View Full Version : [IC] Chaos Series - Good for Business Tourny

2017-09-14, 08:39 AM
This is the thread for players to spar against each other and try out their builds. Please be respectful of your fellow teammates and try to kill them with as much ferocity as you would attack an enemy. After all, you need to have the best killing machine possible.

Begin when ready.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-09-14, 11:55 AM
A man with blue skin, with a silver sheen walks in the mental arena. He wears a black suit and tie, white button up shirt and a guy faux mask. Looking around he understands the purpose of this place and expends mental energy to defend himself.
cast mage armor

Intiative (19) from Dice roller

2017-09-14, 12:56 PM
A tall blonde haired man with Pale white skin, reminiscent of living in a cold weather environment, enters the arena. He is wearing a KGB dress uniform and twirling what appears to be an ordinary cane. Nodding towards his masked opponent he asks from a distance he asks. "Are you ready Comrade?"

Init: [roll0]

2017-09-14, 01:55 PM
Player Two, Alexi Aldaan, wins initiative. Begin when ready.

2017-09-14, 03:00 PM
The blonde man attempts to disappear into the shadows​
Stealth [roll0]
He then pours a small vial of catalyst into one bullet spins the cylinder chambering the round takes aim and fires at Guy Fawkes.
using explosive missile

Roll to hit: [roll1]
Damage bullet [roll2]
Damage explosion fire [roll3]
Splash damage 16

Re-entering stealth [roll4]
using Rogues edge (stealth) 15 ranks the penalty for entering stealth after firing a shot is reduced to -10 then halved to -5

End turn

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-09-14, 03:23 PM
Anon grunts as the bullet pierces his defenses and explodes outward. He coughs beneath his mask. He shakes it off as it moves forward 15 feet, bringing his target to 15 away from him. his mask looking toward his target.

Subordinate Spell - 5 Phenric Points
Cast - Ego Whip V + Magic Missile.

Ego Whip V -
Ego Whip V (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/e/ego-whip/)
Save DC: 27
If you save, -10 to Wisdom for 1 Round.
If you Fail, -10 to Wisdom for 15 rounds, and Staggered for [roll0] Rounds

Magic Missile.
5 Missiles Unerringly fly to hit you dealing [roll1] Damage

((Expend 8 Phenric Points))
Quickened Mind Fog (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/mind-fog)
-5 to your Saving throw due to Ego Whip V
DC: 25 or you have -10 to all will saves for 30 minutes.

2017-09-14, 08:43 PM
The agent drops his gun takes a few steps closer to to the masked man he kneels in front of Anon with his hands behind his head.

"You have bested me comrade. This open field simulation does not work to my advantage. You may make the finishing blow"

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-09-14, 08:55 PM
Anon tilts his head for a moment, then nods. He reaches forward, and flicks his finger thumping his opponent betwix his eyes. Signalling his victory.

Will Save: DC 26
Mind Thrust (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/mind-thrust/)
[roll0] Damage
Save for Half
Fail, full damage Exhusted and Stunned for 1 round.

2017-09-14, 09:49 PM
The agent falls over then flashes out of existence. Respawning next to the left wall. He leans on the wall and yells over to Anon. "No worries comrade, I'm only here to observe the next round"

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-09-14, 09:54 PM
Anon looks to the wall and nods, allowing his fog to clear, reclaiming his beginning position. He shifts his stance as his body is reset to base. He rolls his neck as his mental powers are refilled and wounds healed.

Cast IronSkin (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/i/ironskin/)

His flesh turns metallic blue and takes on a solid appearance.

He awaits the next challenger

[roll0] Initiative

2017-09-15, 09:30 AM
Winner: Player One, Anon.

Waiting for Challenger...

Would you like to accept a CPU challenger?

Please select challenge level:

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-09-15, 09:43 AM
Anon tilts his head before before nodding. He begins to expend mental energy. Looking to his companion. He includes him.

Communal energy resist fire 30.
Communal protection from energy fire. (120 points)
Communal protection for arrows
Fly mass
Greater heroism self only
Haste all.

"Program. Commence. Open invitation. Accept all. Level. God mode. "

2017-09-15, 10:15 AM
Program initiated. God-mode selected. Loading enemies, please standby.

Loading... Program Wheatly loaded.
Loading... Program GLaDOS loaded.
Loading... Program Annihilator loaded.
Loading... Program Machine Soldier loaded.
Loading... Program Machine Soldier loaded.
Loading... Program Machine Soldier loaded.
Loading... Program Auto-turret loaded.
Loading... Program Auto-turret loaded.
Loading... Program Auto-turret loaded.
Loading... Program Laser Turret loaded.
Loading... Program Laser Turret loaded.
Loading... Program Laser Turret loaded.

God-mode loaded. New players accepted at any time. Safeties initiated. Begin when ready.

Wheatly [roll0]
GLaDOS [roll1]
Annihilator [roll2]
MS Green [roll3]
MS Purple [roll4]
MS Red [roll5]
AT Blue [roll6]
AT Yellow [roll7]
AT Grey [roll8]
LT Light blue [roll9]
LT Dark green [roll10]
LT Maroon [roll11]

2017-09-15, 12:52 PM
A tall man with paler than usual skin appears near the left wall in a casual three-piece suit and a cane in his hand, piercing gold eyes quickly looking around the room from the deadly machines to the other humanoids. Any other day of the week, he'd sit back and watch, but he was in need of practice. "Mind if join?" He asked as he approached the masked man, stepping up to his side.

Initiative (26) from Dice Roller
Knowledge (Tech) (22)from Dice Roller

2017-09-15, 02:27 PM
a tiefling with short horns and skin covered in burn scars appears in the room
"Greetings, all. Our foes shall fall"

Initiative (8) from Dice Roller

2017-09-15, 03:36 PM
Turn Order:
MS Purple
AT Blue
LT Maroon
MS Red
AT Yellow
LT Dark green
MS Green
LT Light blue
AT Grey

The white-bodied robot looks at each of you before choosing to attack Hetaze. The eye-like light settles on Hetaze and two rifles drop down from the ceiling.

"No one will blame you for giving up. In fact, quitting at this point is a perfectly reasonable response."

The rifles then fire.

Rifle 1 [roll0] dmg [roll1]
Rifle 2 [roll2] dmg [roll3]

2017-09-15, 06:35 PM
Ruxik smirked as the guns lowered from the ceiling, ignoring the mechanical voice as it taunted the new arrival, snapping the fingers on his right hand, retrieving the Silenced Barret Light Fifty that had been stored in the glove. Attempting to slip into the shadows, he quickly moved 5 feet to his left before lowering himself to the ground. Setting his cane down beside him, he took aim at GLADoS and fired a round.

Roll for stealth

Roll for Attack (Silenced Barrett Light Fifty .50cal)
Attack 39 (in DR thread) & Damage [roll1]

2017-09-15, 08:58 PM
The sniper's bullet ricochet's off GLaDOS's armor, making her narrow the single lit eye at the sniper.

"Well, someone doesn't want to wait their turn. Annihilate."

On cue, the gargantuan scorpion shudders and turns it's tail, pointing directly at Ruxik.

"Good-bye," says GLaDOS.

Plasma Lance: Reflex save DC 22. If successful, take half dmg.
dmg: [roll0]
Half fire, half electric.

The robot rotates several times in it's perch, then stops. "Here's an interesting story. You might like this. I almost got a job down here in Manufacturing. But, uh, guess who the foreman went with? Only an exact duplicate of himself. Nepotism. Ended up giving me the WORST possible job, tending to all the smelly humans."

Then two rifles dropped down from the ceiling.

"Smelly, smelly humans."

The rifles aim at Ruxik.
Arc rifle 1: vs touch ac [roll1] electric dmg [roll2]
Arc rifle 2: vs touch ac [roll3] electric dmg [roll4] confirmed crit in dice roller: actual dmg [36]

MS Purple
Five step forward.
Swings with longsword at Anon.
Attack: [roll5] dmg: [roll6]

AT Blue
Turret aims at Anon.
Attack (bullets): [roll7] dmg: [roll8]

LT Maroon
Turret aims at Hetaze.
Attack (laser): vs touch ac [roll9] fire dmg: [roll10]

MS Red
Shambles forward and attacks Hetaze with longsword.
Attack: [roll11] dmg: [roll12]

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-09-15, 09:30 PM
Immediate Action: Snake Stance

Anon shifts his stance to avoid the long sword. [roll0] Sense Motive. If higher than 26, Attack Avoided.

Anon moves 5 feet back and watches as Electricity is flying around. He calculates the current risks and assesses threats nearby. He looks the automaton before him up and down before shrugging as he unleashes mental energy before him. As he does he sacrifices a 6th level spell to grant himself +6 enchantment to Strength (2 phenric Points)

Force Punch (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/force-punch/)
[roll1] Touch
[roll2] Force Damage
DC 23 Fort Save or be thrown away up to 35 feet away or until a Wall. Enemies may step out of the way.

Quickened Communal Energy Resist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/r/resist-energy/) 30 (Electricity)

Anon moves first west to touch his cousin, the spell taking effect upon him, then moving east to touch the teifling sorceror as the spell now defends himself and his two allies against electricity.

"Gullible GlaDos, gaining gifts of guns and Guass. Greatly your gallant group galls against glad girth of our Gang. Godaweful Grim Gadgets"

2017-09-15, 09:49 PM
GLaDOS tilts her head one way, then the other.

"The symptoms most commonly produced by Enrichment Center testing are superstition, perceiving inanimate objects as alive, and hallucinations. You exhibit all. Terminate test subjects."

AT Yellow
Turns turret towards Ruxik.
Attack: [roll0] (bullets)
dmg: [roll1]

LT Dark green
Line of sight blocked. Turns toward Ruxik.
Attack: vs touch [roll2]
dmg: fire [roll3]

MS Green
Moves to trap Anon. Attacks Anon with longsword.
Attack: [roll4]
dmg: [roll5]

2017-09-15, 09:56 PM
Hetaze chuckles to himself at the pitiful attempts of the robots lazers and swords to harm him.
He shifts 10 feet toward the wall to his left, away from MS Red to get line of sight on the Annihilator before casting Disintegrate with the Annihilator as the target


[roll0] ray
Save DC: 26 Fortitude
If saved target takes [roll1] damage
if save is failed target takes [roll2] damage

2017-09-15, 10:13 PM
The gargantuan scorpion-like robot ticks it's head to the side, sways its tail, and clacks its claws. It does not appear affected by the ray. However, there is a shimmer around the scorpion as its force field falls away.

"We are throwing a party in honor of your tremendous success," GLaDOS says dryly.

LT Light Blue
Line of sight acquired. Turns towards Hetaze. Fires.
Attack vs touch: [roll0]
fire dmg: [roll1]

AT Grey
Turret turns towards Ruxik. Fires.
Attack (bullets): [roll2]
dmg: [roll3]

End round 1, begin round 2.

The white-shelled robot fixates on Anon.
"Assume the party escort submission position or you will miss the party."
Laser Rifle 1
Attack vs touch: [roll4]
fire dmg: [roll5]

Laser Rifle 2
Attack vs touch: [roll6]
fire dmg: [roll7]

2017-09-15, 10:55 PM
"Okay, that smarts..." He said with a grunt as he snapped his fingers, storing his rifle inside the glove once more and grabbing up his cane with one hand and unholstering his pistol with the other and standing up. "Need some cover, fast..." He murmured to himself as he glanced around the room, trying to find a location that might suit his needs.

casting spell like ability 'Shadow Step'

"Stick with the group now, worry about solo'ing later...."

2017-09-16, 04:19 PM
A light comes from GLaDOS's eye, like a scanner, and scan the nearest player, Anon.

"I have your brain scanned and permanently backed up in case something terrible happens to you, which it's just about to."

On cue, the rumbles forward at an alarming speed and slams Anon with his pincer claws.
Attack 1: [roll0]
dmg: [roll1] - Crit confirmed in dice roller, total of [34] dmg.
Attack 2: [roll2]
dmg: [roll3]

"Oh! Oh! Did it kill you? Oh, that would be amazing if it killed you."
Wheatley seems to move on a rail in the ceiling and re-positions himself before the arc rifles find the next target. He attacks Anon.
Rifle 1 vs touch: [roll4]
electric damage: [roll5]
Rifle 2 vs touch: [roll6]
electric damage: [roll7]

MS Purple
The machine soldier does not wait for Wheatley to be done; it charges and attacks Hetaze with his longsword.
Attack: [roll8]
dmg: [roll9]

AT Blue
Line of Fire blocked. Holding turn.

LT Maroon
Acquiring target. Target found. Laser fires at Hetaze.
Attack vs touch: [roll10]
fire damage: [roll11]

MS Red
Attacking previous target. Attacks Anon with his longsword.
Attack: [roll12]
dmg: [roll13]

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-09-16, 04:38 PM
Anon Grunts from beneath his mask as the first pincer strike cuts into him. He rolls to the left to attempt to avoid the second Pincer Strike.

[roll0] Sense Motive to dodge 2nd Pincer Attack.

Swift Action - Lay on Hands [roll1] Self Healing.

move Action - Fly back and around, above the Scorpion before hovering 25 feet above GlaDos.

Standard Action - Intensified Magic Missile at GlaDos [roll2] Force Damage

2017-09-16, 09:02 PM
Annihilator Attack of Opportunity against Anon.

Attack via scorpion tail: [roll0]
dmg: [roll1]

"You are kidding me," comes the computerized voice of GLaDOS. "Oh well. If you want my advice, you should just lie down in front of a rocket. It will be a lot less painful than what I'm about to do to you."

AT Yellow
Acquiring target. Target acquired. Firing. The turret attacks Ruxik.
Attack (bullets): [roll2]
dmg: [roll3]

LT Dark green
Acquiring target. Target acquired. Firing. The turret attacks Ruxik.
Attack vs touch: [roll4]
fire dmg: [roll5]

MS Green
Makes a five-foot step diagonal towards Ruxik. Attacks with longsword.
Attack: [roll6]
dmg: [roll7]

2017-09-16, 09:14 PM
Rushing to his allies side before it's too late, Hetaze uses his Staff of Cure Critical Wounds on Ruxik in order to insulate him from the next volley and give them a chance to get to cover

Use Magical Device (Staff of Cure Critical Wounds)

if activation is successful target heals [roll1] damage

2017-09-16, 09:36 PM
LT Light blue
Acquiring target. Target acquired. Firing. Turret attacks Hetaze.
Attack vs touch: [roll0]
fire damage: [roll1]

AT Grey*
Acquiring target. Turret turns. Target acquired. Turret attacks Anon from behind.
Attack (bullets): [roll2]
dmg: [roll3]

End of Round.

New turn order acquired.
MS Purple
AT Blue
LT Maroon
MS Red
AT Yellow
LT Dark green
MS Green
LT Light blue
AT Grey

2017-09-16, 10:19 PM
Alexi nods to his bruised comrades as he moves from his relaxed spectator stance into a more stealthy battle ready position. Before disappearing into the shadows.

Hide in plain sight
Stealth [roll0]

Full attack against ms green
Attack 1 [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2]

Damage 1 [roll3]
Sneak attack [roll4]

Rogues edge stealth: 15 Ranks If you attack after successfully using Stealth, your target is denied its Dexterity bonus against all attacks that you make before the end of your turn
Damage 2 [roll5]
Sneak attack [roll6]

Now visible again he takes a 5-foot step diagonally to the left placing the robot he just attacked between himself and the party.

"We shouldn't let ourselves be cornered comrades" he says with a slight slur to his speech.

2017-09-16, 10:34 PM

MS Green disappears in a shimmer of 0s and 1s. The white-bodied robot tilts her head and says, "I let you survive this long because I was curious about your behavior. Well, you've managed to destroy that part of me. Good-bye."

A large gun barrel drops down from the ceiling. The gun takes a moment to charge and discharges in a highly focused, incredibly powerful beam of high-frequency light. The laser bores holes through any creature or object it damages. (Beam is stopped if it cannot penetrate the hardness, fire resistance, or fire immunity of a barrier or creature)

(Single attack is compared to AC of all creatures in a line extending from the weapon to the max range which is 200ft.)
X-Laser beam attack vs touch: [roll0]
Fire dmg: [roll1]

2017-09-16, 11:13 PM
Ruxik gave an appreciative nod to ally that had healed him, his hand quickly reaching for the pistol holstered on his hip before drawing it and taking aim at the machine with the blue core. "That one seriously needs to shut up..."

Attack and Damage Rolls pulled from DR:

Crit confirmation roll for Attack/Damage 2 from DR:

2017-09-17, 09:31 AM
"Your entire life has been a mathematical error. A mathematical error I'm about to correct," taunts GLaDOS.

The annihilator rumbles as its pincer claws open, revealing chain gun barrels. A mechanical sound begins deep in the heart of the scorpion as it takes a five foot step back, before it starts to fire, laying down suppressing fire.
(Single attack against every target in a 100-ft cone: Alexi, Ruxik, Hetaze.)
Chain gun suppressing fire (bullets): [roll0]
dmg: [roll1]

"Am I being too vague? I despise you. I loathe you. You arrogant, smugly quiet, awful jumpsuited monster. You and your little rodent friends."
Wheatley's arc rifles aim and fire at Alexi.
1st Attack vs touch: [roll2]
electric dmg: [roll3]
2nd Attack vs touch: [roll4]
electric dmg: [roll5]

MS Purple
The longsword slides back into the machine soldier and a machine gun comes out of the other arm. It takes a five-foot step back in preparation.

2017-09-17, 10:33 AM
A small rodent enters the arena. "What going? Why!"

Confused by all of the chaos around him, he decides the most logical thing to do is to create some of his own, to try to balance out the situation.

Batah crouches down behind his pack Dire Rat and starts muttering "This'll sho dose jaddam mer meer"

Batah begins casting Mad Monkeys at the annihilator.

2017-09-17, 11:07 AM
"Oh good. More smelly primates," GLaDOS says dryly.

"More to kill!" Wheatley exclaims with glee.

AT Blue
Acquiring target. Target acquired. Firing. Fires on Alexi (now visible).
Attack (bullets): [roll0]
dmg: [roll1]

LT Maroon
Acquiring target. Target acquired. Firing. Fires on Batah.
Attack vs touch: [roll2]
fire dmg: [roll3]
Crit fail:
LT Maroon vs touch of MS Purple
attack: (1d20+9)[28] (hits)
dmg: (2d6)[5]

MS Purple reflex: DC 20 negates
(1d20+3)[11] (Fails)

MS Red
Takes 5-foot step back and switches to his machine gun. His sword retreats into his arm and the machine gun barrel reveals itself on his other arm.

"Huh. That wasn't supposed to happen," Wheatley says.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-09-17, 03:47 PM
Anon moves 5 feet right as he tilts his head at GlaDos.

"Suprizingly, Synthetic... your systematic sarcasm salivates a serious system slipping. "

He leans back to look at his associates dealing with the other robots.

"Sociopaths. Seperate. Seccession means Success!"

His attention focuses toward the one amongst them that holds the other half of HIS Map. He gestures with his fingers toward him to come closer.


Looking back over to GlaDos he balls his fist and expends Mental Energy. (2 Phrenric Points)

Cast Intensified Force Punch (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/force-punch/)

[roll0] Touch Attack
[roll1] Force Damage
Fort Save DC 23 or be thrown into back wall, taking [roll2] Damage

Swift Action - Lay on Hands

2017-09-17, 08:15 PM
With the force punch, GLaDOS was pushed back into the wall. She twisted in her rail and gave a computerized laugh, with a touch of sarcasm in her tone.

"Oh, that was fun. You are fun. You are a fun specimen." GLaDOS's eye narrowed then she laughed again. "That was a joke. You area joke. Hah. Hah. Haha. I am very funny. You should die now."

AT Yellow
Acquiring target. Target acquired. Firing. Turret fires at Alexi.
Attack (bullets): [roll0]
dmg: [roll1]

LT Dark green
Acquiring target. Target acquired. Firing. Turret fires at Alexi.
Attack vs touch: [roll2]
fire dmg:[roll3]

2017-09-17, 08:46 PM
Hetaze cringes in pain from the suppressing fire from the Annihilator

"Things are starting to get rough! I've had just about enough!!"

turning towards MS Purple he calls down Hellfire centered on its location

Hellfire (Infernal Bloodline Power):
10ft radius burst
Save DC: 28 Reflex (for 1/2 damage)
if save is failed target takes full [roll1] damage

2017-09-18, 03:04 PM
The Hellfire takes out MS Red, MS Purple, and LT Maroon.

"Wow. I am so impressed," GLaDOS intones. "Test complete. Terminating test subjects."

LT Light blue
Acquiring target. Target acquired. Firing. Turret fires on Hetaze.
Attack vs touch: [roll0]
fire dmg: [roll1]

AT Grey
Acquiring target. Target acquired. Firing. Turret fires on Hetaze.
Attack (bullets): [roll2]
dmg: [roll3]

End of round 3. Begin round 4.

2017-09-18, 04:11 PM
alexi grins showing a mouth full of gnarly blood covered teeth, "you heard her comrades, terminate the test subjects"

he pours a vial of faintly phosphorescent liquid down the barrel of his gun taking inspiration from hetaze he aims and fires a fiery explosive shot at AT Grey

attack: [roll0]
damage: Bullet (b&P) [roll1]
damage: explosion (fire) [roll2]
splash damage: 5 foot radius from target 16(fire) reflex DC25 for 1/2

now knowing that anon will be able to sense him once the time is right, alexi blends into the shadows once more and moves 30 ft closer to anon.

hide in plain sight+fast stealth

fast stealth allows me to move in stealth at full speed without penalty

stealth check [roll3]

2017-09-18, 08:26 PM
As the most recently destroyed turret disappears in a shimmer of 0s and 1s, GLaDOS tilts her head one way, then the other. "Oh. I suppose I should get serious now. Beginning neurotoxin cycle."

Activates vents in the ceiling and floor. A green and violet gas begins to seep into the room, starting at the corners. (see map)
(counts as "spell-like ability")

"Please breath deeply."

Advances like cloudkill, 10ft per round. Toxin: Dreaming Death.

2017-09-19, 04:10 PM
Ruxik grunted as he looked around the 'battlefield', grimacing as the gas slowly filled the corners of the room. This could south quickly if they didn't come together and act like a unit soon. "Alright! Listen up!" He shouted as he focused his attention to a new location along side the wall closest to the Annihlator, hopefully a decent enough mid-point for the group to hear him, and prolong his from suffering from the effects of the gas a while longer.

Using Combat Advice: All allies that can hear the advice and are targeting the designated enemy (GLaDOS) receive +2 competence bonus on their next attack roll.
Using Spell-Like Ability Shadow Step

"Our main concern should be the robot in the back with the dry humor! Try any kind of magic or tech you got that can get through it's shielding and bring it down now!"

2017-09-20, 06:10 PM
Takes 5-foot step. Swings hard at Ruxik.
Pincer claw 1: [roll0]
dmg: [roll1]
Pincer claw 2: [roll2]
dmg: [roll3]

"Ooooh I can't wait to see you splatter! Did you splatter yet? No? Maybe this will help."
Attacks Ruxik with arc rifles.
Attack vs touch: [roll4]
electric dmg: [roll5]
Attack vs touch: [roll6]
electric dmg: [roll7]

2017-09-20, 06:51 PM
"rrrg that smelly magic funk no gud for rats"
Batah moves to back center of room to avoid gas. While moving Batah feels the clinks under his toenails.
"What dis? room metal plates?" Batah looks up at annihilator
"shiney klinks, yesssss, shiney foul smell, met-al not good, not good for druids, no no no, not good for tree rats no"

Batah gains his footing and spreads his toes against the metal focusing on this center of the room where the annihilator is.

Batah attempts to cast "Transmute Metal to wood" focusing on center of room
Roll (5)+24 ={29} if pass 40ft / level = 600ft^2

Monkey swarm dmg on annihilator = (6)

2017-09-20, 07:56 PM
As the wood transmutation covers the entire room, Wheatley and GLaDOS look at each other, then to the druid.

"Well. This is new," Wheatley chirps. "I've never been wood before!"

"Suggest termination of test subject," GLaDOS replies.

AT Blue
A whirling sound as the now-wooden turret attempts to attack Batah.
misfire chance: [roll0] misfires on 4
Attack (wooden bullets): [roll1] (applied -2 for wood)
dmg: [roll2] (-2 for wood)



Spell Resistance
Spell resistance is a special defensive ability. If your spell is being resisted by a creature with spell resistance, you must make a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) at least equal to the creature’s spell resistance for the spell to affect that creature. The defender’s spell resistance is like an Armor Class against magical attacks. Include any adjustments to your caster level to this caster level check.

The spell resistance entry and the descriptive text of a spell description tell you whether spell resistance protects creatures from the spell. In many cases, spell resistance applies only when a resistant creature is targeted by the spell, not when a resistant creature encounters a spell that is already in place.

The terms “object” and “harmless” mean the same thing for spell resistance as they do for saving throws. A creature with spell resistance must voluntarily lower the resistance (a standard action) in order to be affected by such spells without forcing the caster to make a caster level check.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-09-20, 08:56 PM
Anon looks around and assesses the chaos that is going on. Seeing the gas as the most imminent threat, followed closely by the group druid. He holds up his hands to the eastern and western walls.

Cast Wall of force to Block the introduction of additional gas from the East.

Spend 8 phrenic Points, cast quickened wall of force to block the introduction of additional gas from the west.

He wags his finger in a taunting manner to GlaDos as he decends to the ground so that the assassin with a gun can see him. He turns toward him and beckons him with a finger to come to him.

2017-09-22, 08:21 AM
As the wall forms, it reaches and stretches hard - but doesn't quite reach the last two vents.

GLaDOS looks at the wall of force, then at Anon and gives a sarcastic laugh. "Hah. Hah. Hah. You are entertaining. You have ceased to be entertaining. Die now."

AT Yellow
Acquiring target. Target acquired. Firing. Fires on Anon.
misfire: [roll0] misfires on: 4
attack (bullets): [roll1]
dmg: [roll2]

LT Dark green
Acquiring target. Target acquired. Firing. Fires on Anon.
chance of overheating: [roll3] catches fire on: 2
attack vs touch: [roll4]
dmg: [roll5]

2017-09-22, 08:52 AM
Hetaze, wracked with the insatiable desire to burninate all of the things, yells,
"I'm done playing games!
Bathe in flames!"

Moving as though bowling, he casts Greater Flaming Sphere with the Annihilator as the target and moves 20 feet to his right.

Greater Flaming Sphere
DC save: 24 reflex
Stays stationary at target location until directed to move for 15 rounds
If unsaved: contact with creatures or players deals [roll1] and catches fire

2017-09-23, 12:47 PM
GLaDOS tilted her head, examining the fire spreading over the annihilator.

"Ah. That puts a wrench in things, doesn't it?"

LT Light Blue
Acquiring target. Acquiring. Acquiring. Target acquired. Firing. Attacks Anon.
chance of overheating: [roll0] catches fire on: 5
Attack vs Touch: [roll1]
fire dmg: [roll2]

End round 4. Begin round 5.

2017-09-23, 02:39 PM
Alexi​ contains a groan, as silently shakes his head at the now wooden arena. He looks at his wooden swordgun says "well now I'm fighting with a sharp stick"

He stabs at whatever weak spot he can find on LT GREEN.

ATTACK [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Sneak attack [roll2]

Then he moves back into the shadows and kneels next Anon.

Stealth [roll3]

2017-09-23, 04:31 PM
As the turret disappeared into a shimmer of 0s and 1s, GLaDOS easily followed Alexi's progress. The AI narrowed her one eye - and laughed.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Test subjects know nothing!"

GLaDOS took a five-foot "step" along the rail, then leveled the two rifle lasers at Anon. "Good-bye."

chance of catching fire: [roll0] catches fire on: 2
Attack vs touch: [roll1]
fire dmg: [roll2]

chance of catching fire: [roll3] catches fire on: 2
Attack vs touch: [roll4]
fire dmg: [roll5]

The first gun caught fire, but GLaDOS succeeded in detaching the gun before it caused her to catch fire.


In the far corner, the gas spreads.

2017-09-26, 09:30 PM
And low and behold, all that was metal was dull and wooden... Much to the surprise of the now groaning Ruxik. No point in trying to use the guns or sword at the moment, meaning the name of the game was to stay alive until he could find an opening. Now was probably his best, and last, chance to slip into the shadows to better prepare himself and avoid 'dying' prematurely...

Stealth Check

2017-09-28, 09:15 AM
"I am tired of these test subjects. They have no more use. Kill them," GLaDOS intones, her eye narrowing, then widening, then narrowing again.

The scorpion takes a step to the side, swings his tail, and fires directly at Batah.
Plasma Lance: Reflex save DC 22. If successful, take half dmg.
dmg: [roll0]
Half fire, half electric.
Annihilator is on fire, takes fire damage on his turn. Has chance to put out fire with reflex save, DC 15.
Reflex save: [roll1]
If unsuccessful, takes: [roll2] fire dmg

The robotic ball like thing twists as much as his now wooden body allows. "My oh my, what a quandary. I don't like this wooden existence. Much like your fleshy one. I should cure you of your suffering."
Attacks Hetaze.
Attack vs touch: [roll3]
electric dmg: [roll4]
Attack vs touch: [roll5]
electric dmg: [roll6]

2017-09-28, 10:03 AM
[roll0] + 6

“My meat body! I need dis! Don’t hurt my meaty meat… I will hurt you too!, We die together.”
Batah casts Fire Storm on the annihilator and backward towards Glados
Saving throw Reflex half
Two 10ft cubes per level = 300ft^2
When a fire storm spell is cast, the whole area is shot through with sheets of roaring flame. The raging flames do not harm natural vegetation, ground cover, or any plant creatures in the area that you wish to exclude from damage. Any other creature within the area takes 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 20d6). Creatures that fail their Reflex save catch on fire, taking 4d6 points of fire damage each round until the flames are extinguished. Extinguishing the flames is a full-round action that requires a DC 20 Reflex save.

2017-09-28, 10:05 AM
[roll0] firestorm

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-09-28, 01:20 PM
Anon looks behind him, looking directly at the hidden russian. He reaches out and touches him, expending Psychic Energy. Cast Greater Invisibility.

Anon looks back up to GlaDos. He points his finger and makes a motion of firing as 8 Bolts Fly out to strike at GlaDos.

[roll0] Damage to GlaDosSpend 2 Phenric Points, Intensified Quickened Magic Missile.

2017-10-03, 08:21 PM
Giggling in excitement as the entire room fills with flames, Hetaze uses a move action to send the Greater Flaming Sphere bounding along the floor to gain momentum before heading straight back at the annihilator

Greater Flaming Sphere
DC save: 24 Reflex
If save failed target takes [roll0] fire damage

He raises an arm slowly before casting Disintigrate at the annihilator

DC save: 26 Fortitude
If save failed target takes [roll2] damage

2017-10-04, 08:51 PM
The flames roared to life all around the wooden room.

LT Light Blue
Acquiring target. Target acquired. Fires at Anon.
Chance of catching fire: [roll0] catches on 1
Attack vs touch: [roll1]
Fire dmg: [roll2]

Critical fail. Dmg taken by turret.

End of round 5. Begin round 6.

2017-10-06, 05:58 PM
Alexi looks at the flames as a smile spreads across his face, he pulls a flask out of his bandolier takes a swig then pours in the catalyst from a separate vial.
He throws it at the feet of annihilator closest to light blue turret.

Attack bomb: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Splash 5 foot 17 fire
Reflex 25 for ½

He then brushes anons shoulder signaling that he is retreating as he slips back to the shadows and up the wall distancing himself from the inferno.

Stealth [roll2]

2017-10-13, 08:41 AM

"Wow. This was a triumph. I'm making a note here. Huge success. I cannot overstate my satisfaction."

Reflex: [roll0] (must meet or beat 15 without botching)

"One more experiment. How many holes can you withstand?"

She aims her remaining laser rifle at Anon.

Attk: [roll1]
Fire dmg: [roll2]

2017-10-15, 06:49 PM
It took all he had not to curse aloud as the flames quickly filled the room. Everything was already snowballing out of control, made evident by flaming machine before him now. Even if his weapons were all wooden, he had to try and take out at least one enemy, or harm them enough for the fire to do more damage, right? Taking aim at the Annihilator, he fires his Glock20.

Full attack w/Glock 20

Attack 1: [roll0] || [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2] || [roll3]

Attack 3: [roll4] || [roll5]

2017-10-15, 08:53 PM

Wheatley whislted and twirled in his rail, then zoomed forward, doing his best to put out the fire - but all he managed to do was spread it.
Fire dmg taken: [roll0]
Movement: 20 feet.

Aims arc rifles at Ruxik.

1: Attk vs touch: [roll1]
electricity dmg: [roll2]

2: Attk vs touch: [roll3]
electricity dmg: [roll4]


The giant scorpion let out a screetch as it burned, it's pincers lashing out at the closest thing - which happened to be Hetaze.
Fire dmg taken: [roll5]
Movement: five foot step forward.

Attacks Hetaze.

Claw 1: [roll6]
dmg: [roll7]

Claw 2: [roll8]
dmg: [roll9]

2017-10-16, 12:50 AM
Batah low to the ground notices the heat from the flames and smoke engulfing the area.
"Well then" he says "It seems the fye fye has done its job for now, or else my rittle lungs wont be of much use laters"

Batah raises his hands with a knowing look in his face. and tells the fire to obey his commands.


Batah Casts Quench (250ft)

2017-10-18, 04:25 PM
The flames in the room extinguish immediately, leaving only the remnants of their fires and the few fires that burned before.

GLaDOS remains on fire.
Wheatley remains on fire.
Annihilator remains on fire.
LT Light Blue smolders, but is not on fire.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-10-19, 10:35 AM
Anon looks around to assess the situation.

Primary Threat: GlaDOS, Wheatly, Annihilator.
Secondary threat: Turrets and Solider



Gas takes primary as if it is allowed to spread, will become the game ender.

Anon flies SW 5 feet before Flying to the Western Wall and then casts Wall of Force against the wall to block all remaining vents.

He extends his hand toward the Annihilator.
Quickened Magic Missile
[roll0] Force Damage to Annihilator

2017-10-23, 10:08 AM
****! I've been hit!
Hetaze quickly moves out of the way of the annihalator about 20ft toward his left and activates his healing staff on himself

Use Magical Device (Staff of Cure Critical Wounds)
Activation roll 30 (from dice roller)

if activation is successful target heals by 31 (from dice roller)

2017-10-30, 06:45 PM
LT light blue
Acquiring target. Acquiring target. Acquiring target. No target acquired. Waiting for target.

End of round 6. Begin round 7.

2017-11-01, 07:11 AM
With the gas and fire taken care of Alexi finds a new found faith in his business partners, and with majority of the turrets taken care of he moves his attention to glados.
"Here goes nothing" he sighs to himself as he fires 2 rounds from his revolver sniping at glados.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: bullet [roll1]
Sneak attack 1: [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage 2: [roll4]
Sneak attack 2 [roll5]

Then he recedes back into the shadows
(Rogues edge: stealth reduces sniping to -5. Greater invisibility +20 to stealth after moving)

Stealth: [roll6]

2017-11-01, 08:53 AM
The moment Alexi’s weapon splintered, GLaDOS let out a mechanical laugh. “So sad. You should just give up. No one will blame you.”

But then Alexi disappeared once more.

Aims her remaining laser rifle at Anon.
Attack vs touch: [roll0]
Fire dmg: [roll1]

Crit confirmed [48]. Total fire dmg: [51]