View Full Version : Celestia's Finest: Doctoring Rose

2017-09-12, 08:19 PM
The camera zooms in on an approaching spaceship. The front view rapidly changing to a side view of the Thunderbird as it zooms past for a rapid runway landing. A quick landing by a hot-shot pilot for all-intent and purposes. Inside, Rose and Love shake about in their harnesses as the not insignificant G's hit them. An unarmored, Love looks over worryingly to Rose. She more or less came out uninjured. She almost broke her leg's on a dragons face, but Poor Rose lost some skin and a leg. Her wounds are nothing comparatively. As they're cleared to get up, Love unbuckles her harness in a hurry and moves over to Rose. She'll try her best to help the one-legged Unicorn out of her trappings. "Let me help."

The runway is declared inactive and their ride surely waits outside. Love will help Rose up. Her babying possibly annoying at this point. The hanger doors open to reveal a chrome ambulance. Love will run ahead and start walking and talking the medics over. A stallion and a Mare both wearing what she'd expect, pushing a stretcher, start asking Rose the most basic questions. Seeing if she knows where she's at or if she can follow their hooves. They'll run through checking her mental while they lower her onto the bed and start strapping her in. Love keeps randomly interjecting to provide them the story. That she was shot and that her leg got cut off by some diamonds. Loves words entirely lack empathy and padding as she describes what happened in their full glory detail. She even starts working on patching the video over to the surgeons for they know what they're working with.

The two medics finally get Rose loaded inside, and Love claims the close personal plus one to ride along. A hoof to her mouth, Love looks over her worryingly.

Art(ist) (https://www.deviantart.com/art/Maybe-one-671016158)

2017-09-12, 08:48 PM
Rose goes along with the medics on the ride. Not completely willingly. She felt they were overdoing it a bit. "I'm alright.... just got this bullet hole... and... well obviously missing a leg."

She was only now recognizing just how tired she was.

2017-09-12, 08:58 PM
Love will shake her head. "That's a lot of body to be missing! You'll be fine, honey. It's nothing that can't be replaced."

Wanna skip forward to surgery or post surgery? I could do an in-between post if you want?

2017-09-12, 09:03 PM
Love will shake her head. "That's a lot of body to be missing! You'll be fine, honey. It's nothing that can't be replaced."

Wanna skip forward to surgery or post surgery? I could do an in-between post if you want?

"No, don't replace anything... I mean, nothing flesh. Replace the leg thing. Got enough body missing," Rose says.

Maybe pre-surgery, Rose in her room with Love? We can chat about the mission stuff we did?

2017-09-12, 09:19 PM
Sounds good!
Struggling, Love tries to show a warm smile. "I'll only let them take the metal bits. The world needs more of Rose, not less."

Rose isn't dealing with any head injury or the sort. They'll let her pass out on the way there.

Love watches over her the whole way. Tears forming at the side of her eyes. She knows that Rose is not in critical danger, but seeing a loved one laid out on a medical cot, struggling doesn't really spark the rational side of a pony. It's numbing her cheeks and mind. She's not turning away, though; she'll ask the medics if it's alright to hold her hoof and they only encourage it.

A few scenes flick past in fast motion. Love walking through the hospital doors following after Rose, looking worried. Her doing some paper work, and the doctors questioning her. Rose meeting with the doctors and geting dressed for surgery before they let Love in the room. When the doctors let up and do give Love the go ahead, she'll knock on the door and ask all quite, "It's Love. Do you mind if I come in?"

2017-09-12, 09:34 PM
A few scenes flick past in fast motion. Love walking through the hospital doors following after Rose, looking worried. Her doing some paper work, and the doctors questioning her. Rose meeting with the doctors and geting dressed for surgery before they let Love in the room. When the doctors let up and do give Love the go ahead, she'll knock on the door and ask all quite, "It's Love. Do you mind if I come in?"

"Yeah, come in," Rose says. There are tears in her eyes. Rose was clearly starting to cry at some point recently. Why?

She's lying in the bed, with an IV line in a spot on her shoulder that looks heavily bruised and not the kind of spot you'd normally put such a needle in. In fact it looks really painful on Rose.

2017-09-12, 09:41 PM
Love walks in. Oh, wonderful, as soon as she see's Rose her water works start up. Her eyes start to turn to a pink as she fights back the tears. "Hey, trooper. You need anything?" She can't help but stare at the bruising. She can only guess: Could they not put the IV line in proper because of her leg's being missing? "Want me to call in a doctor to get you some more of those sweet drugs?" She tries to chuckle and laugh at her own joke, but nothing comes out. She'll take a seat near the bed, and put her hoofs out in an attempt to hold Rose's remaining foreleg.

2017-09-12, 09:46 PM
Love walks in. Oh, wonderful, as soon as she see's Rose her water works start up. Her eyes start to turn to a pink as she fights back the tears. "Hey, trooper. You need anything?" She can't help but stare at the bruising. She can only guess: Could they not put the IV line in proper because of her leg's being missing? "Want me to call in a doctor to get you some more of those sweet drugs?" She tries to chuckle and laugh at her own joke, but nothing comes out. She'll take a seat near the bed, and put her hoofs out in an attempt to hold Rose's remaining foreleg.

"No, can't get anything until the surgery," Rose says weakly. She wipes her eyes. "Sorry. Red Tape was here earlier. Trying to be motivational, saying I'm stronger than I think. I just... dunno if I can believe that. Look at me."

Her broken leg was already removed, all that remained is the metal cap over the stump and a few tied off wires The connections where the leg motors attacked could be seen. There's a little bit of a fluid there, but what it was is a little hazy.

"I'm a wreak, Love."

2017-09-12, 10:02 PM
Love let's out a disappointed, "Hm. No, good doctors." She'll try to wipe Rose's eyes clear and then her own. "Red Tape's not wrong." She'll try to grab Rose's hoof again. "You're strong. The thing is, you don't always have to be strong. Ponies aren't impenetrable walls meant to block away feelings. You're allowed to cry. You're allowed to be weak." She points a hoof back toward the door. "I was bawling my eyes out before I came in here. I only put a mask on for you. That, and may make-up is really holding out. They weren't joking about waterproof."

Love moves her pointing hoof to rest on Rose's shoulder of her cut off leg.

"That's true. We look absolutely horrible." She tries to give a weak smile. "You're not a lost cause, Love. A few weeks and you'll be as good as new."

2017-09-12, 10:12 PM
"Maybe easier for you to say, your Love drone is a bit easier to fix," Rose replies. She pats Love's hoof. "It's... It's not about crying really. Just, losing my leg, getting shot for running ahead into danger... I feel too fragile. My legs just aren't up to it."

2017-09-12, 10:17 PM
Love hesitates. She'll gingerly speak up, "Rose, have you ever listened to my heart?"

I was figuring Love is here in person. If the Lovebot did escort Rose here; the real Love is here right now. She switched out in some of that downtime.

2017-09-13, 05:16 AM
Love hesitates. She'll gingerly speak up, "Rose, have you ever listened to my heart?"

"No, I don't think I have. Usually on the field you're using a Lovebot."

2017-09-13, 02:43 PM
She nods. She'll stand up outta her seat, get up on the bed a bit to get in range, and press Rose's ear to her chest. It's sounds any doctor would recognize. Love's got some cyberware in there. The noisy ones are easy to make out. Heart. Lungs. Rose would have to examine her to catch them all, but Love is effectively walking around on life support. She keeps hugging her. "It's easier to hug someone in a lovebot when they don't hear, this. Now, I'm not trying to out do you in trauma or distract you. My point is: Everypony, everything is fragile. We're in a big world full of life exploding every which way and sometimes it just overwhelms somepony. You running out into gunfire. It was your day." The tears are starting. Love wipes one away, trying to get it before Rose notices.

2017-09-13, 03:10 PM
Rose does her best to hug back. "You're right. I just... there's this voice in my mind that tells me I'm never good enough for anyone. That I'm a crippled pony and can't amount to anything. Some days the voice is quieter than others. Some days... it sounds like the voice comes from the parts not me. It's always there and... it's so convincing..."

She stops, thinking she's just rambling nonsense. Rose touches the cybernetic stump at her shoulder. "How do you deal with life exploding and overwhelming you?"

2017-09-13, 03:45 PM
Like a grandmother treating a crying child, Love kisses the top of her head. She gets up off the bed, takes her seat again, and nods along. "I cheat. Life already beat me down once. It took me a while to stand tall again." She motions to her sitting herself. "You're right. It's not fair. My lovebots take most of the risk, not all. I'm just as fragile as you here in my body. I simply avoid exposing my fleshy body to the outside."

She sighs, "You can't feel through drones though. What landed you here, running ahead into danger. I won't. I can't chastise you for that. You say you're not good enough? You saved Brazen's life from that rocket for the cost of a bullet. Your stump." She points to her hoof holding her shoulder. "You got that saving Scope's life. You went and saved a lot of lives during that mission. You're good Rose Croix. One of the best. You're already the package. I think you'll see that in time. I can already see it." She tries to smile.

"Now, it's just a fact that a stump makes you disabled." Without breathing she says, "The thing is that's temporary. Once we get you a new leg you're not disabled anymore. Plenty of ponies have cyber limbs and few would dare say they're disabled. You'll regain all of your mobility back. You, here, now is you dealing with the repercussions. You've done that. You can do it again. Expect, this time you won't have to do it alone. I'll be here with you."

Woops! That turned into a wall of text. :smalleek:

2017-09-14, 05:44 AM
Rose studies her remaining foreleg. "I want better legs. I want legs that won't shut down on me. Legs that let me actually shower again... real legs. Can that be done?"

2017-09-14, 03:14 PM
Love rubs her mane. "It should be possible. It's just not been done yet. The whole cyberware revolution kinda stuck an eye into that type of research. An answer has already been found; it's just not the answer some ponies want." She sighs. "I'm sure that type of research is happening out there somewhere. Don't give up hope."

"Hey, Rose? Do you believe that voice? That one saying all those nasty things? I'm no psychologist, but you'll always have my ear if you want to talk about things. I'll even not respond to what you say if you ask. I can be an ear without a mouth. I'm use to having voices in my head too. Usually they're my own. Did chrysalis put some mean thoughts in that brain of yours?"

Realistic Flesh does exist in the setting. Would Rose want some of that?

Realistic Flesh (-1 point) (TL9): The robot has realistic synthetic skin (and optionally, hair) of the correct temperature and texture. Complex pseudo-muscles in its face allow it to adopt facial expressions, muscle tics, etc. It looks and feels real. However, subtle imperfections may give it away – perhaps it lacks a pulse, or doesn’t sweat. This can be noticed with a Vision-4 roll, Smell-2 roll, or a Touch sense roll. The robot does not bleed or bruise, so any injury that inflicts damage or successful use of diagnostic sensors reveals its mechanical nature. Add Unnatural Features 1 [-1]. +20% to dollar cost.

2017-09-14, 03:41 PM
"Chrysalis... well, she did call me the poor little crippled pony. But she's not as bad as the voice in my head... it can be persuasive. I try to ignore the jeers. Try and love myself. I used to." Rose leans back and thinks of before her accident. "I guess I am still coming to grips with that accident. Haven't quite gotten over what I lost there. You seem to have gotten farther along in the healing than I. Was it hard for you to accept yourself after your accident?"

2017-09-14, 04:50 PM
"There is a lot to love if you can find it."

Love lays down to get comfortable in her chair. "I did skip a few nastier steps." She yawns. "My process was a lot less traumatic. I only had to deal with the mental grief. Try to believe this: I was a strong athlete."

"You don't leave Junk Town and join the Royal guards without packing on the muscle." She pushes her squishy gut. "Was hard as a brick wall. I do miss that. My doctor says I can't work out as hard anymore. Afraid I'll bust a heart or something. Yet she does want me working out. All the pain without any of the gains. All to maintain my current healthiest floppiness. Pony, I was sexy. I could have given Rainbow Dash a challenge. A stiff back and straight legs really add a few inches to the old height. I feel shorter nowadays. I mean, I did lose some spin so that'd help explain that. I could drop the mares with one stretch. Now, I'm learning to work with a different sort of charm. I haven't quite figured my style out."

"The horn..." She puts her hoof to her horn. That break is the real thing. The edges and folds, she could never forget her own scarr. No matter how close the Lovebots' mimicked. "That was a challenge. I wasn't that great of a mage. Spells weren't my thing. My telekinesis was pretty decent. That was the real loss. I use to stare out my coffee trying to float the cup to me for a solid minute before I realized." She chuckles. "I did some silly stuff that's easier to laugh about now. I lost a limb. My strongest limb. And, I never really got anything out of losing my magic. I can trade charm for charm, but my horn was just gone."

"So, how'd I accept my new flabbiness? Time, I'd say. I had some great doctors talking me through the pain and suffering. I tried to accept my new self every day, and liking my new self was a challenge. I couldn't force myself to love me. No amount of coaching was going to skip that road. Looking back, talking did help even if I didn't always realize how helpful it was at the time. Knowing that someone cared. That sometimes helped more than whatever they said. Acceptance was smooth. That jagged unsettling feeling became less prominent as the months went on. My pain dulled. Sometimes, I wouldn't feel the unease at all. Sometimes the pain came rushing back for a day or two. I'm good almost every day now. I still physically struggle, but that's just a part of me now. The current Love is who I am. I'm a pony that sometimes gets winded running up the stairs. I slip on stuff that isn't there. I can't drop mares. That's just who I am. Most everypony just accepts me that way, myself included."

I did it again. T. T Just tell me if you want me to cut it down/out and give smaller posts.

2017-09-14, 05:11 PM
I did it again. T. T Just tell me if you want me to cut it down/out and give smaller posts.


Rose considers what Love says. It's an interesting story. Similar, but there were differences. After she's done, Rose looks up at the ceiling to think a moment. "The cybersurgeon says I'm probably going to need a few surgeries to replace the lost leg. There's some... damage at the joint. They weren't made for active military duty. I've got micro-fractures in my other limbs too. Maybe they're going to replace everything?"

"Love, could you promise me something?"

2017-09-14, 05:19 PM
She frowns at the news. Trying to act sweet, "Anything dear."

2017-09-14, 05:24 PM
"If they end up replacing my legs, they're robably going to use some rugged hardware. Probably something that can hold up to military standards. If they do, and I'm not conscious to make any decisions, could you... make sure they at least pick something nice-looking?" Rose seems to look a little sheepish asking this.

2017-09-14, 06:06 PM
Surprised, Love asks, "You're giving me power of attorney? Don't you have some family on the way?" She interjects herself, "I'll accept if you haven't reconsidered." She stands up.

"As honored as I am they're you're legs." She pulls her laptop out. "I'll pay for the thirty minute deliver time." She puts her hoof up. "Don't protest me on this."

She gives a smile. "I'm sure I could pick you some wonderful, sexy legs. Something to match that flank of yours, but I want your legs to be you. The style should be what you want. How about you pick em and I'll be you're second opinion. What do you say? Wanna go shopping for your legs? You can choose this time." Her smile does have a flare of its own, but it's obvious she's trying to cheer Rose up.

2017-09-14, 06:21 PM
Rose blushes a little. "Sexy legs, huh? Well, o don't know about that. But let's see..."

She looks at the difference in styles, looking for sleek that seems water proof. She asks questions about the different materials, and seems happier now that she's doing an activity. Eventually she decides on a set of study legs. Rose is nervous.

"I think these will work. Look kinda nice and not too flashy. Seem easy to clean you think?"

2017-09-14, 06:42 PM
"Only if you want em sexy." She chuckles.

Love moves her laying chair for she can put the laptop on Rose's bed and still see. Love tackles the legs from an engineer's perspective. Sure, the legs have to look nice, but Rose is asking the right questions. She is able to add a bit of an expert opinion to make the uncertain more defined.

Love looks at the last choice. She moves her hoof along the trackpad, spinning the model around. "Not too flashy," She mimics. "A definite improvement. I think cleaning them will be alright. Nice & waterproof for those long bubble baths. I think they'll more than work. They look great. I think they're wonderful!" She smiles up at her. "I think we found them. Found you."

2017-09-14, 06:59 PM
"I hope so," Rose says. She sighs, exhausted. "Thanks, Love. I hope I learn to love them. Just have to survive a few weeks of surgery and recovery."

2017-09-14, 08:24 PM
Love yawns herself. "No problem, sweetheart. I hope so too. I hope your doctors don't yell at me for keeping you up." She starts getting comfortable in her chair, preparing to sleep. Putting her hooves on Rose's bed. "We had a long day. I'm beat."

She opens up one eye and looks up to Rose. "Hey, Rose. I love you. Alright? As-as a friend. I'm not some piranha in a hospital. Just promise me you'll be alright?" She yawns again, closing her eyes.

It looks like this scene is winding down. Any ideas. I could go for an after surgery scene? A quick glimpse of the surgery along the way.

2017-09-14, 09:34 PM
"Hey, Rose. I love you. Alright? As-as a friend. I'm not some piranha in a hospital. Just promise me you'll be alright?" She yawns again, closing her eyes.

Rose chuckles. "I know what you mean. Love ya too."

It looks like this scene is winding down. Any ideas. I could go for an after surgery scene? A quick glimpse of the surgery along the way.

Maybe fast forward to post one surgery? Either legs or eyes. Your pick. By then Rose's sister will have visited several times, so if you want to have her in the scene you can..

2017-09-15, 02:57 PM
It'd be great to have Red Shield in a scene! It's hard to interact with her since Love and Her have a confirmed history that isn't well established. Let me throw a dark on this body part's board. It's a leg! Is this the first surgery or just one of them?
Again, a montage plays out. A doctor comes to collect Rose; they show everyone present through a quick surgery briefer. The next scene Love is overlooking a surgery on some pony that medical devices obscure. Love is in observation. And, eventually a lovebot shows up to let Love sleep while her mind watches over Rose.

A new day, birds chirp. The first visual starts off with a window letting in beams of light from a bright, sunny day. The camera moves through a glimpse of a patient's room up closer to show the hospitals miniature park. A spice of green, flowers, and trees to try to bring some nature to an otherwise urban hospital. The camera reels back, to show Love sitting near the window looking out at some patients below. She has a large box half the size of her wrapped up in gift wrap. A knock at the door, Red Shield let's herself in, probably expecting an empty room. Instead Love waits inside. Rose is on her way back from surgery.

2017-09-15, 03:46 PM
Am I Rose or Red in this? I'm not sure which it is?

2017-09-15, 04:07 PM
Am I Rose or Red in this? I'm not sure which it is?
Both? Unless you wanted to call the dm in to play Red? I figured Red is Rose's sister so you'd want to play her.

Love was in the room. Red just stepped in. Rose is on her way. :smallredface:

2017-09-15, 05:05 PM
Both? Unless you wanted to call the dm in to play Red? I figured Red is Rose's sister so you'd want to play her.

Love was in the room. Red just stepped in. Rose is on her way. :smallredface:

Red Shield walked in with a backpack full of toiletries and food. She looks around. "Oh, uh... is this Rose Croix's room?"

2017-09-15, 05:50 PM
Does Rose share a room with other ponies? Or, is she in a single?

Red Shield walked in with a backpack full of toiletries and food. She looks around. "Oh, uh... is this Rose Croix's room?"Love stands up as the guest enters the room. Not quite who she was expecting, but Red Shields looks give her a solid guess on whom just entered. She nods yes. "Yep, you got the right place." She moves to greet her. "The name's Love." She slightly curls her lips up, but she doesn't give a full smile waiting to hear the name Red Shield. "Is that for Rose? Here, let me show you were put that."

2017-09-15, 05:57 PM
Does Rose share a room with other ponies? Or, is she in a single?
Love stands up as the guest enters the room. Not quite who she was expecting, but Red Shields looks give her a solid guess on whom just entered. She nods yes. "Yep, you got the right place." She moves to greet her. "The name's Love." She slightly curls her lips up, but she doesn't give a full smile waiting to hear the name Red Shield. "Is that for Rose? Here, let me show you were put that."

Milt said Rose was protected while in the hospital, so I think she'd have her own room.

Red puts the bag down where shown. She uses her unicorn magic to levitate out a few items. "I'm Rose's sister, Red Shield. I got a message that she was... or is, involved with some kind of important military group? I don't know much, Rose didn't like talking about her job."

2017-09-15, 06:40 PM
"I had a hunch. It's nice to meet you Red Shield. I wish it were under different circumstances."

Love puts her hoof to her chin. "Well, if she didn't like talking about her job I don't want to overstep. I hope you understand. I don't mind talking about myself, though." She chuckles. "See, I'm in the military? Sorta? I like to think of myself as hired help. Rose is a squad mate. I can say that I owe her my life. She's out there using her medicine to help ponies."

"Oh!" She rushes over to Rose' bed and grabs her computer on one of her chairs. "I'm struggling with this and I don't know how to answer it without straight up asking." Love shows her the computer screen filled up with dog pictures, all the same dog. "Do you know what type of pet your sister would want? I got her a dog." She motions toward the wrapped box "But I don't know if she'd want something else. I even got it a little backpack to carry stuff around in. See." She shows her images of a dog saddlebag and it's wearing the thing.

2017-09-15, 06:55 PM
"You... got...?" Red is a little confused about this. "I don't know what kind of pet Rose would like. I thought her apartment didn't even allow pets."

2017-09-15, 07:05 PM
"Oh." She frowns that the new source of information has already run dry. "It's fine. It's fine. It's a petbot." She'll pull up the schematics. "I already handled all the settings. It won't create any extra workload or stress for Rose. It's near one hundred percent independent. It'll even charge itself. And, just in case, I got her a little cleaner bot for any, erm, faulty advertising." A bit timid, "Why, do you think she won't like it? I'll give her the password for she can change the settings. She could alter its independence, lower if she wanted later?"

2017-09-15, 07:32 PM
"Oh! A petbot! Well see, that's a different kettle of fish," Red says, cheering up. "Can you program it to prefer laying beside her? Oh, if it's got a wifi connection, set it to channel 5. I know it's not optimal, but too many ponies is her apartment building use channel 7 and 11. It just generates too much background noise."

Red trails off and stops talking for am moment. "Err, I mean, if you understand tech speak."

2017-09-15, 08:05 PM
Love smiles over her works new found approval. "Ah! It looks like a real dog, right? Yep! Bed laying is an advanced option." She whispers to her, "I put it in therapy mode. It's responsive to depression, anxiety, disabilities, stuff like that."

She chuckles, "I actually disabled the wifi modem on it. I trained it to response to Rose's and myself's voice. I had a lot of sound clips to run through the trainer. It's got a learning program so it'll eventually start responding to ponies that are around a lot. It's the newest model with the best programming available."

Love fakes looking confused, "Tech speak?" She puts a hoof to her chest in confidence, "I'll have you know I'm a native speaker."

"Wifi is nice and all, but I wanted to make it closer to a real dog for Rose. She seems to care about authenticity. Authentic things a lot. That... And, we've run into security issues recently. I don't want her to worry that her new best friend is spying on her."

2017-09-15, 08:12 PM
"Oh good, someone who speaks real Equestrian," Red says. She giggles. "Yeah, probably best to disable wifi for Rose. I could put in a good firewall for it, but Rose isn't exactly gentle with tech. I mean, you probably know that first hoof if she's here getting her legs fixed. I hope it wasn't deliberate. Ever since she lost her legs she's lost a lot of her self confidence."

Red sits down and gets comfortable. "Rose doesn't talk much about her squadmates. So... is there anything you could tell me about what happened to her?"

2017-09-15, 08:41 PM
She could supply the firewall? Love bites her lips at the suggestion, not wanting to offend her or give up control over the piece of technology. She'll take a seat of her own. "If you want to send me a firewall later I'll take a look." Love pulls out her phone. "Mind if I add you?" She's ready to try to grab each others frequencies with a button press.

She looks a little nervous and sad thinking about Rose's disaster. She says sheepishly, "Yeah, I've noticed the confidence thing. I wish it wasn't so. I keep telling her how good she looks, but her smiles are so short. Her leg wasn't deliberate. Has she ever been that self-destructive?" She looks worried. "It happened through the course of the mission. I'm not sure there is much she could have done to prevent it besides not being present. We do dangerous work. Ponies get hurt. Sometimes it's us." She gasps and covers her mouth. "I can see why your sister keeps quiet now. I'm sorry if I said anything to make you worry. I'll let you know. I'll do everything in my power to keep her safe and happy."

2017-09-15, 08:55 PM
Red takes out her phone, which is a pretty modern one that only recently came out, and trades numbers. "Rose was never self-destructive that I had seen. I just worry a lot about her getting so depressed that she might. Hopefully she's seeing a doctor for that. I guess it's just... you know, she's a doctor, so her legs were important to her job."

2017-09-16, 12:56 PM
Love looks happy about the new number.

That story isn't one for the faint of heart. "Well, you keep an eye on her. And, I'll keep an eye on her. I don't think she would do something too extreme, except hate herself." Love pauses. Is Rose seeing a doctor for the trauma? She thinks back on her time here. Red Tape stopped by, but that'd be a touch up at best. The worry starts to set in. Rose needs to talk to someone, and Love isn't going to cut it. She is a friend, but she has no training. Would Rose see someone? Love thinks she remembers her mentioning she did in the past. Maybe, it's time again. She sighs. That's all up for Rose to decide, but she'll urge her. Love grows quiet at the seriousness at hand.

"You're probably right. We're, she's, off-duty until she heals up. In time, she'll be able to do her job again." She shakes her head, troubled. "Rose...." She asks, "You're family. Do you know how we can help her? Something to cheer her up?"

2017-09-16, 01:18 PM
"Rose... well food always cheers her up. She was a bit pudgy as a filly. I think the military got her into pretty good shape since she's joined." Red considers things that her sister would like.

"I believe she's seeing a doctor for her depression. We could probably bring her favorite foods. She loves cake and fancy pastries. I was planning to. Maybe let her borrow my streaming account to watch some decent shows."

2017-09-16, 02:47 PM
"Really!?" She chuckles at the thought of a pudgy Rose. "You just have to show me some pictures sometime." She puts a hoof to her chin and smiles.

"I'm sure she would love some shows. Hey, I never did get to ask her. What was your ponies childhood like? Did something happen to get Rose into food? Did she have a favorite childhood bakery?" An idea is forming.

2017-09-16, 03:27 PM
Red nodded. "We grew up in Bolton. There was a little bakery on the way to school, and we stopped there after school often for snacks."

"Might still be there. Angels Bakery on Sanders Street."

2017-09-16, 03:38 PM
When were you thinking about introducing Rose? :smallredface:

2017-09-16, 04:28 PM
We can now if you want.

2017-09-17, 03:20 AM
I'll leave that up to you. :smallbiggrin: I didn't want Rose to be forgotten about. :smalltongue:

Love takes out her phone to enter the information she just got. "Yeah, I think that might work. It'll probably get a smile out of her." It got a smile out of Love. She happily says to Red Shield, "Oh my! I'm sorry!"

"Look at me data mining you about information on your sister, and I've barely asked a thing about you. Want to make this a little more interesting, a game?" She smiles. "I'll ask you one question. Then, You can ask me one question. No trickery here." She waves her hooves apart like she's surrendering the idea of lying. "I'll answer any question. Now, try not to abuse your new power." She winks. "I'll go first?"

"What do you do for a living? Is it something tech based?"

2017-09-17, 07:49 AM
"Yeah, I work for QuickBit. They're a software firm that handles cyber-protection for different companies. I write a lot of anti-virus code," Red answers, seeming proud of her position. "I do a good bit of other kinds of programming and computer builds on the side. It's my passion."

Red thinks for a moment. "Well, guess it's my turn. Okay, so what do you--"

Several nurses cart in a bed with Rose on it. She has lots and lots of wires and tubes sticking out of different places. Rose's face looks half zombie, her hair a total mess. A machine hooked up to her monitors her vitals, and additionally, a few diagnostics on the cybernetic forelegs Rose just had installed. Her legs are bandaged where machine meets flesh. Her new forelegs are completely different than previous; much like the design she picked out with Love.

Once she's set up in the room, the nurses leave to give the visitors some privacy. Rose turns her eyes a little to see who is here. There's a bit of a hazy glaze to her eyes,like she's not completely "home" in her mind yet after her ordeal on the surgical table.

2017-09-17, 06:21 PM
That's genuinely impressive to her. Around Red Shield's age Love was still some monster that only thought toward the next battle. And, here this fine pony was working out her life. Course, she was setting herself up to work for the rest of her life so that's a bit sad. She shakes her head. Where did that come from? "Wow!", she says. "Maybe, I'll have to take a closer look at that firewall. It might contain a few secrets" She winks. "Alright, I'll let you handle the dog's security."

Now, it's her turn. What type of question will she ask? Unfortunately, the first round of the game ends prematurely short.

Love stands as the nurses and Rose enter and clears the path for the bed. She nods to medical staff, and lets out a quiet, "Thank you." Her first action is to move beside Red Shield and physically touch Rose's face, a gentle stroke. No surgery is without its risk. She was so happy, tears started to pool near the corner of her eyes. As warmly as she can manage, "Hey, beautiful. Welcome back." Judging by her eyes a conversation is out of the question. Still, a few words from family and squad couldn't hurt.

Rose's eyes were the first observation. Love started to look her over. Wires. Tubes. Rose must have gone through hell. No, hell starts here. She wonders if this is how she was after her accident. She doesn't really have much memory of it. She would believe someone if they said it were though. Love moves to make sure Red Shield has room as well.

2017-09-17, 06:29 PM
Rose only manages a weak, "Hey..." This was Rose at the most vulnerable anyone would have seen her.

Her sister, Red, walked up and touched Rose's cheek with her snout. "Hey sis, it's Red. You must feel like you look."

Rose looked at her with tired eyes, but didn't respond.

Red sighed. "This is pretty heavy. Reminds me of when she first broke her legs, though if you can believe it, this is much kinder. That other time... you had to get up close to recognize it was her. Stars and moon, Rose is so strong. I don't know anypony who's taken the kind of abuse she has and still kept going." Red is starting to cry as harrowing memories are flooding her.

2017-09-17, 07:55 PM
She would hold her hoof, but Rose wouldn't feel it. The cyberware hadn't fully integrated into her nervous system.

How was she suppose to respond to Red's story? The airship accident was worse? Was she trying to add some perspective? Love's just not sure how to respond. Red's show of tears take away the thoughts, and Love starts crying emphatically. She was already halfway there. Now, there is no stopping this emotional roller coaster. Tears shoot out of her eyes. "You're so strong! Keep going! We're here for you!"

2017-09-17, 08:34 PM
Rose manages a tiny smile in response, her eyes nearly closed from exhaustion of her surgery.

Red wiped her eyes. She put a hoof on Love's shoulder. "Yeah, we both are. Thanks for being here, Love. I'm sure Rose is blessed with good friends like you." She smiles at Love in appreciation.

"Rose is gonna need her sleep. Those drugs will probably keep her out for hours. I think with the two of us, she'll sleep in good company."

2017-09-17, 09:32 PM
A hoof on her shoulder, Love pulls Red closer to give her a hug while she cries. Love's head snuggles over her shoulder. "Thank you for having me here. I really wanted to be here for Rose, and I'm so glad you're letting me."

The mention of sleep has Love trying to quiet herself. It's a struggle, but she starts reining her crying into sniffles. "Sleep. Right." She wipes her tears away. "Yes, we should let her sleep. I'm sure she's tired. I wouldn't want to be bad company." Love turns to Rose, while half hugging Red, and starts rubbing her cheek.

Do you have any ideas/want to do anymore scenes?

I was thinking the next one would be a quick one/two post scene w/ Rose waking up to Love and gifts in the morning? :smallbiggrin: End it all on a happy note?

2017-09-17, 09:45 PM
Do you have any ideas/want to do anymore scenes?

I was thinking the next one would be a quick one/two post scene w/ Rose waking up to Love and gifts in the morning? :smallbiggrin: End it all on a happy note?

Okay, we can do that!

Chocolates. Rose slowly wakes up from the scent of chocolate. She opens her eyes and looks around. Groggy, she focuses on what was beside her bed.

2017-09-17, 10:32 PM
The first sight is a messy, tired looking Love. She's hovering real close to Rose, looking into her eyes. A spark of recognition hits her as soon as she is definitely sure Rose is awaking up. She moves back, letting the rest of the room come into focus. Standing on two legs, Love motions around her. Last night - she sneaked off to Sander's Street and brought a few things back with her. Push carts full of opened boxes filled with every kind of pastry and desert they had to offer lay before Rose. They all have the Angels Bakery logo on them. The old store owner is even there! Love drags Red Shield into view. And, bends down to pick up Rose's dog. "Look, I even got you a petbot!" It gives a 10% volume bark for the tired pony and wags it's tail.

2017-09-18, 05:48 AM
Rose... at first is confused. But as her brain's cognition ability starts to turn gears things slowly fall into place and fond memories from her childhood come up. "Can't eat a puppy... but yay..." She sounded awful. Her forelegs felt dead weights tired together with barb wire. Like the prickly feeling of a limb that fell asleep. times a thousand. It was actually a very dull pain and if she wasn't thinking about it, she wouldn't feel much at all. At the moment though, she couldn't even get the new legs to so much as twitch.

Red walked over to the other side of the bed. "Your friend Love has some amazing connections. I helped a little, but the main idea was hers." She holds up a warm glazed apple strudel to Rose. "Here, one of your favorites. You remember the old bakery? Still there!"

Rose takes only a nibble, perhaps the smallest bite Love had ever seen Rose accomplish. "Thank you," she weakly says.

2017-09-18, 06:08 AM
Love chuckles at the puppy joke. "Why? Have you tried? Love will move a cart up behind her and take a seat beside Rose, across from Red Shield. A big old smile on her face, she stuffs down a berliner. "Resisting the temptation until you woke up. What a test." A bit of powder on her nose. "Here, I'll feed you today, but you have to feed me next time." She offers her the same sweet, a hoof holding it, with the other hoof under to catch any flakes or powder. She wipes her hoof clean and runs it over Rose's mane. "Good morning, beautiful."

Waait. We we ending on the last post? If so, send me a pm and I'll delete this post. :smallredface:

2017-09-18, 06:46 AM
Waait. We we ending on the last post? If so, send me a pm and I'll delete this post. :smallredface:

Keep this one. It's sweet and a happy ending to the story. :D

2017-09-18, 07:37 AM
Alright! :smallbiggrin: Let's put a pin in it and declare it done. :smallbiggrin: