View Full Version : How would you adapt Dark Souls Hexes for D&D?

2017-09-15, 10:50 PM
I've just recently gotten done beating Dark Souls 3 for the third time as a rather interesting character build, and am wondering if it would be possible to translate the character into D&D.

He is a Paladin of Velka the Goddess of Sin and the deity responsible for metting out punishment unto the guilty. In doing so he is equipped with Plate armor befitting a knight, a heavy steel shield, a weighty broadsword for hacking his enemies apart, and dark miracles, such as Dorhys' Gnawing, Dark Blade, Deep Protection, Lifehunt Scythe, and Vow of Silence.

Gnawing allows the user to cast a swarm of flesh eating insects at their enemies that bite into their flesh and cause bleed damage, Dark Blade allows the user to embue his weapon with the Dark as a means of boosting his attack, Deep Protection functions similarly to rage, boosting attack damage and defense, Lifehunt Scythe allows it's wielded to strike at their enemy with a dark scythe conjured out of the aether that deals damage and steals back HP for the caster, and last Vow of Silence blocks the use of any spells within it's radius.

Velka, is NOT an evil deity, rather she is arguably the only good deity, among legions of the corrupt, and it is her job to exact punishment, even upon the other gods. And so she works in secret, using the Dark as her weapon.

As for his weapons, rather than focusing on dual-wielding like my Barbarian Knight idea, he would only use it for blocking and parrying enemy attacks. Would it be possible to create such a Paladin, or to adapt those spells for D&D?

2017-09-16, 05:53 PM
You could have a look at the Hexblade (CW p.5) or Hexer (MotW p.63) for ideas on how to handle hex/curse abilities.

Now, on the the others:

Gnawing allows the user to cast a swarm of flesh eating insects at their enemies that bite into their flesh and cause bleed damage: Summon Swarm
Dark Blade allows the user to embue his weapon with the Dark as a means of boosting his attack: Greater Magic Weapon
Deep Protection functions similarly to rage, boosting attack damage and defense: Bull's Strength + Shield of Faith
Lifehunt Scythe allows it's wielded to strike at their enemy with a dark scythe conjured out of the aether that deals damage and steals back HP for the caster: Spiritual Weapon + Vampiric Touch homebrew combo
Vow of Silence blocks the use of any spells within it's radius: Silence

2017-09-16, 10:14 PM
Lifehunt Scythe could be done by refluffing the Spectral Hand spell into being a scythe, then using it to cast Vampiric Touch on your enemies.

I recommend using a Cleric with the Divine Magician ACF, since it sounds like you might want to pull spells from both the Cleric and Wizard spell lists. Consider dipping into Prestige Paladin as well if you need to pick up some Paladin-exclusive spells.

2017-09-16, 11:06 PM
You could have a look at the Hexblade (CW p.5) or Hexer (MotW p.63) for ideas on how to handle hex/curse abilities.

Now, on the the others:

Gnawing allows the user to cast a swarm of flesh eating insects at their enemies that bite into their flesh and cause bleed damage: Summon Swarm
Dark Blade allows the user to embue his weapon with the Dark as a means of boosting his attack: Greater Magic Weapon
Deep Protection functions similarly to rage, boosting attack damage and defense: Bull's Strength + Shield of Faith
Lifehunt Scythe allows it's wielded to strike at their enemy with a dark scythe conjured out of the aether that deals damage and steals back HP for the caster: Spiritual Weapon + Vampiric Touch homebrew combo
Vow of Silence blocks the use of any spells within it's radius: Silence

I recommend using a Cleric with the Divine Magician ACF, since it sounds like you might want to pull spells from both the Cleric and Wizard spell lists. Consider dipping into Prestige Paladin as well if you need to pick up some Paladin-exclusive spells.

I agree with most of this.

Lifehunt Scythe in DkS3 is a melee lifesteal spell with a windup. I would just refluff vampiric touch and call it a day, because making it a full-round action to cast would just be onerous and not befitting the combat aesthetic of D&D.

For Dark Blade you could just re-purpose the first-level artificer infusion personal weapon augmentation to infuse your weapon with frost or unholy. Maybe at higher caster levels it improves to icy burst to keep it relevant. I say unholy because while you're right, Velka isn't really evil, she strikes me as being awfully similar to Hoar from Faerun, a LN god of justice and vengeance with some evil leanings.

For the block/parry, I would recommend talking with your DM to expand combat expertise and/or fighting defensively to apply when you attack or cast a spell.