View Full Version : Rimevale & Beyond

2017-09-16, 05:47 PM
Located on the southern shore of Lake Luminak is a small town named Rimevale. Mostly a trade center, there are several industries focused primarily around fishing and shipping. There are also dozens of farmsteads in the plains to the east. North and west of town are rolling hills that stretch for many miles. Further west is a marshy area that eventually turns into large forest. Further to the north there are mountains where a few mines are located.

The lake is very large, most would consider it a small inland sea, and is bountiful in its natural resources. A fast flowing river empties into the west of the lake and continues in a broader and slower current to the east through the plains and toward the distant desert. At each of these river points is a small village. There’s one road that leads east along the north shore, then splits off; one branch that follows the river and the other that crosses a bridge and heads to the south where more civilized lands lie in the distance.

Situated in the northern temperate zone, summers are warm and winters can be very cold in Rimevale, but the lake never freezes over. Storms are common, though not typically dangerous or violent. The local flora and fauna are plentiful, and much of the area is considered wilderness.

The population is 75% human, 10% half elf, 5% dwarf, 5% elf, 5% others. The leader of the town is Mayor Polin Lukran, a half elf, (elected every 5 years), assisted by a Council (4 members). Law enforcement is headed by Sheriff Jonas Durn (appointed by the council) and his dozens of constables. There is a 3 judge panel. The town has a small military (army and navy).

The town walls (5 sides) are 40’ high, 15’ thick, crenelated, with watch towers on each corner and the middle of the north wall (6 total). It's built from the shore around the town, has 3 gates (west, north, east) which are closed just before sunset. The docks along are located on the south side of town on the lake shore,. That part of town serves as the warehouse district, with plenty of inns and low rent housing in the middle, trading/shipping companies to the east, and military facilities located to the west.

The west side of town is more affluent (manors, theater, etc). The council chamber and Mayor’s office are found in the north side of town. The east side is mostly shops, some industry and common housing. There's a central market and town square, surrounded by shops, the sheriff’s office, temples and churches.

Constructed at the south end of the town square, the Cracked Mast Inn is a moderately priced place where many visitors end up, and where many locals are daily patrons. Not as seedy as the dockside dives, nor as swanky as the taverns in the west end of town, this establishment sees many travelers, and is often used as a meeting place for merchants.

Owned and operated by a dwarf named Rylok Rudbeard, his wife Irma, and their three children, it employs a well-trained local staff. Always open, it offers dining, drinking, entertainments of various sorts, and has a number of rooms to fit different needs. The building itself is a sturdy stone construction with three floors and an expansive cellar. The front doors face the market, and there is a side door that leads out to a large patio with a few small trees, flowers, and tables and chairs for those who prefer to relax outside. On the other side is a private area where a small herb and vegetable garden are kept, surrounded by a stone wall.

This is where the group of adventurers start, whether they’re local regulars, first time visitors from afar, or return patrons. It is well known locally as a gathering place for adventurous types. A half elf and a Halfling sit on a stage near the west wall, playing a jaunty tune and singing local favorites. Servers wander through the crowded tables doing their jobs well and keeping the customers happy. A few tables are empty (a, b, c, h, o) as are a few stools at the bar along the back wall.

Most patrons are human, with a smattering of other races. Many of them appear to be commoner locals, workmen, minor merchants, and a few farmers. There’s a halfling and a dwarf sitting at a table (n) near the stairs. At a table (j) by the door sits a trio of half elves. At the bar only two people stand out from the others: a large half orc wearing chain mail with a greatsword strapped to his back, and a dwarf wearing plate mail with a battle axe and shield.

Many of them cast only a quick glance at anybody who enters. The halfling and dwarf are deeply involved in a hushed conversation and pay no mind to anyone else. The half orc stares at the newcomers, and the half elves look intently at them for a moment before returning to their casual conversation.

The dwarven barkeep barks out a warm greeting, directing one of the servers to take their order.


2017-09-18, 12:00 PM
Mika - Half-Elf Rogue - 20/20 HP (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1006829)

Mika and Azktor came to the city of Rimevale late in the day. After Mika asked for directions they made their way to the inn and entered, before pushing the door closed against a bitter wind. Mika lowers her hood and looks at the people staring back at them. She suddenly smiles and nods to the group before going to the bar to order a hot cider. She waits until Azktor joins her, all the while, she sighs inwardly as the door opens and puts more cold air into the room. What looked like a tracker and his ward a female clad in armor that was far too nice to truly have seen any battle.

Mika sat with her back to the wall and sips the drink. It felt good to finally be warmed up with a proper drink. Her eyes scan the room until they land on the duo playing a jaunty tune. They certainly could use a fourth lighter instrument to carry the tune, she thinks. Mika shifts uneasily and takes another body warming drink. "I suppose we could spend the night here. It would be nice to have a clean bath again, yes?" She says as she drinks from her mug.

The chill air whips around the room again and another person enters the noisy inn. Mika settles back in her chair and watches the newcomer with searching eyes. This newcomer was something quite rare to see and Mika eventually waves her over, "I think that is a tiefling if I'm not mistaken."

In a short time, their table was occupied with the heavily clad armor female, the shadowy ranger, and the interesting warlock. Mika was happy to ask and answer questions until we are all well acquainted. Mika smiles but then it fades slightly, "I must be forward, We are looking to create a small fellowship and It seems we are all travelers and strangers to this place. I propose we work together, profit together and watch each other's backs; together." Mika offers her mug forward in fellowship. "To Friends?"

2017-09-18, 11:21 PM
I'm. Elizabeth starts before looking around the room confused. I'm not really much of a stranger here.
I'm a a Pridalyn. My family built the church of the Dragonslayer here. Or rather, paid for it to be built. Elizabeth replied.

I of course would be happy to help. If you know any bands of roaming Goblins that need to be dealt with or such. She piped up, with a stern nod.

2017-09-19, 02:33 AM
Azktor Warsgen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=868000)
Azktor starts regreting already helping Mika out when she start talking about going to a nice inn and tavern spending his resources with trivialities, but after thinking for a while he gets to a conclusion that the best way to defeat Skulkan is by becoming more powerfull himself and by having strong allies. It is hard for Azktor to be completely friendly towards Mika while traveling, because the last friends he had were killed by him with the blade that he is carrying right now, so he keeps most of the time quiet sometimes answering with short sentances.

Azktor comes marching into the inn, he is used to get some attention, after all it is not every day you sees a 6'5" Half-Orc, wearing a black splint mail carrying a strange ornated black Greatsword, but he don't really care about that. He looks around for potential 'allies' and opportunies. He sits at the table that Mika choose and ask for some ale and simple food, he is very fond of meats with strong taste. Azktor just grunts back to Mika when she mention the bath, he don't really cares about that enough to answer, but nods just so Mika has an answer.

Azktor raises his mug back at Mika and says "For new alliances!" changing the word on Mika's toast to a more appropiate, at least at this moment. He then looks at Elizabeth up and down, sizing her up, he notices that she is well armored and is looking like she saw some fights already, answering "Ah, a Dragonslayer? From your looks you are either a fellow paladin or a cleric, is that correct?" he asks with interest on the answer and on Elizabeth.

After that he says with a stern tone of voice "My name is Azktor Warsgen, also know as the Black-Blade, I'm a Paladin of Tempus. And I think we could aim higher than some goblins." He thinks at the Orsi'kur Village and Skulkan, but he decides not to mention at this moment. "But that would be a fine start as any."

2017-09-19, 02:52 AM
Just an update note here, I added in a map and included letters for the tables. I listed the empty ones that are inside, one of which your group is now using. Since nobody has gone out to the patio you wouldn't know, but several of those are also empty. So please note which table that is please.

2017-09-19, 03:43 AM
Diza enter the inn with her eyes straight ahead, refusing to acknowledge those around her who no doubt stared at the tiefling woman with the inky black fey raven on her shoulder. She was used to the looks she received, but she still didn't like them. In fact, she was so focused on not paying attention to the other patrons, that she sat down at an occupied table before she even noticed the half-elf sitting across from her, "Well, to move now would be admitting I made a mistake," she thinks to herself and instead she manages a polite smile as she orders whiskey and pulls out an old, leather bound book, pretending to read so she wont have to engage in conversation.

As others begin to join the table Diza looks at each over the top of her book. None of them evoke much of a reaction in the tiefling until the human sits down and begins spouting on about how her family built the church, "And I suppose that makes you nobility." it's more of a statement than a question, and Diza doesn't bother to look up from her book, "Well don't expect me to bow to you just because you're part of the lucky sperm club," there is noticeable disdain in her voice as she lets her distaste for both the so-called nobility and humans in general taint her words. On her shoulder the crow caws harshly, black eyes regarding the human woman.

When talk turns to alliances and goblin hunting Diza sighs. She needed work. There were only so many jobs a tiefling could get, and most were far worse than dungeon delving. Almost reluctantly she closes her book and lifts her glass of whiskey along with the others, "To profit and mutual survival," she agrees in her own way. She didn't consider these strangers allies, not yet, and certainly not friends. But they seemed a capable lot, and she was willing to give them a chance as long as it didn't cost her her life.

2017-09-19, 11:52 AM
Mika - Half-Elf Rogue - 20/20 HP (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1006829)

Mika's diplomatic smile would never leave her face as she listens to the troubled waters that her newfound allies sailed on, "Right. Yes, I suppose it does make you a sort of noble here. Well, Mrs. Noble, my name is Mika. Typically nobles have more information than commoners and often enjoy dilvuging it." She pauses as the music changes to another tune, "So I will ask you the question you asked me. Do you know of any goblins in the area? Preferably whom have been stealing from merchants; me and my friend here are trying to raise capital in order to settle some old debts."

Mika plays with her flute again; the desire to join the band on this song was strong. Mika lets out a giggle and stifles it with her hand, "Well I wouldn't have put it that way." She sits back up, "Well now that we are all fellowship, more or less. How about we find those goblins that everyone seems to be talking about?"

Mika pulls out her flute and leans back trying to disappear now. Her fingers tease along the holes in time with the music, "Would our new allies in the temple allow us to stay there Mrs. Elizabeth?"

2017-09-19, 12:29 PM
Azktor Warsgen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=868000)
Azktor starts regreting already helping Mika out when she start talking about going to a nice inn and tavern spending his resources with trivialities, but after thinking for a while he gets to a conclusion that the best way to defeat Skulkan is by becoming more powerfull himself and by having strong allies. It is hard for Azktor to be completely friendly towards Mika while traveling, because the last friends he had were killed by him with the blade that he is carrying right now, so he keeps most of the time quiet sometimes answering with short sentances.

Azktor comes marching into the inn, he is used to get some attention, after all it is not every day you sees a 6'5" Half-Orc, wearing a black splint mail carrying a strange ornated black Greatsword, but he don't really care about that. He looks around for potential 'allies' and opportunies. He sits at the table that Mika choose and ask for some ale and simple food, he is very fond of meats with strong taste. Azktor just grunts back to Mika when she mention the bath, he don't really cares about that enough to answer, but nods just so Mika has an answer.

Azktor raises his mug back at Mika and says "For new alliances!" changing the word on Mika's toast to a more appropiate, at least at this moment. He then looks at Elizabeth up and down, sizing her up, he notices that she is well armored and is looking like she saw some fights already, answering "Ah, a Dragonslayer? From your looks you are either a fellow paladin or a cleric, is that correct?" he asks with interest on the answer and on Elizabeth.

After that he says with a stern tone of voice "My name is Azktor Warsgen, also know as the Black-Blade, I'm a Paladin of Tempus. And I think we could aim higher than some goblins." He thinks at the Orsi'kur Village and Skulkan, but he decides not to mention at this moment. "But that would be a fine start as any."

A priestess. Elizabeth explained gesturing to herself as she looked at the symbol of Tempus, and seemed mildly disappointed. Although I was of course trained to fight, like all priests of the Dragonslayer.

If goblins aren't your taste, perhaps a bandit gang led by a half orc barbarian is more your taste. The farmers to the east have been having trouble with the raids. I've been trying to drum up a group together. Elizabeth says looking down at the table. But since right now, the stored food is currently enough, no one wants to risk life and limb.

