View Full Version : A D&D 5e character sheet made in Google Sheets

Whisper Knight
2017-09-14, 11:51 AM
(if this is in the wrong forum, I apologize, and ask for a mod to move it to the appropriate forum)

Hello! I've created a D&D 5e character sheet using Google Sheets!

Here it is! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Wppmx-zv4xuxdVKKVdM4MyvMAdrmPDfOXqRWvbQPKh8/edit?usp=sharing)

Here's an example of it. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16hWGbF5fFbx2dCuV4hyaFYvEXILddcSFtrS0XrT7KH4/edit?usp=sharing)

The reason I've done this is because, while there are plenty of good sheets out there, each one has something I don't like (i.e., being extremely slow because of a huge file size), have things I'm not too wild about (auto-fill traits and features, making custom and homebrew stuff a bit finicky), or are missing something I want (place to show all spellcasting info).

So, I've made a sheet that tries to fix that. It is auto-calc, but not auto-fill (as in, it'll calculate your mods, but won't add in Wizard features). This allows for easy homebrew stuff AND makes the sheet a heck of a lot faster.

One issue I'd imagine would be the spellbook being tedious to fill out. Of course, you don't NEED to, but it'd be good to have it at hand.

I think this sheet would work pretty well for IRL games where everyone has laptops (and the GM has access to all of the sheets) or maybe online games where you want to use a dice roller instead of auto-rolls. Though it might just be me who wants that...

I'm very open to criticism, as I'm not too certain about some things, and I've love to hear how I can improve it.

2018-08-11, 06:42 PM
Hi! I'm new here and to D&D, I really like your D&D 5e character sheet. I only have one complaint and that is the unnecessary amount of rows left behind.