View Full Version : The Fragile Veil IC [Masks]

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2017-09-11, 09:01 PM
The smell of toxic waste is going to be in your nostrils for weeks, you just know it.

A yellow-clad madman with some cheap-looking goons and a staff that shoots lasers is posturing from his hover-chair in front of a vat of bubbling green chemicals. He's been ranting for a good minute; strong lungs on this nerd.

"Yes, citizens of Halcyon City, it is I, the one, the only, the rightful mayor of this degenerate town: Duke Baron! At long last, my plans have fallen into place, and I have captured my nemesis, this pretender of a leader who sits upon his leathery throne!"

"It isn't real leather," mutters the actual mayor, tied to an office chair slowing being lowered towards the shining vat.

"Silence, charlatan!" Duke Baron's rant goes off on a wild tangent about the price of leather and how it's totally the mayor's fault.

Tank, there's a pack of thugs and crooks armed with stolen energy rifles standing between you and this poser. How are you going to wreck their day?

Solar Flare, you're running overwatch on this mission. What do you see that Tank doesn't?

21st Centurion, a group of civilians is watching the fight. Some are snapping pictures, some are cheering, but they're all too close to the action for comfort. What's the plan to get them out of the way?

Chama, you have the opportunity to scope this fight out before the fires really start to blaze. Do you take it, or run straight into the chaos?

DarkPyre, you're the closest to Duke Baron, but that also means you're the closest to the mayor. Do you try to save the civvie, or pick a fight with the megalomaniacal supervillain?

Glitch, you have all the options. Who needs your help most?

The game begins! Pick a move you think applies to your situation, narrate, and roll!
Will you defeat the dastardly Duke Baron (not an actual duke, nor a baron, and certainly not the rightful mayor)?

The OOC: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?535513-The-Fragile-Veil-OOC-Masks

2017-09-11, 10:34 PM
There was Hayden, hovering in the air as the orange and yellow costumed superhero Solar Flare. Through the "eyes" of his head mask, the alien observes the hostiles that Tank is facing against. They need as many heroes as they can to reach the leader of this human city and the Duke Baron.

Move: Assess the Situation.
The first question I want the answer to is "What here is the biggest threat?"
If I get to ask a second question, I want an answer to "How could we best end this quickly?"

Roll: [roll0]

2017-09-11, 11:35 PM
"One of these days..." The 21st Centurion mused, looking up at the deluded madman on the hover-chair. "I'm going to figure out how the old guy managed the whole flying thing."

Then the first imgur pics and facebook updates started flitting about the edges of his consciousness. He looked back to the mass of civilians who were way too close to the action. That idiot on the hover chair was bound to hit one of them once he started blasting with that laser-staff-thing, and that was assuming that the vat of toxic waste (which he did want to talk to the mayor about the origins of) didn't get cracked open in the fight, spilling sludge over the front row.

He walked over to a street lamp near the front of the crowd and took hold of it, bending it down to block off the street and swinging it to push people back. "Hey, Civilians, try to keep a safe distance!" he shouted. "This guy probably can't hurt me, but he can definitely hurt you!"

Defend: When you defend someone or something from an immediate threat, roll +Savior.


For NPC threats, on a hit, you keep them safe and choose one, on a 7-9, it costs you: expose yourself to danger or escalate the situation.

-Add a team to the pool (<-Choosing this one.)
-Take influence over someone you protect
-Clear a condition

Mr. E
2017-09-12, 02:45 AM
...Some stupid with a flare gun
Burned the place to the ground

Smoke on the water
Fire, in the sky
Smoke on the water...

Glitch reaches up and flicks the switch on her mask off. The music halts abruptly as she steps out from behind a pillar. Unfortunately, with it also goes her carefully created feeling of calm. The reality of fight smacks her in the face, and she's glad that the mask hides her rapid breathing and paleness.'Focus. What's the situation, Elizabeth? How are you going to prove yourself a hero to everyone else, and stop the mayor from taking a dip?'

Lacking any powers suitable for saving his honour, she turns her attention to other options. Tank is staring down a bunch of goons, who should be wetting their pants right now, so she's got that angle covered. Mr. Centurion seems to be doing okay at crowd control, so that just leaves the Duke Baron. Still thinking, she turns to the boy closest to her, trying to keep her voice sounding casual and calm.

"Dark, could you go and rescue the Lord Mayor for me? I'm going to go hit Mr. Multi-title in the monologue."

Without waiting for a reply, she breaks into a run, leaping up to jump on the side of the Duke Baron's hover-chair. If I get a good grip on the laser thingy, I should be able to drain its power. Here's hoping...

Glitch is going to Directly Engage a Threat:

On a hit I'll choose to resist or avoid their blows. On a 10+ I'll chose to take something from them as well (their laser staff).

Directly Engage a Threat: [roll0]

And that'll be a nope. Oh well, now I get to mark potential.

2017-09-12, 02:55 AM
"I don't think you know what a mayor is." Darkpyre quips as he gestures emphatically at the vat of toxic waste, summoning a sheet of lava over the mouth of the vat to cap it with obsidian.

Darpyre's stylized, dragon embroidered long coat swishing as he turns towards Duke Baron. "No one elected you," he states flatly, attempting to give a transparent impression of being bored by what the villain is saying, while obviously being excited by the confrontation.

When you unleash your powers to reshape your environment, roll + Freak.

Uh oh. A five? Thanks dice. Did I just splash toxic waste now infused with lava out of the vat? Horray for badly failing the first roll of the game! I hope you're proud of yourself, Darkpyre.

2017-09-12, 05:39 AM
From his own place in the crowd, watching the scene incognito with a black ballcap pulled down and his shirt still on, Chama's eyes scan the scene. Mestre's voice floats through his head, reminding him of his lessons. A capoeirista must always be mindful of his surroundings.

But as he watches, things quickly start to escalate as his team springs into action. "Sorry, Mestre," he says under his breath. Throwing off his shirt and cap, Chama makes his typically flashy entrance. He cartwheels through the crowd and launches himself into a high arco-iris (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN9aKmuIBXs#t=01m16s) over Centurion's makeshift barricade, flames trailing his feet. "Whoo!" he crows, "I hope you all didn't forget about Chama!" He begins spinning clockwise in place and flames start licking his pants as he charges up for his armada. When he finally throws his leading leg around in a sweeping back kick, a fireball flies off his pantleg like water flicking from a towel whip, aimed toward the Duke Baron.

I'm going for the distraction here, adding +1 to Glitch's 6 from the Team pool to turn it into a hit.

Some other things, it looks like we're just going for normal quotation marks for dialogue, not bolding? Also, how much Team is in the pool? I believe this is directly engaging a threat as a team, right?

2017-09-12, 07:35 AM
Solar Flare, you sweep your gaze across the scene. You dismiss the crooks fighting Tank, you dismiss the toxic vat, and you even dismiss the uppity supervillain. The biggest threat here isn't Duke Baron; it's that scepter he's holding.

You don't recognize it precisely, but you can tell that it's a power level above what a scrub like Baron should have access to. Take +1 while acting on that information.

21st Centurion, you easily bend the street lamp and fashion it into a makeshift barricade. The crowd is impressed enough by your feat of heroics to heed your warning and back up to the edge of the courtyard. A few snap pictures of you and they begin filtering into your feed.

For now, the civilians are safe. The courtyard is big enough that even if something disastrous happens with the main battle, they'll have time to evacuate. Your heroics are even enough to bolster your team. You add a Team to the pool, bringing the total to 2.

Glitch, you leap onto Duke Baron's hoverchair and it goes careening downwards, skidding against the flagstones before awkwardly rising back up with a lurch. Baron himself passes through shock and nervousness before settling on irritation that you would dare interrupt his monologue.

"You! Pathetic hero, know the power of my mayoral signet!" He points the scepter at you and a beam of crackling golden energy surges out, but his aim is terrible and it just carves a gouge in the courtyard below.

You go for the scepter and try to wrench it away from him, but Duke Baron is stronger than you expected and he lashes out with an arm, almost throwing you off. You cling to the hoverchair with slipping fingers, suddenly a lot more concerned about your tenuous position on this craft.

Then, a flaming ball of hero shoots out of the crowd. Chama sends a swift kick at Duke Baron and fire surges from him, splashing against the villain and knocking him off-balance. Chama spends a Team, bringing the pool back to 1.

Chama's assistance is enough to give Glitch the opportunity she needs. She doesn't have a strong enough position to take away that scepter, but she leaps back up onto the hoverchair and punches Duke Baron soundly in the face.

Baron is now Angry.

Darkpyre, you effortlessly turn the top layer of toxic waste into a clean obsidian sheet - except you do it so effortlessly that you make a mistake, and some of that toxic waste comes splashing out. No civilians are in the path, but as the sludge slurps towards you, Duke Baron catches sight of you.

"Ha, you'll make an excellent first example!"

Baron shoots the scepter again, but this time it hits. Golden energy hits you like a sledgehammer and you go flying. Take a powerful blow.

2017-09-12, 12:13 PM
Chama grimaces as DarkPyre takes the full effect of the Duke Baron's energy attack. It seems his opponent still wasn't paying him any mind, so Chama decides it's time to turn up the heat.

"Oooh, look at the big man picking on a kid! Why don't you get down off that high-chair and come tango with somebody your own size? Is are you afraid? Hey, you want to be mayor so bad, let's take a vote!" Turning to the crowd, Chama raises his arms and calls out, "Who thinks the Dork Baron should come down here for a little town hall action?"

When you provoke someone susceptible to your words, say what you’re trying to get them to do and roll + Superior. For NPCs: on a 10+, they rise to the bait and do what you want. On a 7-9, they can instead choose one.
• they stumble: you take +1
forward against them
• they err: you gain a critical opportunity
• they overreact: you gain Influence over them

Attempting to provoke the Duke Baron to fight Chama one-on-one to take the pressure off his teammates.


I guess he's not what you'd call a populist. Marking potential.

2017-09-12, 03:45 PM
Hayden felt sorry for Darkpyre. Getting hit by that energy beam looked really painful.
"Aw geez! I should've warned you guys about that scepter sooner." Hayden said, not sure if anybody can hear him from his position in the air.
Hayden was taught how to be a lot of things: an engineer, an explorer, and a scientist. But providing recon for his team was something that was so new to Hayden, along with being a superhero.
But if there is one thing he is sure about, is that the scepter must be dealt with.

Taking a deep breath, he dives for the Duke Baron. As he gets close to him, he starts using his "powers" to increase the density of the scepter, making it heavier. Solar Flare hopes that it'll be enough to take care of the biggest threat to the rescue, one way or another.

Move: Unleash Your Powers to overcome an obstacle (the scepter).

Roll: [roll0]

2017-09-12, 04:11 PM
Ugh, leave it to some no-name super villain to ruin a perfectly fine afternoon. Not that she'd cared much for the mayor, but this Baron was a piece of work. And so was his "campaign team", she wondered how the madman got them onboard. They certainly didn't look like professionals or like they had ever held energy rifles before. No matter, they had chosen the wrong line of work.

"Yo, I don't know what your campaign strategy for this guy is, but I don't think it's workin."

With an angry battle cry on her lips, Franka charged at the thugs, planning to grab the first and throwing him into the others. She didn't want to kill them, they were probably just some students who wanted to pay their tuition or something.

I Directly Engage the Threat of the goon squad:


A 9, so I'm going to resist their incoming shots.

Mr. E
2017-09-12, 04:55 PM
Glitch snarls as the hover chair goes careering around. It's incredibly slippy for a glorified couch, and the Baron is still shooting things. She makes another grab for the staff, but Hayden does something with his powers, and it tumbles towards the floor. Changing focus, she returns to what she does best, and goes to grab the duke by the lapels of his ridiculous costume. 'If I can chuck him off the hover-chair, that'll make punching him way easier.'

Well, I was going to go for the staff, but it looks like Hayden's got that under control,
so I'll go for the boring option.

I roll to Directly Engage a Threat: [roll0]

If I succeed, I evade his blows. If I get a 10+, I want to throw him off the chair (hopefully into one of his waste vats, or one of his goons).

2017-09-12, 05:35 PM
Trent scanned the scene, wincing as Darkpyre took a hit. Damnit, he thought. I'm the one who'se supposed to take these kinds of hits.

He turned toward the running battle through the sky, between Glitch, Chama, and the supposed Baron. It was a chaotic fight, without a lot of chances for him to get involved without getting in someone's way, and it was up in the air on top of that.

Then he looked at the mayor, still dangling in the air above a vat of toxic sludge covered over with a plate of still-incredibly-hot obsidian. That situation hadn't... exactly been neutralized.

He marched forward, casually grabbing a street sign and snapping it off at the base. He'd been practicing this move, but hadn't had a chance to try it in a real fight. Picking up speed to inhuman velocities, he sunk the jagged end of the sign into the pavement, sailing into the air in a smooth pole vault toward the mayor, aiming for the cord that held his chair up.

The plan was to grab the cord, swing around, and kick off against the bottom of the platform it was attached to, tearing it free. Then he would grab the Mayor in midair and hold his chair while cushioning both of their falls.

Fight the good fight:
When you directly engage a threat, roll + Danger. On a hit, trade blows. On a 10+, pick two. On a 7-9,
pick one.
• resist or avoid their blows
• take something from them (<-priority 1)
• create an opportunity for your allies (<-priority 2)
• impress, surprise, or frighten the opposition

When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.


Ouch. It looks like this will go badly.

Potential = 1

2017-09-13, 12:50 AM
Darkpyre is flung back by the blast and knocked off his feet. He stays where he lands in a smoking heap, waiting for the team's more resilient members to step forward and make headway before he rejoins the fray- or at least that's what he tells himself. Really, he's waiting for the pain to fade.

When you take a powerful blow, roll + conditions marked.[roll0]
Result: You give ground; your opposition gets an opportunity.

2017-09-15, 11:04 PM
Everything seems to happen at once.

Chama's taunts don't seem to reach Baron, probably because he's busy dealing with the three superheroes ruining his day:

Solar Flare adjusts the density of the scepter and it slips from Duke Baron's hand, tumbling to the ground below.

Tank tears through Baron's minions, leaving them moaning on the floor and her without a scratch.

Glitch grabs Baron by his ridiculously puffy collar and throws him from the hover chair.

Duke Baron stumbles as he hits the ground, casting his gaze about wildly, breathing heavily. Duke Baron is Afraid, and he can't handle this fight anymore. Some lowlife punk can't stand up to six of Halcyon City's brightest rising stars.

Except, Centurion is going for the mayor... and gets his angle wrong. He crashes into the mayor's chair and the rope snaps. Both of them slam into the obsidian sheet floating precariously on the surface of the toxic vat. More sludge slips out, and one gob of glowing green weirdness nearly hits the mayor, who is still restrained. Centurion, mark the condition Guilty.

To make matters worse, that scepter blast was worse than Darkpyre assumed. He's fading in and out of consciousness, everything getting blurry, and Duke Baron seizes his opportunity. He lunges for Darkpyre, aiming to use the confused hero as leverage.

Then a golden cannonball shoots out of the sky, frees the mayor, snatches the scepter, and uses the rope from the mayor's chair to tie up Duke Baron in the middle of his goons.

Oh great, this guy.

Maximus the Great, Champion of Halcycon City, has just stolen your thunder and taken credit for your victory.

The golden boy stands annoyingly resplendent in his spotless costume and waves to the citizenry, who all gawk at him and stutter dorkishly. A few take selfies with him as he poses over the prostrate form of the sniveling supervillain.

"All in a day's work, citizens! Maximus is happy to keep you all safe from dastardly evildoers, and even more happy to help out a few kids with good hearts," he says gesturing to the six of you. "Some people think that teenagers shouldn't be allowed to fight the good fight, but I think a little harmless fun never hurt anyone."

The implication is obvious: as long as there are real heroes (like Maximus), teen heroes can play pretend.

Everyone, Maximus is using his Influence over you to shift up your Freak and shift down your Superior. Do you accept this, or will you roll to reject his influence?

2017-09-15, 11:40 PM
Roll to reject influence. I'll base my post on the result.

Taking +1 forward against Maximus the Great.

Potential = 1, Guilty

Trent had been scrambling to keep his feet and keep the mayor's chair upright, despite the metal wheels turning soft from the hot obsidian. He'd managed to lift the chair up just before the wave of toxic waste would have crested over the mayor's bound feet, and was trying to figure out what his next step was when suddenly the chair was much lighter.

A flash of motion to the side made him realize that suddenly Maximus was there, and the whole issue had been wrapped up neatly.

He sighed, chucked the chair out of the vat, and then leapt out himself, and took just a moment to compose himself, walking up behind Maximus with an only slightly forced smile on his face, trying to push the image of the mayor plunging into the toxic waste to the back of his mind.

"Thanks for hanging back and giving us a chance to learn. I mean, I know better than most people that you older guys aren't going to last forever."

He stepped over to where Darkpyre was laid out on the ground, and leaned over to help him up.

Mr. E
2017-09-16, 02:23 AM
Glitch stands on top of the hover-chair, balancing easily on the balls of her feet. Some dude has just dived in and saved the day, and her hero is not needed any more. Feeling the adrenalin drain from her bones, she watches as the shaking in her hands subsides. When the fight-feeling has run away, Glitch suddenly feels tired, grinning sleepily inside her mask. Then she starts to actually listen to what this new golden boy is saying. Frustration begins to simmer as he postures and preens. 'I faced the loony with the laser-scepter and excessive ego, not you.'

Leaping from the hover-chair, Glitch lands on the ground with cat-like grace. Ignoring Maximus, she walks over to Tank and nods a greeting. "You all good? That was quite the decent fight."

Glitch rolls to reject Maximus's influence:


With that roll, I'm going to cancel his influence over me. I take +1 forward against him, as well. I'll also immediately act to prove him wrong and mark potential. I'll make sure I put something in my next post showing that Glitch is a real hero.

2017-09-16, 02:59 AM
You smug filho da puta! Chama's grin turns to a grimace as he bares his teeth at Maximus. Slowly striding over to "greet" the other hero, he hears Centurion's masterful back-handed insult and a half-grin replaces the grimace as he tries not to laugh. He claps Centurion on the shoulder as the other boy walks past to go tend to DarkPyre, but one quick look at hurt team-mate is all it takes to ice Chama over.

It's all well and good if Centurion wants to play nice for the cameras, but someone had to stick up for his team. "Hey hombre, what's the big idea? You want a piece of the action, come cut a slice off yourself instead of waiting for some kids with good hearts to take your lumps for you! I got a guy down over here, but you wanna stand here and take some f@%#ing selfies? How about you be a real hero and help him out?"

Chama will roll to reject Maximus's influence. [roll0]
Chama will shift labels: Superior +1, Freak -1.

Conditions: None
Potential: 1/5

2017-09-16, 09:45 PM
The thugs didn't stand a chance. She charged into the first like a quarterback, knocking him down and grabbed the guy next to him by the arm. With an angry grunt she threw the panicking man into the rest of her opponents who all went down in a bundle of bodies, ray gun discharges, general confusion and pain. "STRIKE!", Franka exclaimed as she saw them all go down and then checked herself for injuries. She had seen them fire their weapons at her when she attacked and while no marksman by a long shot, some of the searing lances of light had hit her and stung a little. But the wounds where already closing, though they had burned a brand new hole in her shirt. "Not cool."

With the (comparably low) threat of the rent-a-goons dealt with, Franka looked around for that Red Baron guy and how the others where handling that. Of course they where in dire need of help...and then they weren't because "Maximus the Great" felt the need to swoop in and make a big show and obviously he could not do it without leaving his mouth shut and giving them some patronizing bullcrap.

"Idiot", Franka simply thought as Glitch came over making sure she was alright. "Obviously", Franka said casually, maintaining her cool, "I was built to take down governments, these guys didn't have **** one me", she continued as she collected the goons weapons and shot a glance at Glitch, "You? Everything still where it should be?"

2017-09-16, 10:34 PM
Hayden was stunned that everything this Maximus-guy did in such a short amount of time. Was this something humans normally do? But as he turned to ask his fellow teen heroes, he saw that Darkpyre was seriously injured.

"Darkpyre!" Solar Flare cried out in distress.

Looking around quickly, he noticed the energy weapons Tank was gathering up.
"Sorry Tank, but I really need to borrow this for a moment!" He told her as he swooped down and snatched away one of the energy rifles.
Landing by Darkpyre's side, he hastily takes it apart and with the parts he assembles an energy device that he hopes can help heal his friend. It isn't exactly Kasmandian technology, but it is the closest thing he can come up with.

For rejecting Maximus's influence, I'm going to mark potential to prove him wrong by helping Darkpyre.

And Solar Flare is also going to use Alien Tech to create a makeshift healing beam device: [roll0]

Edit: That can't be good. :smalleek:

2017-09-17, 03:26 PM
Trent's eyes widened as Hayden turned the makeshift machine on, and he reached out quickly to grab the alien's wrist and push it away. "Woah man, dial that back, humans can't take that kind of intensity."

Spending a team to make Hayden's roll a partial hit.

Mr. E
2017-09-17, 03:35 PM
Glitch grins as Tank shows off her usual bravado. "Well, you know what they say about German engineering. Elegant and efficient." Smiling under her mask, she picks up a stray energy rifle and tosses it to Tank. "I'm great. The Duke Baron didn't really have much going for him, except that laser-scepter. Which," she says, looking around, "someone should really take care of, rather than posing for selfies." She wanders over and tucks it under one arm. Looking over in the direction of Maximus, she sees Darkpyre on the ground, with Hayden and the Centurion bending over him.

Concerned, Glitch turns to Franka. "We should probably check that Dark isn't too badly injured. Those laser beams were nasty."

Showing that Glitch is a true hero/deserves to be here, by being sensible when handling mysterious scepters. Marking potential, therefore.

2017-09-17, 11:36 PM
"Oh, right! Sorry about that." Hayden replied as he turned for a moment to make some quick minor adjustments to lower the device's power output.
"Human biology eludes me sometimes."
When Hayden finally finishes adjusting the device, he turns it back onto where Darkpyre was hit and turns on the beam, hoping for the best to happen...

2017-09-18, 12:11 AM
For a single moment, you see malice in Maximus's eyes. He didn't expect you to fight back against his bullying, but next time he will, and he'll be ready.

For his fans though, he simply says, "Ah, of course. Well, I'm sure you young heroes will be in the big leagues in no time. In the meantime, I have other engagements. Worlds to save, you know?" He flashes everyone his signature grin, then is gone with the scepter.

Meanwhile, Darkpyre comes gasping awake, restored by Solar Flare's gadgetry. The team is safe, the baddies are beaten, and the fight is over.

Now comes the hard part: high school.


The lunch bell rings and everyone bolts out of their chairs, desperate to escape the monotony of education.

So, where does everyone hang out at lunch, and how are you recovering from the sting of stolen triumph?

This is basically a bit of downtime for your characters to reflect on the battle, chat with each other, try to get rid of conditions, etcetera. You can be in clumps or all one ground, up to the players.

2017-09-18, 04:02 AM
Trent would usually be pretty confident and self-assured at school. Not today, though. His lunch has barely been touched, and he's spent the attention he should be paying to it on his phone, where he'd found the single news story that had actually discussed the particular kind of toxic waste that the duke baron mayor whatever had been using. Now he was buried deep in articles about what the stuff was, and more importantly what contact with it could do to a human body.

His confidence in the encounter with Maximus had been false, and he knew it. Am I doing more harm than good? he wondered bitterly. Am I really ready to take on protecting people's lives like this?

Potential = 1
Conditions: Guilty
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama

Mr. E
2017-09-18, 02:31 PM
Elizabeth leans back in her chair, sighing slightly. Next to her empty lunch-box is a half eaten sandwich, the rest having been demolished already. She takes a bite, holding the sandwich in one hand while typing with the other. She was talking to Jake (he's the photo club president), but he's wandered off to talk to his other friends, so she's comfortably alone.

She'd done some research on Maximus, with dubious success, when there was both a spare moment and the teacher wasn't looking. There were limits to what she could dig up, on both the above board sites and 'other places', but maybe the other team members might be interested. Elizabeth does a quick check that no one is looking over her shoulder, then opens up Veil.

"Who else is having a boring lunch-hour?"

The message sent notification pings, and she leans back to wait for a response.

I'm going to use that 1-forward before I forget about it, and roll to pierce his mask.


What are you really planning?
What do you want me to do?
What do you intend to do?

Elizabeth's trying to find out what kind of response Maximus will have to them all rejecting his influence.

Potential: 1

Conditions: none

2017-09-18, 03:47 PM
Ping! Armando is busy cramming a burrito into his mouth when his phone notification goes off. With a glance, he can see it's the Veil messenger, and he wonders if footage from last night's meltdown went viral in a bad way. With a greasy finger, his swipes to check the message.

Who else is having a boring lunch-hour?

Oh man, it's just Glitch. Relief floods through him as he chews, more masticating than properly eating. Gulping down the bite, he grins to take a selfie, juices still dribbling down his chin.

Yo, scared me for a sec. Thought maybe a vid from last night started going around lol

It's lit down here at Taco Loco! You should come down, carne asada is on point!

The picture frames him and anyone else with him sitting at a bar seat at the window, the bustling counter behind him. It's artful, Armando thinks, especially the way the sun glares just a little on his chin dribble.

Potential: 1/5
Conditions: None
Has Influence on: Solar Flare, 21st Centurion, Glitch

2017-09-18, 04:36 PM
Hayden was at the Taco Loco with Armando, savoring the taste of his first burrito. Messy and greasy maybe, but delicious none the less. He glanced over at Armando as his ring gave off a ping sound, but he just shrugged and finished off with his first bite. Just when he had bitten a mouthful of his burrito, he noticed that Armando was about to take a selfie, leaving only time for him to give a smile and wave before the picture was taken. A picture that had Hayden outside of his "costume": A slightly tall, scrawny teenager with shaggy brown hair, sunglasses, an undone green button-up shirt over a blank white t-shirt, and a black hat that humans call a "beanie."

"Thank you Armando, for inviting me for lunch." Hayden said after he finished his mouthful.
"I've never eaten a burrito before now."

Potential: 1
Conditions: None

2017-09-18, 05:15 PM
Trent felt the Veil ping buzz through his mind. He'd turned all notifications for the secret app off, and instead relied on his radio sense to tell him when he'd gotten a message. He thumbed a pattern on the screen that triggered it to open, then glanced through his recent messages. He knew the app would mask the words on the screen if the phone camera detected anyone else's eyes focusing on them.

Hey @Chama, I don't think you guys need to worry about people seeing what happened last night. You and @Glitch had that guy pretty much wrapped up before Maximouth showed up. Kinda hope there's no good footage of my little maneuver with the Mayor, but you guys didn't embarrass the team.

How did that Duke Baron Mayor whatever guy get a fricken laser staff and a gang of goons anyway? Like, wasn't he basically the same as one of those people that thinks he's Napoleon or whatever? Who follows a guy like that?

Potential = 1
Conditions: Guilty
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama

Mr. E
2017-09-18, 06:29 PM
Glitch smiles as the notifications ping on her phone. She scrolls through them while finishing her sandwich, then finger types a response or two.

@Chama: that's a very classy photo of you. Really encourages me to come hang out with you. ;)

Oh, and hi @Solar_Flare.

Taco's do look good though. 'Specially compared to my lunch right now.

Glitch attaches a pic of her empty lunch box, with a pile of cling-wrap and a banana skin in one corner, then hits send.

@Centurion: Don't forget Tank, she was there too! Even if her part wasn't quite so flashy, it was still important.

But yeah, I'd like to know how he got access to the money for his little stunt. Give me some time, and I'll run a bit more of a background check on him.

Potential: 1/5
Conditions: None
They have Influence on me: Chama, Tank.

2017-09-18, 10:03 PM
Glitch, there's a lot of footage of this guy on Veil, and on other social media platforms. Maximus is a Bronze hero, born right on the cusp between the Silver and Bronze generations. He wasn't much in his early days, but as other heroes retired or went on to do more important things, Maximus stayed in Halcyon City and made his name as its premier protector.

He apparently used to have a sidekick, but there isn't much data available on that. Nowadays he fights supervillains, poses for photo ops, and has a nasty habit of interrupting young hero teams like yours. He's become sort of a beacon for anti-youth groups in the city, the more palatable alternative to mudslingers complaining about teenage violence and decadence. A muckracking "news" show ranting about youngsters is hard to market, but Maximus just "speaks common sense".

You can't tell if this guy is really concerned or just trying to hold on to his fading glory, but one thing is certain: he wants to shut down young vigilantism, and he's making active steps to do that.

Despite the impression he left on you, you don't get the feeling that Maximus actually cares about your team personally. He'd like you to give up and leave the crime-fighting to the adults, but he wants every teen team to do that.

As for his immediate next steps: he has an appearance scheduled at some tech expo. It's apparently a big deal for the young geniuses in the city, and various groups will be there watching. Some to persuade those geniuses to enter the industry as non-supers, others trying to get them to go full hero. And of course, there's always the concern that a few of those teens will become mad scientists and embrace villainy.

2017-09-19, 06:58 AM
Armando grins at Hayden. "What, you mean they don't have these on your planet? What are you guys, vegan?" He laughs, even though the joke will probably go over the alien's head. "Glad you like it. There's plenty more where that came from, though. Stick with me Hayden, and we'll eat everything in two worlds! Here try some of this sauce," he says, passing over a bottle of red liquid.

While Hayden continues to expand his gastronomical horizons, Chama reads the messages out loud before responding.

@Glitch Don't worry, I'll always look this good ;) But hey, at least you got some potassium. That's important for your electrolights or something, right? Gotta keep those energy levels up. The next Fast and Furious movie is gonna be about your typing fingers.

@21st Centurion Don't even sweat it bro! The mayor was gonna be fine even if Golden Geek hadn't butted in. That jump was sweet, we just gotta work a little on your landings is all. You free after school?

For real though, proud of all you guys. @Tank taking out the Goon Squad by herself without taking a hit, @Glitch getting all up in Dork Baron's face. @SolarFlare comig out of nowhere turning a ray gun into a first aid kit! But my favorite part was @21st Centurion calling Golden Geek old!

Btw, anybody know how @DarkPyre is doing? I haven't heard from him yet.

I think that's probably Comfort or support? I'm not sure if it's enough to trigger the move, but I'll roll here and let Malexia decide. Also not sure if it's possible to comfort or support multiple people at once. If not, I'll target 21st Centurion.

EDIT: Assuming the roll applies, it's a fail against anybody I don't have Influence over, but a success against those I do (Influence gives a +1 forward). I'm going to hold off on marking potential or resolving until Malexia has their say.

Potential: 1/5
Conditions: None
Has Influence on: Solar Flare, 21st Centurion, Glitch

2017-09-19, 01:01 PM
If there was one part Franka didn't miss about being out of a secret lab bunker and back as a part of society it was high school. Most of the stuff was either boring, utterly useless or way to much effort, in the worst cases all three. Plus, there where all the looks she was getting. Sure nobody knew she was a tailored to be a super weapon, but trying to hide super strength in PE classes when you weren't a world class actress was kinda pointless anyway (and even more so when you sometimes forgot your strength and accidentally put your hand through a door). Not like most would get up in her face about it, even the most dense jackasses knew better than to pick a fight with the 6 foot super powered girl.

Now was lunch time, which was always a kind of awkward moment for Franka because she ate a lot due to the high energy demand of her heightened strength and especially healing capabilities. It was magic, yes, but that energy still had to come from somewhere. She found a place for her and her stacked platter across Trent and began stuffing her face with the mediocre cantina food. The Centurion didn't seem all that interested in striking up a conversation, which sat alright with the German girl, it wasn't exactly her strong suit. In a polar opposite to her friend she ignored her phone and instead focused on her food. Priorities. Only when she had finally finished did she pick up her phone and started checking on the conversation the others had over Veil and chimed in.

I think those thugs where just some students or something trying to make some quick money. They had no skill and can be licky that all their guns where pointed in the same direction.

After hitting send she looked across the table to Trent and noticed he still looked worried and was glued to his phone.

"Yo...twenty one...Earth to Trent? Stop beating yourself up about that ****. Everyone's fine no one got hurt. End of story", Franka said in an attempt to comfort him "also, you still eating that or are you done?", she added and pointed at his lunch.

2017-09-19, 02:38 PM
Hayden raised an eyebrow at the word vegan. He wanted to ask what a vegan was, but decided that was something he was going to have to look up later. He accepts the bottle of red liquid from Armando, but he puts down the bottle of sauce and his burrito, wipes the grease off his fingers with a napkin, and pulls out his "phone" from one of the pockets of his brown cargo pants.
What was once his communicator, Hayden and Trent managed to modify it so that it functions like a cell-phone and a computer. Though his friends have said that the flippable dual-screen feature makes it look more like a handheld game system rather than a phone, but Hayden doesn't mind how it looks. It worked pretty well, and thats all that mattered.
Getting onto The Veil, Hayden read through the messages the team sent out, and then typed up a few responses.

Hi @Glitch! I never knew that tacos could taste this good! Like cereal and milk, cheese, candy bars, and toothpaste!

@Charma, Nope, haven't seen him. One of us should check up on him to see if he's doing okay.

@21st Centurion, I'm not sure where the Baron can get his hands on that kind of tech. I'd like to inspect the energy rifle I took apart to find anything that can tell us where those energy rifles came from.

Hey @Tank. Do you still have any energy rifles left from when we stopped the Duke Baron? I'd like to borrow another one to investigate where the Baron got those energy rifles and how.

2017-09-19, 04:47 PM
Trent's attention snapped up to Tank, and he suddenly realized that he'd basically been ignoring her and spiraling into his own little world of misery. He listened to her, let out a breath, and forced himself to smile. "I guess you're right. I mean, no one ever promised that this gig wouldn't involve risks and collateral damage and stuff."

He kept his voice low, but he wasn't too worried about being overheard. People tended to give Franka a wide berth.

His smile slowly reached his eyes. Yeah, things had gone wrong, but in the end they'd won and no one had gotten hurt. Wasn't that the most they could ask for?

He glanced back at his phone, and saw that a few messages had come in. He hashed out a couple of quick replies.

@Chama Yeah, I think I can make some time after school.

@Solar_Flare We should look into that, sure. If someone is digging up mental patients and supplying them with dangerous tech, I'd like to know who.

Trent took a few select bites out of his lunch and passed the rest of the tray to her. "Here, you need the calories more than me. And G was right, you did good back there. We all did our best." He shook his head. "I gotta keep my head clear for when the next thing goes down."

He smirked, glanced around to make sure that no one was watching, and then held up a hand. "Super strength high five?"

Sharing a triumphant celebration, Trent sees Franka as an equal. Take influence over him...which you already have, so you get to pick which labels you want him to shift.

Potential = 1 2 (Increased by Chama)
Conditions: Guilty (Cleared by Tank)
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama

Mr. E
2017-09-19, 05:36 PM
Elizabeth chucks her lunchbox in the bottom of her backpack, then gets up and wanders in the direction of the library. On her way out, she sees Tank and Trent talking animatedly, producing a sudden stab of jealousy. Sighing under her breath, she heads out the door.

Once ensconced safely in the little used school library, she pulls out her phone again. A flood of notifications appears. Elizabeth finds a comfy chair, checks for any watchers, makes a show of getting out her books as if to study, and begins to type.

@Chama: or something... :)

@Solar_Flare: should eat some food from my home country. We can do better than Tacos any old day.

Or, at least, we can do better than toothpaste (you know you're not supposed to eat that stuff?).

@Energy Rifles: Do we know who made them? If it's an earthbound firm, I could do some digging. That might give us a place to start, 'specially if they have a dealership or something in Halcyon itself.

Oh, and I found some info on our other 'friend', if anybody's interested.

2017-09-19, 11:10 PM
Hayden replied to Glitch's messages before taking a moment to apply some sauce into his burrito.
"Hm, I didn't know that." Hayden muttered to himself. He has a lot more to learn than he realizes.

I actually did not know that toothpaste wasn't meant for eating. Thanks for letting me know @Glitch. I'll be looking forward to trying the food from your home country.

As for the energy rifles, I'm actually going to inspect the parts I have in my possession to see if I can find anything that can lead me to where it was made.

2017-09-20, 05:05 PM
Chama looks at Hayden out of the corner of his eye, trying not to laugh as he imagines the alien eating toothpaste. The million-dollar question was whether he spread it on something like a cracker first or if he just ate it right out of the tube.

@Glitch Where's your home country?

@21st Centurion Alright, cool. Maybe we should swing by DarkPyre's place on the way to the hacienda to see if he's doing alright. It looked like he was okay after you and Solar_Flare did...whatever that was, but maybe something happened?

2017-09-20, 08:52 PM
To her own surprise Franka's, not exactly gentle, words reached the other teen, he seemed better now. At least she thought so, she wasn't the best when it came to this kind of stuff.

She reached out to the offered plate and pulled it over, beginning to eat, when she saw the 21st raise his hand for a "super strength high five".

She raised an eyebrow. "I'll pass, high fives are stupid."

Leaving her teammate hanging, she pulled out her phone and looked at the messages.

@Chama stop probing Glitch with personal questions. She wants to keep this stuff secret. So let her.

@Solar_Flare you need a better guide to Earth than Cent, else you're gonna kill cause you tried to drink bleach or some **** like that.

If I share a triumphant moment I could also make you my Love/Rival from my playbook. But I don't see either happening at the moment. So your labels stay and I don't think Franka didn't exactly make this moment especially triumphant either ;)

Mr. E
2017-09-20, 09:38 PM
Still "studying", Elizabeth types off another batch of replies. She checks her watch, but apparently there's still plenty of time before she needs to get to her next class (calculus, sadly...).

@Solar_Flare: Well, I mean, we don't eat it, but I'm no expert in alien biology. If it's what you need to get your extraterrestrial RDI's, then sure, eat toothpaste. But I'd still get someone other than 1c to guide you around human food. :)

@Chama: Nuh uh, that's not how it works. He has to eat his way round every cuisine, so he can be sure he's tried it. Although, honestly, I'm not sure there is one in Halcyon.

She has a fiddle with her settings, then opens up a private chat with Tank.

I can handle Chama's prying myself. Actually that one was totally my fault anyway. But thanks for trying :)

2017-09-20, 10:12 PM
@Tank, while I will avoid drinking bleach (whatever that is), how exactly would bleach drive me to kill?

Hayden took a moment to ponder on what bleach is, and what is the purpose of toothpaste if it isn't supposed to be eaten, before replying to another message.

@Glitch, I don't think toothpaste has anything that Kasmandians need to sustain themselves. The squeezable tube the toothpaste was in reminded me of the squeezable tubes that contained nourishment on the ship I worked on. Even if toothpaste wasn't meant to for consumption, it certainly tasted better than Kasmandian ship rations. Anyways, I do look forward to having you introduce me to more of earth's delicacies (Is that the right word for it?)

After Hayden sent that message, he finally decided to take a bite of burrito that had the sauce on it...

2017-09-20, 10:35 PM
Trent's face fell as Tank left him hanging. He was clearly pretty disappointed, but he let out a breath through his nose, affected a look of not caring, and shrugged it off.

"Alright, if that's how you wanna play it."

He sat awkwardly for a moment, then got up from the table. "I've got stuff to do, so I'll see you later."

Not actually having anything to do, Trent headed for the library. He noticed Elizabeth watching him and forced a smile and a slight wave, then headed for the computers. What was that girl's name again?

Potential = 2
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama

2017-09-21, 11:01 AM
Armando makes a face at his phone as he reads the messages from Glitch and Tank. What are you, her mother? The reprimand catches him off guard and he can feel his cheeks burning. He starts typing a response, but deletes it and tries again a couple of times. After probably too long, he sends off a weak-sauce comeback just so Tank doesn't get the last word in.

Turn down mama bear

I guess it's just tacos and kraut for team diversity dinner

Setting his phone to silent, he stuffs it back into his pocket to concentrate on his burrito. Taking another bite, he turns to Hayden and asks how he likes the sauce around a mouthful of food.

Chama takes his burn with extra salt. Playing teenagers is so much better than being a teenager ever was.

2017-09-21, 04:22 PM
At first, the burrito tasted slightly soggy from the sauce. Hayden opened his mouth to answer Armando's question, but before he could say anything, he started to feel something. Some kind of..... warm sensation. It slowly became warmer, and warmer, and warmer. To the point that it felt like his mouth was on fire!!!

Hayden hurriedly got his drink and gulped it down to try to extinguish the blazing sensation, getting some of it on his face in the process.

After the burning feeling in Hayden's mouth has gone away, he glanced around Taco Loco to see if anybody took notice of what had happened.

2017-09-22, 04:08 AM
A few hours later...

School's out and you still haven't seen your teammate, either as Brett or as Darkpyre. It's not the first time he's pulled a brooding act on you, but they never go on this long. Something's wrong.

The decision is quickly made; you need to check on him. Costumes are donned and you run, jog, and fly to the abandoned warehouse that hides the entrance to his secret sanctum. You all regroup a block away from it.

Then the warehouse explodes.

A pillar of flame scalds your vision and a wave of heat and smoke claws at your skin. The sky looks red, the air is toxic, and the civilians are scattering. This is bad. This is really bad.

A dozen men and women in tactical gear and masks walk out of the burning building, and suddenly things are worse. They're not carrying dinky little energy rifles like the clowns this morning; they're packing real guns that hit with real force.

Their uniforms remind Tank of Kraken's grunts. Could this be their doing? Why here, and why now? Why Darkpyre?

A supervillain follows them out. You can tell she's a supervillain from her bright red domino mask, and the wings of fire spreading out from her back as she steps into the smoke-filled open air, and from the way she caresses a burning beam of wood and gives it a kiss. You can't remember her name off the top of head, but you're pretty sure you've seen her before.

When she walks out, 21st Centurion collapses behind a car.

The villainess sees you and grins. "Mm, more? No, I shouldn't. Have to keep my figure, don't I?" She laughs vainly and pats the head of a nearby goon. "Take care of them for me, would you, pets?" Then she turns sharply and sprints down the nearest alley. She's running in heels, too, but she makes it look effortless.

The gun-toting arsonists all face you. They have guns, and numbers, and behind them is a burning building that might just contain a friend.

What are you going to do, heroes?


Gravitas, you've been following men and women in masks and tactical gear for the better part of an hour. At first you thought they might be working for your father. They still might be, but you weren't expecting the woman with the fiery wings. She blindsided you just as you were sneaking up on the team, sent you crashing into a pile of boxes. Then everything went red, and orange, and white, and now the building is burning down.

Stay too long and you'll roast. What's the exit strategy, champ?


Centurion, the moment you saw that woman the world disappeared.

Everything is black, and grey, and your skin is burning.

You see a scorched field, a blackened tree, and two figures in shadow. One kneeling, broken. One standing, imperious.

The horizon is red, but the air is black. Falling like snow.

Ash. The sky is raining ash.

You see the face of the kneeling man: he's your predecessor. The one who died at the hands of...


The monster himself reaches out a black-gloved hand and lifts up the withered form of the 20th Centurion. From within a hood so shadowy it conceals all his features, he hisses, "Pathetic. Is this the best your kind can offer?"

Static. The image flickers, and for a moment you see things differently. Your surroundings aren't featureless darkness but snowy hills littered with black ash. Nihilus isn't lifting the 20th Centurion, but rather a woman you don't recognize with golden hair and a heroine's costume. There are others, bodies, lying in the snow and ash. Lifeless. Other villains, too, standing at a respectful distance.

The static vanishes and you see the red dreamscape once more. But now Nihilus is looking straight at you. Paralytic terror seizes your limbs and holds them in place.

