View Full Version : Hell's Vengeance part 1: Hellfire Compact IC

2017-09-10, 01:53 AM
Night falls on the sleepy town of Longacre. A few lights shine in windows or on the streets, and occasional conversation carries out to the streets. Outside town, it is quiets, aside from the occasional rustling sounds from the wilderness. Moon is the only light that shines upon you, and even that is occasionally obscured by the clouds above. In short, a great night for a bit of burglary. Light enough to see by, dark enough to not be seen.

You have come here at the call of Cimri Staelish, who has enlisted you to help her with a shakeup of Louslik Tannery. You can smell the place about as well as you can see it in this light, the smell of dung used for softening the leather permeating the surrounding countryside. Located around a mile outside of Longacre, the tannery is made up of two buildings and a yard surrounded by a palisade. The compound is perhaps 50ft by 100ft total, and lit decently. A single gate grants entrance to the place.

You knew the target beforehand, and some might have come during daylight hours to check the place out. Your reconnaissance has yielded the following:
-It's smelly. The yard is mostly empty, lit through the night. You've heard a dog barking, and it sounds big.
-The gate has a simple operating mechanism, but creaks a lot when opening
-There's a gap in the palisade in the north, by the two buildings, fit for a halfling, or with a bit of effort, a human as well.

Cimri is a young woman, barely into adulthood, but a heart of a criminal beats in her chest. She wears a leather armour (produced by the tannery she's about to break into) and prefers browns and greens for clothing. She has short brown hair and wields a kukri on her belt. She ties a scarf around her face to avoid recognition.

"There it is - Louslik Tannery. Plan's simple: We break in, sack ol' Loulik's office, take whatever's shiny and get out before the sheriff shows up. If we get split, haul yourselves to the Ash House by dawn for your reward."
Dull moonlight glints across her dagger as she flicks it in emphasis. “If you get pinched, remember: you’re mute. Keep your mouth shut, and I’ll handle things. I got assurances that we won’t take any blame if things go south. But get chatty and I’ll let you rot.” A beat passes and her usual crooked smirk appears. “If you don’t screw things up, we’ll all be drinking on Razelago’s coin come dawn. Let’s do this.”

This is the first time you've heard Cimri refer to the place, but you know it used to be a noble's manor before being burned down decades ago. Locals don't really go there, believing it to be haunted.

2017-09-10, 08:32 AM

Nolan examines the tannery and looks for any easy way in, especially as he is pretty sure some are less agile than he and Cimri. Staying close to Cimri he whispers, "Anyone supposed to be here?" He pulls out a dagger and smiles at her, "And if so is there any reason not to silence them permanently is they discover us?"

Perception [roll0]

2017-09-10, 08:48 AM
"The owner works through the night. See how the place is lit? Aside from that I don't expect any night-time activities here. I would prefer not to kill anyone here, things would be smoother afterwards. Murder's a bit more serious issue than theft after all, though if it comes down to that, go right ahead." Cimri says, after a bit of recollection and thought.

2017-09-10, 11:14 AM
Nero has no skills that would help break into the tannery, so he follows the others' lead and keeps a lookout with his night vision. His face shows a quick flash of disappointment when Cimri says she would prefer they not kill anyone, but he knows it would be best to follow instructions - nobody would want to hire someone who can't do something as simple as that.

perception I guess: [roll0]

2017-09-10, 11:55 AM

Nolan spies the gap on the north wall of the palisade. "A bit tight, but that is our way in." He quietly moves to the gap and looks and listens for any activity inside.

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2017-09-10, 11:55 AM
Iaoestria Leroung nods in agreement with Cimri, she would rather not kill for no reason. "I'm going to make sure there is no magic at work here. If the dog comes running I can knock it out with my sorcery." Iaoestria says with a low voice towards the party. Iasoes whispers some words and attempts to move her hand around correctly with her armor on to cast detect magic.


2017-09-10, 01:52 PM
Father Nosh

Father Nosh seethed as he looked around Longacre. The people of this small town, with their open flaunting of their worship of Iomedae, were in clear defiance of Lord Asmodeus... as well as Queen Abrogail II, he quickly amended. They weren't even making a token attempt of hiding this heresy with a small temple or shrine dedicated to Asmodeus. He could not wait until he returned to Westcrown, gathered some fellow inquisitors and enforcers of Lord Asmodeus' rule and came back to this town. The town leaders would either be brought into line with the law of the land or be replaced.

However, he would be unable to do that until he helped complete this inconsequential act of larceny. In the face of such blasphemy as displayed by the people of Longacre, who cares about the actions of a lowly tanner? The only thing that brought the slightest glimmer of joy was the possibility that this tanner was a worshiper of Iomedae, like everyone else in this gods' forsaken town, and he could use the opportunity to 'convert' the man.

As his compatriot, Nolan, glided over to the gap in the palisade, he kept watch to make certain no guard or civilian came up behind him, since his attention was focused through the gap to the main yard. Nosh would act after he was certain that the way was clear.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-09-10, 03:03 PM
There doesn't seem to be any activity on the yard itself. Up that close, it simply smells awful. If it's any worse inside, a person of lesser fortitude might get violently sick.

Based on perception checks, no people are on the yard. You know there is at least one dog on the premises. No magical auras either

2017-09-10, 03:20 PM
Iaoestria moves over to the gap in the fence and readies a daze spell to cast in case the dog shows up. "There are no magic auras here." Iaoestria says quietly but confidently to the rest of the party.

Iaoestria feels a little uncomfortable committing a crime, even if it is for the greater fulfillment of the law. Iaoestria shook her head a little. She needed to stay alert, a Hellknight would not be second guessing themselves and neither should she.

2017-09-10, 03:39 PM

Nolan slips though the opening, dagger in hand, moving to the side to let others in.

Holds a standard action to attack if needed.
Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2017-09-10, 05:54 PM
Iaoestria attempts to follow through the gap, still ready to cast daze at a moments notice.


2017-09-10, 08:24 PM
Smoke watched from the shadows a distance away from the Tannery as the group made their way to the little hole in the palisade, a crossbow bolt always knocked incase anyone tried to harm Iaoestria. However once he saw her enter through the hole in the wall the halfling covered in a thiefs outfit that covered all but his eyes with a black material, including his armor, made his way to the few remaining figures at the hole, slipping past them if possible and trying to find Iaoestria on the other side. Passing Cimri along his way he nods his head to the young woman. I will do my best not to kill the man, however if any harm comes to my charge the target will be disposed of, as well as any who get in my way." Smoke says beneath his mask, making his way into the hole with ease before vanishing into the shadows once more. Seeming to vanish, as if in a poof of smoke.

Stealth roll of hiding in the treeline watching Iaoestria's back as he does not know all of these people [roll0]

Due to being small sized and how it is described that the hole is meant for a halfling I don't think I need to make the roll but just in case [roll1] as well as a Stealth check (+3 bonus from being near a human) [roll2] Crossbow is still out and at the ready
Fort save [roll3]

2017-09-10, 08:52 PM
After watching half of the party slip through the crack and hearing no sounds of alarm, Nosh focused himself and confidently strode out of their hiding spot towards the entrance. Every now and then, he felt a spectral hand on his shoulder urging him to pause for a moment. As such, he would occasional be obstructed from view by random branches, carts and shadows.

Arriving at the crack, he harrumphs at the inconvenience of entering the tannery through this small crevasse. As he pushes his way through, he is assaulted by the pungent smells of the tannery.

Stealth = [roll0]
Escape Artist (unmodified Dex) = [roll1]
Fortitude = [roll2]

2017-09-10, 10:14 PM
Seeing the rest of the group go in, Nero takes off his pack, slips it through the gap, and tries to get himself in as well.

escape artist [roll0]
fort save if success [roll1]

2017-09-10, 11:51 PM
You start making your way through. Nolan and Iaosteria manage their way through, the latter making it look easy. They are followed by Smoke, then Nosh, but the next in line, Nero, can’t quite contort to fit through.

The smell of the place assaults your senses as you enter it, leaving Iaosteria and Smoke momentarily retching and holding on to their meals. Worst of all, the guard dog lying sedately on the porch gets up and pads towards you. It stops a short distance away and starts growling, then barking. It is quite loud, and undoubtedly anyone in the compound knows that something has gained the attention of the dog.
“Silence it!” Cimri calls from behind you all.

Unfortunately, the Daze fails to go off since Iaosteria is nauseated and can’t cast it.
Theoretically, Nolan has a readied action to attack, but the dog does not close to be adjacent. It is simply warning you right now.
There is another option here, which would be to try and handle animal, but none of you has a very high bonus.

2017-09-11, 12:22 AM
Iaoestria had to stop for a second when the smell hit her. Being sheltered most of her life wasn't doing her any favors here as she almost vomited. She heard the dog bark but was momentarily unable to react.

Once she wasn't in danger of reeling into the inside of her armiger mask, Iaoestria tries to unleash her daze spell on the dog to stop his barking while her allies took care of him not even taking a moment to feel ashamed over her display of weakness.

Spell failure roll:
If the spell does not fail:

2017-09-11, 04:22 PM
The hole in the fence had looked quite easy to get through...but Nero's armor snagged on the side, and he couldn't get in. But there's no way a mere fence would be able to stop the bringer of death. He slips through on the second try.

well, let's try again. escape artist [roll0]
another fort save if needed: [roll1]

2017-09-11, 08:03 PM
Nosh narrowed his eyes at the barking dog. Silencing the flea-bitten beast would be beneath him. He'd let someone else deal with the mutt. He looked at the tannery building to see who responds to the noise and where they come from.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-09-11, 08:23 PM
Smoke unlike Ritran was used to more difficult jobs, however even the assassin's stomach had its limits as the stench of the dung made him lift his bandana up slightly to not make it dirty as he tossed up the food Ritran had eaten only hours earlier, noticing his mistress was having the same trouble though, her delicate senses being assaulted by the common people only enraged Smoke as he lifted his crossbow at the barking dog and fired of the shot he had prepared earlier, trying to silence the mutt to get rid of some of his frustration, as well as to put it in its place for resisting his Mistress's Will.

Standard action Fire crossbow Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] (the -2 is from being sickened)
Move Action load another bolt to fire off next round

Sickened (-2 to attack, damage, saves, skill checks, and ability check rolls) 9 Rounds Remaining

2017-09-11, 09:51 PM

Hearing the command to silence the dog he moves towards it and throws his dagger.

He will move as little as he can to be within 10 ft if possible.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-09-12, 02:25 AM
The dog is unfazed by the spell, and The crossbow bolt sails past it, sinking into the palisade on the far side. Nolan's dagger hits the dog at the shoulder. It yelps but remains standing, growling in warning.

You emerged into the yard from the north-east corner, into a small area bordered by two buildings. There is ample room to manouver.on the southern side of the yard there are a number of vats, maybe tour feet tall and the source of the horror smell. The building on the North side, to your right, has a single window, with light emanating from there. Something moves inside, obscuring the light briefly. The door opens and light spills out, a shadow of a tall man outlined in the doorframe. He looks to be wielding a crossbow. Another dog, much smaller than the guard dog, runs out between the man's legs,marking at a higher pitch.

Nosh can detect no other creatures in the area.

The dog charges at Nolan, jaws snapping and trying to pull him down.

[roll0] attack
[roll1] damage
[roll2] trip (If attack hits)

2017-09-12, 07:51 AM
Nosh notices the crossbow-wielding man before the others do. A red and black glow surrounds his hand as Nosh raises it and walks towards the man. At the last moment, Nosh remembers that Cimri wanted to avoid unnecessary deaths.

An unearthly barbed chain erupts from the ground beside the man's feet. It lashes out at the man, wrapping itself around his leg and attempting to pull him to the ground.

Casting Barbed Chain to attempt a trip combat maneuver. If successful, he will need to make a Will save or be shaken for 1d4 rounds.


2017-09-12, 03:30 PM
Mentally cursing herself for forgetting that daze wouldn't work on a dog, Iaoestria witnesses Nosh's magic drawing her attention to the crossbow wielder.

Eyes widening, the flustered noble unleashes her daze spell towards the humanoid target and then hastily takes out her crossbow.

Armor Failure Check: [roll0]
Daze Casting Roll: [roll1]

2017-09-12, 05:07 PM
Amadeus lags behind the rest of the group, taking an extra moment to make sure his gear is fitted right.

With his blackjack in one hand, he sets about scaling the palisade, judging that it'd be easier getting over it than trying to make his armor fit through the available gap in the palisade.

+4 str, -4 ACP from Scale Mail for a total of +0 to climb. [roll0]

Edit: I assume 18 is sufficient to climb the palisade? Otherwise, I'll edit.

Reaching the top of the fence, he hops down on the other side. Eyes impassive, he advances on the man with the crossbow, withdrawing a pouch from his belt.

Accounting for actions:
Move1: Climb the fence.
Move2: Move 20ft. towards crossbow guy, drawing Flash Powder with the hand that isn't holding a sap as part of my move action. (can draw weapons as part of movement beccause of +1 BAB)

2017-09-12, 06:56 PM

Nolan evades the dog's attack and draws another dagger and sashes at the bloodied dog without hesitation.

Move action to draw his second dagger.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
If another is threatening the dog aka within 5' He would do +1 damage, +2 to hit and get Sneak stab damage [roll2]

2017-09-12, 11:18 PM
Nero goes to pick up his pack, but pauses as the man and second dog approach. He grasps his holy symbol and mutters a few words, flooding the area with a wave of unholy energy, then grabs his scythe.

standard: cast bane to give all visible enemies within 50 ft -1 penalty on attack rolls and a -1 penalty on saving throws against fear effects for 1 minute: [roll0] vs enemy will
move: draw scythe

2017-09-13, 05:01 AM
Smoke listens as he hears a door open and the sound of another dog can be heard as well as the distinct sound of a crossbow. Wanting to make it clear he was no longer playing around and slowly moves to get a perfect view of the door from his hidden position, before firing a bolt into the larger dog, with the intent to kill it.

Stealth [roll0] I gained +3 from humans being within 30ft. of me
Attack roll [roll1] Damage [roll2] + Sneak attack [roll3] (not sure if the SA is allowed here, I know in 3.5 if the creature is flanked it is denied dex meaning it is good, not sure if pathfinder is the same in this regard)

As the crossbow bolt soars through the sky Smoke's voice calls out from the darkness. I suggest you lower your weapon and call your beast back or you will be burying two dogs by the time we are done. And before you get any wise Ideas I want you to know that you are dealing with the assassian Smoke. I never let a target live, however am being paid extra to allow you to. Annoy me and you will be wishing you were dead." the halfling says from the darkness, his cloak billowing in the nights breeze.

2017-09-13, 09:55 AM
You need to be flanking, not for the target to be flanked. Attacking from stealth normally attacks flat-footed, after which you are revealed (unless you use sniping, which takes the form of stealth check (with -20 penalty) as a move action. Otherwise the target learns of your presence.
Once discovered, you need a place to hide, as well as a distraction to give you the opportunity to hide. If you duck behind the corner, the enemy remains aware that you went there, and isn't surprised if you peek out next turn. Wait a while and he will be, or make sure he doesn't see where you went. (say, using Bluff skill).

Secondly, your damage is 1d8 only if the target is unaware of your presence (and other conditions that don't apply here. If you reveal your presence (by attacking, talking or failing a stealth check) the damage is 1d4. So generally only the first attack in a given encounter is eligible for 1d8. Because (I assume) you are new to the game, I'll let it slide this time, and say that you've managed to maintain surprise up to this point thanks to your stealth skills.

Nosh summons a barbed chain at the man's feet. Surprised as he is by this development, he manages to struggle free before it can drag him off his feet.

Amadeus scales the walland drops down to the yard. He has a slightly different angle of approach, getting eyes on the tannery owner at once, seeing him stamp the chain and immobilizing it with his weight.

Nero channels energy in an unholy wave, lingering traces of the dark energy clinging to the man and two dogs.

Nolan, still deprived of a flanking ally, lashes out at the dog again, drawing blood and leaving it barely on its feet. As it tries to go for another bite, a crossbow bolt from a hidden location strikes it on the flank, leaving the animal bleeding on the ground, beyond saving.

The man responds to Smoke with fury. "You kill my dog! Then, come to my door, and assault me? Hell No! I’ll go full on..." His voice trails off and his entire body is frozen in place by Iaoestria's spell. There is a slight tremble as he struggles to bring his body back under control.

His dog, either sensing its master's plight or not being that aggressive without encouragement, places itself between its master and the attackers. Cimri, now in the courtyard, tries to toss a dagger its way, striking it in the neck with an expert (or lucky) throw and slaying it there.

"Knock him out and get rid of him" she says to you, gesturing at the immobilized man.

[roll0] attack (incl. range increments), confirmed in the OOC thread
[roll1] damage EDIT: Typo, should be +1. I'll assume that 7 is the full crit damage (low estimate)

Player turn 4

2017-09-13, 12:51 PM
Father Nosh continues his slow walk towards the tanner, unphased by all of the bloodshed around him. He stops just inches in front of the tanner. Nosh grabs the dazed man by his chin to force him to look into Nosh’s eyes.

”We are here to take whatever we want and you will even help us find everything,” Nosh says, his voice a steely rasp. ”However, you do have one choice in the matter.”

”We can either leave you like this dog.” Nosh points at the small dog at his feet. A nimbus of black and red energy surrounds it. The gushing wound in its side slows to a trickle, although the dog’s breathing is still labored. Then Nosh points at the larger dog that lay cold and dead. ”Or like that one. You decide, but do it quickly before one of my compatriots makes the decision for you.”

Nosh is not trying to grapple the tanner. The chin grab is light, easily shaken off and purely for narrative description.

Cast Stabilize

Rolling for Intimidate: [roll0]

2017-09-13, 06:34 PM
Gods Below, these people are talkative.

Amadeus advances steadily, trying to knock the man's crossbow out of his hands with a twist of his blackjack.

Disarm, CMB with Deft Maneuvers: [roll0]

2017-09-13, 06:46 PM
As the second dog falls to its wounds, Smoke moves from the shadows and points the crossbow at the man. This is taking to long." he says before firing a crossbow bolt at the owner of the tannery, trying to make him fall unconscious.

Sickened 7 rounds remaining

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2017-09-14, 11:01 AM
Intermediate report.

Smoke shoots the dazed man with a crossbow, striking rather painfully. Amadeus knocks the mans crossbow away with the blackjack.

Bereft of other foes, Cimri goes to Louslik with a sap, applying it generously to the head while he is helpless. "Just go down and make it easy on yourself" she says in a rather harsh tone.


If Amadeus had a hand free he can snatch himself a masterwork Heavy Crossbow. Otherwise someone needs to pick it up. Careful, it's loaded.

2017-09-14, 01:29 PM
Leveling his crossbow at the man's head seeing how the man was still standing Smoke speaks, barely auidble to any but the man and those standing on the side of him. You either help us find everything in this place and provide no further resistance, or you and your dogs won't be found until someone goes searching in the dung. And by then you will either be dead, or so disease ridden you will wish to be dead." Smoke says, making it clear unlike the others, he would kill this man if he didn't do exactly as he was told. Now first things first, give us everything on your person now, refuse and I might have to decide which knee I should shoot out first."

2017-09-14, 01:58 PM
Iaoestria puts away her crossbow as she thinks it will no longer be necessary and readies a daze spell, ready to unleash her magic on the mark if he makes any sudden moves.

2017-09-14, 02:38 PM
Leveling his crossbow at the man's head seeing how the man was still standing Smoke speaks, barely auidble to any but the man and those standing on the side of him. You either help us find everything in this place and provide no further resistance, or you and your dogs won't be found until someone goes searching in the dung. And by then you will either be dead, or so disease ridden you will wish to be dead." Smoke says, making it clear unlike the others, he would kill this man if he didn't do exactly as he was told. Now first things first, give us everything on your person now, refuse and I might have to decide which knee I should shoot out first."

He submits, but is not happy for it. "You will regret this" he says, tugging his quiver and spilling the 9 bolts to the ground. He pulls a string around his neck, revealing a key beneath his apron before tugging it free and tossing it to the ground. "There's a lockbox inside. I trust you can operate a key yourself."

Besides the lockbox, there is a vial of ink, a quill and an open ledger on the table. There is also a small vial filled with a reddish liquid, as well as a bottle of beer, opened. A lamp hangs from the roof and a set of finely crafted tools are placed on a workbench. The place is decorated with a pair of finely wrought leather tapestries.

The box contains thousands of silver pieces, worth 800gp in total. They are, however, evidence of tax evasion and Cimri suggests you don't take any. You will be richly rewarded afterwards

2017-09-14, 02:54 PM
Not trusting the man, Iaoestria walks past him and casts detect magic in the house to try to sense any magical dangers.

While she is there she also keeps an eye out to make sure the rest of the party aren't going to take any of the state's gold.


2017-09-14, 03:36 PM
“Do you really think it is wise to threaten someone who holds your life in their hands peasant?” Smoke says with a scowl hidden under his mask. However takes the key and goes into the building looking for anything of value.

Once inside the small building an evil idea crosses his mind of burning the place to the ground, spilling the beer over the man to make it look like he had done it in a drunken stupor, however their orders had been clear on this job and so the Halfling puts this notion aside for a later time. Taking the ledger Smoke quickly notes the names that kept appearing on it, looking for anything that didn’t seem right before closing it back up and moving on.

The small vial of red liquid quickly catches the halflings attention though as his small hands deftly try to stash it in his cloak without being seen as he grabs the finely crafted tools and tapestries off of the walls and throws them into a pile with the lockbox. “I doubt he doesn’t have an extra set of tools. Plus this should make it look like more of a theft.” Smoke says in a quiet voice to anyone asking what he was doing before walking out of the building and looking to those who didn’t come with him. “Why don’t we take over watching him and the rest of you check the other building. Take anything of value so we can sell it to the highest bidder on the black market.” Smoke says trying to deceive the man of who they were as well as their intent.

Sleight of hand [roll0] (+2 comes from a human being within 30ft.)
Search the house the lockbox is in [roll1]
Bluff to trick the man into thinking they were common thieves [roll2] (+3 comes from from trait as what he is saying is to help them avoid the law)

2017-09-14, 04:28 PM
"Yeah. Good idea, Smoke," he almost growls. Despite the words, it's clear that he's not particularly pleased with the halfling.

Amadeus decides to keep the man's crossbow, picking it off the ground where he dropped it.

Hooking his weapons back onto his belt, he sets about investigating the tannery. There's bound to be something in there.

Search check? [roll0]

2017-09-14, 04:57 PM

After the dogs are down he retrieves his thrown dagger. "Well, it is a theft." Then heads into the building that most looks like a residence.

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2017-09-14, 06:33 PM
Nero picks up his pack and slings his scythe back onto his back. He's not particularly interested in looting and such, but it wouldn't hurt to go in and take a look around.

perception [roll0]

2017-09-14, 06:55 PM
Nosh follows Nero and Nolan into the resident. He scans the place, not just for valuables to help sell their cover, but also signs of Iomedae worship. He wants to see how widespread this heresy has become among the populous. The more evidence he could obtain, the more weight he would have when he returned to the Inquisition in the capital.


2017-09-14, 07:28 PM
It does not take much for Smoke's well trained mind to pick up on the social ques of Amadeus clearly not liking him. However this did not bother him, only confirmed in his mind that these strangers were merely here to further the goals of his mistress. They were expandable in his eyes and he would be more than happy to sink his blade into them if the time came they could no longer be trusted around his mistress, though explaining it to her after the deed was done may be a different matter. "So are you expecting any other workers to come tonight, or was this place supposed to be empty? Keep in mind that if you lie your workers could end up dead trying to protect you." Smoke says to the man, always scanning his surroundings, though keeping his crossbow leveled at the man's head.

2017-09-14, 09:21 PM
Noticing that no one grabbed the key, Iaoestria grabs the key, heads over to the lock-box and opens it. She then takes the gold inside and stashes it and the ledger in her backpack, determined to get this over with. "We need to get out of here, we got what we need. Every second we spend here is another opportunity to get caught." She said forcefully, thinking about this situation tactically.

2017-09-14, 11:47 PM
"I was expecting a delivery soon. With any luck, they'll have heard the barking and gone back to fetch the sheriff." he says. After the threats, his bravado has run ota course. He tells you of the tools and materials in the shed (The other of the two buildings). They are valuable, but also weigh a few hundred pounds altogether. The leather tapestries also Look fine enough to Be valuable. His tools, both in his 'office' and the shed are labeled. It is no consequence If you fence them, but they are recognizable.
There is also a crate of armour, to be shipped to Longacre watch. It contains 5 finely made suits of studded leather and one more decorated suit. A quick guess puts the value of everything here somewhere around the worth of cold coin you found, or about 800, though only half that or so is easily portable.

2017-09-15, 12:20 AM
Iaoestria widens her eyes at what the tanner said. "We need to go. NOW!" she told the others as she makes to exit the building, "Come with me Smoke, that's an order." She said sternly, not willing to lose her devoted servant over this stupid endeavor.

Iaoestria Leroung (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1326002)
Human (Chelaxian) Sorcerer (Infernal) 1 LN
HP 8 / 8 Speed ft Init 1
AC 13 Fort 2 Ref 1 Will 2
Dagger -1 (1d4-1 P or S, 19-20/x2)
Dagger (Thrown) +1 (1s4-1 P or S, 19-20/x2)
Unarmed -1 (1d3-1 B, x2)
Light Crossbow +1 (1d8 P, 19-20/x2)
(, )
Str 8 (-1) Dex 12 (1) Con 14 (2) Wis 10 (0) Int 14 (2) Cha 18 (4)

2017-09-15, 01:26 AM
“I see, so what your saying is if your dogs bark at a squirrel your help runs for the sheriff, rather foolish if you ask me and a waste of time. Have they not heard the story of the little boy who cried wolf?” Smoke taunts as he looks at the valuable he had already collected and brought outside and put in a pile. “I say we let him live so that this town knows Smoke and the Fires of Hell have come to this city.” Smoke says with an evil grin as he looks back to the man. “And if you don’t let them know I will be back to let them know in a different way.” The Halfling says, his voice becoming much colder and darker, if it was at all possible as he looked in the direction of Iaoestria as she spoke. “ I suggest anyone who wants a new suit of armor take it out of the crate and carry it along with the rest of the stuff we have in this pile. I will be taking the lockbox, his family tool set, and the tapestry’s back with us.” Smoke says as he turns to look at the woman before picking up some of the things and heading out the way they came in.

2017-09-15, 01:48 PM
Nero, not finding anything of use, comes back outside to one of the others seeming to have a meltdown. Chuckling at the panic, he takes a look outside the palisade to see if there's any movement.


2017-09-15, 02:47 PM
Not a whisper. Though you can see that there is a light in the direction of Longacre that looks to be moving, slowly in proportion to distance, along the road to the tannery. Should be a while yet, but it is coming.

Cimri picks up the suits of leather armour that you leave behind, as well as a few other choice things from the workshop, after a quick appraisal. Some of the things you're taking along, like the lockbox, will prove tricky to transport through the gap in the palisade. (Clarification: The strongbox weighs around 20 pounds when full. So with the other stuff it puts Smoke at heavy load. Might be wiser to let one of the twicelings carry it.)

Taking some liberties with the DC here.

2017-09-15, 06:32 PM
Father Nosh noticed that the rest of the group was leaving. Since he didn't see any obvious signs of heresy, he followed. Nosh stopped briefly to check out the gate and to see if there was anything he could do to slow the possible arrival of law enforcement.

Disable Device: [roll0]

2017-09-15, 07:10 PM

Nolan heads out with Cimri after grabbing a suit of studded leather.

2017-09-15, 09:28 PM
"Here let me get through on the other side and once I am over their I will pull it while the two of you try and push it. Or we could open it and take the wealth which would be much easier." The halfling points out as he sees the tell tale signs of incoming trouble in the distance. "Whatever we are going to do we need to do it now." Smoke says slipping through the hole with ease due to his small size, before waiting to see if they would pass the gold to him, or try and push the box through.

I am sure between the two of the pushing the box, and Smoke pulling it we should be able to get it through the whole with ease.

2017-09-16, 03:09 AM
Nero leans back in, saying somewhat softly, "There's some people coming, but they're still pretty far." Then, he tries to get back out, tossing his pack first again and then heading through the breach.

escape artist [roll0][roll1][roll2] if I don't get it in 3 tries it'll be take 20 I guess

2017-09-16, 05:07 AM
You depart, disappearing into the wilderness, leaving Louslik bound in his office. His spirit is quite broken by the experience, considering that he seemed to count on the guards coming a bit sooner. With you you've got pretty much the entirety of portable wealth contained in the tannery. Between all the circumstances, you doubt the man can identify you beyond race and gender and general build.

Cimri leads you to the Ash House, located a few hundred yards from Longacre, protected from view by thickets of leaved trees. The building itself is a two-story manor, or the remains of one. The burned husk looks as though it might fall down on itself at the slightest provocation. Bearing the scars of a decades-old fire, on closer inspection one can detect that it once had a third story that collapsed on the other two. Ivy grows over the walls and through long-shattered windows and invades every crevice. A cracked granite porch leads to a door decorated with a rusty doorknocker in the shape of a boar's head.

"Welcome" Cimri starts, "To my secret home." she says, gesturing to the burnt wreck of a house. "It's a lot nicer than it looks. Not nearly as haunted as people say it is" she says defensively. She hops to the porch and climbs unceremoniously through the first-floor window. "Don't bother with the door, It's been stuck forever." she calls out from inside.

The rom you enter into was once a parlour. It still has a fireplace, and plenty of fine-looking furniture or more accurately pieces thereof. There is a serviceable-looking couch, a small table with a lamp and a box stashed to the corner of the room. There's a straw mattress by the fireplace. A large chest sits in the corner, complete with a steady-looking padlock.

Cimri hurries you through however, saying that her contact is waiting upstairs with your reward. Most of the stuff is hers anyway, and worth practically nothing. She takes you through a door to what was once the entrance hall, still containing a staircase upstairs that, while creaking ominously under Cimri's weight, still offers support for anyone. The remainder of the first floor seems mostly to be collapsed rubble and remains of the upper floors. More than one person has shifted through the rubble since then.

The upper floor is not in much better shape. The western side of the house, above the parlour seems well-preserved, and is where Cimri leads you. The door appears untouched by fire, and may be newer than the rest of the building. She knocks on the door once before opening it. Beyond are the remains of a reading room or a library. Toppled bookshelves and scattered books ruined by fire and water and age lie on the floor. A heap of them built into a moderately comfortable nest houses a sleek, feline creature that lifts its head lazily as you enter before settling down to a more comfortable position. A set of paper screens divides the room. Backlit, a shadow of a desk and high-backed chair is projected onto the paper. The light intensifies, and a new shadow appears on the screen. A lean, bald figure leaning forward on the chair, almost hungrily. There is a table and two chairs on your side of the divide. Cimri slouches down on one.

A drama queen.

A voice speaks slowly, carefully, "Cimri. Is it done?" It sounds embarrassingly high-pitched and wheezing. Cimri begins to narrate what transpired, exaggerating both her own role, as well as the actions of Iaoestria and Smoke in subduing the tannery owner. Retelling of Smoke's intimidation and the way the man went from bravado to resignation appears to amuse the figure. Cimri also places the cash from the strongbox on the table. Is that everything? the voice asks. Cimri affirms this.

I moved along a lot. Feel free to interrupt or interject or talk anywhere.
You can roll knowledge (Arcana or Nature) to recognize the feline creature, and Perception if you want to examine the place a bit more closely. You'll have an opportunity to examine the house later, but for now Cimri presses you to your goal. She wants her reward.


2017-09-16, 07:54 AM
Smoke cannot help but smile, none would be able to identify him in the town due to his masterful disguise. Sure they would know it was a Halfling, but never that it was the kind servant Ritran. And with his master wearing a mask he doubted anyone would be able to prove it was her either, and anyone dumb enough to question a noble would soon end up dead. And so he makes his way with the others through the wilderness, following Cimri until they at last arrive at what this woman consider a house. Sure in its day it may have been good, but looking at it now, there was no doubt in Smoke’s mind that the place would fall down at a moment’s notice should a strong gust of wind blow on it. “ Leave my share with Iaoestria, I still have a few things to take care of before the night is over.” Smoke says, before vanishing off into the shadows.

Once out of sight the Halfling quickly goes about removing his disguise, folding it up nice and neat before finding another way into the house, carefully sneaking in as Ritran before making it look like he was busy working here this entire time. “Mistress you have returned.” The Halfling says with a bow to his mistress and always keeping his eyes towards the ground. “Shall I begin cleaning a room for you upstairs?” the servant asks knowing the answer already.

2017-09-16, 01:04 PM
Iaoestria smiled as she took Smoke's possessions already knowing what the expect inside. And sure enough, her devoted servant Ritran greeted her inside. Though she wouldn't admit it, she really did love your servant's devotion and antics.

"Take a short break Ritran, I'm sure you've been quite busy while we have been gone." Iaoestria said to the Slip. "I would appreciate it if you could accompany me to the upper floor however." The Chelish noblewomen explained.

As they enter the room Iaoestria decides to make a quick scan of the books to see if there are any of interest to her arcane studies, she also tries to pry her memory for any knowledge about the strange feline creature.

Regardless of what she learns, Iaoestria gives their patron her full attention as he begins to talk. She listens intently to Crimri's recounting of their actions, smiling at how she exaggerated her own role as well as Iaoestria's and Smoke's. After she was done recounting the tale Iaoestria removed her mask and gave her patron a courtly bow in a fluid gesture. "Iaoestria Leroung of House Leroung, Hellknight Armiger. I am glad my servant and I could be of assistance."

When Crimri handed over the cash, Iaoestria also handed over the ledger that she took from the house. "I thought this may contain some useful information or evidence." The sorceress explained in a courtly tone.

Can't add rolls to a post apparently, I will roll this in the OOC.

Iaoestria Leroung (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1326002)
Human (Chelaxian) Sorcerer (Infernal) 1 LN
HP 8 / 8 Speed ft Init 1
AC 13 Fort 2 Ref 1 Will 2
Dagger -1 (1d4-1 P or S, 19-20/x2)
Dagger (Thrown) +1 (1s4-1 P or S, 19-20/x2)
Unarmed -1 (1d3-1 B, x2)
Light Crossbow +1 (1d8 P, 19-20/x2)
(, )
Str 8 (-1) Dex 12 (1) Con 14 (2) Wis 10 (0) Int 14 (2) Cha 18 (4)

2017-09-16, 08:44 PM
“Why of course Mistress.” The small little Halfling says, not even standing a full three feet tall as he follows behind his mistress obediently, holding out his hands for anything she hands him to carry, never once complaining no matter how heavy it seemed to him.

As the two enter the room on the second floor the Halfling makes a point a full foot behind his mistress, most would no doubt expect this as a common practice for a slave. However in Truth Ritran while for filling the role of a faithful servant was also scanning the room for any sort of danger to his mistress, as well as making sure if she needed to get to the door quickly he would be able to stop anyone trying to pursue her.

As the small Halfling eyes fall on the large cat that was taller than even he was it was clear that he was scared, as the young servant began to gulp before the figure appeared behind the screen. Remaining silent as his mistress and the others spoke. Waiting for his next orders.

Ritran is generally afraid of anything bigger than him with sharp claws
perception check [roll0]
Sense motives check for the evil cat and its master [roll1]

2017-09-18, 08:21 PM
Father Nosh stands passively off to one side. After watching the transaction between Cimri and her benefactor, he finally speaks. "Was that all? Or did you having something more pressing than petty larceny for us to do?"

2017-09-19, 03:16 PM
"You have done well, all of you. Your reward awaits you downstairs." Razelargo states in their high voice. "You're straight to point, too." he says in reply to being asked about future jobs. "A businessman like myself always has need for a few hands here and there. But now is the time for rewards. We shall speak of the future later."

Inside the chest downstairs, you find 7 bags, heavy with coin, labeled for you. Held in the chest beside that is a bundle of exquisite weapons (each of masterwork quality) A longsword, a heavy mace, a small-sized kukri, a trio of daggers and a medium-sized light crossbow. Each one of the bags assigned to you contains one hundred gold coins. Cimri's is substantially larger, and while she doesn't count them on the spot, you can guess she got more. She also claims one of the daggers, a nice piece with fancy patterns on the blade.

Besides the loot, there's a tablecloth, eight bottles of fine wine and a basket that smells mouth-wateringly good. It contains fresh bread, butter and smoked fish and boar meat. Plenty enough for the whole crew. Cimri sees that this is obviously meant to be drunk and eaten, so sets up the little table and digs in. Stealing is hungry work, she explains between mouthfuls.

You're free to explore the Ash House, rest there or go home as you wish. It is still night, however, so it might take some ingenuity to explain why you were out of town (as the gates are, generally, being watched.

2017-09-19, 05:15 PM
Having no set place to stay around town, Nero opts to stay and look around the Ash House a little before resting there.

I'll take Nero's share of the gold and some food but nothing else. Except maybe the tablecloth. (Just kidding!)

From the description it doesn't sound like anything useful will be found here, but just in case, let me know if you want me to roll anything in OOC.

2017-09-19, 06:02 PM

Nolan grabs one of the daggers, his bag of coins and sits with Crimri to dine. He keeps an eye on the other weapons with the intent of grabbing the other dagger if no one else does.

2017-09-19, 07:49 PM
Father Nosh looked through the chest of 'loot'. He assumed the large mace was meant for him. While it was larger than he was used to, it appeared to be well crafted and would aid him in the smiting of Iomedaean heretics.

Afterwards, he approached the Halfling. "Good day, young man," he said. "I couldn't help but notice the fine work you did for your mistress. While I may not have the titles that she may have, I was hoping to hire you. Having someone take care of the more mundane aspects of travel would be a great boon to me as I can then focus more on my holy duties."

2017-09-19, 08:37 PM
As the group is dismissed by the mysterious Razelargo, Ritran follows his mistress downstairs and immediately begins making her a plate of food while she goes about collecting her possessions as well as Smoke’s. With the plate full, the young Halfling servant immediately looks for where his mistress went to take a seat before bringing her the meal he had prepared for her. “ Will you be needing anything else mistress? If not I will return upstairs and begin trying to clear out a bedroom for you to sleep in. It won’t be much tonight, but once dawn comes I have no doubt I can find something suitable in town and bring it here for you.” Ritran says with pride and determination, as he eats only a piece of bread with a sliver of cheese, and meat on it. Washing it all down with water.

Before the Halfling is able to make it upstairs however to begin preparing his mistress room for her he stops as the human that seemed as tall as a tree, as well as old as one, began to speak to him. Listening to what he had to say politely, his eyes always at the ground the Halfling waited a few moments to make sure the man was finished before responding. “I believe you misunderstand my place sir, I cannot be hired to do anything unless my mistress wishes me to. I am a slave of the noble house of Leroung. If they wish to sell me that is up to my mistress not I.” Ritran says rather uncomfortable with this conversation, he had no problem being a slip, it was who he was. But this man was speaking to him and not his mistress, which was improper on so many levels that even a peasant would know not to do. However the Halfling said nothing , instead waiting for his owner to speak.

2017-09-21, 12:12 PM
Moving along

Whether you remained at the Ash House or left for your own homes, Cimri will be around some time after waking up, bringing news that Razelago has a new job for you all. He is once again in his office at Ash House, although the items you brought him last night are nowhere to be seen. There is a fine, black lacquered box on the table instead. The backlit figure of the gaunt, bald businessman awaits behind the screens. He starts explaining his next job.

“With the number of veterans who live in town, it’s not surprising that there’s a church of Iomedae in Longacre. But there might not be one much longer if Tileavia Allamar, its priestess, does what she has in mind.” Razelago’s silhouette clasps shadowy hands. “There’s growing unrest in the empire, and not just in Pezzack and along the Hellcoast. Many of Iomedae’s faithful have begun speaking more boldly of the monarchy’s vices and the rights of citizens. They seem to believe this is Andoran and that the people have only to reach out to seize power. But they are wrong. This is Cheliax, not Andoran, and we know where true power lies."

“Fifth Sword Knight Allamar is gathering all who will listen for a sermon in front of her church this afternoon— only two short hours from now. I don’t know what she has in mind, but I suspect some revolutionary claptrap that can only sow the seeds of confusion and frustration among Longacre’s citizens. That is contrary to my wishes. So I’d like you to attend the rally. In the box are sashes marked with the insignia of Archbaron Fex. Wear them, remind people that the lord of this town is not without supporters, and see what transpires. Afterward, Cimri will report back to me. In return, you will all receive double what you did last night.”

The box does indeed contain seven crimson sashes bearing an embroidered sigil of Cheliax, as well as a bronze badge depicting two stags rattling their horns. Cimri picks one and tries it on. Razelago states that the sermon should be in approximately two hours, so there should be plenty of time to survey the area and take any precautions you wish.

I'll assume that despite her good conduct, she is not cut for adventuring at this venue, feeling the need to get better before trying her skills for real again. She is willing to part with Smoke/Ritran for the good of Cheliax and some points with the ruling elite in the future.

2017-09-21, 12:54 PM
Ritran was a bit taken aback when his mistress sold him so easily the night before, sure he had just been a slave, but he had always been loyal and done everything that needed to be done before even being asked. The thought of belonging to an unknown was troubling to the Halfling, after all he was not simply a servant in the normal sense, but also the assassin Smoke. Later that night when all others were asleep Ritran made his way to his masters sleeping area and jolted him awake. “Master Nosh there is something you must know if I am to be your servant.” Ritran says, not saying anything else as he seems to undergo a transformation before the man’s eyes, growing a few feet, and putting on some weight, until at last the man Smoke from the night before stood before him. “I am at your service as well as Ritran. I believe you saw what my talents were the night before, however they are only the tip of the iceburg. However my former mistress saw it best to keep this a secret from others. A hidden blade you could always wield against your enemies if ever you needed to without being in the room.” Smoke says calmly, making it clear he would kill anyone they were working with if asked.

The Next Morning

The small servant quickly went about trying to make a quick morning breakfast for his master before he awoke, mostly grabbing the leftovers from the night before and turning them into a sandwich as at the moment the Ash house had little else he could work with. A problem Ritran would have to solve at some point. As Cimri eventually tells everyone the mysterious Razelago has a new job for them Ritran bows his head to his new Master. “I will go fetch Smoke for you now s it looks like this will be something important.” Ritran says rushing away before anyone can question him as he leaves the entire building and makes a bee line for the tree line.

Once out of view of everyone the Halfling undergoes his metamorphis into the assassin Smoke, the brand new small masterwork Kurki hanging from his right side, and a wicked sawtooth saber from his left. All the while his body completely covered in the same thieves outfit as from the day before to hide everything but his eyes. Arriving a few minutes after everyone else to the meeting room upstairs Smoke looks around listening to what is being said.

Looking at the sasha’s Smoke tries to pull off the insigna of archbarron Fex. “I have no problem doing this job, however my methods may not be something your master wishes to have go back on him. If I must keep that insigna on I will not be wearing the sash. So are we going to kill her, or simply stop her from talking?” Smoke asks before looking at the others. “When you are walking around remind people that the assassian Smoke always looks for targets at gatherings of the unfaithful, and the sign he is there is a puff of smoke.” Smoke says as he pulls out two Smokesticks to show them what he meant. “If Ritran has been doing his job right, and that fool did as he was told the town should think twice before staying there once they see the sign. And those that do are no doubt enemies of the empire that need to be killed.”

Smoke is a bit of a show off, he is all about the presentation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQJJjcrwXQE)

2017-09-21, 05:22 PM
Nero follows along silently, taking a sash. These jobs seem quite boring, but he'll play along for now. It's not like he has anything better to do anyways. And perhaps this...meeting...will go downhill. And then the fun will start.

2017-09-21, 06:11 PM

Nolan picks up the sash with a little distaste. He had no issue with the insignia, more the idea of being so overt. He smirks and then puts it on. "Anyone have a long spear I can borrow?"

2017-09-21, 09:26 PM
The Night Before

Father Nosh was taken back by the transformation of his new servant. While being woken in the middle of the night by Ritran was one thing, watching him transform into the assassin known as Smoke was something else entirely. He wisely decided not to reach for his mace and thought about the ramifications of this news.

"I will keep this secret, if that is what you want," Nosh stated

"It is obvious that Lord Asmodeus put you in my path. To do His work on this world, two types of weapons are needed. The ones that His enemies see coming and the ones they don't. With your help, we will be able to do great things in His name."

The Next Morning

Nosh listened to their benefactor's latest mission. The leather of his gloves creaked as his fist automatically clenched at the mention of Iomedaeans.

"How much leeway do we have to deal with these... heretics?" Nosh inquired. "Are we there merely to remind them of their lords' strength? Or can we take arms... if the crowd gets too out of control?"

2017-09-21, 11:33 PM
The Night Before

Father Nosh was taken back by the transformation of his new servant. While being woken in the middle of the night by Ritran was one thing, watching him transform into the assassin known as Smoke was something else entirely. He wisely decided not to reach for his mace and thought about the ramifications of this news.

"I will keep this secret, if that is what you want," Nosh stated

"It is obvious that Lord Asmodeus put you in my path. To do His work on this world, two types of weapons are needed. The ones that His enemies see coming and the ones they don't. With your help, we will be able to do great things in His name."

Smoke watched his new master and the different emotions play across the mans face, however unless he tried to raise a blade against him, he owned Ritran, and as such Smoke would remain loyal to him. "A knife in the dark is always harder to see when you believe your friend is the one standing behind you." Smoke replies, to Father Nosh beliving what he said would be answer enough for his question.

Listening to the man speak about his Lord Asmodeus Smoke simply shakes his head, in truth the assassin had not put much faith in religion. There were plenty of slaves that prayed every day for an easier life, more food, yet nothing ever happened for all of their prayers. However he was not about to say this to his new master, Smoke believed in two things in life, maintaining the proper order of things, and death. Everything else was simply an obstacle in the way. "If what you wish is for your enemies to know the power of Asmodeus before they die, it shall be done." Smoke says bowing his head in obedience.

2017-09-22, 12:59 AM
"There is no strict need to wear the sash if you feel it interferes with the work that you would do. The idea is to discourage any sort of dissent. As for your leeway... the local law still holds, but you have the backing of powerful allies, so feel free to do what you think is needed." Razelago says from behind his screen.

2017-09-22, 10:14 PM
"There is no strict need to wear the sash if you feel it interferes with the work that you would do. The idea is to discourage any sort of dissent. As for your leeway... the local law still holds, but you have the backing of powerful allies, so feel free to do what you think is needed." Razelago says from behind his screen.

Sometimes one must use force in order to make the sheep fall in line. I doubt this Archbaron Fex would want anything directly tied to him from those of us who have a harder time not making an example out of a single person to make the rest cower. As for the local law, if they were doing their job right we would not have a job. At best they are incompetent, at worst they are aiding those who wish to throw our great nation into chaos and anarchy. The later needs to be removed, the first needs to be taught a lesson in how to properly do their job." Smoke replies to the bald figure known as Razelago as he puts on his sash that has the insignia of Archbaron Fex removed from it to show he supports the rule of the Thrice damned House of Thrune and their great nation. However he makes a mental note of this Archbaron, either this was their true employer, or they were trying to place blame on them and get the people to take him out. As a noble Smoke would not take the gamble of their employer trying to seed rebellion against the Archbaron just yet.

2017-09-23, 06:48 AM
Razelago appears thoughtful. "I trust in your judgement. And reward good service richly."

Church Square

The church square, appropriately enough, sits before the church of Iomedae. It is a bit over a hundred feet per side, and a wide thoroughfare goes beside it, doubling the available space. On the square one can find a public well, as well as the notice post used for public announcements and official decrees. As of now, the notice post announces the sermon today, but little else seems to be happening in the town, as the remainder of the post is filled with decrees declaring new taxes to be in effect. None very substantial, but there are plenty of them.

The church and its attendant areas and graveyard are surrounded by a wrought iron fence. It has a small garden and an adjacent graveyard. A small whitewashed wooden porch leads to the only ground-level entrance to the church, and two balconies face towards the square. It seems likely that the sermon will be held from one of these. The church has eleven stained-glass windows depicting the Eleven Acts of Iomedae. It is tall, but seems to have a single story in it. A conspicuous white-clothed table sits before the church.

Shops and businesses line the plaza. Many are open, but one, labeled Three Bands Coopers, is dark and boarded up, put out of business by the relentless taxes. A rickety staircase provides a less obvious (though still locked) access to the second floor of the building. A few windows overlook the plaza on the second story, even boarded as they are.

Right now, the square is still sparsely populated. After all, the sermon is still over an hour away. A few elderly folk with nothing better to do, as well as business owners from the adjacent stores congregate on the square, mostly near the fence and around the well and post. Every now and then, one or two people aggregate to the square, joining a group or forming their own. You also spot a member of the city watch, a young woman in black leather, not unlike the pieces you stole from Louslik's tannery, who eyes the gathering crowd, mostly alert.

You have time to plan and prepare. Those that are wearing the insignia of House Fex find conversations hushing at their approach.

Eavesdropping takes a Diplomacy or Stealth check (to inch close enough to overhear something).
You could roll a Perception check (or take 10) to survey the area
You could try to gain access to the Three Bands Coopers via Disable Device or breaking the door down. The latter approach might warrant a distraction, lest you gain the attention of the Law.
At any rate, for the next hour or so, the crowd swells slowly but surely, scores of people gathering as the sermon approaches

2017-09-23, 10:01 AM
Father Nosh quietly among the crowd, listening the gossip. Despite his stern demeanor, people seemed to talk freely around him. It was a useful talent he had picked up over the years that was a big boon to his career as inquisitor.

Diplomacy = [roll0]

2017-09-23, 07:42 PM
Disguise check [roll0] to turn into an ordinary looking Halfling that would not stand out in a crowd (leaving his sash in a hiding place in once he arrives. No doubt the ally)
Stealth [roll1] to blend into the crowd/hide the sash, smokestick so when he becomes Smoke
Perception [roll2] as he is actively searching around the immediate area, looking for a good place to hide and such so when things go down/he needs to cause a distraction
Bluff if needed [roll3]
Sense motives on the crowd [roll4]

As the group makes there appearance in the crowd Smoke in the disguise of a small human child listens to what the crowd has to say, using his disguise to hide his true intentions the entire time as he moves through the crowds as if he were in fact a child, not staying in any one place to long as he explored the surrounding area of the church and decided to stash his extra gear near the boarded up building. Every now and then Smoke in disguise says to no one in particular how he is scared that the demon called Smoke would come to punish them all for not being faithful, pointing to the party members wearing the sashs as if to prove that the chelix empire would have sent their assassin here if so many people wearing the royal seal and that of the archbaron were here in force.

2017-09-23, 07:46 PM
Standing near the back of the group, Nero surveys the crowd with his pale eyes.

perception [roll0]

2017-09-23, 09:11 PM

Nolan walks around the square Spear in hand. He eyes the various people, listening and doing his best to look dangerous in his sash.

Perception [roll0]
Intimidate [roll1]

2017-09-26, 01:07 PM
Smoke manages his little charade. There is a hint of unease in the air, even if not everyone is convinced. He also hears snippets of conversation (more below), people talking about the fact that Archbaron Fex doesn't really approve of this sort of thing, so Allamar's message must be pretty important

Nosh manages to mingle. People do seem a little reluctant to speak with him, but he manages to convince them to reconsider. Most of the crowd circulates a few rumours: That old Louslik's tannery was cleaned last night. Man himself left tied in his office. Others say that they heard that the Sword Knight was personally visited by an angel. This meets disbelief and mixed responses. Not everyone here seems on board with that sort of thing, at least in earshot of an Asmodean inquisitor. A few retract their implied support of angels upon realizing who exactly they were talking with.

Those surveying the area and surroundings do not find much of interest. The place appears entirely devoid of fierce angels, treasonous meetings and such. One thing you do note is that as time passes, two more members of the town watch drift to the square. Cimri occasionally checks up on each of you, asking if you've found out anything interesting or incriminating. She is looking a little nervous but playing it cool.

You have the Renown social Talent, and I'll ask if you want to assume it's keyed to Longacre. Well, it's really a portion of the town, but in 1-mile radius, which encompasses it in its entirety. The question is if you'd like to swap it for Obscurity (found here (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/VigilanteTalents.aspx)). It retains the benefits in Vigilante identity, but rather than making the social identity famous and renowned, it makes the identity ordinary and beneath notice.

It doesn't tale long to learn the reason of Cimri's unease. Another guardswoman, whom you recognize as Sheriff Rhona Staelish, the ranking authority of the law in town, approaches Cimri, greeting her pretty kindly.
“Cimri! How’s my favorite niece doing?”
“I was just dandy, Aunt Rhona.”
“Some shady folks you’ve been hanging around with lately. Want to introduce me to your friends?”
“Not particularly.”
You get the feeling that this isn't exactly a cordial visit it looks to be. She seems to recognize everyone except Smoke as Cimri's friends. No doubt her minions picked up her contacts with you (or yours with her).
“So, you’re here for Sword Knight Allamar’s sermon? I didn’t think you were the religious sort.”
“Not likely, unless she’s pulled the stick out of her robes and started worshiping Calistria.”
The Sheriff looks suspicious. She eyes her niece fiercely.
“Did you hear about what happened at the tannery last night? You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?” she asks pointedly.
She looks like she's pretty adept at spotting Cimri's lies and half-truths.

Do you react?

2017-09-26, 07:15 PM
All this time Smoke had been trying to keep his distance from the group, however as the sheriff seemed to make a beeline towards Cimri the small halfling made his way over there, doing his best to make it look like he was simply another person. As he hears the woman ask about the tannery the halfling speaks up for the first time opening his mouth. "Oh dear please tell me that is not why this meeting is being called, the entire square has been talking about how the man was tied up and everything cleared up. I can't believe anyone would do such a thing, well besides that villian Smoke." the halfling says, his eyes darting around as if simply saying the name would make him appear. The Archbaron had you come here to protect all of us if that vile fiend appeared right? I hear he has been targeting those who don't serve the empire as of late, or at least that is what all his targets have in common." Smoke in disguise says to the sheriff, his voice dropping to a whisper as if at any moment they could all be attacked.

Smoke is going to try and change topic with bluff and sense motives
Bluff [roll0] Smoke gained a +3 to his check due to talking with the law
Sense Motives [roll1]

2017-09-26, 08:38 PM
“Did you hear about what happened at the tannery last night? You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?” she asks pointedly.[/SPOILER]

Nosh noticed the sheriff collaring Cimri. Cimri seemed more than a little nervous. The inquisitor made his way across the crowd to be by her side.

"Good afternoon, sheriff. I am Father Nosh of the Church of Asmodeus," Nosh interjected. "I think everyone here has heard about the tannery. It is all the gossips have been talking about."

"However, are you implying that my associate was somehow involved? I'll have you know that she was with me all night. She had been showing me the local sights. There is a possibility that I may be staying in Longacre for an extended amount of time," Nosh said with a pointed glare at the Church of Iomedae.

Technically, everything he said is true. The tannery and Ash House are among the local sights.

Bluff = [roll0]

2017-09-28, 02:06 PM
I'll apply things in such an order that Nosh spoke first, then Smoke, to weave a little bit better narrative (in my opinion)

"Fair point" the sheriff replies to Nosh, "I'm glad Cimri has made at least one dependable friend. Your stay at Longacre, however, might encounter some issues. We get your kind every now and then, trying to spread your faith here, but many here are old and set in their ways. If that doesn't bother you, you're free to stay. You're free to stay anyway though."
She spies a human child by her, looking thoughtfully down as Smoke spreads word of the fearsome assassin that is himself. "Do not divulge secrets related to our investigation you little rascal" she says, shooing him off. "...Yes? Kind of" she says in reply to the whispered words of the disguised halfling.

It looks as though she has bought it. She does seem a little worried, leaving you and Cimri alone and stalking towards one of her deputies. The young man rushes off the square. The crowd is expectant, and there is a growing murmur from the direction of the church. The sheriff spreads three of her people around the square, taking a place in the crowd herself. The doors on one of the church balconies are thrown open and Tileavia Allamar, Fifth Sword Knight steps to address the gathered citizens. Dressed in white trimmed with yellow, she addresses the crowd in a clear, strong voice.

