods holding a baseball bat in place. The bat is wrapped in barbed wire and bloody. Riding the bike is a cape dressed in a crude costume. Biker leathers customised with blue patches, to say nothing of the plentiful patches added to repair damage, with a bulletproof vest worn over. His pants are similar and his mask is a strange affair where a standard motorcycle helmet has been spliced with a hockey mask. The whole costume is sprinkled with fresh burns.

Some of the people wave. "Ah, man of the hour." says another.

Judge is here.

2018-06-03, 08:06 AM
You mentioned you got distracted by some PF homebrew.

Go Time

Manticore? That was... both exciting and conserning. Why were the Crew doing around here?

"There you are, I finally got those files you wanted."

"Thanks," Nebula improvises and she takes the files: "I'll look through them and get back to you." She then continues towards the office.

Minion Report

Mary's power was previously described as working even if someone 'mentioning you specificity while deliberately avoiding your name' which Kame does twice. Does Milla gain an exposure from her power(which she won't accept) that indicates that Mary's presense is here.

I didn't get this part, whos side is Mary on?:

She then lists some problems with the plan.
'Hear is unstable. Mary is on her side, not ours. May just water off if board?'

Fanning the Judge

"Hey, you're one of the new people right? I don't Recognise you anyway"

Milla looks up then down then up again and then shily says: "Yeah. Hi, I'm Milla"

When Judge shows up she stays back but stares in awe at the vigilantee.

2018-06-06, 05:02 PM
You mentioned you got distracted by some PF homebrew.
I was in a big project of mine where I was doing some races and such to represent material from the setting of Age of Sigmar, Presently focusing on playable undead. Up next I need to work on a 0HD incorporeal undead done.

Go Time

Manticore? That was... both exciting and conserning. Why were the Crew doing around here?

"Thanks," Nebula improvises and she takes the files: "I'll look through them and get back to you." She then continues towards the office.

"Okay, I'll be around if you need me". You hear him mutter as he leaves "I'd better not have ****** this up again".

You make it to the office without further issue. Its just a rummage though the drawers until it reveals itself and you're sorted".

"That was easy." adds Seeker "Back to the elevator. Thirteenth floor. Right then left".

[QUOTE=Sønderjye;23122103]Minion Report

Mary's power was previously described as working even if someone 'mentioning you specificity while deliberately avoiding your name' which Kame does twice. Does Milla gain an exposure from her power(which she won't accept) that indicates that Mary's presense is here.

I didn't get this part, whos side is Mary on?:

She then lists some problems with the plan.
'Hear is unstable. Mary is on her side, not ours. May just water off if board?'

Mentioning has to be done though voice. Kame avoids specifically saying thing like 'Mary', 'her' 'you know', and such. That's why she can be wrote about. That feature of the power is quite common knowledge.

Also that was supposed to say 'Hear she is unstable. Mary is on her side, not ours. May just wander off if board?'. How did I miss that? Did I miskick on every spellcheck?

Anyway What that meant was Mary is something of a rogue element. You can get her to agree to a plan but will she stick to it or do something she considers more interesting. It was admitted they weren't good plans so Kame was pointing out the issues within. In short it is saying her power is perfect for the job but if you contact her there are no promises she will do as you want.

[QUOTE=Sønderjye;23122103]Fanning the Judge
Milla looks up then down then up again and then shily says: "Yeah. Hi, I'm Milla"

When Judge shows up she stays back but stares in awe at the vigilantee.

As he makes his way to the group Judge is greeted with waves and high fives by the regulars until one comments on the burns on his costume.

"That was actually mostly friendly fire. Turns out this guy, Jo-something. Does stuff with fire. Good spirit, little trigger happy but someone has to be. Well he was after these villain bikers and thought I was one." The group quietens down as the cape tells his story. "So we have a scuffle and then talk things out and decide he have interests in common. So the Fiends were crashing in this abandoned building and we go for getting the drop on them. That was when he set me on fire" laughs the cape.

"Turns out he misunderstood my power and never turned off the 'hot' of his fires. Then we jump on in through the windows and my buddy blocks the exits. Their own pyro goes after him and I'm left with a speedster and a flying blaster. There was another but he ran off. Well in the end I grab the mover when they stop and tossed them at the blaster when they used her power. Both were hurt and had to run off. Joining Jo-something against the pyro we found him a Brute and wound up holding us back until the rest fled. Well one flew, one rad and the pyro had wings and went off with the bikes. Cowards ran".

"Anyway I'm told we have newcomers tonight?"

2018-06-10, 11:32 AM
That does sound like fun. I hope it works out well for you!

Go Time

Nebula continues onwards, satisfied with her choice of words. Evidently keeping it vague had been the right choice.

Minion Report

"Alright. That plan might work. What are your other suggestions?", Shade asks.

Fanning the Judge

Milla watches Judge with big eyes as Judge tells his story, not having to feint interest. Judge's power couldn't shield him from cape-produced fire? Or maybe it could shield him from the actual fire but not the heated air? That seemed to speak against Judge's power, however the fact that Judge ALONE could chase the entirity of the Fiends away spoke otherwise. How in earth had he managed that? She wanted it.

Despite her focus on what he said though, she couldn't avoid noticing how everyone else also were paying close attention. The pride when he spoke about his success and consern when he spoke about being hurt made it clear that people cared for Judge. She felt a sting of envy at that.

"Anyway I'm told we have newcomers tonight?"

Milla looks at Judge with big eyes, looks down and looks up again, doing her best to look like an overly excited teenage-girl.

2018-06-15, 04:42 PM
Go Time
Nebula continues onwards, satisfied with her choice of words. Evidently keeping it vague had been the right choice.
You continue as directed and thanks to looking like someone who belongs there are not hampered by passers by.

"Manticore's in the building. no alarms yet. She aint heading for your floor and is untransformed." updates Seeker.

You reach the room the data is stored in. "No cameras in the next room." adds Seeker. Inside is a guard. The mainframe is behind the guard and beyond a gate of clear transparent material, like that walling Bad company's shooting range but cheaper quality.

"This isn't on the blueprints." adds Seeker "we're playing things by ear now, be careful".

"Benjamin. curtly greets the guard standing between you and your ojective, giving no sign what he wants. Not even his emotions give a clue, the man is board.

By now Id say it right to add another Flood exposure.

Minion Report
"Alright. That plan might work. What are your other suggestions?", Shade asks.

"One of us goes in to report a crime or something or perhaps just does this outside and waits. van picks us up when Spotter's onboard.

She goes back to the pen and paper.

'Hear Mary can't control capes. Best if you contact from safe place. Bring her here she finds where we are based or takes over one of us. Either is probably not good.'

'Your the boss. How to run it is up to you'

Fanning the Judge

Milla watches Judge with big eyes as Judge tells his story, not having to feint interest. Judge's power couldn't shield him from cape-produced fire? Or maybe it could shield him from the actual fire but not the heated air? That seemed to speak against Judge's power, however the fact that Judge ALONE could chase the entirity of the Fiends away spoke otherwise. How in earth had he managed that? She wanted it.

Despite her focus on what he said though, she couldn't avoid noticing how everyone else also were paying close attention. The pride when he spoke about his success and consern when he spoke about being hurt made it clear that people cared for Judge. She felt a sting of envy at that.

Milla looks at Judge with big eyes, looks down and looks up again, doing her best to look like an overly excited teenage-girl.

"And I think that'd be you?" Judge says seeing your expression.

"Uh, me too." adds another girl a little older than you who makes her way over despite clear embarrassment on being called out.

"Well welcome ladies. Not to sound old but its good to see the youth not be sucked in by the PRT propaganda." says the cape offering the two of you his hand in turn.

"Now before someone has to ask, are either of you wanting autographs"?

2018-06-17, 11:36 AM
Go Time

"Why the **** is Manticore here?", Nebula whispers when noone is around to hear it. She took out a napkin from a pocket and whiped sweat of her forehead. She had anticipated excitedment but this was getting too much.

It doesn't help when Seeker said that the blueprints are different.

With one hand firmly planted in the expensive pants Nebula confidently walks towards the guard. While walking she calls on Chimera's power to enlargen her hand and arm as well as making it look more ape-like, all while hiding the change under the long sleeves and pockets. She confidently returns the nod and follows it up with an order: "I need to get through"

If the guy seems to be throwing alarm she'll grap his throat with the enlarged hand and choke him until he goes unconcious.

Fanning the Judge

"Yeah, the PRT sucks!," Milla cheers at Judge's remark. She extends her hand, only briefly acknowledging the girl with a glance, and greedily graps his, expecting the sweet rush of an exposure.

"Yes!," she beams at the mention of an autograph though she stays back to let the other girl shake his hand first. "That would be awesome! I've heard so much about you and I'm so happy to meet you! It's really cool how you can just face off the villains alone! You must be really brave! And really powerful! It's really great that you are out there fighting the bad guys and protecting us all. Are you going to team up with the fire dude? What can I do to help? How do you avoid the PRT, they must be a pain to have watching you. Why is there so many villains in town, it seemed like there's much more than in other towns? Why don't the PRT recruit more people?" her stream of questions goes on for a little while longer but eventually she runs out of questions."

