View Full Version : [PTU] big teej presents: Kanto Plus: Aftermath - Thread II

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big teej
2017-09-16, 09:58 PM
For anybody following along, the first thread can be found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?500430-PTU-IC-big-teej-presents-Kanto-Plus-Aftermath)

The Story So Far...

Our Adventures began in Pallet City, following the latest batch of new Pokemon League Circuit Trainers. Specifically, Tyson Hughes (https://kantoaftermath.obsidianportal.com/characters/tyson) and Cassandra Kelani. (https://kantoaftermath.obsidianportal.com/characters/cassandra-kelani) Due to new Pokemon League regulations, they were required to travel to Viridian City together. Once in Viridian, they encountered Ken Kogane (https://kantoaftermath.obsidianportal.com/characters/ken) and his league appointed partner Lucille Brightside (https://kantoaftermath.obsidianportal.com/characters/lucille-brightside). A Fire Type enthusiast from Cinnabar and an intensely driven young trainer respectively. Lucille disappeared, dragging two other aspirant trainers onward, leaving Ken behind, who joined Tyson and Cassandra. Shortly after, the trio met Lysandra Ferre (https://kantoaftermath.obsidianportal.com/characters/lysandra-ferre), a former music star who'd taken to the circuit to find direction in her life. She'd been paired with all around Supernerd and former Aide to Prof. Oak, Elliot Rowan Racine (https://kantoaftermath.obsidianportal.com/characters/elliot-rowan-racine-iv) (the fourth).

Opting for greater safety found in greater numbers, the five trainers ventured into the sprawling Viridian Forest, quickly becoming lost and stumbling blindly through the endless trees for a week before finally falling out the other side, just shy of Pewter City. There, they met up again with Lucille, who'd managed to arrive several days ahead of them. Ken was challenged to a battle but refused, and the party decided to head to the Pewter City Museum to relax from their travels before tackling the Gym.

Their hopes for relaxation, however, were destroyed at the speed of light, as remnants of Team Rocket attacked the museum, prepared for a fight. Tyson and Elliot, trapped in the Science Exhibit, were able to fend off the Rockets, and were able to cash in on their vigilantism. Lysandra disappeared during the attack, and hasn't been seen since. Having spent the last of their paltry funds on going to see Museum exhibits (and not even getting a refund!) The group opted to check the local Job Board, in the hopes of being able to afford to replenish their supplies.

This is where the party encountered the Boot-Camp Trainer, Lennox Carver (https://kantoaftermath.obsidianportal.com/characters/lennox-carver) and his inappropriately clad partner, Genevieve (https://kantoaftermath.obsidianportal.com/characters/genevieve). They also met Aegwynn Ragnarsdottir (https://kantoaftermath.obsidianportal.com/characters/mashedpotatojones), a budding psionicist trained in Saffron, and Zach Rommel, (https://kantoaftermath.obsidianportal.com/characters/zach-rommel) an excitable boy prone to hero-worship whenever the champions of pallet are mentioned.

Here, the group split. Genevieve, Tyson, and Lennox proceeded to a local Occult shop to deal with a nasty rat infestation, while Ken and Aegwynn departed into the mountains west of Pewter to locate a lost Poke ball. Cassandra opted to wait for Lennox to finish dealing with the rat infestation before they too would journey into the mountains, to make a delivery for a separate occult studio.

After surviving the rat packs beneath Omaine's Pocket Brew, Tyson challenged the Pewter City Gym Leader, [REDACTED] emerging successful and in possession of the [REDACTED] Badge. He tracked down Lucille to follow up on his suggestion that they travel to Cerulean together. She insisted he first battle a strange young man named Leonardo. They threw down at the courts later that day, coming down to the last few pokemon on Tyson's roster, he was just able to eke out a victory against the odd-talking juggler.

Ken, Aegwynn, Lennox, and Cassandra were just beginning their trip into the mountains as Tyson and Lucille set off for Cerulean. Ken and Aegwynn eventually located the Heavy Ball in a golem's nest, and between that, a rogue Skarmory, and the local wildlife, were lucky to make it back to Pewter alive. Lennox and Cassandra faced fewer complications, instead encountering a really weird old man living by himself.

Where are they now?
When we last left our heroes... they had allowed all of the friends and companions they'd encountered thus far (excepting Lucille, who still travels with Tyson) to follow their own quests, and await their next encounter with our heroes.

Lennox and Cassandra are currently still in the mountains of Pewter, battling the wildlife.

Aegwynn and Ken have just returned to Pewter City, ready to locate the owner of the Heavy Ball, and challenge the gym leader.

Tyson and Lucille are engaged in a doubles battle at the foot of Mount Moon.

(it's worth noting, dear reader, that the time line has become a bit screwy over the course of play... try not to worry about it)

Notice to Players
I anticipate the new ruleset to be completed during this thread, ideally, it will line up in a beautifully serendipitous fashion with an encounter I have planned. Regardless of when it's ready, we will take a 1 or 2 week hiatus to allow for everyone to read through the new ruleset, and make any adjustments to their characters. Guidelines for how to handle these changes will be provided once the ruleset is complete.

And So, the story continues....
ooc: Players are reminded that their attacks will be randomly assigned to an enemy in the absence of a target specified by the player.

Returning to Pewter City, Day 1

Cassandra's pokeball reaches the dunsparce before any of the trainer's would be rescuing pokemon. The Dunsparce is energized, and the snubbull look around, incensed at the loss of their meal. The ball falls to the ground, thrashing wildly and bouncing a few meters away before shattering and releasing the ground snake. It thrashes it's head and drill shaped tail in the air and then seems to squish in on itself, curling up into a pudgy ball. Tazer dashes passed and unleashes a bolt of electricity into one of the snubbull. Ronin follows the tiny electric mouse, running between the snubbull with it's spiked arms outstretched, living a clean, bloody line across each of the dogs' torsos. Both of the pink bulldogs turn, bloody jaws hanging open, and leap at Ronin, but one is struck down by Djali before it can reach the baby pawniard. It's companion clamps down on Ronin's outstretched arm, chewing at the metallic limb.

Snubbul #1 used Bite on Ronin!
Ronin took 33 Dark Damage vs. Defense!
Dunsparce used Curl Up!

Initative Reset
11 - Lennox, Cassandra
10 - Tazer, Ronin
9 - Dunsparce
5 - Djali
4 - Snubbull #1

Traveling to Cerulean City, Day 2
ooc: You didn't think to ask! mwuahahaha! :nale:

Kasumi stumbles in the swirling dust, giving the sandslash and metang a chance to sidestep away from the renewed torrent of acidic bubbles. The Sandslash begins to spin, faster and faster until it is nothing more than a spiky blur that then rockets at the Tympole doggedly bouncing towards it. "Get down!" Lucille shouts as a warning and the Tympole stops bouncing, just in time for the sandslash to rocketing over it's head. Which just leaves it wide open for the Metang's follow up attack, it's spiked claws punching three bloody holes in the tympole's body. The tadpole retaliates with another torrent of bubbles, which proves to be too much for the metang and sandslash, which fall to the ground with a clank and a thump.

They disappear in a flash of red light, and are replaced by a green hound with a huge crest of hair and a jagged yellow line that runs from it's snout to it's tail and a large floating orange rock covered in long yellowed spikes.

The hound hunches down, snarling at Kasumi and the tympole, which both shake from the concussive force. Lucille's Tympole Collapses. Lucille recalls the fallen tadpole without a comment and throws Venkon's ball onto the court.

The rock glides forward, it's spikes shifting and grinding across it's body, and the earth begins to respond in kind. Kasumi is thrown to the ground and buffeted by the roiling earth and shifting stones. Venkon crouches at the first tremors, and leaps into the air before it can be tossed off balance. It raises its paws, and a coruscating ball of energy flickers into existence before being released at the rock, cracking some of it's spikes and sending it spending on it's axis through the air, it spins and spins until it finally hits the ground and lies still.

Toboggan boy curses and tells the girl in the jacket she's on her own.

Elektrike used Snarl, Kasumi took 33 Dark Damage vs. Special Defense!
Kasumi's Special Attack Fell!
Lucille Tagged Enemy Solrock for Venkon
Enemy Solrock used Earthquake!
Venkon used Detect! Earthquake Missed!
Kasumi took 34 Ground Damage vs. Defense!
Venkon used Aura Sphere!
Venkon gained 1 Momentum from striking an Enemy
Venkon gained 1 Momentum from the end of the round
Kasumi lost a tick of HP from the Sandstorm
Enemy Electrike lost a tick of HP from the sandstorm!

Initiative Resets
25 - Kasumi
19 - Lucille
15 - Tyson
13 - Electrike
11 - Venkon
0 - Sandstorm (3 turns remaining)

aren't the new initiative rules fun?

You both are pretty sure that skiddo, unless cornered, are typically skittish, it's the more mature Gogoats they evolve into that you have to watch out for, especially during late fall. They'll charge over nothing and won't stop until their targets' are limp or out of reach.


The pokemon is knocked tumbling away from the half-eaten apricorn, and your pokeball energizes it and rolls in the dust.

Shelmet was caught!
Level 9, Female, Quirky Nature, Shell Armor Ability, Loyalty 2

In the City
As you head towards the pokemon center, Aegwynn's pokedex chimes.

"Hey, thanks for finding the team fatty, I was real worried, just leave him at the Pewter City Pokemon center, and I can pick him up next time I'm in town."

2017-09-16, 10:20 PM
As Ken remembers that the Skiddo stay true to part of their name, a smirk appears on his face. "I think I'm going to capture one." He turns to Zippo, "You ready for another round?" The fire shrew chirps a little and gets ready to jump in at a moments notice.

Ken approaches slowly to the flower bed, trying not to scare off the small herd early on. As he takes a spare pokeball in his hand, he turns to Zippo. "Ok buddy, hit that one closest to us with your ember!" As he says the command, Zippo jumps off Ken's shoulder and launches a fire ball at the closest Skiddo. After the attack hits, Ken throws the poke ball at the same Skiddo that was targeted by Zippo.

PokePsychology for Charm to get close: (http://orokos.com/roll/551317) 21

Zippo uses Ember! It's Super Effective!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/551306): 4 AC2
Damage: (http://orokos.com/roll/551307) 24 v SpDef

Ken throws a Pokeball, trainer level 4
Throw: (http://orokos.com/roll/551308) 19
Capture: (http://orokos.com/roll/551309) 36

Later back in the city....
Ken sighs in relief as they get back to the city limits. He nods in agreement with Aegwynn. "Yeah, a real bed sounds amazing right now. Especially after about walking into one of those holes this morning." He let out a small chuckle as Zippo chirped in what seemed like a laugh, or maybe a sigh. "Plus, I'm curious to see what these eggs are." With the signal in their poked back, he could just look them up when they returned to the Pokemon Center. He hears Aegwynn's pokedex chime. "That our mystery employer?" Zippo yawns as Ken turns to Aegwynn to ask.

2017-09-17, 04:29 AM
Traveling to Cerulean City, Day 2

Kasumi stumbles in the swirling dust, giving the sandslash and metang a chance to sidestep away from the renewed torrent of acidic bubbles. The Sandslash begins to spin, faster and faster until it is nothing more than a spiky blur that then rockets at the Tympole doggedly bouncing towards it. "Get down!" Lucille shouts as a warning and the Tympole stops bouncing, just in time for the sandslash to rocketing over it's head. Which just leaves it wide open for the Metang's follow up attack, it's spiked claws punching three bloody holes in the tympole's body. The tadpole retaliates with another torrent of bubbles, which proves to be too much for the metang and sandslash, which fall to the ground with a clank and a thump.

"Looks like a single Bubble was enough to bring those two down..." Tyson says to himself. "Hang in there Tympole, this fight ain't over!"

They disappear in a flash of red light, and are replaced by a green hound with a huge crest of hair and a jagged yellow line that runs from it's snout to it's tail and a large floating orange rock covered in long yellowed spikes.

The hound hunches down, snarling at Kasumi and the tympole, which both shake from the concussive force. Lucille's Tympole Collapses. Lucille recalls the fallen tadpole without a comment and throws Venkon's ball onto the court.

I've never seen either of those pokemon before. The green one seems fast. What's with that attack!?"

"Don't let it phase you Kasumi! Shake off that attack and hold your ground!" Tyson watches as the tiny Tympole is knocked out and switched for Venkon.

Looks like this is do or die now. Let's see what the sun can do.

The rock glides forward, it's spikes shifting and grinding across it's body, and the earth begins to respond in kind. Kasumi is thrown to the ground and buffeted by the roiling earth and shifting stones. Venkon crouches at the first tremors, and leaps into the air before it can be tossed off balance. It raises its paws, and a coruscating ball of energy flickers into existence before being released at the rock, cracking some of it's spikes and sending it spending on it's axis through the air, it spins and spins until it finally hits the ground and lies still.

Toboggan boy curses and tells the girl in the jacket she's on her own.

"Was that an Earthquake!?" Kasumi's finished... Despite her best efforts the frogadier finds herself caught by the roiling earth and is knocked out from the force of the impact. Tyson recalls Kasumi to her pokeball just as Venkon delivers a one hit knock out to the solar stone pokemon in return.

"There's only one left, finish'em Nimbus!"

The Pikachu emerges from it's pokeball in a streak of yellow and immediately crashes into it's opponent.

Kasumi is hit by Snarl!
Tyson spends 1 AP to activate Perseverance.
Kasumi is hit by Earthquake!
Kasumi is unable to battle and is switched out with Nimbus.

Nimbus' Quick Attack: 14 (12 after AC vs. Physical/Speed Evasion)


Quick Attack Damage: 27 Physical Normal vs. Defense


Initiative Resets
23 - Nimbus
19 - Lucille
15 - Tyson
13 - Electrike
11 - Venkon
0 - Sandstorm (3 turns remaining)

"No need to drag this one out, tag it again!"

After circling around it's target, Nimbus strikes the canine a second time with incredible speed.

Tyson uses Focused Orders!
Nimbus gains +2 to Accuracy Checks!

Nimbus' Quick Attack (Priority): 20 (18 on dice after and after AC vs Physical/Speed Evasion)


Quick Attack Damage: 33 Physical Normal vs. Defense


OOC: Nimbus' Lightning Rod ability is in effect.

TJ Zen
2017-09-17, 06:23 AM
"Let's put an end to this." Lennox says tossing a pokeball at the pink bulldog. "I told Gen I'd get her a cool 'mon. If these little guys are as great with the ladies as the pokedex says, It'll be a breeze."

Lennox is Trainer level 3.
Pokeball toss (http://orokos.com/roll/551353): 1d20 17Catch! (http://orokos.com/roll/551354): 1d100 26

2017-09-17, 10:11 AM
Cassandra tosses another pokeball out to try and catch the injured Dunsparce.

"Good job, Ronin," Cassandra says as Lennox's pokeball energizes the last Snubbull. "You did great out there."
The tiny bladed bandit smirks and struts back over to the trainers.

Pokeball Throw (http://orokos.com/roll/551366): 8
Catch?! (http://orokos.com/roll/551367): 85
Cassandra is Trainer Level 5, using a basic pokeball

Ronin uses Scratch on Snubbull 1! (Normal, Physical Damage)
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/551369): 11
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/551370): 26

2017-09-18, 07:32 AM
Aegwynn plucked her pokedex out of her pocket, nodding in response to Ken's inquiry as she read over the message. Her brow furrowed slightly in confusion and slight frustration. How are they supposed to receive compensation for completing such a task if they're to simply leave it with the Pokemon Center? She began to compose a reply to the owner of the Heavy Ball, which would address the concerns that she had.

That's quite a moniker you've given your pokemon, it seems quite endearing. I do have concerns though with the compensation that was noted on the original job posting, and how we are to receive it. Retrieving your faithful companion was no small or easy endeavor, and did take a significant amount of time to obtain. Is the compensation available at the Pokemon Center once we turn in the Heavy Ball? Looking forward to your reply.
After hitting send, she pushed her Pokedex back into her pocket before turning back to Ken, "Yeah...that was them. I just have a few more concerns to address with them about receiving compensation for doing the job. I'm sure that will be squared away soon enough." she noted before turning down the road that would take them to the Pokemon Center, continuing her conversation with Ken. "What are your plans for tomorrow, Ken?" she inquired, her eyes darting from building to building to see if anything caught her eye...including pokemon or even interesting individuals.

Aegwynn spent 1 AP to Boost a Skill Roll!
Perception (1 AP to Boost): (http://orokos.com/roll/551602) 14
Perception (Reroll Skill Monkey 2/3): (http://orokos.com/roll/551603) 14

As they grew nearer to the Pokemon center, she would divulge her near future plans to Ken, "Hopefully tonight...we can get an answer about payment for the Heavy Ball job, if not by the following morning. After training, I'm going to check out the courts for some practice and training. You know, the pokemon battling courts in town? I'm sure that will be a fun and interesting learning experience! I also want to see about finding a spot to trade pokemon. We caught a lot of interesting specimens up in the mountains, and I'm inclined to see what I could potentially get for any of them." she effused. She pondered a bit to herself, trying to see if she remembered if there was a local forum or area where trainers would gather for trading. Surely there had to be a better way than just accosting strangers asking if they'd like to trade pokemon while they're trying to relax or enjoy their time to themselves...

Aegwynn spent 1 AP to Boost a Skill Roll!
General Ed (1 AP to Boost) [Trading]: (http://orokos.com/roll/551604) 15
General Ed (Skill Monkey Re-Roll 3/3) [Trading]: (http://orokos.com/roll/551606) 18

Once inside the Center, she would queue up to see the Nurse, and upon getting to the counter she would greet her with a smile, "Good evening! I just got back from a trip to the mountains. My Pokemon are quite fine, but I think getting into the habit of a check up after traveling would be a good thing." she stated with a nod as she placed all six pokeballs in a tray and handed them over to the nurse. She didn't wait for Ken however as she wandered her way into the hostel area, quickly laying claim to a bed and getting ready to clean up, wash up, and enjoy a bed after a long while. This was going to be like sleeping on a cloud after having spent the better part of a week out on the ground.

big teej
2017-09-18, 09:41 AM
Lennox and Cassandra's pokeballs fall to the ground.

Snubbull was caught!
Level 12, Female, Lonely Nature, Intimidate Ability, Loyalty 2

The other ball bursts open, revealing a still curled up dunsparce, which begins to roll slowly, inexerobaly, towards Ronin, picking up speed, oh no! they're going to crash!

The marshmallow snake bowls Ronin over, and keeps right on rolling.

Djali has initiative.

Dunsparce used rollout!
Ronin took 20 Rock Damage vs. Defense

initiative reset
11 - Lennox, Cassandra
10 - Tazer, Ronin
9 - Dunsparce
5 - Djali

Catching Skiddo
The herd eyes Ken as he closes on them, but are lulled into ignoring him, despite the fire type perched on his shoulder....

right up until Zippo attacks. The unprepared target is scorched badly and thrashes about in pain and panic before disappearing into the pokeball. The rest of the herd bolts immediately, bleating in alarm and quickly outpacing any chance of pursuit.

Skiddo was Caught!
Level 8, Male, Rash Nature, Sap Sipper Ability, Loyalty 2

It's another text from the job poster:
I... suppose I could make myself available tomorrow. I shall meet you at the Pewter City Pokemon Center tomorrow, promptly, at 4:30 PM.

Aegwynn remembers that there is a literal Trading Post that's only a few blocks from the job board, she's pretty sure they've been deliberately separated.

At the Pokemon Center
The Nurse at the counter takes the tray with a smile. "Is there anything in particular you're concerned about?" She asks.

The hostel is practically empty, you could take a bed anywhere.

Nimbus's assault presses the Electrike back, battering it into a crouch. It tenses, ready to strike back, but Venkon steps towards it, flickering across the intervening space before solidifying mid-kick, it's knee driven into the electric hound's side. It helps and collapses to the ground.

The sandstorm's intensity wavers before quickly falling off, leaving you, your pokemon, and the court covered in a film of dust.

Tyson gains 2 Trainer Exp
Tyson gains 62 Pokemon Exp to divide up between Nimbus and Kasumi

ooc: I didn't bother tracking damage, because it'll heal overnight.

2017-09-18, 09:46 AM
Warping time a bit.... On the walk to the Center

Ken nods his head as Aegwynn explains the conversation, noticing the slight furrow of frustration, or was it confusion. "Hopefully so." He interlaced his fingers behind his head. As t hey walked Ken would keep an eye open for any wild Pokemon that might cross their paths. As Aegwynn asked him his plans for tomorrow he was a little surprised. He hadn't given it much thought to be honest.

Perception + 1AP (http://orokos.com/roll/551619): 19

As they walked along, he gave her his full set of thoughts on tomorrow. "Well, first I'll plan on asking about the poster, hopefully nothing too frustrating comes up with that. After that, pick up my team, switch out a few, pick up the eggs. Then after training I'm thinking maybe hit the courts for a spell. I have to get ready for both the gym battle and that challenge with Lucille when we arrive in Cerulean. I may ave trying to find a trading area for after the gym, though that would be a welcome distraction." Ken chuckled a bit as they walked. He would listen intently to Aegwynn's plans as well.

Inside the Pokemon Center

Once inside, he would queue up in line as well, having already returned Zippo to his ball for the night. Upon reaching the counter, Ken greets the nurse with a smile. "Hello, I also just got back from the mountains. My team looks to be doing good but I wanted to leave them over night to get checked just in case. Also I was wondering if I could have these two eggs checked? We found them being attacked by a pair of Ekans and I was worried about the safety of them after taking care of the two attacking Pokemon" Ken will place his six poke balls on his belt into the tray, and hand the eggs over to the nurse, if she accepts them. He turns around to find that Aegwynn has already made off to the hostel area, making his way there as well, claiming a bed and getting ready to get cleaned up and sleep. "This has been a long couple days, sleep here will be amazing."

After getting cleaned up and changed while his clothes took time in the laundry, Ken saw that his new traveling companion had passed out. He chuckled a bit. "Night Aegwynn." He promptly passes out soon after.

2017-09-18, 09:56 AM
That sounds most excellent. I look forward to meeting you! I will have the nurse check out your Pokemon as well, to make sure they're nice and healthy so that you don't have to leave them at the Pokemon Center before heading out again. See you then!
Aegwynn makes sure her tray is nice and tidy, looking up to the nurse as she's asked if there's anything she was particularly concerned about, "Nothing in particular really...just take a good look at my Chikorita Ilmur, and my Joltik Elding a good bit. My Munchlax did a good bit to them while I was out in the wild a few days ago during capture. I bandaged them up as best I could, but it's always good to have them looked at by a professional. Also..." she drawled, pulling the Heavy Ball out of her pocket, "I suppose this guy needs a check-up as well. This guy was part of a job that I was participating in to retrieve a lost pokemon. I did release him to see what we're working with, but he's a bit too aggressive for me to handle. Could you look into him?" she queried with a concerned look on her face, taking another tray and placing the lone ball on it, "I'll be happy to pick him up tomorrow morning too. I'm scheduled to meet the trainer here in the afternoon to return it to him, and receive compensation per the job board post we took." she drawled, probably boring the nurse with the deluge of information she probably could care less about.

After some washing up and getting her main set of clothes in laundry, Aegwynn in her sleeping gear happily bounded into the bed she had claimed for herself, sprawling out on the sheets and blankets, relishing in the soft pillow and the supporting springs beneath her. It was like heaven, despite the average to mediocre quality of the public hostel beds. Sure beats the ground. Her show-white hair was a messy mop as heavy eyelids grew even more weighted, yawning as she called out blindly in the hostel area, "Good night, Ken..." she yawned. She wasn't even sure if he was even in there, her exhaustion from the past few days had finally caught up to her, and the soft bed was only lulling her into slumber.

2017-09-18, 10:08 AM
"I'm trying to help you, you great stupid snake thing!" Cassandra yells at the Dunsparce.

The blow barely even phases Ronin. He slices at the other Pokemon as it passes him with one hand.

Ronin uses Scratch on the Dunsparce! Normal, Physical Damage, AC 2
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/551623): 8
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/551624): 28

OOC: I know technically Ronin's initiative has passed, but I was hoping I'd catch it before he went

2017-09-18, 12:30 PM
What was that move just now? Can Venkon use Quick Attack? Something seems different about it though...

"Your dog's down for the count so that's it. Tough battle though!" Tyson calls out to his opponents. He walks out onto the court toward his Pikachu. "Hey Nimbus! You were great!" He picks the yellow mouse up, placing it on his shoulder when he reaches it and waits near Venkon for Lucille. "You too tough guy." Tyson says to the Lucario.

"I figured you were strong but that was something else entirely. You gotta teach me and Kasumi how to use that energy attack sometime!"

Tyson gained 2 Trainer EXP!

Nimbus - 60 EXP (Level Up! Nimbus learned Feint!)
Kasumi - 2 EXP

TJ Zen
2017-09-18, 09:04 PM
"Haha I like the twerp." Lennox says over a laugh. "I mean, it's a little goofy but it's definitely got its own way about things. You want help catching it, Cass ?" Lennox asks, reaching down to his 2 pokemon. "You guys are getting pretty good. Soon you'll be strong enough for anything. Keep it up."

Me and 'Mon Passed initiative this turn. we will reenter the order if beckoned to do so.

2017-09-19, 08:39 AM
"I'm only wasting one more pokeball on this thing. We still have two more days of walking and I'd rather be able to catch something that I want," Cassandra says. Her throw directly hits the rolling snake.

Throw (http://orokos.com/roll/551814): 19
Catch?! (http://orokos.com/roll/551815): 7 OOC: Finally xD

big teej
2017-09-19, 09:13 AM
Your pokemon are all taken and seen to overnight. Nurse Joy happily reports that all of them, including the hippowdon, are fighting fit. The night passed uneventfully. It is the start of a fresh day, and new challenges await. The sun shines brightly overhead in a clear sky.

The dunsparce leaves a slick of blood on the ground as it rolls passed Ronin, slowly picking up speed to come around again. It disappears inside Cassandra's pokeball

Dunsparce was Caught!
Level 11, Male, Modest Nature, Run Away Ability, Loyalty 2

Lennox and Cassandra each gain 13 Pokemon exp to divide up among their participating pokemon.

Toboggan boy and jacket girl offer a perfunctory congratulations and then shuffle off back towards their campsite.

Venkon smirks at your compliment and walks back over to Lucille. "That was fun. Over kinda fast though, don'tcha think?" she says, moving to scratch Nimbus behind the ear.

"you wanna try and drum up another fight? or call it quits?"

TJ Zen
2017-09-19, 10:14 AM
"Nice snag, Cass!" Lennox says, Hiking his bag back up to its proper place. "Let's get going. We're making pretty good time so far and downhill is way better. You ready to keep moving?"

Tazer received 7xp. Tazer leveled up! Tazer is Lvl 8!
Djali received 6xp.

2017-09-19, 10:24 AM
It was easy to be an early riser when you had a night's sleep in a fresh bed like that! She quickly got washed up again, taking full advantage of bath facilities before getting dressed in freshly laundered clothing. Today was going to be a great day! She waved good morning to Ken before checking in with the front desk, retrieving her Pokemon, as well as the Heavy Ball. She pulled out her Pokedex, just re-reading the last text she got and made herself a mental note, 'Gotta be back here at 4:30...' She mashed some trail mix into her mouth as she headed out the door to get her training out of the way...WAIT!!!

She screeched to a halt, and then spun around. She's caught a few new pokemon she really should look at using...and she thought it would be good to get them into a training rotation. She sprinted back in excitement to the PC Storage system, and logged on using her Pokedex. She started PC management for the first time, going through the tutorial so that she knew the basics of how this storage system worked. She pulled Vor and Humar's pokeballs off of her belt and submitted them to storage, then navigating the menus. She extracted two new friends, waiting for the Pokeballs to materialize before clipping them to her belt. Grimmur, her new Larvitar, and Fil, the Phanpy she caught just yesterday! She then started bounding back to the door, yelling out to Ken, "See you outside!" She found herself then hastily squeezing through the automatic door as it was opening just too slow!

Aegwynn readies herself as she lets her Pokemon out, the four regulars first before releasing Grimmur and Fil. She knelt down to them, a smile plastered on her face, "Welcome to the team, you two! I'm sure we'll all get along!" She reached out and gently petted along their both of their heads before motioning the rest of everyone over, making sure to give them equal attention and adoration as well. "Training first, then food!" she said as she lead her party to a more natural, park-like area close to the Pokemon Center. She wanted them to have a comfortable spot to graze for nourishment. She would run her team through their drills before letting them off to forage.

Aegwynn applies EXP training and Agility Training to her team!
Svangur and Fil go wandering off in search for Treasure!
Svangur Pickup: (http://orokos.com/roll/551827) 18
Fil Pickup: (http://orokos.com/roll/551828) 4

After she was satisfied with everyone getting fed, she returned them all to the pokeballs. She would check in with Ken first, after locating him if he wasn't around. "I've got everyone trained up. I'm going to hit up the storage system again and take out some trading candidates. There's a trading post near the job board, and I want to see what kinds of offers are out there. You're free to follow me if you want, but that's my plan today. Trading, then going to the courts for some practice, and then possibly the Gym tomorrow." she stated with a nod. She maneuvered her way back into the Pokemon Center to get at the PC. There, she would deposit everyone but Svangur and Stjarna, and withdraw Humar (Clauncher), Vor (Spoink), Berst (Tyrogue), and Skeri (Durant). She navigated her way to the Trading Post, an aura of exuberance seeming to emanate off of her.

While there, she would try to feel out the crowd. She wasn't really sure how someone would approach another, but she did her best, starting with the first person she found on the outskirts of the crowd, "Umm...excuse me. I haven't done this before, so I'm not super sure the proper etiquette for approach. I have Pokemon for trade, and was wondering if you were interested?" She stammered out her inquiry, exuberance shifting to nervousness now that she was dealing with a complete stranger. She presented the four pokemon she had to the person if they were interested, or if they weren't, she would ask them what or who she should be looking for.

2017-09-19, 11:30 AM
"Yeah, let's go," Cassandra says, returning Ronin to allow him to rest. "You caught something good too. They both looked really strong when we were fighting them."

Survival (http://orokos.com/roll/551892) to find a campsite for the night: 17

2017-09-19, 12:14 PM
Venkon smirks at your compliment and walks back over to Lucille. "That was fun. Over kinda fast though, don'tcha think?" she says, moving to scratch Nimbus behind the ear.

"you wanna try and drum up another fight? or call it quits?"

"Yeah, definitely! I didn't expect the battle to end so soon. Or the Earthquake that took out Kasumi for that matter..." Tyson says as he watches Nimbus enjoy the attention from Lucille.

Ha! Lucky little pocket monster... He smiles as his eyes move to meet Lucille's.

"I'd be down for another fight if you are? We just don't have any coverage moves against Fire types with both of our Water pokemon out of commission.

I was thinking about using Vile this time with Nimbus, Roulette, and Makoto on standby. Either way we've gotta make up for this battle. I felt like your team put in most of the work so we're gonna have to try harder if we wanna break even. Right Nimbus?"

Tyson nuzzles the Pikachu before using a Potion on the tiny mouse.

"Now let's go see if we can find ourselves another fight."

2017-09-19, 01:53 PM
That was probably the best Ken had slept in a couple days after some of their adventures. He really did not want to get up early but hey, training can't wait and neither will the sun. He waved good morning to Aegwynn with a smile, and yawned once more before getting cleaned up again and trading in his might attire for his usual duds. After changing he would check in at the front desk for his Pokémon and the two eggs of his. At receiving the eggs back Ken would ask the Nurse, "I'm sorry ma'am, but you wouldn't happen to have a time table of when they might hatch would you?" He would listen to her response and thank her for her time.

He heard Aegwynn say she would see him outside just as he finished and realized he had new team members he wanted to meet as well. "Ok then, you two get to take a short break and these two come in." He said to himself as we approached the PC. He knew one he would take out but the other decision was a little tricky. He put Cicero and the Venonat into the box and took out the Ekans and Meinfoo. After securing the two new balls on his belt he walks outside, waving at the helpful Nurse.

Once outside he finds a nice open space to set up, takes his vest off and sets it on top of his pack, and calls out his team. Zippo, Aria, and Needle are somewhat confused by the new additions, more so curious as to where Cicero had gone off to. "Good morning team! Cicero and Venonat are going to take it easy for a bit since they're still rather young but here are our new additions." He first brings up the Meinfoo, followed by the Ekans. "These are Midoriya, and Gin. They'll be joining us for our adventure." Gin looks a little confused as to where he is, since he was in a cave and surprised by a Pokeball during a meal. "We're going to do our training first and then we'll eat breakfast and figure out the plan from there. Sound good?" He is answered by various chirping and noises that sound like an 'Alright!' to him.

OOC: Brutal and EXP training applied to Ken's team.

After training and as they all cool down, Ken and his team eat their breakfast. After that he would find Aegwynn. Just as he had recalled his team to go look for her she came walking up to him. I'm not convinced she isn't telepathic.... He listened to her plans. "That actually lines up about with what I was thinking. I mean I can't really go to the courts since most everyone wants to wager on battles. Can't place one until our mystery guy appears." He laughed a bit. "Mind if I head up with you?" At her response, he will go back to the storage system, placing all but Zippo, Aria, and Gin in for Cicero, the Shroomish, and Zigzagoon.

At the post he wasn't sure exactly what to do but ask around, see if anyone wanted either of the three Pokémon; Pansear, Shroomish, and Zigzagoon.

big teej
2017-09-19, 02:21 PM
It's refreshing to see how much more progress you've made going down hill rather than trudging up it. At this pace, you ought to be back in Pewter City by the next evening. Cassandra is easily able to locate a suitable campsite for you to bed down for the evening. The night passes uneventfully, and you rise to a new day filled with new challenges.

Journey back to Pewter City, Day 2
roll for pokemon spotting, or, you can forfeit the chance to catch new pokemon to advance back to the city.

ooc: I'm out of reasons Svangur wouldn't eat the results of her pickup roll. every. single. time. so she come's back with a Calcium.

Ken, at the Pokemon Center
The Nurse shrugs, "Unfortunately, there's no way to know without knowing when they were laid. Most pokemon hatch after 7 or 10 days."

At the Trading Post

The Trading Post is a literal pole driven into the packed earth with a simple wooden sign with peeling paint that says "TRADE" in white lettering with a blue outline. The 'crowd' is no more than a half dozen people standing about. Although when you walk up you catch sight of two more walking away from the post.

You see....
a Brunette in a sun dress
a guy in a brown track suit
a guy and a girl with fishing poles slung over their shoulders, and tackle boxes at their feet
a man wearing a broad-brimmed hat is sitting at the pole itself, dealing cards out onto the grass
a group of three little kids standing and talking together.

Lucille stretches her arms back over her head. "You go pick somebody, I found the last two." She says.

Circling back around to the front of the Center, most people are gathered around campfires, the light is starting to fail. Most of the people you see are a variety of hiker and mountaineer looking people. There's also a large trailer with an awning that must have pulled up during your battle, it's rigged up to be drawn by some variety of pokemon, some Elliot-looking nerd-types are standing around outside, one in particular catches your eye, a tall skinny guy with glasses and a huge scar across his face. A lit cigarette hangs out of his mouth. You also spy a guy in gym clothes, looking like he's up here more for a workout rather than to travel anywhere. there are also two people, a red head and a young man, camped a bit apart from everybody else, nearer to the treeline. a clothesline strung up from their tent to a tree has a vest with the Cascade Badge emblazoned on it.

party ooc: the first person to call it fast traveling will have the Bounty Skarmory hunting them. :smallannoyed:

2017-09-19, 03:01 PM
Lucille stretches her arms back over her head. "You go pick somebody, I found the last two." She says.

"Fair enough." Tyson casually walks across the grounds in front of the Center surveying the people that have gathered there.

Most of the people you see are a variety of hiker and mountaineer looking people.

They're probably out here camping for fun.

There's also a large trailer with an awning that must have pulled up during your battle, it's rigged up to be drawn by some variety of pokemon, some Elliot-looking nerd-types are standing around outside, one in particular catches your eye, a tall skinny guy with glasses and a huge scar across his face. A lit cigarette hangs out of his mouth.

Not in the mood for a lecture at the moment... What's the deal with this guy though?

You also spy a guy in gym clothes, looking like he's up here more for a workout rather than to travel anywhere.

Seems more interested in training himself than pokemon.

There are also two people, a red head and a young man, camped a bit apart from everybody else, nearer to the treeline. a clothesline strung up from their tent to a tree has a vest with the Cascade Badge emblazoned on it.

Isn't that... Cerulean Gym's Cascade Badge? One of those two is a trainer for sure. Maybe even a Gym Trainer.

"Alright Nimbus, let's take a look." he says to the Pikachu as he approaches the tent near the treeline.

"Yo! That's the Cascade Badge right? You two trainers?"

2017-09-19, 04:12 PM
Aegwynn's eyes darted from person, to group, to person. Drawing her lower lip between her teeth, gnawing on it nervously she decided to start off...with the kids! Funny that they would be standing here, perhaps they've got something worth trading? Why else would they be at the trading post!? She meandered her way over to them, she greeted them, "Hey there, are you here to trade? If so, I'm interested to see what you have to offer if you'd like to see what I have on me?" she said with a smile, having broken away from Ken for a bit at the post, though they were easily with eye, and possibly earshot of one another if they were really paying attention to their every surrounding. She will happily display the four pokemon she had brought with her, to see if any of them caught the kid's interest. [Tyrogue, Clauncher, Spoink, Durant]

2017-09-19, 04:32 PM
At the Pokemon Center
Ken nods at the Nurse. "Ah ok, I figured but wanted to ask regardless. Now that I think about it, I've had them for about 4 days so I'll keep a good eye on them. Thank you ma'am!"

At the Trading Post

Ken takes a look at the post and without thinking, "I don't know what I expected...." It was an absent minded thought, but he couldn't keep that one in his head. He had no idea where to start, and was a little nervous about asking some of the people here. Where to start, where to start..... What do I need to better my team? He overheard Aegwynn talking with the kids, and decided that he would ask them after she was finished. Never know what could appear. He decided to walk up to the pair with the fishing poles first. "Hi there," He greeted the two." I was wondering if you might like to trade?" He will display the three Pokemon he has to offer for trading if the two show an interest. {Shroomish, Pansear, and Zigzagoon}

Ken will then approach the man in the brown track suit and make the same offer to him with the same three Pokemon.
He will then approach the Brunette in the sun dress with the same offer of the same three Pokemon.

TJ Zen
2017-09-19, 05:50 PM
OOC: After conferring with my travel partner, We'll be taking the Quick Trekking for 1000! :smallbiggrin:

big teej
2017-09-20, 08:59 AM
The GM is not amused by your synonyms. (https://youtu.be/H2PflLRgMKM?t=6s)

You arrive back in Pewter City, with a strange sense you're being followed.

It's probably nothing. It's about 8:30 PM

"No, Lumberjacks." The redhead says with a smirk from her spot by the fire.

"Maria..." The man says, trying to sound stern and correcting. He turns to you "Can we help you with something?"

"Hey that's cool!" One of the kids says enthusiastically when you show them the Tyrogue. "I could trade you our cat!"
ooc: Tyrogue for Glameow?

ooc: trading away a fire type? has ken been replaced by a doppleganger?

One of the kids is willing to trade a pet rock for a pet mushroom.
ooc: Roggenrola for Shroomish

2017-09-20, 09:07 AM
Aegwynn scratched the back of her head as the trade was offered, "I'm allergic to most feline pokemon though...so I think I'm going to decline." she stated, not wanting to deal with the watery eyes, and stuffy nose that her body would subject her too as it overreacts to the fur and dander of a cat. She did thank the kids for their time before departing, wandering her way over to the man by the post itself who was dealing cards at the grass. She would give him the traditional Fjordin greeting, hoping the unusual language might really catch his attention, "Góðan dag! I have some pokemon for trade if you'd like to make an offer, sir!" she beamed as she presented to him the four pokemon she had brought with her today.

2017-09-20, 09:52 AM
OOC: No I just wanted to see what was out there.

Ken is a little disappointed, though he had expected to get turned down trade offers. As the kid approached him with the pet rock, he had to consider it for as moment. "Sounds like a deal, Ken smiles at the kid scanning the Shroomish's pokeball and trading it with the kid.

He turns to see Aegwynn continuing her trek in the trading grounds. Come to think of it, while he had his Pokedex out he needed to let Tyson and Cassandra know they made it back alright. Eh I'll do it at the Pokemon Center. He shrugged. He waited for Aegwynn to finish all her negotiations before heading gback to the Center to switch out to his battle roster for the gym training.

When Aegwynn is ready

"Mind if we stop back by the Center to switch out teams from trading offers? I'm curious to see what the new members can do."

"Hey Cassandra and Tyson, wanted to let you both know Aegwynn and I made it back in Pewter alright. That was an adventure and a half. Guess I'll see you soon Cassandra! And you eventually Tyson! Take care."

TJ Zen
2017-09-20, 09:56 AM
"Wow! The trip back seemed much quicker. I'm actually kinda glad to back amongst civilization." Lennox says as he sees the street lamps of Pewter City. "Let's say we collect our pay and find out what Bubbles and your friends have been up to? I bet their job wasn't nearly as dangerous as ours. Ha!... Where's the place?" Lennox asks Cassandra sheepishly. "I forgot I didn't go with you."

While they're walking to the Occultirarium, Lennox breaks out his 'Dex and messages Gen:

Bonne Nuit, ma cherie!
I'm back in Pewter. We should get dinner and catch up if you're still in town. If you are, I have a surprise for you!

Hope to see you soon,


2017-09-20, 10:23 AM
"No, Lumberjacks." The redhead says with a smirk from her spot by the fire.

"Maria..." The man says, trying to sound stern and correcting. He turns to you "Can we help you with something?"

Tyson can't help but smile a bit and stifle a laugh in response to the redhead. "Yeah actually. If you two aren't terribly busy would you both be up for a pokemon battle? It'd be a double's match preferably, two pokemon per trainer. No need to put up any money either. We're just looking to get in some practice before challenging the Cerulean Gym." He thumbs at the Ki Badge attached to his scarf as he finishes.

"It's alright if you don't want to. Someone's gotta keep an eye on all of this precious lumber after all right?" He says to the redhead, mirroring her smirk as he gestures to the treeline.

big teej
2017-09-20, 12:59 PM
The man pauses at your greeting, but then deals another card, they're arranged in an odd spread on a swatch of leather, keeping them off the ground. He looks up at you passed the brim of his straw hat. His glasses catch the light and obscure the light. "Yes, I could perhaps be convinced to trade 1 of my eggs here for that Clauncher."

ooc: Acquired Roggenrola!

Level 1, Female, Cuddly Nature, Sturdy Ability, Loyalty 2

Salut Lennox!

I ended up doing tons of shopping after you left and then was invited along to Cerulean by a positively charming young man, you'll have to meet him, he's just adorable. I hope to see you hear soon! :haley:

"See, he gets it." Marie says, uncrossing and then crossing her legs again and reclines against her backpack. "I'm tired, you battle em."

The boy rolls his eyes and stands up. "I'm Bryce, and if you beat Pewter's Gym, I wouldn't sweat the Cerulean Challenge." He says with a sour expression. "I'm still up for a doubles if you want." he offers as he circles the center towards the dirt court.

2017-09-20, 01:07 PM
Her head tilted to the side as she heard him mention eggs. Plural? She shot her eyes up and down at him, "Eggs? You have multiple? Are you some kind of breeder, Mr...how rude of me. I forgot to introduce myself," she noted, holding her hand out to him to shake, "My name is Aegwynn. My Clauncher Humar is quite the pokemon. I have to ask, what is inside of these eggs?" she queried, her curious little mind racing as she tried to determine if this is really what she wanted to do.

2017-09-20, 01:38 PM
"See, he gets it." Marie says, uncrossing and then crossing her legs again and reclines against her backpack. "I'm tired, you battle em."

The boy rolls his eyes and stands up. "I'm Bryce, and if you beat Pewter's Gym, I wouldn't sweat the Cerulean Challenge." He says with a sour expression. "I'm still up for a doubles if you want." he offers as he circles the center towards the dirt court.

"You from Cerulean? Or have you already challenged the gym?" He asks, curiosity tinging his voice.

"Yeah, sounds good. You gonna be alright though? It'd be a two on one if your friend doesn't want to join in but that does mean you get to use four pokemon."

Tyson takes another look at the redhead before waving goodbye to her. "Later lumberlady!" His Pikachu emulates the gesture.

TJ Zen
2017-09-20, 01:38 PM
ANOTHER GUY?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!

He's a dead man...

Sounds great! Can't wait to meet him. One more night in Pewter and it's off to Cerulean after I battle the gym. Be safe, I will see you soon.

"Hey Cass, lets get a move on! I think I want to hit the gym tonight." Lennox says putting a way his dex and walking with renewed purpose.

2017-09-20, 04:16 PM
Slight Time Warping

As Ken receives the ball from the kid, he scans it. "That's a pretty cool one, I'll take good care of her. Thank you!" He waves as he goes to wait for Aegwynn to finish her negotiations. In his mind he was considering who all would make up his team for the gym battle. In fact, he realized he hadn't let Zippo wander around on his shoulder today.

He took the bright crimson ball off his belt and called out his partner Pokemon, picking him up and placing him on his usual perch. "Sorry about that buddy, it's been go go go today for the most part. You ready to train up some and hit the gym with all we got?" Zippo chirped in response, it sounded happy like a positive response. "Tell you what, we'll take them on tomorrow after we take on a battle or two in town. You'll get to see Gin in action. Possibly Cicero too, though we gotta see how Midoriya works out." He was lost in thought. It was weird, he didn't usually feel the fire shrew's weight on his shoulder. "You're starting to get pretty big and strong eh buddy? Let's introduce you to the newest team member here when she gets back.

The pair wait patiently off to the side.

2017-09-21, 09:59 AM
"When I was walking back from the shop to the Pokemon Center it took me almost an hour. It way too late to start walking there now. It's probably closed anyway. Let's sleep in a real bed for the first time this week and do all that stuff tomorrow," Cassandra says as they walk into town.

As they enter the Center, Cassandra heads straight back into the hostel area. Her team was at full health, so she had no need to drop them off at the nurses' station. She sets her backpack down beside one of the beds and takes a long, hot shower. Her head hits the pillow, and she's asleep.

The next day

A ray of sunshine hits Cassandra's face and wakes her. The sun was already up?! "So much for temple training," she sighs to herself. "I guess I slept really well." She lays in bed a few moments longer before gets up to start her day.

After breakfast and morning training for her team, Cassandra will start heading for the Occultwerks.

PokeSpotting (http://orokos.com/roll/552472) on the way to the Occultwerks: 16

Reks to level 16
Hat to level 12
Ronin to level 12
Tokka to level 11

TJ Zen
2017-09-21, 02:34 PM
"Fine." Lennox says, following Cass back to the center. "I need to think on some things anyway. I'll message the others."
Hey guys,
Me and Cass are back in town. We're gonna turn in for the night and Rest Up. I'll probably battle the Gym Leader tomorrow but I may have some 'Mon to trade if your interested. Let me know.


Once back at the center I get my team checked out and visit the PC to Set my Newest roster:

Tazer - Pichu
D.W. - Drilbur
Slash - Teddiursa
Tonka - Phanpy
Rose - Snubbull
Boomer - Geodude

With the New roster set Lennox makes his way to the Court. To find a worthy chump.

big teej
2017-09-21, 04:02 PM

"Names are pretty, but ultimately useless, if you must call me something, let it be... Os." The man offers. "As for the eggs, I have no idea what they are, I found a handful in an untended cardboard box in an alley, I've just cleaned them up a bit and am trying to find them a good home."

Bryce nods, "Both of us, actually, and while we probably could've picked up our first badge there, League Regulations still prevent anyone from acquiring a Badge in the city they began their journey from." He smirks "Two on one shouldn't be a problem."

Marie doesn't answer, just settles further down into her pack and stares at the darkening sky.

He takes his place at the far side of the court and removes 2 pokeballs from his belt. "Well, let's get started." He says as he lobs them into the field.
Lucille rears back and bullets a pokeball right next to the incoming pokemon.

Lucille spits out a curse as everyone's pokemon emerge. Gramps is right on top of a strange, Jellyfish creature struggling to hold itself up and a Cubone!


19 - Lucille
15 - Tyson
9 - Frillish
7 - Cubone

Meanwhile, in the Future

As you travel through the city to the Occultwerks, you see the normal assortment of urban pokemon, pidgey, ratatta, murkrow, spearow, moving garbage bags and ambulatory piles of sludge. you spy a yellow and black ovoid pokemon digging through a dumpster behind an electronic store as well.

You reach Sam and Dean's without trouble.

Meanwhile, last night.

It's well past nightfall by the time you reach the courts. the place is practically deserted. Three hooded figures stand in the center of one of the three lit courts. You see a girl in a jogger's outfit stretching at a bench nearby one of the other lit courts, the third is deserted.

2017-09-21, 04:11 PM
I have a few for trade, an ant, a scrappy little fighter, a jumpy pig, and a lobster. Let me know if any of those interest you, and make me an offer. I’ll be at the trading post tomorrow morning after training!
Aegwynn gave a quick nod as she listened to his story. She shifted from side to side on her feet, a tad bit indecisive, “I’ll think about it, sir. At the moment, I think I’ll hold onto my Clauncher, but if I change my mind, I imagine I can find you here?” She thought a bit more after asking her question, “Though I suppose that’s entirely reliant on you having eggs still. Still, I need some time to think it over.” she told him before wandering off to find one more person to barter with.

Aegwynn makes a bee-line over to the lovely young lady in the sun dress, making this her last stop until she feels that perhaps that the trading post might not be quite what she’s looking for. She introduces herself to the woman, “Hey there, I’m here to trade a few Pokémon. If any of them interest, you, let me know!” She presented her Pokémon after her jovial greeting, showing off all four of them.

TJ Zen
2017-09-21, 05:16 PM
"Looking good guys!" Lennox said addressing his squadron. "I cannot wait to-". Lennox looks at his vibrating 'Dex
to see a message from Aegwynn.

I have a few for trade, an ant, a scrappy little fighter, a jumpy pig, and a lobster. Let me know if any of those interest you, and make me an offer. I’ll be at the trading post tomorrow morning after training!

"jumpy pig"... what the-
Sounds good We'll check it later. I'm on my way to the courts.
"Lets go gang. Let's show the world what we an do."

At the courts

Seeing the Young lady in the Jogging out fit and the the Hooded figures Lennox will shout to both Parties:

You guys wanna battle? I need to work up some mon.

2017-09-21, 05:55 PM
Glad you both made it, I have a Shroomish and a Zigzagoon up for trade. Maybe a Pansear but debating over it. I’ll be at the trade post tomorrow and then the courts.

As Ken watched Aegwynn walk between the trainers at the post, he remembered he really needed the extra training. He approached his companion as she was between other traders, taking care not to interrupt a current negotiation.

“Hey Aegwynn, I’m going to go ahead on to the Center and switch my roster then head to the courts. Any updates on our poster?” He would make note of the time and listen to her response, noting where to go if she mentioned when and where. “See you at the courts!” He and Zippo waved as they walked back towards the Pokémon Center, keeping an eye open for any wild Pokémon they might see.

As they approached the Center, Ken recalled Zippo. “It’s only for a couple minutes buddy, just the rules of the place.” As he clipped the crimson ball back on his belt he got in the queue for the storage system. He traded in the Zigzagoon for Aibi, and Cicero for Midoriya. As he exited he called Zippo back out to his shoulder and looked again for wild Pokémon as he made his way to the courts. While he knew most would want to wager, he was in this for the battle experience.

2017-09-22, 03:09 AM
He takes his place at the far side of the court and removes 2 pokeballs from his belt. "Well, let's get started." He says as he lobs them into the field.

Lucille rears back and bullets a pokeball right next to the incoming pokemon.

Tyson lifts up his shirt and runs his hand along his belt until it rests on his chosen pokeball.

Here goes nothing!

"Vile c'mon out!" The grass type emerges from it's pokeball and looses a growl as it shakes the budding flower on it's back. "You can wait and watch with me Nimbus." Tyson says to the yellow mouse.

Lucille spits out a curse as everyone's pokemon emerge. Gramps is right on top of a strange, Jellyfish creature struggling to hold itself up and a Cubone!

So she went with Gramps and this guy's got a Cubone and a...Tentacool? Far from optimal but we can work with this.

"Vile, tear'em apart! Razor Leaf!"

Tyson uses Focused Orders on Vile!
Vile's Accuracy increased by +2!

Vile's Razor Leaf: 20! (16 after AC vs Physical or Speed Evasion, 18 on originally on dice. It's a Critical Hit!)


Vile will shift to use Razor Leaf so that it catches both the Frillish and Cubone in the Cone 2 if possible without hitting Gramps.

Razor Leaf Damage: 66 Grass Physical vs Defense, It's Super Effective!


OOC: That Critical Hit though!


19 - Lucille
15 - Tyson
15 - Vile
9 - Frillish
7 - Cubone

2017-09-22, 10:45 AM
The sight of the yellow and black pokemon in the dumpster makes Cassandra pause. "Come on out Yojimbo," she says, tossing out his pokeball at the mouth of the alley. She points the sword toward the pokemon in the dumpster. Yojimbo's eye opens and his scabbard slides down to reveal an inch of his blade.

Yojimbo's Initiative is 3

If the Elekid attempts to run away, Yojimbo will use Pursuit as an interrupt.
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/552636): 3, still hits because of No Guard
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/552637): 33, Physical Dark

big teej
2017-09-22, 04:55 PM
The weird egg dude makes a 'who knows' shrug and goes back to dealing out his tarot cards.

The Sundress lady offers you a Spinda in exchange for Spoink.


I wouldn't be offering that shroomish to party members, since you traded it for Roggenrola.

You arrive at the courts and find a half dozen trainers loitering around. half of the courts are occupied by ongoing battles.

There's a kid, definitely too young to be a league trainer, standing off to the side, looking at everybody all wide-eyed
There's a heavyset guy in a blue shirt thumbing through his pokedex
There's an older woman in a dress talking with a dark skinned gentleman that has a series of magnemite orbiting overhead
There's a younger guy in a karate gi doing push ups while keeping a conversation up with a guy wearing a fishing vest.

The jogger chick shakes her head and jogs off into the night. The hoods turn and face you, but don't say anything.

The Elekid pokes its head up out of the dumpster and sees Yojimbo. Electricity crackles up it's head-spurs and lashes out at the sword.

Yojimbo has Initative

Elekid uses Shockwave on Yojimbo! It critically Hit!
Yojimbo takes 50 Electric Damage vs Special Defense!

19 - Elekid
6 - Cassandra
3 - Yojimbo

The torrent of leaves slices the Cubone and jellyfish thing to ribbons and they collapse in a bloody heap. Gramps visibly sighs in relief. Bryce's eyes bug out at the double shut-down but rallies quickly and throws his next 2 pokemon into the ring. A purple and ochre cat and a strange blue creature with a white, frilled, bony cap on it's skull emerge.

The Cat yowls and a trickle of energy leaks from Gramps to the cat. The blue pokemon unleashes a massive burst of flame at Vile, but it's aim is off and the attack goes wide. Gramps huffs up and spews a circle of fire around the cat, pinning it in place within the flames.

The Cat yowls again, and a gust of wind spools up around the cat and it shoots way up into the air, trailing flame.

ooc: Vile has initiative.

Cubone is OHKO'd
Frillish is OHKO'd

Liepard is sent in, Liepard uses Assist! Liepard uses Absorb on Gramps
Bagon used Incinerate on Vile, BUT IT MISSED

Gramps used Fire Spin on Liepard, Liepard was trapped in a vortex

Initative Resets!

Liepard used Assist, Liepard used fly! Liepard took damage from the flames

21 -Liepard
19 - Lucille
15 - Tyson
15 - Vile
10 - Bagon
1 - Gramps

TJ Zen
2017-09-22, 05:00 PM
"What about you guys?" Lennox asks, walking over to them. "You up for a Battle or no? I'm trying to work into shape for this Gym battle."

2017-09-22, 05:08 PM
Before Ken heads to the Courts...

“Yeah, we’re set to meet him at the Pokémon Center at 4:30 this afternoon.” she responded before parting ways with Ken. She made sure to set herself a reminder in her Pokédex. She didn’t want to miss out on the reward for, hopefully, a job well done.

She shifted from side to side, thinking a moment, “How strong is the little teeter-bear?” She asked before just shaking her head, her snow-white hair shaking and catching the morning sun, “On second thought, I think my team already has the spot a Spinda would take filled. Thank you though for showing it to me! It’s a very neat Pokémon!”

She kept wandering through the trading post, nibbling on her lower lip before making her way finally over to the gentlemen in the brown track suit. She waved politely, a smile upon her face as she pulled the four poke balls free from her belt, “Good morning! I have some Pokémon for trade, if you’d like to take a look!” she chirped in a jovial tone.

2017-09-22, 11:04 PM
Yojimbo vibrates and twitches as the electricity courses through him. Once the attack is concluded, the sword lashes out and slices the Elekid across the chest. Cassandra throws a Pokeball into the fray, hoping to catch the electric-type before it can get off another devastating attack.

Yojimbo gains two injuries! (http://orokos.com/roll/552801) One in Spec. Def, one in Speed

Yojimbo uses "tackle"!
To Hit: (http://orokos.com/roll/552802) 6
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/552803): 28,Normal Physical

Cassandra throws a pokeball! She is trainer level 5, using a normal ball
Hit?: (http://orokos.com/roll/552804) 9
Catch?! (http://orokos.com/roll/552805): ...97...

2017-09-22, 11:13 PM
At the trading post...

Ken takes out his Pokedex as Aegwynn tells him the time and sets a reminder. "4:30 at the Pokemon Center, got it. See you there or the courts first!"

At the courts......

Ken is caught by surprise at the number of people waiting to battle and socializing. His first battle hadn't gone so well and even then he was pretty much out of money until Aegwynn and him got paid, assuming they found the right heavyball. His eyes darter from trainer to trainer. "Looks like we have a good number to choose from, eh buddy?" Zippo chirped in his ear.

Ken thought about the kid and how nervous they probably were. He was pretty nervous his first time around the courts too when he was younger. "Hey Zippo, let's help the kid with his nerves a bit. We can take on someone else right after." Zippo looked at the kid and chirped a bit. As Ken walked up he smiled. "Hey how's it going? You here to watch everyone or get in some practice early on? If you'd like we could have a quick match for fun. Say one each?" Ken will wait on the kid's response before moving on to another potential battle partner.

Zippo (Cyndaquil) is at level 14, usually evolving at 15.
Also the Perception roll you told me to bank, what*do I do with that?

2017-09-23, 01:38 AM
The torrent of leaves slices the Cubone and jellyfish thing to ribbons and they collapse in a bloody heap. Gramps visibly sighs in relief. Bryce's eyes bug out at the double shut-down but rallies quickly and throws his next 2 pokemon into the ring. A purple and ochre cat and a strange blue creature with a white, frilled, bony cap on it's skull emerge.

"Way to lay into'em Vile! Keep it up!"

And here's the reserves... The cat seems familiar. Never seen the other one before.

The Cat yowls and a trickle of energy leaks from Gramps to the cat. The blue pokemon unleashes a massive burst of flame at Vile, but it's aim is off and the attack goes wide. Gramps huffs up and spews a circle of fire around the cat, pinning it in place within the flames.

The Cat yowls again, and a gust of wind spools up around the cat and it shoots way up into the air, trailing flame.

Tyson's eyes go wide in disbelief as he watches the cat soar into the air. "Yo Lucille, you seein' this!?"

I suppose there's nothin' I can do to stop it unless...

"Vile, bring it in! Roulette, send that cat flying with a Gust!" The ninja boy recalls his Ivysaur and subs in his Tranquill who unleashes a fierce gust of wind upon release.

Tyson uses his standard and shift actions for a full switch! (Vile for Roulette)

Roulette activates Rivalry (Bagon) as a Free Action!
Roulette gained +1 CS in Attack, Defense, and Sp. Attack!

Roulette's Gust Attack: 20! (18 after AC vs Special or Speed Evasion, Gust has no limit to range due to Fly)


Gust Damage: 67 Flying Special vs Special Defense


21 -Liepard
19 - Lucille
17 - Roulette
15 - Tyson
10 - Bagon
1 - Gramps

big teej
2017-09-25, 11:07 AM
A slight breeze ruffles the yawning hoods of the three people. Now that you're closer, one is curvy enough to likely be a female, the other two are likely men, judging by their builds. They nod in unison at your challenge and turn and head towards the other side of the court. The lights overhead flicker and they seem to traverse the entire distance during the momentary blackness. The woman steps into the trainer bracket and removes a pokeball from her hoodie.

The guy in the tracksuit examines your offerings, but shakes his head, "Doesn't look like anything I need on my team."

The Elekid reels back in the trash from Yojimbo's attack. It crackles with electricity again and blasts Yojimbo.

Elekid used Shockwave! Yojimbo took 34 Electric Damage vs. Special Defense

19 - Elekid
6 - Cassandra
3 - Yojimbo

Cassandra and Yojimbo have initiative

ooc: use it in place of a perception roll sometime before this thread ends.

The kid tries for tough, but fails "Y-yeah, sure thing, you bet, you're on!, lets do this." He strides awkwardly to the nearest open court and pulls a ball from his pocket.

The kid lobs the ball out onto the court, it lands well short of the halfway point. A spherical blue and white pokemon with a black tail ending in another blue sphere emerges, it squeals delightedly.

ooc: I decided to sidestep the death issue by taking advantage of the other TM that liepard has.

Lucille stares up at the liepard in the sky and says "No." in a flat voice.

The dust-devil Roulette has gusted up envelops the liepard, who yowls (again!) and is enveloped by a tessellated sphere of energy. It's blue, groundbound partner spews another blast of flame towards Roullette, who rolls out of the way. Gramps sighs again and unleashes a 2nd circle of clinging flame at the dragon.

The sky-cat shrieks like a banshee and dives down on Roulete, raking it's claws down her flank

Liepard uses Protect! Gust is nullified!
Bagon used Incinerate, but it missed!
Gramps used Fire Spin on Bagon!
Liepard lost a tick of HP from the vortex
Bagon lost a tick of HP from the vortex!

initiative resets
Liepard used fly!
Roulette takes 34 damage vs. Defense!

Roulette has initiative.

2017-09-25, 12:01 PM
Aegwynn slumps a little, but it's understood that not everyone will want the Pokemon that you're offering. She nodded when she heard the guy in the track suit before moseying her way over to the couple with the tackle box and the fishing poles. She once again made her offer to them, showing them the lobster, the bouncy swine, the scrappy fighter, and the metal ant, hoping that one of them would pique their interest.

For the sake of moving Aegwynn along...

After wrapping up any negotiations she had going on at the trading post, she would meander her way back to the Pokemon Center, checking her watch as she arrived. There, she would finalize her team, the six she had trained this morning. She spent some time working with them all, using her skills as a Mentor to get them ready for any challenges she may have ahead of her. She really spent the most time with Elding, working on a new technique with him, the little thunda-bug chittering delightfully with all the attention it seemed to be getting!

Aegwynn used Mentor to have Elding spend 1TP to learn Electroweb!

She nodded softly as she felt like she had a few winners. The courts seem like a good idea, that's where Ken had gone after all. But the allure of the Gym seemed to make an itch in the back of her mind that she felt like the courts just couldn't scratch. Teeth sank into bottom lip before she checked her watch again, knowing she needed to be back here at 4:30 to complete the job with the Heavy Ball. If she had the time, she would make her way to the Gym, 'I think it's time to see what I'm made of...' she thought as she plodded her way to the Pokemon League establishment.

big teej
2017-09-25, 12:19 PM
ooc: I appreciate the effort, but we can't really fast forward to the gym when your roster could potentially change.

The fisher couple get excited about potentially acquiring a Clauncher, they offer a level 12 Psyduck in exchange.

2017-09-25, 12:23 PM
Aegwynn mulls it all over. Psyduck is a solid pokemon, but she felt like Staryu really fills that spot better on her team. She thanks the couple for their time, but Psyduck just doesn't seem to fit all that well into her team as it is right now. She feels her time at the trading post is through, and proceeds to leave, heading to the Pokemon Center to redeposit the pokemon and pick up the four from her team she trained earlier this morning.

2017-09-25, 12:28 PM
Ken gives the kid a thumbs up and follows him to a court. “Alright let’s do this Aria!” Ken love her ball into the court and the tiny bird begins zipping around.

Ken takes a look as the spherical Pokémon appears from the kid. “That’s a pretty cool looking one.”

PokeManiac: (http://orokos.com/roll/553330) 15

“Alright Aria, use Quick Attack!” Aria zips around, barreling into the blue Pokémon.

Aria uses Quick Attack!
To Hit: (http://orokos.com/roll/553331) 20
[URL=http://orokos.com/roll/553333[/URL] 37 v Def
OOC: Quick Attack is a priority move

Ken: 7

big teej
2017-09-25, 12:40 PM
You find the gym without incident. It looks... New? Like it'd recently been renovated. There is a large set of boxing gloves molded over the front doors, and in the courtyard are three big statues, twice as tall as you, at least. A Machamp, a Sawk, and a Hitmonchan. There's a nice big sign that reads


Inside, you are overcome with the nauseating combined stench of disinfectant, seat, and body odor. This gym is, literally, a gym. Pokemon and trainers are working with weights, sparring with each other, and attacking punching bags and dummy targets all around. Almost all of the trainers are wearing martial artist gi's. There is a receptionist... sort of. A large, burly, lantern jawed, fellow with a toothpick hanging out of his mouth sits behind the front desk. He's wearing a tight fitting red tank-top and dark blue sweatpants.

He looks up at you and growls. "Whatcha need? Come to train?"

big teej
2017-09-25, 12:45 PM
The tiny blue ball rallies quickly from Aria's speedy attack, and she nimbly dodges away from the gouts of water it sends back her way.

Aria's Quick Attack resolves
Enemy Marill used Water Gun! it missed!
Initiative Resets!
Enemy Marill used Water Gun! it missed!

Aria has initative

2017-09-25, 12:48 PM
Aegwynn must have seemed so out of place, a small, short, snow-white haired telekinetic in the middle of a fighting type Gym. She was somewhat startled by the receptionist...man? He was big, a somewhat intimidating figure, "Ummm, no sir. I've come to challenge the Gym. Should I fail at that endeavor, then I will stay to train I suppose...after a visit to the Pokemon Center." she fretted. This place seemed to have some kind of familiarity...did it have any association with the Fighting 'Gym' that was in Saffron?

General Ed: (http://orokos.com/roll/553338) 14

She presented her Pokedex which had her trainer ID to the man, "This will be my first badge should I manage to claim victory." she said to him, though he would probably be able to gather that when he would check her ID. She nervously shifted her weight from side to side, waiting to see where he told her to go.

2017-09-25, 12:57 PM
Aria bobs and weaves, nimbly dodges the fishes of water. “Hey you’re pretty good! Once more Aria!” Aria dives again at the Marill, slamming into it once again.

Aria uses Quick Attack!
To Hit: (http://orokos.com/roll/553340) 14
Damage: (http://orokos.com/roll/553341) 21 v Def
OOC: Quick Attack takes priority.

big teej
2017-09-25, 01:33 PM
To your knowledge, there is no connection between the Saffron and Pewter fighting gyms, aside from their type.

"I am Gym Trainer Mountain." The 'receptionist' informs you. He stands up from the desk, chest, shoulders, and head taller than you. "Come with me." He says. He hits a big yellow and black striped button on the wall as he walks from the reception area to the main floor. Red flashing lights descend from the ceiling and a klaxon blares. anyone working in the middle of the gym quickly moves out to the sides. A section of the floor opens up and moves apart, a platform rising up from beneath the gym. The platform has what looks like a boxing ring on it.

After the platform locks into place, Coach Mountain leads you to the ring and takes up a hammer and strikes at a bell three times.

A decrepit, bald old man with a snowy white beard that hangs to his chest, wearing dark glasses, a seaside shirt, green shorts, and sandals, walking with the aid of a staff appears from deeper within the gym (https://kantoaftermath.obsidianportal.com/characters/roshi). He limps over to your side of the ring and bows to you, his back cracks loudly. “so…” he says with a scratchy voice. “You thought you could just waltz in here and fight me eh? Heh heh heh heh… what badge is this for you girl? Hm? Heh heh heh heh.”

ooc: for once, the dice have favored you, I haven't rolled above a 4 since you challenged this kid.

The ovoid swells up and spews an arctic blast laced with shards of ice at Aria, who, again, ducks out of the way effortlessly.

Initiative Resets

Marril uses Water Gun! Aria takes 18 Water damage vs. Defense!

2017-09-25, 01:39 PM
Aria continues to zip around the court and the Marill as it tries in vain to hit her. If I had a water type, that might be the one... Ken thinks to himself. “Ok Aria, once again!” Aria resumes her speedy assault on the rotund water mouse, but misses horribly.

Aria uses Quick Attack!
To Hit: (http://orokos.com/roll/553357) 1

2017-09-25, 01:46 PM
Aegwynn politely bowed back to him as he lowered his head, responding to his inquiries, "Y...yes sir...I mean...I thought that's what the Gym Challenge was all about," she stammered nervously before answering his other inquiry, "This would be my first, sir." she confided. She was rather polite to her elders. She was raised in a household where sir and ma'am were proper things to say when answering questions from her parents. Of course they would always be mommy and daddy to her, but if they had a genuine and sincere question, she was taught to always answer thusly.

She maintained a composed posture, though anytime she spoke her wavering voice betrayed this facade of confidence she had erected around herself, "I look forward to facing you in a Gym match, sir. It would be my honor to give you everything I've got!" she belted out, trying to keep herself from shaking. Why was she so nervous!? This is what being a Pokemon trainer was all about...could it be because this would be her first time throwing her Pokemon out against another trainer? Perhaps...she had only fought wild pokemon since leaving Pallet. Was she a fool for choosing the Gym Leader as her first foray into Pokemon Battles? Only time could answer such a question...

big teej
2017-09-25, 01:47 PM
The mouse, maybe finally wise to Aria's attack plan, hops out of the way of her clumsy attack and sprays her in the face for 18 Water Damage vs. Defense. Which only manages to push her out of the way of the follow up ice beam....

Aria has initiative.

big teej
2017-09-25, 01:54 PM
or in this case, GYM HITS YOU

The old man’s glasses conceal his eyes, but he smiles a gap-toothed smile and cackles. “your first time eh? I’ll be gentle.” He cackles again and waddles to the other side of the ring and retrieves something from a compartment you cant see.

"Your fight with Gym Master Roshi will consist of a 1 on 1 fight, 2 pokemon each." Coach Mountain instructs you as he gets ready to ring the bell. "You may not interfere in the battle in any way except to give orders and encouragement to your pokemon, or throw in the towel." He points to a white rag hanging off the bottom rope.

kindly select your opener, then open the following spoiler so the match can begin on equal, blind footing.

The Battle Begins! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEzdd5gg9CU)
hopefully that takes you where its supposed to.

Roshi rolls a pokeball into the arena. A Mankey emerges, and quickly scurries up one of the turnbuckle posts to the top rope, screeching at you and your pokemon.

2017-09-25, 02:05 PM
As she is hit in the face with the water gun but pushed out of the way of the ice beam, Ken sighs in relief. “At least we missed that one. Ok time for another attempt at speed!” Aria regains her momentum, speeding around the court. Recognizing she needed a different angle, she slams into the water mouse again.

Aria uses Quick Attack!
To Hit: (http://orokos.com/roll/553360) 16
Damage: (http://orokos.com/roll/553362) 23 v Def
OOC: Quick Attack takes priority.

Ken watches at the attacks fly by Aria. He makes a note of them in his journal.

Ken activates Chronicler!
Spends 1 Battle AP to record Water Gun. 4/5 Battlw AP Remaining.

TJ Zen
2017-09-25, 02:05 PM
"Let's make this fun!" Lennox says across the courts. "2 Pokemon a piece. 1v1. First one with a K.O.'d pokémon loses and pay up 100 poken. Sound good?"

Ooc: If hooded heroine agrees to the terms, Lennox will summon forth Tazer.

2017-09-25, 02:09 PM
Aegwynn retrieves her faithful companion from her belt, the one that's been with her since the beginning, "Stjarna...do your best!" she said as she let her pokeball fly. It sailed through the air before opening up, a bright energizing light faded to reveal the spinning star, core flashing brilliantly in the light of the ring, lighting up even more as it floated loftily, spinning slowly in the air.


Stjarna: 20
Aegwynn: 10

"Stjarna, let loose! Bubblebeam!" Aegwynn shouted, the star spinning to life as it flew through the air in a manner stars ought not to, its illuminating core flashing brightly as it unleashed a torrent of bubbles towards the Mankey that had climbed the turnbuckle, taking advantage of its height in the air as it lashed out at the simian!

Stjarna uses Bubblebeam on Mankey!
Attack Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/553361) 12
Damage Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/553363) 44 Water Damage vs. Special Defense

"Good Job! Keep it up! Don't let it get to you, remember the drills from this morning!" she yelled out, the excitement, the fire of the battle getting to her as she did her best to encourage Stjarna, reminding it of the Agility Training drills they had run through this morning.

Aegwynn applies Agility Training to Stjarna for +2 EVA

2017-09-25, 02:47 PM
Lucille stares up at the liepard in the sky and says "No." in a flat voice.

The dust-devil Roulette has gusted up envelops the liepard, who yowls (again!) and is enveloped by a tessellated sphere of energy. It's blue, groundbound partner spews another blast of flame towards Roullette, who rolls out of the way. Gramps sighs again and unleashes a 2nd circle of clinging flame at the dragon.

The sky-cat shrieks like a banshee and dives down on Roulete, raking it's claws down her flank

Current Round

"Tch! Nice trick! Thought I had you for sure." Tyson calls out to Bryce.

"Keep up the pressure Roulette! Use Air Cutter!"

The Tranquill unleashes a vicious gust of air that cuts mercilessly into it's target.

Air Cutter Attack: 12 (10 after AC vs Speed or Special Evasion, targeting the Liepard and Bagon in the Cone 2 or just the Liepard if it's only one target is possible.)


Air Cutter Damage: 36 Flying Special Damage vs. Special Defense


Tyson uses Agility Orders on Roulette!
Roulette's Speed Evasion increased to 4!

Next Round

"Let's finish it off Roulette! Quick Attack!"

Quick Attack (Priority Limited - Liepard): 6 (4 after AC vs Physical or Speed Evasion)


Quick Attack Damage: 36 Normal Physical vs. Defense


Tyson uses Focused Orders on Roulette!
Roulette's Accuracy increases by +2!

2017-09-25, 09:50 PM
Yojimbo once again vibrates as electricity courses through him, but just barely manages to hold on to consciousness. "Get out of there Yojimbo," Cassandra calls, returning the ghostly sword. "Reks, you're next up. Keep it occupied." She tosses another Pokeball at the spirited electric type as the Nidorino appears.

Yojimbo uses his action to recall, Reks uses his to come out.

Cassandra throws a Pokeball! Trainer level 5, normal pokeball
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/553474): 12
Catch?! (http://orokos.com/roll/553475): 27

big teej
2017-09-26, 09:37 AM
Point of Order,

When your character levels up and gains a new edge or feature or anything else, please note the addition to your sheet either in an OOC spoiler here, or in the OOC thread.

2nd, as a reminder

A Full Switch takes a Standard Action, the switch may be initiated by either a Pokémon on the Field or a Trainer. This prevents EITHER the Pokémon from attacking prior to the switch (but lets it move into recall range if needed) OR prevents the Trainer from taking a standard action to give orders and the like.

So, if a Pokemon used it's standard action to switch out, it would still eat the trainer's SHIFT action to release a new pokemon.

Aria bludgeons the water mouse to the dirt, and the kid runs out onto the court, sniffling. "Bubbles, are you okay!?" He collapses around his unconscious pokemon, not yet bawling, but working up to it.

The courts are still pretty busy, busy enough that not too many people are noticing the bawling kid. You could probably find another opponent if you wanted.

ooc: interesting terms.

That strange breeze carries a whispered reply. Chump Change...

The terms must be agreeable, as the hooded trainer lobs a pokeball into the court and a jagged purple shadow with a gaping mouth, disembodied hands, and malicious eyes emerges to challenge Tazer. The shadow seems to shudder, almost with laughter before blinking across the distance and looming over Tazer, who quakes in fear. It opens it's clawed fists and Tazer is doused in a vile purple sludge

Enemy ??? used Frighten, Tazer's Speed is lowered by 2 CS!
Enemy ??? used Venoshock, Tazer takes 38 Poison Damage vs. Special Defense!

Tazer has initiative!

15 - Enemy Pokemon
11 - Lennox
10 - Tazer

The monkey is blasted from the turnbuckle by the savage stream of bubbles, It springs back to it's feet and launches itself at Stjarna, but it easily swirls out of the way of the wild attack!

Stjarna has initiative!

The Cat shakes beneath Roulette's assault, but quickly pounces on the bird in a flurry of claws, only for Roulette's luck to hold out as she deftly flies up and over the attack. Gramps trades fire attacks with the trapped blue pokemon, who is slowly succumbing to the flames! Roulette then banks in the air and catches the cat unawares before it can gather itself to continue the assault.

Gramps, completely unfazed by the blue pokemon's flames, exhales a gout of vile looking smoke that envelopes it's trapped target. when the smoke clears, the pokemon lies limp on the ground, and the flames surrounding it dissipate.

Bryce shakes his head, "you guys are too much. ha ha, I should've dragged Marie over here."

Tyson gains 126 Pokemon Experience he may divide up among the participants
Tyson gains 1 Trainer Exp!

The pokeball falls into the dumpster, elekid inside!

Level 15, Male, Hasty Nature, Inner Focus Ability, Knows: Shockwave, Thundershock, Low Kick, Leer, Quick Attack, and Swift, Loyalty 2

2017-09-26, 09:47 AM
Aegwynn watches as Stjarna twirls and sails through the air, picking up speed and slowing down as it loftily weaved through the air to deftly evade the Monkey as it launched itself at it. She balled up her fists, thrusting one in the air, "Great work, Stjarna! Keep it up! Bubblebeam!" she instructed, the starfish twirling once again before launching another torrent of swift bubbles at its simian foe.

Stjarna used Bubblebeam on Mankey!
Attack Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/553580) 8
Damage Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/553582) 31 Water vs. Special Defense

Aegwynn will keep up her encouragement, as well as commanding her pokemon. The agility drills she runs her pokemon through every morning was something she sought to remind them of as often as possible, especially if it gave them the upper hand. "Looking good up there, Stjarna," she cheered, "Keep up that movement and I think you've got this!"

Aegwynn used Agility Training as Orders. Stjarna gains +2 EVA.

2017-09-26, 09:57 AM
"Nice," Cassandra says as her Pokedex pings with her new catch. "Alright Reks, let's head to the shop."

She continues on her way to the Occult shop. When she opens the door, she calls into the shop," Hello, Jim?"

TJ Zen
2017-09-26, 11:48 AM
"That's Enough, I concede." Lennox says, Recalling Tazer and walking overto his opponent." I wasn't expecting such a high level pokemon or I would've brought some higher leveled specimen." Lennox says offering his hand in congratulations as well as her winnings. "Well done. By the way how many badges do you have?"

2017-09-26, 11:50 AM
The Cat shakes beneath Roulette's assault, but quickly pounces on the bird in a flurry of claws, only for Roulette's luck to hold out as she deftly flies up and over the attack. Gramps trades fire attacks with the trapped blue pokemon, who is slowly succumbing to the flames! Roulette then banks in the air and catches the cat unawares before it can gather itself to continue the assault.

Gramps, completely unfazed by the blue pokemon's flames, exhales a gout of vile looking smoke that envelopes it's trapped target. when the smoke clears, the pokemon lies limp on the ground, and the flames surrounding it dissipate.

"Way to go Gramps!" Tyson cheers.

"C'mere my lucky lady! You were great!" Tyson says to his Tranquill, catching her in his arms as she descends towards him. "You two did really well on the court today! We still have a lot to work on when it comes to speed but if you two keep battling like you did today it won't take long." He says looking between the grey bird in his arms and yellow mouse on his shoulder. "Take a break alright Roulette?"

OOC: Roulette used Roost!

Bryce shakes his head, "You guys are too much. ha ha, I should've dragged Marie over here."

Tyson simply smiles as he walks over to Bryce and holds out a hand. "It was a great battle regardless! Besides, your friend looked like she was enjoying herself. I can imagine how hard a lumberjacks job could be so I wouldn't wanna disturb her while she's resting ya know?" He finishes with a laugh.

Tyson pulls out his pokedex with a free hand and offers to exchange contact information with Bryce.

"If we cross paths again and you're looking to trade or battle pokemon I'd be up for it! Oh and sorry about that Razor Leaf... my Ivysaur really likes battles." Tyson experiences a brief flashback of his party first encountered Vile "battling" a Mankey as they were traveling through Viridian Forest.

Vile - 70 EXP (Level Up! Lv.22)
Roulette - 56 EXP (Level Up! Lv.21)

Tyson gained 1 Trainer Exp! (Level Up! Lv.9, Tyson learned "Just a Scratch!")

2017-09-26, 11:57 AM
As Aria swoops down on the blue mouse the final time she caws a cheer, circling back to land on Ken’s unoccupied shoulder. “Nice job girl!” He says as he pats her head gently. He is caught a little off guard by the kid though. “Let’s go give them a hand guys.” He whispers to his two partner Pokémon.

As he walks up to the kid and Bubbles, he takes a potion from his bag, kneeling down and spraying the water mouse. “Here this will help them feel better in a little while.” He offers a handshake to the kid. “My name’s Ken, you two are pretty awesome though! Going to make a great combination. Want to watch a few more battles to observe and learn some maneuvers?” Ken will wait for the kid’s response.

Regardless if the response, he will next approach the older woman in the dress. “Hello ma’am, would it be alright if we had a battle real quick? I’m trying to get some practice in before taking on the gym tomorrow.”

Ken will add in that he is also trying to help the kid observe more battles to learn how various Pokémon move about.

If the lady takes the offer, Ken will send out Aria again.

big teej
2017-09-26, 01:00 PM
Bryce takes your hand with a smile. "It is what it is, I never expect anybody to hold back. I look forward to a rematch after a few Badges."

Lucille walks over and talks to Gramps for a bit before joining the two of you. "That was a good show Ninja Boy." Lucille locks eyes with Bryce, a somewhat predatory glint in her eye. "So, we've heard a few things about Cerulean's Gym... is there something worth the trip aside from the gym?"

Bryce shrugs. "The Riverbanks are popular this time of year with fishermen and swimmers alike. If you've got enough Badges, you can take a tour of the Power Plant and most people seem to come back with good electric types." He pauses, "Oh, and there's the crazy guy who lives north of town. He's weird, but knows a lot about pokemon."

By now, after your two battles, the sun has lost it's fight with the horizon and the campsite is lit only by the lights of the Pokemon Center and the campfires people have started.

"No." The kid stands up, holding his bubbles. "I think I'm gonna take bubbles to the pokemon center, and then go home." He turns and leaves the courts.

The woman looks you up and down. "I would be happy to... educate you. A... Cinnabaran? You're on your.... hrm, I suppose it should be third or fourth badge, yes?" She nods to herself. "I would gladly wager 2,000 in a 1 on 1 battle of our three best pokemon."

ooc: Tazer gains 8 exp

The ghost hovers over head, floating upside down with it's tongue lolling out of it's mouth. The trainer takes the money quietly, and one of her companions speaks up.

"We haven't fought any gym leaders yet." The hood on the left says
"We're busy establishing a reputation here first." The hood on the right adds.
"We have greater plans than merely completing the circuit." The hooded female you fought says.

You find Jim through the haze of smoke at the counter. "Oh hey Cassandra, how'd the delivery go?"

The mankey is washed into a turnbuckle and disapears in a flash of red light.

"Oh, quite the show. ayee hee hee hee. But can you keep it up?" Roshi cackles and pitches a new ball into the ring.

a Mienfoo emerges, it bobs and weaves towards Stjarna, it feints with a punch, but then spins around and kicks the floating star right in the jewel.

Enemy Mienfoo used Fake Out! Stjarna takes 24 Normal Damage vs. Defense!
Stjarna has initative!

2017-09-26, 01:12 PM
Stjarna reeled back as it took a smack in the jewel, the gemerald or whatever it might be blinking on and off with great frequency as it was quite startled from the hit. The moment it heard Aegywnn calling out to it, it snapped back to its usual self, or as usual as you can assume a starfish can be, and readies itself for its trainer's next command. "You know the Drill Stjarna! Bubblebeam, and don't let up!" it heard from its trainer, spinning in the air and spitting the concentrated foam cannon at its new foe.

Mienfoo is targeted by Stjarna's Bubblebeam!
Attack Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/553600) 13
Damage Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/553601) 41 Water Damage vs. Special Defense.

Aegwynn jumped, pumping her fists in the air, "Thatta...thatta...you show it Stjarna! Now keep it on its toes! Bob and weave!" she said, realizing that a 'thatta boy' just won't cut it for an echinoderm with no gender at all. Stjarna spun and loftily sailed through the air above the ring, keeping an eye on the little kung fu trainee in its sight.

Aegwynn issues Agility Training as an Order. Stjarna gains +2 EVA.

TJ Zen
2017-09-26, 01:35 PM
ooc: Tazer is now level 9 and will be able to evolve after morning training

"Good Luck with that, I guess." Lennox shrugs and makes his way back to the Pokemon Center To Heal up his pokemon and sleep.


Lennox wakes early and feels great after sleeping (on anything softer than mountain). The Dawn is peaking over the clouds when he takes his pokemon to Train

After Training, He make his way over to the Courts for some new competition and hopefully better results.

Brutal training applied To Competition team (These pokemon are on Lennox)

Tazer- lvl up- lvl. 10
Boomer lvl up- lvl. 10 learned Rollout!(forgot Tackle)

2017-09-26, 02:12 PM
Bryce takes your hand with a smile. "It is what it is, I never expect anybody to hold back. I look forward to a rematch after a few Badges."

Tyson nods in affirmation. "Same here."

Lucille walks over and talks to Gramps for a bit before joining the two of you. "That was a good show Ninja Boy."

"Normally there's an admission fee, but for you, free of charge."

Lucille locks eyes with Bryce, a somewhat predatory glint in her eye. "So, we've heard a few things about Cerulean's Gym... is there something worth the trip aside from the gym?"

Bryce shrugs. "The Riverbanks are popular this time of year with fishermen and swimmers alike. If you've got enough Badges, you can take a tour of the Power Plant and most people seem to come back with good electric types." He pauses, "Oh, and there's the crazy guy who lives north of town. He's weird, but knows a lot about pokemon."

"Cerulean is definitely starting to sound a lot more promising right?" He casts a glance at Lucille. "Hear that Nimbus? We've got fish for you to fry up in the next city!"

"I appreciate the rundown on Cerulean, should prove to be useful. See ya around Bryce!" Tyson sends the Cerluean Trainer off with his usual salute.

By now, after your two battles, the sun has lost it's fight with the horizon and the campsite is lit only by the lights of the Pokemon Center and the campfires people have started.

"Not a bad pair of battles right? Couldn't have asked for a better partner either." The ninja boy says, his eyes flicker over to Lucille then back to Mt.Moon.

"Let's find a place to set up camp and get some shut-eye. Gotta get up early if we're gonna keep up the pace we set. I figured if we left here a little earlier than usual that would give us some more time to snag few pokemon while we're traveling over the mountain. How's that sound?"

After his discussion with Lucille, Tyson will check Kasumi into the Pokemon Center for the night and arrange for Jet to be deposited into the PC after his treatment is complete. After Withdrawing Sunny from the PC Tyson attempts to find his traveling partner outside of the Center and will help set up camp.

2017-09-26, 02:45 PM
As the kid walks away Ken waves at him. “Ok, later. Thanks for the battle.”

When the lady mentions that he should be on his third or fourth badge, Ken is taken by surprise. In fact he even jumps a little, causing Aria to flutter off his shoulder and back down when he is stationary again. Zippo mimics Ken’s response. “This will actually be my first gym badge battle ma’am. I’m afraid I have to decline my own request on this. I may need to look for someone a little, closer to my level of experience. I’m sorry for troubling you though.” He bows. “Thank you though ma’am!”

He considers approaching another trainer but realizes he can’t actually wager. “Yeah most would want to wager on a battle, gotta wait to get paid though....” His voice trails off in thought. He decides to approach the guy in the karate gi. “Excuse me, would you mind having a training battle real quick? I’m working towards my first gym badge and am looking to get a bit of practice in.” He thinks for a moment. “Or a battle for fun if you prefer.”

2017-09-27, 06:33 AM
Cassandra will navigate her way through the the store to the front counter and present Jim with the signed receipt. "Most of the trip was fine. There were a couple of dangerous spots though. A minefield of exploding Geodude and an angry momma Ursaring. Oh, and your customer says that he wants this same order again in two weeks."

After Business is Concluded

"Do you have any TMs to sell? Or anything else that might interest a trainer? Normally, I'd want to spend a few hours perusing your shop. I'm sure my grandparents would love a few things from here, but I don'T have enough time to sit and do rituals right now."

big teej
2017-09-27, 09:00 AM
ooc: the dice rollers are coming through strong for you guys the past few days, or rather, are failing me. I haven't rolled above a 4 in the last like 6 posts. :smalltongue: Also, for the first time in months, almost the entire party is on the same freaking day. :smallbiggrin:

The kung-foo kitten seems to sense Stjarna's attack coming before she's even ready to launch it, and rolls underneath the torrent, rising in a flurrying assault on Stjarna, who is able to duck and weave away from the attacks.

Enemy Mienfoo used Detect! Bubblebeam missed!
Enemy Mienfoo used Double Slap, but it missed!

Stjarna has initiative

The woman looks perplexed, before nodding. "Oh I see, you must be running the traditional circuit. Did you start with Oak in Pallet?"

The gi wearing trainer doesn't respond at first, he grunts and raises his legs up in the air in a handstand before throwing himself up to a stand. "A battle for fun, like against that child. sure." He says.

You arrive at the courts to find them bustling with activity, it shouldn't be too hard to find an oppo....

You spy a Cinnabarran vest. Don't you know a twerp from cinnabar?

Hey.... that twerp is just laid a beat down on some younger twerp's pokemon. The kid runs off bawling just as you arrive.

Lucille looks up at the shadowed outline of Mt. Moon - really only visible as it blots out the stars. "Yeah, sounds like a plan." She says...

After getting camp set up and your rosters in order, The night passes uneventfully, if somewhat loudly. At least one of the mountaineer types snores louder than an ursaring.

You're woken before dawn by the ambient bustle of several people breaking down their campsites, and not caring to be quiet for the sake of those still sleeping.

Lucille is sitting on a picnic table, staring intently at the dirt 5 feet in front of her. She has that look in her eye again.

Jim looks around the store, kinda sheepishly, before looking back at you. "No, not a single one (http://orokos.com/roll/553749). We probably could if Gene wasn't such a slacker!" Jim yells towards a darkened doorway behind the counter.

He looks back at you "But I really appreciate you getting that job done in a hurry, and it sounds like you more than earned your hazard pay." He says, disappearing underneath the counter.

He pops back up holding a massive wad of cash. He starts thumbing bills down on the table, counting quietly to himself. "Let's see.... that's 2,000 for the trip up there, and 2,000 for the trip back, and 5,000 for hazard pay...." He shoves the pile of bills towards you "There ya go!"

2017-09-27, 09:15 AM
Ken nods at the woman's question. "Yes ma'am, I started my journey with Professor Oak, but received my first Pokemon from Blaine in Cinnabar." Zippo chirps a bit at being mentioned.

As the gi wearing trainer doesn't;t respond, Ken starts to get a little embarrassed. Then when he brings up the kid, Ken's embarrassment hits home. "Yeah, that was my mistake to use my Fletchling in that one. Thought I could help him ease into battling but that backfired." He looks a little dejected. This is going to follow me a while...... Ken regains his composure and looks back at the gi wearing trainer. "How does 1v1 with 3 each sound?" If he accepts, at the court Ken will send out Gin.

2017-09-27, 09:26 AM
Aegwynn thought she could catch a glimpse of the little Shaolin trainee reading her Pokemon's attack. It was such a narrow frame that she didn't have time to even tell Stjarna what to do, watching the starfish nimbly turn itself on its spinning axis to have the Mienfoo strike at the air it once occupied. "Stjarna, you're doing great. Seems he was able to read that one...but lets give it another shot!" she commanded. Stjarna's core flashed brilliantly, understanding its trainer's wishes as it unleashed yet another torrent of bubbles, the bubblebeam sailing towards its foe.

Stjarna used Bubblebeam!
Attack Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/553757) 5
Damage Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/553759) 41 Water Damage vs. Special Defense

Aegwynn would keep up her commands and encouragement to her Pokemon, issuing Agility Training as an order again to the spinning starfish as it sailed through the air.

Aegwynn used Agility Training as Orders! Stjanra gets +2 EVA.

TJ Zen
2017-09-27, 10:51 AM
Once at the Court he recognizes the young man in the Cinnabar vest as a crying child runs past him. "Hey, Kain! How's it going? Did you make that kid cry?! hehe and here people think I'm a bully!" Lennox Chides. Walking over to the young man. "Nah, he's probably fine. You should fight someone a little more your speed though, Bully. Oooh like this guy." Lennox says again, nudging him and pointing over to the Martial artist. "That guy's got your number. Well have fun I'm gonna go find me a proper opponent."

With that Lennox glances over the courts looking for someone to battle.

2017-09-27, 11:00 AM
You're woken before dawn by the ambient bustle of several people breaking down their campsites, and not caring to be quiet for the sake of those still sleeping.

Lucille is sitting on a picnic table, staring intently at the dirt 5 feet in front of her. She has that look in her eye again.

Using the ambient noise as a queue Tyson is early to rise and quickly packs up any belongings before heading over to his traveling companion.

Something's got her worked up...

"Hey! Enjoy your sleep?" Tyson asks as he approaches the picnic table. "Uh... You alright? Something's got you fired up right? I can see it in your eyes." He smiles.

After hearing out her response he continues.

"I'm gonna grab Kasumi from the Center and knock out our training behind the courts. I'll try to keep it quick if you've already finished training with your roster."

Tyson does as he described and departs from the Pokemon Center with his starter in tow. He immediately releases her from her pokeball once outside.

OOC: If possible Tyson would speak with Nurse Joy and try to procure enough provisions for himself and his team to last an additional 2 days on their journey over Mt.Moon, paying out of pocket if necessary.

"How's my favorite frog monster feeling?" He takes a knee and pets his Frogadier. "That was a nasty hit you took yesterday, but because of you we were able to take out their first two pokemon and win that battle. So thank you Kasumi, couldn't have done it without ya!" He lifts the Frogadier into a hug. "So... I've been givin' it some thought and I wanted to ask you somethin'. Would you want to help me win our next Gym Badge?" Tyson points at the Ki Badge on his scarf and then to a spot next to it.

If Kasumi responds positively he continues. "Then it's settled! Ready for special training?"

Once around the Pokemon Center Tyson will release his team to train. Before he begins he speaks to Sunny.

"Hey Sunshine." He softly ruffles the fur between her ears and straightens it out. "I figured I should tell you this before we went any further..." Tyson takes in a deep breath as he kneels and exhales. Looking the Braixen in the eyes he continues, "So... I couldn't find out who your trainer was or where they are currently." Tyson pulls out Sunny's Level Ball and shakes his head. "The only options I had were to give you away or to take you with me. As you can see you're still here now, which leads me to my next question: Do you wanna come with me?"

"Like I said, I don't know who or where your trainer is but I wanna help you find'em. If you do decide to come along with us you should know that it might be a while before we find who you're looking for. I will ask you to train and I will ask you to fight with us..." Tyson looks over to where Vile and Makoto are "playing" and smiles. "but you have my word that I will show the same kindness to you that I try to show to each and every one of my own pokemon." Tyson offers an open hand, palm facing up, to Sunny.

"So will you come with me?" he asks the yellow fox.

OOC: I know that neither Kasumi nor Sunny actually understand what I'm saying. Tyson is simply trying to convey what he means with emotion instead.

Tyson applies EXP. Training to his roster!

Tyson Drains 1 Field AP to activate "Trainer of Champions"!
Tyson Activates Elite Trainer to apply Agility and Focused Training to his roster!
Tyson Spent 1 AP to Boost Command: 13 (Kasumi - Custom Ability)!


Tyson tutored "Hang On" to Kasumi!

4/6 Field AP Remaining

After his training session Tyson will eat alongside his team. He then returns to Lucille and is ready to depart.

13 (Spent 1 AP to Boost, Field 3/6 AP Remaining)


2017-09-27, 11:38 AM
Slight time warp for conversation....
As Lennox approaches him between talking to potential opponents, Ken is a little surprised. “Lennox right? It’s actually Ken.” As the kid is mentioned, Ken looks a bit dejected. “Yeah saw he was nervous and figured I’d try to help ease him into being a trainer. Didn’t go as well as hoped.” He offers a handshake to Lennox. “Yeah that’s my next planned opponent. Would have offered to battle you if I’d known you were coming!” He laughs a bit. “Good luck, have fun other Bully.” Ken waves as he goes to approach the martial artist.

2017-09-27, 01:58 PM
"Thanks Jim," Casandra says, taking the wad of bills. She stuffs them in the front pocket of her pants. "I'll stop by if I come to town again. Have a good day!"

On her way back to the Center she will stop by the Mart and buy 10 Basic Pokeballs, then head to the Center to heal up Yojimbo. While her ghostly sword is being healed, she switches out the Turtwig in her party for her newest capture, Elekid.

She'll release the Elekid outside the Center with Raum. "Hey buddy," she says, getting down on the yellow and black pokemon's level. "That was quite the fight we had earlier. You're strong. Once one of my other pokemon is healed, I'm going to the Gym. I hope you want to come with me. I want to show you that if you stick with me, I can make you even stronger."

Once Yojimbo is healed, she then heads to the gym.

Raum- Level 14
Reks- Level 16
Hat- Level 12
Yojimbo- Level 14
Ronin- Level 12
Elekid- Level 15

big teej
2017-09-28, 09:33 AM
The Martial Artist steps up to his spot on the court and lobs a pokeball into the ring. A headless, brown humanoid with eyes near it's shoulders and slits for nostrils near it's navel emerges. It bobs on springy legs and flings itself forward into a rolling dive that brings it right up to Gin. It carries it's momentum forward into a kick with both legs right into Gin's hissing jaws.

Enemy ??? used Rolling Kick! Gin takes 40 Fighting Damage vs. Defense!

Gin has initiative!


Scanning the area, a few of the trainers stand out. There's a kid, probably about Ken's age, in faded jeans and a charcoal grey shirt, with a faded hat standing off, watching an ongoing battle. There's a pretentious old guy in a suit looking around. On the opposite side of the courts, some punk has taken up a whole bench, staring up at the sky with a cigarette poking up out his lips.

This time the torrent washes over the mienfoo, leaving it hobbling, and barely able to throw an attack Stjarna's way.

ooc: Stjarna has initiative.


"Just thinking about my roster, who I wanna take into the mountains." She offers distantly.

ooc: You successfully acquire some freeze-dried, long shelf life rations.

Kasumi seems pumped, and eager to battle when you speak with her. Sunshine looks at you with distant eyes, but seems somehow... warmer, than your previous interactions (and thankfully, not literally)

Lucille tells you she woke early and trained already, so as soon as you're done with your team, you set off towards Mt. Moon

TN 15

The pace Lucille sets is, grueling, to say the least. Once you reach the mountain, you detour from the tunnel that passes through to Cerulean and begin to climb, there isn't a trail, just slightly lesser inclines that crawl up further up the rock face. you manage to cut up your knees and hands pretty good climbing past rocks and the like when the loose path you follow disappears entirely.

ooc: Suffer your choice of the following.
1 Injury
have 2 CS of your choice set to -1 until your next rest.

The pace Lucille sets is grueling, to say the least, but you're more than able to keep up with her, and while you're quickly a lot dustier than when you started, and pick up a few scrapes, you manage to avoid serious injury.

Lucille moves fast, but climbing Mt. Moon is nothing compared to the Shinobi Endurance Training that Koga would put you and other acolytes through. You nimbly move from boulder to boulder without incident.

Lucille, a bit too focused on moving quickly and scanning for pokemon rather than scanning the ground at her feet, manages to turn her ankle about 2 hours into the trip... it doesn't seem to slow her down much. The only indication you have that it's bothering her is every so often a rock will skid away from her feet and she'll hiss in pain.

You pass several geodude as you ascend, most of them are content to lounge in the sun after seeing that you are a mere fleshy creature.

it's near lunch time when an echoing roar draws your attention away from where you're putting your feet. A massive boulder-serpent writhes and smashes itself against the mountainside. It's ravages throw up clouds of grit and rumble through the earth, you can faintly make out a handful of smaller pokemon scampering about on it's body. Whatever's going on, it's thankfully several hundred yards away.

You find the gym without incident. It looks... New? Like it'd recently been renovated. There is a large set of boxing gloves molded over the front doors, and in the courtyard are three big statues, twice as tall as you, at least. A Machamp, a Sawk, and a Hitmonchan. There's a nice big sign that reads


Inside, you are overcome with the nauseating combined stench of disinfectant, seat, and body odor. This gym is, literally, a gym. Pokemon and trainers are working with weights, sparring with each other, and attacking punching bags and dummy targets all around. Almost all of the trainers are wearing martial artist gi's. There is a receptionist... sort of. A large, burly, lantern jawed, fellow with a toothpick hanging out of his mouth sits behind the front desk. He's wearing a tight fitting red tank-top and dark blue sweatpants.

He looks up at you and growls. "Whatcha need? Come to train?"

2017-09-28, 09:47 AM
Aegwynn winced a little as she watched the Mienfoo limp around the ring, not able to really fight back. She knew though that this was the nature of the sport. Pokemon battles will take their toll on their participants, even Stjarna is sporting a scuff where it had been smacked straight in the jewel, but that intrepid star has really given a great show. It's spun around, maneuvering around its foes and delivering strike after unrelenting strike. The moment of truth lay in her palms as she turned to her beloved Stjarna, "Stjarna. You've been absolutely magnificent, and your foes have all been fantastic combatants as well. It's time we wrap it up, don't you think? Bubblebeam!" The starfish's limbs stiffened, spinning into position before letting loose yet another one of those torrential bubblebeams.

Stjarna lets loose a Bubblebeam at the enemy Mienfoo!
Attack Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/553957) 7
Damage Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/553958) 42 Water Damage vs. Special Defense

Aegwynn, not wanting to take any chances, still told her Staryu to be on its guard, the starfish spinning side to side, doing its best to recall its drilling.

Aegwynn issued Agility Training as an Order. Stjarna gains +2 EVA.

TJ Zen
2017-09-28, 09:48 AM
Lennox spots a guy smoking a cigarette and lounging on the bench and makes his way over. "Hey. You up for a battle? I need a give my pokemon a good workout before this afternoon. You game?"

If they agree, it'll be 4 pokemon/ doubles match for 300 poken. Lennox will lead with Quake and Tazer

2017-09-28, 11:08 AM
As the Pokémon appears, Ken is surprised. “Ok I haven’t seen anything like that before.” Gin hisses a shriek as his jaw is hit by the kick. He turns back to face the opponent, tail twitching. “Alright Gin, lets show him what you got!”

Gin rears back his head and lobs a poison dart from his maw at the Pokémon. In fact, it looks like it took a heavier hit than it did.

Gin uses Poison Sting!
To Hit: (http://orokos.com/roll/553972) 19
Damage: (http://orokos.com/roll/553976) 20 Poison v Def
OOC: Opponent is now poisoned.

Ken activates Chronicler.
Records Rolling Kick, 3/5 Battle AP remains.

2017-09-28, 12:29 PM
The Ascent - Morning Day 3



The pace Lucille sets is, grueling, to say the least. Once you reach the mountain, you detour from the tunnel that passes through to Cerulean and begin to climb, there isn't a trail, just slightly lesser inclines that crawl up further up the rock face. you manage to cut up your knees and hands pretty good climbing past rocks and the like when the loose path you follow disappears entirely.

"There goes the last sign of civilization..." Tyson remarks as the pair of trainers pass the tunnel entrance.

Damn... I take a break from training myself for a few weeks and suddenly this feels a lot harder than it should be.

OOC: Tyson's loses 1 CS in Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense.

Lucille, a bit too focused on moving quickly and scanning for pokemon rather than scanning the ground at her feet, manages to turn her ankle about 2 hours into the trip... it doesn't seem to slow her down much. The only indication you have that it's bothering her is every so often a rock will skid away from her feet and she'll hiss in pain.

"Hey Lucille, I know we've got a pace to keep but try not to overdo it. We've only got each other to rely on right now and I'd rather not see you get hurt when we're just getting started. Same goes for me... My hands are hurting already honestly." He smiles in reaffirmation of his words but also to veil his concern for Lucille's condition.

Midday - Day 3

You pass several geodude as you ascend, most of them are content to lounge in the sun after seeing that you are a mere fleshy creature.

"Do you think Geodude sunbathe in order to store the energy they to float?" Tyson asks aloud. "Elliot says that so far research into the phenomenon is inconclusive."

It's near lunch time when an echoing roar draws your attention away from where you're putting your feet. A massive boulder-serpent writhes and smashes itself against the mountainside. It's ravages throw up clouds of grit and rumble through the earth, you can faintly make out a handful of smaller pokemon scampering about on it's body. Whatever's going on, it's thankfully several hundred yards away.

"...You hear that?" The shinobi surveys the area in search of the sound and immediately finds the pokemon responsible. "It's an Onix! I've never seen one in person before..." He watches in awe of the raw power of the stone serpent.

Tyson attempts to register the Onix in his pokedex and calls out Kasumi. "Let's stop for a second, I gotta go after this one." He says to Lucille.

"Hey Kasumi, I really need your help. You're the only pokemon I have that I can rely on to catch that." Tyson points to the Onix in the distance. "I need you in range to hit it with a Water Pulse when I give the signal. We don't know what other pokemon are out there so you gotta stay sharp, understand?"

After instructing his partner Tyson will begin to traverse the mountainside in silence with Kasumi in tow, attempting to stay out the rock snakes field of vision.

Tyson's Stealth: 11


Art of Stealth activates!
Tyson activates Genjutsu! The ninja boy creates the illusion of a boulder in his place! (A wild Vanilla Ice appeared! "Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go! Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go!")

Kasumi's Stealth: 24


The young shinobi will only stop his advance if spotted or when he moves into throwing range and Kasumi's Water Pulse. If undetected he will try to identify the pokemon surrounding the serpent with his pokedex (still silenced) if possible.

2017-09-28, 09:35 PM
Cassandra wrinkles her nose as she enters the Gym. It... stinks, to put it simply. There were so many smells she wasn't use to, all in one place. Perhaps this wasn't the best idea...

"Hello sir," she says to the 'receptionist'. "I'm here to challenge the Gym. It'll be my first badge."

big teej
2017-09-29, 10:10 AM
ooc: Players are reminded that while they possess a basic pokedex (https://kantoaftermath.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/your-pokedex-and-you), they are free to petition the GM for specific applications they would like to purchase and add onto the device.

the continued aquatic assault has put the mienfoo on it's very last legs, it staggers forward, slapping at Stjarna, finally finding the pattern in its duck and weave.

Enemy Mienfoo used Double Slap! (http://orokos.com/roll/554132)
It hit 3 Times! (http://orokos.com/roll/554133)
Stjarna takes 29 Normal Damage vs. Defense! (http://orokos.com/roll/554134)

Stjarna has initiative!

The guy stretches before rolling off the bench to his feet. "Sure, sounds good." He saunters over to the open court and lobs his two openers into the field. You can hear people taking side bets on the outcome of your fight as his pokemon emerge.

One is a beedrill which hovers menacingly over your pokemon, before swooping towards Tazer. The other is ... a grey spiked egg? The beedrill runs one of it's spikes into Tazer's gut as it flies by.

Enemy Beedrill used Fury Attack!
it only hit once!
Tazer takes 24 Normal Damage vs. Defense!

Quake and Tazer have initiative!

12 - Enemy Beedrill
11 - Lennox
10 - Tazer
5 - Quake
3 - Enemy ???


The spring-legged pokemon hisses in pain and rips the barb from its shoulder. It squats down before leaping at Gin, feet first. This time kicking Gin full in the body before landing lightly on it's feet.

Enemy ??? used Jump Kick!
Gin took 48 Fighting Damage vs. Defense!

Gin has initiative
ooc: check your math on hp loss. Gin's HP before this attack doesn't seem to line up with how much damage he's taken.

"Nothing more than growing pains." Lucille breathes out in something approaching her normal cocky tone. Lucille pauses when you mention the geodude. "Could be, I dunno, all my research has been into raising and battling pokemon, not figuring out .... how they do..." she grimaces "what they do. I dunno, maybe they're just lazy?"

Advancing on Onix
ooc: for some reason, it felt wrong to advance you from several hundred yards away to 'in combat'

You, along with Kasumi, are able to 'sneak' across the intervening distance in a little under 10. By the time you reach the area where the onix is struggling against it's now more visible tormentors, it is clearly exhausted and beaten. Two mankey still crawl over it, strike at the joins bewteen the boulders that make up it's rocky body. There are several bloodstains marking the hillside and the onix's body, perhaps indicating where it successfully rid itself of a karate monkey.

It roars again and throws itself down on the rocky mountainside once more. The mankey both scamper around and avoid being caught underneath it. None of the combatants seemed to have noticed you or Kasumi

If you and Kasumi decide to participate, you will get a surprise round.

"I am Gym Trainer Mountain." The 'receptionist' informs you. He stands up from the desk, chest, shoulders, and head taller than you. "Come with me." He says. He hits a big yellow and black striped button on the wall as he walks from the reception area to the main floor. Red flashing lights descend from the ceiling and a klaxon blares. anyone working in the middle of the gym quickly moves out to the sides. A section of the floor opens up and moves apart, a platform rising up from beneath the gym. The platform has what looks like a boxing ring on it.

After the platform locks into place, Coach Mountain leads you to the ring and takes up a hammer and strikes at a bell three times.

A decrepit, bald old man with a snowy white beard that hangs to his chest, wearing dark glasses, a seaside shirt, green shorts, and sandals, walking with the aid of a staff appears from deeper within the gym (https://kantoaftermath.obsidianportal.com/characters/roshi). He limps over to your side of the ring and bows to you, his back cracks loudly. “so…” he says with a scratchy voice. “You thought you could just waltz in here and fight me eh? Heh heh heh heh… what badge is this for you girl? Hm? Heh heh heh heh.”

2017-09-29, 10:20 AM
Stjarna reels back, looking a little worse for wear, but still ready and raring to go! Aegwynn cheered on her Pokemon, "Come on Stjarna, you can do it. I cannot be too much more. Looks like it's on its last legs. Give it all you got! BUBBLEBEAM!" Aegwynn's shouting reached her Pokemon, its arms stiffening before it spun up and unleashed yet another torrent of bubbles, though just ever so slightly faltering in strength as the battle was now taking its toll on it as well. Aegwynn thrust both fists in the air in a one-two punching motion as she encouraged her Staryu, "Bob and weave! Keep it from landing another strike on you and you've got this!"

Stjarna launches another Bubblebeam at Enemy Mienfoo!
Attack Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/554147) 11
Damage Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/554148) 30 Water Damage vs. Special Defense

Aegwynn issues Agility Training as an Order. Stjarna gains +2 EVA.

2017-09-29, 10:28 AM
Cassandra bows back deeply to the old man. "My name is Cassandra Kelani. This will be my first badge."

Once the old man is ready, she will throw Reks out on to the field. The Nidorino looks around at where he is and his ears flare as he takes it in. Thick purple venom begins to leak from his barbed spines as he snarls a challenge at whatever Pokemon the Gym Leader throws out.

His Intiative is 5

2017-09-29, 11:04 AM
"Nothing more than growing pains." Lucille breathes out in something approaching her normal cocky tone. Lucille pauses when you mention the geodude. "Could be, I dunno, all my research has been into raising and battling pokemon, not figuring out .... how they do..." she grimaces "what they do. I dunno, maybe they're just lazy?"

Tyson simply chuckles to himself and shrugs in return.

Advancing on Onix

You, along with Kasumi, are able to 'sneak' across the intervening distance in a little under 10. By the time you reach the area where the onix is struggling against it's now more visible tormentors, it is clearly exhausted and beaten. Two mankey still crawl over it, strike at the joins bewteen the boulders that make up it's rocky body. There are several bloodstains marking the hillside and the onix's body, perhaps indicating where it successfully rid itself of a karate monkey.

It roars again and throws itself down on the rocky mountainside once more. The mankey both scamper around and avoid being caught underneath it. None of the combatants seemed to have noticed you or Kasumi

Mankey!? ...Why are they fighting? Tch! Doesn't matter, I gotta do something!

"Kasumi, take out the Mankey without using Bubble and stay away from the snake." He instructs the amphibian Kunoichi. "Roulette's got your back!"

Tyson tosses a pokeball skyward and releases Roulette toward Kasumi. "Roulette, follow Kasumi's lead and take out those Mankey! Use Gust on the same Mankey as her and dodge the Snake!"

Tyson forfeit's his Standard action to release Roulette!
Tyson forfeits control of Kasumi to command Roulette!

Roulette's Gust Attack (Mankey): 6 (4 after AC vs. Speed or Special Evasion)


Gust Damage: 25 Special Flying vs Special Defense


The Tranquill soars overhead into the chaos and easily spots the two Mankey. The bird whips up a gust of wind in an attempt to catch one of Onix's pursuers while it's unaware. Tyson slides down the mountainside and enters the edge of the melee and calls out to the Onix, holding an open hand out in it's direction in defense.

"Easy there! Two on one ain't exactly even odds so we're here to help! Attack those Mankey, not us!" He points his pair of pokemon attacking the Mankey for emphasis.

13 (Spent 1 AP to boost, 2/6 AP Remaining)


Tyson is trying to show the Onix that he or his pokemon are not enemies or potential threats by attacking it's pursuers.

Edit: Apply this Charm check to next round if possible. It's a standard action.

25 - Kasumi
17 - Roulette
15 - Tyson

Roulette's Quick Attack (Priority - Kasumi's Mankey): 12 (10 after AC vs Physical or Speed Evasion)


Quick Attack Damage: 29 Normal Physical vs Defense


TJ Zen
2017-09-29, 11:42 AM
"Quake, Ground that beedrill! Smack Down! Make it hurt!" Lennox says with a grin. "Tazer, Thunder shock that beedrill Let's try to get That Flyer out this round!"

Lennox Ordered Brutal Training on Quake! Quake Used Smack Down on BeeDrill! 43 Rock Damage v Def! It's Super Effective!
Tazer Used Thunder Shock! 24 Electric Damage V. SDef.
Attack (Smack Down +2 Crit range from Brutal Training) (http://orokos.com/roll/554166): 1d20 4Damage(Smack Down) (http://orokos.com/roll/554169): 2d6+31 43Attack(Thunder Shock) (http://orokos.com/roll/554170): 1d20 10

Tazer will Quick Attack Beedrill On Priority during its next turn(If Not Switched out).14 Normal damage v. Def!
Attack(Quick Attack) (http://orokos.com/roll/554172): 1d20 16Damage(Quick Attack) (http://orokos.com/roll/554173): 1d8+10 14

2017-09-29, 12:21 PM
Gin hisses put in pain, writhing as he lifts himself off the ground. “That is a pretty awesome Pokémon you have. Gin let’s go one more time!” Gin rears back his head and launches another poison dart at his foe,

Injury (http://orokos.com/roll/554192): 4; -1 CS to SpDef

Gin uses Poison Sting!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/554193): 10
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/554194): 20 Poison vs. Def

Ken activates Chronicler
Ken records Jump Kick. 2/5 Battle AP remaining

big teej
2017-09-29, 02:00 PM
The Mienfoo is thrown to the mat by Stjarna's unceasing bubble based beating. It lies in a massive puddle in the center of the ring, unmoving.

Coach mountain rings the bell


The Old Man limps around the ring, a gap-toothed smile across his face. "That wasn't bad at all. You'll have to come back for a real fight some day, when I don't have to take it easy on you. Hyeh heh heh heh heh. I see great potential in you as a trainer."

He hands you a small badge, it's a sky-blue starburst with a fist inside of a circle, both lined in silver. "This is the Ki Badge. Carrying it will allow you to form a greater connection with the fighting spirit of your pokemon, spurring them on to greater feats of strength and endurance."

Coach Mountain retrieves something from beneath the ring and hands you a CD case and a wad of Cash.

"This is TM 08, Bulk Up. this copy is good for seven uses." Roshi continues in his scratchy voice. "You'll have to acquire a TM Reader on your own."

Gain the Ki Badge
Permanently Choose one of the following effects to be applied to your active roster.
1. Your Pokemon gain the Inner Focus Ability
2. Your Pokemon have their Default CS in Attack set to +1 instead of 0

Gain 10,000 Poken

Gain 1 Trainer Milestone, LEVEL UP!!!

Your Active Roster gains....
690 Experience Points!
Each of your pokemon MUST be allocated sufficient Exp to level up at least once, once each pokemon has received enough exp to level at least once, you may divide the remainder in any manner you wish.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have some uh... very important matters to take care of. Speak with Coach Mountain if you need further use of the Gym's Services"

With that, Master Roshi turns and limps away, heading to a staircase at the back of the gym.

or in this case, GYM HITS YOU

The old man’s glasses conceal his eyes, but he smiles a gap-toothed smile and cackles. “your first time eh? I’ll be gentle.” He cackles again and waddles to the other side of the ring and retrieves something from a compartment you cant see.

"Your fight with Gym Master Roshi will consist of a 1 on 1 fight, 2 pokemon each." Coach Mountain instructs you as he gets ready to ring the bell. "You may not interfere in the battle in any way except to give orders and encouragement to your pokemon, or throw in the towel." He points to a white rag hanging off the bottom rope.

The Battle Begins! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEzdd5gg9CU)

Roshi rolls a pokeball into the ring and a Machop emerges, As soon as it sights Reks it leaps towards him, flinging its leg out and knocking Reks to the ground!

Enemy Machop used Low Sweep! (http://orokos.com/roll/554224)
Reks took 40 Fighting Damage vs. Defen (http://orokos.com/roll/554225)se!
Rek's Speed fell!

Reks has initiative!

TBD... Awaiting Edit.... Please Stand By....

The Beedrill is pinned in the air by Tazer's electric attack, and when followed by Quake's assault, is more than enough to knock the Beedrill out, it bounces off the court, it's carapace cracked and leaking green sludge. It disapears in a flash of red light and is replaced by a small orange Fox. Which breathes a circle of flame at Quake, but it misjudges the distance and the attack goes wild. The Egg on the other hand, has better aim, and spews Quake with a vile purple sludge!
The fox follows up with another blast of flame, this time encircling Quake!

Beedrill is KO'd
Enemy ??? is sent in
Enemy ???A used Fire Spin, but it missed!
Enemy ???B used Toxic, Quake is Badly Poisoned!

Initiative Reset!
Enemy Fox used Fire Spin! Quake is stuck in a Vortex!
Quake takes 31 Fire Damage vs. Special Defense!

Initiative Reset!
13 - Fox Thing
11 - Lennox
10 - Tazer
5 - Quake
3 - Egg Thing

The smoker laughs "Now it's just a matter of time until your big bruiser succumbs!"


The fighting pokemon hisses, seemingly more in anger than pain, and rips the new dart out. It leaps at Gin and raises one of it's legs up and brings it crashing down on Gin's skull, only for the snake to read the attack and weave out of the way. The kick leaves a small crater in the court where it hits the ground instead of your pokemon.

Enemy ??? used Brick Break! but it missed!
Gin has initiative!

2017-09-29, 02:15 PM
Ken is a little surprised at the crater left by the Pokémon’s Kick. “Gin, I’m glad you read that. Keep it up!” Gin twists around a bit, lofting his head back up and clamps his jaw down on the opposing Pokémon.

Gin uses Bite!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/554232): 16
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/554233): 23 Dark v Def
OOC: Enemy ??? flinches.

“We gotta keep an eye out for that love again.”

Ken activates Chronicler!
Records Brick Break, 1/5 Battle AP remains.

2017-09-29, 03:02 PM
As the Machop kicks Reks, several poisonous spines pierce the fighting-type's leg. Reks gets back to his feet and launches himself at the Machop, teeth first. He latches on to the humanoid's arm and growls at it as he bites.

"That's it Reks," Cassandra says, cheering the Nidorino on. "Just like that!"

Machop is Poisoned by Poison Point!
Reks uses Peck!
To Hit: (http://orokos.com/roll/554239) 8
Damage: (http://orokos.com/roll/554241) 27, Flying type, Physical damage

Cassandra issues "Brutal" Orders for +2 Critical Hit Range

2017-09-29, 04:01 PM
Stjarna gains 19 EXP - Levels up to 16!
Elding gains 139 EXP - Levels up to 15!
Svangur gains 174 EXP - Levels up to 15!
Ilmur gains 108 EXP - Levels up to 15! Ilmur evolves into Bayleef!
Grimmer gains 131 EXP - Levels up to 15!
Fil gains 119 EXP - Levels up to 13!
Aegwynn politely bows to Gym Leader Roshi, a small smile upon her face before she returns Stjarna to its pokeball. She held out her hands and took hold of the Ki Badge with pride, the smile growing wider, “Thank you, sir. It was a pleasure battling you, and I hope we can face off again sometime in the future!” she beamed. She saw Coach Mountain (Tenryou!!!) out of the corner of her eye reaching for something beneath the mat. She saw him produce the money and the CD Case, that thing looking very similar to the CD Case she was able to wrestle form Svangur on her first night in Pewter. Her eyes began to glow and slowly she accepted the items from Coach Mountain, using just her mind now to stash them all in her bag, going so far as to open the flap, undo the zipper, and put them in place before her bag was closed up, a slightly unsettling sight as she hadn’t made it apparent that she was a telekinetic when she walked in. She peers at her badge, clutching it in her palm as she decides what she wants it to do.

Aegwynn selects the defense combat stage boost!

She then looked up to the Coach, still a bit intimidated by his large, imposing, looming frame. Her hands gripped and wrung on the strap of her bag, “Ummm, so besides training, what other services does this gym offer, sir?” she politely queried. This was her first gym experience, so she wasn’t really sure just what a gym did other than gym battles. Even her formal education didn’t prepare her for this. She did manage to snag a glance at her watch, checking the time of day as she did have that appointment to keep to return the Hippowdon to its owner.

I would like to inquire as to upgrades and installations for my Pokédex! Or do I have to do that in character?

TJ Zen
2017-09-29, 04:17 PM
Lennox Breaks out his pokedex to scan the foreign Pokemon "Quake, Break free. I have a plan!" The stone rhino struggles but cannot find purchase "Damn. Tazer, Keep working little guy, Go after the Fox! Thunder Shock!

Lennox uses a swift action to give brutal orders to Tazer.
Tazer Uses Thunder Shock!27 Electric Damage v Sp.Def.Attack(Thunder Shock) (http://orokos.com/roll/554293): 1d20 7Damage(Thunder Shock) (http://orokos.com/roll/554295): 2d6+21 27Break Free(Fire Spin Vortex)! (http://orokos.com/roll/554259): 1d20 5

big teej
2017-10-02, 09:21 AM
Surprise Round

Kasumi looks at you dubiously and advances on the thrashing rock snake and coughs out a smokescreen between her and the enraged pokemon and its tormentors. Roulette is able to knock one of the mankey from it's perch, it beats on the ground, a vein bulging above one of it's eyes as it glares at the bird.

Round 1
ooc: Kasumi has initiative

surprise round is over
25 - Kasumi
17 - Roulette
15 - Tyson
13 - Onix
10 - Mankey 1
8 - Mankey 2

Gin's fangs sink into his victim's yielding flesh and it flinches in pain. It visibly rallies and crouches and hammers it's elbow into Gin's neck

ooc: Unfortunately, Flinch is useless since the enemy goes before Gin
Enemy ??? uses Brick Break!
Gin takes 49 Fighting Damage vs. Defense


Quake thrashes about within the circle of fire, as tormented by it's flames as the vile sludge covering it's body. Tazer lashes at the fox with electricity, standing it's hair on end. The Fox growls at Tazer and three small flames begin orbiting the fox. The Egg shrouds itself in a strange, dark aura.

Quake Fails to break free of the Vortex
Quake loses 5 HP from Badly Poisoned
Quake loses 1 tick of HP from the vortex
Enemy Egg uses Curse!
Initiative Resets!
Enemy Fox activates Fox Fire
Lennox and co have initiative!

The Machop grits its teeth against the spikes and teeth stabbing into it's skin. It slams it's hand into Rek's Shoulder in retaliation.

Enemy Machop used Karate Chop! (http://orokos.com/roll/554948)
Reks takes 31 Fighting Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/554949) vs. Defense!
Reks has Initative

Currently: You simply need to inquire with me, your occasionally benevolent GM with a feature you want your pokedex to have, and then you'll need to locate and acquire it in game.
ooc: Uhm, the CS boost is in Attack, not Defense

Coach Mountain shakes his head at your question. "You can learn many things here, but they all take time. This gym does not sell anything except for time in there." He jerks a thumb over his shoulder, indicating the massive gym/weight room area. If it helps, most other gyms do, but here, you earn things. with. your. sweat."

2017-10-02, 09:41 AM
Aegwynn listened to the Coach intently, nodding once in awhile as he spoke. She held onto the strap of her messenger bag after her motioned towards the weight room, "I see. At the moment, there are things I need to do today, but if I have time I'll come back and train some, and earn things with my sweat. It's been a pleasure meeting you, Coach Mountain. Thank you for mediating my battle against the Gym Leader. We should also have a battle sometime, if you're ever up for it. Until next time." she said as she bid him farewell, heading out of the gym with rewards in bag and badge in hand. She needed to go to the Pokemon Center, and get some care for Stjarna. She glanced at her watch as well, wondering what time it was, wondering if it was about time for Lunch, or if morning still was in full swing.

On her way to the Pokemon Center, she pulled out her Pokedex, deciding to read up some more about a few of the new Pokemon she had caught. Shelmet was of particular interest to her, she could vaguely remember that there is another pokemon that has immense synergy with such a pokemon. She decided to pull up the entry and read up on it some more as she walked to the Pokemon Center. Once she was done reading and interpreting the data, she would also keep an eye out for any Pokemon that might catch her eye.

Pokemon Ed. (Shelmet and Karrablast) [1AP to Boost] (http://orokos.com/roll/554953): 21
Perception (Pokemon Spotting) [1AP to Boost]: (http://orokos.com/roll/554955) 19

Once at the Pokemon Center, she will turn in Stjarna's Pokeball. It got a little scuffed up in the fight, but a little time spent with the nurse would have it right as rain again. She filled out any paperwork she needed to before asking the nurse some questions, "I caught a Shelmet yesterday, and I'm interested in using it. It evolves when exposed to another pokemon, right? I imagine I might be able to find that one near Pewter too, if I could find the Shelmet. Any recommendations for hunting one down?" she queried, hoping for some insight from the Nurse. Perhaps she's seen people with them, or even knows of someone recently who brought one in. Aegwynn had her heart set on attempting to find one of those little bugs.

Two things perhaps pique my interest when it comes to Pokedex upgrades. The ability to select which pokemon is teleported to PC upon capture of a new pokemon when the trainer has a full roster (Either one from current roster, or the newly captured Pokemon.) The other one is probably wildly off the table, but the ability to once or twice daily exchange one pokemon in PC for another, but won't know if it's an ability that can be done if I don't ask about it.

2017-10-02, 10:07 AM
"Kasumi, get in close and use Lick on the other Mankey! Roulette, finish the other one off with a Gust!" The pair of pokemon quickly take to action and launch their combined assault against the unsuspecting Mankey.

Tyson forfeits his turn in order to control both Pokemon!

Kasumi's Lick (Mankey on Onix): 15 (13 after AC vs Speed or Special Evasion) Mankey is Paralyzed!


Kasumi activates Protean! (Ghost Type)

Lick Damage: 32 Ghost Physical vs Defense


Roulette activates Rivalry (Adjacent Mankey)!
Roulette's Attack, Defense, and Special Attack gain +1CS!
Roulette's Gust (Adjacent Mankey): 10 (8 after AC vs Speed or Special Evasion)


Gust Damage: 32 Flying Special vs. Special Defense! It's Super Effective! (Added the +5 damage from Focused Training)


ooc: Movement in Roll20 Chatroom

TJ Zen
2017-10-02, 10:17 AM
"Tazer Keep your distance, Thunder shock again! Take that fox out!" Lennox says. "Quake, It's Now or Never bud. Bust out so we we can beat them down!"

If he falls too early I'll be in rought shape.
Lennox Order Brutal training to Tazer. Tazer Uses Thunder ShocK! 25 Eletric Damage V. SpDef! Quake Breaks free of the Vortex!
Break Free(Fire Spin Vortex)! (http://orokos.com/roll/554957): 1d20 14
Attack(Thunder Shock) Brutal training applied (http://orokos.com/roll/554967): 1d20 5
Damage(Thunder Shock) (http://orokos.com/roll/554969): 2d6+21 25

2017-10-02, 10:17 AM
As Gin falls unconscious from the opposing Pokemon's elbow, Ken recalls him. "You did good buddy, made the right choice in you."

Injury (http://orokos.com/roll/554975): 3 Gin at -1 CS to SpAtk

Ken lobs Aria's poke ball into the court. "Alright Aria, now it's your turn!" Aria zooms over to the opponent and begins to pester it with her beak.

Aria uses Peck! It's Super Effective!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/554963): 20
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/554968): 39 v Def

"Thanks for the battle. I'm sorry actually just realized I didn't get your name." Ken offers a handshake. "I'm Ken, nice to meet you." After listening to the Martial Artist, Ken will watch the rest of Lennox's battle.

OOC: It occurred to me it was stupid to ask or to do this considering the guy walked over to the court but I figured just incase.

2017-10-02, 10:33 AM
Reks shakes his head, throwing the fighting type around the ring. His teeth tear deeper into the Machop's arm.

Wow, Cassandra thinks at the poison types savagery, I thought he'd gotten better about this kind of thing. But I guess he knows it's a gym battle. He has to win, for his own pride.

"Keep going, Reks!"

Reks uses Peck!

To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/554976): 19, Crits with Brutal Orders
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/554978): 35, Flying Physical

Cassandra once again issues Brutal Orders

big teej
2017-10-02, 07:24 PM
In Transit

Despite being the only source of evolution for each other, Karrablast and Shelmet are not always found in the same locations. The former favors grasslands when not found in forested regions, whereas the latter is found in marshes and swamps. No forest in Kanto has an unusually dense concentration of the pair.

Walking through the city streets, you notice several Murkrow circling overhead. You see a small, red eared mouse resting near a parking meter. Down one particularly rank alley, you see a pile of ambulatory sludge daubing excretions on the wall.

At the Center
"That's a bug, right?" The Joy at the pokemon center inquires before shrugging. "I know a lot of bug type enthusiasts prowl the Viridian Forest, you'd be better off looking there I guess." She shudders "I can't stand the things myself."

The time is... 2:30 PM

as for the pokedex applications, neither of those are a function of the Pokedex, but instead the pokeball and PC System itself. Neither of those are available.

Kasumi's Lick locks up the Mankey's joints with revulsion, and it falls into the shifting, grinding coils of the Onix. Roulette's attack flings the other monkey to the ground, unconscious. The Onix coils in on itself, and a mankey-shriek can be heard over the rumbling boulders. The Onix raises it's battered, bloodstained form over you, it rises high enough to throw you in shadow. It roars at you.

ooc: If you're set on trying to charm this thing, now's the time not to screw it up.

ooc: Vortex damage happens at the start of the turn, so Quake still loses a tick, but at least he's free, right? :smalltongue:

Seeing Tazer charge up for another attack, the fox somehow directs one of the orbiting flames at the electric mouse. Tazer shrieks as the flame scorches his body as electricity courses over the fox. The Egg again shimmers in that strange dark energy. The Fox rushes Tazer, body checking the burnt mouse.

The smoker chuckles again and shouts encouragement to his pokemon.

Enemy Fox activated Fox Fire to use Ember on Tazer!
Tazer takes 27 Fire Damage vs. Special Defense!
Tazer is Burned! Tazer's Defense fell by 2 CS!
Enemy Egg used Curse!
Initiative Resets!
Enemy Fox uses Quick Attack!
Tazer takes 15 Normal Damage vs. Defense!

Lennox and co have initiative.

ooc: he totally accepted, I just didn't notice I only typed an acknowledgement to Lennox's challenge. :smallredface:

The fighting type reels back, blood pouring from the gouge Aria has left over one eye. It skips back a step, and then leaps into the air slamming it's spike-toed foot into Aria before landing deftly back on the ground

Enemy ??? used Jump Kick! Aria took 63 Fighting Damage vs. Defense!
Aria has initiative!

Reks pulls a gouge out of the Machop's arm as it's flung to the mat. "Oh, quite the show. ayee hee hee hee. But can you keep it up?" Roshi cackles and pitches a new ball into the ring.

A red and yellow feline like creature emerges, glaring at Reks before launching into a devastating combination of fast, pummeling strikes

Enemy Mienfoo used Double Slap! a Critical Hit! (http://orokos.com/roll/555136)
it hit 3 times
Reks took 50 Normal Damage vs. Defense (http://orokos.com/roll/555138)
Note I forgot to add Mienfoo's attack to the die roll, hence the discrepancy

Reks has initiative

2017-10-02, 07:37 PM
As Aria is struck and goes down Ken recalls her, staring in awe at the springy legged Pokemon. This thing is insane. Thought for sure she had it down. He grabs Aibi's pokeball and lobs it into the court. "Aibi, you're up now! Vine Whip!" Aibi unleashes a lashing vine on the opposing Pokemon, but is not quite as agile as the spring-legged opponent.

Aibi uses Vine Whip!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/555147): 1
OOC: That happened...

Aria Injury Rolls
Injury (http://orokos.com/roll/555149): 2 -1 CS Def
Injury (http://orokos.com/roll/555151): 1 -1 CS Atk
Injury (http://orokos.com/roll/555152): 1 -1 CS Atk

"What is that?"

PokeManiac (http://orokos.com/roll/555154): 11

2017-10-02, 07:40 PM
Reks falls to the mat under the assault of hard blows, but manages to get back onto his feet. He snarls at the cat before launching himself at it, latching on once again with his teeth.

Injury Roll (http://orokos.com/roll/555148): 4, Reks loses a CS in Spec. Def

Reks uses Peck!
To Hit: (http://orokos.com/roll/555150) 5
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/555153): 30 Physical Flying

2017-10-02, 07:51 PM
Aegwynn looked at the small mouse pokemon, taking out her Pokedex to register it before continuing on her way to the Pokemon Center. She would turn in the tray with Stjarna to get it patched up. It took an injury there at the Gym, so it could use some tender love and care. She listened to the Nurse talk about bugs, nodding some and formulating a plan for later tonight. She decided though that after getting the time from her watch, it was best to roost here at the Pokemon Center for now, waiting for the gentlemen. She decided to get a bite to eat at the restaurant that adjoined the Pokemon Center while waiting for the Hippowdon owner. She figured two hours wasn't all that bad to wait around, especially with the payment that this job was going to provide.

2017-10-02, 08:01 PM
Kasumi's Lick locks up the Mankey's joints with revulsion, and it falls into the shifting, grinding coils of the Onix. Roulette's attack flings the other monkey to the ground, unconscious. The Onix coils in on itself, and a mankey-shriek can be heard over the rumbling boulders. The Onix raises it's battered, bloodstained form over you, it rises high enough to throw you in shadow. It roars at you.

"Easy there... We were only trying to help." He points at the unconscious Mankey for emphasis.

Damn... this thing is bigger than I thought.

"Kasumi, Roulette, come back to me. Don't strike it unless it attacks first." He instructs his pair of pokemon. Tyson slowly reaches into his bag and removes an apple and a single pokeball from it. He rolls the the piece of fruit across the ground so that stops in front of the giant.

13 (Spent 1 AP to boost, 2/6 AP Remaining)


Tyson is trying to demonstrate to the Onix that he and his pokemon are not enemies or potential threats to it.

TJ Zen
2017-10-02, 08:23 PM
"Good job taking those shots, Tazer!" Lennox says looking at the fox after paralyzing itself "You're doing great! Let's start chipping away at that egg with Thunder shock.! Quake, Glad you can get back in the fight. Let's show em our gratitude. Stomp out that Fire!"

Tazer's Static Paralyzes Enemy (Fox).
Quake used Stomp on Enemy (Fox)! 34 normal vs. Def.
Tazer used Thunder Shock on Enemy(Egg)! 31 electric v SpDef.
Attack Roll(Stomp) Brutal Training (http://orokos.com/roll/555158): 1d20 15
Damage(Stomp) (http://orokos.com/roll/555159): 2d6+31 34
Attack Roll(Thunder Shock) (http://orokos.com/roll/555163): 1d20 15Damage(Thunder Shock) (http://orokos.com/roll/555164): 2d6+21 31

big teej
2017-10-02, 09:06 PM
ooc: dude.... that's awkward.

It finally clicks, this spring loaded fighter is a Hitmonlee, a straight fighting type

the enemy Hitmonlee looks at Aibi, somewhat askance at it's flailing about. It leaps inside Aibi's guard and spins up into another heeldrop onto Aibi's bell shaped noggin.

Enemy Hitmonlee used Brick Break!
Aibi took 36 Fighting Damage vs. Defense!

Aibi has initiative!

The fox falls beneath Quake's trampling feet and an ovoid fuzzy purple bug replaces it. The Egg has sparks leaping off it from Tazer's attack. The Bug turns its compound eyes towards quake and emits a supersonic screech from it's antennae, but Quake shakes it off. The spiked egg flops over on it's side and steamrolls over Tazer, crushing it beneath it's spiky body.

Quake loses 10 HP from Badly Poisoned!
Enemy Bug used Supersonic on Quake, but it missed!
Enemy Egg used Tackle on Tazer, Tazer takes 22 Normal Damage vs. Defense!

Initiative Resets!
I'll hold off until you get a new pokemon in the field.

The cat reels from Rek's assault, but rallies into another punishing Combo, beating the spiky poison type into the ground.

Enemy Mienfoo used Double Slap! (http://orokos.com/roll/555176)
It hit 3 times! (http://orokos.com/roll/555177)
Reks takes 42 Normal Damage vs. Defense! (http://orokos.com/roll/555178)

Originally posted by Pokedex
Minun - It absorbs electricity from telephone poles. It shorts out its body to create crackling noises.

The Restaurant is pretty slow, and you can sit basically whereever while you wait. At 4:28 your pokedex chimes with a message

"I am nearly arrived at the Pokemon Center, where shall I find you?"

As the apple rolls to a stop in front of this truly massive specimen of rock snake.... it dawns on you.
isn't Onix a terravore?

The Snake shakily lowers its head, peering at the apple, seemingly curious at your offering. It does not attack. Now that it's not thrashing, you can see that it's stony carapace has been chipped and cracked by the mankey's onslaught... their success is illustrated, rather vividly, by the red and brown splotches on the snake's coils.

2017-10-02, 09:11 PM
Aegwynn picked up her Pokedex, read the message, and then responded to it promptly, ‘I’m currently sitting in the restaurant section of the Pokemon Center. You shouldn’t be able to miss me, I’m wearing a cyan hoodie, and oh...my hair is white as snow.’ She pressed the send button and stuffed it back in her front pockets, now looking around more to see if she can catch a glimpse of the individual who posted up the job.

2017-10-02, 09:12 PM
OOC: pessimistic text makes so much more sense lol

Aibi bounces back from the hit and resumes her flailing at the Hitmonlee, making contact this time with the spring-loaded fighter.

Aibi uses Vine Whip!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/555179): 18
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/555180): 20 v Def

2017-10-02, 09:21 PM
As the cat attacks again, it slaps one of the Nidorino's spines and more poison leaks out, making the cat reel back. Reks, however, finally loses consciousness. His legs shakily give out beneath him before Cassandra returns him.

"You did great Reks," she says to his Pokeball. She pulls another from her belt as she clips his back on. "Alright Yojimbo, time to finish this. Swords Dance first, then attack."

The ghostly sword appears on the field, eye hidden by his sedge hat. The blade draws slowly from the scabbard and begins a hypnotic dance.

Mienfoo is poisoned by Poison Point!
Reks is KOd and Yojimbo comes out. His Initiative is 5
Yojimbo uses Swords Dance, gains +2 CS in Attack

2017-10-02, 09:58 PM
Pokemon Edu.: 8


Wait... Rock types typically eat earth right? Guess it couldn't hurt to try.

The Snake shakily lowers its head, peering at the apple, seemingly curious at your offering. It does not attack. Now that it's not thrashing, you can see that it's stony carapace has been chipped and cracked by the mankey's onslaught... their success is illustrated, rather vividly, by the red and brown splotches on the snake's coils.

"Wait here and watch." Tyson whispers to his pokemon as he slowly approaches the Onix with an arm extended in front of himself to show in deference.

When he reaches the apple he will pick it up and rub it off on his shorts before taking a bite of the fruit. Tyson chews slowly to show the stony creature that the fruit can be eaten. "It's just fruit, see? Try it." Tyson raises the apple up to the Onix and offers the fruit to it.

He holds the pokeball in his other hand ready to toss it at the colossus in the event the Onix attacks.

If the Onix accepts the offering

"Looks like those Mankey got you good. There's more food where that came from if you're hungry? Some rest might do you good too..." He says at he inspects the serpents body.

TJ Zen
2017-10-02, 10:30 PM
"Good job, Tazer." Lennox says energizing the pokemon back into his ball. "Lets go Tonka! Show them what we can do!" The Phanpy blares her trunk in excitement and curls up into a tight little ball. "Quake, Lets keep up the good work! Smack Down, on the Bug!"

Quake used Smack Down on Enemy Bug! 42 Rock Damage vs Def.
Tonka Used Defense curl!
Attack Roll(Smack Down) Brutal Training (http://orokos.com/roll/555200): 1d20 7Damage(Smack Down (http://orokos.com/roll/555201): 2d6+31 42

big teej
2017-10-02, 11:18 PM
A rather dapper fellow in a suit with an outrageous mustache saunters into the pokemon center almost immediately spots you, and approaches. He stops at your table and scans the restaurant. "Unless I've been misinformed." He drawls. "I believe you have something of mine." He looks down at you expectantly.


Under Aibi's assault, the Hitmonlee finally goes down. The Martial Artist across the court offers no comment, silently returning the pokemon and lobbing his next into the court. A massive red-skinned humanoid wearing a crude imitation of a karate Gi. It holds its hands out in front of it, wrists touching. Energy begins to swirl around and within the rough sphere outlined by it's fingers. It pulls the gathering power back towards itself before thrusting forward at Aibi unleashing a massive beam of energy!

Enemy ??? used Focus Blast!
Aibi took 51 Fighting Damage vs. Defense!

initiative resets!
Aibi and Enemy ??? act together!

The bug emits that same scream from beneath Quake's feet, this time, Quake is visibly shaken by the noise, tossing his armored head around in confusion. The Egg again shrouds itself in that darkened aura

Quake lost 20 HP From Badly Poisoned
Enemy ??? used Supersonic
Quake Became Confused!
Enemy Egg used Curse!
Initiative resets!

Roshi allows the Mienfoo to proceed through the helpless and futile gesture of attempting to fight Yojimbo, but inevitably, the sword's battering attacks throw the cat to the ground.

Coach mountain rings the bell


The Old Man limps around the ring, a gap-toothed smile across his face. "That wasn't bad at all. You'll have to come back for a real fight some day, when I don't have to take it easy on you. Hyeh heh heh heh heh. I see great potential in you as a trainer."

He hands you a small badge, it's a sky-blue starburst with a fist inside of a circle, both lined in silver. "This is the Ki Badge. Carrying it will allow you to form a greater connection with the fighting spirit of your pokemon, spurring them on to greater feats of strength and endurance."

Coach Mountain retrieves something from beneath the ring and hands you a CD case and a wad of Cash.

"This is TM 08, Bulk Up. this copy is good for seven uses." Roshi continues in his scratchy voice. "You'll have to acquire a TM Reader on your own."

Gain the Ki Badge
Permanently Choose one of the following effects to be applied to your active roster.
1. Your Pokemon gain the Inner Focus Ability
2. Your Pokemon have their Default CS in Attack set to +1 instead of 0

Gain 10,000 Poken

Gain 1 Trainer Milestone, LEVEL UP!!!

Your Active Roster gains....
690 Experience Points!
Each of your pokemon MUST be allocated sufficient Exp to level up at least once, once each pokemon has received enough exp to level at least once, you may divide the remainder in any manner you wish.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have some uh... very important matters to take care of. Speak with Coach Mountain if you need further use of the Gym's Services"

With that, Master Roshi turns and limps away, heading to a staircase at the back of the gym.

The Onix's body grinds against the dirt as it lowers itself to your level and slowly opens it's jaws.... and..... waits.

ooc: gonna need some kinda edu or perception to garner more information about the Onix's appearance than you've already gotten.

2017-10-02, 11:30 PM
Aegwynn looks up at the man before politely standing up, giving a small bow to him. She introduced herself before fishing in her bag and pulling out not the Heavy Ball, but the job posting, “I believe I have. This is your job posting, yes?” She queried to him as she fished the Heavy Ball then out of her bag, the one containing Hippowdon. She had her own Heavy Ball containing Grimmur clipped to her belt. She smiled to him, looking up at him with her ice blue eyes, “It was quite a haul to get this Heavy Ball...my traveling companion and I actually found it in a Golem’s nest. Luckily we avoided their ire. Have you the payment that was promised by your job posting, kind gentleman?”

2017-10-02, 11:38 PM
Aibi recoils from the blast, as does Ken. Thats a rough hit, not sure if she can take another one....Aibi resumes her assault on the new Pokemon.

Aibi uses Vine Whip!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/555220): 15
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/555221): 21 v Def

Ken activates Chronicler!
Records Focus Blast for 1 AP, 0/5 Battle AP remains.

2017-10-03, 01:08 AM
The Onix's body grinds against the dirt as it lowers itself to your level and slowly opens it's jaws.... and..... waits.

"Oh... right." Tyson laughs as he tosses the apple into the stone serpents maw. "So? It's a lot different than eating dirt right?" The ninja boy smiles as he watches the Onix's reaction in amusement.

Perception: 9


Perhaps distracted by the sheer massiveness of the pokemon Tyson only looks the pokemon's body over briefly. If the Onix seems receptive enough he will attempt to slowly run his hand somewhere along the Onix's head.

Should the Onix recoil from his touch Tyson will mirror it's movement and take a few steps backward toward his own pokemon instead.

2017-10-03, 08:24 AM
As the cat finally falls, Cassandra jumps up once, but manages to contain herself. "You did it Yojimbo!" she says, returning the sword. "Great job."

She bows to both Coach Mountain and Roshi as they hand her the badge, TM, and the cash. "Thank you Master Roshi, maybe I will come back someday." She bows to him again as he heads back toward the staircase.

Though 'Gym Services' sounds interesting to her, she zips out the door as soon as possible and takes a deep breath in of the clean air outside. She releases Raum, who barks and hops up and down excitedly by her side as she walks back to the Pokemon Center once again.

Pokespotting (http://orokos.com/roll/555294) on the way back: 18, 4/6 Field AP remaining

Exp Allocation
Raum- 146xp- Level up to 19, Learns Bite
Reks- 100xp, Levels up to 19
Hat- 9xp, Levels up to 13
Yojimbo- 152xp, Levels up to 19, Learns Autotomize (useless)
Ronin- 183xp- Levels up to 18, Learns Torment and Feint Attack
Elekid- 100xp, Levels up to 18

Cassandra will take the +1 Default Stage in Attack as her Badge Effect

TJ Zen
2017-10-03, 08:36 AM
"Good job Quake! Shake it off, buddy we gotta pull through!" Lennox says, right before the rock rhino hits himself and passes out. "Damn. Welp, I dont have much choice. Let's go! Boomer!" Lennox says unleashing the Geodude. 'Tonka, Get rolling! Defensive curl, Boomer!" Tonka slowly gains speed heading towards the bug.

Tonka Uses Rollout on Enemy (Bug)! 27 Rock Damage v Def!
Boomer used Defensive Curl!
Attack(Rollout) (http://orokos.com/roll/555298): 1d20 9
Damage(Rollout(DB3)) (http://orokos.com/roll/555299): 1d6+26 27

big teej
2017-10-03, 09:27 AM
The magnificent stache waggles in consternation, "Of course I do." He says. He pulls a large wad of cash from a coat pocket and holds it tightly in his gloved hand. "And you've more than earned it, once I have ascertained that you have collected the correct ball."

The heavy fighter takes the attack on one raised arm before stepping into a punch aimed at Aibi's spindly body, but they wiggle away from the attack

Enemy ??? uses Rock Smash!
but it missed!

Aibi has initiative!


The bug is tossed to the ground by Tonka's onslaught. It chitters angrily and spews a strange blue cord over Tonka. Followed by clamping it's jaws on the stricken lilephant, seeming to absorb it's vitality. The egg takes advantage of the distraction to once again, shroud itself in that darkened aura.

Enemy Bug used Disable on Tonka! Rollout was Disabled!
Enemy Bug used Leech Life on Tonka! Tonka took 20 Bug Damage vs. Defense
Enemy bug healed 10 hp!
Enemy Egg used Curse!

Initiative Resets!

En route back to the pokemon center, you see the usual assortment of urban poke-life (Ratatta, spearow, murkrow, pidgey, ambulatory sludge, etc) But you notice a familiar skull-covered noggin digging a hole in a park. A

The onix doesn't so much as recoil from you as shift to keep you in front of it. A skittering stone draws the Onix's attention passed you before it's head swings back in your direction.

Accompanying the stone is a suppressed hiss of pain... it seems Lucille finally wandered over.

2017-10-03, 09:30 AM
Aegwynn saw the money, so this gentleman certainly was more than able when it came to the compensation. She looked to him and then the Heavy Ball she had in hand, "Well then, shall we have you inspect it? Not in here of course." she said as she stood up from her seat, smiling to him. "Let's head outside the Pokemon Center. I'm sure they won't appreciate this one being released indoors." she suggested before slowly making her way outside of the Pokemon Center, being sure that he was in two with her. Once outside of the building, she'll release the Pokemon, making sure there was a decent distance between herself and the Pokemon contained within. Hippowdon could swallow her whole, after all!

2017-10-03, 10:07 AM
The Onix doesn't so much as recoil from you as shift to keep you in front of it. A skittering stone draws the Onix's attention passed you before it's head swings back in your direction.

Perception: 8


"What's wrong? Do you hear anything?" He asks the Onix, not expecting an actual response.

"Hey, you seem nice enough. Why don't you come with me?" Tyson takes a few steps in the direction he originally came from gesturing for the giant pokemon to follow. "C'mon you two." He says to Kasumi and Roulette.

"There's more food where that apple came from and you won't have to worry about fighting any more Mankey." His eyes move over the bloodsoaked stones that form the Onix's body. "Not that it's any problem for you." He will walk back toward the Onix and rub it's head again. Tyson smiles warmly and raises the pokeball in his off hand so that the Onix can see it. "You'll be able to get some rest and real treatment too."

OOC: EXP for 2x Mankey or does one not count since the Onix kinda crushed it...?

2017-10-03, 10:25 AM
Cassandra passes by the pokemon and heads into the Center. She drops off Reks' ball and pulls the Gligar out of the PC in his place. She then heads to the Trading Post.

OOC: She's looking to trade the Gligar for another flying type

2017-10-03, 10:38 AM
Aibi wiggles out of the way of the onslaught by the gi clad Pokémon. Maybe she should take up boxing. Ken suppresses the chuckle he would have at the thought. “Keep it up Aibi!” She continues her assault on the new opponent, but she misses it completely in her own wriggling out of the way.

Aibi uses Vine Whip
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/555323): 1

TJ Zen
2017-10-03, 11:03 AM
This guys got so many tricks. It frustrating that none of my plans are working."Tonka, Tackle That bug! Boomer, Rollout on that Egg!" Lennox shouts

Tonka used tackle and misses.
Boomer used Rollout and misses.
Attack Roll(Tackle) (http://orokos.com/roll/555327): 1d20 2
Attack(Rollout) Brutal Training (http://orokos.com/roll/555329): 1d20 2

big teej
2017-10-03, 12:31 PM
The Hippowdon growls at the crowds, who quickly give it a wide berth. The Dapper Gent walks right up to the large pokemon and taps it on the snout with his cane. "Oi, you there. Stop that. Have you forgot everything I taught you? eh?"

The hippowdon, for its part, recoils slightly from the cane, shakes its snout, and calms down. The gentleman turns back to you and offers you the money. "Excellent, here is your finder's fee."

ooc: Most of the fight took place offscreen, but you may divide 10 exp between the participants.

The Onix looks at the pokeball for a moment before opening it's cavernous jaw again.... and waits.

At the Trading Post

The Trading Post is a literal pole driven into the packed earth with a simple wooden sign with peeling paint that says "TRADE" in white lettering with a blue outline. There's a half dozen people standing about.

You see....
a Brunette in a sun dress
a guy in a brown track suit
a guy and a girl with fishing poles slung over their shoulders, and tackle boxes at their feet
a man wearing a broad-brimmed hat is sitting at the pole itself, dealing cards out onto the grass
a group of three little kids standing and talking together.

Seeming to have gained the measure of Aibi's style, the enemy winds up for another punch, this time solidly socking Aibi.

Enemy ??? used Rock Smash!
Aibi took 26 Fighting Damage vs. Defense

ooc: maybe if you sacrifice Djali to Giratina or Zygarde orokos will stop hating you?

The Egg spews noxious sludge all over Boomer, while the bug again clamps down and siphons Tonka's energy away

Enemy Egg used Toxic on Boomer, Boomer became Badly Poisoned!
Enemy Bug used Leech Life on Tonka, Tonka took 18 Bug damage vs. Defense
Venonat healed for 1 HP!

Lennox and co have initiative!

2017-10-03, 12:36 PM
Aegwynn generously takes hold of the money, and as discreetly as possible, will do a quick count of it to make sure it's all there. Once she's pretty sure it's all there, she'll happily hand over the Hippowdon's Heavy Ball to the Gentleman, "It's my pleasure to help you sir, and that is a fine Pokemon you have there. What is his name, if I may ask?" she inquired. She was always eager to learn about new and exotic pokemon, and she was pretty sure she remembered upon finding it that this particular specimen is one not really native to Pewter and surrounding.

Aegwynn gains 10,000 Pokken from the gentleman?

2017-10-03, 12:53 PM
As the hit lands on Aibi, she stumbles a bit, attempting to get up for a last attack. “Good job Aibi, get some rest girl.” Ken says as he recalls her. “I concede. On her last legs we won’t get through another of your team.” Ken walks over and offers a handshake to the Karate Gi dude. “I’m Ken by the way. Sorry for not introducing myself beforehand.” Ken will listen to his reply. “Thank you for the battle sir.”

He will head over to the Pokémon Center, keeping an eye open for Pokémon on his way there.

OOC: Using Re banked Perception roll from earlier this thread; 19.

TJ Zen
2017-10-03, 01:28 PM
"Stop!" Lennox says, recalling his pokemon "It's over. You win. Your team is the stronger one today." He said again walking over. "Thanks for the Match. I don't think we agreed to cash but heres 300 Poken for your trouble." Lennox says and quietly heads back to the Pokemon center.

On his way Back, Lennox texts everyone who's Still in Town:

Hey Gang, I'm heading back to the pokemon center. Let me know if you guys are planning to take on the gym. I wanna be there to root you on! Also If you guys have mon for trade let me know. I need to mix up my strategy.

2017-10-03, 01:35 PM
"Hello there," Cassandra says, walking up to the brunette in the sun dress. "Would you be interested in trading a Gligar? I think I'm lookin for another flying type, but I'm interested in anything else you have to offer."

2017-10-03, 01:35 PM
The Onix looks at the pokeball for a moment before opening it's cavernous jaw again.... and waits.

Tyson can't help but laugh at the creature's display. "No, you can't eat this one. It is for you though. I want you to watch okay?"

He removes two pokeballs from his belt and recalls Kasumi, then repeats the process with Roulette so that the Onix can clearly see the pokeball. "You two were great, especially working together." Tyson releases Kasumi beside him and looks back to the Onix.

"So, did you see? It's not so bad." He reaches into his bag and pulls out half of his lunch and tosses it into the the pokemon's mouth.

"If you come with me I can feed you everyday." He says as the giant eats. "You can pick me up from time to time," He points to the Onix and then himself as he scoops up his Frogadier to demonstrate. "and I can pick you up every now and then when you get tired." He finishes his demonstration by raising Kasumi up alongside the pokeball briefly before cupping her in his arm.

"You need to stay inside this for now though okay?" He raises the pokeball up to the Onix once again. "Try touching it with your nose." Tyson softly taps his own head with the pokeball and offers it to back to the Onix.

"Throw" (Tap): 19


"Capture": 63


Basic Ball
Trainer Level: 9

10 EXP
Kasumi - 5 EXP
Roulette - 5 EXP

Total -10 EXP

big teej
2017-10-03, 02:03 PM
ooc: Correct.

The old man frowns as you thumb through the bills, but says nothing. "His name is Sebastian, when he's behaving." The gentleman replies. He doffs his hat after securing the Heavy ball to his belt and turns and heads back into the crowd.

At the Court
The Martial Artist takes your hand in a moderately-tighter-than-necessary grip and thanks you for your time.

A Concession nets Ken 13 Experience he may divide among the participants.

To the Center
On the way back to the Pokemon Center, you spy the normal urban assortment of pokemon, pidgey, ratatta, spearow, murkrow, ambulatory sludges and mobile trash bags, etc.

The only two slightly unusual Pokemon that catch your eyes are a pink, bipedal dog thats wandering around a park, and a magnemite getting cozy with a transformer.

The trainer smirks around his cigarette "Sure sure, come back any time to go again." He chuckles and saunters back towards his bench.
A concession nets Lennox 52 Exp to divide among the participants

The girl in the dress grimaces. "Gligar? that flying purple thing with the tongue right?" She sticks her tongue out. "Ew, gross, no... and its a Poison Type. I have a Meowth if you have anything else you want to trade." She offers.

The Onix sniffs at the pokeball, brushing against it and triggering the capture mechanism. The ball vibrates wildly in your hand before clicking shut and disappearing

Level 18, Female, Patient Nature, Sturdy Ability, Loyalty 2, Knows Rock Throw, Rock Tomb, Rage, Bind, Mud Sport, and Tackle

Lucille appears at your shoulder, a tired and relieved grin across her features. "Good going, I didn't think you'd be able to calm it down." She chuckles "Kinda loud for a ninja though, isn't it? are you ready to keep going?" Lucille jerks her thumb up-slope.

2017-10-03, 02:11 PM
Aegwynn was slightly embarrassed, catching a glimpse of his frown. She had always been taught by her parents, when it comes to money, to always count what you receive and count what you give. It's not that she didn't believe he was being dishonest, it's just been a habit that has been drilled into her by her parents, especially her. She was born without the gift of telepathy, so she was unable to tell if someone was not being completely candid with her. While that made her like anyone else, her parents often thought that put her at a disadvantage. They always did have a sense of being 'Holier than Thou' because they could read the surface thoughts and emotions of an individual at a whim. She shrugged as the man sauntered off into the Crowd, waving after him, "It was nice making your acquaintance! Sebastian is quite the Pokemon, perhaps we'll battle sometime in the future when I'm stronger than I am now!"

She did some quick math, in her head. After she had divided her portion from the whole sum, leaving her with Ken's share, she decided she would head off to do some shopping. She figured the best stop as any would be the Pokemart. She needed some more of the 'essentials' that she had expended while traveling up the Mountain to find the Heavy Ball. She also figured it would be a good time to maybe learn some more about Pewter from the locals. It was probably around late afternoon, early evening she figures by the time she arrives at the shop. Once inside, she went straight to the man behind the counter, waving Hello to him. If he was busy, she would wait patiently for him to finish up with his current customer before asking him for assistance, "Hello. I've got an item to sell, and I'm looking for a particular item. Perhaps you could help me?" she asked him, before presenting the one item for sale, a Calcium that Svangur chose to not eat. She then inquired about a Water Stone, and if one could be acquired here in Pewter from either here, or one of the specialty shops perhaps?

On her way to her next destination after meeting with the man who's Heavy Ball she had found, she heard her Pokedex ping. It was a text from that all fellow they met at the job board a week ago, well taller fellow than most. She responded back to him before stashing her pokedex away and continuing on to her next destination. 'Oh neat! I wish you luck there. Gym leader is a pretty awesome guy. Just got done refreshing my team from my challenge, and am now going to hit up the shops. Meet me there if you'd like. I have a few pokemon to trade. A bouncy pig, a metal colony bug, a blue lobster, and a scrappy fighter.'

2017-10-03, 03:30 PM
As he walks to the Center, Zippo still on his shoulder, Ken looks around to see the usual assortment of urban life Pokemon. He steers clear of the Murkrow that he sees, even though one would be pretty cool to have. He does come to a stop when he notices the Magnemite though.

"We should probably have something like that on our team huh buddy. Think you'd be good to go against it?" Zippo chirps a nod. "Alright, just try not to knock it out completely though. "Ken says with a chuckle. Zippo hops down and launches a fireball at the Magnemite, as Ken takes out a spare pokeball and throws it right after Zippo's attack. But the ball doesn't;t quite reach the floating magnet.

Zippo uses Ember! It's Super Effective!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/555404): 15 AC2
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/555405): 27 v SpDef

Ken throws a Pokeball!
Throw (http://orokos.com/roll/555406): 5 AC6

Aria gains 3
Aibi gains 5, now level 12
Gin gains 5

I'm on my way back to the Center too, just looking at some Pokemon on my way there. After I get healed up I'll be heading to the gym myself. See you in a few.

TJ Zen
2017-10-03, 03:39 PM
Lennox finally arrives at the Pokemon Center. He leaves his 'mon in the Nurses care, grabs his remaining roster and
goes to grab some lunch.

EXP Distrobution:
Quake gets 12XP.
Tazer gets 14XP. Tazer levels up to 11! Still Ready to evolve
Tonka gets 14XP. Tonka levels up to 13!
Boomer gets 12 XP Level up to 11!

2017-10-03, 08:10 PM
"It's ground/flying actually," Cassandra says to the girl at her grimace. "It's not a bad Pokemon, but I understand it's not up everyone's alley. Have a good day!"

Cassandra will move on to the guy in the brown track suit and repeat what she said to the girl. "Hi. I have a Gligar to trade. I think I'm looking for another flying type, but I'm interested in anything else you have to offer."

I actually already beat the gym. I'm currently at the Trading Post, but I'll be back at the Pokemon Center soon once Reks is patched up. See you there?

2017-10-03, 08:48 PM
The Onix sniffs at the pokeball, brushing against it and triggering the capture mechanism. The ball vibrates wildly in your hand before clicking shut and disappearing

Lucille appears at your shoulder, a tired and relieved grin across her features. "Good going, I didn't think you'd be able to calm it down." She chuckles "Kinda loud for a ninja though, isn't it? are you ready to keep going?" Lucille jerks her thumb up-slope.

Tyson looses a sigh of relief. "Well, there goes our ride." He says to Kasumi as he smiles.

"Oh, uh... Yeah, me neither!" He laughs. When did she get there? "I figured my luck was gonna run out at some point but I guess I just hit a stroke of good fortune? She's a real sweetheart though once you get past all of the blood and weathered rock. I was thinking that she could serve well as a tank... and when it comes to distractions the louder the better right?"

"Yeah, let's get back on track." He says as he takes her arm and rests it over his shoulder. "Look, I know you probably don't need my help but if it gets us results..." He smiles for a moment before raising a brow out of curiosity. "Wait... how long were you watching?"

After Lucille's response

"Kasumi, keep your eyes open for people or pokemon okay?"

14 (Spent 1 AP to boost, 1/6 Field AP remaining)


TJ Zen
2017-10-03, 10:41 PM
On his way back from grabbing a burger Lennox's 'dex vibrates wildly. He Checks it to find a bevy of message and replies to all of them.

You Already Beat the Gym?! Awesome! We should Celebrate! Wait...What are you looking for at the Trading post? and what do you have for trade?

Are you at the trading post too?! Cassandra is there as well. What are you Looking for? What are you trading?

You beat the Gym Too?! That's Awesome! Congrats Looks like I get to take you out to celebrate as well! Cassandra just beat the gym too! Waiting on her to get back to the Pokemon center and then we'll likely head out to the shops. The last 3 'mon sound really cool you'll have to show me.

2017-10-03, 10:46 PM
As he continues walking looking around for Pokemon, Ken checks his Pokedex again real quick as it vibrates.

Nah I went there earlier, traded a Shroomish for a Roggenrola. I'm just walking back to the Pokemon Center. Actually hold up just saw a Magnemite, see you there!

2017-10-04, 07:06 AM
It wasn't long after she had sent her response that her Pokedex made the chime again, a message had been received. She tugged it out of her pocket and opened it up to read what was sent.

You beat the Gym Too?! That's Awesome! Congrats Looks like I get to take you out to celebrate as well! Cassandra just beat the gym too! Waiting on her to get back to the Pokemon center and then we'll likely head out to the shops. The last 3 'mon sound really cool you'll have to show me.

She smiled a little bit, slowing down a little bit just before she hit the shops to respond,

'I'm at the shops now, seeing about resupplying before perhaps some late evening Pokemon hunting, and then bed. If I see you here, then great!'

Aegwynn should now be at the shops, and conducting her business as per the original post.

TJ Zen
2017-10-04, 09:26 AM
Lennox arrives back at the Center as is approaching the Nurses station when his 'Dex goes off again. He reads the message from Aegwynn and replies

Sounds good, We'll proibably meet up for a bit. I still need to tackle the Gym. Honestly I'm not sure how I'll do anymore. But I'm gonna do my best! I've had some rough trainer battles the last couple of days.

big teej
2017-10-04, 11:49 AM
with all the exp floating around from gym and trainer battles, I thought it might be relevant to post this.

- After much discussion, it has been decided to handle Evolution from a pure gamist perspective. Pokemon (mechanically) evolve the very second they acquire sufficient exp to gain the level needed to evolve. It is at the players discretion when this transformation occurs in the narrative.

Roger's Squirtle hits level 15 after a morning's exp training. Squirtle immediately gains the stat bumps/abilities/moves/etc. for evolving into wartortle. However, Roger decides he doesn't want his Squirtle to evolve from training. Fast forward a few hours, and Roger's Squirtle takes damage in a pokemon battle, and Roger decides it'd be really cool for his Squirtle to respond to the hit by getting up as a wartortle.

At the Center
"Perhaps..." the man offers before walking away.

At the Pewter City Pokemon Mart (https://kantoaftermath.obsidianportal.com/wikis/pewter-city-pokemart)

The kid behind the counter types away at his register for a moment. "Uh... well, ma'am, uh... I've checked our uhm... 'acquisition budget', I guess? and I'm allowed to offer you... 2,000 Poken for an unpackaged Vitamin."

He checks his computer some more. "I double checked our inventory just to be sure, but I'm afraid we don't have any Evolutionary stones at all. The Gym hasn't put an order for some in a long time, and we only rarely get them from trainers passing through. You might have better luck finding one in Cerulean if you have enough badges. Is there anything else I can help you find today?"

Zippo's Flame washes over the magnemite, which screeches and falls smoking to the ground where it lands with a clank. One of it's side-magnets' arms breaks off, as well as one of the screw like protrusions.

Zippo gained 8 exp!

The Pokemon Center and it's attached restaurant are pretty quiet today, and you're able to enjoy a meal in peace.

The man rubs his chin for a moment before finally saying "I don't have any flying types with me today, but I would be willing to part with a Mienfoo or a superb Poochyena."

"Long enough to know you're gonna get hurt trying to talk down something large and angry." She says with a laugh. "Look, you gotta understand...."

Lucille spends a fair portion of the next stretch of climbing, scraping, getting rocks in your socks, and straining walking you through the basics of poke-psychology and mentor-ship.

You manage to digest most of what Lucille's rambling about, in between your trail troubles... You feel more confidant in your ability to charm a pokmeon into a ball instead of having to beat them into submission.

You gain a 1-time-use Free Boost to a check to manipulate a pokemon's disposition (good or bad)

"I've got an idea that might make this easier..." Lucille says, looking up the steep, gravely slope ahead of you. She releases her Machop and walks it through what she's after. The Machop flexes and then attacks the wall, scaling it in a.... more violent manner than might be strictly necessary. it leaves rents and gouges in the hillside after it. Lucille looks at you and shrugs "I dunno if that'll actually help."


you see some weird looking birds circling overhead, but you can't quite make out what they are. As you continue to climb, you notice more geodude and roggenrola, seemingly content to mind their own business and eat rocks.

You encounter a Rhyhorn which stomps on the ground and kicks up a cloud of dust when you reach a small plateau. Brawn faced off against it at Lucille's direction and she ended up adding it to her collection.

Shortly before dusk, you catch the echoing sound of... well, you're not sure what it is... it's a heavy, fleshy impact. like if you slapped a rock as hard as you could... and your hand was the size of a car.

Following the noise, you find a rotund, yellow pokemon with blue fists on a flatter section of the mountain. As you watch, the pokmeon runs at top speed and flings itself into a boulder - the source of the sound. The pokemon is covered in rock-dust and scrapes from this self-inflicted abuse. A small hole is dug into the mountainside... the failing light doesn't reach more than a few yards before being swallowed up by the depths.

2017-10-04, 11:57 AM
"Thank you for your time sir," Cassandra says, "but I think I'll try some of the other people here."

She heads over to the two people with fishing poles. "Hey there. I have a Gligar to trade. I think I'm looking for another flying-type, but I'm also interested in whatever else you have to offer."

Thank you! I'm looking for another flying type, you wouldn't happen to have one, would you?

2017-10-04, 12:02 PM
Aegwynn frowned a little when it came to the Water Stone, but some extra spending money did seem like a nice idea. She accepted the 2,000 Pokken offer for the unpackaged Calcium. Then she began compiling a list in her head, rattling off the things she needed to the shop attendant, "I'll need quite a lot of pokeballs, twenty should do. Basic Ball is fine. I need seven potions, oh and I suppose picking up two more antidotes wouldn't be a bad thing?" she mused as she looked out to the aisles of the shop, seeing if anything else came to mind, "I guess Paralyze Heals too, five of those, and a couple of bandages...oh and do you have Net Balls? Oh, and pokemon food?" she asked enthusiastically, this being one of the few times she's actually had a bit of money to work with.

That's when she noticed the stock that they actually did have. There were a few things that she wouldn't be able to acquire. She slumped a little bit, and was slightly embarasesd, "Oh, sorry...I should be more observant." she said sullenly, scolding herself mentally for getting to caught up in the moment of shopping. She took what she could get then, twenty-five basic balls, two antidotes, seven bandages, four potions, and one heavy ball. This put her at a tab of 10,350, which she used 2,000 from the sale of the vitamin, and the rest came from her wallet. She thanked the clerk and left the mart, only to smack herself on the forehead..."I forgot Stjarna with the nurse..." she said. She realized this little blunder, heading back to the Pokemon Center.

Once at the Pokemon Center, she would take a look to see who all was here as she approached the counter, waiting her turn if necessary before speaking with the Nurse. "Sorry ma'am, I forgot to get my Pokemon earlier. I hope it's doing well." she said as she handed her pokedex over to claim her pokemon.

2017-10-04, 12:55 PM
OOC: added Lennox for sake of expediency.

Ken watches as the Magnemite falls, walks over and picks up the Pokeball that missed and places the fallen Pokémon somewhere away from predators. Wait did it even have any? Eh. “Well Zippo, good job. Would have been a good addition but we’ll have another.” He chuckles and pats Zippo’s head.

The rest of the walk to the Center was uneventful. As he walked in Ken jumped in line and when it was his turn, he turned in his full team to the nurse. As he waited he would walk over to the restaurant, place an order for a burger and sit down. Wait there’s Lennox.

“How’d your battle go Lennox? That Magnemite ended up not getting captured.” He took a few bites of the burger. “Ready for the gym challenge? After that last battle and looking at previous ones, it’s gonna be rough.”

Ken takes this time to archive all the techniques he recorded at the courts.

TJ Zen
2017-10-04, 01:54 PM
"It was fun. but I ended up losing His team had a ton of Synergy. I honestly wasn't expecting that level of strategy. I'll have to be ready next time. How was your battle? Better than mine, I hope. You were definitely in it when I went to fight. We'll Tackle the Gym Together!

When Lennox makes his way back into the Center The Nurse is there to greet him. She lights up when she tells Lennox that Tazers getting ready to evolve. He dashes with her to the patient room where tazer is being kept and their both greeted by a blinding light. when the Light receeds Lennox loses his balance as Tazer lands forcefully into his chest. "Hey little Guy, You did it!" Lennox says to his Pikachu. "That new bit of weight threw me off. I'm glad you're getting stronger! We can definitely face that Gym Now!. Let's show'em buddy!

A Flying type? Nah. Closest thing I got to flying types are Mag and Boomer. I was going to try and catch one of those Starly while we were on our delivery but they were all flocked together. and I'm not sure stirring them up would've been worth it.

2017-10-04, 09:22 PM
"Long enough to know you're gonna get hurt trying to talk down something large and angry." She says with a laugh. "Look, you gotta understand...."

Lucille spends a fair portion of the next stretch of climbing, scraping, getting rocks in your socks, and straining walking you through the basics of poke-psychology and mentor-ship. You manage to digest most of what Lucille's rambling about, in between your trail troubles... You feel more confidant in your ability to charm a pokmeon into a ball instead of having to beat them into submission.



"Yeah you're probably right. I got lucky this time around..." When Lucille begins her seminar on poke-psychology Tyson does his best to listen and retain the information during their ascent. Tyson makes sure to ask several questions in return over the course of her lecture, partly for clarification and but mostly to keep himself focused.

When did she become such a super nerd? Maybe she was always this way? She's passionate for sure. And I gotta admit, the way she talks about pokemon is pretty cute... Wait! Focus Ty, reel it in!

"So how did you learn all of this stuff anyway? You go to a trainer's school when you were younger?"

"I've got an idea that might make this easier..." Lucille says, looking up the steep, gravely slope ahead of you. She releases her Machop and walks it through what she's after. The Machop flexes and then attacks the wall, scaling it in a.... more violent manner than might be strictly necessary. it leaves rents and gouges in the hillside after it. Lucille looks at you and shrugs "I dunno if that'll actually help."

Tyson returns Lucille's shrug with one of his own. "Couldn't hurt to try? Nice work Brawn!"


You see some weird looking birds circling overhead, but you can't quite make out what they are. As you continue to climb, you notice more geodude and roggenrola, seemingly content to mind their own business and eat rocks.

You encounter a Rhyhorn which stomps on the ground and kicks up a cloud of dust when you reach a small plateau. Brawn faced off against it at Lucille's direction and she ended up adding it to her collection.

Shortly before dusk, you catch the echoing sound of... well, you're not sure what it is... it's a heavy, fleshy impact. like if you slapped a rock as hard as you could... and your hand was the size of a car.

Following the noise, you find a rotund, yellow pokemon with blue fists on a flatter section of the mountain. As you watch, the pokmeon runs at top speed and flings itself into a boulder - the source of the sound. The pokemon is covered in rock-dust and scrapes from this self-inflicted abuse. A small hole is dug into the mountainside... the failing light doesn't reach more than a few yards before being swallowed up by the depths.

As the two trainers continue the climb Tyson will register the Roggenrola in his pokedex if possible.

"Rhyhorn's a pretty impressive pokemon in my experience. You ever gonna rotate it onto your roster? I ran into a guy with one back in Pewter but I never really got to see it in action. Not that it mattered... He seemed to be content with using it to strong arm his "opponents" into submission. I probably wouldn't have learned anything from watching him anyway." (Yeah I said it Zen! Fight me!)

Tyson registers the rotund fighter as it trains and will offer the chance to catch it to Lucille.

"Yo, check out that hole!" Tyson points to the surface of the mountainside. "Think it's worth taking a look into?" The ninja boy skirts the young fighting type in order to get a better look in the hole.



Art of Stealth activates!

Damn it! I forgot... Tyson instinctively reaches into his bag for his flashlight only to come up empty handed. An idea immediately surfaces and the ninja boy releases Sunny beside him. "Hey Sunshine!" Tyson greets the Braxien with a warm smile. "Could you lend me a hand?" He points into the hole. "A light would be great." He pretends to strain seeing into the hole.

2017-10-05, 01:20 PM
In between bites and writing down all the information on the techniques, Ken continues his conversation with Lennox.

“It was rough. Fun, but rough. Those Fighting types are really something. We lost but I managed to learn a few things. Aria will need to avoid some but that’ll come with practice. Midoriya, my Meinfoo I caught in the mountains with Aegwynn, will probably take to some of these moves nicely.” Ken continues to the next page with methods on another technique and looks up at Lennox. “We’ll definitely tackle that obstacle in our journey!” Ken laughs a bit.

big teej
2017-10-06, 10:35 AM
"We caught a duckling the other day, but we don't go much for flying types, ya know?" The fisherwoman offers, gesturing to their rods and tackleboxes. "But I think a gligar would be a pretty cool swap."

The boy chuckles "We caught the ugliest dang fish you've ever seen in your life. We also caught some tadpoles today." He turns towards his companion "what else we got laying around?"

The woman puts a finger to her lip and looks skyward. "I know we've been catching a lot of goldeen lately... and those silly bugs."

"It's no trouble." The nurse assures you when you pick up Stjarna.

ooc: what do you intend to do while you wait for the rest of the party? or do you want to strike out towards cerulean on your own?

You find the gym without incident. It looks... New? Like it'd recently been renovated. There is a large set of boxing gloves molded over the front doors, and in the courtyard are three big statues, twice as tall as you, at least. A Machamp, a Sawk, and a Hitmonchan. There's a nice big sign that reads


Inside, you are overcome with the nauseating combined stench of disinfectant, seat, and body odor. This gym is, literally, a gym. Pokemon and trainers are working with weights, sparring with each other, and attacking punching bags and dummy targets all around. Almost all of the trainers are wearing martial artist gi's. There is a receptionist... sort of. A large, burly, lantern jawed, fellow with a toothpick hanging out of his mouth sits behind the front desk. He's wearing a tight fitting red tank-top and dark blue sweatpants.

He looks up at you and growls. "Whatcha need? Come to train?"

Lucille shakes her head when you ask about trainer school. "Nope, everything I know, I taught myself."

Poke Spotting
Lucille shrugs. "If you don't want it, sure. I'll catch up with you at the cave."

The sounds of Augur attacking the Makuhita echo off the mountainside as you creep over to the cave.

Standing in front of the cave, Sunny looks at you and then back at the cave uncertainly. She pulls the scorched twig from her tail and flings a small blot of fire into the cave. it flickers into the distance, you don't see anything in the feeble strobe before the flame fizzles out.

ooc: Unless I'm missing something, Sunny doesn't have anything that grants the Glow capability.

Lucille approaches and rests an arm on your shoulder. "What's up with the cave?" she asks.

2017-10-06, 11:45 AM
After having retrieved Stjarna from the nurse, she turned around and took a few steps away from the desk, before taking a glance at her watch. Seemed to be about seven in the evening, shaking her wrist until the sleeve of her hoodie covered the timepiece once more. She stood there in the middle of the Pokemon Center's lobby. Seemed a bit early to turn in, so...time to go for a walk!

Aegwynn decided it was a nice evening for a stroll through town, choosing to head East, wanting to get some bearings of the direction out of the city for the journey to Cerulean coming up. She decided to keep her eyes open the entire time, no pokemon by her side as she strolled along, occasionally floating obstacles such as mail boxes and newspaper stands as she meandered through the city. She decided she didn't spend enough time poking around the city looking for Pokemon. Svangur was quite the catch, she supposed that there must be more incredible pokemon like her wandering about.

Perception (Pokemon Spotting) [1AP to Boost]: (http://orokos.com/roll/556040) 20

2017-10-06, 12:20 PM
After he finishes his writing and is called by the nurse, Ken walks up to the counter to pick up his team. After securing the balls to his belt he turns to Lennox. “Ready for the gym bud? Time to go in like a raging inferno!” He was getting pumped up.

He will send a quick text to Cassandra and Aegwynn in his way.

“Hey me and Lennox are about to hit the gym, wish us luck! Guess we’ll meet up afterwards. See you soon!”

As they approached the gym, he couldn’t help but admire the design. Nothing like Blaine’s gym, but still good regardless. “Guess that battle with the martial artist was a good idea.....” Ken couldn’t help but think out loud.

As they walked inside, Ken was hit by the smell, but waved it off. He’d known worse after several days in a confined cave. Then again there was sill airflow. As the “receptionist” speaks to them, Ken will answer back. “We’re here to challenge the gym leader actually. This’ll be our first badge each.”

2017-10-06, 12:46 PM
"An ugly fish? What level is it?" Cassandra asks. "And what constitutes a 'silly bug'?"

OOC: What time is it for me currently? Would it be kosher to ask them to stay while I go get something else to trade from the PC?

TJ Zen
2017-10-06, 12:48 PM
Before they make their way to the Gym, Lennox will send a message to Cassandra and Aegwynn
Hey guys, Me and Ken are on our way to beat the gym. We'll meet back up at the Pokemon center and celebrate later!
Once he's finished composing the letter, Lennox will set the roster he wants for the gym:

At the Gym"You bet!" Lennox says to Ken. "You got this no sweat!"

"Not Today." Lennox says, Not so subtlely sizing up the mannearly his stature. "My friend and I have come to earn my first gym badge! Are you our opponent Today?" Lennox says with a smirk.

2017-10-06, 02:34 PM
Poke Spotting - Evening (Day 3)

Lucille shrugs. "If you don't want it, sure. I'll catch up with you at the cave." The sounds of Augur attacking the Makuhita echo off the mountainside as you creep over to the cave.

Tyson shakes his head and stifles a laugh as he approaches the cave entrance. Tch! That pokemon won't even know what hit it...

Standing in front of the cave, Sunny looks at you and then back at the cave uncertainly. She pulls the scorched twig from her tail and flings a small blot of fire into the cave. it flickers into the distance, you don't see anything in the feeble strobe before the flame fizzles out.

Lucille approaches and rests an arm on your shoulder. "What's up with the cave?" she asks.

Tyson gives Lucille a sidelong glance before looking back into the cave and speaking. "All clear, at least from what we can see so far. I was thinking we could check it out? An adventure at sunset sounds fun to me. We could even camp inside of the cave if we wanted to."

"Thanks Sunny. Now can you try making a light with the end of your stick?" He points to the stick in the pokemon's hand and mimics holding it like a torch. "All you have to do is hold it like this while we walk. I'd do it myself but those monkeys stole my flashlight. A small fire is fine. We only need enough light to see."

He pets his Braixen and waits patiently.

big teej
2017-10-09, 09:24 AM
Taking the time to walk the streets of Pewter with little in mind but observation quickly impresses a few things upon you.... The first, is that one could easily find the blocky, stone-fronted architecture of Pewter repetitive, if not oppressive. The second, is that it would seem that despite Humanity's supposed mastery over the natural world, there is no shortage of wild, abandonded, or stray pokemon wandering around every city in the world. and finally, That there seems to be a small brown, hound-ish pokemon with a flat face and a blue patch on it's back is devouring something an pile of refuse spilling out of an overturned trash receptacle. Somebody has thrown away a perfectly good pokeball, judging by the slightly grimy specimen that has rolled out of the trash and fetched up against the side of a building.

As you move towards the eastern side of town, you observe that certain pokemon seem to congregate in different areas more than others. Murkrow, for example, become less common the further east you go, but are more common in the south, there seem to be a lot of starly in the western part of town, and pidgey and spearow dominate this current area. Despite this, you see a Murkrow preening itself on a wrought iron bench.

Eventually, as the light fades into dusk, the crowds thin out, and you see more typical urbanite pokemon moving around freely. You see a floating purple orb about the size of the basketball floating above some sort of machinist's shop. There's a metal ladder bolted to the side, providing roof access.

Passing a clothing store, a flicker draws your attention to a display. it looks like one of the manakins is surrounded in some sort of darkened aura.

ooc: warp time as needed to approach whatever catches your interest.

"I am Gym Trainer Mountain." The 'receptionist' informs you. He stands up from the desk, chest, shoulders, and head taller than Ken. If the muscle bound Trainer is smaller than Lennox, it isn't by much. "Come with me." He says. He hits a big yellow and black striped button on the wall as he passes through to the main area of the gym. Red flashing lights descend from the ceiling and a klaxon blares. Anyone working in the middle of the gym quickly moves out to the sides. A section of the floor opens up and moves apart, a platform rising up from beneath the gym. The platform has what looks like a heavily reinforced boxing ring on it.

The platform locks into place with a solid thunk of metal on metal. Coach Mountain leads you up to the ring and takes a hammer and strikes a bell hanging from the side three times.

A decrepit, bald old man with a snowy white beard that hangs to his chest, wearing dark glasses, a seaside shirt, green shorts, and sandals, walking with the aid of a staff appears from deeper within the gym (https://kantoaftermath.obsidianportal.com/characters/roshi). He limps over to your side of the ring and bows to you, his back cracks loudly. “so…” he says with a scratchy voice. “You thought you could just waltz in here and fight me eh? Heh heh heh heh… what badge is this for you boys? Hm? Heh heh heh heh.”

"Level 10, and the bug is a surskrit, you know, a water bug, they skate around on the water."

ooc: It would not be unreasonable to ask them to wait if you wanted to go trade a different pokemon, however, much like how a certain mohawk'd female backed out of a trade, if they get a better offer while you're gone, they'll go for it.

Sunny looks at the cave dubiously again and ignites the end of her stick and steps just inside the cave.

Based on the size of the cave, it's probably not the lair of an Ursaring or other big nasty thing capable of devouering you


Based on the pulverized stone littering the ground, and the packed looking sides, it's more than probable that this was a natural formation that the Makuhita you saw outside expanded on.

Of course, you can't rule out the possibility that the makuhita hasn't formed some sort of symbiotic relationship with another cave dweller.

2017-10-09, 09:40 AM
Cassandra debates for moment before saying, "Let me see what else is available. I might come back for that fish though, if you're still here."

She heads over to the three kids. "Hey guys. I have a Gligar for trade. I'm looking for another flying type, but I'm interested to see whatever else you have to trade."

2017-10-09, 09:59 AM
Ken bows back to the old man respectfully. “This will be our first badge each sir.” He says as he straightens back up. He was trying to get a good look at the ring. It certainly was fitting, as an actual boxing ring in a literal gym. “My name is Ken Kogane, thank you for accepting our challenge sir.”

He turned his head to Lennox, looking up much higher than he had to with the gym leader. “So who goes first?”

After the order has been decided Ken will stand on the side for Lennox’s turn to observe either before or after his own battle. For his battle he will send out Aria first.

OOC: Obligatory time joke!

2017-10-09, 10:35 AM
The brutalist nature of Pewter architecture sure was imposing. It left little to desire, but at least the stonework was precise and consistent. She supposed that's one thing they could be 'proud of' when it came to this city in the foothills. Eyes darted side to side as she traveled 'round the streets, making sure to continue east, having the setting sun to her back as she meandered. The rustling of garbage caught her attention, seeing the small canine munching away. She fished out an empty pokeball from her bag and then readied one of her own pokemon, just in case this didn't go so well for her. She hurled the Pokeball at the small pup, beaning it straight in the back, watching the ball energize.

Aegwynn (Trainer Level 6) throws a pokeball at the Puppy!
Pokeball Go!: (http://orokos.com/roll/556764) 18
Capture Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/556765) 66

Afterwards, she will release Fil, her Phanpy. The little elephant trumpeted out before shaking its hide, its ears flopping to-and-fro, peering up to his trainer and waiting for instructions.

Aegwynn watched the pokeball energize and head to her PC storage. She celebrated internally, balling up fist and pulling it towards herself in an 'Yes, I did it' gesture. She then pointed to the grimy pokeball that had loftily rolled over to the wall, nestling in the crack, "Fil, think you can bring that one to me, please?" she asked, instructing the little elephant to go and get the abandoned pokeball, waiting for the little guy to go get it and bring it back to her.
Aegwynn watched as the ball broke apart, stamping her foot, "Just should've stayed in the ball! Fil, put your whole weight into it and tackle it down!" she commanded, rummaging through her bag and getting out another basic ball, chucking it at the puppy that just didn't want to stay captured, "There's better things to eat than garbage, allow me to show you that!" Unfortunately for her, she watched as the ball bounced just beside the pup, spinning around and rolling away, "Darn..."

Fil used Tackle on the doggy!
Attack Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/556770) 3
Damage Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/556771) 25 Normal Damage vs. Defense +1m Push!

Aegwynn (Trainer Level 6 throws a pokeball at the Puppy, again!
Pokeball Go!: (http://orokos.com/roll/556769) 6

After dealing with dogs in the trash and abandoned objects, she continued her walk. The murkrow on the bench only spurred images of the tale Ken might have told her during their long walk up the mountain, about how he picked a fight with one of them and it quickly turned into a flock. She shuddered and decided to leave the bird in peace. Later on a similar mental image crossed her mind as she saw the floating purple orb, but it was hard to make out just what it was with the dimming light. She peeked over to the ladder and decided it might be worth looking at, at least snag a pokedex entry perhaps. She hastily made her way over to the ladder, and ascended the side of the building, hopping up on the roof and pulling out her pokedex to get a better look at this floating purple ball.

The flickering of a mannequin got her attention, turning her head to the dim, if not dark display. How odd...one mannequin out of the group of them had this bizarre presence about it. She scratched the back of her head, seeing the closed sign on the door. She sighed a little bit and then decided it was time to get creative...

She released Elding, the little bug shaking its fuzz, static crackling before it turned its four-eyed gaze to its trainer. She did her best to not look suspicious, pushing the little bug up against the mail slot, getting him into the shop. She lifted the slot cover and spoke to the little electro-tick, "Ok Elding, get ready...I'm gonna shake that mannequin. Just be on the defense, ok?" she said to him before getting a hold of a fresh basic ball, making sure it was in its compressed form and pushing it into the mail slot as well, wanting it in the building and ready for her to use. She then made her way back to the mannequin in the window. She analyzed it before her eyes began to glow, her telekinetic powers flaring to life as she 'took hold' of the mannequin with her mind, and began to shake it vigorously, seeing if she could free the presence out of it.

TJ Zen
2017-10-09, 10:49 AM
After the old man's back cracks, Lennox looks to Ken and back to the Trainer at the desk. "Uh, It'll be my first badge, Sir. Are you sure you're the..." Lennox starts, Looking back at the old man. The Old Man's and Ken's demeanor both reek of that weirdly forthright quality. "Nevermind." Lennox says concedeing the point.

I'm guess I'm Fighting a geezer

"I'll be you First Challenger. My name is Lennox. Let's have a good scrap." He says, cracking his knuckles and rolling his shoulders. Lennox Grabs a PokeBall off of his belt and releases Quake. "Let's Go, Big Guy!"

big teej
2017-10-09, 12:53 PM
The kids look at each other, uncertain what a Gligar is, until you show them the image on your pokedex. The kids' eyes get big and their jaws drop.

"oooooh man, that is so cool! Look at it!"
"It's got claws! and a stinger, and it can fly!"

The kids chatter excitedly about what to trade until you hear one comment end the discussion. "But that's way cooler than anything we've got..."

The kids turn to you, a mixture of hope, disappointment, and sadness across their features.

The only thing we've got that cool is this baby spiky bug we caught underneath the house the other day.

ooc: Level 9 Pinsir with a -2 Baby Template for Gligar.

or in this case, GYM HITS YOU

The old man’s glasses conceal his eyes, but he smiles a gap-toothed smile and cackles. “your first time eh? I’ll be gentle.” He cackles again and waddles to the other side of the ring and retrieves something from a compartment you cant see.

"Your fight with Gym Master Roshi will consist of a 1 on 1 fight, 2 pokemon each." Coach Mountain instructs you as he gets ready to ring the bell. "You may not interfere in the battle in any way except to give orders and encouragement to your pokemon, or throw in the towel." He points to a white rag hanging off the bottom rope.

ooc: You're free to open both spoilers, I'm just doing it for organization's sake.

The Battle Begins! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEzdd5gg9CU)

Gym Leader Roshi looses a Mankey that quickly crawls up the turn buckle and perches on it, screeching at you and your pokemon. As soon as Coach Mountain rings the bell, it flings itself at Aria, battering her with a savage chop

Enemy Mankey has Initiative!
Enemy Mankey used Karate Chop! (http://orokos.com/roll/556802)
Aria took 29 Fighting Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/556803) vs. Defense!
Aria has Initiative!

The Battle Begins! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEzdd5gg9CU)

Gym Leader Roshi looses a Mankey that quickly crawls up the turn buckle and perches on it, screeching at you and your pokemon. As soon as Coach Mountain rings the bell, it flings itself at Quake, slamming it's fist down on his head!

why does orokos haaaaate you?
Enemy Mankey used Karate Chop on Quake!
A Critical Hit! (http://orokos.com/roll/556804)
Quake took 48 Fighting Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/556805) vs. Defense!

Quake has Initiative!

Tiny dogs and pokeballs
The tiny dog disappears into the pokeball

the ball quickly falls to the ground and securely clicks shut

Level 4, Male, Naive Nature, Pickup Ability, Loyalty 2

As Fil picks up the pokeball, there's a quick hiss of over-pressure followed by a loud blast. Fil drops the pokeball, trumpeting in pain and alarm.

The ball spins rapidly in place, growing up to about the size of a basketball. two angry red eyes glare at you and Fil.

Voltorb used Sonic Boom!
Fil lost 15 HP

Aegwynn and Fil have initiative!


Originally Posted by Pokedex

Koffing, the Poison Gas Pokémon. Koffing hovers in the air, thanks to the poisonous gases it contains, which have a foul odor and can explode.

The Pokemon is hovering in front of some sort of exhaust vent, seemingly consuming the fumes.

One Might Construe it as "Breaking and Entering"

As you take hold of the manikin and shift it about, a purple and black orb of fire leaps from it, it's large eyes stare in consternation at the manikin for a moment before shifting to you. the orb rotates, or at least you assume that's what's going on as the eyes shift about within the purple flame. The orb - almost certainly a ghost pokemon, then flies through the window out into the street with you! It opens it's fanged maw and cackles in delight.

2017-10-09, 01:09 PM
Ken steps aside for Lennox to take his turn first, fist out for encouragement. "You got this bud." He then observes Lennox's match, trying to find some pattern to follow for his own match.

My battle
As the bell rings, Aria begins to build up her speed, being whacked by the monkey. She wheels around and begins to pester the angry monkey with her beak.

Aria uses Peck! It's Super Effective!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/556810): 4 AC2
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/556812): 24 Flying v Def

"Come on Aria keep it up! Remember our training!"

Ken issues Brutal Training Orders
+2 to Crit range

2017-10-09, 01:22 PM
Fil stamps the ground, dragging a front foot across the cobbled pavement, kicking up a cloud of dust. He seems quite unhappy that just happened to him. Aegwynn fishes out another fresh basic ball from her bag, enlarging it, ready to throw after she gave the command to her tiny elephant, "Ok Fil, that wasn't very nice, was it? How about you show that pokemon what happens when we don't play nice. Tackle it down!" Phanpy trumpets out before bounding along towards its target, howling as it strikes the orb with full force.

Phanpy used tackle on Voltorb!
Attack Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/556811) 15
Damage Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/556813) 22 Normal Damage vs. Defense

Aegwynn then hurls the pokeball at pokemon that was the target of Phanpy's ire. The ball sailed through the air, nailing its target clearly, energizing the pokemon within. Now came the wait, to see if it would bust out of the technological trap!

Aegwynn (Trainer Level 6) throws a Pokeball!
Pokeball Go!: (http://orokos.com/roll/556814) 14
Capture Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/556815) 44

Aegwynn gave a shrug, seeing the pokemon leisurely sucking up the fumes from the shop. Maybe it would come in handy later? She wouldn't know unless she caught it and gave it a shot. She fished out another pokeball from her bag, and even pulled a pokeball off of her belt. She nodded a bit as she decided to try what happened with Lillipup, just chucking the ball at the Koffing!

Aegwynn (Trainer Level 6) throws a Pokeball!
Pokeball Go!: (http://orokos.com/roll/556816) 9
Capture Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/556817) 39

She would release Stjarna after throwing the pokeball, a little insurance just incase that pokemon decided it wanted to retaliate...

She put her hands on her hips as she saw the orb float through the glass, looking up at it, "Quite the trickster you are..." she told it as she quickly did her best to ready another pokeball, pulling it out of her bag and hurling it straight at the gaseous orb. The pokeball triggered and energized, sucking the spirit into its confines, the ball dropping to the pavement and wiggling vigorously.

Aegwynn (Trainer Level 6) throws a Pokeball!
Pokeball Go!: (http://orokos.com/roll/556818) 13
Capture Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/556819) 47

She made her way back to the mail slot, tapping it to get Elding to come back out, the little bug following instructions and climbing back through the mail slot. She used her powers to grab hold of the pokeball she put through the mail slot, floating it back to the slot to retrieve it, turning back around to see if the pokeball had clicked...or burst apart.

TJ Zen
2017-10-09, 02:09 PM
"That was a good hit. Shake it off, Quake!" Lennox says, encouraging the rhino."Let's Push him Back!" The Rhino Roars in Reply Rears back on his hind legs and Stomps the Mankey onto the Canvas!

Quake used Stomp on Mankey! 43 normal damage vs Def!
Attack Roll(Stomp) Brutal Training (http://orokos.com/roll/556838): 1d20 17
Damage(Stomp with Size advantage) (http://orokos.com/roll/556839): 2d6+41 43

2017-10-09, 06:47 PM
"Tell you what," Cassandra says, seeing the kids' excitement. She shows them a picture on her Pokedex of a Yanma. "I'm going to be here until noon tomorrow. Find me one of these, a Yanma, and my Gligar is yours. You have my word that I won't trade it to anyone else until you get back. Keep your eyes out for anything else cool too. You never know what you might find out there."

She smiles at the kids. "I'll see you guys between 11 and 12 tomorrow."

2017-10-10, 12:49 AM
Sunny looks at the cave dubiously again and ignites the end of her stick and steps just inside the cave.

"Well, it's a start at least." Tyson laughs softly. "I won't let anything happen to you if I can help it alright?"

"Alright big guy, I need you to lead the way." He says as he releases his Pancham. "If anything attacks us you attack back, got it?" After tousling Mako's hair Tyson will follow the panda into the cave with his fox in tow.

"You comin' or not?" He asks Lucille, smile barely illuminated by the faint light of the fire.

Poke. Edu.: Yeah right...

Perception: 10


big teej
2017-10-10, 09:47 AM
we're experiencing the tuesday from hell at work, so if I missed something.... oh well.

The Mankey easily rolls out of the way of Aria's attack, springing up and chopping into her again with a screech.

Enemy Mankey used Karate Chop! (http://orokos.com/roll/557054)
Aria took 32 Fighting Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/557057) vs. Defense!
Aria has Initiative!

Roshi's Mankey shrieks beneath Quake's feet as it's ground into the mat. It struggles and takes advantage of it's position to wallop Quake in his hind knee, spilling the massive rock type to the ground.

Enemy Mankey used Low Kick! (http://orokos.com/roll/557061)
Quake took 51 Fighting Damag (http://orokos.com/roll/557064)e vs. Defense!

In the Alley
The fake pokeball disappears inside the real one

Level 8, Genderless, Naughty Nature, Soundproof Ability, Loyalty 2,

On the Roof
The floating bomb disapears inside the pokeball and it falls to the ground in front of the vent.

Koffing was caught!
Level 5, Male, Hasty Nature, Levitate Ability, Loyalty 2

In the Street
The flickering ghost disappears into the ball before it can attack you.

Gastly was caught!
Level 13, Female, Calm Nature, Levitate Ability,

The kids huddle excitedly for a moment before turning and agreeing to meet you back at noon to trade for either the baby pinsir or the coolest thing they can find.

The cave, while dark, doesn't extend more than a few yards into the rock before opening up into a large, packed earth hollow.

Even with the flickering, smokey light of Sunny's torch, you're able to spy a bundle of leaves a small pile of berries.

the only way in or out of the chamber seems to be the tunnel you just came through.

2017-10-10, 10:15 AM
A productive walk, indeed!

Aegwynn has reached Trainer Level 7! – Aegwynn has selected Move Tutor as her feature advancement!

After getting Elding and the basic ball she shoved into the mail slot, she figured it was starting to get late, and that with the adventures she's had out and about, it'll be another hour or two just to get back to the Pokemon Center. She yawned a little and pocketed the pokeball in her bag...and then plopped Elding into her hood, the little bug poking its head out and peering behind her. "Let me know if anyone is sneaking up on me, kay?" she said with a soft chuckle as she began to traverse back through town, making her way back to the Pokemon Center.

For the fun of it...

Perception (Pokemon Spotting) [1AP to Boost!]: (http://orokos.com/roll/557083) 17
Glutton for punishment...
Perception (Pokemon Spotting) [1AP to Boost!] [SKILL MONKEY!!!]: (http://orokos.com/roll/557084) 22

2017-10-10, 10:50 AM
Cassandra waves goodbye to the boys and walks back over to the fisherman if they're still there. "I ended up trading with those kids. Have a good night you guys," she says, then leaves the Trading Post.

She decides that she's not taking a direct route back to the Pokemon Center, and decides to wander a little to find some Pokemon. Ronin walks by her side, occasionally running ahead of her to check something out, but mainly stays close to her.

Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/557091): 26, 1 AP to boost

Annnnd I finally remembered to roll Pick Up (http://orokos.com/roll/557146): 8

2017-10-10, 11:48 AM
Aria takes the hit and wheels back around for another Peck.

Injury (http://orokos.com/roll/557121): 3 -1 CS SpAtk

Aria uses Peck! It’s Super Effective!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/557104): 8 AC2
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/557106): 28 Flying vs Def

Ken issues Brutal Training Orders
+2 Crit Range

TJ Zen
2017-10-10, 05:42 PM
Quake lands hard onto the canvas and is a little slow to get up, but manages to stand up and takes an aggressive stance. "You took a good shot, Pal. But we're not done yet!" Quake roars in agreement and charges the pig-monkey, slamming into it with its horn and flipping him over.

Quake used Horn Attack! 39 Normal Damage vs Def.
Attack Roll(Horn Attack) Brutal Training (http://orokos.com/roll/557194): 1d20 6
Damage(Horn Attack) (http://orokos.com/roll/557197): 2d6+31 39

2017-10-11, 12:30 AM
The cave, while dark, doesn't extend more than a few yards into the rock before opening up into a large, packed earth hollow. The only way in or out of the chamber seems to be the tunnel you just came through.

"Hey, anyone home?" Tyson asks in a low voice as he wanders into the hollow with his pokemon.



He waits in silence for a moment.

"Guess not..." He shrugs as he surveys the immediate area. The ninja boy looks for any sudden movements or signs of wild pokemon.

If the hollow is empty Tyson will call out to Lucille. "Hey, wanna come take a look at this place? Should we consider setting up camp here?"

big teej
2017-10-11, 11:29 AM
ooc: It would seem... you are stuck. Is there anything else you'd want to attempt during the night, or do you wanna chalk it up as a win and wait for 'tomorrow'?

You arrive back at the pokemon center without incident.

ooc: You find a two Aspear Berries

You pass through a park on your meandering route back to the pokemon center. There aren't too many people around, since it's getting kind of late. You see a young man in red gym shorts with a black t shirt flinging a frisbee for his red and black dog to chase down and bring back. You also observe a Pink puffball surrounded by many sleeping birds. A purple and tan cat is creeping across the hill towards the group.

Later, in your valiant struggle to not be Lost on the way back to the pokemon center, you notice movement in a Sewer Drain. a pink-faced pokemon with strange blue horns growing from it's head is looking out at people passing by. It presses its massive white hands against the opening in the drain, as if a pane of glass kept it from getting out.

The mankey bounces off the mat and flings itself back to it's feet. It shrieks at Aria, beating it's fists on the mat. It gathers itself to leap, but loses it's grip on the mat and stumbles forward instead of launching itself at Aria again

Mankey was Injured! Mankey's speed fell
Manky is defiant, it's attack rose!
Mankey used Fury Swipes
but it faaaaaaailed (http://orokos.com/roll/557354)

Quake's assault flings the mankey into a turnbuckle, where it disappears in a flash of red light.

"Oh, quite the show. ayee hee hee hee. But can you keep it up?" Roshi cackles and pitches a new ball into the ring.

A Meditite emerges, it puts its palms together and bows towards quake, and a bolt of energy blasts the stone rhino.

Enemy Meditite used Confusion! (http://orokos.com/roll/557355)
Quake takes 21 Psychic Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/557356) vs. Special Defense!

If your sheet is up to date, that should put Quake down, so your new pokemon gets to act, then Initiative resets, and if you're faster than the meditite, you get to act again.


Lucille saunters in and looks around. "Probably a good idea, it's probably going to get cold tonight, and in here Gramps oughta be able to keep us warm. " She observes before looking back at the entrance. "But, if something big and nasty comes calling, we've got nowhere to go." She looks back and you and shrugs. "Your call, either in here, or out in the plateau the pudgy one was using."

2017-10-11, 12:11 PM
Lucille saunters in and looks around. "Probably a good idea, it's probably going to get cold tonight, and in here Gramps oughta be able to keep us warm." She observes before looking back at the entrance. "But, if something big and nasty comes calling, we've got nowhere to go." She looks back at you and shrugs. "Your call, either in here, or out in the plateau the pudgy one was using."

"If it's going to get cold I'd rather sleep inside of here than out there on the plateau. Even if whatever lives here decides to come back we would've left ourselves wide open for an attack out there anyway."

Tyson sets his bag on the floor and opens it to inspect his egg.

"Let's set up camp in here for tonight and head out in the morning. After we get settled in I'll go outside and sweep the area for potential threats. Hopefully I won't find anything. If you could start a small fire outside I'd appreciate it. That way I'll actually be able to find my way back across the mountain."

After the pair of trainers finish unpacking Tyson will recall Makoto and Sunny, then set out with Kasumi and scout out the surrounding mountainside for signs of activity.

"Kasumi, be on the lookout for any wild pokemon, especially ones that look like they're primed for a battle."

Tyson: 16 (Art of Stealth)


Kasumi: 14


2017-10-11, 01:00 PM
Aria began to zip around to avoid the monkey’s assault, ignoring it face planting on the mat. She wheels around and begins to pester it with her beak again.

Aria uses Peck! It’s Super Effective!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/557377): 17 AC2
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/557378): 26 Flying vs Def

Ken issues Brutal Training Orders
+2 Crit Range

2017-10-11, 01:13 PM
Aegwynn scratched her head a bit as she got back to the Pokemon Center. She shot a glance at her watch, it's late, but not too late really? She hummed to herself as she decided that she would work with her pokemon just a little bit. She released Grimmur, and spent the next thirty or so minutes working with her. Pokedex in hand, she began to exercise something she hadn't tried out yet, teaching her lovely little Larvitar a brand new move. Once she was sure that the little girl had gotten it, she closed her Pokedex and smiled to her, "Ok...well, it's not too late...I suppose we'll take another walk? Come along Grimmur!"

Aegwynn used Move Tutor on Grimmur! Grimmur lost 2 TP and learned Ancient Power!

Aegwynn pointed herself South this time, using street signs this time as she no longer had aid of the sun to figure out cardinal directions, nor did she have a sextant on hand to navigate by the stars. Elding seemed to be snoozing in her hood while Grimmur followed alongside of her. The little monster was stamping and stomping around on the hard cobbled streets, their unmoving rigidity reminding the Larvitar of her former mountain home. It was getting quite dark, even the street lights seemed to cast strange shadows here and there. Aegwynn thought it would be good to keep an eye out for any pokemon along this route. She figured it was best to get the most out of this city before moving on in the morning, and wondered if the South presented a different micro-ecosystem than the East.

If allowed due to different area?
Perception (Pokemon Spotting) [1AP to Boost]: (http://orokos.com/roll/557379) 22

TJ Zen
2017-10-11, 01:33 PM
Lennox Energizes the fainted Rhino and returns him to the Pokeball. "Great Job, Quake. Take it easy now." Lennox says, proud of the effort that his Partner gave. "Alright let's close it out, Tonka!" Lennox says, tossing out the Phanpy. The tiny elephant blares her Ttrunk in earnest, ready to get rolling! "Alright, Tonka, Defensive curl!"

Tonka Used Defensive Curl! Tonka Gains +10 DR.

2017-10-11, 02:00 PM
The odd thing in the sewer makes Cassandra pause on her meandering route back to the Center. She holds out one of the berries she just found and sets it on the ground a few feet away from the sewer entrance. "Hey there. Surely you aren't trapped. Come out and get a berry." Ronin stays behind her legs, unsure of what to make of this... thing.

Charm (http://orokos.com/roll/557401) using Intuition through Mystic Senses: 22, 1 AP to boost, 2/6 remaining

2017-10-12, 11:10 PM
OOC: Not sure what to do exactly but wanted to at least post something for the day while in combat rather than lose my turn next round. Will delete or edit as needed.

big teej
2017-10-13, 08:37 AM
"Yeah sure thing." Lucille says as you head into the night. You and Kasumi creep soundlessly over the rocks, your shinobi training enabling you to avoid sending even a single pebble skittering down the slope. The pale moonlight through the drifting clouds does not reveal any sleeping rock types nearby, or at least, none that you observe. You don't find anything nearby at all, in fact. This area of Mt. Moon seems surprisingly deserted... of course, there's nothing you could do for pokemon that might lurk beneath the surface, waiting for an unwary prey item to step near their subterranean lair and into their waiting gullets.

You return to the cave with ease, there's a decent sized fire going in a pit a half dozen yards in front of the cave entrance, and the cave itself glows from within. Reentering the cave, you find the glow is thrown off by Gramps, who stands in the center of the cavern, looking sternly at you.

Lucille's tent is set up near the far wall, and most of the loose grit in front of it has been swept away. Your fellow trainer is sat leaned up against a wall, Eating out of a foil-wrapped packet of food that smells... cooked? "Found some berries while you were gone." she offers, nodding towards two wiki berries on a leaf.

"find anything out there?" She asks, shoveling more of her dinner into her mouth.

Aria's continued assault finally puts the mankey down, wehre it disappears in a flash of red light.

"Oh, quite the show. ayee hee hee hee. But can you keep it up?" Roshi cackles and pitches a new ball into the ring.

A pancham emerges, smirking at Aria before leaping at Aria and brutalizing her with a fast series of three open palmed strikes.

Enemy Pancham used Arm Thrust! (http://orokos.com/roll/557787)
It hit 3 times (http://orokos.com/roll/557788)!
Aria took 36 Fighting Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/557790) vs. Defense!

The meditite studies Tonak for a moment before hurling another bolt of power at the curled up elephant.

Enemy Meditite used Confusion! (http://orokos.com/roll/557795)
Tonka took 20 Psychic Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/557796)vs. Special Defense

As you walk the lamp-lit streets, you observe that while being in a different area of Pewter City seems to have had a negligible effect on what pokemon you run across, the time of day has mattered much more. The various urban flying types have been replaced entirely with Murkrow, hoothoot, and a variety of bugs you haven't seen since viridian, mostly spinarak and a large, purple bodied pokemon with strange 3-pupiled eyes and green wings.

You also still observe the typical nightlife of pokemon. Ambulatory piles of sludge and self-mobile trash bags shift and rifle through alleyways.

Decide how many hours you want to spend roaming town.
for every hour you roam, you may encounter any 2 of the following

You may also opt to spend your hour "looking for trouble" in Pewter City, with everything that implies.

The humanoid pokemon freezes at your voice and looks at the berry, then at you, then at the berry. "Come now, clearly I cannot fit through the grate, perhaps if you moved the food-morsel.... closer? A whiny, nasal, voice echoes through your mind. The Pokemon plays at trying to squeeze it's bulbous frame through the sewer grate, it's round head not fitting through the slot. it reaches out one glove-like hand and paws at the berry, well out of reach. Why does it torment us so? Besides, far better down here, yes... Perhaps it could move the morsel.... closer?

2017-10-13, 10:08 AM
"Yeah sure thing." Lucille says as you head into the night. You and Kasumi creep soundlessly over the rocks, your shinobi training enabling you to avoid sending even a single pebble skittering down the slope. The pale moonlight through the drifting clouds does not reveal any sleeping rock types nearby, or at least, none that you observe. You don't find anything nearby at all, in fact. This area of Mt. Moon seems surprisingly deserted... of course, there's nothing you could do for pokemon that might lurk beneath the surface, waiting for an unwary prey item to step near their subterranean lair and into their waiting gullets.

It's quiet... Wonder if it's always this way out here? "Let's call it a night girl."

You return to the cave with ease, there's a decent sized fire going in a pit a half dozen yards in front of the cave entrance, and the cave itself glows from within. Reentering the cave, you find the glow is thrown off by Gramps, who stands in the center of the cavern, looking sternly at you.

Lucille's tent is set up near the far wall, and most of the loose grit in front of it has been swept away. Your fellow trainer is sat leaned up against a wall, Eating out of a foil-wrapped packet of food that smells... cooked? "Found some berries while you were gone." she offers, nodding towards two wiki berries on a leaf.

"find anything out there?" She asks, shoveling more of her dinner into her mouth.

"Hey Gramps, sorry for coming in so late. I know I was supposed to be back by nine but the movie ran a little longer than I thought. That and she insisted on going for a walk afterwards, I mean I wasn't going to tell her no. It's a nice night out and you taught me to always be a gentleman... you know how it is right?" Tyson smiles as he removes dinner for Kasumi and himself, his egg, and finds himself a seat next to Lucille. He rests the egg in his lap and takes the time to check up on the unborn pokemon inside as he eats.

He looks over to the pair of berries before turning back to Lucille. "Where'd you even find those? I don't remember seeing that many bushes outside. If there's only two we could share'em or you can take them both since you found'em in the first place?"

"It's quiet tonight. Nothing out there that I could see at least. Was that Makuhita the only pokemon you saw out here on the plateau? Is it normal for pokemon like that to live in solitude?"

He waits for Lucille's responses before asking his next question. "So what's up with the tent? We're already inside so there's no need for it right? I assumed my sleeping bag was going to be enough."

2017-10-13, 11:06 AM
Aegwynn is enjoying the rather serene nature of her walk. Grimmur stamping along beside her, not making much noise save for the sound of feet contacting stone, Elding wriggling around in her hood, poking its head out once in a while to peer back behind her. She saw all manner of pokemon, too! Catching glimpses of nocturnal birds, walking waste, and even a few bugs that seem to thrive in the nighttime...maybe this will be an uneventful walk after all~

She was painfully unware of what she was actually looking for. Deep down she felt like there was something more out there. She'd already done her fair share of pokemon hunting, but what was it that she was really looking for? She concluded that she'll know it when she sees it.

OOC: Whether she's aware or not, Aegwynn is looking for trouble.

2017-10-13, 11:35 AM
Cassandra jump a little at hearing the voice in her mind. The quality of the voice made her shiver a little, but she kneels down so she can see the telepath better. "You like it down there?" she asks as she rolls the berry into the sewer grate.

TJ Zen
2017-10-13, 12:29 PM
"Heh. You'll have to do better than that!" Lennox says. "Tonka, Let's go! Rollout on the Meditite!" Tonka begins lurching towards the Fighting-type only to casually roll past it.

Tonka used rollout. BUT IT MISSES!
Attack Roll(Rollout) Brutal Training (http://orokos.com/roll/558054): 1d20 4

2017-10-13, 12:34 PM
As the monkey disappears and the Pancham appears, Ken smirks a bit. “Glad I’ve been able to see one of those in action.”

As the panda assaults Aria, she falls and disappears in a red flash. As he grabs another ball off his belt, Ken turns to Roshi. “I’ll be doing my best to!” He lets out a laugh all his own in response as he lobs Gin’s ball into the ring. “Alright Gin, time for round two!” No sooner did Ken finish his words did Gin rear up his head, rattle tail twitching as he goes. He spews a ball of sludge at the tiny panda, landing a direct hit.

Gin uses Toxic!
Enemy Pancham is Badly Poisoned!

Ken activates Chronicler
Records Toxic for 1 BAP, 4/5 remaining.

OOC: Gin initiative 10

big teej
2017-10-14, 09:35 PM
Lucille chuckles around a mouthful of food as you 'explain' yourself to Gramps, who looks less than amused with your antics. She yawns and says "Over there." She flaps a hand towards a darker area of the room. "I already took my half, you can have those. As for the Pokemon..." She gives an exaggerated 'who knows' shrug.

When you mention the tent, she narrows her eyes at you. "Mankey? theft? modesty?" her tone somewhere between confusion and aggravation.


The sewer better than the surface? pah... but better stinky than beaten up by rampant children... The voice huffs in your mind, reaching out and dragging the berry back to it's mouth.

The tiny panda shivers in revulsion as its covered in sludge, it leaps at Gin and delivers a quick 1-2 to the snake's jaw!

Enemy Pancham used Comet Punch! (http://orokos.com/roll/558366)
It Hit 2 times!
Gin took 33 Normal Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/558368)vs. Defense
Enemy Pancham was hurt by poison!

the meditite easily leaps away from Tonka's assault, but it's concentration broken, the next bolt of power it flings at the blue elephant goes wide.

As you walk the dimly lit streets of Pewter, you hear what sounds like a large window shattering a few streets over. You follow the echo and eventually find a pair of murkrow in front of a jewelry store. they squawk and hop around a pile of shiny jewels and baubles excitedly. Two more noisily flap out of the shattered front window and add more jewels to the pile. Across the street, hidden behind a bush, you see a figure in dark clothing with a what seems a larger, fatter Murkrow on its shoulder.

2017-10-14, 11:17 PM
Gin hisses in response, and reals back to bite the panda back, sinking his teeth into the small bear.

Gin uses Bite!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/558373): 5 AC 2
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/558374): 24 Dark v Def

"Hang in there Gin! You can do this!"

Ken issues Brutal Orders
+2 to Crit Range

2017-10-15, 03:06 AM
Lucille chuckles around a mouthful of food as you 'explain' yourself to Gramps, who looks less than amused with your antics. She yawns and says "Over there." She flaps a hand towards a darker area of the room. "I already took my half, you can have those. As for the Pokemon..." She gives an exaggerated 'who knows' shrug.

"Well, thanks for the fruit anyway. Hopefully whatever was planning to eat these it out for the night." Tyson gets up from where he was sitting and moves over to his bag, resting his egg inside of it and shifting it closer to Gramps. "Oh! Thank you for the heat Gramps. I'm sure no matter what pokemon hatches from this egg it'll be thankful for the warmth."

When you mention the tent, she narrows her eyes at you. "Mankey? theft? modesty?" her tone somewhere between confusion and aggravation.

Wait...What did I say just now?

"Uh... forget I asked, okay? Ya know, before I started this journey I liked Mankey. They're strong, fast, and tenacious, even for a fighting type but after that ambush and running into those two attacking Roxy I'm starting to get tired of'em."

The ninja boy looses a yawn.

"Tch... Looks like I'm actually starting to get tired now. Guess it's time to call it a night? We've got another long day ahead of us and I know you won't let that ankle slow you down." He smiles at the blonde before walking outside to change clothes. When Tyson returns he slips into his sleeping bag with Kasumi resting on top. "See ya in the mornin'!"

TJ Zen
2017-10-15, 03:27 AM
As the bolt of energy whizzes past the elephant, she skids across the canvas being easily avoided by the meditite.

2017-10-15, 10:21 PM
"Do you have a name?" Cassandra asks the clown. She pulls out another berry and this time hands it to the Mr. Mime. "If you come with me, you can be clean, and I promise I won't let any kids beat up on you. I treat every Pokemon on my team with love and respect," she says, sitting in front of the sewer grate.

Another Charm (http://orokos.com/roll/558620) roll if you need it: 20, 1/6 AP remaining

2017-10-16, 06:36 AM
Aegwynn stops, seeing what appeared to be a band of Murkrow taking whatever they pleased from a jewelry store, or something similar to it. She looked to Grimmur and motioned to her, whispering, "Come on girl, this way." she said as she turned back around the corner she had originally turned at to witness this scene. Four Murkrow...and a figure with a larger one hidden away in the shrubbery. She didn't like those kinds of odds in all honesty. She felt there was a better way to approach this...one that might not end up with her harmed, robbed, or worse, killed. She pulled out her pokedex and pulled up the phone function. She was calling emergency services.

"Hello? I'd like to report a robbery in progress." she told whoever she would connect with, peering around the corner. If asked for where she was, she would give a quick glance at the street signs, rattling them off to the person on the other end, "Yeah...some kind of jewelry store or something on that street. An individual and five large black birds. I'd hurry...looks like they're wrapping up with whatever they're doing!"

big teej
2017-10-16, 12:11 PM
The tiny panda looks at Gin, somewhat perplexed and shoves the snake away, hard enough that when it attempts to follow up, The massive snake is able to easily slither away from the assault.

ooc: Pancham was hurt by poison!

While being unable to connect with the evasive fighter, Tonka is at least succeeding in disrupting it's concentration.

Enemy Meditite used Confusion! (http://orokos.com/roll/558878)
Tonka took 18 Psychic damage (http://orokos.com/roll/558879) vs. Defense

ooc: did you forget the mankey stole her clothes? :smalltongue:

Gramps gurgles and rumbles as it stares at the egg accusingly, maybe expecting some young whipper-snapper to appear at any moment.

"Night Tyson," Lucille offers as she crawls into her small tent for the night.

You are woken by a loud shrieking and flapping of wings and gramps rumbling in frustration. In the dim glow let off by the torkoal, you can see a handful of small, blue, winged shapes fluttering around the cave. They shriek again, flapping around and diving at Gramps' head.

Does not have name. Is called stoopidhead by angry children. Will come. can't come. Grate still too small. The voice whines as the pokemon again wedges it's round head into the tiny slot in the sewer grate.

You get to "prog" when you peek around the corner and see the shadowy figure gesture at you and 2 of the birds leave the pile of shinies and fly at you, cawing loudly. The first passes by you, buffeting you with it's wing, the second stops and nips at your arm with it's crooked beak!

The shadowy figure, his face hidden behind a black scarf and a fedora, races out into the street and, with the aid of his other birds, is scooping his ill gotten booty into a cloth sack. "Foolish Girl." He growls, sparing you a glance.

Enemy Murkrow #1 uses Peck!
Aegwynn takes 28 Flying Damage vs. Defense!
Enemy Murkrow #2 uses Wing Attack!
Aegwynn takes 34 Flying Damage vs. Defense!

Aegwynn and Grimmur have initiative!

2017-10-16, 12:24 PM
Cassandra flips her backpack around in front of her and pulls and pokeball out of a side pocket. "Here. This will get you out." She touches one of the mime's giant hands with a ball and it disappears into the pokeball in a flash of light.

Catch Roll (http://orokos.com/roll/558931), if needed: 60
Cassandra is Trainer level 6, using a normal pokeball

2017-10-16, 12:28 PM
Ken watches as Gin slithers away from the assault. "Good work Gin, keep it up!" Gin coils up quickly and strikes again at the small panda, sinking his fangs into the bear once more.

Gin uses Bite!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/558930): 5 AC2
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/558932): 25 Dark v Def

Ken was caught in anticipation for the battle. Gin just needed to keep up with his instinct and trust. "Keep going Gin!"

Ken issues Brutal Orders
+2 to Crit Range

2017-10-16, 12:31 PM
Aegwynn shrieks out loudly as the crows begin to assault her. Grimmur whines as she watches her trainer getting bombarded, and that's when Elding popped its head out from her hood at all this commotion. His fuzz began to stand on end as it jumped out of her hood, ready to fight as Aegwynn cried out, "Get them off of me! Electroweb, Ancient power!!!" she called out to the two pokemon she had with her.

Elding used Electroweb, attempting to wrangle the two birds in a Range Blast 2! (If not able, Elding will target the Murkrow that used Wing Attack)
Attack Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/558927) 15
Damage Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/558929) 34 Electric vs. Special Defense
All targets that were hit have their Speed lowered by -1 CS.

Grimmur used Ancient Power on the Murkrow that hit her trainer with its wings!
Attack Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/558934) 8
Damage Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/558936) 31 Rock Damage vs. Special Defense
Grimmur Spiritsurges! Grimmur's stats go up by +1 CS!

Aegwynn was shaking and wasn't looking so good, dropping to her knees, "What did I get myself into..." she asked herself...

Aegwynn received 2 injuries from the assault.

TJ Zen
2017-10-16, 12:53 PM
"Come on Tonka! I know you can do it!" Lennox shouts, encouraging the Blue wheel. The Wheel Skirt along the edge of the Ring And slams into the Side of Meditite. "Atta Girl!, Tonk! Keep it up!"

Tonka used Rollout! 29 Rock Damage v Def!
Attack(Rollout) Brutal Training (http://orokos.com/roll/558950): 1d20 14
Damage(Rollout(DB3)) (http://orokos.com/roll/558954): 1d6+26 29

2017-10-16, 04:30 PM
Gramps gurgles and rumbles as it stares at the egg accusingly, maybe expecting some young whipper-snapper to appear at any moment.

"Night Tyson," Lucille offers as she crawls into her small tent for the night.

"You can call me 'Ty' if you want? After surviving that Mankey ambush together I'd consider us to be friends at the very least." He laughs softly as he turns slightly in his sleeping bag. "Night Lucille."

OOC: Not at all! I just haven't put two and two together IC. :smallredface:

You are woken by a loud shrieking and flapping of wings and gramps rumbling in frustration. In the dim glow let off by the torkoal, you can see a handful of small, blue, winged shapes fluttering around the cave. They shriek again, flapping around and diving at Gramps' head.'

Tyson stirs in his sleep until he shoots up in his sleeping bag to the chorus of bats above him. "Zubat?!"

Wait... Zubat! My master has a Crobat, maybe I should train one myself?

"Kasumi, use Water Pulse on the fastest one!" Tyson calls out as he reaches into the pocket on his shorts and throws a Pokeball at one of the Zubat. (Either the one Kasumi hits with Water Pulse or another one if it drops before I can throw the ball)

Water Pulse to hit: 14 (12 after AC vs Speed Evasion)

Water Pulse Damage: 40 Water Special vs Special Defense (Forgot to add the +5 damage from Focused Training)


Pokeball Throw: 12 vs Speed Evasion


Pokeball Capture: 75


Trainer Level: 9

big teej
2017-10-17, 09:25 AM
The ball clicks shut almost immediately.

Level 20, Male, Hardy Nature, Soundproof and Filter Abilities, Loyalty 2, knows Copycat, Double Slap, Encore, Mimic, Meditate, and Psywave.

Learning from it's previous mistake, the pancham immediately launches into a harsh combination of punches, rather than trying to shove Gin away.

Enemy Pancham used Comet Punch! (http://orokos.com/roll/559030)
It hit 3 times! (http://orokos.com/roll/559032)
Gin took 37 Normal Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/559033) vs. Defense!
Enemy Pancham is hurt by poison!

The meditite quickly rallies from Tonka's attack, and seemingly galvanized into taking the fight more seriously, unleashes another bolt of energy splashes over the blue elephant.

Enemy Meditite used Confusion! (http://orokos.com/roll/559420)
Tonka took 22 Psychic Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/559422) vs. Special Defense

One of the murkrow assaulting you crashes into the ground after Grimmur and Elding's combined assault. It disappears in a flash of red light. "It's time to be off pretty bird, put it away and let's go!"

The murkrow craws in response to it's trainer and flaps its wings, gaining altitude. A massive gout of black smoke emerge from it's wings, obscuring your vision. through the gloom, you can hear it flapping away as well as a faint jingling as the trainer runs for it.

Enemy Murkrow#1 used a narratively augmented Haze!
all CS were reset!
Enemy Murkrow and Enemy Trainer fled!

Aegwynn gains 94 Pokemon Experience she may allocate among her entire team, but, at least half must be allocated in some combination to Grimmur and Elding.
Aegwynn gains 1 Trainer Exp for not dying.

Kasumi leaps out of your sleeping bag and douses one of the Zubat with water. Your pokeball connects with the gut of the soaked pokemon and falls to the ground.

Zubat was Caught!
Level 12, Female, Bashful Nature, Infiltrator Ability, Loyalty 2

You hear Lucille shouting muffled orders to Gramps through her tent. Gramps turns towards the tent, trying to discern it's trainer's directions as the Zubat kick up a racket that echoes and cascades back on itself in the tiny cave. Gramps stares up and blinks at them, trying to work out how to vent his cranky frustration on them.

Enemy Zubat used Supersonic on Gramps! Gramps became Confused!
Enemy Zubat used Supersonic on Kasumi! but it missed!
Enemy Zubat used Supersonic on Tyson! Tyson became Confused!
Gramps passed.

Initiative Reset!
20 - Kasumi
19 - Lucille
15 - Tyson
14 - Zubat #1
12 - Zubat #4
10 - Zubat #3
6 - Zubat #2
1 - Gramps

2017-10-17, 09:39 AM
Aegwynn starts to cough through the haze, hearing heavy footsteps and the jingling satchel of loot head off into the darkness. She rummages through her bag and pulls out a potion. She rolled up her sleeves and began to liberally apply it to her, the medicated spray stinging just a little before soothing the pain she was feeling. She reached out for Grimmur's hand, gently pulling her pokemon to her, motioning Joltik to come along too, "Thanks guys...you did great." she told them, giving Larvitar a hug before returning her to her Heavy Ball. She ran two trembling fingers along Elding's fuzz before doing the same, "Time to go back to the Center...I'm done for the night..." she said to herself, shakily standing up and making her way back to the Pokemon Center.

It would be about midnight, or so she thinks, when she returns to the Pokemon Center. She stumbles up to the nurse, looking worse for wear, reaching for a pokeball tray and planting pokeballs here and there on it, deciding her whole team could use another check up. Even though most didn't do much tonight at all, her state of mind and body left her exhausted, and a little absent-minded. She looked up to the nurse, "Ummm...I know this is a Pokemon Center...but is there anyway you can have a look at me? A couple of Murkrow really did a number on me..."

After getting patched up herself if she could, and getting her pokemon checked in, she will promptly hit the dorms and pass out on the first empty bed she sees.

TJ Zen
2017-10-17, 10:17 AM
The elephant blows through the beam and smashes into the side of Meditite and continues to build speed. "Good job shrugging off those attacks, Tonka!" Lennox shouts across the ring.

Tonka Used Rollout! 41 Rock Damage v Def!
Attack Roll(Rollout) Brutal Training (http://orokos.com/roll/559438): 1d20 11
Damage(Rollout (DB7)) (http://orokos.com/roll/559447): 2d6+31 41

2017-10-17, 10:51 AM
Kasumi leaps out of your sleeping bag and douses one of the Zubat with water. Your pokeball connects with the gut of the soaked pokemon and falls to the ground.

"Nice Kasumi, now keep hittin'em!"

You hear Lucille shouting muffled orders to Gramps through her tent. Gramps turns towards the tent, trying to discern it's trainer's directions as the Zubat kick up a racket that echoes and cascades back on itself in the tiny cave. Gramps stares up and blinks at them, trying to work out how to vent his cranky frustration on them.

"Damn, that noise!" The ninja boy winces in pain from the bats high pitch shrieks.

Ugh! My head... Everything's spinning... I've gotta get a grip on this! Tyson manages to pull himself together despite the pressure in his head.



Tyson reaches for a pokeball on his belt this time and releases his Pikachu. "Nimbus, Thunder Shock the bats!"

Tyson forfeits control of Kasumi!
Tyson makes a save against Confusion!
Tyson uses a shift action to release Nimbus!

Thunder Shock Attack: 15 (13 after AC vs. Speed or Special Evasion)


Thunder Shock Damage: 34 Electric Special vs Special Defense (Super Effective!)


2017-10-17, 11:33 AM
"Alright," Cassandra says as the Pokeball teleports from her hand. She stands and dusts her knees off. "Let's go Ronin. It's time to sleep in a real bed, I think."

Cassandra will make her way back to the Center, stopping to pick up Reks from the counter before heading back to the hostel area. She takes a quick shower and then heads back out into the common area.

If it's before 9, Cassandra will stay up watching TV, if it's after nine, she will go to bed.

2017-10-17, 12:57 PM
Gin coiled up quickly as he could after the assault, a hissing wheeze coming from his breathing. He wasn’t going to take much more of this. “Come on Gin, we just need one last all out strike. YOU CAN DO THIS!!” Ken was desperate at this point.

As his trainer yelled that last bit of encouragement, the snake rattled his tail and reared up his head, and lunges at the panda, sinking his fangs into the shoulder of the bear.

Injury rolls
Injury (http://orokos.com/roll/559489): 1 -1 CS Atk
Injury (http://orokos.com/roll/559491): 4 -1 CS SpDef

Gin uses Bite!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/559479): 16 (Flinch on a 15)
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/559493): 25 Dark v Def

big teej
2017-10-17, 02:25 PM
The Nurse is visibly taken aback by your condition. "Of Course, are your pokemon seriously injured? I can take them for you while you're being seen to." The Nurse whispers something into a headset she picks off the desk and slides you a tray with 6 pokeball slots.

After a few moments, another nurse, followed by one of those pink eggs, comes out into the main room and escorts you back into the private areas of the Center, you're placed in a room and the nurse begins to clean and bandage your injuries, assisted by the egg.

"So what happened?" the nurse asks.

The Pancham takes a hold of Gin's head, and raises a fist up into the air, ready to break up the snake's hateful face. It spasms, wavers, and collapses.
Coach mountain rings the bell


The Old Man limps around the ring, a gap-toothed smile across his face. "That wasn't bad at all. You'll have to come back for a real fight some day, when I don't have to take it easy on you. Hyeh heh heh heh heh. I see great potential in you as a trainer."

He hands you a small badge, it's a sky-blue starburst with a fist inside of a circle, both lined in silver. "This is the Ki Badge. Carrying it will allow you to form a greater connection with the fighting spirit of your pokemon, spurring them on to greater feats of strength and endurance."

Coach Mountain retrieves something from beneath the ring and hands you a CD case and a wad of Cash.

"This is TM 08, Bulk Up. this copy is good for seven uses." Roshi continues in his scratchy voice. "You'll have to acquire a TM Reader on your own."

Gain the Ki Badge
Permanently Choose one of the following effects to be applied to your active roster.
1. Your Pokemon gain the Inner Focus Ability
2. Your Pokemon have their Default CS in Attack set to +1 instead of 0

Gain 10,000 Poken

Gain 1 Trainer Milestone, LEVEL UP!!!

Your Active Roster gains....
685 Experience Points!
Each of your pokemon MUST be allocated sufficient Exp to level up at least once, once each pokemon has received enough exp to level at least once, you may divide the remainder in any manner you wish.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have some uh... very important matters to take care of. Speak with Coach Mountain if you need further use of the Gym's Services"

With that, Master Roshi turns and limps away, heading to a staircase at the back of the gym.


The Meditite stumbles away from the attack, unable to gather its concentration.

left smoking and scorched by Nimbus' attack, one of the zubat makes for the cave entrance, but is intercepted by Kasumi in a blue blur. The remaining zubat descend on Gramps and Kasumi. Gramps coughs up a gout of fire on his assailent, scorching it and spoiling its aim. Kasumi, meanwhile, too busy gloating over it's fallen foe, is latched onto and drained!

Kasumi uses Quick Attack on Zubat
Zubat uses Leech Life on Kasumi!
Kasumi took 18 Bug Damage vs. Defense!
Zubat uses Leech Life on Gramps! it missed!
Gramps used Flame wheel on Zubat

Initiative Reset!

When you finally get back to the pokemon center, it's about 8:30. The only 3 Stations on the hostel TV with halfway decent reception are the news, a soap opera, and amateur hour at the courts. a wurmple and a caterpie are flailing against each other on screen.

TJ Zen
2017-10-17, 02:55 PM
"Great Job, Ken! I knew you could do it! What a battle!" Lennox exclaims, slapping Ken hard on the shoulder. "That is a well earned badge. Congratulations!

"Tonka, I think we got him on the ropes! Another big one outta do it." Lennox shouts. The spinning wheel Charges wildly at the Meditite hoping to finish it in this next attack!

Tonka used Rollout!44 Rock Damage v Def!
Attack Roll(Rollout) Brutal Training (http://orokos.com/roll/559540): 1d20 6
Damage(Rollout (DB11)) (http://orokos.com/roll/559560): 3d10+31 44

2017-10-17, 06:32 PM
"Come on Lennox you got this!" Ken sits back and watches as Tonka rolls around the ring. That's actually pretty effective for dodging huh... "Tonka sure is impressive."

Ken activates Chronicler!
Records Rollout for 1 AP, 4/6 Field AP remains.

OOC: At least I do if I can do that.

Ken bows to Master Roshi as he hands him the badge and compliments him on the battle. "Thank you sir. That was really close there at the end!" He lets out a loud laugh. "I'll definitely come back for a real battle one day. Ken lurches forward a little bit as Lennox claps his shoulder. "Thanks a ton man! It was actually thanks to watching your battle with him I was able to learn some maneuvers. That and I guess Gin's feeling bad after those eggs." Ken chuckles as Gin slithers over to him, coiling over his arm and resting his head on his trainer's head. Gin kept his eyes on Lennox. "I think he likes you Lennox." Ken laughs. "Good job buddy, you've earned a really good rest for the day. Aria too." Ken says as he pets the snake and returns him to his ball.

As Coach Mountain hands Ken the money and the TM case, Ken places the TM case in a safe part of his bag and the money away. Ken takes a look around the gym then back at Coach Mountain, who was quite like a mountain compared to Ken's height. "So what other services does the gym offer?" Ken listens as Coach Mountain explains the services. When he and Lennox leave, Ken will call Zippo out from his poke ball and place him on his usual perch. "Check out what we got buddy!" Zippo chirps happily, but it sounds a bit deeper than usual? "You ok buddy? You sound a little, I'm not entirely sure how to describe it." On their walk to the Pokemon Center, Ken keeps an eye open for Pokemon.

Perception + 1AP (http://orokos.com/roll/559779): 10

Ken attains Trainer level 5
Takes Ace Trainer Class feature

Badge feature: +1 CS Atk

Pokemon EXP allocation
Zippo: 14-16 ready to evolve
Aria: 13-16 ready to evolve
Aibi: 11-16
Gin 11-16
Midoriya: 5-13
Micah: 1-13

OOC: Ken is ready to advance.

2017-10-18, 02:54 AM
Left smoking and scorched by Nimbus' attack, one of the zubat makes for the cave entrance, but is intercepted by Kasumi in a blue blur. The remaining zubat descend on Gramps and Kasumi. Gramps coughs up a gout of fire on his assailant, scorching it and spoiling its aim. Kasumi, meanwhile, too busy gloating over it's fallen foe, is latched onto and drained!

The sound of the Zubat's shriek still reverberates within Tyson's skull in the midst of battle, causing him to lose his grip on the situation at hand.

I just gotta... Just gotta stand up and...

As he moves to stand up in his sleeping bag the ninja boy quickly finds himself falling sideways back onto the cave floor.

OW! Wait... What was I doing again? Something about the floor? Yeah, the floor is nice. I'll wait here."

Confusion Save: 5


Tyson is Confused!
Tyson hurt himself in Confusion!
Tyson takes 7 Damage!


Tyson forfeits control of both of his Pokemon!

2017-10-18, 06:43 AM
Aegwynn would wince as her injuries were cleaned up, the antiseptic sting and just the nature of touching fresh bruises and cuts lending to her discomfort. Ice-hued eyes following the nurse, then the egg, then the nurse. With a free hand, she will fish her pokedex out of her hoodie pocket that was folded up beside her as she was tended to, pointing it at the egg like pokemon as she was cared for.

When the nurse asked, she hesitated a moment before divulging the truth as she knew it, "I came across someone breaking into a jewelry store and taking things from it. Well not them, they were having their pokemon do it for them. He, or she, not sure really...well anyway, they had a larger murkrow perched on their shoulder. They sent two of their birds after me when I was spotted. I took the beating, my Pokemon I don't think were hit. They did manage to fight off one of them and knock it out, the other one fled by its trainer's command."

After getting cleaned up and tended to, she would let the nurse know that she was going to leave her Pokemon with the center over night. She requested to go and get some sleep in one of the dorm beds if that was ok. Once settled in...she would quickly pass out. It's been a semi-eventful day,
even if it was all weighted into this evening.

big teej
2017-10-18, 09:27 AM
The meditite braces for Tonka's assault, seeming to almost deliberately take one on the chin. It staggers to it's feet, before leaping onto Tonka and unleashing a burst of energy that scorches the mat.

Enemy Meditite used Bide!
Initiative Reset!
Enemy Meditite unleashed it's stored energy! Tonka loses 16 HP

ooc: you may not, in fact, Chronicle an observed fight.

Coach Mountain gestures around at the exercise equipment and sparring mats. "You can learn many things here, or unlearn mistakes, but they all take time. This gym does not sell anything except for time in here." He gestures again, taking in the room. "If it helps, most other gyms do sell things, but here, but here, you earn things. with. your. sweat."

Kasumie, Gramps, and Nimbus combine their efforts to reduce one of the Zubat to a sad, sodden, scorched, singed, mess on the cave floor, the other shrieks and flees the cave back into the night.

Gramps stamps over to the mouth of the cave and gurgles angrily.

gain 13 exp, split between Nimbus and Kasumi. no trainer exp.

Originally posted by Pokedex

Chansey, the Egg Pokemon. Chansey produce several unfertilized eggs per day, these eggs have an incredibly high nutritional and medicinal value. Chansey are naturally inclined towards helping injured pokemon and humans.

Nurse Joy doesn't say anything as you tell your tale. "Sounds like you've had a rough night, do you want us to make contact with the police for you?"

TJ Zen
2017-10-18, 10:11 AM
"Its looking worse for wear, Tonka! Let's Finish'em! Shouts Lennox and The blue wheel Spins in to the ropes to Slam into the Meditite again!

Tonka used Rollout! 61 Rock Damage v Def!
Attack(Rollout) Brutal Training (http://orokos.com/roll/559959): 1d20 6
Damage(Rollout(DB15)) (http://orokos.com/roll/559963): 4d10+41 61

2017-10-18, 10:45 AM
Aegwynn would simply shake her head as the nurse finished up with her, "I'm sure they'll have their hands busy with the vandalism and robbery reports already put in. I'm just glad my pokemon were able to defend me. Thank you, ma'am for tending to me." she said to her with a smile, hoping now that she could get some sleep.

OOC: Aegwynn is ready to move to the next day. I'll wait for the other two to wrap up.

2017-10-18, 01:20 PM
Kasumie, Gramps, and Nimbus combine their efforts to reduce one of the Zubat to a sad, sodden, scorched, singed, mess on the cave floor, the other shrieks and flees the cave back into the night.

Gramps stamps over to the mouth of the cave and gurgles angrily.

As the noise inside of the cave dissipates so does the static in the ninja boys mind.

I can see why Master took a liking to Crobat now... "Ugh, my head..." Tyson says aloud as he sits up.

"You guys were great. Is anyone hurt?" He asks as he looks between the three pokemon. Tyson frees himself from his sleeping bag and puts it back into it's original position before walking over to Lucille's tent.

He kneels at the entrance and speaks. "Hey Lucille, you okay in there? I think that was the last of the Zubat, for now at least... Gramps looks like he's alright to me."

He waits for a response before returning to his sleeping bag. "C'mon you two, time to sleep. You both can slip into the bag if you want? Just keep an eye out for anything else that decides it wants to pay us a visit in the night."

"Thanks for the help Gramps..." He pauses. "We really have to think of a new name for you. How about 'Ash'?"

He adjusts himself in his sleeping bag to accommodate for his two pokemon and begins to drift off.

13 EXP

Kasumi - 3 EXP
Nimbus - 10 EXP

Total - 13 EXP

2017-10-18, 03:42 PM
Cassandra takes stock of her options. What was on TV currently was... un-entertaining at best. She returns to the bed she's claimed and pull out her Pokedex. She clicks a few buttons and finds a way to look through the entire Pokedex, even though she hadn't registered any of these Pokemon that she was seeing. She learns about evolutions and the basic biology of many new creatures she's never seen before. She ends up staying up much later than she expected, but she's happy that she did. The extra knowledge would be useful going forward.

After reading for an hour or two, Cassandra goes to bed.

OOC: Cassandra is ready to move on to the next day. I'll wait until everyone is caught up.

big teej
2017-10-19, 08:58 AM
The Meditite seems to react to Tonka's attack before it's even launched, easily dancing out of the way, its eyes closed and face serene.

Enemy Meditite used Detect! Rollout Missed!
Enemy Meditite used Meditate, it's attack rose!

Welcome to Limbo, please enjoy your stay while everyone else still gets to play.

You hear an exasperated sigh and a rustle of clothing. "Yes, I'm fine. Thankyou for asking."

The rest of the night passes uneventfully, you wake to see Gramps and Lucille's tent, and Lucille, missing. You can hear her voice from outside the cave, but the echo distorts her words.

TJ Zen
2017-10-19, 09:23 AM
"Damn, I hoped that would do the trick." Lennox says, chiding himself. "Tonka come out of the Curl and Flail!" The elephant, in one fluid motion, uncurl herself and slams her head and trunk into the Meditite!

Tonka Dropped Defensive Curl as a swift action. Tonka used Flail! 25 Normal Damage vs. Def
Attack(Flail) Brutal Training (http://orokos.com/roll/560204): 1d20 7
Damage (Flail) (http://orokos.com/roll/560206): 2d6+21 25

big teej
2017-10-19, 09:44 AM

The meditite is knocked into the ropes by Tonka's wild attack, it hangs there limply, unable to continue.

Coach Mountain rings the bell.


The Old Man limps around the ring, a gap-toothed smile across his face. "That wasn't bad at all. You'll have to come back for a real fight some day, when I don't have to take it easy on you. Hyeh heh heh heh heh. I see great potential in you as a trainer."

He hands you a small badge, it's a sky-blue starburst with a fist inside of a circle, both lined in silver. "This is the Ki Badge. Carrying it will allow you to form a greater connection with the fighting spirit of your pokemon, spurring them on to greater feats of strength and endurance."

Coach Mountain retrieves something from beneath the ring and hands you a CD case and a wad of Cash.

"This is TM 08, Bulk Up. this copy is good for seven uses." Roshi continues in his scratchy voice. "You'll have to acquire a TM Reader on your own."

Gain the Ki Badge
Permanently Choose one of the following effects to be applied to your active roster.
1. Your Pokemon gain the Inner Focus Ability
2. Your Pokemon have their Default CS in Attack set to +1 instead of 0

Gain 10,000 Poken

Gain 1 Trainer Milestone, LEVEL UP!!!

Your Active Roster gains....
685 Experience Points!
Each of your pokemon MUST be allocated sufficient Exp to level up at least once, once each pokemon has received enough exp to level at least once, you may divide the remainder in any manner you wish.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have some uh... very important matters to take care of. Speak with Coach Mountain if you need further use of the Gym's Services"

With that, Master Roshi turns and limps away, heading to a staircase at the back of the gym.

2017-10-19, 10:48 AM
Lennox’s battle
Ken punches Lennox’s shoulder jokingly. “Congratulations man! Knew you could pull it off!”

after his own battle
Ken nods at Coach Mountain. “Thank you for the explanation sir.” Ken bows and walks outside.

As they return to the Pokémon Center, Ken will check in Aria and Gin to the nurse.

OOC: Free from Limbo and ready to advance! Willing to time skip if that helps the timeline.

OOC: or time warping nighttime shenanigans :D

2017-10-19, 10:55 AM
You hear an exasperated sigh and a rustle of clothing. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for asking."

The rest of the night passes uneventfully, you wake to see Gramps and Lucille's tent, and Lucille, missing. You can hear her voice from outside the cave, but the echo distorts her words.

Morning (Day 4) - Mt.Moon

Tyson looses a yawn into the morning air. "A new day and new adventures await... Let's get goin' guys! This mountain isn't gonna scale itself anytime soon."

After coaxing his pair of pokemon from his sleeping bag Tyson packs up his belongings (Wiki Berries included) and emerges from the cave. He'll greet Lucille if she's not in the middle of her morning training regiment and begin his own after he finds a suitable spot on the plateau. While the regular members of his team fall into their normal rhythm Tyson takes the time to help Sunny adjust to the new program.

EXP Training applied to party!

Kasumi - 15 EXP
Nimbus - 15 EXP
Makoto - 13 EXP
Sunny - 12 EXP
Roulette - 15 EXP
Vile - 16 EXP

Agility Training applied to party!
Focused Training applied to party via Elite Trainer!
Tyson drains 1 AP to activate Ace Trainer!
Tyson tutors "Hang on!" to Nimbus!
Tyson attempts to tutor his custom feature to Kasumi and Jet

12 (Spent 1 AP to boost 4/6 Field AP remaining. I've come to the conclusion that my pokemon are stubborn like me.)


When he's finished training Tyson will join Lucille and eat breakfast with his team. "So, you ready to head out?"

After their meal Tyson recalls his team except for Nimbus who rides on his shoulder and will continue his ascent with Lucille. "Nimbus, watch my back today okay? Keep an eye out for other people or pokemon."

Tyson's Perception: 12 (Spent 1 AP to boost, 3/6 Field AP remaining)


Nimbus' Perception: 9


TJ Zen
2017-10-19, 11:48 AM
"Great Job, Tonka!" Lennox shouts dropping to his knees only to get bound into by the Excited Blue Elephant! "Haha at ease, Tonk. Relaaax." He says trying to stop the avalanche of a pokemon. He finally breaks free, stands, and looks to Roshi. "Thank you sir! I'll definitely be back to battle again and train." "KEN! WE DID IT! We gotta go tell the others! We oughta Celebrate." Lennox says and with that they leave the Conquered Gym and head back to the Pokemon Center.

Quake Earned 102 XP Gained 3 levels(18-21)! Learned Bulldoze and forgot Tailwhip
Djali Gained 61XP! Gained 3 levels! (13-16)!Learned Worry Seed
Tazer Gained 92xp Gained 3 levels (11-14)! Learned ElectroBall
Boomer Gained 140xp Gain 5 level (11-16)! Learned Magnitude And Rock Throw and forgot Rock Polish
Tonka Earned 200xp Earned 6 levels (13-19)! Learned Endure and Natural Gift and forgot Growl
Slash Gained 90 XP Gained 3 levels (12-15)! Learned Feint Attack

OOC: Ready for Night Shenanigans at DM's Discretion and Tomorrow Morning time warp on the caveat that my Pokemon are treated tonight :smallbiggrin:

big teej
2017-10-19, 01:49 PM
Training proceeds without incident. Lucille joins you for breakfast and feeds her roster, you notice that her tympole has been replaced by some... odd, knob-covered, blue... thing with a smug expression. it seems it evolved during training.

When you ask Lucille if she's ready to head out, she tosses her hair out of her eyes with a smirk "Always."

Lucille sets the same punishing pace as the day before, but, scrapes and bruises and dirt aside, it produces results, it isn't more than a few hours into the climb that you cross over the shoulder of Mt. Moon and begin the descent down the Cerulean side of the mountain.

About an hour coming down the other side, Lucille apparently gets fed up with the mundanity of plodding one foot after another, sending loose rocks and gravel down the mountainside. "So, I read a mountaineering article back in Pewter. It talked about a method of getting down mountains faster... it's called 'glissading' or something like that." She points to a shelf of rock jutting out from the mountainside, about 50 yards down slope. "Wanna give it a try? meet you there!" She takes a half-skip, half running step and hops onto a particularly dense patch of gravel, laughing. The gravel skitters under her feet, and Lucille begins to half step, half slip down the slope... until one piece of gravel turns out to be a rock embedded in the stone and trips her instead of giving way. (http://orokos.com/roll/560263) She begins to to tilt off balance, about to face plant and skid facefirst down the mountain.

Roll your choice of Athletics or Acrobatics, TN 15

Climbing is a part of every successful Ninja training program, you leap out from the cliff and land in a splash of loose stones and gravel and begin sliding after Lucille in a much more controlled fashion than she did, within seconds you've caught up to her, still tumbling and seconds away from a major beef.... now all you have to do is grab her.

You take Lucille by the arm and, with the extra balance, slowly bring the both of you to a stop, even though it costs you a fair amount of skin from your hands and shin. Lucille sits down shakily and stammers out her thanks. "Okay... maybe not... the greatest idea I've ever had to save time." She lays back, panting. "How about... we stop for lunch?" She says, looking up at the sky.

You take Lucille by the arm, but you both overbalance and go tumbling down the mountain, bringing a shower of gravel and loose rocks after you, you eventually roll to a stop on the agreed upon outcropping, gravel, grit, and stones are everywhere in your clothes, you are sore all over, and your arms, legs, and face, chest and back are all covered in grit encrusted scratches and scrapes.

Lucille pushes herself to her knees with shaking limbs, a huge cut at her hairline spilling blood down to the rocks. "That... was stupid." She says in a pained, dark voice.

ooc: take 40 Rock Damage vs. Defense.

You leap after Lucille, but find yourself no more adept at the unorthodox method of descent than she is, and soon find yourself too occupied with your own safety to worry about your companion. You manage to angle your uncontrolled descent towards the rocky outcrop that Lucille had indicated. But you feel your balance slipping, and the unforgiving rocks loom up to meet your face in a stony, bone crushing embrace!

Roll your choice of Athletics, Acrobatics, or Survival, TN 12

You manage to regain control of your slide, costing you only a fair amount of skin off your hands, elbows, and back, and a lot of gravel inside your clothes. You stumble and fall at the outcropping, but aren't much worse for wear, mercifully.

ooc: take 20 Rock damage vs. Defense.

One of your feet goes out from under you and you slam down into the rocks, bounce, and then continue to tumble down the mountain, leaving a trail of profanity and blood until you are finally brought to a screeching, painful, bone-jarring thud on the outcropping Lucille indicated, the air knocked from your lungs.

Lucille doesn't seem to have fared any better. She pushes herself up to hands and knees, her arms trembling. A nasty cut along her hairline has blood dripping down her face and onto the rocks. "That.... was stupid." she says in a pained voice filled with self-loathing.

OOC: take 50 Rock Damage vs. Defense, any injuries gained cause an additional loss of CS

The night passes without incident, your injuries, while tender, are easily ignored. Your first true step on the road to becoming a champion to be renowned forever is behind you... Your Mentors and Peers would be quick to tell you it only gets harder from here. Mt. Moon and Cerulean City await.

You are in the Pewter City Pokemon Center, it is approximately 7:30 AM, You are fresh, laundered, showered, and breakfast was excellent.

What, do you do?

2017-10-19, 02:17 PM
Cassandra takes her team out for morning training after switching out her Swablu for the troubled Turtwig. Training goes fairly smoothly (http://orokos.com/roll/560283), enough for her liking, anyway. The grass-type still had a long way to go, but hopefully he'd realize that she was a good trainer for him sometime soon.

She congratulates her group on their wins at the gym as she sees them. After everyone is done with their training, Cassandra will wander over to Ken. "You up for a battle before I have to go to the trading post? Doubles, four pokemon each?"

Brutal Training Activate!

Raum- 14 xp
Reks- 14 xp
Yojimbo- 14 xp
Ronin- 14 xp
Elekid- 14 xp
Tokka- 10 xp, Level up to 12

Yojimbo gains the Underdog's Strength PokeEdge

2017-10-19, 02:58 PM
Ken rose early that next day. The gym really took it out of him because he barely remembered what he did the rest of the day after! He got dressed, and picked up his bag for the rest of the day. “I’ll have to give Cassandra that egg when I see her.” He picked up his team from their over night rest and heading outside for training.

As he walks outside he greets everyone with a “Good morning” and stops when Cassandra talks to him. “Thank you Cassandra! Oh yeah here’s the egg.” Ken sets down his bag carefully and takes out the second egg, handing it to Cass. “Sure thing, a doubles battle sounds good and I can get back here afterwards before we head out.” Ken goes to train real quick before his and Cassandra’s battle.

As he lets out his team for training, Aria begins to be enveloped in a strange white glow (https://youtu.be/oVIpkXSN_o0). “Aria!” Ken is blinded slightly as the tiny bird grows. “You evolved! You’re starting to get really tough huh girl?” Aria chirps at him proudly as she transforms. “Ok team, time to start our regiment!”

OOC: Brutal and EXP training applied to Ken’s team. Drain 1 AP to activate Ace Trainer. SpDef CS +1. 5/6 Field AP remaining.

Ken recalls his team with the exception of Zippo, who is placed on his shoulder and turns to Cass. “Ready to go?” When she’s ready, Ken will follow her to the courts.

2017-10-19, 03:21 PM
"Did you ever find out what kind of egg this is?" Cassandra asks Ken as she takes it. She arranges her bag in the same way she had for Ronin's egg, making sure that it's secure within a blanket on top of her things. "I'm ready. Let's go! This is gonna be fun!"

Cassandra will follow Ken to the courts.

When they find an open court, Cassandra will set her things down on one side. "Aright Ken, let's do this."

Cassandra throws out Raum and Reks.

Raum is Initiative 10, Reks is Initiative 5

The devil dog howls in delight at the sight of court. He'd missed out on the gym battle and was eager to get a chance to battle again. Reks twitches his massive ears and digs his claws into the dirt.

2017-10-19, 03:58 PM
Ken shakes his head in response. “I actually haven’t yet. I meant to look as soon as we got back into town but the gym battle excitement took hold. I’m sorry.”

At the courts
Zippo chirps in excitement as they find an open court. “Alright, lets have a blast!” Ken says as he tosses two balls into the court. Midoriya and Gin appear from the pair and take their respective stances. Midoriya assuming a classic kung fu pose with Gin beginning to coil.

Gin initiative 11, Midoriya initiative 11.

“Alright guys, show them what you got! Midoriya, fake left! Gin, Poison Sting right!”

Midoriya rushes to Reks and claps his hand paws on the Nidorino’s face. Gin launches a poison dart at the devil dog.

Midoriya used Fake Out!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560314): 11
Fake Out takes priority and Flinches on joining combat.
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/560315): 24 Normal v Def

Gin uses Poison Sting!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560320): 13
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/560322): 18 Poison v Def

2017-10-19, 04:02 PM
After waking up and some breakfast, she will check in with the Nurse. She would retrieve her team from the Nurse, having spent the night in their care, and would make her way over to the the PC to shuffle around her team before heading outside for morning training.

Aegwynn has deposited Fil and then withdraws Draugur (Gastly)

Once outside, she greets everyone. Her clothes are clean and nice, but she looks a little worse for wear. She didn't get a lot of sleep last night, and a fairly rough night prior caused her to toss and turn a little. Other than that, she felt fine. She told Ken she'll get him his money out of her bag after she is finished with her daily training. Her training goes off without a hitch, even bringing some of her pokemon aside to work one on one with them, either getting them to change their viewpoints, or even teaching them a move!

Stjarna gains 13 EXP
Svnagur gains 12 EXP
Elding gains 13 EXP
Chikorita (Bayleef) gains 12 EXP
Grimmur gains 13 EXP
Draugur gains 11 EXP

Draugur is targeted by Changing Viewpoints! (Daily 1/3) She loses 1 TP and shifts from Calm Nature to Modest Nature!
Draugur is targeted by Move Tutor! She loses 2 TP and learns Ominous Wind!

Svangur uses Pickup!
Pickup: (http://orokos.com/roll/560321) 3

Aegwynn after training would make her way over to Ken, rummaging through her bag. She panicked just a little bit at first, until she was finally able to find it, pulling out his share of the money from the job that took them high into the mountains, "Here you go Ken, it's your share from the gentleman who owned the Heavy Ball." she stated to him.

Ken gains $4,000 pokken!

After handing Ken his money, and wishing him luck in his battle with Cassandra, she maneuvered her way over to Lennox, looking up at him and pulling out her pokedex, "You said you wanted to trade, yeah? I've got a few for trade...I'm willing to negotiate if you're interest in anything in particular."

TJ Zen
2017-10-19, 04:34 PM
Lennox is up well before the Sun, working out his updated roster:
Brutal Training applied
Quake- 15xp
Djali- 13xp
Tazer- 12xp
Boomer- 13xp
DW- 6xp Level UP! (3-4)
Rose- 11xp

OOC All Pokemon from gym Battle Picked up inner Focus

After Training and breakfast, Lennox goes and speaks to the gang "Hey guys, What the plan for hitting the next Gym. Cerulean I think? I know it over mount Moon. It'll be good to go back into the wild! All the Exciting pokemon live near the summit! You guys want to head out today?"

"Sure! I'm not against moving some... poor character fits... from my squad. Whatcha got?! I have a few things to Trade, A Magnemite, 2 Raticates, and a Teddiursa.

2017-10-19, 06:59 PM
Aegwynn listened to Lennox rattle off a list of pokemon to her, "I have a Spoink, a Lillipup, a Koffing, a Durant..." she said, still going on and listing off the things she had stashed away in the PC, "...a Voltorb, a Clauncher, and a Tyrogue." she said, looking up at him again, a small smirk on her face, "Any of those interest you?"

2017-10-19, 07:26 PM
Uh oh. A fighting type isn't good for Raum.

"Switch out, Raum. You're up Yojimbo!" Cassandra calls. The devil dog disappears into a flash of light and the ghostly sword appears in his place. A gust of supernatural wind picks up the sword's hat and deposits it gently atop Cassandra's bag as the Honedge begins an unsettling tai chi dance.

"Shake it off Reks. Focus!"

Cassandra switches Raum for Yojimbo!
Yojimbo uses Swords Dance, +2 Attack CS
Yojimbo's initiative is 4
Reks is flinched!

2017-10-19, 08:25 PM
Her ghost sword, not a good match up for a fighting type.....

"Midoriya, return! Zippo you're up! Take out that sword guys!" The kung fu cat disappears in a flash and the growing somewhat larger fire mouse leaps into the fray. Flames on his back begin to tower as he launches a fireball at the ghostly sword. Gin coils up and lunges at the ghostly sword clamping his jaw down on the scabbard.

Zippo uses Ember!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560368): 7 AC 2
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/560369): 27 Fire v SpDef
Mechanic: Type Strategist activates granting 5 DR

Gin uses Bite!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560371): 8 AC2
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/560372): 26 Dark v Def

Zippo: 13
Gin: 11

2017-10-19, 08:43 PM
Yojimbo takes the hits and shakes free from the snakes jaws, turning his blade around to slice across the fire mouse's chest. Reks attempts to follow up with a poisonous dart, but the shot goes wide.

Reks uses Poison Sting on Zippo!
It misses! (http://orokos.com/roll/560375)

Yojimbo uses Tackle on Zippo!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560377): 11
Damage: 42 normal physical damage

Cassandra gives Brutal Orders! +2 Crit range

2017-10-19, 09:27 PM
Zippo is knocked down by the sword's slashing, but as he rises he is enveloped in a flash of light. He rises with a roar as the flames tower again, launching a fire ball back at the sword, scorching the blade. Ken stares on in shock. "Didn't realize you were that close to evolving buddy, let's get back at him! Gin you go back in too! Get Reks!" Gin turns to the Nidorino and rears up, glaring at Reks.

Zippo uses Ember!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560387): 20 AC2
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/560388): 44 Fire v SpDef
Mech: Ember burns on 18+: Type Strategist Activates +5DR

Gin uses Glare!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560389): 3 AC2

2017-10-19, 10:07 PM
Though his sash is ablaze, Yojimbo rallies and slices the fire mouse again. Chunks of blue and teal fur fly from the fire type's hide. Reks follows up with a poisonous dart that lands squarely in the cut the Honedge made earlier in the Quilava's chest.

"Nice job you two!"

Reks uses Poison Sting on Zippo!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560395): 19, Crits with Brutal Orders and Poisons Zippo on 15+
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/560396): 44 Physical Poison damage

Yojimbo takes an injury (http://orokos.com/roll/560397)!
-1 Spec. Attack
Yojimbo uses Tackle on Zippo!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560399): 6
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/560400): 40 Physical Normal Damage

Yojimbo takes a tick from Burn!

Cassandra give Brutal Orders for +2 Crit range!

2017-10-19, 10:33 PM
From the combined assault, Zippo falls and disappears in a red flash. "Nice job buddy, take a rest. Aria you're up!" Ken yells as he lobs the ball into the court. Aria spreads her new wings and begins to zip around the court. "Gin get Reks! Aria go after the sword!" Aria spirals as she zooms over to the ghost sword, cloaking herself in flames. Gin rears up and clamps his jaw down on Reks.

Aria uses a Fire type Struggle attack!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560403): 19 AC4
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/560404): 23 Fire v SpDef

Gin uses Bite!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560405): 4 AC2
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/560407): 24 Dark v Def

Ken issues Brutal Orders, +2 Crit Range

Zippo Injuries:
Injury (http://orokos.com/roll/560408): 2 -1 Def
Injury (http://orokos.com/roll/560409): 5 -1 Speed

2017-10-19, 11:07 PM
The ghostly sword finally falls and is returned to his pokeball.

"Alright Raum, you're back up. Take out that bird!" Cassandra calls to both of her pokemon.

The Houndour growls and takes Aria by one of her flame covered wings, biting down on it before she can flutter out of his grasp. Reks follows up behind the devil dog with another poisoned barb that strikes the Fletchinder in the same wing, pumping her full of venom.

Raum uses Bite on Aria!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560413): 9
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/560414): 34 Physical Dark type

Reks uses Poison Sting on Aria!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560415): 18, Crits and also Poisons on 15+
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/560416): 46 Physical Poison type

Aria was Poisoned!

Cassandra issues Brutal Orders for +2 Crit range

2017-10-19, 11:19 PM
Aria caws in pain, and wheels around to strike the devil dog. "Aria strike back at the dog! Gin get him as well!" Aria spins around and slams into the black dog, as Gin launches a poison dart at it.

Aria Injury (http://orokos.com/roll/560419): 2 -1 CS Def

Aria uses Flail!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560420): 8 AC2
Damage (DB8) (http://orokos.com/roll/560422): 34 Normal v Def

Gin uses Poison Sting!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560423): 7 AC2
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/560424): 18 Poison v Def

Ken issues Brutal Orders for +2 Crit Range.
Aria takes a tick from Poison.

2017-10-19, 11:33 PM
The Houndour recoils from the fierce assault from his two opponents. A low whine builds in his throat before he shakes his head and refocuses. "Again you two," Cassandra orders. "You're both doing so well!"

Raum manages to get his teeth into Aria again, followed by Reks.

"This is a great battle, Ken," Cassandra calls across the court, a wide grin on her face.

Raum takes an injury (http://orokos.com/roll/560425)!
-1 Spec Defense

Raum uses Bite on Aria!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560426): 6, AC 2
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/560427): 31, Physical Dark

Reks uses Peck on Aria! (If Raum's attack KOs her, he will Peck the Mienfoo that will replace her)
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560428): 8, AC 2
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/560429): 31 Physical Flying

Cassandra issues Brutal Orders for +2 Crit Range!

2017-10-19, 11:45 PM
Aria falls to Raum's bite, disappearing in a red flash. Midoriya takes her place promptly but is met with the horn of the Nidorino. "Hit him back Midoriya! Gin keep it up!" Ken looks across the court a smirk on his face. "This really is a great battle, with more to come!" Midoriya claps his paws across the Nidorino's face again, as Gin launches another poison dart at the black dog.

Aria Injury (http://orokos.com/roll/560430): 5 -1CS Speed

Midoriya uses Fake Out!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560431): 19 AC2 critical with Brutal orders
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/560432): 38 Normal v Def
Fake Flinches on rejoining encounter with priority.

Gin uses Poison Sting!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560433): 20 AC2
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/560434): 35 Poison v Def
Raum is Poisoned!

Ken issues Brutal orders for +2 criticism range.

2017-10-20, 12:05 AM
Reks is momentarily stunned by the kung fu cat once again, but Raum manages to get one last scorching fireball out of his mouth before he succumbs to the poison pumping through his veins.

"You did a great job, Raum," Cassandra says as she returns him. She then throws out her final Pokemon. "Okay Ronin, you're the last one up! Make it count!"

The Pawniard clangs his knife-like hands together, then sucker punches the snake in the jaw, sending it reeling.

Reks takes an Injury (http://orokos.com/roll/560436)!
-1 Spec Defense

Raum uses Ember on Gin!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560437): 4, AC2, which should still hit
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/560438): 35 Special Fire

Raum faints from Poison!

Ronin is released and takes his turn since his Initiative has passed!
Ronin uses Feint Attack on Gin!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560440): 18 (checking for crit since it can't miss) Crits with Brutal Orders
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/560441): 66 Dark Physical

Reks is Flinched!

Ronin is Initiative 11

Cassandra issues Brutal Orders for +2 Crit Range!

2017-10-20, 12:18 AM
Gin collapses and disappears in a flash of red light as Ronin hits him. "You really hung in there Gin, take a rest. Midoriya, the rest is up to you!" The kung fu cat rushes the Nidorino and thrusts it's paw into it's jaw. Or so it tried.

Gin's Injuries
Injury (http://orokos.com/roll/560445): 3 -1 CS SpAtk
Injury (http://orokos.com/roll/560446): 3 -1 CS SpAtk
Injury (http://orokos.com/roll/560447): 3 -1 CS SpAtk

Midoriya used Pound!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560448): 1

Ken activates Chronicler
1 BAP to record Fient Attack; 5/6 BAP remaining

2017-10-20, 12:28 AM
"One last push you two," Cassandra calls to her Pokemon.

Ronin slashes his blades across the fighting type's stomach as Reks comes in behind him and bites it in the side.

Ronin uses Scratch on Meinfoo!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560453): 8
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/560455): 31 Normal Physical

Reks uses Peck on Meinfoo!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/560456): 18, Crits with Brutal Orders
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/560457): 43 Flying Physical

If Mienfoo doesn't go down, Cassandra issues Brutal Orders

2017-10-20, 12:41 AM
Midoriya makes a nimble motion out of Ronin's claws, but doesn't quite notice Reks in time for him to move. The kung fu cat disappears in a flash of red light.

Midoriya triggers Detect on Ronin!

Midoriya takes 3 injuries, from half mark, massive damage, and hitting 0.

"Good job Midoriya, specially for your first battle. Let's get you healed up for our next journey." Ken walks over to where Cassandra is standing. "That was a great battle Cassandra. Looks like I still have a long ways to go, with you being great as is!" Ken grins widely and bows. "Thanks for the battle."

After they have finished, Ken will make his way to the Pokemon Center to check in his team for them to be healed, waiting on them to hit full health. Writing down the techniques he observed in his match as he waits and taking stock of what provisions he may need to stock up on.

OOC: Taking extended action during this time to archive Feint Attack.

After he retrieves his team, Ken will go to the PokeMart in town for some shopping on supplies. On the way he keeps an eye open for Pokémon.

Perception + 1AP (http://orokos.com/roll/560534): 14

Potions: 10 for ¥2,000
Bandages: 8 for ¥2,400
Pokeballs: 8 for ¥2,000

2017-10-20, 01:11 AM
Training proceeds without incident. Lucille joins you for breakfast and feeds her roster, you notice that her tympole has been replaced by some... odd, knob-covered, blue... thing with a smug expression. It seems it evolved during training.

"Looks like your Tympole finally evolved!" Tyson pulls out his pokedex to register the amphibian. "Palpitoad huh? Even though they were both tadpoles Palpitoad's definitely a far cry from Poliwhirl. It seems strong though. Speaking of which, Gramps put in some work last night against those Zubat! I appreciate you leavin' him out in the cave." He takes a quick glance at the Torkoal before looking back to Lucille. "So what about naming him 'Ash'? It's just a thought I had last night."

When you ask Lucille if she's ready to head out, she tosses her hair out of her eyes with a smirk "Always."

Lucille sets the same punishing pace as the day before, but, scrapes and bruises and dirt aside, it produces results, it isn't more than a few hours into the climb that you cross over the shoulder of Mt. Moon and begin the descent down the Cerulean side of the mountain.

About an hour coming down the other side, Lucille apparently gets fed up with the mundanity of plodding one foot after another, sending loose rocks and gravel down the mountainside. "So, I read a mountaineering article back in Pewter. It talked about a method of getting down mountains faster... it's called 'glissading' or something like that." She points to a shelf of rock jutting out from the mountainside, about 50 yards down slope. "Wanna give it a try? Meet you there!" She takes a half-skip, half running step and hops onto a particularly dense patch of gravel, laughing. The gravel skitters under her feet, and Lucille begins to half step, half slip down the slope... until one piece of gravel turns out to be a rock embedded in the stone and trips her instead of giving way. She begins to to tilt off balance, about to face plant and skid facefirst down the mountain.

"Tch! Of course Pewter would have an article on mountaineering, half of it's population is made up of Hikers and Martial Artists after all." Tyson laughs at the thought and listens to the rest of Lucille's explanation.

"Glissading? Never heard of-" Before he can finish Lucille bounds down the slope only for a single stone to give way and send her tumbling down the mountain.

Damn it! The ninja boy's body begins to move before he can even register what's happening. He recalls Nimbus and returns his pokeball to his belt before leaping out onto the cliff side after Lucille.

Rescue Shinobi Activate! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPAQObHa9WY)

19 (Spent 1 AP to boost, 2/6 Field AP remaining)


Climbing is a part of every successful Ninja training program, you leap out from the cliff and land in a splash of loose stones and gravel and begin sliding after Lucille in a much more controlled fashion than she did, within seconds you've caught up to her, still tumbling and seconds away from a major beef.... now all you have to do is grab her.

Alright Ty... You didn't undergo all of that Shinobi training for nothing. Just gotta thread the needle!

13 (Spent 1 AP to boost, 1/6 Field AP remaining)


You take Lucille by the arm and, with the extra balance, slowly bring the both of you to a stop, even though it costs you a fair amount of skin from your hands and shin. Lucille sits down shakily and stammers out her thanks. "Okay... maybe not... the greatest idea I've ever had to save time." She lays back, panting. "How about... we stop for lunch?" She says, looking up at the sky.

"Hang on..." The young shinobi is finally able to reach the tumbling trainer and manages to grab hold of her arm. "Gotcha!"

As the two trainers finally come to a stop, Tyson takes a moment to catch his breath and soak in the last few seconds. He quickly looks Lucille and himself over before loosing a sigh of relief. He looks from his hand to the mountainside, then back to the blonde and smiles. "Yeah, probably not but there's no point in worryin' about it now. We made it out without a scratch-" His hands and shin begin to sting from the abrasion as if on cue. "Well... mostly, and that's what really matters in the end. Lunch? Actually, that sounds great right about now. But first..." Tyson slowly sidles up to Lucille and places the back of his less bloodied hand to her forehead. He holds it there for a moment before lifting it and continues. "You're in luck. My diagnosis suggests that this wasn't caused by a fever, it's just a symptom of youth. Happens to all of us. You probably wouldn't believe it but when I was little I had the bright idea of pretending to be a baby Kangaskhan because I didn't want to walk across the safari grounds and then I unintentionally ended up being kidnapped by an actual Kangaskhan."

11 (Spent 1 AP, 0/6 Field AP remaining)


As the two trainers break for lunch Tyson will break out his med-kit and sterilize his hands and shin before wrapping them up in gauze. When he's finished he'll eat with Lucille.

OOC: I took a look at what would have happened if I had failed those checks... I have yet to regret being a Ninja.

If lunch lasts long enough for AP to recover (1 hour) I'd would like to try using one of the baits that I bought to potentially lure out (non-mankey/primeape) mountain or cave pokemon during that time. I don't know if where we've decided to break for lunch is conducive for battling on let alone setting up a spot for bait.

#1 - 17 (Success!?)
#2 - 9
#3 - 11
#4 - 3


TJ Zen
2017-10-20, 09:09 AM
"What are you looking receive for the clauncher? and perhaps the lillipup? What levels are they? Is there a type you're interested in specifically?" Lennox asks the young lady. "We may be able to use and additional person to help complete the trade We can walk to the courts with Ken and Cass and then over to the Trading post to find a proxy, if necessary."