Diza enter the inn with her eyes straight ahead, refusing to acknowledge those around her who no doubt stared at the tiefling woman with the inky black fey raven on her shoulder. She was used to the looks she received, but she still didn't like them. In fact, she was so focused on not paying attention to the other patrons, that she sat down at an occupied table before she even noticed the half-elf sitting across from her, "Well, to move now would be admitting I made a mistake," she thinks to herself and instead she manages a polite smile as she orders whiskey and pulls out an old, leather bound book, pretending to read so she wont have to engage in conversation.

As others begin to join the table Diza looks at each over the top of her book. None of them evoke much of a reaction in the tiefling until the human sits down and begins spouting on about how her family built the church, "And I suppose that makes you nobility." it's more of a statement than a question, and Diza doesn't bother to look up from her book, "Well don't expect me to bow to you just because you're part of the lucky sperm club," there is noticeable disdain in her voice as she lets her distaste for both the so-called nobility and humans in general taint her words. On her shoulder the crow caws harshly, black eyes regarding the human woman.

When talk turns to alliances and goblin hunting Diza sighs. She needed work. There were only so many jobs a tiefling could get, and most were far worse than dungeon delving. Almost reluctantly she closes her book and lifts her glass of whiskey along with the others, "To profit and mutual survival," she agrees in her own way. She didn't consider these strangers allies, not yet, and certainly not friends. But they seemed a capable lot, and she was willing to give them a chance as long as it didn't cost her her life.

Of course I wouldn't. Women curtsy anyway. Remind me to show you some time. Elizabeth said icily before taking a swig of her drink.

2017-09-20, 01:58 PM
As the musicians take a break, they come over to the table and invite Mika to join them on the stage for their next set. The barkeep booms out, “Ye’ll get free room’n’board fer yerself if ye add sufficiently to da performance.”

Two of the three half elves who were sitting at a table near the door (j) get up and leave. They were dressed in clothes common to dock workers in town, each bearing a sheathed shortsword and hand crossbow.

The other half elf approaches your table and says, “Excuse me, but I overheard the mention of goblins. I can tell you more about that, if you’re truly interested. My name is Lauf-Ren.”

He’s dressed in sailors clothes, which look a little torn, and has a scimitar slung at his side. Close observation (those with passive perception of 12 or higher) reveals a few patches of dried blood on his clothes, though obvious attempts were made to clean it out at some point. Now that he’s closer you can all see that he wears a bloodied bandage on his upper right arm under the sleeve of his shirt.

As Elizabeth mentioned the half orc and bandits, a few of the humans cast sad looks their way, now brightened with some hope. But they seem intent on letting the group talk to the half elf for now and order more drinks. They’re all unarmed and dressed as commoners, and most appear to be farmers and such.

2017-09-20, 03:15 PM
Azktor Warsgen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=868000)

A priestess. Elizabeth explained gesturing to herself as she looked at the symbol of Tempus, and seemed mildly disappointed. Although I was of course trained to fight, like all priests of the Dragonslayer.
Azktor gives a half smile back when Elizabeth says she is trained to fight "That is good thing to hear, we might as well celebrate the formation of this group by removing the head of those goblins. After that we go to the barbarians." he then wonders if this group of barbarian has any conection with Orsi'Kur village.

The other half elf approaches your table and says, “Excuse me, but I overheard the mention of goblins. I can tell you more about that, if you’re truly interested. My name is Lauf-Ren.”
Azktor stare at Lauf-Ren for a second and repply "Yes, I'm interested to hear more, mainly what is in for us if we kill those goblins, other than the pleasure of killing goblins." Azktor gives a grim look while saying it, but keeps going "Other than that, tell us more about then, like where are they attacking or camping, and how many they are."

2017-09-20, 06:15 PM
As the musicians take a break, they come over to the table and invite Mika to join them on the stage for their next set. The barkeep booms out, “Ye’ll get free room’n’board fer yerself if ye add sufficiently to da performance.”

Mika smiles and gives her thanks to the duo for the invitation. After the band's break, Mika follows the group back to the stage and she starts going over a few sheets of music; rather quickly. "This seems catchy.*Mika flips to the last sheet and back* I like it. I'm sure I can keep up." Once the band is ready, Mika takes her place on stage, and follows the band back into another jaunty folk song.


2017-09-20, 11:33 PM
Elizabeth takes a look at the man concerned.

Are you alright sir? Did you get into a scrabe with some goblins? She questions touching the man's arm right above the bandage as she looks at the dried blood.

Let's roll insight [roll0]

2017-09-21, 03:16 AM
Mika performs exceptionally well on her first song, and that trend continues for some time. Many of the patrons seem to pay more attention when she joins the duo. The dwarven barkeep watches closely and listens intently for the first song, then diverts his attention back to a few customers.

Meanwhile, the half elf pulls an empty chair from another table and sits near the corner of the one the group occupies. He sips his ale and heaves a sigh before answering, “A few nights ago the ship I served on as first mate, an elven ship named the River Rover, was attacked by hobgoblin and goblin pirates. We were quickly overwhelmed, despite the noble and heroic efforts of all aboard. But things turned very bad quickly. The Captain commanded me to escape with a few others and try to get back to the elven realms to repot this incident. I reluctantly agreed.”

He pauses to sip his ale as Elizabeth queries him and checks his wounded arm. With a shrug he says, “I still bear a few wounds, though nothing that won’t heal with some rest,” then continues his tale, “We swam ashore and began trekking back toward the elven realm. The second night ashore we were ambushed by goblins, I alone escaped that slaughter. Though we took more than a few down, they kept coming in waves. They had the same tribal markings as the pirates, but were fairly well equipped for land instead.”

Clearly not proud of this, he pauses again to gather his will to add, “I decided it might be better to come to Rimevale. I arrived very early this morning, and today I alerted those at the shipping company and the local authorities. Though the paperwork is in process and all, it seems neither have the resources to go out hunting down these pirates. So when I overheard some of you speaking about goblins, I thought you might be interested in these.”

Finishing off his ale, he gestures to the barkeep for another, then concludes, “I believe there is a tribe of goblins, some of whom work for the hobgoblins as pirates, very likely under duress if not enslaved. Another group from the same tribe is causing trouble in the hills to the west.”

Starting on his new ale, his voice gets a little louder, “As to reward, the shipping company authorized me to pay a small group of mercenaries, or heroes as I would say, if one could be found to take on the task of seeking out these goblins and stopping their activities in the area. As far as I’m concerned they should be exterminated to the last, if possible. You might also check with the sheriff, he might have a bounty for them authorized by the Mayor and Council. If not, they might soon, or at least they should. The activities of these goblins are obviously getting closer to town than ever before.”

2017-09-21, 12:36 PM
Hmm. Elizabeth considered. Do you think the goblins tribal village is actually in the hills to the west,
or are they somewhere else? Turning to the rest of the group she addresses them.

We should also go to the mayor as well. He's likely to know where the tribal village is, or know who knows.

2017-09-21, 03:02 PM
"I can, of course, track them down for you as well. As you apparently still forget. And I'm back by the way El." Bairre steps from the crowd, carrying another pitcher of beer for the table. He offers a quick smile to the tiefling and half-orc. "I don't believe we've had the pleasure, but as My Lady has leapt into cooperation with you..." He extends his hand to each in turn. "You can call me Bairre."

2017-09-25, 05:05 PM
Lauf-Ren nods and lets out a long, soft sigh of relief, seeing that the majority of this group seems interested in helping against the goblins, "I don't know where the goblins make their home. But they likely have some sort of camp in the hills west of town. If you all agree to go, I can pay you each 25 gold now to start. If you return with information, a captive, or anything else that will help put an end to this, I can pay you each another 75 gold. If you manage to completely eradicate the goblin threat in the area, I can give each of you another 100 gold. I'll be here for another week or so, waiting for another ship to arrive to take me home. If it takes you longer than that, go see the manager of the Shores Shipping Company, he's my boss here."

2017-09-25, 05:47 PM
His office is at the warehouse or nearby, right? Elizabeth asked for confirmation as she starts to stand from the table.

2017-09-25, 09:34 PM
"The manager has an office in the warehouse, yes. The company also has a small office in the market district, around the corner from here, where the assistant manager works. But that's primarily used for meetings with merchants in town."

2017-09-25, 09:45 PM
Do the rest of you have any questions. Elizabeth remarks, side stepping and turning to face between the man and her group.

If not, shall we get headed to the mayor?

2017-09-25, 11:34 PM
Mika finished the second song and put her hand up to the band as they offered her another song, "I need drink and I think my friends are waving me over, Another time perhaps?" She comes back over to hear Elizabeth ask if anyone has anymore questions. Mika grabs her mug and drinks the rest, "I think not, shall we go then?"

2017-09-27, 10:39 AM
Azktor Warsgen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=868000)

Lauf-Ren nods and lets out a long, soft sigh of relief, seeing that the majority of this group seems interested in helping against the goblins, "I don't know where the goblins make their home. But they likely have some sort of camp in the hills west of town. If you all agree to go, I can pay you each 25 gold now to start. If you return with information, a captive, or anything else that will help put an end to this, I can pay you each another 75 gold. If you manage to completely eradicate the goblin threat in the area, I can give each of you another 100 gold. I'll be here for another week or so, waiting for another ship to arrive to take me home. If it takes you longer than that, go see the manager of the Shores Shipping Company, he's my boss here."
Azktors gets up from the chair and unsheats his sword - a black greatsword ornated with some strange Orcish symbols and images in the handle, and some sharp spikes in the middle of the blade and says "Me and Hel'Nadul are ready to bring you some goblin's heads back here for the 100 gold pieces." for anyone taking a closer look, notices that this strange Orcish sword is no ordinary sword, it emanates a small aura of power.

After that he says to Mika "Agreed! Let's waste no more time!" and gives a nod to the half-elf guy, pay his bill and grabs his 25gp and start heading out.

For anyone that speaks orcish knows that Hel'Nadul means: Black Night

2017-09-27, 12:51 PM
Lauf hands each of you a small pouch with 25 gold. After paying your bill at the tavern, the group sets off through town. Elizabeth guides everyone through the streets in the late afternoon, with the destination being the Mayor's office.

Being late winter there's not much activity in the streets. Though its been melting every day for over a week, there's still some snow and ice in areas where the sun doesn't shine regularly or for long. There's a chill in the air, and as the day progresses it increases slightly.

OOC: The sheriff's office is much closer and on the way. Do you want to stop there first?

2017-09-27, 07:35 PM
Mika bows and thanks, Lauf, "We will take care of this nuisance, I promise you." She follows Azktor up to the door and stops, "I hate the cold." She throws up her hood and pushes out into the chilly afternoon air.

Mika moves behind the group taking in the sights and people of Rimevale as they passed by. It wasn't long before the sheriff's office came into view.


2017-09-27, 10:28 PM
Shall we go to the sheriff's office before or after we go the mayor. Elizabeth asked taking the lead of the party as she starts pointing out notable places about the town.

2017-10-03, 10:30 AM
Constables are seen twice as the group travel through the market square area of central Rimevale. They’re mounted on horses, dressed in a uniform that includes specifically designed splint mail, a shield with the symbol of the sheriff (a yellow star on a bright blue background in the shape of a shield), and a bright blue cloak. They’re each armed with a longsword, a lance, and a heavy crossbow. They’re always encountered in groups of three. While always alert to everything they can see, they don’t initiate interactions with many people.

A few stalls and carts are set up to sell goods in the market square itself. As the group moves through the center of town they pass shops and stores of various types that are open throughout the region. Just north of the town square they pass The Petty Merchant Tavern, an establishment that seems popular with many local merchants. Across the street from the sheriff office they notice The Sycophant Saloon, a small watering hole frequented by off duty constables and military personnel.

There are a pair of mounted guards at the sheriff office, but they do nothing to hinder the group from entering. Inside is a small office with a desk, behind which are two doors. A middle aged human dressed in the uniform of the constables sits at the desk and greets the group amiably, “Good day to you. I’m deputy Grund. How can I help you?”

After explaining briefly their intention to go deal with the goblins in the area, deputy Grund nods, “Ah yes, we’ve had a few reports about that little problem, though it doesn’t seem to have any direct effect in town yet. However, the council has authorized a bounty on the members of that tribe, at the urging of the ranger corps and a few merchant companies. As I understand it, 2 gold pieces will be paid for the death of each member of this tribe. Proof of such death can be an entire body, or simply the body part where their tribal tattoo is located. A bit gruesome that, if you ask me, but more practical I suppose. Also, they’ve authorized a reward of 10 gold pieces for each live captive brought in. You can bring them here to collect the bounty, alive or dead.”

2017-10-03, 01:08 PM
Where is their tribal tattoo located? Elizabeth piped up;.

2017-10-03, 03:30 PM
"I imagine it won't be hard to figure out once we see them El." Bairre shifts nervously and positions himself slightly further behind the young cleric. It had been a while since his last... visit to this establishment, but guards were known to hold grudges.

2017-10-03, 04:11 PM
Mika shifts from behind Azktor looking at the deputy's desk for any type of currency or other valuables, "Wherever the mark, I'll leave the scalping to Azktor here." She says and pats his back, before moving to get a layout of the building but acting as innocuous as possible. She looks towards the cells and takes account if any are occupied with ne'er-do-wells. "Seems cozy."

Did he have anything noteworthy on his desk?

2017-10-03, 10:34 PM
The deputy takes a drawing out of his desk drawer and shows it to the group, "This is it, a tattoo on the face, diamond on the forehead, lines down each cheek, the stars on the joint of each side of the jaw."

Nothing noteworthy on the desk.


2017-10-03, 10:59 PM
Azktor Warsgen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=868000)
"The bringing 'alive' part will be hard, but I can bring some goblin's skins for some extra money." Azktor grunts back to the deputy he then have a tought "Usually goblins are lead by some sort of bigger goblin, if that is the case and we bring the leader back alive would that be worth more? Because I can hold my attacks on one goblin, but not on a swarm of those insects."

Persuasion roll:[roll0] (to see if I can convince him to give more for a goblin 'leader')

2017-10-03, 11:08 PM
The deputy shrugs, "Not sure about that. I suppose if you have some proof of leadership, the council may authorize more bounty for any individual. You'd have to take it up with the council, though, we have no authority to increase the bounty currently offered."

2017-10-04, 11:38 AM
Can anyone read goblinese. Elizabeth mentioned. Any journals they may have, might indicate leadership. She offers as way of explanation.

2017-10-04, 09:55 PM
Azktor Warsgen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=868000)

"Not me, but if we find a leader type and a journal someone in the town could probably read it as a way to proof, so that might work." Azktor nods agreeing with Elizabeth he ends saying for the deputy "Is there anything else we should know or do before going through this mission?" Azktor is a bit hasty to get things done and start the quest, but he don't want to lose this extra gold opportunity, after all "Money can also be power."

2017-10-06, 03:41 AM
The deputy shrugs, "Don't think so, he grins and adds, "good hunting.

2017-10-06, 10:50 AM
Mika would be looking for the keys to the cells when the interaction seemed to come to a close. So without much ado, she tips her head and follows the others back into the cold city streets.

2017-10-06, 11:37 AM
Just to clear what seems to be a misunderstanding, there are no cells visible from the front office, only two doors on the wall opposite the entry.

Mika sees no keys.

What is everyone doing after leaving the sheriff office?

A while back I posted a list of inns, taverns and pubs for each part of town. Elizabeth is probably familiar with them all, at least the names and locations.

2017-10-08, 04:16 AM
Azktor Warsgen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=868000)

After talking to the deputy Azktor leaves it's office thanking the informations He then says to the others "We should leave now, we still have a couple of hours of daylight left and we can travel in the first hours of the night if needed and set camp somewhere near the road. Let's not waste more time." Azktor is used to travel at night, most of the time he even prefers doing so.

He looks to Bairre and says "Bairre you mentioned you could track those creature down before, good! We will need that in order to find them. We should move as fast as we can, before them start moving to some place else or it starts raining and we lose any sort of track they might leave."

2017-10-08, 11:51 AM
Makes sense. Although if we do see any goblin camps before nightfall, we'll probably want to retreat and camp out. Goblins can see in the dark. I can't. Elizabeth pointed out.

2017-10-12, 03:31 PM
Mika nods in agreement and follows Azktor checking her weapons, gear, and instruments as they make to leave the safety of the city walls, "So who will be tracking these beasts?" Mika says seemingly oblivious to how to track anything.

2017-10-14, 05:47 PM
After leaving the sheriff office the group makes their way through town to the west gate. They pass between the affluent west side and the military compound on the way out. Both are isolated by a wall, though neither is as imposing as the outer wall. The gates in town wall are closed, but they have no issue leaving.

Bairre leads the way, a bit ahead of the main party, with the others following in a small cluster. The air is chilly but not uncomfortably cold, and the sky is clear. There’s a dirt road that meanders between the hills, with a few paths that ostensibly lead to the homes of a few brave homesteaders who live on this side of town. Walking for an hour brings them to the point where the road ends at a small hunting lodge that seems empty.

A quick check confirms it is indeed unoccupied, not very well kept, with plenty of room for half a dozen or so people to rest. There’s a fireplace and a small wood burning stove, though no wood. Out back is a well.

Continuing on from there the hills quickly grow steeper, with many having craggy rocks on top surrounding a copse of trees and some bushes. As the sun is setting over the hills to the west Bairre comes across some tracks between two hills. Elizabeth provides some surprising assistance, and between them they determine that the tracks come from the south, seem to mill about here a bit, then lead to the west. There seems to be about half a dozen separate imprints of small individuals wearing light boots, not more than a day old. The footprints seem deeper than one might expect from small humanoids, implying they were each carrying a considerable weight.

2017-10-15, 02:20 AM
Hmm? Elizabeth mused putting a finger on her lips.

Think we'll be catching the goblins after a recent raid? They're carrying something heavy. Elizabeth replies.

2017-10-16, 02:19 AM
Azktor Warsgen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=868000)

"It looks like that way, perhaps that is a good chance for us to surprise them. Maybe they are even carrying some Valuables." Azktor than looks around to the others particularly Elizabeth "Since they are at least one day away from us there is no need to hurry. So let's find a place to rest for now."

Surival: [roll0]

2017-10-17, 03:33 AM
Yes, let's. I certainly don't want to give the goblins the edge by fighting in the dark. Elizabeth remarks.

2017-10-19, 02:11 AM
Following the goblin trail, which seems to stay in the lowest points between the hills, the group pushes past sunset into the night without incident, all the while looking for a good place to rest. Tracking at night is not easy, but Bairre continues to find enough traces of goblin boot prints to confidently trace this trail. Elizabeth occasionally stumbles on some rock or rough patch of ground in the dark, slowing progress slightly but not significantly.

Within an hour they find a suitable place to rest, a hill with a slight depression on top, which is also obscured by a small copse of trees. After covertly investigating this, the entire group ascends the hill and prepares to camp for the night. A watch rotation is established, a simple meal is had, and bedrolls are arranged.

Watch order and length please. Any special preparations for the area or individually?

2017-10-19, 02:15 AM
Elizabeth will do her best to dig out a small, shallow trench around the camp.

But besides that nothing special.

2017-10-24, 10:31 PM
Azktor Warsgen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=868000)

Azktor will help Elizabeth out, and start discussing Watch and marching order with the group. He want them to be prepared for what is to come.

2017-10-31, 02:19 AM
The campsite is enhanced by a small trench surrounding it. Though chilly, the night passes without any trouble. Each shift hears wolves in the distance, not uncommon in the wilderness areas of this land.

Day 2:
Morning comes, and everyone readies themselves to continue tracking the goblins. After a few hours of travel Bairre suspects that the group is gaining on their quarry, and by noon he’s certain of it. Pressing on with only a few short breaks, the group maintains a good pace. By midafternoon they find a spot between two high hills where the tracks split off into smaller groups. One apparently continued on, at least two sets of tracks lead to each hilltop.

2017-10-31, 12:36 PM
Do... you think they've been using both hilltops as camps? Elizabeth muses as she hears the comment about the tracks.

2017-11-05, 08:28 AM
Azktor (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=868000)

"Or they are doing this to confuse us." Azktor looks around to see if any of the tracks have more footprints in it.

Survival [roll0]