Meeting Mary

Following an excellent suggestion from one of her minions, Shade was standing an empty warehouse in preparation for a meeting with Bloody Mary. She was standing in the male form of Shade with the long metallic claws and the covered face and body, and with only the moonlight and the light from the sparely distributed lamp posts her form was barely distinguishable from the dark surrounding her.

Contrary to the advice of her subordinates she wasn't alone though. One of her minions were present.

She had placed herself such that a bright strip of light from the light outside shined onto some dirt adjacent to her. She casually let the claws float over the sand, calling on Force's power to form the message: 'Say her name'

She'll pick the minion who seemed most enthusiastic when asked.

2018-06-25, 04:10 PM
Go Time

"Why the **** is Manticore here?", Nebula whispers when noone is around to hear it. She took out a napkin from a pocket and whiped sweat of her forehead. She had anticipated excitedment but this was getting too much.
"Hang on" says Seeker "Just getting hold of the camera recordings, if we're lucky it's just regular visits the Crew send".

It doesn't help when Seeker said that the blueprints are different.

With one hand firmly planted in the expensive pants Nebula confidently walks towards the guard. While walking she calls on Chimera's power to enlargen her hand and arm as well as making it look more ape-like, all while hiding the change under the long sleeves and pockets. She confidently returns the nod and follows it up with an order: "I need to get through"

If the guy seems to be throwing alarm she'll grap his throat with the enlarged hand and choke him until he goes unconcious.

You aren't the only one who sees an issue forming as you feel something cool slink through your hair, Flood building mass.

"And the password is?" asks the guard.

[QUOTE=Sønderjye;23157008]Fanning the Judge

"Yeah, the PRT sucks!," Milla cheers at Judge's remark. She extends her hand, only briefly acknowledging the girl with a glance, and greedily graps his, expecting the sweet rush of an exposure.

"Yes!," she beams at the mention of an autograph though she stays back to let the other girl shake his hand first. "That would be awesome! I've heard so much about you and I'm so happy to meet you! It's really cool how you can just face off the villains alone! You must be really brave! And really powerful! It's really great that you are out there fighting the bad guys and protecting us all. Are you going to team up with the fire dude? What can I do to help? How do you avoid the PRT, they must be a pain to have watching you. Why is there so many villains in town, it seemed like there's much more than in other towns? Why don't the PRT recruit more people?" her stream of questions goes on for a little while longer but eventually she runs out of questions."

As you contact Judge your power fail to signal anything.

"Wow now calm down." says judge good humouredly. "First anyone have something specific they want me to sign"?

"Anyway the cape life isn't easy. I mostly get by being careful picking my fights. The capes are almost easier than the unpowered members for me. Use my bike to be faster, be equipped for the fights. And everyone forgets I have a little enhanced strength and stamina. I am not powerful really I'm just determined and work hard".

"You mentioned the villains? That's mostly new. We always had a lot here but as you may have seen rumours, the Tarot had a big loss. Several buildings, Tinkertech, even Tower got himself a kill order after trying to destroy the city and Hanged Man seems to be missing too. In short they lost and Emperor's lot scattered like roaches. The other gang's have took the opportunity to take more turf and villains from out of the city have moved in to do the same. Figure it beats trying work from the same city Eidolon calls home. I... Imagine I missed something"?

No exposure gained.

[QUOTE=Sønderjye;23157008]Meeting Mary

Following an excellent suggestion from one of her minions, Shade was standing an empty warehouse in preparation for a meeting with Bloody Mary. She was standing in the male form of Shade with the long metallic claws and the covered face and body, and with only the moonlight and the light from the sparely distributed lamp posts her form was barely distinguishable from the dark surrounding her.

Contrary to the advice of her subordinates she wasn't alone though. One of her minions were present.

She had placed herself such that a bright strip of light from the light outside shined onto some dirt adjacent to her. She casually let the claws float over the sand, calling on Force's power to form the message: 'Say her name'

She'll pick the minion who seemed most enthusiastic when asked.

While none of the minions were eager to deal with Mary, Doria was one of the ones with no real desire not to.
"Bloody Mary." says Doria as ordered. Enough time passes that it seems she isn't going to show until...

"Hey there! You called!" Mary loudly announces in the most chipper voice possible in Doria's shoulder. The surprise makes her jump back on reflex and through a punch into he empty air.

Mary continues in obvious amusement, the origin of her voice suggesting she would be pacing towards you were this in the flesh. "And who have we here"?

2018-06-26, 10:27 AM
Go Time

Milla gives Seeker a few seconds to somehow find a password. If he doesn't do that her arm shoots up in an arch, aiming for the guys throat. She'll use Pulse's power to make her appear much stronger than she is even with the oversized arm. If she gets a good hold she'll lift him off the floor by his throat and try to strangle him, not enough to kill him but enough to make him unconcious.

Fanning the Judge

As you contact Judge your power fail to signal anything.

Milla's smile faulter and then for a split second anger appears on her face before she quickly looks down. Her mind raced. Think. Eplanations. Judge's power was actively misdirection her own. Judge wasn't the source of his power. This wasn't judge. If nothing else the first was easy to test. She took a look at the image that Face's power was giving her and compared ot to the figure that were standing in front of her.

She began coughing and took her hand back from Judge to hold it up to her mouth. "Sorry", she says in between the coughs sending Judge a weak smile: "I have a shirt I'd like ge signed"

Meeting Mary

Shade keeps stoicly standing as Doria is suprised, having used Force power inwardsly to make sure no movements were given away. It was a little uncomfortable but it helped that she knew she could stop it at any point.

First she wanted to try something out, if speech were the trigger then an illusion of speech shouldn't trigger it any more than writing. The question were if Mary's power could hear anything made by Mirage's power. It was worth a test.

"Greetings", she said using Mirage's power to replicate her own voice: "I am Shade VII and we have a job that need a taker."

Is Milla getting offered an exposure from her power?

2018-07-04, 03:49 PM
Go Time

Milla gives Seeker a few seconds to somehow find a password. If he doesn't do that her arm shoots up in an arch, aiming for the guys throat. She'll use Pulse's power to make her appear much stronger than she is even with the oversized arm. If she gets a good hold she'll lift him off the floor by his throat and try to strangle him, not enough to kill him but enough to make him unconcious.

Die roll was 15

Made another roll to see if the spasming of the arm caused unintended injury. 55, no issues there. Third roll for how ell the guard takes it, 14.

Seeker delivers bad news. "I'm lookin' but this isn't held on their systems. Must be off the grid. Looks like countermeasures for strangers and hackers".

With that you grab the guard but as you shift him up he still manages to pull out a taser and get you with it. You get the feeling you aren't effected as badly as you should be but you still spasm enough to drop the guard who at least lands badly as he is now sprawled out and his weapon is out of reach.

Flood, who had leapt form your head to your arms and began slithering up is presently trying to pull enough mass together to assist with.

Fanning the Judge
Milla's smile faulter and then for a split second anger appears on her face before she quickly looks down. Her mind raced. Think. Eplanations. Judge's power was actively misdirection her own. Judge wasn't the source of his power. This wasn't judge. If nothing else the first was easy to test. She took a look at the image that Face's power was giving her and compared ot to the figure that were standing in front of her.

You see the redirected target of Face's power in the assembled crowd. Your hypothesis seeming correct.

She began coughing and took her hand back from Judge to hold it up to her mouth. "Sorry", she says in between the coughs sending Judge a weak smile: "I have a shirt I'd like ge signed"

"Can do." says the cape as he pulls a pen from some compartment in his costume. "Anywhere in specific"?

Meeting Mary
Shade keeps stoicly standing as Doria is suprised, having used Force power inwardsly to make sure no movements were given away. It was a little uncomfortable but it helped that she knew she could stop it at any point.

First she wanted to try something out, if speech were the trigger then an illusion of speech shouldn't trigger it any more than writing. The question were if Mary's power could hear anything made by Mirage's power. It was worth a test.

"Greetings", she said using Mirage's power to replicate her own voice: "I am Shade VII and we have a job that need a taker."

Is Milla getting offered an exposure from her power?

No exposure. Although if that statement would even trigger Mary's power would depend on context that doesn't transfer well into the written medium.

Essentially the 'needs a taker' part, if 'taker' is being used to refer to Mary specifically (as in to imply an unsaid 'by which I mean you') it would work, while if it was said as an objective statement (i.e. to say 'we are hiring') it would not due to not referring to Mary.

"And that is?" asks Bloody Mary.

2018-07-05, 02:47 PM
Go Time

Nebula curses under her breath as she pounces onto the guard, slamming him on the side of the head. She were still trying to be sure that the man weren't hurt seriously but she needed to take him out before he could call alarm.

She starts the full process of morphing into a werewolf-like being.