The man - the thing - who killed your predecessor takes a step towards you and lets the 20th Centurion fall to the ground. You hear bone crack.

He hisses, "Ah. The successor."

On the ground, the 20th Centurion yells, "Run, boy!" and you can feel your limbs again. Darkness surrounds you.

What do you do?

2017-09-22, 04:47 AM
Trent is staggered by the image in front of him. This is literally the stuff of his nightmares, what keeps him up at night, what the sessions with the single, outdated Century therapist tend to comprise of. He staggers back, hyperventilating, staring at Nihilis' figure as he tries to conclude what to do.

Rolling Take a Powerful Blow. Emotionally. [roll0] On a miss, you stand strong. Mark potential as normal, and say how you weather the blow.

"No," he answers, turning back to the man who he'd known for such a short period of time, but who had changed his life so drastically.

"This isn't real. I saw you die." He took a step forward, gritting his teeth. "If this is one of his visions, then abandoning you here is exactly what he wants me to do."

His gaze flashed back to Nihilus. "I'm done with your lies!" he shouts, lunging forward to try to tear off the villain's hood.

Potential = 3
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama

Mr. E
2017-09-22, 02:53 PM
Oh s***, oh s***, oh s*** - we're all going to die. is Glitch's immediate response. She's fast, but not bullet-proof, and even with the adrenalin and electricity that pumps through her veins, there's a jolt of fear at the sight of real, proper guns. What would a real hero do? She pauses, undecided.

Then she sees one of the pseudo-military types raise his/her firearm (it's hard to tell under the layers they are wearing), and the decision is made for her.Thinking's gonna get me killed someday... Glitch closes her fists, electricity arcing and hissing around the black leather gloves, and surges towards the enemy line.

Glitch is reminded of the inherent dangers of excessively long inner monologues. :smallbiggrin:

I roll to directly engage a threat: [roll0]


Zero Prime
2017-09-22, 04:33 PM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Angry.
Burn: Three.

Maxmus threw himself to the pavement as the torrent of flame the flame winged femme fatale projected towards him began to superheat the air. Almost immediately perspiration beaded his brow, he turned his head even as he held his breath so the heat did not cook his lungs. That however did not stop the microweave of his body suirt from smouldering and combusting along his shoulder and upper arm, he turned his head, spots swimming before him as he avoided the fireball. Suddenly, with a dull *whump* the building beneath him exploded, the concussive wave slamming into him like a wall, his sudden trajectory change sent him plummeting into an alley, landing ignominiously amongst the filth and the refuse of Halcyon City's industrial district.

Even as he cleared his head, he chided himself, 'stupid, stupid, stupid,' he had underestimated his opponents, and allowed himself to be distracted. He felt anger, humiliation, and fear well up in his chest, threatening to choke him as surely as the villain's fiery torrent. He reached out, his fingers scrabbling against the pavement, a smile crossed his lips, the trash and the refuse around him began to gently twist and turn in the reduced gravity. He rose to a floating position, inches above the pavement, subtle blue-white flares of gravitonic energy surging around him, and where they arc'd objects began to float in the null gravity that surrounded the young man.

These men came here with a purpose, and while he wasn't sure of the specifics, judging by their arms and armor it was certainly not peaceful. With a sweep of his arms, he indicated the paramilitary force that he had initially been tracking.

"We're not done here!"

He raised a hand and made a sudden fist, the debris that floated in the null grav plunged to the ground, it's mass suddenly increased exponentially.

"Not by a long shot."

Gravitas will tap into the local gravity field, in anticipation of unleashing some holy hell on flame fatale's henchmen. Rolling 2d6+Conditions marked; [roll0]. Let's see how this goes.

Nice, a hit! 3 Burn, but I have to mark a condition. Let's go with Angry, yup, something's 'bout to get broke.

2017-09-23, 01:06 PM
"This is not good." Hayden muttered to himself. There were so many things happening at once: The team is up against a group of better equipped bad guys, 21st Centurion has somehow lost consciousness, and the place where Darkpyre's secret base is supposedly in is on fire! As the humans would say, they are way in over their heads on this one. But it seems like the "goons" have to be dealt with first.

Hayden flies up to a spot high over where the goons are standing. Then he shoots out a beam of orange-yellow from one of his hands, down to the center of the space where the goons have gathered. The idea wasn't to hurt the bad guys, but to melt the asphalt/concrete under their feet with the heat of his beam. Or at least melt their boots so that they'll stick to the ground.

Potential: 1
Conditions: Afraid

Move: Unleash Your Powers (Reshaping the Environment)
Roll: [roll0]

I'm going to mark the Afraid condition for Solar Flare.

2017-09-23, 01:53 PM
The deafening explosion rattles Chama to his core, and the concussive blast nearly knocks him off his feet. The heat wave washes over him, and the air threatens to scorch his lungs. Drinking the heat in, it's all he can do to manifest his axé, protecting himself from the burning air. As 21st Centurion collapses next to him, Chama's head snaps around in alarm, only to snap back again as Glitch charges directly at the guys with guns. "No!"

Everything happens so fast, and Chama doesn't have the luxury of assessing the situation. DarkPyre was somewhere in the middle of that fire, there were dudes armed with guns standing in the way of getting to him, and one of their heaviest hitters was down. His heart is like a freight train pounding in his chest, and he fears fear starting to crowd in. Keep it together, man. Brett's in there, and he needs you! "I'm going after DarkPyre," he says to the others. Turning around to face them, he sketches out a quick plan of action. "Tank, you and me are gonna back up Gitch. I'll peel off when I get an opening. Solar Flare, somebody needs to stay with 21. Can you cover us from here?"

Turning back around, he vaults over the car and charges in behind Glitch. Whoever these guys where, they made a big mistake standing between Chama and a giant bonfire. Skidding to a stop a few yards short of the goons, he starts swaying, shuffling his feet back in forth in a triangle. With every step of his ginga (https://youtu.be/HbUxXJKitS4?t=93), his arms swings out, and as he pulls them back in, he pulls some of the fire out in great orange tongues to lick at the backs of the armed goons.

Should we have a standard protocol for certain situations? For example, if two people are directly engaging a threat, should the second person just use Team to aid> In this situation, it makes sense for Chama to spend a Team to aid Glitch rather than engage himself, since he's more just waiting for an opening to get past the goons into the building. Glitch, are you okay with what is now a hit to be used to create an opening?

2017-09-25, 06:25 PM
Franka didn't really wanna be here. She didn't care much for DarkPyre and if he wanted to brood and lick his wounds, she'd be happy to let him, but the others had dragged her along anyway.

When the warehouse where their teammate was hiding out went up in flames, Franka held up a hand to shield her arms from the sudden blaze of light. Her first thought was, that DarkPyre had done something incredibly stupid, but then she saw the woman and the soldiers coming out of the building, flames licking around and she froze. Those where Kraken Soldiers, well trained, armed and dedicated. What where they doing here? Had they tracked her? No matter, when she escaped she beat some of them into a pulp, she'd do it again.

The others were a step ahead of her or, in the case of the Centurion, seemingly knocked out. Which was bad. Chama was blabbering something besides her, which was irrelevant. Their little alien pal with the weird culinary experiments had taken to the sky which was stupid because he was way out in the open there and made a nice target. Franka's true worry though, was Glitch who already charged into the fray, electricity sparkling around effectfully. Stupid girl, they could perforate her any second now, she had to do something! Glitch was too far ahead for her to catch up, so she opted to get their attention, appear as the biggest threat of them all.

Tank grabbed a nearby car (a red one) and lifted it above her head, balancing it out and then ran towards their enemy, a battlecry on her lips that could scare a demon.

Potential: -
Condition: -

Provoke to get them to attack me using a threat and an obvious show of force so I get +Danger instead of +Saviour

2017-09-25, 10:33 PM
Centurion, the world flickers again, a burst of static punctuating your righteous assault against the monster who nearly killed you once before.

You see the dead heroes again, you see villains you don't recognize, and you see Nihilus, that demon of shadow and malice, watching you.

You reach for his hood, and Nihilus slams your wrists together. You didn't even see him move, and now you're caught.

He leans in, and that scraping sound hisses out from him again. "This is no vision, hero."

Gain the condition Afraid. The presence of Nihilus is more than any untrained hero can bear.

More static. You see the fire, and the snow, and the images are clashing against each other. Snow, ash, snow, ash. For a moment, you see steel and concrete - Halcyon City, your friends fighting crooks in tactical gear.

Then, Nihilus says something in a language you don't understand. The static vanishes... and you're standing there, wrists held, wearing someone else's skin.

Nihilus inclines his head to one of the villains, a woman wearing old-fashioned armor and carrying a sword. She looks a lot like Tank, actually.

"The spell worked adequately, Valkyrie-19. Give Kraken my regards."

She nods at him, but says nothing. Nihilus returns his attention to you.

You have maybe a single moment of distraction to work with. What's the game plan, Centurion? How are you getting out of this mess?


Back in Halcyon City, things are going... well, about as poorly.

Solar Flare, you see this mess unfold. Fire, chaos, and recklessness all mixing together to create a toxic stew of nothing good.

You get the first shot in; you pour supercharged heat into the ground beneath the baddies, letting loose with a blinding beam of thermal energy. The intensity you're unleashing is almost more than you can handle, and you get flashbacks to the fight with Duke Baron, and how everything went wrong there.

But your plan works. Most of the criminals now have melted boots, and the time it will take them to solve that problem costs them all their mobility.

You probably weren't expecting Gravitas to suddenly emerge from the burning building and engage in a bit of grandstanding.

Gravitas, you can feel your power flowing through, electrifying the air, altering the local gravity well. That flame-winged thug and her jackboots have you pissed, and now's the time to act.

Glitch and Chama, you take the initiative and charge these over-geared scum. Electricity and flame join the chorus of superpowers being thrown at these goons, and they fire wildly without hitting a target once.

Since it wasn't specified, I'm going with 'resist or avoid blows'.

The goons seem cowed by the flurry of attacks, but not beaten quite yet. Their body armor is resisting some of what you're throwing at them, and they aren't cheap mercenaries like Duke Baron was using; these goons won't flinch so easily.

That's where Tank comes in.

Tank, you unleash your war scream and charge the enemy... and it all goes wrong from there. One of the goons, maybe the leader, eyes you coming, seems to almost recognize you, and brings his rifle to bear.

He shoots, and it isn't firing a normal bullet. Something explosive rams your gut and sends you flying backwards. Take a powerful blow.

2017-09-25, 10:59 PM
Trent's eyes go wide as the villain latches onto his wrists. Could this really be Nihilus? He wasn't ready for this, the previous centurion hadn't been ready for this. The old man had been right after all, he had to get away... but he wasn't intending on just running. Something that the old man had said once flashed through his head.

'My century was defined by fear. Of the Nazi's, of nuclear annihilation, and then there was that whole Y2K nonsense. The only way we got through it was to keep out heads down and do what needed to be done. If we'd given into fear, we would have lost everything.'

What needed to be done... his eyes drifted down to the crumpled body of the woman Nihilus had been holding. Could she still be alive? Not for long if she was left here.

Nihilus' grip was stronger than steel. The 21st Centurion could have broken steel. But maybe if he shifted his stance and took advantage of the deficit in leverage...

The 21st Centurion braced his legs and flexed his core, doing his best to swing Nihilus into the air and then into the ground behind him, hoping to shake the monster's grip and give Trent a chance to get free and run, and hopefully grab the golden-haired hero along the way.

[roll0] (+2 for savior, -2 for afraid)
fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.

When you directly engage a threat, roll + Danger. On a hit, trade blows. On a 10+, pick two. On a 7-9, pick one.
• resist or avoid their blows <Priority two
• take something from them <Priority one
• create an opportunity for your allies
• impress, surprise, or frighten the opposition

Potential = 3
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama

Zero Prime
2017-09-26, 05:38 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Angry.
Burn: Two.

Max watched, almost in shock, as the soldiers turned from his display of power to the young woman charging into the fray, Franka. For a moment his mind catapulted back to when they first met, a confrontation with Humanity Now activists, and the young woman's no nonsense attitude towards them, and their hypocrisy. He admired her for her frankness, her blunt, objective view of the matter, and the way she had dropped the most aggressive member of the growing crowd.

Now one of these paramilitary bastards was raising his gun towards her, ready to pull the trigger on his friend. "No!", he hadn't realized he was yelling, "Not on my watch you piece of s**t!" The lead soldier was drawing a bead on her, until suddenly the gun in his hands began to fold in on itself, compacting into a singularity that threatened to crush the gunman's hands.

The weapon, now a jagged sphere of metal plunged into the soupy asphalt, beginning to smolder and glow, a ruddy orange in the melted tar, a result of Solar Flare's fiery assault.

OOC: Spending 1 Burn to activate Shielding, allowing me to Defend Tank rolling +Freak instead of +Savior. Here goes, [roll0]. Success! I will chose to take Influence over Tank, however as it was only a 7+ I will also escalate the situation.

2017-09-26, 11:36 AM
Hayden was glad to see that his idea to slow down the well-equipped thugs worked, but it that is not going to stop the armed thugs from hurting his friends with their firearms.
He needed to stop these bad guys from hurting anymore of his friends, and quickly.
Acting fast, Solar Flare swooped down and used his powers to decrease the density the density of the car Tank was holding before taking it off her hands.
"Sorry Tank, but I need to borrow this too!" He said to her before he took off high into the air.
When he was high enough into the air, Hayden changed his course to a downward direction toward where the bad guys were standing, now increasing the density of the red car as he pushed it down towards them. He's seen superheroes do this on television and in what humans call comics. This is part of what superheroes are supposed to do. Right?

Move: Unleash Your Powers (Overcome an obstacle)
Roll: [roll0]
Hayden is going to do this by making Tank's red car weigh a lot less, and then making it heavier on its way down between the goons and the team.

Potential: 2
Conditions: Afraid

Edit: Uh oh. :smalleek:

2017-09-26, 03:14 PM
Though the action only barely resembles his hasty plan, it seems to be working. The sound of gunfire mingles with the roar of the flame from the warehouse behind them, and Chama hopes the damp feeling on his legs is just sweat. Somehow, he and Glitch manage to avoid getting hit long enough for Tank to come charging in with a car. I hope that wasn't 21's only cover... His thought is interrupted as a goon with a nasty-looking gain raises to take a shot at Tank, but the gun suddenly crumples uselessly. What-? DarkPyre? Looking over at the source, he sees a familiar figure emerging from the warehouse. Just not the familiar figure he was expecting. What's Gravitas doing here?!

If he's going to save DarkPyre (who had better still be alive, on penalty of a second death), he can't waste any more time tangoing with the Goon Squad. The memory of his dad's voice advises him. The rest of the team can handle this. You've just got to trust them. Somewhere to the side of him, Glitch has her hands full with zapping the hell out of the soldiers. He calls out to her to coordinate, shouting encouragement he doesn't quite feel. "Glitch! I'm going in! You can handle these dudes!" Taking the opening, he sprints around the guards toward the warehouse and charges straight into the fire.

Inside, the heat washes over him in waves. He can feel the intensity, but his axé keeps him safe from the flames. He's familiar with the layout, but the buidling burning down around him makes it tough to navigate. "Yo Brett!" he calls out. "We gotta go, amigo! Are you in here?!"

Mr. E
2017-09-26, 04:40 PM
Confusion rises as the heroes engage the goon squad. Glitch does her best to keep her feet and avoid getting shot in the ensuing melee. Which is kinda tricky as the ground goes soft and sticky beneath her feet, and she feels heat rise from around her ankles. Something catches at her, and she dives forward to avoid being slammed into the tarmac. What the actual hell was that?

Rising to her feet, Glitch sways to avoid a gun-butt, then lashes out. An assault rifle goes flying through the air, and is that a flipping car? Chaos swirls around her, and a stray bullet whines past her ear. The offending goon raises her firearm for a better shot and she leaps forward, aiming a blow for the other's throat. Smashing him aside she continues her rampage through the enemy lines.

Well, looks like I'm directly engaging a threat again. Glitch continues in her usual role of person who punches other people in the face.


I'll resist or avoid their blows, as I usually do.

2017-09-28, 04:08 PM
Tanks plan worked...kind of. She at least got one of their opponents attention directed towards her. The leader of the Kraken squad had his rifle trained on her and Franka already prepared herself to get shot, but then the rifle suddenly crumbled in her enemy's hands. She had no time to look around who helped her out as the car she had lifted above her became very very light, all of a sudden. "What the frak?!", she exclaimed when that dumbo of an alien suddenly lifted the car himself to do Odin knows what. Swallowing her anger, Franka looked around, taking a moment to make sense of the chaos.

Potential: -
Conditions: -

Assess the Situation:
--> How could we best end this quickly?

2017-09-29, 03:04 AM
Centurion, your strength feels wrong. Off. You feel both weaker and stronger than you do normally. Your pull has less force than you expected, but you feel more agile, quicker. Nihilus stumbles and you escape his grasp, but he doesn't go flying like you'd wanted.

You scoop up the fallen woman. Her costume is purple, with lightning bolt zigzags. She's heavy, but you can still run. You sprint away from Nihilus, but there are more villains all around you. The valkyrie, goons with black and glowing red guns, and two other villains, a woman with a lot of knives and a man holding a sleek, crystalline staff.

One of the goons fires at you and it hurts. You haven't felt pain like this since before you got the Centurion's powers. You stumble, and fall, and the woman rolls into the snow.

For the first time you really notice your own body: it isn't yours. This costume is white, and your skin is darker, and there's a gaping hole where your stomach should be. You're covered in blood, some of it dry, some of it fresh.

Somehow, you're inside a corpse.

You feel Hopeless.

Behind you, Nihilus howls. "No, you idiot! You'll damage the signal!" A shockwave of darkness surges across the poor grunt who fired at you, and when it passes there are just bones left behind.

Nihilus is Angry.

That shadow passes over you before you can recover, and then it wraps around you, and everything is cold.

Static. More static. Flickering. The snow falls away. Screaming. You're back in the ash. Snow, ash, snow ash.

You see the snow again, and the goons are firing. You see a flash of something purple, and the woman on the ground is gone. She escaped. You haven't.

The snow fades, and the ash fades, and you are alone.

Fear and desperation course through your veins, overpowering everything else. Atavistic terror of the dark, and very cogent terror of the monster who killed your predecessor. You try to run.

The darkness shifts around you, fluid. You run, and run, and you see a light.

You're in a room. The walls are covered in masks, helmets, weapons and shields. You see items from all eras of history, the trappings of warriors long dead. You see a centurion's helm. It glows.

Every mask and helmet in the room speaks, and a thousand voices say, "Don't let him in!"

The world flickers again, and you're in the snow. Nihilus is standing over you. His voice resonates with unearthly power.

"Show me it, boy. Give me the Spirit of the Century."

Take a powerful blow to resist Nihilus's demands.


Gravitas, your quick thinking saves Tank from a brutal shot, but it also infuriates the man with the wrecked gun.

Glitch, you brawl your way through the grunts, easily dodging shots and sowing confusion. You make your way right to their leader, and see him toss aside his ruined assault rifle and pull a pistol.

Tank, you see a moment crystallized, the calm before the storm. You know, horribly, like watching a car crash, that you can't stop it as the pistol begins to glow, black metal and glowing orange crystal.

Solar Flare, you lift the car into the air and dart down, streaking towards the bad guys, and you're going so fast you only see the orange glow when it's too late.

The arsonist pulls the trigger, and an orange beam lances through the car, hitting the engine and causing a chemical reaction that turns catastrophic in nanoseconds. The car explodes.

A plume of fire scars the sky and boils the air. Solar Flare, Gravitas, and Glitch, you're too close to the blast. Take a powerful blow. Tank, your second of foresight lets you dodge the blast.

When the smoke clears, none of the baddies are standing, and most are looking crispy (though not quite dead, you think). The woman with wings is nowhere to be found, but her lieutenant is lying there with an exploded pistol and a burned hand.

Your attention is drawn to the warehouse, and then you see the fire spread from it to the building next to it: an apartment complex. You hear screaming, and suddenly the goons are the least of your concerns.


Chama, you're inside the warehouse. This place was garbage even before it exploded, but now the fire and smoke makes it hard to see anything. Still, you're familiar enough with the layout to stumble over to the secret door in the wall, the one that leads down to Darkpyre's sanctum.

Except, the secret door is broken. Fake wall lies ripped apart and cast aside. Burned. More smoke billows from inside the stone tunnel leading to the sanctum. You venture down through the smoke, your powers letting you ignore the worst of it.

You stumble into the sanctum proper, and it's a mess. Bookshelves are knocked over, ornate tapestries torn down, intricate metalwork distorted. More scorch marks, everywhere.

In the center of the chamber, Darkpyre is sitting on a throne of burning books, blackened volumes serving as imitation armrests. His costume is singed, but his skin glows with a too-healthy sheen. His eyes open, and they are opaque red.

That's not Brett.

A dragon's voice comes slithering out of your friend's mouth. "Ah, are you my snack? It would seem Firewing managed to procure one after all. Good, good. Come here, morsel. Your new god hungers."

When you don't immediately prostrate yourself before him or cower in fear, the creature in Brett's skin shakes his head. "No? Then perhaps you are here to bargain, like her. What do you desire, mortal? What can the great dragon Verazillix offer you?"

2017-09-29, 03:36 AM
Trent raises a hand and looks at it, his mind in shock. That's not my hand... he thought. And that's not my blood all over it.

Ok, starting off by rolling Take a Powerful Blow, as that's going to dictate the tone of this engagement. I'm afraid and hopeless, so that adds two, lets see what we get. [roll0]

Ouch, but oh well, it could have been worse.
On a 7-9, choose one.
• you lash out verbally: provoke a teammate to foolhardy action or take advantage of your Influence to inflict a condition
• you give ground; your opposition gets an opportunity
• you struggle past the pain; mark two conditions <-This one. Trent has become Insecure and Angry

He looked up, past his hand, at Nihilus, standing over him, trying to make him betray the spirit. He'd been here before, though as the hostage that the villain held over Centurion's head. Being in the other position now certainly wasn't better.

He tried to look at himself again, but he couldn't quite manage it. He was hurt, deep inside, and that threw him off. He'd grown used to being The 21st Centurion, impervious, unstoppable. Now he felt like he'd had the legs cut out from under him.

Then the wave of power hit him, demanding that he betray that which he'd sworn to take on, and he answered it with the only thing he had left. Anger. Pure white hot righteous anger. Deep filthy seething hatred from the blackest pit of his soul. His eyes burned with it. He opened his mouth and screamed. He grabbed hold of Nihilus' leg and screamed "You'll have to rip it out of my dead body!" He tried to pull Nihilus down with everything he had.

Trying to provoke Nihilus into killing this body, thus hopefully disrupting 'the signal'.
(2d6)[4] as I rolled in the OOC thread, is a miss. Marking potential. Hoo boy.

Potential = 4
Conditions: Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure, Angry
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama

Zero Prime
2017-09-29, 04:47 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Angry.
Burn: Two.

The explosion rocked Gravitas, already singed and burnt from Flame Fatale's initial fiery assault, debris from the exploding car scored long tears along his ribs. The force of the explosion would have blown him back a dozen feet or more, but thankfully his gravitic shield held, though barely. He knew he should have been able to create a singularity at the point of detonation, it would have prevented any shrapnel from achieving escape velocity, and severely limited the amount of concussive force that would have escape it's pull.

It had happened too fast, and he hadn't been prepared, for the second time that night, and now his lack of experience had put Frankus, and this other hero at risk. He glared at the young man with glowing yellow eyes, as he too reeled from the explosion, Maximus' eyes narrowed as he focused on the newcomer.

"What the hell were you trying to do?!" He pointed at the wreckage of the car, even as the pain of the explosion lanced through him, causing his free hand to hold his ribs in an attempt to staunch the flow of blood. "Cars have gas tanks you idiot! Slamming it down on asphalt that you've superheated?!? If Captain Minion over there hadn't shot it, it would have exploded in a second or two anyways!" As the ringing in his ears subsided, he began to hear what was going on in the adjacent tenement building, the cries of panic and alarm. "Are you f**king kidding me?!?" The young man was near screaming now, his anger and guilt wrapping around one another coiling like a serpent in his chest, causing it to tighten painfully, and his throat to constrict.

He looked over his shoulder towards the burning building, before turning back to the hapless Outsider, "Just stay out of my way man, you're a danger to the rest of us." With that he flew towards the tenement apartments, focused his energies, and began to clear innocents from the flames, moving them clear of the burning building with his gravitic waves.

OOC: Take a Powerful Blow, 2d6, + Conditions marked, ie. Angry, so here we go. [roll0]. Ouch, so I will Struggle through the pain, marking, Guilty & Hopeless. Secondly I will Lash Out at a Teammate provoking foolhardy action. And a fail on the Provoke, as rolled in the OOC thread, a 4 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22430305&postcount=162). I didn't make a check for levitating people out of the fire, as it's been established in fiction that I could do so. How many I get is a different matter, but I didn't want to add a third roll into the mix. Heh.

Mr. E
2017-09-30, 02:29 AM
Glitch sees the explosion the moment before it washes over her. The world is blocked out by a searing wall of fiery red and orange, punctuated by sparkling shrapnel. It is an oddly beautiful sight.

Reminds me of those abstract installations they have by the art gallery.

As possible last thoughts go, Glitch has barely enough time to realise how pathetic that would be, and then the explosion engulfs her. In the moment she feels strangely calm. Before combat, when her brain's running on overdrive, then she's scared, but not now. Instinctually she feels her powers surge, that voracious hunger for energy expand outward. The flames curl and lick around her, before being abruptly sucked into her body. The eyeslits of her mask glow red as the shrapnel, robbed of it's momentum, drops to the ground with a pale steely tinkle.

Of course. I remembered how dangerous these people can be, but I forgot how dangerous I am.

Glitch stands utterly still in the centre of the street, surrounded by the unconscious bodies of the Kraken foot-soldiers. She would probably have continued to wax philosophical, had not the shouting and screaming bought her back to reality.

Well I can't punch a fire. What can I do, and where is everyone?

Well, I take a powerful blow, with the roll from the OOC thread:


I also roll to assess the situation:

Okay so that doesn't work as a method of putting rolls from the OOC thread into the IC thread. Oh well, in this case it doesn't matter. Marking potential for that failed roll.

2017-09-30, 05:45 AM
When Chama sees that DarkPyre's sanctum has been breached, his stomach drops. That's not a good sign. Maybe he got out? He can't even convince himself of that scenario and he rushes downstairs, afraid of what he might find.

Whatever he was imagining, the truth is so much worse.

Chama's heart starts pounding like a freight train as he stands there, frozen with fear. He's now entirely sure that wetness on his pant-leg isn't sweat. Somehow, instead of ending him right then and there, the dragon mistakes Chama's terrified stillness as something that might pass for confidence. "What do you desire, mortal?"

Truth be told, Chama had fantasized about this moment plenty of times in the past. Brett confided to him that he had an ancient dragon sealed inside him and warned about what might happen if the dragon ever overpowered him. Chama had always imagined that, one day, Brett would take a nasty hit and fall to the ground, only to rise up moments later as a great black fire-breathing lizard, like that chick in the movie with the sleeping girl. Chama would challenge the dragon, and when it tried to spew it's fiery breath at him, he would use his fire powers to send it back at the dragon and roast it with one move. Then, he would finish the dragon off with Mestre's tucum knife, and once its quivering corpse finally stilled, it would turn back into Brett who would finally be free of his curse.

Now here he was in Brett's sanctum, facing the dragon. But it didn't look like a dragon; it was still wearing Brett's body. And offering him things. Why is this way so much scarier?!

He had told Mestre about Brett's powers. Mestre took the threat with deadly seriousness, which is how Chama knew this dragon thing was a Big Deal. He told Chama that he had a duty to watch over DarkPyre, and that if anything ever happened, he would have to end the threat of the dragon himself. Then he took his young pupil to a hidden Candomblé shrine in the Hacienda where he kept a wooden knife (more like a short sword). The wood was old, but sharp, and one edge was stained red. Mestre told Chama that day about the tucum blade. Made of sacred palmwood, it held an edge like steel and could be used to cut through any magic. This very knife was created in brazil almost a century ago, and was stained red with the lifeblood of the legendary capoerista Mestre Besouro Manganga when it cut through his impenetrable corpo fechado ("unbreakable body") when bullets could not stop him. A true relic of capoeira, the knife was Mestre Preguiça's most prized posession - and his most powerful weapon. He told Chama that, should the day come when the dragon would overtake DarkPyre, he must use the tucum blade to defeat the dragon once and for all.

But Chama didn't have the tucum knife. Chama didn't have anything! Suddenly, Mestre's voice cuts through the mindfog of his fear. A capoerista is never unarmed. When you fight, fight from a place of strength. In capoeira, deception is strength. Use your malicía and take the upper hand.

Chama had to be careful. One wrong move and it was over. The dragon thought he was here to bargain - which meant it could be bargained with. The dragon hadn't yet reached its full power. It was still weak, maybe still vulnerable. Maybe Brett was still in there. "Great and powerful Verazillix," he begins, willing his voice to hold steady. "You have been locked away inside a mortal host and thrown across time." That's good, stall him out. "The day has finally come when your power might once again be set loose upon the world. But still, you are bound to a mortal host that cannot hope to contain you. He is unworthy of you. But I need the mortal known as Brett for my own plans." Chama couldn't believe the words coming out of his own mouth, but it was way too late to put the brakes on now. "I will free you from your prison of flesh, but I need the one called Brett alive and unharmed. Tell me how you might be freed, and I will take your unworthy host as my reward."

2017-09-30, 07:26 AM
You're losing, Centurion. The weight of the world presses down on you. Despair. Terror. Your cause is doomed to fail. Your efforts are meaningless. You are weak.

But that's not you talking - it's Nihilus. You bury those feelings with searing fury and lash out wildly at the monster.

Your blows pass right through him. Tattered cloth flutters, and darkness seethes, but nothing connects. You stumble past him - no, through him - and collapse once more into the snow.

"Your defiance is childish. You cannot resist me, Centurion. Better than you have tried." Your vision is blurry now, but you see him gesture a gloved hand at the corpses of heroes like you.

He shakes his head and points at you, again muttering words in a strange language. Static. More static, but you're still in the snow, and you don't catch sight of the room of masks again.

Nihilus snarls; it is a bestial, wolf-like sound. "The signal is too weak, and his resolve too firm. The device we implanted needs more time."

He snaps an order to some goons and they rush to restrain you. Nihilus turns his attentions to one of the other supervillains there, the woman with knives. "Strivari, what happened here? Who sprung the trap early?"

Strivari pulls out one of her knives, tosses it in the air, and catches a tablet. She presses a few buttons and frowns. "Firewing did, apparently. She just sent me a text. She saw the Centurion with some other kids after meeting with that dragon in Halcyon City and 'got you a present'."

"Chastise her, and demand a full report." Nihilus pauses, and looks back at you, as much as a writhing mass of shadow in a hood can look at someone. "It would seem I'll have to pay a visit to Halcyon City in the near future. Just like old times."

He points at you again, and says coldly, "Let's make sure that prison is nice and secure, shall we?"

He speaks, and his words are ice digging into your skin. You scream soundlessly, and static envelops your vision. You feel yourself slipping away from Halcyon City, slipping away from sanity, barely holding yourself together.

And then everything goes white, and Nihilus is gone, and you're sitting in a white room.

The old man is sitting in a chair across from you, wearing his costume but not the helmet. He sighs.

"Well, that was a close one. You had me worried there, kid. Takes guts to stand up to Nihilus... guts and a head full of stupid." He shakes his head and demands, "Why didn't you run?"

Then, before you can say anything, he sighs again and answers his own question. "Damn heroism. It gets you killed."

There is a moment of quiet that lets you realize you're back in your own body. No blood. No corpse-skin.

The 20th Centurion gives you a measuring look, then says, "You'll be back in your body proper in a minute, maybe less. The Spirit severed your link to Nihilus's trap. If you have any questions, kid, ask them now."


Chama, you're standing in the same room as a dragon, which is a really bad feeling. Darkpyre's sanctum is smoldering, and the monster sleeping inside him has finally woken up. An aeons-old creature is wearing your friend's skin.

Verazillix hears your offer, and he laughs at you. It is a deep, booming sound that shakes the chamber and disturbs debris.

"Oh, little hero, that is rich. You don't seem to understand what's happened."

Verazillix raises Brett's hand, and the skin flakes away and shrivels up like paper in a fire. It burns, and blackens, and golden-red scales shimmer on a fleshy, skinless claw. Then, all at once, the skin flows back over the scales and becomes a hand once more.

He smiles at you with burning eyes. "In the time before your verminous kind swallowed the earth, there were dragons. Leviathans. Gods. I was one of them, and my hoard was secrets. There are a great many people who will kill for secrets, Armando Montes."

He rises from his throne. "This host is unworthy, yes. A prison constructed by ignorant fools. But flesh can be reforged, or cast aside. It won't be the first time I've had a new body built for myself. It will take me a matter of days to find a suitable magus or mad scientist."

He ***** his head - Brett's head - and says, "You still think you can save him, don't you? Let me dispel that illusion: your friend, Brett King, is dead. The woman you saw moments ago, Firewing, she killed him. She burned him alive."

Verazillix smiles. "But don't let that stand in the way of bargaining. Your first offer was paltry. I believe I can make a better one. I will tell you what I told Firewing, and in exchange you will give me the eye of a wolf. Don't worry, you'll know which wolf when the time is right."

He holds out the hand that seconds you saw turn into a claw. "So, do we have a deal? Or... will things need to get messy?"

2017-09-30, 02:39 PM
Trent gaped at his dead mentor. He felt like he should be gasping for breath, coughing desperately, but for some reason his body didn't respond to the lingering sense of deadness.

He listened to what The Centurion had to say, and slowly closed his mouth. His mind raced, he only had seconds. Luckily, the first two questions were so obvious they sprung out of his mouth without thought.

"Wha-what are you, really? Are you like, a ghost, or a psychic imprint, or... Or what?" He swallowed. "And... Nihilus said he was coming. What do I do?" He looked at the old man with eyes desperate for a way out of what seemed like an impossible scenario.

As those questions were answered, another occurred to her. "Who was that girl I... I tried to save? Did she... Get out?" He cringed a little, preparing for bad news.

Potential = 4
Conditions: Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure, Angry
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama

2017-10-02, 01:10 PM
"Your friend, Brett King, is dead."

The words hit Armando like a ton of bricks and his blood turns to ice in his veins, despite the burning building around him. He sucks in air as if he'd actually been punched. "Firewing, she killed him. She burned him alive."

The woman's name was Firewing. She killed Brett. She killed Brett for a reason. And he would find out why.

Through the haze of smoke, ash, and the curling cinders of arcane manuals floating upwards on the superheated air, Chama fixes his eyes on the dragon with dangerous, foolhardy determination. He clenches his fists a couple of times as he looks at the thing sitting on the burning throne. It wore Brett's face, but it wasn't Brett. It would never be Brett again. And it was about to tell him why. Reaching out, he takes the dragon's hand. "Deal."

2017-10-02, 04:12 PM
"Sure, I'll stay out of your way..... Whoever you are!" He called out to the new arrival as the newcomer flew towards the apartments.
The realization that he caused the explosion that put his friends in danger hit him harder than the the new hero's words. At least, he assumed the guy was a hero.
As he surveyed the damage he caused, Hayden floated back from the site. As he backed away from the scene, he saw that Centurion was still unconscious.
He came down by Centurion's side, figuring that his friends would prefer for him to stay back and not cause anymore damage.
"Twenty-First Centurion? Centurion?" Hayden said as he gently shook Centurion by the shoulder.
"Come on buddy. You need to wake up. Your team needs you." At this point, Hayden was now patting Centurion's cheeks. Or at least the parts of his helmet that cover his cheeks.

Potential: 2
Conditions: Afraid, Guilty, Hopeless

Move: Comfort or Support 21st Centurion. (Even if that seems like the worst time for that sort of thing, and I'm not sure if that is exactly how Comforting or Supporting someone works).
Roll: [roll0]

2017-10-02, 07:16 PM
Franka saw it coming, the gun, the car, the shot, but she was too late and too far away to do anything. Then it all went up in a plume of fire, smoke and shrapnel. Franka reflexively held up an arm and braced herself for the explosion that rolled over her in the next second, singing her hair and clothes and shrapnel tearing into her flesh. But her healing took care of that quickly.

When the smoke cleared she looked around, trying to get her bearings. The henchman all lay on the ground, dead or dying, her teammates seemed fine, most importantly of the all Glitch, at least she was standing and was already up and working on the next crisis. A burning building apparently full of people.

She ran over to Glitch, but not without venting her anger at the Alien: "By Odin and Thor what the frack where you thinking?!"

Not waiting for an answer she carried on, catching up with Glitch and also then noticing Gravitas already pulling people out. "Any ideas?", Franka asked Glitch, while looking with some worry at the building. She could barge in, but she wasn't exactly known for finesse and it seemed like Gravitas had the situation under control.

Potential: 1 (I failed the Provoke earlier and forgot to mark it)
Conditions: -

Assess the situation: [roll0]

2017-10-03, 07:14 PM
Trent, the Centurion answers your questions carefully.

"You did good, kid. That woman was Violet Storm. She's part of a European superhero team." He pauses. "Well, she was part of one. Not much left of it after today.. But she got out, thanks to you. She'll tell the right people that Nihilus is back."

"As for me..." The Centurion lets out a long sigh before answering that question properly. "I'm a memory. A piece of myself, left behind. The Spirit... it's older than me. Older than a lot of things. I'm the most famous Centurion, but there were others. There were heroes who bore the Spirit's mantle before centurions even existed. Every one of those heroes left a piece of themselves behind with the Spirit."

Your vision starts to blur, and he swears in an old man way. "We don't have much time. Nihilus; you wanted to know what to do when he comes, and I can't tell you that. There's no magic bullet that will keep you safe, Trent. He is the greatest threat the Spirit has ever faced. He's coming for you, and he's going to see all of Halcyon City as collateral."

"My advice is this: build that team of yours. Unite. You all need to work together to stop what's coming and save the world. In the end, it won't be heroes like Maximus or Violet Storm that kill Nihilus. It has to be you, and your friends. Good luck."

Then he's gone, and you wake up to fire, and Solar Flare is shaking you.


Armando, you take Verazillix's hand and fire wraps around the both of you, forming a band that seals your hands together. You feel your words gain supernatural weight. You've just made a Deal, and it's binding.

Lucky for you, that goes both ways. The dragon smiles and retracts his hand, then slouches a little in his chair and begins speaking.

"Firewing wanted information from me, so she killed your friend to free me and leave me indebted to her. She's looking for a set of artifacts, very old artifacts that have... migrated, shall we say, to Halcyon City. Magic is drawn here, and those two have some incredibly powerful magic. A sword and its sharpening stone."

"Right now, one of those items is in the Halcyon League's high-risk vault. The other is in the North Halcyon Museum of Anthropology. Firewing wants them both, of course, but she doesn't have the resources to take on the League. Yet."

The dragon continues to smile. "I truly wish you the best of luck, Armando. You and all your friends. I hate debt, and I'm none too fond of Firewing's master, either. I'm... rooting for you, as the humans say."

He waves his hand, and the sanctum falls away from you. You stumble, and you're standing in the middle of the street outside two burning buildings.


Gravitas, your guilty outburst leaves you feeling unstable, but you still have just enough control of your powers to help out people in the most affected parts of the apartment complex. Panicked citizens crouch by their windows in fear, and you lift them out before the fire can consume them.

Glitch, everything is still too chaotic to understand. There's fire everywhere, and your friends are yelling at each other, and at the edge of your vision you see Centurion getting back up, and then Chama appearing out of nowhere. You think you hear police sirens in the distance, or maybe it's a fire truck. This whole encounter is one giant mess; if teen heroes seemed like threats before, it's going to be a thousand times worse after today.

Solar Flare, you see Centurion start to wake up, and a wave of relief washes over you. He's still groggy, but he hears you.

Tank, you're in the same position as Glitch. Everything's happened too quickly, and the stress of watching your friends nearly take injuries is getting to you. The apartment building is a horrific mesh of flame and glass and screams, and fire alarms. The fire is small right now, only affecting a few floors, but it's spreading rapidly.

The sound of sirens draws closer, and now you all hear it. In minutes, maybe seconds, emergency services will arrive, and probably a few superheroes with them.

You need a place to hide, and one of those places just went up in smoke. Where do you go?

2017-10-03, 08:09 PM
The 21st Centurion came took a deep breath, and coughed, pulling himself up off of the pavement. "Team... I have a team..." His gaze shot up, staring into Solar Flare's eyes with a strange intensity. "We need to be ready. Nihilus is coming here, he's coming for me, and we need to be ready." His voice had a haunted, almost manic quality that was entirely unlike him.

With one hand on the car, and a bit of help from Flare, he got up to his feet. His sense of balance was still a bit off, and he visibly shook as he scanned over the scene. "What... happened?" He swallowed as he observed the devastation. "That building is... really on fire."

He glanced up at Gravitas, who seemed to be responding to the crisis. "Whose that guy?" He asked, pointing at him. "He on our side?"
Potential = 4
Conditions: Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure, Angry
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama

Zero Prime
2017-10-03, 08:45 PM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless.
Burn: Two.

Maximus pushed through the anger, and the guilt; assess, identify, and act. What he had been taught by his father, and despite his motivations, he had been disciplined and focused, something Maximus needed to be right now.


It threatened to engulf the apartments, those that lived there, and then spread to nearby tenements. Fire, flame produced light, heat, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. The heat causes these components to expand, lowering their density, and rise due to atmospheric buoyancy Thereby allowing oxygen access to the flame, further feeding the reaction.

He considered the issue, how to contain the flames without further harming the occupants, or the buildings structure. He watched, numbly, his first reaction had been to float the tenants out of the apartment. But that was the answer, zero gravity. A fire in zero gravity is smothered by the combustible components, with a lack of atmospheric buoyancy, no fresh oxygen can reach the reaction, eventually causing it to sputter and die.

He reached out, trying to feel his connection to the gravitational field around the earth, he began to nullify it's hold over the apartment building, causing those who he hadn't yet pulled from the building to begin to float towards. He looked to the group of youths, Frankus, the woman she was so concerned with, he even thought he'd seen Chama.

"A little help," his brow furrowed in concentration as he negated the earth's gravity around the building, "need to clear the tenants out of there," a grunt of exertion, "I've got the fire. For now."

A significant pause.


OOC: Spending 2 Burn to activate Overcharge, giving me a 10+ on Unleash, looking to overcome an obstacle. Specifically the building fire, holding it in Zero G until they carbon dioxide smothers the flames. I'll also stick around until emergency crews show up.

2017-10-04, 10:59 AM
Chama (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22360700&postcount=4)
Conditions: Afraid None
Potential: 2/5

Chama stumbles, spinning around on his heel to catch himself in ginga stance. He looks around, somewhat dazed, as if all of this is just a bad fever dream. The dragon's words echo in his head again.

"I'm...rooting for you..."

It all hits him again, and he feels sick to his stomach, like he's going to vomit. But Gravitas's call for help snaps him out of it before he loses himself to grief. He dashes into another burning building, determined that this time will be different. This time, he's bringing people back out alive. "Meet back at the Hacienda, ASAP!" he calls to the others. It's the last they see or hear of him before he plunges back into the flames.

Rolling to Defend the civilians (+Savior): 2d6+1

EDIT: More roll problems. Joy. Well, from the OOC thread, it's a 9 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22445367&postcount=184). Gravitas, if you want to spend a Team to bump that to a 10, that'd be cool. Otherwise, I'll expose myself to danger. Either way, I'll clear Afraid.

2017-10-04, 01:16 PM
Whatever Solar Flare said next, 21st Centurion took on a determined look as Chama went into the flames. "You heard the man. You, Glitch, and Tank should get out of here."

Then he turned back and ran into the building. "We'll meet up as soon as we can!"

Once he was inside, he pulled a fire extinguisher off the wall and caught up with Chama. "Yo bro, we practiced this, remember. I go into the burning building first!"

He forced a grin as he turned a corner, suddenly finding himself floating. "Woah... This part of the building's in Zero G!"

With a burst of fire extinguisher the 21st Centurion propelled himself down the hall, then sent a curtain of it over the smouldering spheres of fire in the hallways at the end of the intersection, giving Chama the room to maneuver.

"Hey, this isn't flying but it's close enough for now!"

Spending team to ensure Chama's full success.

Potential = 4
Conditions: Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure, Angry
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama

Mr. E
2017-10-04, 03:46 PM
Conditions: None
Potential: 3/5

Glitch tries to focus on one event at a time. At least three people are trying to talk to her, and the crackle and hiss of the flames combines with the wailing of the sirens and the boil of her own thoughts.

Chama came back without him. Brent's dead, isn't he?

The whole world feels disconnected, one moment jangling against the next without really touching. Chama and Trent are telling her to run and hide, but she see's the apartment building burn. Looking up, Glitch notices, outlined against the blaze, a man staring at her with wide horrified eyes, and she starts to run towards the building. The hunger reaches outwards, drawing tendrils of flame towards her. There's a feeling like nausea in her stomach, and a sweat drop runs down her forehead and stings her eye, but she can still see the man staring, flames leaping behind him.

Glitch knows that ignoring her team-mates is probably going to cause problems down the line, but the fear she see's around her is too close to her own to be ignored.

Chama's so losing influence over her at the end of this session. Sorry DreadPirateH!
But Elizabeth's not going to leave till she's certain the situation is under control.

Glitch is going to unleash her power by eating some of the flames, hopefully creating a safe evacuation route for civilians.


Ooh, sweet roll, although not really necessary now.

2017-10-04, 05:37 PM
"Centurion!" Solar Flare said with joy when he saw him starting to wake up.
"I'm so glad that you got...." But he was cut off when Centurion said something about Nihilus coming and that the team needs to be ready. The way he said it was not like him.
But rather than ask, Solar Flare helped Centurion get up.
"While you passed out, Darkpyre's secret base of operations was on fire, and I managed to blow up the bad guys, and some of our teammates accidentally."
"And I don't know who that guy is, but I think that he's a hero too." Solar Flare explained as he turned to Gravitas.

At Centurion's suggestion with getting out, Solar Flare nodded and flew off. He had caused enough trouble for one day, and he doesn't want to risk causing anymore.

Potential: 2
Conditions: Afraid, Guilty, Hopeless

2017-10-05, 10:13 AM
Chama (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22360700&postcount=4)
Conditions: None
Potential: 2/5

"That's not how I remember it, amigo. I do fire, you get bullets!"

The lack of gravity initially causes problems for Chama, but watching 21st Centurion blast himself down the hall gives him some intuition into how to move around. After a few experimental bounces, he starts to get the hang of it, and soon he's bouncing from wall to ceiling to floor and back while avoiding the floating flames. "A guy could get used to this!" Reaching the stairwell, he bounds up it, using the turns as platforms to push off of.

It doesn't take long to reach the civilians and start clearing people out.

2017-10-05, 06:01 PM
Everything was chaos. The building was still on fire though slowly smothered. Gravitas requested help, Chama was back and told them to regroup at his base, Centurion did the same. Meanwhile Solar Flare did just that and flew off while Glitch charged into the fray and Tank...well Tank wouldn't leave Glitch alone, but there wasn't much she could do right now either, especially now that it was all Zero G. She was pretty much useless here. This was so frustrating, she wanted to punch something really really hard, but there was nothing left to punch, unless she wanted to do finish the fire's job and completely ruin that building.

Looking around for anything she could unleash her anger and frustration on her eyes fell on the goons that had been caught in the explosion. Specifically the lieutenant. While she was walking over to him, Franka considered beating him into a pulp, but was just able to refrain from that. She would take him with her. Maybe he had information.

"You're coming with me ******* and I swear if you resist I'll break every bone you don't need for talking."

Potential: 2
Conditions: Angry (I mark this myself, because it's fitting)

Provoke using an obvious threat of violence so the guy will let himself get kidnapped.

2017-10-06, 04:12 PM
Glitch, Centurion, Chama, and Gravitas dive into the burning building and evacuate civilian after civilian, helping them away even as the heroes work to reduce the fire. The four of you see hope and fear mixing on innocent faces, and more than one victim decides to lay the blame at your feet. It's hard work, and the smoke at times threatens to suffocate you, but you're heroes. This is what you do.

Then the cops show up. Emergency services surround the building, fire trucks going to work, an ambulance taking in the most injured, police surveying the scene. And they see you. A bunch of rowdy teens, two burning buildings, and a dozen unconscious, possibly-dead bodies lying in the street.

Megamax, the big shot super who nabbed the scepter and took the credit for beating Duke Baron, is there, plus two other supers: Captain Bulwark and the Grey Shadow. The three of them... don't look pleased with you.

There's going to be a lot of explaining to do.


Tank, Solar Flare, the two of you slip into the city in search of Chama's hideout. Tank drags the drowsy terrorist lieutenant with her, while Solar Flare scouts ahead. Night falls on Halcyon City, and the day's trials hang heavy on you as you venture forth.

This isn't over. Not by a long shot.


2017-10-06, 10:49 PM

Night falls over Halcyon City. Urban light pollution keeps the streets in faux-day, and the night is only a distant darkness in the sky overhead.

Points of color cut through that dull purple, floating past the skyscrapers and neon signs. Flying towards an unanchored structure, one of two floating fortresses watching over the city. The taller, sleeker structure with the dozen rings is the Watchtower, home to all the greatest heroes who have ever toured Halcyon City. Every major team has spent time in the Watchtower, and even now it still sees use, though not as much.

The points of color don't go to the Watchtower, though. They go to the smaller, bulkier structure. The Citadel, home of the Halcyon League. Megamax is a member of the League, along with most B-list supers still active in Halcyon City. Second-best, but that still puts them way above your nameless team.

The heroes arrive, with their parcels in tow.


The four of you don't have to wait long before you're separated, and brought to four identical rooms; white panels, crisp LED lightning, and a snow-toned plastic chair on either side of a blindingly-white plastic table.


Centurion, you're sitting across from a woman with brown hair and a #5 on her uniform, which is just a bit too severe to be considered a superhero costume.

She smiles at you, though her smile doesn't seem quite real. "Let's begin, shall we?"

She taps the air and a holographic folder appears. She opens it, turns a page, and says to you, "I'm Madame Memory. I'm with public relations for the League, and I also handle these little... interviews, let's call them."

"Your mantle has quite a history, 21. With credentials like that you could be apprenticed to any superhero team in the city. And yet, you've been hanging out with... who, exactly? The trainee of a retired criminal, an experiment gone wrong, and a clueless alien? Not to criticize your friends, 21, but you could do better."

"But I'm sure you don't want to hear the recruitment spiel from me, not after a night like that. So, tell me... what exactly happened with the people in black, and how did the fire start?"


Chama, you're sitting across from a woman with brown hair and a #3 on her uniform, which is just a bit too severe to be considered a superhero costume.

She smiles at you, though her smile doesn't seem quite real. "Let's begin, shall we?"

She taps the air and a holographic folder appears. She opens it, turns a page, and says to you, "I'm Madame Memory. I'm with public relations for the League, and I also talk to... troublesome sorts, let's say."

"Your file is small, Chama, but well-connected. Your mentor really got around in the old days." She doesn't say that like it's a good thing. "Of course, you're not on trial for what your teacher did, but... it is an interesting choice, learning from Besouro."

"So, why were you in the area? What caused the fire?"


Glitch, you're sitting across from a woman with brown hair and a #4 on her uniform, which is just a bit too severe to be considered a superhero costume.

She smiles at you, though her smile doesn't seem quite real. "Let's begin, shall we?"

She taps the air and a holographic folder appears. She opens it, turns a page, and says to you, "I'm Madame Memory. I'm with public relations for the League, and I also handle all our interviews and fact finding."

"You're a relatively new hero, aren't you, Glitch? The life isn't for everyone, you know. But I'm sure others have told you that already." She laughs, a small and forced sound.

"Why don't you walk me through what happened, from the beginning."


Gravitas, you're sitting across from a woman with brown hair and a #2 on her uniform, which is just a bit too severe to be considered a superhero costume.

She doesn't smile at you. "Let's begin, shall we?"

She taps the air and a holographic folder appears. She opens it, turns a page, and says to you, "I'm Madame Memory. I'm the League's interrogator. Obviously, this means you are under interrogation."

She looks you in the eyes and says, "The League believes in second chances, Maximus. That's why you're allowed to roam free despite your father's sins and your own rocky start to heroism. But we do not believe in letting leniency become something worse."

"It is entirely possible that you were trying to help. It's possible you did help, and that more people might have been injured if not for you using your powers on that building. We won't know for certain until the report comes back. But the fact remains that a warehouse has burned down, and an apartment complex has been singed, and that entire block is going to be a fire risk for weeks."

"But your teammates can tell us about all those little details. My questions for you will be a bit more... focused."

"When was the last time you received communication from your father?"


Solar Flare and Tank, you arrive at the private compound Chama told you about. His mentor, Mestre, is waiting for you.

"Trouble," is all he says before you leading you inside. You're given free reign of the fridge, while Mestre prepares your prisoner.

The lieutenant is tied up when you see him again, strapped to a chair and waking up. He comes alert surprisingly fast for someone that, as far as you can tell, isn't superpowered. He eyes the two of you skeptically, then shrugs - as much as he can shrug within his bonds.

"Well, I guess you won. Alright, kiddos. Whadya wanna know?"


The team pool is now set to 1.

The lieutenant is at your mercy, and you don't need to make any moves to interrogate him, though you're free to do so anyways.

Madame Memory is a powerful super with esoteric powers. One of her powers is publicly known:
lying to her is a bad idea. If you attempt to lie to Madame Memory, you must first roll to take a powerful blow. Success will let you trick her lie detection.

Because this is still the night of the attack, "when time passes" moves do not yet go off. That will,
however, happen later in the episode.

2017-10-06, 11:45 PM
The 21st centurion rolled his eyes at the partial lecture about the company he kept.

"Ok, first of all, I know I could 'do better'. I'm there because they need me to be there, and because it's where I need to be. I'm not in the team to network. I don't think like that, and frankly I'm kinda sad that apparently you do."

He held her gaze for a moment, then sighed and looked away.

"Other than that, there's not much I'm going to be able to tell you about what happened with the fire. The warehouse exploded, we came running, and there were these guys in black with guns and some kind of demon-woman with fire wings. She was the last thing I saw.... here at least."

He shifted in his seat, looking profoundly uncomfortable. "Something happened to me..." Then he looked her directly in the eyes. "Look, you can tell if I'm lying, right? Because what happened to me... well, you're probably not going to believe it. I don't want to believe it..."

Rolling to pierce her mask:
When you pierce someone’s mask to see the person beneath, roll + Mundane. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one.
• what are you really planning?
• what do you want me to do?
• what do you intend to do? <- Priority two
• how could I get your character to Believe that Nihilus is coming? <-priority one
• how could I gain Influence over you? <- Priority two

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +1] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +1]
Potential = 0, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid, Hopeless
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

Mr. E
2017-10-07, 01:59 AM
Glitch doesn't take a seat, instead leaning against the wall. The soot and ash smears the white wall grey, leaching foreignness into the clinical calmness of the room. She's glad the mask hides the way her eyes flick around the room, searching for an easy exit. Her hands ball into fists, hiding the nervous twitches that threaten to ruin the cultivated impression of calmness.

There are stories about the interrogation rooms of the league, floating above the city where no eyes can peek, or watch-dog groups blow whistles. The sort of stories that feature words like "mind-reading" and "brain-trauma". Glitch looks at the unassuming woman in front of her, listens politely, and says nothing at all. She lets the quiet build slightly, head cocked on one side, just watching for the woman's response.

Give them nothing without a fight, Dad says.

Glitch is not sure whether she ought to be rebellious and defiant, or wetting her pants.

I made up some stories about the league. I figured, true or not, there'd be some dirty rumours that Glitch would have heard from her parents.

Rolling to Pierce the Mask:

Okay, my forum fu's not good enough to make this work, so I'll just have to direct you to the post in OOC thread.

It's a 15 (!) so I'll ask three questions.

-What do you intend to do?
-How could I get you to let me go?
-What are you really planning?

2017-10-07, 03:21 AM
Centurion, Memory watches you carefully, and jots down notes as you speak.

"Demon woman, you say? I'd appreciate a better description than that, but..."

She purses her lips. "Well, now I'm very curious about what happened to you. And yes, I can tell if you're lying, though I've never claimed my powers to be infallible. I also want to make it clear that just because someone believes it, doesn't make it true. But please, go ahead."

She gives you another fake laugh. "We're all using magic powers, aren't we? The unbelievable has to be truly outlandish, 21."

If you want MM to believe you about Nihilus, tell her the truth,
and include detail. She still won't believe you, today. But tomorrow she will.


Glitch, the silent treatment seems to amuse Memory. After at least a few full minutes of silence, she laughs a little - what sounds like a genuine chuckle.

"You're not in trouble, kid. Those men and women you fought, they were mercenaries. Bad guys. At least, we assume you fought them. It would be helpful if you corroborated that." She gives you a conspiratorial look, like she's your friend and just trying to help. That's a lie, obviously.

"Whatever you've heard about us, you heard wrong. We're the good guys. We're trying to help. But teen heroes... it can send a bad message. We just need to make sure we have all the facts, so we can protect you from more unsavory elements."

She leans forward a little. "What's the old adage? If you have nothing to hide, there's nothing to stop you from talking? Do you have something to hide, Glitch?"

MM intends to get your story from you, regardless of how long it takes and how much effort she has to put in.

You can get her to let you go by telling her what happened at the warehouse. If you want it to go by quicker, switch from rebellious teen to vulnerable youth.

MM's plan here is to save face. The League has been trying to step out of the Watchtower's shadow for years, and part of that initiative is presenting their organization as the reasonable alternative to teen heroes like you and your friends. She wants to use the four of you (seven, really) as a PR boost for the League, instead of the PR nightmare that it will be if the press gets their hands on the story first.


Team = 1

Lying to Madame Memory prompts a powerful blow.

2017-10-07, 04:47 AM
Trent shakes his head at the request for more details. "I... I'm sorry, I only caught a flash of her before it all went... sideways. I think she was holding something on fire, and she had those fire wings... and she was wearing a mask. That's all I've got."

He considers her for a moment, takes a deep breath, and starts to spill the rest.

"After that... alright, here it goes. You're probably going to think I've cracked, but if there's a chance you'll believe me, I've got to tell you. It was some kind of spell, cast by a group called Kraken. I don't know if you've heard about them, but they're basically a secret conspiracy to make Nazi super soldiers. The spell... I think it put me in a dead guy's body."

Trent shudders, looking sick. "I didn't know that at first. I thought I was having some kind of dream, or vision or something like that. I kept seeing flashes of one thing, then another. I thought it was one of the old visions he used to... torment us with." He takes in a long breath. "You couldn't give an inch, or it would just make him stronger, give him another splinter in your mind."

"Only it wasn't a vision, it was real. Only I was a walking corpse with a hole through my chest and Nihilus had just finished killing me along with all these other heroes in Europe. One of them was Violet Storm... I think I got her out, though I'm not really sure how. One of Nihilus' goons shot at me, but then he just... blasted the guy, said that they couldn't 'disrupt the signal'."

He holds his head in his hands and groans. "Ugh, and there was this whole... spirit quest thing? Nihilus chased me into a room full of masks. He wanted me to give up The Spirit." He shakes his head, a sick smirk coming onto his face. "Wasn't going to happen. Then... I don't know exactly what happened. Nihilus was arguing with someone named Strivari about someone named Firewing, who to think about it was probably the woman with fire wings." He scoffs. "Imaginitive name. They were talking about how... Firewing had jumped the gun, and something about the divice they implanted. I think The Spirit pulled me out of there. It talked to me, explained some of it to me."

Trent looks back up at her. "Then I came to with one of the guys shaking me awake, to find out that everything was even more exploded and the apartment building was on fire. There was this flying guy who put the building in zero G, I think that slowed the fire down, which gave me and Chama and Glitch time to get people out."

The 21st Centurion swallows, and shrugs. "So that's basically it. I'll be honest, one way or another I probably need therapy. But if there's a heroine named Violet Storm in Europe who just barely survived having her team wiped out, then it's real, and Nihilus said he was coming to Halcyon city, coming for me. He still wants the Spirit of the Century. And I've... we've, got to be ready for him."

He turned an expectant look on her, wondering what exactly her reaction would be.

I would like to argue that Trent's flinging himself into easy relief by just laying it all out like this, and thus should clear Hopeless.

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +1] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +1]
Potential = 0, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid, Hopeless
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

2017-10-07, 06:19 AM
Chama (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22360700&postcount=4)
Conditions: None
Potential: 3/5

'Troublesome sorts'. That's how they see us.

Chama sits slumped in his chair, arms folded across his chest. The air-conditioning feels like it's turned on max, and he wishes for once that he had a shirt. He might be more cooperative with the authorities, but these are the punks that want him and his friends to close up shop and live out 'normal' lives. As if that was even an option for them.

And then she asks about the fire. Chama closes his eyes, memories playing across the back of his eyelids all too clearly. He sighs deeply, and finds that he has to hold back tears just remembering it. Without the adrenaline pumping through him, the full emotional impact of the night's events is beginning to sink in, but he'll be d-mned if he's going to cry in front of the League.

"We were headed for the warehouse," he begins. "We were checking on DarkPyre. He took a nasty hit last night. Solar Flare rigged up some kinda healing machine, and he seemed okay after that. Megamax must have thought so too, since he couldn't be bothered to check." Abusing another member of the League probably wasn't going to do much good for his case, but Chama couldn't resist taking a jab at the jerk. "But he wasn't at school today, and we were worried, right? So we swung by after school to see how he was doing. He wasn't home, but there's a spot under the warehouse he usually hangs out at, so that's where we looked next. There was no point in lying about any of this. Chama felt bad about betraying the location of DarkPyre's sanctum, but it hadn't been enough to stop people like Firewing from finding it.

He takes a deep breath and runs a hand through his hair nervously. "But when we got there, there were these goons all over, and Firewing was there. The whole warehouse exploded, and that's when the apartments caught on fire. Firewing ran off after she sicced her goons on us."

"She did it. She killed Brett!" By now, there was no holding back. Tears begin rolling down his cheeks and the rest of the story comes pouring out in a fit of grief. "Burned him alive, and then set the whole place on fire, just so she could make a deal with that f***in' dragon!" As Chama says dragon, he pounds his fist on the table for emphasis.

"I thought I could save him, y'know? I was supposed to watch out for him, but I messed it up! There wasn't anything I could do! He was dead before we got there! Never even had a chance."

"But where were you, huh? Where was the League when DarkPyre was getting burned alive?" Chama feels the anger flare up, and he sends the chair sprawling as he shoots up out of it. "How you gonna bring us all here to this holding cell, give me the third degree, like this is my fault? You and your boy Megamax only show up after the real work's over, after us 'troublesome sorts' put ourselves on the line to help people, and you wanna pin the world's problems on us? We're the next generation, and we're gonna change the world, and one of our own is dead tonight because all of you has-beens and never-weres wanna sit back in your Citadel all high and mighty and look down and judge us. This is bulls***, I want my lawyer!" Over the course of his tantrum, Chama seems to have lost track of the fact that the League isn't the police. He's lost track of most of the unimportant details like that.

Zero Prime
2017-10-07, 04:38 PM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless.
Burn: Zero.

Maximus walked around the perimeter of the holding cell, he was seething, wanted to push back at everyone, and everything. The whole evening had ended in chaos, complete and utter chaos. He still had *no* idea who the paramilitary unit was, or their leader, Flame Fatale. Solar Flare had super heated the asphalt, dropped a car onto the slogged down militants, and somehow, one of the mercenaries had a heat based weapon, plasma or laser, didn't really matter, the effect was the same. He lanced the gas tank of Flare's weapon of opportunity causing a tremendous explosion, which incinerated the warehouse, and threatened a nearby tenement.

He noted Madame Memory enter the sterile cell, and produce a file, she began insinuating that this was an interrogation. He wheeled on her, his anger quickly brewing over, "Cut the bull**** MM, first of all if this were an official interrogation AEGIS would be here, and I would be being charged with something. Secondly, I'm a minor, you have the file, you know my civilian ID, has my mother been contacted? I'm assuming not, or a god damn lawyer would be here."

He glared at her, hard, "And finally, unless you have a god damn warrant, keep the hell out of my head. Section 2.01.a, paragraph 2, of the Metahuman Powers and Regulatory Act, unauthorized mental contact, under the privacy and information act."

He took a deep breath, remembered the Tai Chi breathing techniques that Dr. Meiron Park had shared with him. "Now, if you want to start again, like a human being rather than the gestapo, I'd be ok with that." He leaned forward, watching #2's reaction closely, "But first I want you to get me a soda, a burger, and some fries. Fighting crime, it's tough work."

OOC: This is *so* a Provoke. Rolling Superior, +1, however, I am feeling Guilty so it is at -2. Net of -1. [roll0]. A success, assuming she's susceptible to my words, which she could very well not be, but hey, I had to try.

2017-10-07, 06:21 PM
Centurion, it takes a while for Memory to react. Mostly, her expression just becomes a featureless mask, and she writes down notes on a holographic pad.

"You're right; that is hard to believe. But... you mentioned names that would be difficult for you to know just at random. Firewing, Strivari, and Violet Storm. This could all just be a crazy vision, maybe some supervillain hit you with a fake vision. But... I'll send a message to Storm's team. Try to corroborate your story. And I'll check our current monitoring of Strivari. She's supposed to be in prison."

It takes another minute for her to find the right words. She sits there, looking through notes, swiping through images and text. Finally she looks up and says, "Alright, that gives us more to work with. We know who Firewing is. She's a mercenary. A dangerous one. You're lucky she wasn't interested in fighting, or none of you would be alive right now."

"If we can confirm your story, I may have to ask you back here, to answer more questions about what you saw. Nihilus... he's a Threat, capital-T. I shudder to think of him coming here. Let's hope, for all our sakes, that what you saw was just a dream. Firewing isn't known to have that power, but it's something I have no doubt she could steal."

She sighs, then lets out a stressed laugh. "Your team has caused me quite a day, 21. But, let's put that aside for now. You've given me valuable data, and I don't want to tax you too greatly. It sounds like you went through something pretty traumatic. We have counselors on call, if you need one."

Memory smiles. "That's not another recruitment attempt, by the way."

Yep, feel free to clear that condition.


Chama, your words have an effect on Memory.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." For once, her words actually sound heartfelt. "Your friend..."

She hesitates, then tries to change the subject. "You said Firewing. That's a name we know. She's a supervillain, one with a habit of doing... well, things like tonight. But, where did you hear that name?"

Memory winces, then waves her hand. "No, sorry, I shouldn't ask so many questions right now. Please, just have a seat. I promise, you aren't under arrest, and we aren't trying to pin the blame on you. We just need information, so we can make sure this problem is dealt with. Would you like a drink? Maybe some fast food? The League is here to help."


Memory's tone is icy as she addresses you. "I don't think you understand the intensity of the situation, Mr. Powers. AEGIS isn't here because we asked them not to be. Right now, we are the only thing standing between the four of you and a night in a real cell."

She dismisses the holographic folder and brings up seven near-identical images: corpses, lying on tables. "Seven people are dead. Four took cyanide, but three died of wounds from an explosion."

She clenches her fists, just a little. "You want charges? You want the Regulatory Act? Fine. Your team is under suspicion for reckless endangerment and possible manslaughter. If you want to make this official, just give the word and I'll have you released to AEGIS custody. You'll get your lawyer, and your call home, and maybe you'll convince Humanity Now not to send their best legal teams after you."

She sighs, and visibly deflates a little. "I get it. Nobody likes being in the position you're in, and after a night like that I bet the last thing you want to do is talk to a pig. I'm sure, if you really are a hero, this whole thing is insulting beyond the pale."

Her voice hardens once more. "But we can't take risks. The League has a responsibility to this city. A responsibility to deal with every threat."

Abruptly, her smile returns, and she reorganizes her holographic notes. "Let's try something different, since that seems to be a sore subject. What do you know about Chama, the boy with the... capoeira, I think it's called? Had you met him before tonight?"

Due to her position of great authority, MM is not susceptible to your words.
Recognizing your efforts, however, she will attempt to compromise, slightly.

Team = 1

Lying to Madame Memory prompts a powerful blow.

2017-10-07, 07:07 PM
As soon as both Tank and Solar Flare entered the interrogation room, Hayden stayed back by the door.
After what happened, Solar Flare thought it would be best to stand back and let Tank ask the questions. He figured it would be better this way, especially considering how Tank feels after what they just came back from. Still, he prepares himself to use his density manipulation abilities when the situation calls for it.

Potential: 3
Conditions: Afraid, Guilty, Hopeless

2017-10-07, 07:17 PM
Centurion nods, starting to get up. "I'll think about that. There's someone I've been seeing about it, but she's... well, a little old fashioned, like everyone the old guy knew."

He reaches out to shake her hand. "And you know, you guys can just... talk to me, without it having to be all formal like this. I get that you don't trust my friends, and they don't trust you, but I'd like to keep lines of communication open."

He takes a moment to straighten his outfit, and then thinks of something. "Oh, uh... Do you think I could arrange for some kind of scan, though? It's occurring to me that they mentioned something about an implant, and I don't know if that's something they put in me, but it's better to be safe, right?"

After sorting that out, he starts to leave, and then stops himself. "Oh, and one more thing... Could I arrange to talk to the gravity guy? He wasn't even involved with us, but he acted like a real hero out there. If he's not doing anything else, I'd like to ask him to join the team."

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +1] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +1]
Potential = 0, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid, Hopeless
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

Zero Prime
2017-10-07, 09:23 PM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Angry, Guilty Hopeless.
Burn: None.

As #2 spoke, Maximus reviewed the events of the last few hours, pure and utter chaos, and he didn't have enough information to come to any conclusions on his own. And as much as he hated relying on #2, and the rest of the Watchtower, he needed to stay under their radar, so they weren't slinging accusations at him, not when Humanity Now was already lobbying against him due to his father.

He sighed, resigned himself to this next course of action. "I owe you an apology, it's just," another sigh, "your approach pissed me off. I'm not my father, but that's the first thing people bring up," he sat down took a deep breath, and began.

"You mentioned Humanity Now," he pointed at the holographic file, "they've got to be on your guys watch list right? A bunch of radical anti-meta's aren't good for anyone. And that's what I thought those mercenaries were, as well equipped as they were, a squad of Humanity Now soldiers." He left out the fact that his initial thought were they could have been radical's working for his father, Gravitron. "I'd been following them for about an hour, we were approaching Halcyon's industrial district, when a warehouse exploded."

He waved his hand, indicating the area beyond the white, sterile walls of the interview room. "I noted a couple of heroes responding to the mil-spec mercenaries, I recognized two of them, Tank, and Chama." Max shrugged, working back to #2's follow up question about Chama, "I'd met Chama when a group of unknowns tried to kidnap me, they were well equipped too, power dampeners and ****." As he remembered the incident, he became rather glum and sullen, the guilt of their initial encounter still weighed on him, despite Chama's having more-or-less forgiven him. "Apparently they'd attracted Chama's attention, he'd been tailing them. They tried to hit me with the dampeners, he jumped their C-O, and I shredded their van with my gravitics, I didn't expect him to be in close proximity to the van, the grav wave concussed him, one of the mil-spec's stabbed Chama's, if he hadn't been weakened by the grav wave, he wouldn't been able to block it. Least that's what he said after he laid me out with a right cross."

He shrugged, "anyways, that's how we met, but lets get back to tonight's **** storm." Max ran a hand through his hair nervously as continued. "Some chick, I call her Flame Fatale, pyrokinetic, fiery wings, domino mask, she directed a surge of super-heated air at me, caught me off guard." He indicated his singed costume, the burns along his shoulder. "I crashed into an alley, I was able to fend off the attack with a personal grav shield, though just barely."

"From the ground I noted that the lead merc was leveling a rifle at Tank, another teen aged meta I'd met about a month ago," he smiled at the memory. "Some Humanity Now pricks had me cornered, and I didn't want to go off on them, give them more ammo against me, Tank though. She wasn't so concerned with it, and told them to go **** themselves before she busted up their rally."

His eyes narrowed as he recalled the scenario, "The lead merc trained his gun on Tank, so I caused a micro singularity in the weapon, crushing it, preventing him from firing on her." He paused, "Now, here's the thing Madame, I'm not a member of any team, I know one or two of those guys, but we've never worked together." He shrugged again, "So when her teammate, some flying guy super heated the asphalt they were standing on, I decided to neutralize the threat. I picked up a vehicle with a gravitic wave, and then increased the vehicle's mass exponentially, hoping to pin the merc's under it's weight."

"So when one of those bastards whipped out high tech pistol, laser, plasma, something. It punched through the engine block, hit the gas tank, exploded." He hung his head, "So yeah, I ****ed up, hurt some of them, maybe even killed some of them. That's on me." Shook his head, fought against the tightness in his chest, "Didn't realize it in the moment though, I did see the fire spreading to a nearby tenement. Was it from the car? Maybe, more than likely it was from the initial warehouse explosion."

He remembered the fear, for those still trapped inside, he had just reacted. "So I plunged the entire apartment into zero g, let the fires smother themselves without oxygen. It worked, stopped it from spreading until emergency crews showed up."

Now his face became critical, stern, harsh even, "So did I **** up? Yeah probably, like I said, that's on me." He paused, then leveled a finger, "That's on you too though Madame, how are we supposed to learn when those with experience aren't willing to share their expertise, their knowledge. You're forcing us to learn on our own, and we're bound to make mistakes, even as we *try* to live up to the standards that you set."

He jabbed a thumb at his chest, "I'm not my father, but you are all scared that is exactly what I'll become." He paused, "But what are *you* doing to help me? Nothing? Watching, waiting, judging? What are you doing for the rest of them? Nothing, except for disciplining us when we **** up, so take the time. Take the responsibility. Teach us."

OOC: I am taking responsibility for Solar Flare's decision to attack the merc's with the car, thereby allowing them to blow it up and killing a couple of them. I am hoping this counts as a sacrifice, and would qualify to clear Guilty.

2017-10-08, 06:33 AM
Chama (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22360700&postcount=4)
Conditions: None
Potential: 3/5

When Chama sees the look on Madame Memory's face, hears her say the s-word, he stops. He's been hearing that word from adults, with that same inflection, since he was a little boy. Every time somebody asks him about his dad, Armando has to explain matter-of-factly that his father was killed. He never says dead. Plenty of people are dead, and saying it like that makes it seem normal. It's like letting his father's murderer off the hook. Armando won't do that, just like he won't let Firewing off the hook for what she did to Brett King.

It was time to put the mask back on. The mask he wears when he has to talk about his dad, the one that doesn't let them see the hurt, almost ten years later. He's got to wear that mask for Brett now, in front of these adults that didn't care when he was alive, and can only lower themselves to be sorry now that he's dead.

Calmly, Chama stands the chair back up and slumps down into it. "Yeah, I guess that'd be good," he says with a sigh. Since they weren't arresting him, he might as well get some food out of the deal. "Double-cheeseburger, hold the pickles, fries, and a chocolate shake. And can I get a jacket? It's freezing in here."

With his order in place, he sighs again and runs his hand through his hair. He hadn't had a chance to decide how much to tell them about what Verrazailix had said. At this point, it didn't seem like a secret worth getting killed over. "I went into the warehouse to find Brett, but Firewing got to him first. She killed him to release the dragon that was locked inside him, Verrazilix. He's the one who told me her name." Chama rubs his face with his hands, hiding his decision to gloss over the details. The information was valuable, but the League didn't need to know about the Deal he'd struck to get it. The real cost wasn't some wolf eye, anyway. It was Brett King's life. "The dragon told me that she's looking for something. A sword and a stone. He said that one of them is in your vault, and the other is at the Museum of Anthro-something. I don't know why she wants them, I just know that she killed my friend to get them."

It seems like there might be an opportunity to Pierce the mask there when she apologizes and changes tacks, but I'm not totally sure. I'll go ahead and roll just in case.

• what are you really planning? Priority one
• what do you want me to do? Priority two
• what do you intend to do?
• how could I get your character to ___?
• how could I gain Influence over you? Priority three

Mr. E
2017-10-08, 02:36 PM
Glitch pauses, thinking. She opens her hand cautiously, relieved to see that they've stopped shaking. She rolls her neck around her shoulder-blades, listening to the clicks and creaks from battered neck muscles. Her watch says the time is 6:04PM, and she sighs slightly, realising that she will have quite some explaining to do.

I suppose I can always tell them I got caught up in a fight between supers. That way they'll only be scared and angry with someone else, not me. It's not much of a lie, really.

Glaring, Glitch straightens up off the wall, not quite sure whether it's tiredness or fury that seeps through her bones. The woman in front of her is prying in places nobody's allowed to go, someone she know's has died, and Elizabeth is so done with this crap. She turns around to face the wall, finding a nice clean spot she hasn't stained yet. Extending her hand, Glitch lets her powers flow out. Electricity crackles and sparks around the extended finger, like a welding torch. She presses it to the wall, the plastic-y white surface charring black where it touches. Taking advantage of her crude writing implement, she scrawls a message on the wall.


Glitch has had a long and stressful day, and Madame Memory is a convenient person to take it out on, even if she didn't already dislike the league.

Rolling to Provoke Someone. Glitch wants to make Madame Memory angry or irritated enough to do something unwise.


And that'd be a no. On the plus side, level up, I believe.

2017-10-09, 01:16 PM
While Chama's old guy was locking up their hostage prisoner. Tank was pacing up and down, squishing a half emptied pack of milk in her hand.

Why the **** did I go? Now they got Glitch...and the others. I should've stayed. I could've bought enough time for them to get away...FUUUCK! What are they doing with them? Are they gonna hand them over? Screw this! I'm going there and get them out...yeah right as if...just walk up and punch your way through a building full of supers all more powerful and experienced than you. You go girl!

Venting her frustration, Franka smashed her fist into the nearest drywall. With a dry crack, her fist went right through not giving her the satisfaction she hoped for. A more robust build wall might have crumbled and threatened the structural integrity of the building. Still seething she went to have a "chat" with their prisoner.

The man came to, just as Franka entered and immediately felt the need to spit out some comment. Franka answered him by slapping him with the back of her hand. "Cut the crap! You talk when I tell you to. Now...are you with Kraken? Are you after me? That why you attacked DarkPyre...to get to me? Who was that woman?"

2017-10-10, 10:14 PM
Tank and Solar Flare, the lieutenant keeps grinning, even with blood tracing down his lip.

"So feisty. I admire that, girlie. Now, as to your questions..."

He leans a little forward and says, "Yeah, we're with Kraken. And yeah, this was about you. We figured killing your friend was the best way to draw you out, get you angry, make you vulnerable. That's why the special guns, though that plan kind of backfired. Heh."

He actually seems amused at his entire squad getting blown up. "Now as for the masked lady, that's my boss, Firewing. She used to run with your gramps over there." He jerks his head at Mestre. "But I doubt the old man will be quick to reminisce about those times, eh?" Mestre says nothing, and looks away. "Thought not."

The lieutenant whistles. "Really is quite a mess we're all in. You got my troops killed, and yet you couldn't protect a single one of your friends. Some heroes you are."

The lieutenant's words prey on your existing doubts. He's trying to shift your Freak up and your Savior down. That goes for the both of you, even if he's mostly talking to Tank.


Glitch, you revel in your act of vandalism for only a moment before Memory presses a holographic button and the wall reverts to its original state.

She smiles at you patronizingly. "I can get you some crayons and paper, if you'd like. Or a happy meal? They have delightful little toys."

How long are you willing to keep up the silent treatment?

Madame Memory is not susceptible to your words, thanks to her position of power over you and the resources at her disposal.


Chama, only a few seconds after you state your order, a man in blue armor appears in the room and sets it down on the table. He grins at you and vanishes.

Memory smiles. "Teleporters are useful, yes?"

She opens up a few holographic panels and says, "Now, I'm running a diagnostic on the vault. And... nope. No swords or stones currently interred. It will take me more time to verify the musem, because of its rotating catalogue and having so many pre-internet records, but I'll investigate. Perhaps this... ah, dragon, meant it as a metaphor?"

"Speaking of which... you said a dragon? A dragon, inside your friend, now awake and in Halcyon City?" She appears concerned. "Can you give me more detail on that? How do you know it was a dragon? How sure are you?

Madame Memory's job is multifaceted. Right now, she's running damage control for the mess your team made. She's planning on both discrediting and protecting you, by emphasizing your teenage nature and suggesting that you were in over your heads. As a superhero team, it might humiliate you, but it will also move the blame to Firewing, and present an opportunity for the League to come out as the real heroes by apprehending her.

Memory wants you to go along with that plan. She wants you to back off Firewing, forget revenge,
and just stay low as a generic vigilante for a while.

She respects useful talent. If you want to gain Influence over her, convince her that you're special.
Prove you can't be manipulated like the average teen hero, prove you have something unique to offer the League, and prove that you have hidden potential.


Centurion, Memory nods with concern at your request for a scan.

"Of course." She presses a holographic panel and lights move across your body in a sweeping pattern. She examines the results and says, "You're clean. The only thing unnatural in your body is your superpower, and that's just because you're a special case. There doesn't appear to be any sort of device."

She smiles benevolently when you mention the gravity hero. "That's Gravitas. I'll let him know your interest."

Memory leads you out of the room and through a few corridors to a central waiting area. "You can stay here, if you'd like, while your other teammates finish their interviews, or you can leave a message for them and get back home. At this point you are officially free to go."


Memory clicks her tongue at you disapprovingly. "You're lying, Gravitas. I can feel it in the air. You're lying about the vehicle, which means you're lying about the explosion. That's not helpful to me. It makes it hard to trust you. I understand you want to protect your friends, but full disclosure is the best way to do that."

Your failure to protect your friend from the backlash hits you hard, as does Memory's cold dissection of your lie.

She sighs. "That aside, I can share some information with you. Those mercenaries belonged to Firewing, a dangerous lunatic. No sure way to tell their current employer, but they have no official allegiance beyond their crazy leader. They could be working for Humanity Now, or your father's organization, or someone else entirely. There's no pattern in their actions, no greater loyalty they possess."

Memory is silent for a few moments, and just before you speak, she says, "You are right about one thing, Gravitas. We haven't been there for you. 'Teach us' you said. Do you mean it? Would you like us to teach you? Do you wish to apprentice with the League?"

"If that's what you truly want, we're open to it. I can pull strings. You can be part of the team. Learn from us, work with us, be recognized by the public as one of the good guys. Is that something you'd want?"

Your attempted sacrifices clears Guilty.

Madame Memory catches your lie. Mark Afraid and Insecure, and Memory gains an opportunity to press.


Team = 1

Attempting to lie to Madame Memory prompts a powerful blow.

2017-10-10, 11:38 PM
Trent let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding. "Well," he said, "that's a relief."

He smirked at the name she gave him. "Gravitas huh? I like the double meaning."

Following her out to the waiting area, he nodded. "I think I'll get something to eat and wait for them." He closed his eyes, took in a deep breath through his nose, and turned back to look at her. "This was... a really bad day for my team, and whatever happened to me, I wasn't there for them when they needed me. The least I can do is be here for them now." He glanced back the way they had come. "I hope you're not being too hard on them."

With that, he went to do as he said, find something to snack on and wait for the others to get done.

Taking out his phone, he made a post to the team on Veil.

@Tank @Solar_Flare Just got done being grilled at League HQ. Going to wait here for the others and regroup. Are you guys OK? You should probably lay low and stay safe.

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +1] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +1]
Potential = 0, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

Zero Prime
2017-10-11, 07:28 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Afraid, Angry, Hopeless, Insecure.
Burn: Zero.

As #2 berates him for lying about the engagement with Firewing's mercenaries, he shrugged his shoulders, hiding the fear, the insecurities he had. She was, nominally, one of the good guys, why did he lie? Was he becoming his father? "No," the word was soft, meant for himself more than Memory, "listen, the kid, Flare I think, he f**ked up, heat of the moment, his friends lives were in danger, and he used the car to create a barrier so they wouldn't get shot." He sighed, "It was a mistake, especially on the super-heated asphalt. I chewed him out over it, figured he'd learned his lesson," another pause, "besides I figured my rep could take it better than his, after all the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Least not in the eyes of the media, or groups like Humanity Now, right?"

He sat in the chair, shoulders slumped, arms out on the desks, hands folded in front of him, head down. Defeated. Then she admitted that he may not have been wrong in his previous tirade. She extended the invitation like an olive branch, acceptance, his jaw dropped for a moment as he considered the implications. It would give him, give the other young heroes a mark of legitimacy, accountability and responsibility. Respect.

He slowly closed his mouth, his brow furrowed, "You mean?" He paused, likely their gear, commlinks, would be fitted with GPS trackers, perhaps even teleportal technology allowing them to translocate them in the case of emergency, or if they needed to ... control. It would give them a measure of control over himself, the team of youths he had encountered. It would mean sacrificing some of their freedom, some of the latitude they currently had in their approach towards any given situation. He took a deep breath, "I can't speak for the young heroes I was with today," he scoffed, "hell, I don't even know half of them, but I can try to persuade them." He paused, staring at #2, trying to get a read on her impassive face.

OOC: Ok, let's see how horribly wrong this goes, going to try to Pierce her Mask, rolling with Mundane at -2, *and* I am currently Angry, for an additional -2. [roll0].
Sigh, impassive was right, can't get a read on this lady. Was trying to see if she was lying, if their was an ulterior motive, or if the offer was real.

Mr. E
2017-10-11, 03:43 PM
Glitch stares at the plain white wall. She goes to rub her eyes, only to find the mask in the way. Lowering her hand slowly, Elizabeth suddenly feels old. Old, and so very, very angry. Finally, still facing the wall, she begins to speak.

"You tired of games? That's good, 'cause so am I."

There is a pause, while Glitch considers exactly what she wants to say.

"I'm going to tell you the truth, and I hope you're listening carefully. There was some people who were going to shoot us, so I punched them first. Then there was a building on fire, so I helped get people out. There, you have my testimony. Happy now?"

She can feel the anger hum inside her mind, like high voltage electricity. It whines and snaps at the corners of her mind, just begging her to lean over the table and smash #4's face into a fine paste.

"Now, I'm the muscle of this team, so I don't pretend to be smarter than I am. But I do know that you didn't need me to tell you about that fight. There were plenty of other people you could have asked. This whole interrogation room set-up, this was never about the answers, was it? You just wanted to show us, to show everybody, how powerful and wise and all-knowing you are.

So you got me to talk, and don't you feel so big and brave about that. Score one to you. But I'm not going to play your silly little games, and I'm not going to listen to your stupid little lectures, and I. DON'T. CARE. how many pointless little points you score."

I was tempted to have Glitch sit there and be silent the whole night, but that probably would have resulted in this scene reaching something of an impasse.

2017-10-11, 04:59 PM
Chama (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22360700&postcount=4)
Conditions: None
Potential: 3/5

Armando's eyes widen as the food suddenly appears in front of him. He had expected it would be awhile, but apparently the only thing that's slow around here is the League saving people. They left out the jacket, though. Either this was turning into a real interrogation, or they didn't expect to keep him much longer. Hoping for the latter, Armando takes a bite out of the burger, savoring it. However they made it, it's real, and it's real tasty. It wasn't even that late in the evening yet, but he's famished, so he begins to devour the food.

When Madame Memory continues to question him, Armando talks around the food in his mouth. "Metaphor?" he shrugs, slurping down on his milkshake. "Maybe. All he said was that she was looking for 'a sword and its sharpening stone'."

Before answering about the dragon, he swallows hard with a gulp. The food was helping him to recover from the shock, but it was still a tough thing to talk about. All of it was still fresh, less than a couple of hours ago. And there was Brett's memory to protect in all this. If he said the wrong thing, the League was sure to start dragging DarkPyre's name through the mud, somehowing turning it all back on him and the rest of them.

"Look, I don't know much about the dragon," he begins hesitantly. "When I went to find Brett, he was there, sitting in the fire. He had a chair made out of burning books or something, and it was one of those things where you know the thing you're seeing isn't what it looks like. He told me his name is Verazillix, that Firewing killed DarkPyre to free him. At first I thought maybe Brett was still alive in there or something, but the dragon, he did this thing with his hand..." Chama holds up his own hand, looking at it as he remembers the horrible image he saw. "For a minute, the hand, like, burned away, and there was a claw instead. But then it healed back over and it was a hand again, you know?" Shaking his head, Armando goes back to sucking on the milkshake to hold it together. "I ain't never met a dragon before, but if that thing says it's a dragon, I believe it, okay?"

2017-10-11, 05:30 PM
The lieutenant's words hit Solar Flare hard. He couldn't believe what this guy said. How could somebody actually ENJOY the thought of his squad dying?!
Hayden couldn't handle it, so he left the interrogation room. He didn't even bother to open the door, instead he altered his own density so that he can phase through the wall.
When he was out of the interrogation room, Hayden paced around as he tried to collect his thoughts. Yes, he wasn't able to protect Darkpyre from Firewing. Was the lieutenant and the hero from this morning right, that he wasn't a hero, and shouldn't be one?

Hayden laid back onto a wall and let out a sigh. He wondered what was he thinking in becoming a superhero. Sure, he was what humans would call 'superpowers.' But he was never a hero in the first place. Heck, he wasn't even part of Kasma's warrior caste! He was an explorer, a scientist, an engineer, an astronaut, and an inventor! Or at least he was in training to become one. So why did he even want to be a superhero in the first place?!

Potential: 3
Conditions: Afraid, Guilty, Hopeless

For rejecting the lieutenant's influence, I'm going to shift up Solar Flare's Freak and shift down his Mundane.

2017-10-12, 06:30 PM
The words of the man hit Franka hard. So it was all her fault. DarkPyre's death, the attack on her team, the fire...all her. She stood in front of him, her fists clenched so strong that her knuckles where white and what little she had for fingernails digging into her flesh. All this power, all this strength...useless...and this guy had the nerve to provoke her further, poking at her, being all smug. Enough of that! He was right...yes. Franka was no hero, she even hated the word...but in a few moments he'd wish she'd be.

With a feral scream, Franka turned around grabbed the Kraken soldier, chair and all, and smashed him against the far side of the wall, where the chair shattered and the lieutenant went down in the ruins, twitching. Slowly she made her way over to him, grabbed him by the throat and pressed him against the wall.

"You know...you're right. I'm no damned hero. I'm a weapon, a biological magic infused killing machine. I'm Frankenstein's monster, I'm a Valkyrie...a chooser of the slain and I have made my choice."

Potential: 4 (+1 because I failed to resist with a 5 here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22471838&postcount=238))
Conditions: Angry, Guilty

I marked Guilty
Also...aside from delivering some cheesy dialogue. Franka is currently positively going off the rails if that wasn't clear enough.

2017-10-13, 06:32 PM
Centurion, you say your words and make your text, and then you meander through the halls of the Citadel. It's a surprisingly spacious place. And there's a food court. An actual food court, with dozens of different types of food. No people though, aside from a few costumed heroes relaxing at a lone table. All the shops are crewed by robots, and there doesn't seem to be the expectation of payment.

You're free to eat whatever you like, apparently.


Gravitas, you can almost feel the tension in the room dissipate. Memory smiles at you and nods. "Please do. Collaboration is in all our best interests, I promise."

With that, the interrogation is over. You're lead out of the room and through the Citadel to a luxurious food court, where Centurion is waiting, already chowing down.


Glitch, you can't help but feel that there was a hidden purpose to this beyond interrogation or intimidation, but the moment passes. Memory smiles and says, "That's all I wanted. Thank you for your cooperation. A transport will be provided to take you home, or to wherever you'd like to be dropped off if you wish to preserve your secret identity."

The door out opens, and Memory gestures at it. You're free to go.


Chama, your interviewer listens intently to your story, then frowns. "Concerning. We'll look into it, but it might take a few days to corroborate the details you've given us. For now, we have what we need to keep you from the city's ire. You can join your team, if you'd like, or head home." The door opens and she continues, "Centurion and Gravitas are waiting in the food court."


Solar Flare, you get a text from Centurion, telling you his plans. You also hear a thundering crash from the interrogation room, which sounds a lot like Tank going to town on your hostage.


Tank, you slam the lieutenant against the wall and he grins at you with manic energy. Despite bruising and the sounds of breakage, he doesn't even flinch, doesn't even shake. He doesn't react to the pain beyond letting loose with a wild, raucous laugh.

When he does that, you see something beneath the collar of his vest, something you didn't notice before. A red tattoo, glowing, practically burning with energy. When you see it, the man's grin widens, and for the first time you begin to make out something very, very wrong about his eyes.

There's something looking back at you, beneath the surface of his iris. Something malicious. Something cloaked in flame.

He says, "Well? Embrace your heritage, valkyrie. Deliver this soul to Odin's halls, or Hel's. Kill me."

His speech is undercut by your phone beeping at you. You have a new text.


+1 Team to the pool for sticking by each other during interrogation. Team = 2

Zero Prime
2017-10-14, 06:17 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Afraid, Angry, Hopeless, Insecure.
Burn: Zero.

As he left the room, he nodded at #2, "We got off to a bad start Memory, but honestly," he looked at her respectfully, "wherever you *actually* are, I just wanted to thank you for this opportunity." Another nod of respect, and he wandered towards Centurion, stood at the booth across from him. The aroma's of the various different cuisines, combined into a convoluted miasma of deliciousness that it caused his stomach to growl as he walked through it.

"Rough night huh? You must be Centurion," he extended his hand, "my name's Gravitas." A forlorn look crossed his face like a shadow, "I wish I could have gotten there sooner, my condolences on your loss." He paused again, continued, quieter so as not to be over heard, "Listen, it's hard to lose someone close to you, I can empathize. But if you want to talk about it," he shrugged pointed over his shoulder, "I could grab us some food, and I'd be glad to listen."

OOC: What the hell, I am going to try to Comfort & Support Centurion, Mundane is currently tanked at -2, & Gravitas is Angry, for a combined -4. Ouch. Worth a shot to make new friends though! [roll0]. Or not, please don't hit me! *cringe*

Mr. E
2017-10-14, 12:15 PM
Glitch stalks out the door, anger still crackling through her mind.


She walks quietly to the transport, pauses undecided, then tells the driver to set her down in a spot a few blocks away from the team’s secret base. Stepping out, Glitch sets off at a jog, heading directly away from the Hacienda. After a few blocks, she circles round and slips back to the base.

There was going to be trouble when I got back, so might as well make it big trouble.

Doubling checking her phone is off, Elizabeth confirms that her alibi is secure, then slips in the back door of the warehouse.

2017-10-14, 04:02 PM
"21st Centurion," he corrected, quickly shaking the hand. His grip was surprisingly normal for a guy who bent streetlights in half.

21st grimaced a little, and let out a small sigh. He held up a hand in the 'stop' gesture. "Look man, I get what you're trying to do, and I appreciate it, but I don't know you, and you didn't know DarkPyre." He clenched a fist, took in a breath, and looked away, forcing himself to relax. "And as far as I know, it was all over when the warehouse blew up, and none of us could have known what was about to go down before that."

Centurion shook his head, and forced a bit of a smile. "But if you want to grab a bite, there is some stuff we can talk about." He gestures for Gravitas to sit across from him.

"You did really good out there," he comments. "You backed us up without us asking, and you helped make sure all the people got out of that building, even when it meant getting dragged into this mess because of it."

"So I guess what I'm saying is, would you like to join our team? I mean, I'd have to talk to the others first, but I think we could work with you."

Rolling to Pierce Gravitas Mask. [roll0]
I'll go with 'what are you really planning' to try to get at Gravitas' real reaction to the offer, rather than just what he shows me.

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +1] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +1]
Potential = 0, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

2017-10-14, 06:18 PM
Tank was ready to end the lieutenants life right there and then, she had raised her fist all ready and all it would take was a twitch of her fingers to crush the man's windpipe. But then her phone chimed that she had gotten a message and she hesitated. She saw that glowing tattoo, that evil fire in his eyes, his willingness to die. A feeling of fear crept up in Franka. She had no idea what this was, some kind of occult Kraken magic? A way to track them, a way to see what he saw. Had she compromised their location by bringing him here? Was it some kind of magical bomb?

Her mind was racing and thoughts chasing thoughts as she tried to decide what to do. Kill him and end the threat he might be? Or let him live, continue interrogating and let him spit his poison?

She could see how the man enjoyed her peril, how although she had all the strength, he was holding all the cards. Finally, with an angry grunt she reached a conclusion. Better safe than sorry.

A simple twitch of her wrist, a squeezing of her fingers and a stomach churning KNACK! and the lieutenant dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes, a sick grin still frozen on his face.

Potential: 4
Conditions: Angry, Guilty

Zero Prime
2017-10-14, 10:12 PM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Afraid, Angry, Hopeless, Insecure.
Burn: Zero.

Max sat down ignoring his hunger for the moment, he recognized the young man's grief, respected it. As Centurion began to speak, evaluating his actions during the encounter with Firewing and her mercenaries he nodded. "I did what I could, you and Chama ran into the building while I held back the flames." He shrugged, "We worked well together, we could learn from each other, the others though," Centurion knew he was speaking of Solar Flare, Tank & Glitch. "They're raw, inexperienced, hell, we all are, there's the possibility we could get hurt, get others hurt."

He paused, leaned forward slightly, "You say your the 21st? I've heard about the Centurion, hell, I think my father probably respected your predecessor, before he went all meta-human militant." He paused, he tried to avoid the topic of his father, his fall from grace. "Yeah, *that*, guy. So if I join you, I'm coming with baggage, and your putting a target on your team's back. But here's the thing Centurion, Memory is willing to help us, to train us, not all of your team had the benefit of your predecessors, this would be an opportunity to use their experience, to learn from some of the best."

He paused, allowing Centurion to consider his words, "Think about it, it's a good offer, it gives you, your team resources, legitimacy, lets them, lets you, grow into your roles as heroes, protectors."

OOC: What am I really planning? Trying to convince both Centurion & Chama to take up Memory on her offer, and try to convince the team to accept the deal.

2017-10-14, 10:59 PM
Tank, you snap his neck, and he dies. He crumples like wet paper and lies there, dead, at your feet. A monument to your rage, your loss. Darkpyre is dead, and now the score has been evened. No, not evened. Not yet. But it's a start.

Then he starts to get up. The tattoo has grown, circling his entire neck, and that light in his eyes has grown to consume them. Twin orbs of fire stare at you, and a woman's voice laughs. A familiar voice.

"Well aren't you just the cutest thing? All it takes is a few lies and a dead friend to get you murderous."

A macabre grin stretches across the lieutenant's crooked face.

Firewing continues, "And yes, I was lying. Kraken didn't send me. I'd tell you who did, but, well, I think you'll learn that soon enough. Ta ta, new best friend, and thanks for killing this sorry excuse for a mercenary. Saves me the trouble."

Then the light goes out, and the body crumples again. This time it stay still.

In the distance, you hear someone arrive at the hacienda. What do you do?

2017-10-15, 06:26 AM
Trent's eyes had narrowed a bit at the revelation, searching over Gravitas' face as if pattern matching him against something in his memory. Then his eyes widened at the suggestion. "Wait... she told you she would give our team official support? She didn't say anything about that to me."

He leaned back in the chair, letting out a sigh as he thought about it. "I mean, sure, I would be all for that, but I think about half my team doesn't exactly trust the league. I'll need to talk to them about it. It's going to be a lot to drop given the circumstances, but... well, we frankly could use the support right now."

If his recognition of Gravitas' ancestry affected his judgement, he didn't show it.

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +1] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +1]
Potential = 0, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

2017-10-15, 08:19 AM
Chama (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22360700&postcount=4)
Conditions: None
Potential: 3/5

Sighing, Chama nods. He's happy to get out of the room. "Alright, cool. But you took four of us. Where's Glitch?"

After making sure that she's alright, Chama considers just dipping out himself. Tank and Solar Flare were probably at the Hacienda, but that's probably got more to do with them living there than because he called a team meeting.

Stuffing his hands in his pockets, the still shirtless teenager heads for the food court to grab the others. Maybe I should start wearing a jacket or something.

Arriving at the food court, he takes the chance to scope the place out. He may not be the League's biggest fan, but it wasn't just anybody that got the chance to see what the inside of their floating base was like. If he'd known about the food court, he might have waited before gorging himself on the burger. Spotting 21 talking to Gravitas at a table, the scar on Chama's side twinges with remembered pain.

"Yo dudes. Glitch already bailed, so I guess we're free to go." The look on Trent's face says he just walked in on a Conversation, so instead of waiting for the others to stand, he pulls up a chair next to 21. "What's this about support?"

Zero Prime
2017-10-15, 08:51 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Afraid, Angry, Hopeless, Insecure.
Burn: Zero.

Maximus nodded curtly as Chama took a seat beside Centurion, he tried *not* to notice the long scar that ran along the youth's ribs, cleanly healed, but noticeable if you knew where to look. "I was speaking with your team lead," he indicated Centurion, "you guys did good work in clearing that building. Especially considering the," Centurion had indicated he didn't wish to speak of it, and he was right, Maximus wasn't familiar with, didn't know Dark Pyre, so he avoided the topic, "circumstances. I appreciate it."

He took a deep breath, continued speaking, more towards Centurion than Chama at this point, "I was just sharing the offer that Memory proposed, an apprenticeship with the League, access to training, resources, and legitimacy that's currently hampering guys like us." He paused, he knew there would likely be backlash, hell, he *knew* how volatile Franka was, so getting this past her would likely take some time. "Of course, we all *know* there are going to be strings attached, monitoring, accountability," he tried to keep his eyes from Chama's scar. "But I think it would let you and your team grow into the roles that you've already chosen for yourselves."

Mr. E
2017-10-15, 05:58 PM
Glitch sidles in through the door, checking both ways on the street. Once inside, she pulls off her mask, shakes out her hair, then settles it back on. The warehouse is full of bits and pieces, crates lying around, stopping lines of sight. She heads in the direction of Mestre's office, where both Tank and Hayden are bound to be hanging out. As she goes, Elizabeth reaches up, flicking on the MP3 player embedded in her helmet.

Peace on Earth
We need it now
I'm sick of all of this
Hanging around

Rounding the corner, she stops at the sight of Franka and the man, one standing, the other sprawled. Even from here, she can tell that he is dead. Poised, while the music plays, Glitch stares. It's not the anger, or the fear, that hurts her. She just feels utterly blank, and then numbness rises up to punch her in the gut, vomit in her mouth. A single word spills out, like overflow from a cup.


In the background, the music continues to softly play.

...You become the monster
So the monster
Will not break you.

It’s already gone too far
They say that if you go in hard
You won’t get hurt…

2017-10-16, 12:11 AM
Solar Flare's train of thought was interrupted when he heard loud noises coming from the interrogation room.

The interrogation! How could I have forgotten about that? Hayden thought as he flew back into the room.

But when he arrived, he was too late. The lieutenant laid dead on the floor by Franks's feet. Hayden wanted to say something, but he couldn't get the words to come out of his mouth. He just floated there, looking on with shock. And with his gaping mouth hidden behind his "mask."

Potential: 3
Conditions: Afraid, Guilty, Hopeless

2017-10-16, 05:47 AM
"I don't know if I should be called 'the team lead' or anything like that," Centurion said, waving off the idea. "Chama here might be a better contender for that."

He turned to Chama. "Hey man, did MM say anything about this apprenticeship stuff to you? What do you think?" He gestured to Gravitas. "Also, I was thinking we should offer G here a spot on the team."

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +1] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +1]
Potential = 0, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

2017-10-16, 08:57 AM
Chama (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22360700&postcount=4)
Conditions: None
Potential: 3/5

Chama reflexively clenches his jaw when Gravitas refers to 21 as the team lead, but 21 deflects it like a pro. Somehow, that only makes Chama feel worse. And then Gravitas drops the bomb on him. It's all Chama can do not to throw his head back and laugh.

"Nah, man, she didn't say nothing to me about it." He fixes Gravitas with a smirk and shakes his head. "They're just tryin' to play you, esse. They been dragging us through the mud for weeks, and now all of a sudden they want us on their side? They're tryin' to pin tonight on us, you know that? That's why they brought us here, trying to get us to admit to something. You saw how Megamouth was mega-mugging for the cameras tonight. We join them, they get to take credit for what we do without even showing up!" Shaking his head, he can't help but chuckle.

"But my man 21 is right. You know how to hold your own, G. But you sound like you might want to play ball with the League, and that ain't my game." Taking a look around, he realizes they're still on League property. Chama doesn't have a problem with them eavesdropping on him bashing them, but he wasn't keen to give them any more than he already had. "Maybe we should take this little party somewhere a little more private, eh?"

Zero Prime
2017-10-16, 10:14 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Afraid, Angry, Hopeless, Insecure.
Burn: Zero.

Maximus just shook his head slowly as he listened to Chama, "So what?!" He paused, noticed some personnel turn to look, he tried to keep his anger in check, his resentment, his loss, "Tonight was an unmitigated disaster, you should know that better than anyone. Someone died, your friend. Died. Your teammate, Flare? Super-heated the ground, then dropped a car on the mercenaries armed with plasma pistols, who were standing in slagged asphalt. We're probably lucky a gas main didn't blow. I was able to hold the flames in the tenement in a null-grav field, but if I'd lost control, lost concentration," he looked poignantly at the scar along Chama's ribs, "I could have just as easily flattened the building, the tenants, you guys, would be dead, buried under rubble."

He paused, looked at the table, when had he gotten up, why was he so angry? "Centurion has a line of predecessors to draw on, a legacy of heroics, traditions, values, experience." He jammed a finger towards Chama, "You have your sensei, your master, your mentor to teach you, share his knowledge with you. That's what you told me? What do I have?" He paused, trying to control his wildly raging emotions, "Nothing. That's what. You wouldn't understand, you punch, you kick, but me? I can collapse buildings if I'm not careful! Whose going to teach me? My father?!?"

The food and clutter on the table begin to float, spinning, orbiting just inches off the table in a small spiral of detritus and debris. He noticed it, furrowed his brow, and it clattered as it settled back to the surface of the table.

His shoulders sagged, deflated, defeated. There. That was it. He was hurt, betrayed by a man whom he still loved and respected.

"This is my chance, *our*, chance. Training, support," a significant pause, "allies. That sting you feel when you think about Memory's offer, that's just pride Chama. Think about your team, your friends, I know some of them. Franka needs discipline, I was with her when we were confronted by Humanity Now, she played *right* into their hands when they provoked her. Flare needs training, his heart may be in the right place, but you know what they say about good intentions. Glitch, raw, inexperienced, but powerful. Whose going to train him, you? They have abilities, talents beyond yours, unlike mine, but they *need* training, we all do. We can't stumble around pretending to be heroes, not when we're being given the chance to apprentice to people who have the experience to train us, to teach us, so that we can actually be heroes."

2017-10-16, 08:03 PM
Centurion's eyes narrowed as Gravitas continued pouring on the pressure, his earlier sense of friendliness fading fast.

He got up out of his seat, staring Gravitas down with his shoulders squared against him. "You sure as **** have a lot to learn if you think pushing us around like this, throwing all this stuff in our faces, is how to get us to go along with what you want. You're starting to piss me off, and you're frankly lucky that Tank isn't here."

He turned to Chama. "You're right. Let's bounce out of here. We have friends to catch up with."

Moving to leave, showing his back to Gravitas, he turned to look over his shoulder "Hit us up on veil if you figure out how to chill and get over this dramatic bull****."

Provoking Gravitas to apologize for trying to push us around.
So I'm going to roll, and on a 7-9 we get a team if he does, and on a 10+ he has to mark a condition if he doesn't.
Rolling +Superior
(2d6)[5] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?535513-The-Fragile-Veil-OOC-Masks&p=22483977#post22483977)

And that's a miss, so I mark potential.

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +1] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +1]
Potential = 1, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

Zero Prime
2017-10-17, 05:50 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Afraid, Angry, Hopeless, Insecure.
Burn: Zero.

Maximus drifted forward, floating in a bubble of null gravity, until he blocked Centurion's path. "Push you around? That's what you think I am trying to do?" He paused, his face eerily calm, "I am trying to get you to see the benefits of accept the League's offer. Your team *took* lives today Centurion, their inexperience threatened innocent lives? Don't you get it? Don't you understand?" He dropped a fist into his palm, "That's what the people of Halcyon City are scared of, that's what supporters of groups like Humanity Now expect, and you are giving them exactly what they want, something to fear." Another pause, he locked Centurion's gaze, tried to hold his eyes, "Is that what you want your legacy to be?"

He took a deep breath, continued, "I'm not saying I'm above reproach, I've made mistakes," he paused, nodded to Chama, the scar seemed so vivid to him now, how could anyone not see it. He returned his attention to Centurion, "Ask Chama, he can tell you. The thing is *this* is an opportunity to learn, to grow. I'm not looking for an answer right now," another pause, "I never was. But I don't want you to spurn the offer out of spite, just because Megamax bruised your ego earlier today."

He sighed, floated out of their path, "If you still want to leave, I'm not stopping you. But bear in mind, I'm willing to help, to track down Firewing. I know what it is to lose someone." He took several strides back towards the League's command center, "If you want to talk get in touch with the League, they'll patch you through."

OOC: If anything, this is an attempt to mend fences before they leave, because Max is assuming they will. He isn't lying he *is* willing to help track down Firewing, and he doesn't want to part company with bad feelings, so as unlikely as it is, this is an attempt to Comfort & Support, however at -2 Mundane and still Angry it's at -4. [roll0]. Success! So Centurion can either mark Potential, clear a Condition or shift Labels, if he is open to my words.

2017-10-17, 01:48 PM
Centurion fumed as Gravitas stood in his way, literally blocking his exit. While the kids talked, he was preparing to reach out and shove him away, but the young hero moved at just the last moment, prompting a grunt of frustration from him.

Centurion rounded on the kid, reaching out and pointing an accusatory finger. "You think this is about me and my pride? You think this is about Megamax? Do you have gravity powers because you're incredibly dense?"

He took a step forward, his eyes full of rage. "You think I don't like the idea? Yeah, it'd be great to have support. But if you go at my team with that, and you don't handle it right, then they're going to fall apart. Don't you get that? If you tried this **** in front of the rest of them, Tank would knock you into next week, and if she didn't, Glitch would probably just run off and hide."

His eyes burned, and he took a step closer. "And if my team falls apart, Nihilus will just roll over us one by one. More of my friends will die. Is that what you want?"

21 was working himself up into a proper fury, spitting out words he had swallowed throughout Gravitas earlier diatribe.

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +1] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +1]
Potential = 1, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

2017-10-17, 04:15 PM
Chama (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22360700&postcount=4)
Conditions: None
Potential: 3/5

At first, Chama thought he had been the one about to fly off the handle, but Gravitas managed to get under Trent's skin something fierce. Armando claps a hand on Trent's shoulder to try to bring him back down. For his own part, Chama's already so emotionally drained from his time with Madame Memory that Gravitas's words just bounce off without sinking in. Taking a deep breath, he tries his best to be the calm one in the room. What would Dad say if it was him?

"Look, G, you just don't get it. The League doesn't want to train us. They want to control us, or force us off the streets! You want to track down Firewing? Amigo, the League isn't gonna let you anywhere near this mess if you sign on with them." Chama sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "I'm not saying we don't need training. But we don't need it from them. If we hadn't been there today, that warehouse still would have gone up, and a lot more people would have gotten hurt in those apartments. But when this story hits the news, everybody's gonna blame us. Because that's what the League wants them to think. Watch and see."

If he lets this continue, it's going to end in a straight-up brawl, and for once Chama can see clearly enough to avoid it. Gently pushing on 21's shoulder, he makes his way to leave before Gravitas can push them both over the edge.

2017-10-17, 06:30 PM
Franka felt sick when she saw and feel the life leaving the man's body. But even before she had fully processed what she had just done he rose again, tattoo and eyes burning like wildfire. She stumbled back, ready to defend herself...to put down the threat once more. But instead she heard a woman's laugh and mocking coming strangely distorted from the dead man. Franka wanted to scream something back or attack again to shut her up, but as fast as the witchery had started as fast it had stopped and the flaming undead was just an ordinary corpse again.

Despite all her strength, Franka suddenly felt very weak and exhausted. That woman had played with her like a toy, pushed all the right buttons to get her to do exactly what she wanted. And she didn't even get anything for it. She felt defeated, empty as silently tears where running down her cheeks.

Franka didn't really know how long she stood there like that, hearing but barely registering Solar Flare and Glitch arriving or U2 giving softly singing their fitting commentary in the background. Only when she heard Glitch's voice through all of it, Franka was pulled back into world. She turned around and saw their faces reflecting their shock, disgust and disbelief. She didn't care too much about Solar Flare or any of the others, they could think of her whatever the **** they want, really. But seeing Glitch looking at her like that, hurt. Of all the people it to be her that found her.

Wiping away her tears, Franka didn't answer them and instead just pushed through them and taking the stairs up to the roof. She needed some air, to be above and away from all this.

Potential: 5 (because I failed to Assess here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22477799&postcount=244)
Conditions: Guilty

I'm up to 5, which means that I get an Advancement. Kinda nice that it coincided with Franka killing the guy. Not sure what I take. Maybe "I don't care what you think!" from the Delinquent, because it fits her personality quite well or something from the Transformed or my own playbook.

I also cleared angry as suggested if that's allright, because that's probs gone now.

I assume that neither Solar Flare nor Glitch are either willing or able to stop Tank from pushing through them right now.

2017-10-17, 08:57 PM
Seeing Franka trying to wipe away her tears and heading out, Solar Flare simply moved aside, out of Tank's way. Hayden took a moment to look at the door, even after Franka had already left the room.

Then he looked towards Glitch, wondering if she knows what to do.

Mr. E
2017-10-18, 01:48 AM
Glitch still feels like she wants to vomit, nausea rising to strangle her vocal cords and block up her throat. She carefully avoids looking at the dead man lying sprawled on the ground, and instead looks at Flare for direction. Exactly the same questioning look gazes back, and she breaks eye contact to stare at the ground and think.

What do you do when your friend kills someone, then starts crying? There isn't a manual for this. What the hell do I do?

In the end Glitch gives up and delegates. Still ignoring the dead man, who's crumpled form seems to fill up half the room.

"Hayden, go tell Mestre that something's happened. He'll know what to do.

Will he?

She turns away and quietly heads up the stairs to follow Tank. Reaching the rooftop, Elizabeth quietly pads up behind Franka. She stretches out a hand and lightly touches the other girl's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Care to talk?"

Franka's doing well if she can hear the music through Glitch's helmet, but eh.

This could be a Comfort or Support Someone, if Franka decides to open up.


What a roll! How come I never get that when I'm trying to fight someone?

Zero Prime
2017-10-18, 04:58 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Afraid, Angry, Hopeless, Insecure.
Burn: Zero.

When he heard the name he turned, his face visibly blanched, "Nihilus?" He muttered under his breath, "Whoa." He paused, "That'd be like if my father ever came to town. Just," he looked up apologetically, "bad." He paused, took a deep breath, he didn't *want* to fight with Centurion ... hell, if he was honest with himself, he respected the young man standing before him, respected his predecessors, was envious of his training, his support, of knowing where he stood. Given his relationship with his own father, and Gravitron's radical actions, he didn't have the stability that Centurion did, and that hurt, and coupled with his own failure's tonight, it just ... hurt.

"Listen 21," he used the familiar he'd heard Chama use with the youth, "I don't want to fight, I really don't." He paused, took a breath, tried to get a read on him, but could't see through his anger, he'd offended him, callously trying to push his agenda. "I'm sorry if I pissed you off, but Memory's offer, it's real, it's legit." He shrugged, helplessly trying to see through the mask that Centurion had erected. "It's something I can't pass up, and I think that you're wrong to." He shrugged, stalemated, not knowing the best course of action, "and if your team faces the threat," Nihilus, he almost didn't want to say the word, to give it more meaning that it already had, "you'll need all the help you can get."

He nodded slowly, seeing them trying to walk past, to return to their friends, "My offer stands, I'll help," he looked down the hallway he'd initially come through, towards Memory, towards the League. "But for now, I can't turn down their offer." Over his shoulder as he turned to walk away, clearing their path to depart, "I'm sorry ... for everything."

OOC: As Pyrite suggested, perhaps I can get some cue on how to handle the situation, and Centurion with a Pierce the Mask, however it is unlikely, but the Support worked if he had been open to it, so maybe this will too. Rolling Mundane, -2, and as I am still Angry there is an additional -2. [roll0]. Annnd a spectacular failure!

2017-10-18, 05:25 AM
Gravitas' rambling seemed to calm things down a bit, and between that and Chama's hand on his shoulder, The 21st Centurion turned away, only looking back to say "My team will talk about it. And maybe we'll talk later. But if you throw what happened tonight into their faces like you did mine, I will kick your ass."

his ire cooled rapidly after he followed Chama's lead out of the League's HQ. It seemed sensible to take one of the offered transports at least to the right neighborhood.

"One of us should really get, like, a van or something for getting around." Centurion commented. "We have ended up on a bus together too many times."

The tension broken, Trent deflated a little with a deep sigh. "That... could have gone better."
He looked at Chama with defeated eyes, ashamed. "I just... he said that stuff about... about DarkPyre dying... Because we couldn't protect him..." His eyes clenched closed, and he shuddered, forcing his breathing steady.

Ouch on that pierce the mask roll! I guess all I'll say in response to that is that Trent is still a moody teenager whose had a bad day.

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +1] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +1]
Potential = 1, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

2017-10-18, 08:05 AM
Chama (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22360700&postcount=4)
Conditions: None
Potential: 3/5

Armando snorts at the idea of them riding around in a van. "Any car we use would be scrap metal after one day!"

Running his fingers through his hair again, he looks past Trent, not meeting his eyes. "You don't owe me any kinda explanation, amigo. I almost popped him myself! Dude doesn't know what he's talking about." Armando sighs, steeling himself for what he has to say. "Trent, man, there was nothing we could have done. Brett was dead before we even got there. Firewing killed him."

Armando can feel the stinging feeling in the back of his eyes and his throat starts to close up as he tries not to remember the scene. "There was nothing we could do," he repeats, almost whispering to himself. He thinks about giving Trent the whole story, but he's going to have to tell it all again when they get back to the Hacienda, and he doesn't know how many times he can tell it tonight.

"But I'm glad you're alright. What was going on with you back there at the warehouse? You just kinda passed out or something."

2017-10-18, 05:42 PM
The 21st Centurion's fists pressed together tightly, in a grip that would have shattered steel. He pulled in a long breath. "I... She did something to me. Firewing. That's how I knew Nihilus is coming. I saw him. He said it was a spell or something, I don't know how he did it." His head snapped up to look Chama in the eyes. "I wish it was a hallucination, I still kinda hope it is, but Memory confirmed most of the details I could remember, stuff I didn't know, like that there's some villain chick named Strivari."

He shook his head. "There was a lot of stuff going on. Apparently he was in Europe." He pulled out his phone and ran the name "Violet Storm" through a search engine, turning the screen "She was there. He'd just wrecked her team. Apparently a lot of heroes died today. I think... I think she got away, but I'm not really sure. It was all really confusing." He shook his head as if to clear it.

While Chama responded, he realized he'd never gotten a response to his earlier Veil Post, and decided to throw out a quick follow up.

@tank @Solar_Flare @Glitch On my way back with Chama. Is everyone OK? Can everyone just check in please?

Trying to do some basic research on Violet Storm and her team. I'm assuming that there'd at least be a wikipedia article or something.
I'd like especially to know: What countries they operated in most, what her teams name was, what her powers are, how many members there were, and I'd probably try to see if I could recognize the guy whose body I was in at the time. Also probably what the latest news story that mentions them is, though that might be hard as it's probably in German or Polish or whatever.

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +1] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +1]
Potential = 1, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

2017-10-19, 12:03 AM
"Will do." Solar Flare responds with a nod as he flies out the interrogation to get Mestre. Thankfully, Hayden didn't have to go very far to reach him.
"Mestre, we have a problem in the interrogation room. Tank killed the prisoner that was being interrogated. So what do we do?!" At this point, Hayden is panicking, thought not as much as he was from the fight the team got back from.

2017-10-19, 12:12 PM
Centurion, a quick googling reveals some basic information about the hero you saved.

Violet Storm is was the second-in-command of a B-list superhero team associated with the European Union, based out of Germany. Outside of super clashes, she's most known for her humanitarian work and climate change advocacy. Her official powers are weather control, energy blasts, and phasing, with a purple lightning theme, and her Veilpedia page lists her power source as magic-based.

The dead man you wore like an ill-fitting suit, he was the team leader. Zoomstrike was his alias, but he also was public about his civilian identity as Oskar Aydin, philanthropist son of Iranian immigrants. He was a German celebrity and national icon. His Veilpedia page has seen several edit wars over whether he should be considered a B-list superhero or upgraded to A-list.

Storm's team is was called Confelicity, a word meaning delight in the happiness of others, commonly used as the inverse of schadenfreude (according to their website). It fit the team's stated objective; they wanted to show the ways in which superpowers can be used for more than just beating up bad guys. They still fought villains, of course, but the majority of their work was focused on improving quality of life across Europe (and often beyond, lending their aid to intercontinental relief projects). Confelicity was associated with both the EU and UN, but retained a degree of autonomy from both at the cost of greater funding. Their team roster has changed a few times, but most recently it had been at seven full members.

The most recent news article referencing Confelicity is, as far as Google Translate can tell you, a press fluff piece discussing the team's appearance at the opening of a new cutting-edge hospital in Poland, one of the first hospitals worldwide to fully utilize the talents of powered people. The grand opening was sometime early yesterday (accounting for timezone differences).

Nothing references their deaths, or Nihilus, and it's hard to see what exactly motivated him to kill them, beyond general malice. They have no prior history with the supervillain, and no strong connections to superheroes who have fought Nihilus. However, Veilpedia's page on Confelicity notes that they have a history dealing with neo-Nazi groups trying to establish a foothold in Germany. Kraken is listed as one of those groups.

2017-10-19, 04:08 PM
Franka sat on the low wall at the edge of the building, her feet dangling over the abyss and staring up into the night sky, trying to make out stars through the light pollution of the city.

She had never really considered herself a hero, just a girl trying to channel all her power and rage into something positive. The others always seemed to have a stronger moral compass than Franka, hers had been messed up pretty much forever. Indoctrination at the hands of the Kraken and being merged with an ancient Norse spirit of war and death could do that to even the nicest of girls. Today it showed, today she failed and crossed a line she should've never crossed. It wasn't the first time she killed. When Kraken trained her they forced her, when she was pretty sure that some of the soldiers didn't survive or would be crippled for life. But today was different. She hadn't just killed, because she was forced or in the heat of the moment. She had executed that man. She wondered if the others would even want her around after what she did today. Maybe she should just stop with all of this, find some other work. Construction, firefighters, military, they sure would find a use for her unique skills and abilities.

Franka heard the door to the rooftop open, but she didn't turn around. The sound of the steps told her, that it was Glitch though. Goosebumps ran across her skin when she felt the other girl's hand on her shoulder and offering to lend her ear. Franka let a few moments pass, she cared for Glitch and having her up here, knowing that she hadn't given up on her yet meant a lot.

Finally, Franka spoke, her voice devoid of the usual relaxed coolness, "I'm sorry you had to see that...I wish I could give you some explanation that would put your mind at ease...and maybe I would even do that with the others, but...I can't lie to you. It wasn't an accident, he didn't attack me or took some poison..." Franka paused for a moment and took a deep breath before continuing, "I killed...I murdered him, because he got to me. In the moment I rationalized it by convincing myself he posed a threat to us, but really I think I just wanted to shut him up. I'm a little messed up in the head and she knew that, knew which buttons to press to get under my skin and then I snapped...I'm not a hero like you and the others Glitch...I'm not a good person...I shouldn't even be here."

Potential: 6
Conditions: Guilty
Hold (Glitch): 2

I could clear Guilty thanks to Glitch's roll, but maybe that condition shouldn't go away all that easily (although Guilty came from something else), so I'll take the Potential. I should really figure out what to do with all that.

I guess this counts as Franka sharing a vulnerability/weakness so Glitch get's Influence, but she already has, so she shift my labels instead.

And I get special Team I can spend to help Glitch.

Zero Prime
2017-10-21, 05:28 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Afraid, Angry, Hopeless, Insecure.
Burn: Zero.

Maximus watched Centurion and Chama make their way to the teleportals, so they could return to Halcyon City proper, and their team. As they did he couldn't help but notice that they were speaking to one another, leaning close, keeping their conversation private, friendship, support. He was envious of that, and given all that had transpired he suddenly felt very alone.

He sighed, wandered the Citadel for a short while until he found an observation deck, it overlooked the landing pad where the League VTOL Shuttle's would land, there was a thin layer of clouds below the Citadel obscuring the city, but it's lights winked through like beacons, calling to him. He crouched and then sprang forward, making a leap that would have been impossible at Earth's normal gravity, and began to walk the edge of the landing platform, the hazard lights blinking beside him. He then leaned forward allowing gravity to take him, to pull him downwards towards the ground.

The wind whistled past his ears, whipping through his short cropped hair, tears flowed up his face from the rush, as he struggled to keep them open as he approached terminal velocity. He was past the cloud layer now, the ground was rushing up at him, Halcyon City's financial district, it's towers, skyscrapers, and the mag-lev rails that connecting him came rushing towards him, like gigantic glass and steel teeth, threatening to smash his body into broken bone, flesh and sinew. He manipulated his gravity, and whipped past the building at a flight speed just shy of trans-sonic, enough to rattle the windows of 1st Financial, and cause the late night cleaning crew to shake their heads at the meta-human flying by.

He laughed as he danced and twirled through the concrete canyon's of the financial section, changing his personal gravity relative to his point of travel, falling, flying at terminal velocity through the city. Dr. Meiron-Park had shown him Tai Chi, and he enjoyed it, the moving mediation, the concentration on muscle movement, balance, and breathing, ensuring the body was in harmony. It allowed the mind to rest, by focusing it inward, on the body itself, rather than relentlessly recapping the events of the day. She'd once spoken of the 'stopping mind' and it's threat to one's ability to find a state of calm, of serenity. The mind was like the surface of a lake, in that it reflected the events of one's day, and the lake, like one's mind, cannot change it's nature. Memories, thoughts, will flow across it's surface, but if you stop, if you consider the images reflected there, that is when you begin to sink, to panic. Let the thoughts come, but do not stop their flow, they are reflections, do not analyze, do not criticize, concentrate on your balance, your muscle movement, your breathing, your diaphragm, in, one-two-three, out, one-two-three.

This, THIS, was Maximus' Tai Chi, falling, flying, through the valleys and canyons of Halcyon's City's downtown core, moving at near trans-sonic speeds, slipping, swooping, evading obstacles whose impact could easily shatter his physical body. In a span of seconds he was through the core, and out over the bay, skimming it's surface, and that's when he opened up, a contrail of water flying meter's into the air, a wake roaring across the surface of the water. He looked down, and saw his own reflection by the moonlight ahead, reached out touched it, causing it to dissipate in a furious splash. He stopped, changed his orientation again, and shot into the sky, past the low lying cloud layer, to the limits of the atmosphere at which he could comfortably breath. His thoughts were focused inwards, he didn't notice the cold, he hovered there for a time, staring at the moon, the stars, contemplating the day, trying to avoid the 'stopping mind', the recriminations, the doubt, the worry.

He stopped, and enjoyed the beauty of the moon, the stars, the cloud, and the night sky.


The turbulence threw him nearly a hundred meter's, he barely avoiding collision with the Airbus a380 coming into Kirby International Airport. "****!" He'd been enjoying the view in a landing lane for KIA. Careless! He shook his head, recovered the free fall, good thing the pilot was paying attention ... he soared back to the financial district, landing lightly atop 1st Financial, the tallest skyscraper in the downtown core. He hadn't realized the time, the sun was just coming up, and his encounter with the a380, had jarred him back to reality, reminding him of how tired he was, his injuries from the previous day's encounter ached, he looked at his phone. "****!"

Four missed calls, three from his mother, one from Dr. Park, and a considerable number of texts. Apparently the event from last night had hit the news, and of course his mother was worried, he slipped the phone back into his utility pack, and turned towards home. If nothing else, it was time to face the music. He landed about three blocks from home, he'd stored his civvies on the roof of a tenement, in a hollow under the apartment's rooftop HVAC unit. He changed quickly, and scampered down the fire escape to begin the walk home.

It was a far cry from his earlier aerobatics through Halcyon City's financial district, but he steeled himself for the coming discussion with his mother. As he approached the Powers' residence, it was a small brownstone flat in an upper mid-class neighborhood. Katlyn Powers, as an administrator for the renowned Ascension Labs, was able to afford to support herself and her son. He approached the stoop, and walked up it to the large darkwood doors, that marked the entrance to the foyer of the old ivy clad townhouse. He fished out his keys, and opened the door, it was early, but he knew his mother was working on a special project at work, and the aroma of coffee that he detected only confirmed his suspicion, she was awake.

Judging from her multiple calls, and texts, it was likely she hadn't slept at all last night. He sighed, his head hung low, chin resting on his chest, "Hey mom," he intoned softly, "I'm home." He took off his shoes, and walked slowly towards the kitchen where he heard her preparing breakfast.

OOC: I am hoping that flying around town, reveling in his powers, and getting lost watching the night sky until morning counts as 'throwing yourself into easy release.' And that I can clear Hopeless. After all, if I could have *any* one super power, it'd be flight.

Some ideas I have for his mom, she was betrayed when his father went rogue, so she is emotionally fragile, but strong enough not to share that with her son. She loves her son, but his powers scare her, if only because they remind her of his father, their family name has been trashed since it came to light that their father was a radical metahuman terrorist. So they get targeted by anti-meta group's every now and then, so she is very protective of her son. As far as how his father's actions have hurt the family, financially or with her job, I leave that up to you, she wouldn't share that with her son and would try to tough it out. Either way ... there you go ... hit me with family drama.

Mr. E
2017-10-21, 03:12 PM
Glitch settles down next to Tank as the other starts to talk, looking out over the dull orange-white light of the city. She sits still as a gargoyle on the side of industrial cathedral, thinking. Time passes while she rearranges her thoughts. Elizabeth hears every brochure, every piece of anti-metahuman propaganda in her mind, telling her that Franka is the enemy. The voices of her parents seem to shout without sound, warning her of the danger, the terror, of supers.

All that, and yet Tank sits there, looking so young and sad. Glitch remembers last time they were alone together. She remembers the stories, the way the two of them sat together, pretending not to feel any emotion.

Another few minutes pass of just the two of them sitting, then Elizabeth turns to look at Franka. Her expression unreadable under the featureless mask, she watches the other girl for a few seconds, then begins to speak.

"I'm not sure any of us deserve to be on this team. I certainly don't. But I'm starting to wonder if that even matters."

Well, I'm going to shift Franka's superior down, since Glitch implicitly agreed with the statement that she's not a hero (albeit qualifying that to suggest that none of them are heroes), and her mundane up

2017-10-21, 03:23 PM
Chama (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22360700&postcount=4)
Conditions: None
Potential: 3/5

Chama's eyes widen in alarm at 21's story. "Oh sh--." Chills run up and down his spine as dots begin to connect in his brain. He doesn't like the picture they make. "That's what Verazillix was talking about. Firewing's working for Nihilus." He says it with dreadful confidence; not mere speculation, but a terrifying finality.

This is bad. This is very bad. "We have to get back to the others. Now."

2017-10-21, 08:32 PM
When Franka ended her little confession there was a drawn out silence between the two girls. Though Franka didn't perceive it as awkward. She was content with just sitting there, next to Glitch, one of the few people in the world that meant something to her. If it were up to her, this moment could last forever.

Then Glitch started talking and Franka let the words sink in for a moment. "Don't say it like that, Glitch. You didn't...you're good", Franka took Glitch's hand into her own and squeezed it gently, "So don't be silly, telling me you don't know if you even deserve to be here. If not before you earned that today. You did good and helped save people...saved me. I thought about just running away from all this, probs do something really stupid. You know me..." Franka's voice trailed off. She wasn't used to show her vulnerable side and talk about her feelings. "So...thanks, for being here and having some faith in me, even if I don't. Means a lot to me, probs even more than you think."

Potential: 6
Conditions: Guilty
Hold (Glitch): 2

2017-10-21, 09:49 PM
21 looked up from his phone, blinking. "Verazillix?" he asked, confused.

He saw the look in Chama's eyes, and nodded. "Alright, yeah, we need to be watching each other's backs." The transport had arrived in the neighborhood, and he got up to his feet, hurrying out and making his way to the hacienda as quickly as they both could.

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +1] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +1]
Potential = 1, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

2017-10-22, 12:44 AM
After Hayden told Mestre what happened and Mestre went into the interrogation room, Hayden went to his room where he took off his helmet and laid down on his bed. Alone with his "tool box," a dresser, a bookshelf, an alarm clock, and a closet.

After a moment, he got out his box from under his bed and got out what appears to be a a pair of thin metal bars stuck to each other. But when Hayden pulled them apart, a bright, translucent blue screen appeared in between the metal bars, which acted as handles for the device.

"Initiate Recording" Hayden commanded.
The device obeyed, and the bright blue screen quickly became a reflection of Hayden's face.

<"Hydeanngzipholus Earth Data Log Entry 46. I'm... not sure what to think of today's events. It started out with with the team attempting to stop the Duke Baron from dropping Halcyon City's leader into a vat of toxic waste. While we were successful in disarming the Duke Baron and incapacitating his minions, one member of the team got severely injured. And rescuing the mayor would've been a disaster if one of the popular superheroes of Halcyon City didn't show up. While he was taking selfies and the credit for what we got done, I managed to use parts from one of the energy rifles we took for the bad guys we defeated and healed the wound of the one they call Darkpyre. I couldn't have done it without the one they call Centurion. Or, Twenty-First Centurion as he prefers to be called.">

"<Sometime after the superhero battle, I was invited to try tacos for lunch by the one called Charma. The tacos were delicious, despite the greasiness. While at lunch, I also discovered hot sauce. It felt like the inside of my mouth and throat was burning. It is something I will avoid in the future.>"

"<Anyways, the team didn't hear from Darkpyre, so we went to the location of his secret base. However, when we got there, Darkpyre's base was on fire, there were more what humans refer to as "goons" and Darkpyre's base was on fire. To make matters worse, 21st Centurion suddenly lost consciousness. What happened next. It... was... chaos.>"

Hayden stopped, he needed a moment to recollect himself before he could continue with his report in the Kasmandian language.

"<During the fight and attempt to rescue Darkpyre, I superheated the ground under the goons' feet so that they couldn't get away. But when they tried to shoot at the team, I grabbed a car that Tank was holding and threw it down between my team and the goons to give my teammates cover. That however backfired when the goon that held the rank of lieutenant shot his firearm at the car's gas tank, which caused an explosion that both my team mates and the goons took. Another young superhero arrived at the scene and aided the team, but he was mad at me for causing the explosion, which I probably deserved. 21st Centurion managed to regain consciousness and the team managed to evacuate some humans from apartments that were also on fire, and put out the flames as well. But we didn't succeed in our mission to saving Darkpyre's life. He... died. We. Were. Too. Late>"

Hayden took another moment to hold back his tears.

"<Tank and I took the lieutenant to Charma's secret base to interrogate him while the others stayed behind to talk with the adult superheroes who were arriving at the scene. The lieutenant said something... that made me step outside. While I was outside the interrogation room, I heard noises. By the time I got in, it was too late. Tank had killed the lieutenant in a fit of rage. She stormed out of the room, I had informed Charma's mentor about what had happened, and I retreated to my sleeping quarters so that I can recover from what happened today.>"

"<In conclusion, I learned about tacos and hot sauce, that throwing cars around isn't always the best solution, that things don't always turn out the way you want them to be. And I would like to add that to me, it seems like the more I'm with humans, the less I understand about them. I just don't feel like I'm able to fit in with humans, even those who have special abilities. As the humans say, I feel like a fish out of water.>"

"End recording." Hayden ordered, and in response his reflection turned off, and the device snapped back into just the two metal handles put together.
He set the device aside and closed his eyes. He was glad that these data entries were private from his friends, especially since he spoke in the Kasmandian language in his recordings. It was a device where he can keep his secrets.

As Hayden realized he hasn't actually explained what exactly a taco or hot sauce is, he decided that he can do that later. He wasn't in the mood for that. After what happened, he could really use a nap. A few minutes of sleep wouldn't hurt...

Mr. E
2017-10-22, 02:48 PM
Glitch looks at Tank's hand. I have a sudden suspicion that I may have misread all our interactions to date...

She shrugs slightly, then leans sideways, resting her head on Tank's shoulder. I'm tired, and I'll deal with any mixed messages later. Settled comfortably on the other girl, she begins to speak.

"Good? I go home to my parents, and I lie to them. I've got this big moral code that I expect everyone else to live up to, and then I go home, my little sis asks me what I did today, and I just keep on lying." Elizabeth holds Franka's hand tight, like a lifeline. "Neither of us might be what you'd call good, but I'm glad you're staying. We can't be trusted on our own, so I guess we're stuck with each other..."

Glitch enjoys the moment, then sees 21 and Chama come round the corner and walk almost directly underneath them. Oh god, hope they don't spot us.

Glitch is going to share a vulnerability or weakness with Tank, and as a result tell her a secret about her real identity. Which would cause me to shift my mundane up and my mask's label down, but I can't do that, so instead I have to mark a condition. I'm going to mark insecure. Franka gets influence over me, but she already has some, so she can shift my labels instead.

2017-10-22, 04:38 PM
Chama's sudden alarm, and the fact that no one had responded on veil, were making Centurion paranoid as he approached the team's borrowed hideout. He quickly pushed another update on Veil out to the missing team members, while he closed his eyes for a moment and let the radio sense reach out, looking for where his teammates were (which should be revealed by veil pinging them all simultaenously) and for any other signals that didn't belong.

@Glitch @Solar_Flare @Tank We're here.

When you assess the situation, roll + Superior. (2d6)[7] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?535513-The-Fragile-Veil-OOC-Masks&p=22500548#post22500548)On a 10+, ask two. On a 7-9, ask one. Take +1 while acting on the answers.
• what here can I use to ________?
• what here is the biggest threat? <Priority one
• what here is in the greatest danger? <Priority two
• who here is most vulnerable to me?
• how could we best end this quickly?

Edit: changed my mind about priorities after some consideration. It's more important to verify if there is a threat first.

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +1] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +1]
Potential = 1, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

2017-10-22, 06:08 PM
Franka didn't respond to Glitch, just kept holding her hand and giving the other girl a shoulder to lean on. She wasn't really an authority on what was good or not. Franka wondered what it would be like, to have a sister, a family you would eat dinner with. Instead she had a mum and dad that where ranking very high on the ****tiest parents of the century list and...well she got Glitch. Franka wasn't sure what it was that she felt exactly for the other girl. She had never been really good with recognizing and reflecting on her own emotions and feelings, but she knew she'd stand in front of anything for Glitch. In a way, Franka also got the others. Her feelings weren't as strong for them as they were for Glitch, though.

Speaking of which Franka spotted Chama and Centurion as well. Not long and they would find out what she did. She wished her power was time travel. But no suck luck, she drew out the moment as long as she could, until the phone in her pocket vibrated. Probably Cent announcing that they were back. Franka let out a heavy sigh and got up from the short wall and felt the heavy weight of what she did weighing down on her shoulders return.

Before she went down, Franka hesitated for moment. "Ready or not, here I come, I can't hide", Franka paraphrased the Fugee song, and then opened the door to the stairwell.

Potential: 6
Conditions: Guilty
Hold (Glitch): 2

Ok, for the Labels: Shift Saviour one up and Danger one down.

2017-10-23, 02:03 AM
Centurion, the threat here is your team's frayed tensions. Everyone is on edge, and there's dark emotion in the air. People blaming themselves, or blaming each other.


Gravitas, soaring through the skies of Halcyon City lets you blow off a bit of steam. Clear Hopeless.

It's a little after midnight when you get home. Your mom is waiting in the kitchen, sipping coffee. There are circles under her eyes, but the predominant emotion on her face when she sees you is relief.

"You're okay. I... I was worried. Why didn't you call me?"

She sees something in your eyes, or maybe just your posture, and that relief fades back into uneasiness. "You weren't... you weren't using your powers again, were you? We talked about this."


It was only just getting dark when you were taken to the Citadel, Gravitas, so it won't be morning for awhile, even if you're ahead of the others time-wise thanks to your flight escapade.

Mr. E
2017-10-24, 01:18 AM
Glitch sits watching the light pollution block out the stars for a few more seconds, missing the warmth and comfort of Tank already. Then she gets up, feeling stiff, and rolls the knots out of her neck. Quietly pading after Franka, she wonders what exactly she is neck deep in.

You shouldn't even try. Even if she does like you, which is just you're hopeful guessing right now, you'd f*** it up. That's all you've done so far, Lizzie. Anyway, who dates somebody from behind a mask...

She sighs heavily, then follows Tank down the stairs, trying to avoid looking at the other girl.

Zero Prime
2017-10-24, 05:33 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Afraid, Angry, Insecure.
Burn: Zero.

"You're okay. I... I was worried. Why didn't you call me?"

She sees something in your eyes, or maybe just your posture, and that relief fades back into uneasiness. "You weren't... you weren't using your powers again, were you? We talked about this."

He shuffled awkwardly, from foot to foot, "Mom, listen," he paused, but his emotions were near boiling over, roiling through his chest, chaotic, overpowering. "I love you, I really do. And you've done everything you can for me, you've tried, and I love you for that. Respect you. But *we* didn't talk about this." He paused, here it was, the truth, and it was clenched like a fist in his throat, "You talked about it."

He took a deep breath, continued forward.

"Ever since Grade 7, we've been trying to get a handle on this, and you've helped. Alot. Probably more than I give you credit for. So has Dr. Park. But for me to *not* be a walking bomb, I need practice, I can't shove it all down, bottle it up, and pretend I'm something that I'm not." He sighed, he knew it scared his mother, "I'm not normal mom, we both know that. I'm not a base-line," that harsh term the anti-meta factions use to describe themselves, base-line humanity, with meta-human's being called meta's, gene-freaks, or worse. "But that doesn't mean I'm dad either, ok?" He took a step forward, desperately wanting to hold his mother in his arms, to protect her, to console her.

She'd suffered so much, been through so much, he just needed her to accept him, accept his powers. But they scared her, reminded her of his father, and his betrayal of her, and her family. He took the risk, wrapped his arms around her, "Turn on the news mom, I won't lie," he pulled back slightly, to look into her face, there were tears in his eyes, "not to you." He paused, considered the events of tonight, how he'd burned bridges with both Centurian and Chama, pushing them to accept the League's offer.

He braced himself, mentally preparing for her questions, and knowing he'd do almost anything right now to comfort her.

OOC: Madame Memory didn't feel right when I acquired Bull's Heart and picked my Love & Rival. After writing the above, my mother does, at least for now. So she will gain Influence over me, however, she already has it, as an Adult. So she can immediately shift my Labels. However, I will now attempt to Comfort & Support my mother, trying to console her so she doesn't worry, while still being honest with her. My Mundane is currently -2, I am Angry suffering a -2 on the Comfort & Support move, *but* she is my Love, I'm going to re-name that to Friend, as it sounds a little Oedipal right now :smallconfused:, so I receive a +1, which nets me a -3. Here we go. [roll0]. Aaaand a fail! However, I do mark Potential.

2017-10-25, 03:49 AM
Gravitas, your words don't comfort your mother. In fact, she seems more agitated if anything.

She is stiff in your arms as you hug her, only relaxing at the last second to return it. She sits back down and turns on the tv, quickly flipping through local news until finding the relevant report.

"-now confirmed to be related to metahuman activity. The Halcyon League has taken over the scene and released a brief statement giving some level of explanation."

A crispy apartment building is shown, and a husk of a warehouse next to it. Megamax is mugging for the camera, and a quote appears on the screen, from the League:

This act of arson was committed by dangerous individuals, but they are no longer a threat and there is no reason to believe the apartment was being targeted. This is not an act of terrorism, and there is no reason for alarm. More details to come.

The news anchor continues, "The apartment is expected to be fully livable again in a few days, once repair crews have had a chance to undo the damage. The League will provide relief aid, as is their standard protocol."

Your mother turns off the tv.

"This isn't you, Max. I know it isn't. Your powers, they're dangerous, but you're a good person. You can have a happy life, a life free of chaos and burning buildings. There are jobs for people with powers like you have, good jobs." She shifts your Mundane up and your Freak down.

She sighs. "Tell me what happened. Everything, please."

Zero Prime
2017-10-25, 05:22 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Afraid, Angry, Insecure.
Burn: Zero.

He nodded, sat on the couch, and began to reflect on the events of the day, his suspicion of wrong-doing that led him to follow Firewing's para-mercenaries, his own confrontation with Firewing, before her rapid departure, and the events that occurred when he joined forces with Chama's team. "That's the thing mom, is that I'm inexperienced, but I can make a difference," He paused, as much as the events of earlier were stressful, and undisciplined, he *had* saved lives. "So you want me to stand by and let other people risk *their* lives, to do the right thing?" Something was bubbling up inside his chest right now, he stood up, "Wasn't it Burke who'd said, 'The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing?'" He was pointing an accusatory finger at her now, "Well that's not going to be me, mom, I'm not doing nothing!"

He was raising his voice, he could feel his anger rising, it was like a giant fist tightening around his chest, "The League offered me apprentice today! I can *be* one of those people who handle things like today and despite what you think, despite what anyone else thinks ... I'm taking them up on it!" His voice tightened, "It's what I want to do!" He turned, his voice quiet, he spoke one last time before storming out of his mother's house. "What I need to do."

As the door slammed behind him, he wandered the streets, finally ending up at Lantern Hill Cemetery. With his abilities he was able to hop the fence easy enough, and wandered the concentric pathways between the headstones, the mausoleums and the statuary. His final destination was a small graven headstone, three back from the pathway, the name graven across it was Olivia Bolton, b. March 23, 2983 - d. December 17, 2014. He sat in the bench opposite the row which contained Ms. Bolton's headstone, his first casualty, her death, his responsibility. Her husband, Trent Bolton and Humanity Now! activist would be livid if he discovered the meta-human responsible for her death visited her grave whenever he was troubled, and that's exactly what he was right now.

Sometimes you needed to balance the scales, no matter how much the act left a bitter taste in your life, you needed to make the hard choice, swallow your pride. He pulled out his phone, if Centurion was right, Nihilus was coming, and they were all $%^&#!. He opened his browser, not a typical search engine, one designed to navigate through the Veil, to a message board that Maximus knew *he* monitored.

@Gravitron: Dad, I need your help.

OOC: It's funny how you can do through your conditions, try to clear them, and suddenly you are acting like a petulant teenager again, something I,
personally haven't had to be for some 30 years. ****, my wife's right, I'm old :smallfrown:. So, I feel he *may* have cleared two conditions, the 1st being Afraid,
by avoiding opening up about the events of the day to his mother, and the 2nd being Insecure by contacting his dad for help on the Nihilus side of thing, without consulting the team. Of course that may have just been stupid, and the condition would stick. I'll let Malexia inform me of the outcome, either way I've added oil to the fire for sure! Go teenage drama!

2017-10-25, 05:45 AM
Gravitas, the response is quick. A private message from your father.

@Gravitas: Meet me at the Atlas Vance Monument in ten minutes. I'll come alone, except for my transporter. Bring whoever you need to. I'll understand.

The Atlas Vance Monument is eight or nine minutes away by flight. It's dedicated to Atlas Vance, a member of the Watchtower who served around the same set of years that Gravitron did. Atlas saved the world countless times, and when he died Halcyon City honored him with a statue in the middle of a park. This time of night it'll be secluded, and the park forest will dampen noise. Good for a covert meeting.

And, you suspect, there are sentimental reasons for Gravitron choosing that location.

Clear Insecure and Afraid. You definitely opened up, and reaching out to your father is DEFINITELY reckless.

Funny enough, I actually had plans for him to contact you in a few days anyways, so this just speeds up my timetable :smallbiggrin:

Zero Prime
2017-10-25, 06:07 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Angry, Guilty.
Burn: Three>Two.

Maximus ducked behind a large oak tree located on the fringes of the Lantern Hill Cemetary, switching into his heroic identity. Ten minutes? He didn't expect his father to be in the area, though he had mentioned his transporter, a meta with teleportation presumably. Still, he figured he would have to wait a few hours at least, was his father planning something that he'd now gotten himself involved in. The thought concerned him.

He rose silently on an invisible gravitic pillar and glided towards the Atlas Vance Memorial Park, standing at the base of the plinth, to pass the time he read the plaque, remembering the days when his father, like Atlas, had fought to protect Halcyon City and it's citizens from all threats. He sighed, reaching out he touched the local grav-field, extending his perceptions, he wanted to know when his father, and his transport would arrive, but he needed to ensure that this meeting wasn't being observed by outsiders.

OOC: Maximus has father issues, so this meeting scares me. He's reckless not stupid, also I enjoying clearing Conditions, so let's be a little reckless shall we. Rolling Conditions Marked, +1, and charging up Burn, lord help me I may need it. [roll0]. A Hit, gaining 3 Burn, however only a partial success, so I mark a condition, Guilty. He wants to join the League and accept apprenticeship therein, but he feels bad about reaching out to dear old dad.

Expending a Burn to activate Elemental Awareness. Using my attunement to the gravity field, and knowing that even small fluctuations can mean the presence of additional people, is the area around the Atlas Vance Monument being observed in any way?

2017-10-26, 12:32 AM
"I'm pretty sure everyone's here," Centurion commented to Chama as they made their way inside, looking around. Everything had an expectant silence, as if the place was waiting for the other shoe to drop, and it was deeply unsettling.

They made their way further inside, until they reached the room where the man had been tied to the chair, just as Tank was coming downstairs. 21's eyes flitted from the body, to Tank, to Mestre, and then slipped closed as he let out a groaning sigh, his head craning back.

"What the ****... what happened?" he asked, a sense of weariness coming over him. "Just... someone tell me what's going on here."

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +1] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +1]
Potential = 1, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

2017-10-26, 02:26 PM
Chama (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22360700&postcount=4)
Conditions: None
Potential: 3/5

Chama nods, acknowledging 21's intel. Radio sense seems like some kinda booby prize as far as superpowers went, but it came in surprisingly handy. Having had plenty of opportunity to vent some of his excess emotions, Chama was going in with his game face on.

And then there's a dead man tied to a chair.

Other martial arts will try and feed you nonsense about being 'prepared for anything'. Capoeira didn't go in for any fortune cookie crap like that. There was no point in trying to be prepared for every eventuality; it's all about being able to react to anything that comes your way without even thinking about it. The roda was a good place to learn that sort of thing. You've gotta be able to move in any direction at any time, because your opponent's next attack could come from anywhere. Chama had taken more than one knee to the face learning that lesson, dodging into a follow-up attack he hadn't been ready for. That sort of thing is par for the course in capoeira, where people make human rings around the fighters, gleefully singing upbeat songs about killing each other.

So when life throws a meia lua de frente, Chama knows to esquiva. And when that feint turns into a low meia lua de compasso aimed at his face, Chama drops into a negativa and rolês out of the way.

His eyes flit over the scene, taking it all in without flinching. The old man hasn't taken over yet, so things aren't truly out of control. Not yet. The dude in the chair is obviously one of Firewing's mercs. Nobody worth shedding tears over. Maybe there would be time for freaking out about it later, but right now, this is the roda.

"Tank, there should be a bottle of drain cleaner around here somewhere from that clog last month. Go grab it. 21, help me get this dude outside. We don't wanna leave him in here."

The gist of the plan is to use the drain cleaner to dissolve the stuff like hair and fingernails, then Chama can use his powers to cremate the body without as much of the terrible smell.

2017-10-28, 05:06 AM
Gravitas, your senses expand and sweep across the entire park. You feel birds, and beasts, and a few late night strolls meandering back to the streets, but nothing unusual. You aren't being watched.

At ten minutes on the dot, the monument seems to shift out of phase. A slice of the world blurs and ripples, and you see rainbow light scintillating in the space between realities. Then the image shifts into focus, and two new figures are standing in front of the monument, a good hundred feet from you.

It's your father. Gravitron stands tall and ominous in his distinctive armored suit and round helmet. His cape stops centimeters from the ground. Viktor Markovitch has had an athletic build for as long as you can remember, and he has an imposing presence that has nothing to do with his A-tier superpowers. His face is shadowed, and from this distance you can't read his expression.

The woman with your father is unfamiliar to you, but she's most certainly from Gravitron's organization. She doesn't bother with a mask, and her uniform is too functional and utilitarian to be a super's costume. She certainly looks like a super though: kaleidoscope eyes is a very literal description, her dark skin seems to shift shades every few seconds, and her dreadlocks - tied back - look like they're made of fluid glass.

Gravitron splays his fingers at the ground and you feel him perform the same scan you just did, but an order of magnitude stronger. He nods, apparently satisfied, and turns to the memorial. The city built a statue of Atlas as he was in life: grinning, in a dorky costume perfectly characteristic of the Silver Generation. Atlas, Gravitron, and many of their teammates in the Watchtower were part of the last wave of the Silver Generation.

Gravitron rests his hand on the statue's leg and bows his head. He's silent for a long moment, then sighs. "It was my fault, you know. His death, I mean. I wasn't strong enough. I wasn't cold enough. Do you remember how Atlas died, son?"

You do. Atlas Vance, beloved hero of the Watchtower, wasn't killed by cosmic invaders or a darkness like Nihilus. Humans killed him, humans afraid of what he could do. A group of baseline supremacists armed with weapons above their pay grade, weapons stolen from aliens and mad scientists, or perhaps volunteered by supervillains looking to off a few rivals.

The Watchtower was unwilling to employ deadly force against unmodified humans. It cost them. It cost Atlas. Gravitron took it the hardest. When he discovered the experimental facility in Russia a few months later, it was the last straw. He would protect his kind. He would protect his family. He would avenge the death of his friend.

Gravitron turns away from the statue and takes off his helmet. His face is worn, but strong. He dismisses his transporter and she moves to the edge of the memorial to give you space. She crosses her arms and eyes you suspiciously from her post.

"So, what do you need?" He chuckles bitterly. "It must be bad, if you're willing to come alone."


In the hacienda, the body is sitting there, grinning gruesomely. Everyone is on edge, and tensions are starting to fray. Mestre has been watching from the shadows, but at last he steps forward and looks at Tank.

"It is not Firewing's style to leave liabilities alive. You should not feel much guilt over this man's death. You should, however, manage your temper better." He shakes his hand. "Firewing is a dangerous opponent. Do not be fooled by her laughter and taunts; she is cunning, and fiercely intelligent. Her demented facade is just that: a facade."

"I will deal with the body. You four will speak to each other, and become a team again. Chama, I trust you will not let me down." Mestre delivers a glare that speaks volumes, then hefts the body and walks out. His tone brooks no argument.

The four of you are left alone with a chair, some rope, and the weight of your actions.

Zero Prime
2017-10-28, 06:30 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Angry, Guilty.
Burn: Two.

His father's presence hit him with the weight of a mountain, a surge of conflicting emotions rose in his chest, threatened to constrict his throat. Love, Hate, Respect, Fear, Joy, Betrayal. He took a deep breath to steady himself. As his father spoke of Atlas, he nodded, replied, weakly, timidly, "I remember you crying," he couldn't hold his father's eyes, but he remembered that night, it scared him, his father had always seemed invulnerable to him, that was the first time he'd seen that side of him, frail, weak, tired. "It woke me, so I got out of bed and watched from the banister, the door to the study was open." He paused, took a breath and continued.

"Mother tried to console you, but you --," he mentally chided himself, he didn't want to bring up his mother, he didn't want to remember that they were a fractured, broken family. He allowed himself a second, nodded as his father broached the subject of why he'd reached out to him.

"It is," he paused again, he wanted to go through the minutiae of his day, the details of his encounter with Firewing's para-mercenary forces, the tenement conflagration, his subsequent de-brief with the League, their offer of apprenticeship, and his subsequent confrontation with Chama and Centurion.

Part of him wanted to explicitly deny his father that, why should he go to him for advice, when he left their family, left them, for his crusade. He furrowed his brow, focused on moment, his offer of aid to Centurion and his allies.

"I'm sure you saw the news feeds from earlier today," he collected his thoughts, "Firewing and her mercenaries targeted a young hero, an ally to Centurion and his crew. Darkpyre." He bowed his head respectfully, he didn't know the man, but the loss of someone willing to risk his life for others, that was still something to be mourned. "They set explosives, Chama confirmed that they had achieved their objective. I ran into them as they were exiting DarkPyre's sanctuary, thought they were Humanity Now forces," he could see the flash of hatred across his father's impassive face, though it was gone in an instant reigned in with an iron clad will. "I was wrong, Firewing ambushed me, left me for her mercenaries, with the help of Centurion's crew, Tank and some kid calling himself Solar Flare, we stopped them."

He was going into details, and that was dangerous, he didn't know how his father would manipulate events. Maximus was fairly certain that he wouldn't directly attack him, but he certainly had the capacity to play his allies against one another should that provide him with an opportunity to advance his own goals.

"I need to find Firewing, because apparently she's working with Nihilus, and somehow Halcyon City is on his radar." He looked up at Atlas, back to his father ... he held his eyes this time, fought back the tears, the rage, the hurt, "I gave my word, dad," he sobbed, despite his best efforts to reign it in, he missed his father, wanted to run to embrace him, " ... please."

Mr. E
2017-10-28, 03:54 PM
Glitch moves out from behind Tank, abandoning the shadows of the stairwell to walk out into the centre of the concrete floor. Her soles of her black sneakers smack heavily against the cold surface. She stands in the centre, her mask hidden in the shadows of her hood, only the eyeslits visible, two strips of blue light. Looking around the room, Elizabeth takes a moment to observe the faces of each person.

"So, we f***ed up." Her words ring and echo in the absolute quiet of the warehouse. "How will we make sure this never happens again?"

2017-10-28, 04:27 PM
Centurion had turned to look at Chama with utter shock at the commands he issued. Then Mestre stood up, took the body, and left them with the most important and seemingly most impossible task.

It occurred to Trent that he should step up to Mestre, stop him from leaving with the evidence of the murder the rest of their team had apparently just committed. But one word stopped him. 'Team'. They needed to be a team, or they wouldn't be able to stand against Nihilus when he came.

So he just watched the 'old criminal' as Memory had referred to him, walk out. Then he turned to the rest of his team, forcing himself to breathe slowly, calming himself. At Glitch's question, he looked to her.

"For that, someone needs to explain what 'this' was. What happened? Where did this go wrong." He turned to Chama with suspicious eyes. "Also, I need to know just how many bodies you've hidden before, Amigo."

Piercing the mask on both Chama and Glitch. Both rolls were (2d6+1)[7] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?535513-The-Fragile-Veil-OOC-Masks&p=22518164#post22518164) Actually an 8 on Chama because I have influence on him.

When you pierce someone’s mask to see the person beneath, roll + Mundane. On a 10+, ask three. On a7-9, ask one.
For Glitch, I'm going to ask How could I gain Influence over you?
For Chama, I'm going to ask how could I get your character to go along with Gravitas' idea getting League supervision?

Also, I think I'm using my influence against Chama to change his labels. I'm clearly calling his status as a Savior into question, and think of him as more of a Danger. So -Savior, +Danger.

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +1] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +1]
Potential = 1, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

Mr. E
2017-10-28, 04:57 PM
"It went wrong a very long time ago. It went wrong when somebody forgot to tell the team that only the cops are allowed to take prisoners." Glitch stops to take a deep breath, feeling tired and achy all over. The room seems vast and unfriendly, every team-mate too far away too reach. "That was our first mistake. Then, for our second mistake, we left our resident rehabilitating murder machine alone.

I think you can put the pieces together from there." Elizabeth practically snarls the last words.

2017-10-29, 04:51 PM
Tank listened as the other argued, not really listening and instead watching as Mestre left the room with the body. She felt that it was her responsibility, she should be doing this, this was her doing after all, but at the same time she was thankfull that someone else took care of it.

When Mestre had left the room, she sighed with a bit of relief. "I thought he was a threat, I...overreacted, but I did it to protect you", Franka said, with more confidence than she showed on the roof.

2017-10-30, 04:35 AM
Centurion looked Tank in the eye, took a slow breath in, and let it out. He spoke slowly and softly. "Tank... Franka... he was tied to a chair. How could he have been a threat?" He glanced over to Glitch, getting a sense that there was something going on between Tank and her, but not sure exactly what.

When you pierce someone’s mask to see the person beneath, roll + Mundane. [roll0] On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one.
I want to know: how could I get Tank to not let this happen again?

Also, does my +1 ongoing from Words of the Past count for this? (I am trying to keep my team together after all.) if so:
What does Tank want me (the team) to do?
How can I get influence over Tank?

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +1] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +1]
Potential = 1, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

2017-10-31, 03:22 PM
Chama (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22360700&postcount=4)
Conditions: Angry
Potential: 3/5

Mestre Preguica leaves Chama thunderstruck, like a kick he hadn't seen coming. The shock shows on his face. Even though he let them use the Hacienda, Mestre had never seemed to approve of the team. To Chama, it felt like he was constantly having to defend his teammates and justify their continued existence, even though things seemed to have been sliding out of control lately. And now, at the moment when it seemed like things had finally gone too far, Mestre was throwing them a bone.

And then 21 has to go and ruin the moment. Armando can see the questions in Trent's eyes, and it hurts. After everything they'd been through together, how could he even ask something like that, tonight of all nights?

"Man, for real? It's gonna be like that? Excuse the f*** outta me for not crying over some low-life." As he spits the f-word, flames momentarily burst into life from the top of Chama's head and his clenched fists before fading just as quickly. "The only body I ever put in the ground was Officer Eduardo Montes, and he ain't hiding." Chama stares at Trent, daring him to push the issue. "Don't turn this s*** on me just because you're afraid to do what needs doing. You wanna know where this all went wrong? It went wrong when Firewing killed DarkPyre!"

Pierce the mask: how could I get your character to go along with Gravitas' idea of getting League supervision?

Chama doesn't trust the League, but he respects proper and reasonable authority. Convince him that the League can really help them, and that it would be better for the city.

Mr. E
2017-11-03, 09:29 PM
As Chama, 21 and Franka argue, Glitch sighs. Not what I had in mind for today. Really not what I had in mind... She steps back into the shade, looking around the room. She blinks, then re-checks that Hayden is not hiding in some corner. S'pose I better go get him, then.

She slips out and wanders over to Solar Flare's room. She paces quietly down the corridor, and sticks her head into the room. Hayden is dozing on his bed, looking utterly out of place in the banality of the warehouse. She pauses, undecided, for a few seconds, then reaches around to knock on the door-frame. "Hey mate, we're having a team-meeting. You need to be there." The words are rough, blunt, but Glitch says them softly, sounding tired.

2017-11-03, 10:02 PM
"Huh?" Hayden responded groggily.
He slowly managed to get out of bed before standing up.

"Okay Glitch, I'll be there soon."
But just as Hayden got out of his room, he turned to Glitch.

"Wait a second, what did you call me?"

Mr. E
2017-11-04, 12:30 PM
Glitch chuckles, amused by the confusion and worry on Hayden's face. "Mate. It can mean spouse, but it can also just be used as a general term of greeting. So no, I'm not proposing, ya dork." There's no malice in the insult, as Elizabeth smiles under her mask. She leans on the corridor wall, waiting for Hayden to be ready to return.

2017-11-04, 02:24 PM
"Okay..." Hayden says with a nod, even though he's still bewildered.

Humans are weird. Hayden thought as he went over to where the others were.

Seeing that Centurion and Charma have returned, he waved to them.

"Hey guys! Glad to see you're back."

2017-11-04, 07:42 PM
"You weren't there Cent! None of you were!", Franka snapped back, "Firewing controlled him somehow, ok, and he started glowing. Could've been a magic tracking beacon or a bomb!", she continued while getting defensive. "Also, Chama's right! You don't need to shed tears for that bastard. Also, I'm a weapon, I was literally designed to kill, so don't act so ****ing surprised when I do just that!"

This was a very different Franka, than the one she just had been on the rooftop alone with Glitch. This was Tank, the Valkyrie, the Kraken super soldier. She crossed the room and now stood just a few inches away from Centurion, "You got a problem with that? You want me to leave the team? Just say it."

Potential: 1
Conditions: Guilty
Hold (Glitch): 2

Now to answer your questions:
how could I get Tank to not let this happen again?
The simple answer is: You can't. The more complicated one is: To be there a voice of reason. It might not have happened at all if someone else had been in the room to provide another point of view.

What does Tank want me (the team) to do?
To be accepted for who she is and seen for more than the weapon her parents saw her as (even though she just played up that angle). From Cent specifically: To get off his high horse and stop judging her.

How can I get influence over Tank?
Punching her in the face. Franka doesn't like talking and arguing very much and is known for her "physical" arguments. Obviously, doing that may cause a response in kind.

Showing disregard and disrespect for authority. As people (Kraken) have tried to impose absolute authority over Franka she is wary of any person or institution trying to tell her what to do.

Showing her that you're leader. While Franka doesn't like authority, she knows that she needs someone she can follow and who can guide her, without being judgy or acting superior.

Honesty and strength of character. Franka values, when people are honest with her and don't back down, especially when they disagree with her.

2017-11-05, 06:00 AM

When you mention your mother, Gravitron's face flashes with grief. He says, "That was the first time I really yelled at her. I regret it. Things... got worse after that."

Worse is putting it lightly. He continues listening. He manages a weak smile when you mention the news. "I don't keep up with much news anymore unless it's a tag I'm tracking."

Tags like family, old teammates, and Humanity Now. You mention Firewing, and he nods. "Firewing is bad news. You did good work, son. Not any super can survive crossing paths with her."

Then you mention Nihilus, and his face pales. He snaps his head to the transporter. "Veilripper, do we have..." She blurs out in the middle of his question, vanishes, and reappears with a folder that he hastily takes and skim-reads.

Something he reads sends a chord of anger through him, but he pushes it down and hands it back. He looks down at you, takes a cautious step forward, and you can see that same need to show affection within him, but he buries it. He's just as wary, after the fraught relationship you two have had.

"I promise I will provide all I can. The first thing you need is information."

"Firewing is dangerous, but she can be understood. I've hired her before. She's craft, cunning, and has no loyalty to visionaries. If she's working with the shadow, she doesn't think he's going to win. She'll do her job, get paid, then cut ties. She won't stick around for the final phase. Stay on her good side, play her games, and you'll be in less danger. Nihilus though..."

"I've crossed paths with him twice." You know one of those moments: when Gravitron, the Watchtower, and the 20th Centurion took on Nihilus and just barely won. The archvillain had been murdering young, fresh superheroes (and a few teen supervillains) and using their deaths to open a magical vault.

"Nihilus is not like other people with powers. He's barely a person, and he's definitely not human. He's old, older than most everyone I've met. Older than Firewing, maybe." There's a slight hesitation as he finishes that sentence, as if he's made a slip. Firewing doesn't look a day past 30, but now you suspect otherwise.

"Nihilus doesn't care about world domination, financial gain, or a cause to fight for. Not immediately, at least. He has vision. He is single-minded in the pursuit of a goal that no hero has ever been able to ascertain, and he will stop at nothing. He works with human supremacists as easily as supers, dragons, and space aliens. He has no prejudice, no fear, and no ethics."

He clenches his fists, then release them and laughs bitterly. "I'd tell you to run, but I know that won't happen. You're a hero. And your friends are heroes too, I'd wager. Well, if I can't spare you that, I'll do my best to help. My intelligence network will shift some resources to monitoring Firewing and Nihilus. It would help if I knew a bit more. Do you know why they're coming to the city, maybe who or what they're after?"

You do, if what Centurion and Chama revealed is true... but that information came at a price. Are you willing to give it up so easily to your father? He seems sincere, and worried, but he's also still a wanted terrorist.

Zero Prime
2017-11-05, 06:35 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Angry, Guilty.
Burn: Two.

He watches the emotions warring in his father, he swears he can see an echo, a ghost of the man. No, the hero he used to be. However, it is shoved deep down, quickly, by the man's iron will, brutally suppressed by his vision of the future, and the steps he feels he needs to take to avert it. Yet, still, he feels something akin to pride well in his chest as he father tell's him it would be pointless to instruct him to run, because he saw him as ... a hero.

It's an odd feeling, pride wrapped in contempt, his father was still a murderer, someone who would kill base-line humans without flinching, to further his own goals. He needed to tread with care, but long ago Maximus had made a promise, that he'd never lie to his father, he'd be honest. Brutally if necessary. So as his father, as Gravitron asks for the information that would help them determine Nihilus' end game, Maximus can only shake his head side to side.

"I do." He states slowly, "but that information isn't mine to share." He paused, "I --, thank you for coming. I know it's a risk for you, and I," he sighed, "and I owe you. But," he raised his finger, "I won't let myself become an accomplice to your cause, you know that by now." He looked at the file in his father's hand. "The information you've given me is more than we had, it's a start." Another pause, he was pushing an envelope here, and if Memory scanned him, he didn't know if he'd be able to conceal the truth of this meeting. "If the other's are willing to share why they think Nihilus might be coming, I'll reach out to you, if you are still in a position to offer ...," he couldn't ask him for help, he didn't want to, didn't want to risk the pain, or worse. "Insight."

2017-11-05, 07:19 AM
For a moment, Gravitas, you expect coldness from him. That's certainly the mood you get from Veilripper, watching you with unceasing suspicion.

Instead, you see a glimmer of pride in his eyes. "I can respect that. Loyalty is a hard thing to come by in this world. Convene with your friends, and if you get a consensus, you know how to get in touch. I'll tell you when I have something actionable on the shadow or the mercenary. And..."

He hesitates. You can see the embittered commander crashing against the doting father still buried somewhere inside him. Viktor finally settles on, "...I wish you only the best."

He turns to go and Veilripper returns to his side. The file is gone, likely taken back already by Gravitron's mysterious teleporter. As he steps next to her to leave, he says, "Please don't tell Kaitlyn I was here. It will only worry her."

Then he's gone, and you're alone again.

2017-11-05, 11:59 AM
Cent's eyes went wide as she explained how Firewing had controlled the body. He looked at the chair the man had been slumped in, then back at tank. "Did... Did he die before he went all glowy? Like he took poison or something and died and then his body started moving around?"

He swallowed, and Tank could see a hint of his fear. "If that's what happened, then what I saw wasn't a bad dream. ****... Listen. I don't think that was something Firewing can do on her own. I think that was a Kraken spell. The same spell that was cast on me." He looked Tank in the eye. "I showed up in the corpse of a dead hero in Europe, and... Nihilus was there. I barely got away from him."

He sighed, and shook his head. "If that guy got up and she was piloting him, then Nihilus really did have that spell cast on me, and he's coming here now because he didn't get what he wanted from me. Our enemies are working together, Tank." He extended a hand to her. "We need to watch each other's backs. Sorry about the misunderstanding."

Rolling a Comfort and Support on Tank,
adding +1 for Words of the Past. [roll0]

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +1] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +1]
Potential = 1, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

2017-11-06, 07:56 PM
Something that Franka said, seemed to have spooked Centurion. He went on to explain apparently it had something to do with what had happened during their last fight, but Franka only understood half of what Cent was saying.

"Nihilus? Who's that? Did the Firewoman work for him? Look...his eyes were glowing like fire and he had like a burning tattoo on him. I didn't know what it was, so I didn't take any chances. But he got up again and spoke in a strange voice before collapsing again."

Mr. E
2017-11-09, 12:37 PM
Glitch sighs, tapping her feet against the ground, waiting. I left, I came back, and they're still where they started. Are either of them actually going to deal with the s*** that matters? She opens her mouth, shuts it, opens it again, then finally says something.

"Look, it's nice that you two have decided to be friends after all, but aren't we missing the point here? Tank killed somebody. Now it sounds like he would have died anyway, but what about next time? I mean, Franka said it herself, she's a 'killing machine'. How are we going to make sure that she never murder's someone who wasn't going to die anyway?"

Still standing in the shadows, away from the centre of the group, Glitch leans back to wait for the inevitable argument to break out. Maybe, this time, we'll be arguing about something useful, though.

2017-11-09, 07:21 PM
The 21st Centurion looked back to Tank, looked into her eyes, and sighed. He knew that she knew that Glitch was right. Tank was weirdly subdued, and that wasn't just her response to DarkPyre's death.

Then he turned back to Chama. Chama's energy, his personality, was a big part of what had kept the team together, and kept them motivated. He'd become the de-facto leader of their little team. But now, 21 could see that everyone's faith in him was fractured, and his reaction to finding a body in the Hacienda hadn't been encouraging. But he was still Chama, still fighting the good fight, and the team still needed him.

He let out a breath in a slow sigh, and panned to Solar Flare. The alien had been the only one left behind with Tank, and he'd gone and taken a nap, and then they'd ended up with a dead prisoner. Did Flare even understand human psychology well enough to help keep an eye on Tank? Could he hold her back if she crossed the line, and was he willing to do it? With his lack of a social life outside of the team, Flare was probably the easiest member to keep glued to Tank's side to help keep an eye on her, but could he be relied on to hold her back?

It was time to step up. The details could be sorted out as they went along. "Alright, guys, it's obvious that we're going to need to set some new ground rules. Right now, prisoners are a bad idea. The Hacienda's probably compromised now, they probably know where it is. We need to stick together as much as we can, and be ready to watch each other's backs." He gave Tank, Glitch, and Flare a look. "We need to keep track of each other and keep in contact. Veil will probably work for now. And we need to make sure that we're on our own as little as possible."

He gave Glitch a significant look and a nod, then headed to the dining room.

"Alright, for the next part, everyone should probably take a seat. This is going to be a long story."

Once the team was seated around the table, he started to explain, from the beginning. He went over the basic his first encounter with Nihilus, even though some of them had heard it before. How the monster haunted him and The (20th) Centurion with visions, how he'd transferred The Spirit of the Century to him with his dying breath, and how he'd escaped. Then he explained what he'd seen when he'd lost consciousness in front of the warehouse, explained what he'd found out about the hero whose body he'd been put into, and the hero he'd saved. He repeated everything Nihilus had said, as well as he could remember, about how Kraken had provided the spell, and about the mercenaries involved.

He explained who Gravitas was, noting the look of recognition from Tank. And he explained what Madam Memory had told him, and the apparent offer to apprentice with the League. The only thing he left out was the way he'd blown up at the other young hero. "I basically said we'd think about it," he said, with a look to Chama. "And maybe we should, but we've got other priorities right now and they'd get in the way. Gravitas said he'd help track down Firewing, and I think that's got to be our first order of business. The League thinks she's too dangerous for us to deal with, but if that was the case I don't think she'd have left her goons to slow us down while she ran off." He looked to each of them. "I know we all want payback. Right now our enemies are divided. Nihilus is in Europe, and who knows how long he'll take to move his operation here. We take out Firewing first, that's one less piece he's got on the board."

He looked between them all, making sure they were all on the same page. "We need to meet again tomorrow, to get things rolling, and figure out our first move."

As the team wrapped up and started heading out, 21 made a post to Veil.

@Gravitas Sorry about how things went down earlier. I was on edge, and I get defensive about my team. You were kinda telling me a lot of stuff I already knew, and I know I didn't handle it the best way.

I think I'm mostly cool with the league, but a lot of my friends have some pretty serious concerns. We've always gotten the impression that they'd really like to sideline us. Maybe we could all work something out, but there's going to need to be some understandings for that to happen.

We want to go after Firewing, and if that offer's still good, I'd like to bring you in on it. Can you meet us tomorrow?

@Gravitas PS: I was serious about not bringing that stuff up in front of Tank and Glitch by the way. Just let me handle that kind of thing.

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +0] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +2]
Potential = 2, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

Zero Prime
2017-11-09, 09:40 PM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Angry, Guilty.
Burn: Two.

His father disappeared, Maximus stood in beneath Atlas' statue, he'd stormed out on his mother, ran to his father, perhaps even betrayed the League. He sighed, it was difficult, he was trying to do what was right, but his father, like the statue, cast a long shadow, and he needed to walk his own path.

Before he could consider how to escape the shadow, he needed to uphold his promise, even as he lifted his phone it chimed with a message from the Veil. He reviewed 21's message, he felt a certain, grudging respect for the young man. He responded quickly;

@Centurion_21: Apology not required. A leader must be protective of the team. Info on flame & shadow acquired; more follows after a one on one debrief with yourself. Time, place?

2017-11-11, 10:00 PM
The night darkens, tensions are set aside, and six teens return home. For some of them, there will be a reckoning for their absence. For others, the death of Brett King weighs heavy. All feel the shadow of Nihilus and his agent, the dangerous mercenary Firewing.

The night is calm, and quiet. But there's a storm coming, and the world may not survive it.

End of Episode 2

Episode 3

Breaking News: Nihilus Returns!

Halcyon City's rising star reporter, Gail Glade, is on nearly every screen in the city.

"We've just received confirmation of devastating events in Europe. Oskar Aydin a.k.a. Zoomstrike, leader of Confelicity and noted philanthropist, is dead. His team was in Poland for the opening of a new hospital when they were brutally attacked by the supervillain Nihilus. Only one member of Confelicity survived the attack: Violet Storm, the heroine expected by many to succeed Zoomstrike as leader when he retired."

Images flash across the screen. Oskar Aydin attending formal events. Zoomstrike and Confelicity fighting villains and saving people. The faces of the fallen. Violet Storm, battered.

"Violet Storm has been taken to the Watchtower for medical treatment, but before collapsing she revealed the return of Nihilus, who has been dormant ever since killing the 20th Centurion. We don't yet know what Nihilus wanted with Confelicity, or where he'll strike next. More on this story as it develops.

Breaking News: Poland in Flames!

The next day.

"Nihilus has attacked again. The infamous supervillain is seemingly engaged in a terrorism campaign against the country of Poland, and is working with the Nazi occultist organization Kraken, as well as several unidentified supers. Three cities in Poland have already been hit."

Burning. Chaos. Kraken soldiers. The shadow himself, slaughtering civilians.

"The Watchtower has already left for Europe to confront Nihilus and his allies. Europe is reeling, but the superhero community stands united against this threat."


There's a tension in the city, but life goes on. Kids go to school. Parents work. People gossip.

This is the first free moment you've had in the three days since that fateful night, Trent, and instead of relaxing you're about to have a clandestine meeting with another teen hero. It's the afternoon, but not quite evening yet. There's a nice, secluded location you frequent. Now you just have to wait for Gravitas.

Max, you find the location pretty easily, though you're a few minutes late thanks to doing some last-minute chores for your mother. She seems to have forgiven you for what happened, but maybe that's just the fear talking. Fear of Nihilus, maybe.

Your father's certainly worried, though he hides it well. Gravitron hasn't given you anything more on the shadow, but he updates you daily that he's working on it. That's not like him. Well, except for the month after Atlas died.

A quick pulse of your powers and you confirm that nobody's listening in. It's just you, Centurion, and the weight of the secrets you're keeping.

Centurion, feel free to describe the location as whatever you would have picked.



Armando, you perform another impossibly complex series of moves and punch a bolt of fire at the training dummy. Your mentor does not seem impressed.

"How do you expect to defeat Firewing if you can barely control your own flame?"

In the corner, Michelle snickers. It's the third time she's done that today.

Preguiça rebukes her promptly. "Keep to your own training. You are a student, not a peanut gallery."

She rolls her eyes but grins. She gives you a wink before returning to her own practice. It's just the two of you and Mestre today, focusing on axé training. It's good to train like this, to throw yourself into the flow, but the real world keeps threatening to intrude. Memories of Brett, of the fire, of the interrogation.

Memories of the dead mercenaries. Tank. You invited her, but she hasn't shown yet. Maybe she won't. It would be a shame to have wasted all that time convincing Mestre to let her come.

Franka, you're standing outside the building. It's the same one as before, the base where Firewing taunted you and Mestre Preguiça cleaned up your mess. Now you're an invited guest. Chama seems to think you'd make a good training partner.

It's all so stupid. Acting like everything's normal, like Firewing and Nihilus aren't out there. What's the point in fake fighting when there are real baddies out there to punch? Like Kraken.

Valkyrie-19. Is she your new replacement? Did the Krafts make her, too?

You realize you're still staring at the building. You could walk away, if you wanted. Go back to Mary's house, or go wandering the city. Or you could go inside, face them, and try to pretend the world isn't collapsing.

Your choice.

Chama, did you have some ideas for Michelle's powers? I have a personality in mind,
and some minor ideas, but I'm happy to hear your thoughts. You've got really detailed worldbuilding that I'd love to play off.


Is it possible for literally everything to be going wrong at once?

Liz, the past three days have been brutal. It took about six lies to placate your parents, and quite a bit of, "Mom, Dad, look at how awful those superheroes on tv are! I'm so lucky not to have been injured by them!" to distract them from you being so late.

You barely woke up in time for your dishwashing gig, but with the morning news you were far from the latest arrival. Maybe cash will help you forget the smell of burning.

Everyone's stressed on Monday when you have photography club, but the meeting ends up going well despite that. You can almost start to relax.

But you can't, because of one major obligation that you've been seriously neglecting: your sister.

When you picked her up a half hour late, she threw a fit. It's not your fault. You were tired, exhausted from recent events. And your friends at photography club distracted you with jokes and chatter. And how can you get to her on time if everyone else is getting in your way and all worked up from the news?

But it is your fault. You know it is. You had an obligation and you failed it. Just like everything else in your life, apparently.

Chrissy sulks next to you on the bus. It's better than yelling, but not by much.

I can't remember if I've said the day before, but we're just going to assume that the warehouse fight was on a Friday, and all these events are happening on Monday.


Hayden, you're just getting out of school when you get a message.

It's from your parents. They found you.

Feel free to fill in some more information about your parents, their personalities and your relationship with them. You can also come up with how you get in contact with them.


Pool reset to 1.

2017-11-12, 12:56 AM
Today was not what Hayden expected. One moment he was walking by Halcyon City High School, just observing the teenage humans go about their day at the school. Hayden had wondered what it must be like to go to school, since he never went to school. Rather, he was taught by his parents.

But then he got ambushed by a pair of teenaged humans. One who was scrawny with a black beanie over his long hair and bad breath, and one who was overweight. They asked Hayden for his "lunch money." Whatever that was. When Hayden explained that he doesn't actually have any, the overweight one held Hayden while the scrawny one searched him. When they couldn't find any money on him, they took his communicator, dropped it on the ground, and stomped on it. Then the cruel duo took Hayden inside the school, threw him and his communicator into a metallic storage unit and locked him in there.

Hayden could've effortlessly fought those two off, but Trent had given him rules about not using his powers while out of costume. With what happened to the mercenary that was taken prisoner, he didn't want to let Centurion down again.

Hayden waited until there was nobody around before phasing out of the the storage unit. Then he went into the bathroom to fix his communicator as much as possible.

Now, Hayden was walking out of school, having done the best he can to repair his phone. He was on his way back to base to get some of his tools to finish the rest of the repairs when his communicator started beeping. Hayden got out the communicator while he was still walking, and what he saw made him stop.

It wasn't just an incoming transmission. It was a transmission was Kasmandian in origin! And ID of the caller looks like the ID that his parents use!

Hayden felt so excited that he dropped the communicator, only to just barely catch it before it could hit the ground. Could it be, that his parents actually survived the disaster that separated the whole family?

Finally, Hayden answered.

"<Hello?>" Hayden said into he communicator, waiting to hear from his parents as he made his way into the nearest public bathroom he could find.

2017-11-12, 04:05 AM
Halcyon city was one of the most densely populated metropolitan areas in the world. Local architecture had a way of building up, and then out, in an effort to cram as much value into every square mile as possible. One of the effects of this was to make the city a prime destination for the sports of Parqour and freeclimbing. And for a young man who had suddenly found himself both impossibly strong and nearly indestructible, the lure of those ad-hoc freerunning routes had been rather strong.

Getting to rooftops from the ground was a significant challenge, but one that Trent was more than up to. This particular one involved leaping out from an adjacent fire escape to grab hold of a flag pole, and using that to spring himself across the gap.

It was the top of the NovaTrade building, some big financial firm that had hit it's stride in the last decade and been sent reeling after the most recent recession. Trent didn't really care about those details, though. Whatever went on under this roof, it offered solitude, a challenge, and a great view of the west side of the city.

It also made a great place to meet a flyer out of sight of the phone-camera wielding populace. That was why he was here now. He'd had to put this meeting g off for too long already.

He looked out into the sky, wondering where Gravitas would be flying in from.

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +0] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +2]
Potential = 2, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

Zero Prime
2017-11-12, 08:34 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Angry, Guilty.
Burn: Zero.

One of the odd things about Halcyon City was that despite the density of Metahumans present within the city, most of the baselines *still* didn't bother to look up, eyes firmly on the ground or directly in front of them. However, one still had to be cautious if they wished to maintain their anonymity, as all it took was one pair of eyes, and depending on their MyCapetm ranking, they could be greeted with a sea of snapping phones, or indifferent shrugs.

When Maximus received Centurion's response on the Veil, he was anxious, nervous, but he knew he needed to set up the meeting get it over with, and see if their was a relationship there that was worth exploring. When last they'd spoke he'd been shut out and shout down, however emotions were high that night, and he needed to remember that they were likely still raw. He'd come in costume, it had been simply enough, and when he got to the rear of the Nova Trade Building, he simply altered the orientation of gravity, causing the vertical surface of the building to exert more gravity upon him than the street, allowing him to casually stroll up the side of the building. It wasn't flying, and it was far less likely to attract attention because of it, however it was tiring, the height of the building was the equivalent of a three block walk, however he was doing it at 2.0 g's, so his 65 kg frame, weighed 130 kg's, and if his concentration lapsed, the gravity would re-orient along a horizontal axis and he would plummet to the pavement. However, he had a lithe, athletic build, precisely because he did his physical training in a high-g environment, and his mind, focus and concentration were just as disciplined as his body, having become accustomed to the demands his powers made on him.

He stepped over the lip of the rooftop, and shifted his personal gravity from a vertical orientation back to the horizontal, there was a brief lurch, one that he'd grown to anticipate, it send a thrill through him, like the drop of a roller coaster. As much as his powers weighed on him, had affected his family, his friends, he enjoyed them, and he made a mental note to remember to continue to do so. They weren't just a weapon, or a tool, they *were* him, the way an athlete enjoys the thrill of pushing their body to the wall, breaking through it, he reminded himself that he needed to do the same, when time permitted.

However, the Spartan looking young man standing towards the center of the rooftop snapped him back to the harsh reality, the need for this meeting. The shadow and the flame, the news this past weekend had been grim indeed, as Nihilus began a pogrom of terror against Poland, aided by the mysterious organization Kraken. Maximus shook his head, set his face in a frown and stepped forward, inclining his head towards the hero.

"Centurion," even as he spoke he hovered a few scant inches from the surface of the building, and suddenly a realization came over him, as he had subconsciously chosen the exact same posture as when he spoke with his father in Atlas' shadow. "thank you for your message. In future you need not need apologize for being protective of your team, it's an admirable trait." He paused, he wanted to continue to probe that avenue, how the young heroes could benefit from the League's training, but he knew those wounds were too fresh, nor did he want this meeting to devolve into a debate on authority and responsibility.

"When last we spoke I volunteered to assist you in your pursuit of Firewing," his facade wavered as he remembered the meeting with his father, the warring emotions he had felt at seeing him again, he continued, trying to push the memory of that meeting away. "Firewing is a mercenary, Centurion. Likely contracted by Nihilus for his current campaign, but she's not an idealist, she doesn't believe in Nihilus vision. Her loyalty is bought and paid, and she'll cut and run when the opportunity presents itself. Nihilus on the other hand," the news from Poland contradicted what his father had said, unless somehow, "Nihilus doesn't care about world domination, financial gain, or a cause to fight for. Not immediately, at least. He has vision. He is single-minded in the pursuit of a goal." His words echoed his father's, shared days ago in the park.

"Even my source is unable to determine what that endgame is," he paused, "the news out of Poland seems to contradict that, unless he needs Kraken for some phase of his plan, and this is their condition." He stopped, considered, and then broached the subject, "I know Firewing murdered your friend, but we need to keep one thing in mind; she was the weapon, Nihilus was the one who directed the blow. My source needs to know *why* he would want your teammate dead."

2017-11-12, 02:06 PM
Centurion turned suddenly at the call of his legacy's name. Gravitas had snuck up on him; he'd expected flight, like the other day. Though with the other building across the alleyway, he supposed climbing up was more subtle. His expression soured a bit as the kid just dumped out what he knew without much introduction.

"Ok, three things," he said, holding g up a hand with three splayed fingers. He pulled one in, counting off. "One, Centurion was the guy who everyone knows and loves, the guy who died to give me these powers. I'm doing my best to live up to what I promised him, but I'm not him. Call me 21."

He counted off a second finger. "Two, I know you're batting for a place in the league, but you don't have anyone to impress up here. Try to talk like a person, and drop this 'you need not' and 'when last we spoke' stuff."

He closed his last finger into his fist. "And three, well... I don't know what Firewing wanted, or why she killed 'Pyre. I get the sense that Chama knows things he's not telling me, but I'm not ready to get in his face about that. I kinda pissed him off earlier. But I know Nihilus. I was his prisoner for months."

He closed his eyes, remembering the visions, remembering the cloaked figure who would emerge at the end of each challenge to tell him what his actions would have cost. He remembered his cruel dismissals, his utter certainty that every effort against him would fail. He remembered...

Doing two things here.

First of all, I'm using influence on Gravitas. I'm telling him to act more like a real person and less like someone whose better than everyone else. So I'm trying to get him to reduce Superior and increase Mundane.

Second, I'm trying to Pierce The Mask of Nihilus through my memories of dealing with him.

That's a hit. I want to know what Nihilus intends to do.

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +0] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +2]
Potential = 2, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

Mr. E
2017-11-12, 05:56 PM
Elizabeth leans back against the seat, trying to fold her legs into something resembling a comfortable arrangement. Who do they design these seats for, double amputees?" After some further writhing, she manages to find a position that doesn't leave her splaylegged, or slowly loosing circulation. Removing her phone from a pocket, Glitch checks that Chrissy isn't trying to read over her shoulder, then opens up veil. Her post currently has no replies, which is hardly surprising, considering the post date is less than five minutes ago.

Team memorial for Brent:

7:00PM this Thursday @ George Bay.
Be there.

She puts the phone back in her pocket, and turns her attention to the girl next to her. It's been at least ten minutes, and Chrissy still stares grimly at the seat in front of her. S*** Elizabeth nearly says it out loud, but stops herself. Her younger's sister's temper is usually explosive, but quick to fade away.This is a long sulk, by her standards. Not that I don't deserve it, or anything."

Leaning up, she presses the button to get off. It's one stop too early, which means sweets. She extracts a five dollar note from her pocket, and hands it to Chrissy. Bribery may not be the most moral solution, but Liz is so not up to dealing with a 'mega-sulk' right now.

2017-11-12, 06:09 PM
Chama (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22360700&postcount=4)
Conditions: Angry
Potential: 4/5

Armando exhales sharply, pushing air through his nose like an enraged bull. Axé training had always been difficult for Armando. Typical capoeira conditioning involved training to the point of exhaustion before you started learning any new maneuvers. Depleting the body helped to feed the mind, and only in such a state could a capoerista begin to mold themselves.

But axé training was a different beast. When he was first learning to manifest it, Armando had realized that he'd always felt the axé flowing through him, under the surface. When he was in the roda, it fuelled him, responding to the swells in the tempo from the drums and the berimbau. In its natural form, axé was almost another emotion, and once Chama had learned to manifest it, it came naturally. But in these training sessions, Mestre made him do it cold. No music but for the song in his heart. No roda but for the battle in his soul. According to Mestre, he had to start controlling his axé and stop being controlled by it.

So Armando keeps at it, repeating the same thirty-odd moves in the sequence. He was used to letting out his axé with one or two explosive moves, but this training was supposed to teach him to build it up over time. Chama could feel it flowing, sliding from one move into the next. He travelled back and forth across the same ten feet of floor, chaining his moves together. Kicks into low escapes and reversals, tight cartwheels and handspins back into escapes and kicks. Each time his leg swings around, he has to fight the temptation to release the axé, but he forces himself to stay steady and keep pace. Meia lua de compasso, negativa, reversal to the other side, rolê, aú. When it comes time for that final move, he kicks his left leg in a meia lua out in front and counterbalances with with the right hook. But instead of a raging river of axé, all he manages to release is a trickle and a pitiful puff of flame, insufficient even to light a candle. Chama roars in frustation.

"How am I supposed to defeat Firewing when I'm moving slower than molasses? If I'd thrown moves like this at the warehouse, Brett wouldn't be the only in the ground right now!"

Frustrated, he glares at Michelle as he watches her train. She never seemed to have trouble with these exercises. Even watching her closely, he can't help but feel that his eyes are playing tricks on him as she throws moves from angles she couldn't possibly be attacking from, appearing in places she can't be in. As he fumes, his eyes drift out the wall-length window to the street. I wish Tank would show up for once.

2017-11-13, 10:40 AM

"It worked!" your mother exclaims. "We found him."

There's a muffled sound, and she murmurs something, and then she says, "I'm so glad you're okay. We've been looking for you ever since the incident, but I never imagined you'd end up on... well, it doesn't matter now. Just stay there so we can come pick you up, okay? It isn't safe on that planet. Are you okay? What happened to you?"



Chrissy's eyes light up when she realizes the treat she's about to get, but then she falters. For once, she doesn't seem eager to take your bribes. She looks up at you, and there's a shade of genuine concern on her face as she asks, "Why did you lie to Mom and Dad on Friday?"

The bus stops and just as quickly her eagerness returns. She scurries out in search of ice cream from her favorite place, and tugs you along behind her.



You remember the cold dark.

You remember other teens, just like you, and a few young adults, caught in the shadow's tendrils. Many had powers, but not all. Sacrificed, tortured, made an example of. You remember Nihilus taunting the old man.

"How many will I have to kill before you give in? How many children will die for your sins, 20th? Do you think your predecessors would be so callous?"

The old man just spat, and Nihilus sliced open one of your arms. You bled and cried, but the shadow threw you back in your cell and left you there.

You remember a sniveling creature, something inhuman, bowing and scraping before Nihilus. Telling him, "My lord, some of the heroes are closing in. What would you have us do?"

"Stage another attack. Somewhere tropical this time. Keep them distracted." The creature bowed and vanished, and the next day Nihilus threw a newspaper into the 20th Centurion's cell.

The headline read: Nihilus attacks Argentina!

The memory fades.

You don't know the extent of Nihilus's plans, but it's a safe bet that Poland is a distraction. Maybe he's trying to draw heroes away from Halcyon, or maybe he's laying a trap in Europe, or it might even be payment to Kraken like Gravitas suggested. You can't be certain without knowing his endgame, but it's clear to you that those attacks are anything but random.

He's also the type to send minions. It's very likely that the shadow himself won't show up in Halcyon City until Firewing and other agents have secured a better foothold.



Mestre shakes his head. "You are wild, undisciplined. You fight like a street rat or a common brawler, relying on strength and speed. Firewing is stronger than you are. She is faster. You must master skill as well."

You land another kick and an impotent cinder drifts through the air. He catches it in a golden fist and holds it out in front of you. "The flame that burns hot, the flame that flashes with fury, is the flame that dies as quickly as it is born." He closes his fist, and when he opens it again the cinder has gone cold.

"The flame must be fed and stoked. You must show restraint, because she will not. That is how you beat her."

2017-11-13, 11:43 AM
Trent shuddered and winced visibly, then shook his head and opened his eyes, continuing. "When Nihilus attacked openly, it was a distraction. That's what he's doing right now, in Poland. The Watchtower is running over there to fight him, and that's exactly what he wants. I never figured out what he was aiming at, ultimately, but back then it seemed like his whole reason for living was to make Centurion give in. I think he wanted to take 'The Spirit of the Century' somehow, but to do it he needed the old man to give it up."

He shook his head. "I don't know what he wants with it. I mean, the way it works, I can't imagine he could just... Become the next Centurion. But he's not dumb. Whatever he wants it for is probably something he knows he can do. And he still wants it. I think Pyre died because of something else he wanted, but he decided to come to Halcyon City because I got away from him again."

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +0] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +2]
Potential = 2, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

Mr. E
2017-11-13, 03:05 PM
Liz is more on top of the 'not at photography club' thing this time, so she doesn't swear. I thought younger siblings were supposed to be cute and innocent, not so d*** perceptive. She looks at Chrissy carefully, then shrugs slightly. "What makes you think I did?" The bus comes to a stop, and Elizabeth gets up, her bad suddenly feeling heavy with the weight of the mask in the bottom. Still, at least Chrissy is excited for her weekly dose of sugar. I wonder what she'd say if she knew I was a super? Mum and Dad must have told her that they're the bad guys...

2017-11-13, 07:14 PM
<"I'm fine, mother."> Hayden responded as he locked himself inside a bathroom stall.
<"Something knocked my escape pod off course and knocked me unconscious. I was fortunate that a kind human came to my aid when my escape pod crashed landed on earth, and with his help I've managed to find some shelter. It is a really long story."> As Hayden explains, he changed out of his clothes and into his costume.
At first glance it looked it an orange and yellow shoulder band that he has been wearing under his clothes. But then the shoulder band spread, stretched, and wrapped around Hayden's entire body, forming his suit. It even covered his shoes!

With his pants and shirt in one arm, and holding his communicator with the hand on his other arm, Hayden took off, using his density manipulation power to phase through the roof and flew off into the sky.

<"But... wait. Did you say 'we?!'"> Hayden asked when he just realized something.
<"As in, more members of the family made it out? Who?! Dad? My brothers? Cousins? Aunts? Uncles? Please mother, I need to know!"> Hayden couldn't even hold in his excitement anymore, as he flies around in loops and spirals in the air while still holding on to his things.

FYI, Hayden has a really HUGE family who were onboard the spaceship before it got destroyed. 3 brothers (Hayden being the second oldest), more than twelve cousins, a couple of nieces and nephews, and a few aunts and uncles.

2017-11-14, 08:50 AM
This past week had seriously sucked and the terrible news that came from Europe where just the *** icing on the **** cake. She had barely slept in the past few days spending her nights by dragging Gravitas from one underground club to the next while pouring pretty much anything into her system she could get her hands on if it would just let her forget for a few short moments about this horrible, horrible feeling about what she had done and stave off sleep for a little bit longer. Because when she slept, he came back, she saw his face the life leaving his eyes, the sound of his neck snapping and the feeling of how she had crushed his windpipe, but that wasn't even the worst part. No the worst part of her dreams weren't the ones where she relieved her killing of some scumbag henchman, but when she killed other people in her dreams, people she cared about (whether she admitted it or not). Mary, Glitch, Cent and the rest of the team. They all had taken the place of the remote controlled thug at least once.

She knew she had to stop this, the rest of the team needed her. Nihilus was coming and she had to on the top of her game by then. So last night she had downed enough tranquilizer to knock out an elephant and forced herself to go to the hacienda. Chama had bugged her the entire week, that she should up and train with her, but there was a reason she hadn't come back here. She had stood across the street of the entrance and smoked her fifth cigarette by now, drawing out the moment before stepping in. Eventually she took a final of her cigarette and flicked the butt into a puddle.

Entering the hideout she could hear the others training and followed the noise to where they had set up some target dummies. Mestre was currently lecturing Chama and Tank to not interrupt she just lazily dropped on the couch, her eyes only shortly lingering on the door behind which she had killed. She listened to the end of Mestre's little speech and found herself disagreeing silently. How would holding back against a more powerful foe help. If anything wasn't that the one situation where you shouldn't pull your punches?

Zero Prime
2017-11-14, 12:53 PM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Guilty.
Burn: Zero.

Gravitas remained silent as he listened to Centurion's three points, then he shook his head in disagreement, "No Centurion, that's where you are wrong. Your predecessor made a choice, he chose you! To everyone in this city, to everyone down there," he pointed to the city below them, "you are the Centurion, chosen to bear the mantle, and to be blunt, you are a god damn hero. You aren't 21, you aren't the next in the line, you ARE Centurion. And you need to find his spirit, here," he poked the muscular youth in the chest, "and here." He tapped the side of the helmet, "Being a hero isn't just about our actions, it's about our ideals, our legacy, it's not about who we fight, it's about why."

"Firewing is Halcyon city, Kraken likely has recon teams as well. You," he paused, "your team, aren't safe, you stood up to her once, you may not have stopped her operation, but you exposed it, exposed her. Firewing is more experienced than she looks, as old as Nihilus, if not older, and a professional doesn't like being exposed, not by opposition she sees as inexperienced, as children." He paused, considering Centurion's third point, "This is your team Centurion, you are the only one who can prepare them for what's coming, if Chama is withholding information, you need to find out why, and what it is."

He paused as Centurion struggled with some decision, internally, silently, before overcoming his fear, and pushing through. He nodded this time, listening to him speak about Nihilus, his doubt, his fear. "I'm not going to insult you by pretending you don't know who my father is, but I need you to remember something," he took a deep breath, and continued, "Nihilus can be beaten, it has happened before, when he was killing young heroes to unlock a mystic vault, your predecessor and my father, fought him together, shoulder to shoulder." He put a hand on the taller boy's shoulder, "They're not around this time, so it falls to us. But I promise you this," his hand slipped from Centurion's shoulder, and extended out to the young man, hand open, waiting, "together, we won't fail."

OOC: Reject Influence, rolled in OOC thread, [url=http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22561275&postcount=380], a 10! So I can choose two options; clear a condition or mark potential by immediately acting to prove them wrong, and shift one Label up and one Label down, your choice. I will chose to clear a condition by immediately acting contrary to his belief, I am superior, because I have to be, I need to speak, think and act like a hero if I am going to be able to earn anyone's respect. Therefore I will clear Angry. Secondly, I will choose to shift my Danger down, and my Savior up.

Now, I am going to attempt to Comfort & Support Trent. Rolling Mundane, -1, [roll0]. Let's see how this goes. See what happens when you try to be inspiring, awww well. However, it doesn't mean the move failed, ie. Trent can still take it seriously, just means a hard move, or a soft move is a-coming. Also, Potential!

2017-11-14, 01:52 PM
Chama (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22360700&postcount=4)
Conditions: Angry
Potential: 4/5

Chama growls at Besouro, the way he always does when he's getting pushed harder than he likes. "What's this restraint bulls***? Old man, I fight the way you taught me to fight! You spend years pounding it in to me how I've always gotta have that killing instinct, and to be prepared for any opening I see. Now you're tellin' me I'm supposed to hold back?! What do you even know about Firewing, anyway?" He's so occupied, Chama doesn't even notice Tank coming in.

I'll attempt to Provoke Besouro into spilling information about Firewing.


apelido: special name used by capoeira practitioners

axé (ah-SHAY): human emotional or mood energy, can be good or bad (like "good vibes" or "bad vibes"); spiritual life-force that can be harnessed to achieve supernatural feats [fictional, though alluded to in certain capoeira legends]

mestre (MESH-tay): master; the highest rank in capoeira, often the leader of a capoeira school

roda (HO-duh): ritualized combat between capoeira practioners, somewhere between a game, a sparring match, and a performance; also refers to the ring in which the event takes place, made up of other capoeiristas surrounding the players in a circle awaiting their turn to play while singing and playing traditional instruments, chants, and songs

2017-11-15, 12:04 AM
Centurion twitched and grit his teeth when Gravitas poked him. He really hated it when people got in his face like that; a downside of superstrength was that you couldn't just shove people away when they crossed your boundaries, at least not without the risk of throwing someone through a wall. Gravitas was proving to be the kind of guy who would never stop crossing 21's boundaries, and he really didn't like it.

He let out a slow breath through his teeth as he glared at Gravitas' hand clasped over his shoulder, and forced himself to calm down. He forced his own hands open, and slowly shook his head. "I know I'm a hero. I know why I fight. But the people down there aren't convinced that I'm ready to replace the old guy yet, and neither am I." He shrugged, sighed, and reluctantly took Gravitas' hand, forcing a smile. "But I intend to get there one day."

He looked Gravitas in the eye as he shook his hand. "I didn't know your dad. You didn't know the old Centurion. If we go toe to toe against Firewing and Nihilus, it won't be them fighting, it'll be us. Be there with me, don't roleplay as your dad."

He turned to look out on the city below them. "So... Where do we start?"

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +0] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +2]
Potential = 2, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

Zero Prime
2017-11-15, 08:01 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Guilty.
Burn: Zero.

He gave the young man a nod as they shook hands, it wasn't the greatest of starts, as evidenced by the gritting of teeth, but it was a start, and that was honestly, more than he had hoped. "We need information, my source can help us there, but we need to know why your teammate," he paused respectfully, "Why Dark Pyre was targeted. If you feel Chama is withholding information you need to reach out to him, find out what it is, then let me know, and I can set up a meeting." He sighed, he knew his next statement could be contentious, but he had to be honest, "I've got a meeting with the League shortly, a run through of training, and administrative responsibilities. Once finished, I could try to see what they've gotten from their investigation into Firewing, and any Kraken operations in Halcyon."

He paused, his stoicism seemed to fade, as worry and doubt crept it's way into his face, "And 21, can you keep an eye on Franka?" He paused, concern thick in his voice, "Something's off with her, and she was hitting the clubs pretty hard this weekend. Like she was trying hard to forget," he shrugged, "something. But I know her well enough not to pry when she's in a mood like that."

2017-11-15, 05:34 PM
Centurion didn't seem bothered by the mention of the league at all, but was clearly a little weary and frustrated at the next step being dependent on getting good communication out of his team. He nodded at the mention of Tank, looking distinctly uncomfortable.

"Yeah, she took the loss of 'Pyre pretty hard. I think it made her feel... vulnerable. It makes all of us feel that way, but especially her. And especially with Kraken involved. We're keeping an eye on her. Right now I think the best thing we could do for her is find something it's useful for her to break."

He waved Gravitas off, offering a bit of a reassuring smile. "Go do the League thing. Tell me how it goes. I'll talk to Chama. And if I can't figure out a lead from that, I'll put a patrol together and go looking for answers."

With that, he sprinted across the rooftop, leaping back across to the lower roof with a somersault, and began making his way back to ground level.

Now where would Chama be right now? he thought to himself when he got down to the alleyway. Didn't he invite Tank to go practice with him? He started making his way in that direction.

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +0] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +2]
Potential = 2, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

2017-11-15, 06:19 PM

Chrissy digs in. Sugar plasters her face and distracts her completely from your proto-argument. When she's finally done and the two of you are heading home, she asks, "Why were you late?" with the same innocent perceptiveness as her previous, far more incendiary question.



"We've found most of the family. Your older brother is still missing, but we're not sure that's unintentional. We're more worried about a few of your cousins and favorite aunt."

There's a static crackle, more mumbling, and then, "But listen, we can talk about all that later. We need to get you home. Is your pod still functional? Can you activate your beacon? That world isn't safe. Especially not now."


Armando and Franka.

For a moment, Besouro wavers. There's a crack in his demeanor. It vanishes quickly, but Chama's words shake him.

"You want to know about Firewing? Fine. We were business partners."

Michelle stops her training exercise to stand and stare.

Chama's teacher rests against a wall and bows his head. "I made... mistakes, when I was young. I met Firewing in Brazil, where she called herself Anhangüera. She was dangerous. Volatile. Seductive - not in the romantic way, but the way that power is seductive. I lost contact with her when I fled for Halcyon City."

"Then, in the early days of Malícia, she came back. Anhangüera was my lieutenant, my right hand, my most trusted ally. But she was also poison. She pushed me to be more violent, more destructive. She reveled in civilian casualties."

Mestre looks off into the distance. "That knife. The tucum blade. Anhangüera is why I have it. I went back to Brazil to find it. I knew I couldn't beat her without it."

"I barely survived our fight. My recklessness nearly cost me everything. You need both, Armando. You need fury, but it must be tempered by wisdom. Or she will kill you and smile."

The air hangs heavy.

Michelle tries to break the tension by giving a wink to Tank and saying, "Hey, who's the new blood?"

Hope you don't mind the liberties I've taken with building up this connection.
I thought it would be an interesting layer to add, since Chama seems shaping up to be the hero with the most personal hatred of Firewing.

2017-11-15, 07:09 PM
<"The pod and beacon were severely damaged when I crashed landed on Earth. I can repair most of the damage on the pod, but the power cells are damaged beyond repair, and any substitutes I can find on this planet wouldn't be able to get the pod very far from Earth. Most of the parts for the beacon were destroyed during the crash, so that is going to take me time to fix. Wait, what do you mean that the 'Earth isn't safe, especially not now?'">

As Hayden flew, he saw Centurion headed for somewhere, so he decided to follow him while still on the communicator, hoping his mother can still answer a question or two before the connection fails.

Mr. E
2017-11-15, 08:55 PM
Elizabeth sighs, rubbing her face. Crunch time, I suppose. Taking a deep breath, she wonders what to say. "Cause I'm an idiot." She shrugs heavily. "I got distracted talking to Mark, and forgot to look at the time." There is a pause. "I'm sorry. I would have been mad too." Humble pie eaten, Lizzie scuffs her sneakers on the sidewalk as she walks, wondering how Chrissy will respond.

2017-11-16, 08:04 PM
Franka listened to Chama echo her thoughts while admiring Michelle go through her training routine. She was more graceful and more fluid than in her motions than Chama and also a lot sexier in Franka's opinion.

When the argument between Chama and his Mestre ended in a tense silence, Franka's attention went back to them. She didn't know what to say to break this uncomfortable silence up and she was glad that she hadn't to because Michelle took the initiative to change the topic and Franka was happy to indulge her.

"The new blood's named Franka or Tank for short", Franka said and got up from the couch lazily shaking Michelle's hand, "and you are? Other than much better than Chama I mean." She continued and finished with a wink.

2017-11-18, 12:27 AM

With your apology, any resentment vanishes. Chrissy's back to her old self in a flash. The rest of your chatter is much more relaxed, and by the time you get home all tension has eased.

Of course, the tension picks up in the presence of your parents, but they seem almost eager to forget their prior anger. You swear that in the past few days they haven't once looked up from the news. They're hunting for more sensational details about Poland. The whole anti-super mob is getting whipped into a frenzy again, just like they were last time Nihilus showed up.

You almost make it through the day without any kind of confrontation, but dinner proves fatal.

Your mother asks you, "Elizabeth, what do you think of that mess in Europe?" You get the feeling that question is just the prelude to a much more complicated conversation.

Feel free to fill in details about her parents outside of 'hates supers'.


More murmuring.

"Hmm. That's upsetting, but nothing we can't solve. If you can get the beacon working, you won't need the pod. You may have to take it apart, sweetie. Do you think you can do that?"

"As for safety... it's difficult to explain." There's hesitation in her voice, and the weight of secrets. "We found you because of an energy pulse. Something best left buried has... woken up. An old mistake. It doesn't matter. Once you're off-world, and back with us, none of that will be important. Okay?"

If you want to get more out of her, you'll have to start pushing.



As you leave Gravitas behind, a familiar face stops you nearby.

The Moonlighter. Old, bitter, and once a hero like your predecessor. He served alongside 20, and you don't think he's ever really forgiven you for the death of his friend. He leans against a brick wall and watches you.

"Heard you got in some trouble, kid." He raises an eyebrow. "Care to fill me in?"

What are some details about the Moonlighter, like his powers and his history? I think we discussed the idea that he might have at one point been loaned the Spirit of the Century, which would be an interesting angle. Maybe he feels resentment that the Spirit went to some kid and not the guy who proved he could wield it?


Max. Wednesday.

Training with the League. It's real. It's actually happening. You can scarcely believe it. But here you are, standing in the vaunted halls of the Citadel, the second-best flying fortress in Halcyon City.

First-best, now that the Watchtower is in Europe. It's still weird seeing that hole in the sky, the absence where the Watchtower's base once floated. It's only been gone two days, but it feels like a lifetime.

Mellori floats next to you, her raven-feather cloak fluttering in the wind, her gaze taking in the city sights. "Crazy seeing it gone, yeah?" Her voice is low and rich, but there's a youthful cadence to it. She's the youngest member of the Halcyon League, which might be why Madame Memory put her in charge of your training. That, or her incredible sorcerous power.

She grins. "It'll be back. It always comes back." Her grin is infectious, pale lips quirking with enough cheer to lift even the League's staunchest bores.

You've met the whole team in the days since the incident. Megamax, the face; Madame Memory, the administrator; Apolloni, the archer; Haywire, the tech genius; Goliath, the muscle; and Mellori, the witch (her words). They're the only official members, at least, though you've seen plenty of lesser heroes flitting about, asking for advice and aid or volunteering information and resources.

The League is afraid. You can tell that, and Mellori will admit it, though the rest of her teammates put up a confident facade. Nihilus has shaken them, and every so often you catch Memory looking at you. The League's leader hasn't mentioned any of the details that the Centurion's team disclosed, but it must weight heavy on her.

She tries to distract you with training. She was serious about that offer, at least. Access to the Citadel, and advice from Mellori, who has experience dealing with incredible power that can at times feel... hard to control. Still. There's something in the air.

2017-11-18, 01:24 AM
Hayden comes to a sudden stop, now floating high in the sky.

<"Energy pulse? Something buried? Old mistake?">

At this point Hayden was starting to become a bit confused and worried.

<"Mom, what are you talking about? And what is going on? I thought Kasmandians were supposed to leave Earth alone, and our family's mission was to research and record data on unexplored planets. Whatever is happening here on Earth, I need to know. So, please tell me what is going on.">

I'm going to roll for Provoke in the OOC thread (I wrote this post from my phone btw)

Mr. E
2017-11-18, 03:51 PM
Liz studiously attacks her vegies, avoiding eye contact. It's usually a good strategy, and today it almost works. almost. She finishes her mouthful slowly, puts down her fork, and looks up at her mother.

"Mum, I don't really read the news." Somewhat true. "There's been lots of people talking 'bout it at school, but not much of anything other than rumours." Actually true, for once. "So,
I guess I don't have an opinion." Utter bulls***. Returning her attention to her plate, Liz hopes that she has said enough to avoid a lecture, but doubts it.

I have some notes on Liz's parents, so I'll stick them here.

Mum's a secretary for some mundane company, which does something so incredibly boring as to never every be mentioned. Dad does something vague and numinous (to Liz, at least), for an insurance firm. All she knows is that it involves lots of meetings. The family is very much middle-class, with a mild conservative bent, but no real strong political opinions other than being rabidly anti-supers.

They are, in general, thoroughly normal. Dad likes fishing but hardly ever goes. The two of them spend their weekends gardening, although without really being terribly interested. Occasionally one of them will speak vaguely about going 'away' for the weekend, but they never have. Despite all this, they are genuinely loving, kind and helpful parents (although, if they ever found out Liz was a super, they'd probably throw her out in a heart-beat). The reason for the age gap between Chrissy and Liz is because of a miss-carriage several years ago. As a result they lean slightly towards being over-protective of their two girls.

I think that is all I have, except that the two of them are relatively recent arrivals in Halcyon City, coming with the kids about four years ago. Prior to that, they lived in NZ, the country of their origin. Glitch's Mum is half Maori, and she takes after her.

2017-11-18, 05:34 PM
Trent's head snapped around as The Moonlighter called out to him, the old man having seemed to him to appear out of nowhere. We was like that, even when he wasn't teleporting.

The surprise broke his stride, and Centurion came to an awkward halt, returning Moonoighter's gaze as steadily as he could.

He pulled in a slow breath. These were never easy conversations.

"Trouble came to me, actually." He didn't want to launch into details. They were in public, and The Moonlighter never took it well when Trent made things about him, even when they were.

"What've you heard?"

The Moonlighter was an original member of The Centurion's first team. At the time he was an international smuggler who traveled with The Centurion and fed him information about the underworld, but later he ended up sabotaging a supervillain's moonlight-powered deathray just before it would have hit 20 head on. The deathray exploded, but Moonlighter was nowhere to be seen and presumed dead.

He turned up halfway across the world, having apparently teleported in a matter of minutes. Basically he could now teleport anywhere within line of sight, or anywhere on Earth as long as he could bounce a ray of light off of the moon and have it end up there. He can also see places on Earth from the Moon's perspective, kind of like looking at Google Earth.

Centurion gave him a bit of The Spirit of the Century to make him bulletproof after he almost died from a gunshot wound,
and it was the first time he'd shared the power with someone else.

The Moonlighter is also younger than he should be, chronologically, as the time he spends as a beam of light going between celestial objects doesn't seem to count, and especially because of that one trip to Alpha Centauri a while back.

Also, rolling to pierce The Moonoighter's mask. [roll0] my questions:
• what do you want me to do?
• what do you intend to do?
• how could I gain Influence over you?

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +0] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +2]
Potential = 2, Advances = 1
Conditions: Afraid
Influence on: Solar Flare, DarkPyre, Chama
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

Zero Prime
2017-11-19, 11:02 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Guilty.
Burn: Zero.

He almost started as Mellori came up beside him, and when she began speaking to him, smiling at him, he could feel the heat rising to his cheeks. "Yea," he stammered, "they always come back." He sighed, trying to get his emotions under control, the young woman beside him was his teacher, but at the same time ... he pushed those feelings down, tried to put a lid on them, turned, and as soon as he did her dark eyes mesmerized him.

"Until they don't," he remembered his father's face standing there in Atlas' shadow, he shrugged his shoulders, "I feel useless Mel, I mean, you've helped, but only in a broad, general sort of way." He looked up at her, tried not to stammer, "I mean, my powers, they're scientific in nature, they conform to the laws of physics, but yours." He whistled, "Magic has always weirded me out, it's something I just can't understand. It just defies ... reason? You know?"

He looked back to the empty portion of the sky that would have contained the Watchtower's Citadel had they not been in Europe, "And Nihilus is coming, here. And we need to stop him." He held up his hand, concentrated a moment, a shimmering field of gravitic energy formed about a meter in diameter, a shield, a barrier. "I can protect myself from any sort of melee attack, bullets, explosions, even energy weapons." The field dissipated, "but what am I supposed to do against a guy like Nihilus, how do I protect myself from energies that defy the laws of physics, that attack the mind," he looked up at her, "the soul?"

He looked up at her, there was hurt in his eyes, fear, "I don't want to let the League down, let Centurion down, but he's coming, and I have to stop him ...," he paused, afraid to admit it, even to himself, "and I don't know if I can beat him."

OOC: Two things; 1st I'm digging the hot young teacher vibe coming from Mellori, so I am playing the stammering schoolboy, whose crushing on his homeroom teacher. Very cool Malexia.

Secondly, I am trigering my Team Move; When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, tell them how they could stop you, if it came down to it. Give them Influence over you and clear a condition. Maximus has basically admitted that Magic is his weakness, he has no special defense against it, as it doesn't conform to the normal laws of physics, which he can typically manipulate with his gravity altering powers. As an adult Mellori already has Influence over me, so she can shift my Labels as she sees fit, either as how she really sees me, or as how she thinks I should become, and then I will choose to clear Guilty.

2017-11-20, 04:48 PM

Her grip is strong and warm. "Michelle." She grins at your quip. "I train with that dork over there. Tank, huh? You're the one he's always trying to recruit for these sessions. You're much more impressive in person."

She glances over at teacher and student locked in argument. "They seem... involved. Want a tour while they work out their stuff?"



Your mother seems more interested in her pontificating than your reply, and she barrels on. It's terrible over in Europe, and this is what happens when you let supers run amok, and it really is a tragedy, and they'd never have the nerve to pull something like that over here, right?

Your father offers empty assurances that Halcyon City will never see chaos like that, because we know how to keep supers on a tight leash over here. Like that business with the burning warehouse. The ruffians are being punished, surely. More complaining, enough that you can almost zone out completely and

"Liz, honey, you're coming with us on Saturday, right?"

Right. That. Your parents are going to a meeting of concerned citizens, which is code for people who don't like metahumans. And of course they want their upstanding citizen of a daughter to come along.



"Listen, please, we just can't tell you yet. It's not safe. Just please, stay secure, stay away from trouble. We're coming to get you. I'll tell you everything when you're home, and I promise to call again soon." Click goes the line.

You're alone. That doesn't last long.

Megamax, the golden oaf with the dumb smile, is flying next to you, waving. "Hey, Solar Wind, right? Off on some wacky adventure? You kids and your fun. I just saved two buses full of orphans, no big deal."

Your mother overreacts, and you gain influence over her.



The Moonlighter wants you to admit that he should be Centurion, not you. He intends to insert himself in your heroics to try and take over whatever responsibilities you're juggling. The only way to gain influence over him is to prove that you're the rightful Centurion. That might be difficult.

He looks away from you, but you catch a flash of bitterness. "Not as much as I'd like. The Spirit doesn't talk to me, so I have to rely on old contacts. I just know that something happened on Friday, and you were involved. Oh, and I think everyone's heard about Nihilus coming back. You know, the biggest threat to our legacy?" He says 'our' as if he's a part of it.

He shakes his head."What's it been, three months? Five? I can't keep count. I should have known Nihilus would be back, but so soon? He's never reappeared this quickly after an attack."

He waves a hand. "Bah, nothing you'd know about, kid. I wonder if the shadow even remembers you exist, or if he thinks he finally got the Spirit for good."



Mellori nods. "Honestly, I feel the same way about physics. Once you've skimmed the surface of the ether and peered into the infinite void, it's hard to hear someone talk about gravity and thermodynamics without snickering." She continues to float evenly, absently, as if to prove her point.

"But seeking new perspectives can be helpful. In using your powers, and in general. I attend university lectures sometimes, on all sorts of sciences. It helps me imagine the world more complexly." Maybe that's why her superhero training includes so much reading.

At mention of Nihilus, her expression darkens. "Yeah, that guy. I was there the last time he showed up. I saw your friend, the new Centurion, when he got his powers." Of all the heroes in the League, Mellori seems most comfortable calling him Centurion. Everyone else says 21, or new kid, or the successor. Anything to avoid admitting that a hero is dead and a teenager has his place.

"His magic is old, dark, and vicious." She twists a strand of her hair; a streak of charcoal contrasting against blonde-white locks. "I tried to control his magic and turn it against him. I... well, I wasn't exactly successful, but I bought us some time. Nihilus is tough, but he isn't invincible."

"As for you... you're not going to like my answer, Grav, but: this isn't your fight. Your team shouldn't go looking for a battle with the shadow. I'm not saying don't be heroes, because the world needs more heroes. But you should get to be teenagers first. Let the Watchtower fight Nihilus. You should laugh, and enjoy life, and beat up baddies like Duke Baron. Making the world a better place will always triumph over a futile blaze of glory."

There's a tinge of regret to her last sentence. "I speak from experience."

She's shifting your Savior down and your Mundane up.

2017-11-20, 05:39 PM
<"Mom, I need to know what.... Hello? Hello?">
Hayden couldn't believe that his mother had ended the call, and that there was something that she wasn't telling him.
This is going to drive me crazy, Hayden thought as floated in the air by himself.
That was, until the hero from before showed up.

"Well, you are correct." Hayden agreed in English with a nod.
"Saving two buses full of orphans is probably effortless compared to doing something about the attacks lead by Nihilus and Kraken."

"If you really are as a great as you say you are, why are you here in Halcyon City instead of stopping Nihilus or Kraken? And secondly, what's an orphan?"

Once again, I'm going to Provoke. But this time, I'm going to attempt to provoke Megamax to leave Hayden alone.

Whether I succeed or fail, it'll be a win-win situation for me. :smallbiggrin:

Roll: [roll0]

Edit: Woot! Finally! Now I have enough Potential to take an Advancement!

2017-11-20, 07:47 PM
Trent cradled the bridge of his nose between his finger and thumb. The Moonlighter would never say as much, he had too much class to, but he'd apparently always been bitter that this kid he'd never heard of a year ago had replaced his best friend.

Of course, the old guy had explained to Trent how the Spirit worked, how it needed a vessel that exemplified the virtues of each new era. He'd explained that it had stayed in the hands of an old man like him for too long as it was, and he'd blamed that fact for why he'd fallen into Nihilus' clutches.

Trent had explained that to The Moonlighter, and while the old smuggler clearly understood what he'd said intellectually, that didn't change how he felt about it. It just made it this wierd, passive aggressive game that Trent had absolutely come to hate. And it didn't help that between his own powers and skills and his significant network of contacts, The Moonlighter was by far the most competent and useful member of The Centurion's network. He was also the old guy's closest friend, so Trent figured he owed him the time of day.

He pulled in a deep breath and looked back up to face him.

"Everyone knows about Nihilus coming back because I told them about it. After he tried to trap me with a spell provided by some throwbacks to the Third Reich. He knows he didn't get the Spirit because he tried to pry it out of my soul, and if he forgot about me before he sure as hell seems to remember me now.

I'm pretty sure the new attacks are a distraction to pull attention out of Halcyon city. I'm literally dead sure that he was behind my friend DarkPyre's recent death, because he's looking for something else here. And now he's coming here, because he wants me too."

Centurion broke his gaze away from The Moonlighter's, looking off into the sky.

"Right now I'm doing what I can to prepare my team for that, because that's what The Spirit said I should do when I talked to it, after it broke me out of the spell."

Then he turned back to Moonlighter, his gaze less irritated, more open. He let out a breath slowly.

"When I talked to it... it looked like him. Like he did before... before we were captured. I asked him how to fight Nihilus, and he told me to get my team ready. I get the feeling he might have thought that included you, so I'm glad you stopped by."

Provoking The Moonlighter to get in line and have my back, like he would have for the old Centurion. Calling on that ongoing Words of the Past bonus here, especially because I've got no bonus to Superior.


Edit: Wow, barely made that with the bonus. Just as a reminder, he now gets to choose
• they stumble: you take +1 forward against them
• they err: you gain a critical opportunity or
• they overreact: you gain Influence over them

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +0] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +2]
Potential = 2, Advances = 1
Conditions: None
Influence on: Solar Flare
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

Mr. E
2017-11-20, 09:01 PM
Liz eyes flick up from the meal in front of her, looking at her mother. "Can I not? I've got homework I really ought to be doing. And I was hoping to take the DS-37 down to the park." She puts down her fork, feeling the slightest twist of anger, mixed with guilt, start to bubble away in her gut. Suddenly the meal in front of her doesn't seem quite so appealing. "It's not my fight, Mum, and I've got things that I want to do as well. Liz regrets the words as soon as she says them, but it's too late now, so she merely waits for her parents response.

Looks like I, like everyone else, am also provoking people.


Alright then, at least I get to mark potential.

The DS-37 is Glitch's new shiny toy, a top of the line camera. It's the fruits of her dish-washing job, and something she's barely been able to use.

2017-11-21, 04:31 PM
Chama (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22360700&postcount=4)
Conditions: Angry
Potential: 4/5

Chama is stunned into silence as the truth washes over him. He knew that his mestre had done some pretty messed up things as Besouro, and if he needed any kind of reminder, the library had plenty of old newspapers with the details. But accepting that was part of the bargain of training under him. It was easy when it was abstract, people and places he didn't know in a time before he existed. But Anhangüera - Firewing - was in the here and now, and she had killed his friend.

She will kill you and smile.

That's the way it always was. That was how Brett had died. Firewing smiled as she burned him alive to release a dragon, and Verazillix smiled as he - it - betrayed her and shook Chama's hand to seal their pact.

Did his father's murderer smile when he pulled the trigger?

Armando had fury to spare. Ever since the night his dad left and didn't come back, it seemed like he felt nothing but fury. Capoeira helped, it focused him and gave him a way to release it. But the training never made the fury go away. Instead, it fed it, like throwing gas on a fire. And the man who had spend so many years stoking it, feeding it more and more gas, was telling him that fury wasn't enough. If he was going to avenge DarkPyre, if he was going to put Firewing away and banish Verazillix, fury wasn't enough. But what wisdom is there that could kill a dragon - or an old devil?

"She's looking for something," Chama says. "A sword. And its sharpening stone. What do you know about that?"

2017-11-21, 09:32 PM
"Well, had I known you'd be around for these training sessions, I'd have shown up a lot sooner", Franka said adding another wink and gladly following the other girls invitation. "A proper tour, with you? Anytime, even more so as long as these two are wrapped up in their drama."

Zero Prime
2017-11-21, 10:09 PM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: None.
Burn: Zero.

He nodded his head slowly as she spoke, "I get it 'lori, I do. It's just," he sighed, "the shadow came after my friends," he paused, his voice low and wavering, "killed one of their own, tried to trap Centurion in some sort of ... spell." He shrugged awkwardly, unsure of what Trent had been trying to explain. "He's coming for them 'lori, but here's the thing, I can promise not to go looking for the shadow, but I'm not about to let it swallow my friends."

He paused, smiled, "Good enough?" As he spoke, he studied her face, nervously. Studied her posture, the movement of her hands, anything for the tiniest insight into her thoughts.

OOC: Going to attempt to Pierce Mellori's Mask, rolling my new & improved Mundane of +0, [roll0]. Let's see how this goes. Whelp, that didn't go well! :/

2017-11-23, 12:33 AM

Megamax laughs off your comments. "You crazy kids."

His eye twitches, though. There's something off about him today, something different from when he saved the mayor.

Apparently, he thinks the conversation is over, because he flies off. He's not going very fast though. You could probably follow him, if you wanted. What do you do?



Moonlighter stumbles. You take +1 forward against him. This will be true for however long it takes to gain influence over him.

Your words shake him. At first he doesn't want to believe you, but the more you talk the more a grim melancholy settles over his face.

He slowly lets out a breath and whistles. "Yeah, that's trouble alright. The Spirit... it... did he really say that?" There's a tightness around his eyes. "William..."

He shakes his head. "This is worse new than I thought. When Nihilus wants something, heroes die."

For a moment, you see his resentment crack and buckle. But his expression darkens. "What exactly did you see? The shadow is wily and this wouldn't be the first time he's used false visions to manipulate people. Are you sure that was really the Spirit?"

Can't remember if we've clarified 20's name elsewhere. If not, Will Baker sounds good,
I think, yeah?



Your mother shakes her head. "You can do your homework after school. Besides, you skipped out the last two meetings. We're a family, dear, and we have to make appearances."

Your father smiles and nods. Your sister is ignoring them.

"What were you planning on the weekend, anyways? I don't want you going out and hanging out in the city. Halcyon is a lovely place, but there have been far too many freaks lately." She scowls at the mere thought, unaware that one of them is sitting at her table.



Besouro frowns. "A sword and sharpening stone... there aren't many of those important or magical enough to care about. And none that Anhangüera would care about. She likes to burn things, to take valuables and throw them away. She has no need for a magic sword."

"But her employer, Nihilus... yes, there are a few he might want." He turns from you abruptly. "Follow me."

He takes you to his personal library and carefully selects three journals, putting each on a table and opening them to specific pages. "Skofnung, the Ivory Blade, and the Sliver of Night. Nihilus could have an interest in all three of these. Take a look."

The Skofnung Sword, an ancient norse blade. Any cut will prove lethal unless the Skofnung Stone is pressed to the wound. The sharpening stone can resharpen the blade with a single pass. Knowledge of it was passed to Malicia along with a warning that the sword can only be permanently damaged by something called 'sanctified sunlight'.

The Ivory Blade, favored weapon of Lich Girl, a maybe-hero maybe-villain who vanished two years ago. Made of bone, allegedly the bones of her original body, and said to be one of her many phylacteries. The sharpening stone attached to it was also made from her bones, and when pressed to the blade would cycle it through different forms of weapon, from classic blades to axes and hammers, and even a bow that shot magic arrows. Each form had a different power, giving her a dangerous level of versatility.

The Sliver of Night, an artifact often hungered for. A black blade with an evil will. Whenever the sword cut someone, it created a splinter, a fragment of them. The fragments could only be controlled with the sharpening stone, a glimmering rock the color of midnight. The fragments can be destroyed by pressing the stone to the blade, but as the stone must be used to control them, potential wielders can't just hide the stone away to protect the fragments.



Michelle is happy to show you around the place. Training rooms, archives, a nice little garden area, all the things a mastermind's base needs. You end up in the well-stocked kitchen munching on snack food.

"I heard some drama went down Friday. Sorry about your friend. Chama took it pretty hard. You doing okay?"



Mellori nods. "I'll take it. And... if he does come for your friends, I'll stand with them. No matter what the League says."

Mr. E
2017-11-23, 02:32 AM
"I told you, I was going to take my new camera down to the park. Were you not listening to anything I said?" Glitch forces herself to take a deep breath, the anger bubbling and seething in her gut. She slowly exhales, trying to feel calm, let the energy that pumps through her veins seep away. I'm not going to break one of my own rules, not after what I've already done to Chrissy. She picks her fork up, and takes another bite, concentrating on the food. "Can we discuss this later? It's not like a decision needs to be made till Friday." She shrugs, hoping her parents will be in lenient mood tonight, and the question can be evaded at least until Chrissy is safely in bed.

Liz is going to try and pierce the mask on her parents. She's hoping to avoid the question, but failing that, their response should tell her a lot about what this is really about.


Most important Q:
How could I get your character to not make me come along?
Secondary Q's:
What do you intend to do?
What are you really planning?

The rules Glitch refers to are her personal guidelines for dealing with Chrissy. In this case, she has a rule against arguing with Mum and Dad in front of her little sis. Liz may not be a very good older sister, but it's not for lack of trying.

2017-11-23, 04:43 AM
Trent rolled his eyes. "I know it's not the first time. He spent months screwing with me, remember? It was the first thing I thought when I saw him, and no, I still don't know what was real for sure." He placed a hand over his heart. "I can feel the spirit burning in my chest. Can he fake that? Am I still trapped in one of his illusions? I don't know." He blew an agitated breath out of his nose, and looked away.

He took in a deep breath, and then let it out again.

"Look... It was really confusing. I was seeing two things at once: Nihilus standing around the bodies of those heroes from Europe that it turns out he killed, and then him standing over the old guy, who tells me to run. Of course I don't, I try to fight him, because I learned already that turning your back in his visions gives him more power over you. Only I'm not in a vision, I'm in the body of some hero with a hole in his chest.

So I managed to get away from him, somehow, and I'm running away, only suddenly I'm running through these weird corridors, and there's a room of masks? And they talked to me? Does that mean anything to you?" He shook his head.

"Anyway, the masks are telling me not to let him in, and then I'm back in the real world, in a dead body, and some minion takes a shot at me, but Nihilus says not to disrupt the signal and wastes the guy. Then I guess he tried to pry the spirit out of me?" Trent winces at the memory. "That... Really hurt. But then I guess the old guy pulled me out. He told me the name of one of the heroes, the one who made it out. Violet Storm" He left out that he was pretty sure he'd saved her. It didn't feel like taking credit was the right move right now. "And that I needed a strong team to take him on."

Trent slumped his shoulders a bit. "So yeah, that's pretty much it. Woke up to find out my friend was dead and everything was on fire. I'm kinda in the middle of figuring out why that happened and arranging some payback for it, since this Firewing chick that killed him is one of Nihilus' stooges. So do you need anything else before I can get back to that?"

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +0] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +2]
Potential = 2, Advances = 1
Conditions: None
Influence on: Solar Flare
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

2017-11-23, 05:41 AM
Chama (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22360700&postcount=4)
Conditions: Angry
Potential: 4/5

Chama reads the journals carefully, way more carefully than he ever reads his history textbooks. He'd had no idea what was really in these dusty old books the whole time. If Nihilus was looking for any of these, it shouldn't be hard to find it or its stone in the museum. He didn't know much about Nihilus, not nearly as much as 21 seemed to. But if Chama had to guess, the Sliver of Night seemed most like his style.

"Thank you," Chama says when he's finished. He looks back to Mestre Preguiça - Besouro - and studies the old man's face. Something about the way the old man was handling all this seemed off. He'd never been this supportive of Chama's attempts at heroics. It's not that he was ungrateful, but it's not what he ever would have expected from the old man. "Mestre, why are you helping me? If this was anything else, you'd tell me to leave it alone and let the real heroes take care of it. What makes this one different?"

Chama's going to attempt to Pierce the mask on Besouro.


Primary question
What are you really planning?

Secondary questions
What do you want me to do?
How could I gain Influence over you?

apelido: special name used by capoeira practitioners

axé (ah-SHAY): human emotional or mood energy, can be good or bad (like "good vibes" or "bad vibes"); spiritual life-force that can be harnessed to achieve supernatural feats [fictional, though alluded to in certain capoeira legends]

mestre (MESH-tay): master; the highest rank in capoeira, often the leader of a capoeira school

roda (HO-duh): ritualized combat between capoeira practioners, somewhere between a game, a sparring match, and a performance; also refers to the ring in which the event takes place, made up of other capoeiristas surrounding the players in a circle awaiting their turn to play while singing and playing traditional instruments, chants, and songs

Zero Prime
2017-11-23, 08:23 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: None.
Burn: Zero.

As she spoke, he tried not to stare, her face, her smile, her eyes, she was attractive, beautiful, dark, mysterious. Normally, just being around her was enough to cause his chest to tighten, his body flooded with conflicting emotions, attraction, anxiety, desire, trepidation. However, this time there was something else, a sense of ... gratitude, relief.

Nihilus was coming, he knew it deep in the pit of his stomach, and by offering to come to Centurion's aid, the team's aid, his aid, she had affirmed a commitment to the team, to their legitimacy, and that, he appreciated. Possibly more than she could know.

He smiled awkwardly, nodded. "Yeah, some backup would be awesome," he paused, remembering his promise. "If it ever came to that I mean." He ran a hand through his hair, nervously, "Hey, uhh, listen 'lori. I, uhh, my mom, she used to read all those JK Rowling books." He coughed, seriously hoping he wasn't insulting Melori or her mystical affinity, "I mean, *if*, it came down to that is there ...," he shrugged, "like, a defense against the dark arts, thing?"

"I mean, something who doesn't have your, uhh, gifts, could do ... if ...," he was stammering and just stood there in front of her looking awkward, his eyebrows scrunched up questioningly.

2017-11-23, 01:42 PM
"Uh, Mega... Mass?" Hayden says out to Megamax as he flies away. He flies over to Megamax's side.
"Are you okay? I can't help but to notice your eye is twitching, and something seems different about you today, but I don't know what it is."
As Hayden flies right beside Megamax, examining him to see if he can figure out what is different about him today.

I'm going to Pierce the Mask to see what Megamax is really planning to do (first question), and what he intends to do (second question).

Well, here goes nothing: [roll0]

2017-11-23, 06:38 PM
Franka already knew the Hacienda, at least sort of. She had never gotten a tour of the place like she did now and certainly not with such a charming tour guide. It all normalized the place a bit after what she did and when she listened Michelle's laugh it was like everything was normal again for a moment, well at least as normal as it would ever get with her.

But of course it couldn't last and Michelle had to bring up last Friday.

"Yeah...I'm fine or at least I'm not worse," Franka said. Not exactly the truth but not exactly a lie either. "Look, Michelle, you're cute and all and you probs just mean well, but let's not get into this. Tends to bring up some real bad stuff and I'd rather not, besides I'm way less fun company then", Franka said and added a lopsided smile, "so let's talk some more gossip instead. So you and Chama...anything going on between you two besides training?"

Potential: 2
Conditions: None
Hold (Glitch): 2

Also Franka is trying to "Pierce Michelle's Mask": [roll0]
Questions in Order of Priority:
- What do you want me to do?
- What do you intend to do (why did you ask me how I'm doing/brought up Friday?)
- How could I gain Influence

2017-11-28, 07:56 AM

Michelle shrugs and raises her hands reassuringly. "Hey, that's cool with me. Everyone's got their secrets, didn't mean to pry."

She actually laughs at your insinuation. "Me and Chama? I mean, he's got a nice face and a mean kick, but I don't know if the guy even has a type. We train together, but that's mostly it. No idea what he does for fun. I'd like to find out though." You notice that she didn't answer the question, and she notices you noticing.

Michelle doesn't want to make it easy for you. She wants you to show her a good time.

Your flirting and gossiping manages to last for a good five or ten minutes before the old man shows up, something dark and distracted in his expression. When notices the two of you, he smiles a thin, false smile. "Ah, there's my other student. I'm afraid you're on lock up today, Michelle. And soon; I have to take care of business elsewhere. Armando's in the archive, give him a few minutes and then give him the news."

He strides to the exit, but stops once there and looks back. "Oh, Tank. You should come around again when things aren't so... hectic. You and Chama could train your restraint together."

Then he's gone.



To her credit, Mellori doesn't laugh at your awkwardness, just gives you a teacher-grade smile and the 'please go on' gesture.

Her eyes crinkle and she says, "I once knew a gal who got her powers from a cursed Harry Potter book, so it's not as far-fetched as you think. Magic is magic, whether it comes from an ancient talisman or a freak accident."

"But defensive trinkets... well, there's certainly a market for wart hexes and counter charms, but none of that stuff operates on the level supers do. A mass market lucky coin isn't going to save you from someone slinging fireballs."

She taps her chin a few times, her gaze darts around the skyline, and then she makes her decision. From her cloak she produces a business card, or an invitation, or - it shifts and glimmers in the sunlight, changing form randomly.

"There's a nightclub I frequent when I'm not wearing this face. Not exactly a well-to-do locale, nor somewhere the League approves of, but it's the most reliable place to get serious-quality magic. Ask around for Sam and she'll get you something that might stop a blast of magic, once or twice. Sam was one of the Lich Girl's apprentices, if that means anything, but she doesn't go back on a deal and she doesn't cheat her customers."

Once you take the card, Mellori pins you with an intense gaze. "I think you and your team can take care of yourselves, which is why I'm giving you this information. I think the League can be draconian and needs to loosen up. But don't underestimate the powers at work here. Nothing in that club can withstand a direct hit from the shadow, not even Sam's wards."

Then it passes, and she gives you a good-natured grin. "But don't forget to have fun."

The rest of the day's training is practical. You work with Goliath and Mellori honing your abilities, testing your limits. It's hard to focus, but you manage.



Mestre shakes his head. "Fool boy, you need to see the bigger picture. This isn't about heroism; this is survival."

"If I had my way, you would train for years. Fight a few common crooks maybe, make a name in your community, but stay away from the big players until you're ready. Until your training is complete."

There's a grim cast to his eyes, something haunting. "But we so rarely have that luxury. Make no mistake, Chama: we're no heroes. We're survivors. Fighters. We do what we must."

Then he leaves you alone with your thoughts and your findings.



Moonlighter listens to your story, and his mood only darkens. Slowly, you see him beginning to accept the truth of your experience.

You expect him to say something about 20, or about Nihilus, or about the masks. He doesn't. You expect him to say something about Violet Storm, or Europe, or Firewing. He doesn't.

For the first time since you've known him, Moonlighter is speechless. He looks away from you, staring off into the distance. It takes him a minute to find himself.

"Go. Help your team. I have old friends I need to see. Things I need to confirm. I have contacts to talk to, people in Halcyon that might... doesn't matter. Do what you need to do. I'll do what I need to do."

He hesitates. For a moment, he might be about to show you an ounce of respect. But he just shakes his head, and then he's gone in a glimmer of moonlight.



You see the anger brewing in your mother's eyes. You see her fury that you would be so impetuous, so defiant. But Chrissy asks for the salt, and the fire dies. She sees what you do: neither of you can let this hurt her.

"Of course. Later."

Dinner is civil after that. You wash up. You take Chrissy to bed. You do homework. You see your mom passing by, but she doesn't say anything. For tonight at least, the argument is over.

But soon enough it'll happen again. Your mother feels very strongly about this, after all. If you're going to get the weekend to yourself, you need to make a deal. A trade. If you were playing on even ground you could offer something of equal value, but this is your parents. To get out of the anti-super event, you'll have to give them something even better.



Megamax seems focused on his destination, enough that he doesn't see you until you're right next to him, chattering in his ear. He scowls, gives you a glare, then bolts away faster than you can react, flying into the city and weaving around buildings until you lose him in the ebb and flow of urban life.

It seems whatever he's planning, he wants to keep it a secret.



A lot can happen in two days. The fighting in Poland has gotten worse. Supervillains both mighty and weak have flocked to the chaos. Wretched opportunists feasting on bloodshed and misery like vultures circling a battlefield. They are met by the righteous, the valiant, the determined. Heroes.

Over Poland's capital, the Watchtower drifts. It is a shield for the vulnerable, a rallying cry for the brave, and a grim reminder that yes, things have gotten this bad. Though the fighting has stayed in Poland, the level of power at work here and the international interest has made this one of the greatest conflicts in decades. Already they have a name for it, repeated on every news channel across the globe.

Flashpoint Warsaw.

It should be a tragedy. A terror. There can't be a silver lining to a storm cloud this dark. But there is: every day that Nihilus spends fighting alongside Kraken comes with a sigh of relief that at least he hasn't come here yet. At least Halcyon is still safe.

For now.


Tank, Gravitas, and Chama.

The Ossuary is legendary on the Veil. Two years back, Lich Girl got her hands on a pocket dimension and decorated extensively. Under her control, the Ossuary was half a supervillain base, half a trendy nightclub for supers only. The Veil, thriving on the new, digital, social age of super antics, loved it. The Lich Girl was magic, sure, but she was just as tech-savvy as any teenager. She played the villain angle, sure, but more than once she took spin as a hero just to try it out. She held no true allegiances but to herself, and so the Ossuary became a haven for any outcast with a sense of style. When she vanished, her apprentices took up residence and sealed off all the base parts of it until just the nightclub remained.

The Ossuary doesn't have a sign advertising it, and it doesn't have a bouncer looking tough. The entrance, in fact, is quite literally a crack in the wall. A jagged void carved out of brick and stone. It beckons and whispers, but only to the chosen. Only those who hold an invitation can enter.

Lucky for the four of you, Mellori's gift was legit.

Organizing this little expedition went a lot more smoothly than Gravitas expected. The moment he told Tank about a supers-only club filled with shady characters and dangerous magic, she was in. She told Michelle, Michelle told Chama, and now the four of you are standing outside one of Halcyon City's spookiest hangouts.

There's a brief moment where you all look at each other. Perhaps in anticipation, perhaps in concern. Michelle's the first to get her courage, if only by seconds, and she rushes into the portal. The three of you pass through after her, and then you're all lost in the beautiful chaos of the Ossuary.

If Escher designed a nightclub, it wouldn't be half as goth as this place. The landscape twists and inverts and floats, jagged edges and too-fluid corners. Everything is black and purple and red, but parts of it are a rippling sea-green. There are two, six, maybe three dance floors all glowing with different light, and in one alcove that seems bigger on the inside there's a well-stocked bar that's seeing regular business.

Everywhere, there are people with powers. Maybe not all of them are superheroes or supervillains, but something's weird about every single person in this club. The dancing throngs churn with fire and ice. Scattered cubbyholes hide horned women and men with too many eyes. Aliens and sorceresses chat over vodka while a werewolf flirts with a cyborg.

Over all their noise, there's a steady, fluid through-line: enchanting, fey music. A song that changes with each note, adapting to your emotions and to your tastes. Violins, drums, the screeching of broken worlds, the lullaby of an elven maiden. Fine-tuning to your ears and your ears alone, a symphony devised for a single listener.

Again, Michelle breaks the enchantment. She gestures to the chaos of the club, gives a toothy grin, and asks, "So, who wants to dance?"


Centurion, Glitch, and Solar Flare.

The sun's going down and it's doing beautiful things to the junkyard. Mountains of scrap, fallow fields of capitalism's sloughed detritus. Red-orange light reflects off a thousand shards of metal and glass. Walking is a roll of the dice, but luckily two out of three of you can fly.

This junkyard hasn't seen use for a long time, which is good. What's better is that there's this little circle of waste that's piled up, creating a shrouded valley in the midst of the junkyard, a quiet oasis hidden from the world. This is where Solar has been rebuilding his escape pod into a functional ship.

Centurion has helped carry things and hammer them in place. The two of you made quite a team, though progress was slow. Now, on the final day, you've brought in Glitch to take care of welding, to be a new pair of eyes, and to perform the most important action: jumpstarting the engine by pumping it full of power.

Today's the day. Today you get to fly an alien spaceship.

Solar Flare, what does the ship look like?

Glitch, are you focusing your attention on your family problem, or on powering up the engine?

Centurion, are you working on last-minute repairs or watching the spectacle?

2017-11-28, 07:37 PM
Trent had found, over the last few days, that he really enjoyed blacksmithing. He was definitely an amateur, but that wasn't as big a deal when safety concerns were basically immaterial to him. He'd followed a YouTube video's instructions for how to build a forge, and was using a steel wirespool as his anvil.

He'd spent a good portion of the afternoon reshaping steel and titanium into very specific forms. He loved how the metal actually challenged his strength, and while he couldn't go all out without breaking the hammer, he could let loose a little bit.

Trent had worked his frustration into the metal he was shaping, frustration over his dead friend, over the nebulous force lurking over the horizon, and the stall of his ongoing mission to pay Firewing back for what she'd done. He'd sent Chama a message to that effect after he'd missed him yesterday.

@Chama we need to talk about Firewing. I need to know what she's after.

But for now, he was focused on this job. Getting Flare's pod back in the sky clearly meant a lot to the little alien, and it also meant secure transport for the team. That would mean being able to arrive on-scene by any means other than knowing in advance something was going down or getting lucky, like they had when the mayor was attacked.

He finished the last piece, showing it for Flare to examine and making a few minor adjustments with his bare hands to the glowing metal before quenching it in a nearby bucket of water. Once the doohicky cooled, he handed it over to the alien, and turned back to look at the ship, wiping his sweaty hair out of his eyes. He was working shirtless to avoid getting anything burned by the intense flame in his forge, and this showed off his now-rather-impressive physique.

"So that's it, huh?" he commented to Flare. "A real spaceship." He grinned. "Do you all get your own spaceships back home, or is this still kind of a big deal for you?"

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +0] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +2]
Potential = 2, Advances = 1
Conditions: None
Influence on: Solar Flare
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

Mr. E
2017-11-28, 08:04 PM
Glitch's mask clad head appears in the door way of the ship, one hand still crackling and sparking with electrical energy. She steps out, looking at the sky. "God it's hot in there. Pity the air-conditioning broke along with everything else." Still wearing her hoodie, she wanders over to the forge, pauses, then dips her hand in the flame. There is a hissing sound as the fire is sucked up into her body briefly dying down, before leaping back to life as she removes her gloved hand from the forge. Snapping her fingers, an electrical charge jumps from one to the other.

"This the next one?" Glitch gestures at the piece in Hayden's hand. She pauses as grimaces under her mask as Trent mentions home. Despite her best efforts, the conversation had been bubbling to the top of her mind all day. It was familiar ground for an argument, but there was something off about it. Poland's ruining Mum's cool, I suppose, like everybody else's. She pauses for a moment, doing her best to dismiss such thoughts, and turns her head to listen to Solar Flare's response.

2017-11-28, 09:31 PM
At the Hacienda:

Franka enjoyed her time with Michelle while it lasted and even played into Franka's flirting and teasing. She didn't know if there was more behind it, hell she didn't even know what she hoped where this would lead, but their little talk was soon enough interrupted by the old man, being a downer.

Restraint, the old man's word lingered in Franka's mind and she wasn't sure if he got her. It wasn't that she had killed the lieutenant on accident, she could control her powers strength reasonably enough. Sure she sometimes miscalculated, but not that time. No if anything she had to work on reigning in her instincts and controlling her impulses. She was trained to kill and she didn't know if any amount of training would even help her here.

The Ossuary:

Franka couldn't really believe it, they were in the ****ing Ossuary! She had wanted to get into this place ever since she had first heard of it and now she was so excited, that she didn't even care that the invitation had come from that Goth mage in the League, maybe they weren't all such pricks as Megamax. She also wasn't all that happy that Gravitas was in contact with them at all, but as long as he didn't pull her into it he could whatever the **** he wanted.

Now the Ossuary was truly magical, in the most literal sense and Franka thought she could even feel it, like an exciting tingling in her entire body. Probably the occult magic used to give her her powers interacting with the magic in this place in some strange way.

"Oh, I'll dance, all right", Franka said with a grin when Michelle asked and took the other girls hand to pull her onto the floor.

2017-11-30, 12:46 AM
Hayden nods as he passes over the part to Glitch.
Hayden doesn't believe that humans have words that could describe the shape of the spacecraft. But it was so sleek and shiny, it looked as though it was brand new. Both the back of the ship and the front were left open, revealing the inside of the ship. The inside was just as white and shiny as the outside, but with no windows to be seen. There were six black chairs that had padded U-shaped bars that swing downwards. One of the six seats came with two things attached: a screen with buttons arranged like a keyboard, and a joystick that steers the ship. Both were made to retract back and forth.

Glitch, Hayden, and Centurion were helping to install an energy reserve for the spacecraft in case something went wrong.

"I don't think every Kasmandian owns a spaceship." Hayden replies to Centurion's question.
"It is just with me separated from my entire family by who knows how many light years, this escape pod is what humans would call 'a piece of home.'"

Hayden, dressed in his Solar Flare costume, flies over to Glitch's side to inspect the progress. After so many days of hard work, the ship might be operational by tonight!

"Back on my home planet, Kasmandians were considered a proud race of warriors a very long time ago. But that has changed so that Kasma not only have warriors, but also scientists, doctors, leaders, merchants, and workers. To think, that I'm just what humans would call a 'wimpy nerd' compared to the warriors from my planet." Hayden chuckled as he floated out to 21st Centurion.

"It would probably only take one Kasmandian warrior to takedown somebody like Tank."

Hayden then lands on the ground.

"But if I have to be honest, one of the things I really find great about you humans is the fact that you seem to have so much freedom in what you want to do with your lives. My kind kind doesn't actually get that kind of freedom. It is Kasmandian tradition that one's profession depends on what caste that person is born into. So if a Kasmandian is born to parents who are of the warrior caste, that Kasmandian will have to become a warrior. And that Kasma's government also enforces these traditions."

Hayden then goes back to check again on Glitch's progress.

So with the results from the roll, I'll remove Afraid and add 1 to the Team Pool. For the next situation we get involved in.

Mr. E
2017-11-30, 02:15 AM
"You think we have a choice in what we do?" Glitch, lying on her back, turns her head to look at Hayden. "Clearly you've only seen the nice parts of earth." She scoots slightly further underneath the ship, reaching up to weld the piece on. With a hiss and a crackle, the metal begins to melt together with the fitting.

She shrugs, suddenly realising how bitter that sounded. "Sorry, I must be in a bad mood today." Refocusing her attention on the task at hand, Glitch pushes another pulse of electricity into the join. Suddenly she is glad that the mask prevents anyone else from seeing the expression on her face.

2017-11-30, 05:27 PM
"You've got a point, this is the 'land of opportunity' and all that," Trent turned back to Solar Flare, going into the 'teaching voice' he often took with the alien. "but even in the rough parts of earth the problem tends to more be that there aren't enough opportunities than that the government tells people what to do with their lives. That kind of thing pretty much died off last century."

"Also, I wouldn't count Tank out in that fight if I were you. I don't think we've seen everything she's capable of yet." The second meaning of those words caused a moment's awkward silence, which gave Trent's mind a moment to flit back over the conversation. He suddenly looked deep in thought, his eyes turning back to Glitch, a concerned look on his face.

"Wait... do you not feel like you have a choice in what you do?"

Trying to comfort or support Glitch. This is an opportunity for her to open up. [roll0]

And it's successful! I'll go ahead and add a team to the pool.

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +0] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +2]
Potential = 2, Advances = 1
Conditions: None
Influence on: Solar Flare
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

2017-11-30, 06:19 PM
Chama (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22360700&postcount=4)
Conditions: Angry
Potential: 0/5

Looking around, Chama bobs his head to the music, taking everything in. Anybody who was anybody had heard of the Ossuary, but he never thought he'd see it for himself. He wasn't sure what his expectations for the place even were, but they'd definitely been exceeded. The whole place was whacked, from the people, to the decor, and especially the music. It was messing with his axé... or maybe his axé was messing with the music?

As he makes to follow the girls to the dance floor, he feels his phone vibrating in his pocket. Reading Trent's message, he scowls, and the music starts to sound strained. He starts to type something out, but reconsiders and turns his phone off instead.

His dancing mood thotoughly spoiled, he gives Gravitas a side-long glance and heads for the bar. Scanning the bottles along the shelves, he orders a drink from some bottle shaped like a human skull and lets his eyes wander the bar. Taking a sip, he hopes it's just shaped like a skull.

Chama is going to size up the club. [roll0]

Primary question
What Who here can I use to learn more about dragons?

Secondary question
Who here is most vulnerable to me?

apelido: special name used by capoeira practitioners

axé (ah-SHAY): human emotional or mood energy, can be good or bad (like "good vibes" or "bad vibes"); spiritual life-force that can be harnessed to achieve supernatural feats [fictional, though alluded to in certain capoeira legends]

mestre (MESH-tay): master; the highest rank in capoeira, often the leader of a capoeira school

roda (HO-duh): ritualized combat between capoeira practioners, somewhere between a game, a sparring match, and a performance; also refers to the ring in which the event takes place, made up of other capoeiristas surrounding the players in a circle awaiting their turn to play while singing and playing traditional instruments, chants, and songs

2017-11-30, 06:55 PM
At what Glitch said, he froze and turned to Glitch. His puzzled look was hidden behind his mask as he just stood there facing Glitch.

"I accept your apology Glitch. Although, as 21st Centurion asked, why do you feel that you don't have a choice in what you do in this 'land of opportunity?'"

Mr. E
2017-11-30, 07:06 PM
"I never wanted to be a hero, y'know." Glitch finishes one half of weld, feeling the heat of the ship radiate into her body. She tilts her head slightly to look Trent's feet, from her viewpoint under the hull. "Just wanted to have a normal life." She pauses, her voice nostalgic, but also a little bit angry. "So when I get my powers, I hide them, of course. Then some boy scout comes along, all goody-two-shoes, and I find out that you ain't got a choice after all."

She smiles bitterly inside her mask. "You got powers, then you're going to be someone's soldier." Glitch takes a deep breath, calming herself and letting the anger seep away. "In Hayden's words, these are my caste mark." She reaches up, sparks leaping from her fingers to complete the weld. "You didn't want to be hero, Trent, before your 'incident', did you?"

I think that's a big enough 'opening up'. I'll clear insecure, and then Glitch will respond by piercing the mask on Cent:



What are you really planning?
What do you want me to do?
How could I gain influence over you?

2017-11-30, 07:51 PM
Trent's clearly rocked a little by her recounting. His mouth opens to try to respond, then closes, and finally he latches onto her final question to buy himself time to think.

"It was... I don't know." He shook his head. He'd never really thought of it this way. "I mean, I always wanted to make a difference in the world. That was what got me to poke my nose into dark shadows. But... when it all happened, when the old guy explained everything to me, when he gave me the choice... Well, it was basically take the spirit and become the next Centurion, or just... watch him die when Nihilus finally ripped it out of him. So you know, I was kind of under duress."

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment. "And now that I've got it in me, it won't stop burning as long as I'm alive. I don't really think I could quit now. I don't think it would let me."

He let out a breath and opened his eyes again, looking Glitch back in the eyes as his mind chewed on what she'd said. "Glitch, do you... not want to be here?" He looked pained to have to ask; off balance. Like he had set his foot on solid ground and found it sliding out from under him.

What are you really planning?

Trent plans to figure out exactly where Glitch stands, and if she doesn't want to do this, he intends to respect that. To the point of standing up for her against Aegis if necessary.

What do you want me to do?

Trent is conflicted. He really wants Glitch to tell him the truth, and he really wants her to tell him that she does want to be a hero and stay on the team. He really, really doesn't need this right now with Nihilus on the horizon, but he also doesn't want a team made up of people who don't want to stand with him.

How could I gain influence over you?

I think you already have it? But...

Pick a way to go and commit to it. If you decide to give up the hero life and ask for his help doing so, he'll be bound by a sense of guilt over forcing her into it. If you decide that you want to be a hero and help keep the team together, he'll be extremely grateful that you're standing with him despite being forced into it at first.

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +0] [Savior: +3] [Superior: +0] [Mundane: +2]
Potential = 2, Advances = 1
Conditions: None
Influence on: Solar Flare
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

2017-11-30, 08:27 PM
"With me, I'm a hero so that I can try to... fit in." Hayden said, trying to join in on the conversation.

"Everyone from my planet has the same 'superpowers' as I do. Well, more or less. There have been a few cases where there was a Kasmandian with a different power, or an even stronger power. Kasmandian warriors with super strength, Kasmandians who can absorb more than just solar energy, and I myself am a special case. Kasmandians can normally change their own density, but my manipulation of density can also affect other things. Uh, the point is, I'm trying to be a superhero so that I can fit in with human society. Trying to act like a normal human being would be hard for me, because it would mean holding back the powers that I do have. I find it interesting that you don't want to be a superhero, even though you have superpowers. If that is what want, then where will you go from there? How can you go back to being 'normal' with the powers you have?"

Mr. E
2017-11-30, 08:49 PM
Glitch pauses to give Hayden a curious look. "You can't, really." She grimaces under the mask. "If you've got powers like mine, like those of most people on this team, they don't take 'hiding' well."

"Anyway, who wants to be a superhero? It's not like it's a safe occupation. Heck," Glitch says, thinking back to the statistics from a glossy Humanity Now brochure she'd seen on her parents desk, "Only about one-third of us make it to fifty." She finishes up the weld, then rolls sideways, out from under the ship. Dusting off her jeans, Liz stands up to look at the others, gazing at Trent through the eyeslits of her mask. "Maybe I don't want to be on this team. But with these powers, I can't not be part of the world. And if I've got to be somebody's soldier, it might as well be yours."

She takes two quick steps forward, stopping a foot away from the 21st Centurion. "Don't make me regret that decision."

Glitch is going to shift Trent's Savior down, for fairly obvious reasons. She's then going to shift his superior up, with the implicit statement that she considers him a leader of sorts.

2017-11-30, 09:13 PM
Hayden stays silent for a moment, taking in what Glitch has said.

"I'm just glad that we have you with us. Not just as somebody to fight alongside, but also as a friend." Hayden manages to say.

"Well, I think that should be it." Hayden says as he looks over the work.
"I think we're actually done fixing this thing. I can't believe we actually did it." He walks over to the keyboard and taps a few buttons, which makes a white panel slowly close over the reserve power source.

Hayden hoped that changing the subject would help Glitch and Centurion ease their minds.

Rolling to support Glitch, hoping to give her some Potential.

Roll: [roll0]

Edit: I guess that means potential for me then.

2017-12-01, 06:54 PM
Trent looked her in the eye for a moment, gauging her sincerity, looking for any sign of true pain or fear. Finding determination instead, he let out a breath and nodded, reaching out a hand to clasp hers. "Alright. But after we deal with Nihilus, we're going to talk about this."

His attention turned to the ship at their side, which seemed to be coming to life, and forced a smile. "Awsome, Flare, looks like it's up and running!" He let go of Glitch's hand and turned to the ship, tapping on the hull. "So what is this thing capable of, like can you..."

His gaze turned back to Solar Flare, watching his expression as he finished his question in a lower tone. "Can you just fly this thing back to your homeworld?"

Pierce the mask on Solar Flare, who I still have influence on for a +1. Here goes. [roll0]

Wow, good roll. So here's what I want to know:

What are you really planning?
What do you intend to do?
How could I get your character to stay on earth?

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +0] [Savior: +2] [Superior: +1] [Mundane: +2]
Potential = 2, Advances = 1
Conditions: None
Influence on: Solar Flare
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

2017-12-01, 09:20 PM

The drinks are good. There's no menu and no alcohol, but the liquid before you has a uniquely energizing buzz to it. Magical.

The room pulses, a deer's heartbeat frantic and skittering. You can feel energy here: axé, certainly, but also other things, nameless things. Or at least, things you don't know the names for. This whole place is disorienting, an assault on the senses made worse for every extra sense someone has.

And yet, there's a rhythm. Your mestre's training helps you focus and sift through the chaos. A hidden order suffuses everything, a pattern that feels old, even though this place has only existed for, what, a year or three? All the lights and sounds and motion, they all seem so discordant and jarring when you're looking at the big picture, the wide-canvas painting, but then you look at it up close, seeing the little details.

You see the regulars here, you feel their familiarity, the routine that has crept into their actions slowly and methodically. There are newcomers too, sure, dancers and ravers who came here on a whim and might never come back, but that too is part of a pattern, part of the Ossuary's enduring and just-beginning legacy.

You let it fade into the background, white noise that isn't quite noise. You're not just here for fun, after all. Trent had to go and remind you of that, didn't he?

Lich Girl's story is an interesting one, and nobody knows all the pieces. Even Veil, that communal panopticon, hasn't put it all together yet. But here's what you do know: for someone in her early 20s, Mallory Morgan was a figure of significant authority in the magical community. Despite her youth, she was brilliant and creative. She amassed a hoard of knowledge and passed it on to a loyal cabal. Other youths like her, seeking power, knowledge, freedom, or ecstasy.

Off the top of your head you can't name all of them, or even most of them, and there are a few that still haven't been publicly discovered. But anyone who looks up 'dragons' on Veil is going to see one of their names: Kirin.

Supposedly, Lich Girl taught him how to draw power from the blood, scales, and miscellaneous organs of dragons. Not everyone believes that, but her other apprentices apparently do, since he's a known regular at the Ossuary. If anyone here is a dragon scholar, it's him. Of course, getting that information out of him might be tricky.

By the time all that passes through your head and your drink is empty, something has shifted. The music was catchy, energetic, but now it's the music you listen to when you train. The exact music, not just similar. You feel... an attunement to the Ossuary.

The flow of energy here is powerful and vibrant, but there's more going on: it feels like the Ossuary itself is working to empower and guide you. It wants you to find Kirin.

Just what did Lich Girl do to this place? And why does it care about you?

Regardless, you see him: he's standing in an alcove two 'floors' up, chatting with two other people. From afar, they all look fairly normal, but there's something not quite right about each of their appearances. It shouldn't take you much effort to reach them. How do you want to make your approach?



The Ossuary is chaos. The moment your hand touches Michelle's and the two of you step away from Chama and Gravitas, everything is a blur. Heavy bass surges through you at a molecular level, red light swirls in non-euclidean shapes, and the ground beneath your feet is less of a firmament and more of a gentle suggestion.

The world is stone and fabric and light, and the warmth of human hands. There are others, too, but you can't see them, can't feel them, can't hear them, not as anything more than a faint impression in the tangled skein of the maelstrom swirling around you.

Michelle is the only constant. She grins, laughs, winks, and dances. Her eyes are dilated, her pulse is quickened, and the two of you move in time to the same rhythm, though the songs in your heads are completely different. It is a moment that does not require words to be spoken for emotions to be conveyed.

And then something breaks through your happy little shell. A face in the crowd. She's not dancing, but she's watching you dance. Golden hair, azure eyes, pearly skin. And armor. Familiar armor.

Michelle sees your reaction and tilts her head, then turns to look at what you're seeing, but the Valkyrie has already slipped into the shadows.

"Tank? You look a bit frazzled."

The place you're in snaps into view with more clarity. You've moved away from the main floor and into one of those alcove rooms. There are a few other dancers here, as lost in fey enchantment - or something like it - as you were. A yawning abyss gapes before you, a shadowy tunnel leading further into the Ossuary, and towards that Valkyrie.

But the music is still playing, and the club is still alluring, and Michelle hasn't noticed anything.

Hunt Kraken, or embrace a break from being a superhero?

2017-12-01, 09:22 PM
Hayden answered Centurion's question by simply shaking his head.
"I'm afraid that wouldn't be possible. The emergency hyperdrive was damaged beyond repair, so there is no way I can make the whole trip back. Without it, I wouldn't manage to get even close to halfway before either the vessel ran out of power, or I die of hunger or thirst." Even though Solar Flare's mask concealed his face, he sounded a bit sad as he said it.

"Anyways, we did it. I'm sure this vessel will be an excellent resource for the team." Hayden said, changing to a more cheerful tone.

Solar Flare gets out of his seat and steps out of the ship.

"Wouldn't this be the appropriate time for a selfie?" Hayden asks as he pulls out his communicator.

What are you really planning?

To prepare for the worst to come. And it isn't just Nihilus that Hayden is worried about.

What do you intend to do?

To acquire as much assets for the team as possible.

How do I get your character to stay on Earth?

Convince my family and the government of Kasma to let me stay on Earth.

Mr. E
2017-12-03, 03:30 PM
Glitch looks at Hayden, nods and says, slightly tiredly, "Thanks. I appreciate the thought." She shakes her head slightly, listening to Trent and looking at his proffered hand, then steps back, drawing away. "Will we? I don't remember agreeing." She shrugs her shoulders, then turns to gaze at the ship. Walking backwards, Glitch circles round it, admiring it's polished form.

"Nice." Despite her irritation with 21's 'caring team leader' behaviour, she find herself grinning. Her smile dies, however, as she listens to Solar Flare. "No way home?That's," she pauses, finding the right words, "rough. At least, I suppose, you've been able to talk to them now." She steps away, walking to the edge of the open space, to size up the scene. "You should take a photo of you and Trent and ship, send it to your folks. I'm sure they'd like to see your face. 'Presume your communicator can do that?"

What would I do, if I could never see Chrissy, Mum or Dad again? Maybe Hayden's a bit tougher than he looks, after all that.

Well, Glitch is going to be kind, since Hayden has done the same. Rolling to comfort or support:


Then again, maybe she won't :smallwink:

2017-12-03, 07:41 PM
The Ossuary was everything Tank had ever hoped for and more. She loved it, this chaos, the music, the lights, it was magical. It was like she was on drugs, as she danced with Michelle the world around them drowned out and became unimportant. Until a familiar figure cut through the dizzy veil like a hot knife through butter and brought her out of the experience. It had been quite a while since Tank had last seen a Valkyrie and in the chaos of the club she wasn't sure if she actually knew her, but Franka would recognize one of her battle sisters anywhere. Was Kraken following her or was this a chance encounter?

"Valkyrie...I saw a Valkyrie...one of my sisters, she's here", Franka said, answering Michelle's question and then walking past her to go after the other Valkyrie.

Potential: 2
Conditions: None
Hold (Glitch): 2

2017-12-04, 12:34 AM
"It can." Hayden answered with a nod.
"Though, my mother already knows that I'm on Earth. I just... still can't get over the fact that my mother called me, and that my family is still alive."

For a moment Solar Flare was reminiscing on the news that his family has survived the disaster before snapping out of it.

"Anyways, we repaired the spacecraft, and we did it together. So, I say we celebrate our accomplishment with a picture! Of you, me, and Trent in front of the ship. With the picture, we can send it to the rest of our team through the Veil. Or would you guys prefer if we surprised them?"

Hayden couldn't help but to grin at the thought of surprising the rest of the team with what is going to be their vehicle, even though his mask hid his entire face.

Zero Prime
2017-12-04, 06:07 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Guilty.
Burn: Zero.

Michelle dragged Franka to the dance floor, and Max lost sight of them, Chama then, gave him a sidelong glance and moved towards the bar. Maximus sighed, putting down his guard wasn't exactly something he was comfortable doing, however, this place had to be as safe as any ... really. It intrigued, and intimidated him, the weird, other worldly geometry, something about it he just couldn't parse. He walked, stumbled, someone brushed past him, turned, hissed with a forked tongue and reptilian eyes.

He took a step back, calmed himself, and observed, there was an order to the chaos, a pattern through the crowd, barter, trade, negotiations. There! A waitress, in dress made of diaphanous material, one half of her head shaved, the other, threaded, twisted locks of brilliant red. A pattern was inked on her scalp, and piercings glinted in her ear, but she was moving from alcove to alcove, speaking with people, taking orders perhaps. He approached the young woman, the music approaching a crescendo overwhelmed his senses, he lost the flow of conversations, as the emotional impact of the fae music welled inside him. He rode it out, she was gone, and then he looked above, and realized her gown was infact, curiously translucent insect wings, that had been wrapped around her near naked form, she was flitting to another alcove, when he floated beside her, suspended by anti gravitic waves.

"Excuse me," he was forced, due to the building crescendo of the orchestral music, to float intimately close to the woman, and he was painfully aware of her immodest attire, "I was hoping you could point out one of Lich Girl's former associates to me. I believe the name is Sam."

2017-12-04, 08:25 AM

The pixie (sprite? fairy? you have no idea) looks you up and down and raises an eyebrow. "Wouldn't take you for a junkie, but we all pick our poison." She presses a fingertip to her calf and you see a dozen glimmering silvery tattoos appear, little runes in swirling, curvy patterns. One of them lights up, then vanishes, and a white rabbit jumps away from her. "Follow it down. You'll find the alchemist."

You look down, where the rabbit's headed, and the entire club seems to shift. What was once a vast chamber filled with alcoves is now a dozen chambers interconnected, a dozen layers overlapping, a dozen visions of a tiny little world, all real, all false.

The rabbit takes you through what you thought was a floor, and through inky black tunnels and darkness that constricts your lungs as much as your vision. The rabbit is your only light source, a white beacon trailing through oblivion.

When more lights appear, things don't get better, exactly. There's a torch burning with grey light that washes over a destitute wretch, a man with scaly skin, in tattered jeans, tearing off pieces of grey cotton candy that are most certainly not made of candy. He doesn't see you, nor hear you, nor do you think he can sense anything other than the chemical cocktail rushing through his veins.

There are more like him, though not many. Two women who seem perfectly human, breathing in some red mist from a leather pouch. A pile of rags that occasionally twitches and jolts. At one point, you see an empty syringe lying on the ground, but the moment your eye catches it, something drags it into the darkness.

The white rabbit takes you through these accursed halls, stops at an open doorway, and vanishes. You step inside, and you meet Sam.

Sam's laboratory - it could be called nothing less - is a cramped and anxiety-inducing space. Blinding fluorescent lights look lifted straight from an abandoned hospital, and the shadows thick where their illumination dares to tread. Rows of shelves, tables covered in beakers and vials all sloshing with glowing fluid. Incense, or something stronger, burning in each corner of the room.

At the far end, up against the far wall and surrounded by open space, Sam herself reclines on what is quite obviously meant to be a throne. A great stone chair covered in furs and blankets, none of which have been cleaned recently.

"Are you sure you don't want another?"

The alchemist is with a guest (customer? victim?): a thin, tanned man with ears ending in sharp tips. His eyes are hollow and desperate, and his fingers twitch, but he seems paralyzed by the alchemist's presence.

"Because if you were done, you wouldn't be here, would you? You'd give me what you owe, and I'd never see you again."

There's a hungry look on her face as she plays with a flat, white pill tablet. It glides between her fingers, and the elf watches it. He salivates, and trembles, but remains at the foot of her throne, close enough to touch.

Sam sees you enter, and she smirks. She places the pill gently into the elf's mouth, shuts his jaw, then puts a hand on his face and pushes him away. He stumbles off into the darkness, stuttering apologies that go unheard.

"Well, well, well. Look what the raven dragged in." She speaks without haste or care, but there is a sneering edge to her low drawl. She crooks a finger at you. "What are you, some kind of hero?"

The alchemist looks human, but barely. There is discoloration around her eyes and fingers, her irises are a shade of amber that's almost yellow, and her poison-green lipstick matches the poison-green hair that falls in ragged, stringy clumps in front of her face. She's wearing an acid-pocked black hoodie and jeans with very authentic rips and tears. Her skin is pale, sallow, almost green-tinged in places. The skin around her fingernails is bloody and torn, like she chews on it.

She leans forward and blows a clump of hair out of her face, and grins with teeth. In contrast to her slovenly appearance, her teeth and gums are pristine: whites that really look pearly, and ruby-red gums.

Sam rises from her throne and stretches luxuriously, catlike. "Before you tell me your sad backstory or beg me for a favor, I got a ground rule." She finishes her stretching and stalks towards you.

"This is a no-establishment establishment, you got me?" She waves a hand in front of your face and eyes you intensely. Then she breaks eye contact and sweeps off to one of her many worktables.

"So, gimme the skinny: whatcha in the market for?"



Michelle hesitates, but follows you. "Valkyries? What? Fill me in."

She seems disappointed to end the dancing, but when sees the battle-fire in your eyes she starts to get more excited, cracking her knuckles and rolling her neck. "If there's a fight, count me in."

The Ossuary is a labyrinth, but the image of your battle-sister is always just at the end of the tunnel. A glimmer of gold, a sliver of silver. Then, you emerge into a large open chamber of ancient stone, with nobody else around.

Nobody but you, Michelle, and the Valkyrie.

Up close you recognize her. This is Valkyrie-7, or by her person name, Emma. Part of the first batch along with you, imbued with stolen norse magic and trained to be a lethal weapon. Unlike you, Emma never broke her conditioning. She never broke free.

She stands there, the ideal image of a norse Valkyrie, and she looks smug. She's in full armor, armor you were never given, and a shield and spear carved with norse runes.

"So reckless. Filled with such passion. My lord shall be pleased when I deliver you to him in chains."

She levels her spear at you, and for a moment sorrow passes over her face. "You should never have left, Franka. Our new lord has brought such wonderful gifts."

Emma glances at Michelle, and she jerks her head. "Shade. Deal with that one."

A black mass explodes out of the shadows and latches on to Michelle, writhing viciously. Michelle screams and tries to strike at it, but she's too surprised to settle into a proper fighting stance.

Emma smirks. "Time to prove who is the better Valkyrie."

Fight Valkyrie-7 head on and trust that Michelle can handle her own combat, or try to help her and fight as a team?

2017-12-04, 04:34 PM
Chama (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22360700&postcount=4)
Conditions: Angry
Potential: 0/5

Chama sets his empty glass aside, the blood in his veins humming with a new energy. His ears perk up as a familiar song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54JRejHOixA) strikes up in a slow Banguela toque. The song suffuses the energy of the Ossuary, gently pushing him forward to his goal. There's a message in the song, and it strikes Chama somewhere near his soul with every note. It is an old song, telling of a victory in war won by capoeiristas, played in Banguela for a harmonious, cooperative game.

When Chama looks up and sees Kirin two flights above, he instantly realizes that his best approach is to play friendly. Kirin had knowledge that Chama wanted, but Chama gets the sense that somehow Kirin can benefit just as well. As the music flows through him, Chama feels himself becoming almost like an extension of the Ossuary. Establishing eye contact, he reaches out to Kirin with his axé, initiating the game. He wants the Lich Girl's apprentice to sense his presence as he approaches openly and without malice. As he makes his way toward the stairs, he draws out his every move - slow and exaggerated without being cautious. Chama takes the time to pick out his opponent's energy in the pattern within the chaos, feeling him out while opening himself up to be felt out in turn. The slowest moves in capoeira are often the most difficult, but also the most beautiful, and the Banguela calls for cooperation to achieve beauty.

He struggles to keep his cool as he climbs. What appeared to be winding stairs at first now seem lie straight before him, but with each step he takes the world winds itself around him instead. His eyes tell him that he's stepping over edges onto walls or ceilings, but his feet tell him that everything is solid below him. The stairs seem to go on farther than they looked from the ground, possibly stretching into forever, but still the music guides him and when he steps off onto a landing he sees Kirin and the two others down at the end.

"Kirin, yeah? I hope I'm not interrupting," Chama says as he approaches the three figures. "They say you're the one to see about dragons."

apelido: special nickname used by capoeira practitioners

axé (ah-SHAY): human emotional or mood energy, can be good or bad (like "good vibes" or "bad vibes"); spiritual life-force that can be harnessed to achieve supernatural feats [fictional, though alluded to in certain capoeira legends]

berimbau (BE-dim-BOW): the primary instrument in capoeira music; made of a long shaft of wood and strung with a single steel string (often taken from an old car tire) and a hollowed gourd, played by striking the string and applying tension to the string with a stone or coin

mestre (MESH-tay): master; the highest rank in capoeira, often the leader of a capoeira school

roda (HO-duh): ritualized combat between capoeira practitioners, somewhere between a game, a sparring match, and a performance; also refers to the ring in which the event takes place, made up of other capoeiristas surrounding the players in a circle awaiting their turn to play while singing and playing traditional instruments, chants, and songs

toque (TOHK): a rhythm pattern played in capoeira music played on the berimbau

2017-12-04, 06:18 PM

As you approach, something disturbs their conversation.

Kirin's first companion is a young woman with opaque black eyes, a feathery mane of raven-black hair, and wearing an outfit somewhere between an arcanist's robes and a strapless dress. His second companion is a young man with shifting features, piercing green eyes, and a trickster's smile.

Kirin frowns and glances at the woman. "Do you feel that?"

She tilts her head. "Feel what?"

Kirin places a hand against the balcony and the woman follows suit. "That."

"Ah. I think that's coming from him." She looks at you as you step into the alcove and grins.

The shifter man snickers. "Fresh meat."

Kirin hears your introduction and his expression shifts, becoming more curious and detached. For a second, you see his eyes flicker, as if a second eyelid were sliding down and then flicking back up. His demeanor changes, and he shoos his companions away. "We'll continue this later. Seems I have business to attend to."

The woman gives a mock bow. "As you wish." She winks at you, then turns to the nearest wall and pokes it. A rift in the rock cracks open and she passes through, followed by the man with the shifting features. The moment he steps through, the rift closes and they're gone.

You're alone with Kirin. The dragon-marked apprentice doesn't exactly have a subtle appearance, but that seems almost standard for the cabal. His hair is a plume of fiery red, his eyes shimmer with orange irises, and to a trained eye his sandy skin looks tougher than the average flesh.

He smooths back his hair and flicks down his second eyelid again. "You made a deal with a dragon. Tricky business, that. If you want out, I can't help you there; all bargains are binding. Goes both ways, of course. What did it promise you? Power, knowledge, aid? The more details you give, the more advice I can give."

"The deal was recent, and the dragon was attuned to fire, that much I can tell from your mark. Fill in the rest."

2017-12-04, 07:35 PM
Franka barely registered Michelle's question, so focused was she on finding the other Valkyrie, she forgot that Michelle didn't know all that much about her...in fact barely anyone did. So after a moment of not saying anything Franka painted Michelle the picture in broad strokes. "Valkyries are like me...super soldiers imbued with magic by the occult Nazi death cult Kraken...I was one of them and we share a connection of sorts."

They arrived at the stone chamber where the Valkyrie was waiting. It was Seven or Emma if you preferred her civilian name. Franka remembers Emma's laughing from the early days of the program, when the evil nature of it was subtle and they hadn't gotten past the first rite yet. That innocent girl was gone, with a smile on her face that didn't reach her eyes.

"So reckless. Filled with such passion. My lord shall be pleased when I deliver you to him in chains.", Emma said and it dawned on Franka what should've come to her mind earlier. That this was planned, that she had walked right into a trap and not only put herself at risk but also Michelle and that she really, really should've at least dropped a text to the others. ""You should never have left, Franka. Our new lord has brought such wonderful gifts."", the other Valkyrie continues as she goes into a fighting stance.

Franka wanted to retort with something, when Emma already gave the signal to attack and a shadow latched onto Michelle. Her instincts told Franka to ignore that and charge straight at Emma, but her heart won. Franka had no what this shadow was or even if she could punch it, so instead she charged at Michelle, trying to snatch her out of the entanglement of Darkness.

Potential: 2
Conditions: None
Hold (Glitch): 2

Franka is trying to defend Michelle and rip her from the shadow.

EDIT: That went about as well as expected xD

2017-12-04, 08:06 PM
The comment stung a bit, but Trent realized that Glitch was trolling him at this point and let it slide.

He smiled at Flare, nodding and moving over to the front of the little ship, where they could catch it in profile. "Yeah, let's do this. Come on, Glitch. we all contributed. I'm not the only one who deserved to be in the shot." He gestured for her and Solar Flare to move up to a good position to take a selfie in front of the ship.

He let himself grin more openly, getting ready to pose for the shot. "This'll make a great veil update. Our team just got mobile!"

Once again trying to share a triumphant celebration and acknowledge Glitch as an equal. Assuming she doesn't shut me down, I'll give her influence and mark potential.

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +0] [Savior: +2] [Superior: +1] [Mundane: +2]
Potential = 2, Advances = 1
Conditions: None
Influence on: Solar Flare
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

2017-12-05, 01:15 AM
Hayden did what Trent gestured and moved to a position in front of the ship by Trent. Hayden then also gestures for Glitch to come over and join them to pose for the picture.

I'm going to roll for Pierce the Mask tomorrow when I can get on the computer instead of my phone, which I'm typing from at the moment.

Mr. E
2017-12-05, 01:59 AM
Glitch gives Trent a suspicious glare, although this is hidden by her mask. Then she shrugs, walking towards the group. "Want to be careful, sending photos with girls in them, especially to your parents. They'll be asking about the wedding by next week." The tone of her voice makes it clear that she considers the idea of her and Hayden obviously ludicrous.

She spins round to face the camera, standing on the other side of Solar Flare. "Going to look super silly, this one. Smiling person, smiling person, featureless mask." She points to each member of the group in turn. "Eh, who cares?" Somehow, the dismissive comment sounds more questioning than she intended.

Glitch is also going to take part in a triumphant celebration. That means that she asks the other two whether they see her as the mask or the person behind it.

For Cent she gets influence again, and thus shifts his labels again. She'll shift his mundane down, and his superior up, since they are posing in front of an alien space-ship they just repaired by themselves.

2017-12-05, 03:42 AM
Trent chuckled, turning to look at her as Flare got ready. "I don't know about the picture, but I can tell you're smiling under there."

After the picture was taken, Trent turned to Flare, cocking a thumb up at the ship behind them. "So do we get to take this baby on a ride now? See what it's capable of?"
Obviously, Trent's doing his best to see the girl behind the mask.

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +0] [Savior: +2] [Superior: +2] [Mundane: +1]
Potential = 2, Advances = 1
Conditions: None
Influence on: Solar Flare, Glitch
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

Zero Prime
2017-12-05, 06:03 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Guilty.
Burn: Zero.

A shiver went down Max's spine, this whole situation felt ... wrong. However, he was committed, and needed to see it through. "I'm sure you've seen the news, there's a shadow in Poland, and it's looking for something, yeah?" As he spoke he kept looking around the cramped laboratory, trying not to look into those rheumy eyes. "I'm looking for something that could keep it's eye from settling on me, a charm, a token, something like that." He paused, looked around again, recalled the numerous addicts, husks of their former selves, that he had passed on his way to this place.

"Though I would like to know the cost of such a service, before agreeing to anything," he forced an awkward smile. "No point on avoiding the shadow, if you are going to walk into the spider's web, yeah?"

Actually, Gravitas is going to try to Pierce Sam's Mask ... so he can get a read on this, creepy as f**k lady! Rolling my new & improved Mundane, +0, [roll0]. Let's see if this works.

Questions, in order of priority;
How could I get Sam to give me a fair deal?
What does Sam intend to do?
How could I gain Influence over Sam?

So it looks like I get, How could I get Sam to give me a fair deal? It's something at the least.

2017-12-05, 03:50 PM

You dive into the shadowy mass engulfing your friend, ripping and tearing and trying to save her, but the darkness is thick and viscous, and every time you carve through a clump of inky blackness it just reforms the second you move away.

Michelle's eyes go wider, panicked, and she screams again, but her scream is choked off by the spreading shadow as it surrounds her completely. She stumbles away from you, desperately pulling at the dark mass, appearing more and more like a walking silhouette.

You take a step towards her, reach out-

A golden spear lances through your gut, then pulls back the way it came, leaving a bloody hole. Already you can feel your regenerative blood rushing to close the wound, but it hurts. Emma laughs coldly and steps between you and Michelle.

"Weakness. Perhaps this was always your destiny." She readies her spear for another strike.

Take a powerful blow.

2017-12-05, 03:59 PM
Chama (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22360700&postcount=4)
Conditions: Angry
Potential: 0/5

Staright to business, then. That's something Chama can respect. He manages to keep a straight face as the others disappear through a crack in the wall, but only just barely. Even compared with the weridness of superheroics, this place is nuts.

Kirin himself looks like something more than human. He's the real deal for sure. Even bolstered by the Ossuary's energy, Kirin's easy reading of his 'mark' took Chama by surprise, and made him realize how far in over his head he was. Had Mestre even noticed the mark?

It was tempting to let the whole story come pouring out of him, like he had with Madame Memory, but it's the mark of a novice to dominate the conversation in the roda. Introductions were made, so the polite thing would be to start with a friendly offering - a soft meia lua instead of a hard bençao. News of a new dragon in town would probably spread fast, but Chama was one of the only people that had real knowledge of the how and why, and that might be valuable information to someone like Kirin.

"Pretty recent, yeah. A few days ago. Maybe you heard? Somebody freed him from his prison to ask him a question. They were looking for something, and I need to stop them from getting it. The dragon told me what they were looking for in return for the eye of a wolf. Said I'd know the wolf when I saw it."

Chama hadn't been too worried about the deal. After everything that had happened, it hadn't seemed that important. But maybe he hadn't appreciated the significance as much as he should have. Kirin's response would be telling.

apelido: special nickname used by capoeira practitioners

axé (ah-SHAY): human emotional or mood energy, can be good or bad (like "good vibes" or "bad vibes"); spiritual life-force that can be harnessed to achieve supernatural feats [fictional, though alluded to in certain capoeira legends]

berimbau (BE-dim-BOW): the primary instrument in capoeira music; made of a long shaft of wood and strung with a single steel string (often taken from an old car tire) and a hollowed gourd, played by striking the string and applying tension to the string with a stone or coin

mestre (MESH-tay): master; the highest rank in capoeira, often the leader of a capoeira school

roda (HO-duh): ritualized combat between capoeira practitioners, somewhere between a game, a sparring match, and a performance; also refers to the ring in which the event takes place, made up of other capoeiristas surrounding the players in a circle awaiting their turn to play while singing and playing traditional instruments, chants, and songs

toque (TOHK): a rhythm pattern in capoeira music played on the berimbau

2017-12-05, 04:59 PM

Kirin arches an eyebrow. "Prison? Interesting. So is that eye."

He pulls a thin leather notebook from his belt and starts flipping through it. "North American, yes? Not an archdragon, not a she, so that's those two out. That one doesn't use fire, that one isn't imprisoned, so neither of them." He looks up briefly. "Dragon history isn't my specialty, but I try to keep up with current events. Always useful to know where your enemies are."

He finds the page he was looking for. "Ah, perhaps him. Did you catch the dragon's name? Might be Veraz."

At your confirmation, he nods with a pleased expression. "Knowledge in return for a material component. Classic. The telling detail is the nature of his imprisonment: a mortal host."

Kirin spreads his hands and a latticework of fire appears, red-orange string lacing between his fingers. As he speaks, the fire reshapes into images of a dragon, an eye, and a human. "The tricky thing about dragons is that all their power is split in twain. A dragon's might rests in their body, a shapeshifting, magic-breathing, many-clawed force of destruction. But a dragon's intellect rests in their consciousness, the part that casts spells and makes deals. Both sides are powerful, of course, but might without intellect is a savage beast enslaved to another's will, and intellect without might is little more than a long-lived sorcerer."

"I know little about the history of the dragon Veraz, but a mortal host is a very dangerous prison for a dragon. You say someone freed him, but I suspect you don't mean 'gave him a new body'. For that price, the dragon would be compelled to give far more than knowledge to whoever awakened him. Veraz might be able to manifest little morsels of his former might, conjure illusions of his former glory, but he is still imprisoned. Any indication otherwise was likely a lie to intimidate you."

Kirin smiles again, and clasps his hands together to dismiss the fiery images. He tilts his head and gives you an expectant look, as if waiting for you to put the pieces together. "So, my deal-making friend, why do you think the dragon wants a magical eye?"

I'm assuming you do confirm the dragon's identity, since it makes sense to.

2017-12-05, 05:17 PM
Hayden posed with a thumbs up as the picture was taken.

"I thought you'd never ask." Hayden replied, grinning cheek to cheek under his mask.

He hovered over inside the spacecraft, gets into the pilot's seat, and waits for Centurion and Glitch to get into their seats before closing the front and the back of the ship.

"Glitch, if you ever need anything, you are more than welcome to ask me. I might not be familiar with everything about Earth, but I'm not gonna let that stop me from doing whatever I can to help. So just ask if you need my help, okay? After all, we're friends. Aren't we?"

Hayden also sees the person behind Glitch's mask, if Glitch's Moment of Triumph includes to Solar Flare too.

2017-12-05, 05:43 PM
"Michelle!", Franka screamed as the other girl was consumed by the shadow. Fighting it was like trying to hold water in your hands, it was almost like the harder she tried the more slippery it got. She had just grabbed another handful of liquid darkness when she felt a sharp pain in her stomach as Emma drove her spear through. She had completely forgotten to cover her rear, that should teach her. It hurt like hell, more than a normal spear would, but Franka's healing had already kicked in and her only reaction was a grunt. She turned around to face the other Valkyrie who was mocking her once again.

Emma attacked again and Franka exploded into motion, dodging to the side and using the momentum to get close to Emma and striking at the gap of Emma's armor in her armpit. There was a sickening crack as Emma's arm was dislocated and the runic spear clattered on the ground. Franka went over to it, picking it up and getting into a combat ready stance.

"Weakness? Who is the one of us relying on the trinkets of a wizard to fight her battles? We'll see how you fare without it."

Potential: 4
Conditions: None
Hold (Glitch): 2

From the OOC:

Ok, Blow-Taking: 4

I'll also roll directly for switching attention and directly attacking Emma:


Ow wow!

Ok, so I resist the Blow (another potential, yay!) and I chose "Resist/Avoid Blows" and I'm taking Emma's spear.

2017-12-05, 06:16 PM

Sam grins. "Fair's fair. But payment depends on what you buy, and what you have. You don't exactly look flush with cash."

The alchemist picks up a few vials, sets them back down, stirs a cauldron, and settles on a fridge. She opens it and takes out a can of soda, then tosses one to you. "Non-alcoholic." It smells and looks like a soft drink.

She leans against a wall and kicks her leg back. "So. Lotsa ways to hide these days. I could sell you a potion of invisibility, or a scroll of teleportation, or a mask that makes you look like someone else. I can ink you a tattoo that would give you a few seconds of being ethereal, or I can cook up an incense that would hide you from scrying eyes."

She takes a long sip of soda, then eyes you. "Question is, what does the big bad wolf want with the son of a terrorist?"



The Valkyrie screams with fury as her arm cracks and her spear falls away. She stumbles back as you settle into a fighting stance and taunt her.

She clutches at her broken arm and it begins to glow with bright white light. You hear bone twisting, cracking, setting. She rolls her shoulders and snarls at you.

"The spear is but one part of a warrior's arsenal. See now the power you rejected: the true gift of a Valkyrie!"

Emma spreads her arms wide and her entire form blazes with white energy. Behind her, two golden wings unfurl, glimmering and radiant.

Stolen Light: The Valkyrie's radiance blinds all who look upon her. Take -2 when Directly Engaging her.

She makes a 'come at me' gesture and sneers, "That trick won't work twice, traitor."

Mr. E
2017-12-05, 08:40 PM
Glitch looks impassively at the camera for the selfie, caught between satisfaction and an awareness of her own small part in the enterprise. When the relevant photos are taken, she follows the two inside the ship, although not without a stab of concern. I hope Hayden knows as much about ship maintenance as he says he does. All it would take is one small error...

Forcing such thoughts away, she settles into a chair, promptly discovering that they are not, in fact, made her for build. Indeed, she is reminded of airplane seats, especially given the lack of leg-room. Well, I said I was soldier, so I guess I can't complain about the crappy accomodation.

Hayden says something to her, and she turns her head to look at him. "Thanks Hayden.
I appreciate that." Even as it comes out, Glitch is aware how fake it sounds, but unable to take it back, she shrugs.

Glitch isn't finding Hayden's affection very meaningful to her. Unfortunately, she is still in a bad spot, mentally speaking, and not really able to talk to anybody about it.

Also guys, be less empathic next time! Two potential would have been much more useful :smalltongue:

Zero Prime
2017-12-05, 08:52 PM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22406192&postcount=112)
Conditions: Guilty.
Burn: Zero.

Maximus began to smile, began to feel something like hope, maybe, just maybe he could make it work. "That's the thing Sam, the big bad wolf wants nothing to do with me," he exhaled, slowly, "he's fixated on Centurion, and I need to divert his attention to me." He went through the list, "So protect him from scrying, and make the wolf think I'm the hero."

He leaned against a bare counter space, careful not to disturb the delicate vials, "Sound like something you can do?"

2017-12-05, 09:37 PM

As you talk, Sam drains her soda, crunches it into a ball, throws the can in a wastebasket, and then pulls out a pen and notepad.

She starts chewing on her pen as she mutters to herself. "Interesting. Scry blocker and an illusion - well, no, not really a disguise, this would have to be... yeah, that could work." The alchemist starts scribbling something on her notepad. "Bundled would be easier - ah, but two people makes that tricky. Bonded? Wait, I'm overthinking this." She crosses out everything she's written down, then frantically coaxes more ink out of the pen.

She finishes and looks up at you, squinting. "Right. You're still here. While I work, think about what offer you're going to make me: cash, resources, labor, whatever you're willing to fork over. You don't look rich and you don't like the enforcer type, but I've been wrong before."

The alchemist puts her notepad down on a table and starts grabbing items from shelves. "The most effective way to stop scrying will always - always - be a blanket area ban, usually packaged with a sense barrier to prevent in-person spying. Of course, those burn out quickly so you avoid using them until you have to."

Sam starts mixing things, muttering words, and drawing symbols that you can't comprehend. "For long-term deception, this'll work much better. It isn't perfect and the spell isn't smart so you have to work a bit. Once Nihilus's spy network finishes setting up in Halcyon the con will be pointless, since he'll have eyes on you, so make the few weeks you have before that happens count."

She finishes her task and picks up two metal brooches: one red, one blue. She holds them in front of you. "Helmet boy wears red, you wear blue, got it? When boss man or one of his goons scries on 21, that brooch will bounce the signal to this brooch. Nihilus sees you, looking like him, wherever you're at."

"This is only going to work, by the way, because your adversary hasn't bothered to keep 24/7 surveillance on the six of you yet. When he does - and you'll know when he does - come back to me. Trade in the brooches and I'll give you a discount on a scry flare - the area ban I mentioned a minute ago."

When she sees that you've processed everything, she starts passing the brooches between her hands and gives you a shrewd look. "So. Thought of a payment offer yet? I'll go easy on you cause it's your first time, but not that easy. Two grand if you've got the cash."

Payment time. I'll give you a few options, but you can think of your own too.

Cash: You're a teenager, so you're not exactly flush with bling. You could, conceivably, have enough to pay her, but will come with consequences for your civilian identity. Especially since your mother is already worried. Of course, you could get a loan from your father...

Resources: Sam knows a lot - like, more than she should, if you've been paying attention during this interaction -
but she doesn't know everything. If you can offer her juicy details, locations of valuable goods - things that are worth something to her - she might take that in trade. The obvious downside is that you're giving those resources to a powerful figure in the black market.

Labor: The most morally questionable option. Black market types - and especially drug dealers - are always looking for strong types to apply pressure. Junkies who have skipped payment one too many times, or corporate contacts who think that their 'legitimacy' makes them too good for the underworld.

I should add that her price, though very expensive, is justified by her being one of maybe three, four people in Halcyon City who could do what she just did. That's something Gravitas would know from his studies with Mellori,
and simple inference.

2017-12-05, 09:46 PM
Centurion put the tunic that served as the top of his costume back on, and pulled himself into the ship. He strapped himself into the seat loosely, and tried not to squirm. If the seats were too small for Glitch, they certainly didn't accommodate Centurion's frame terribly well.

He leaned forward to stare out the windows, trying not to let on how excited he was and failing. He'd been in an airplane a few times, but this promised to be a different experience entirely.

"What are we waiting for?" he asked. "Let's get up there! I'd like to see what the city looks like from above."

[Danger: -2] [Freak: +0] [Savior: +2] [Superior: +2] [Mundane: +1]
Potential = 2, Advances = 1
Conditions: None
Influence on: Solar Flare, Glitch
Playbook Moves: *Fight the good fight*; *Words of The Past*; *Never Give Up, Never Surrender.*

2017-12-05, 10:18 PM
"At least I didn't exchange power for my freedom!", Franka said as blinding light filled the room.

"Tell me Em? How does that leash around your neck feel?", Franka continued to taunt and then went in for another attack with her spear, trying to drive it through Emma and pinning her the wall.

Potential: 5
Conditions: None
Hold (Glitch): 2

From OOC: Failed Engage with a 6.

2017-12-06, 12:10 AM
Centurion, Glitch, and Solar Flare.

You soar through the skies of Halcyon City. Flying in a spaceship is a lot different from using your powers, and the whole city is laid out before you through view-screens.

It's an easy flip of the switch to toggle stealth, and then you're invisible. Free to go wherever you like in the city. It's beautiful from up here, silver and steel pillars amid a concrete latticework broken up by patches of verdant green and shimmering blue.

For a moment, watching the city go by, you can almost forget the danger you're all in. The Watchtower's gone, but the Citadel is still there, resplendent and grand. For a moment, all is calm.

Then, the calm is broken for one of you: Centurion.

There's a static crackle, and then in your head you hear a signal, comms chatter.

"The thief got past me, he's in 4F, someone catch him!" Male voice, gruff.

"Did he get into the vault?" Familiar. Madame Memory.

"I don't know, he used a flashbang before I could figure that out." The gruff voice again.

"I've got sights on him. Engaging." Another familiar voice: Megamax. "He has the scepter. I repeat: he has the scepter."

Another crackle, and it's gone. Whatever was patching you into the League's comms has stopped.

The Citadel floats serenely, showing no sign of the chaos within. Glitch and Solar are still enjoying the view, having no idea what's taking place.

2017-12-06, 12:13 AM
Hayden nods as he starts up the ship.
With the front and back access closed, the front "windshield" popped into view. The ship was designed that it showed the pilot and passengers the view of what is outside the ship while nobody else could see the interior of the ship from the outside.

"Activating cloaking device." Hayden announced as he typed in the command for the cloaking device. It doesn't really look like it from the inside, but Hayden knows that the ship will be invisible on the outside.

With the controls he slowly raises the ship into the air until they were high enough to fly over the tallest skyscraper in Halcyon City.

"Embrace yourselves for take off." He announced to Centurion and Glitch before they fly off over the skies of Halcyon City.

2017-12-06, 05:59 AM

Emma sees your attack coming a mile away. Your stolen spear crashes against her shield and shears off. The light is blinding, incapacitating. Your efforts are futile.

The Valkyrie comes at you again with nothing but a shield and a fistful of radiant light. You're waiting for her, ready, but you're too slow, too disoriented, too worried about Michelle. The Valkyrie lunges, you hear bones crack - yours this time - and your hands are empty.

The light is getting brighter- brighter- brighter- sharper- blinding. Everything is knives of light piercing your eyes and piercing the world around you, only broken by shadowy edges and the Valkyrie's sneering face.

"You have forgotten yourself, traitor. To be a Valkyrie is to serve. To choose the slain. To usher in the end of one age and the beginning of the next. Our lord commands Ragnarok, and we are proud to answer his call. Perhaps, when your ego has been tempered by defeat, you will remember where your loyalties lie."

You hear flapping wings, and the light begins to fade. In the distance, Emma vanishes around a corner.

When you regain your vision and your senses, you're lying on the ground. The spear is gone, as is the Valkyrie, and Michelle is lying next to you, looking just as exhausted as you feel. You look at each other and she grins weakly.

"Well, that was an experience. You've got a funny way of flirting, Tank."

There's no sign of the shadow that was attacking her. Maybe the Valkyrie's light scared it off, or perhaps it scuttled into the dark after its master.

Forgot to mention, but Emma got tagged with the Angry condition last post, got too distracted by the RP to include.