View Full Version : Tauren'Rhil INC [5e]

2017-09-17, 12:24 AM
The Age of the Sandali Empire, year 426 post war; 22nd day of Summer's End (6th month of the year)
General's Last, 127 miles west of the Capital City of Eternium
2 hours past midday

A small caravan of traveling merchants sits in a circle in the courtyard of the keep of General's Last, currently under the ownership of the Champions of Fatem. The merchants stop to trade with some of the local vendors, trade supplies with the Inn keeper and the blacksmith, and some individuals stop in at the Temple of Many to pray to one of a variety of deities. A Sandali Elf flanked by two guards in ornate armor inspects the caravan's goods, collecting a tax from the leader of the caravan.

Several individuals (the adventurers) have found their way to the town's Inn, the Last Glass, here for one reason or another. The owner of the establishment, a dark-skinned human, greets the adventurers and offers them a meal and drinks. The tavern section of the Inn is currently empty besides a tall muscular woman at the bar with a woodcutting axe leaning against her stool, and some of the merchants and guards from the caravan taking a moment to rest and discuss their journey to the next stop.

Whether the adventures mingle amongst themselves are choose to drink alone, all have their attention drawn to a commotion outside as a man can be heard shouting. The door swings open and a farmer rushes in, calling out to the owner of the Last Glass. "Kobolds spotted at the northern edge of the woods! They grabbed your son!" The innkeeper shouts at the farmer to go alert the guild hall then turns to all those gathered in the Inn and requests someone, anyone, to help get his son back.

2017-09-17, 11:36 PM
Hargrim Battleback

A horrendous noise filled the room as a stocky, armored dwarf kicked his chair back and started blowing into a curious instrument that looked like some kind of animal pierced by several small spears. His red cheeks and bushy beard puffed out like an angry porcupine under his long, crooked nose as he began to play, catching everyone's attention with the first few bars of a rousing little ditty known far and wide as a call to arms. He marched up to the front of the room as he played and only broke it off to raise his voice. Now, this dwarf was obviously used to being heard, and could project rather well, so his voice practically rebounded from the rooftop. "Oh aye, don't ye all volunteer at once!" he called. "Now this man has a problem, and I see a room filled with the right utter bastards that can solve it! Finish yer drinks, lads and ladies, and LET'S GET KICKIN'." he yelled the last bit, then downed a nearby ale that obviously didn't belong to him. "Who's with me?!"

"Sign me up, lad. I'll go'n getcher wee kiddo for ye. And get me a few kobold skins while I'm at it!" he assured the innkeeper, though whether that was actually reassuring or looked like the dubious ravings of a drunk was a matter of opinion. He looked like he knew how to use the battleaxe slung across his back, and he had a pack and several other instruments that clinked and bounced together as he moved. He belched with thunderous heroism and wiped his whiskers with the back of his hand. "Hargrim Battleback is writin' the tale today! Don't ye fret!"

OOC: Just for the hell of it, we'll roll a Perform check to whip up the crowd a bit. If it falls flat, he'll just look like more of a useless drunk than usual. :smallbiggrin:

Perform: [roll0] (BWAHAHAHA!!)

Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe (5gp) +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe (10gp) +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

2017-09-18, 01:24 AM
Gustus sat awkwardly at the bar. The innkeeper was right next to him, and clearly in distress. It made Gus very uncomfortable. Never one to throw the first punch or act rashly, even when drunk, he looked around the room to see how the crowd would respond to the announcement. Suddenly, a loud, piercing sound was all that could be heard. Gus turned to find a boisterous looking dwarf playing a strange instrument. If he had known what it was , he certainly couldn't recall then as his ability for coherent thought was being diminshed quickly. The tone rang through the air sharply until changing notes and evolving into a melody. What had started as an almost painful noise, was now bringing his blood to a boil in excitement.


Gus wasn't quite sure what was the dwarf was saying, but he found himself with his shortsword unsheathed and raised in the air, cheering along to the Dwarf. With what must have been a half mad look, Gus turned to the innkeeper, clasped his shoulder and said, Send me with that wailing Dwarf, and those kobolds are as good as dead! Before waiting for a response, Gus grabbed his almost full ale, finished it in a long gulp, and threw the glass causing it to shatter against the wall. Surely, had he paint in front of him, he would have begun smearing it on his face in preparation for battle.

Whisper Knight
2017-09-18, 03:17 AM
The red-skinned Tiefling, Adarvan, sat in the back, sipping his ale. He heard the door of the inn swing open, with a man screaming about a lost child, kidnapped by Kobolds. The man asked if anyone could him find this boy. Adarvan kept his ears open in search of mention of coin. "Not sticking my neck out for these people unless I can get some gold out of it. Not like they'd do the same for me," he thought.

And then he heard it. A screeching sound that made Adarvan cringe like he just bit into the most sour lemon on earth. He looked and saw a Dwarven man with some sort of disgusting excuse of an "instrument," some kind of bag with pipes on it. What mad mind thought up THAT thing?! He contemplated launching an Eldritch Blast at the offending Dwarf, but decided against it. Attacking a man in an inn is a good way for a Tiefling to get kicked out of town. Or worse.

After a few seconds, the sound became more meledious, enough for him to forgive the previous assault on his ears.

The Dwarf tried to get some of the others to join him in his endeavor of getting this child back. And then he mentioned Kobold skins. He found his excuse. They'd fetch a decent price, he wagered.

Plus... what if it was his own son? Adarvan thought that and pushed it away. No need to be sentimental right now.

Adarvan left his ale to move forward. With his gruff, semi-demonic voice, he proclaimed, "If there's money in it through those Kobold skins, count me in."

Adarvan Saoshyant (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hBsS8xbx_rCurftaVmGWHKqesZIMpHqYWnxtUCWPKJo/edit?usp=sharing) (not Myth-Weavers)
First level Tiefling Warlock Chaotic Neutral

This will be my first PBP game, so if I screw something up, just tell me.

2017-09-18, 10:00 AM
A young man wearing a hooded cloak had been sitting at the bar since early morning, unsuccessfully trying to charm a lass or two.

When he sees the dwarven bard playing the pipes and calling out for adventure, his heart starts racing uncontrollably.

Hargrim was a sort of childhood hero of his and the chance to go adventuring by his side was a blessing from the gods!

“I’m not one to shy away from a daring rescue. You can count on me.”

This young sorcerer wasn’t sure if the bard would remember him. After all, Flynn was only 12 years old last time they met. So he decides to play it cool and act in the manners of a polite stranger, refraining from the familiarity and warmness reserved for old friends.

Flynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1333968)

2017-09-18, 11:22 AM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza always loved the quiet of nature, but also found the towns interesting. Watching people interact had always been one of her favorite pastimes. The taverns were usually the most interesting, as you always had all the extremes of emotions and interactions. The most mysterious to Marza was the frequency which someone could go to uproarious laughter to full out bawling in a matter of seconds. No matter how much ale she drank, she was never able to replicate that.

The half-orc woman sat and watched the near-empty tavern. Dwarf, tiefling, human, even another half-orc currently patronized the tavern. Each sat and did their own thing. She wondered if she was unwittingly the subject of scrutiny by one of the others. Then she wondered...if she was wondering about being the subject of scrutiny, did that actually make her unwittingly the subject? Was there such a thing as a witting subject? She started to reach for her journal to scribe the thought to be researched at a later time when things started moving at an accelerated pace.

A man suddenly rushed into the tavern and started yelling. A gods-forsaken sound of laughing hyenas mixed with breaking glass as the skirl of the bagpipes fills the air. The dwarf she had been studying suddenly jumps up, grabs her ale and takes it down in one gulp before declaring he will single-handedly retrieve the tavern owner's child. "Excuse me," Marza begins, but before she can request compensation for the ale she had barely drank any of, the half-elf behind her stands and exclaims his desire to run off and dispatch the kobolds. She blinks a few times to clear her mind....and make sure she hadn't passed off into a dream. Things like this didn't really happen, did they? Before she can track, a tiefling volunteers to assist in...skinning the kobolds? Then the young man flirting with multiple young woman stands and charges after them.

Quite the beginning of the day.

Marza was never one to turn down a call to adventure...though maybe she would partake with much less fearless abandon. She stands and leaves a few silver one the table...confused as to why she was doing so, since she didn't actually get to enjoy her drink. Nevertheless, the young druid gathers her crossbow and club and follows the others as they head to the edge of town.

Green Leviathan
2017-09-18, 11:29 AM
Argath, still dressed in his mail from his travels was woken from his quit contemplation about his future by shouts within the inn. Before his mind could recall and process what was just said suddenly a rather boisterous dwarf amoung them stood up and shouted a call to action. Before he had even realized it he was on his feet heading for the door. That's right, they had said something about a child being kidnapped by kobolds, his head finally catching up with his feet.

"You have my aid as well, if the child has been injured i may be of some assistance."

He looked around glad to see most of the patrons rising to their feet as well. He smiled at the goodness within them and charged forward.

character sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334552)

2017-09-18, 01:28 PM
Rakka Gen'akk (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334531)
Rakka lets her hood cover most of her face as she rides the wagon into town. There weren't many things happening in the town. That's good, she thinks. But then they pass a farmer who looks horribly tired, yet is still running to his dusty, sturdy mule. He gets on and canters out of town. As the cart rumbles onwards, she catches whispers from townsfolk as they pass the merchant.
"--such a good boy. hope that--"

" ...o much potential. Them kobolds--"

"...elped us when we was new in tow--"

"--enturers might rescue 'im--

Rakka grimaces. what if I just want a quiet life? she thinks to herself. Could I be happy with that? She lets herself sit back until they pass an inn, The Last Glass. Good as any.

She hefts herself from the merchant's cart. "You wait.," she tells the merchant, who awkwardly wards himself and says "F- F- f-er, you special p- price." Rakka flips him a gold coin. "If any asks I was here?" "N-never seen the l-likeness of yer in me life." The merchant looks at the coin as if he might have been robbed instead of given generous pay. Still, he bites the coin then pockets it.

Strong hands grip a huge axe from the cart and heft it onto her shoulders as if it were nothing. She strides into the inn, letting the tip of her wicked axe scrape the top of the inn's door frame. She's greeted by an eager group of adventurers waiting there, as if this task could start at any time. Still cloaked and hooded, she lets her mountain of a frame give impressions for her. "You gonna rescue the child. You take all adventurer you can.
Rakka peers around the group and spots an abandoned table with both coin and barely-taken drink. "Is an ale with my name there! She makes her way to the table. Without lowering her axe, she picks up then knocks back the tankard and swallows the draught in a single fell gulp. Her eyes twitch at the sight of the coins; she fishes into her own purse then picks them up.

Bringing them to the front of the bar, she sets them on the bar-top. 4 silver coins tumble from her hand as she plops the flagon on the counter. "Refill!"

Half-Orc Barbarian 1 CN
AC 15 HP 15 Speed 30ft
Str 18 (4) Dex 14 (2) Con 17 (3) Wis 12 (1) Int 7 (-2) Cha 10 (0)
Attacks: Greataxe +6 1d12+6

Criminal - Was hired killer; has Bad Reputation. Can get away with a little mischief.
Darkvision 60'
Rage (2/LR) - Bonus Action activate.
~~Advantage on Strength check & ST
~~(Increases) +2 melee dmg
~~Resistance to B P S
Relentless Endurance - 1/LR, drop to 1 if drop to ~~0 or below but don't die.
Savage Attacks - On a crit, roll +1 weapon damage die

2017-09-18, 03:17 PM
Gwendalyn pauses at the entrance of the inn and leans on her staff as wild music soared through the air. More than a few voices roll out of the room as she enters the doorway. A dwarf, a tiefling, and a half-orc and a few others stream past her. She tilts her head to listen, processing the mad menagerie of conversations.

Those are highland pipes. She tilts her head to listen. Kobolds? A kidnapping, by the sound of it. She turns and tightens the straps of her backpack. As the dwarf and the others exit, she gives them a nod, hands clasped in front of her face.

" I will assist you in this journey,," her voice rolls from her mouth with a touch of a highland accent. Not too strong, but there. "Do we have a tracker to follow the way? Or might I need scout ahead?"

She hefts her staff and turns to look across the town towards the distant edge of the town. She murmurs a quiet mantra under her breath, almost as a reminder to herself. The mists are chaos materialized, yet harmony exists within the chaos. Find the harmony. Find the right-walked path."

2017-09-18, 04:46 PM
Grigoriy was up at the mention of Gnolls, and all in at the son being in danger, shield and sword on his back and armor secure.

"You have my aid, such as it is. I promise, I'll do all I can...but first we need information." He said. With that the armored man moved swiftly over to the farmer who had brought the news.

"Think back, can you recall anything else important? Like how many their were? How well armed were they?"

2017-09-19, 10:46 AM
The farmer had nearly already rushed out the door before Grigoriy stopped him with the questions. "I barely got a look at 'em and they was already some distance into the treeline. 'Haps a dozen or more, kobolds aint never been this bold before. Now if'n you will excuse me, I gotta get mister Sevanti and any other Champions at the Guild Hall right away!" The farmer rushes out the door as the inn keeper turns to those who have stepped forward to offer aide. His dark skin and accent hints at him being from the desert region of Zhoryia. "Thank you for stepping forward adventurers. I am Carric Amakiir. My son is Daren. He often goes into the woods north of town to pick apples, goes on about wanting to feed some fantastical horse-creature he spots from time to time. The kobolds have a den a few hours to the north but they have never gone so far as to kidnap anyone. At worst they'll steal things left outside overnight. Please rescue my boy, I will find some way to repay you. They'll have taken him towards their den most likely. I can't imagine what they'll do to him. Please hurry!"