I realize that I lied about calling on Pulse's power. In a prior post I noted the active powers:
Face, Roach, Moses, Queen Bee, Speed Demon, Bloody Mary, Chimera, and Mirage
Combat related abilities are: Choice muscles/hard skin/claws/(and soon wolf teeth) from Face/Chimera, roach for recovery, moses power for sensing danger and Speed Demons ability to move twice as quickly.

Fanning the Judge

Milla could hardly suppress her disappointment. Judge's power was so tasty!

She pulls a shirt out of a bag and gestures around the middle of it while her mind is racing. She had two ways of gaining powers with the remaining possibility being to somehow be affected by Judge power. Having her own power being affected evidently didn't count which seemed to imply that whatever were judging this didn't count her power as part of her. Whether she could be affected by that power depended on how it worked, how it enhanced the man's strength and stamina and whether he had any extra unknown powers. The first would either be a constant thing or a momentarily application of force. If it was the latter she could maybe engineer situations to give her an exposure but that would involve combat.

After having her shirt signed she retreats back into the group.

You see the redirected target of Face's power in the assembled crowd. Your hypothesis seeming correct.

It feels like this is an example of a repeating pattern in the games - that you don't volunteer information that I'd automatically get from abilities.
Maybe this one is less significant compared to other times(maybe the comparison with Face needs concious attention, I don't actually know) but in the Overlord fight there was a time that I didn't know that I couldn't see the thing and the emotions of the guard would probably be helpful to this.
There's a balance involved of course.
I also don't want to make a wrong decision that I would have done differently because I didn't knew something my character did(which happened a few times during the incoorporeal tingy fight).
I don't want to ask you about too many things that isn't important. I don't know which information is important(i.e. is the emotions of the guy in the current fight important? Maybe if he was afraid I could offer him a deal in exchange of not killing him).

You don't want to spend too much time giving me information that isn't important and I certainly don't want to put a bigger burden on you regarding the game. Thoughts?

Meeting Mary

Shade flashes a smile behind the mask. If Mary could hear the illusionary voice then the chances that even a slipup probably wouldn't trigger it.

"I want to know where Spotter lives. I want to make a deal with him which basicly consist of him not telling what my power is in exchange of a significant help in the next Endbringer fights, and I want to negotiate from a position of advantage."

Huh? So Milla's power doesn't trigger even when she is being observed by Mary?

The wording doesn't have any intend behind it, specifically because Milla knows that this would trigger Mary's power.

I'll just point out that Shade isn't using her own voice and that what Mary is hearing is made with Mirage's power.

2018-07-20, 05:04 PM
Go Time

Nebula curses under her breath as she pounces onto the guard, slamming him on the side of the head. She were still trying to be sure that the man weren't hurt seriously but she needed to take him out before he could call alarm.

She starts the full process of morphing into a werewolf-like being.

By the time you finish with the guard rendered unconscious. The damage is thankfully superficial, a you ruptured capillaries in the head but that will result in bruising that will look worse than it is.

While you had him dealt with before Flood properly assist your co-worker still checks the guard over to make sure his pulse and breathing is fine and then begins going through his pockets and pulls out a walky-talky.

"looks like there's probably periodic security check ins. They don't get the all-clear and the alarms go on. Give me a minute." comments Seeker

Flood meanwhile has opened the door between the rest of the room and the mainframe which leaves you as the one with hands to plug in the device you were handed previously.

"Okay, I can trance the signal with their security. They have someone making sure Manticore is behaving as well. Once I've traced how many of those sorts of security there is I can see how long we have".

Fanning the Judge

Milla could hardly suppress her disappointment. Judge's power was so tasty!

She pulls a shirt out of a bag and gestures around the middle of it while her mind is racing. She had two ways of gaining powers with the remaining possibility being to somehow be affected by Judge power. Having her own power being affected evidently didn't count which seemed to imply that whatever were judging this didn't count her power as part of her. Whether she could be affected by that power depended on how it worked, how it enhanced the man's strength and stamina and whether he had any extra unknown powers. The first would either be a constant thing or a momentarily application of force. If it was the latter she could maybe engineer situations to give her an exposure but that would involve combat.

After having her shirt signed she retreats back into the group.

After your shirt is signed the other new attendee takes her turn. Her name is apparently Erica and beyond the degree of excitement she is showing you also can tell the way she is star struck.

It is after this that things become more interesting as what Judge jokingly terms the 'business portion' begins.

"Anyone have any updates on gang activity?" asks Judge.

With this several of those in attendance take turns speaking up.

"New Lobos tags around my block a ways southwest of downtown. Area is Crew territory and it looks like something's brewin'.

"I got something weird" says one woman with a bit of concern lurking about her "New tags. Haven't seen anyone associated with then or gangs around but I think someone was messing with the Tarot".
"What makes you say that?" asks the cape "What did they look like"?
"I think it was kinda like a tarot card, at least the ones my cousin had. But numbered zero and it had a big 'V' in it. There's no card numbered that so it can't be them".
After a moment Judge replies "I'll have a look. Where was it"?
"This was in this ally I take to work. Between Preusser and Baze".

"I still have problems where you chased the Lobos out the other week." says a slightly overweight man "Ogre's moved in and began charging all the businesses.
"Ogre... he's the big one. No costume and part of that trio without a name." asks Judge.
"The very same".
"I will deal with him tomorrow".
"Also before I forget" says the man taking his backpack off and reaching inside to hand Judge a couple boxes of pistol ammunition. "Can't think of a better charity".
The mans emotions are hard to place a name to but can be considered form of vindication".

It feels like this is an example of a repeating pattern in the games - that you don't volunteer information that I'd automatically get from abilities.
Maybe this one is less significant compared to other times(maybe the comparison with Face needs concious attention, I don't actually know) but in the Overlord fight there was a time that I didn't know that I couldn't see the thing and the emotions of the guard would probably be helpful to this.
There's a balance involved of course.
I also don't want to make a wrong decision that I would have done differently because I didn't knew something my character did(which happened a few times during the incoorporeal tingy fight).
I don't want to ask you about too many things that isn't important. I don't know which information is important(i.e. is the emotions of the guy in the current fight important? Maybe if he was afraid I could offer him a deal in exchange of not killing him).

You don't want to spend too much time giving me information that isn't important and I certainly don't want to put a bigger burden on you regarding the game. Thoughts?

I suppose that is an issue of mine. In the case of emotions at least I try to recall to detail them when I expect they would be important or have the potential to effect things. It doesn't help that I struggle describing emotions and they usually take me a long time to write, I probably overthink things when doings so making that happen.

I guess the only thing to do is for me to try and do better.

Meeting Mary

Shade flashes a smile behind the mask. If Mary could hear the illusionary voice then the chances that even a slipup probably wouldn't trigger it.

"I want to know where Spotter lives. I want to make a deal with him which basicly consist of him not telling what my power is in exchange of a significant help in the next Endbringer fights, and I want to negotiate from a position of advantage."

Mary give a clearly fake gasp "And break the rules? And what would I get out of this"?

Huh? So Milla's power doesn't trigger even when she is being observed by Mary?

The wording doesn't have any intend behind it, specifically because Milla knows that this would trigger Mary's power.

I'll just point out that Shade isn't using her own voice and that what Mary is hearing is made with Mirage's power.
In this instance the present 'target' of Mary's power is Doria. Why would Mary observing Mila trigger the power?

2018-08-10, 11:41 AM
Go Time

Nebula lets out a sigh of relief when she discovers the safety of the guard, and a silent one after realizing that Flood also seemed to care about not leaving cold bodies.

"Let's move forward then. Any security on the door?", Nebula comments

Fanning the Judge

Milla still feels the nut of twisting disappointment in her stomach. It wasn't fair. It was cheating.

Still, she had to admit that this was a very useful resource to gather information about the lay of the land. She was determined to stay silent during the rest of the encounter but then the mention of Ogre comes up. From her research the cape's power had wonderful synergy with Milla's power in that his major disadvantage was that he couldn't turn the shockwaves off but Milla wouldn't share that problem. She turns to the guy beside her and whispers: "Where did they he chase off the Lobos?"

I appreciate the effort in working harder :smallsmile: It was less about the emotions and more about information in general.

Meeting Mary

"A place in the front row of an offer that will change the nature of the Endbringer encounters. Something that will leave us winning rather than barely surviving", Shade delivers in the same casual fashion as if he had been talking about the weather.

Battle Preparations

Later back at base Milla conducts a search on tinker metals and other materials. She wants to find something non-earthly that is both impenetrable and light, hoping to either buy or steal it.

2018-08-15, 04:43 PM
Go Time

Nebula lets out a sigh of relief when she discovers the safety of the guard, and a silent one after realizing that Flood also seemed to care about not leaving cold bodies.

"Let's move forward then. Any security on the door?", Nebula comments

"Not out of the ordinary yet. You look free to leave the room".

"Am I correct in saying there are no bodies to deal with thus far"?

Meeting Mary
"A place in the front row of an offer that will change the nature of the Endbringer encounters. Something that will leave us winning rather than barely surviving", Shade delivers in the same casual fashion as if he had been talking about the weather.
"Yawn" Mary says rather than actually does. "Appealing to my better nature isn't going to see you far. What are Endbringers to me? One shows up and I just call my buddy next state over and crash on their couch".

At Bloody Mary's dismissive attitude toward the Endbringers Doria's emotions show a flash of anger and then offence but she remains quiet.

"But lets say I decide to do it. How might this become interesting"?

Battle Preparations
Later back at base Milla conducts a search on tinker metals and other materials. She wants to find something non-earthly that is both impenetrable and light, hoping to either buy or steal it.
After a look online you find the city lacking in really good concreate information on Tinkertech materials. Beyond Hekatonkheir's memetic 'Hulk pants' getting linked to Smith there are a few discussions around Singularity's modular parts, which it is known he machines himself and so offers a possibility.

Unsurprisingly the real potential however is in Sentinel. The analysis by people around recordings of his tech suggests something beyond the normal in the metals and ceramics.

Is this search taking Mila out of the city? for this part I've list the finds around native Tinkers but am unsure if I should also be looking up any cannon Tinkers (which in any case would take time I don't have at the time of posting)

Also with the scene with Judge, I will add that in later, I have ran out of time.

2018-08-18, 04:44 AM
Go Time

"No bodies this far", she says slowly and then adds with a questioning look at Flood: "I think?"

Nebula then opens the door and keeps it open for Flood. Before Flood is entirely through she starts closing it, attempting to accidentally touch Flood with an elbow under the guise of wanting to quickly close it.

Meeting Mary

"Mhh", Shades illusionary voice muses: "I suppose some might not find that interesting. Well, in that case I have another offer, a spot on the front row for on an attack on the Lobos."

I realize I never got around to answering your question.
Because Milla is getting affected by Bloody Mary's power right now as Bloody Mary is observing her. In the prior interaction it was my impression that Milla got one exposure for Mary getting the 'feel' of who she were but suquential exposures were gained because Mary kept looking and talking to her. Similar to how she got exposures of Fortress looking at her.

Battle Preparations

Milla digs a little deeper into what Singularity have made. She then does a tech on the mental model of the base she has from Face's power and tries to see if there are any materials out of the ordinary. She also looks up what the hardest materials Smith and Sentinel have and how much they cost. She doesn't need a lot of it, just enough that she can put it somewhere in the building and use the Fortress-Face combination to be able to make claws and exoskeleton of it.

I guess realistically she would search out of town but in the spirit of lowering your workload we can say that she limits herself to capes in town as well as capes she can potentially order materials from.
I suppose that does prod a question: Do you want to include canon capes in this at a later point?

2018-08-20, 03:45 PM
Fanning the Judge

Milla still feels the nut of twisting disappointment in her stomach. It wasn't fair. It was cheating.

Still, she had to admit that this was a very useful resource to gather information about the lay of the land. She was determined to stay silent during the rest of the encounter but then the mention of Ogre comes up. From her research the cape's power had wonderful synergy with Milla's power in that his major disadvantage was that he couldn't turn the shockwaves off but Milla wouldn't share that problem. She turns to the guy beside her and whispers: "Where did they he chase off the Lobos?"

"They was holed up in an old house up at Cembalo, used it to raid the businesses around Lockhill Selma road" replies the man "The stretch just south of Hardberger park".

A beat passes.

"Wait, are- are you planning something"?

Go Time

"No bodies this far", she says slowly and then adds with a questioning look at Flood: "I think?"

Nebula then opens the door and keeps it open for Flood. Before Flood is entirely through she starts closing it, attempting to accidentally touch Flood with an elbow under the guise of wanting to quickly close it.

"**** Doesn't look like I can deal with the guard's absent check in. We got less than a minute. I will disable the power and buy you time. Two choices. Sneak, trigger fire alarm on way, leave. Other: Fight. We go loud, Leave through window. Head back towards the stairs, think while you go. If sneaking stop before last corner. Tell plan to Flood." Comes Seeker's clipped reply.

Meanwhile to your question a watery limb approximates a thumbs up.

You manage an exposure

Meeting Mary

"Mhh", Shades illusionary voice muses: "I suppose some might not find that interesting. Well, in that case I have another offer, a spot on the front row for on an attack on the Lobos."

"Now that has potential to be interesting... And I suppose I have a small grudge to settle".

"Do you have A starting point for me? And I assume you want me to be subtle"?

I realize I never got around to answering your question.
Because Milla is getting affected by Bloody Mary's power right now as Bloody Mary is observing her. In the prior interaction it was my impression that Milla got one exposure for Mary getting the 'feel' of who she were but suquential exposures were gained because Mary kept looking and talking to her. Similar to how she got exposures of Fortress looking at her.

Those subsequent exposures were there because Mila was the 'target' of Mary's power, here Doria is while Mila is just in the operational area. Think of the original person who mentions Mary as having the power 'attach' to them for the duration.

With Fortress the continued gain of exposures was Milla staying in contact with him, so by the time the cooldown for the next exposure happened it immediately triggered the next.

Battle Preparations

Milla digs a little deeper into what Singularity have made. She then does a tech on the mental model of the base she has from Face's power and tries to see if there are any materials out of the ordinary. She also looks up what the hardest materials Smith and Sentinel have and how much they cost. She doesn't need a lot of it, just enough that she can put it somewhere in the building and use the Fortress-Face combination to be able to make claws and exoskeleton of it.

I guess realistically she would search out of town but in the spirit of lowering your workload we can say that she limits herself to capes in town as well as capes she can potentially order materials from.
I suppose that does prod a question: Do you want to include canon capes in this at a later point?

A few questions for context before I reply.
Can I get some more details on how Mila is looking up these Tinkers? I don't imagine Google and social media is much use for detailed information on the villains tech. Also to help one of these points along you may recall Bad Company offers a costume made by Smith.

I assume the base you rereferring to is Fortress bonded to Bad Company HQ?

As to your question:
In justifiable context canon capes could certainly show up. My thoughts are more a 'if it happens it happens'. Like I may have had a character bring up before why Eidolon doesn't just show up to vaporise Emperor and the like.

After this post I'll have a look on the wiki, compare that to a map of the US to see if anyone of note is close, and see what that gets me.

Also I had been meaning to ask if Mlla's power has any special interactions with second triggers e.g. does it copy them as normal or just the base power, or perhaps they need a seventh exposure. And What happens when a copied power's owner second triggers Does it retroactively 'update' the power Does it change after the next exposure, or anything to the effect?

2018-08-21, 05:57 AM
Fanning the Judge

"Wait, are- are you planning something"?

"Of course not", Milla said looking like innocence distilled. Ogres power was something really delicious and certainly over the last she had gained a lot of power. Still though she wasn't sure if she could match up with someone like Ogre. It had to be postponed at least until she got 'Roachs full power so she would be safe when she faced him.

Go Time

"**** Doesn't look like I can deal with the guard's absent check in. We got less than a minute. I will disable the power and buy you time. Two choices. Sneak, trigger fire alarm on way, leave. Other: Fight. We go loud, Leave through window. Head back towards the stairs, think while you go. If sneaking stop before last corner. Tell plan to Flood."

Nebula momentarily closes her eyes as the bliss floods through her. She was so close to Flood's full power that she almost could taste it!

"F, S says that we have less than a minute before they learn about this. Will disable power. Do we trigger the fire alarm and try to sneak out or do I take flight form and we jump through the window?", she asked deferring to the judgement of the leading member. Flood hadn't said anything when she said to get going before so maybe he expected her to take charge but she really didn't want to do that.

Meeting Mary

Shade grins behind the mask and says with the illusionary voice: "Unfortunately not. The kid will be at the PRT facilities regularly, will that be a good starting point? And yes, subtly is preferred. Once his night location is found, I can be contacted on this number." His claws flows over the sand and Pulse's power creates the pattern of a cell phone number of a burner phone bought with cash earlier that day. "Or when we attack Lobos, whichever comes first."

Battle Preparations

She'll use google and cape sites for information about 'strongest cape created material' as well as looking into what the cape fanbase and the PRT files say about the local tinkers in respect to creating hard materials.

For the base I am referring to her own base. She has previously used Fortress power in her own base to better get an understanding of it and to be able to make metal claws. On that note, did Singularity use any custom materials when building a base?

Cool, in that case I guess she'll also take a look at whether the Dragonslayers are selling hard materials as well as any information on how to get in contact with Toybox and what hard materials they have.
Specifically she is looking for some material that will make for good scales, ideally such that it can block bullets or more.

I had imagined that Milla's power didn't care about whether the power it was copying was a first or second trigger. I guess it depends on
Does Milla's shard work by establishing a connection to all the shards she has had exposure to or does it work by creating local copies of each power? If it's a local copy then it of course wouldn't update when someone had a second trigger, and might even treat those as two separate powers rather than one being an upgrade of the other. If it's the first then I feel it could either just happen automatically or Milla could feel that the power wasn't 'full' anymore and would need that 7th exposure.
Which one do you think is more interesting?

Edit: on materials. Buckytubes/carbon nanotubes is a new(a decade or so old) artificial material that is about 100 times harder than steel. Mundane but expensive. If there's no easier tinker materials, how hard would this be to get a hand on?

2018-09-07, 04:05 PM
Sorry for the delays, it was the result of a string of timing issues from my end.

Fanning the Judge
"Of course not", Milla said looking like innocence distilled. Ogres power was something really delicious and certainly over the last she had gained a lot of power. Still though she wasn't sure if she could match up with someone like Ogre. It had to be postponed at least until she got 'Roachs full power so she would be safe when she faced him.

"Hey, you can't be too sure around Judge's fans. We are... lets call it civic minded".

This a place to end the scene you think?

Go Time
Nebula momentarily closes her eyes as the bliss floods through her. She was so close to Flood's full power that she almost could taste it!

"F, S says that we have less than a minute before they learn about this. Will disable power. Do we trigger the fire alarm and try to sneak out or do I take flight form and we jump through the window?", she asked deferring to the judgement of the leading member. Flood hadn't said anything when she said to get going before so maybe he expected her to take charge but she really didn't want to do that.

Icy letters form in Flood's surface even as another protrusion returns to his original hiding spot, four at a time.
'Can change when needed'

With that he leaves you as the one able to give the signal.

Meeting Mary
Shade grins behind the mask and says with the illusionary voice: "Unfortunately not. The kid will be at the PRT facilities regularly, will that be a good starting point? And yes, subtly is preferred. Once his night location is found, I can be contacted on this number." His claws flows over the sand and Pulse's power creates the pattern of a cell phone number of a burner phone bought with cash earlier that day. "Or when we attack Lobos, whichever comes first."

"Well now we have a plan then, I'm ready to rock. Unless you have anything else to discuss"?

Battle Preparations

She'll use google and cape sites for information about 'strongest cape created material' as well as looking into what the cape fanbase and the PRT files say about the local tinkers in respect to creating hard materials.

For the base I am referring to her own base. She has previously used Fortress power in her own base to better get an understanding of it and to be able to make metal claws. On that note, did Singularity use any custom materials when building a base?

Cool, in that case I guess she'll also take a look at whether the Dragonslayers are selling hard materials as well as any information on how to get in contact with Toybox and what hard materials they have.
Specifically she is looking for some material that will make for good scales, ideally such that it can block bullets or more.

Edit: on materials. Buckytubes/carbon nanotubes is a new(a decade or so old) artificial material that is about 100 times harder than steel. Mundane but expensive. If there's no easier tinker materials, how hard would this be to get a hand on?

Will reply in full to this another day.

As far as Singularity's materials go there would be improved versions of aluminium and titanium that feature quantities of minerals to improve the materials existing durability and resistance to corrosion and like effects for dealing with capes. In effect making it that little bit better at putting up with Brutes and powers like Gravedigger's. The maintenance drones would also feature a modification in these metals so that it's improved conductivity can minimise charging time while a feature on the outer plaiting would make it a perfect insulator. Mila could generate that feature but it would only work on rigid areas. The joints would also feature an improved artificial cartilage that would make Mila's joints that little more flexible and resistant to tearing.

I had imagined that Milla's power didn't care about whether the power it was copying was a first or second trigger. I guess it depends on
Does Milla's shard work by establishing a connection to all the shards she has had exposure to or does it work by creating local copies of each power? If it's a local copy then it of course wouldn't update when someone had a second trigger, and might even treat those as two separate powers rather than one being an upgrade of the other. If it's the first then I feel it could either just happen automatically or Milla could feel that the power wasn't 'full' anymore and would need that 7th exposure.
Which one do you think is more interesting?

I think we had actually discussed if it is a local copy or direct link a while back so I'll give the threads a dig to see if I can find it.

I'll base things around what I find.

2018-09-08, 07:43 PM
That's ok. Life happens. I'm eager to get on with everything.
Yes, Milla is done with the bad company scene she intends on seeking out 'Roach and training with him. After gaining his full power she'll check out a certain old house. She had an idea to check.
We can skip the material scene and just say that Shade found something really hard. What exactly it is isn't important, I just need it to deflect bullets.

Go Time

Nebula nods. "Alarm route" she says over the comm. "Jump on" she says eith an outstretched hand towards Flood as she returns to the shape of the CEO. She then casually strolls out the room, hits the first alarm she finds and tries to use the chaos to discretely slip out of the building.

Los Battle

Havinh found his material of choice Shade were now making his way to the Lobos hideout that he and the other villains a week ago had tried to attack.

Hopefully this attack would go better as Shade had brought with him all minions willing to fight and a few who weren't. He had offered protection during the fight to all of his minions and those who had accepted had been granted increased muscle mass as well as metalic scales that hopefully would repel anything the lobos threw after them.

The gang had been instructed to storm the hideout on Shade's command and to accept surrenders. "Any questions?" shade asked as they were getting close.

2018-09-12, 03:31 PM
I have been looking through the thread to find the decision that was made on the specifics of Mila's power copying and that is taking a while. As I'm low on time I've just went and looked for Tinkers that may be able to offer materials that Mila is looking for. Unfortunately I can find few cannon ones that would have their tech for sale.

There was Bauble, a Glass Tinker (I'd imagine there'd be specialised extra strength glass for strong sharp material or a diamond alternative).

I also fond a cape a cape called Ogun with a power like Upgrade but the wiki noted that his power may reverse it's effects once away from him.

Beyond that in the city I suppose it is not impossible for Upgrade's tech to have properties of value but there's no real way of knowing. It could likely be bought second hand from someone.

I'll brainstorm a few more villain or rogue tinkers in the state when I get a proper post out.

2018-09-13, 06:53 AM
We never actually achieved an agreement but we did discuss it earlier.

Does that mean that Milla's Power work by coordinating with other Shards? I remember that you said that Milla could access the targets affected Argus power(so sad I don't have that anymore) even if she hadn't put the marks there herself, and this would make sense.

I always meant to ask this to you, I assumed either this or the Shard set itself to mimic the copied powers. Although I can think of other possibilities it could function by.

It's your character so you get the final choice here.

I never thought I could micromanage it that much. Most GM's like to be in control of details like that. Copying (parts of) the power locally in whichever realm Milla's Shard is, certainly is an option. Communicating and coordinating with shards are also an option. What are your other thoughts?

Other thoughts were that the shard could stimulate the other Shard to undergo whichever process it uses to do it's power and then 'steals' that use of the power by phasing those processes to Mila's location (modify exact process to power in question). Another idea is that is forces the other shard to bud an exact duplicate and it manipulates that shard to use the power.

So with that in mind I am saying that Milla's shard stores local copies of the 'ability' parts(that is the non-storage parts) of the shards it is in contact with. I feel that if her shard make a connection to their shards it would make more sense if she could access the bodies that Face have stored from touching people. So it compares newly encountered powers with the copies it already have and if it exist then it upgrades it and if it doesn't it creates a new instance. So it would recognize a second triggered power as a completely separate power from the firstly triggered power.

If Shade had any way of ordering hard glass from Bauble she would have done that. Otherwise she would have simply take some of the hardest materials that Singularity had used for the base. It'll be good enough for the scene and I might dig a little further later.

2018-09-26, 04:27 PM
Yes, Milla is done with the bad company scene she intends on seeking out 'Roach and training with him. After gaining his full power she'll check out a certain old house. She had an idea to check.
We can skip the material scene and just say that Shade found something really hard. What exactly it is isn't important, I just need it to deflect bullets.

With the training do you want to work that as a scene or just say it happens?

As for getting something hard (presumably for armour), consider justifying it as playing around with Fortress's power. I.e replicating Armor designs found online with the power to later use them with Face's power. Something fancy could probably be done with the pangolin scale armour and other stuff to make it more than the sum of it's parts, layering it into something like scale armour should be a good start, then to help resist bullets use a structure like a joint or an elephant's foot to spread the impact.

Go Time

Nebula nods. "Alarm route" she says over the comm. "Jump on" she says eith an outstretched hand towards Flood as she returns to the shape of the CEO. She then casually strolls out the room, hits the first alarm she finds and tries to use the chaos to discretely slip out of the building.

With your disguise back in use you and Flood can slip out the fire escape with all the rest without difficulty.

There manages to be no interruption on the way down and al seems going well even with security looking around partway through. At the bottom evac is waiting for you out of sight and you just have to skink away with the growing crowd for cover.

Los Battle

Havinh found his material of choice Shade were now making his way to the Lobos hideout that he and the other villains a week ago had tried to attack.

Hopefully this attack would go better as Shade had brought with him all minions willing to fight and a few who weren't. He had offered protection during the fight to all of his minions and those who had accepted had been granted increased muscle mass as well as metalic scales that hopefully would repel anything the lobos threw after them.

The gang had been instructed to storm the hideout on Shade's command and to accept surrenders. "Any questions?" shade asked as they were getting close.

Is this the fight Mila was letting Mary help with? If so there is a small scene planned where Mila would get a 'ping' with Mary's power that would let her observe Mary for a bit/do whatever you may want. Just offering the chance to do that first instead of both at the same time (or just ignoring the 'ping' from Mary's power) in the event you want to use any intel it gets.

Also if it is that fight would she be called already?

We never actually achieved an agreement but we did discuss it earlier.

So with that in mind I am saying that Milla's shard stores local copies of the 'ability' parts(that is the non-storage parts) of the shards it is in contact with. I feel that if her shard make a connection to their shards it would make more sense if she could access the bodies that Face have stored from touching people. So it compares newly encountered powers with the copies it already have and if it exist then it upgrades it and if it doesn't it creates a new instance. So it would recognize a second triggered power as a completely separate power from the firstly triggered power.

If Shade had any way of ordering hard glass from Bauble she would have done that. Otherwise she would have simply take some of the hardest materials that Singularity had used for the base. It'll be good enough for the scene and I might dig a little further later.

Sounds like a good way to run things, will work from that in future thought along this line.

Made up some Tinkers that may be of use for interesting materials.

Name: Quicksilver
Place of Operations: El Paso
Specialisation: Dual specialisation, Material properties/Signal modulation
Affiliation: Villain

Name: Splinter
Place of Operations: Brownsville
Specialisation: Elasticity
Affiliation: Rogue

Name: Sasquatch
Place of Operations: Beaumont
Specialisation: plant materials, particularly wood (grab bag with additional Brute and Stranger)
Other Powers: Stranger effect causes Sasquatch to be imperceptible when the sense used to perceive Sasquatch has other information that can distract from Sasquatch (E.g in the woods intervening plantlife prevents him from being seen, birdsong and wind prevents him from being heard, ect.). Brute power makes him stronger and tougher starting at the end of his extremities and the effect weakens the closer the centre of his torso you go.
Affiliation: Villain

2018-10-03, 07:10 AM
Yeah, let's just keep the training scene of screen.
Cool tinkers, I'll keep them in the back of my mind when I want to go looking for upgrades.

Yeah, the scales were made of the hard material, implemented with Fortress power. I quite like the interaction. What do you mean with the scales being layered over scale armor? I don't think that there's any mammal with scale armor?

Go Time

It would be interesting with a scene about how Bad Company reacts to the failure though Milla wouldn't be adding much to the conversation.

Los Battle

Well, not helping per say. Shade will let Mary observe the combat as payment for finding the kid.
We can run the two scenes at once or we can do your scene first. Your call.
Mary hasn't been called yet. She will though just before the battle starts. No reason to give her knowledge into the inner workings of the group.

Judging the Ogre

After being given the information about Ogre's upcomming battle with Judge and having achieved 'Roach's full power, Milla huddles up close to the location she had been given. She had discretely touches one of Ogre's grunts but were waiting with heading in until she saw sign of Judge approaching or fights starting out.

2018-10-17, 03:35 PM
Yeah, let's just keep the training scene of screen.
Cool tinkers, I'll keep them in the back of my mind when I want to go looking for upgrades.

Yeah, the scales were made of the hard material, implemented with Fortress power. I quite like the interaction. What do you mean with the scales being layered over scale armor? I don't think that there's any mammal with scale armor?

I elaborated of Sasquatches' other powers a bit. Figured if he shows up you may want to know.

As to the thing with the scale armour I'm saying use the pangolin's keratin scales can probably be used in a better way, using the ability to manipulate them with Fortress's power the arrangement can be further tweaked from that of the wild pangolin using some principals of manmade scale armour (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scale_armour) to tweak the result and so likely improve it in some way. Admittedly looking at a picture of one the pangolin's scales are overlapped more than I recalled but still the arrangement can, say, be tweaked a bit to better fit a humanoid form, more layers could be added, smaller scales could be used around joints to leave less gaps in the armour, and so on with whatever ways to abuse this I haven't through of.

Go Time

[SPOILER=OOC]It would be interesting with a scene about how Bad Company reacts to the failure though Milla wouldn't be adding much to the conversation.

After evac the team made it away and back to base where after everyone had time to clean themselves up, hand over the stolen information to Seeker for later delivery to the buyer, and Fortress to reattach Bad Company is called together for debriefing. All-in-all emotions in the room are positive with those present at wort quietly pleased.

"So to begin" starts Flood "Allow me to congratulate everyone present for a successful mission. Now, Nebula, I am curious to see how that looked from a new recruit's perspective. How do you think things went"?

Los Battle

[SPOILER=OOC]Well, not helping per say. Shade will let Mary observe the combat as payment for finding the kid.
We can run the two scenes at once or we can do your scene first. Your call.
Mary hasn't been called yet. She will though just before the battle starts. No reason to give her knowledge into the inner workings of the group.

We can run both at once, although I'm just starting the scene with Mila's copy of Mary's power going off first as for the fight and se tup I need to double check my notes and lack the time right now.

Your Ears are Burning:
Almost immediately after negotiations with Bloody Mary your own copy of her power tells you someone is talking about you.

[SPOILER=OOC]Judging the Ogre
After being given the information about Ogre's upcomming battle with Judge and having achieved 'Roach's full power, Milla huddles up close to the location she had been given. She had discretely touches one of Ogre's grunts but were waiting with heading in until she saw sign of Judge approaching or fights starting out.

You manage to identify a few goons here and there, minds focused on profit or enticed by causing violence with free rain, a few showing a hint of concern when others mention their boss. The biggest and best armed seem to lurk within small groupings lead to pressure and collect from the local businesses, likely to use the number to hide the weapons they blatantly carry around.

It is simple enough to 'accidently' knock into one of these periphery grunts while the mobs leader starts his posturing on your approach.

For now though the night is quiet, a calm before the storm given the capes lurking in the area.

2018-10-17, 05:03 PM
I think that I was imagining their body shapes to be something along the line of this but with metal scales instead of fur and a little more human brute than monster. And of course scary Shade tattoo. And we have about 13 of them if I remember correct.
http://r.duckduckgo.com/l/?kh=-1&uddg=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn.obsidianportal.com%2Fassets% 2F202200%2F1335555282380.jpghttp://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/202200/1335555282380.jpg

Go Time
Wait, it was a success? I thought they had to bail out before they really got through the door.

"Pretty good", Nebula answers with a shrug. "I do what you ask me and we get the job done. Where's my money by the way?", the last is asked with a teasing smile to take the edge of the blunt statement.

Los Battle

Sure. Feel free to either start that scene or to update on my prior update of the scene, or both.

Your ears are burning

Nebula finds the closest place to lie down and pretend to take a nap before allowing the power to draw her senses away. This should be interesting.

Judging the Ogre

Milla was really hoping that Judge would show up tonight. She had used Face power to pump the guy full enough of narcotics to be out for a good few hours and after that she'd have to head out.

2018-11-12, 04:06 PM
I think that I was imagining their body shapes to be something along the line of this but with metal scales instead of fur and a little more human brute than monster. And of course scary Shade tattoo. And we have about 13 of them if I remember correct.
http://r.duckduckgo.com/l/?kh=-1&uddg=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn.obsidianportal.com%2Fassets% 2F202200%2F1335555282380.jpghttp://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/202200/1335555282380.jpg

Some would be more resistant to the changes than others. This is still the same city as Devil after all.

Shane Winters, Emily Velázquez, Julian Velázquez, and Jody Reynolds would take the muscle and armour on the condition it can be removed afterword. Doria Carvallo and Glenn Hurs didn't ask about it either way. Troy Cannon expresses interest in keeping the changes.

Otherwise all's good.

[QUOTE=Sønderjye;23444030]Go Time
Wait, it was a success? I thought they had to bail out before they really got through the door.

"Pretty good", Nebula answers with a shrug. "I do what you ask me and we get the job done. Where's my money by the way?", the last is asked with a teasing smile to take the edge of the blunt statement.

Oops. that was another of those time I thought something was done that actually didn't happen. I had Flood open the door for Mila but looking at it you seem to have missed that:

[quote]Flood meanwhile has opened the door between the rest of the room and the mainframe which leaves you as the one with hands to plug in the device you were handed previously.

So I guess I blindly assumed it would have been done while you had Mila jump straight to evac. I suppose we can say Flood did it while Mila was sorting out the security details?

"It should be in your account within at most two hours" replies Flood good humouredly "One for Seeker to get the package to our employer after debriefing and another for the transaction to go through"

"And good to see you did not think the security alert was a bigger issue than most beginners would think it is. The exit is always the hardest part of infiltration and also the part where we can change gears with little loss." continues flood matter of factly.