“Friends and neighbors, I have wondrous tidings to share! We have all known hardships in our lives—needless sorrows, injustice, even cruelty. Indeed, such is the struggle of all who live. But many among us have known more than our share.
Many among us have shouldered burdens laid upon them not by the Inheritor, but by those who would curse her name and taunt her faithful. “But today, I bear a missive from champions of Iomedae’s faith, heralds of the goddess’s will, who know your troubles and would see them end.”

Allamar gestures to her twin sons, Loran and Lacall, who carry a box swaddled in white linen between them and place it on the table in front of the church. The priestess unfurls a rolled parchment and again raises her voice.

“I received this letter last night: “‘People of Longacre! The time of your redemption is at hand. When the song of the Inheritor rises, you all must choose: live as complacent vassals of corruption and evil, or embrace honor and claim the glory that is your right. The Glorious Reclamation gives you a choice.’ “Signed, ‘Lencia Visserene, Knight-Inheritor of the Glorious Reclamation.’ “Friends, it is up to us to restore the worship of Iomedae to its proper place in Cheliax and reclaim our nation in the name of the Inheritor. But we have been given a sign—a sign that the ‘Angel Knight’ has come to Longacre to lead us to glory!

Her sons lift the linen and the box lid. Inside is an ornate silver helmet sculpted with angelic features and a halo of curls. They lift the helm up high, creating the effect that it stares at the crowd in a stern manner. Allamar turns on her heel and returns to the church, leaving the crowd wondering about the implications here. A few people start drifting out, but a buzz of overlapping conversations drowns the square, musings on the message and the significance of it to the town and people of Longacre.

You get the feeling that Razelago might want to know of what transpired. Equally, what happens here might grow into seeds of something bad for your employer unless you take a hand in this

2017-09-28, 09:12 PM
“Yes mam.” Smoke says, running off and blending in with all the other little kids as he makes his way to the table, wanting to be as close to it as he could. After all why would they have a table there unless something was going to happen. Hoping the others would remember to use his smokestick as a distraction the Halfling waited and listened to the speech. “Wow Mr. you mean the angle knight is really here to save us?” The little child said to the paladins, as he made his way up to the table to get a closer look at the helm. Planning on stealing it once a distraction was in place.

Bluff check [roll0]
As a reminder Smoke did give the party one of the smokesticks and has been telling people that is Smoke's calling card so it should cause a panic if someone sets it off in the visible area of the stage, but say away from the ally where smoke's stuff is unless someone wants to pick it up.

Stealth [roll1] due to all the humans around
Sleight of hand [roll2]
These last two rolls are for when someone makes a distraction Smoke will try to steal the helm and flee without being caught.

2017-09-29, 11:39 PM
Nero can't help but laugh at the little speech. What does it matter what who they follow, or what they worship? Everyone is going to die in the end and none of that nonsense will change that fact. He doesn't bother talking to anyone; the fools are doomed, Cheliax will ensure that.

2017-10-01, 12:42 PM

Nolan smirked at the speech. Honor and glory? Is that all they have to offer? Honor is naught but manacles and glory comes to anyone. The followers of Iomedae were all about flowery words of kindness, but when push came to shove they were all lies. They didn't care for anyone who did not agree with their point of view.

2017-10-02, 07:30 AM
Smoke in disguise waits for his ALLIES to cause a distraction so he can continue to try and steal the helm.

2017-10-03, 10:11 PM
Nosh didn't even notice Ritran leaving his side. He was busy wracking his mind to think of something to disrupt the gathering. Their benefactor would probably disapprove of anything too... overt. He would have to fall back on anything he could think of from his past to provide a course of action.

Father Nosh tries to think of anything to discredit the display. He knows it won't last long, but could cause enough confusion until they get back to the Ash House for more instructions.

Lore (Church of Iomedae) = [roll0] to think of any examples of a Iomedean anti-pope (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antipope).
Lore (Church of Asmodeus) = [roll1] to think of any time that followers of Asmodeus used false relics to humiliate the Church of Iomedae.

2017-10-06, 08:47 AM
“Yes mam.” Smoke says, running off and blending in with all the other little kids as he makes his way to the table, wanting to be as close to it as he could. After all why would they have a table there unless something was going to happen. Hoping the others would remember to use his smokestick as a distraction the Halfling waited and listened to the speech. “Wow Mr. you mean the angle knight is really here to save us?” The little child said to the paladins, as he made his way up to the table to get a closer look at the helm. Planning on stealing it once a distraction was in place.

These last two rolls are for when someone makes a distraction Smoke will try to steal the helm and flee without being caught.

"The angel knight, not angle, boy" one of the brothers says, not unkindly. "And of course she is. you can rest easy." Other people are constantly travelling to take a closer look at the helmet. The brothers themselves stand a bit to the side, but occasionally need to step forward to remind people that they shouldn't crowd the place. While they do allow the curious to touch the helm, they intervene the moment someone tries to pick it up.

Smoke observes this, waiting impatiently for the distraction he told his allies to provide. He waits and waits, until he judges that the crowd is about to disperse, and with it, his cover as well. The brothers also keep eyeing the church, and there is a definite sense that the helm will soon be taken back and out of your reach. Smoke is fairly sure that he is lost in the crowd, beyond attention of the brothers. He waits until they look distracted and reaches for the helmet. It was not to be. He reaches for the helmet, picks it up, but as he was about to take it back and hide it off somewhere, and arm reaches out. One of the brothers.

There is a dilemma for Smoke. He can evade the hand reaching out for him easily enough, but is aware that most people could not. Especially not a child of the age he is pretending to be.

2017-10-06, 09:02 AM
Smoke continues to play the role of a child ogling over some helm waiting for a distraction that would never come from his allies. Annoyance at the incompetence of those his mistress had left him with begins to build up inside of the assassin as he slowly makes his way over to the helm, waiting for his best chance to grab it now that the crowd was beginning to disperse without being told to by those he was supposed to help no less. They called themselves loyal servants of Chelix, and even the one who had bought him called himself a priest of Asmendous, however all of them stood by doing nothing as these rebels tried to rally the crowd and inspire hope in this town that they would be saved by some piece of dirt calling themselves a knight.

“If they won’t help me than it seems I will have to do this the hard way.” Smoke says to himself as he sees the arm reaching out to him, before it can reach the boy he reacts, twisting his body in a way no human child could do to escape the mans grasp and begins running towards the ally that was boarded up, setting off the smokestick he had kept on him as he enters the ally before grabbing his gear and fleeing into the village, not going directly to the ash house.

Stealth [roll0] up until he gets to the ally he will use the crowd to hide inside, followed by using the smokestick once he gets in the ally to fully break line of sight. He will not go anywhere near the ash house for a few hours as if he is caught heading in that direction it may tip others off to look there. His disguise outfit is a tearaway articale of clothing, so once he feels he has enough time to change into Ritran he will do so.

[roll1] with a +20 if they try to tie him to Smoke/the child

2017-10-06, 12:03 PM
"Stop, thief!" the one that reached for your hand yells, moving quickly in pursuit. "Stop that child!" Smoke reaches the threshold of the fence that surrounds the church. So far, so good. Unfortunately for you, the big guy you are hiding behind, wanting no part with the charging priest, moves aside, revealing the 'child'. He reaches for you again, trying to grab you. "Stop in the name of the Law! you hear a male voice shout out from the crowd. One of the deputies, stationed by the churchyard, hovers into view. He takes notice, pushing through the remaining crowd.

[roll0] Combat manoeuver to grapple. He provokes, but since you are (I assume) not handling a weapon, you can't take it.
From here on out, I will roll Perception openly and leave it all to chance. For now, he succeeds thank to the circumstances (-20 to stealth hiding in the square of someone that doesn't want to hide you, something you can look forward to repeating if nothing is done).
Secondly, as written, the Human Shadow trait doesn't do much, so as an executive decision, what it does is that when hiding behind humans (or in a crowd significantly made of humans) you don't take the -10 penalty to stealth normally incurred by doing so. I think that there was a lack of communication since the Stealth-related ability is already universal (in a book printed a year before, no less). So I'll say the trait conditionally removes the associated penalty.
Something to note is that Cimri and her backers are supposed to handle any issues with the law. Probably up to killing someone 'by accident'.

2017-10-08, 11:51 PM
"Please Mister you have to let me go, if I don't bring this helmet to them they are going to kill my family they said." Smoke says, disguised as a child. " I know I am a thief sir, but I normally only steal so me and my brothers and sisters can eat. They are forcing me to steal this helmet. Said Smoke is watching." he says, tears running down his face as he points at the rest of the party members all wearing sashs showing their support for Chelix.

[roll0] I gained a +3 from the trait Successful Shirker to stay out of trouble with the law, he will even hand the helmet back if they offer to protect him. Feign Harmlessness would add a +5 to this as well, and saying he has no apparent weapons on him (he dropped all of his obvious stuff earlier) and he is a crying child who is 1 size category smaller

2017-10-09, 06:38 AM
Once Smoke begins his fable, the expression of his pursuer softens a little. He can't give the helmet away, not yet anyway. By the end of the story, based on the heartfelt story and crowd reaction, there is only one way that things could go. The child and his brothers and sisters can claim sanctuary on the church until such a time that the murderer and lowlife Smoke is brought to justice.

If I interpreted this correctly, Smoke identities the other PC's that have not made themselves scarce and Cimri as the accomplicies of Smoke.

Interesting. If I do have that right, everyone has 3 options:
Submit to captivity.

Or something I did not think of.

Also, I would like to consider this mildly PvP incident settled. You both caused trouble for one another. A great foundation for mutually assure hatred and alliance of convenience, right? (keep your enemies closer and all that)

2017-10-09, 08:43 AM
Father Nosh observes the 'child' try and implicit them in the attempted theft to the deputy. He marches over to them and projects his authority as best he can.

"Child, do not try to deceive this officer of the law with such falsehood," says Father Nosh, his voice as hard as steel. "While it is honorable of you to attempt to protect your young friends who put you up to this childish dare, trying to pawn off the deed on the nearest figure of authority you see is a dangerous thing. I happen to know that Archbaron Fex-" Nosh silently strokes the emblem on his sash, "-is personally acquainted with several Hellknights and they have ways to discern lies. Very unpleasant ways indeed."

Father Nosh then turns to the deputy. "While we had no hand in this action, I still feel the need to offer my apologies. Please, take this helm back its rightful owners and we will take 'care' of the child." Nosh points to Cimri. "As you can see, we are with the Sheriff's niece and we will personally see that he is taken to the proper authorities unharmed. There is no reason for you to get involved in this. You can't abandon your post here now and just think of the praise you will get for returning the helm to the Church."

Father Nosh hopes that the honeyed words and promise of a reward from the Church will be enough to compel the deputy to leave them.

Bluff = [roll0]
Diplomacy = [roll1]

2017-10-09, 11:02 AM
Let's make this more awkward yet. Let me know if it becomes too farcical for you, but I could not pass a straight line fed here.

A woman clears her voice. "And whatever sort of care is my niece to take of this child?" she asks, casting her eyes around the lot of you, her eyes lingering on the disguised Smoke and Cimri. "Father Nosh. I trust you will keep my niece out of trouble. And if you insist on sorting out this child, I'm willing to accommodate and see the sort of results your methods bring." she says, loud enough for the 'child' to hear. She leans a little closer and whispers, "Don't be too rough. But he is not what he seems." She sees to the return of the helm and gathers reports from her deputies.

The spectacle at the square has, perhaps inadvertently, shifted the attention away from the Angel Knight, at least to an extent. A resounding success, Cimri points out, with a note of irony obvious in her tone. She takes the long way to Ash House and Razelago.

Nosh, and Nolan, as they progress through the building to the second floor and Razelago's office, find something at the edge of hearing. Someone moving and splashing water at the opposite end of the second floor. This is somewhat odd because the door is buried halfway in rubble. Maybe the place is actually haunted.

Razelago sits behind the screens at his office again, his pet lounging comfortably in its nest of torn books and broken furniture. He awaits your report.

2017-10-09, 08:13 PM
As the sheriff decides to give him over to Father Nosh and those he had just said were going to kill him if he didn’t steal the helm he looks at the woman with a paniced face, “ Your working with them to aren’t you!” Looking at the two boys from the church the Halfling disguised as a child calls out to them. “If I leave with them I promise you will never see me ever again. Do you want to risk the death of an innocent child on your hands?” the boy asks them seeing as he would get nowhere with the sheriff, and so trying to make as big of a scene as he could to show that the church was not their to protect the people, but instead their own best interests.

Trying to make the two clergy members second guess if this is a good idea, something I will reinforce at a later time. Basically this is a building lie that I am going to use to break them [roll0] as well as show the people they are only worried about themselves not protecting the innocent from killers.

As it becomes apparent that he would receive no help the boy tried fleeing, however was easily caught and began kicking and screaming “You have all killed me, each and every one of you. I swear I hope Smoke comes and kills you all with the armies of chelix.” The boy says struggling all the while until they were a good distance away from any people.

About halfway to the Ash house Smoke stops acting like a scared human child and once more acts like the deadly assassian again. “It seems while one way to demoralize the town failed, at least we were able to divert attention away from the angel knight. Still say things would have went better if we had gotten the helm, it was a symbol to the church of hope and rebellion, and we let it slip right out of our hands.” Smoke says cursing under his breath in halfling. He says very little the rest of the way back to the Ash house, choosing to only speak with Cimri, the only one he didn’t try throwing under the bus.

Once back at the ash house Smoke walks up the stairs and immedietly looks for Razelago. “I am sorry to inform you we were unable to completely forfill your request. When the people were presented with a symbol of hope, to get behind this rebellion, those you have me working with thought it best to stand by and do nothing. Not even argue with the damn clergy that what they were speaking about was treason. I had to think on the fly and cause a scene to even get people’s attention away from this so called Angel knight my co workers didn’t seem to worry about. Do you know anything about this angel knight?” Smoke asks, clearly annoyed as he stands a distance away from the others, and always makes sure Cimri is the only one close to him, showing nonverbally he was only still here because of her.

2017-10-10, 07:49 AM
As the sheriff decides to give him over to Father Nosh and those he had just said were going to kill him if he didn’t steal the helm he looks at the woman with a paniced face, “ Your working with them to aren’t you!”
Looking at the two boys from the church the Halfling disguised as a child calls out to them. “If I leave with them I promise you will never see me ever again. Do you want to risk the death of an innocent child on your hands?” the boy asks them seeing as he would get nowhere with the sheriff, and so trying to make as big of a scene as he could to show that the church was not their to protect the people, but instead their own best interests.

Trying to make the two clergy members second guess if this is a good idea, something I will reinforce at a later time. Basically this is a building lie that I am going to use to break them [roll0] as well as show the people they are only worried about themselves not protecting the innocent from killers.

As it becomes apparent that he would receive no help the boy tried fleeing, however was easily caught and began kicking and screaming “You have all killed me, each and every one of you. I swear I hope Smoke comes and kills you all with the armies of chelix.” The boy says struggling all the while until they were a good distance away from any people.

About halfway to the Ash house Smoke stops acting like a scared human child and once more acts like the deadly assassian again. “It seems while one way to demoralize the town failed, at least we were able to divert attention away from the angel knight. Still say things would have went better if we had gotten the helm, it was a symbol to the church of hope and rebellion, and we let it slip right out of our hands.” Smoke says cursing under his breath in halfling. He says very little the rest of the way back to the Ash house, choosing to only speak with Cimri, the only one he didn’t try throwing under the bus.

Once back at the ash house Smoke walks up the stairs and immedietly looks for Razelago. “I am sorry to inform you we were unable to completely forfill your request. When the people were presented with a symbol of hope, to get behind this rebellion, those you have me working with thought it best to stand by and do nothing. Not even argue with the damn clergy that what they were speaking about was treason. I had to think on the fly and cause a scene to even get people’s attention away from this so called Angel knight my co workers didn’t seem to worry about. Do you know anything about this angel knight?” Smoke asks, clearly annoyed as he stands a distance away from the others, and always makes sure Cimri is the only one close to him, showing nonverbally he was only still here because of her.

The sheriff grabs smoke at the collar and picks him up, earning a few protests from the played crowd. "That's enough, halfling. I don't know what your connection to Smoke is exactly, but I'll find out. Until then, you can enjoy the comfort and safety of a cell" she says, loud enough for the crowd to hear. She motions for her deputy to cuff the halfling. "You know the drill people! Now move along!" she shouts to the crowd. Everyone knows that lawbreakers are usually confined to the pillory outside the sheriff's office for a day or few, on display for the general peoples. Most crimes are pretty small, and it generally isn't frowned upon if some nonlethal (generally vegetable) projectiles are employed against the prisoner. Sometimes either victims or criminal associates come and visit, and both events are usually beneficial for the situation. Outright hurting of someone confined to the pillory will result in the person finding themselves on the receiving end of such treatment.

Unless Smoke or someone else resists the rest of the party moves to the Ash House. (Cimri, more than a bit frustrated, would subtly point out that she was told that you were under influential protection, so Smoke should be free by the evening anyway.

The crowds would then begin dispersing, aided by the deputies (who are also so engaged and will not be trailing you).

2017-10-10, 08:15 AM
The sheriff grabs smoke at the collar and picks him up, earning a few protests from the played crowd. "That's enough, halfling. I don't know what your connection to Smoke is exactly, but I'll find out. Until then, you can enjoy the comfort and safety of a cell" she says, loud enough for the crowd to hear. She motions for her deputy to cuff the halfling. "You know the drill people! Now move along!"

As the woman grabs Smoke by the collar and lifts him up he only prays he still had his weapons on him, he would cut this womans hands off for daring trying to touch him as she revealed he was in fact not a human child. "So you are throwing me in jail for what exactly? Attempted robbery, I already told you I was forced to do it. For pretending to be a child instead of a halfling, you people treat mine as slaves, why would I go about being me, especially after being bullied. As for Smoke, sure who hasn't heard of him. Ask anyone in town, I am sure they have heard a story or two, nothing you can't learn at a tavern." the halfling says confidently as she did not know that she was in fact holding Smoke in her hands. " As for the comfort of a cell, lovely I was wondering where I was going to sleep tonight, looks like it won't be the streets for me." the halfling says with a laugh before turning to the inquisitor. "Sorry Mr. Inquisitor doesn't look like you will be able to get your fun after all, sure you may be able to get the others you hired to steal the helm, but you won't get me. I'll be sitting nice and comfy protected by the sheriff and her depuities." the halfling says with a smile, still trying to play the crowd even though he was revealed to be something he wasn't.

Saying we are in Chelix halflings are well known to be servants so that should earn him a few points on the whole disguise thing. After all a human child was getting treated better than this halfling is now. And he is sticking to his story that he was told to do it on threat of death so there is that as well. Basically he is still trying to play the crowd by countering her arguments with facts [roll0] Bluff check

2017-10-12, 10:05 PM
"Thank you, sheriff. You saved me from making a fool of myself," Father Nosh says. "I had been deceived by this thief's disguise, but you saw through it. I will leave you to do your duty with those that break the law and leave. Good day." Father Nosh tips his hat to the sheriff and quickly leaves the town, heading back to the Ash House.

When he makes it back to Razelago, he relays all that they observed. He didn't leave anything out, not about the angel knight, the helm or what Smoke attempted to do. He pauses and then continues.

"Sir, if I may, I think I may know of a way to deal with this church, at least temporary. Although this plan really depends on how much influence you have in the region.

"I know, in the past, the Church of Asmodeus would create fake relics to discredit important Iomedaeans. If we were to make several fake 'helms', it could dilute the impact that this one has. It would give you more breathing room here.

"Furthermore, having a single helm makes Longacre a rallying point for more Iomedean dissidents. Having more than one helm spreads out the pilgrims, allowing us to pick them up piecemeal. We could subvert them, observe them, interrogate them or even make them disappear. If you need more support with this type of scheme, I can send a letter to the Church of Asmodeus for more resources."

This is how I'm interpreting my Lore (Church of Asmodeus) roll. Let me know if I overstepped any bounds. And, considering we are playing a pre-structured Adventure Path, I doubt anything will come out of the scheme.

2017-10-13, 01:41 PM
"I fear that the validity and holiness of this relic is of lesser importance than its symbolic value. Adding more would be like adding oil to a fire." Razelago replies. "Though you make a valid point about dividing them over a wider area. Regardless. You have done well. Your payment awaits in the parlour." he continues.

This Sword knight is more dramatic than I had figured. An interesting development to be sure. There is something else that is interesting. An errand I would have you run for someone important." his silhouette indicates to a box on the table. Inside you find a stack of rolled parchments. “Post these decrees at the notice post in the church square, the jail, the Last Stand Tavern, and the Castle Gate. And while you’re at the jail, stop by the sheriff’s office. The Archbaron has a second decree for you to deliver.” Razelago’s shadow tilts toward Cimri, who picks up a folded page from the table. "One that dismisses Rhona Staelish as the sheriff of Longacre. Her failure to uphold the Archbaron's law has long been noted. With the unfortunate fate of our halfling friend, I feel this second matter should be addressed first. You have until noon today. Perform as reliably as you have in your last two tasks, and I’ll pay what we agreed upon for your first task. If this assignment goes smoothly, the Archbaron would like to meet with you. It sounds as though he might soon have some civil positions to fill.”

Downstairs in the parlor, the chest has been filled again, this time holding full one thousand gold pieces, to be split evenly between everyone there and Cimri.

All Citizens of and Visitors to the Town of Longacre,
By Order of His Lordship Darellus
Fex, Archbaron of Longacre, and in
accordance with the wishes of Her
Infernal Majestrix, Queen Abrogail II
of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune,
the following decrees are now in effect:

Longacre’s western gate, known
as the Castle Gate, is closed until
further notice. All travel into and
out of Longacre must employ the
north or south gates and be officially
sanctioned. Only the archbaron’s
agents, sanctioned local businesses,
or those displaying a writ of passage
bearing the seal of House Fex, will
be granted passage. All others must
obtain a writ from the Longacre notary
or do business elsewhere.

Longacre citizens shall not congregate
in groups numbering greater than six
in private, or in numbers greater than
twelve in public. Exceptions will be
made only for families with more than
six members or for individuals
undertaking the natural course of their
business. Gatherings for the purposes
of celebration, education, or religion
are not exempt from this order.

A curfew is now in effect. From the
hour after dusk to the hour before
dawn, no citizen of Longacre is allowed
upon the town’s streets without a
writ of exception bearing the seal of
House Fex. The archbaron’s agents
and sanctioned local businesses are
exempt from this order. Those seeking
a writ of exception may apply at the
Longacre Notary.

Any persons found in violation of
these mandates or any other laws
and sanctions of Longacre will be
considered seditious agents and are
subject to questioning, imprisonment,
and summary judgment by the
Archbaron of Longacre and officials
of the town government.

For the prosperity of Longacre, the
protection of the Empire, and the glory
of House Thrune,
Darellus Fex, Archbaron of Longacre

Seeing as this is shaping to be a two-man show, would you each like to play a second character? Alternatively, you gain a level at this juncture.

2017-10-14, 06:35 PM
"I fear that the validity and holiness of this relic is of lesser importance than its symbolic value. Adding more would be like adding oil to a fire." Razelago replies. "Though you make a valid point about dividing them over a wider area. Regardless. You have done well. Your payment awaits in the parlour." he continues.

This Sword knight is more dramatic than I had figured. An interesting development to be sure. There is something else that is interesting. An errand I would have you run for someone important." his silhouette indicates to a box on the table. Inside you find a stack of rolled parchments. “Post these decrees at the notice post in the church square, the jail, the Last Stand Tavern, and the Castle Gate. And while you’re at the jail, stop by the sheriff’s office. The Archbaron has a second decree for you to deliver.” Razelago’s shadow tilts toward Cimri, who picks up a folded page from the table. "One that dismisses Rhona Staelish as the sheriff of Longacre. Her failure to uphold the Archbaron's law has long been noted. With the unfortunate fate of our halfling friend, I feel this second matter should be addressed first. You have until noon today. Perform as reliably as you have in your last two tasks, and I’ll pay what we agreed upon for your first task. If this assignment goes smoothly, the Archbaron would like to meet with you. It sounds as though he might soon have some civil positions to fill.”

Downstairs in the parlor, the chest has been filled again, this time holding full one thousand gold pieces, to be split evenly between everyone there and Cimri.

All Citizens of and Visitors to the Town of Longacre,
By Order of His Lordship Darellus
Fex, Archbaron of Longacre, and in
accordance with the wishes of Her
Infernal Majestrix, Queen Abrogail II
of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune,
the following decrees are now in effect:

Longacre’s western gate, known
as the Castle Gate, is closed until
further notice. All travel into and
out of Longacre must employ the
north or south gates and be officially
sanctioned. Only the archbaron’s
agents, sanctioned local businesses,
or those displaying a writ of passage
bearing the seal of House Fex, will
be granted passage. All others must
obtain a writ from the Longacre notary
or do business elsewhere.

Longacre citizens shall not congregate
in groups numbering greater than six
in private, or in numbers greater than
twelve in public. Exceptions will be
made only for families with more than
six members or for individuals
undertaking the natural course of their
business. Gatherings for the purposes
of celebration, education, or religion
are not exempt from this order.

A curfew is now in effect. From the
hour after dusk to the hour before
dawn, no citizen of Longacre is allowed
upon the town’s streets without a
writ of exception bearing the seal of
House Fex. The archbaron’s agents
and sanctioned local businesses are
exempt from this order. Those seeking
a writ of exception may apply at the
Longacre Notary.

Any persons found in violation of
these mandates or any other laws
and sanctions of Longacre will be
considered seditious agents and are
subject to questioning, imprisonment,
and summary judgment by the
Archbaron of Longacre and officials
of the town government.

For the prosperity of Longacre, the
protection of the Empire, and the glory
of House Thrune,
Darellus Fex, Archbaron of Longacre

Seeing as this is shaping to be a two-man show, would you each like to play a second character? Alternatively, you gain a level at this juncture.

Father Nosh scans the decree and it all seems to make sense, especially with the Iomedeaens causing trouble.

"It will be done as you say," the inquisitor states. "However, I do have to ask. With the dismissal of the Sheriff Staelish, who am I to say is her successor?"

2017-10-15, 01:28 AM
"They likely have a method of succession. Likely the most senior among her deputies, until such a time the Archbaron nominates a successor. Razelago answers. "Which is likely to be someone he can trust to handle things in manner that Staelish would consider... unpalatable. Someone like you. But let's not put the cart before the horse. Like I said, if you do this for the man, you could be in for a meeting with him. Doesn't sound too bad, putting the fear of Asmodeus into these rural folk, right?"

2017-10-15, 07:37 PM
Once at the jail Smoke looks around, not seeming to be bothered by being brought here. "You know I always wondered what a backwards towns jail looked like, I am not really that impressed. I mean your village has such a rich history from the civil war and this is the best you got." he says gesturing to the pillory. "If you want to save some dignity you can always release me now, say it was a misunderstanding, a prank. Whatever you want to save face, you put me in that thing though, I promise you will regret it." the halfling says to the sheriff and her deputies, not in a threatening manner, in fact he seems even calmer than he was during the meeting, almost as if he knew something dangerous was stalking each and every one of them at this very moment, and not a single one knew. He could always try to escape, it wouldn't be that hard, however why tip his hand so soon.

2017-10-16, 08:46 PM
"Of course. I'll deliver these missives personally," Father Nosh says before taking his leave.

Father Nosh posts each of the decrees on his way to the sheriff's office. He pauses outside momentarily to compose himself before entering.

"Sheriff, I have tasked with delivering this letter from the Archbaron," he states as he places the letter on her desk.

2017-10-17, 02:00 PM
The sheriff is none too happy with Smoke's suggestion. Indeed, while the jail is quite shabby and one of the cells is really a storeroom, the object of the hour is really the pillory, found outside. They even have special blocks to affix thin halfling limbs and necks. Escape will be tricky if only because you don't have the ability to move your limbs. She leaves you outside, telling that she'll come and check in on you after a few hours of discomfort.

It is most likely in such a state that Father Nosh and Cimri find him. The jail itself is a sturdy stone building, built more like a fortress in miniature. It's only really missing a moat and a tower or two. Inside, a large common room contains three desks and a table with four chairs. Two doors exit the common room to the north, opening onto a narrow hallway with two jail cells. To the west of the common room, a waist-high railing separates the sheriff’s office from the rest of the jail.
There has been about half an hour since Smoke was fixed there, so if he has a cunning plan of escape (in plain view), he might already be loose. I don't really expect that outcome.

Sheriff Staelish welcomes Father Nosh warmly, though her niece's welcome is more lukewarm. She and three of her deputies were talking over tea before you entered. She takes and reads the letter. Her eyes narrow and her expression becomes very calculatedly neutral, and she reads the letter again. And again. She slams the letter on the table, an uncharacteristic move judging by the shocked reaction of the deputies. The sheriff unbuckles her sword belt, removes her black vest with the embroidered badge and places them both on her old desk. She gathers her personal belongings and own crossbow in silence. She departs without another word without making eye contact with either Cimri (who wears an amused smile) or father Nosh. Her deputies have read the letter by them. One of them, a young man, picks up his loaded crossbow and points it at Nosh.
"This ain't right. You can't do this. It ain't right"
The others don't go for weapons, but they do voice assent with the sentiment. It looks like they are not going to just stand by and let this happen.
You note that they waited until the now former sheriff left before voicing this. She would not have approved.

2017-10-17, 07:15 PM
As the sheriff throws Smoke in the pillory outside with a special addition added on for halflings the man becomes deathly silent. No longer was he talking, instead his mind was racing with all the ways he was going to make this woman pay as he began systematically trying to move his body around and escape. After a half hour he figured he was close to achieving what he needed to do when he stopped and looked directly at Father Nosh, his gaze saying that this was his fault as the man went inside the sheriff’s office. “What going to leave me hanging around, not like I have any places to go after all.” The Halfling says waiting to see if his “alley” would help him out or not before entering.

A smirk came across Smoke’s face as the sheriff left the building, not wearing any of her gear he noted she had on before, and it seemed carrying a few personal items. “Oh did someone get fired? I warned you what would happen if you put me in here didn’t I you coward.” Smoke taunted from the pillory, clearly enjoying himself at her expense.

2017-10-18, 01:35 PM
The sheriff fails to rise to Smoke's taunting. "You say you're behind this?" she asks. "You'd like to think so. Regardless, you are no longer under my protection. I hope my successors will find it in their hearts to keep scum like you locked up."

2017-10-18, 02:38 PM
“Young man, look closely at that letter again. You will see that my name is nowhere on that missive,” Father Nosh does his best to keep his tone calm, level and placating. “That bears the official seal of the Archbaron. Someone we both work for.

“I understand your anger, but you have to ask yourself why you swore your oath to this office. Did you pledge yourself to a single individual? Or did you raise your hand and give your word that you would do everything in your power to better the community here? A community that swore loyalty to the Archbaron.”

Father Nosh slowly steps around the desk to stand in front of the deputy. “The way I see it, you have four options,” Father Nosh states, holding up four fingers. “Firstly, you can take off that badge and follow the sheriff out that door. This will leave this office undermanned and threaten the livelihoods of everyone in Longacre but, hey, you will be fulfilling your sense of loyalty and righteousness.” Nosh lowers a finger and takes a slow step closer to the deputy.

“Another option is to leave here and directly petition the Archbaron on behalf of the sheriff,” Nosh suggests, lowering another finger. “You can tell him that he made a mistake in dismissing the sheriff and that she should be reinstated. I am sure that, after hearing your impassioned plea, there is a possibility that he will be moved enough to give the job back to her.”

Father Nosh takes another step towards the deputy. The point of the crossbow bolt is pressed against his shirt. “Thirdly, you can pull that trigger and kill an unarmed man, whose only crime was delivering a letter that you didn’t like. Your fellow deputies will then be put in the position of either arresting you or staying silent and becoming accessories to your crime. I am sure your beloved sheriff would appreciate the fact that you committed murder in her name.”

“Or lastly, you can put down that crossbow and return to your post. No one will ever speak of your brief lapse in judgment. You can serve this office with distinction and honor, improving the lives of every citizen of Longacre and become a beacon of the law in this town. You can prove to everyone, the Archbaron included, that the former sheriff’s true legacy is a generation of lawmen of the highest principles that selflessly put the sacred laws and edicts of the land before their own wants and desires.

“What will your decision be?” Father Nosh holds out an empty hand for the deputy to either hand over the crossbow or clasp in solidarity.

Diplomacy = [roll0]

2017-10-18, 03:44 PM
"You... I..." the deputy hesitates. You can see that he won't pull the trigger. He lowers the crossbow, much to the relief of the nervous deputies by his side. "I don't know what to do" he says, turning to another deputy, a young woman in early twenties.
"Curtwyn" she calls out, "He's right. We swore an oath to Longacre. But the Archbaron has never cared about his people. He doesn't want a watch that upholds the law. He wants enforcers to enact his will. I won't have any part of that." She takes off her vest and leaves the key to her footlocker. "How about you?"
The other two are uneasy. Neither is going to go off to the Archbaron. Neither is going to get violent. Ultimately, one more leaves the watch. The young lad Curtwyn remains. He thinks that he most honours the wishes of the former sheriff by staying with the watch. He is, however, not fit to take charge by a long shot. He is technically the senior watchman now though.

He shows you around the place, goes through the keys to the cells and pillories.

Smoke witnesses two other deputies leaving the jail without their insignia.

2017-10-18, 05:59 PM
As two more deputies leave the sheriffs office he can not help but smirk, sure the sheriff had been no fun, but her deputies, that was another matter. "Is it just me or are a lot of people being fired today, must be because they do not know how to do their job. Or perhaps they were smoked out by the competition. After all you know what they say, where there is Smoke there is Fire, and I see a lot of people walking out of their job without their vests. I would be careful Smoke doesn't come for you now that you are not protected by your vests." the halfling says with glee from his pillory, taunting the guards. "Perhaps if you would have listened to me and simply let me go, your boss and you would all still have your jobs, instead I see three people without a job, maybe I should apply to be part of the town guard, it looks like they have a job opening."

To make them believe this is all because they didn't let him go [roll0]

2017-10-19, 02:05 PM
Father Nosh places a comforting hand on Curtwyn's shoulder. "I know that was a hard thing for you to do, but it also showed your character. It was very brave to acknowledge where you are faltering and to find the strength to do the right thing in the end. Sheriff Staelish would be proud that you are putting the community before your own feelings. I am positive that you will be able to run this office efficiently until the Archbaron finally appoints a successor."

After doing his best to reassure the young deputy, Father Nosh gathers up the remaining fliers. He leaves the sheriff's office to post the last decrees his benefactor tasked him with.

2017-10-19, 03:19 PM
The two deputies are not amused. The young man among them looks about ready to mete out some frontier justice at what he perceives as the source of his woes. The other deputy reminds him that just because the town doesn't really have a proper law doesn't mean they should become thugs. Smoke catches enough of them talking as they depart that they intend to talk to the rest of the watch and hopefully have everyone resign in protest, in hopes of changing the Archbaron's mind.

Meanwhile, Cimri takes charge of the prison keys, twirling them around her finger cheerfully before going outside and setting the struggling Smoke free.
"Guess you'd best hope Smoke doesn't come and getcha little halfling." she says, loud enough that passer-by's hear. "Come in and we'll get you sorted out."
Once inside, she wastes little time throwing herself to the seat that not too long ago belonged to her aunt. She comes along when Father Nosh suggests you move on.

Posting the first notice is easy enough, seeing as you are at the jail already. One needs to be put a the notice post at the church square, one at the ever-popular Last Stand tavern, and the last at the Castle Gate at the Southern end of the town. Cimri waits for your decision, though she does point out that the Last Stand tavern is closest, and on the way to Castle Gate. Church square is North of the jail.

2017-10-19, 08:14 PM
"Finally someone with common sense that sees I am the victim in all of this." the halfling says following Cimri into the building willingly. However once inside he ignores Father Nosh and follows the woman into the office. "What did our employer say when you went to report in? I see the sheriff and a few of her deputies left, however one still remains. And what of Father Nosh? He seems compromised, and I am unsure if his heart is really in this like ours?" Smoke asks the woman, trusting her more than he trusted the inquisitor at the moment.

As Smoke is filled in on what is going on he nods in understanding. "I see, so perhaps I should finish removing my disguise and become Smoke than. I think it will do good for the people to see Smoke openly walking the streets after the sheriff has been removed from duty, better yet do we have her badge lying around?" Smoke says with an evil smile as he hears the other places they still had to go. "A few of my things should still be in the alley from the job our friends seemed to chicken out on, and saying only Father Nosh is still here I am to assume he is the last remaining loyal among us? If so and we need to go to the town square anyways I think it would be best to head in that direction first. Better to go to the one lone stop, and grab any evidence connecting the disguise to me, then to let it sit there and be found. Plus all the other stops are in the same direction meaning they will be quick and ease." Smoke says as he finishes removing his disguise and reveals himself fully as Smoke, putting on a sheriffs badge and vest almost in mockery, but at the same time fully series. He fully intended to become the law of this village and remind them of who ruled these lands.

2017-10-20, 12:48 PM
That settles that. The first place you should go to is probably the Church Square. There is no longer a residual crowd, but businesses are open and you find yourselves getting some attention. On the ground, you find one of the sashes you and the others were given to wear, trampled on the ground. Cimri has obtained a hammer and some nails, and proceeds to post the notice. In that she nails it to the post. Curious townsfolk come forward to read it as soon as she is done. Murmurs begin immediately, with word of the new rules being passed around. A few more people approach you in an aggressive manner, demanding to know if this is a joke, demanding that you repeal these at once and asking who do you think you are treating the townsfolk like prisoners. As though you had anything to do with the decrees themselves.

An older, severe-looking woman approaches you with some questions. Those from Longacre might recognize her, but she introduces herself too, as doctor Gerya Rohalendi. Her questions mostly relate to practical issues: What if someone has a medical emergency during curfew? Will they be arrested for seeking help, or she for attempting to provide it? And what about 'family'? Half of Longacre is related to some degree or through marriage. How about people from the outside? How can they gain a writ of passage to enter the town when the only way to obtain one is from within the town itself? She manages to not sound upset, and seems to want these answers mostly to determine how to run her practice.

2017-10-20, 08:41 PM
As the group makes their way to the church plaza Smoke makes sure it is clear he looks exactly as he said Smoke looked earlier when he was in the plaza as he walks down the streets by the side of Father Nosh and Cimri, not at all trying to hide his contempt for the people walking the streets after such rebellious talk. No longer was he in disguise as a scared child, or a simple Halfling, but he was his true self. Making his way to the ally he had stashed his belongings he quickly places the sash on himself, making it clear he was serving the empire as he wore his sawtooth saber and kurki’s out in clear view.His blood red studed leather armor in full view for all to see and make their own assumptions as to how it got its color.

As the crowd begins to mumur this discontent Smoke looks to Father Nosh, waiting to see if he would put these people in their place, after all they had just been in a meeting of open rebellion, did they think all their rights would remain the same after that? Anyone watching the halfing could clearly see his hands toying with his blades, as if it was an actual internal conflict for him not to draw them out and start attacking.

As the young “Doctor” stepped forward to address her concerns Smoke became a lot more polite as he began to answer her. “Doctor Gerya Rohalendi, it is good to see a fine example of a law abiding citizen asking questions about the new rules put in place instead of complaining. After all I watched as most of you were in this very plaza not too long ago, taking the side of those rebels. It is only the grace of your fine leader that stays my blades at the moment. However to your questions, If there is a medical emergency during curfew hours no doubt a town guard will be somewhere around and can be of help. Anyone breaking the law will be punished with no exceptions. If you as a Doctor go to the local cleric and ask for a license of some sort I am sure you would be fine so long as it is legal.” Smoke says stressing the point of the law. “Family I would say are those who live in your house, you want to go visit your family that doesn’t live with you than do so during the daytime hours, and if you know it will exceed the limit I suggest doing so at a respectable business that you are allowed to meet in enough numbers. Though you can again ask the clerk for an exception, whether or not you will receive it is another matter. As for outsiders, after this talk of an angel knight and rebellion your protector has chosen to make sure all visitors to this town are here to keep the peace, and not cause trouble. If someone wishes to enter they can ask a guard on duty to go get a writ of passage for them, for a price of course. Or they can pay the guard to have someone gather the items they need and bring them to the gate. The first priority is the protection of the people of this village and upholding the peace that the rebels wish to destroy. I am sure when all this talk of rebels is done and over with things will return to normal you will see, however until such a time as your lord and protector sees his people’s safety in jeopardy I doubt the rules will change.” Smoke says diplomatically.

Intimidate on the crowd as a whole [roll0] (-4 due to size why it is not +7
Smoke is not being diplomatic in the sense he is talking kind and such, more he is showing more patience towards this woman due to her being respectful than he is towards the others he is outright intimidating.

2017-10-21, 05:40 AM
The good doctor accepts your answers as reasonable. She was most worried about outsiders that come to the market from nearby villages to sell produce, but if their business is allowed, her worries are placated. The crowds also seem to accept this, or at least don't want to mess with you at this time.

2017-10-22, 09:18 PM
Father Nosh rolls his eyes at Smoke's theatrics and posturing. As long as Smoke didn't push them into open rebellion, Nosh would allow him to continue. He would be the carrot to Smoke's stick.

"Please, please, I know these decrees seem restrictive," Father Nosh reassures the crowd. "I am sure once the Archbaron as officially assigned a new sheriff, they will put into place a system of fair and balanced waivers. After all, the Archbaron's decree does state that 'individuals undertaking the natural course of their business" were exceptions to the rules and he even states that those seeking a writ of exception may apply at the Longacre Notary. The Archbaron obviously doesn't want to put undue stress upon his citizens.

"Once a reasonable amount of time has passed and the Archbaron is convinced that certain destabilizing influences that seek to foster unrest have moved on, I am positive that even these restrictions will be lifted. As for now, please go about your business although please keep these decrees in mind."

With that, Father Nosh gathered the material and moved along to the next posting spot.


2017-10-23, 01:59 PM
According to plan, you get to the Last Stand tavern next.

Colorful wooden shields and weathered antlers hang upon the deck girdling this rustic public house. Overhead, a sign carved with crenellations bears the name “The Last Stand Tavern”—the letters “L” and “T” formed with painted green-fletched arrows. A fine, pristine porch stands before the tavern, providing ample space to place the notice. Alternatively, you could place it indoors.

2017-10-23, 07:44 PM
"So how do you want to do this, less people outside so we won't cause as much of a fuss as we did in town square, however more likely to be ignored out here as well. Your call." Smoke says looking to Father Nosh before slipping into the shadows to wait and see what happens next.

[roll0] Smoke will be hiding 15ft. away on the right hand side of the door, behind that wall poking his head out with weapons drawn just in case things get bad.

2017-10-24, 07:40 PM
"We go inside," Father Nosh states, matter-of-factly. "We have met with the common citizens of Longacre. We have shown that the decrees are lawful and fair. However, there are some that still think of the sheriff's office as the Archbaron's enforcers and thugs. We need show that there is a valid reason to believe that there is subversive and disruptive elements in Longacre that justify those decrees.

"I will go in there and post this decree," Nosh continues. "If they accept it and cause no fuss, then we will know that they are truly law-abiding people. We can go back to our benefactor and make the argument that the decrees have served its purpose. We can negotiate a schedule of loosing of restrictions and get the people back to our side. This will endear us to the people and cement our standings in the community.

"If they resist though, then this will reinforce to the people of Longacre why those decrees are necessary. That there really are rebellious and criminal elements hiding in Longacre that will disrupt their lives. However, and this is very important, Smoke, we can not make the first move." Father Nosh pauses to let that sink in with Smoke. "If we are the aggressor, they will win support of the fair-weather dissenters who secretly think of us as oppressors. If they throw the first blow, it shows the Archbaron was correct and these rebellious elements only want chaos and will ultimately bring the full wraith of Cheliax on Longacre. Most people will choose safety and security of the Archbaron's rule to that.

"The most important thing, when we go in there, is that no one dies." Nosh sees the disappointment in Smoke's eyes. "Today. What you do with your free nights is up to you as long as it can't be traced back to the Archbaron. We must show restraint, even if that means we lose here. In fact, the most merciful we appear and the more bloodthirsty they look, the better the outcome."

After giving those instructions and watching Smoke fade into the shadows, Father Nosh confidently enters the Last Stand Tavern.

2017-10-25, 12:57 AM
You enter The Last Stand tavern. There are a few people in there. A smell of cooking chili and alcohol fills the air. You recognize one client from the jail. A young man drowning his sorrow. He has two friends along. Smoke would recognize them as more deputies, similarly deprived of their vests. They settle for glaring at you.

The place is homely and warm. Decoration is vaguely military, and you can see a dartboard on the far wall, along with a large, welcoming fireplace.

Posting the notice attracts the attention of the owner and cook, who emerges from a Back room with an Iron Pot in one hand and a wooden ladle at the other. He looks at you, then the deputies, then back at you. He demands to know what your business here is. And that If you wanted food or drinks, he apologises for the outburst. If not, then he would like it very much If you were to be so kind as to leave.

2017-10-25, 08:25 AM
"Perhaps we will come back again for your food and drink," Father Nosh tells the owner, "however, we are here today to merely post this decree from the Archbaron. As is my duty." Father Nosh makes eye contact with the former deputies as he says that last part.

2017-10-25, 09:43 AM
Smoke cannot help but smirk at the three former townguards sitting in a tavern drinking as he walks in the door and they all start glaring at the Halfling that looks nothing like the one that was in the stocks earlier. However instead of paying them any mind he simply looks down at his sash with the seal of chelix and begins polishing it, as it sits over the vest of the deputies of this village, making a point to show the vest and sash together almost to say he was a government official higher than they ever were.

Bluff [roll0]
Also Smoke would have stayed outside looking in from a window, to late now though so I will run with it.

As the owner and cook come out of the kitchen Smoke sits back with Cimri, allowing Father Nosh to “talk” his way out of this. After all this is how the man wanted it, so this is how he would get it. Simply sitting and watching from one of the tables, waiting to see what happens.

2017-10-25, 01:40 PM
"Alright" the owner, Bolgart Caggan, says. "Let me take a look at that." He reads the note. You can see his face flushing with rage.

The former deputies, seeing Smoke essentially taunting them, leave their drinks and some coins on the table. Seeing Caggan's reaction, they quicken their step a little.
"You smug slip. I'd shove you if you were a bit taller" one of them says on their way out.

"You take that degree out of my tavern" Caggan starts, "You take that to your Archbaron" he continues, prodding Nosh with his ladle, And you tell him to shove it where the Sun don't shine! Those words."

2017-10-25, 07:38 PM
Smoke turns on the two deputies at their comment, for the first time paying actual attention to them as he speaks. "As you can see by the sash and the vest that would be assaulting a member of the Archbarrons law enforcers. Now you are a small man, I know, but what do you think would happen if you broke the law? I believe your friend who is still a deputy would have to arrest you, and put you in the pillory or he might be able to plead with the archbarron to remove such a shame from you and give you a cell. The entire town would see you openly revoulting proving why these letters my friend is putting up have to be put in place, and your dear friend the former sheriff would have to live with the shame one of "her" deputies is in jail because he wanted to assault someone in service of the Archbarron. Now tell me do you really think any of that is in the best interest of this fine town?" Smoke says, his eyes narrowing, however his hands remain away from his weapons, as his knuckles seem to begin to turn white by how hard he is gripping the mug in front of him.

[roll0] He takes a -4 due to size, but gains a +4 from his renown in his identiy as Smoke so he stays at 7 for a modifier.

As the tavern owner begins making a fuss over the sign Smoke begins counting out loud how many people are in the tavern before calling out to Father Nosh. "How many people are allowed in an establishment again? Saying our friend here is making such a big deal out of a simple peace of paper he could easily go see the town notary about, we may want to make sure he is following the laws. Wouldn't want any rebels gatherings going on here." Smoke points out, though making no move to go help Father Nosh, after all the man didn't want Smoke's kind of help.

2017-10-26, 10:23 PM
[COLOR="#8B4513"]"You take that degree out of my tavern" Caggan starts, "You take that to your Archbaron" he continues, prodding Nosh with his ladle, And you tell him to shove it where the Sun don't shine! Those words."

"Unfortunately, we seem to be at an impasse then," Father Nosh states. "I was directed to post these decrees at all the social centers of Longacre. I was given the understanding that the citizens here were all law-abiding people. Was I wrong?"

Father Nosh gestures around the tavern. "It seems like you have a couple decisions to make. I can post it here in the tavern where only your patrons can see it... or I post it outside where the entire town can. Because the only alternative to that is a hefty fine levied against this establishment. I am positive that neither of us wants something like that. After all, you have already made it clear that you are willing to serve former members of the Watch who abandoned their posts. Do you really want to add to all of that drama?"

2017-10-27, 12:29 PM
"I told you what to do with that!" he yells about halfway into Nosh's first sentence, and tosses his pot at the inquisitor with fury.

[roll0] Touch attack against Nosh
[roll1] fire damage. It might get in your eyes, blinding you.

He calms down after venting his fury. "Just.. take it outside where I don't see it. And mind the porch, I just had it painted" He doesn't look like he's going to attack. Or maybe he hasn't confidence in his ladle skills.

You need a Standard action to wipe chili from your eyes. It is about as unpleasant as it sounds.

2017-10-27, 07:59 PM
Smoke was more than happy to sit back and watch the scene as the man through chilli in the inquisitors face, no doubt burning the mans eyes. Normally this was the part where Smoke would jump in, and make sure no one got the idea to do it again, however Father Nosh wanted to appear the victim, might as well allow him to have his wish. "Told you we should of hung it outside." he calls out from where he was sitting, though his hands are now resting on his blades incase anyone else tried to do anything.

Placing his hands visibly on his weapons, though not drawing them, as if to warn people away from trying anything else. [roll0]

2017-10-29, 03:36 PM
Father Nosh took the task of wiping the chili from his face to quickly go over his options. If he lashes out at the cook, it would go against his plan and possibly turn many of the community against him. Bolgart appeared to be a respected pillar of the community. So much so that this was one of the places chosen to place the decree for maximum visibility. He could not afford to make too many enemies too soon.

However, if he retreated, it would diminish either his or the new sheriff's standing as a symbol of authority. It would also turn the Last Stand Tavern into a rallying point for the dissidents to congregate. Those that wanted to rail against the Archbaron's policies would have a place to go and spread their civil unrest.

Nosh needed something to turn the situation to his advantage and solidify the office of sheriff while allowing him to back down while saving face. The previous sheriff was clearly beloved. He would have to come off as level-headed as her if he wanted to turn the community towards him and make any future decrees seem reasonable in the face of any scapegoats Father Nosh decided to put forward. By the time he had cleaned off the majority of the chili, he believed he had a plan.

"I can see that posting this decree inside here is causing you some emotional distress," Father Nosh says, placing a comforting hand on Bolgart's shoulder. "I will move the decree to the outside. I will even be careful of the paint.

"However, whatever your issues is, it sounds like you need an outlet. If you ever want a sympathetic eye to listen, you can always find me. I'll even pay of the bottle if you would prefer pouring out your concerns while also pouring out a couple of glasses of your finest."


Reasonably confident that he had successfully manipulated the tavern owner and securing his appearance of reasonable authority figure, he turned to Smoke.

"Quit toying with the former deputies," he tells Smoke. "Let those that abandoned their duties drink away their savings while we continue to serve the community and our oaths. Right now, those duties entail posting the last of these decrees."

2017-10-29, 07:24 PM
"I have been waiting for you to get done tasting the chilli. By the way how is it, might have to grab a bowl to eat later." Smoke laughs to himself as he stands up and holds his hand out to Cimri. "Shall we be going my lady? It seems or friend is getting a bit of a cold reception and wants to rush along. Then again we do have a job to do." he says, looking at the deputies as he says this before walking out the door with Cimri, waiting outside for Father Nosh before the group moved to the next location. "Still rather I not help, I mean it seems you are doing such a fine job of making friends." Smoke adds as they walk. "Also Cimri how do you think the others will react to these decrees? Should we expect the same reaction from the castle gate?" Smoke asks, curious about the town and how the people acted.

2017-10-31, 09:45 AM
Nosh's silver tongue makes him no new friends. Caggan is both ashamed of his outburst and angry. You can tell that he doesn't hate you though, so there is some silver lining.

"Well, the last one up is the Castle Gate" Cimri replies to Smoke, "There's an elderly couple that lives by and keeps watch, so they might be upset with this change. They're harmless, unlike this cook here."

You both have an off-putting feeling as you make to leave. A sense of foreboding.

You are most certainly not about to walk into an ambush. Nope. Who leaves first?

2017-10-31, 10:03 AM
As Smoke walks out the door he nods to Cimri, "A pity, but understandable. I suppose my blades will not get to wet their appetite today." Smoke replies, his hands resting on each of his blades as he walks out the door.

I have no problem with Smoke walking out first FF AC 14 normal AC 18 13hp

2017-11-01, 07:11 AM
Seeing that he had done the best he could under the circumstances, Father Nosh takes his leave from the cook and moves to follow Smoke out of the Tavern.

2017-11-01, 11:42 AM
Enemies were waiting just by the door. They have covered there faces with cloth, but you recognize the deputy. They waited outside the door, the street empty enough. Two have weighed saps in their hands, swinging them at Smoke, while the last covers the two with a light crossbow.

[roll0] Sap vs Smoke
[roll2] Sap vs Smoke
[roll4] Readied attack with a crossbow against first enemy to take hostile action, including penalty for shooting into combat

"You are not fit to be the justice here!" the former deputy shouts.

2017-11-01, 12:53 PM
As the two deputies come in, their saps leading the way as Smoke opens the door he manages to lift his sawtooth saber up in time to catch the first sap flying at him, however his kukri was to slow as the second hit lands, hitting him square in the gut. "Now that was the worst thing you could have done." the halfling says, his eyes focused on the two deputies before him as he absentmindedly deflects the crossbow bolt coming his way. "I may not be fit to be the justice around here, but you just gave up your right to speak." Smoke says, as he lashes out with his two blades at the one who had hit him, hoping to completely demoralize his opponent.

Initative if needed [roll0]
5ft step to be out of the doorway, moving to flank the opponent who hit him
TWF Sawtooth Saber [roll1] Damage [roll2]
TWF Masterwork Kurki [roll3] Damage [roll4]

2017-11-02, 08:41 AM
Father Nosh fought to hide his smirk. The dissidents were finally playing into their hands.

"Stand down," he commanded. "Put down your arms peacefully. Don't us make harm you."

Even before he finished though, he was already gesturing and a red and black glow surrounded his hand. Suddenly, a unworldly chain burst from the ground next to the crossbowman. The chain struck out and attempted to wrap itself around the man's leg.

Trip Maneuver: [roll0]

2017-11-02, 12:44 PM
The crossbow-wielder falls down. Having missed his bolt, he reloads and fires at Nosh instead.
"I don't think so Father" the former deputy says. "We cannot just stand by and see this town go to hell."
"It's already Hell." Cimri cuts in, kukri in hand. "This is Cheliax, not some goody-freedom-Andoran" she says, dashing past Nosh, trying to move to flank one of the deputies with Smoke

The guards pair up with Cimri and Smoke, both fighting their own battle,

[roll0] Acrobatics to evade AoO
[roll1] AoO, Sap
[roll2] AoO damage
[roll3] Cimri's attack
[roll4] Damage
[roll5] Sneak attack
[roll6] Will save vs Shaken (chain)
[roll7] Crossbow vs Nosh (who I think isn't engaged in melee, otherwise -4)
[roll8] Crossbow damage
[roll9] Club vs Smoke
[roll10] club damage
[roll11] Club vs Cimri
[roll12] Club damage

2017-11-02, 09:17 PM
Seeing Cimri's plan to help him flank Smoke moves into posistion to help her, all the while calling out to Father Nosh. Stop toying with them and do something you idiot." he calls out, as his two blades dance around the guard, trying to bring him down with Cimri.

Tumble if needed [roll0]

TWF Sawtooth Saber Attack [roll1] Damage [roll2] Hidden strike damage [roll3]
TWF Masterwork Kurki Attack [roll4] Damage [roll5] Hidden Strike Damage [roll6]

AC 18 hp 6/13

2017-11-03, 02:05 PM
Father Nosh sighed. He would have thought that someone like Smoke would understand playing a role for an audience. He had shown that he at least attempted restraint before escalating his response.

Father Nosh gestured again and another chain erupted from the ground. It slashed at the fallen crossbowman.

Barbed Chains attack = [roll0]
Damage = [roll1]

I don't know if the crossbowman failed his Will save last round. If he failed, it lasts for [roll2] rounds. If he succeeded, he'll take another roll if these hit.

2017-11-03, 04:30 PM
He failed the save

Even between them, Cimri and Smoke fail to drop the assailant. He attacks wildly against Cimri, while his friend keeps Smoke flanked. The prone guard endures the lashing chain, loading his crossbow and firing. Cimri slices again with her kukri. She manages to bring the guard down.

[roll0] Attack vs Cimri
[roll1] damage vs Cimri
[roll2] Attack vs Smoke
[roll3] damage vs Smoke. First round, they used Saps, and that damage was nonlethal. Something to bear in mind
[roll4] Attack vs Nosh
[roll5] damage vs Nosh
[roll6] Cimri's attack
[roll7] damage vs deputy
[roll8] Sneak Attack

2017-11-03, 04:41 PM
Smoke watched as the world around him began to blur, taking a step back the thief withdrew the potion he stole the other night and drank it.

Potion of clw [roll0]

2017-11-05, 03:14 AM
Father Nosh hisses in pain as crossbow bolt nicks his forearm. As Smoke retreated back in order to drink a potion, Nosh realized that things weren't completely going their way. He weaves the divine power of Asmodeus to cause another chain burst forth to slash at the crossbowman and then ducks out of the doorway to get out of his sight.

Barbed Chain = [roll0]
Damage = [roll1]

2017-11-06, 12:38 PM
"Next" Cimri calls out, grinning, moving around Smoke and the other assailant, once more flanking their foe.

The prone, shaken crossbowman sees the peril of his fellows and picks himself up. He is too far from Cimri and Smoke for either to capitalize on this. He moves to check on his downed fellow.

[roll0] Cimri attack
[roll3] club vs Cimri
[roll4] club damage

Edit: Cimri continues her track record of hurting, great sneaky Attack and lousy weapon damage.

2017-11-07, 07:38 AM
Smoke moves into posistion to flank with Cimri before lashing out with both of his blades, letting the pain from his wounds control his actions.

Move to flank with Cimri if he isn't already
Sawtooth Saber [roll0] Damage [roll1] + Hidden Strike [roll2]
Masterwork Kurki [roll3] Damage [roll4] + Hidden Strike [roll5]

2017-11-08, 09:09 PM
Father Nosh moves back so that the crossbowman is in his sights again. With another gesture, yet another chain bursts out of the ground and slashes at him.

Barbed Chain slashing attack = [roll0]
Damage = [roll1]

2017-11-09, 07:03 AM
The guards lose the will to fight. The one facing Cimri and smoke tries to make a crafty retreat, while the crossbowman, by now heavily injured by the chain, drops his weapon, picks up his unconscious/dead comrade.

They break and run. The one by Smoke provokes an attack of opportunity. You are free to pursue in a show of ruthlessness, or let them go in a gesture of magnanimousness.

2017-11-09, 09:04 AM
As the former guardsmen turn tail and flee, Father Nosh turns to Smoke.

"Do you think you could apprehend at least one of them?" the inquisitor asks. "They might come in handy for the next stage in our benefactor's plans."

2017-11-09, 05:33 PM
“Where do you think you are going coward?” Smoke calls out to the fleeing guard, as he lashes out with his sawtooth saber, trying to bring the man down even as he tried to flee. At this point very little was holding Smoke back, and fight or flight had fully kicked in for the Halfling assassian who was close to death.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] Hidden strike [roll2]

Seeing the other trying to flee who had been holding a crossbow earlier Smoke looks back to Nosh as if to say you haven’t taken care of that one yet, before dropping both of his weapons and chashing after the pair, crossbow coming to bare against them as a bolt went flying through the sky, trying to bring down the guard carrying his ally, Smoke was not dumb though, and made sure to stay out of melee range of his enemy. "Pick up my stuff!" he calls back to the others, not wanting someone to steal his precious belongings.

Light Crossbow Attack [roll3] Damage [roll4] Hidden Strike [roll5]

2017-11-10, 01:07 PM
Smoke takes down the fleeing and encumbered enemy. The last deputy standing weighed his options and keeps running. You have secured captives. A minute or a few later you Will find townspeople coming to see what all the fuzz is about, If you remain in public that long.

2017-11-10, 10:55 PM
Father Nosh picks up Smoke's discarded weapons as he moves to join his companion. He quickly checks the new unconscious assailant, using his magic to make certain neither die from their wounds.

As the townsfolks start to come out, Father Nosh decides a little theatrics might be in order. "For your unprovoked assault on a representative of Archbaron and Chelish government, you will be taken into custody. You will receive free medical attention and housing at the local constable office until your attorney can arrange your release before your trial. If you can't afford one, one will be appointed for you."

He turns back to the owner of the Last Stand. "I apologize for the troubles. Hopefully, this won't put too much of a damper on your business. Hopefully, this will help cover the damages." He places two gold coins on the ground for the owner. He doesn't care if he actually collects the coins or not.

He then helps Smoke and Cimri take the former deputies back to the jailhouse.

2017-11-10, 11:03 PM
Smoke was about to fire off another shot with his crossbow at the last fleeing guard, however when Father Nosh begins to speak up, and he notices all of the people he simply lowers his crossbow and accepts his weapons back, removing all the weapons the guards had on them as well as any other personal belongings to make sure they didn't try to bribe their way out of jail. Allowing Father Nosh to do things his way as he helped the man take the guards to the prison. "Cimri you still have the only pair of keys to the stupid things they had me locked in right? I say we put them in their until we are done with our job and inform the deputy inside not to let them out and arrest anyone who tries to until we return with what the Archbarron wants done with them." Smoke says to his two companions as he mostly carries the equipment the two former guards had on them as trying to carry one of them in their armor would be to much for the small halfling.

2017-11-12, 03:39 PM
"Oh yes" Cimri replies to Smoke, taking out the keys. "You want to do the honours?"
She picks up one of the former deputies and helps lug the man to the jail and stocks. "It's cute you think a small town like this has an attorney." she says to Father Nosh on the way to jail, "Unless you plan on playing one for a mock trial. I don't think Longacre's had one in decades. Not in my lifetime anyway. she says with an easy smile.

You still have business at the Castle GateThe Castle Gate, as Longacre’s western gate is popularly called, might present a hindrance to invaders were it situated in a wall. As it is, the gate is merely a mossy stone tower connected to a short stone span that interrupts the aged, chest-high wooden fence surrounding the town. For most of Longacre’s residents, the gate is a symbol of their town’s grit and determination, but for the town’s honorary gatekeepers, managing it is a solemn charge.

One of said gatekeepers, an elderly woman, sits atop the tower. She inquires as to your business at the gate. Leaving town? On what business?

2017-11-12, 05:59 PM
Father Nosh shrugs. "It matters not. The important thing is that we gave the appearance of fairness," the inquisitor explains. "As long as the citizens don't believe we are railroading these young men, we're well on our way to establishing our legitimacy.

"As for these two," he gestures at the two unconscious former deputies, "they can either sit in those cells until the circuit judge next comes to town or they can take whatever lesser sentence the sheriff, whomever that ends up being, passes judgment and get released earlier"

After locking up the two men, he looks for a young child, waif, orphan or whatever. He promises them two coppers if they return with the doctor in a hour. Then, he leaves for Castle Gate.

"I'm here on business, dame gatekeeper," he replies as he waves his sheet of parchment. "I have been tasked to post this decree from the Archbaron."

2017-11-12, 07:40 PM
"It would be my pleasure." Smoke replies as he looks the two former guards up in the very same manner they had done to him not so long ago. "I don't know about the two of you, but this sure looks like justice to me. All we need now is something that says what they did, hey Father Nosh any way you can brand them?" Smoke asks before departing after making sure the two prisoners were secure.

Once at the castle gate Smoke makes his way to the gate looking at it as if trying to figure out if it closed like a normal door or not, then thought better of it given how he was no where close to being able to push that thing closed on his own. "As the Inquisitor said, we are here on offical orders to seal the castle gate so that the city remains safe from those outside who wish to spread seeds of rebellion, turning brother against brother, Father against child. I am sure once his grace is sure the people are safe once more he will allow it to be opened once more. IF you wish you can read the decree while you help us close the gate. After all I am sure the Archbarron is very well aware of the great good you have done for this town protecting this gate." Smoke says trying to get them to help him quickly so they could move on. He rather not have another weapon drawn on him.

As he is not fully telling the truth lying about the archbarron knowing about their hard work and such [roll0] if you feel it should be diplomacy though subtract 1 from the score. Also I lost my glasses so please forgive any mistakes I make until I get a new pair.

2017-11-14, 11:13 AM
Before they arrive at the Castle Gate, Father Nosh quickly answers Smoke's question. "Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to permanently brand them as you suggest," Father Nosh explains, showing his glowing palm. "The magic fades after a few days. We could theoretically use that to our advantage though.

"If they were made to believe that they were on some sort of temporary parole and that not coming in every few days to get the spell renewed would result in something practically nasty, we would have a ready means of control, ability to track them if need be and a source of information."

2017-11-15, 08:44 AM
"The gate's been our charge for years on end. Archbaron ain't got no right to close it" the gatekeeper says, objectively wrong. "My husband and I cannot stop you from doing this, but damned if I'm going to help you do it" her voice is laden with emotion. She leaves your view, appearing a while later from a door on ground level. She hangs the key to the tower on an extremely secure peg right outside the door. You see she carries a loaded crossbow on her. "It ain't your fault the Archbaron is a miserable, cruel..." the list goes on for a while "...bastard. The bar is inside." she tells you, before entering the house next to the gate, yelling at her husband inside that the miserable, cruel...

The bar, on a quick estimate, weighs around 200 pounds, solid oak. The gates swing closed easily enough, but lifting the bar could prove tricky.

2017-11-16, 10:28 PM
Smoke listens to the limitations Father Nosh’s spell had thinking as the man spoke about how they could try and lie to them, and such control them to a lesser extent. “The problem becomes what happens if they find out it was a ruse? I have no doubt these backwater sewer rats would easily fall for almost any lie I told them, except perhaps Cimri’s Aunt. Sly devil she is, I can tell where you get your brain.” Smoke says looking to Cimri at this last part.

“If you believe we can keep them cowering to our will instead of simply killing them as a warning that is your choice. I can no doubt convince them of the lie you have in mind however as it is simple enough.” Smoke confirms with Father Nosh and Cimri.

“As the ruler of this land he can do anything he wishes. It does not matter if you have maned the post for the past three hundred years, if the ruler of a kingdom decrees something it is to be carried out. I am simply the delivery boy in charge of making sure it is carried out. Now I can understand your annoyance at the situation, however if you were at the town square today you would understand why such precautions are being put into effect at the moment. Given time the castle gate may well be opened once more, and I will make a recommendation for it to go back into your care if you do not hamper us in doing our duty.” Smoke says plainly, wanting to be done with this and return to lick his wounds in private.

Making sure the woman went into her house and didn’t try to use the crossbow before entering the tower Smoke looked from the beam to the door before calling out to Cimri and Father Nosh. “Um I think it is going to take all three of us to move this thing. I mean I could probally drag it over to the gate, but there is no way in the nine hells I would be able to lift that on my own.” He says to the two of them as he looks at the heavy wooden beam.

2017-11-17, 11:22 PM
Father Nosh did his best to help lift and move the bar. "I will not just kill the two prisoners because it is easy or convenient. Asmodeus is the Lord of Laws. Those young men will be tried under those laws, punished under those laws and, if the laws state it, executed under those laws.

"If we show the people of Longacre that we honor the laws of Chelix and don't just blindly obey the whims of the Archbaron, then they will have fewer reasons to show disobedience. The best way to stop a rebellion is not to preemptively crush it, but to declaw it. The common people are simple and don't care about overthrowing the government, no matter how brutal, as long as they have bread on the table and no boot on their neck.

"Without their support, the Church of Iomedeae loves a large portion of their local leverage. If they can't get enough of it here, then they will have to turn to other countries for aid. In that moment, they will go from being liberators to invaders. If so, then we will have truly won."

2017-11-18, 12:31 AM
"If somethings dead you do not need to worry about it getting back up and stabbing you in the back unlike when you declaw it. Besides the Archbarron is the law of the land as he was appointed by the Queen. To disobey the Queen is to disobey the law, and to disobey those she has put in power is to disobey her wishes which are the law." Smoke says plainly. "A traitor who attacks government officals, breaks the laws, and anything else will continue to do so until they can no longer do so. Punish them and they live it shows people they can get away with doing stuff with no real consequence. Kill them in such a gruesome way that no one wants to be killed like that and they fall into line like sheep to be herded." Smoke explains to Father Nosh, showing the priest his own view on the matter as they worked.

2017-11-18, 01:57 AM
"And, if you had definitive proof that I could show to the people of Longacre that these were rebels, I would be agree with you completely. However, as it stands, they are merely drunks that lashed out at those that they viewed as taking their jobs, never mind, the fact that they were the ones that quit. In criminal and tort law, the most they are guilty of is aggravated assault and that is what they should be charged with.

"By tying laws to an individual over an institution would be a corruption of Lord Asmodeus' will because this would make laws mutable and ill-defined. Lord Asmodeus is the Forger of Contracts and laws are a societal contract that everyone has agreed to, therefore it applies to everyone from the lowest peasant all the way up to the Archbaron. As long as everyone fulfills their part of that contract, everyone receives the mutually agreed upon outcome. The Archbaron gets deference and taxes, the peasants get piece of mind and protection. Anything else is chaos and anarchy.

"If you don't agree, then you are more than welcome to make the case to the Archbaron, when we meet him, to weigh in on. If he truly does pass the position of Sheriff to you-," Father Nosh pauses and then shrugs. "Well, we'll see...

2017-11-18, 09:16 AM
Working together, Smoke, Cimri and Nosh manage to bar the Castle Gate. Cimri watches the pair argue about what to do with their captives. "We ought to talk it up with the Archbaron. We'll be the new law in town, Officially I mean. In practice, we kind of are already. We've done all that Razelago asked us. He said we should meet the Archbaron after, right? Shall we go?"

You should head to Scarlet Crown, the manorial home of Archbaron Darellus Fex. Scarlet Crown lies southeast of Longacre on the outskirts of town. A pair of rampant iron stags watches over the gate on the road leading up to the manor. Red glass shimmers upon the stags’ horns, suggesting the source of the manor’s name. Beneath the stags, a pair of grim guards keeps watch.

Sharp gables and tall, narrow windows lend the archbaron’s manor an abbeylike quality, as though this were more a place for study and solemnity than leisure and laughter. A motif of rampant stags with antlers bloody from battle repeats among iron rooftop finials and on a crest above the stone entrance. Several guards patrol the grounds and stroll atop the rooftop terrace, crossbows in hand, and halfling slaves scurry about the grounds and within the manor.

2017-11-18, 11:06 AM
“Aggravated assault on servants of the local ruler during a time of war.” Smoke corrects the inquisitor. “It may seem like it is simple black and white, however all it takes is two drunks who lost their jobs and attacked the ruler’s messengers to fan a flame. Besides if they are not part of the rebellion they cannot be made martyrs and instead stand as examples of what happens to those who try to cause unrest during a time of war.” Smoke says as they continue to work.

“When a state, country, or even an empire is born, the person who rules makes the rules that the people have to live by. And while some may allow the people a voice in these matters. Chelix is not, the sooner you learn this Father Nosh the safer I believe you will become. Your lord honors contracts and the law. Well he made a contract, or at least those who follow him, to support the Queens ancestors when she took over. If he did not think her fit to make the rules with his appointed servants he would not have backed her rulership or openly had so many churches across the empire that worked with it.” Smoke explains to the man, knowing little about religion but being around nobles enough to have a common understanding of how things ran.

“I do not need to make my case to the Archbarron, he has given us jobs to do with the laws he has written for times of rebellion and we are upholding them and making them clear for all to see. If people refuse to follow these rules there will be consequences. What depends on the law that is broken, however assault should not be looked at lightly.” He says with a shrug, not really caring if he became the new sheriff or not. After all he worked better from the shadows, as the earlier fight had proven. All this being out in the open was not how Smoke operated, and being the sheriff everything he did would be public knowledge.

As the board is finally lowered in to place Smoke lets out a sigh of relief. “I couldn’t agree more Cimri, let us go see our new employer shall we? I am interested to see what he thinks should happen now that the village is secure from outside forces trying to invade.” Smoke says allowing Cimri to lead them as he himself did not know the way, his mistress would have being a noble herself, but he was not as inclined.

As the group came to the gate Smoke took in all the security as well as the imagery all around, it all screamed of intimidation. Rule through fear and the public will not challenge you so long as you look strong. He thinks to himself before looking to the guard. “The Archbarron is expecting us, will you be escorting us in, or shall we escort ourselves?” The Halfling asksimpatiently.

2017-11-21, 01:10 PM
"You will be taken to him." the guard replies. He motions you to follow, and leads you to the main entrance to the building. A halfling butler, a slave, picks you up and escorts you to the second floor and Archbaron's office. The archbaron’s office is appointed in midnight ebony and crimson satin. Towering bookshelves, glassy-eyed taxidermic creatures, and curtained alcoves line the walls. At the far end of the room, a large desk and throne-like chair sit beneath a coat of arms displaying battling, bloody-horned stags. Behind the desk, a wide window overlooks the manor grounds.

A spare-looking man with slick salt-and-pepper hair, Darellus Fex is the Archbaron of Longacre. A relatively minor lord of a comparatively small barony, the archbaron is nevertheless the most powerful person in Longacre and its environs. He represents Queen Abrogail II and the Chelish government at the local level, and his word carries the force of law. The archbaron stands up behind the desk as the PCs enter his office.

“So you’re the agents Razelago has recommended? I can’t say you’re what I expected—but that might be a boon in the days to come. I am Darellus Fex, Archbaron of Longacre. Razelago tells me you’re the ones who reported our local priestess’s... lack of patriotism. As such, I thought you might be well suited putting an end to the threats to Longacre and the rule of law—my rule. If you’re amenable, of course. I have some other eager-to-please agents to join you.”

Cue to introduce new characters. I'm thinking that the Cavalier gets to be new sheriff.

[SPOILER=Development]Fex is offering you a job. Details to be discussed/SPOILER]

2017-11-21, 09:55 PM
Sense Motives on Halfling to see if he likes his job [roll0]

As Smoke makes his way into the house he doesn’t find it odd at all as the Halfling greets them at the door and begins to lead them to see the Archbarron in his office, to him it was perfectly normal as he himself had done so for his mistress many times before. However he also understood that not all servants enjoyed being so, and began trying to determine how the servant felt about his position by how he acted.

As the group finally arrived at the Archbarron’s office Smoke took note of how well the place was maintained, how each peace seemed to complement the next nothing in the room seeming to seem misplaced. It was something his mistress would have approved of no doubt, and showed much about the man’s taste before them.

Listening to Archbarron Fex’s words Smoke simply nods his head. “I see no reason to not work for you. You are the local law, and serve our Queen, that is enough for me. Though you may have to convince my friend a bit more, I am a simple person after all, point me at the enemies of our great empire and I will crush them into dust, burn them at the stake and make a public example of all who oppose our Queen. He, he has other ideas.” Smoke says nodding his head in the direction of Father Nosh.

"I see what you mean about them being undisciplined and split Lord Fex." comes a sultry voice from one of the bookshelves. "Though what can you expect when you do not look for those in the nobility to aid you my dear friend?" the voice calls to the Archbarron before the figure turns, her scalemail (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-o-dq_sH4udU/VLElvOgDcUI/AAAAAAAA5SA/qhOCy9JRJ7Q/s1600/P6060031.JPG) catching the light briefly as she turns to address the group.

"Who the bloody hell do you think you are talking to?"

"Why a Slave in a thieves clothing of course. Your mistress already informed me about you, and told me to remind you of where your loyalties lie." comes the calm reply of the tiefling woman as she walks over to the group, as she gets closer it becomes more and more apparent that she was no normal tiefling. Her feet, if they could even be called such, were more like the clawed feet of a devil, meant to tear apart any enemy caught underneath. Her tail swaying constantly, always going in the opposite direction from her hips, a scroll held easily in its grasp. "The name is Zeza, Zeza Ariyis, cleric of Dispater, and his vessel in this world when he wishes." the woman says with the confidence of one that has little doubt in her abilities.

2017-12-03, 11:49 PM
"Greetings, Archbaron," Father Nosh said, bowing to the Chelaxian lord. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you."

The inquisitor doesn't bother hiding a small glare shot in Smoke's direction. "I think what my esteemed colleague is trying to say is that, as a member of the Thrice-Damned Church, I place a lot of faith in Lord Asmodeus and in the laws of the land, especially those that are written. If you give us a directive that can interpreted through the lens of statutory authority, I will do everything in my power to enforce them.

"It is my holy duty to root out the insidious influences of the Iomedaean Church within our lands. The best way to do that is to undermine and embarrass those priests and priestesses. By not reacting in the way they expect us to and show false mercy at the right time and place, we will crumble their base support faster than any possible raid or crackdown.

"You will always have my support and allegiance as well as that of the Church of Asmodeus. However, if you give me the freedom to act, I can promise better results than you could want. Patience will win this war, not thuggery."

2017-12-05, 09:39 AM
"Well, well, well. You finally did it, Cimri," interrupted a voice from the corner, "You finally got to give your aunt the boot."

The voice belonged to a rather sloven man standing next to the Archbaron's liquor cabinet. With his unshaven jaw, paunch and semi-filthy uniform, it was obvious that this was not a man that would normally be in the Archbaron's orbit nor one that would appreciate the vintage of the wine he was guzzling.

Cimri recognized him as a local tough she had once ran with in her youth. Tam Rickson was- had been one of her aunt's deputies and one of the few that wasn't part of the mass quitting after she had been relieved of duty. The man was lazy, amoral, and constantly being reprimanded. Why he had been invited to the Archbaron's study was a mystery to her, but one she could hazard a guess about if pressed. He also knew the laws of Longacre backwards and forwards, mostly so that he could find loopholes to justify his actions and grafts. If he was being brought in, then her boss must have felt his skills might come in handy.

Tam sauntered over to the group, the glass of wine still in his hand. "Is this who you are running with these days?" he asks, giving everyone a onceover. "I'll be honest. Not very impressed."

2017-12-06, 06:31 AM
“A pleasure.” the Archabaron replies. He turns to Smoke, "While I approve of your zeal, we have an opportunity in our hands if we do not rush into it. Rather, I would like to cut this insurrection out at the root. That root is the Angel Knight mentioned in the sermon. And they have yet to reveal themselves. Lure out the Angel Knight and eliminate any dissent in my town. Whether you do so by exterminating the followers of Iomedae, or..." he turns to Nosh, But equally, discrediting the wretched Iomedaeans should force her out just the same, and avoid brutalizing my population too much.

"Sure did. And you'd be surprised what these folks are capable of. I'm sure you'll enjoy the change in management too"

The archbaron clears his throat. "I would wish to take you directly into my employ. I pay a modest wage, 150 gp per week, but I also reward exceptional service. There is one other matter to attend to. Queen Abrogail has decreed that in this time of national crisis, all agents of the crown must reaffirm their loyalty to their lord, House Thrune, and Cheliax by swearing the Hellfire Compact. If you’re to serve in the queen’s name, I must insist.”

2017-12-06, 07:30 AM
Smoke is about to say something when Zeza speaks up, cutting whatever the Halfling was going to say off. “My dear friend you know I always try to leave as many useful workers as I am able. After all, how does one run an empire if everyone in it is dead.” the cleric states as if what the Archbarron had just told her was common enough knowledge, and to the faith of Dispater it was.

“You also cannot stop an uprising by letting everyone who attacks you live.” Smoke retorts.

“If you kill everyone who attacks you Smoke how does the name Smoke get spread around in fear? After all if the populance will not listen to one face, another will always do.” Zeza reminds him, pointing out that Ritran also had a part to play in all of this.

“A little carrot and stick then? I can work with that. So where do I swear this Hellfire compact, after all if I am being paid 150 gold a week I see no reason not to take this job. Though this angel knight would be running around without her helmet had I been able to steal it, greatly decreasing morale. “

“And had you spoken with your allies instead of trying to work alone I am sure you would have. Now unless anyone else has more to add?” she says, turning her head in the direction of Father Nosh and the unnamed stranger who she had been waiting here with for these two to enter.

2017-12-07, 02:02 PM
Father Nosh nods. "I understand, my lord, we will only use the appropriate amount of forced necessary for the situation at hand. A humiliated and disgraced Church of Iomedaea works just as well as a slaughtered one and still leaves you with the citizens living to work and pay taxes.

"I also have no problem taking the pact."

"Whoa, whoa, wait," Tam Rickson interrupts "What is this about a 'Hellfire Compact'? No one said anything about that before.

"I don't mind helping you out, sir, getting paid more than I have in the past and getting a chance to hang out with this nice piece of tail," Tam gestures at Zeza, "but what is this Hellfire Compact you are talking about?"

2017-12-07, 04:29 PM
Archbaron Fex addresses the questions on the Hellfire Compact first. "Simply put, it is a contract. Legally binding, but nothing spiritual, despite the name. A formality, but one that her majesty the queen has demanded be observed. I have sworn it myself, of course." he explains.

"As to where," he starts, walking to a set of curtains and pulling them dramatically aside, "Right here will do." Behind the curtain is an alcove with a golden stand gripping a black crystal, which smoulders like an ember. "An ember drawn from the forges of Phlegethon, which burns eternally with Hellfire. You must place your hand upon the crystal and swear the Hellfire Compact if we are to continue our partnership. As I said, no soul selling or such involved. It does, however, sting a bit."

“I swear my absolute allegiance to Archbaron Darellus Fex, Her Infernal Majestrix Queen Abrogail II of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune, and the Empire of Cheliax.”

Touching the Phlegethon stone deals 1d6 points of hellfire damage, half of which is fire damage and half of which is damage from unholy energy. Evil-aligned creatures and creatures with the evil subtype take no damage from the unholy energy, but good-aligned creatures and those with the good subtype take double the normal damage from it. Creatures under the effects of spells like protection from evil are unaffected by the unholy energy, though they still take fire damage. The hellfire leaves a scar shaped like the symbol of Cheliax upon the PC’s flesh. This mark remains until the next time the PC receives magical healing.

2017-12-07, 05:24 PM
Smoke quickly walks over to the stone, placing his hand on it and looks to Archbarron Fex. "I swear my allegiance to Archbaron Darellus Fex , Her Infernal Majestrix Queen Abrogail II of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune, and the Empire of Cheliax.” Smoke says removing the absloute part from it, as he swiftly says it, trying to blend the words together so it was not missed.

Bluff/Sleight of hand to cover up him not saying absloute [roll0]
[roll1] Smoke is Evil so he would only take half damage. He will have the mark appear on the nape of his neck, after all Ritran would not have such a mark so he needs to be able to hide it under his hair.

"I thought you said it would only sting, that actually burned a little." Smoke replies grabbing his hand back and rubbing the back of his neck where he feels an oddly shaped burn on his neck.

2017-12-07, 05:44 PM
“My family once served this Iomedaea.” The tiefling says, her tail seeming to get agitated at the very mention of the name. “When she gave birth to me she was chased out of the village and called a devil lover, not like they were wrong mind you.” She says, her clawed feet digging into the flagstone beneath, “But still if they would try to kill a child for simply being born why should we allow them to live? If it were up to me I would make it a public display, make it known to all the kind of cowards those who serve Iomedaea are, and then crush them beneath our feet.” She says this last part by slamming her clawed diabolic feet into the ground, and twisting, as if squashing a bug beneath. Before looking to Father Nosh “As for the populace, I do not see anyone else for them to pray to, it does not sound to me like it is their fault they are being led astray. And this angel knight was talked about at the sermon? Perhaps we should go speak with these Iomedaean’s about where she is, at the very least it will shake the cage as well as show the populace that being seen with a member of the clergy could get them questioned. Does that seem reasonable? After all if we get rid of the trouble makers the problem should fix itself.” She says to all assembled, seeing if they agreed.

As the unknown stranger begins talking about hanging out with her she slowly walks over to him, Zeza’s hips swaying side to side. “You mean this tail?” She says as it lash out to go around his neck and gently pull. “I am not one of these petty women of this town you can talk to like that gutter trash. I am a noble and you will treat me like one.” She says, her eyes like two little pin pricks of fire, as she stared at him almost asking him to test her.

@Justicar as a noble who was brought up in the church that deals with nobility and all that stuff, a simple street thug in her eyes all but catcalling her would piss her off. Mind you they could grow to like each other, but Father Nosh has a better chance, at least he would be seen as an equal. Up to you if he dodges the tail though as I didn't want to control your character or make this a PVP, more of an RP moment between the two. Because you know women tend to get mad when you talk about them in that manner. Will wait for your reply, and for them two to wraps things up before swearing the hellfire compact.

2017-12-09, 02:33 PM
The tail wrapped about Tam's neck and brought him to his knees. He futilely tried to pull away the tail that was choking him. Father Nosh rolled his eyes before deciding that it would be best if their new companions didn't kill each other, especially in front of their new benefactor.

"Lady Ariyis, perhaps now is not the time for this," Father Nosh says as he puts a placating hand on her shoulder. "Once we get back to the Ash House, we can work out our differences. There will be plenty of time to teach him manners then."

"Yeah, how about we just talk about it, la-" Tam was able to choke out before the tightening tail cut him off again.

Father Nosh turns back to the Archbaron. "I'll try not to take up too much of your time." He walks over to the Stone and gives his oath. "I swear my absolute allegiance to Archbaron Darellus Fex, Her Infernal Majestrix Queen Abrogail II of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune, and the Empire of Cheliax.”

No worries. I made Tam crude and crass as a contrast to Father Nosh. Expected some RP conflict in the party and don't worry, I don't plan on elevating anything to PvP. Unless coordinated prior, that does nothing but bogs games down.

As for his introduction, besides the tail wrapped around his throat, I was kinda planning on using Cimri to do that. He has the Local Tough campaign trait which says that he and Cimri old friends. I should have coordinated that better but this tail thing happened. *shrugs* Oh well...

2017-12-09, 10:15 PM
As Father Nosh's words reach Lady Zeza Ariyis ears she nods, as her tail slow retracts from around the mans neck as she walks over besides the priest and places her hand on the stone directly after him, swearing the Hellfire Compact. "Let us hope Father Nosh a dog can be trained after years of having a lax owner, my friend did well with Ritran because he was taught his place early and knew when to speak to his betters, and when not to. It should be, intriguing to see if you can in fact teach a dog stuck in its ways a new trick." she says sounding more than a little eager for the challenge of turning this stranger into an actual proper lawful citizen.

"Now hurry up human, we have not got all day." she says looking at the man she had been strangling with her tail only moments earlier. " Also what is your name, unless you enjoy being called dog and mut?" she adds in, staying close to Father Nosh as he seemed the most qualified of the lot she would be working with.

Smoke soon steps in line behind the two priest like figures, his figure vaguely visible between the two, though a few steps behind.

2017-12-10, 08:17 AM
Archbaron Fex nods in a satisfied manner as you swear the hellfire compact. There is something smug about it when Smoke swears in. Cimri moves in next and swears the compact.

"Applying pressure to the church of Iomedae seems like a good idea"
"Not gonna argue with that."
"Something to remember is that there are many veterans here loyal to Iomedae. The speech held by our local priestess is a transparent ploy to appeal to them and motivate them for a future call to arms."

2017-12-11, 09:27 PM
"It is a good thing we have Cimri than, she is a local here and people would know her better than they would us. If we work besides a local and find ways to subterfuge them as Father Nosh seems intent upon, without making ourselves look bad I do not see why this could not work."

"I find it intriguing this angel knight would pick a town she knows is full of veterans as a place to rally. If one had to guess whatever they are up to, this rebellion does not have the troops to actually do anything at the moment. Stopping them here may cause the entire rebellion to crumble. After all with no army no one can fight a war, though if you will allow it of course I believe it would be best for myself and Father Nosh to gain ownership of a building we could turn into a simple church, in a public space at that. This way the townspeople see that there is more than one option, reinforce their belief that serving a devil is more beneficial than dying for an angel that will not come to their aid." she says looking pointedly at Smoke. "You say you are good at disguises and such yes? How good do you think you could act like one of their flock from another village, undermining them from within their own temple?"

For the first time ever Smoke seems rather nervous at the suggestion, however his normal reply is held back as he looks at the man gasping for air still." I am sure a small ruse would go unnoticed, perhaps one that would allow us a second chance of grabbing the angel helm, I rather not deface anything of any deity however. I know what gods do when mortals anger them, and nothing gets you on their radar faster than defiling their temple." Smoke offers, willing to go in for a day at most alone, but not longer.

2017-12-11, 11:03 PM
"Geez, lady, er, milady," Tam quickly amended while rubbing his sore neck. "We stood here for ages waiting for these guys and you never thought to ask my name. Deputy Tam Rickson. You can ask Cimri about me if you need to while I go do this oath thing." He quickly approaches the stone to get away from the crazy cleric and makes his pledge as well.

"Those are interesting ideas. It would definitely give us a place to start," Father Nosh agreed. "We would have to look into any civic regulations that we could use to promote our church and hamper theirs. As long as the appearance of propriety and fairness remains, any action they take will cast themselves in a negative light.

"If Smoke does try to infiltrate any local organizations, he could try to spread rumors questioning the validity of the relic. The Church of Asmodeus has done actions like that in the past and so the foundation could be laid to eventually further weaken the angel knight."

2017-12-13, 08:44 PM
"I do not believe I asked you to get me a drink, and I was busy reading what books our dear host had. Why would I be bothered talking to one of the lower class. Also deputy you say, given that everyone else basically left their post wouldn't that make you sheriff Tam Rickson? You do know how promotions work correct?" she asks as he walks away before turning to listen to what Father Nosh had to add.

"It seems simple enough really, just need to catch them breaking the law, shouldn't be to hard given the restrictions on gatherings. If they keep on getting into trouble and making heavier penalties befall the people eventually their support would turn on them just to make it so they are no longer punished. It seems like we have a plan Father Nosh, now the question is may we depart or is there something else we need to know?

2017-12-14, 10:29 AM
In response to Lady Zeza's question, you hear a familiar voice—Razelago’s—drifts from behind a curtain on the opposite side of the room. “I told you they’d be up to the vow,” Razelago says. “And eager to get to work, I suspect. Which is good, considering what I’ve just uncovered.” Archbaron Fex impatiently crosses to the alcove, pulling back the curtain. “There’s no need for your dramatics any longer, Razelago,” he says. Inside the alcove sit a stool and writing desk heaped with pages. Clinging to the desk, almost unbalancing it, is a bloated fly’s abdomen of monstrous proportions from which sprouts the chubby upper body of a human infant. A neck hidden by fatty folds swivels and a pair of black, compound eyes squint against the light. Insectile mouthparts flex enthusiastically between pudgy lips and Razelago’s voice issues forth: “As you say, My Lord.”

Razelago has some more information, after you are done admiring his mighty form. “This Angel Knight doesn’t appear to be just some fiction concocted by an overzealous priestess. A talentless local minstrel named Riley Kels claims to have met her, and has even composed a series of ballads in her honour. While the amateur’s singing is crime enough, he tends to perform at the Last Stand tavern. Which, incidentally, could well break the curfew and sanctions against gathering."

Razelago has (through different guises) arranged each PC coming to the attention of the Archbaron. Your new PC's would not know his true form either. For the curious, one can roll knowledge (planes) or ask either himself or Archbaron Fex

While I'm more than happy to interject any background for Tam and Cimri where appropriate (and stuff is going to come up), you can also use her as a vector for conversation should you wish.

2017-12-16, 09:32 PM
“What the bloody name in the nine hells is that ugly thing? I knew Razelago was in no way an elf serving the empire from behind a screen, after all no need for secrecy then. But I thought you were the cat in the room or something, what the hell are you?” Smoke says looking in disgust at the creature before him, some things just shouldn’t exist, the creation before him was one of them.

“So you are the mysterious Razelago who sent a letter to my church. I must confess I did not expect to see a servant of the nine hells here personally, never mind an accuser devil.” Zeza says with a sign of respect for both Archbarron Fex for securing such a worthy devils support, as well as the devil himself for keeping her fooled for so long. “You know the rumors say that your kind make the perfect spies because they can remember everything they witness. Is it true though I wonder, I do not mean to question your powers, but to remember everything must be rather, straining.” the noble says, choosing her words carefully as to not disrespect the fellow devil.

Listening carefully to all the information she is told about what Razelago has heard about this angel knight she looks unconcerned. “So we have someone who has seen, and possibly spoken with a known rebel staying at a tavern creating ballads about her. Sounds like he is trying to inspire a rebellion, and should be brought in for questioning, hopefully he will be willing to agree with our deputy.” she says looking to the local thug Tam.

“And what if he doesn’t wish to come with the local law? After all that tavern didn’t seem to keen on respecting it the last time we were there. What do you say Father Nosh, I go inside in disguise a little before all of you, scope out the place before the rest of you come in? After all the locals are much more likely to talk to someone not wearing the badge that is a merchant stuck inside of the town because of the stupid new laws, no offense but I will be playing a role. Than they would to open up to any of you. And once you all enter we can stay for a while and see if we can get the owner back for the incident with the chilli.” Smoke replies with a devilish grin.