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2017-09-10, 07:04 PM
Celestia and Luna swiftly disappear with a flash of gold and blue, and suddenly the room dims considerably. The stone sphere in the middle still stands, but now it somehow feels empty, or mundane, despite its unusual appearance.

Cutie turns to look at the group, her brow knitted up and her eyes wide. "I'm sorry if... if I did something wrong," Cutie tries to say, stepping away from the group and putting her head down and her forehooves together. "I... I did keep some secrets. I didn't know if I could trust you all... I really, really wanted to, but... sometimes... you have to keep secrets. Some things, when known, make things harder." She looks up to Dawn, and then to Silver and Curtain, and finally to Brazen and Nobility, then closes her eyes. "I hope you understand..."

After a moment, she gives Nobility a shy smile, and pulls what seems to be her missing brush from within her mane. "Is this it?" The brush bristles with teal lightning for a moment before it rests in Cutie's hoof.

2017-09-10, 07:16 PM
"It's fine Cutie. We all have secrets we keep to ourselves," Dawn says. "I mean, it is hard to trust anyone around here, but... I can understand how your secret would be a bit personal. Let's get back to the city and we'll work out things. We are all still friends."

2017-09-11, 12:00 AM
Nobility smiled. "To be honest, either I could have known that you are trustworthy.... But you have passed my test. And in this dimension of madness it mean something. The brush is your." she said, despite her thousands of worth mane cut, revreted into a bizzare nest like thingy

"I believe Freckle Star is correct. We should get back to some place... That is more sane than here. Though...." she looked around.

"There are so much things we have to understand and decide."

2017-09-11, 09:49 AM
Silver, for a moment, hesitates as Cutie looks at him. Doubt crawls into him. Does she really mean what she is saying?

Yeah, if at all possible I'd like to try another Heart check. Silver is cautious enough at this point.

[roll0] + 2 Heart = 13


When did Silver become the Seer of Heart?

But eventually, he sighs, willing to let it go for now. Whatever his gut tells him, now would not be the time to confront her about it anyways.

"I understand, Cutie. In a world like this one, we all have our secrets. Just, please, we need to be able to trust one another if we ever want to help anypony or get out of here. Is there anything else you have not told us yet?"

2017-09-12, 03:22 PM
"Truth can burn, though not telling the truth can burn just as hard. Just depends on the situation? Or whether others even need to know?" Brazen shrugs. "But yes getting back to the sisters would be good. No telling what has happened with the angels that were here now..."

2017-09-15, 06:17 PM
Despite your attempts to divine Cutie's veracity, you can't seem to get a solid grip on whether or not she's playing or hiding anything other than the information she knows and hasn't revealed.

"There's... a lot. Let's... let's try talking about stuff when we're in a safer place, though," Cutie says, the brush once again disappearing into her hair. "Th... thanks, Nobility." She offers a small smile, and then suddenly opens her mouth wide and yawns mightily. "Is anypony else... like, really sleepy?"

She starts trudging back towards the doorway, looking up to and smiling at each of you, though she's quick to look back toward the floor. On your way back, you traverse across the rocky caverns and through empty halls, devoid even of the sound of angels. Eventually you find Melaina, along with Ophelia and Meliora, in the same storage room as before. Melaina waves to you with a hoof, though Ophelia and Meliora are still unconscious. The gorgon herself looks exhausted, and doesn't offer much more than a winded "Hey. Everything go okay?"

2017-09-15, 06:48 PM
"Kinda I think. We found someone named Celestia. That sound like a name you've heard before?"

2017-09-16, 03:29 PM
Silver, though still apprehensive, follows Cutie quietly all the way back to Melaina. For a while, he just enjoys the silence. It's oddly comforting to have some time to think about everything that has happened.

When he reaches Melaina, however, he offers her a comforting, entertainer's smile. "We beat up a giant shadow monster too. How are your sisters?"

2017-09-16, 06:32 PM
Nobility smiled. 'Meh. After you, this shadow monster, wasn't scary at all. A common threat at best.' but she looked weary.

'We got to wake them up.' she said.

2017-09-17, 09:51 PM
Curtain Call is lost in thought throughout most of the walk back to Melaina, trying to figure out how much of the world around them is 'like a video game'. Are the people here real people, or NPCs? I mean, they're trapped and stuck in an endless cycle, so that suggests that at the very least they're being controlled. That means that their actions aren't always going to be their own. Right?

When they come up to Melaina, Curtain Call is struck by how tired the gorgon princess looks. "We did what we came here to do, I think," he replies, moving to support one of the unconscious gorgon sisters. "Right now, I think everyone needs some fresh air."

2017-09-19, 04:41 PM
"Yea... Ah don't know if we can carry them both out." Brazen looks over the sleeping sisters. "Though it might be safeish here? Depends on what the angels do."

2017-09-19, 04:46 PM
"I don't think this place is safe at all," Dawn says. "I think we should try Nobility's suggestion. See if we can wake them."

2017-09-19, 05:47 PM
Nobility got near the ears of Ophelia

'WAKE UP ALREADY!!!!!! she yelled.



2017-09-19, 06:03 PM
Curtain call is about to agree with the others that they should probably try to wake the gorgons up and get going... when Nobility takes things into her own hooves.

"How considerate of you..." he mutters mostly to himself.

2017-09-21, 05:56 PM
"Wait, what?" Melaina freezes and stares at Dawn for a moment, her brow knotted up. "...Celestia? You're sure that's who you met?" She shakes her head, her frayed mane waving lazily as she chuckles. "Figures. I go and make some friends, and it turns out they're talking to old gods. What've I gotten myself into...?" She coughs and looks back to Dawn with a weary smile. "Not necessarily heard-of heard-of. It's not a name anypony speaks much anymore, really." She offers a weak shrug, while slithering back to her sisters' side.

"Well, at least the shadow monster's gone. Ophelia is doing a bit better, even if we had to rough her up a little to get that slime off her. It seems like she's just asleep, now. Meliora, on the other hoof, is still pretty much out cold. She woke up long enough for me to help her up here, but as soon as we got inside, she collapsed again. We probably won't be moving for a while. At least, not until Meli is feeling well enough to move around. I don't trust going out the front, and I definitely can't carry her up the well." Melaina leans against the wall and slides down a bit, her large serpentine bottom half coiling up on itself. She looks up to Nobility and smirks, baring a fang in the process. "Yeah? You think I'm scary? I'm... really not," she says, putting a hoof to her forehead as she sags forward a little, her mane falling across her face. "I'm just a performer. A musician. Yeah, I'm the daughter of the Queen of Monsters, big whoop. Ophelia's a better mage than I'll ever be, and Meliora's got some crazy skill with weapons. I talk a big game, but that's all I am, really."

When Curtain speaks of completing their objectives, Melaina rolls her head back and looks up, and even in the diminished light, you can see a bit of a sparkle to her eyes. "Yeah, I guess we all did. I found my sisters and even found Mom's pendant, which makes literally zero sense. You fillies and colts talked with an old god who's supposed to be sealed away by ancient magic. Which also makes literally zero sense."

"But... who's counting?" Cutie chimes in, with a small smile. "The world doesn't make a lot of sense sometimes. Weird things sometimes happen for reasons no one will ever know," she says, sitting next to the sleeping Ophelia. "Sometimes... we just gotta take the good, even when it doesn't seem to make sense."

"You know, that's actually pretty moving..." Melaina says, looking to Cutie with what looks like a newfound sense of respect. "It's pretty safe here, at least so far. I don't think the angels here are really interested in keeping the security of the temple in check anymore, just their own safety... but who knows when-" she starts to explain, as she sees Nobility creep close to Ophelia.


As Nobi shouts right next to Ophelia's ears, the sleeping gorgon bolts upright and a patterned hood flares out from her neck as she gasps loudly. "I'M AWAKE! I'M AWAKE! I'M SORRY! I'M... awake..." Then she begins to sag and rub her eyes, letting out a groan. Even as she pulls her hooves away, she seems very much out of it. "Ngh... Laina? W'time izzit..." She slowly looks to her sister, who sits coiled up now with her eyes and jaw wide open.

Even Meliora stirs, though it seems she's content to remain on the ground for now... and lets loose a horrible sound from her mouth, like a combination of a roar and a snore. A snoar, obviously.

2017-09-21, 06:19 PM
"Nobi, that was kind of rude," Dawn says quietly to her. "We'll be okay taking it slow. They need to rest after being possessed by that oil stuff."

2017-09-22, 09:26 AM
Silver at first jumps from the sheer volume of Nobility's shout, and then once again from the volume of the snoar. Then, realizing that due to her possession, Meliora must not have brushed her teeth in weeks, she waves away the Gorgon's now revealed terrible breath.

"Urgh! That's it, when we get back to town, I'm buying some mints!"

2017-09-23, 05:37 PM
Nobility just nodded to Melania with sympathy.

Nobility was too disgusted from all what happened before to even care.

Nobility sighed. 'Freckle.. darling. Do you think this is the best place to rest at? I am sure even gorgons could use safer place than this.'

Nobility collapsed. 'I guess it can't be helped...' weary, mostly emotionally.
'Sorry...' she sighed.
'So while we at it.. why don't you tell about your mother?'

2017-09-25, 07:00 PM
"I think maybe you fillies and colts should get back to Mareinev. Don't worry about us. If the angels could actually secure the temple, I think they'd have done it by now." She looks to Ophelia, who weakly groans, but otherwise holds her place. "This part is mostly on us, now, but thank you for helping me find my sisters again."

"You ponies still have that mirror from the Tower, right?" Melaina asks, looking between your group. "Pretty sure I can use the Bass to communicate with it. Or, at least Ophelia knows a spell for it." She backs up slowly and coils up next to Ophelia, and places a hoof on Meliora's sleeping form. "We'll be fine. You five should get back to adventurin'. I'll send for you all once we're all awake and good to go, okay?"

The Miniature Projectifier (the magic hand mirror) is currently in Silver's possession, just fyi

2017-09-25, 07:04 PM
'We are in no hurry. I think we have done enough adventuring for one day.' Nobility argued.
'Right?' she turned to her friends.

2017-09-25, 07:16 PM
'We are in no hurry. I think we have done enough adventuring for one day.' Nobility argued.
'Right?' she turned to her friends.

"Well, thinking about this logically--if we wait for the other gorgons awaken, I don't know that they'd be able to get close to the city. Angels control that place and if they see us cavorting with monsters... we could get barred from entry, and then miss the meetup with the two alicorn sisters." Dawn turns around to face the other direction.

"So! It makes better sense for us to go back now, alone, and then once we're done with the meet up and have free time, we can rejoin the gorgons outside the city."

2017-09-25, 07:44 PM
'Ooook.. I suppose..' Nobility said unsure.
'WAIT! NOT OK! COMPLETLY NOT OK!" she all of the sudden panicked.
'My mane! I can't go to offical meeting, looking like this!"

2017-09-25, 07:55 PM
'WAIT! NOT OK! COMPLETLY NOT OK!" she all of the sudden panicked.
'My mane! I can't go to offical meeting, looking like this!"

"Oh that? Pffft. Easy. Yeah, totally have this one. Pfft, in my sleep, you know," Dawn just waves her hoof. "Okay, Cutie, brush please."

Dawn ponders her predicament. She did mess Nobility's mane. She wasn't a fashionista of any sort though to put it back... not... oh wait. Duh. Magic! That fixes everything! "Hang on to your bangs, princess! One manetastic makeover in three two one alakazam!!"

Spellcasting: [roll0] +3 Mind +1 Arcane Talent = 13!

Blaster Caster: [roll1]
Chaos Magic!: [roll2]

Paying in Willpower

Mend Hair
Target: Individual
Range: Contact
Duration: Immediate
Effect: Combine
Subject: Body
Spell Level: 5 (Easy, DT 5)
Description: A Spell to repair and sometimes lengthen the mane, tail or even moustache. It molds hair together even if the hair strands are from different origin or color, the hair flowing smoothly together.

2017-09-25, 08:20 PM
Even Brazen winces from the loudness of the shout. "Well if they are still around they know we're here now." The colt rubbing his ears. "I guess we could go on our own. Just don't like leaving friends in odd places."

2017-09-25, 10:50 PM
Curtain Call nods along with Dawn's statement. "That would probably make the most sense; getting everyone to work together is probably our best chance at a good 'ending', but we can't get them all to agree right away," he says half to himself. "Hopefully, the good ending is clearly marked; it doesn't seem like this 'game' works on insane video game log--"

Suddenly realizing that he is talking out loud, Curtain Call claps a hoof to his mouth. S-sorry... j-just ignore me..."

2017-09-26, 12:24 AM
Nobility backed off.
'What are you doing, Freckle Face- Wait- NOOO!"
Nobility blinked.
'My mane? Is it ok? Is it... GREEN?!" Nobility started to panic, as she didn't against the shadow monsters...

2017-09-27, 09:22 AM
Silver immediately ignores Curtain's request and freely replies to him. "I wonder if the game part of this world really has multiple endings. It certainly can't hurt to make some friends, though.

Oh, right. Melaina, turns out this world does function by some kind of weird game logic, but the people are real. Or at least that's what Celestia claimed. It's kind of weird."

It is in that moment that he notices Dawn preparing to cast a spell to fix up Nobility's mane. Heh. Will that lazy filly never change? Though admittedly, the way she helps others is kind of endear-

....wait a moment. Didn't Grandfather Clock mention something about fixing up manes with magic at some point? Didn't he say something back when a much young Silver asked him to buff up his mane into a magical wig at some point several years back?

Fearing the results of the spell, he quietly ducks down. "Dawn, are you sure that's a good idea?"

2017-09-29, 08:39 PM
"Not sure what you're talking about, uh, Silver," Melaina says with a sigh, shaking her head. "What do you mean, 'game logic'? This is our world... it just sort of, is, I guess. Well, whatever. I don't know Celestia in the slightest so I'm not really inclined to listen to her if she thinks it's all just a game or something."

"And, uh... yeah, sorry, we're not going anywhere near Mareinev. Not until the angels leave. And even when they do, there's still the whole issue of, y'know, the ponies still being afraid." Melaina shrugs, then looks over her shoulder as she hears Dawn intone words of magic...

Suddenly, Nobility's frazzled mane shimmers with sparkles of magic, then slowly weaves itself back together, beginning to curl... and for a moment, it seems like it's going to mend itself without issue. But it continues to curl, and the colors begin to surge and mutate, changing from a rainbow of dull hues to a bright lime green as the mane tightly wraps itself into what is possibly both the most astoundingly fashionable, and also most incredibly gaudy, pompadour anypony had ever seen. For a moment, the magic seems to settle and the glow of the hair begins to fade...


Then it suddenly rears itself up with another flash, as if into tentacles, and curls in a more gentler way, returning to the softly curled mane the pegasus once enjoyed. The color shifts and warps again until, having exhausted all colors of the rainbow, it returns to its natural shade.

And then it's gone, replaced with a slightly unkempt crimson mane, which looks suspiciously a lot like Dawn's. Upon Dawn's head rests a writhing mass of mane that was once Nobility's, and then the two switch places again on their own. This time, the manes remaining upon their respective heads. Nobility's, having been mended, now appears exactly as it had before being mussed by all this adventurin'. Except threaded with several noticeable crimson hairs, and Dawn's is suddenly threaded with multiple white-silver hairs - the same kind from Nobility's mane.

"Uh... what was that all about?"

2017-09-29, 08:59 PM
"Th-that was, an amazing display of mane magic. Yeah, mane magic." Dawn mentally pats herself on the back for whatever that was. "It's... mostly right?"

She plucks one of the white-silver hairs from her head and studies it. "Huh."

2017-09-30, 05:45 AM
Realising that nobody has died from the pyrotechnics display that just took place, Silver gets back up from his prone position. He observes the results of the spell, slightly astonished that it worked, and even more astonished that it actually looks kind of fashionable.

"I mean, I guess it looks pretty good...." he offers as a comment, not sure what to say.

Then, hoping that Nobility will not have an aneurysm from the change wrought on her mane, he turns back to Melaina for a moment. "About Celestia, it's not that she thinks that this is all just a game. But what she told us about the prophecy and some other things related to it sure makes it sound like somebody set it up like a game, similar to ones we had back at home. But with, uh, much lower stakes than this. And more player consent.

We'll have to look more into the history of the elements and the creator of the prophecy at some point."

2017-09-30, 04:34 PM
Nobility closed her eyes, still shaking.
'Mirror!" she commanded, panting, looking more intense and worried, than with the battles with the inky monsters!

'Freckle Face?' she stepped closer to her, narrowing her eyes.
'Did... you do something.. to your mane too?' she paused.

'Where is the mirror?!"

2017-09-30, 04:38 PM
"I, uh... just cast a spell to fix your... mane." Dawn was staring to doubt that was what she did. She pointed to Silver.

"I think Silver has the mirror."

2017-09-30, 04:41 PM
Silver shrugs, before stepping over and holding up the magical mirror the changelings gave the group.

"Really, it looks perfectly fine."

Then, he pauses for a moment, blinking, before asking Dawn a question.

"Say, Dawn, is it just me or do you sound kinda....different?"

2017-09-30, 04:58 PM
"Well.. it doesn't looks bad at all...' Nobility said, admiring herself in the mirror.
'And the crimson is actually a very nice touch! You actually has hope Freckle Face!" she squeaked, and looked at her.
'And I see, that while that you.. added my mane's colors? Well,, it's a great choice of course! I didn't knew you had such a good taste!"

2017-09-30, 04:59 PM
"Different? Am I horse? Maybe I'm just tired. Is it cracking from puberty? It's puberty, isn't it?" Dawn shuts up and covers her mouth. :smalleek:

She smiles and nods to Nobilitys comment, but didn't speak.

2017-09-30, 05:01 PM
Nobility tilted her head.
"A horse? I don't get it. Is this some kind of pun?" she looked at the others, maybe somepony else, got it?

2017-09-30, 05:24 PM
"Dawn, you're not going through puberty." Silver says with certainty, although he is completely uncertain about what is going on. "And yeah, it's a pun. Pretty much everything we say is."

Not wasting another second, Silver steps closer, carefully observing Dawn for clues. "Are you sure nothing else happened when you used your magic? Maybe this is just a result of your spell going haywire like that?

.....See? Another hay pun."

2017-09-30, 09:11 PM
Dawn shakes her head. "I only cast a spell... it kinda seemed weird, but...?"

2017-09-30, 11:14 PM
Nobility frowned, and then her expression has softened.
"You seem a bit off, dear. Maybe you should take a rest?" she said worried.

2017-10-01, 07:48 AM
She shakes her head again. "No, let's get back to the city."

2017-10-01, 10:41 AM
Brazen blinks at the random display of possibly haywire magic. Leaning forward a bit as the changes finally seem to settle themselves out. "...Is that gonna happen everytime you use magic? Kinda makes one wonder..."

2017-10-01, 11:08 AM
Brazen blinks at the random display of possibly haywire magic. Leaning forward a bit as the changes finally seem to settle themselves out. "...Is that gonna happen everytime you use magic? Kinda makes one wonder..."

Dawn leans back a little? "Uh... maybe we shouldn't... dare that...?"

Now she's starting to feel self-conscious about her magical abilities.

2017-10-01, 06:47 PM
"I don't know!" Dawn shouts. Her voice has only 1% anger in it, but 99% fear. "I just... wanted to fix Nobi's mane because I felt bad for messing it up and my magic went all... wonky! I don't know how else to describe it! It mostly worked at least, save some mixed mane hairs, but like... I... I don't feel any different. I do feel tired, and hungry, and right now really really scared with the way everyone is looking at me and I just want to go back to the city away from this terrible place with the ink monsters!"

She puffs her cheeks and just... Runs. She gallops back the way the party came to find a way out. Tears well up in her eyes as the fear is overtaking her.

2017-10-01, 09:49 PM
Curtain Call, who has been muttering softly to himself as he tried to figure out the "Golden Path" for the world they're in, breaks off to watch Dawn's display of magic. Wow... hair-styling on demand is really useful for performances, is his random thought as the magic plays out, ...but maybe I should wait to ask Dawn to help out with a show until her magic settles down a bit. Oh, and until we leave this place. That might be smart.

Silver's accusations and Dawn's tearful retreat snaps Curtain out of his whimsical thoughts. "Uh, Silver?" he says hesitantly, after Dawn runs away. "S-sorry if I'm rude, but... how well did you know Dawn before all this happened? I-I mean, I only really talked to you at school before yesterday, so I can't r-really tell if anyone's acting th-that different." He shrugs, then says in a half-serious tone. "B-besides, if this is like a game, then we're probably the PCs. If we can't trust each other, then we can't win the game, right?" He turns to the exit Dawn just ran through, spreading his wings wide. "Thank you for all your help, Princess Melaina," he says, bowing to the gorgon Princess. "I hope I get to play your Eclectic Bass again some time; it really is an exc-ex--a cool insturment. I'll meet everyone up ahead; we probably should head up to the city."

Curtain Call flies up the passageway as quickly as he can, landing as soon as he sees or hears Dawn ahead of him. He trots nonchalantly up to Dawn, schooling his face into a friendly expression. "Th-that was a neat spell with the hair," he comments, a slight quaver in his voice spoiling the light tone he is aiming for. "I-it would be r-really useful f-for plays; hair and m-makeup always take forever... a-anyways! I-i think everyone will be here soon, and then we c-can head back ot the city and p-plan our next move!"

I'm not Dawn's close friend who she grew up with, and so if I try to talk to her about why she's crying every show I've seen says that I'll just make things more awkward. I just have to pretend like she isn't crying and talk to her normally, and then everything works out! ...Right?

2017-10-02, 12:21 AM
Nobility smiled proud smile. So Dawn Star has learned the art of passive agrresive manipulation.
"Well played." she said to nopony in practicular.

Though, she wasn't sure if Dawn made the color swap on porpuse- but it sure was dramatic, in a way that Nobility had to admire- and she was thankful for mending her mane, and even giving it a more bold touch.

Nobility was too graceful to chase her like that, directly.
Instead she gave Melania a hug. Just like that. Dawn has inspired her.. Somewhat.
"We WILL meet soon again. Over a cup of tea or something. Be safe." and broke the hug before it would be akward.
She already, chewed monstrouse ink, hugged it...
Now being shy to show affection... Felt ridiculuse for her.
Hay. Nobility herself could use some more affection in her life- even she wasn't prepared yet do admit it.

Maybe Dawn has been through some life changing exprience as well? They didn't had the chance to discuss all that.
"And be sure to take your sisters with you!" she added to Melania, and then... Ungracefully flew after Dawn.

Curtain probably had the right direction, so she just went along.
"Dawn-darling! I never have felt more faboulose than that! And the mane swap thing? It's completly super cute!" she said with honest excitment.

"I never cared enough to learn unicorm magic..." she made it sound, as if her lack of ability to cast spells was HER choice.
"But... I would like to swap with you something as well. If you don't mind."

2017-10-02, 08:23 AM
Dawn takes in deep breaths, calming herself down. She wipes the tears away and looks at her friends. "Sorry, I-" Her voice makes a little squeaky crack. She coughs to clear her throat. "I panicked back there. I was scared that there might of been something in there influencing you, or maybe it's in my head? You're all the closest I've ever had to friends, and Silver wasn't wrong before that I was a lazy ass. But I want to change that! I want you all to feel that I have value on the team."

"The magic and the light spells I cast, all that was to help prove I can stop being a drag. Maybe... um, maybe I seem off because I'm contributing? I hope that doesn't sound too weird to you all?" She has a hopeful look that her friends will accept her.

2017-10-02, 09:10 AM
Nobility smiled smugly. Dawn might even feel startled- this was her michiveouse smile, she used while bullying.

Do you really expect ME, to accept and befriend, lazy-flank-freckle-face-nest-mane like you?"
Nobility got near to her, and paused. She... Took off one of her earrings, and offered it to Dawn.
"Only if you are willing to befriend a tantrum-bully-glowing-piggy-unskillity, like me." she winked.

2017-10-03, 05:40 PM
Alright. I hope that by doing this, we can actually easily keep the good parts of the interactions you people posted. Dawn could still end up panicking and running away, Curtain can still follow her, Nobility can still give her the earring.

I'll keep the post itself short for now, as I'm low on time, but hopefully I'll be able to write something more substantial soon.

Dawn leans back a little? "Uh... maybe we shouldn't... dare that...?"

Now she's starting to feel self-conscious about her magical abilities.

Silver raises a brow, now looking somewhat bewildered, even concerned. "Dawn?" he asks, taking a step back. "Is everything alright? It's really not like you to just back down on using magic like that."

Of course, Silver trusts Dawn, and wants to belief in her from the bottom of his heart. But it's not in his nature to back down, especially when its clear that something is bothering her.

"Come on, it's fine if we take a break before heading out. We've all been through enough for today. Even Cutie is tired. And don't you think it's for the best if we take a moment to try and figure out what's going on, before tackling even bigger things?"

2017-10-04, 07:21 AM
"I know, but... that spell felt wonky. I don't know that I should cast it again right now. Not here anyway," Dawn answers. "We should go. It's getting too suffocating down here."

Dawn gets started on a slow trot back out of this temple, not waiting any longer.

2017-10-05, 10:02 AM
Silver looks over at the rest of the group, wondering what to do, before giving a sigh of resignation. He doesn't like this. Not one bit. Dawn's way too pigheaded for her own good.

Even so, he quickly rushes over to Melaina and gives her a quick hug. "Sorry, looks like we've got to get going. Take good care of your sisters, alright? We'll see you again soon!" Then, he turns away, moving to help the tired Cutie Pie off the ground. "Hope you're ready......I don't think we're getting a break anytime soon."

For one more moment, he hesitates, but then finally goes and follows behind Dawn, moving quickly to catch up with the already marching filly.

2017-10-05, 03:00 PM
Nobility got near to her, and paused. She... Took off one of her earrings, and offered it to Dawn.
"Only if you are willing to befriend a tantrum-bully-glowing-piggy-unskillity, like me." she winked.

Dawn raised an eyebrow. "If you're willing to put up with a freckled lazy-butt munchkin like me."

She took the earring and... um... which ear would it go on if it's just one? She struggles to figure this out. Jewelry wasn't something she wore.

2017-10-05, 03:31 PM
Silver, after helping Cutie catch up with the others, overhears the conversation between Dawn, Curtain and Nobility, and decides to help out a little. It's a good thing that Dawn is opening up to them, and Curtain's curious approach to the filly is....well....unusual for Silver's most furious rival.

Seizing the opportunity of Dawn struggling with the earring, he gives Curtain a small push with his wing. "Hey, Curtain. Didn't you have to wear earrings when you played that part in Pirates of Ponezance? Why don't you help her out?" There is a smirk on his face for a moment, though once Dawn looks up and away from the earring again it is gone.

2017-10-05, 03:56 PM
Nobility smiled. "Pfff. Easy as seeing through Silver's tricks.'
she didn't offered her help- she approved Silver's approach, and only winked at him, when she believed nopony is looking,

2017-10-05, 10:57 PM
Curtain Call, who has been standing awkwardly to one side and thinking over how to get the "Golden Path" for the world, starts as his name is called. "What? Oh, um... s-sure..." Awkwardly, and with a lot of stuttering, Curtain explains to Dawn how to clip on the earring, and which ear was most appropriate.

2017-10-06, 07:19 AM
Nobility smiled. "Pfff. Easy as seeing through Silver's tricks.'

"Aww, give Silv some credit. He's done a few neat tricks this adventure."

"Hey, Curtain. Didn't you have to wear earrings when you played that part in Pirates of Ponezance? Why don't you help her out?"

"What? Oh, um... s-sure..." Awkwardly, and with a lot of stuttering, Curtain explains to Dawn how to clip on the earring, and which ear was most appropriate.

Dawn listens and puts in the earring as explained by Curtain. "How that? looks alright?"

2017-10-07, 09:26 PM
"Yeah? Alright. Be safe, you fillies and colts," Melaina says, waving a hoof slowly as your group trots away. At first, it's difficult to find Cutie, but after a moment of looking, Silver finds her sitting, head drooping behind a pile of debris in the room.

"O-oh, alright. Thank you, Silver," Cutie chirps, sounding somewhat surprised when she receives help on leaving the temple. As you help her up, she yawns widely, but seems to surge with vigor as she half-trots, half-gallops to catch up with everyone with you. Even though she has to move her tiny legs much more to keep up with you and the other fillies and colts, she seems to be doing fine enough now.

As you exit the temple through the well, a new sky greets you... one of pale light, casting over a shadowed world. As the faintest glimmers of light settle over the land, you notice just how grey everything had seemed before, as even the darkest and dimmest of colors seem vibrant against the dust and waste of the petrified forest and stone debris of the tower. In what seems to be the very early morning light, you see new streaks of clouds in the sky - thin and wispy cirrus clouds, for those of you familiar with such meteorological terms. Even in the pale sky, you see stars shining brighter than they did even in the eternal twilight from before. The sky itself seems... renewed.

"Wow... it's so much brighter out here now," Cutie mumbles, looking around in wonder. Her coat shimmers as she turns about, looking through the forest.

2017-10-07, 10:44 PM
Dawn squints a little as she looks up. "Yeah... kind of interesting. I guess we did the right thing. At least it all looks better in my opinion. Wonder what the angels and ponies think back at the town."

2017-10-08, 11:26 AM
Even as they walk, Silver seems to keep an eye on Cutie Pie. It's tough to tell whether it is because he's looking out for her, or because he isn't sure what to make of her yet, even for the colt himself.

Then, he too blinks a little as he notices the sun, the sudden light blinding him after spending so much time in the odd twilight of Equinia. He didn't expect this world's Celestia to work quite this quickly. It's nice to see, though.

"The angels probably nothing good. And I doubt the ponies will be opening their muzzles this quickly around them." he answers Dawn, pondering the situation himself. "The thing I wonder most about is what Lily, or whoever is controlling her, is going to think. Still not sure what that person is trying to accomplish. Do you think they know that we're behind this?"

After waiting a bit to hear some more thoughts on this subject, he once again sneaks over to Curtain, and gives him another faint push with his wing. "Come on, Dude. I know nothing about earrings, and nopony's answered her question. Tell Dawn how you think she looks."

2017-10-08, 03:48 PM
Nobility went out of this temple as diffrent filly, than she was when she has entered it.
She found in herself sympathy toward monstoruse strangers, and even generosity to help a cursed ghost who tried to wipe her mind, she finally had real friends.
And Silver too.
And more than that- she had a new color in her mane!

Nobility took a deep breath. She never were the outgoing type of pony- but she really has aprcieated the fresh air.

"We should also be prepared to possibility, that the ponies would blame us, for angering thr angels. If I were an angel...
I would have punished everypony for this, until Celestia and Luna show up..." she paused.
Yes. She was bully. She won't deny it. Of course, you probably can't compare school yard petty bully to super big strong beings like angels and zebra witches...
But she did. The trail of thoughts, still worked- School Yard or a whole kingdom- you had to know how to push others around to your bidding.

She paused her monoluge, and on parallel with Silver nudged Curtain from the other side, with a smile."Don't force me, to force you."

2017-10-11, 11:36 AM
Silver looks away rather noticeably as Nobility explains what the angels might do, the idea being rather disturbing to him. "What kind of a leader would do something like that? That's awful!" More than anything, he hopes that they are not that monstrous. but given all he's heard them say and seen them do....

When he turns back to Nobility, there is an angry glint to his eyes. "If the angels do something like that, I'll kick their monkey butts all the way to Tuesday! Or as long as it takes until everypony is no longer afraid of them. I doubt anypony's gonna be scared enough to try and stop me when we've got Celestia and Luna backing us."

2017-10-14, 12:52 AM
"That earring looks really cute on you, Dawn. Now you two are like besties!" Cutie claps her hooves, giving Dawn and Nobility both a big, goofy grin. Turning to Silver, she gives him and unsure smile.

"Whatever happens, I hope we helped the ponies in Mareinev," Cutie squeaks, slowly trotting in a small circle then staring off into the distance. "I feel like, whatever plans Princess Celestia, Princess Luna or the thing that's controlling Princess Lily have, it's probably not as bad as what those angels are doing, or going to do, to the ponies." She takes a few steps toward the edge of the clearing in which the temple is situated, in a direction that seems picked at random; it's not heading towards the tower, nor the path that led your group to it. Then, she turns around and tilts her head to the side, looking to Silver.

"Do you really think we can beat up all the angels?" She scuffs a hoof on the ground, kicking at dirt that crumbles like ash. "I don't know if I can even do anything to them. I haven't been much help in ANY fights," she says with a sigh, then shakes her head. "But, I guess if the Princesses support us, they'll HAVE to listen. But, uh, should we get going? I imagine the Princesses will want us to be there as soon as we can."

2017-10-14, 07:54 AM
Dawn flicks her mane a little, admiring the earring. It does seem nice, doesn't it?

"Don't worry about the fights. We're all only fillies and colts here. Not like we could do much in a straight up brawl, but we're all pretty smart so we can just outwit them."

2017-10-14, 05:07 PM
Nobility smiled and flicked her mane on parallel to Dawn

"Pff.. Fights are over rated and barbaric. We will solve it with minimum violence. And yes.. we should go."" she looked back at the temple
"I am worried about the gorgons though.."

2017-10-14, 06:51 PM
"I wouldn't put it like that." Silver comments on what Dawn and Nobility are saying. "We've done pretty well for ourselves so far, haven't we? Both against those shardlings and Night Sight.....and our powers are only gonna grow as heroes."

As he walks down the road leading out of the forest, he gives Cutie a soft pat on the back. "If you want to be more helpful, how about I teach you a little bit about fighting? I'm no big brawler like Brazen, but I can take a punch and know how to turn just about anything into a painful projectile."

2017-10-14, 06:55 PM
"Don't corrupt the little filly!" Nobility scolded Silver

2017-10-14, 07:06 PM
"Yeah, like you're one to talk." Silver quipped back, smirking at Nobility. "Besides, you owe me one for staying in that ink-cocoon for so long. I'm gonna toughen up Cutie and that's final."

2017-10-14, 07:20 PM
"How come I owe you? I have handled myself just fine, by talking! Geez, Silver, she destined to be fabulous Lady!"

2017-10-14, 07:21 PM
"Well I handled myself just fine by fighting! And I say Cutie gets to be a badflank warrior princess!"

2017-10-14, 09:15 PM
"Alright, alright, you're both very pretty," Dawn giggled. "Lets get to town and we can have a proper break between you two with pillows."

2017-10-16, 10:54 PM
"Um," Curtain Call says hesitantly, "Back to what you were saying before... I don't think that we should let the angels know that Celestia is free yet, if w-we can help it. S-sure, the sky might have tipped them off, but we still probably shouldn't let them know it was us who did it. Celestia was captured by the angels once already, right? Making her f-fight the angels again is probably a bad idea, then, at least right now."

2017-10-17, 11:40 AM
"Lets get back to town or something first... Mayhaps keep what we did on the low." Brazen trudges alongside everypony else. "Perhaps what the angels did won't work ah second time one would hope but ah'd rather not find out to soon."

2017-10-19, 03:09 PM
"Come on, let's fight the bad guys, not each other," Cutie says, to Nobility and Silver. "Let's get back to Mareinev then."

In the new light, it's much easier to find the path among the trees and debris that would lead you back out of the forest. Many of the trees, scattered almost at random, don't seem to be petrified at all, but instead their bark is a white color not unlike that of a birch. You notice that among both the living and dead trees, there are all kinds of sizes and shapes to them - several alders and hornbeams in addition to the bare and dead branches of pines and hazels.

It's more obvious in the light now, but many of the petrified trees aren't just petrified - they're charred on the face closest to the temple that you'd come from, and there are piles and tiny dunes of extremely fine ash along with the debris of fallen and dead needles and the decomposing forms of leaves. As you continue down the path, the ash and charred trees thin out until there don't seem to be any at all, and you see a defined road through the remainder of the forest, taking you directly to the plains between the Weirdweald and Mareinev.

Unlike before, venturing forth onto the plains no longer feels like trudging through a world where time has stopped. A gentle breeze stirs the yellow-green grass and tousles your manes. Grasshoppers and butterflies flit out from the tall tufts of grass on the sides of the road, and once you even spot a small squirrel as it dashes across the stones of the road. The clouds still gather over Mareinev with a single ray of light shining down on the glimmering palace, and they trail all the way to a huge chain stretching between the hills on the horizon and the sky. Now, though, you can see the architecture upon the clouds above the chain, a veritable city not unlike Cloudsdale.

As you near the city, something seems immediately off about the guarded gates - they aren't guarded at all, and the traffic that once littered the entryway is completely gone. Beyond the gates into the fountain courtyard that extends into the bridge connecting the gates to the palace's district, you see a handful of ponies gathered near the edge of the courtyard, where the guardrails end in what is assumedly a large staircase, heading down into the city proper.

Upon entering it, the ponies smile wave to your group and begin to trot down the stairs, and you hear a most raucous sound travelling up from below. From the sounds of it, most of the city's pony population must be down below. Further up on the bridge, you see a pair of angels in glimmering gold armor wielding cross spears. Another angel, covered in blue cloth in addition to his golden armor, floats just behind the two spear-wielding ones.

"I dunno about anypony else, but maybe we should go down and see what's going on down there," Cutie chirps. "I don't really like those angels. Especially not with those crazy looking spears," she points toward the angels and backs away towards the stairs. There doesn't seem to be a way to sneak past the angels, at least at the part of the bridge they're on.

2017-10-19, 04:06 PM
Silver, for one, greatly enjoys to see just how much the world has improved now that Celestia and Luna are back in it. It's almost not even oppressive anymore! He takes a deep breath of the now far more fresh-seeming air, his eyes gleaming when he sees the city that has been hidden above Mareinev all this time.

"Woah.....I wonder who lives up there?"

The city being quite so empty does make him a little nervous at first, but when he hears the sounds of celebration below in the city, his heart does lighten a little. For the first time since he has set hoof into this world, it seems that maybe everything will be alright again at some point.

Silver gives Cutie an affirmative nod, doing his best to act natural. "Good idea. I wanna see why everyone is so excited." More honestly, Silver just wants to see the ponies of Mareinev be excited, the reasons being secondary to him. It's just that much of a welcome change.

2017-10-19, 05:40 PM
Nobility has enjoyed the walk as well. She chatted with Dawn about mane style and jewelry, and occasionly argued with Silver about something.

"Well... I am in no hurry for new excitements today. Let's see what the ponies here, so happy about".

2017-10-20, 09:02 PM
Dawn ponders the situation. "I have a really crazy idea, and I've never tried it before, so it might work." She steps forward and spins around to face her friends.

"Want to walk in under the angels' noses without them suspecting it's us? How about we throw together an illusion to makes us look different. Like... adult ponies."

2017-10-21, 03:19 PM
Silver exchanges a couple of glances with the others, then looks at Dawn.

"You can do that? How long is it gonna last?"

Granted, he does wonder how he would look like as an adult. Or rather, what Dawn thinks he'll look like as an adult, given that it's only an illusion.

"Let's check out the city below before we head into the palace, though. Your choice whether you want to cast the spell before or after we do that, as far as I care."

2017-10-21, 03:56 PM
"My idea is an illusion to make us look like adults. It'll last a few minutes, enough time to sneak by the angels. I'll need help with this though, cause it'll be tough. Maybe if everyone focuses with me on a form?"

2017-10-21, 05:41 PM
"Sounds good!" Silver says, looking too enthusiastic about this ambitious idea given the result of that last spell. Illusion spells are one of the few types of magic he can get really enthusiastic about, given his grandfather's focus on them.

"Let me just check out the city first. I wanna see what the ponies think about Equinia no longer looking like a cloudy Sunday afternoon."

Not waiting for anypony else, Silver then just suddenly runs off, shooting down the stairs to the lower city.

2017-10-21, 06:08 PM
Nobility looked intrested.
"Hmm.. that most certianly, not orthodox method... but maybe if we could learn from the peasants a thing or two, about what is going on? It might help us, to polish your infliartion idea..."

2017-10-21, 07:08 PM
Dawn shrugs. "Eh, you can lead a pony to water. Just try nit to draw attention to yourself."

She tries not to stand out following her friends.

2017-10-21, 07:13 PM
"Yes. Silver? SIlVER!!!" Nobility groaned, and flew. (but probably not any faster than Dawn's gallop.)

2017-10-21, 08:53 PM
Dawn trots gently rather than gallop. Just not trying to catch attention from the angels.

2017-10-25, 12:08 PM
Curtain Call nods enthusiastically at the mention of disguises and opens his mouth to speak--only for Silver to dash off before he can say anything. He sighs and trots after him. "M-maybe will get a chance to go in disguise later..."

2017-10-25, 12:23 PM
"M-maybe will get a chance to go in disguise later..."

"Definitely later," Dawn says in a quiet tone to Curtain. "The angels are gonna want to know who released Celestia, and I doubt it'll be so they can reward us some exp, if you know what I mean."

2017-10-25, 12:24 PM
Brazen brings up the rear of the group as they move. Illusions didn't sit to well with the colt but then again they wanted to avoid conflict with the angels...

2017-10-26, 03:59 AM
As you dash, trot, and/or saunter down the stone block steps, it seems as if an entire city opens up beneath you. The stairs run alongside the outer wall, which descends into the earth; down below, you see streets, rows of stone and wooden houses with peaked roofs, street vendors hawking wares, and a whole slew of ponies, running through the streets and under the huge stone arches that support another bridge that leads from the outer wall to the Palace district. Something you don't see down below, however, is angels.

About halfway down the huge stairwell, you encounter a short platform with a balcony over the lower city and a sign; according to the sign, continuing downwards will take you toward the 'Stone district', as well as the 'Crystal Court'. Back up the stairwell leads to 'Lily's Promenade', which is probably the bridge you used before to enter the Palace district. Suddenly, a group of laughing and shouting foals led by a pink earth pony filly gallop past you, heading down into the city as fast as their hooves will take them.

As you reach the bottom of the stairs and truly enter the city proper, you see banners, posters and leaflets everywhere, decorated with a pink six-pointed star and containing an invitation to attend a 'Celebration of Magic', set to be held at the Crystal Gardens. Helpfully, there are signs - some hoof-made, others official-looking - pointing towards the celebration itself. A pair of mares - a unicorn and an earth pony - descend the stairs moments after you do, each wearing the heavy golden breastplate of the guardsponies, though neither is wearing a helmet nor appears to be carrying a weapon. They glance at your group for a moment, before looking as if they're about to head off in the direction of the signs.

Meanwhile, a few scant street vendors still with shops set up perk up at the presence of ponies who do not immediately pass them, some pushing balloons, flowers or baked goods to the front of their stalls. Cutie, distracted, stares off into a bundle of balloons, watching as the salespony behind the stall folds and twists a long balloon into a shape vaguely reminiscent of a pony.

2017-10-26, 09:39 AM
Silver comes to a screeching halt at the bottom of the stairs, his eyes widening as he observes the festival before him. He seems stunned for a moment. And then, he laughs, the whole situation being too absurd not to.

He turns around, waiting for Dawn to arrive, and greeting her with a huge grin. "Looks like you're getting some magic after all. Come on, let's see what this is all about!"

Flattening his cape into place, and making sure that the elements are still firmly hidden, he approaches the two mares. With genuine curiosity that seems not just for his own sake, but also that of the others, he asks them "Excuse me, is there some kind of celebration being held? What for? We were out of town for a bit, so we didn't hear about it."

2017-10-26, 12:49 PM
"Yeah, seems like just a... Sparkle of magic. Anyone else feel like this shouldn't be a thing, but it is so why is it here?" Dawn looks around for anyone with an answer because she sure as heck doesn't know.

2017-10-26, 06:20 PM
Nobility landed with the grace of a turkey, feeling wobbly a bit.
"Well.. it sure looks.. lively." She keeps an eye over cutie, to make sure she isn't running off.
"Well. When you unlocked the ARK, I have seen the cutie marks of the four princesses glowing there. So.. Twilight Sparkle of some sort.. should exist here..."
She looked at the vendors, and checked if Princess Lilly gave them bits..

2017-10-26, 06:23 PM
"Well. When you unlocked the ARK, I have seen the cutie marks of the four princesses glowing there. So.. Twilight Sparkle of some sort.. should exist here..."

"Four? Hmm, so I guess at tome point we'll see Cadance's mark. Yeah, I'm at a loss for what this means."

2017-10-26, 06:27 PM
"Well.. I guess they have four godesses?" Nobility suggested.

2017-10-26, 06:30 PM
"Well.. I guess they have four godesses?" Nobility suggested.

"Yeah, like how we have four princesses. It just seems so weird that both worlds have the same ones, you know?"

2017-10-28, 07:17 PM
Nobility nodded.
"Well... I am not that expert about parallel dimension stuff. I bet Curtain Over geek lord, have played or read something that could explain it."

2017-10-29, 10:19 AM
Curtain Call shows more and more enthusiasm as the group heads down the steps, looking excitedly at the vendors and other items. "Aw, too bad it's not a mask festival," he comments almost to himself, though his grin does not diminish.

Nobility's use of his name makes him glance over, distracted. "What? Oh, um... if this is like a game, then it'll probably connect to our world in some ways;
we have four princesses, they have four goddesses. I'm not really sure right now... oh, by the way, since this is a festival, there's a fifty-fifty chance that someone is going to crash it and start attacking people. My best guess would be the angels, but I'm not sure. Do you think that they have street performers?" he exclaims suddenly, looking around eagerly once more.

2017-10-29, 10:23 AM
"Fifty-fifty chance? You have that much faith in our luck?" Dawn says, grinning the entire time. "Well, the sisters asked us to meet them... in the garden, right? Probably should go there and see what they have in mind. Especially if there's going to be an angel attack."

2017-10-29, 11:43 AM
Nobility sighed. "it's not fair! We did so much today! We have rights! We deserve to simply enjoy oursleves now!" she whined.

2017-10-29, 11:53 AM
"I know, but if we don't keep on top of things, then the angels might do something dumb."

2017-11-01, 07:54 PM
One of the two guardsponies nods to Silver, pointing off into the distance, toward the arches under the bridge. "Oh, yeah! It's the Celebration of Magic," she says, and her comrade trots to her side. "One of the Princess's top scholars, the esteemed Miss Sparkle, has something huge to show off to everypony in Mareinev. In fact, she organized a whole festival in only three days' time for it! I only wish Princess Lily could be here for the mane event," the other guardspony says with a sigh, looking up and away towards the mass of clouds that trail off to the north, beyond the walls.

"Of all the times for Cloudheim to be slacking on their clouds..."

"I'm sure she'll be back in time for the big reveal," the first guard offers, before motioning to your group. "Here, we'll show you to the festivities, if you want."

A balloonless Cutie trots back to your group, her snout scrunching up until she overhears 'festivities'. "Totally ready for those!" she says, a grin stretching across her face. "I wonder what the big deal is, though? Do you think it's..." Cutie whispers, closing in with Brazen and Curtain. "Well, you-know-who? I wonder why the Princess is away, too, and where all the angels are... you'd think they'd want to keep an eye out down here, since all the ponies are gonna be here."

