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2017-09-13, 05:07 PM
Which would be more evil?

2017-09-13, 05:09 PM
What? Your question is like asking "which is more evil, Law or Chaos?" It makes no sense.

2017-09-13, 05:10 PM
Which would be more evil?

There is no answer to that question. They're both equally evil, because they're both made up wholly of evilness and either law or chaos. The only real question you can ask is which one is better at being evil. That, I'll leave for the scholars.

2017-09-13, 06:36 PM
Daemons are the most, purest evil, of course. Demons and Devils are just playing at it.

2017-09-13, 06:52 PM
The only difference between both is the way they go around with things. They are equally evil but use different methods

2017-09-13, 06:53 PM
Daemons are the most, purest evil, of course. Demons and Devils are just playing at it.

By the rules, they are all literally made of evil so I assume this is based on personal preference as opposed to actual rules.

2017-09-13, 07:05 PM
The obvious and correct answer, as people are chiming in, is that they are equally evil. I'm gonna say, though, that it all depends on how your personal outlook on life is.

But daemons, yeah. I think it says a lot when demons and devils will ally with each other to fight them back.

2017-09-13, 07:09 PM
Daemons. Obviously.

They are made of 100% pure, unlaundered Evil, while Devils and Demons each contain between 33 and 50% de-corruption-agents in form of Law or Chaos.


2017-09-13, 07:39 PM
While this doesn't answer the OP if I was forced to I'd rather have dealings on the lawful side of things rather than the chaotic side of things. Who can you trust more? The Joker or Two Face? You already know (to some extent) exactly how Two Face is going to work. Good ****ing luck figuring out the Joker.

2017-09-13, 08:19 PM
In the original spirit of the thread: Devils; their evil is subtle. Demons less so; theirs is more violent. Daemonic evil I view as indiscriminate, sometimes willfully so.

2017-09-13, 08:20 PM
Yeah, the question being asked isn't the right one. Each kind of evil outsider is quite Evil. The real question should be which is the scariest type of evil. I'd put my bet on the Lawful ones. They are Evil with Purpose. Not purpose as in pure, unadulterated destruction. Purpose as in structured, methodical approach to subjugate all things to their own desires and power, enslaving all beings as their personal playthings.

2017-09-14, 12:50 AM
Yeah, the question being asked isn't the right one. Each kind of evil outsider is quite Evil. The real question should be which is the scariest type of evil. I'd put my bet on the Lawful ones. They are Evil with Purpose. Not purpose as in pure, unadulterated destruction. Purpose as in structured, methodical approach to subjugate all things to their own desires and power, enslaving all beings as their personal playthings.

There is a reason a finite number of Devils have fought an infinite number of demons to a standstill in the bloodwar. The devils wipe the floor with the demons, but the demons can never lose because they outnumber the devils a million to one(or more)

2017-09-14, 03:27 AM
Which would be more evil?

You're comparing apples with pears and asking which of the two is more fruity... They both are. Which one is tastier depends on the person tasting it. So too is it for the two types of evil. Probably for the lawful good paladin, chaotic evil is the worst. While for the chaotic good champion of freedom, a lawful evil dictatorship is worse.

2017-09-14, 05:01 PM
Which would you consider more evil, someone who rapes and pillages on a whim, or someone who intentionally subverts order and law to convince you to go willingly into damnation? They're both equally evil, it's just a matter of methodology. You could maybe make the argument that devils are the lesser of two evils since they prefer to allow mortals to succumb to evil or bind themselves of their own free will, and they're a little more invested in maintaining the general status quo of existence while demons want to burn everything to the ground, but it's mostly going to be semantics and personal preference if you're trying to create a pecking order of evil.

2017-09-14, 05:46 PM
You're comparing apples with pears and asking which of the two is more fruity... They both are. Which one is tastier depends on the person tasting it. So too is it for the two types of evil. Probably for the lawful good paladin, chaotic evil is the worst. While for the chaotic good champion of freedom, a lawful evil dictatorship is worse.

Probably not even. The paladin could see the chaotic evil creature as a wild, untamed evil that needs to be put down. It can't control itself. But a devil, a devil perverts both ideals he stands for, by using order and law in the pursuit of evil.

My point being, no matter what, what kind of evil is "the most evil" is highly subjective.

2017-09-14, 05:53 PM
If you believe in the Alignment Trapezoid model, LG is more Good than CG and LE is more evil than CE.

I, however, do not.

2017-09-15, 10:59 AM
If you believe in the Alignment Trapezoid model, LG is more Good than CG and LE is more evil than CE.

I, however, do not.

Wait, what? I knew of a widespread assumption that Lawful is more Good than Chaotic (due to how G/E were called Lawful and Chaotic before), but I've never heard of what you describe.

2017-09-15, 12:04 PM
If you believe in the Alignment Trapezoid model, LG is more Good than CG and LE is more evil than CE.

I, however, do not.

It could just be that there's no actually decent representation of lawful good but in my experience I've always viewed lawful good and lawful evil as almost an alignment horseshoe with each other as both curve inward towards each other at their extremes. At least, for most people's interpretation of what lawful good is. My own idea of lawful good is a bit more fast and loose.