View Full Version : RIP Jerry Pournelle

2017-09-11, 10:02 AM
As seen on his web site (https://www.jerrypournelle.com/chaosmanor/)

I’m afraid that Jerry passed away.
We had a great time at DragonCon.
He did not suffer.

(8 Sep 2017 – 3:45pm PDT)

He was an author in his own right, but he was best known for co-writing a heck of a lot of books (https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_11?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=jerry+pournelle+kindle+books&sprefix=jerry+pourn%2Cdigital-text%2C178&crid=MMAL90SK991B) with Larry Niven.

One of my favorite SF authors.

He will be missed.


Brian P.

2017-09-11, 04:58 PM
Despite (because?) my likely being at a very different point on his "axis", I have enjoyed many of his works (perhaps to my shame "Inferno" is the one I've re-read the most, I really should break out "The Mote in God's Eye" again).

I'm losing authors like I'm losing bookstores.


2017-09-12, 05:26 AM
I spent one family holiday in France devouring 'The Mote in Gods Eye' and as soon as I could followed it up with 'Footfall', 'Inferno' and 'Janissaries'.
His work will be remembered

2017-09-13, 07:34 AM
I don't know how I had missed JP for the bulk of my Sci-Fi readership. I've read a fair bit of Niven, and it wasn't until I heard a Triangulation episode interviewing Pournelle that I was aware what I had been missing, just a couple years ago.