As the adventurers from their different walks of life gather their things and head outside, they spot a pair of well equipped individuals reassuring the farmer that was shouting earlier. One of the individuals is a tall human wearing plate armor decorated with vines and leaf designs, a large shield shaped like a maple leaf, and a wolf pelt draped over his shoulders. A sword with a green hilt rests on his belt inside a matching sheathe, as well as quiver on the opposite site, out of which several javelins are visible. The other character is a gnome with wild pink hair, dressed in robes with swirling patterns of blue and red. Several wands are tucked into her belt. The human pats the farmer on the shoulder in a reassuring manner then looks up at the large group exiting the inn. He steps towards them, a patch on his shoulder now visible which looks like a sword piercing an hourglass. The gnome has a similar patch on her sleeve. He speaks in a voice that seems to lighten the very mood with his very tone, "Ah, it is good to see so many gathering to help return the boy to the town. A large group may indeed be necessary as kobolds tend to breed in large numbers. I am Murkon Sevanti, an Evaluator of the Champions of Fatem. This is my compatriot, Twitch. We're heading to where we expect the den to most likely be located at and certainly could use a hand or two... or nine. Heh. We can work on introductions on the way, but for now let's move with some urgency." With that, Murkon and the gnome, Twitch, turn north and head towards the treeline beyond the village and head that way, leading the ragtag bunch of misfits.

2017-09-19, 11:01 AM
Hargrim Battleback

The dwarf with the bagpipes stopped in front of the human in the plate armor and briefly looked him up, up, up, and then down. He nodded gruffly. "Aye, longshanks, ye'll do!
Feel free to tag along!" he said with a good-humored grin. "Name's Hargrim Battleback, of the Gray Mountain Battlebacks! Bagpiper and goblin-walloper, sir! I'll be providing the entertainment for this here outing." he pulled up his belt and puffed his chest out. Then he attempted to take the lead again while also playing his bagpipes, though the humans' longer stride made it so that Hargrim basically had to jog, so while the bagpiping was amazing as usual it also started to sound a little wheezy as he puffed and hurried to keep up.


Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe (5gp) +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe (10gp) +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

2017-09-19, 11:58 AM
Gus listened to the professional looking warrior and the pink haired gnome trying to keep his focus. The adrenaline rush from a few moments before had sobered him, but as the adrenaline had drained away, so had his energy. He shook his head and lightly slapped himself, hoping the walk would wake him up. As he walked, he centered his attention on the various individuals around him, of which there were quite a few.

The first one he noticed was the dwarf with his bloody bagpipes. "Must have been in a real drunken stupor" he thought to himself. It was the only explanation for not having recognized the dwarf earlier. That loud, high pitched instrument was not easy to forget, and neither was the dwarf. Gus knew he had talked to him before. At a tavern? What his name? "Hagrid?" It was something like that, surely. He thought walking up to speak to him, but the thought of getting closer to the bagpipes gave him a headache, and the dwarf seemed to be yapping to the man in the heavy armor anyway.

Gus looked around some more. Two stuck out immediately. One was an orcish looking woman, standing over six feet tall. The other was a red skinned man who looked like he was one touched by Hell. Both looked like they could be dangerous, and Gus decided to avoid him.

Turning to his left, Gus saw a man who was around his height or a little shorter. His head was concealed within in a hood, but Gus was able to turn and glance within the hood. He appeared to be human and looked to be about as normal as one could look in this lot. Forcing himself to be social, Gus walked a few steps over to the man and stuck out his hand.

"Hey friend, I'm Gus."

2017-09-19, 12:00 PM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza approaches the iron-clad warrior with a smile. "I've only known the rambunctious young man for a mere moment, but I believe what he's communicating...though it's not what he's saying...is that we won't have a rabbit's chance in the mist to sneak up on the kobolds." She smiles her best half-orcish, fanged smile at Murkon and follows the obstreperous dwarf. "My name is Marza. I've been around a lot and have studied quite a bit of the world, with a specialty in mist studies. I'll be happy to evaluate the scene and make suggestions on how best to approach the situation. I also have a few basic magics which may be of some use."

2017-09-19, 03:25 PM
"It’s a pleasure to meet you Gus! The name is Flynn, magician at your service."

He smiles friendly. It’s very clear Flynn is a young lad, 17 years old, on his first adventure.

The hooded boy extends his hand to greet his new companion and an unusual bracelet slides down his skinny wrist almost falling to ground. He is quick in trying to hide it, but not efficient.

It was clearly a religious symbol of some sort, though hard to recognize to which deity.

In his haste to conceal the religious paraphernalia, his hood falls off revealing his face, which appears normal to all extent, except for the fact a few locks of his dark brown hair are colored green and purple, making him look a bit ridiculous.

Embarrassed, the boy goes on:

“First time kobold hunting? It’ll be a first for me!” Flynn laughs nervously “are you nervous? I am, a bit.”

“sometimes my magic has.. erm.. unintentional consequences.” The boy confesses.

Green Leviathan
2017-09-19, 03:30 PM
Argath (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334552) swings his pack over his shoulder where it clanks softly against his mail on his back and follows behind Murkon and Twitch. After Marza finishes speaking Argath speaks up and says, I am Argath, newly ordained cleric of Osiris. I also know some divine spells and can be fairly handy with my shield. I hail from the southern city of Tradeport, in the lands of Zhariya. He turns toward Marza and says, "You probably know that some serious study into the mists go on there."

Addressing everyone again with an overly optimistic attitude he adds, "I must say I'm so glad there are so many willing to help, hopefully with this strong show of support we can get these kobolds to see reason and this can all end amicably"

2017-09-19, 04:12 PM

Without lifting her hood, Rakka will follow the party, hefted axe in one hand and flagon of ale in the other. She will unabashedly sip on the ale, content to remain, at this time, a trailing and silent member of the band. She looks out among the many assembled others and when she sights Adarvan, a memory pulls at her mind.

She, a mage, an archer, and a rogue had been tasked to takeout cultists in a mist-shrouded land. It was a small town, and when they'd arrived, it was mostly empty. The job did not go smoothly; they'd been separated, divided, and beset by many of the armed fanatics. Though she and the Rogue made it out alive, they'd both been badly wounded from the melee.

How did they get out of that mess? There must be some gaps in her memory. She takes a sip of her ale, content to be a silent observer for the time being.

2017-09-19, 05:02 PM
Gus raised an eyebrow at the bracelet, but was too tired and polite to mention anything just yet. He gave a small grin to the young man's hair.

"I would be a nervous, but we have seem to have a small militia traveling with us.". He leaned close to the magician making sure only he could hear. "Look over there Flynn,"Gus grinned as he motioned with his head towards the tall half-Orc and red skinned man. "we have a giant and a demon on our side.". He backed off, speaking at a normal volume again, "Hell, I think I'm more worried for the kobolds than us. As for your hair, I think you'd be on the cutting edge of fashion if you found yourself in the rift city."

Whisper Knight
2017-09-19, 05:56 PM
As someone in it for the money, Adarvan had no interest in this paladin-looking fellow. Looked like he could be trouble if he wanted to make money off this job. Nevertheless, Adarvan followed the group in stride.

He looked to his allies in this mission. The Dwarf with the instrument seemed like he wanted to take charge, but couldn't keep up with the human paladin. He sounded like he was struggling with walking fast and playing his instrument. Hargrim Battleback was his name. Adarvan felt he may have heard of the name before. Maybe some kind of performer in these parts.

The Half-Orc woman seemed to be knowledgeable and could be a great asset. She didn't look too good in a fight, though, unless she was magically-inclined. Not a common thing among Orcs.

The young flirtatious human wore a hood, apparently concealing a head of oddly-colored hair. Adarvan noticed some kind of bracelet he was trying to conceal. "No concern of mine if you worship something unsavory," Adarvan thought.

The other three humans didn't seem to concern Adarvan, or maybe he just wanted to avoid him. They seemed more religious, and that was usually not a good thing to be around as a Tiefling.

The woman in the hood, however, seemed oddly familiar. For a second, he could see some fangs on her face. Perhaps another Half-Orc?

Adarvan noticed the Half-Elf looking at him, but then turned his head quickly. Must not be used to Tieflings. "Well, we're right to be feared," Adarvan thought.

The Half-Elf, Gus, leaned in to say something to the young human, nodding towards the group. Could he be talking about him? Possibly. Tieflings were often the object of gossip.

Adarvan decided to not be completely silent. A quiet Tiefling following you could be just as nerve-racking as a loud and angry Tiefling. If these people don't trust him, it could become an issue. Adarvan walked towards this Half-Elf. Adarvan's voice had an odd quality to it underneath, like his voice, not his breath, smelled of brimstone.

"Name's Adarvan. I'm a Tiefling. Warlock. I throw spells. Good in a fight. You?"

Adarvan did not hold out his hand for a handshake.

2017-09-19, 09:03 PM
Gus saw the tiefling, or what he assumed to be a tiefling approach. His stomach dropped for an instant. . .surely he hadn't heard him. The tiefling confirmed his origin, but more interestingly, informed Gus, Flynn, and whoever else may be listening that he was a warlock! He could of easily said he was a magician or a wizard or a mage or a sorcerer. That's what Gus would've done, especially if he were a tiefling too. This was a man that was sure of himself or so Gus thought. To the man, who had called himself Adarvan, Gus said:

"Well I don't know about being good in a fight, but the name's Gus. You're the first tiefling I've ever met. You're actually more intimidating than I thought so I apologize if I appear startled." he scratched his head. Adarvan hadn't tried to shake Gus's hand so Gus didn't try either.

"Oh uhh, this is Flynn." Gus motioned to the boy with the multicolored hair beside him.

Gus couldn't helped to wonder what creature the Adarvan had made a pact with.

Whisper Knight
2017-09-20, 01:30 AM
Adarvan looked at the Half-Elf. Doesn't know if he's good in a fight? He does know what we're doing, right?, Adarvan thought.

"It's fine. Not many Tieflings in the world, and we look... Well, not all of us are so intimidating. There are some that wouldn't hurt a fly." Adarvan wasn't referring to himself.

Adarvan looked to the young human, Flynn. Didn't look that strong either. But said his magic sometimes had unintended consequences. Either he wields some sort of wild magic, or he's so incompetent that a Light cantrip would burn a house down. Also, very young. Adarvan was starting to fear the worst.

Adarvan nodded in greeting to the two. Adarvan didn't do polite, but he knew how to at least be cordial.

"If you're not good in a fight, this may go badly for you. Know magic at least?"

2017-09-20, 07:59 AM
Looking at the tiefling, Flynn says:

“Yeah, I know magic, sure, but all kinds of hell break loos.. –oh! Sorry. Meant no offence there.”

Embarassed, he turns back to the half-elf:

“But you’re missing my point, Gus. I’m not worried about the dangers of adventuring...”

He walks flicking a tiny magical light between his fingers, trying to carry himself in a light step, but shifting his posture every few minutes as if trying to come up with a cool walk.

“What I’m worried about is...” And now looking at Marza and the other women in the group.

“We need to look good in front of the ladies! And what I mean is.. if I get stabbed by a kobold, even if the wound is not fatal, I know I’ll scream like a little boy, maybe even pass out from the pain.”

“Also, I don’t want to disappoint Hargrim..” The boy speaks under his breath.

Flynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1333968)

2017-09-20, 09:51 AM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza simply falls into her steady hiking gait. After walking from one end of the continent to the other over the past few years, a few mile walk was nothing to the young druid. She falls in next to the group who had been talking. "Ardavan, you say?" She extends her hand eagerly. "Marza. Guess we'll be traveling together." She looks at the two men next to the tiefling. She considers a moment, then recategorizes them as one man and one boy.

"Hi," she says through a toothy smile, her lower canines protruding just barely above her lip. "Gus...and Flynn, right?" She looks at Gus and says, "It'll be easy for me to remember your name. I've read some books by a scholar named Gustus Summersun." She frowns as she thinks for a moment. She reaches for her pouch. "I think I may have a copy of his Treatise on the Mists. It's a fascinating read on speculative interplanar synergy." It's easy to see the excitement in her eyes as she talks about the mists.

2017-09-20, 11:33 AM
Taking his attention away from Adarvan, Gus responded to the girl.

"Pleasure to meet you Marza."Gus stuck out his hand.

"As for Gustus Summersun...he's a real bore if you ask me with his fanciful name.". He winked at the girl. "You have an interest in the mists though? May I ask why?"

2017-09-20, 01:17 PM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza takes half a step back from Gus, frowning at the blatant disregard toward such a well-respected researcher. "Gus! If you'd just read some of his works....I'm sure Mr. Summersun is quite...." Gus' follow up question causes her to cut off her thought and start off on a new tangent. Her face breaks into a huge orcish smile, and her eyes light up at the thought of the mists. "Just...just think of the mists. They're so mysterious." She pauses for a moment to see if the men got the joke. Mist? Mysterious? Get it?" She giggles a few moments at her own bad jokes before continuing on. "I spent several months at the edge of the mists just watching...throwing small items through. What's out there, do you think? I mean...I know it's a planar portal, with the musts simply being a physical manifestation of the planar overlap...but how is that NOT amazing? I'm going to go through them one day. I'm just traveling around now, gaining as much knowledge as I can of the land and digging up mist research. Watch for my name on a book sometime. OH! Marza's Mysterious Mist Mythos Demystified. How does that sound?"

She reaches again for her loose parchment and begins to scribble down the potential name of her book, frowns at it once it's on paper, then scribbles it out.

2017-09-20, 02:46 PM
Murkon chuckled at the boistrous dwarf and seemed to enjoy his bagpipes. He slowed a bit to let the skald catch his breath now and then. When Marza approached he turned to acknowledge her with a smile and nod. "We shall be happy to have your tactical advice. With such a large group Twitch and I shall hang back and provide support, see how you all do against this foe. If any are seriosuly injured I can provide a decent amount of healing. My priority is the boy, once he is safe you and the others are free to deal with the kobolds as you see fit. The little beasts have rarely been more than an annoyance so this sudden aggressive behavior is odd." He shrugs, seeming unconcerned with any greater implication at the moment. Likely he wishes to take care of the immediate problem before being distracted by a greater concern. He seems to study the terrain well, noting tracks and other signs of passing and pointing them out to keep the group on course. At one point he calls out that he has not yet seen any signs of blood so likely the young boy is not severely harmed.

Meanwhile the gnome simply stays near the middle of the group, silently observing all the gathered adventurers. She sizes them up, one at a time. Any that catch her eye find she does nto attempt to hide her study of them, nor does she say much when spoken do other than the occasional "okay," from the gnome. The group has traveled for about an hour when Murkon calls for everyone so slow the pace and talk in whispers, moving to Hargrim specifically, "Friendly skald, unless you wish the kobolds to be able to pinpoint our presence I'd suggest not playing for the time being, at least not until battle is joined."

2017-09-20, 03:18 PM
Hargrim Battleback

"Ah will, sonny, if ye wish, but don't ye see the beauty of it?" Hargrim said, finally stopping his playing. The bagpipes died with a wheeze. "Imagine hearing the sound of piping doom comin' o'er the hills at ye! The derned kobolds'd lose their li'l minds in terror 'afore we even get there!" he explained using his hands illustratively, then pounding his fist into his other palm. "Ah, but if'n ye want to be all sneaky about it fer the kiddo's sake, I'll not argue wit ye." he shrugged.

Hargrim pulled a small, glowing crystal on a leather thong from around his neck and kissed it for luck before letting it fall back beneath his mail armor. "Right then, obviously I'm not one given t'sneakin' 'round like an prancy, little elf. So if the sneakier sorts want to go on ahead, now'd be the time for it. Or do ye already have a plan in mind, lad?" he asked Murkon quietly. He pulled his battleaxe from underneath his backpack and limbered his arms up a little by rolling his shoulders.


Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe (5gp) +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe (10gp) +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

2017-09-20, 03:40 PM
Gwendalyn strides along with the rest, listening to the others as they introduced themselves and chatted amongst themselves. Her pace is long and steady, never flagging or shifting pace. She had spent a great portion of the last several years walking. Her staff thumps quietly on the ground as she moves towards the front of the group until they come to a pause. The two professionals offer to stay back in support, to which Gwen nods in agreement.

She pauses for a moment and stares ahead to the north, leaning over towards the ground.

"I hardly appear to be a threat, she says slowly, So I shall not set the ill at ease or make them feel threatened. I shall travel ahead and see what I may find."

She nods to the others and takes a deep breath. For a moment, she closes her eyes. The images of the mists trickled through her mind- endless, never ceasing, ever swirling, unpredictable and uncontrollable. Within the mists- between the spirals, she saw the stillness that the chaos circles around. It settled her nerves and her emotions and she walks forward, eyes scanning the ground, for all the world like a wandering traveler just making her way.

But she shivers at the thought of what she might come across, images trying to flash through her mind, but she let them vanish into the mists as she walked. The trees slip past her as she ghosts between them, eyes still settled on the tracks. She pauses once the trees begin to thin and she crouches down behind a tangle of underbrush.

Rocks jut from the clearing ahead and as she watches, she sees a hole in the ground, along with one kobold who appears to be keeping a lazy sort of watch. She doesn't think he seems attentive, at least.

With this knowledge, she creeps back into the wood and slips back towards the others so that she can share it with them.


2017-09-20, 06:33 PM
Murkon nods upon hearing Gwendalyn's report of what she saw. "Three hundred feet ahead... Sounds like the group might be able to sneak ahead at least up to the clearing. Then those that make less noise can close the gap and see about dealing with the guard and any other kobolds that might be inside the entranceway. Twitch and I will cirlce around to the back of the clearing to keep an eye out for any secondary entrances, and to slow any kobolds that manage to get past the group and flee the cave. We have no idea how deep this den is, though with only one guard posted it may just be a staging point for a larger tribe of kobolds. Marza, you seem to have a strong connection with nature, this scroll may prove useful in making the group move quieter upon your approach to the clearing. Use it if you think it is necessary." Twitch pulls a scroll from a bag concealed under her robes and hands it to Marza.
If you look at it now it is a spell scroll of Pass without Trace. While you know you are not powerful enough to be given the spell from nature, you are able to cast the spell from this scroll with a decent chance of success. (OOC when you try casting it you will get a Wisdom + Proficiency check, which I can roll if you prefer, with the DC of the scroll determiing if it casts or fizzles out. A REALLY bad roll could result in something bad happening so if you don't feel comfortable risking it you can simply put the scroll in your bag and keep it for now.)
He turns to the others, "If any of you get badly injured, I will be able to heal most wounds suffered. But I cannot bring back the dead so... try not to get killed. Especially by kobolds."

2017-09-20, 08:35 PM
With the advent of tactical discussion, Rakka offers a few words. "I be sneaky. I follow near you, she says to the monk. Practical skills aside, tactics weren't her strong suit.

2017-09-20, 09:49 PM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza listens to Murkon's recommendations, and then becomes puzzled when he says he and Twitch will be waiting somewhere else...covering the back door, so to speak. She nods her head, hoping she looked somewhat confident. Sure, she had read a lot about battles and war theory...but that was actually different than actually being in a combat. She clears her throat after Murkon hands her the scroll, then tries to work some moisture back into her mouth before speaking. "Sure," she begins, her voice a little higher than she had intended. "Umm...everyone gather around. Let's make this thing work."

