View Full Version : Adding damage from jumping

2017-09-12, 09:26 AM
Alright, I'm running a game that one of my players has gotten ahold of an item that has temp given him incredible speed. Completely unreasonable, I know, but now his movement speed is 300. He adds his speed into his jump to do the generic falling damage trick. His jump now reads over 400. Yet what would the mechanics be for him to jump and slam into someone that is only 10 feet away? Not falling damage, kinda like a force push in reverse. Instead of an opponent being thrown into an object, he is throwing himself against an opponent. Or would it be like jumping and hitting the opponent, but the opponent takes the damage that would have been the calculated distance of the jump? He's trying to add the jump force into his attack or damage.

2017-09-12, 10:04 AM
RAW I don't think he can, absent a feat or such; I don't recall such a feat offhand, but someone else here may well.
and falling object damage applies both to what's hit and what does the hitting, so if he tried to apply that he'd hurt himself just as much.

2017-09-12, 12:13 PM
There is a tactical feat called Roof-Jumper in Cityscape page 62.

One of the maneuvers, Death from Above allow you to charge by "falling" on your target. It deals 1 extra d6 of damage for every 10 feet over 10.
The attacker still take the damage from falling however (can be reduced with jump/tumble).

This can give you ideas on how to do it.