Things continue with small questions going around of 'how could things go better' and 'what went well'. 'Roach jokes that he didn't explode while his emotions flicker form the usual set you have encountered when his injury is brought up to what seemed like depression and annoyance for a second. Things end with a note that if you are not in base when the next mission is being organised you will be contacted and things finish with Fortress pulling out a bottle of champagne and glasses to 'properly celebrate the new member and a job well done.

Judging the Ogre

Milla was really hoping that Judge would show up tonight. She had used Face power to pump the guy full enough of narcotics to be out for a good few hours and after that she'd have to head out.

It is a good fifteen minutes until you hear the sound of a familiar motorbike engine heading towards the block you're in. And once Judge gets started it should not be long until Ogre is flushed out.

Sorry I couldn't answer the rest, time was against me.

2018-12-01, 04:40 PM
If any of them doesn't want to be augmented that's fine.
Did you want to update the other scenes?

Go Time

"It should be in your account within at most two hours"

"Awesome", Nebula answers with a joking smile: "Great boss, I tell you. I'll be sure to leave a good review at Trustpilot"

Judging Ogre

The disguised Milla scuttles discretely parallel to Ogre. Once it becomes clear that it's going to be a Judge Ogre slugging match the area should quickly clear out but according to the Judge files there was no particular advantage of being really close as long as she was within 250 ish feet.

2018-12-05, 03:17 PM
If any of them doesn't want to be augmented that's fine.
Did you want to update the other scenes?

Will get started of the attack but once again time is against me, sorry again for the delays. Doesn't help I've got another thing to do liming my time.

Got the Maru scene done. Will continue if Mila keeps watching but giving time for her to act/comment.

Your ears are burning

Nebula finds the closest place to lie down and pretend to take a nap before allowing the power to draw her senses away. This should be interesting.

Your perceptions appear next to a slim woman of likely mixed Asian and Hispanic descent, at least that is the extrapolation you get from Face's power when comparing her to the smattering of the local population. She, Mary, is in an apartment but the only window is drawn to prevent immediate narrowing down of her location. The room is sparsely decorated with red and white as the predominant colours. A mirror is next to where she is sat at a table, a trio of laptops in front of her.

Of the laptops, one is open to a news site about a painting stolen from a local gallery with tabs showing other such articles from different sites, one shows some site where the stolen painting is getting auctioned off, while the last is open to a social; media file on Spotter, halfway down the page of his posts.

At present Bloody Mary taps away at a phone while she talks to herself through her reflection.

"..th a Ward?"

"Finding out'll be part of the fun right?"

"Huh, guess so. Just Wards are usually 'off limits' messing with one may have repercussions."

Mary's minds jumps between feelings of passive interest that is slowly fading to boredom to moments of mild worry with such rapidity that something is clearly off.

""Your worried, Aren't out"

"What? No, no, bug out plan remember."


"Oh I'm just paranoid. Just feel like this will bite us in the end."

"While you talk about a bite: Food?"

"I suppose. Where?"

"That new Chinese place?"

"Had Chinese the other day."


"That place didn't agree with me, remember, we burned it down."

"Oh yeah..."


"Better than nothing."

Mary, and her split personality, have mellowed emotionally with nothing notable showing itself.


[SPOILER=Augmented minions]If any of them doesn't want to be augmented that's fine.
Did you want to update the other scenes?

The building is pretty much how you remember it give or take a missing window where one was still smashed or got boarded up, actually an advantage for you thanks to less Lobos sightlines. Your minions take their ordered positions and everything is in position.

A stray thought, what time roughly is this happening at? How dark it is may be important.

Leaving it here to detail how Mila dealing with troop arrangement..

Go Time

"Awesome", Nebula answers with a joking smile: "Great boss, I tell you. I'll be sure to leave a good review at Trustpilot"

Scene End?

Judging Ogre

The disguised Milla scuttles discretely parallel to Ogre. Once it becomes clear that it's going to be a Judge Ogre slugging match the area should quickly clear out but according to the Judge files there was no particular advantage of being really close as long as she was within 250 ish feet.

Even without a costume Ogre is quite apparent, bravado pouring off him even without the need of emotion sense. The Andre the giant knockoff swaggering towards Judge with all the confidence of someone with pseudo-invincibility. With him are what would be about two and a half dozen assorted goons of minimal equipment, most of which are in the same mob as you around Ogre and little too close than would be safe.

Judge makes his grand debut speeding towards the mob at full tilt with no sign of stopping and thoughts of violence in his mind. A little of Ogre's mob move away thinking what happens when ogre is involved in a motorcycle crash.

2018-12-21, 04:03 PM
Your ears are burning

Milla blinks twice. Mary had a personality disorder. That was.. Well, just about all capes have their own problems, this probably isn't the worst it could have been. She looks around to see if she can learn something about her employee from her room. It seemed like a reasonable guess that the money for the three laptops came from crime investigations.
Feel free to continue the scene. If they leave the house Milla will be sure to get a look at the adress as well as the names on the front door/mailbox.

Go Time

Yes, scene end.

Judging Ogre

In disguise Milla moves closer to Ogre's group, awaiting the confrontation.

Los Battle

The building is pretty much how you remember it give or take a missing window where one was still smashed or got boarded up, actually an advantage for you thanks to less Lobos sightlines. Your minions take their ordered positions and everything is in position.

It's about 2 am since Shade had been hoping that the streets would be somewhat bare at this point. The battle would probably involve gunshots and he didn't want stray shots to hit civilians. Not that he told that to his minions. The official reason was that he was giving them cat eyes to give them the advantage at nighttime and to counteract Espectro.

"OK. You know the plan. Get in, knock them out if you have to but don't take too big risks. You are resistant to most bullets but if they have something heavier or if they get a lucky shot in you can still be hurt. The dogs will probably have trouble getting through your armor but we haven't tested it. Yell for me if you encounter resistance you can't handle. Yell for me if you encounter resistance you can't handle. Go"

And with those words shade himself starts walking resolutely towards the Lobos base. Intending to use Pulse-empowered claws to rip open the door.

2019-01-28, 04:44 PM
Your ears are burning

Milla blinks twice. Mary had a personality disorder. That was.. Well, just about all capes have their own problems, this probably isn't the worst it could have been. She looks around to see if she can learn something about her employee from her room. It seemed like a reasonable guess that the money for the three laptops came from crime investigations.
Feel free to continue the scene. If they leave the house Milla will be sure to get a look at the adress as well as the names on the front door/mailbox.

Mary's apartment is smallish but relatively high end. She is leaving and as your viewpoint follows her out you see that she is she up with a mixture of modern open design with periodic shelves packed with varied clutter that runs the gambit from almost-literal rubbish to jewellery, watches and other curios with some degree of value. One reoccurring theme are photos, some from cameras, others on ID; Trophy's perhaps. Mary's mental states remains as it is thought her late afternoon.

The stairwell is as clean as can be expected but further investigation is halted when Mary takes the elevator.

On the way out you get some dirt. Hers is apartment ten. Now you see she is in the Pecan Springs complex, added some years back when the economy took a downturn and the company took to making more affordable housing now that less could afford their houses. And of course it turns out Bloody Mary's real name is still Mary, Mary Yeo to believe the mailbox.

She calls up a cab and after getting the address sorted passes the time with meaningless chatter but you see a spurt of some trickery in her thoughts while discussing cab rates and waiting fees.

In the end she is dropped off at a local diner to no incident thus far and gets a burger.

Judging Ogre

In disguise Milla moves closer to Ogre's group, awaiting the confrontation.

At the last moment Judge veers off from ogre, preventing the shockwave that would've injured many of the goons and got you an exposure.

Instead he uses his new angle to swat at the unpowered gang members with a bat covered in many a sharp implement. The drive-by swing hit about four of then in the first go about and bowls over the first two while leaving the third to take the blow proper while the last takes a hit to the abdomen. A fifth dodges while Judge takes a last juke to the mob to deliver a blow to another's face before speeding off down another street.

Ogre and his mob are divided on how to react with some gangbangers disheartened by the fact two of their number thus far aren't walking home tonight as another is on the ground clutching their face.

After reasserting himself ogre divides you all, his orders send a third of the group over Judges escape route, while another third, including the ones you have gotten lost in, are sent down the adjacent street while Ogre expects Judge to come back that way.

[QUOTE=Sønderjye;23587639]Los Battle

Have to stop here as I've ran out of time, I was digging through my post history to find the old thread in case I am misremembering the building layout.

Will make a note on the cats eyes.

2019-02-03, 06:00 AM
Your ears are burning

Millas spirit form pays careful. Capes on average didn't have very stable personalities and it seemed likely that Mary didn't have one either. Based on the photos and items Milla would guess kleptomania and a desire to reveal the secret identity of capes. Which meant that these people probably were capes. Suddenly her interest perked up and she starts studying the pictures in more detail.

Once learning all of the information about Mary, Milla starts feeling a bit bad. This was going so well and she started feeling guilty for so blatantly going behind the back of Mary after Mary had agreed to work for her.

She cuts off the connection for now and return to her local duties.