2017-11-01, 08:07 PM
"Miss... Sparkle?" Nobility repeated puzzled a bit.

"Hmm..." she tapped her chin.
"Maybe they want to make a come back, here and loud?" Nobility looked worried
"We should hurry to meet them... unless.."
she turned to Dawn.
"Do you have some sort of communication spell?'

2017-11-01, 08:15 PM
"Communication spell?" Dawn has to ponder this question. "I can try to make one up on the fly, maybe if I combine some kind of sound/sending magic with air elements? Who are you looking to contact?"

2017-11-01, 08:21 PM
"Well, I am greedy filly. I want us, not to miss Sparkle's reveal, and not to miss our scheduled meeting. I don't want us to lose each other.. but maybe we can eat the cake, and keep it whole, as they say?'

2017-11-01, 08:50 PM
"So... split up, but still keep in touch with each other?" Dawn asks. "Is that what you're getting at? A spell so we can keep two groups informed? ...not a bad idea actually, if that's it."

2017-11-02, 11:52 AM
"Wow..." Silver says to the guardponies, at this point no longer even shocked by all the bizarre similarities this place has to Equestria. Someone has to have made it this way deliberately. Maybe someone with access to Elysium? Eh, whatever....

"That sounds like fun! And I'm sure in the mood for some festivities. I'll see if I can convince some of my friends to come with me."

With that, Silver momentarily returns to the group, joining the whispering. "That spell sounds like a good idea if we are going to split up. Dawn, do you have enough magic in you to cast that and that illusion spell too? And Nobi-" It does not really occur to Silver that he just called Nobility by such a friendly name. "-what group do you want to go with? I'll be going with the guardmares to check out the festival."

Once everything has been decided, probably with a lot more bickering, Silver returns to the two ladies, putting on the most innocent and foal-like face he can muster. "So, uh, you two are real guards? Must be kinda boring now that the angels are taking care of everything."

2017-11-02, 12:22 PM
Dawn nods. "It'll be a little bit tiring, but I think I can handle two spells."

2017-11-02, 05:29 PM
Brazen scratches his head. "Well I ain't sure. Maybe if we run real quick we can meet up with them before things kick off? Plus I'd think with so many ponies in one place there'd be somepony who could handle things if something bad happens."

2017-11-03, 08:49 PM
"But...we'd look really cool, splitting up and talking to each other magically...like badflank spies..."

Realizing that Brazen is unlikely to consider the flair with which they do this unimportant, Silver quickyl backpedals.

"Uh, I mean that I think Celestia and Luna are gonna catch too much attention here for us to talk to them before they do anything. Besides, I don't doubt the ponies of Equinia can handle themselves better than the angels think they do, but I still don't want to miss what bizarro Twilight is going to reveal to them. The more information we all have, the better."

2017-11-06, 05:18 PM
"If we can meet with the Princesses whenever then I guess I wouldn't mind hitting up Twilight's reveal first." Brazen gives a shrug. "Just don't know if splitting up is the best option since we don't know how the angels will react to the Princesses."

2017-11-06, 05:59 PM
"If we can meet with the Princesses whenever then I guess I wouldn't mind hitting up Twilight's reveal first." Brazen gives a shrug. "Just don't know if splitting up is the best option since we don't know how the angels will react to the Princesses."

"I worry about the princess sisters too. I think going to the crystal garden and meeting with them is a good idea to do sooner than later," Dawn says.

2017-11-06, 07:09 PM
"W-well," Curtain Call said slowly, coming back to reality while listening to the discussion of the others. "Going by video g-game logic, meeting the Princesses is the way to advance the main quest. If this was a video game, I'd say that we should do that last, since they'd have to wait f-for us to arrive and we might miss an important side quest if we move the main story f-forward too fast. But since this is only like a video game... did Celestia ask to meet us as soon as possible, or anything like that? I can't remember."

2017-11-07, 12:19 AM
"But maybe this is an advanced game, where you are on a hidden timer to reach certain plot points!" Dawn suggests to Curtain. "If this is a game, it would make sense to use real time since that's how we experience it, yes?"

2017-11-07, 01:33 AM
Nobility has opened her mouth to say something.
Few times.
Without noticing, Curtain and Dawn have spoken advanced dorkish.
She kind of felt left out... she should learn this launguage someday.


2017-11-07, 06:44 AM

"Oh, translated, the two sisters might go ahead with whatever their plan is in the gardens and not wait for us. Which, if they do, then that also means the angels will react to them, and not wait for us."

2017-11-07, 07:19 AM
"Pff... you should write a dictionary." Nobility grunted.
"So... splitting with communication spell might be a good idea?"

2017-11-07, 10:17 AM
"That's... a good point. After all, this 'game has been on r-repeat several times over, so it's probably super hard. An arb-ar--a tough timer would make a lot of sense for that." He glances over at Nobility for a second as she speaks. "Usually splitting the party is a b-bad idea, but the 'game' might be counting on th-that and make splitting up the only way to w-win, so... maybe?"

2017-11-08, 09:49 AM
"Pff... you should write a dictionary." Nobility grunted.

"Usually splitting the party is a b-bad idea, but the 'game' might be counting on th-that and make splitting up the only way to w-win, so... maybe?"

Dawn raised an eyebrow to Nobility. Write a dictionary? Did Nobi know what the inside of one looked like? Yarr... no, keep the saltiness to herself. She ignored the comment, but now with both Nobility and Curtain thinking of a party split, this was serious business.

"Alright well... I want to see the princesses at the crystal garden. Where did you all want to go?"

2017-11-08, 04:53 PM
"I want to see the local Twilight... I guess."

2017-11-09, 12:36 AM
The two guardsmares look between each other at your talk of princesses and games and splitting parties, and give each other a weak shrug. "Uh... if you were looking for help getting to the celebration grounds, we can take you," one of the guards says, motioning down the road. "You just need to follow the main circlefare; it'll take you right to the Crystal Court. If you're looking for miss Sparkle, you'll probably find her at the Crystal Gardens. That's where the stage and everything is set up," the other guard explains.

They begin trotting toward a larger street that seems to encircle the huge cliffside atop which the Palace sits, where even more ponies are trotting and galloping to the left.

"I feel like, maybe, this 'miss Sparkle' and her surprise might possibly involve Celestia and Luna," Cutie remarks, taking a few tiny steps toward the circular road. "Let's go find out!"

2017-11-09, 06:56 AM
"I feel like, maybe, this 'miss Sparkle' and her surprise might possibly involve Celestia and Luna," Cutie remarks, taking a few tiny steps toward the circular road. "Let's go find out!"

"I agree, I want to see what this surprise has in store for us," Dawn adds. She looks to the others. "Anyone going some other direction? Should I try that communication spell?"

2017-11-11, 04:32 PM
"I.. want to see this "supposedly" Twilight as well... but..." Nobility hesitated abit.
"I hope we won't miss anything.."

2017-12-06, 10:58 PM
Curtain, Nobility, Dawn

As you follow the guardsmares toward the Crystal Court, a haunting feeling falls over each of you. Almost as if something completely unnatural is occurring nearby, like the laws of the universe are being breached, but in ways no pony could ever imagine. You notice that for a while of following the guards, there seem to be far fewer ponies around you - perhaps they've all moved on in their group toward the festival, and you just happened to have found a pocket between mobs.

As you round the gigantic circular street, you come upon an arch that leads into a district very much unlike the previous - there are magical lanterns set in fancifully crafted lamp poles, resembling various kinds of flowers; there are flags and banners flying atop marble buildings proudly portraying a lily, lotus, and chicory flower; the sides of the road are lined with metallic fences, a wiry mesh of intricate curls and spirals of silver. Towering above the nearby architecture (yet paling in comparison to the cliffside that hosts the palace) is a cylindrical building made of what appears to be solid, cloudy crystal.

Rounding a building, you see a large courtyard filled with low-cut hedges and topiary trees in the shape of various ponies, including (according to their plaques) Princess Lily, Prince Intybus, Queen Lotus, King Chicory, and "Her Worship, the Lady Cadenza", whoever that might be. Just behind the topiary garden is a large marble platform, which supports a plinth upon which a statue of a large winged unicorn stands on her two hind legs, clutching a heart-shaped stone to her chest. The statue seems incredibly life-like - even the wings seem constructed of individual feathers, each carefully arranged.

Further behind the garden and beyond the platform, you see large crystals suspended upon vines and in tastefully arranged displays; some of them create dancing lights about the area, and others show visions of faraway places that might be entirely fantastical. Several groups of ponies crowd around the crystals, some watching and clapping their hooves, while others dance and chase the lights that flit about the area.

However, a majority of the ponies in the area are gathered at the statue, and a lavender unicorn stands beside that statue, waving to the ponies about her.

"Hello! Hi there! Thank you all so much for coming out! I think we're almost ready to unveil our surprise...!" She says, to many cheers from the crowd.


How long had it been since the darkness began? You feel tired, and a headache radiates from your horn into your head as a horrid chill creeps up your back. You feel the magic around you twisting and churning in alien ways, completely different from Equestria's magic. And yet, at the same time, there's familiarity to it; it is definitely Equestrian magic.

In your mind, a hideous voice scrapes and grinds against your sanity... it's incredibly difficult to make out what it is even trying to communicate.


Y̽̈͏̧̗̦̭͓̹̞͕͉̗o͋҉̝͚̰̕u̪͙͚̰̓̈̄̅̈́̂ ͙̗͚̜͕̳͔̮̀̑ŵ̵̯̺͓̲͗͊ͨ͋̓̔̓͘͜ḣ̡͕̰̠͇ö̢̧̝̦̞̻́ͬͬ ̸̹̮̱̤̹͓̲̠͚̂̈ͭ̃̑̈́ͫ̾͜d͓̈́͌ͤ̐ͩǫ̵͎̼̪̯̯͉̇̾̉ͫ̌ͭͤ̄̍͞ȩ̺ͥ̓ s̵̛̲̳̙̺ͨ͒̌ ̵̩̹̲͔̣̞̌ͩ́ͭ̃͒͑̔̀n̒͠҉̣̯̺̞̼̱̮̙̩͝ȍ̓͛ͨ͂̿͋͑҉̯͔͎̳̻͍̯t̓̆ ̨̝̪͔̞̞̘͍ͩ̃ͭͤ͜ͅ ̹̩̹͍̲̲̫̝̘ͣͭͦ̑̑̽̓͑b̝̟̱̖͌ͩ͂͘͘e̶̦̩͈̗̼̞̳ͪ̓ͣl̷̯̖̬̒ͨͩ̾̿́ ̜ơ̶̧̫ͯ̋͌̐n̝̺͍ͪ͑̊͗ͫ̎ǵ̛̬͔̺̼̲͖̠̱͎͐̋̿̃̑͊̓ͣ́,̎͌̒̎̊͑ͣ͂ ̷̀҉̟̰̮̫͙ ̭͚͕̱̞̇̈̅ͫͮ̒́̍͝ş̯̱̞͚̬̤̬͍̀̋̎̔ͭͩh̸̵̼̀̽̾͂̊̀̒͜ǎ̶̸̀͒̆͜ ̦̦̩l̹͈̙̞̦ͬ̓͢l̛̞̦̫̠̠̯̪͖͛̊̇ͣͣͧ̍ ̴̢̝̻͚̼͙̟͍͓͐̀ͅḭ͈̜͈̟̹̳̘͗̿͋̈̀̃̍ͥṇ̱͓̣̣̥͇̖̊͜ḩ̎̉̋̓ͨ͌͑ ̭͕͚͇̼͜ę̶͓͙͚̘͇̱̉̄̀r̟̮̰̖̼̗͛ͧͣͩͤ̕ḭ͕̭̰̬̰̯̞̔̍̈ͬ̆̎̂t̔ͥ ̵͙͔̯͙͓͙͔̬̮ͭ̾͋̽ͪ́ ̢̫̘̫̯̺͑ͧͩ͋̍͢ț̗̰̫̯̻̼̩ͪ̀̓h̘̦̗͙̭͐ͬ̏ͫ͌̑̉̀̓e̱ͣͥͫͤͦ̈́̃͢͜ ̟̮̥̲̪̺̙ ̟̱̤͉̻̻͎͊̍̀ͅȩ̮̞ͮͬ͂m̳͇ͯ̽̚ͅbͤ̂̂ͨ͑҉̥̕ṙ͗͐͂̎̇̌҉͏̪̼̟̜a͋ ̻͓̪̝̰̹͔̬͓͆̔̄͆̉͢ć̷͖̩̹̞̣͇͐̋ȩ̭̹̱͍̅͗̐͢͡ ͍̱̲͉͈̔͜͞ͅơ̬̞̱̰̺͉̌́͜f̞͙͙̽͋̉͆̒̍͂̊ ̷͈̟̖̳͕̥̮̄ͪ͝t̵̰̜̳ͭ͊̉̃̋ͫͬ͊͘͟ḧ͕̻̰̘̅̀͆ͨ͡ē̉҉̼͚̯̺̪ ̟ ̷̰͚̼̥̩̺̪ͩ̐vͧ̔͒̒̆͘͏̬͎͙͉ǒ̺͑̄͌ͬ͆͒́͜͠i̧̛͎̲͈͍̖͍͉̲͇͑̀̈́͌ d̸̟̭͉̝͇ͥͧ̌̽ͯ̀

Ý̶͢҉͉̙͚̰̭̫̫̺̘̤o̶̗̼͔̳͖͍̪̦̕ͅu̶̷̹̞̞̯͉̟̬͡ ̴̼̪̲̬̭͙͍͓̣̬̙̀̕ͅͅw̩̭̣̩͙̳̯͚̻̝͖̯͉̜̩̟͇̼͝ì̧̛͇̲̰̥̩̥̱͞ͅl ̟͈͖̪̩̀ĺ̲̱̣͉̼͇̟͔̻̳̦̠͍̼̩̘̕͜͜ͅ ̷̪̦̣̳͔̫̬̥̝̣͙̻̞͟ņ̸̸͇̠͕͍̰̟͇̫̲̜͓̝͖ò̶̷͙̭̗̰̯̙̠̠͓̥͠͝t̕ ̡̣͚̱̲̘̯̜̯̦͈͙̳̥̳͕͜ͅ ̴̸̠̦͍͉̜̯̩̪̣̖́͞ͅs̴͓̖̹̯̫̟͍͜͞͞͝ừ̖͍͔̼͢r̺̳͚̠̠͙͔̻̫͜v̶͟ ̶̶̤̣̥͕̤̺͖̯̯̮̼ͅi̷̹̰̖͇̩͜ͅv̵̺̙͙̻͎͚̯̲̠̞͚̪͚͉̀e͔͔̥͎̞̕͜͜͜ ̹͕̗̘̰̗ͅ

Suddenly, the horrible chill is gone, as is your headache; however, a sense of deepening darkness and falling gloom looms over you, as if something in the endless expanse of nothingness all about you is an actual, corporeal creature.

Welcome aboard, Raziere! Malachite is not yet in Equinia, but will be soon.

2017-12-06, 11:30 PM
Dawn squints a little. Maybe Nobility is on to something. She'l casually work her way into the crowd and casually ask, "Is that who I think it is?", pointing to the lavender pony.

2017-12-07, 12:12 AM
Curtain Call shivers unconsciously, pushing away the odd feeling as the group passes into the courtyard. He eyes the stone statue with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation. Lifelike 'set-dressing', or important character that we meet later? he thinks to himself, noting its exquisite detailing. Or is it a pony trapped in stone?

"Probably not the same one, but the one for this universe, maybe?" Curtain Call responds to Dawn, resisting the urge to fly up over the crowd to get a better look. It's probably a good idea to keep a low profile for now...

Lord Raziere
2017-12-07, 12:48 AM

How long had it been since the darkness began? You feel tired, and a headache radiates from your horn into your head as a horrid chill creeps up your back. You feel the magic around you twisting and churning in alien ways, completely different from Equestria's magic. And yet, at the same time, there's familiarity to it; it is definitely Equestrian magic.

In your mind, a hideous voice scrapes and grinds against your sanity... it's incredibly difficult to make out what it is even trying to communicate.


Y̽̈͏̧̗̦̭͓̹̞͕͉̗o͋҉̝͚̰̕u̪͙͚̰̓̈̄̅̈́̂ ͙̗͚̜͕̳͔̮̀̑ŵ̵̯̺͓̲͗͊ͨ͋̓̔̓͘͜ḣ̡͕̰̠͇ö̢̧̝̦̞̻́ͬͬ ̸̹̮̱̤̹͓̲̠͚̂̈ͭ̃̑̈́ͫ̾͜d͓̈́͌ͤ̐ͩǫ̵͎̼̪̯̯͉̇̾̉ͫ̌ͭͤ̄̍͞ȩ̺ͥ̓ s̵̛̲̳̙̺ͨ͒̌ ̵̩̹̲͔̣̞̌ͩ́ͭ̃͒͑̔̀n̒͠҉̣̯̺̞̼̱̮̙̩͝ȍ̓͛ͨ͂̿͋͑҉̯͔͎̳̻͍̯t̓̆ ̨̝̪͔̞̞̘͍ͩ̃ͭͤ͜ͅ ̹̩̹͍̲̲̫̝̘ͣͭͦ̑̑̽̓͑b̝̟̱̖͌ͩ͂͘͘e̶̦̩͈̗̼̞̳ͪ̓ͣl̷̯̖̬̒ͨͩ̾̿́ ̜ơ̶̧̫ͯ̋͌̐n̝̺͍ͪ͑̊͗ͫ̎ǵ̛̬͔̺̼̲͖̠̱͎͐̋̿̃̑͊̓ͣ́,̎͌̒̎̊͑ͣ͂ ̷̀҉̟̰̮̫͙ ̭͚͕̱̞̇̈̅ͫͮ̒́̍͝ş̯̱̞͚̬̤̬͍̀̋̎̔ͭͩh̸̵̼̀̽̾͂̊̀̒͜ǎ̶̸̀͒̆͜ ̦̦̩l̹͈̙̞̦ͬ̓͢l̛̞̦̫̠̠̯̪͖͛̊̇ͣͣͧ̍ ̴̢̝̻͚̼͙̟͍͓͐̀ͅḭ͈̜͈̟̹̳̘͗̿͋̈̀̃̍ͥṇ̱͓̣̣̥͇̖̊͜ḩ̎̉̋̓ͨ͌͑ ̭͕͚͇̼͜ę̶͓͙͚̘͇̱̉̄̀r̟̮̰̖̼̗͛ͧͣͩͤ̕ḭ͕̭̰̬̰̯̞̔̍̈ͬ̆̎̂t̔ͥ ̵͙͔̯͙͓͙͔̬̮ͭ̾͋̽ͪ́ ̢̫̘̫̯̺͑ͧͩ͋̍͢ț̗̰̫̯̻̼̩ͪ̀̓h̘̦̗͙̭͐ͬ̏ͫ͌̑̉̀̓e̱ͣͥͫͤͦ̈́̃͢͜ ̟̮̥̲̪̺̙ ̟̱̤͉̻̻͎͊̍̀ͅȩ̮̞ͮͬ͂m̳͇ͯ̽̚ͅbͤ̂̂ͨ͑҉̥̕ṙ͗͐͂̎̇̌҉͏̪̼̟̜a͋ ̻͓̪̝̰̹͔̬͓͆̔̄͆̉͢ć̷͖̩̹̞̣͇͐̋ȩ̭̹̱͍̅͗̐͢͡ ͍̱̲͉͈̔͜͞ͅơ̬̞̱̰̺͉̌́͜f̞͙͙̽͋̉͆̒̍͂̊ ̷͈̟̖̳͕̥̮̄ͪ͝t̵̰̜̳ͭ͊̉̃̋ͫͬ͊͘͟ḧ͕̻̰̘̅̀͆ͨ͡ē̉҉̼͚̯̺̪ ̟ ̷̰͚̼̥̩̺̪ͩ̐vͧ̔͒̒̆͘͏̬͎͙͉ǒ̺͑̄͌ͬ͆͒́͜͠i̧̛͎̲͈͍̖͍͉̲͇͑̀̈́͌ d̸̟̭͉̝͇ͥͧ̌̽ͯ̀

Ý̶͢҉͉̙͚̰̭̫̫̺̘̤o̶̗̼͔̳͖͍̪̦̕ͅu̶̷̹̞̞̯͉̟̬͡ ̴̼̪̲̬̭͙͍͓̣̬̙̀̕ͅͅw̩̭̣̩͙̳̯͚̻̝͖̯͉̜̩̟͇̼͝ì̧̛͇̲̰̥̩̥̱͞ͅl ̟͈͖̪̩̀ĺ̲̱̣͉̼͇̟͔̻̳̦̠͍̼̩̘̕͜͜ͅ ̷̪̦̣̳͔̫̬̥̝̣͙̻̞͟ņ̸̸͇̠͕͍̰̟͇̫̲̜͓̝͖ò̶̷͙̭̗̰̯̙̠̠͓̥͠͝t̕ ̡̣͚̱̲̘̯̜̯̦͈͙̳̥̳͕͜ͅ ̴̸̠̦͍͉̜̯̩̪̣̖́͞ͅs̴͓̖̹̯̫̟͍͜͞͞͝ừ̖͍͔̼͢r̺̳͚̠̠͙͔̻̫͜v̶͟ ̶̶̤̣̥͕̤̺͖̯̯̮̼ͅi̷̹̰̖͇̩͜ͅv̵̺̙͙̻͎͚̯̲̠̞͚̪͚͉̀e͔͔̥͎̞̕͜͜͜ ̹͕̗̘̰̗ͅ

Suddenly, the horrible chill is gone, as is your headache; however, a sense of deepening darkness and falling gloom looms over you, as if something in the endless expanse of nothingness all about you is an actual, corporeal creature.

Welcome aboard, Raziere! Malachite is not yet in Equinia, but will be soon.

Malachite blinks and frowns at this.
"What? Whose there? What is this outrage!? Infinite blackness. By Celestia, have I been sent into an out of bounds area? Hey developers! I discovered a glitch in your game! Bug report: tampering with code somehow sucks player into game unwillingly, deposits them in a black room then makes weird voice proclaim something that gives you a headache, potential mental health hazard. "
She reaches for her magic, little blocks of green digital magic surrounding her horn. If it was Equestrian magic it should run the same principles on some level. All she had to do was to manually cast the command spell to get out of the game and theoretically she'll pop back out. She tries a few common commands:




"oh come on what kind of developer doesn't put in an unstuck command? Its just common safety practice. Maybe //[THE CYCLE.EXE] - MALACHITE_MATRIX.PER//T >> EQUESTRIA.WOR?"

2017-12-07, 07:01 AM
"Probably not the same one, but the one for this universe, maybe?" Curtain Call responds to Dawn, resisting the urge to fly up over the crowd to get a better look.

"You're likely right, but I just want to confirm the mare's name," Dawn says. "Just to see how on-target Nobility is."

2017-12-07, 09:59 AM
Nobility was in awe. Sure- logicly, she expected it. But seeing a Twilight Sparkle dimensional clone with her very own eyes... wierded her so much.
"Of course I am on the target, dear. It's all in the blood. Should we aporach her? She might know a thing or two about the elements.." she side looked at Cutie.
"Especialy the element of Magic."

2017-12-14, 02:36 AM
Curtain, Nobility and Dawn

As you approach the lavendar unicorn around which everypony is gathering, you get a better look at her features: she wears thick-rimmed glasses and her mane into a bun, though strands have escaped and dangle half-way-curled just in front of her ears. Her robes are definitely academic in nature, almost looking like the kind of coat you'd wear while doing experiments.

When she glances your way, she waves a hoof towards you. "Come on! It's almost time!" she says, trotting toward a large, glowing circle on the ground. On the left, you see smaller concentric circles around a stylistic sun, and on the right, you see concentric circles around a crescent moon. Many of the younger ponies approach carefully, and some of the adults gasp as they recognize the signs.


The unending blackness surrounding you continues unabated regardless of your commands, the threads of magic still charting their alien path along an unknowable map. Suddenly, the magic changes and a red swirling mist seeps out of what appears to be a wound in the fabric of the zone you've found yourself in, and it slowly contorts into the vague shape of a face, reminiscent of a filly's, but it lacks definition as it floats freely among the space it inhabits.

Its mouth opens, and its jaw swings wide, as if to howl or shout, but silence is all you hear... and then the horrid, grating voice returns in your head.

T̠̦͢ͅŕ͕̖͔e̢̞̟͔̦̭̞ͅs̸̫͉p͖̱͓͇̦̙a͎s͕̟̳̭͕͍͍͚̫s̡̡͏͈̙̤e ̶̢̫͕͎̩͓͖̠̰́r̶̵͖̮̳͓.̟͍̯̦̹̞̗̺
̴̫͈͉͉̞̫Y̵̢̟̮̦̗̱̰ͅo̧̤̘͞͝u̢̻̯ ͎̦̯͕̙͖̀a̷̻̟̱̣̘͎̦r̛̬̳͎͔̩͕̥̜e̡͙͓̤̫̫̲̣͎ͅ ̸̴̣̗͔͉̤͔̞̟̘n͏͏̟̝̤͈͕͎o̙̮t̴͍͙̜̞͘ ̢̻͙͝t̡͙̺̥͖͓h̩̭͜e͜҉̥̟ ҉̮̪m̵̳̰̤̬͚̣̜̜á̼̯͟ṣ̷͚͜t̛͏̝̮̮͓̫e̝̻̖̩̼͜ŗ̘̰̮͟ ̛̩̱͍͍̼̥̻͝o҉̶̯͇̘̩f̶̙̝̻̙̦̺ ̷̠̙̮̻͚͍͇̻́t̵͓͍̭͞ḩ̖͉̻i͔̝͍͙̙̣̣̫̻͟ṣ̝̝̜̹̹̺̣̀ ̧̨̮͈̭́ͅw͈̰͈͚͎͈̪̥͘̕͢o͜͏͎̠̲̯̭r͚̗̞͖̘̼̗̹̀͢͜ĺ͔̤͇̤̮̜̻̗͝ d̙̜͔̪͙̙͢͠.̢͓͚̖͡
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The mist rumbles as if with lightning and thunder, its form warped and wrapped with black clouds; it begins expanding, approaching and yet growing distant at once - instead of covering you, it colors the blanket of blackness that confined you before. All around you feel a powerful magic led by an intelligence, though you aren't able to discern what exactly it could be.

Another voice reaches out to you, much clearer than the other...

"Reach out, little one, and find purpose..."

"You must help the heroes... become one yourself..."

"Save us all from the tyrant of time..."

Lord Raziere
2017-12-14, 03:17 AM
Malachite is confused. She raises an eyebrow at all this, showing absolutely no reverence towards the mystical weirdness happening around her.
"What. The. Buuuuuuck? Did I activate a quest by accident? This seems like one of those epic quests given by gods and spirits, did I skip to late game content? Huh. Well at least its better than beating up rats at level one. And all the trespassers talk and such.....did I activate some karma/morality meter or do the devs really just not like hackers? Not getting out though....thats concerning. Glitch, caught in weird cutscene or spiteful dev design? You make the call!"
She paces about getting this all straight in her head.
"So lets see: Other players, final boss to stop, Probably time based powers, release this Elysium thing, makes sense that this is an MMO, I guess. Why make such a big world just for one person when you can have multiple instead? Saves time and energy, build only one world instead of multiple instances for each player. Did all I get that right, great bipolar voice in the sky? Or are you two voices, you can tell Mr. Gratinghoof McDoomDeep to speak a little clearer right? Ah who am I kidding your probably some script reading out the stock lines for this quest...I'mma call you Clarity. You seem like a Clarity to me, because you speak clearer than the other guy. I like you. More informative."
She was guessing she tripped some sort of quest or morality system that was there to provide multiple options for people for how their game goes. Maybe more upright people just get Clarity congratulating them or something.
"But I can't do this if I'm stuck here, so um.....get out. How do? or do I just wait for the cutscene to end?"

2017-12-14, 06:37 AM
Dawn looks at her friends and shrugs. "I guess we come closer?"

She moves closer to the circles to get a clear view.

2017-12-14, 08:22 AM
Nobility whined "We haven't bought dresses fitting such royal occasion!" but trotted alongside Dawn.

2017-12-14, 08:36 AM
Nobility whined "We haven't bought dresses fitting such royal occasion!" but trotted alongside Dawn.

"I don't think we have that kind of money with us. I mean, I don't even have pockets. Just a saddlebag of food."

2017-12-14, 09:29 AM
"Darling, of course we have this kind of money, just not in cash mind you!" Nobility giggled dismissvly, with a "Ho Ho Ho!" of sophisticated ponies of her social class.
"You don't expet such heroic actions as our to go unrewarded are you? I am sure every merchant understand, we have the royal credit to back us up. You just need to know how to make them realize that."

2017-12-14, 09:31 AM
Dawn raises an eyebrow. "Okay, do tell, cause I'm curious to see this actually work."

2017-12-14, 09:42 AM
"I will glad to. Once I'll have the chance."

2017-12-17, 07:52 PM

Suddenly, the circle glows a bright gold, and the lavender unicorn approaches it eagerly. "Here it is! The big surprise, everything this festival is about!" The crowds grow thick as even distracted ponies begin to turn and watch, and many (on-duty) guardsponies taking up places around the herd. About then, you notice that Cutie is nowhere to be seen.

"A long time ago, we - Equinia - lost something dear to us." The unicorn says, her horn sparkling with magic and a ball of light levitating from it to hovering above the crowd, slowly growing larger. As it expands, you see within it a planet, much like Equestria, except it has two moons that orbit it, and it slowly rotates around a large star in the center. "We lost our sun, our moons, and our protectors." Many of the ponies start to murmur in the crowd, some looking worried while many looking confused. Several of the guardsponies, too, look confused - and others look curious. "I, Twilight Sparkle, have been tasked with keeping every bit of knowledge archived on these things, hidden away from us by horrible clouds and the Veil. In particular, I know all about our protectors, and the boons they gave to our world."

A small filly approaches the glowing ring of magical runes, tilting her head as she looks up to Twilight. "Who were they?" she squeaks, standing at the edge of the circle.

"Two ponies who gave their lives to keep us safe," Twilight says, from speaking to the filly to shouting over the crowd's growing muttering. "Celestia, and Luna." As she says their names, some of the adults in the crowd grow wide-eyed, and others slack-jawed. "Yes, those same two alicorns some of us were told never existed. Those same two alicorns some of us were told had died, or had struck deals with the angels and demons." The circle grows brighter, and the ball of light collapses in on itself and smashes into the ground, sending out a veritable spray of sparkles, shimmers and glimmers.

"With the help of the fated heroes, the ponies of the prophecy, we have had our goddesses returned to us." Those sparkles that remained within the circle begin to whirl about the area furiously, condensing into two forms which stand upon the symbolic sun and moon. Then, the same Celestia and Luna you saw back in the temple appear from the light, though there is something to their appearance that they lacked in the Ark room - both their regalia and manes shine powerfully in the new light, and they seem to exude magical power.

In synchronization, Celestia and Luna raise their wings, and bow their heads in your direction. "This is a day everypony will remember forever, one that changed our world." With a powerful flap of their wings, Celestia and Luna ascend into the air above the crowd, looking down upon the ponies gathered.

"Your salvation has come." They say together, and for what seems like the first time in forever, the sun ascends over the walls of Marinev and blanket the city below in sunlight, the skies now a sea of pale blue, clear of clouds (with the exception of Cloudheim, of course).


The red and black haze that has invaded the area around you continues its rumbling, pulsing and weaving, with no further hideous voice to accompany it. All of a sudden, a great, white light flashes through the thunderous mist far away - like a star gone nova - and rapidly travels like an electric current through it. Almost as sudden as the light, you see a quite tall pale blue unicorn clad in white-gold metal armor reminiscent of filigree appear before you, encased in a shimmering yellow bubble and huddled into a fetal position in mid-air. One of her eyes flutters open for just a second, and you hear the clear voice once again, though it speaks much more quickly, and in more complete phrases...

"I am free, if only for a moment. Little one, I am Princess Rose. It is no accident you are here - you wouldn't have survived if it were not fated. My world of Equinia has been locked in the middle of a war between blind order, wanton chaos and the tyrant of time for many ages. There are heroes now among the ponies there who need your help. Dawn Star, Nobility, Curtain Call... help them, please! I will use my power to get you into the world... but I cannot help for much more than that..."

The yellow orb, along with the unicorn, quickly fades away, as does the black and red mist in the distance, and you feel yourself being pulled slowly downwards...

2017-12-17, 08:29 PM
Dawn claps along with the crowd? Well, she tries to fit in. "Curtain, Nobi, have either of you seen where Cutie ran off to?"

2017-12-18, 01:44 AM
Nobility puffed her chest forward with pride, almost purring.

She blinked.
"Eh... What?' she looked around. "Oh dear. How irresponsble of us! Don't you worry dear, I'v got an idea."
Nobility flew to the stage- normally, she would avoided flying, because she still flew in clumay embarssing way- but there were urgency to get to the stage.


2017-12-18, 06:42 AM
"Uh..." Dawn was quite shocked that Nobility suddenly jumped up on stage like that! Is she crazy? Maybe they all were considering the job title. "Come on, Curtain. I think we should go join her before the limelight runs out."

Dawn tries to squeeze her way toward the stage.

2017-12-19, 08:33 PM
Curtain Call watches, dumbstruck, as Celestia and Luna simply... reveal themselves. In front of everyone. Did... did we just activate Hard Mode?

"Um..." is Curtain Call's only reply before Nobility is on the podium. He follows her and Dawn on stage, his acting training kicking in with a professional smile for the crowd; however, his thoughts are too caught up in the new turn of events to do much more than smile and wave.

Lord Raziere
2017-12-21, 09:12 PM
"Wait did you just call players by name? But shouldn't be possi-BLEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!"
Malachite says as she is pulled downwards, mistaking it for falling. She screams as she thinks she is heading downwards, but otherwise is not really sure what to do in this situation. Was she going to encounter these people? Was she going to land somewhere? It didn't seem to be up to her to decide.

2017-12-26, 08:35 PM
Dawn, Nobility, Curtain

Slowly, Celestia and Luna descend from their positions above, landing on each side of the glowing circle they appeared from. Almost as soon as their hooves touch ground, an immense pillar of white and gold light erupts from the circle, surging skywards, and you see the form of a pony within it, outlined in an eerie black aura from which teal lightning leaps. Suddenly, the entire column is tainted by a dark cloud, pulsing with red mist within it, and the light quickly fades, as if strangled out of existence.

With it, the dark cloud disappears as well as the aura, leaving behind a black-coated pony with a vibrant green mane and tail...


The feeling of sinking quickly speeds up into a full-fledged fall, and you feel as if being pulled and stretched beyond your shape and size... and suddenly the darkness below you parts, and you see a spherical world growing larger and larger beneath you - or perhaps it's getting closer? Then, as suddenly as the darkness parts, a bright white light envelops your vision, and you feel hard stone under your hooves.

At first, it feels like something is still trying to tear you away from the world, and then suddenly, it snaps and the blinding light fades, slowly revealing a huge group of ponies, all staring wide-eyed toward you and three fillies/colts around your age right in front of you - and to your left and right, what looks like the princesses Celestia and Luna.


"Behold, the catalysts of our shared paradise," Celestia says, pointing a wing towards your group. "The heroes of prophecy have been gathered." Luna says, mirroring Celestia.

"There is but one we are missing..." Celestia takes a few steps forward, her eyes trailing up the statue of the winged unicorn holding the heart-shaped stone. "The one who will shepherd the new paradise." Both Luna's and Celestia's horns glow brightly as the statue shimmers between yellow and bright blue, and slowly it changes color and texture - the stony grey shifts toward a pale pink, and the rough edges smooth out to the fine coat of a living pony. The pony's mane takes on colors of purple, pink and pale yellow, and the heart stone reveals itself to be like a crystal.

After color returns to the pony, a bright light explodes outward from it, and she falls forward with a gasp, the heart-shaped crystal levitating in a pale blue aura, shared by the alicorn's horn. Celestia and Luna take up positions at her sides, and she stands up between them, not quite as tall as the two; her eyes shimmer as she sees the herd of ponies before her, and the crowd's curious murmur slowly evolves into a monstrous roar of cheers and hoots. "Welcome back, Cadenza," you can hear Celestia say to the pink alicorn, though just barely over the crowd's bellowing. The pink alicorn, meanwhile, says nothing.

2017-12-26, 08:59 PM
Dawn, a bit confused at how much this is all paralleling her own world, joins in the cheers just to not feel too out of place. "Anyone know whats going on?" she whispers to her friends, noting the green mane pony that also had arrived.

2017-12-27, 01:00 AM
"Yes! My show stealing was stolen!" Nobility hissed back to Dawn.
And also, searching for Cutie failed. What up with this filly, dissapearing at such scenes- did she had allergy to magic or something?

Catalysts.... it sounded more technical than attractive to her.

But she could bare that.

AIn all that chaos.. a pony with color pattern like of Cutie's appeared.. and it seemed his/her show stealing was stolen as well.

It seemed the goddesses were busy saying hello to each other, after being prisoned and all, so for now.. Cutie will have to wait.

She turned to the Cutie-ish looking pony.
"Greetings. I am Nobility. You don't happen to apear from Equestria.. now do you?'

Lord Raziere
2017-12-27, 04:54 AM
Malachite groans and gets up.
"Uuuuuuuugh, thats was weird and painful.....huh where am I?"
Malachite looks around, a little dazed and getting her bearings straight
"Lets see.....Celestia.....Luna.....that pony, three ponies over here....oh. Nobility. you were one of the ponies I'm supposed to meet up with? Cool. Wow, Do I keep getting dropped into cutscenes or what? This game, just....this game. Let me guess you three are the other players? Cool, I have things to talk to you about. Don't worry about the NPC's its not as if they can hear us. Probably all just prerecorded script anyways, you know how these games work, I'm sure we can guess the plot."
She looks at the two
"And you are Dawn star and Curtain Call? Names Malachite Matrix by the way."
She just stated all this out loud without any thought for the consequences. As if this was any other game. By Celestia, she was acting like a stereotypical gamer complete with lingo. How bad is this going to be?

2017-12-27, 05:02 AM
Nobility was wierded out, that this random pony, knew their names.
but there something else that disturbed her even more. She looked at Dawn.
"Translation." she demanded.

She knew she should, pay attention to the return of the goddesses, and looking for Cutie...
but right now, the godesses were busy looking epic and dramatic, and without getting everypony's attention, she wasn't sure how to look for Cutie.

2017-12-27, 09:13 AM
"Translation." she demanded.

"I think she believes this to be a video game, as Curtain does. Or did... or is it does? Anyway, seems she's another element to join our quest," Dawn translates.

She holds out a hoof. "Good to meet you, Malachite. You seem to know us already."

Lord Raziere
2017-12-27, 03:17 PM
"I think she believes this to be a video game, as Curtain does. Or did... or is it does? Anyway, seems she's another element to join our quest," Dawn translates.

She holds out a hoof. "Good to meet you, Malachite. You seem to know us already."

"Well yeah, of course it is a game. I just got the stupid disk, hacked into it to see the code to try and figure out how it works, see what I could do with it, y'know beta-testing, then this stupid game sucked me in and put in this stupid voidy place with two weird voices.

How I know you is that one of those voices turned out to be someone named Princess Rose, told me about you and some quest involving a tyrant of time. Kind of odd for a NPC to call you guys out specifically, have the developers got their magic design that good? Also there was this other deep grindy voice told me I was a trespasser or transgressor or something. I think I tripped some weird late-game quest involving a karma meter, I think the game thinks I took a bunch of villain options and need to redeem myself by fighting a big end game boss? Its weird.

By the way, you guys know how to get out? Because I've been trying all the usual commands to exit but nothing is working."
She gestures with her hooves a bit as she speaks, seemingly looking around in thought as she did so. Wow this place was like a recreation of Equestria or something. Why would the game designers do that, was this supposed to be one of those sandbox games that simulate physics and location so well and you can do whatever you want in it? No wait there are quests. What was this, Skyride?

2017-12-27, 03:24 PM
Dawn looks over to Curtain and back to the new pony. "You two will get along well together."

She brushes some stray bangs aside. "I don't think this is a game... It feels too real for it. But, Curtain seems to have his theories. Don't you, C?"

2017-12-28, 01:28 AM
Nobility derped her eye, toward her strangely striped ear.
"Yeah... I have ny own reasons to doubt. Gee. Am I the only none-dorkish speaker?' she groaned.
"Curtain? Your bride in the box arrived. Say something."

2018-01-02, 04:13 PM
As you begin conversing about the state of the game, Cutie weaves her way into your presence from the surrounding crowd, creeping low to the ground. No pony seems to notice her, though, with all the attention focused on Celestia, Luna and Cadenza.

"Hi there," Cutie squeaks to Malachite, appearing suddenly next to the filly. "Yeah, magic commands aren't gonna get anyone out of here. This world's magic isn't as free as Equestria's, unfortunately." Cutie remarks, glancing around. "Though, it seems like some ponies' places in the world are getting a little unstable. I hope we're all still okay."

"And furthermore, none of this is a game," Celestia says, having turned away from the crowd as they hail Cadenza. "Real ponies with real lives on the line are engaged in these very real conflicts... please don't let yourself be distracted by how different our world might seem." She looks into the sky, the sun traveling higher in it. "Remember how similar they are, too."

The stone carried aloft by Cadenza glimmers softly in the sunlight, though the pink alicorn remains completely silent, her weak smile fading into a frown. Luna, meanwhile, bows to the crowd, looking back for a moment to spot her sister.


I do not like this, a strange voice invades your thoughts, and your sight focuses on Luna, even though she's only in your peripheral vision. I feel as if we are in grave danger - all of us, goddesses included.

2018-01-02, 04:27 PM
Dawn lets out a sigh of relief now that Cutie has been accounted for. She waves at her friend.

"The only-non-dorkish speaker? I guess so, though i'm not fluent mind you," Dawn says to Nobility.

2018-01-02, 07:54 PM
Nobility derped toward her striped ear.

"Good hearing you again! I am quite surprised you haven't taken over the moment, Luna has returned. Hmm.. but.. what kind of danger? What can I do to stop it?"

Nobility tilted her head.
"Cutie too...?"

Lord Raziere
2018-01-05, 04:51 PM
Malachite raises her eyebrow
"What really? This is real? But I saw the code to all this, and this was all marketed as such, as for similar....its too similar. Too real. If this game simulates all this that they can respond as if like actual people...."
Say you have a model of something, you make it and its clearly fake because its so small and simple. But you make it bigger and more complex, you employ more and more exacting methods to simulate it down to every single little detail possible. You do this, until you make something so indistinguishable from the real thing: have you made the most convincing fake ever- or have you left behind forgery long ago, and simply created it without any falseness at all? There is a saying called "fake it until you make it". Has Alicorp not created a fake universe of a game, but rather a universe from a fake game?

And if that created universe is just as real as the one you come from......what does it say about the realness attribute of your own?
"By Celestia. How real am I? Is my universe simply one made of different code?"
Her eyes are wide as she considers the implications in internal horror. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AB8o_VdvFpk)

2018-01-06, 05:26 PM
Nobility now double face hoofed, using her wings.
"Why can't we meet sane ponies here and there?"

"Is she the source of the danger?"

2018-01-06, 06:07 PM
Dawn chuckles a little. She turns to the new pony. "We... think this is all real, but honestly I don't know. My guess is based on the fact that we do feel real pain. I mean, feels real enough that I would take it seriously."

2018-01-09, 12:47 PM
"Well, I am glad some of you are choosing to take this seriously. The next step of Salvation involves Cadenza, here. She was once the Goddess of the Heart, before the angel attacks. The stone that she holds - and her unique powers - are the key to making Salvation work." Celestia glances over to the pink alicorn again, watching the former goddess for a few moments - though Cadenza still makes no real movements except to breath and stare down at the crowd before her. Around the crystal in her magical grip, you see a few faint sparks of black and teal lightning, though Celestia doesn't seem to notice it.

"Even if we are able to use Elysius to create a new world, there is little chance we can shepherd all of ponykind to the new world without incredible magic, beyond that which myself and Luna can perform together. No member of ponykind is capable of it. The crystal, however, will allow us to transport all of ponykind at once to the new world." You notice as Celestia speaks, Cutie gives her a small, little grin, before turning to look at Cadenza and Luna herself. "Before we can use the crystal, however, we must throw off the yoke of the angels. We cannot complete instrumentality with such dangerous beings running wantonly around Equinia... the same goes for the demons on Purgist, but we must focus on the angels first."

Celestia then walks back toward Cadenza, resting a wing on her back and looking into her eyes. She says something, and Cadenza nods in response. "I'm fine, auntie. Just... in shock." Cutie, meanwhile, turns her attention to Malachite, who has suddenly piqued the small pony's interest.

"You saw ...'code'? Weird. I don't think anypony else has seen that," Cutie quietly remarks to Malachite, looking to the rest of you. "It was probably just the magic of this world. It's pretty weird," she says. "Sometimes I think the magic is, like, a living thing, you know?"


It has to wait. This is far worse than I could have thought... They are going to bring the fight to the angels. The first time the angels attacked, the world changed. I... I do not know if anyone is truly ready for this. The voice goes completely dormant for a time, but your vision still lingers on Luna for a few moments more. I can't believe what they are trying to do. This is going over my head. And then, the voice shuts out completely. It seems Chausiku has left your consciousness alone for now.

2018-01-09, 01:08 PM
"Sometimes I think the magic is, like, a living thing, you know?"

"It certainly is," Dawn agrees with a knowing nod. She looks at the new pony. "So, Malachite is it? It's nice to meet you. I'm Dawn."

2018-01-10, 01:33 AM
Nobility eyes shrunk. Yes.. she agreed.
Ponies weren't much of fighters- basically, every time, an invading army came- they got conquered. (Naturally some heroes saved the day... but still) There were so much to process, and also, she might have few questions for the princesses, but.. not now.
Something more urgent came.

The princesses are maids. The Princesses are just maids...The princesses are maids. The Princesses are just maids... she wishpered to herself and trotted forward the princesses and stomped.
"NO!" She panted, the courage she gathered to yell at three goddesses, was maybe the hardest thing she had to do.
"I won't let you! This is stupid! this is madness! You can't hope win them by force! You'l just end up with even WORSE situation!"
She stomped again.
"Beside, the angels are not evil! And so the demons! All of residents of this world want to do good, but they have... other points of view- and you can't solve it with violence! Even if by some miracle you will defeat the angels- then, they will sulk and plan to attack again! So NO! NO NO NO!"
She panted, and now looked at the crowds.
"We came from a world, where Friendship can win everything. We... have first hoofed, befriended gorgons from Purgist.. I don't see why can't we befriend and come to understanding with the angels." She turned back to the princesses- her legs started to shake.


2018-01-12, 02:36 PM

Walking along a stone path that seems incredibly long, you suddenly realize you aren't near any of your friends... and the ponies around you aren't at all the ponies you saw leading you anywhere. Suddenly, the landscape shifts violently and everything goes black.


And suddenly, you can see again. It looks as if the universe itself expands endlessly around you, but you stand upon nothingness; and you realize that the universe around you is copied several times over in the patterns forming in the distance; identical galaxes spiral and weave incredibly close, moving at speeds unfathomable. And yet not too far away from you is a pony-shaped creature, sitting with her back to you. Her mane and tail are short, white and frazzled; somehow, she seems familiar as if you had met her before, yet a distant stranger at the same time.

Malachite, Nobility, Dawn

The crowd around you gasps and falls completely silent, staring between the goddesses and yourselves. They scarcely even move, though most of them end up focusing their gazes on the goddesses.

"We tried." Luna states flatly, staring - not with malice, but with sadness - at Nobility. "They attacked us. Not the other way around. They will not leave us so peacefully to our own devices. And so, we will not extend to them another chance to sneak attack us. They believe we -" she points to Cadenza and Celestia with her wings "- are a threat to their order."

"Friendship may be the ultimate power in your world, Nobility," Celestia says, approaching the filly slowly. "But this isn't your world. You must come to terms with that," She kneels down next to the panting filly, looking her in the eye. "Might I tell you something, little one? You made friends with the gorgons because they are from Equinia, having been banished to Purgist some time ago." She offers a smile, trying to assuage your fears.

"Besides, there are many factors that have changed. We are now the active party - that gives us an advantage. We are ready, unlike last time." Luna looks to Cadenza, her eyes on the crystal.

2018-01-12, 02:41 PM
"You're really hung up on the angel thing, huh?" Dawn asks her friend.

2018-01-12, 03:06 PM
Silver looks to his left.

Silver looks to his right.

Silver takes in the entire strange universe that seems to have formed around him. Time, space, everything feels odd. Last thing he remembers....didn't he sneak past the angels and head into the plaza, ready to witness Celestia and Luna's return?

".....Did I just die?" The question comes surprisingly easily. And yet, it somehow seems like a good explanation. There was nothing this time. No grand ink monster. No falling asleep and awakening in a different place. Just a sudden shift.

And this place....it feels different to that place Luna took him to in that dream. It feels so removed from everything. Dawn, Nobility, Cutie...it all feels like a distant memory. Were there more of them? What is...where is he?

Silver looks at the strangely familiar pony creature before him, somehow figuring he won't get a straight answer. And as he does, he wonders "Wait, is that....?"

2018-01-13, 09:02 PM
Nobility breathed heavily, panting
She was arguing with Celestia and Luna.

Even her ego barely could contain it.
And strangely they talked to her like an equal.

"In my world... I didn't respected the magic of friendship..." she looked akwardly at her... friends.
"But I was wrong. I don't want to disrespect you in any way... but OUR Twilight Sparkle have taught us... important lessons. Please..." she bowed her head.
"Please. let me go talk to them. At worst, things can escalate to violence anyway. Maybe I'll just distract them... but I got to try." she waved her foreleg, and gestured toward the crowd.
"Think about your ponies, you are in charge off. Don't you want to let me, to give a last try, to save them from war?"


2018-01-14, 12:28 AM
"Okay, but if we fail, you know... I mean, don't want to be a negative nelly, however really think if what's best is for everyone to leave this place, we shouldn't stop them. We can go meet the angels and... try something. But if we can't do it? They're probably gonna be real mad and come here to hurt everyone."

2018-01-14, 03:19 PM

"No." The voice, like a filly's, seems to have come from the pony, who still faces away from you. The space around you contorts and twists into endless blackness, and a column of light envelops the filly. A fine mist seems to surround her, and you can see her features more accurately - specifically, that she has the same kind of slick shell, carapace and insectile wings of a changeling.

"You shouldn't be here." As she speaks again, you notice that her voice sounds a lot like Cutie's, only with a noticeably rougher, almost buzz to it. Were she not a changeling, you could swear they sounded like sisters.

Suddenly, her form vanishes, leaving the column of light...

Everypony Else

Celestia, Luna, and the crowd are all silent for some time, the goddesses focused on each other. As soon as Nobility mentions "OUR Twilight Sparkle", you hear a quiet gasp as the purple unicorn's gaze locks on your group, lingering for a moment before she quickly steps backward, bowing her head and returning to the silence of the crowd.

"I see only woe should you try to talk with them, Nobility," Celestia says, looking away. "The angels sent here to keep Equinia locked down are not the ones I am worried about. Metatrot and the archangels of Gildaea are, however, and those are the ones you will have to speak to." Just then, Luna cranes her head back and looks skyward, her wings splaying out.

"Sachiel will be the first. If you are so adamant in speaking to them... I wish you luck," she says to Nobility, nodding toward Dawn. "Though I believe you should heed your friend's words. There is no hope of a peace between us." She says, solemnly, before joining her sister's side, and the two begin to whisper with Cadenza, who seems of clearer mind now.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Nobility?" Cutie asks, seeming unsure about asking. "We don't know how the angels will react. Maybe we should all go, if you go."

2018-01-14, 03:34 PM
"Wh-?!" Silver blurts out, angered by the filly's dismissive answer. "Don't just run away like that! Where the heck did I get warped this time?!"

Having no patience for the endless games of this world's citizens, he rushes into the pillar of light. With any luck, it'll lead him back to the others or to some answers.

2018-01-14, 05:11 PM
Nobility took deep breathes.
"I... think that this.. our role, as the chosen ones. To set harmony back here..."
She folded her ears.
"If I won't give an answer, for.. 48 hours- assume the worst." She puffed her chest again.
"Do your preparations, but.. be more.. district about it..." she looked at Cutie
"I... am not much of use, beside talking.. Am I? I... think that I should at least try... you.. don't have to come with me..." but her voice shaked.

Lord Raziere
2018-01-14, 08:55 PM
Malachite finally snaps out of her existential crisis.
"Whaa? Ok, something about demons and angels or whatever, I'm still new, but the point is, if this world is just as real as the one we come from and our world made a bunch of discs that made this world.......what made EQUESTRIA? I mean, if the game is just a portal to this world and Alicorp didn't actually make Equinia, then that means that something else designed all this but Alicorp for some reason decided to trick a bunch of young ponies into going to another world to do....what? Go around be heroes for some stupid reason? But Alicorp did create this world and it IS just as real, then why in Tarterus did they make universe creating magic just to trick a bunch of young ponies into going on quests to save a world they themselves created!?

Something just doesn't add up here about all this. What insane person goes to the trouble of designing an entire corporation, making a portal-disguised-as-game and sending it out only to shut it all down to trick like small number of fillies to fight some tyrant of all time and a bunch of demons or whatever? Something about this just seems ludicrously needlessly complex, I mean, why not just let people who are NOT fillies know so that they can save this?

It. Just. Doesn't. Add Up."
And that is not taking into account how Mr. Voidvoice McDeep and Princess Rose fits into all this.

2018-01-18, 09:32 PM
Dawn, Nobility, Malachite

To Malachite's questioning, Celestia raises a hoof. "Perhaps others would not have taken it as seriously. There is a reason you were all chosen by fate, I am sure," she offers, folding her wings by her side. "You are, after all, bearers of the elements of Creation. Void, Light, Heart, Breath and Magic," she says, pointing to each of you in kind. "Not just anypony can wield them. Nor do the elements themselves wish to be borne by just anypony."

"As for you, Nobility... I can't let you go by yourself. If you insist on doing so, I will accompany you," Celestia calmly states, raising her head high as if making a royal decree. "You are more important than you think, little filly. Don't ever forget that."


As you ask your question to the darkness, you feel utterly alone and cold - as if nothing else in existence could respond to you now. Thankfully, as you step into the light, you get a familiar feeling of stone under your hooves and you hear murmurs as if surrounded by an uneasy crowd. Stepping fully "through" the light, the world of Equinia once more opens before you, and you find yourself in a crowd of ponies gathered in a garden of some sort, filled with large crystals wrapped in vines, a smattering of marble statues and trimmed topiary trees in the shape of ponies. At the center of the crowd's attention to see Celestia, Luna, a pink alicorn holding what looks to be a heart carved out of crystal in her magical grip; and your friends, Nobility, Dawn and Cutie, plus a pony who you don't quite recognize - though her black coat and green mane do resemble Cutie's own dark grey coat and teal mane.

The group seems to be engaged in some kind of intense talk, while Luna attends to the alicorn. Around you, you hear mumbling from the crowd.

"Who are those fillies? I've never seen them before."

"Some of the guards say they're the ones from the prophecy."

"They're just fillies. How can they save us?"

"Look, the goddesses trust in them. How can we not?"

"Yeah. If they say they'll save us, I believe it."

2018-01-19, 06:46 AM
Nobility was stunned in awe. For now, ignoring the need to aknowledge the new crazy dork as sister in arms at the Creation Element Bearers, because of Celestia.

Tears stood at the corner of her eyes. It touched her. So much humility- instead of kicking Nobility away, she has accepted Nobility's offer and wanted to protect her, from what probably was her own stupidity.

At Equestria, she didn't even dared to idolize Celestia, she was.. just a fact- like the sun istelf.
Wether Celestia were a dimensional clone, or even complicated digital doll representing her- she was great. Royal, with the full meaning of the word.

Also.. her mother never offered to accompany her to anywhere.
Nobility, overwhelmed, folded her ears, and grabbed her long mane, and hidden half of her face in fluttershy-ish gesture, trying to hide her emtional moment, from the crowd, her friends and especialy Celestia. (And Silver)

She was at loss of words. 'B..but.. I am nothing but talkings.. beside... the angels might attack you right aw..away. I am.. sort of neutral here..." she protested weakly.

2018-01-19, 06:53 AM
She was at loss of words. 'B..but.. I am nothing but talkings.. beside... the angels might attack you right aw..away. I am.. sort of neautral here..." she protested weakly.

"This sounds like that 'baka' thing you like to say," Dawn says to Nobility. "Nothing stops the angels from attacking you. After all, you're one of the heroes that helped release Celestia. I don't think the angels will be happy about that."

Dawn then turns to Malachite. "Yeah, lot of unanswered questions. But we can figure it out together. Game or not, we;re here and we'll have to play through it."

2018-01-20, 02:24 PM
For a moment, Silver stands stunned, the feeling of re-entering Equinia feeling oddly like whiplash. That place he has just visited....just what was it? And why did that filly remind him so much of Cutie? Alas, if it really was her, she probably doesn't remember. His mind in a brooding mood, the young colt takes a few moments to catch his breath, and to readjust to reality.

"Of course they'll save you...." he finally finds himself saying, his voice suddenly breaking out strong and firm as ever. Flicking back the torn banner he uses as a cape, and rustling the broken sword he carries bound to his chest, he flaps his wings and takes off into the air, above the crowd. "Who the heck do you think we are? We're the legendary heroes! No matter how many powerful monsters try and mess with us, we always come back!"

Not waiting for any further responses, he shoots forwards, flying towards the group of ponies he has gotten to know so well over these last few days. Silver lands next to them with a swift aerial flourish, and non-nonchalantly greets them. "Hey everypony! Sorry, I think I got held up back there for a few seconds by another vision thing. Are we preparing for another crazy plan?" Tilting his head for a moment, the adventurous-looking colt then looks over Malachite, Cadance and Twiliight, quickly deciding to just roll with it.

"Hi there! I'm Silver Lining, Thief of Breath and best magician in all of Equestria. I'm the hero who makes sure the others don't get themselves hurt when they run into angels and monsters."

Even in a situation like this, Silver would stop from showing off a little.

2018-01-21, 10:16 AM
"Hey everypony! Sorry, I think I got held up back there for a few seconds by another vision thing. are we preparing for another crazy plan?"

"Oh, there you are. Wondered where you got lost at," Dawn replies. "Uh, talk to Nobility. She's the one with the crazy plan to talk to angels."

2018-01-22, 02:21 PM
"Indeed. Trusting our enemies to respect us enough to discuss our differences is what led to our defeat the first time," Celestia solemnly states, closing her eyes. "They clouded our beautiful kingdom over, and let that horrid grey inundate our world. No sun, no moon for our little ponies... only the veil of protection." She sighs and shakes her head, and Luna joins her side.

"A good deal of tyranny goes by the name of protection," Luna states flatly, narrowing her eyes. "Many of the ponies here do not know the war. They did not fight it themselves - they have only been raised in its aftershock... in a new age controlled by the angels."

"And we're going to help them remember... the freedom they once had," Cadenza suddenly says, turning to the group. "That is correct. We need to break them out of this servitude to the angels. It is killing their spirits."

As Silver swoops in and gives his speech, the goddesses Luna and Celestia smile, and the crowd's murmur becomes silent as they all stand and stare at the brazen display. After a moment of silence, all three of the alicorns turn to the crowd and raise their wings - Cadenza included - and the crowd's roar returns, even greater than before.

"I guess there's really no way around splitting up, if you really don't want us to go..." Cutie admits, shuffling up to Nobility. "Do you really think you can do it with just yourself and Celestia? Don't you want us to help you...?"

2018-01-22, 02:37 PM
The colt standing in front of Malachite is a tall, somewhat lanky pegasus with a silver coat, and pale blue eyes and hair. His mane is bound in a short ponytail, and he wears a torn, golden scrap of a tapestry around his neck like a cape. Bound by a short piece of cloth, a broken sword with a gold hilt hangs at his side. His cutie mark is a Tophat and Cape Combo, trailed by a stylized orange Flame.

"Cool!" he yells, responding to Dawn with an utterly reckless look in his eyes. "Just so you all know, I'm going with her. She's too awesome in action to miss. Besides, it always pays to have a skilled performer with you. Cutie, you can come too."

2018-01-22, 03:21 PM
"Well if y'all going I probably should come too to babysit," Dawn adds, not sounding thrilled at talking with angels, "Or blind something. I'm pretty good at light spells."

2018-01-23, 06:18 PM
Nobility smiled. "Now, I truly believe we have a chance!" she raised her foreleg
"Let's do it!"

"I.. don't think I can do it without you... if.. you all ok with my plan, that it of course."

2018-01-24, 02:58 PM
Nobility smiled. "I.. don't think I can do it without you... if.. you all ok with my plan, that it of course."

"And if we're not ok with the plan but still come along because maybe you'll succeed anyway through charm and luck?" Dawn asks.

Lord Raziere
2018-01-24, 05:43 PM
"Element of Void? Great, I'm the element of NOTHING. I wonder if its fitting, given that I wonder whether or not everything is real. Sigh. But assuming anything is real, I guess I'll help you all, I'm great at hacking magic but....not much else, and I still have yet to try a spell that actually works in this world. So.....what do you think I can do with that? Assuming I'm not just somehow completely useless."
Malachite decides on this, putting on a determined expression. she was going to get to the bottom of this. There had to be something else at work here. Something she was missing.
"Hm. Perhaps observing these angels could tell more about all this. One thing is for sure: We need to find answers, for the good of everyone. no good can be done without clear information."

2018-01-24, 07:49 PM
Nobility sniffed. "I don't think it's literal... but you also need to know of your title.." she paused.
"But you have to know, that this might be dangerouse, the angels have their point of view about the Greater Good."

2018-01-24, 08:21 PM
"Yeah, void could be like... invalidating stuff. Ending effects or something like that which could be really useful."

2018-01-25, 02:16 PM
Silver looks oddly insulted when Malachite describes herself as useless without her magic. "It's not like you need to be able to cast spells to be useful." he mutters, before turning his attention to other things.

"Anyways, angels. It's best we just show them to you, but they're basically a bunch of jerks. So watch yourself around them. And don't worry about your element." Without warning, he gives her a friendly nudge with his wing.

"They're all somewhat metaphorical anyways. Even if my shows do rob everypony blind of their breath. We've not even unlocked any of our own powers yet, except for some untapped potential. It's a far cry from going Super-Hayin, pardon the reference."

2018-01-27, 12:09 PM
"You'll each find how to manifest your element in time," Celestia says, taking to the air. She looks to Luna and nods, while her sister responds in kind. "Luna, Cadenza, you must summon the shield without me. Nobility, Silver, Malachite and Dawn - are you ready?" With her horn glowing brightly, a yellow disc of energy forms under Celestia, and one appears under each of you as well, lifting you gently into the air. You find that as it rises, it stays centered under you - leaning forward, it follows, etc.

"Be prepared for a fight," Luna states flatly, looking up to your group. "Sachiel is not one to parley. Be on your guard... and please, be safe." She gives your group one last long stare, before turning her attention to Cadenza, who seems to have finally truly come to.

"Are you ready, Luna?" Cadenza asks, tilting her head.
"I should be asking you that, Cadance," Luna says, quietly, and the two begin to convene beneath you.

"If everypony is ready, we must delay Sachiel as long as we can. If you wish to attempt to forge peace, now would be a good time." Celestia says, looking skyward. You see a shimmering mote far away into the sky, followed by several more twinkles that are barely visible against the bright skyline. Clouds begin to gather once again in the sky, and even the bright sun is blotted out by a swathe of grey. Celestia furrows her brow, but keeps her height equal to yours.

2018-01-27, 12:16 PM
Dawn pushes Nobility forward. "It's your show, you take the lead."

2018-01-27, 03:50 PM
Nobility blushed forward, and nodded slowly.

2018-01-29, 11:40 AM
As you ascend, the clouds part above you and a column of light envelops you, along with a dark shadow as a being descends from within the column. The clouds close once again, and you see an angel vaguely reminiscent of the ones down below, but something seems very... off, about this one. As it approaches, you notice its wings do not resemble the feathered wings of the angels you saw in Mareinev, but rather seem to consist of long chains that stretch into the clouds above, connected to large planes of metal on its shoulders. Where its arms and legs might terminate in hands and feet as the Mareinev angels' do, instead each limb looks to be covered in some kind of tightly wound deep navy blue cloth, and end in very fine points that trail the excess cloth.

As it comes closer, you can see that it has a hunched back and a vaguely bird-shaped mask positioned near the center of its chest. Where the other angels you've seen wear golden armor, this one appears unarmored entirely, its entire body covered by the same cloth. Celestia regards the creature with a raised eyebrow, moving ahead of your group.

"That is not Sachiel... who have they sent before us?" She mutters, her wings flaring out in anticipation of battle.

"You have returned," a voice booms from above, and you see a strange-looking mare of pale yellow coat and red mane and tail descending from the clouds. For all intents and purposes, she appears as a mare, but there is something deeply off about her. Something feels completely unnatural about the way she moves, in addition to her lack of wings and horn yet she clearly floats in the air under her own will.

"That, we have, Mariel," Celestia responds, her brow furrowing. "And we will be victorious."

"I will not cross words with you," Mariel counters, floating next to the wrapped-up creature. "Your regime is an affront to our Order. The so-called balance you espouse in the name of 'true freedom' is nothing but an invitation to Chaos. You will be destroyed."

There is a heavy silence lurking in the air, and the chains that appear to form the wrapped up being rattle once in a slight gust of wind...

2018-01-29, 03:30 PM
Silver doesn't really address the angel at first, instead turning his head towards Malachite and whispering "Told you they're jerks. And yeah, they all look weird like that. Though no usually this weird..."

With a flick of his cape, he turns forward after any response from Malachite, deciding to hype Nobility up a little to the angels.

"Hey, listen up! We've heard the whole spiel about order and chaos before, so why don't you save yourself the breath? This filly here has got something new to say anyways! Give it a listen, and maybe you'll change your tune!"

2018-01-29, 07:19 PM

Nobility stared, hesitating.
Maybe she was wrong? they looked.. so determined to fight Celestia... is she really up to it?
What if because of her failure Celestia and the Equinian ponies will get hurt, and what if-

She blushed, she smiled to Silver.
She really needed to hear that.
Nobility took a deep breath.

Everypony are in maid uniforms... Everypony are in maid uniforms... she imagined and calmed herself
Beside that thing. He just look creepier.

Nobility spred her wings. "You shall stop your chaotic attitude, at once!" she yelled at Mariel. She felt sorry, the didn't do homework about the angels- but they were in hurry.
"I am Nobility, Seer Of Hearts, and those are my friends- the chosen ones, to carry the Elements Of Creation! WE are the ones who shall return the Order for this world! Your barbaric violence, will only cause war, misery and Chaos. You shall listen to us, or you'l force us to stop your chaotic behavior!"



2018-01-29, 07:34 PM
Dawn hangs back, letting Nobility do her thing. Though while she stands, Dawn considers a possible way to provide safety should the angels attack. A shield, or maybe a teleport spell? She considers her options.

Lord Raziere
2018-01-29, 08:32 PM
".....So they want to destroy us. Hm. Something about order and chaos...are these angels the kind of people who think they're doing something right but think in some extreme black and white morality that makes them evil because they don't see nuance to executing their solution? Because that is what it sounds like to me. Honestly, such philosophies are often idiotic and poorly thought out. Just find the point where you can point to middle grounds as an example and watch their thinking collapse in on itself. The truth is that there is always nuanced solutions, and people just fail to recognize them."
Malachite comments. She also contemplates making a shield, probably the best spell for this.

2018-01-30, 12:32 PM
Though while she stands, Dawn considers a possible way to provide safety should the angels attack. A shield, or maybe a teleport spell? She considers her options.

She also contemplates making a shield, probably the best spell for this.

Silver considers rushing forward and punching the Angel for a moment, but then decides against it since it would kinda be going against Nobility's efforts. Still, what an effort it is.....it's plain to see that she's really dang nervous this time.

Still, he flares his wings and stands next to her, his cape fluttering dramatically. "You got that, you oversized garden ornaments? This world doesn't need invaders like you! Ponies...monsters....weird shadow creatures....I've seen them all become friends!"

Slowly beating his wings as theatrically as he can, he takes into the air, glaring defiantly. "The only chaos threatening to hurt anyone here is yours!"

Acting in Harmony with Nobility for a +2 Harmony bonus.

...... and maybe an extra roll for Silver being theatrical and using his Stage Magic training? [roll0]

2018-02-02, 02:54 AM
"Violence is needed to cleanse this world of the corrupt," Mariel states, glaring down at you all while levitating closer to the cloth-covered being. "Those who would discard the Grand Order, who would claim the beasts of chaos as their sisters and brothers. Those tainted by the power of false deities. They do not listen to words, thinking themselves the master of their own destiny. They do not see how their actions affect the Grand Order."

Mariel suddenly kicks one of the chained-up shoulder plates with a hindleg, and the chains and plates vaporize. "There can be no mercy for the corrupt. Only Samael may pass judgment on you now," and with that, Mariel winks out of existence into a pillar of light that fades to nothing in an instant.

The cloth around the "angel" before you begins to unravel and fall, disintegrating as it leaves its body. As the wraps around its limbs leave, you see red and purple bat-like wings free themselves from it, twelve in all, and as the cloth falls around its midsection, an impossibly long snake-like tail uncoils from within it, purple scales underneath and red on top. Four of the wings fall with it, and the rest of the cloth shreds itself as the face mask suddenly juts forward from the body with a hideous screech. The mask, likewise, cracks and falls to pieces, revealing the scarred face of some kind of snake - though, unlike a snake, it possesses five eyes that are positioned almost like a spider's. A sickly purple-and-green smoke wafts from its three nostrils and through cracks in its maw.

Optional ost (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RMnjL6X2gg)

Looking down upon your group with an alien and chilling stare from its five eyes, Samael whips its body with a lightning-quick movement, its tail forming a large, perfect circle around your group, Celestia included. The air thickens as a deep smog quickly fills the area, and Samael's eyes glow with a deep green light. It suddenly becomes very difficult to breathe, and you start to feel dizzy and ill...

The clouds above turn hideous and dark, and all the light seems to be snuffed out except that around Samael itself and the magical discs under your hooves.

"Samael... angel of death," Celestia finally says, as if stunned. "We must be quick about this. I will work to cleanse the air," she shouts, taking wing from her own magical disc and flying up out of the toxic cloud, though the smog begins to migrate towards her. Her horn grows brighter as her magic intensifies, the air around you grows significantly warmer, and a gentle breeze starts to stir the heavy air in a circular motion. Samael remains undeterred, and the purple-and-green smoke pouring from its mouth simply continues to issue forth, without further word or motion.

From Samael's death cloud, everyone is at risk of Fortitude damage. Celestia is maintaining the disc spell and casting a spell to clear the air, though it hasn't gone off yet. You guys get full actions, and can fold your reaction to the death cloud into the action if you'd like.

2018-02-02, 01:41 PM
Silver gives a short 'hmph!' of frustration as the angels once again don't listen. He didn't really expect Nobility's argument to work, but they don't have to be such jerks about it. Then, he finds himself coughing as the bizarre dragon serpent creature poisons the air around him.

Nodding towards Celestia, he takes to the air, and begins to gather up the smog, attempting to push it into a safer, easy-to-handle form for himself. Dawn was right. Being a pegasus is useful for something after all!

[roll0] + 2 Body = 14

Should he manage to gather up the smog and prevent it from hurting himself, Silver will then go ahead and shoot towards the angel, flinging the ball of smog he collected at its eyes in an attempt to blind it. Should that succeed, he will then follow it up by doubling up on his speed, swerving and attemping to hide behind the angel's head.

Throwing smog at the angel:

[roll1] (Skill Training) + 2 (Body) = 8

Spending 1 Valor point to use Speedster and take another action to hide:

[roll2] (Skill Training) + 2 (Body) + 1 (Job Proficiency) = 9

Should he fail to gather the smog around him, he will instead attempt to grab the angel's attention by moving and swirling around in the air as flashily as possible, making several feints as if attacking. Hopefully, this will distract it from the other ponies.

[roll3] (Skill Training) + 2 (Heart) + 1 (Job Proficiency) = 11

2018-02-03, 02:37 PM
Nobility looked horrified.
'I should have let Celestia let us do it without her. It's as if, she knew, this is the only way to make sure the war go on." she thought grimmly.

She wasn't very sure what to do- so she tried to imagine what her mom would do. (Beside spanking her for even thinking like that of any version of Celestia)
Silver seems to know what is he doing. He backed her up, not doing the same for him, would shame her name and ancestors.
She was new and clumsy flyer- but Nobilty will follow his example and be the most noble and spectacular Wing Pony she can be!
She tried to mimic him like a shadow, only when Silver get to attack in speeds she couldn't achieve- instead of embarssing herself, she tried to distract it, flying right at it's eyes.
"You are even uglier than the Chaos you are causing.'

"Any useful insight about this Samael?"

Harmony+Wing Pony all the way!

2018-02-04, 08:31 PM
Unable to think of a way her magic could help, Dawn holds her breath from the noxious fumes. Ugh, this is turning into a really bad idea.


2018-02-08, 10:55 AM
Silver and Nobility

While attempting to manipulate the smog, you realize that smog is a lot heavier and denser and nastier than your typical cloud - so much so that, even though you manage to gather up some of the toxic air, it just as readily fills back in, the angel's mouth continuously billowing out more and more. In fact, the clump you form is so dense and heavy that it's almost impossible to move it after a time - and it condenses into a thick sickly cloud, the toxins within seeping out as if like rain underneath of it.

Samael doesn't yet react to your movements, its eyes still aglow with green light. It's almost as if it doesn't sense your presence at all, or is ignoring it, one of the two.


Unfortunately, the smog floods your nostrils just before you can hold your breath, and you feel a wracking cough building in your lungs. The cough gives you enough fresh air to continue holding your breath, however you still feel a burning in your lungs and throat.


"Dawn! Silver, Nobility...!" you hear Cutie cry, and she is surrounded by a black and teal aura for half a second before bubbles suddenly appear around your heads. The air inside the bubble seems clean and fresh, though the toxins in the air without seem to etch at the surface of the bubble as if acid on steel. A bubble doesn't appear over Cutie herself, however, and she steps backwards in the air, the golden disc beneath her moving with her.

Celestia, meanwhile, continues to concentrate on her spell; the winds pick up in a circular motion and the air seems even hotter, yet not oppressive - and you see the currents of the spell beginning to turn orange. The smog rotates with the wind, slowly dispersing above you as the tornado-like winds pull it. "A little longer..." she grunts over the growing hiss of the wind.

Samael continues its smog-breath unabated, though the billowing smoke no longer seems as effective - most of the smog gets swept up by the winds before it can even settle around you.

Dawn takes [roll0] Fortitude damage from catching a whiff of it before the bubble cleansed it temporarily.
While Nobility and Silver manage to condense the smog cloud around themselves and clean the air a little, it's simply too dense to move quickly and with enough force to "throw" it.
Samael continues its nonaction of spewing smog onto the field.
You guys can take your turns. No threats at the moment; you have bubbles around your head that the smog is degrading, but it seems like it'll hold for a few seconds.

2018-02-10, 03:35 PM
"Cutie!" Silver shouts, watching in bewilderment as the filly stays unprotected from the poisonous smog. He turns towards Celestia and Dawn, quickly gathering his wits and addressing them. "Dawn, Celestia! Cutie didn't get protected by the spell! Make sure she doesn't get choked!"

Then, he jumps off his platform, his wings quickly carrying him towards the angel that is the root cause of the problem. As he does, the pegasus crams through the saddlebags containing supplies Princess Lily gave him a few days earlier. "I knew I saw it in here....There it is!" Triumphantly, he pulls out a lengthy rope, firmly gripped between his teeth.

In a death-defying stunt, Silver flies directly at Samael's left wing, his speed suddenly rising to impossible levels. He shoots all around the angel's body, using his expertise stage training to first bind up the angel's left wings, then his right ones.

Spending Valor if need be to use Speedster and bind both the wings on Samael's left and right side.

[roll0] (Skill Training) + 2 (Body) + 1 (Job Proficiency) = 12

2018-02-10, 08:24 PM
Nobility stared after Silver, feeling ashamed, at her clumsy flight.
For a moment, she felt aware of her overweight state...
she wasn't a Wonderbolt material.
But she was noble, and was well trained at sitting!
she flew and tried to sit on the snout of the snake, trying to force it to close- if need, she jumped on it over and over.

"hey! Freckles! Give me a hoof here!"


(any chance for bonus for being overweight?}

2018-02-10, 10:21 PM
Dawn coughs and chokes on the smoke. She gets it under control to help Nobility close the mouth, using her magic to assist.


2018-02-15, 12:26 AM

As you zip through the air around Samael's wings, you notice an odd sound coming from them - almost like metal whirring and creaking. The rope that wraps and tightens around them also doesn't feel like it's pressing into flesh, but something much harder. Once you finish your twisting and curving flight around the angel, you hear a strange whine coming from the wings, which struggle to move...

Nobility and Dawn

As you join in force to press down upon Samael's mouth, Nobility feels an odd, very un-lifelike texture under her hooves... something very hard is under the angel's "skin", and makes an odd clanking sound when you stomp on it with your hooves. Dawn, likewise, feels an odd resistance to her magic when trying to press down upon its mouth, but between the two of you, you manage to force its mouth to shut just enough for the toxic vapors to cease issuing forth.


Your onslaught on Samael initially doesn't seem to faze the monster, and it continues its ominous silence for a moment longer... until the green light within its eyes winks out, and a red, seething light flares to life in its place. Just as it occurs, the wind around you picks up to extreme speeds, though it doesn't seem to actually be pushing or pulling you anywhere, just tousling your manes and spinning the toxic gas in a wheel. Then, the air turns bright red as a burning heat courses through it along the wind, and what's left of the toxic gas around you dissipates entirely. The aura of magic surrounding Celestia's horn fades, and the air seems to be clear once again.

Before a moment can pass, however, a loud, strangely metallic and oddly feminine voice rings out from Samael, though its mouth does not move as it speaks.

"Hostile action detected. Fumigation Process paused. Scanning for advanced threats in area."

Suddenly, the red light intensifies in its eye, and the light exudes a beam which sweeps almost instantaneously from left to right, falling over each of your bodies. Celestia, meanwhile, looks positively dumbfounded - she stands with her brow wrinkled and knotted up, eyeing the creature before her. As soon as the light finishes its arc, you hear a strange whirring sound from within the angel, and its voice rings out again.

"Advanced threats detected. Incineration Process initiated." As it finishes, you see a bright red light glowing behind the creature's closed mouth as well as in its eyes. Its coiled body unfurls and awkwardly climbs into the air on a low ascent, then whips back around and circles overhead, its mouth burning with some kind of fire. "Please remain still during the Incineration Process. Thank you." The way it speaks, this creature doesn't sound like any kind of living being at all, but an imitation of one...

"What is this creature...?" Celestia grunts under her breath, clenching her teeth as she watches the snake-like creature hover overhead. With a horrid wrenching sound, its mouth bursts open and gout of fire sprays through the air, before it directs it toward your group...

"Samael" is now flying overhead, but in a very awkward and lazy manner, impeded by the bindings on its wings. The mouth seems to have trouble breathing the fire, as the stream occasionally strays one way or another, or cuts out entirely; it seems forcibly closing the mouth may have done something to that, too.

Threats: Silver and Nobility are at the greatest threat from the flames, while Dawn is far enough away that it's not currently a threat.

2018-02-16, 02:38 PM
Silver looks triumphant for a moment after binding the angel's wings, but is then somewhat caught off-guard by its odd voice, and then by the fire it suddenly spits at him.

"That's no angel!..." he shouts. "That's a spaceship!"

Gritting his teeth and furrowing his eyebrows, Silver then charges forward, pulling a death defying stunt through the robot's right wings. The fire is probably gonna burn the rope, but if it melts the mechanism it might be worth it! Luckily, this is not the first time he's dealt with burning obstacle courses, owing to his training as a stage magician.

[roll0] (Skill Training) + 2 (Body) + 1 (Job Training) + 1 (Wing Power) = 11

Also, I fully expect you guys to help me complete the Star Wars reference. :smalltongue:

Once he is or is not safe from the onslaught, he'll give the battlefield a quick scan for Cutie Pie. Wherever did she go? Has she maybe been taken to the same odd realm he appeared at earlier?

2018-02-18, 08:16 AM
Nobility squeaked with horror, as she were sent flying off Samael's face.
Well, this was a moment she regrerted not eating more desserts.

She stared with awe at Silver going somewhat awesome- she reminded herself, that if they'l survive it, she would have to convince him to work toward joining the Wonderbolts, rather trying to be an unicorn.... but not now.

"Any tips? Do you something about this?"

Nobility yelled, and motioned with her foreleg. "It's too big to be a spaceship!' Nobility wasn't planning on embarssing herself, with attempting to shadow Silver, instead, she tried to roll herself flying, like a golden fuzzy cannon ball at the base of Samael wings. If she still in one piece somewhat, she decide a decision in a heart beat- this mess was her fault. She would risk her mane for it, so risking the rest of herself weren't that hard. She grabbed the remain of the rope with her mouth, straining it, trying to make the tie stronger- and if the fire will come for her- so be it!

harmony with Silver.+Wing Pony


If needed-

2018-02-18, 08:48 AM
Dawn acts in harmony with her friends, using her magic to help aim Silver's attack for the best possible hit.

2018-02-23, 02:00 AM

With a twist and a flick of your relatively lithe pegasus body through the air, you manage to avoid most of the gout of fire, only losing the tips of your mane and tail to the flame jet. As you fly along Samael's wings, you notice that those few that have managed to start moving again show glimmering white metal at their joints, and where there once was "skin" is nothing but torn cloth hanging loosely. Scanning the battlefield, you see Cutie high above you, trotting towards the dense clouds overhead.


Despite making a mad dash directly towards the source of the fire, you manage to evade being completely torched by the jet, instead only singing your mane and tail, though those finely styled ends may never recover from the damage. As soon as you reach the ropes surrounding its wings, its flamethrower suddenly cuts out, and its wings strain further against the rope.

Then, suddenly, you hear a voice in your head.

"This isn't Samael. Not the real one, at least. There are many copies of it... but the real one never fights first. Luna would have known. I don't think Celestia was there for it... the fight against the angels at Nocturne. It was nothing but those machines. We only lost because the real Samael came down when we were exhausted."


As your magic weaves itself among Silver's dodges and rope tricks, aiding him in flying true even amidst the chaos and protecting him from the powerful flame, Celestia quickly arrives at your side. "Dawn, you are the hero of Light, are you not?" She asks quickly, her horn glowing brightly. "Lend me your strength, that we might wield the Sun to break this wretched mechanical beast...!" She says through clenched teeth, and you feel a mighty spell begin to take shape in the air around you.


The rope around Samael's wings tightens, and its flight jams even harder than before, when suddenly it pulls its body inward, and you see red rings appear across its body. Its eyes flash once again, and it speaks again in its mechanical voice.

"Launching protocol Dantneigh's Inferno. Please return to your initial positions and await carbonization."

Thin streams of smoke waft from its body, when suddenly a raging inferno explodes outward from it, threatening to consume everything. Where once it appeared to be a flesh-and-blood serpent, the fire makes quick work of what seems to have been cloth covering its body, revealing a glinting metal body underneath. Lights wink on and off along its body, some in pulses and others in slower patterns, and its segments shift into each other as its body undulates in the air. With the rope and cloth vaporized, however, you see that, too, Samael's wings have been bent or twisted, each shuddering and whining as they flap otherwise-noiselessly in the air.

Thanks to pretty great rolls and Dawn's harmony, neither Silver nor Nobility took physical damage from the fire!

Now everyone is in danger of the inferno ball, which is expanding outwards quite rapidly. Celestia is currently casting some kind of spell next to Dawn, and Cutie is above the battlefield, apparently heading towards the clouds.

2018-02-24, 10:05 AM
"Cutie!" Silver shouts, flapping his wings and shooting towards her. "Nobi, hold off this thing for a moment! I'm going after her!"

Flying as quickly as he can, he rushes towards the little filly.

2018-02-24, 02:25 PM
Dawn joins Celestia to control the spell around them.

(Acting in Harmony)

2018-02-24, 08:26 PM
Nobility gasped with horror, holding her burnt mane with agony.
But things could even get worse(!)
Nobility yelled. "This isn't Samael! They have a lot more like him! Don't waste your energy Celestia! You got to teleport us up there!!" she pointed up yelling her lungs out.
how to explain this sudden intel, is problem for future Nobility.


and if needed she take the damage for somepony else "true true friend"

2018-03-06, 01:06 PM
Dawn, Nobility

"What?!" Celestia cries out to Nobility, but before she can stop her spell, the magic coalesces into a gigantic, furious ball of fire in front of Dawn, and a twisting beam of light fires from her horn, engulfing the machine Samael. With a screeching of metal, the machine's appendages and thinner pieces are shredded in the light, and its body glows red hot as the light passes through it. Beyond, in the sky above, the beam pierces the dark clouds overhead, and a wave of light pushes the clouds outward, revealing a red serpent above with purple wings. Unlike the machine, however, it flaps its wings and seems to be in constant motion.

The fireball passes over all of you, but the warmth it creates does not seem to hurt anymore... as it dissipates, the molten wreckage of the Samael machine suddenly falls out of the sky, twisting and hurtling towards the ground; down below, a gigantic purple-and-pink bubble looks to have surrounded Mareinev.

"A simulacrum, then? What of the real one...?" Celestia asks, looking up toward the ring of light holding the clouds at bay. She scrunches her nose and furrows her brow, glaring at the serpent above.


"Silver?!" Cutie says, whipping around in mid-air to face the pegasus. "What are you doing?! We need to fight the -" she starts, and then suddenly zips away from the clouds as the beam conjured by Dawn and Celestia pierces the heavy cloud cover. Before you both now floats another Samael, but this one appears to be much more lively than the mechanical one below, even before it was broken, shredded and melted...

"...angel..." she finishes, narrowing her eyes at the serpent.

Silver, Dawn, Nobility

Suddenly, the serpent above stretches its wings wide, as if holding something aloft with them. "The Angel of Death has come," it roars, a most-decidedly-alive-sounding voice. "Thou shalt know fear before the might of Gildaea." It seems to focus on all of you, its five eyes trained toward Celestia in particular.

The red serpent who is probably Samael also hasn't performed any hostile actions yet. No reactions needed!

* * *


Peacefully sequestered in your bedroom located squarely in your house in Ponyville, an air of laziness has crept in from the outside - another day off from your various youth-based attachments, such as the clinic, has left you with little to do. Although it feels like it was forever ago, only two months back you believed you had been picked to participate in AliCorp's big beta launch of their new magical phenomenon, "The Cycle". Strangely, you haven't heard one word of it since. So much for the "phenomenon" part?

It's still early in the day, the sky free of clouds and the sun shining brilliantly in its ascent on this windy day in June. Glancing outside, you notice the alluring red swingy-flappy dealie on the mailbox, drifting lazily at the side, though ever ready to let an astute pony know that there's mail to be picked up. Or do they let the mailmare know there's mail to be taken to the post office? Such mysteries remain wrapped in enigmas, this one not meant for such a young foal to probe.

Thankfully, the red swingy-flappy dealie is not, in fact, singing its siren song of mail-possession - it seems your parent(s/al figure(s)) have already de-enigmatized the mystery, and retrieved the mail for you (and probably for themselves, too). There's a small, thin package, placed with care on a sturdy surface for whenever you awoke and felt like plundering its depths. There's a letter, too; both addressed directly to you, though both are lacking a sender and return address.

There is, of course, only one way to find out what your mail contains: by opening it. Upon both, you see a note that reads:


I've been called to Canterlot for the day. There are snacks on the counter and oats in the cabinet. I already picked up the mail, so don't worry about that. Have a great day! Love you.

- Mom

What will you do?

2018-03-06, 03:43 PM
Silver glances up at the angel's gigantic visage, his brow furrowed deeply. He's not expected to face another one of these creatures so quickly. His cape flutters behind him, animated by the vast amount of air displaced by the angel's form.

"Do you mind? We're trying to have a conversation here!"

Having scolded the monstrous figure, he turns around to Cutie, examining her worriedly.

"I saw this weird aura grab you, and then you suddenly appeared up here. Are you alright?" Putting his hoof to his chin for a moment, he adds "Did you get dragged to some strange seemingly interplanar and most definitely magical location? Just asking."

2018-03-06, 08:28 PM

Peacefully sequestered in your bedroom located squarely in your house in Equinburgh, an air of laziness has crept in from the outside - another day off from your various youth-based attachments, such as the clinic, has left you with little to do. Although it feels like it was forever ago, only two months back you believed you had been picked to participate in AliCorp's big beta launch of their new magical phenomenon, "The Cycle". Strangely, you haven't heard one word of it since. So much for the "phenomenon" part?

It's still early in the day, the sky free of clouds and the sun shining brilliantly in its ascent on this windy day in June. Glancing outside, you notice the alluring red swingy-flappy dealie on the mailbox, drifting lazily at the side, though ever ready to let an astute pony know that there's mail to be picked up. Or do they let the mailmare know there's mail to be taken to the post office? Such mysteries remain wrapped in enigmas, this one not meant for such a young foal to probe.

Thankfully, the red swingy-flappy dealie is not, in fact, singing its siren song of mail-possession - it seems your parent has already de-enigmatized the mystery, and retrieved the mail for you (and probably for themselves, too). There's a small, thin package, placed with care on a sturdy surface for whenever you awoke and felt like plundering its depths. There's a letter, too; both addressed directly to you, though both are lacking a sender and return address.

There is, of course, only one way to find out what your mail contains: by opening it. Upon both, you see a note that reads:


I've been called to Ponyville for the day. There are snacks on the counter and oats in the cabinet. I already picked up the mail, so don't worry about that. Have a great day! Love you.

- Mom

What will you do?

I thought I lived in Ponyville?

Heartmender's Theme Song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgqvDJbBQDE)

Heartmender is lazing around on her bed reading a well-worn fantasy novel, The Tails of Aurora Blaze. She grins as she gets to her favorite part, where the mane character Aurora Blaze reveals to the villain that she’d set the entire scenario up to expose his true nature to everypony. The heroine was so smart; she could always defeat villains without fighting at all. Heartmender had always dreamed of being so heroic and clever.

She had been pretty disappointed when the package for “The Cycle” never came; the experience it had promised had seemed so in-line with her dreams. There was nothing she could do—it had clearly been some kind of scam—but even now, two months later, it still stung.

A breeze wafts over to her from the open window, ruffling her mane slightly. She looks outside, then realizes that she should probably actually get out of bed. Yawning slightly, she replaces her bookmark and maneuvers the book back over to her bedside table. She then rolls over and swings her hooves onto the floor. ~Gotta get up…~Gotta get out… she sings quietly, humming as she ties her bandanna around her head and telekinetically pulls back her mane.

As she begins to walk out of her room, she spots the package sitting on her dresser and stops. A grin spreads across her muzzle. Ooh! A package—and a letter! I wonder what those are… Her nose scrunches up and her face morphs into a puzzled expression …I don’t think I was expecting anything… She trots over to her dresser and picks up the note with her telekinesis. She reads through it, then grins. Love you too mom! Then she looks over the package and unmarked letter. With a slight frown of concentration, she picks them up as well and trots down the stairs to the kitchen.

Once she gets there, she sets the package and letter down on the table, then opens the kitchen cabinet from afar and pulls out the box of oats. She pulls the box over to her, sets it down on the table as well, then grabs a bowl, spoon, and a carton of milk. She struggles slightly with the multitasking (yanking multiple things through the air in different directions at once is hard!) but manages it and pours herself a bowl of oats. She puts the box and carton of milk back into their respective places, then picks up the spoon and opens the letter to read while she eats.

I’m assuming that “oats” work basically like cereal…I can totally edit this if they actually don’t

2018-03-07, 09:01 AM
Dawn looked up at the big, winged creature and let out the tiniest whinny of weariness from her throat. She looked over to Nobility. "Are we done yelling? I'm getting kinda tired of this 'diplomacy' idea. I think we need a new plan so that we all don't get eaten by this thing."

2018-03-15, 08:07 PM
Nobility face hoofed, but still was amazed from the power Celestia shown.

"Well, if you have any wiser ideas, I am all open ears! For now, I'll try at least to but time for you."

Nobility flew up to Samael(?)
"Too melodramatic. Are you going to insist on acting all barbaric and violent, or are you willing to finally to speak like civilized being?" Nobility tried despratly again, to stop it from escalting.



2018-03-16, 10:33 PM

When you yell at Samael, he seems to at least remain quiet so that you can speak with Cutie.

"Silver, I... uh... yeah, I'm fine," Cutie stutters, looking away. "Magical, interplanar location...? I... don't think so, why? I just... flew up here on Celestia's magic," she says, pointing to Celestia down below. "I thought that the clouds might be hiding something, that's why I came up here." She points then to Samael, whose eyes focus on her for a half-moment before whipping back to Celestia.

Dawn, Silver, Nobility

"Barbaric and violent? Do you forget to whom you are speaking? I am an agent of Lord Metatrot, the utmost incarnation of the Order. It is by His command that I and my machines fight. We must contain the corrupted Goddesses of your world and save your kind from the false promise of free will, that which leads only to chaos and to sin." Samael rumbles, staying his form as he returns to a more neutral position. "To embrace their rule is to oppose Order, to shun your true saviors."

Celestia waits below your group beside Dawn, glaring daggers into the angel. She remains quiet though, giving Nobility time to try diplomacy. "Be safe, Nobility... please," she mumbles, her eyes steadily trained on the pegasus. Meanwhile, Samael shifts his death gaze from Celestia to Nobility, though the stare doesn't feel quite as intense. Even the clouds overhead begin to shift back to a puffy white color, though whether this is a result of Samael's quieting anger or Celestia's and Dawn's sun bolt is tough to say.


The oats and milk slosh together into the bowl in front of you, forming a pretty yummy - if basic - breakfast for a growing filly. As you slip the letter from its envelope, it sticks for just a moment; when you finally wrest it from its container, it folds open and reveals quite a lot of writing in a hasty and agitated hoof(?), occasionally scratching itself out and continuing on new lines, or scribbling on the side. Toward the bottom, it shifts styles and colors... first to a curly green, then to a pretty, stately-looking blue.


As you finish reading the letter, you notice a light humming sound coming from the package, which probably contains the disc mentioned in the letter.

2018-03-17, 11:43 AM
"Thanks for taking this one, Nobi!" Silver shouts over to the determined filly, shooting her a quick smile. With that, he mentally dismisses Samael for the moment and turns away from him, his attention firmly on Cutie.

"I'm just a little worried, that's all." he tells her, trying his best to look as sympathetic as he feels towards her. "When that robot attacked us, I noticed that Celestia's magic didn't actually protect you. And then there was that aura around you, the same colours as your fur and mane. Honestly, I'm not sure how you survived, but I'm glad that you did."

His words are accented by a quick, happy flutter of his wings. Waiting for Cutie's answer, he steals a glance at the angel, wondering when he's gonna leave. The thought of introducing Cutie to the changelings has occured to him. Perhaps they can tell him more about that odd filly in the minus realm?

2018-03-17, 05:15 PM
Nobility smiled Silver, just winking- she didn't wanted to avert the angel's attention to what ever Silver doing.
"Big words. Very big words. Facts saying otherwise- you attempted to murder children, and a leader who came to negotiate with you." Nobility said with an uptight tone.
"Your "order", have caused hatred and pain. What exactly was wrong before you came and destroyed the lives of the little ponies here?" her tone is calm. but she trying to fuel authority into her voice.

"Anything else you can tell me?"

2018-03-18, 03:15 PM

The oats and milk slosh together into the bowl in front of you, forming a pretty yummy - if basic - breakfast for a growing filly. As you slip the letter from its envelope, it sticks for just a moment; when you finally wrest it from its container, it folds open and reveals quite a lot of writing in a hasty and agitated hoof(?), occasionally scratching itself out and continuing on new lines, or scribbling on the side. Toward the bottom, it shifts styles and colors... first to a curly green, then to a pretty, stately-looking blue.


As you finish reading the letter, you notice a light humming sound coming from the package, which probably contains the disc mentioned in the letter.

Heartmender begins to read the letter, spooning oats into her mouth as she does. At some point she stops eating, but she’s too engrossed in the bizarre piece of correspondence to even notice.

Well this is…bizarre… Heartmender mutters to herself as she reads the beginning of the letter. As she continues, her expression becomes more and more baffled, her lips mouthing the words “strong warrior” and “vicious game”. What in Equestria? She looks at the other package suspiciously. Hmmm… What the hay is going on here? Is this some kind of weird chain letter or something? Then her eyes widen slightly as she realizes that this must that “Cycle” game. Oh! she gasps, then a grin splits her muzzle. This is a pretty intense game, huh! Well, no use in chickening out now! She quickly scarfs down her oats, dumps the bowl in the sink, then snags the letter and package with her telekinesis and trots upstairs to her room. She sets the package and letter down on the table by her bed, then she quickly scrawls a note on a scrap of paper.

Mom, that Cycle game finally came, so I’ll be playing it for a few hours. If you come back in the meantime, don’t worry, I’m fine.

Love you!!

She stamps a hoofprint on the bottom of the note, then tapes it to the outside of her bedroom door.

That done, she goes over to her bedside table and extracts the disc from the package. Now, how do I make this work? Heartmender mutters to herself.

2018-03-19, 05:39 AM
"I don't know what Nobility can still do up there," Dawn comments to Celestia. "I'm starting to miss the ground myself."

2018-03-23, 04:27 PM

"Celestia's magic didn't... protect ...me? What do you mean? Celestia cast the fire tornado spell that removed the poison entirely." Cutie says, tilting her head to the side and giving you a confused look. "What spell are you talking about?" You see her face change in recognition for a second when you mention an aura, and she mumbles something. "Huh. You... you saw my aura?" She hovers in place for a moment, the disc under her bringing her up slowly. "I guess... that's just my power as the Muse of Magic? I don't know," she says with a shrug, looking back towards Nobility and Samael.


I can tell you this much, you hear a whisper in the back of your mind, hissing to you. That is definitely not Samael. I don't know who that is. Samael doesn't talk.

"I govern the deaths of all creatures - great, small, young, old. Those who oppose the will of Metatrot and threaten the Grand Order are destined for death. As for the one you call a leader, she is not one whom we recognize as legitimate. She is our ancient enemy, and Metatrot would accept no negotiation." For a moment, after Samael says this, his form wavers and his colors become indistinct. When you mention the order causing hatred and pain, the form wavers once again.

Suddenly, as if he were a stained-glass window, Samael's form shatters into a million colorful shards that glint in the light, and a smaller being, shaped more like the angels in Mareinev, emerges from the explosion.

"But there is one who will," he says, a white halo suspended behind his head and black, oily-looking feathers - like that of a crow - emerge from his back. His skin is pale and he wears a robe that resembles folded paper, and a black rectangular masquerade mask. "He is called Mastema, and he opposes the corrupted will of Metatrot, who has since become obsessed with his own crusade, rather than the true goal of our kind."


"I, too, miss ground under my feet," Celestia says quietly, keeping her eyes on the scene up above. "The sky is a wonderful place, but the warm soil is more welcoming." She sighs, and relinquishes her steely gaze from the conversation between Nobility and Samael(?) looking to you. "I tire, too, of this ridiculous conflict. I am only grateful that our efforts now draw us closer to a permanent end of hostilities."

As Samael up above explodes like glass, Celestia whips her head back around to see the new being, curiously regarding it.


As you open the box to extract the disc, a sickly green light pours out of it and a spinning golden disc flies out into the air above you, whirring quickly. In its small center you see something sparkly against a black background, and when the disc changes its orientation to face you, you see the sparkling things - almost like stars against space - begin to shift and move around.

It begins to spin faster and faster, and slowly it expands and the metal of the disc shrinks, forming what looks like a hole in space itself... Looking behind the disc, you see nothing at all through the now-whistling spinning gold loop, able to look straight through. But from head-on, you see what looks like a vast night sky, one utterly alien to you. You see a planet, much like what you might've seen in Ms. Cheerilee's class, only it's definitely not Equestria, and two moons - a golden one, and a purple one.

"They need you..." you hear a voice call, and it sounds at once stately and proud, and also soft and pleading. "Please... help them..." Touching the surface of the "night sky" in the ring feels like glass, and doesn't budge even if you push on it.

"The words of power... speak them, and enter," Another voice comes, this one sounding much harsher and more grating. "Do What You Will. Speak the words, or forever leave the fate of Equinia to others."

2018-03-23, 11:48 PM

As you open the box to extract the disc, a sickly green light pours out of it and a spinning golden disc flies out into the air above you, whirring quickly. In its small center you see something sparkly against a black background, and when the disc changes its orientation to face you, you see the sparkling things - almost like stars against space - begin to shift and move around.

It begins to spin faster and faster, and slowly it expands and the metal of the disc shrinks, forming what looks like a hole in space itself... Looking behind the disc, you see nothing at all through the now-whistling spinning gold loop, able to look straight through. But from head-on, you see what looks like a vast night sky, one utterly alien to you. You see a planet, much like what you might've seen in Ms. Cheerilee's class, only it's definitely not Equestria, and two moons - a golden one, and a purple one.

"They need you..." you hear a voice call, and it sounds at once stately and proud, and also soft and pleading. "Please... help them..." Touching the surface of the "night sky" in the ring feels like glass, and doesn't budge even if you push on it.

"The words of power... speak them, and enter," Another voice comes, this one sounding much harsher and more grating. "Do What You Will. Speak the words, or forever leave the fate of Equinia to others."

When the disk flies up out of the container, Heartmender jumps back and falls off of her bed, crashing to the floor. Owww... What the hay!? The spin of the disk attracts her attention again, and she watches, mesmerized, as it becomes a hole in space. Wow... What planet is that? This is a really well-crafted game.. she says, with a look of awe.

She starts with surprise as the voice first speaks, then begins to listen attentively, getting to her hooves as she does. She approaches the ring and softly pushes at it with a hoof. Huh... It's solid. I wonder why it won't let me through? The ring's next words answer her question and she nods. Okay, so I have to... Give it permission? I guess that makes sense... Seems a little strange if you ask me though. Scrunching up her muzzle, Heartmender thinks Well, it's probably just a really awesome intro, but... well, taking precautions (almost) never hurt anypony. She telekinetically picks up her pencil again, then writes another note to her mom, which she leaves on the bedside table.

Like I said, I'm going to be playing that Cycle game--it finally arrived. But if I'm still not back out by tomorrow, assume that it's not a game and I'm trapped--hopefully Princess Twilight or somepony else can help free me in that case.


PS Don't freak out, that's probably super unlikely. Like, 5% or something. Though actually, you normally can't leave enchanted comics until you finish the story... Nevermind.

With that done, she approaches the disk/hole in spacetime again. Darn, now I'm all nervous... she says with a embarrassed laugh. She shakes out her mane, then grits her teeth. Drawing in a deep breath, she intones with her most dramatic voice (which still sounds somewhat comical, all things considered)

Do What You Will.

She braces herself.

2018-03-24, 05:44 PM

"Celestia's magic didn't... protect ...me? What do you mean? Celestia cast the fire tornado spell that removed the poison entirely." Cutie says, tilting her head to the side and giving you a confused look. "What spell are you talking about?" You see her face change in recognition for a second when you mention an aura, and she mumbles something. "Huh. You... you saw my aura?" She hovers in place for a moment, the disc under her bringing her up slowly. "I guess... that's just my power as the Muse of Magic? I don't know," she says with a shrug, looking back towards Nobility and Samael.

"But that bubble spell that saved us all from the poison....without it, we would have all died...how did y-" Suddenly, realization hits Silver, and he audibly gasps as he puts a hoof in front of his mouth. He stares down at Cutie in a mixture of awe and smug self-satisfaction, then proudly declares "I got it!"

Looking around to see whether anyone is listening, he then leans towards the filly, and whispers to her. "You're a changeling, aren't you? That explains why you can use magic so easily as an earth pony. And I did meet a changeling recently who sounded just like you...." Scratching his chin, he adds "I mean, that doesn't solve the part where you apparently aren't alive according to Celestia, but it does explain some things. Wait, are you a changeling who knows they're a changeling, or is that something you forgot? Like h-"

Suddenly, Silver's train of thought is interrupted by Samael exploding into a billion pieces, and a new form taking his place. Immediately feeling an intense kinship for this totally wicked looking dude whose speech is markedly different from the usual angel sermons, he flies up to him, grinning broadly.

"Woah! Heck yeah, that was an awesome entry! How'd you even do that? I think I'm gonna use that one at my next show." Realizing he hasn't introduced himself yet, he flutters back a bit.

"Oh, sorry, where's my manners? I'm Silver Lining! Thief of Breath and the best magician in all of Equestria and Equinia combined! Slayer of shadow and crystal monsters, and beater upper of giant robots! Also owner of a most wicked sword! May I have your name?" he stretches out a hoof, wearing a winning smile on his face.

2018-03-24, 06:08 PM
Nobility jumped back, surprised and startled.
"Ehh.. What?" She blinked
"What is this mockery!? What it's going on?!"

"Do you know.. this "Matsema"?"

2018-03-25, 11:15 AM
Dawn watches her friend talk with this... machine thing. She's out of ideas and can't think of a spell that would help.

Oh damn. She can't think of a spell to help here?! But magic solves everything! There has to be a spell. Something. Anything! Dawn hesitates, unable to think of what to do. She's never dealt with this before.

2018-03-26, 08:59 PM

"Dawn? Are you alright?" Celestia asks, looking aside from the angel above. "We should depart soon... this is too much for today," she says, looking over your face and peering back to the angel.


"The bubbles? I suppose... wow, that must have been-" Cutie starts, but as you talk about changelings, her expression gets further twisted up in confusion. "A changeling that sounded like me? I'm sorry, Silver... I don't know what that means. I'm... I'm an earth pony," she says, clapping her hooves together, making little clip-clop sounds with them. "I'm... not exactly an alive earth pony... but I definitely am one. Or... was one, I guess."


...Mastema? Yeah, he was the angel I took control of in Celestia's temple. Why?

Your vision goes blurry for a moment, and then it snaps back to normal. "Who is that? Is that someone claiming to be Mastema? He doesn't look at all like the golden-colored windbag I consumed."

The Angel Party

"I am the current herald of Mastema, and now the champion of his crusade. I am the angel of Mirth, Eloel." The angel bows in the air, his wings folding behind him. "Yes, I've heard many a things about your accomplishments in the short time you've been in Equinia. That is why I sought out Metatrot's zealots - I knew you would intercept them, and then I could relay my message!"

"I apologize if you were expecting the real Angel of Death, but I believe we both find this situation far preferable. Metatrot's angels only sought to send one Samael Machine to Equinia, but I saw it as a golden opportunity to not only secure passage to you, but also do so without raising their suspicions."

"With the sudden absence of Mastema, I have taken it upon myself to become his replacement in our fight against corruption on Gildaea. And so, I extend a hand to your hoof if you are willing to fight them." He holds out one of his weird digity hoof-things, which supposedly is called a "hand", toward Silver and Nobility.


After you intone the words the voice tells you to speak, the glass-like covering over the portal explodes in shards that are thankfully sucked inwards, but shortly after, you feel the pull of the portal sucking you in, as well. The golden ring surrounding the portal is consumed by it, and the portal swells and turns black against the backdrop of your room; it begins to subsume everything around it, warping and twisting the forms of everything.

And then everything goes black...



...you feel a hoof on your shoulder, a gentle one. It seems you're laying face-down on the ground, but you can't quite tell what it is you're on. A voice, a gentle one, speaks into your mind.

"Please help the others... Dawn Star, Nobility, and Silver Lining... save this world from the tyrant of time..." All around you, all you can see is endless darkness... and then pinpricks of light begin to poke through the blackness, and you realize it is the same space as from inside the ring, only now it's all around you. Then the blue planet comes into view, with its purple and golden moons, and... it seems to be getting closer and closer. You still feel a calm presence near you, but there's no one around...

2018-03-27, 02:55 PM
Silver barely notes what Cutie comments as he runs (flies?) off, making a note to check with the changelings later if they can tell him something about the filly. He's on the right track, he just knows it! Soon, he'll figure out just what is up with Cutie's past.

For now, however, there is an angel to talk to.

"Willing? Have you heard about me at all?" he asks with a broad grin, firmly grasping the angel's odd claw. "Glad to see at least some angels get how screwed up all of this is. I mean, enslaving a whole planet and killing all monsters? Who gave them the right to chose who deserves to live and who doesn't?" He lowers his gaze for a moment, his brows furrowing.

Then, he once again looks into Eloel's eyes(?), giving a smirk. "Anywho, what's your plan here? And just out of curiosity, do all angels have some kind of special purpose? I mean, I don't see any cutie marks on any of you, but each angel we've met so far has made a big deal of being the angel of something."

2018-03-27, 04:36 PM
"I guess no avoind the fight... It's good to see there are actual noble angels." Noblity smiled and offered her hoof

2018-03-30, 01:54 PM
"Dawn? Are you alright?" Celestia asks, looking aside from the angel above. "We should depart soon... this is too much for today," she says, looking over your face and peering back to the angel.

Dawn snaps back from her daze. "Sorry. I'm just... not sure what we... what I should be doing. I think they have it under control now?"

2018-03-31, 02:28 AM

After you intone the words the voice tells you to speak, the glass-like covering over the portal explodes in shards that are thankfully sucked inwards, but shortly after, you feel the pull of the portal sucking you in, as well. The golden ring surrounding the portal is consumed by it, and the portal swells and turns black against the backdrop of your room; it begins to subsume everything around it, warping and twisting the forms of everything.

And then everything goes black...



...you feel a hoof on your shoulder, a gentle one. It seems you're laying face-down on the ground, but you can't quite tell what it is you're on. A voice, a gentle one, speaks into your mind.

"Please help the others... Dawn Star, Nobility, and Silver Lining... save this world from the tyrant of time..." All around you, all you can see is endless darkness... and then pinpricks of light begin to poke through the blackness, and you realize it is the same space as from inside the ring, only now it's all around you. Then the blue planet comes into view, with its purple and golden moons, and... it seems to be getting closer and closer. You still feel a calm presence near you, but there's no one around...

When the portal explodes, Heartmender flinches, expecting to be lacerated by the glass. When it's sucked inwards instead of flying out, she sighs in relief--which quickly turns to confusion as to why it didn't follow physics and explode outwards. Her expression then morphs into panic as the ring begins to warp reality itself, pulling her in. She grabs frantically at everything she can seize with hooves or magic, but only succeeds in pulling Tails of Aurora Blaze and her bedside lamp with her into the void. AHHHHH!! I HOPE THIS IS JUST A GAME.... She squeezes her eyes shut just as everything goes black.


As the hoof touches her shoulder, Heartmender groans. What the hay... What was that? Argh, that wasn't fun... She staggers to her hooves, then jumps nervously as the voice begins to speak. Dawn Star? Nobility? Silver Lining? ... Those are my party members, I guess. I suppose the final boss--or the first boss--will be this "tyrant of time"? After saying this, Heartmender shakes her head to clear the last fogs of unconsciousness, then begins to look around. Her eyes widen at the sight of the stars surrounding her--and her stomach lurches with vertigo as she realizes that she's standing on nothingness. Oh Celestia! Gah...

The slow movement towards the planet and its twin moons catches her attention. That would be... "Equinia", I suppose? Interesting... Quite a detailed place! I applaud this game's makers for such thoroughness--assuming most of the planet's available for exploration. With nothing to do but wait for her arrival on the mysterious planet, Heartmender sits on her haunches, steadfastly not thinking about the lack of ground beneath her.

2018-04-03, 07:00 PM
Angel Party

Eloel smirks and nods as you take his hand, and he shares a firm shake with each of you. "Good to have support from ponies, though I too wish we could change reality without fighting for it," he says, standing back up in the air. "I can talk about our plan in more detail if you decide to come to Gildaea with me, so that the rest of us can show you in turn. Essentially, though, we're aiming to remove Metatrot and end his pointless crusade."

For a moment, he's taken aback when you ask about special purposes and cutie marks. "Well, yes. There is one angel for each special purpose. Our rank is dependent on our purpose; seraphim, thrones, cherubim hold important or broad purposes; dominions, virtues, and powers are intermediate; principalities, archangels, and angels with the lesser, though we are also the ones who leave Gildaea the most." He seems to be rattling these off, as if he doesn't care for the information that much. "Then there are those whose purpose is so great it exists outside the hierarchy. Metatrot, Marekabah and Mastema all exist outside of it. They are the Voice, the Chariot and the Arbiter."


"I see," Celestia says, almost woefully, as she looks upon Silver, Nobility and the new angel. "Yes, it's quite the difficult judgment. Maybe we should go see what they are planning with all that hoof-shaking?"

Just then, space near you begins to bend and warp, and what looks like the shape of a pony begins to materialize in the air...!


"Please be careful, this... n... ame," the voice begins to break up, as if through static. "St... yrant... save... them all."

Suddenly, your body lurches forward and space around you seems to warp past you, streaking light past, and the planet suddenly comes in very quickly and quite close. And then, in the next instant, you are surrounded by an endless sky; to your left is a unicorn filly with a dark purple-ish grey coat and a messy dark red mane with a disc of light under her hooves, and standing by her is none other than PRINCESS CELESTIA herself!

Above, you see a ring of clouds slowly fading away, and two pegasi - one wearing a cape with a grey coat and a light blue mane, and the other is a bit chubby with a golden coat and a white mane - talking to a strange creature with black wings and a white circle behind its... head? It looks very lanky and has four skinny legs, its top two ending in weird hoofs with lots of thin digits that remind you of claws, except round and not very scary-looking, just weird.

2018-04-04, 06:38 PM
"Alright... I guess, we can go to your place.. any objections?" she turned to her friends.
So much stuff to follow, she trusted Dawn's eggheadness to write mental notes of all of this.

2018-04-05, 02:46 PM
Silver, for one, has several objections. None of them have to do with not going to Gildea, but he still has so many questions that need answering!

"Woah, hold on, dude! You mean that angels, the guys we've been fighting, are only the bottom of the barrel?" He glances over at Celestia, clearly having her comparative strength to other ponies in mind. "Just how tough are those seraphim and thrones? They've got to be amazing if they have such a high rank and actually do important stuff!...Come to think of it, what do the big three guys actually do? What's their purpose?"

Pondering everything that has been laid out to him, he puts a hoof to his chin, hovering and sorting his thoughts. "Come to think of it, how are you gonna hide us on Gildea? Five little ponies in the angel capital sound like a tough group to disguise."

Hang on.....five?

Silver takes another count of the group. Himself, Nobi, Dawn, Cutie........who the heck is that? Another hero? Dang, whatever algorithms run this world sure take their time with bringing the band together. "Hi there, new pony!" he shouts, waving at her. "You had the misfortune of catching us in the middle of some very important business! Me and my lovely assistant-" He gestures clearly, but without any rude pointing movements, towards Nobility. "Will be right with you!"

At this point, this feels kinda like it's become routine, even though he's only ever met two new members of the party. How odd.

2018-04-06, 09:06 AM

"Please be careful, this... n... ame," the voice begins to break up, as if through static. "St... yrant... save... them all."

Suddenly, your body lurches forward and space around you seems to warp past you, streaking light past, and the planet suddenly comes in very quickly and quite close. And then, in the next instant, you are surrounded by an endless sky; to your left is a unicorn filly with a dark purple-ish grey coat and a messy dark red mane with a disc of light under her hooves, and standing by her is none other than PRINCESS CELESTIA herself!

Above, you see a ring of clouds slowly fading away, and two pegasi - one wearing a cape with a grey coat and a light blue mane, and the other is a bit chubby with a golden coat and a white mane - talking to a strange creature with black wings and a white circle behind its... head? It looks very lanky and has four skinny legs, its top two ending in weird hoofs with lots of thin digits that remind you of claws, except round and not very scary-looking, just weird.

As the voice begins to break up, Heartmender cries out. Wait!! You can't go yet! I need more exposition!! She tries to lunge forward to where she thinks the voice was, but when she does she's pulled even further forward by the warping of space and plummets through the hole in space. When she sees the ground rushing up to meet her, she closes her eyes, praying that this game doesn't have fall damage.

A few moments later, realizing that she's not dead, Heartmender opens her eyes and looks around. She smiles tentatively at the other unicorn filly and begins to greet her. But the sight of PRINCESS CELESTIA chokes her friendly hello off mid-word. Hell--ghk! P-p-p-Princess Celestia!?!??!? She falls back on her haunches, staring up at the regal goddess of the sun. Heartmender's thoughts are a jumbled multidirectional tangle of admiration and utter confusion.

Silver, for one, has several objections. None of them have to do with not going to Gildea, but he still has so many questions that need answering!

"Woah, hold on, dude! You mean that angels, the guys we've been fighting, are only the bottom of the barrel?" He glances over at Celestia, clearly having her comparative strength to other ponies in mind. "Just how tough are those seraphim and thrones? They've got to be amazing if they have such a high rank and actually do important stuff!...Come to think of it, what do the big three guys actually do? What's their purpose?"

Pondering everything that has been laid out to him, he puts a hoof to his chin, hovering and sorting his thoughts. "Come to think of it, how are you gonna hide us on Gildea? Five little ponies in the angel capital sound like a tough group to disguise."

Hang on.....five?

Silver takes another count of the group. Himself, Nobi, Dawn, Cutie........who the heck is that? Another hero? Dang, whatever algorithms run this world sure take their time with bringing the band together. "Hi there, new pony!" he shouts, waving at her. "You had the misfortune of catching us in the middle of some very important business! Me and my lovely assistant-" He gestures clearly, but without any rude pointing movements, towards Nobility. "Will be right with you!"

At this point, this feels kinda like it's become routine, even though he's only ever met two new members of the party. How odd.

Heartmender is too in shock from the Princess's presence to acknowledge the caped pegasus's words, though her subconscious mind does file them away for later comprehension.

2018-04-06, 10:32 AM
Hell--ghk! P-p-p-Princess Celestia!?!??!?

"Uh... yes, that is indeed her," Dawn says, not sure what to make of another pony popping in from the ether. "So... you a new player or..? Oh! Bad mannered me. I'm Dawn, from Ponyville."

She extends a hoof to shake.

2018-04-07, 11:28 AM
"Uh... yes, that is indeed her," Dawn says, not sure what to make of another pony popping in from the ether. "So... you a new player or..? Oh! Bad mannered me. I'm Dawn, from Ponyville."

She extends a hoof to shake.
Heartmender blinks at the Princess, then shakes her head and turns to Dawn, smiling. Sorry, I was just startled to see the Princess here. I'm Heartmender, nice to meetya! And...yeah, I'm a new player... She trails off slightly, then scrunches up her nose and asks Apologies if this is rude, but...are you another player or an NPC? Likewise...this is just a game, right? She has a worried expression as she asks this.

2018-04-07, 03:30 PM
"I'm a player as far as I know," Dawn replies. "Though as to whether this is just a game... erm... that's in debate and depends which of us you ask." She motions to the other players so Heartmender knows who is among him.

2018-04-08, 12:41 AM
"WHAT?!" Nobility gasped-squeaked. "Another one? Ugh..." she groaned.
She blinksd. "Wait a moment- assistant?!' She growled, baring her teeth.
"Lovely?" She blushed.
She shaked off all the sudden reaction changes and finally turned to Hearmender.
"Excuse me. Umm.. my name is Nobility- a name you should know well. And for sake of sanity, assume that everything is real- that my suggestion."

2018-04-08, 01:58 PM
"Of course you're the lovely assistant." Silver gives Nobility a friendly wink and nudge, oblivious to her blushing. "Do you see anypony else who could pull it off?"

Then, he turns back towards the newcomer, deciding that she deserves at least a quick introduction. "I'm Silver Lining,-" he says, letting his cape flutter dramatically in the wind and throwing back his head. "-Thief of Breath and the best magician in all of Equestria and Equinia combined! Slayer of shadow and crystal monsters, and destroyer of giant robots! Also owner of a most wicked sword!"

Relaxing the melodrama a bit, he adds "What Nobi said is right. Have you ever seen the Maretrix? This place is kinda like that movie, but with ponies from another dimension instead of ours."

2018-04-08, 07:22 PM
"I'm a player as far as I know," Dawn replies. "Though as to whether this is just a game... erm... that's in debate and depends which of us you ask." She motions to the other players so Heartmender knows who is among him.

Heartmender nods, then turns her head to the ponies that Dawn had gestured to.

"WHAT?!" Nobility gasped-squeaked. "Another one? Ugh..." she groaned.
She blinksd. "Wait a moment- assistant?!' She growled, baring her teeth.
"Lovely?" She blushed.
She shaked off all the sudden reaction changes and finally turned to Hearmender.
"Excuse me. Umm.. my name is Nobility- a name you should know well. And for sake of sanity, assume that everything is real- that my suggestion."

Heartmender blinks at the golden-coated filly's flurry of conflicting reactions, then grins as though she's enjoying a private joke. If I had any bits to bet, I'd wager that this filly likes that pegasus colt there...Maybe I can help her out? She tilts her head slightly, then files the thoughts away for later and gives a wide smile to Nobility. Nice to meet you! Heartmender. she sticks a hoof out to shake (assuming that they're close enough to do so) then offers an apologetic smile. I'm sorry...I don't believe I recognize your name, but it's not like I'm very knowledgeable in pony nobility-- Heartmender suddenly scrunches up her muzzle, struck by a thought. Actually...Is your mother Chivalry, captain of the royal guard? I've heard of her--my mother's in the Royal Guard herself. Bright Spark? The filly continues smiling for a few moments, then allows her expression to fall into a confused frown and asks Though...How would assuming that this is real help one's sanity? If this is real... her eyes tighten around the corners, pupils shrinking slightly--I...I don't know if I could cope... she trails off.

"Of course you're the lovely assistant." Silver gives Nobility a friendly wink and nudge, oblivious to her blushing. "Do you see anypony else who could pull it off?"

Then, he turns back towards the newcomer, deciding that she deserves at least a quick introduction. "I'm Silver Lining,-" he says, letting his cape flutter dramatically in the wind and throwing back his head. "-Thief of Breath and the best magician in all of Equestria and Equinia combined! Slayer of shadow and crystal monsters, and destroyer of giant robots! Also owner of a most wicked sword!"

Relaxing the melodrama a bit, he adds "What Nobi said is right. Have you ever seen the Maretrix? This place is kinda like that movie, but with ponies from another dimension instead of ours."

Once the colt begins to speak, Heartmender quickly dons a smile again to greet him properly. At his listing of dramatic titles, she can't suppress a giggle. An impressive array of titles indeed, sir Thief of Breath! I've never heard of a pegasus magician--you must be quite skilled! I am Heartmender...Healer pony, Daughter of Bright Spark, and...uh...Hmm... she crinkles her snout in thought again, then declares confidently And Cleric of Heart! Or something--wait, did you make that title up or is that part of the game?

Heartmender shakes her head. No, I've never seen The Maretrix--my mom says that it's for older foals. But I know a little about it...Are you sure that this is real? Can I go back home?! She begins to look panicked. 'C-cause... she begins to look slightly manic, then says with a slightly unnerving laugh I wouldn't want to panic over nothing, after all...

2018-04-09, 10:35 AM
Interesting, that story checked out. Huh. Dawn isn't sure of the answer, but she has a positive stance. "I believe we can go home once we complete our quest."

2018-04-10, 03:38 PM
Nobility blushed. "S..shut up, Showoff. Why ever I would be an assistant of commoner? Pff." and then turned to Heartmender again.
"Yes! Captain Chivalry IS my mother." she said with pride. "Our bloodline, going all the way to Commander Hurricane herself!" she enjoyed talking about her... nobility.

2018-04-11, 08:22 AM
Interesting, that story checked out. Huh. Dawn isn't sure of the answer, but she has a positive stance. "I believe we can go home once we complete our quest."

Heartmender barely seems to hear Dawn at first, but she begins to breathe deeply and rhythmically. Calm down, Heartmender...There's nothing you can do about it now. Just make the best of what you have... She tips her head back, then looks at Dawn and says Well, that's something to look forward to...so what exactly is our quest?

Nobility blushed. "S..shut up, Showoff. Why ever I would be an assistant of commoner? Pff." and then turned to Heartmender again.
"Yes! Captain Chivalry IS my mother." she said with pride. "Our bloodline, going all the way to Commander Hurricane herself!" she enjoyed talking about her... nobility.

Despite herself, a small smirk begins to creep onto Heartmender's muzzle at Nobility's adorable actions. She quickly suppresses it into an ordinary faint smile, then says Wow! I may not know much about pegasus nobility, but even I've heard of Commander Hurricane!

By the way, canonically, the real Commander Hurricane was male.

2018-04-12, 05:41 AM
She tips her head back, then looks at Dawn and says Well, that's something to look forward to...so what exactly is our quest?

"End some kind of cycle that has this world trapped," Dawn responds. "We're still learning about it ourselves. Seems like there's a great magical power we can find that would free the ponies from under the conflict between angels and monsters."

2018-04-12, 10:28 AM
Nobility puffed her chest's fluff, almost purring with pleasure. "Now, finally! A pony who apreciate a true greatness!"

She nodded to Dawn's explanation.
"The angels sort of rulling over the ponies, forcing them to banish unponies, and we sort of released the local Celestia and Luna, which the angels sealed a way."

2018-04-12, 12:09 PM
Nobility blushed. "S..shut up, Showoff. Why ever I would be an assistant of commoner? Pff."

"Because you'd be good at it, duh." Silver states matter-of-factly, partially teasing but mostly genuine about his thoughts. If she could shed some of that attitude, Nobility would have amazing stage presence after all.

Then, when everyone else is done talking, he nods in confirmation. "That's about the gist of it. We've also made friends with some monsters and at least one angel-" he points over his shoulder back at Eloel. "-so far. There's a few creatures on every side who seem to share our goals, so that'll make it a lot easier.

Each of us has an assigned element and role which we get to control, and we're supposed to use them to activate some kind of powerful place or item or something like that, called Elysius. Supposedly, it'll give us the power to create a new, better world. For my part, I kinda just wanna get some cool superpowers from my element and work on fixing this world, but I guess everypony here could use a change of scenery."

He pauses for a moment, thinking things over, then pulls the magical mirror from the same belt he's been using to carry his broken sword. "Oh, there's also these changelings from another timeline who are stuck trying to save their own Equinia. Finding a way to help them out is kind of a side thing we've got going." Again, he pauses, before throwing some glances at Eloel and the princesses. "Hey, do you mind if I make a quick call? There's a theory I've gotta check on real quick!"

2018-04-16, 07:32 AM
"Elysius, eh?" Eloel murmurs as Silver talks, smiling wider as he listens to the colt. "Now, I'm not sure if we share goals, per se. But I do think we can come to an agreement that Metatrot's crusade warrants an alliance between us. Enemy of my enemy, they say," he says with a wink. He slowly straightens himself, looking plainly to Celestia. "You have been very quiet, Celestia. Have you your own thoughts on this?"

"I do, but I would not deign to speak them to you," she says, a sudden powerful authority in her voice. Eloel seems somewhat shaken by the tone. "I trust these ponies' judgments when it comes to choosing to aid you in upending Metatrot's crusade, but I will not join you." She keeps an iron glare on the angel, who seems more and more nervous as she speaks. "I have duties I must tend to. I cannot risk invading Gildaea right now - there are more important tasks than being banished a second time."

To each of you, she gives a pleading look. "Silver, Nobility, Dawn, Heartmender... I trust you will do what is best for the ponies of Equinia. Remember always the trials we have endured and the future that is at stake... and I wish you good luck." Celestia's horn lights up brilliantly, and the circles of light keeping you aloft suddenly vanish, infusing themselves instead into your hooves. "The spell will last until you land on solid ground, or after one day. I hope you have a way to return to Equinia if you truly are going to Gildaea. Good-bye for now, my little ponies," She says, and then vanishes in a brilliant eruption of yellow light.

"So dramatic," Eloel says after Celestia disappears, shaking his head. "If you really do wish to help, then I will guide you to Gildaea, to a safe place for my - erm, Mastema's - loyal agents."

2018-04-17, 02:59 AM
"Well, I am lovely. That true." Nobility has answered Silver with pleased smile.

She tilted her head, at Celestia's sudden departure. "Well, SHE didn't assisted you." Nobility groaned.

"Whateves..." she turned to Elol. "Very well. Fill us with details on the way."

2018-04-20, 05:57 AM
"Wish she'd take us with her," Dawn mutters. With a sigh she turns back to Heartmender. "So, you up to the challenge of saving this pony world with us?"

2018-04-20, 02:25 PM
"Elysius, eh?" Eloel murmurs as Silver talks, smiling wider as he listens to the colt. "Now, I'm not sure if we share goals, per se. But I do think we can come to an agreement that Metatrot's crusade warrants an alliance between us. Enemy of my enemy, they say," he says with a wink.

"Honestly, I'm not quite sure what our goals are. Remaking the world sounds all fine and dandy, but I just want nopony to have to suffer anymore. And I'd like to accomplish that by punching the people responsible for their suffering in the face."

Looking up from the mirror for a moment, he quickly asks "Speaking of which, you wouldn't happen to know how to fight off an invincible demon? Like, one that looks like a giant galaxy-looking pony, and a wispy cloud of red smoke, and a giant hideous beasty-looking thing-"

Silver pauses for an instance, trying to remember if he quoted Ereunike correctly there. Confident that he got decently close to what she said, he then continues.

"-for instance? I figure you as an angel would know all kinds of special tricks."

"Well, I am lovely. That true." Nobility has answered Silver with pleased smile.

Silver finds himself smiling warmly for a moment, then shakes it off and decides to focus more closely on getting that stupid mirror running.

2018-04-23, 09:27 PM
"End some kind of cycle that has this world trapped," Dawn responds. "We're still learning about it ourselves. Seems like there's a great magical power we can find that would free the ponies from under the conflict between angels and monsters."

Heartmender nods. Okay.... That sounds like quite a challenge, but I'm sure we can do it together! She already likes this group of ponies, and is sure they'll all be fast friends.

Nobility puffed her chest's fluff, almost purring with pleasure. "Now, finally! A pony who apreciate a true greatness!"

She nodded to Dawn's explanation.
"The angels sort of rulling over the ponies, forcing them to banish unponies, and we sort of released the local Celestia and Luna, which the angels sealed a way."

Heartmender smiles at Nobility's posing. D'awww! Heh heh.... Her eyes widen when the golden pony continues though, and she exclaims Wow! Sounds like you've all done a lot already! That's crazy...

Then, when everyone else is done talking, he nods in confirmation. [COLOR="#808080"]"That's about the gist of it. We've also made friends with some monsters and at least one angel-" he points over his shoulder back at Eloel. "-so far. There's a few creatures on every side who seem to share our goals, so that'll make it a lot easier.

Each of us has an assigned element and role which we get to control, and we're supposed to use them to activate some kind of powerful place or item or something like that, called Elysius. Supposedly, it'll give us the power to create a new, better world. For my part, I kinda just wanna get some cool superpowers from my element and work on fixing this world, but I guess everypony here could use a change of scenery."
Heartmender nods along as he explains, and perks up when he mentions the "element and role"s. That's interesting! Kinda like the Elements of Harmony then? What are the elements here? Does anypony know what I am? How would I know?

He pauses for a moment, thinking things over, then pulls the magical mirror from the same belt he's been using to carry his broken sword. "Oh, there's also these changelings from another timeline who are stuck trying to save their own Equinia. Finding a way to help them out is kind of a side thing we've got going." Again, he pauses, before throwing some glances at Eloel and the princesses. "Hey, do you mind if I make a quick call? There's a theory I've gotta check on real quick!"
The grey filly's eyes widen in surprise. An alternate universe? Those exist? That's really interesting!! And you have a way to speak to these ponies--I mean changelings--do you think you could ask them how their world...the one outside of their version of this place, Eq--Equinia?--is? Like, are they from an alternate timeline where changelings...won... Heartmender seems to grow sad as she considers that possibility The battle in Canterlot? Or something else? Maybe... she visibly brightens They're from a universe where changelings and ponies live together in peace?

"Elysius, eh?" Eloel murmurs as Silver talks, smiling wider as he listens to the colt. "Now, I'm not sure if we share goals, per se. But I do think we can come to an agreement that Metatrot's crusade warrants an alliance between us. Enemy of my enemy, they say," he says with a wink. He slowly straightens himself, looking plainly to Celestia. "You have been very quiet, Celestia. Have you your own thoughts on this?"

"I do, but I would not deign to speak them to you," she says, a sudden powerful authority in her voice. Eloel seems somewhat shaken by the tone. "I trust these ponies' judgments when it comes to choosing to aid you in upending Metatrot's crusade, but I will not join you." She keeps an iron glare on the angel, who seems more and more nervous as she speaks. "I have duties I must tend to. I cannot risk invading Gildaea right now - there are more important tasks than being banished a second time."

To each of you, she gives a pleading look. "Silver, Nobility, Dawn, Heartmender... I trust you will do what is best for the ponies of Equinia. Remember always the trials we have endured and the future that is at stake... and I wish you good luck." Celestia's horn lights up brilliantly, and the circles of light keeping you aloft suddenly vanish, infusing themselves instead into your hooves. "The spell will last until you land on solid ground, or after one day. I hope you have a way to return to Equinia if you truly are going to Gildaea. Good-bye for now, my little ponies," She says, and then vanishes in a brilliant eruption of yellow light.

"So dramatic," Eloel says after Celestia disappears, shaking his head. "If you really do wish to help, then I will guide you to Gildaea, to a safe place for my - erm, Mastema's - loyal agents."

As Eloel speaks, Heartmender whispers as an aside to Dawn Who's Metatrot? Then continues to listen, attempting to commit his speech to memory. Her face immediately becomes one of rapt attention as soon as Celestia begins to speak, though she seems to be sad when she hears the Princess will not be joining them. When Celestia addresses her directly, she immediately straightens up to her full (unimpressive) height and squeaks I-I will, Princess!! then gasps as Celestia disappears. A feeling of airy lightness lifts her hooves into the air. She squeaks in surprise, then slowly grins and flies up to where Silver and Nobility are. Wow!! Flying feels awesome!! She gives a little laugh, then attempts to turn a somersault in midair. It ends up more like a lopsided barrel roll.

"Well, I am lovely. That true." Nobility has answered Silver with pleased smile.

Heartmender's mouth curves into a slight smirk. Ooh, I'm going to ship these two ponies so hard!!

"Wish she'd take us with her," Dawn mutters. With a sigh she turns back to Heartmender. "So, you up to the challenge of saving this pony world with us?"

Heartmender's eyes widen at Dawn's declaration, then she determinedly shelves all of her thoughts about the chaos that will likely ensue after her disappearance and decides to focus on this moment that she has here and now. She extends her hoof for a hoofshake or a hoofbump (she's not picky) and says emphatically Yeah!!

"Honestly, I'm not quite sure what our goals are. Remaking the world sounds all fine and dandy, but I just want nopony to have to suffer anymore. And I'd like to accomplish that by punching the people responsible for their suffering in the face."

Looking up from the mirror for a moment, he quickly asks "Speaking of which, you wouldn't happen to know how to fight off an invincible demon? Like, one that looks like a giant galaxy-looking pony, and a wispy cloud of red smoke, and a giant hideous beasty-looking thing-"

Silver pauses for an instance, trying to remember if he quoted Ereunike correctly there. Confident that he got decently close to what she said, he then continues.

"-for instance? I figure you as an angel would know all kinds of special tricks."
Heartmender looks slightly apprehensive at the mention of punching ponies...or other creatures...in the face, but she puts it out of her mind for the moment. Don't waste time worrying about what isn't relevant to now...or the near future. Not what you can't fix anyways. She smiles wryly, then blinks when Silver mentions an "invincible demon". She doesn't like the sound of that...Flying slightly closer to Silver, she asks What, like Tirek or something? Or...wait...multiple different "demons"? Wow...are we supposed to- she looks nervous -F-fight...these creatures? Or what? Can they be reasoned with?

Silver finds himself smiling warmly for a moment, then shakes it off and decides to focus more closely on getting that stupid mirror running.

2018-04-24, 01:41 PM
Heartmender smiles at Nobility's posing. D'awww! Heh heh.... Her eyes widen when the golden pony continues though, and she exclaims Wow! Sounds like you've all done a lot already! That's crazy...
"It's all in a day's work." Silver responded, a smirk on his lips. "You're talking with the legendary heroes, after all."

Heartmender nods along as he explains, and perks up when he mentions the "element and role"s. That's interesting! Kinda like the Elements of Harmony then? What are the elements here? Does anypony know what I am? How would I know?

"I think Dawn put up a book on them at some point. Wonder if she still carries it around. About your element, didn't something tell you that when you were brought here."

The grey filly's eyes widen in surprise. An alternate universe? Those exist? That's really interesting!! And you have a way to speak to these ponies--I mean changelings--do you think you could ask them how their world...the one outside of their version of this place, Eq--Equinia?--is? Like, are they from an alternate timeline where changelings...won... Heartmender seems to grow sad as she considers that possibility The battle in Canterlot? Or something else? Maybe... she visibly brightens They're from a universe where changelings and ponies live together in peace?
"I doubt it." Silver's expression sours for a moment. "From the sounds of it, in their world, changelings just are the dominant species. At least they seem to be much nicer people than the changelings in our world."

Wow!! Flying feels awesome!! She gives a little laugh, then attempts to turn a somersault in midair. It ends up more like a lopsided barrel roll.
"I know, right? Savor it while you still can. What you're getting right now is the real pegasus experience."

From the tone of his voice, it's clear he enjoys bragging like this. The fact that it is so because Heartmender is a unicorn and it feels darn good to show off to a unicorn is slightly less obvious.

"Try diving for a bit. Having the wind rush through your mane and feathers is the best!...Even if you don't have feathers."

What, like Tirek or something? Or...wait...multiple different "demons"? Wow...are we supposed to- she looks nervous -F-fight...these creatures? Or what? Can they be reasoned with?

"I dunno, I've never fought one. The only one we met was already chained up." Silver shrugs. "He was like Tirek, yeah, and he was kinda reasonable. He was also super shady, though, so we left him locked up."

2018-04-24, 02:40 PM
"Invincible demon? Galaxy-looking pony...? Red wispy cloud?" Eloel raises his eyebrows as Silver describes it. He's silent for a bit, as if mulling over an answer. "I honestly would have no idea. Metatrot, Marekabah or Mastema would be the better ones to ask. The way you describe it, it sounds like you're talking about the End of Days tale, but surely that old story isn't being taken seriously anymore." he says, almost flippantly. "If such a demon as the one in End of Days were to be real, well, I don't believe anyone could stop it."

Eloel then looks to the rest of you, eyes stopping on Dawn. "If you are tired, it may not be best to come with me right now. There will likely be little time to rest on Gildaea until we reach the Haven, as ponies are not welcomed on Gildaea. Even in the Haven, I don't think you'd get a warm welcome." He says, pulling his hands back and folding them over at his midriff. "We needn't rush."


As you mess with the mirror, its silvered surface suddenly illuminates, and you see the familiar scene of Starcutter's library, though it appears devoid of life except for a single changeling, laying down in front of your field of view. Based on the tail and what little of the mane you can see, it looks to be Ereunike. Suddenly, the view vibrates, and she jumps to her hooves(?) and stares at the viewpoint, breathing hard. She mouths something, then quickly trots back and glares into the viewpoint.

"Silver?!" She hisses - yup, it's Ereunike - and gets close to the viewpoint, seemingly laying down as well. "Hey, long time no see. Thought something'd happened to you grubs. I finagled the projectifier here to redirect transmissions to our mirror. Xanthena thinks she's so smart, trying to lock me out of it, well ha-ha. I would've called earlier but our mirror's a bit broken. Now that I have your world's data, though... I can just zap it in, and voila! Now we can call you, too." She grins to herself, then looks over her shoulder and yells something you can't quite comprehend - it sounds a lot like buzzing and rasping - and then looks back to you.

"So, uh, what did you call for?"

2018-04-24, 04:06 PM
Nobility looked conflicted. "Do we have time? A war is about to erupt.. and.." she paused
"WE will treat the story seriously."

2018-04-25, 07:47 AM
As Eloel speaks, Heartmender whispers as an aside to Dawn Who's Metatrot?

"Uh... I honestly forgot. Haven't been able to take notes," Dawn whispers back. She watches Heart fly off and just shrugs.