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2017-09-10, 03:39 PM
New Phyrexia, The Razorfields; somewhere beneath the five suns.

Why have you come here?

A whisper on the scorching winds. Dotting the landscape are spires of metal, a mockery of life, among a vast savannah of razor sharp grass, golden blades spotted with a sickly black. The air is hot from the five gloomy suns, barely visible through a perpetual miasma that eats away at the alien landscape. Each of those burning hot orbs, dimmed by black clouds, shines a glorious shade, five suns... five colors, each related to that mysterious energy...

As you survey the landscape, all you can see for miles are the hideous false-trees, gaseous vents bursting and burning forth from the razor-furred earth. Among this hostile and unforgiving world stands a lone figure. It is far off, and stands considerably taller then yourself, if your estimations are correct. The humanoid remains motionless, which is good, as you're sure if it were to come any closer it'd begin to darken you with it's shadow. The burning acidic winds billow a hide of fur from the back of it's metallic structure...

What are you seeking?

The wind speaks, or at least that is the impression you have made. That thing, that monstrously large thing, not entirely artificial, not wholey organic was speaking to you, or rather, that energy inside you. It pulled at your mind, a strange echo that felt like the wind was talking through your head.

Where are you going...

The last, wasn't a question for you.

Innistrad,Near Estwald; somewhere in the Nearheath

Why did you come here?

That's what he asked you, yea. It was all a bit of a blur...
The last thing you remember, you were reading that letter, that mocking, wicked invitation. That summons, to Estwald...

You had just come to the town gate of Estwald, on the Southwestern side. A long, arduous journey through a small corner of the forest known by the locals as weirdwood. Told to be haunted, cursed even, it was unwise to travel these places alone during the day, or anytime after dark. Yet you braved the superstitions and made it out on the far side of the Nearheath, just before Estwald.

Why have you come here, boy?

The...man? No, not a man, a monster perhaps, but no man. Beneath the things blackened cloak were large, scaled feet which raked at the earth as it spoke in that terrible, inhuman voice. You tried to see underneath it's hood, the only protection the thing had from this sudden storm. Pounding rain which ripped at you like cold needles burning from the heavens, blinding lightning flashed as the crack of thunder masked your own voice. All you could see were two tiny, red dots, burning orbs of intense evil beneath the thing's hood.

You are not welcome... know this now.

With another flash of lightning the scaled-footed monster disappeared.

Why have you come here?

The guard asked again, his knife at your throat. It took five other guards to wrench the man off you, as the crazed man kicked and lashed out at his own brothers-in-arms. You were apologized to, and your belongings returned as the gate was opened to you. Normally, such a display would be met with intense paranoia. Had the crazed guard, Gustav Bren, you would learn, put to death on charges of being a Lycanthrope. Times were changing, the world was becoming more wicked, what innocence there was seemed to dwindle, as tales of Angels attacking innocent villagers echo through the provinces.

Though it seemed the people of Estwald, normally unwelcoming of outsiders, would bring you in with the least accosting one could expect from this place of xenophobes. It was the rank you carried, the authority of your station as a town guard yourself that allowed you swift passage. Even when, as you were dutifully having your equipment checked as was the norm, a guard of Estwald had begun shouting that strange, chilling question.

Why have you come here?

Everyone was stunned, yourself unarmed, with little time to react the man had lept from his place atop a low fortification, and charged.

Why have you come here?

Again the man screamed, his weapon drawn as he plowed into you, knocking you both to the ground...

You shake off the memory, and enter the town. Hidden in your left pocket, a palm clutches crumpled parchment paper. It was the letter that brought you here, originally. Before that madness occurred. It was a simple missive, that there would soon be "a mystery" to be solved in Estwald. The notion that someone would summon you, Arthos specifically to solve a crime was funny on it's own. But it was
the signature that drove a cold chill down your spine and rush to saddle pack to horse and be off, lantern guiding you through the chillig nights, two days from your home township, to Estwald. Not the message, but who wrote it worried you most of all...

The end of the letter held only five words, that damnable name you came to despise most of all...

Signed, Martok of the Red

The post script had proved simply mocking in respect to the taunting letter.

- Let the fun begin.

Innistrad, Town Square of Estwald; South of Thraben in the Nearheath

Where was he hiding?

You could only think of the Hunt. There was evil in this town, and it needed to be routed before any more could die. You came to Estwald with a single missive. You were to spear-head the inquisition, though you were no Inquisitor and shared no alliance to their cause. It was an edict from Gisela herself, if the Angelic Herald that came to you four days prior was to be believed. There was a murderer living in Estwald. That itself was all too common in this world. Innistrad was a place of darkness and deceit, hunger and ferocity. The bed of evil in all of existence, if anything existed beyond those stars. What a dreary thought, that yours would be the world, touched by one of those infinite stars, chosen to be the lightning rod to all the darkness that filled the cosmos, beyond the night's impenetrable veil.

What was strange?

It was the fact that the murderer was completely hidden. So far the death's have been reported as "disappearances", maybe that's the natural paranoia of Estwald's strange, xenophobic people. But maybe it's something... else. Your gut says Vampire, definitely a rogue, working under some splinter lineage from the great old vampire lords. Or perhaps just raving and hungry, with enough sense to avoid detection. Regardless, you were to keep the general populace secure, find out as much as you could while keeping panic and paranoia down; A daunting thought, in Estwald.

Four days south of Thraben, in the heart of the Nearhearth, Estwald was a closed and secluded town. Trade is difficult and rare, they seem to provide for their own well enough, though, you don't recall ever seeing a butcher's or a baker's in this town. It was definitely a weird place. Thankfully, your duty was not a long one. You were to wait no more then two days for the arrival of an Inquisitor. No name was given, no identity to work with.
He could be anyone! But he would likely be looking for you, is the best you can think in the chaos of this bustling, sullen, secretive town. It was a place rich with vile cacophony, saw-blades from the woodworkers, hammers at the forge, criers shouting their dismal news over the clamor of wives and waifs shopping for groceries for the day. It was a place of drab browns and tired greys, a place with an odd green mist that seemed to exist only at the peripheral of your perception.

It was a place harboring evil...

Ravnica, Market Square; under the oppressive watch of the Azorious Senate.

The Rot Farms were never fun. But did not all of Ravnica owe their livelyhood to the Golgari? Was it not for the work of your mages, your farmers and growers, the Guidless who yet work to package, ship, and sell the produces? The city owed it's life to the Golgari, and their Lich-Lord. But that was little concern for you, for today you were out of the Rot Farms. Today you stood in the Market Square, at the heart of Ravnica. It was a beautiful place to be, as all the guilds come together in harmony, where it was all but heresy to break the law, under the ever present watch of the Azorious Senate. Their pomp and surety in themselves was sickening, but their role as peace-keepers was invaluable all the same.

So why are you here?

What impulse made you come up from the sewers the Golgari call home? Devkarin weren't alien to the surface of Ravnica, but they tend to stand out like sore thumbs under the hot white sun. Down below, amid the fungus and growths, ever present undeath and rot of the world below ravnica, the golgari worked their beautifully dark magic. Food, as the people of Ravnica knew it, was produced in farms within this
place of filth and rot. Devkarin are elves, just like those of the Conclave, they were kin of a sense. But those born such as yourself were quick to be taken in by the swarm, as the surface was never kind to the waifs of your kind.

So why return?

There wasn't anything in particular you could want up here, was there? Looking out onto the horizon, all you can see are walls. The city of Ravnica was infinite, an endless expansion of city and street. One would not see the sky unless they craned skyward, to see what pieces of it shone beyond the infinite towers and districts. But here in the Market Square there was a lot more room to stretch, the sky was a bit
brighter, the sun more clear. It was no surprise when you saw in the distance what looked to be the beginnings of an arrest. A squad of Arresters were chasing a child. That youth was fast, impressively so, and knew how to dive under stalls, climb quick over obstacles, they were agile, and cunning. Very impressive.

So, Why couldnt you look away?

The young thief eluded his pursuers with expert agility, and kept a safe pace for much longer then any child of Ravnica could conceivably have gone. That's when you saw it, what was so fascinating about the child, you couldn't tell from the shadows crossing their face, but the glint of their arms and legs, exposed behind a too-small hooded cloak, under the brilliant afternoon sunlight that bathed the market square; You knew what made this youth so curious. It was a Devkarin, like yourself. Running the streets and stealing food to survive. A terrible life for anyone to face.

You next heard the clamor of a fight, when the Arresters finally caught up to the youth. It seemed fortune was against the young Elf, as a section of city, thick with tangle and undergrowth, signature of the golgari's slow expanse towards the surface had led to the collapse of the alley-way the youth chose as it's escape route. With that section of street cut-off, it wasn't hard for the Azorious Senate thugs to surround the youth, their Law-Magic, that inane craft that allowed them supremacy of rule and law in this world, would mean no chance of escape for the poor child.

Zendikar, Tazeem; somewhere in the Oran-Rief reef-woods.

Your heart pounded each time the beast roared. It was bad enough you could track it by the sound it made every time it ate a tree, still hungry for your scent. It wasn't going to stop, not until you died, or it died, or it found something bigger to eat, or got tired. It wasn't going to get tired. But you were, it had been nearly two full days, give or take an hour. A terrifying roar pierces the air around you, shaking the earth beneath you.

It wasn't that far...

What were you looking for?

There wasn't anything left in Tazeem. Not since Halimar dried up, ever since the Battle at Seagate, when the truth was revealed to the people of Zendikar. It was a world-shattering revelation, the gods as you knew them, lies, monsters from some place of nightmares imaginary to your own world, imprisoned by the alien pylons that dotted the earth and sky, those strange Hedrons, once thought to be objects of the divine. But then they left. And since then only their spawn remained, never sated, their hunger for the raw, roiling mana of this world. THIS world, that was the thing to consider. Where had those strangers come from? They were all so different, though if it wasn't for them, your world would never be this way. Ruined, plundered, broken...

What could be out here?

There was nothing. The ruins that lie beneath Halimar, the ocean that once lived behind the Seagate, and those many hidden places all around Tazeem, were stolen early after the gods left. Or, were they destroyed? No one was really sure. It was a serious matter of debate, where our world stood in the place of the pretender gods. What other strangers waited outside the sky, beyond the darkest depths, hidden away from our very senses? Few places felt right in Zendikar any more, or was that just the fatigue talking? You had been running for so long, and that damnable monster, how in the name of Cosi it found you, was hot on your trail. You had so little time to rest. You were hungry, making mistakes, and if it were not for the Pathstones that littered that woods, you'd be lost.

What were you hoping to find?

No, you weren't far from Seagate, the city that stood atop a massive damn. The artificial ocean behind it had become little but a tiny pool, void of anything but the most wretched of Eldrazi sea-life. There was little left unexplored in Halimar's Depths. But the Pathstones kept you on course. The center of the concentrations of Hedrons was nearby, a sky-kingdom known as Emeria, a long time ago, when the gods were something entirely different. Now they were looted, barren ruins. All the secrets left to scholars and researchers to survey with leisure and comfort. There was little fantastic left in Tazeem, not much left to explore, almost nothing exciting...

Well, not nothing. Another roar tears through the canopy of coral-like rock formations. The trees twisting and expanding between the stones and crags. You were maybe half a day from Seagate, you could probably find a short-cut back, but your running on fumes at this point, and the beast is getting closer. What was this whole journey for? Why did you do all of this? Why were you willing to risk your life? Hadn't you given all this up? There is nothing left in Tazeem, it was foolish...

Amonkhet, Bontu's Monument; Bontu's Audiance Chamber

How did you get here?

It was the only thing that could run through your mind. You, Rahj were being summoned by her majesty Bontu, the Glorified. You couldn't help but feel equal parts excitement and awe as you watch your goddess, standing impossibly tall above the procession of Anointed that filled the chamber. At her command the mummies began to file out of the room, one at a time, until you two were alone. Bontu was beautiful and regal in ways that were beyond words. Deserving truly of the title of goddess, though not as divine you imagine, as the God-Pharaoh, May his return come quickly and may we be found worthy and his glorious promise of eternal life in the next world. But to be granted that gift, which these Anointed strive to achieve through servitude, you must earn through your Ambition. And now, it seemed, this ambition would be rewarded.

You have been deemed worthy, Rahj Vizier to Her Majesty Bontu, The Glorified. In the eyes of the Mighty God-Pharaoh May his return come quickly and may we be found worthy, you are deemed worthy of an opportunity to travel beyond the Gates to the Afterlife, by serving as Mentor to your own Crop of initiates. It is not a secret that we meet alone like this, though none will question my motives, know all that I tell you within these walls is meant only between us. You understand me, Vizier it is written on your face. That is good, you do not shrink before a challenge, a very desirable trait.

"Why was I chosen?"

Your not entirely sure why it was you to be picked for this amazing task. As instructed by Bontu, as was decreed by the God-Pharaoh May his return come quickly and may we be found worthy himself, you were to begin the training of a fresh Crop of Initiates. Here in the Nitin district, you would be assigned new housing and a better station among your fellow Viziers. As well, the acclaim and a title of your own would be a just reward for one with such an important role to play in the future of the Eternals who would stand by the God-Pharaoh's May his return come quickly and may we be found worthy side. Your Crop was to be tested, trained, and instructed between their trials in more advanced studies designed by Bontu herself. You are the Mentor to these specialchosen of The Almighty God-Pharaoh May his return come quickly and may we be found worthy.

How could it be you?

You look out now upon the city below. A soft breeze blows in from your high-risen room carved into one of the large pyramids dotting the landscape of Naktamun. Today was the day you met your Crop, they would be at your Audience Chambers in the coming hour, and you had to be prepared for their arrival. Today you would measure their Ambition, and know which of them is truly the single warrior Bontu desires form this trial. The others will simply serve to keep the illusion of fairness alive. The God-Pharaoh, May his return come quickly and may we be found worthy desires only a single champion in his righteous afterlife. A hero to the common among the divine. A shepherd to guide and lead at his side, as mouth through which we may understand his divine edict. And it was your job to choose them. Today would be the hardest of your own Trials, it seems... and yet there would be years before any of you met with a Glorious Death.

"So why me?"

You had to prepare...

2017-09-10, 04:27 PM
I should not invervene, down in the depths is one thing, but here... even as the thoughts cross her mind Tialitha is calling to the tangle of plants, to slow down the Azorius thugs... maybe that would be enough to let the child escape...
Meanwhile she looked for another way around to where the child was heading, maybe she could collect the child and bring it to relative safety.

Cast Entangle on the Azorius, preferably without attacting too much attention, though the spell does have both Verbal and Somatic components

2017-09-10, 05:41 PM
These are the sort of questions I can't answer. I suppose I am seeking survival and improvement as we all do, but I do not know where I am going, but I know the why. I need to reach the horizon, to obtain material to ensure I won't come up short when repairs are needed. But the damned colossus has been perplexing me, a being of that size should have been swarmed, as it's far too large to hide...

2017-09-10, 10:37 PM
I pant, banishing the thought of returning to Sea Gate even as it enters my mind. There's no Sea Gate to go back to, anyway... Sinking down against the trunk of the great tree, hidden for now in its great roots, I fumble through my satchel. My fingers wrap around it, the last thing I had left from Kori and the rest of the Compass crew: a small map pointing to some vague ruin somewhere in the everchanging jungle of Tazeem. It was going to be our next expedition, if everyone else hadn't up and died in Bala Ged, leaving me weak, shattered, alone. I shake my head, banishing the thoughts as I glance over the map one more time, waving a hand to dispel the tendrils of translucent magic twined loosely around the parchment. The shimmering lines of magic that had guided me to grab it on my hurried escape from Sea Gate flutter, the lines I had always assumed were part of the Roil, but that I now knew were of the same magic as the monstrosity that had shattered my home.

There. Lining up the map with the few landmarks I could, I gather my breath and steel myself once more, tucking the map back into my satchel. The lines of magic, of fate, flowing lazily out of my reach suddenly vibrate as I hear the bellowing, angry roar once more. This thing isn't going to eat me. It can have a fish dinner some other time. In the moments of calm, I glance around, my eyes seeking out the best ways to slip through the tangled undergrowth and leave as little a trail as possible. Settling on a path, I take off, ducking into it and trying to move as quickly and quietly as possible at an angle to the path I had been taking.

Stealth Roll

2017-09-11, 12:03 AM
Elena looked out into the crowd. Any one of them could be a monster, or the murderer she sought. She had no magic to detect the latter, but as for the former...

Calling upon Gisela's might, Elena opened her senses to any sort of unnatural being within her sight.

Using Divine Sense looking for demons, angels, or undead within 60 ft ( or holy or unholy ground, I guess). I doubt our guy just happens to be doing his shopping at this exact moment, but I've got 3 uses, might as well check

2017-09-11, 01:31 AM
Tialithia, Powerful Youth

The foliage beneath the feet of those pursuers had begun to grow and constrict, wrapping about the heavily armored frames of the Azorious thugs. It sure was lucky for you these grunts aren't particularly strong, struggling against the wrapping growths.

The vines prevent them from working their magic on the young thief, and so the lad takes his lead and begins climbing near-by ruins, no doubt looking for a breach in the surface, where he can flee to the safety of the underworld.

Before you give chase to the youth the scene of victory is soured, as your entangling plants seem to be growing at a dangerous rate, becoming violent and dangerous. There was another mage near-by, you could feel them, working their spell to turn your simple entangling spell into one of death.

The plants begin biting and constricting the guards as parts of the ever-growing thing begin to spread free from it's form, attacking innocent in the market square. So far there are three such horrors total.

Designation, ??? Phyrexian Sojourner


That monstrous being approached before you could move. As it drew closer you see now just how terrible it's size is. Just how grand the being was. Just how impossible this creation proved to be, yet it survived in the outer-ring as an Apex predator, untouched by the countless dangers that call Phyrexia home.

Finally, as the Colossus finishes it's approach, there is a vast divide between yourself and it. Though no harm comes to you, it seems, as the being probes your mind once more.

If you are lost, you will not be found here. Travel west, through what was once known as the Mephidross, beyond that valley of death and disease grows a vast wood, within The Tangle you may find the answers you seek.

The massive creature begins lumbering over you, climbing the towering metallic tree-spires as it moves further away. Yet clearly you hear it's voice on the wind, penetrating your own thoughts;

Do not follow me, for I go to the Glimmervoid Basin, it is not a place welcome to those without purpose. Good luck, young Automaton.

Rylee Kos,Ex-Adventurer


(I need a re-roll on that stealth check)
Guiding you away from the trail of Pathstones you had been following, your map leads you down and along a series of uneven rocky cliffs. Switchback and chasm become the norm as you struggle to follow the map ever further to what you now realize is the Umara River Gorge. In it's prime it was a mighty, powerful river that would pull anything caught in it's current down to the Halimar Seas without fail.

Now it was little more then a dried up creek. Where it once rested 800 feet below the highest cliffs above, it now sits closer to a Thousand. You could see the river below, it was still powerful, but no danger to a Merfolk such as yourself. In fact, there once existed a Merfolk Enclave within the Gorge, though it had long since been abandoned. Could it be there that the map was leading you?

Perhaps one hundred feet below you was stable ground, it would take some Athleticism to safely traverse this place in the gorge. Before you can make your way down, however, the terrible screech of a roosting Eldrazi Spawn alerts you to the hidden dangers below.

The bellowing of the Baloth can be heard behind you, it was getting much too close for comfort, and would be upon you shortly if you do not find shelter from it's keen senses.

Elana,Goldknight Paladin


You pour magic out from your mind, through your eyes, and view the truth of those around you. All those assembled outside, within your vision seem normal, at least none which are of inhuman nature. As you continue to stroll about the town square, keeping your eyes vigilant for any signs of corruption, you are accosted by a beggar.

"P-please s-sir! L-l-lend a C-coin, yes? Hah, haha...good Sir?"

The man seems innocent enough, but under the magic of your divine sense his complexion is rotted and twisted, something not entirely living or dead, but in between. The man was possessed by a malevolent spirit; How long he had left before the thing took hold of him completely, who could say...

"J-just a coin, good Sir"

The man whimpers, as you stare him down. How would hardly have much time left, before he were found out anyhow...

2017-09-11, 02:04 AM
Tialithia looks around for someone who looks like they are manipulating magic (Perception: [roll0])

2017-09-11, 02:36 AM
Why did you come here?

To hunt a monster. To see it lose eternity by my hand.

"I am Arthos." His voice stated like words in stone. "I am seeking... something I believe to be of great threat to this area." He paused, mulling the next question in his head. "Has there been any word of vampire attacks near here recently?"

His right hand drifts slowly to the letter in his pocket, the words slashing through his thoughts. He looked at the others; the other Estwald guards. His eyes, glinting as they moved, searching for any sign of lying or any indication that might help his line of questioning.

What does the person who asked me this question look like?
I think I'm near the gate right? With the Estwald guards as I entered the town?
Do I need to roll anything?

2017-09-11, 10:17 AM
Amonkhet, in the 7th year of the God-Pharaoh's time. The Promise of the Second Sun was still fresh in the minds of the young populous, as no one over the age of 20 years remained. The God-Pharaoh must have taken them on, and left behind his own new crop.

The first sun began to rise into the already lit sky, and the bustling of life began anew. Though in Naktamun, the city never truly sleeps, as the anointed remain ever vigilant at their tireless tasks, serving the every need of the initiates, acolytes, and viziers alike. Some might think such a life would lead to lazy and content people, but not here. The services provided by these holy dead allowed the others to focus entirely and completely on one task: being worthy of eternity.

Rahj had trained his entire life for this goal, from what his earliest moments of memory could tell. Most Naga embodied the ideals of the great balance of body and mind, but Rahj deemed a third necessity to be the most worthy in the eyes of the gods. He trained his soul equally, following closely the example and tenants of all the gods, but none more than Bontu, the Glorified.

She taught that through ambition are any shown to be worthy. Rahj was strong. Rahj was intelligent. But most of all, Rahj was ambitious. His drive to be the absolute greatest pushed him past his own limits daily, ever the warrior and mage. But still, he knew it always had to be better. He had to be better. His deep study told him so, that even if his entire crop were the strongest Naktamun had ever seen, he would have to be stronger still so he could come out on top in the end.

But he wasn't selected for a crop. He wasn't harvested along with the others. Bontu smiled upon him, and chose him as her newest vizier. That seems like years ago, though it was only a few nights. He found his new chambers, his new privileges, and most of all his new garments to be superfluous. Unannounced to his fellow leaders, he always kept his training armor on under his new robes, as they helped him to still feel like he was a warrior, and was still being tested, as truly all on Amonkhet were.

The first sun, still barely dangling in the sky, was hot, but the second sun peaking over the horizon was hotter still, and Rahj knew what he was to do. He wound and coiled his way through the deep, dark chambers and halls of the Glorious' monument. He arrived at the grand archway, and before him stood 20 of the greatest this year had to offer.

Many of you think that you will find Glory here. Most of you are wrong. Only the absolute best will pass through these walls a champion of all the gods and find their way into Eternity along side the gods and our God-Pharaoh.

The quiet mumbles of lip service from the crop were cut short...

Silence. The silent prayers you throw up to the skies will not save you from weakness. Throughout these trials, you will learn truly what it means to be a champion, be it you.
Or you. Or even none of you.

Your first trial approaches, and I will not stand for any of you to fall so early or quickly as erecting and protecting an obelisk will undo you. Training begins now...

2017-09-11, 11:45 AM
Tialithia, Powerful Youth
In the ensuing chaos you spot your culprit. An undead man, one of the zombie mages of the Golgari consul, weaving a wicked infusion of Mana into your spells, empowering it, warping it.

The rotted man pulls tight over the loose hood that now fully hides his face, turning from the chaos and attempting to flee this heinous crime scene.

Arthos, Vigilant Watch
The man who accosted you was of common stock. Well built but not terribly strong. Hardy with that look of weariness often found on the people of Estwald.

His light, shallow complexion betrayed the speed with which he moved. The ferocity with which he struck, and the sudden growth of thick hair along the man's body and face leads his comrades to detain the guard, for fear of a werewolf being exposed to Estwald.

The gate seals behind you, leaving your questions hanging in the air. Before you now stood a long street packed with milling, tired people, simply going through the routines of a normal life. Trying their best to pretend all in this world wasn't terrible.

Rahj, Vizier of Rahn-Crop

Of the Twenty assembled already it is obvious who the prime candidates are. Before you stands a mix of powerful and ambitious looking initiates. A diverse group, with an unfair mix of Aven among the lot.

K'Het, Naga Lithomancer.
Curious among his kind, K'Het shied away from any views of perfection in body and mind. Instead this tested has found a talent in manipulation of choking sand, mighty tremors, all empowered by an ability to form a thick layer of calcite around his scales, significantly improving defense. A little too proud, K'Het believes himself undefeatable in one on one combat.

Sebath, Naga Necromancer.
Sebath is clever and ambitious, using wicked gifts he claims to have gained from "a voyage beyond the Hekma" when he was still a child. A bold claim, though his unnatural mastery over the forces of life and death are indisputable.

Ch'Nahth, Naga Pious to Oketra
of all the values the gods teach us, Ch'Nahth values solidarity beyond all else. A natural talent for restoration magics, she fights gilded in her ceremonial chain garb, enhancing her already devastating combat abilities.

Tah'Nahemot, Human Warrior
unrivaled with kopesh and bolas "Tahn" has earned a special place among this elite crop. Seemingly blessed by an unnatural ability to survive, this boy of thirteen is ready prove himself worthy of a glorious death.

Getut Human Dervish.
Her friendly smile hides a sinister side. The young girl of eleven held two ceremonial daggers in hand, sheathing them only when she is most certain the others were of no threat. This one would need watching, certainly.

Hefjet, Human Zealot
This youth fights as viciously as a twinless Khenra, his battle rage bordering on zealotry in the name of Hezoret. Fueled by an inner fire bordering on magical Hefjet becomes nearly unkillable while in a frenzy.

Kahn, Human Tactician
The self-proclaimed Crop Tactician Khan believes his strategies infallible. Skilled in illusions and deception enemies often lose themselves to his tricks and traps. Though at fourteen he has much left to learn, and is prone to making mistakes.

Suto, Human Sniper.
Suto is sister to an older sibling D'bhal, now turned anointed through her own failings in the trial of ambition, Suto has something to prove, and seeks to surpass where her sister failed.

Xoo Furious Auramancer. (Human)
Xoo is reclusive and withdrawn. The exact opposite of what Bontu desires. Yet there are rumors, that the youth of eighteen is far more dangerous then his timid nature portrays. In fact Xoo named himself Auramancer upon realizing his potential to empower himself to inhuman proportions. The furious part was added when he was older, after an unfortunate run in with a rather aggressive Serpopard and it's pack led the boy to the brink of death.

Brah'Nhem, Minotaur Champion.
None who have stood up to her have had anything nice to say after the fact. Brah'Nhem is a violent, brutish thug, a self proclaimed champion of Rhona, though her exemplifying of the ideal of Strength is mockery at best. She throws her weight every way she can to get what she wants, and doesn't shy from underhanded tactics.

Tebnem Minotaur Valiant.
Tebnem is an older Minotaur, turning twenty next year, he didn't expect a long or rich life. In fact his only desire was to begin the trials, which he had not gained the privilege to attempt before.
In his years, Tebnem has learned to wield red and blue Mana to devastating effect, tearing away enemy defenses before they can react, shutting down other mages connection to Mana, and immolating his foes in torrential flames.

Harruk, Khenra Twin, Male
Brother to Sannek, these twins fight as a single being, moving with precision and elegance that proves the virtues of Solidarity. Alone they are deadly, together they are unstoppable.

Sannek, Khenra Twin, Female
Born twin to her brother Harruk, Sannek is vicious and unrelenting. Where her brother can lead and guide her blade to it's Mark, it is her ferocity and zealotry that brings their foes to their knees. Together these twins are devastating warriors.

Along with the assembled are a collection of Aven who, only three of which stand alone, dressed uniquely. Four remain in a huddle group, all garbed in the same lazotep-gilded robes, headressea insultingly decadent in he presence of a Vizier.

The Scionates Aven Wizard Flock
Separate from the Crop, the Scionate are a group of wizards who claim to share a mental link with each other. Quickly enough this gift is proven, as they speak, beaks unmoving as their words coalesce in your mind.
"With our minds at your service this Crop is certain to prevail in the trials. "

Yezh'Bha Aven Herbalist.
Balms, salves and ointments are rare in Naktamun, those with the skills to craft them are even rarer. Often it is duty of the Vizier and their Anointed to see to the well being of initiates, though this Aven has taken a particular interest in medicine and biology.

Ko'Hemet Aven Impaler
She is quick, agile and ruthless. With twin Spears this Aven has won all her bouts within the first minute, and rarely has she suffered a blow in return.

Asamat Aven Channeler.
Alive with the intelligence and ruthlessness Asamat had previously served Rhonas in hunting an Amit, bringing the beast safely into Naktamun to be used as fodder in the trials. The beats Asamat can conjure from sheer memory are terrifying examples of the power of ones mind. Those who have faced this black and silver clad Aven know what it is to fear...

2017-09-11, 12:04 PM
Tialithia looks back after where the child had scurried away. She would be unlikely to find the child again now. Instead she pursues the Golgari elder, hoping to query his actions.

"My actions were sufficient for the child to escape, may I ask why you intervened?" her voice respectful, though insistent.

2017-09-11, 01:00 PM
How very odd, yet pleasant. I would heed the colossus' advice, and head dead west, glad to have some direction, and a destination in mind. I would silently wish luck to the colossus, as it's dangerous on the outer spheres of Phyrexia, however, one of his size should have met countless more battles than myself.

2017-09-11, 01:10 PM
I rest my hand on one rocky outcropping, my chest heaving as I try to steady myself on my wavering feet. Just what I wanted, spawn ahead and baloth behind... With another roar announcing its proximity behind me, I stomp my foot in frustration, quelling my desire to yell to the heavens. Nothing but go forward, I guess.

I make my way down the rock face, doing my best to both remain quiet and not go tumbling down the steep face.

Stealth (first)

Stealth (cliffs)

2017-09-11, 01:11 PM
I hate posting on my phone sometimes...
Stealth (cliff face)

2017-09-12, 01:01 AM
Elena wheels on the beggar, managing to restrain herself from destroying the abomination puppeteering the poor man's corpse, who was also possible murderer. The other people in the market couldn't see what she saw, and he was painting himself as a helpless beggar. She needed to be more subtle about this. Elena took a deep breath to steady herself, and turned to him, taking a gold piece out of her purse.

"It's ma'am, if you don't mind. And I might be able to do you one better. I'm looking for information on a murderer. Any information I can get on them would be...valuable.

Elena felt a twing of guilt mixed with revulsion as she twisted the truth and . But the monster she hunted needed to be brought down. Gisela would understand. She would know that what Elena said, she said in service.

2017-09-12, 01:05 AM
Seeing the other guards walk off, Arthos simply closed his eyes and took in a good lungful of Estwald air.

Right. If they won't answer my questions, then I will find answers on my own.

Adjusting the straps on his pack and opening his eyes, Arthos walked foward in the street. The familiar slow pace reminded him of regular watch patrols back home as his eyes scanned over the various people and buildings.

An inn first. I'll keep my eyes out for the usual trouble.

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

I would like to make either a Perception or an Investigation check to find an inn and to look for any other signs of beasts like the man who attacked me.

2017-09-12, 11:22 AM
Am I allowed some sort of save against this mental link ability?

2017-09-12, 05:37 PM
Tialithia, Ravnica Alleyway; Somewhere in Izzet territory.


Immediately you give chase, keeping up with the fleeing Rotmage you manage to corner your quarry only after becoming dangerously lost somewhere beyond the Izzet Guild Gate.

A few things seemed wrong here, least of which was the Rotmage who had begun laughing harshly as you approached. The figure raised it's hands, a sign of surrender from most, rarely from a Golgari.

???, Phyrexia; Somewhere beyond the Razorfields, in a desolate valley.


Your journey is long but not the least bit difficult. Your metallic body is unfettered by the harsh winds and boiling heat, the only thing you've had to concern over thus far is the thin, acidic vapors clinging to the air. As you find yourself lost further and further to the west, that very same burning mist becomes a thick, churning fog; the plush green clouds floating in front of you eat away at the artificial pieces of your form, and you find your movements slowed and sluggish.

You continue further through this putrid environment, as you watch the crisp gold and black-speckled razorgrain turn to limp, black patches, then thin wafer-like wisps, then nothing. The open valley and sparse foliage turned to grey, loamy dirst thick with black oily muck. You think little of the pools, glistening under the sparse illumination of the Five Suns; of which the darkest one seems to burn the most intense, until you feel one of your heels give-way, corrosion tearing into the limb, burning only a few small holes into your frame.

Ahead there is but one grizzly sight, a skull resting in a pool of thick oil. As you approach the oil seems to come to life, lifting up the skull as sharp black needles pierce up to about your own height.

Rlyee Kos, Lost Explorer; Beneath the Magosi Waterfall


You swiftly avoid the detection of a small pack of spawn, making quicker and deeper into the gorge. Before long you find yourself in a place untouched by the Eldrazi menace, thick foliage growing all around for at least half a mile. It doesn't take much time you figure out the source of the preservation of nature, an Inert Hedron, pulsing with the faintest glow of power, it's protection likely fading.

How you found this place is a mystery, or rather, it's the mystery of that map of yours. It looks like no scavenger has been here before, no signs of man or beast or eldritch abomination to be found in sight. Though what truly steals your attention is the cave not ten feet from the Hedron, perfectly set beneath it's shadow to be invisible to any but those who look at the stone from just the right angle.

An impossible occurrence, that this map would not only lead you to the place you sought, but also in such a way as to guarantee you find the entrance as well. It seemed, for now, you were entirely safe; this small glade set by a close pool of water would remain undisturbed for some time.

Enough time for adventure.

Elana, Faithful of Gisela

"M-m'am? M-m-murd'r m'am? Keep yer voice down!"
The man hollers in a hush tone as he shies his face away from onlookers.

"M'am, please mum just an'uva coin ya? Food isn't too cheap lately. What with the wolves and disappearances 'n all.
The man winks, clearly knowing more then he lets on, or was it the spirit corrupting him, driving this man to such under-handed tactics. Was he even destitute?

The man holds out his hands, pleading to your better senses. Waiting to palm a fresh coin.

Arthos, Investigator of Estwald

Your keen ears and keener mind pick up on a promising piece of gossip. It seems, according to some chatty women too tired to tend to their laundry; That the local Parish is suffering at the hands of a fabled "Night-stalker". The name was silly, but the thought of a murderer on the loose was something you couldn't afford to pass up.

Listening on, you learn that the most recent "kill", all of the successors of which have thus far been hushed over by the local Cathars, was reported at a Priest's house not far from here, just down by the market. It is clear something sinister is afoot, but only time will truly tell what this promised mystery entails.

I suppose if you want, but since it'll be the a common means, especially with gods, you may as well get used to it.

2017-09-12, 06:22 PM
Stepping back, I would ready a spell, preparing for the material's advance. This would not be it's first fight for survival, but for my sake, I hope it would be the ooze's last, or better yet, somehow manage to pass the oozes senses, as it desires flesh, or I can assume it does, given its... location.

2017-09-12, 07:07 PM
Oh, of course. But this guy isn't a god, and he definitely isn't my god; he is my student, of sorts, and this is an unwelcome intrusion, and I (Rahj) feel like there is a strong lesson to be learned here.

Okay, a close comparison I can find is detect thoughts, which would allow a Wisdom save? Still learning 5e mechanics, bear with me. Should get my mod and proficiency, yes? [roll0]

The aven touched my mind. I grin, and let him prattle on for a moment, then cut him short mentally, severing the connection. My grin grows wider, a grim sight of tightly pulled scaly flesh and razor sharp fangs.

The gods touch my mind. The gods speak this way. Why? Because they love us so, that they wish to comfort us from the inside out? Your training to this day has been coddled and gentle. Today I will teach you a cruel lesson for this cruel reality: the gods do because they are powerful, and we would be nothing trying to stop them.

I slither forward. My grin is gone completely. You. You are no god. You are not powerful, and I am willing to prove it to you in the cruelest lesson of all.

I beckon over the largest of the minotaur, with the exclusive instructions: Show them how the world is balanced. Show these aven the fault of their exclusive focus on minds and not bodies.

2017-09-12, 08:10 PM
Rylee groans a little as he sits down in the lush foliage, gazing up at the hedron as he finally lets himself catch his breath. I haven't had to run like this in years, and even then, running for two days straight is exhausting... Without even intending to, Rylee found himself dozing off for an hour or so. Finally, after a brief rest, he jolts awake, his heart racing before he entirely realizes where he is, safe in the small Hedron grove. Rocking forward onto his feet, he scavenges a few materials into a makeshift torch, lighting it with the flint and steel that were in the same bag as the map, relics of a bygone part of his life back to haunt him.

Slowly, carefully, he makes his way to the entrance of the cave, looking down into its depths. A few more tendrils of magic wove their way down into the cave than usual, something he had learned to be cautious of in the years since he started truly seeing them.

Perception in the cave, and if it looks safe he's going to start working his way down into it.


2017-09-13, 01:45 AM
"Nightstalker." They're vampires, not some creature of myth.

I mean, it might be werewolves but I pity the poor fool who can confuse them.

Walking through the crowd, listening to the various snatches of conversation that flittered into his ears, Arthos kept his eyes open for the local market and the priests' house.

I can't imagine why Martok would bother sending me a message for a simple murder. I can't see the gain, even for that foul creature.

A rival vampire? Someone encroaching in on his territory? Maybe it's a clan leader and he's hoping to get me out of the picture. The thoughts rushed through his mind as he continued walking on.

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

To the murder scene!

2017-09-13, 01:48 AM
???, Sunbonded

The creature stops moving quickly after it becomes a bed of spikes. The more you observe it, the quicker it becomes obvious it isn't alive, simply mocking sentience. A quick observation shows you this entire valley, likely the entrance to the place that Colossus mentioned, is thick with the same shiny oil, thick and oozing, black and dripping from most surfaces. Coupled with the dangerously acrid air, there is possibly no more dangerous place you could be.

Before you are able to properly channel magic however, a sensation ripples over you. You feel a surge of Mana (white) as your skin begins to glow with a light as brilliant as a self-contained sun. The shield may offer some protection to the elements around you, but you yet have no idea of it's limits.

Rahj, Tormenter of Rahn Crop


Tebnem was first to act. His serrated blade struck fast, slicing down one of the Scionates, leaving him bleeding on the floor next to the others of Rahn Crop. Those gathered kept steeled glares as the Minotaur adult cleaned his blade, a grin on his face. He likely though himself ambitious for his actions. The others likely thought him murderous, or yourself mad.

This was certain to prove the most difficult trials of any Initiate's life.

Rylee Kos, Glory Seeker


Before you can plan a descent into the cliff the earth begins to shake. You can attempt to land on your feet as the land beneath you collapses, drawing you and the Hedron and a few yards of the grove into the cavern below...

Make an Dexterity Save (DC 15) to survive the fall. 8 Bludgeoning damage. Half-damage if you succeed on your Save.

As you try and compose yourself your mind tries to grasp the horizon beyond. Some hundred feet below the surface of Zendikar was a massive void, likely filthy with Eldrazi. What stuck out the most of all, however, was the structure in the distance, at the end of a long long pathway.

It looked like a portal. But, where would such a void lead to, if not the home of the Eldrazi? Was life even possible between this world and the Aether?

Your mind began to real from the realizations set before you. (Record a Sanity Score of 20.)

Arthos, Investigator of Estwald


Your journey is quick and decisive. You had heard enough, and it was time you saw for yourself the work of this Night Stalker first hand. It takes maybe ten minutes to cross the two streets and a left down a set of switch-back stairs to a small house sitting alone on a low valley; Only a few yards north was the Market, the house itself was surprisingly quiet. No investigators, no Paladins, no Cathars, no Inquisitors.

How strange...

As you approach the building it becomes apparent the interior is shrouded in a black void. No light pierces the house, though it's door hangs lightly open, a trail of blood spackled about the entrance. You didn't need a light source to make out the scene just beyond the passage; There, a body hung limply from the rafters, tied by a chain, dripping what you expect was blood, it's head missing.

It wasn't immediately clear, but the body was dressed in a cassock and Priest's Robes. It seems the rumors ring true of this grisly display

2017-09-13, 06:08 AM
Tialithia looks at the zombie, perplexed, it was likely sent by someone outranking her, if it doesn't itself. But it's actions seem... odd, and of all the places to flee it came here? Was it trying to trap her on purpose
"Speak, do your actions here serve a purpose?"
She looks around feeling vulnerable Perception [roll0]

2017-09-13, 07:01 AM

Arthos' chest rose and fell in rigid rhythm.

Breathe. Don't feel.

Visions of blood - the red shock across a wooden floor, with a figure standing over- Focus. - flashed across his vision.

Think. Look at it. See what's there.

His eyes scanned the scene quickly, taking in every detail. The wooden floor, the hanging body, the slow inevitable drip of blood towards the floor; anything he could use to help him. His teeth ground together as his will clashed against his anger. Martok...

Focus. Calm thought serves the law better.

Again, his eyes darted around the room. Careful to stay outside the house, Arthos went over his limited view again and again; constantly refreshing the grisly spectacle before him.

Unlikely to be a vampire. Too much blood for that. Werewolves would have turned them or ripped them to pieces. Priest makes it unlikely to be Geists but don't discount them.

Scanning over the body, Arthos' mind flashed the image of a pair of chaplains from Nearheath that had passed through his village.

https://dfep0xlbws1ys.cloudfront.net/thumbs24/1a/241a978d01514086c078d2cf70c43a25.jpg?response-cache-control=max-age=2628000 https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/echomage/cards/AVR/240132.crop.hq.jpg

There was too much blood and the body was too high up through the door. He breathed - Slow. Even. Ignore the smell. - and tried to see what else he could gather.

What foul creature did this?

What can I see/gather from the doorway? Do I recognise this type of attack?
Investigation: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
History (For the "Have I seen this before?" question): [roll2]

2017-09-13, 02:09 PM
The warmth and light is a welcome change, and I ease myself, before continuing down the path, puzzled at the ancient achievements of Phyrexia. The prolonged peace is welcome, but making me slightly uneasy.

2017-09-13, 05:35 PM
I speak quick and decisively, much like the assault.

That's enough. I want each of you to learn something from this. You are all strong, that is how you got here. Otherwise you would have been left to wander the wastes as Unworthy. But you have your weaknesses. Some have a strong body, a strong mind, or a strong stomach. But so too are your opponents strong. While you are tested in your trials, you will face the strongest and fiercest opposition, stronger than any of you could have imagined. You will face your fellow citizens, your fellow Initiates, but too will you be tried against far worse things. Giant cats, basilisks, ammits, even dragons.

You aven. Your minds will fail you. You minotaurs, your bodies will fail you. Not a single one of you is strong enough or able enough to make it through all the trials of the gods. Not alone. That is your first lesson: to succeed you will stand together and do what must be done. You will put your callous pride aside and prove before the gods that you will stand together, or die separate and join the ranks of the Anointed.

Rahj's words hung solemnly for a moment of silence. He returned slowly to the steps of Bontu's temple, and turned to address the crop, his crop, once more.

All of you. Your trials for this day are done. No more training, no more bloodshed. Tend to your wounds, and then spend the remaining day together. Learn from each other. Learn about one another. Boast your strengths, but do not hide your weaknesses. Learn how to cover one another, and how to become as one. Today, you are twenty. Tomorrow morning, I will mold you into a singularity.

2017-09-13, 07:08 PM
Rylee yelps, the torch clattering against the stone as he tumbles end over end to land hard on his side, a sharp pain blooming as his vision wavers for a moment. Gathering himself, he stands, picking up the torch and clutching his side with his free hand. Ugh, I really am out of practice. Once upon a time, I would have never landed like that... he thinks bitterly, raising the torch to survey his surroundings and beyond. As he does, his eyes widen, looking out over the vast expanse-that-should-not-be beneath the surface of the land he thought he knew so well. Tendrils of magic wove through the world down here in ways he had never seen, some flowing, others bending at sharp angles in his vision, always only half-visible, like a translucent thread drifting in the wind.

In the distance, the looming portal draws his gaze and holds it. Part of him is wary, scared, the part that had already been broken. Beneath that, though, an insatiable curiosity still burned, and it was this that leads him to start gingerly picking his way down the rocks around him, through the field of warped stone toward the massive portal in the distance. Still, he was and is still an adventurer, and he knew that down here, especially down here, he needed to be careful. After all, all around him was evidence that the rumors of the Spawn burrowing tunnels through the plane was not merely a rumor. In fact, it extended far more than he had ever imagined it would. Even as he approaches the portal and the winding path up to it, he sticks close to the rocky spurs around him, walking as silently and unobtrusively as his aching side allows.

I don't know how that map led me here, but there's only one way to find out. I really should be less excited about this, I think...

Failed the save, ouch

If the portal sheds enough light for him to see without it, he would snuff his torch, but if not he'll keep it lit.

Stealth roll for approaching the portal:

2017-09-14, 11:18 AM
Tialithia, Golgari Mage


The Rotmage backs further away, an ooze of impenetrable shadow coalescing around him. In an instant the figure has vanished into a smooth void of pure darkness, though the deep cackling of the fiend can still be heard echoing through the alley. The shadows begin to spill around you, and soon you too are lost in a void of blackness, cut off from the world of light and colors and shapes.

But not sounds. You hear it clearly, the sounds of metal and steam coming to life, the intense roar of mana flooding through you, warning you of the approaching horror. A creature formed of two powerful forces stalks slowly towards you, it's body half made of glowing magma and burning flames, shining dully in the deep shadows. The other half is cold, steaming liquid, not water, not quite. It looks impossibly cold, as if the thing could freeze then burn you to cinders in seconds.

This was weird

Arthos, Ill-Fated


You take the extra moment to exam the scene closer. It was gruesome, which was fine, you could handle gruesome. What you couldn't handle was what else you saw in the shadows of the dim light that crossed the cracked door, illuminating something terribly fascinating.

Beneath the growing pool of blood as it slowly dripped upon the smooth, white wood panels sat an Alien Symbol scrawled in the blood of the same victim who was left to dangle in their final moments of life. You couldn't piece it together, what the illustration meant, who could have done this wicked deed, and how was it the victim looked so perfectly mauled, as if by a werewolf, yet nearly empty of blood, as if drained by a vampire...

Before you can think of the answers to these questions your attention is stolen, sounds of approaching Cathar bringing you away from the horrors before you. Looking behind you see that the Patrol is three men, well two men and a burly lady of considerable strength. One of the Cathar's rode horse-back, leading the others by a yard or so. The carried the holy symbol of Avacyn, a dire warning to any who would defy the church and it's laws.

They were maybe two-hundred feet away now, you were easily in their sights, and have little time to react.

???, Sunbathed


The aura remains around you, shielding you from the now thick, watery clouds of acid that hangs in the damp and corrosive air. You carefully step around the oil spots, having a few more close encounters with the living spike-traps. Not before long you find your strength falter. Whatever force was producing that shield, was taking energy reserves you didn't know you had, and were instilling within you a sense of fatigue you didn't think was possible.

You come to a clearing, the air thinner here, less poisonous, gentler. Before you sits a single creature, grey and green and black and chitinous and metallic; The insectoid beast was scavenging for...whatever it might consider food. As soon as the thing catches you in it's sights it tenses, backing up as it readies to lunge when you approach.

It seems you would make a fine meal for it.

Rahj, Mentor of Champions


A rousing speech to be sure, the gathered Initiates, the would-be worthy went out from your chambers, back into Naktamun to begin their training. A Crop was nothing without teamwork, yours had a lot to learn yet, and would hopefully return to you ready to receive your wisdom.

Before you find the time to relax and tend to your own needs a messenger comes to your residence. The young boy, perhaps nine years of age, had a summons for you. The script, written on soft, almost leathery paper regarded the man Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun. You were to come with haste and meet with him, a personal audience regarding your role in the trials and training of your Crop.

The missive seemed urgent.

Rylee, Kos Enlightened


Despite the pain you walk on, fighting through your injuries as the strange alien glow draws you ever closer. You could probably see without your torch fine, but this place was cold, uncomfortably so, and the warmth was strong and comforting. After what feels like hours you finally cross the larger half of the expanse. Nothing but faded Hedrons, strange frozen corpses, and whirling, lattice patterns formed in loose dust and stone littered this endless void of grey.

Beyond this empty expanse is a deep gorge, so vast and so deep that it's impossible to tell where the bottom was. The trial of winding, loose earth became a thin bridge, only wide enough for maybe three-men abreast. Alone, it was secure enough, though that empty drop below was horrifying, to say the least...

Alone, you felt so alone in this place. Were there not even Eldrazi in this empty, abandoned void? Before you can form the question it is answered, as a large (11ft) figure begins climbing over the side of the bridge, slithering onto the platform maybe 60 feet in front of you.

2017-09-14, 11:28 AM
Yet again, I would ready a spell, the engine within whirring to life as it began to channel mana, sending the predator a threat, before I offer one verbally, in the infernal tongue so many of our people practice. "This will not end well for you. Even if you succeed."

2017-09-14, 12:48 PM
Great. Just... perfect.

Arthos sighed and stepped back a couple of paces away from the door. Turning his bulky frame towards the three Cathars now approaching, a flurry of options rushed through his head.

No way this is an accident.

Fight them? Three on one, with one of the three being on horseback, gives me little chance of survival.

Lie? They'll see through it in seconds, probably, and there's no real point.

Honesty then. Just have to hope they'll actually listen.

Waiting until they get within about fifteen feet, Arthos held up his right hand in greeting. "Hail!" A strained smile stretched across his face at odds with the almost growling tone he spoke in. He continued on. "I'm investigating a possible threat to this town and its' inhabitants. I believe that whatever happened in here is merely a smaller part of something far larger and potentially infinitely worse. So, whatever you're thinking on doing, it can wait until after we've solved what happened here. Alright?" Arthos stood there, his hands clasped behind him, subtly straightening his shoulders and showing off the best of his physique while maintaining his neutral posture.

Thank you, Rudolph.

I think I'm trying to intimidate them with the facts and the possibility of a fight.
Intimidation: [roll0]

2017-09-14, 01:16 PM
"Oh...Rot and Ash" Tialithia begins to push a surge of mana into her staff, but in all honesty she'd rather not fight the thing. She had no charges or fields to fight for here, only her own life mattered. She attempts to turn tail and run, see if she can lose it in the streets.

Athletics? [roll0]

2017-09-14, 02:00 PM
???, Lost Soul

I'd like to know what spell level you're preparing when you ready a spell. You don't have to name the specific spell, as to avoid counter-spell abuse by NPCs.

Also, roll Initiative

The creature prepares to rush you, [roll0] it's body charging with all the force of it's mutated legs. It's acid-dripping maw ready to rip you to shreds.

Arthos, Inquisitive Soul

Steeling yourself, the Cathar prove unwavering in their resolve as the mounted one advances ahead of her men.
"Stand down, I'll deal with this rogue"

The other two Cathar remain behind, at least one hundred and fifty feet. The horse mounted woman, who introduces herself as Cathar Helga Ermgot of the Church of Avacyn Estwald primary ward. Helga, with a clear and unshakable presence, approaches, sword at her side.
"You are intruding on official church business. You will stand down and submit to arrest until such time as you can properly be interviewed and then judged of your guilt."

The woman pauses for only a moment.
"What say thee, rogue?"

Tialithia, Hounded Soul

I would ask for a Stealth roll to properly reflect hiding and dodging through alleys. I would suggest a Survival roll as well, to reflect navigating the twisting paths of Ravnica. Up to you though. I'll count the Athletics for the difficulty of navigating a darkness spell.

You stumble in the perfect darkness. Your pursuer doesn't seem to share your inability of sight, advancing slowly but unerringly upon you. Tripping over debris and bits of abandoned creations you manage to escape the blackness, but not before suffering a strike from your weird attacker.
Burning Touch - [roll1] , [roll2] Fire and [roll3] Cold damage.

As you escape the shadows you find there are three paths leading away from this alley. You are yet unsure of which will lead you back out of the Izzet League, or where a path to the Golgari sewers could be found.

2017-09-14, 02:43 PM
"I say that I am Arthos. I am a town guard for a village not far from here."His hands moved around in front of his chest, reaching into his jacket pocket for the insignia that marked him as such.

"I am trying to help. This isn't the first murder I've seen and it will unlikely be the last. If you truly serve Avacyn, may her light guide us, then I can be of use to you and the church both." His tone was blunt and to the point but ultimately with an undertone of wanting to help mixed in.

Persuasion roll, with the hope that an insignia from a town I haven't even come up with a name for can save me from having to be sent to prison and not fight three on one.

I'm going to be sent to prison.

Persuasion: [roll0]

2017-09-14, 04:28 PM
Tialithia recites doctrine to calm her nerves and races for the left hand path. "Endure, grow stronger, until the body is reclaimed by Ravnica"

survival [roll0]
stealth [roll1]

2017-09-14, 05:11 PM
I would attempt to dodge at the last minute, only getting caught up in the beast's charge, taking advantage of the point blank range to loose a Chromatic Orb of Cold (spell save D.C.=14)

2017-09-14, 05:28 PM
Rahj was annoyed, to say the least. To him everything that came out of Temmet's mouth sounded unnecessarily and inexcusably urgent. He felt like he also wasn't alone in this notion. He gathered his necessities, without making too much haste, and slithered towards the designated location.

2017-09-14, 06:26 PM
I always have to ask myself such stupid questions... Rylee thinks, cursing quietly under his breath as the monstrosity slithers up, barring his path to the portal, and his only obvious destination. Well, no time like the present for something stupid.

Steeling himself, Rylee steps out from the cover of the oddly warped shale, noting how the shimmering lines of mana weave through the air around him. Finding the ones leading to the creature before him and focusing on a promising lead, he mutters under his breath before quietly singing an old nursery rhyme his mother had often sung him in his youth. A faint, ethereal chiming accompanies it as he rattles the little bells bound about his wrists, weaving the notes together with the line of fate that he had chosen, watching it vibrate in time with his voice.

Casting Dissonant Whispers on the beast, DC 14 Wisdom save


Full damage on a fail, and it must use its reaction to run its full movement away, half damage and no move on a success. If the creature fails and moves, I want to bolt past it. If it succeeds, well... I'll start rolling a new character XD

2017-09-14, 07:38 PM
Arthos, Under Arrest

Sadly, I have to agree. You're welcome to fight your way out, or think up some Jack Sparrow-level escape plan. Otherwise you may as well go in peacefully, and when Estralita replies she might be able to get involved in your potential escape.

"Your title means nothing in Eswald I'm afraid. You are hereby under arrest by order of Cathar Helga Erngot of Estwald. Stand down, or forfeit your life."

The woman draws her sword, pointing it at you as she reigns in her beast. The tip of the blade sits perfectly level to your nose, inches from your face. Adjacent

Tialithia, Street Runner


You run past steam vents and under lightning rods, through the twisting, maze-like streets of the Izzet League. A few times you think you hear the weird failure of the Izzet following you, only to look back and find yourself alone.
You were lost, and no closer to home then you were when you chased down that Rotmage, though, at least the Azorious Arrestors couldn't possibly find you now.

The weaving alleys finally end after a few minutes of running and weaving, and you come to a small open-square. Three other tunnel-like alleyways branch from this space, which would be empty save for the many steam-vents, and a lone Goblin-mage standing on the far end, a ball of lightning bouncing in his palm.
"You lost, kid?"

The creature flashes an ugly grin, you were in real trouble now.

???, Mana-Engine

I'll give you the Initiative, and let your Chromatic Orb set off in response to it's charge. No dex save was necessary. If you hit the beast, it'll miss dealing no damage to you. If you miss, it'll hit, dealing the normal damage. But you're gonna need to roll an attack with your Spell Attack modifier in order to deal damage with your Level 1 Chromatic Orb. And choose an Energy type next time, regardless if it misses. And since you haven't specified what color(s) you're aligned to yet I'll assume whatever element you choose to match your color alignment.

The beast soars through the air, prepared to crash upon you, your spell reaching out, ready to strike the monster down. It was as if time was standing still, each of you an inch away from injuring the other, first blood waiting to be drawn...

Rahj, Chosen of Bontu


Your first trials as a Vizier have begun. As soon as you enter the harsh light of the twin suns of Amonkhet, you are met with opposition to your rule. A burly Minotaur woman, rippling with muscle and arcane runes; The harsh red glow of which indicates the doing of Hazoret, The Fervent.

The beast was rushing you, empowered by the zeal to murder and die a glorious death, an unfair thing, as this monster was gifted by a god with this want to kill, and so ending her even in self defense would grant her that eternal rest at the God-Pharoah's May his return come quickly and may we be found worthy. side.

Yet you had to survive. To earn your eternal rest, this poor woman had to die. You steel yourself, and ready your weapons.

Rylee Kos, Outcaster

Success! - Que Fanfare :smallbiggrin:

The Eldrazi abomination begins to run past you, the way you came as you spill past the beast yourself. In the confrontation you find the ground below you, where the beast initially climbed upon the bridge, roughened and cracked. You must prove yourself dexterous to avoid falling, and alerting the beast.
(It's now 40ft away from you)

2017-09-14, 08:48 PM
Well, that went better than expected, Rylee thinks, breathing a sigh of intense relief as the beast rumbles, or slithers, or whatever that odd sound is, past him. Without slowing, Rylee bolts at full speed, using all of his grace to leap from foothold to foothold on the path as he works past the monster and towards the portal.

As he runs, he notices a few lines of magic pulling in, converging on his goal ahead of him. Oh, thank Cosi... he thinks, almost reflexively, as he keeps running.

Rolled an 11 dex save in the OOC thread, if that isn't enough, he'll still keep going. Either way he's using a dash action now that he's past the beast to go full out towards the portal.

2017-09-15, 12:45 AM
Bullet time[/s]]To Hit:[roll0]

2017-09-15, 01:48 AM
Elena's hand twitched. She was weak, too weak for this. Too weak to summon the divine energy to banish the spirit. But this thing was too calm to be her target, and she had a mission from Gisela herself. "Oh really?
Maybe if we went to the tavern, we could have a nice private chat about those things. Away from all those nasty wolves. And if you're afraid of disappearances, no creature of darkness would dare touch a devotee of Gisela and member of the Flight Goldnight. " she holds out her hand, two Gold Pieces held out, but held firmly to prevent snatching.

I feel like I need another Persuasion Roll to get him to come with and understand my meaning. Hope I don't botch


2017-09-15, 05:28 AM
Tialithia looked at the goblin, you could never tell how much of a threat they were, especially ones affiliated with the Izzet, near as likely to fry themselves as hurt you there were nonetheless a fair number of them that were truly dangerous.
Making a snap decision, she rushes the goblin, pushing mana into her staff.

Move up to goblin
Bonus Action: Shillelagh
Attack [roll]1d20+4[roll] DMG: [roll0]

2017-09-15, 05:47 AM
Well then, Cathar Helga Erngot of Estwald, I will take pleasure when whatever killed that man inevitably tries to feast on you and yours.

He knew the anger was unfair, that she was doing her job in one small minded way

But how in the names of the most damned demons in the Helvault were they meant to survive if they didn't work together?

Arthos took another deep breath. Carefully managing his tone, he spoke. "Alright, Cathar. Lead on, I'll follow you. You have my word I'll not run."

I will, however, start trying to beat you down into the very earth itself if you try and chain me. His eyes, while definitely aware of the sword point inches away from his noise, drifted over to the Cathar.

You got here very quickly. I wonder why...

Insight check. Insight so hard until it becomes Outsight.

Insight: [roll0]

2017-09-15, 08:43 AM
Rahj stills himself, watching for an opening, and says a silent prayer to Bontu, ready for the worst.

Great Bontu, may my deceptions hide my true power and bring down this bull.

2017-09-15, 08:53 AM
Sorry for the double post, forgot to throw a roll for Int there.

Initiative =[roll0]

2017-09-15, 12:46 PM
Rylee Kos, Deep Explorer

Unfortunately that didn't cut it; Oof, better luck next time.

You manage to clear another ten feet before slipping on loose stone, which crumbles to a fine dust after you kick into it. As your face hits the hard earth of the bridge, you feel the tremors of the Eldrazi beast, as it continues to slither/crawl towards you. It's a heated moment of adrenaline and excitement as you pull yourself to your feet, now perhaps only fifteen feet from the monstrous being.

Not quite in it's reach just yet.

???, Phyrexian Survivor

Success, and just enough to kill the thing. So with choosing [Cold] I would safely align that to Blue or Black or White, but you'd likely prefer Blue. As well, I think you should align to White as your other color, as that shield you have is pretty white-mana-y

Just my 2 cents.

In a flash the battle is over, you couldn't even see the beast move, nor your own spell complete; Nothing moved. And then you look about, only to see the beast slowly dropping from the air, it's entire body frozen in ice, it hits the ground with ample force to shatter it's now glossy-white form.

You did it, your spell crushed with it's crippling frost. The wilds would prove hostile, surely this swamp most of all. The journey ahead may yet be a daunting one, though now you are assured in your strength, in your abilities.
Now, you can survive.

Elana, Negotiator

The ratty, smelly man reaches for the coins, and assuming at some point you let them go, he will bite into each, testing to see if they're fakes. Once the man is satisfied he will pocket the coins, clapping his hands once as he stretches out his elbow in offering.
"Come then, M'adam, I shall accompany you ta' dinn'r like ye asked'o me. We'ves got a lot's 'ta talk about.

As the man is ready to lead you off, you catch a commotion from the corner of your eye. Just down a road to the left of the Market, between Brandy's Hardwares and Iron Smith Dukes a small squad of Cathar lead a procession up along a dirt path, away from some lone house sitting amidst a rather large field.

There was originally three, you guess, as you can see one of the Holy men entering the house far down the path. The other two, one a woman mounted on horse back, approach with a third man. This last figure is not dressed in holy garb, but in simple leathers for armor and cloth clothing, the most prominent feature is the Tricorne hat atop his head of rough, messy hair.

The Cathar lead the man along, weapons drawn as if he were being taken prisoner. You can only guess the poor gentleman a criminal, given the circumstances.

Tialithia, Greenblade

You dodge through clouds of uncomfortably hot steam, the glow of your staff guiding you as you bring it low, striking at the mocking goblin. The brilliance of your weapon blinds the creatures for only a moment. Just enough time, it would seem, for you to land a punishing blow.

The creature yells out in pain, as it straightens itself again.
"Oh, now you're dead kid"

It seems the goblin intended to make good on that promise. Leaping away from you, the goblin summons a ball of sparks and arcing thunder in his palm. The orb builds up rapidly, quickly growing too large for the goblin to safely hold, and so it is unleashed.
The thunder ball rolls into the steam, exploding and electrifying everything in the area.

Everything, it would seem, but the goblin. The crackle and brilliance of a twenty-foot blast of electricity was seemingly diverted, running through the goblin and disappearing. You stand, recoiling from the damage, [roll0], Dex save DC 13 for half damage.

Arthos, Captive Citizen

On the order of they're leader, one of the Cathars remains to watch over the property. You notice something strange in the way She gives the order, as if they knew what was inside already, and they just needed a guard-dog to keep people from getting inside...

Regardless, with two of them remaining, your odds of winning or escaping remain slim. It takes only a few minutes to reach the Market district on foot. Both the Cathar's blades are trained on you, as they lead you through the streets of the Market, towards the nearest chapel, the dungeon of which likely doubles as this town's prison.

Rahj, Tested Vizier

Yes I need you to roll initiative. The enemy will as well. Initiative [roll1]
Additionally there is no "full attack" as per 3.5 You get ONE action on top of your movement (not an action), as well as an Item interaction (as part of your movement, or not, your choice). That ONE action can be to attack, and if you have multiple attacks (your class dictates when you get these) you make all attacks as that ONE action.

If you get an attack via a Bonus Action you are allowed to use that bonus action once on any given turn. So on top of your regulat Action you get a Bonus Action IF you have a bonus action. Additionally you get a Reaction, again IF you have a feature/weapon/etc that allows it.

Currently you make 1 attack with your Action (unless I missed something) which is a "full attack" in it's own way. You can still move any amount of your movement, between the total amount allowed (30ft for most) in between actions on your turn. Additionally you can take the dash action to move your speed again, effectively trading attack for 2x movement that turn.

The beast charges at you, ready to impale you with her sharp, gleaming horns.
Impale - [roll2], [roll3]

2017-09-15, 01:54 PM
Rahj easily dodges the beast in his blind rage, and counters quickly with a slash of his knife.

Attack [roll0][roll1]

2017-09-15, 02:12 PM
The engine within would whirr a bit longer, as Excess energy arced off my hand, into the air, before cooling off, and entering an inert state. After a brief moments rest, contemplation, and assuring myself that I'm walking down the right path, I would continue. Albeit, much more warily.

2017-09-15, 03:49 PM
Tialithia winces as pain explodes in her side, and swings her staff down at the goblin. "Rot and ruin take you."

Save [roll0]

Attack [roll1] [roll2]

2017-09-15, 07:07 PM
Elena slowed as she saw the Cathar bringing the prisoner around. She hadn't had the chance yet to check in with the local authorities on her case. For all she knew, that was her quarry they were transporting, although Elena doubted Gisela would send her on a mission if it could be so trivially completed. Still, best to check.

"Good Morrow, sister. What sort of trouble have we here?"

2017-09-15, 07:28 PM
Rylee grits his teeth as he hits the ground, cursing silently as he feels his aching side jolt with pain. I really need to stop doing that... he thinks, scrambling to his feet and glancing back over his shoulder. His eyes widen, seeing the large creature bearing down on him. Scrambling to his feet, Rylee immediately begins dashing as fast as he can down the path, hoping beyond hope that he can outrace it as he keeps winding his way towards the portal. The torch sputters on the ground where he left it, the portal's light guiding him as he focuses on it, letting it call to him as his feet pound the ground. As he does, he scans the void on either side of the pathway, and above it, still enough instinct left in him to keep his eyes peeled as he dashes headlong away from the monstrosity.

Perception, but Rylee is essentially just making a mad dash for the portal at this point.

2017-09-19, 06:49 PM
Rahj, Street Fighter

As your own swing soars wide, your opponent, in a blind zealous fury charges once more, running off a few feet wide of their next attempt at goring you. Impressive, the way they fought, the weight thrown behind each swing of her deadly horns. Yet it was clear this was no initiate, not a vizier, nor a champion of the gods themselves, but rather this woman, hairy and brutish, but so beautiful in her own way, was not even older then some of your own. This young woman, built like a brick wall of muscle and sinew, was hopelessly outmatched, and would likely never even make it into a Crop of their very own.

One of you must die today. It was the way it had to be. Just as the Final Trial, you were both being tested. Today one of you would be one step closer to that most sacred reward. But would one so young sit by the God-Pharaoh's May his return come quickly and may we be found worthy side? Could this untested Initiate have a worthy death at your hands? Or are you sentencing one so young, so inexperienced, to a fate worse then death?

You didn't have the luxury or time to decide.

Tried to roll on here multiple times. I give up. Lol. New computer isn't liking it. Eitherway the Minotaur mistress' turn is over.

???, Engine of Defiance


Before you can appreciate the fetid tide pools, the languid, acrid fog that clung thick to every surface, and the putrid, rotting and resting metal-biological mockeries that call this hopeless, ruined mire home; You are met with yet a new challenge.

A humanoid beast, was it human? Was it something else? Was it entirely monster, or man, or was it a machine like you? The black, flowing viscous oil that oozed from a gash in it's left side would make you think this beast bled, it was weak, it could be killed.

Those thoughts are quickly replaced with a nod towards your own survival. As the brutish black thing comes barreling towards you, sword drawn in a menacing manner.

Tialithia, Ravnican Survivor

The goblin caster was given little chance to defend as your staff crashes down once more. Despite the clever strike the creature got in on yourself, he proved far too frail to survive the barrage of mighty strikes from your staff. The far too meek goblin crumpled beneath you, a pool of ichor building around the new unconscious form.

The flag stone beneath your feet begins to sink into the stone, sticking and soaking into your shoes.

Elena & Arthos Protectors of Innistrad

Helga, the Cathar pack's leader pushes her cohort aside, as the beautiful brown and white stallion she rides closes the small distance between Elena, leaving Arthos and his keeper behind.

"You will identify yourself when addressing a high ranking Member of Avacyn's most holy order."

The woman raises her sword, making it clear she has no intent to sheath the weapon until her duty escorting this prisoner is finished.

"Speak, welp"

Rylee Kos, Intrepid Explorer


You dash quickly and madly, your legs pushing with every once of strength you can muster, adrenaline and magic driving you beyond human, or, piscine, limitations. Watching your back, there appears to be a quickly dwindling horror, growing smaller and smaller as it disappears behind you, further away with each passing second.

Fortunately, before you can reach the portal beyond, a veritable swarm of spawn begin to crawl up from underneath the thinning bridge. Now, with only maybe ten-feet to a side, you watch as both sides of your escape become crowded by a growing number of spawn. Before you can react, there's at least twenty of the rotten beasts standing between you and the portal before you.

2017-09-19, 07:07 PM
Elena straightens up and salutes, chagrined. "Yes. I am sorry, Cathar. I am Elena Ward, of the Flight Goldnight. I have been sent by Lady Gisela to find the murderer tormenting this town. Is there anyone here I can speak to about this?"

2017-09-19, 09:55 PM
Rylee skids to a halt as the swarm of smaller beasts clamber onto the path, blocking his way to the portal as his chest heaves, adrenaline still coursing through his veins. His red fins flare out in anger as he grits his teeth, surveying the small mass of creatures in front of him as he tries to center himself. A tendril of translucence wafts past him, jolting suddenly with a clear little note, a chiming that rung through his head, calling to him a memory of his past. Taking a few more deep breaths, Rylee begins to sing once again, stepping forward with slow, rhythmic steps while the bells around his wrists ring to match the clear not he had heard. This time, his voice rings out in a clear, calm melody as he sings a lullaby his mother used to rock him to sleep with.

Close your eyes my sweet child,
Let your dreams run free and wild

Sing softly to me my dear,
Let me take away all your fears

Graceful and gentle swaying,
Listen to what I am saying...

Casting Sleep centered on the group of spawn, with a 20 ft radius.
worth of hit points in ascending order.

Rylee will put as many to sleep as he can, and then either get past the rest, or hold if there are too many to just run past after.

2017-09-20, 01:30 AM
His hands pressed firmly infront of him, Arthos turned his head to listen in on the Cathar and the Goldnight's conversation.

I wonder...

"Wait!" He shouted, trying to catch their attention. "I can help!" He held his hands high, away from his sword dangling at his hip.

And now we can only hope that the Goldnighter has more sense than the fool of a Cathar she's speaking to...

2017-09-20, 02:02 AM
Tialithia pokes the goblin, I don't think he's going to give me directions now... stupid thing would probably have got me lost more anyway she steps away from the goblin, and looks around, she can't keep running, perhaps there's somewhere she could hide...

2017-09-20, 01:05 PM
Elena, Devote of Gisela

Madam Helga Erngot, lead to the Cathar, Paladins, and Priests of Estwald, seemed to wear a look of perturbation, her normally stoic visage twisted into an ugly grimace. Quickly the look vanishes, as she puts on a hard and cold glare, her strong and independent side reasserting itself.

"I care not if her grace Avacyn herself came down from the heavens to deliver her edict. This is my town, as long as you are here, you'll recognize me and the local church as LAW. "

The woman pushes past you, as the leather-suited man, more akin to a guard then a ne'er-do-well had spoke, freezing her in her steed's steps.

"I will hear no more of this nonsense of Murders and Conspiracy. Now leave, lest I arrest you both for disturbing my peace."

The woman seems genuine in her threat. But what had this strange fellow done to deserve apprehension? Why was he so ready to investigate these murders? What was truly afoot, as this difficult and brash woman makes her stance clear, and her alliance to her role, then the well being of this town. What was truly afoot

Rylee Kos, Voice of Slumber

Your melody lulls even the violent, ever-hungry, ever-rapacious Eldrazi into a strange, alien slumber. The creature's do not sleep in the way you're used to. Rather they simply seem... frozen. The melody seems to lock them in a trance, your voice mesmerizing them, leaving them frozen, locked into your performance.

You take this opportunity to rush past the few who did not slumber. Thankfully this horde, which promised to over-run and devour you, was comprised of weak, simple Spawn. Though, even a few spawn could prove a dangerous thing. So many Eldrazi spawn in this one area could attract something... dangerous.

Only five or so remain uninfluenced by your enrapturing melody. They give chase, but you're much too fast for the simple beasts. Soon, you leave the pack in the grey-white chalky-dust their kind proliferates. Maybe it's been a few hours? Maybe a day already, you can't tell. Every step hurts, every moment you push on through your mounting exhaustion, you feel a twinge of fatigue ripple through your mind and muscles.

However, there was no stopping. Not in this horrid place. Before you, only a mile away was a Massive structure. A large thing shaped much like a portal, an ancient piece of technology, few know of their existence on Zendikar, fewer still know of any that still remain.

Where this fantastic void lead, what space beyond this one existed in the Blind Eternities beyond this glassy, reflective surface before you was a mystery. There would be only one way to find out, as you approach closer and closer, white dust and debris swirling around you, the void becomes much clearer. Swirling, whipping prismatic colors float in a thin void between the arches of this soft, chalky structure. A host of brilliant shades reveal nothing of this alien world that lies before you...

Before you dare reach out and gross the expanse, however, a terrifying howl can be heard far behind you. It was a chilling call only an Eldrazi could make. It was an alien thing that meant one of the bigger ones was on their way. Had the swarm of spawn led such a monster to you? Or was it simply your presence here attracting all these horrors?

Regardless, you hadn't much time to make a move, the beast would be on you quickly.

Arthos, Arrested Gallant
The voices of Helga and this Elena woman can be heard clearly ahead. Though there conversation wasn't private, the mounted Cathar-woman seems to go to great pains to keep her face hidden from your view. Her voice is even, cold, calculated, her inflection hard to determine from so far away.

"I care not if her grace Avacyn herself came down from the heavens to deliver her edict. This is my town, as long as you are here, you'll recognize me and the local church as LAW. "

The woman pushes past Elena as you speak, disrupting the defiant way this Cathar brushed aside a ranking member of the Flight Goldnight, one chosen by Gisela herself, if this stranger was more then just Hot-air.

How confident must this Helga character be to defy one so ornamentally displayed, one so obviously serving the will of Avacyn and her sister's will, this meeting would not end well, that much you were sure of.

"I will hear no more of this nonsense of Murders and Conspiracy. Now leave, lest I arrest you both for disturbing my peace."

The woman, Helga, attempts to move her horse past Elana again, and will give the call for you and her Cathar-cohort to follow. Unless stopped, they'll continue escorting you to the Local Chapel for imprisonment.

Tialithia, Lost Youth

You can rest now, you suspect. Though the electric-spewing pylons are sure to cause you trouble, the strong energy arcing from one to the next, serving as a conduit for some greater system in the Izzet League. As you search your surroundings, you find the Goblin was in possession of a Grifter's Blade, a special weapon, used by those with subtly and ambition in the underbelly's of Ravnica. This weapon could be hidden easily, and would prove deadly to those who thought the user unarmed, a surprising strike from behind often the only warning someone wields one of these terrible tools.

Other then the cloth pants and woolen shirt the Goblin wore, a pouch with a few coins, and another scattering of coins you find on the ground about the pylons, there is little else you can use. Though you hear a commotion not far from here. It sounds like a woman in trouble, if the screams are any indication.

2017-09-20, 01:33 PM
I would stand my ground, and wind up my engine, preparing to summon the same ball of icy force that down my last opponent, channeling white and blue mana, with a slight, but alarming glow.

2017-09-20, 02:23 PM
Tialithia tucks the blade somewhere out of sight, it may prove useful. The coins may be useful too. Then she hears the scream. Oh what now she tries to slip closer to investigate (Stealth) [roll0]

2017-09-20, 02:37 PM
Rahj did not care what the circumstances were for this. Rahj had to survive, because there was far more proving to be done. He coiled and lunged, striking with fanged to bear.

Bite [roll0] damage[roll1] on hit poison [roll2] con save 12 negates.
Eh, **** happens. Glad to see you back.

2017-09-20, 02:41 PM
"My Lady," Arthos began, taking a single step towards the now-named Elena. "I suspect that we were brought here for the same reason. There have been..." At this point, Arthos hesitated.

The Cathar will most likely want my head if I keep talking. Then again, she is meant to transport me to the prison. Perhaps I can see what Lady Helga Erngot's true loyalties are...

"There have been murders here in Estwald. I recieved word that there may be something... unnatural behind them and came to investigate. I have my badge as a Town Guard on me if you doubt my story." A single gesture, maintaining the distance from his sword, towards his leather jacket was all the movement he made.

"Please, believe me, all I wish to do is serve the badge and oath I took to guard the people against such unholy threats."

Okay, time to gamble. May Avacyn guide you to the truth, Goldnighter.

I'm going to take the Dodge Action juuuuust in case Cathar McWeirdy or her goon tries to take a swing at me.

2017-09-20, 06:08 PM
Rylee sways on his feet in front of the massive structure, taking a moment to gaze up at the towering height of it as he tries to steady himself. Resting one hand on the onyx... stone? metal? he can't tell... he squares his shoulders, the annoyance of exhaustion now mounting into a full-fledged crushing weight on his shoulders. The roar in the distance causes his head to turn, and as he does, he can see the tendrils, the ever present connection to magic he felt. They radiated out in every direction, but the ones he could feel strongest, that called to him in that alien way, all wound towards him, past him, and into the glassy surface of the portal.

"I hope you know what you're doing, Fate, because I sure don't at this point. I'm trusting you..." Rylee mutters, almost bitterly, into the air. Whatever lay beyond the portal, it couldn't be worse than the part of his world he was in now. Heck, it may even have a nice still pool of water to sleep in, or a bed, a pile of hay, some comfy rocks. Anything would do at this point. Reaching his hand out, almost stumbling forward, Rylee pushes into the portal, his last shreds of consciousness barely clinging together.

2017-09-20, 11:20 PM
???, Engine of Defiance


Phyrexian Horror [roll0]
??? Engine of Defiance [4]

Magic coalesces around you, an unnatural cold surrounds you both as the air begins to thin and chill. Your spell was nearly ready as your assailant, this brutish oil-driven monster, brought itself to you, striking out swiftly as you prepare to cast your orb of ice.

The beast raises a thick oil black and tinged silver blade, blood stains tarnishing the once pristine weapon. Too quickly it comes crashing down, threatening to rend you in twain with a single strike! [roll1] / (1d8+5) [6]

Tialithia, Street Wise


You pocket the coin, about Three-Hundred in value total, not counting the elegant ornate knife you now carried. Though you try to remain quiet, it was a little hard to stay hidden when the very thing you were trying to avoid comes screaming down one of the twisting alleyways of the Izzet League.

A monster, a zombie to be specific. A kind you knew fairly well. But what was a dreg like that doing here, so far from the Golgari depths, chasing after what looked to be an innocent Human mother and her child. Before the beast reaches you the innocents tear past at full-speed, less concerned with a possible pick-pocket then the unliving plant and refuse monster that was quick on their heels.

Rahj, Tested Vizier

The uninitiated youth proved their worth today. A single strike was all that it took. A single, decisive strike that gave the beast pain incomparable as it's blood boiled and burned from the vicious venom that oozed into her blood.

The creature fell. This wasn't even a test. Not a fair one. The young girl was never going to rest at The God Pharaoh's May his return come quickly and may we be found worthy side in a perfect eternity.

Though, of course, the Anointed would see to the remains. Soon a new member would join their ranks, and maybe one day earn their just rewards.

Now that the conflict had ended, the stairs slick with fresh blood there was little else preventing you from your meeting, and you were already late.

I'm going to take the Dodge Action juuuuust in case Cathar McWeirdy or her goon tries to take a swing at me.

Sounds good, I'll wait up to 24 hours for Estralita to respond before I go ahead and just give you your results. I'd like to resolve this in tandem while we can. I hope you understand.

Rylee Kos, Planar Escapist

You feel... uneasy as you approach the portal. The looming set of monoliths framing this impossibly perfect surface radiated a strong presence, overwhelmingly powerful. Whatever waited for you beyond this veil would doubtlessly prove beyond your own capabilities.

But, there was no going back now... It was all up to fate.

You soar through infinity. How long had it been since you found that Baloth Pup? How long had it been since it's mother had sought you out with the intent to kill? How long since you found that secret place, that strange map of yours proving worth more then a city's weight in gold! How long since you escape the Eldrazi menace? How long... how much longer will it be?

Ever since you reached out and touched that portal, you'd been falling. Not for a few seconds, not for a few years. Time truly was non existent in this... place. There was an equal presence of nothing contained within everything!

Your mind was wearing thin. You couldn't take it any more! Or... perhaps you could? It was impossible to tell. You felt both blind and awoken to a perception beyond anyone's understanding. The void pulled at your very existence, a million colors, few of which you could name sped past in a void of utter blackness. Then, a piercing white light led you out of this painful, maddening stasis. This eternal plummet through the Blind Eternities.

Wherever the portal was meant to take you, it hadn't. No, you realize now you would have died trying to remain in that place. You hadn't passed through into another world, but rather fell. You fell through the portal, into the world of the Eldrazi, the world between reality, that mysterious place the Hedron had imprisoned these horrors for so long. You fell and fell, never stopping, never slowing, no wind, no sun, no light and yet no darkness either.

It was impossible, trying to comprehend that world. So it is with a sigh of relief you find yourself now, in a new world. This place was... better? Certainly less impossible, less dangerous, yet... no less mysterious.


Beneath you a thin layer of water ripples around your webbed feet.

2017-09-20, 11:58 PM
Elena stepped back, shocked at the blunt declaration of the Cathar. Just...just ignore a divine edict from Gisela? What...Who does she think she is?! Does she think she's an Archangel too?!

And then the prisoner spoke, of the same sort of murders she had been sent to investigate, and yet the Cathar told her to look the other way. Was going to imprison the man, apparently without looking into it. And the man looked desperate.

If they are so determined to keep the

Gisela, forgive me for what I may have to do.

After taking a deep breath, Elena stood up straight and looked the Cathar in the eye. "Madam, as a member of the Flight Goldnight, I request you release the prisoner into my custody immediately. Gisela has given my orders, and the Flight Goldnight will back me up.

I don't know how much good this will do against Crazy Cathar, but Last Chance Persuasion:


2017-09-21, 02:07 AM
Dazed, about to break, I would stare down the abomination, as more mana sparked into the air, power hemorrhaging from within, as the engines constant, perfect rhythm is forced into erratic cacophony. Taking a deep breath, and discharging the white energy as I cast a dark hand of cold to grasp, and hopefully buy me time.
[roll0] [roll1]

2017-09-21, 02:32 AM
What is going on, has a war broken out and nobody told me, what is a zombie doing all the way out here? thinking she may well regret it, Tialithia interposes herself between those fleeing and the dreg. "Halt" she speaks as commandling as she can.

Yeah I know it's undead and she's got no real power over them (yet?), she doesn't like seeing innocents, particularly children, hurt but she's also reluctant to strike a servant of her people that may well be on some important mission... Intimidate? [roll0]

2017-09-21, 10:25 AM
Arthos & Elena, Champions of Justice!

The woman seems almost literally frozen from anger. Her face has turned cherry-red, her steed seemingly restless as you can imagine fumes billowing from the woman's ears. She was defeated, without sword, but with word, she was put down. SHE may be the law in this town, but Elena served a greater authority, and Arthos remained on the side of good and just.

Whatever corruption has wormed it's way deep into the lives of the Estwaldian people, there would be no way Ms. Erngot could hope to defy the Paladin, not without risking her own place in the church.

"Fine. You will have the prisoner, once he has been detained and questioned. You can retrieve him tonight, from the Wittal Parish on Brookese-Lane."

It seems that was the best this woman could offer, she sheathes her sword, then nods for her single companion, as well as Arthos, to continue following.

"Goldnight can have this interloper, but not before I ensure this town's safety. If you'd excuse me, Ms... Elena you said? I have much more pressing matters to see to. I suggest if you have issues with my Authority in this town you run off and whine to the Lunarch!"

If not stopped, the woman will continue her march. Luckily for both of you, "Brookese Lane" was only a few blocks away, and short of torture, the questioning couldn't take too long.

Engine, of Defiance

The monster brought it's blade low with such force it left you reeling. The strike revealed a deep, wicked gouge in your frame. This thing was much more powerful then the last opponent. As you recover yourself, the icy-blast of your spell fizzles under your recoiling focus. The creature had leapt away with impossible speed and grace. It was maybe twenty-feet from you now, weapon raised high, ready for round two...
(1d20+5) [6] Hit / (1d8+5) [6]

Tialithia, Renegade Youth

The rampaging beast thrashes wildly, these Dregs weren't the best tool for this kind of thing, but you certainly couldn't fault their efficiency. The thought of war worries you. Hadn't that damnable maze ensured a new Guildpact? Wasn't the peace of Ravnica dictated by that... man? Jason? Jase? Regardless, the recent events have left you questioning everything. Most of what happened today was impossible. The Chancery would have intervened long before now. They had the power to quell all of the guilds, as long as the Guildpact remained.

That wasn't the weirdest of it all, of course. The weirdest thing occurred when the Dreg stopped. It stood maybe three feet from you, sinous tongue lulling as it stares hungrily at the mother and child. Instead of fleeing the woman and her child stood behind you, watching in surprise as the beast obeyed your command.

The child, a young boy with peach-blonde hair spoke, looking at your darkened flesh. "Devkawin?" The boy, his mother, and yourself were all in disbelief. Why were you still on the surface? What was the point? Were these people going to run away from you, in fear of their own safety? It was madness, most of this world was madness. The Golgari were the only sane ones!

And yet, the beast remained put. Though, it clearly seemed to be struggling against it's own magical instincts.

What's with all the 20s?!?

2017-09-21, 10:58 AM
Rylee flutters between consciousness and unconsciousness, barely registering the cacophonous swirl of colors and lights and sounds and silence all around him, just letting himself fall. He tries to follow the shapes and non-shapes his magic always seems to try and work into, now amplified and multiplied across countless more tendrils, now thicker, more visible than he had ever seen. In a half-awake stupor, he reaches out for one, feeling it call to him...

The water feels good under his feet, crisp and cool in the still air. When did I stop... oh, who cares, I'm somewhere new and I need sleep... he thinks, glancing around him at the tall spires near this tall gate. Picking a direction, Rylee starts walking, or rather stumbling, hoping his days-long panic-fueled sprint was at an end.

Rolling perception for a good place for a long rest within a couple minutes walk

If he can't find a good spot for that nearby, he's collapsing where he is. His body can't take any more.

2017-09-21, 01:11 PM
Rahj unruffles himself, and ventures back into his chambers to tidy himself. He was already made late by this now corpse, what was a few more moments? With a change of garb, he sets forth across the city, away from the shadow of Bontu's great monument and towards the land of young initiates, under the watchful gaze of Oketra.

2017-09-21, 01:59 PM
Oh, why didn't they keep running they could be away by now... not sure how long it will hold and afraid to break eye contact she tries to push further "Go Home".

2017-09-21, 04:48 PM
Staggering back away from the beast, I assess the damage I have sustained. I wish I could be anywhere but here. Taking a breath, and winding up the engine, which sputtered at every turn, every rotation. As I cast the ever familiar spell once more, I recall a place I remember fondly, the shop. It was warm and welcoming, and offered repairs, replacing broken parts, filling in the chips in the inner ring, setting new paneling. How strange that I'd recall the place that put me together so carefully, as this monster attempts to hack me apart. [roll0] [roll1]

2017-09-22, 12:05 PM
Thank Avacyn. That was close.

"Perhaps you wouldn't mind joining us, Lady Goldnighter?" He smiled, more teeth than grin, towards Elena. "To save time, of course. The Cathar's questions will no doubt overlap with yours and I would hate to be accused of wasting the churches' time.

That would be your job... His eyes darted upwards towards Helga as he turned his body.

"Unless, that is, you have a problem with that, Lady Helga? I'm sure that the Goldnight have just as much interest keeping the peace here as you do." His grin stayed on his face but his tone was light; more conversational than the atmosphere suggested it should have been.

Provoking a woman on horseback: Truly the smartest of moves.

Also, rolling Persuasion just in case:[roll0]

2017-09-22, 02:10 PM
Rylee Kos, Consumed


It mattered little, this place...this...Realm has an almost calming effect. You begin to lull, as the multi-luminous strings of Mana which weaves through your perception as easily as a needle rends cloth. It was impossible really, to move much further. At first it was subtle, every step meant a nod of your head meant a stumble in your step. It felt almost welcoming, as if the ankle-high pool of water below you could cradle you as comfortably as your own bedroll.

Before you could slumber, before your mind had the good grace to shut down, a voice woke you up; No worse, far worse then that. It struck you awake. As if a thunderstorm had manifested in your mind. Where there was once comfort, only pain existed. It was as if you were speaking in someone else's voice.

Intruder, leaves this place and let the memories flee your mind. There is no refuge for you here. Go, back to the Aether. Once more round the Blind-Eternities you go, pitiful creature.

It was instant, blissful and welcoming, the void. You could only feel falling and then... nothing



You awake much, much later. An echo rings through your ears, upon the wind...

Dare not return...I never tarry long.

The voice was gone, the... what? Your thoughts feel scrambled, your mind aches every time you try to remember the last... how many days? You were being chased by an overly protective Baloth mother. And then...


Where were you now...? What... no where was this place? Where were you?

Pick any plane from the previous list except for Zendikar. Also jump up to Level 3. Also, make a Will Saving Throw DC 19

Rahj, Unintended

https://mtg.gamepedia.com/media/mtg.gamepedia.com/thumb/1/1a/Naktamun.jpg/300px-Naktamun.jpg?version=b5e1261e0731c699c6b1e3ac5a68f d90

The First sun was high in the sky, a bad sign as it meant you had already wasted the morning. The Vizier of Naktamun, Temet was not known for his patience or endearing demeanor. He wasn't fully without pomp and posture, but for sure his words would not be kind, nor his inevitable task. It only became worse with every whip of your tail, each passing of the crowded streets of the Nitin district, as you make your way to the shining golden pyramid in which you the summons directed you.

The place was inconspicuous, as far as that word carried weight in this sun-bleached world. Beyond the monuments to the Gods themselves, and of course The Horn Monument which was visible from all vista's in Amonkhet, a physical symbol of your God's might and measure. It evoked strong emotions from all whom stalled long enough to truly appreciate it's majesty.

The Second sun was still so close now, it would be months, maybe a few years at worse. These initiates would need to be tested quickly, if they were to be worthy of an Eternity of glory and abundance. The reward you all sought, that you deserved. Yes, you were ambitious, but you will need to be so much more then that if you are to prove yourself worthy. But first, you need prove yourself to Temet, a daunting enough task to consider.

Beyond your gaze marched Bontu, a very small procession of Anointed, carrying various golden trinkets and icons. The goddess was far off, but the sight was worth spectating, your Goddess was always a worth while view. Though it was not to last, it seemed, as after only seconds the goddess disappears beyond an imposing series of gold and stone structures. Your mind returns to the task at hand, you were close now, only minutes away, you had to be ready.
Jump to Level 2. This is a significant milestone. Your first day went splendidly.

Tialithia, Confounded

The creature did not move, though whatever hold you had over this creature wanes. It stalks forward, testing your reaction with slow, tense steps. Did this thing not see you as an ally? And if not... why not?

???, Cryonave

It was quick, it was decisive. A blast of ice seconds before the beast could rend you once more stalled it perfectly. It was fully frozen, trapped in a thin veil of ice.


The creature couldn't hurt you now, but the air was burning you, surely it was burning this creature as well. No, the ice! The ice was dripping off like mercury, melting far too quickly then you would have liked.

This humanoid monster stalks away from you, circling a wide angle around you, assessing you for further weaknesses. It lifts the blade it carried, using it to slice it's own arm. Oil drips down the creature, driving it into a sort of frenzy. In this madness the monster finds it's opportunity, striking wide and wildly, no accuracy, no intention but your destruction, no focus.

But a single blow would leave you beyond any semblance of functioning. Only the greatest in Phyrexia would be able to restore you...

And you saw no one of such skill around.

Thanks to your damage the creature is entering a "rage" like frenzy. Basically he has Disadvantage to attacks, but so do opponents adjacent to him. So unless you've got some better ranged spells, or a sword gun, goodluck. Attack [roll0] [roll1], [roll2]

Arthos, Cunning Investigator

Lady Helga, who now felt you both worthy of hearing her full title, informs you of her station as a Rider of Gavony, and the Acting Mayor of Wittel Parish. It's obvious your words struck a chord. A beautiful melody that rung out as angry compliance from a false-accuser being caught in an impossible situation. Through gritted teeth she responded.

"Of course, she may accompany us if she wishes. I can not deny one of Flight Goldknight."

That is all your given formally, though it's not hard to hear the retort the Cathar grumbles loudly under her breath.

"A wingless Angel? Pitiful

2017-09-22, 02:41 PM
Well, it was good while it lasted, Sparing a quick glance around she notes the dullard woman and child are still stood staring. ::Sigh:: whatever else happens here she won't allow a child to be harmed. Tialithia lashes out with her staff at the dreg pushing her mana into it as she does so.
[roll0] [roll1]

2017-09-22, 02:42 PM
And I'm positive that if such a Phyrexian were around, it wouldn't assist me. I have no choice but to escape. I turn tail, and flee for my existence, casting an ever useful spell, to summon a hand to tap the beasts shoulder, hopefully distracting the beast just long enough for me to gain ground. Lesson learned: Never engage an opponent without ensuring my spell supply.

2017-09-22, 02:45 PM
Rylee clutches his head, panting as he works through the pain as best as he can. Finally, slowly, his breathing calms and his arms drop to his sides as he looks up, surveying his surroundings for the first time. A sweet scent wafted through the air from the light pink blossoms of the nearby trees, rolling green hills extending off into the distance. He could see some sort of architecture, unlike any he had ever seen, far to the north. With a shrug, he gathers himself, looking off towards the buildings and setting off for them.

As he does, he sorts through his bag, making sure everything was still there. Pulling out the map that had led him to the portal, he examines it again, seeing if there was any greater clue he could discern from it as to where it had sent him, or what the portal had been.
"I really need to figure out what is going on, at some point..." he mutters to himself, glancing between the map and his surroundings as he walks.

Ooh, level jumps. I will choose Kamigawa for this next plane, I figure I'll work towards someone else with the next jump, whenever that may be.

[roll0] Wisdom Save

2017-09-22, 07:30 PM
In a process that involves coiling the lower, longer half of his body and creating a crude spring over and over, Rahj ascends the steps of the temple, already exasperated by the events of the day, and frankly uncaring of any lecture that might come his way. Rahj was more concerned about city infrastructure at the moment, pondering how entrances to temples and monuments alike were not more Naga friendly.

All the same, he enters the great, decorative stone doors, seemingly without emotion as he greets Temmet.

2017-09-27, 11:41 AM
Elena hesitates. for a second. "Of course. I just have another lead I also want to check up on..." She quickly glances around, looking to see if the possessed beggar was still within sight. Maybe she could take him down to the station as well. She didn't want to leave the investigator in the Cathar's hands unwatched, but itwas also important that she investigate all angles

2017-09-27, 11:49 AM
"Ah." Arthos looked between the two women and, after a moment, his shoulders sagged.

"I'll not keep you from your duties if they are more pressing at the moment."

Don't leave me alone with her. For the love of all the Angels, come along with us.

Arthos gestured to the Cathar. "Lead on, Lady Helga."

If I survive what comes next, Goldnighter, you have my thanks and my aid.

Arthos stood behind the Cathar, waiting for some sign of movement to follow with his head turned to face Elena in case she spoke again.

2017-09-29, 09:27 AM
Tialithia, Golgari Protector

It should have hit. It was a good swing. But the creature just... Ran. Just before the staff could connect the Dreg turned it's head, listening to some unheard call. Then it was off, dashing down the road deeper into Izzet territory.

The woman and child relax, finally safe from harm.
Crying can be heard as the child breaks down from stress, clutching to it's mother as he sobs.

???, Burning engine

The quagmire takes you during your escape. Whether the ploy worked or not, that monstrous being is no longer behind you. But now, the way forward is shrouded in burning fog, bubbling oil, and the calls of things that lurk in the growing dark.

You could always turn back, perhaps your assaulter has fled as well. If not, forward is always an option, though you can't begin to guess which way "forward" was any longer.

The air grows colder, yet sizzles at your frame all the same.

Rylee Kos, Planar Explorer

The world around you is different, though oddly the similar...

The pink and yellow trees surrounding you in these woods look nothing like the bark of Zendikar. And the clouds, which seem to swirl and move as if possessed of intelligence or purpose. Nearby you discover a river and as your eyes follow it further north you find there waits a mighty fall. On the horizon a powerful waterfall feeds into the valley you explore. The geography match Zendikar a little eerily.

We're you still on Zendikar? Simply... Removed from time? When or where had you gone...

Rahj, Chosen of Bontu

Temmet was not in the mood for visitors it would seem. Upon entrance to the Grand hall that served as his audience Chambers, you were met with a familiar face. The Vizier of Poisons Hapatra.

There was no Vizier of Naktamun here today, rather just the lounging form of the golden-skinned human girl...woman? It mattered not.

Her message was simple, and dripped with all the malice and all the venom of one of her deadly brews

"Your crop is soon to be tested. Though yours is to be unique. Do not think to defy these orders, they are spoken from the Vizier's lips themselves. You are to take your Crop to Oketra tomorrow morning. Prepare them as you like, their trial of Solidarity will be unlike any other. "

The woman stands from her lounger, turning to leave, calling back to you as she does so.

"Oh and, don't disappoint Rahj. We'll be watching. "

And there you stood, alone. No more information to go on. Simply an ill warning from a messenger because Vizier Temet had been too busy to wait in person.

All that was left was to prepare. Only the gods knew what trials awaited your crop tomorrow. You had little time to see them ready. Less so for yourself.

We'll be watching. Not only Oketra, or the Vizier's, surely all the gods were eager to see what would become of your crop. If it's clandestine purpose would come to fruition, or if you and all those under you shall fail, perish to the choking sands and it's cursed dead.

Elana & Arthos, Innistrad's Finest

The Cathar woman Helga leads the procession. Only pausing once more as you all pass through the market, down a street named "Dreer lane", and run into a curious encounter.

A balding man, now half baked and covered in blood comes running from an Alleyway.

Elana would recognize him as the begged from before. Why he was missing his shirt or why he had smears of blood on his chest and hands and face were worrisome.

At least, you found the man.

The madman comes running down the street towards your group, crying for help as he approaches.

"M-murd-d-der! 'Nuva murder happened! C-come quick, come see ! The man's danglin' frumm'a rafters! Heads all split open 'n weirdness n all's comin' forth! Hurry!"

The man is frantic, as if he'd just seems ghost. Unsurprising, as that malicious aura of wicked possession still hangs over his skin like a rotten layer of fruit skin.

2017-09-29, 10:40 AM
Does Rahj have any idea what Portrayal means, and how long have I had this crop?
A day? DM updated, misunderstanding made clear. Still wanting to double check how long I've had this crop.

PS. Welcome back, mate.


2017-09-29, 01:47 PM
Tialithia looks at the sobbing child and opens her mouth to say something. What am I going to say, at best I'll get meaningless thanks, at worst they'll think it was my creature. Nothing will change regardless. she looks after where the creature ran to, Not really my business. I should leave it to whatever security Izzet have here before I get in more trouble., despite this, she realises she has already begun moving, in a cautious pursuit.

2017-09-30, 02:10 PM
Great. A madman coated in blood. I'm sure Cathar Helga will just love him.

"Would this happen to be the other lead, Goldnighter?" Arthos questioned. "Seems our goals really might overlap."

Looking over to the man, Arthos' town guard training and experience kicked in to high gear. He searched for any possible clues or information about the man that could help him discern the blooded man's true nature.

What are you hiding?

Investigation for details: [roll0]
Insight for "Is he lying or is he just mad?": [roll1]

2017-10-01, 01:48 AM
I shall take a brief rest, repairing the vital systems, and chassis of my form as best I can with the materials on hand. Ruminating on the conflict, and deciding to look over my spellbook, ensuring I will have another orb to blast the offending monstrosity with.

2017-10-01, 01:59 AM
Elena nodded grimly. "Where is this? Will you take us there?" she asked cautiously. Given who she was talking to, this could easily be a trap.

Double insight, attempting to sense a trap:


2017-10-05, 12:43 AM
Rylee makes his way to the river, his eyes peeled for danger as he kneels beside it. Cupping some to his mouth, he drinks deeply of the clear cold water, slaking an intense thirst he hasn't realized he harbors until now. A twist in his stomach announces itself, reminding him that he also hasn't eaten in... days, maybe? He isn't sure. Looking around, he tries to scout out any edible plants as he starts to work his way upstream, following the river toward the beautiful waterfall.

Survival check I would assume: