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2017-09-15, 06:09 PM
It was a dark and stormy night, and Castle Brevis stood silhouetted against the sky as lightning flashed. Inside the castle, the noise of thunder could only barely be heard, as its walls and wards kept the throne room quite comfortably insulated.

Queen Anna addressed her daughters thus: “Summer has passed, and it is time for Aurora to go and explore this kingdom of ours. It is decided; you leave tomorrow morning, whether the storm cooperates or not.

“The choice is yours as to where to go first, however. We only ask that you check in daily using this magical stone, which, as you know, lets you send a note of one hundred and forty characters daily.”

Illia chimes in petulantly. “But Mom, can’t I go too? It’s no fair that she always gets to do stuff first.”

“Dear, you’ll get your chance soon. I wouldn’t want to have to worry about both of you at once. Besides, it is her duty to learn on this trip, not take a holiday.”

She gestures expansively at the others gathered in the Smaller Throne Room of George the Fifth. Its baroque maroon styling is dark but adds warmth to the room.

“As it is, Aurora, I am going to send your two guards with you, of course: Mister Veers, and the aptly-named Mister Firefist. I trust you to rely on Percival’s intuition, too, to keep you out of trouble. I don’t know why you insisted I let Foolish Farley join you, but your carriage did have the room, and goodness knows we had no great need for him here.” She shrugs, and her ermine collar appears to live briefly once more.

“So, where do you think you’ll go first?”

2017-09-16, 03:09 AM
"I insist because I believe he has skills that will in due course prove valuable." She wasn't normally this formal, even with her mother, but it was a unique occasion after all.

Aurora was a tall woman, six feet to the inch, and built in such a way that only a fool could mistake her for anything other then a woman, but by the same token only a fool could mistake her for anything other then physically very strong. She stood still, regal and formidable looking in formal attire, though she insisted on the sword and dagger at her waist. And standing still to try and hide, for the important occasion, what a klutz she could be. Assuming these things didn't ruin her appearance for one however she was fairly lovely too look at, blond in her hair, fair in her complexion and with a striking pair of violet eyes.

She nodded, at the actual question, however, indicating she had indeed. And she'd been thinking carefully on it for months now.

"After considerable though actually, I have taken to the idea that I wish to go to Montenegro first." She answered.

2017-09-16, 03:20 AM
Percival had been silent for much of the proceedings. As much as this was a formal occasion, he knew what the situation meant for the Queen. Her eldest daughter would be departing for some time and could face many dangers on the road. He felt confident her skilled retinue could deal with any threats, but still, the Queen had a right to worry, as a mother. He smiled slightly at Illia's inquiry. Youth truly did make one feel invincible. At the mention of Montenegro, however, he took more interest in the exact details of the conversation.

If it pleases Your Highness; The port is an important center of commerce and oft where many a foreign delegate and merchant disembark. It seems a wise choice to begin learning the lay of the land.

Normally, Percival would not be quite so formal either, but the presence of those outside the royal family demanded he show a bit more decorum.

2017-09-16, 09:04 AM
It was nice that everyone was coming together and talking, everyone might want some snacks maybe some drinks Farley thought teetering on his feet looking like he'd fall over at the slightest breeze. Farley tried looking around for where the kitchen might be when he heard his name called or well what everyone called him. The queen was talking about how castle Brevin didn't need him around he appreciated Mrs. Anna's honesty, he could always trust her to be honest with him she was a good lady, and he had to agree as much fun as he had cleaning the castle and maintaining the grounds there was more than enough staff to fill in for him and he didn't want them to think they weren't helping.

Than Mrs. Aurora spoke up she'd wanted him to come with her which was nice, he didn't like traveling alone and she seemed friendly and she was kind enough to say that his skills would be needed he wondered what she meant though. His gardening skills were pretty ok so he figured that she probably wanted him to come along to plant vegetables or something he was going to ask what kind they'd be planting when she decided they'd go to Montenegro he liked it there. The folks seemed to like someone willing to work the docks and the children of the street always referred to him as an easy Mark although he never understood why it would be easy to be called Mark. Then it struck him that he didn't know where Montenegro was, the smart money was that it was to the north the letter N being so close to M it made sense that they two would be close to each other but then again W upside down made M so perhaps it was to the west after much thought he reasoned that they split the difference and Montenegro was North-west. He checked above to see the stars to navigate and only saw the ceiling of castle Brevin and shrugged he couldn't see any stars so he was lost.

2017-09-16, 09:46 AM

Having not been to Montenegro before, Vettis stands silent. He's learned well how to stand at attention, motionless and not drawing attention, in his years in the military.

2017-09-16, 08:49 PM
She nodded, at the actual question, however, indicating she had indeed. And she'd been thinking carefully on it for months now.

"After considerable though actually, I have taken to the idea that I wish to go to Montenegro first." She answered.

"If it pleases Your Highness; The port is an important center of commerce and oft where many a foreign delegate and merchant disembark. It seems a wise choice to begin learning the lay of the land."

Normally, Percival would not be quite so formal either, but the presence of those outside the royal family demanded he show a bit more decorum.

"So it shall be done, then. Remember: you are not to advertise your status, or gain favor from it. If you did, of course,
they would be obligated to do whatever you might ask. It will be a more productive learning experience if you do not rely on that.

"Enjoy your last night in the comfort of the castle, then, for a while at least. Do you have everything you might need? The courtiers here are itching to be let in so as to bid you farewell in proper fashion - a party until the wee hours. They will understand if you must rest before your trip, though, and make your exit earlier in the night."

Indeed, you have noticed the guards at the end of the throne room have begun to accumulate a small crowd, which they are not letting through just yet, and on the other end, a few pairs of servants of the Temple of Sustenance have begun to prepare tables for a summoned feast. As usual, the first in each pair will magically create beautiful and healthy dishes, while their partner follows later, taking each guest's order and spicing their food exactly to taste. The Castle's chefs are the very best of the best. It looks like a dais on that end of the room has also been set up for a band to play on.

Illia adds, "I for one will miss you, sister. Many of the young men of the court will, too... I'll do my best to console them." She smiles at the jest - though from what you know of your sister, she's smiling because in truth, of course, she's as virtuous as they come.

2017-09-17, 08:32 AM

Dressed in his still fairly new set of fine clothes, Vettis looks at the impending party with ill-concealed distaste. Despite a few lessons, he still hasn't learned how to dance properly. An early exit is probably in order.

2017-09-17, 09:23 PM
Farley takes to the bustling crowd like a fish to water weave between the happy guests serving drinks and fetching food for folks. What was once a a lethargic young man has suddenly becomes a hurricane of motion as Farley does what he likes best.

2017-09-17, 10:10 PM
"I believe they can be spared a couple of hours, though I'll not be up late tonight. Wouldn't do to set out exhausted or hung over. " She stated to her mother. A though did cross her mind though, and she was quick to add voice to it before the festivity's could be commenced.

"Vettis, I feel it might be good for someone with some experience to please double check and make sure all of the groups belongings are properly packed for tomorrow? Papers, weapons, provisions, horses, armor clothing, anything else I might not have listed but we may want to make sure to have on hand? Would you tend to that?" She'd hoped he wouldn't take it too hard, but she felt he'd be well suited too it. And she knew he was terrible on the dance floor.

At her sisters comments, she smiled, and pulled her into a warm hug for a moment.

"Any who have a particular issue with that either have a particular fascination with knightly training, or a particular intent that is best left to being disappointed." She offered in response with a bit of a giggle.

2017-09-17, 10:43 PM
Percival "attends" the party, insomuch as he keeps mostly to the corners of the room, where he keeps an eye on the royalty and those who approach. More than once, he glares away a young man he remembers as too forward, but beyond that, he indulges in a modest amount of food and drink, exchanging conversation with those few who have served the castle long enough to see him as something of a stiff, though not wholly unpleasant, acquaintance. When she has a free moment, he speaks with Aurora.

I think you may have saved Vettis a bit of embarrassment, Your Highness. He still seems uncomfortable with the social obligations of his new title. You handled it well. A ghost of a smile flashes across his face Perhaps the court has had some influence on you yet.

2017-09-17, 10:50 PM
Farley makes sure that Percival doesn't go without a fine meal even if he does wish to be off to the side.

2017-09-17, 10:50 PM
"I should shudder to think." She jokes back to him, a small smile crossing her face as she did, taking one of the roasted duck dumplings being offered on plates by servants making rounds through the room.

"Still, if it spares him some hardship then that's a bonus I can't say I mind."

2017-09-18, 03:41 PM

A small smile of relief crosses Vettis' face, and he discreetly departs out a side door. After double-checking that everything is arranged, he will check the castle barracks to see if the beer is flowing at a similar party, before making a late return to the official function.

Of course, Vettis' ears will be open for anything of note.

2017-09-18, 03:51 PM
Vettis takes his leave, somewhat against traffic. He does indeed find things in order: a nondescript black carriage with two horses has been provisioned, and stablehands await word to bring it around in the morning. The storm outside has dampened spirits; no other party is going, though there is a card game going in one of the barracks among the soldiers happy to not be on-duty tonight.


As the nobles and servants enter the throne room, a small queue forms by the Princess - Lady Devon of Exeter among them. She is a tall elven woman, fair and graceful in an ornate blue gown. "So, it is time to bid adieu, Highness. I wish you safe travels. You simply must look me up when you arrive in Bradoth, so I can show you the manor." She clasps Aurora's hand and gives it a squeeze.


Sage Abingdon follows, quite the contrast as a shorter dwarf with a dark beard and simple red doublet. "I hear you've been neglecting your training in the ways of magic, Princess! I hope we have not intimidated you away from such a rewarding path of study," he chuckles. "Perhaps seeing all its practical uses out in the world will yet pique your curiosity." He bows.

Other persons of note mill about cheerfully, too, and the band starts up. A few of the guests seem to be expecting the princess to give a short address.

2017-09-18, 05:57 PM

Seeing that the storm has no sign of breaking, Vettis returns, knowing that any of the magically-skilled people who could predict the morrow's weather would probably be at the party.

2017-09-18, 06:56 PM
Percival watches the queue, noting the individuals who have lined up to bid the Princess luck on her journey. He nods politely to Lady Devon and Sage Abingdon, their presence in the castle having become routine. He shares a look with Abingdon at Devon's invitation, and politely excuses himself when he sees Vettis return. He approaches the younger man with a drink, offering him a less powerful beverage, knowing they leave early the next morning.

Something amiss? He seems curious, but unworried. The night had yet to prove disruptive and the time the Princess was set to retire was approaching.

2017-09-19, 11:08 PM
"It may be awhile before I get that far Lady Devon. I've a lot of stops to make and ground to cover, and no desire at all to rush the process. When I do get to Bradoth, and rest assured it's on the list, I will keep your offer firmly in mind." She responds, giving an entirely friendly and gentle squeeze of her own to the hand in turn.

"Less about fear, more about a seeming lack of aptitude for it. One often does best when one plays to there strengths rather then insisting on trying to make there weaknesses there primary selling point. Still, perhaps once I've had more time to see it in more scope. There are always possibility's after all." In truth she didn't think she'd ever take to magic, but she also knew she'd been wrong before. Still, she bowed back slightly to the Dwarf, enough to show respect but not enough to show subservience.

She allows a few songs to play, gives a few dances, has a decent dinner with a single glass of the wine, more for sake of appearance's then the wine itself, not that it was bad wine but she needed to not be hung over tomorrow.

And eventually she does take point and deliver a short address.

"Lords and lady's and councilmembers of the court, a moment of your time please?

I should like to thank you all for coming out tonight to bid me well and throw me a lovely celebration. Almost enough to make a young lady want to party the night away and reschedule her departure for the following day that she might do it again." Her smile and tone made it clear that was a jest, just a little something to break any tension. "More seriously, I should like to say that this is something new before me, and I fully look forward too it. Indeed, I embrace it! I expect to see and learn much of the wonders of our lands and there people, and it is my full hope that this, in it's due and proper time, will make me more fit to lead when fate decrees it my time.

Thank you all, and my the gods watch over you till my return."

A short address, simple, but heart felt. She'd retire after this for the evening assuming nothing of particularly special interest took place to catch her attention.

2017-09-19, 11:57 PM
After much time meeting new people Farley follows the princess out of the party and wishes her goodnight then sits down outside her door meditating.

2017-09-20, 07:57 AM
(before the speech)
Vettis responds quietly to Percival, "No, just hoping it doesn't keep raining tomorrow."

2017-09-20, 02:10 PM
Percival nods I think it might be better if it is. I don't want a repeat of Farley's introduction. A little inclement weather will help ensure a less conspicuous departure. Percival listens to Aurora's speech, nodding his approval. He had served the royal family for centuries, but each new generation he wondered if a ruler would come along who would not be worthy of the throne or his oath. It seemed Aurora had grown in to a responsible woman, prepared to take her duty seriously. When the princess retires for the evening, Percival makes his excuses and leaves quietly. He enters his quarters, focusing his psionic energy to give himself energy for the next day, and begins his four hour trance.

Not sure it will matter, but I'm spending a power point to use Repletion (Elan racial power). Perci won't need to eat or drink for the next 24 hours.He'll want to get as early a start as he can, so not needing breakfast can let him ensure everything is prepared while the others get ready.

2017-09-20, 07:44 PM
There is a heartfelt applause after the Princess' short speech, and Queen Anna gives her an approving nod. The party seems to pass without incident, and the Princess and her retinue retire for the evening, their obligations fulfilled and logistics seen to for the next day.


The storm has abated the following morning, having turned into a steady light rain, hardly enough to bother the horses. The Princess is awoken near dawn, and the group assembles in the courtyard to find their carriage all set to go. The driver is a sturdy human woman named Tina, and after she introduces herself, she adds, "At your service, Miss, just point me where you'd like to go. My apologies for the informality - I've been told I'm not to call you 'Highness' until we're back. What name should I give for you if folks ask?"

The coach has seating for four, with the driver and possibly someone 'riding shotgun' up top in front. You each have a small box up top, too, for storing your stuff in while on the road.

The journey to Montenegro will last about 4 days, traveling about 50 miles per day.

"Everybody set? Pile on in!"

2017-09-20, 09:11 PM
Farley arises early and makes his way to the master kitchen to prepare a hearty breakfast for everyone and packing their meals before making his way back to Aurora's bedroom door. When the sun rises and the time to head out begins Farley makes his way to the carriage. "Good morning, Miss Aurora your gardener is ready to work." Farley says happy to see everyone on a beautiful morning he hands out the meals he prepared and climbs atop the carriage.

2017-09-21, 01:27 AM
Percival makes use of his favorite hat, changing his appearance to that of an shorter, grey-bearded man. It wouldn't mean anything if someone recognized a friend of the royal family travelling with supposed nobodies. Someone might connect the dots. So when he arrived at the carriage, he appeared older than he ever would, as if, instead of a deadly spy, they were instead accompanied by an old hunter. He had, of coursed, discussed the necessity of disguise with the Princess (volunteering to take care of it himself, in fact) and was reasonably assured the others were new enough to the castle, no one inside would pay heed to their absence, nor would they likely be recognized outside of it. Still, he had advised they wear more common clothing and consider assumed names.

He regards Farley's cheery mood dryly and turns to Aurora It would be best if you chose a commoner's name. I'll be going by Donovan. He turns to the others Try to keep the new names in mind. A slip up could be costly.

2017-09-21, 01:30 AM
"Ooh are we picking nicknames? Miss Aurora could go with Sunflower since she has pretty blonde hair." Farley says looking over the side of the carriage.

2017-09-21, 04:38 PM

Vettis emerges the next morning dressed in traveling clothes, complete with an oilcloth overcloak to keep the rain off. He looks like a recently-retired NCO from the military - which, oddly enough, is exactly what he is. "I don't think I'm famous enough to need to change my name. Nobody'll look twice at an ex-military man who's obviously making some money with his blade."

2017-09-22, 01:44 AM
Aurora was of course up early, with full armor to set out in. She'd been itching for a chance to try it out. Breakfast was a quick affaire, and so it was not at all long before she was joined with the others.

"Dame Celest, at your service. I've been doing a bit of advanced scouting for a group of map makers running some updates for the privet library of my noble patron. The princess offered in return to the mention of needing a disguise. This way, no one would question her having courtly manners or seeming not to have gotten out much, or why she was far from home, she'd reasoned. And a Knights title meant she could still act with SOME authority if she felt it warranted, and it explained the weapons and armor going every where.

If the DM wishes I can roll for a name for a noble whom could reasonably have the money to explain all of this, and whom could also be not important enough for anyone to be worried about keeping much in the way of tabs on.

2017-09-22, 06:21 PM
"Pleasure to meet you, Dame Celest," Tina says sportingly.

The very first leg of the journey is across the River Thal, on Brevis' High Bridge. The large stone span covers a good mile of river, soaring over right at the point where it begins to widen into the large lake. Everything is grey this morning, of course, but the view out over the lake towards the city is still breathtaking. The hills rise up rather steeply and large brick buildings are built several stories tall, right up against the waterfront. Behind them, Castle Brevis is perched on the highest of the rocky hills, its huge white arched windows clean and sharp against its ornate green-and-gold walls.

It's something of a cross between: http://www.saint-petersburg.com/images/virtual-tour/hermitage3.jpg


Turning South to follow the Thal, the coach journeys without incident, and that evening you stop at a small town along the river, which exists mainly as a stopping point for travelers such as yourselves, it seems. There are several barges docked to take on blocks of tea and other crops grown in the surrounding area - some headed upriver, some down.

There are a few different inns to choose from: The Black Lion, The Old Man and Scythe, and The Waterman's Arms. Tina calls these out as you pass down the main street.

2017-09-22, 06:49 PM
Farley waits atop the carriage until it begins to move, he hops off and begins to run along side it. He does his best to keep pace with the carriage as they make their way along. Once they reach their stop he does some stretches before getting everyone's bags.

2017-09-22, 09:17 PM
As they pass each of the Inns, Vettis looks out the window, trying to gauge the quality of horse and patron at each of the 3 inns. An inn with ill-kept horses would likely indicate a den of gambling and heavy drinking, while quality stallions would indicate the presence of nobility, military officers, or the like.

"Someplace mid-grade in quality would be best - an inn that attracts honest merchants and moderately successful adventurers, instead of one filled with troublemakers or those who might recognize us, Dame Celeste."

Best guesses at appropriate skills:
Spot [roll0]
K: Local [roll1]
K: Nobility [roll2]

2017-09-22, 09:40 PM
Vettis has family here across the river, some southern cousins with a farm, so he's been this way before once or twice. He remembers staying at The Waterman's Arms, and it was full of passing bargemen. Rowdy, but didn't seem criminal.

Vettis doesn't get a good look at the others, though, or the horses they might have stabled, as dusk is settling in. The Black Lion sounds like a fancier name; Vettis seems to remember some of the common soldiers mentioning it before, though... or perhaps one that also had a "Lion" in the name? Hard to say. "Scythe" sounds like... farmers, maybe?

2017-09-23, 04:20 AM
Aurora took the scenery in, broad smile about her face as she did, both from the excitement, and form just being able to get out and actually SEE things for the first time.

Just outside of town, a though crosses Aurora's Mind, and she turns to Percival. "Before we arrive at town, Percival, you are going to be the actual map maker for the cover story's, right? I want to make sure we are ALL on the same page on that regard before anyone has a chance to question us."

As the topic of the Inn's comes up, she looks at Vettis. "I'm inclined to agree. Tina? You wouldn't know which of the three Inn's would fit that criteria best would you?"

2017-09-23, 02:40 PM
For most of the trip so far, Percival has taken on a more relaxed, resting posture than Vettis and Farley have ever witnessed before, not unlike a tired old man. When Aurora asks him about the map, his voice takes on a drawn out quality and an accent you haven't heard him affect before.

Yes, Ma'am, err.. Dame Celeste. I know a thing or two about maps. He gives a deep nod and rests his head on his chest.

2017-09-24, 05:04 PM
"Let's try the Old Man and Scythe, then," Tina offers. She circles back and pulls in front of a sturdily built inn with a couple single-horse carts parked beside it. Tina hops down and opens the door for you, then goes to see about stabling for the night.

Entering without fanfare, you find the place has a dinner crowd of about thirty, split between bar space and tables. The barkeep is a human woman of middle-age, but the patrons do seem to match the pub's name as advertised: mostly an older group of farmer-types, hardly rowdy, but in a good mood.

Davorlan offers to scope out the surroundings while there's still light, and ducks out.

The rooms are small, but they're singles, and you can each have your own if you like. Purchasing them seems straightforward enough.

But you should all make perception checks. :smallwink:

2017-09-24, 05:56 PM
Spot: [roll0]

Listen: [roll1]

2017-09-24, 06:03 PM

I totally forgot we combined spot and listen

2017-09-24, 08:28 PM
"Miss Celeste don't worry about giving me a room I will be more than comfortable waiting outside." Farley takes the luggage in and doles them out to everyone's room. He's swift to find a table for everyone and keeps his eye on the room, what seems like a sleepy young man is more like a bird of prey scanning the field for food; every loud noise, every hand passing by where a hidden knife could be.

2017-09-24, 10:15 PM
"Nonesense Farley, will likely be camping a lot on this trip. Enjoy a bed while you can get one." She offers, thinking his complaint, well, silly.

2017-09-24, 10:45 PM
"I wouldn't wish to impose miss celeste, the floor is more than comfortable, if you insist though then I shall comply." accustom to kindness it still made him blush when he received it.

2017-09-24, 11:10 PM

Combined? Missed that...Had 1 cross-class rank in both Spot & Listen, so now I have +2 total.
Perception [roll0]

2017-09-25, 12:04 AM
Percival shakes his head, hunching at their table, and mutters Just take the room, son. No point in any of us sleeping outside. And Dame Celeste can take care of 'erself, if that's yer problem.

2017-09-25, 12:14 AM
Well there ya go, J-H, you even beat Farley's.

Vettis and Farley have keen ears, that overhear a pair of men a couple tables down talking softly about the fancy-pants that just came in. Meaning... her Highness, presumably.

"I bet Ol' Glenn would be interested in this one"
"Yah, I'll mark the new arrival"
"Hm, she's got friends"
"Shh then."

They quiet and finish their beer. The second man gets up and heads towards door, not in any rush, and the other yells over to the barkeep for two more pints. A halfling in the corner perks up at the mention of pints, raising his eyebrows.


They're not dressed any differently than the other farmers, and neither seemed to be armed, though Vettis and Farley do notice that the man who got up has a few interesting-looking pouches on his belt.


The barkeep raises her own eyebrows at Farley's assertion that the floor is comfortable, but a room rented is a room rented, wherever he decides to try to sleep in it. "That'll be five chervAnnas," she tells Aurora, unaware that the woman's profile on the coins she wants is that of her customer's mother.

2017-09-25, 12:40 AM
"Miss Celeste would you be willing to share a room, I wouldn't feel bad about wasting a room on me and you can make sure I don't do something silly." Farley keeps an eye on the two gentlemen from beneath his hat. "Vettis I believe I've been here before but I'm not sure, when I visit somewhere I usually plant some seeds so if I come back I'll remember.Would you be willing to show me around?"

2017-09-25, 02:00 AM
"I'll consider it. While I consider it, Vettis, why don't you take Farley and see about those seeds he's talking about if you would please?" Aurora offers as she draws a few coins out. Leaving an extra one of a smaller denomination, if there was one, and the same if there wasn't, to the inn keeper. "Consider the extra coin an apology."

She is, of course, unaware of the whole matter, and herself a bit embarrassed at the display. Oh well, maybe he'd prove useful yet.

2017-09-25, 12:10 PM

Vettis rises and goes with Farley. "Certainly, I've visited the area before." He keeps his expression neutral, but his eyes dart around, looking for anyone else out of place. They head out the front door, and he looks to see if the man who left is in sight - if so, he will follow the man.

"Good thinking."

Vettis' shield is stowed with the baggage in the wagon, since they haven't gone upstairs, but his chain shirt heavy under his traveling cloak, and of course his rapier is with him.

Perception again [roll0] if needed
Bluff if needed [roll1]

2017-09-25, 01:00 PM
"Thinking?" Farley looks to Vettis confused as they follow them, he blends into the crowd somehow but can't seem to keep track of them.

2017-09-25, 01:23 PM
Percival turns to Aurora, straightening slightly Alright, Dame Celeste, we've a mind to where we're headed, but do you have an idea of what you'll do when we arrive? It's a big place, so I hear, with lots to do and see. All sorts of characters in a port town. Though he speaks in the same casual tone he adopted since their departure, his eyes make it clear it's a serious question.

2017-09-25, 10:16 PM
"I'd been thinking in terms of just getting the lay of the land. Poke around abit, see what I learn and what comes of it for this leg. Did you happen to have a suggestion in particular, because if so I'd be perfectly interested in hearing what it is Donovan." She responds chipperly.

2017-09-26, 11:46 AM
The man outside ducks around the corner, heading around back without attempting to hide. He makes note of where Tina and the coach are parked while the horses are being unhitched and tended to by a young man. A set of stalls runs along the back wall of the inn, and a couple other travelers' horses are lazily poking their heads out to eat their dinner.

"Evenin', Eddie," the man says to the stable hand.

"Hey, Mr. S." The boy says respectfully.

"Just out to check on Rosie," Mr. S. informs the young man. He walks over to the stalls and rubs the nose of a dun horse for a bit. He glances around, taking in the courtyard scene in its rural glory: hay spread around the muddy yard, hay piled near the horses' stalls, hay thatching the outbuilding roofs, etc.

Tina doesn't seem to pay him much attention - she's up top on the coach, starting to get the luggage unstrapped and sorted.

2017-09-26, 03:00 PM
Farley follows the man into the stable beaming his happy smile,"Salutations my name is Farley Modell Wun, what is your name?" Farley bows first before extending a hand as he had been taught to do around folks who don't bow back.

2017-09-26, 03:20 PM
"You're new here, eh? I suppose Eddie's the one you want, he's seeing to the horses. I'm Jake Smith. Where you hail from, Mister..." The man shakes hands with Farley, and starts. "Around here, we let go after a while, you know."

2017-09-26, 03:33 PM
"Thank you for your kind advice but I'm afraid I need to ask you some questions, are you comfortable in your current line of work? Or did you choose this path out of neccesity?" Farley maintains eye contact along with a pleasant smile. His legs slowly sliding into a stance preparing without trying to treat Eddie like a threat.

2017-09-26, 03:54 PM
"I think you have the wrong man, Sir. I've done nothing to you, and owe you nothing. Let go."

Mr. Smith is a working man and if anything, has an inch of height on Farley, if not another 50 lbs, too. He seems caught-off-guard by Farley's forthright approach, and genuinely confused by the question about his profession.

Tina calls down, "Farley! What are you doing?"

Mr. Smith resists Farley's grip, and tries to pull his hand free.

2017-09-26, 04:02 PM
Farley looks up to him a bit confused, "No I'm pretty sure it's you but life can be confusing. You were talking about how Mr. Glenn would like Miss Celeste, I'm not certain for what though Sir. his face stays happy without a hint of threat at the imposing man standing in front of him.

2017-09-26, 04:22 PM
The man laughs when he finds he can't pull his hand free. It's not the nicest of laughs, but he does appear amused. "Come to think of it, Ol' Glenn might not like you folks after all," he says. "Far too presumptuous. You know 'im, then?"

2017-09-26, 04:25 PM
"When you travel as much as I do you meet lots of people, I might know him perhaps you can introduce me or reintroduce me." Farley says happy that he's having such a lovely conversation with such a nice man.

2017-09-26, 04:43 PM
"An introduction? Well, isn't that a coincidence. I was thinking of arranging just that. You're headed to Montenegro, right? You won't get far there if you don't know the right people. But I think I've changed my mind. Or I will, if you don't cut this out." He glances down again at their locked hands.

Talking's a free action and all, but I think I'll pause to let Vettis weigh in if he wants before we take too many more other actions.

Tina hops down from the coach and takes a couple steps towards the pair, unsure how to help or whether help is needed. "Foolish Wun, is everything okay?"

Eddie has just been standing still next to one of the coach's horses, stopped mid-brush-stroke in surprise at the unexpected encounter.

2017-09-26, 09:47 PM
"I'd been thinking in terms of just getting the lay of the land. Poke around abit, see what I learn and what comes of it for this leg. Did you happen to have a suggestion in particular, because if so I'd be perfectly interested in hearing what it is Donovan." She responds chipperly.

Two things to know about Montenegro. He holds his hand up and brings his fingers up as he counts them The guilds run everything and have a hand in every pie, even those the Crown and more savory folk wouldn't approve of.
Some of them could be legitimate businesses, but its hard to tell. Still, most guild members are uninvolved with that side of things. Two, the docks are the poorest section of town, by worker. They won't like flashy knights and many may have an eye for your coin purse.

2017-09-26, 10:38 PM
She took in what the spymaster said, considering it for a moment. "I don't suppose introducing myself as a heavily armed mercenary who's already in a rather binding contract would help on that end of things?" She questions in relation to the latter point.

2017-09-26, 11:37 PM

Vettis steps up close behind Farley. "As he says, we just want to make sure everyone gets along."

He tilts his head and narrows his eyes; his traveling clothes shift slightly, exposing a bit of his armor, slightly reflective in the torchlight. "You remind me of a quartermaster we had one time... did you by chance have a brother who skimmed on the food budget? He sent moldy bread and old meat to the front and pocketed the difference. The orcs have some good scouts, much better than any softie who's never seen war would believe. Why, they snuck right into the fort one night and slit his throat without anyone reporting a thing."

"No, that wasn't your brother? Cousin maybe? Point being, bad things just tend to happen to people who do bad things. We're all good people here, right?"

Intimidate [roll0]

2017-09-27, 12:35 AM

Vettis steps up close behind Farley. "As he says, we just want to make sure everyone gets along.

Point being, bad things just tend to happen to people who do bad things. We're all good people here, right?"

"Look, fine, you're obviously smarter than you look. I wasn't up to anything bad, I swear. I'm just the messenger, like." He shrugs. "You go in without a sign, you're fair game.

"Your wild man here has a good grip, but he's not subtle. I bet you take out quite a few of Red's crew before she gets to you, ha."

The stable-hand Eddie's surprise turns to a frown. "Aw, Mr. S., you're a soldier? I didn't think..." he says, disappointedly.

"No, Eddie, it's nothing like that. They got nothing on me - it ain't how Ol' Glenn works, anyhow - his people aren't crooks."

2017-09-27, 02:49 PM
"You never really answered my question though." Farley says "But I understand, conversations are really hard for me as well."

2017-09-27, 05:20 PM
"You never really answered my question though." Farley says "But I understand, conversations are really hard for me as well."

"Am I comfortable, you mean? I do honest work - what do you do? The only thing making me uncomfortable is your insistence on not letting go of my hand."

2017-09-27, 05:41 PM
"Hmm oh? I mostly practice breaking rocks with my bare hands but I'm pretty close to mastering it so I've been working on going through iron and steel, the other day I punched through a portcullis ." Farley smiles brightly happy that someone has taken interest in his humdrum life. "Well if mysteriously marking women down in a bar makes you happy and it's honest work then I'm happy you've found a field of work you're excelling in." Farley finally releases his grip.

2017-09-28, 11:26 PM
She took in what the spymaster said, considering it for a moment. "I don't suppose introducing myself as a heavily armed mercenary who's already in a rather binding contract would help on that end of things?" She questions in relation to the latter point.

Percival's grins, displaying his current guise lacks several teeth It'll at least deter the pickpockets... He turns to the door Where have those two gone off too?

2017-09-29, 12:46 AM
"Knowing Farley, looking at every green thing in town limits to figure out if he's ever been around before." She quips with a bemused tone.

2017-09-29, 01:29 AM
"So I can go, then?" the man asks Farley. "I'd been planning on a quiet evening 'til you lot showed up, and I've tried to be helpful, but if you don't want my help I'm happy to leave you alone. I dunno. You sure your Lady wants to go into the city without a contact?"

Eddie still looks a bit disappointed in him.

Tina, seeing Farley release his grip, also relaxes, and turns to finish unloading the coach.


The man who stayed behind with the beers seems anxious about Vettis and Farley's departure, but he's hiding it pretty well, just bouncing his leg a bit and looking back at the door occasionally. He hasn't been looking over at Donovan or Dame Celest, but he's close enough to probably have heard you talking.

No cannon or muskets in this setting - they've been able to do a lot with magic. Magic lights are common, magic communication is only slightly less so, and the army has been recruiting casters very preferentially: you may have seen some units with limited flight and stealth capability, even.

2017-09-30, 02:10 PM
"Yes of course you can go, just think about what I asked. If what you do makes you happy because if you don't ask those questions no one will." Farley goes to Tina and grabs the bags for her and heads back in.

2017-10-02, 01:30 AM
Let me know if this is presuming to much, but I figure we want to keep the ball rolling

As time passes, Percival begins to notice the other man in the bar, who has started to squirm and steal the odd glance at Aurora. Percival indicates he needs a moment to the princess and pointedly turns and walk directly towards the man, before sitting across from him and offering and friendly smile and a hand You seem a bit nervous, friend. I can tell you, Dame Celeste doesn't bite, but she is a bit busy. Something we can help you with? He keeps his hand extended, even if the other man doesn't take it immediately.

2017-10-02, 09:32 PM
The man replies to Percival, "No, Sir, have a good evenin', Sir, but I best be on my way." He nods to the barkeep on the way out and says, "I'll settle my tab t'morrow, Bess." She seems not to think much of that, but doesn't object.

He comes around the corner and stops when he sees Mr. Smith talking to Vettis and Farley. Mr. Smith says, "Hey Joe - me and the gents are just done here, let's be off. I'll fill ya in later." They depart, if no one of the others has anything further. Mr. S. shakes his head as they go, saying again softly, "Well, they won't last long in the city."


The night passes uneventfully, and the next day is clear, if still a bit muddy underfoot. You set off, with Tina and the horses well-rested, and as the morning wears on, you enter a more wooded part of the countryside, and leave the river behind as it twists away.

The road begins to twist and turn, too, as you head into the foothills. You hear birds singing and wind rustling through the autumn leaves.

Tina suggests stopping for lunch, and you do so, but as you do, you notice some large footprints in the mud by the side of the road...

2017-10-03, 12:41 AM
Though it takes a moment Farley catches up with the wagon, he stretches touch his toes to his head and then gets to work. Laying out a blanket he begins whipping up a small meal. He seems to be paying no attention to the tracks as he makes everyone except himself, he pulls an apple out from under his hat and offers it to the horses saving the seeds for himself.

He takes a few steps off the road and flicks the core into the air and in a flash he buries his arm elbow deep into the earth and catches the core gently places it in the earth before sitting atop the mound of earth.

2017-10-03, 02:16 AM
[roll0] Survival check. Let's see what happens.

2017-10-03, 10:58 AM
Aurora notes the prints don't look human, and don't match the horses. They are kinda indistinct, like the whatever-it-is shuffles rather than taking long strides. The prints are pretty fresh; the ditch is still wet from yesterday's rains.

Tina thinks it might be a bear, but figures if so, it'd probably be asleep during the day. As you're looking around, though, you also notice a waterskin on the ground about 10' off the side of the road. Its strap is broken.

2017-10-03, 10:23 PM
"Uuuuummmmmmmm, this might be inexperience talking, buuuuuuut, is that normal?" She says, indicating the water skin.

2017-10-04, 12:04 AM
It takes a moment but his interest brings him to the group and the fallen waterskin, he pauses for a moment then rushes towards the tracks.

Using the run action to quadruple my speed.

2017-10-04, 01:21 AM
It's not normal to leave your water behind, no, but it could be nothing to us. Unfortunate things happen all the time. As he says this, however, he unslings his bow and begins closely examining their surroundings, placing himself between Aurora and whatever seems to be the most obvious hiding spot for a large wild animal.


2017-10-04, 01:27 AM
Seeing the bow come out, Aurora draws her sword in a slow, smooth, practiced motion.

"Perhaps, but if the roads aren't safe doesn't that hurt trade or something? Gives me a solid reason to care even if I wasn't worried about people in general, and I am. "

2017-10-04, 02:01 AM
Percival perceives that the tracks, while less deep away from the muddy ditch, do continue along the road for a short ways in the direction you were already traveling, but curve off to the right into the woods after about 50' (15 meters). Unfortunately, Farley did not notice the turn in time, and is quite a ways past that point along the side of the road, running at top speed and bounding over two fallen logs effortlessly.

Where the tracks turn into the forest, there seems to be a slightly-worn trail, though whether by humans, deer, or what, you are not sure. The trail heads up a slight ridge. There isn't a lot of underbrush among the oak leaves but the ground is hilly, with small creeks having worn gullies down from the ridge, and there are several large rocky outcroppings that keep these from just being smooth rolling hills.

The breeze abates and the forest is quiet for a moment.

Tina volunteers, "I'll... I'll stay with the coach, I suppose? For when Foolish Wun comes back, at least." She has noticed the others arming themselves, and draws her own small crossbow.

2017-10-04, 02:06 AM
Percival nods. I would get to the top. It will give you a better vantage point, assuming we miss... this He gestures to the tracks, then turns to Vettis and the princess. I suggest we wait for Farley where the tracks turn. If our plan is to find the beast, we'll need as many good arms as we can get. He walks over to and picks up the waterskin On the fortunate chance whoever this belongs to is still alive, they might be thankful for a drink. He follows Aurora.

2017-10-04, 02:28 AM
"Agreed." Aurora offers.

"Tina, if this should go badly, I am ordering you to get yourself to safety if at all possible. Will work out the rest of it for better or worse." She knew the woman wasn't a proper warrior, and she knew better then to try to force her to be one right now at least.

She get's to the point Percival had indicated, her sword held in a low guard with both hands that would allow her bring it up fast to deflect or to thrust into a charging foe quickly.

Entering Marital Spirit Stance. Readying an action to move if a ranged attack/charge or spell comes her way, or to attack if an enemy simply try's to close and attack with out a charge.

2017-10-04, 02:47 AM
Tina nods, and climbs up onto the coach again, and looks around alertly.

Tina's probably got about as much experience as Aurora, if a bit less bling and training. Aurora's orders are understood, but you recall that the Queen had also asked Tina to keep you safe, too, which might be a dilemma for her.

As you head into the forest, let me know the order you proceed along the path. Why? No particular reason.

2017-10-04, 03:08 AM
Aurora will be in the middle of the group I'd assume.

As for Tina, right, but I'm getting myself into this, no reason she should get killed because I choose to bite off more then I could actually chew.

I'll have to remember to have Aurora write her a note to give to the queen if that does happen though.

2017-10-04, 10:00 AM
Farley realizes he's lost and takes to tge nearest tree and looks around.

Climb [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2017-10-04, 10:40 AM
Farley climbs up the nearest tree, but the leaves are thicker up top, so visibility is actually slightly worse than at ground level. Poking his head up above the very top of the canopy may be difficult, since the top of the tree is basically just oak twigs.

He does notice some claw marks on the trunk and lower branches, though.

2017-10-04, 11:23 AM
Concerned about the claw marks begins following them.

Perception [roll0]

2017-10-04, 11:33 AM
The claw marks don't really lead anywhere besides where you already are: up in the tree.

2017-10-04, 03:47 PM
Farley struggles to find any signs of where anything could be, the beast, the one in trouble, the others or the road. The weight of how lost he is beginning to crush him.

Without options he tries to find his way back while keeping his eyes open for clues.

Perception [roll0]

2017-10-04, 04:53 PM
Farley finds his way back towards the group easily enough - the benefit of running in a straight line away. He notices a few other trees with claw-marks on the trunk as he walks.

He's just about to the trailhead, about 40' away from the others, still, when a huge brown bear drops onto him with a swoosh and thud.

Time for everyone to roll initiative! I guess it thought Farley looked like an easier catch after he'd slowed down.

The "swoosh" is due to the bear's... feathers? Another odd thing about it is how the bear is pecking at Farley with its... beak?

Farley is hit for [roll0] piercing/slashing damage and is grabbed and Held by the Drop-Owlbear's claws.

Farley should make a Dex or Str check to remain on his feet, otherwise it may have knocked him down as well. For reference, the Drop-Owlbear is a Large Magical Creature.

For setting: The road is about 15' across, with a 5' ditch along both sides, and it gently curves through the oak forest. The tree trunks are about 30' apart and there are scattered smaller bushes and plants, with lots of dry leaves underfoot. The bear, trees, and leaves are uniform shades of brown, and blend together well. The coach is on the road, the party is on the other side of the ditch, about 50' ahead by the trail, and Farley and the Drop-Owlbear are about 40' further.

2017-10-04, 09:53 PM
Farley feels the holes in his robe, he sighs and lets it slide off his shoulders.His body is layered with muscle from years of training his arms are covered in seven blue bands. "Go there is someone in trouble and it is not me."

2017-10-06, 09:33 PM
Farley is barely phased by the sudden bear hug. He ducks, it falls forward, and Farley somersaults behind it, straight between its legs.

Vettis charges towards it, and slashes it mightily. The Drop-Owlbear roars in annoyance.

I don't think Farley has time to both escape the grapple (standard action) and total defense (another standard). Let me know. Doomboy, feel free to elaborate on the IC actions yourself, too, of course. Farley's ahead of Vettis based on higher Dex mod.

Percival and Aurora can describe their turns - and yeah, the ground between you and it is charge-able.

2017-10-06, 10:16 PM
Percival steps roughly ten feet closer to the monster, drawing and readying an arrow as he does. He aims, inhales, lets half the breath out, and fires, the arrow streaking through the air towards his target. It streaks past the beast, flying just past it into the woods. Damn. he mutters.

2017-10-07, 07:04 AM
Aurora got the widest grin on her face, and brough her sword up. She muttered under her breath. "Lend a hand." As she shifted into her stance, and then, Charged forward at the creature.

"HAVE AT YOU!!!!!!!!" She bellowed at the top of her lungs, even as from a segment in the armor, a small, wooden arm popped out, and cracked a thin little whip at the creature to make it bob it's head from reflex.

It was, however, still able to step to the side, and let the princess's blow find nothing but empty air. And her out of full guard but managing a partial recovery.

-2 to AC, AC is now 18 till start of next turn, for charging.

+2 temp hit points granted from using Stone Power 1 on the attack.

Entered Marital Spirit Stance for my swift action.



1: Crusaders Strike 2: Douse the Flames 3: Stone Bones 4: Vanguard Strike 5: Leading the Attack.

Rolls are for granted maneuvers. If I have a repeat I'll have to roll for the second granted maneuver again.

2017-10-10, 05:53 PM
The drop-owlbear growl-caws, and attempts to divide its attacks among the foes surrounding it. It swipes its claws at Vettis and Aurora, and then turns its head (as owls do, you may remember) and bites at Farley.

Vettis: [roll0]
Aurora: [roll1]
Farley: [roll2]
I'll sort out Farley's redirection and damage in the OOC.

From off in the forest, you hear a second caw. It's still a little ways away.

2017-10-11, 12:24 AM
The creature goes to bite at Farley, he exhales and extends his hand looking like he just tapped the creature before knocking it off it's feet.

2017-10-11, 12:28 AM
Farley's unwashed odor and deft maneuvering put the drop-owlbear off balance when it turns to attack him. It hurks and coughs and a large sticky chunk of capybara-hair and bones hits Farley square in the chest. Then the creature drops to the ground, dry-heaving a few more times.

The party may act again (you don't need to keep to a strict order unless you think it'd be advantageous for Farley/Vettis to stay going first).

2017-10-11, 12:55 AM
Not good!

"AH!!!!" The princess called in surprise as the claws, some freaking how, got into a gap in her armor. And around the sword guard she'd been wedging in it's way.

She let out a small hiss as she recovered, in time to see Farley snag it's limb, turn with it and throw the thing to the ground with such a violent motion it actually began vomiting, and it wasn't even done yet!

A second ago, she'd have been tempted to let it stand. Dirty pool hitting an opponent whom was flat on his back and all.

But that was before it opened her up. Instead, she did what she'd been trained to do, pushing through the pain till she couldn't anymore, and thrusting forward with the point of her blade.

"DISPATCH YOU FILTY THING!!!" She bellowed at it with intensity, hoping to make an opening for the others even wider, even as the monkey took another crack at were an ear should be to throw it off a bit more and help her thrust find home.

AC is back up to 20.

I am flanking, and because my Steely Resolve Class feature is in play, I can also use my furious counter strike class feature.

I am flanking. I am also taking a -1 to hit, already factored in, to use the Stone Power feat to gain 2 Temp HP for this round.

I am in Marital Spirit Stance, so hitting allows me to heal myself or an ally within range for 2 HP worth of damage sustained as the stances benefit.

I am initiating, as a standard action as part of my attack, a maneuver. Vangaurd Strike. If the attack roll hits the DropOwlBearThingy, All my allies gain a +4 to hit till my next turn.

Attack roll to hit.


Damage roll if I do hit.


2017-10-11, 02:31 PM
Realizing he can't get a clear shot with his allies standing around the beast, Percival rushes to combat, in time to see the princess struck by the owlbear. He shouts angrily, but Farley has taken it off its feet before he has time to say anything. Once he's close enough, Percival takes advantage of the staggered and disoriented creature and drives his rapier into its side.

2017-10-12, 07:57 AM
Vettis stands next to Aurora, his shield ready to protect her from any more attacks. He stabs at the owlbear with his rapier, lunging forward without caring much for his own defense.

Rabid Wolf Strike, +4 to-hit, +2d6 damage, -4 to AC for 1 turn
Attack [roll0] not including prone bonuses
Damage [roll1]
Crits (18-20)
Attack [roll2] not including prone bonuses
Damage [roll3]

Counter: Shield Block is ready. If Aurora is attacked, she gets +7 AC against one attack, expending my immediate action (next turn's swift).

2017-10-14, 02:31 AM
You are all gathered around the beast, stabbing it with your steely knives (and fists). It rages, rolls, and flaps its mighty arm-wings, beating the ground and raising itself bodily and quickly. It gets to about 20' up and then seems to hang in the air for a moment, as if considering who to land on when it falls again. Its wings look powerful... but something that big is not meant to soar for long on those stubby things.

This is rather surprising to you all.

Everybody who's within 5' (which is I think everybody) should make a Reflex save.

There is a crashing through the underbrush and a second large beast, though slightly smaller than the first and with iridescent head feathers, gallops towards you on all fours. It is still about 60' away in the woods when you spot it. It is not attempting to be sneaky about its approach.

2017-10-14, 06:51 AM
Aurora widened her stance, and deepened the squat she was in, lowering her center of gravity and spreading it out further. It spared her being knocked down, but she missed the extra swipe at the beast she'd been hoping for while it was still on the ground.

She raised her sword high, steeling herself to contend with it once it dropped again, even as the pain of her injury flared up again. It had to do a fair bit of dropping to come at her again, if she timed it right she could throw it off some.

"Percival, stay with me on the airborne one! Farley, Vettis, deal with the new comer, will come back you up quick as we can!" She called, breathing, keeping her training about her mind with a will.

Delayed Damage Pool Empty's. I have 2 Temp HP. I end with a total of 2 damage. Total HP: 10. Points free in Delayed Damage Pool: 5. Furious Counter Strike class feature rendered inactive till I get 5 more points in my pool.

Marital Spirit Stance still active, heal 2 on every hit.

I'll get the monkey rolls squared away in advance one in OOC. For now, I am delaying, and will act when it will interrupt the airborne Owlbear, critter, thing.

2017-10-14, 09:11 AM
"Wo Shi Shan" Farley spreads his legs apart his feet pressing deep into the earth beneath him as he prepares for the incoming attack.

2017-10-15, 08:37 PM
Vettis moves to guard Aurora from the approaching owlbear, readying his blade. "Let it come to us, and be ready to strike when it approaches. No need for extra risk."

Moving to just southeast of Aurora, based on the OOC map. She can 5' step up to attack, but Vettis will be preventing the owlbear from charging her (unless it has reach? don't think it does).
Readied action to attack whichever owlbear comes in first (if simultaneous, the ground-bound one) using Mountain Hammer.
Attack at +9 for 3d6+4 damage.
Shield Block is still ready to give Aurora (or someone else if needed) +7ac against one attack.

2017-10-16, 01:42 PM
Yes, Your Highness.Percival assumes a practical fencing stance and keeps his eye on their airborne opponent, ready to attack as soon as the odd creature lands.

2017-10-16, 10:47 PM
Tina pulls up on the reins, quieting the horses. "Easy, ladies," she calls. They shied away to the left a bit, turning away from the fight, but Tina's reassurances have kept them from bolting.

Tina, seeing the craziness afar as one of the bears leaps into the air, takes one hand off the reins and fires at the owlbear with her crossbow. The bolt hits it in the chest and practically disappears into its feathers. It folds its wings, and dives down onto Farley once more, determined to have its original meal. It grabs again at him with its claws as it crashes down.

The newcomer charges towards Vettis, in defense of its mate. The iridescent owlbear stabs at the soldier with its long and pointy beak.

Vettis should make his AoO on the newcomer. Farley should make his redirect trip/reposition, and Percival should make his AoO on the 1st one also.

2017-10-17, 11:46 PM
As the creature began to Drop, Aurora Acted at the first twitch, shoving her blade upward with force, and then as it came further down and leveled out more, arcing her sword in an upward swing with the back edge in an attempt to take the beast, even as she adjusted to make sure it stayed firmly between her and Percival.


-1 to hit on all attacks for Stone Power. +2 for Flanking, +2 for aid another form the monkey.

[roll0] Attack of opportunity. Gain 2 temp HP.

[roll1] Damage if applicable. Heal 2 HP on Aurora if I connected.

From here, if needed, I'll take up to 2 5ft steps to get into a flank position, as needed. Initiating on my attack the Maneuver Leading The Attack. If I hit, my allies gain a +4 Moral Bonus to hit till my next turn following this one.

[roll2] Gain 2 Temp HP. If I didn't hit the AoO but hit here, I heal 2 HP. If both hit, Whomever is presently the most injured heals 2 HP.

[roll3] Damage if applicable.

2017-10-18, 01:28 PM
Using Aurora's attack as a distraction, Percival plunges his blade into the owlbear's shoulder, hoping they have done enough damage to kill the beast. Damn beasts. Vettis, is the other one getting closer?

Rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22484460&postcount=212)

2017-10-18, 07:59 PM
"Xuě biàn chéng xuěbēng" Farley shouts grabbing the owl's ankles twisting his whole body and bringing it down to the ground in one fine motion.

2017-10-18, 10:05 PM

As the Owlbear charges, Vettis meets it with a powerful lunge, digging his feet into the ground for extra power as he stabs at the beast with his rapier.

Mountain Hammer!
Attack [roll0] boo...at least it has -2ac from charging
Damage [roll1]

Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2017-10-21, 02:06 PM
The first owlbear drops, and meets lots of pointy metal things. Farley twists out of the way gracefully as it falls to the ground, never to arise again.

The charging one lunges at Vettis, who lunges back, having seen it approaching. Vettis' blade catches nothing but air, but comes very close, however. The new one seems enraged, and has a lot of momentum behind it.

Vettis just misses his readied attack, and the new bear charges him with a bite attack: [roll0] for [roll1]
It winds up in the squares diagonally southeast of him

2017-10-21, 08:05 PM
Aurora came around, the other one falling into a gored, dead pile. No time to celebrate. She saw Vettis getting born down on by the new comer, and began moving wide and with deliberate speed. Trying to get in on one side of the beast, even as the ever useful monkey took a crack at the new target.

Moving to try to get to one side of the bear. Will take a 5ft step if a single move action doesn't get me there, and a second move action after that if it's still nessissary.

If it's Not however, I'm going to make an attack roll. Initiating Crusaders Strike Manuver. If this attack hits, I deal 1d6+1 points of healing as well as +2 from Martial Spirit Stance to Vettis. I will Stone Power for 1 this turn.

[roll0] Roll to hit.

[roll1] Damage to bear if I hit.

[roll2] Healing.

2017-10-21, 08:14 PM
Injured, Vettis stabs again, drawing blood this time.

Hit for 11...
Out of good damage maneuvers.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Standard attack and nothing else...refreshes readied maneuvers.
Still have Shield Block available.

2017-10-22, 02:37 AM
Percival moves around their slain foe, coming to Vettis's aid just as the owl bear strikes him. He aims his rapier across the creatures flank and strikes.

Pretty sure I missed, even with the flanking bonus I forgot to add, but just in case I didn't, I left out any definitive comment about whether or not Percival hit.

2017-10-24, 10:33 PM
Farley watches as the others lay waste to the creature, he looks to the owlbear dead at his feet and sighs. Snatching up his robe he rushes off into the woods searching for the injured if he could find them then it would make things better and if he couldn't he'd be happy to not see another creature die in front of him.

2017-10-24, 10:51 PM
Vettis strikes at the iridescent owlbear, hitting pretty hard. Aurora and Percival try to surround/flank it, as with the first one, but it dodges their attacks.

Farley runs off into the woods, right in the direction the bear just came from. He passes a boot, discarded much as the waterskin they found earlier.

The drop-owlbear is unamused at its mate's demise. It attempts to bowl Vettis over and pin him to the ground with one of its large claws.

Attack: Claw (slashing): [roll0] for [roll1]. If this hits vs, Touch AC, Vettis should make an opposed grapple check, DC: [roll2].

2017-10-25, 12:59 AM
"STOP TURNING YOUR BACK TO ME!" She bellowed at the bear as it made it's lunge, swinging at the creature at what, she hoped, would prove sufficient opening, even as her monkey cracked another shot off.

Attacking with Stone Bones. Stance active, so if this hits, I'll heal Percival for 2 and get DR 5/Adamatine until start of next turn. Stone Powering also giving me 2 temp HP.

[roll0] Attack.

[roll1] Damage.

2017-10-25, 01:05 AM
Percival's eyes flash to Aurora as she screams again at the owlbear. She's inviting trouble he thinks. His mind, however, is quickly drawn back to combat and he again lunges at their foe, hoping to end the conflict quickly.

Attack [roll0] didn't forget flanking bonus this time

Damage [roll1]

Sneak Attack [roll2]

2017-10-27, 07:45 AM
On his back with the owlbear above him, Vettis draws his rapier back, slicing at the creature with the edge of the blade. Heedless of defense, he slices back and forth.

Attack with a light weapon while grappling, at -4 to-hit.

The SRD just says "An attack", which implies a standard attack attack action. If so, then that means I can do a standard-attack maneuver, right?
If just an attack
Attack [roll0] for [roll1]
Attack [roll2] for [roll3]

If I can make it a maneuver, Rabid Wolf Strike makes it +4 to-hit and [roll4] damage

2017-10-27, 06:43 PM
The monkey's whip cracked out again from the armor. And Aurora brought the blade to the beast, initiating a draw cut, trying to force it to focuses on the sword blade to the exclusion of everything else in the hopes of being able to move to give Percival a better standing so that they could kill this thing faster.

Stone Powering for 1, giving 2 temp HP. If this attack hits, Martial Spirit Stance will have me healing Vettis for 2. Initiating Douse The Flames Maneuver. Strike: If this attack hits, my opponent cannot take an Attack of Opportunity till the start of my next turn.

Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

IF the attack hits, I will move to flank with Percival. If.

2017-10-28, 11:02 AM
Farley keeps running... and sees very little. The ground gets trickier, and he finds himself blocked by a small rocky ridge, maybe 20' high. It seems like it'd have plenty of places to hide.

Meanwhile, Vettis strikes out at the bear, taking full advantage of the close quarters. Slicing with a rapier isn't usually how that sort of sword works, but it's very effective in this case, sliding along the tender part of the beast's armpit. He's hit a close-to-the-surface artery, judging by the amount of blood that splashes down onto him.

Percival and Aurora do manage to flank the creature, and while Aurora swings wide, her maneuver distracts the owlbear enough to allow Percival to strike it on its flank from behind. It's looking very wounded.

Tina has managed to reload her crossbow and done a masterful job of keeping the horses from getting spooked. She aims, hoping to get a clear shot, but things are awfully confused down there on the ground at the moment.

The owlbear beeps angrily and attempts to grab Vettis and take off.

Attempt to pin on Vettis: [roll0] vs. an opposed grapple check. Moving with the grapple will provoke from Percy/Aurora, so they can roll those too.

2017-10-28, 01:38 PM
Farley charges the ridge and begins running up it "Hello!? This is Farley, are you ok? " his mastery of the spoken word shining through.

"Hello!" he yells at the top of his lungs.

2017-10-28, 06:05 PM
"Let him go!" Aurora pops off as she shifts from the draw cut into a thrust again.

Attack of Opportunity. 1 Stone Power for 2 more Temp HP this round. Martial Spirit Stance, if I hit, I heal Vettis for 2. [roll0]

Damage. [roll1]

2017-10-31, 11:47 PM
Ah! Percival shouts as he shoves his rapier towards the owlbear's side. It's clear his patience has run out for this battle.

2017-11-02, 09:24 PM
The party slays the drop-owlbear with their combined stabbiness, and it loosens its hold on Vettis. Outnumbered and grief-stricken, it has no real chance or reason to continue the struggle.

Farley notices that there are several cavern-type entrances along the rocky bottom edge of the ridge, before he gets too far up. A faint noise emanates from one of them...

2017-11-02, 11:04 PM
Farley approaches the entrance and strikes the side to leave dent then does it again and again to try and draw a crude arrow, he then realizes that the dirt would've been easier to mark. Unimpeded he ventures into the darkness hoping to help, and slightly hoping that owlbears don't know how to talk and if they do that they're open for conversation Although if they do like to talk and can talk a bit of guilt at his allies for needlessly slaying them. The building anxiety forcing Farley to hurry down the cave.

2017-11-03, 06:26 PM
As the beast finally falls, Percival takes a deep breath and turns to Aurora Your injuries... However, he notes the princess has miraculously recovered and breaths a sigh of relief. His expression turns very serious I know you are a skilled fighter, Your Highness, but perhaps taunting the enemy to attack you further is not in the best interests of yourself or the kingdom... But you did well He holds her gaze a moment, then turns to remove the dead owlbear from Vettis Well done. Are your injuries severe? And what about you, Farley? He looks up, only to notice the monk is gone for the first time.

2017-11-03, 08:02 PM
Aurua doesn't look at Percival at first, focusing more on getting the great carcass off Vettis as a start point.

"I think when it can't understand language, and I've got a position set up to syphon off the overwhelming majority of the damage even if it get's a solid hit in, that it's safe enough. Particularly when it's about to succeed at mauling someone else to death whom we are, frankly, probably going to need if not to finish that fight, then certainly for the next one we get into." She responds as the corpse is moved, and she reaches a hand down to give Vettis a hand up. While under normal circumstance's a princess helping to pull a soldier from the ground might have been odd, Aurora was tall, strong, and by no means svelte in her build.

"And thank you. That means a lot to me." She said, offering the retainer a genuine smile.

She looks around, noting the monks absence.

"Please tell me nothing else got ahold of him while our attention as elsewhere. Vettis, how bad are you at the moment?"

2017-11-04, 04:08 PM

Vettis stands up gingerly, and sways a bit. He's bleeding from being clawed in two places. "I'll live, but I took some good knocks." He winces after speaking, before continuing more quietly. "And maybe some bruised ribs from being squeezed."

19 points of lethal damage + 10 points non-lethal

2017-11-04, 07:19 PM
It's a short cave, as Farley finds, though it looks like it was the drop-owlbears' lair. The faint noise is coming from the person lying on the floor of the cave. They are conscious, but barely, and might have been mistaken for dead. The man is bearded, older, and dressed shabbily - and he's minus a boot (though Farley might think he's seen one like it recently).

2017-11-04, 10:21 PM
"Percival, do we have anything we can use to patch him up with?" Aurora asked.

2017-11-05, 06:31 PM
Farley rushes to the side of the injured man throwing his robes over him "Don't worry, you're going to be ok." he wraps the man in the robes saying a prayer under his breath and picking the man up. "My name is Farley it is nice to meet you, we'll meet my friends, Vettis and Mrs Celeste and Tina and another person who I don't know." carrying him out he looks for any sign of where he was, spotting the arrow he indented in the wall he pauses to consider if it's the right direction.

2017-11-07, 01:02 PM
Percival shakes his head at Aurora's question. I have no potions and my skills as a medic are not what they could be. We may need to find a healer... perhaps you could take Vettis back to the carriage. Tina may be able to help. I'll wait for awhile to see if Farley returns. If he isn't back within the half-hour, we may need to go look for him He does, however, do his best to patch up Vettis.


2017-11-09, 04:44 PM
Farley uses his remaining wits to find the road and after some exploration begins heading down the right path until he sees the others. His calm attitude snaps upon seeing Vettis covered in blood. "Oh no" he says rushing as fast as he can while carrying the older man. "I'm so very sorry Mr. Vettis, I should've been here to protect you." dropping to his knees he gently sets the man down and hugs Vettis "I will understand if you can not forgive me." he says on the verge of tears.

2017-11-10, 05:12 AM
Aurora looked down at the man, bending over to check his condition, and flagging Tina over.

"Please tell me you've got some healing potions or something, or failing that know were the nearest priest can be found?"

2017-11-11, 04:25 PM

"Hurting ribs... no hugs." Vettis wheezes out, slightly disoriented by Farley's reaction.

2017-11-11, 05:40 PM
Farley looks to Aurora and then Vettis and lets go of his hug "I will get help," he turns around looking for a path in the forest "Which way is the castle? I will run and get a mage."

2017-11-11, 07:20 PM
"We need something closer than that. A temple, a druids grove, something of that nature."

2017-11-12, 11:05 AM
Tina lets out a "Yay!" when the last beast goes still. She secures the reins and hops down from the carriage. "I was very worried about you, Miss, but I see I need not have been - you have some good protectors, and are very brave yourself!"

Coming closer, she sees Vettis is injured, and she runs to get the medical kit from the wagon. In among its contents (the usual bandages and salves and anti-coach-sickness herbs) are three small vials that aren't in all the standard kits: they are magically-infused potions that will mend some wounds. Tina says, "I have only what knowledge I learned in the Guard, so I can bind you up, Vettis, but these will work much faster." She adds to Aurora, "I think your Mother may have put these in specially."

She is surprised to see Farley carrying another injured person towards them, not part of their group. "Who is he? Oh, he looks in a bad way. Was he attacked too, I guess? Maybe set him down and let's have a look at his wounds. Maybe away from all the rest of this mess.

"Mr. Farley, the castle is two days' ride back! You could never run it in time. The next village is about ten miles up the road - they start getting closer together as we get closer to Montenegro, of course. I know you are fast but it'd probably be easier to carry everyone there in the coach."

She pauses, looking torn. "We only have the three potions - should we give one to Vettis? And the stranger?"

If you make a reasonable Knowledge check you may be able to tell whether they're "Cure Light" or Cure Moderate" or whatnot more specifically.

I'm sorry again about having been out of the posting stride this last week or so - I've wound up in a different state each week of the last three,
for work, and it's been surprisingly tiring. Hopefully that stint is ending, though. I should be back home and such by Tuesday, and things'll get more regular.

2017-11-12, 11:46 AM
"It's two days if I follow the road and take breaks if I go straight I can get there in no time." Still worried about his friend and the older gentleman.

2017-11-12, 04:49 PM
Percival takes in the sudden appearance of Farley and the injured man. He nods to Tina, noting the potions she's carryingLet's access the man's injuries first. It may be prudent to see if we can find a healer, but I don't want to run into trouble on the road and have on of our own number not be in a state to fight. I'd advise Vettis at least take a potion He addresses the whole group, but looks to Aurora, clearly expecting she make the overall decision.

Hey, it's all good. I forgot you have to travel for work. Hope it hasn't been too hard on you.

(Untrained) Knowledge check [roll0]
Not sure the appropriate Knowledge check, but I have no ranks anyway.

2017-11-13, 02:54 AM
Aurora considered it for just a second, letting her mind fall back on the familiar patterns she'd MADE them drill into her.

"Hand me the potions. Farley, your up top. Any trouble, I want to know about it. Tina, Percival, Patch this man and Vettis up as best you can with out the potions. Tina, after that, you've got the reigns, make for the nearest temple.

Percival, in the carriage with me, your going to monitor the man. If trouble happens, I'll give Vettis a Potion. I'm sorry Vettis I need you if a fight happens but I don't want to waste the potions if it can be helped.

Percival, keep tabs on the travelers status. If he starts to worsen once we get under way, will give him a potion. I'm hoping he can maintain till we can get him to a temple and they can use healing magic's on him. But I won't loose him over it if he begins to worsen.

Vettis, obviously, your in the carriage with me and Percival. Alright, everyone too it."

The last line was unmistakably an order.

2017-11-14, 03:01 PM

"Understood, P- Lady."

Vettis sighs in relief as he eases into the seat in the carriage.

2017-11-14, 03:05 PM
Percival nods and adopts the speech pattern and posture of his cover, Donovan, again. "Aye, Dame Celeste." Having done what he can for Vettis, he aids Tina in assisting the injured man, looking more the old hunter with each passing moment. After assisting with the care and transport of the man to the carriage, he recovers his bow from where he dropped it during the fight.

Heal check (is it Aid Another if Tina is clearly better at medical stuff?)


2017-11-14, 03:32 PM
Farley nods to the princess and then turns to the owlbears and begins trying to drag the corpses away from the road about fifty or so feet.


2017-11-15, 05:07 AM
Aurora takes a moment to help Vettis into the carriage, making sure to get him comfortable while leaving enough room for the other 4 that would be in there.

With that, she goes to stand by, waiting for Tina and Percival to do what they could for the man before helping to move him into as comfortable as possible a position in the carriage.

2017-11-16, 01:26 AM
Finished with the task of handling the owl bears Farley leaps on top of the carriage and strikes a stance ready for all potential threats.

2017-11-16, 01:59 PM
The party loads up the carriage again as per Aurora's instruction. Moving the injured old man seems to have been okay thus far, but it is good they are monitoring him as they travel. As Farley is carrying one of the drop-owlbears, he notices a large necklace it was wearing, hidden by its feathers. It slides off and shrinks as Farley touches it, becoming more human-sized. It is a nice golden metal, but in the spot for a precious stone it instead just has a piece of wood.


Tina guides the horses, continuing on towards the next village. It is called Irgill, and comes up in just another hour or two of travel on the forest road. It sits at one end of a wide flat valley tucked into the hills. Calling down to the first couple people they pass, Tina asks about a doctor and is pointed towards the center of town (basically the one larger crossroads).

The old man is treated, but the doctor (Dr. MacArdle) says he probably will not be coherent until tomorrow. "It looks like James was attacked yesterday," she says, "which makes sense, since he left here the day before that, I think. What a shame."

She treats Vettis as well, if so desired, and also recommends rest for him. She says the townsfolk will try to find a place for you to stay, if you want.

Let me know if you want to stick around to meet James or whatnot.

2017-11-16, 02:24 PM
Upon setting James down Farley retrieves his robes and without saying a word heads out looking for either a mage or a seamstress.


2017-11-16, 02:39 PM
Upon setting James down Farley retrieves his robes and without saying a word heads out looking for either a mage or a seamstress.

It's a pretty small town but the grocer across the street offers to "Mend" your robe magically for 10gp.

2017-11-16, 02:44 PM
Farley bows to the grocer "Thank you for a very fair price, I have no money." he says smiling "I have this necklace but it's not mine to give away"

2017-11-16, 02:48 PM
Farley bows to the grocer "Thank you for a very fair price, I have no money." he says smiling "I have this necklace but it's not mine to give away"

"Oh, you need work? Look, you seem like a strong fellow; if you're still here in the evening I could trade you the spell for some help unloading the re-stock cart when it arrives from Inkea."

2017-11-16, 03:43 PM
"This I can do," Farley says flexing for a moment to show off his muscle. With a deal struck Farley returns to the others "Excuse me but we must stay the night I have work I must do."

2017-11-17, 04:38 AM
Aurora stayed with the Doctor for now, waiting to see how the man pulled through, and if anything could be done for Vettis.

2017-11-18, 03:36 PM
Percival raises an eyebrow at Farley Work? However, at hearing Aurora's desire to stay and see how the man recovered, along with Vettis needing to rest, he drops the issue.

2017-11-20, 01:21 PM
Farley sits beside James and holds his hand watching out a nearby window for the sun to begin to set, when it does he makes his way to the grocer hoping he's not being paid to do illegal stuff....again.

2017-11-21, 11:33 AM
The work for Farley is not hard, nor illegal. The supply caravan passes through in the evening, and the town seems to double in size briefly. The wagons take turns unloading in front of the store, dropping off crates of fruit, a pallet of longgrain from the marshlands, a few yards of cloth, and many other sundries. The shopkeeper is good to his word and mends Farley's cloak, thanking him for the help. "You're a good sort. Take care now, and remember: merchants always ask for ten gold, but not everybody has to settle for paying it." He winks.

The caravaneers stay in tents for the evening, in a field just past the last building along the main street. Tina unfolds your little yurt-style thing from its spot slung on the back of the coach, and sets up nearby as well. "Dame Celeste can stay inside but we can fit here if needed tonight."

The night passes uneventfully and Vettis feels much better. James seems to, too - he wakes in the morning confused and hungry. It turns out he's a hedge wizard of sorts, doing some alchemy and veterinary work as he travels from town to town. He is very thankful for being rescued from the bears: "They got the drop on me, I suppose you could say." He obviously fears little for his life, if he's making puns already. He is old, and rather stubborn about traveling alone, but he adds, "Tell you what, I don't have much to give you to express my thanks, but since you're a mapmaker, I could draw you out a sketch of the little settlements around here - and also a couple of the old ruins that not many folks know about."

2017-11-21, 12:09 PM
"You are too kind" Farley says hugging the merchant after repairing his robe, he dons it with pride and his happiness returns. The work was easy and there was time to spare in the day so he took to his task of planting another apple tree before accompanying James as he rest.

As the sun rises Farley takes to making everyone breakfast, not knowing James' dietary preferences he makes him apples for Farley likes apples they are delicious. Once James is awake he listens intently to make sure all is right and upon hearing his offer Farley is quick to dissuade. "Mr James Thank you for your kindness but I was more than happy to help. But do you know what this is." he says handing him the gold necklace he had found.

2017-11-21, 12:34 PM
Once James is awake he listens intently to make sure all is right and upon hearing his offer Farley is quick to dissuade. "Mr James Thank you for your kindness but I was more than happy to help. But do you know what this is." he says handing him the gold necklace he had found.

"Oooh, did you find that near the drop-bears? That may be what caught my eye from the road. I saw an unusual magical aura off in the trees, and figured I'd go investigate... it's about the last thing I remember, to be honest."

2017-11-21, 12:45 PM
"Indeed I did Mr James. Do owlbears usually wear jewelry I'm not sure about them now since I learned they could fly."

2017-11-21, 01:00 PM
"Indeed I did Mr James. Do owlbears usually wear jewelry I'm not sure about them now since I learned they could fly."

"I know! You wouldn't think it possible to look at them, since they're so big. And it's less of flying and more like jumping up while you're holding a kite. All the ones I've heard about can do that, though - do the ones where you're from just stay on the ground?

"So was the bear wearing the necklace? That IS unusual, as far as I know. Maybe it just liked that it was shiny, or maybe part of its magic is that it wants to be worn."

2017-11-21, 01:19 PM
"Strange I don't want to wear it,perhaps it wasn't an owlbear but a magpiebear." Upon hearing the "technique" behind owlbear flight Farley leaps into the air and tries to use his robe to float.


2017-11-21, 01:41 PM
Farley, being a monk, may or may not surprise himself or the others in the room when his attempt to "slow fall" actually works pretty well, and he lands again softly on the balls of his feet in a crane-like pose.

2017-11-22, 01:21 PM
Percival nods appreciatively as the man marks the map. Even if they weren't truly mapmakers, information was always handy. Do you always travel alone? Seems dangerous to be wandering into the woods if you aren't prepared for it.

At Farley's leap, he appraises the monk's agility. Interesting... Don't hit your head on the ceiling.

2017-11-22, 01:44 PM
Percival nods appreciatively as the man marks the map. Even if they weren't truly mapmakers, information was always handy. Do you always travel alone? Seems dangerous to be wandering into the woods if you aren't prepared for it.

At Farley's leap, he appraises the monk's agility. Interesting... Don't hit your head on the ceiling.

Farley looks up to the ceiling wondering if he can jump that high, then he tries to jump that high.


2017-11-22, 01:53 PM
Farley looks up to the ceiling wondering if he can jump that high, then he tries to jump that high.


Farley's experiment works better than anyone expects and he jumps up, his fingers touching the ceiling, and then he impossibly keeps rising, splays out and his toes touch as well, and then he does what looks like an up-side-down push-up (a "push-down"?) and like a swimmer, he backflips gently back to the floor, landing on his feet again with a soft thump.

James says, "Wow," and shakes his head, continuing "I must've been hit in the head harder than I thought."

2017-11-22, 02:02 PM
Farley's experiment works better than anyone expects and he jumps up, his fingers touching the ceiling, and then he impossibly keeps rising, splays out and his toes touch as well, and then he does what looks like an up-side-down push-up (a "push-down"?) and like a swimmer, he backflips gently back to the floor, landing on his feet again with a soft thump.

James says, "Wow," and shakes his head, continuing "I must've been hit in the head harder than I thought."

"Don't worry uh,.." Farley pauses at Percival and scratches the back of his head a bit confused, "I'm not quite sure who you are, we've been travelling together so I know Mr. Vettis and Miss Celeste knows you but I forgot which is unusual for me since I don't forget people see. Farley pulls open his robe sleeve to show it speckled in dots made of chalk. "There's the one for the two owlbears, James and Jake Smith and the very helpful Doctor but I don't have you yet." he says naming each of the dots on the inside of his sleeve.

2017-11-22, 02:08 PM
Percival inhales slowly through his nose Donovan. He turns to Aurora Dame Celeste, we've seen to the health of this man and, if Vettis is able, we're free to get back on the road. Is there anything you'd like to do before we leave?

2017-11-22, 02:12 PM
Percival inhales slowly through his nose Donovan. He turns to Aurora Dame Celeste, we've seen to the health of this man and, if Vettis is able, we're free to get back on the road. Is there anything you'd like to do before we leave?

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Donovan, I'd like to look around for an apple tree and if I can't find one then I need to plant one."

2017-11-23, 12:59 AM
"I think once we've collected the sketch, yes, getting under way would be a good idea. I am curious about one thing however. Are there any magic users in the area? I'd be interested in having that amulet looked at."

2017-12-07, 05:41 PM
I'm sure it's nothing of concern, we could look in the ruins though magic folk like hanging out in abandoned places. Not sure why, I prefer waterfalls and the beach myself."

2017-12-12, 01:39 AM
Can't find the ooc thread so giving this one a boost. We still gaming?

2017-12-12, 02:34 AM
Can't find the ooc thread so giving this one a boost. We still gaming?

Me and Meta are still in. If you are that's 3 of 4. I'll message Archemist tomorrow.

2017-12-17, 02:02 AM
Should I make an ooc thread for us to talk in? Not in the mood to see the game where I get to play farley die since he's my favorite character.

2017-12-17, 02:09 AM
Should I make an ooc thread for us to talk in? Not in the mood to see the game where I get to play farley die since he's my favorite character.

I'm sorry guys, I've been busy/slacking for sure. I also wouldn't want this one to die out but I have been trying to think of what would make a fun ruins for you and haven't been coming up with much. I guess I will try to get you headed in that direction - let me know if there's anything else you'd like from town. Tina and the carriage may park here since it's about a day hike away and there isn't a great road.

2017-12-17, 02:52 AM
Percival will assist the princess in inquiring around town about possible spellcasters looking for field experience. He'll also remind her to use the sending stone to message her mother.

Hey, it's all good. Glad we're gonna keep going. We might be down another player; JH hasn't responded in a while either. If so, do you want to open a re-recruitment thread and see if we can get another couple people? We could meet them in town before heading to the ruins.

2017-12-17, 03:06 AM
Farley happy that James is well sets about trying to find an apple tree and make sure no one in town needs help.

Yeah we're going to need a new ooc thread but I have litteraly hundred of resources for game ideas and infos along with sites where you can pitch ideas and get feedback. I'll pull up some tomorrow but let me snag some quick ones right now.
For quick little ideas

Some scary

and lists of resources
This is a pdf but I think I bought these and I'll link them but some of them are trash like the "spoon of sitting" or something.
and here's a random hook generator http://www.wizards.com/dnd/hook/Welcome.asp#

2017-12-17, 03:24 AM
Aurora will indeed contact her mother. Just as soon as she's sure of weather or not they have anyone who's interested in the gig to come along who also has the skills she's looking for.

2017-12-17, 02:55 PM
Doc MacArdle overhears you discussing the ruins with James. She is shorter and not as hale-looking as Tina, but she mentions that she did go through the Army medic training back in her youth. "You know, I've always been curious what's over there," she says. "Never quite had the nerve to explore, just by my lonesome self, but you folks seem... capable. Would you mind some company? James should be fine here if he promises to get plenty of rest before setting off again. And if he promises not to go poking around under the drop-bears."

James promises, and then gives details of the hiking route out to the ruins, marking your map. It's about a day away, and he says it was a gnomish city long ago. "Well, whoever it was, some of the doorways are pretty low," he says.

* * *

Tina will stay behind with the cart, in town - there's no good road out to the ruins, and while she's not in favor of letting "Dame Celeste" out of her sight, she knows Aurora's other bodyguards will be with her.

2017-12-17, 03:00 PM
"Ooh I actually grew up with my Doctor Farley he was a gnome, I'm quite comfortable around them. " Farley then squats down and begins walking as quickly as he would standing up.

2017-12-17, 11:09 PM
"A pleasure of have you along Doctor." Dame Celest offers with a smile and a hand shake.

"Tell me, do you happen to have, or know of anyone who does have, some magical aptitude?"

2017-12-19, 09:54 PM
"Well, I have a little," the doctor says. "Tell you what - I will accompany you on your hike today - just give me a little bit of time to prepare."

* * *

Let me know if any of you have last-minute things you'd like your characters to prepare,

* * *

The day is pleasant, with shining sun - the rain and clouds have passed. The doctor assembles her kit and brings a few sundries in a day pack. She pulls an old walking-stick from behind the coat-rack and you set off.

The way is hilly, and you climb a few successively higher foothills. Towards the base of the mountains, the oaks are replaced by evergreens, and it gets a bit cooler. Crossing a small stream, the trail disappears and you have to find your own way from that point.

Evening approaches, hastened by the mountains to your West. But it is still a hands-breadth over the horizon when you begin to think you must be close to the little "x" James put on the map. Descending into a small valley, you pass a square stone pillar, perhaps the remnant of an arch. Indeed, a similar one has fallen over nearby.

Doctor MacArdle remarks, "Hmm, I suppose we're 'here'. James mentioned a significant part of the ruins were underground - perhaps we should look for a way down. Or we can camp on the surface and wait until the morning to explore. Once we're under the earth, it won't matter what time of day it is, though."

2017-12-19, 10:11 PM
"Well, I have a little," the doctor says. "Tell you what - I will accompany you on your hike today - just give me a little bit of time to prepare."

* * *

Let me know if any of you have last-minute things you'd like your characters to prepare,

* * *

The day is pleasant, with shining sun - the rain and clouds have passed. The doctor assembles her kit and brings a few sundries in a day pack. She pulls an old walking-stick from behind the coat-rack and you set off.

The way is hilly, and you climb a few successively higher foothills. Towards the base of the mountains, the oaks are replaced by evergreens, and it gets a bit cooler. Crossing a small stream, the trail disappears and you have to find your own way from that point.

Evening approaches, hastened by the mountains to your West. But it is still a hands-breadth over the horizon when you begin to think you must be close to the little "x" James put on the map. Descending into a small valley, you pass a square stone pillar, perhaps the remnant of an arch. Indeed, a similar one has fallen over nearby.

Doctor MacArdle remarks, "Hmm, I suppose we're 'here'. James mentioned a significant part of the ruins were underground - perhaps we should look for a way down. Or we can camp on the surface and wait until the morning to explore. Once we're under the earth, it won't matter what time of day it is, though."

Farley helps the doctor along the way making sure she doesn't slip or fall at any point watching her like a worried dog. Upon arriving at the x Farley takes a moment to scan the area for an x before the kind doctor suggests planning. "I can set up camp while everyone looks and then while everyone rests I can look for the entrance. I have experience with gnomes and their craft."

2017-12-19, 10:45 PM
"It's always better to fight with a full belly and a good night's sleep. We can look around for an entry point, but I don't think we should go in until the morn."

The seasoned warrior looks around for a grove of trees, cliffside, or some other area that will give them a reasonably sheltered and defensible campsite.

2017-12-19, 10:55 PM
"It's always better to fight with a full belly and a good night's sleep. We can look around for an entry point, but I don't think we should go in until the morn."

The seasoned warrior looks around for a grove of trees, cliffside, or some other area that will give them a reasonably sheltered and defensible campsite.

Vettis finds what he thinks is the lee side of the fallen pillar and begins to set up a tarp so as to make a triangular shelter. The pillar is easily 6' on a side, hard to see over even when standing next to it, but this makes it also a reasonable windbreak, and the tarp should have room under it for a few people if they squish in.

2017-12-20, 01:52 AM
Agreed. This detour could prove useful for our maps, but we shouldn't wander 'round in the dark. Farley, help the man out with the tarp. Percival sets about making a fire before the light disappears. When that's done, he finds what flat rock he can and begins scribbling notes about the events of the past few days. He also makes note of Farley's revelation of the gnomish doctor. Farley, you said you've spent some time among gnomes?

2017-12-20, 02:17 AM
Agreed. This detour could prove useful for our maps, but we shouldn't wander 'round in the dark. Farley, help the man out with the tarp. Percival sets about making a fire before the light disappears. When that's done, he finds what flat rock he can and begins scribbling notes about the events of the past few days. He also makes note of Farley's revelation of the gnomish doctor. Farley, you said you've spent some time among gnomes?

"Oh yes, I grew up with my Doctor, Doctor Farley. He fixed me up every time I got hurt in my monk training. That was a long time ago. But I have visited some gnomes, they say my tongue is off but I'm kind of good with the language. I've also lived with orcs, ogres , two kinds of elementals and for a while I shared a cell with a mindflayer named Clarence he was nice he said I wasn't worth trying to trick." he says as he sets up the tarp "I was also kicked by a giant but that was an accident, I was carrying a tree and he thought I was a bush he was having a rough day." smiling as he tells the story.

2017-12-23, 07:48 PM
You make a little campsite, and spend the night uneventfully.

In the morning, you poke around the ruins, finding scattered square-cut blocks and corners of foundations for several small buildings, probably old houses.

You can make Search checks if you like.

A bit further along, at the base of one of the hillsides, you discover an old ornate archway, easily wide enough for a large carriage... but it has been blocked with large stones.

2017-12-23, 10:05 PM
"Worry not, I know a way to open that which can not be open." Farley approaches the stone blocking the path and takes his robe off before stretching then pulling back. Farley then lightly knocks on the stone. "Now we wait for someone to answer."

2017-12-24, 03:10 AM
"Right, you lady's and gent's do that for a moment. I, need to slip around the corner and, ahem, answer the call of nature, as the phrase goes. " She advised them. Moving as if to do just that.

In actuality, she was going to give a message to her mother. Once she was sure she had a reasonable degree of privacy, she took the stone for it out, making use of it.

"Hello mother. All is going well. We've started traveling with a Doctor as a precaution. I got to save someone from Drop-owlbears! Love you, bye!"

The message sent, she gives it a moment to take in any reply before rejoining the group.

2017-12-24, 03:35 AM
Percival rises early, a habit acquired as a function of having little need for sleep. He spends some time preparing his mind, sitting in meditation and attempting to ignore the noise of Farley's searching. When he's ready, he sets about the search himself. At Farley's insistence on knocking, he rubs his temples.

Farley, these are ruins. No ones been here in years that could answer your knock. He turns and begins searching near the entrance. Perhaps there was a smaller door or opening for day-to-day activities that required less grandiosity.

Search [roll0]

2017-12-24, 02:41 PM
Perusing around the area a bit more, Doc MacArdle swishes some leaves out of the way with her foot, and she calls over, "Hey! I found some old boards over here - watch your step, it looks like an old cellar door, maybe." The boards are nailed in place, but the wood looks very rotten.

2017-12-25, 01:46 AM
"Then I shall knock louder," Farley pulls back and with a deep breath slams his fist into the stone.

Rolled to hit the rock which I realize now it's probably not going to dodge so here is my damage roll.

2017-12-25, 12:24 PM
Farley, opting to punch the unyielding rock rather than the creaky old boards, punches a radial-spiderweb crack into the nearest. The pile shifts a tiny bit but remains an obstacle - it looks like someone sealed it up rather purposefully.

2017-12-26, 11:43 PM
Celeste get's back with the group, and looks over the scene. And then to Percival.

"Do we have a crow bar so we can pry the wooden entrance open, rather than waiting for Farley to try and punch a mountain into submission? I'm not ruling out that he could do it but I think the door access and a pry bar would be faster."

2017-12-27, 01:14 AM
" I can not best a mountain, they have footing that is more solid then mine. But I am more than willing to try a old door." Farley approaches the door and raises his leg above his head until it points towards the heavens then brings it down as hard as he can.


[roll1] attack roll if I need to.

2017-12-27, 02:19 AM
Percival gave the beard he wore as Donovan a scratch and offered a lopsided smile Of course, Dame Celeste. Always come prepared.Percival had been about to hand the crowbar over to Vettis before Farley interrupted. In truth, he hadn't been sure they would need it on the journey; even in his younger, stronger days, he had preferred his lockpicks when something needed to be open. But a sneak's habits die hard and in this case, those habits of preparedness had proven useful. Farley, it seemed, had little regard for conventional methods.

2017-12-27, 08:39 AM

Vettis takes the crowbar, holding it loosely while waiting for Farley to finish his attempts.

2017-12-27, 11:42 AM
Vettis watches with the crowbar ready... while Farley kicks his way easily through a couple of the old boards, making a small opening. Through the gap you can see a steep stone staircase below. It's dark down there.

2017-12-27, 12:04 PM
Farley kicks the debris into the air then snaps a quick kick to send them into a neat pile that would be good for firewood. "I spent my youth smashing through iron wood and carving rocks by hand for our gardens , rotten old boards are no match." he says beaming at how useful he finally is.

2017-12-28, 02:34 PM
I suppose that's one way to do things. I suggest we pick up camp before heading down. And widen that opening, I can imagine gnome halls will be cramped enough. Percival sets about packing their supplies, setting out some torches they might need in the ruins.

2017-12-28, 02:51 PM
"Oh very, Doctor Farley had many customers but insisted on having a house that was quite small, I had to hunch down for most of the time there." Farley squats down and begins walking down into the darkness unconcerned about the dangers ahead.

2017-12-28, 03:01 PM
"Oh very, Doctor Farley had many customers but insisted on having a house that was quite small, I had to hunch down for most of the time there." Farley squats down and begins walking down into the darkness unconcerned about the dangers ahead.

Farley descends to the bottom of the steep staircase, which has a wall on the left side. He finds himself in a faint circle of light filtering down from the dawn up above. The basement seems sized for humans, albeit with a low stone ceiling. Farley can't get a good sense of just how big the room is or what might be down here, though, because it quickly fades into darkness - he can't see the far wall.

2017-12-28, 03:13 PM

Vettis cautiously follows Farley down, cracking a sunrod to activate it, and lobbing it towards the far side where it's too dark to see.

2017-12-28, 03:15 PM
"Hello, I am Farley I bring hugs and apples." Farley calls out to the darkness.

2017-12-28, 03:40 PM
There is no reply to Farley's greeting. The light does help, though, and you see that the room is about 50' square, with the stairwell along the south wall, in the southwest corner. The room is dusty and dirty: the eastern wall is lined with barrels - kegs? - and there are quite a few cobwebs and broken pieces of wood laying about. The western wall has stone workbenches and some very ancient-looking bronze tools in among the rust and dust.

The northern wall has less debris against it and is painted with a large mandala motif in the middle, lit up colorfully by the sunrod.


2017-12-28, 04:02 PM
Farley begins dusting, organizing tools and just cleaning up the place. "Doctor Farley would be very upset to see this place in such a state of disrepair."

2017-12-28, 04:26 PM
Farley begins dusting, organizing tools and just cleaning up the place. "Doctor Farley would be very upset to see this place in such a state of disrepair."

"This is the second time you've mentioned Doctor Farley - is that your father?" Doc Macardle has descended into the basement, and overhears Farley's commentary. "Did he have a practice in the city, or wherever you're from?"

Nothing else seems to be stirring in the room, though Farley is creating a pretty epic cloud of dust that begins scattering the light near the shelves.

2017-12-28, 04:35 PM
Using his hat he begins fanning the dust out of the entrance and unfortunately probably in the face of the rest of the party. "Oh no, Doctor Farley isn't my father, I don't have a clue who my father is." Farley says wiping dirt off the shelves. "Hmm I also don't know who my mother is for that matter, as far back as I can remember I worked for Doctor Farley before he took me to the monks to work for them. I think he just got sick of me so he gave me to them but I got to visit him all the time as he fixed me up along the way. He helped me get as strong as I am today." he says lifting a table up with one hand and wiping away the dirt. "As for where I'm from." Farley pauses with his cleaning "Uh hmm" looking around the unfamiliar surroundings before heading outside

"Uh I'm from..." he turns trying to look for some kind of familiar landmark. "It's next to... hmm." he says before stopping entirely to think on the question clearly a bit distressed.

2017-12-28, 04:40 PM
Having finished packing their camp and realizing most of the party has already made it inside, Percival follows them in. He hears the conversation stepping down the stairs and thinks back to his first "interview" of Farley Is that why you're looking for a map? You don't actually know how to get home?

2017-12-28, 04:46 PM
Snapping back "Huh what? I remember the way home, all I need to do is go back up the mountain and then I'll be home." rubbing his arm a bit sad "I just can't find the mountain."

2017-12-29, 04:42 PM

"Wow, Farley, I had no idea. Can you describe the mountain, or draw it?"

Vettis gazes over at the strangely pretty symbol.

K: History [roll0]
K: Local [roll1]

2017-12-31, 07:21 PM
Vettis knows the gnomes of this area found such symbols to be mystical and incorporated them into their religion. The local lore is that they can still be found carved into rocks atop high mountains and as part of gnome-crafted sword pommels, that sort of thing.

2018-01-02, 01:10 PM

"That symbol is probably gnomish. No telling how old it is, though."

2018-01-02, 07:15 PM
Knowledge: History [roll0]

Knowledge: Geography. [roll1]

Gonna see if anything tugs at Aurora's memory.

2018-01-05, 02:08 PM

"That symbol is probably gnomish. No telling how old it is, though."

Percival raises an eyebrow Not surprising, but what does it tell us? He peers down the stairwell, using the light of the sunrod and listening for any sounds from bellow

Perception [roll0]

2018-01-08, 10:33 PM
Farley snaps again from his haze a bit more alert again worried,"A map, a path , a way home I I can draw that I need ink or paper or something I I have chalk but it's white so I need something black to write on." Farley begins to look around more concern and then begins pounding his fingers into the ground over and over again moving up and down until finally stopping. Dug into the earth Farley has made a rough shape of a mountain with a temple atop it clouds obscuring most of his home and he has drawn a happy smiling sun.

"I can remember only this, I am not sure if the sun was smiling that day."

2018-01-12, 07:59 PM
Farley's smiling sun and the large colorful mandala on the wall are a contrast, but also seem similar, in a way - a representation of an abstract concept, benign but significant.

2018-01-12, 10:55 PM
Farley returns to the others, "I drew a picture of home, can you help me find it mr. Vettis." he pauses staring at the drawing on the wall. "Oh, Doctor Farley had one of those in his office he said art appreciation was beyond me but the colors are very pretty." Taking out his chalk he draws a line down the middle from top to bottom and from left to right then from the top left to the bottom right and vice versa. "It's also very symmetrical as you can tell." he says craning his neck until he's standing on his head staring at it.

2018-01-13, 12:04 AM
Farley returns to the others, "I drew a picture of home, can you help me find it mr. Vettis." he pauses staring at the drawing on the wall. "Oh, Doctor Farley had one of those in his office he said art appreciation was beyond me but the colors are very pretty." Taking out his chalk he draws a line down the middle from top to bottom and from left to right then from the top left to the bottom right and vice versa. "It's also very symmetrical as you can tell." he says craning his neck until he's standing on his head staring at it.

Having gotten a bit closer, Farley notices motion within the wheel of the mandala. The chalk marks stay on it for a moment, but after a little while the chalk dust rains down off of the painting, leaving it clean and clear.

As Farley stands on his head, he sees the motion again within the picture - the plant-like detail looks alive, and the eye-like bits seem to blink at him. Farley is used to folks blinking at him in some confusion, but he's never seen a painting do it (that I know of).

2018-01-13, 12:42 AM
Having gotten a bit closer, Farley notices motion within the wheel of the mandala. The chalk marks stay on it for a moment, but after a little while the chalk dust rains down off of the painting, leaving it clean and clear.

As Farley stands on his head, he sees the motion again within the picture - the plant-like detail looks alive, and the eye-like bits seem to blink at him. Farley is used to folks blinking at him in some confusion, but he's never seen a painting do it (that I know of).

"Hmm is that what they mean by magic eye paintings?" Farley rolls onto his feet and goes to inspect the drawing closer.


2018-01-13, 05:16 AM
"Can't say It's really ringing any bells I'm afraid. Alas. Maybe we should think about coming back to check on it later? See what else is down here?" Aurora wasn't making an order, merely bouncing the idea, and her tone was selected to make that clear.

2018-01-13, 12:38 PM
The basement's dustiness filters the light strangely, and the mandala seems to be glowing now on its own.

"You will have to do, I suppose." The voice speaks in an older dialect of gnomish, but Farley understands it. It seems to be coming from the painting.

In a more recognizable language you all can parse, it continues. "Adjusting for translational drift. Audience: Thalesians. Your assistance is required. The Caretaker has not returned in a very long time. But only friends to the city of Sarsia may enter."

2018-01-13, 12:57 PM
"I am Farley friend to all, how can I help?" he says almost estatic that someone wants his help.

2018-01-13, 02:41 PM
Vettis carefully examines the drawing, then folds it and puts it away while Farley examines the mandala. He jumps at the voice, the tip of his rapier twitching around.

2018-01-13, 06:26 PM
Percival turns around at the new voice and sees Farley speaking to the wall. He raises an eyebrow and examines the wall more carefully. Perhaps there was something familiar about it

Knowledge History [roll0]
Knowledge Religion [roll1]

Who is this Caretaker?

2018-01-13, 11:24 PM
"Then again." Aurora offers quietly as they wait to hear exactly what it is the voice seeks.

2018-01-14, 04:30 PM
The voice continues, "The Caretaker was one of my creators, many months {years, centuries?} ago. I have not seen her since the orc siege, but they have also been gone now for many months {years, centuries?}. I would ask you for news of her, if you know, or perhaps to check on her whereabouts and wellbeing and report what you find. The other interfaces have no eyes as I do, and many have gone dormant."

An archway appears on the wall to the left side of the mandala, the rock wall vanishing to reveal a dimly-lit passageway. "No orcs were allowed entry here, as per my last instructions, so I hope you will find all is well. What is your business in Sarsis, new friends? Perhaps I can direct you."

2018-01-14, 05:10 PM
"We're mostly exploring but I'm already lost." he says smiling at his new 2-d friend. "Would you like me to remove you from the wall, you can better direct us that way." Farley says plotting to find a good way to break it from the wall.


"Perhaps we could construct a loom?"

2018-01-15, 03:03 AM
The voice continues, "The Caretaker was one of my creators, many months {years, centuries?} ago. I have not seen her since the orc siege, but they have also been gone now for many months {years, centuries?}. I would ask you for news of her, if you know, or perhaps to check on her whereabouts and wellbeing and report what you find. The other interfaces have no eyes as I do, and many have gone dormant."

An archway appears on the wall to the left side of the mandala, the rock wall vanishing to reveal a dimly-lit passageway. "No orcs were allowed entry here, as per my last instructions, so I hope you will find all is well. What is your business in Sarsis, new friends? Perhaps I can direct you."

"Our business is varied. If you'll permit us a moment to discuss your inquiry first?"

If the talking wall doesn't object, Dame Celest calls for a Huddle.

"Someone refresh my memory, how long as this place been abandoned? And what does everyone think on this front?"

2018-01-18, 12:38 AM
Farley is quite excited to be part of huddle but isn't happy that he doesn't have much to contribute "Miss Celeste I do not remember how long these ruins were ruins I'm sorry if you told me and I forgot. I do trust the wall though they've always been walls in my experience so I trust them." he smiles having spoken his mind.

2018-01-18, 06:01 PM
Percival joins Aurora and Farley, shaking his head Four centuries, at least. I don't recall- he glances at the doctor That is, my learnin' about this area never stretched back farther than that. But if the mandala can guide us, it should make our trip safer.

2018-01-19, 11:53 AM

"This is the sort of thing we set out to do, isn't it?" Vettis readies his shield, preparing to take point.

2018-01-19, 12:11 PM
"What did we set out to do? I wrote it on my hand but shook hands with someone so now I'm not sure."

2018-01-21, 05:12 AM
"Alright, sounds like were onto this then." Aurora states to the group.

2018-01-21, 08:45 AM
At that, Vettis steps cautiously into the archway.

2018-01-21, 02:53 PM
Doc Macardle reminds folks that it's been 200 years or more since the last orc excursions down into this area, to Aurora's question.

The mandala remarks to Vettis as he steps through, "Power reserves are at 6%, so lighting is at power-saving levels.
If you do find the Caretaker, do alert her to this status."

To Aurora, "Varied business is not a valid answer, however. Are you at Sarsis as a merchant? Tourist? Diplomat?"

2018-01-21, 11:22 PM
"Expedition. Were updating maps for my patrons privet collection, which he consults for administrative purposes. Approving building proposals, land grants, making sure trade route patrols take place, that sort of thing." She offers, seeing if perhaps that would open up a few doors.

2018-01-21, 11:40 PM
Following behind Vettis Farley pipes up "I'm the gardener!" he strolls along happily "And for some reason people pay me to fight." he muses to himself.

2018-01-21, 11:44 PM
On the off chance we might be in the area, where would we find the Caretaker? And you say lighting is low, is there a reason we might need to watch our step? Percival remains at Aurora's side until the door seems content with her answer. If it doesn't, he'll interject to hopefully get them through without issue.

2018-01-22, 01:07 AM
"Oh, no, the city of Sarsis is very safe. I do not know where the Caretaker may be - the first level of the underground city is the only one foreigners usually access, as it is... taller, however.

"An expedition is perfect, as I am in need of some explorers. Enjoy your visit!"

2018-01-24, 04:46 AM
Aurora looks at the group. "Well, I guess were on our way then." She offers to them.

2018-01-24, 11:39 AM
The group proceeds down the passageway, which slopes down gently in a large spiral. It becomes harder to know which way is North, but it seems that it's not intended to be confusing so much as decorative, with a landscape mural along the outside wall stretching all the way to the bottom.

And the bottom is not that far down - after a short while, the passage opens into a courtyard with dim lampposts and higher ceiling. There are buildings set into the walls, with doorways every few yards, and most with a second story kinda squished in-between the first and the ceiling - a more gnome-sized apartment, perhaps.

None of the buildings appear occupied, and the temperature is cool, and the air a little stale. There is a slight breeze down the passageway, though, so it seems the door has not shut behind you yet.

There is surprisingly little dust or cobwebs. The courtyard forms a circular turn-around for a road that goes on ahead of you, and leaves this cave through another tunnel entrance about a hundred yards ahead.

2018-01-24, 03:07 PM
Between dusting every available surface and knocking on every door Farley makes his way around searching for either a broom or people.

2018-01-24, 04:27 PM
Farley finds neither, unfortunately. It's very quiet here. The lamps glow dimly but silently - not even a hiss of flame or buzz of electricity.

2018-01-24, 04:48 PM
Tucking the sunrod into his belt, Vettis stays close to his charge as she explores. "A whole city, hidden down here..."

Perception [roll0]
Search [roll1]

2018-01-25, 02:38 AM
Unfortunately Farley pulls a door free of it's hinges his eyes widening in alarm "Miss Celeste I need nails and a hammer." he says holding the door in his hand looking quite upset.

2018-01-26, 02:45 AM
With Vettis staying by Aurora, Percival examines their surroundings in more detail. Assuming the ruins have been closed this whole time, the population must be somewhere. Was it possible they left through some other means? He peers into a nearby house Unless...

Perception [roll0]
Search [roll1]

2018-01-29, 08:22 PM
You don't see much in this chamber, but Percival does perceive a flicker of light from the tunnel at the far end - something coming down the road? Farley's banging did echo in the stillness...

2018-01-29, 11:26 PM
Aurora paused a moment, and considered her options.

"Farley, might I suggest you take up a rear guard position? Watch our backs? Let Vettis take point?"

2018-01-30, 12:19 AM
"I am not good at watching backs but I will do my best." Farley smiles putting a thumb up while still holding the door "I still need nails."

2018-01-30, 01:10 AM
"Just, um, set it aside and will come back and deal with it later. After we've checked over the place." She offers with a nod.

2018-01-30, 02:49 AM
A faint ticking noise slowly becomes audible down the tunnel. You're not entirely without refuge - the path back to the surface is still lit behind you, and there's what looks like the doorway of a dessert shop or cafe that Farley has pulled the door from. It has a couple small tables with small chairs upended on top: closed down, so probably not abandoned in a hurry, but it's hard to say.