Marza unrolls the scroll, and looks over it. She had heard about magics that could obscure groups of people from easy notice. She looked at the others, then thought of the poor child. She nodded once, working up the nerve to cast the scroll. "Okay. Here we go:

Naruuth malore; Naruuth nakum. Harowel malore; Harowel nakum.
Maskuul karem. MASKUUL MALOREM!

With the final word, the runes on the scroll flash brightly, and when the light is gone the scroll has been turned to ash and is falling to the ground.

[roll0] Let's keep our fingers crossed that Marza doesn't go insane...

2017-09-20, 10:06 PM
Hargrim Battleback

Hargrim watched quietly as Marza read the spell off of the scroll, and imagined he felt some kind of veil descending on the group. He reached down and took a pinch of the scroll ash off of the grass, then rubbed it on his teeth. "Fer luck, eh?" he stage whispered in response when he noticed the inevitable looks from people doubting his sanity. "Old bardish trick, mind ye." he winked. Then hefted his axe and made ready to head out.


Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe (5gp) +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe (10gp) +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

2017-09-20, 10:37 PM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza pauses a moment after casting the spell. She still seemed to exist. She remembers feeling a little more alive as the natural magic flowed through her...the power of the natural world flowing through her, touching different parts of her body and mind in different ways. Her thoughts race for a few moments as she wonders to herself, Is that what it will feel like as I grow in power? The dwarf..Hargrim? breaks her out of her sensory examination by picking up some of the spent scroll and rubbing it on her teeth. She opens her mouth to respond to him, closes it, then opens it again, but is completely at a loss for words.

The half-orc simply blinks a few times then says, "I..umm....I think we're ready."

Whisper Knight
2017-09-21, 04:47 AM
Adarvan reciprocated Marza's handshake. "Pleasure." Adarvan was unsure what she could bring to the table, but she seemed... smarter than a lot of Half-Orcs. Perhaps a mage of some kind.

Adarvan really didn't like the maple-leaf-shield Paladin, Murkon, and Gnome, Twitch. They're staying back? It felt like they were being particularly lazy. Their aid in the cave itself would help greatly. Not so righteous, now, Paladin?, Adarvan thought. And the Gnome seemed quite nosy, sizing up each of his allies.

Murkon had given Marza some kind of scroll, apparently containing a spell to help them sneak into the cave undetected. She cast the spell and it seemed to work. Adarvan's foot falls felt slightly muffled somehow, but he wouldn't be able to take advantage of this unless he made an attempt to consciously sneak around.

Adarvan's thieving days were mostly over, but he could still be sneaky when he wanted. Not as much as back in the day, but enough.

Hargrim placed some of the burnt scroll on his teeth. ... Okay. I've seen worse luck rituals., Adarvan thought.

Adarvan spoke up again, this time to the whole group. "We have a saying in my homeland in my profession, when needing the aid of darkness and silence. Luck in the shadows."

2017-09-21, 07:36 AM
Lingering behind the group, Flynn tries to stealthly approach the ash pile from the scroll.

He crouches down and also rubs some of the ash on his teeth, at the same time hoping the group won’t see him imitating the dwarf.

Never doubt the wisdom of Dwarves, he thinks to himself and hurries to catch up with the group.

I don’t care if somebody spots my fanboy-ish action, but this is the stealth check for later, when approaching the kobold camp. [roll0]

Flynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1333968)

Green Leviathan
2017-09-21, 07:46 AM
Argath watches as Marza casts the scroll and marvels at her success. He had once tried to cast a spell beyond his mean in his younger years back in the temple and it did not end nearly so well for him. He shifted his pack on his back and noticed that the sound seemed less obtrusive then it had before. Following Hargrims example he lowers his voice to a stage whisper as well, "That was well done Marza, I still don't think i'm that quiet, so I'll stay toward the back in the shadows as best i can and move forward if things start to go south." Argath then clutches his holy symbol to ask for Osiris's blessing.

casting guidance on myself

Green Leviathan
2017-09-21, 07:55 AM
and stealth check at disadvantage (chain mail)
and take the lower roll

edit: and plus guidance of 4 (see ooc for roll)

Whisper Knight
2017-09-21, 08:27 AM
Adarvan steeled himself for this first mission with his new magic. He hoped that they were enough to aid. He looked deep inside his soul, seeing something eldritch and mad, and from that thing, he cast a spell, Armor of Agathys, letting him take an extra hit or two, and causing some damage to any that would strike him.

Adarvan then made sure that his movements caused little sound. Marza's scroll should help at least.

Adarvan Saoshyant (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hBsS8xbx_rCurftaVmGWHKqesZIMpHqYWnxtUCWPKJo/edit?usp=sharing) casts Armor of Agathys at first level
AC: 13
Spell slots: First: 1/2
Condition: Armor of Agathys (+5 THP, melee hits to Adarvan cause 5 cold damage to attacker. dissipates when lost THP. Lasts one hour)

Stealth roll: [roll0] (+10 as long as he's in range of the spell. +14 becomes +4 if he moves away)

2017-09-21, 10:52 AM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza makes sure each of the others are ready. "Okay..stay fairly close to me and the earth itself will assist in our approach." She begins moving toward the cave, approaching from outside the kobold's line of sight for as much as possible. As she moves, she feels her steps fall a little lighter. The wind shifts to help move any stray sounds away from the cave. She somehow knows where to step to avoid fallen twigs that may give away her location.

Stealth: [roll0]

2017-09-21, 12:01 PM
Gus hung back a bit from the forward progression of the group, and although he intended to stay relatively close. . .he didn't want to lose the effects of the scroll Marza had cast. . .he stayed a bit to the left of the group. At the first sight of the kobolds, Gus intended to slink off past the group to see if he couldn't provide a flank. Then when all the kobolds went to attack the group, he could pick them off with his bow, and they wouldn't even know what hit them. Gus became excited and nervous at the thought and tried to calm himself down so he could focus on staying quiet.

Stealth roll: [roll0] (+15 for roll with spell and +5 without it.)


2017-09-21, 03:31 PM
The group advanced quietly, the sneaker members able to help those in heavy armor, an so those less accustomed to such stealthy activities. After roughly two minutes the group can see the clearing and the stones about 15ft from where the trees end. There are small bushes and rocks on the clearing that the group can try getting into position. There are currently two kobolds outside, discussing something in the odd barking Draconic kobolds use. They do not seem to notice the group moving closer.

To you those two kobolds are all there is on duty and there is no sign of other guards!
You cannot make out anything else beyond the two kobolds, who seem unaware of the group
You can't make out much but there does appear to be at least two other kobolds inside the entrance.
You can make out the two outside, two more just in the entrance, and can hear roughly 4 others within the cave. Based on the echoes you guess that the interior is roughly a 30' by 30' room and probably has a tunnel in the back descending into the earth.

2017-09-21, 05:24 PM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza studies the entrance. "Okay. Anyone with experience in combat that wants to give us some tips? We should move as a group...not a bunch of individuals. I know that much. Those two," she says as she points toward the two visible kobolds. "will probably call those other two from further back in the cave. At the end of the sentence, she waves her hand indicating the area further back. "It's the further back area that I'm scared of. There could be any number of them back there."

Maybe she should have paid more attention to the combat lessons.

2017-09-21, 05:45 PM
Rakka Gen'akk (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334531)
Rakka points to the doorway that separates them and the kobolds Marza pointed out. "We hit them one by one til they all die. Door for make easy kills. You get hurt, you move outta the way.

If they use crossbow, we run and kill."

Half-Orc Barbarian 1 CN
AC 15 HP 15 Speed 30ft
Str 18 (4) Dex 14 (2) Con 17 (3) Wis 12 (1) Int 7 (-2) Cha 10 (0)
Attacks: Greataxe +6 1d12+6

Criminal - Was hired killer; has Bad Reputation. Can get away with a little mischief.
Darkvision 60'
Rage (2/LR) - Bonus Action activate.
~~Advantage on Strength check & ST
~~(Increases) +2 melee dmg
~~Resistance to B P S
Relentless Endurance - 1/LR, drop to 1 if drop to ~~0 or below but don't die.
Savage Attacks - On a crit, roll +1 weapon damage die

2017-09-21, 05:51 PM
Gus squinted to see, but couldn't make out anyone other than the first two guards. He marveled at the young Half-Orc's vision.

Listening to the large Half-Orc woman's suggestion, Gus responded, "A great plan if our assignment was to wipe out the kobolds, but I was under the impression that our mission was to save the Innkeep's son. Who is to say that the kobolds won't use him as a hostage. I say we sneak in and try to take out the kobolds as silently as possible, or alternatively, send someone in to see if they can locate the child. I'm all ears if someone has a better plan, but I think that we have to assume the child is alive and able to be saved until we have information that says otherwise."

2017-09-21, 05:56 PM

"Dead kobold steal no more son. We do both."

2017-09-21, 06:21 PM
Hargrim Battleback

"We get a wee bit closer and I can put 'em t'sleep." Hargrim scratched at his bearded chin, taking in the situation. "Leastways the ones at the door. Couldn't be sure of the ones farther in. But ye all rush in once they're down and we can take 'em by surprise." he suggested. It wasn't a too terribly complex plan, but Hargrim always thought that the simple plans tended to be the best ones. "Kobolds are jittery, little buggers. Charge in fast enough and they'll panic. Won't know which way is up. Easy to clean up."


Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe (5gp) +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe (10gp) +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

2017-09-21, 06:34 PM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza listens to each idea. Finally, she points at the dwarven bard. "Putting them to sleep will be good. Less kobolds to kill is the best situation." She looks back toward the cave, thinking. "I did not expect to need destructive magics, so I am limited. I have prepared traveling spells for the day. I can fight a little, though. I vote for sleeping the ones we can and sneak in the front while the scroll still works."

2017-09-21, 06:37 PM

If they sleep, easy to chop head off. This good.

2017-09-21, 07:08 PM
"Sounds like a decent enough plan to me. Gus shrugged.

Edit: Gus took his shortbow out, and then took out a single arrow. If Hagrid's spell fails, Gus would be prepared to shoot.

2017-09-21, 08:36 PM
Gwendalyn marveled as the spell draped over them. It was so different than anything that she had experienced with chi. And as she moved towards the other ones, she noticed that her steps were even quieter than normal. It was a very strange experience. She listened as they talked among themselves, frowning at the notion of murdering defenseless kobolds.

"Let us make them sleep and see if we might perhaps persuade them to release the child," she interjects, peering from behind a tree. "I do not wish to bring a war upon this land."

Images from the war that she had already been through flickered in the edges of her vision and she shook her head to clear them. Then she crept along the edge of the wood, watching for the dwarf to begin to move so that he could cast his spell. She held her quarterstaff ready and loose.


Whisper Knight
2017-09-21, 08:51 PM
Adarvan nodded at the suggestion of going all out and slaughtering the Kobolds. They're Kobolds. No one would mourn Kobolds.

Adarvan also nodded at the suggestion of putting them to sleep. They're Kobolds. No one would mourn Kobolds who had their throats slit in their sleep.

Adarvan could see two more of them within the cave. That just meant that there were more of their force. Perhaps the sleathy, Sleep spell approach would work best.

Adarvan got out his loaded crossbow just in case. If the spell failed, Adarvan would take aim and fire at the Kobold that Gus was not aiming at.

Adarvan Saoshyant (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hBsS8xbx_rCurftaVmGWHKqesZIMpHqYWnxtUCWPKJo/edit?usp=sharing) casts Armor of Agathys at first level
AC: 13
Spell slots: First: 1/2
Condition: Armor of Agathys (+5 THP, melee hits to Adarvan cause 5 cold damage to attacker. dissipates when lost THP. Lasts one hour)

Equipped weapon: Light Crossbow, +4 to hit, 1d8+2 piercing, 20 bolts

2017-09-21, 09:24 PM
Hargrim Battleback

"Right then, be just a minute." Hargrim nodded as he pulled out a different instrument from his pack -- a flute made of some kind of dark wood. He wet his lips, placed his hands over the holes, and then began to play a soft lullaby. His magic, by definition, had to be audible, but hopefully before the kobolds could even realize what they were listening to; the tendrils of the spell were already slinking through their minds and hastening them to slumber.

As he played, he nodded insistently to the others to get on with it.

OOC: 15 ft is well within the spell's range. I suppose I should try to get the kobolds inside the cave, too, if they're within 20 feet of the others and I roll high enough.

Affecting [roll0] HP of creatures. They're out for 1 minute or until they take damage/are otherwise shaken awake.

Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe (5gp) +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe (10gp) +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

2017-09-21, 10:17 PM
The two kobolds outside start to yawn and blink slowly before they both slump over, dozing against the rocks.

The other two you notice just inside the entrance also fall over asleep.

You hear noises of surprise and confusion and can make out two just inside the entrance fall over asleep, while two more kobolds that were further back cautiously move towards them, seemingly confused. You can direct Adarvan's and Gus's aim so they can fire on these two right as they approach the entrance, before they can wake their allies. Doing so will be your surprise action.

2017-09-21, 10:46 PM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza almost shouts in joy when she sees so many kobolds fall asleep, but remembers that she is supposed to be sneaking. She suddenly notices some movement from further back in the cave. In a loud whisper she says, "Ardavan, Gus. There. A little deeper in the cave. See them? There are two kobolds who didn't fall asleep. Take them out before they can figure out what is happening." Stupid girl, she thinks to herself. "There are so many spells you know that could have been used here. Why didn't you prepare those today?"

She watches tensely as she waits to see if the two men follow her suggestion.

2017-09-21, 11:16 PM
Gus squinted and took a tiny step forward. He remarked quietly, "Gods, your eyes must be blessed." He concentrated on where Marza had indicated the two approaching kobolds, and tried to focus on his breathing and aim.

Then he saw something, just a tiny flicker of movement. "There". He didn't hesitate. At the end of his exhale, he let the arrow fly, hoping his aim was as true live as it was in practice.

Green Leviathan
2017-09-22, 08:12 AM
Argath (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334552) smiles that they were able to quietly subdue the two out front as well as the two shadows withing the cave entrance. "Well done Hagrim, well done" He says as he then rushes forward shield drawn to try and get in position to secure the sleeping kobolds as well as prepare for any possible counter attack.

Moving toward the cave mouth and taking the Dodge action

Edit, clerification: to the side of the cave mouth, don't want to stand right in the middle.

2017-09-22, 09:09 AM
Flynn enjoys the soothing music and starts yawning as well, but if any enemies come within his sight he'll have a firebolt cantrip ready.

Firebolt cantrip
ranged spell attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1] (fire damage)

Flynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1333968)

2017-09-22, 07:06 PM
Gwendalyn bites off a cheer as the kobolds drift off to sleep. That helps them immensely, especially in getting into the cave in order to save the boy. The last thing that she wanted was to have the boy get hurt or accidentally killed in the skirmish. That gives her an idea and she picks up her staff and starts to run to the entrance, trying to be as sneaky as possible. Her goal would be to get inside and try to sneak to the boy to make sure nobody hurts him as the others enter.

She gestures to Marza before projecting her voice in order that she might hear.

"I will sneak inside and find the boy. Can you do anything with magic to cover me?"

With that, she hurries off, bent low to the ground in hopes of preventing anyone from finding her. And as she approaches, she peers into the dark to try and see if there's any sign of the boy close to the entrance, or if he is much further in.

Stealth: 1d20+15
Perception: 1d20+5

2017-09-22, 10:03 PM
You can't edit in rolls, go ahead and post those rolls in the OOC. Also remember once you get more than 30ft away from Marza you will lose the +10 bonus

As the group advances, Marza points out two more kobolds who move towards the entrance, and an arrow, bolt of flame, and crossbow bolt fly out from Gus, Flynn and Adarvan. The arrow buries itself in one of the kobold's eye sockets, dropping it immediately. The bolt of fire goes wide, Flynn's yawn disrupting his aim as the bolt flies between the two kobolds and strikes the back wall of the cave. The crossbow bolt from Adarvan finds itself in the throat of the second kobold, who grasps at it, gurgling out something in draconic before falling face-first into the dirt. With those two down and the other four asleep, the coast looks clear. Gwen is the first to advance forward and get a look at the inside of the cave as she passes the four sleeping guards.

The inside of the cave is barely lit except for the embers of a small fire. The inside of this part of the cave is roughly 30' by 30' with a few rough hides around the fire pit and a pile of refuse off in one corner. The back of the wall has a tunnel leading further into the darkness, no light visible down it as it curves slowly to the left.
You notice a trip wire at the entrance of the tunnel

Edit: No initiative necessary as there are no active enemies. The kobolds are asleep for 1 minute.

2017-09-22, 11:09 PM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza's eyebrows raise into her hairline. "That's....that's some great shooting. Let's get closer and see what's further back in the cave. The kid has to be in there somewhere." She moves down closer to the cave, trying to see deeper in.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception looking into the cave: [roll1]

2017-09-23, 12:16 AM
Hargrim Battleback

Hargrim stopped playing and swapped his flute out for his battleaxe again, staying on Marza's heels and within the range of the stealth spell. He choked up his grip on the weapon a little bit as they moved inside. He was wondering how best to dispatch their sleeping foes, or maybe pondering how far he could punt a kobold head across the forest. He kept his voice pitched low enough not to carry down further into the lizard den. "Aye, smart shooting, indeed. An' we should take care 'o' the rest of them before they wake and give us aw-"

He suddenly stopped at the entrance to the interior den and reached up to put his hand on Marza's shoulder. "Hold a moment, lass. Tripwire." he warned, pointing with his weapon toward the ground. It was near pitch black save for the glowing remnants of a fire, but Hargrim could see as clearly as if it was daylight. Dwarves were born for caves and tunnels, after all.


Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

2017-09-23, 12:58 AM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

A nervous smile makes its way across the young druid's face. She shoots Hargrim a look of thanks and then asks, "Anybody have experience with these? Can we disarm... Her face turns thoughtful. "Maybe we should leave it? Stir up the kobolds and come running out? See if they trip their own trap? We'll have to be careful, of course, but it would sure be funny."

2017-09-23, 07:26 AM
“Worry not, my friends! I can disarm one those, easily.”

In spite of his lack of training, Flynn wants to impress the group.

“Just everybody back up to a safe distance in case I fail, find cover behind something and make sure to protect your eyes.”

(If the group complies to his request, Flynn will crouch behind a boulder or cave wall and use his mage hand cantrip to try to either to disarm or simply set off the trap remotely)

If possible to attempt to disarm with the mage hand, a dexterity check: [roll0]

2017-09-23, 02:22 PM
The arcane hand Flynn summons fumbles with the trip wire for a moment, but unable to deactivate it the hand does activate the trip wire, causing several lengths of wood with shards of metal strapped to them to swing down from a hidden spot in the ceiling. Had anyone been standing their they may have been impaled in the abdomen. The trap is now disengaged, the make-shift weapons can be moved out of the way and moved around, though it is apparent that the tunnel will be small enough that the group will need to move single file. And without light, the humans of the group cannot see anything beyond the edges of the fire pit.

2017-09-23, 02:54 PM
Gus grinned as his shot clearly made contact with the kobold. He walked up to entrance of the cave just as the trap was engaged.

"Not bad Flynn."he patted the young man on the back."Anyone want to go first? I suppose I could if no one wants to. I can see well enough in there.

2017-09-23, 03:13 PM
Hargrim Battleback

The dwarf moved back well away from the interior cave opening while Flynn worked his magic. When the trap was sprung, he nodded carefully. That might have been the death of one of the taller ones had they walked into that. He'd pondered over the idea of having the kobolds blunder into their own trap, but he decided that he liked the threat out of the way entirely better than relying on the small chance the little cretins would forget about it. He walked over and slapped a hand across Flynn's back, nearly bowling him over. "Good thinkin', lad. But keep a few tricks up yer sleeve fer later. In cards and battle, the best card is the one yer opponent doesn't know ye have." he winked, allowing the young human a hint for the first time since they'd set out that he knew who Flynn was.

"Right, then. