View Full Version : (INC) Bellows of War- Battle Thread Part III

Andrew Markham
2017-09-12, 08:46 PM
This is an INC area for The Bellows of War campaign. This is where the combat characters will go out on their journey with the army.

Locations covered in this thread: Black Adder Dormitory (Southeastern Wall), Holy Avengers Dormitory (Western Wall), Central Amphitheater (Northern Residential District), Prince Alloishus's Royal Quarters (Northern Noble District), Trelane's Apartment (Southeastern Merchant District)

Currently Location: Hyderabad, the City of Pearls, Golden Coast region

It is now Day 10 of the Crafting Project.

The sun rises on Hyderabad, the City of Pearls, a city which is a shell of its former self. All trade via sea has been driven away from this place due to the presence of the Aboleth and its Gillman pirates. The town now survives on fishing. As the adventurers from Goldenrod rise, the town is already awake with people heading onto their boats to seek food and goods.

The livelihood of this town is one reason for seeking the life of this Aboleth, but it is not the only one. The previous day, the adventurers were frustrated in battle by the Aboleth and his two magical Merwoman. Some seek the beast's heart for merely that. Some may want to avenge the deaths of Osman and Kennit, whose bodies were found impaled on shortspears in front of Kennit's ruined house. The fate of Kennit's wife is currently unknown. The mermen have indicated that the Aboleth has likely retreated to its seat of power, a city of Gillmen. Figuring out how to assault it and kill the aboleth is the task of the day.

For now, some awaken in the inn, others in the Library of Pelor Evergarden. They must now go to the Temple of Pelor, the sun god, and await the return of their ally Hanar, who will bring diamond dust for the raising of Osman and Kennit.

2017-09-12, 09:41 PM
Alloishus prepped his spells and geared up with Vivian. He had breakfast in the inn.

2017-09-13, 03:43 PM
Kamoru woke shortly after sunrise, but lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about the previous day. She sighed deeply and covered her face with her hands. After a moment, she ran her hands upward across her face and dragged them through her bangs. Finally, she pushed herself upright and collected her clothes. She dressed and groomed herself, and stared at her reflection in the vanity mirror for a moment, debating whether or not to shift. On the one hand, it felt nice to even have that as a choice, but on the other hand, she didn't want to become complacent. She took a deep breath and grabbed her backpack, stepped into her boots, and headed downstairs for breakfast.
She bought a meat pastry, nose wrinkling slightly in surprise when she bit into it and discovered it was fish. Not that she disliked fish, per se, but saltwater fish were much... fishier... than river fish. Being surprised by the fishy taste was slightly unpleasant, but once she realigned her expectations, the pastry was pretty good. She also realized she shouldn't have been surprised by it, really, so she was glad there was no one else around in that particular moment. Shaking her head, she left the inn and called for Niyolaku. On the way to the temple from the inn, she stopped at the butcher's and bought a large tuna steak for Niyolaku. The big wolf ate it without complaint, thankfully. He wasn't normally picky, but the only fish he'd eaten since she started raising him were river fish. But she supposed even in the short period of travel together, there'd been times lean enough to teach the wolf pragmatism regarding available food.
When they reached the temple, Kamoru paused.
"Niyo, you should probably stay outside for the moment. I know our new ally likes you well enough, but his compatriots might not be so keen on the idea of a wolf in their temple," she said.

Niyolaku snorted, ears lowering. "Not want stay outside," he muttered sullenly.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'll ask if they'll allow you in, and if they will, you won't have to stay outside. But for the time being, stay," Kamoru commanded. Handle animal: (1d20+11)[28]

Niyolaku laid down by the door and put his head on his paws, ears low, eyes narrow, obviously pouting.

Kamoru sighed and rubbed between the wolf's ears. "Good boy," she murmured. She pushed open the temple door and stepped inside, looking around for the others.

2017-09-14, 03:26 PM
Alloishus and Vivian went with Kamoru and Niyolaku to the temple. He was unusually silent the walk there. Every so often, he to the ocean and sighed.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-09-18, 12:32 PM
As you move through town, on the horizon you see four towering steeples a full story taller than the surrounding buildings. Elongated stained glass windows stretch throughout the towers and the building. As you near, you can see that it is immaculately well kept and seems a bit out of place in comparison to the others. The front door is a tall heavy wooden door reminiscent of a ship's hull and the hinges and hardware are bound in waxed leather. A large embossed image of a sun is carved upon the door with half opening to each side. Beside the door hangs a bell of polished brass with a braided cord of a yellow material hanging from the ringer. The walkway is made of bright white bits of shell and winds in gentle curves from the street to the doorway. Off to the left side of the building is a man in his 70s dressed in a white robe with a gold collar and lapels that run to his waist. He wears a braided belt of a gold colored material and loops of the braid hang low on both sides to keep the edges of his robes from dragging the ground. He is swinging a L shaped tool, bladed along the bottom and as it passes over the ground it cuts the grasses at a uniform height showing considerable practice. Each window depicts a scene, and each scene shows the sun in various stages from rise to set and the common activities during that particular time of day.

As you swing open the large door the light within is almost blinding. Braziers are set every 10 feet but are not lit with fire but some magical light. A rainbow of colors glint across every surface from the large stained glass windows. Two men are inside, kneeling at an altar in the beams of the morning sun which is streaming through the window with the image of a sunrise. They are dressed in white robes. One is holding something bundled in cloth in his lap.

2017-09-18, 06:55 PM
Trelane woke up a little later than normal, probably due to a combination of frustration over the previous days events and sleeping in an unfamiliar environment. He quickly dressed and donned his gear before heading down. He noticed the others weren't there, probably went on ahead without him, so he grabbed a simple breakfast of bread and cheese and ate on his way to the temple. When he arrived, he whistled appreciatively at the temple, how beautiful it looked especially in contrast to the surrounding buildings. He noticed the elderly man working on cutting the grass, waving in greeting before noticing Niyolaku sitting outside, looking a little sad, probably at having to wait on Kamoru. "Good morning Niyolaku," he approached the wolf hand out, "I guess I'm the last to arrive. Want me to stay out here with you and wait on Kamoru and the others?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-09-18, 10:45 PM
Despite the strong invitation to stay at the temple, Billy felt he would be taking advantage of the temple and decided to stay with the group at the Inn. He spent a bit too long starting at his feet that morning. Sulking over inaction from the day before. He ran over every scenario, how it could have been done more swiftly, how... Osman could have been spared. He eventually inhaled deeply before standing up and beginning his morning Kata's in the sunlight of the window. Once done he headed toward the temple. Almost a stroll in pace. He almost didnt want to face osman. But as he passed through the doors of the temple he stopped to look around.

2017-09-21, 08:02 AM
Kreak cleans his guns as he sits in a chair at the inn

2017-09-21, 09:22 AM
Alloishus bowed slightly to the old man.
"Good morning, sir. We are allies to Pelor the Cleric. May we enter?" the Prince asked.

2017-09-21, 09:33 AM
Normally Pelor would sleep near his books at the Library, usually on top of a stack of books, but he wanted his guests to be comfortable and today was going to be of importance. So he slept in the dorms with the other clerics. Well not really the dorms but a closet rearranged into a small apartment. His home for as far back as he could clearly remember.

Pelor opens the only window and allow the light to reflect off the mirror causing him mild discomfort as he drinks the fish blood ration. As he finishes his goblet he says his prayers under the bright light allowing the sun to purify the darkness within him. Once his morning ritual is completed he opens a dusty chest that holds his ceremonial garbs.

"It has been sometime since I have been this formal. I want nothing to go wrong." He looks to the sky and sighs. "They should be arriving any time now. No time to study, dreck. After the ritual is complete I will rush to the temple's library and prepare."

Pelor pulls over his white under shirt and tightens it to fit before sliding bronze colored robes with intricate symbols of Pelor and runes sewn through out. He pulls over his head the last part of his garment. A pure white cloth drapes over his shoulders with only a golden sun shimmering in the center above his chest. With a smile of nostalgia he takes out the holy symbol given to him by the temple representing his rank and devotion to Pelor and a golden rod that hums with arcane magic in his hand. With a sigh he closes the chest and walks to the door. Looking at the mirror once more he allows the holy symbol to dangle along his neck as he walks out.

He stands basking in the light of the for a moment before putting on his darken shades. Walking through the temple politely greeting everyone he comes across as well as introducing himself to the newer initiates. He notices that most of his associates have arrived. A feeling of concern grows when he does not notice the only one he would call friend, Niyolaku. He slowly makes his way towards the group.


2017-09-21, 09:40 AM
Kamoru remained silent for the moment, letting Al do the talking to start with.

Niyolaku's tail thumped the ground a few times as he regarded Trelane with a sulky expression. "Kamoru and Al inside. Kamoru told me stay here until sure all priests fine with me inside," he muttered.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-09-21, 12:05 PM
The old priest returned Al's bow and added a nod to indicate permission to enter. He had a warm smile in doing so. Then he returned to work. As Al entered, he noticed Pelor walking through the door to the left (his right) of the altar. Pelor walked down three small stairs and past the two men bowed low, neither moved. He made his way to Kamoru and Al. An acolyte entered from the opposite door and approached as well. Blessings of Pelor upon you travelers. What can this servant do for you today? he gave a half bow as he spoke.

Meanwhile outside a dark colored bird with an impressive wingspan flew past the sun creating a large shadow that swept over Trelane, Billy, and Niyolaku. It circled once before landing on a rooftop across the street.

2017-09-21, 08:35 PM
Alloishus smiled at the priest. "I hope that Cleric Pelor has updated you on the situation with the abeloth. We will need plenty of magic to be able to fight that evil of the deep and free the gillmen." the Prince explained.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-09-21, 09:50 PM
Billy looked up at the large bird, then to Trelane and Niyo.

"Either of you speak bird?"

He chuckled as he called up to the bird.

"Come on down, we can have a talk!"

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-09-21, 10:41 PM
The Acolyte's eyes go wide. No, I....I'm sorry. This is the first I have heard about any such thing. Sh..surely such evils are no more. Tales, used to frighten boys to keep them from going too far out to sea. he stammers a bit as his pulse rises.

As Billy watches the bird, a second one, much like the first lites on the roof.

2017-09-21, 11:22 PM
Niyolaku's hackles lifted and a low growl sounded from his throat as he eyed the birds suspiciously. He got to his feet, eyes scanning the sky for signs of more birds coming, nostrils flaring as he tried to take in their scent. Perception+scent: [roll0]

Kamoru rolled her eyes slightly and pinched her brow.
"You guys have a dhampir among your ranks, an elven druid lived with a mermaid at the edge of your town, your town's been plagued by men with gills, you regularly have direct conversations with a deity, and an allied city-state of yours is at war with hordes of fiends and duergar led by ifrits, but it's an ancient abberation where you draw your line of disbelief. Really?" she drawled.
"Maybe if this town wasn't so far in denial about what's in those waters, the people here could've put a stop to things before they got so bad in the first place," she muttered under her breath darkly.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-09-22, 11:21 AM
The Acolyte stiffens, his brow furrows and he flushes red around the collar. Diversity, young miss, is one thing. But Ancient evils that have not been scribed about in centuries are something else entirely. Myths often form of things being misunderstood and the "sightings" lessen and fade as understanding improves. Many ancient horrors are simply misunderstandings carried too far by eager story tellers. We've had no reason to believe otherwise about Aboleths. I have always believed that some sailor saw a porpoise struggling to eat a squid or an octopus and by the time the story was spread around it had become a three eyed fish beast with tentacles sprouting from its head who could read your mind or drive you mad with its very thoughts. It is unkind to insult those who offer you help.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-09-22, 01:27 PM
Billy eyes the birds with concern as he shifts his stance, his eyes glazing over with pure white he attempts to determine if the birds are Evil. Detect Evil

2017-09-26, 04:46 AM
Pelor stands quietly next to the Acolyte being respectful of the ranks and positions of the temple. Though at the conversation he can not help but looks sadden and try to give his new comrades a look of apology but his body language clearly shows a "see what I have to deal with" vibe.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-09-26, 07:46 PM
Billy shakes his head, seeing the creature is not evil.

"Trelane, We should go in to wait for Hanar."

Billy attempts to usher him inside to join the rest of the group.

2017-09-26, 07:56 PM
"One moment please Billy..." Trelane thought out loud seeing the birds and how they were seeming to annoy Niyolaku. He slowly walked towards the other side of the street to take a closer look at them to see if he's ever heard of them.


"Those are vultures. They may not be evil Billy, but they usually mean something or someone nearby is dead as the recently deceased are their favorite food. If they're not here for the bodies of our friends we're trying to revive, there may be something else going on nearby," he pointed out.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-09-26, 08:26 PM
Billy stopped to think about what trelane said.

"Thats a good point. Lets take a quick scout of the area, make sure everything is ok"

Billy moves around the area, looking for something amiss.


2017-09-26, 09:05 PM
"I'm with you Billy. Niyolaku, want to come or still wait for the others?" Trelane invited the wolf, he'd be great help in a pinch. He tagged along with Billy searching the area.

Searching: Perception check: [roll0] for [roll1] minutes

2017-09-26, 09:06 PM
Alloishus glanced back at Kamoru and then back to the Acolyte. "The evil lurking in the deep is indeed an aboleth. Our friend was dominated for the monster for a time and I have seen the effects of power myself. Please heed my word. For I am Prince Alloishus Figleaf of Lilygrove, Lord of the Guardian Oak and a representative of Goldenrod. Who, may I ask, anm I addressing?" the Prince asked.

"My comrades and I first came her investigating pirates attacking a shipment. We found agents of Solkar and aboleth dominated gillmen. The local druid, Kennit, assisted but he and one of our own paid a terrible price. We come to revive them both and ask for your assistance in fighting the ancient evil of the deep ocean." he explained.

2017-09-26, 09:09 PM
Kamoru grunted, folding her arms across her chest. "Alright, sorry for being rude. But we happen to be helping you, as well. Or at least, helping your city. So you might be helping us, but what you're helping us do is help you," she pointed out.

"Smell death," Niyo commented, "but only from inside thing," he gestured towards the temple with his nose. When it became apparent Billy and Trelane were going to wander off, the big wolf let out a whine and flopped down, putting his head on his paws.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-10-02, 11:58 AM
Billy and Trelane walked around the block and returned to Niyolaku 8 minutes later. They saw nothing out of the ordinary in their search but did notice more of the birds gathering on nearby rooftops. They decided that since Niyolaku could smell the decaying flesh of their allies, these scavengers must also be able to.

Scavengers like Vultures and Buzzards are commonly seen as a bad omen that usher in ill tidings.
You may interpret the Omen to mean that continued pursuit of the Aboleth at this time will only result in further death and loss.

The Acolyte faces Al, Blessed be, your highness. I am called Jonas Pryce, Acolyte of Pelor. If you can afford the material requirements of recalling the dead from beyond, our Priests can preform the ceremony. As far as assisting you in defeating this evil, we will provide what we can. What assistance, specifically, are you seeking from us in this matter? He inhales deeply and smiles as Kamoru interjects. With a slight turn of the head and easily missed nod, he acknowledges her point.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-10-02, 02:05 PM
Billy frowned looking up as he came back.

"Waiting on you Hanar..."

He looked to Trelane.

"Im going in..."

He proceeded to enter the Temple.

Andrew Markham
2017-10-02, 08:35 PM
Hanar strides into town, grumbling to himself. His shoes and robes are covered in sand. After asking for directions a few times, he arrives at the temple where the strangers from out of town are staying. Standing outside the temple, he looks around for anyone he knows.

2017-10-03, 10:55 AM
Trelane nodded, "I'll stay here with Niyolaku, just in case. I know we found nothing, but I still don't like all these vultures hanging around here. Call it a gut feeling." He stood guard with the wolf when Hanar showed up looking like a mess, "Hanar, are you ok?" He asked.

Andrew Markham
2017-10-03, 11:46 AM
Hanar scowls. "I just had to trudge up here from the beach! And then I had no idea where to find the lot of you!" Hanar casts Prestidigitation, slowly cleaning off the sand from his robes. "In any case, I have returned with diamonds and supplies. Where am I going?"

2017-10-03, 01:44 PM
"Right inside my friend," Trelane said, pointing behind him with his thumb, "This is where the bodies of our fallen comrades are currently resting. Niyolaku and I are standing guard in case of any trouble."

Andrew Markham
2017-10-03, 08:45 PM
Hanar barges into the temple. He looks around. "All right, where are they?" he asks.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-10-05, 01:23 PM
Jonas is startled by Hanar's entry. He looks up Where? Where are who? Can I help you stranger?

Andrew Markham
2017-10-06, 09:43 AM
"I have come to raise my comrade from the dead! Where is his body?" Hanar demands.

2017-10-11, 09:48 AM
"Not guard," Niyolaku corrected with a touch of petulance, "was told 'wait' so Kamoru ask if I allowed in."

Kamoru shook her head slightly. "That would be Hanar. Mercenary in the employ of Goldenrod. Belongs to the same band as Osman, the snake-man. He helps out sometimes," Kamoru explained. The inflection of her voice on the word 'helps' was tinged with a hint of irony.
"He's quite skilled, and he knows it," she added wryly.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-10-11, 08:16 PM
Oh! Yes, yes, right this way. Jonas nodded, and began leading the group through the door he had entered from, down a narrow hallway, and then down a spiral staircase into a dimly lit stone walled room. Three granite tables stand in the center of the room, upon two tables lie the bodies of Osman and Kennit, bones broken, flesh rent with deep lacerations, crossbow bolts still sticking out of Osman's body and gaping holes from being impaled. The sight is quite gruesome. The smell of decay fills the room and flies have begun to buzz through the air, occationally landing on one of the corpses.
Roll a fort save DC 10 or become sickened for 1d4 minutes.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-10-11, 10:13 PM
Billy is quite and reverent in the temple as hanar barges in. He follows as the group is led to the bodies of Kenet and Osman. He holds back the bile as he sees how their bodies were treated more closely. He closes his eyes and lowers his head in reverence.

2017-10-15, 08:49 PM
"Oh I stand corrected then," Trelane smiled at Niyolaku, "Still I'll wait with you. No telling how long this will take after all."

Andrew Markham
2017-10-16, 07:38 AM
Hanar reaches into a bag on his belt and pulls out a satchel. "Have you found a cleric capable of raising them, or do you need my prodigious magical talents to do so? I am ready and able!"

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-10-16, 08:04 AM
These men were described as having died in a pirate attack. In that case, we have no objections to their being returned to life. We are willing to perform the raising ceremony, if you have the required diamonds. I shall fetch the priests.

Jonas scurried back up the stairs, leaving the lot of you alone with the bodies.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-10-23, 07:15 PM
Billy Speaks up.

"Yes. Hanar, please give them the diamonds, so we can save your spell reserviour."

Andrew Markham
2017-11-01, 08:28 PM
Hanar reaches into a large bag, hunts around, and pulls out a smaller satchel. He opens it and shows Billy the diamonds contained within.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-11-01, 08:45 PM
Billy nods and sighs while waiting for the priest to return.

"We found them Hanar... strung up outside the druids house I believe... the orca... companion was... not unlike Stripes when we found him after the proffessors death."

He begins looking over the bodies... maybe he had missed something while actually carrying the bodies to town, and looks over the bodies, making sure they have been taken care of, not actually accosted.

[roll0] Perception

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-11-15, 10:20 PM
Were it not for Billy's years of combat the sight of the bodies would have been enough to turn his stomach. His experience would tell him that many of the injuries were inflicted in a torturous, or spiteful manner and some were even delivered post mortem. This was no mere killing. It was a message. Just as he finishes his inspection, the harbor bells begin ringing. First one, then another, until it became a cacophony of noise. Nothing melodic remaining, the bells clanged in a panicked frenzy.

Andrew Markham
2017-11-15, 10:44 PM
Hanar groans, clutching his head. "What is it, fishing hour?!? What is that noise?"

2017-11-15, 10:49 PM
Kamoru grimaced. "I think we need to hurry and revive our allies as quickly as possible. I have a feeling we're going to need them. I have a hunch that the fight is coming to us this time," she said grimly.

Niyolaku stood up quickly, growling, and looking towards the sound of the bells.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-11-16, 07:41 AM
Billy grimaces as he looks over the bodies, fingers tracing over every wound. He looks seems to ignore the sounds around him until hes done.

"This... was... aweful..."

His head seems to snap around as he finally hears the bells.

"That sounds like a panic'd alarm... PRIESTS! WE MAY NEED TO PUSH UP OUR TIME TABLE!"

2017-11-16, 12:37 PM
"I hear it too Niyolaku," Trelane looked towards where the sound of the bells were coming from, "They better hurry up in there. That sounds like trouble's coming." he fingered the hilts of his daggers, the tension of a possible battle with the Aboleth rising in him.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-11-16, 12:58 PM
Trelane looks towards the bells, but his view is blocked by the walls and buildings in the way.

Jonas scuttles back down the stairs followed by an older robed man. You may recognise him as one of the two that were kneeling by the alter earlier. Something is going on down by the docks. I don't know what but that's some alarm.

The older man holds out his hands standing at the heads of the tables. The Diamonds? He questions.

2017-11-16, 01:24 PM
"Niyolaku, if I'm not back soon, let the others know I went ahead to check and see what's going on. I haven't been the patient type before and I don't think I'm about to start." Trelane told the large wolf, patting it on the head. With that he rushed off towards where the bells were, wanting to see what trouble was in store for the small village.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-11-16, 01:36 PM
Trelane runs back down the road for about two minutes and turns left toward the shore. Another two minutes of running and he finds himself atop a grassy dune looking out to sea. (Roll perception)

2017-11-16, 01:45 PM
Kreak's ears twitch at the sound of the bells and he shoves his pistols back into their holsters as he jumps up. He runs quickly out of the inn and heads off toward the sound, a grin plastered on his face "Finally, some action. This is gonna be fun!"

2017-11-16, 02:04 PM
Alloishus held the bells too and dread began to set in. He looked for one of the nearest clergymen. "Why would they ring the bells so?" the Prince asked with concern.

2017-11-16, 07:20 PM
Trelane's eyes widened when he looked out at sea and saw not the Aboleth or pirates they were expecting, but a ship with the banner of the Solkari! "Not this! Not now! Crap!" He shouted to anyone within earshot. "Everyone arm yourselves and hide! I'll get help!" He rushed his way back to the church and warn his allies.

2017-11-16, 08:00 PM
Alloishus' eyes widened. His hand rested on the handle of the katana. "Trelane, what do your human eyes see?" he asked.

2017-11-16, 08:17 PM
Trelane was gasping for breath as he arrived. Looking at Alloishus he panted, "Solkari ship... rushing...to the docks... told everyone to hide...and find arms..."

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-11-16, 08:25 PM
Billy looks to Trelane as the news came in.

"Your highness. If you take the group towards the docks, Ill scout ahead and ensure they have reason to pause and wait for you. "

Shifting his stance Silver Ethereal wings spread from behind him as he pulls out his spear.

2017-11-16, 08:34 PM
Kamoru's brows lifted. "Well! That's not what I was expecting... Alright then, well, at least we have a somewhat better idea what we're dealing with there, and we don't have to hold back!" she exclaimed.
"Graaah!" Kamoru took a step to the side and shifted. Then she shook her head, and looked up.
"Can we get Osman and Kennit up and ready to help, now?" she asked.
(Transformation: claw attack, natural armor, dex)

Andrew Markham
2017-11-16, 08:56 PM
Hanar hands over the satchel of diamonds, then responds, "They will need one minute per raising, then they will need to be healed. I suggest the current crisis can not wait; Osman can catch up when he is alive again."

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-11-16, 11:25 PM
Panic, but at what I can't say. Jonas replied to Al before Trelane came tearing through the temple.

Yes, the ceremony takes some time, but with these diamonds I will be able to invite their essence back into their bodies and return them to health. If you are to leave, what word will you leave for me to pass on to these men? the older man spoke over the din of the bells.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-11-16, 11:46 PM
Billy looked to Hanar.

"Im taking to the sky, you are welcome to join me."

he looked to the prince.

"Join me when you can."

Billy took to leave, then upward over the buildings flying toward the Port. Spear in Hand.

Brandy... That augmentation you do would be wonderous

2017-11-17, 07:16 PM
Kamoru hesitated, ears drooping a bit. She sighed and raked her claws through her bangs.
"Tell them... we're sorry, and... if they feel up to it, they can join the fight. It sounds like it'll be taking place on or near the docks. And... we won't hold it against them if their hearts are not ready for battle again yet..." she said hesitantly, glancing at Trelane.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-11-17, 09:22 PM
Very Well. Do not rush blindly where shadows fall, when Pelor's light shines for us all. The old man replied as Billy trundled up the stairs before rushing out of the door and into the air.

Andrew Markham
2017-11-18, 12:41 PM
"An enemy vessel will be an excellent test of the effectiveness of certain fire spells...yes, I shall be right behind you, Master Robbins." Hanar follows Billy outside and casts Fly, soaring into the air behind Billy and scoping out the docks.

2017-11-21, 08:16 AM
"If you're worried about me, I'll be fine," Trelane reassured Kamoru, "Besides this town will need all the help it can get right now so count me in."

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-11-21, 12:18 PM
Trelane leads the group back to the spot on the beach where he spotted the ship, Billy and Hanar fly overhead and Kreak sees the group and joins with them in transit. Pelor stays behind to see to the resurrections.
Once everyone tops the dunes along the shore you see the docks about 300ft away. The ship has dropped sail and began to dock. About two dozen men offboard onto the dock.

2017-11-21, 01:18 PM
"What are the chances they would know agents of Goldenrod are here? Unless we make ourselves stand out, I don't think they will recognize us as such." Alloishus thought aloud.

He looked out to the docks to observe the ship and its occupants.


Vivian Perception

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-11-21, 02:25 PM
Billy Flies, wings outstretched towards the Townside edge of the dock and stands there, leaning on his spear, his wings tucked behind him. Lazily looking across the dock to the "Solkari" Boat, and its men. He takes a chance to see if they appear to be unloading cargo, or preparing for assault. He takes note of the type of boat, weither it seems to be a cargo ship, or a ship of war.

Perception [roll0]
Sense Motive [roll1]
Knowledge Engineering [roll2]

2017-11-21, 03:38 PM
Kamoru shook her head as she followed Trelane.
"No, I'm not worried about you. I'm worried about them," she said, one ear flicking back to point towards the temple.
"Niyolaku, come!" she said as they passed the wolf.

Niyolaku bounded to his feet and trailed Kamoru closely. When they got to the docks, he dropped down and belly-crawled, trying to be less tall and noticeable. (Stealth if needed: [roll0])

Once on the docks, Kamoru surveyed the area, frowning. She studied the ship and the people who disembarked, to verify they were really Solkari. Perception: [roll1]Local to ID humanoids: [roll2]
Planes to ID outsiders: [roll3]
Nature to ID animals, fey & monstrous humanoids: [roll4]
Size up for team vs team?: [roll5]Kamoru also tried to read their body language to see if they seemed to be expecting trouble. Sense motive: [roll6] Then she perused the area for places she, Niyolaku and Trelane could hide and ambush them if they wanted or needed to. Perception: [roll7]

"I'm not sure it matters if they know there are Goldenrod people here," she murmured to Al. "I doubt they would bother sending forces here just to fight a handful of scavengers. If they've come to spread their usual destruction, they won't care who's here."

2017-11-21, 05:50 PM
Kreak scurries down to the dock and joins everyone who is already down there "What all's going on here now?"

2017-11-22, 08:27 PM
"Oh Kreak. Welcome back," Trelane said, "Solkari ship just docked. Might be some serious trouble coming." Turning to their leader he asked, "Want me to try to move in and get a closer look?"

2017-11-22, 11:14 PM
Kamoru frowned and shook her head. "No, find a good place to ambush them if necessary. There's some crates stacked over there that could work," she said, pointing.
"These guys aren't here by accident or for trade, I don't think. They look pretty militant and organized. I bet they're looking for that sorceress and her guards," she whispered grimly.

2017-11-28, 09:16 PM
Trelane nodded, "I'm on it then. We won't let them win today!" he said with confidence and determination. He went over to the crates Kamoru pointed out and climbed them and hid to get a good vantage point as well as a good point for an ambush. He drew his daggers and waited.



2017-11-28, 10:50 PM
Alloishus followed the others, stealthfully.


Vivian whispered to Alloishus. "There are Duergars down below. If we do mean to start a fight, we would soon be overwhelmed by the dark dwarves." he informed in hushed tones.

Andrew Markham
2017-12-13, 10:02 PM
Billy hears Brandy's voice in his head, "No problem Billy!" Brandy casts Greater False Life on Billy, infusing him with more power. [roll0] temp HP

The two dozen Ifrits move to the edge of the dock. The three officers step forward and begin dividing them into even groups.

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/25542304_10156074327154319_3998896430198372940_o.j pg?oh=8b2ba42fac0c560fbf6194d764f89900&oe=5AC5638B

(At this time you may choose to ambush the troops or do nothing. If you speak above a whisper, the enemy will get a check to attempt to find you.)

2017-12-15, 12:25 AM
Kreak scurries over and hides in ambush with the others "Excellent. Ambush is always the best way to take an enemy"

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-12-19, 11:12 AM
Billy Looks over to Hanar.

"Would you kindly soften our opponents with an area spell? That, or Cut off their escape, Those seem to be a priority to me."

Billy Holds action to use a manuever - Standard action

2017-12-19, 11:25 AM
"Ambush is fine on the battlefield, but then we would be starting it. I don't think the town would appreciate that." Alloishus whispered.

Al [roll0]
Viv [roll1]

2017-12-19, 06:25 PM
Kamoru made a face. "Al. They're Solkari. We're at war with them. Because they marched an army across the land with a scorched earth policy. They started it before we even got involved!" she hissed in a low whisper. "Whatever they're doing here, it's not good. This city is supposed to be Goldenrod's ally, which makes them enemies of Solkar by default. They're most likely here looking for that sorceress we killed, but they could be here to destroy this city so Goldenrod can no longer benefit from their alliance. Or they might be hear in the guise of peace to deceive these people into breaking the alliance with Goldenrod. Anything they do here would help them in the war effort, and hurt us in the process!"

2017-12-19, 08:39 PM
Trelane took a look at the large number of enemies and how far away they were. He didn't want to separate himself from the others in a gambit to take only a few by surprise before something happened. It'd be different if he had the same boons as when they were underwater, but alas, the rogue thought it wise to wait for the enemy to come to them.

Andrew Markham
2017-12-19, 11:29 PM
"One moment, Master Robbins," Hanar whispers. He flies to the west, then slides into a rift, reappearing over the gate into town. He casts Wall of Force, making the only way the Solkari can leave the docks passing the party to their east.

The Solkari immediately draw weapons and begin looking around for the source. After a minute their leaders start them marching east.

2017-12-20, 01:35 PM
Kreak pulls out his pistols and loads them with his ammo "Let's figure something out soon, folks. They're coming this way!"

2017-12-20, 01:45 PM
"Trelane, can you sneak your eay through the boxes to get behind the advancing Solkari? Niyolaku, how are you at stalking?" Alloishus whispered.

2017-12-20, 01:54 PM
"The more we move around to try and get closer to them or around them, the more likely we are to be noticed," Kamoru pointed out. "We just need to wait at the openings between boxes and let them come to us." She moved 10' south to be in position to hit any Solkari who rounded the corner. It was one of the rare times she was glad she was so short; even shifted, she was shorter than the five by five crates.

Niyolaku ignored Al and stayed put, crouching, awaiting the appearance of an enemy. His hackles rose, and he almost vibrated with tension.

2017-12-20, 02:03 PM
"So we don't want to try to surround these guys on three sides, leaving them an escape route back to their ship? Okay. I can hold a charge then. Shall I have Vivian pass a message off to our airborne allies?" Alloishus asked in a whisper.

2017-12-20, 02:05 PM
"There's not enough of us to surround them," Kamoru pointed out, muzzle wrinkling. "The best we can hope for is to not get surrounded by them."

2017-12-20, 08:00 PM
Trelane shifted 5 feet north of his position, to be in a more ready spot to strike at any enemies that passed by, while attempting to stay hidden among the crates.


2017-12-21, 01:52 PM
"Good point. I concede." Alloishus whispered.