Judging Ogre

At the last moment Judge veers off from ogre, preventing the shockwave that would've injured many of the goons and got you an exposure.

Milla grits her teeth and a low snarl escapes her teeth as she is cheated from a delicious exposure.

After hearing Judge's order, Milla joins the group that is closest to Ogre, gambling that people will be too busy for her disguise to become threatened.

Los Battle
Looking forward to see what you cook up when you have time again.

2019-04-17, 02:56 PM
Your ears are burning

Millas spirit form pays careful. Capes on average didn't have very stable personalities and it seemed likely that Mary didn't have one either. Based on the photos and items Milla would guess kleptomania and a desire to reveal the secret identity of capes. Which meant that these people probably were capes. Suddenly her interest perked up and she starts studying the pictures in more detail.

Once learning all of the information about Mary, Milla starts feeling a bit bad. This was going so well and she started feeling guilty for so blatantly going behind the back of Mary after Mary had agreed to work for her.

She cuts off the connection for now and return to her local duties.

Hurrying as fast as your projected senses can float before your distance from Mary forces you to be dragged away. After a quick look to get as much an idea as you can you confirm that most are not people, one near the room she started in is of the painting that is being sold at night with the gallery lights off. Yet more are personnel, her during childhood or high school, the odd award ceremony from those times, some of Mary with a relative or two although never of more than that.

Paydirt is in the last few. In your investigations you scrounge up a slightly dusty stack that has a photo sticking out to allowing you to read what's on the back. squeezing under mostly by that your projected senses lack any sort of mass or space you barely make out the letters PRT in pen. The photos themselves are of circled people unaware they are being observed. If that stack is PRT, then the individual pictures may be capes.

At this time your range limit comes into the building steadily forcing you away until traffic or lights force Mary to stop. In another room there are more potential cape photos, including a displeased looking Emperor. Others have at least some resemblance to a local cape going by the basic information in the files you were given.

And with that and your time short you cut the power.

Judging Ogre

Milla grits her teeth and a low snarl escapes her teeth as she is cheated from a delicious exposure.

After hearing Judge's order, Milla joins the group that is closest to Ogre, gambling that people will be too busy for her disguise to become threatened.

Judge's bike begins approaching again for another strike. Ogre is waiting just behind your group and has sent a couple more people to block the road away from the block. Now judge is forced to chose: charge your group with Ogre waiting, or charge the others and get slowed down to where Ogre may catch up.

He chooses to swing for the blocking party and circle around again, going through another three but the charging Ogre proves right behind as Judge tries to manoeuvre to get away. The slower Ogre turns the charge into a body slam of the ground and that along side his momentum, You have a few second to choose if you will be hit in this or dodge and wait to take a weaker shockwave.

Los Battle

It's about 2 am since Shade had been hoping that the streets would be somewhat bare at this point. The battle would probably involve gunshots and he didn't want stray shots to hit civilians. Not that he told that to his minions. The official reason was that he was giving them cat eyes to give them the advantage at nighttime and to counteract Espectro.

"OK. You know the plan. Get in, knock them out if you have to but don't take too big risks. You are resistant to most bullets but if they have something heavier or if they get a lucky shot in you can still be hurt. The dogs will probably have trouble getting through your armor but we haven't tested it. Yell for me if you encounter resistance you can't handle. Yell for me if you encounter resistance you can't handle. Go"

And with those words shade himself starts walking resolutely towards the Lobos base. Intending to use Pulse-empowered claws to rip open the door

Troy takes point up the stairs as you breach. Immediately shouting in Spanish breaks out and a dog is barking and charging from a room away. The air is fowl with smoke from a drug or two and alcohol. One poor sod after one too many is taking a leek against the stairwell directly ahead of you as you catch him with his pants down.

2019-04-28, 02:23 PM
Judging Ogre

Milla tries dodging to the left and then redecides and tries to dodge to the right, attempting to delay her escape far enough that the shockwave will scrape her without harming her severely.

If hit she'll collapse to the ground screaming and stay put for the fight.

If dodged she'll circle around to approach Judge. She doesn't actually want to engage with the vigilantee but her main aim is to gain Judge's power by absorbing a blow from Ogre through Judge's power so she stays close.

Los Battle

Shade slams the blunt side of his left claw into the side of the man's head, trying to moderate Pulse's power low enough that no permanent damage is done. She'll copy the guy's internal framework before the hit and afterwards she'll stand over him and touch him with the tip of claw to be sure that he isn't at high risk of dying before continuing her assault into the building.

He blasts open a door with a hard kick and using seeker's power to quickly find and incapacitate the Logos.

2019-07-10, 04:53 PM
Judging Ogre

Milla tries dodging to the left and then redecides and tries to dodge to the right, attempting to delay her escape far enough that the shockwave will scrape her without harming her severely.

If hit she'll collapse to the ground screaming and stay put for the fight.

The blast skims you, catching your right foot and ankle even if you dodge the worst. Face's power gets you an immediate sense of the damages. Your tendons and ligaments have been stretched farther than they should for a moment and that is an immediate sharp pain up your calf. As for more important harm, your ankle-joint has burst but as you drop to the ground you can fix that with Face's power and having to move shouldn't do any further harm. More significant are some of your toes, with that foot having two broken phalanges, and a twisted metatarsus. You could probably heal them with faces power but if you have to move doing so on shifting bones may do more damage.

You proceed to bide your time blending in with a loose pile of others hit worse than you as the fight continues.

Whenever you impact another surface (and vice-versa) you produce a shockwave at the point of impact. The force of this shockwave is equivelent to that which created it but ten percent weaker.

The size of the shockwaves scales with the strength of the impact. An eyeblink is about an inch, a punch at standard human strength is about 3-5 foot, and a high speed car crash about 25-30 foot. Shockwaves are loud and visible as a subtle visual disturbance in the air.

As a natural outcome of striking impacting objects with near-equal energy and interrupting the energy transfer during impacts this power significantly reduces harm from direct impacts. You are not able to be harmed by your own shockwaves.

Judge continues with his harassing hit-and-run stance on this fight. Here and there the approach of an engine is preceded by gunshots by Judge as he uses them to set of a shock from Ogre and thin the heard. Time passes but before long you hear the edge of a siren. Legitimate authorities are on the way.

Los Battle

Shade slams the blunt side of his left claw into the side of the man's head, trying to moderate Pulse's power low enough that no permanent damage is done. She'll copy the guy's internal framework before the hit and afterwards she'll stand over him and touch him with the tip of claw to be sure that he isn't at high risk of dying before continuing her assault into the building.

He blasts open a door with a hard kick and using seeker's power to quickly find and incapacitate the Logos.

As pantless attempts to cover himself and put his hands up, failing at both, you knock him out. He does not seem to have anything life threatening but will have quote the migraine impending, Beyond a future hangover you overdid it enough to give him a minor concussion.

Busting into the next room you find one of your people firing into the ceiling to try and make the Lobos stand down to little success, another is in cover at the doorframe backing them up. The room is quite large and in the back is a half open sliding door made to resemble a wall, bookcase beside it likely backing the disguise up. On the other side you see through the wood into the lab. Two standing and shooting. Another behind the couch actually taking cover and shooting from there. All three have pistols. One man has already been shot and another is attempting to retrieve his knife. Lastly a kid of around fifteen stands shellshocked.

You take out the first gunman standing out in the open after a short run up. Getting a better idea on your strength he will be fine. The one reaching for the knife is up now and charging at you. Julian in the doorway takes a shot to get him but misses and your swipe then misses as he aims to stab lower than you thought and gets you between a couple scales to little effect beyond putting you in a good position to retaliate. In about a second he is down and Julian has fires off a couple shots at the second gunman. The second hits the man in the gut and takes him down but not before he gets a shot off into your shoulder. Your right arm hurts a fair bit to move now but you are still able to jump the couch to take the last shooter out.

Al that's left is the young guy no-doubt in over his head and the guys you ee in the lab. One has a pistol and another is running towards the back of the hidden room.

2019-10-03, 03:04 AM
Your ears are burning

Did Milla get the address of the place that Mary lives?

Judging Ogre

Milla yells in pain and is almost about to cry when her tears are swept away by th euphoria of acquiring a new power. Then with the pain only filling part of her world she returns to her objective. While Ogre's power is useful she was aiming for an exposure of Face's power by having it use her toredirect an Ogre pulse.

Rather than using Face's power while in pain and possibly risking to do permanent damage she allows Roach' power to heal her and crawls closer to the battle, hoping to get into range of Face's power. She'll keep an eye out for the cops but really wants some of Face's juicy redirection.

Los Battle

Shade pays no attention to the wounds as his regeneration work its magic.

"Hey kid, seems like you joined the wrong gang
On thr market for a new one?", he says to the young guy.

If the young guys seems able to talk Shade will quiz him about where the capes are and when he think they'll be here.

He'll then conitnue supporrting his men in taking over the building, walking in front of gunshots to do so, trusting his metal reinforced blating, forcefield, and regenration to keep him safe.