View Full Version : DM Help Need advice for encounters in a world controlled by Iuz

2017-09-10, 10:04 PM
First of all, if you're in a time travel campaign with a gunslinging monkey named Red - stop reading now, you'll spoil the future of your campaign.

I'll start with the TL;DR
I need advice for encounters/challenges for a relatively optimized party of 6 level 7-8 characters in a world completely controlled by Iuz.

Details follow.

I'm running a game in my own campaign world, which stole heavily from Grayhawk. The party is replaying some of their favorite characters from years of campaigns in this world. They were picked up early in their careers by a time traveler to create a team to help in the future. Now they're running into trouble caused by their characters being removed from the timeline.

In one of our campaigns, Iuz managed to exile the rest of the pantheon and seal the world, so there was no divine magic except for followers of Iuz - and then only if they were close enough to Iuz to get spells (in our world, Demigods require proximity to grant spells... undefined distance, but certainly large enough to support a nation, but not the world). One of the current PCs was originally instrumental in defeating Iuz, clearing the way for another party to bring the gods back to the world. With her gone, Iuz was never defeated, and with Iuz alive the later party was thwarted from bringing back the rest of the gods.

So, now the party is moving forward in time, expecting to find a world like they left it, and will discover a world entirely dominated by Iuz. I don't plan to have them fix that world at that time, but I want them to get into some trouble before they can manage to go back in time to try to stop Iuz when he's not controlling everything. I'm just really not sure what kind of encounters make sense for Iuz followers.

More information, one of the players just took Leadership and wants to pick up a character from another campaign as her/his (female character, male player) cohort. That character is a half-orc fighter who grew up in a half-orc tribe, and has never (at this point) been to a major city. So we're talking about encounters in the middle of nowhere. Also, I want the half-orc's tribe to have been wiped out, so he has little choice but to go with the party.

Any advice is appreciated. Feel free to ask any questions. Edit: We are playing in Pathfinder now, although the campaign world started in 3.0. Feel free to suggest things from any 3.0/3.5/Pathfinder source - I can easily convert.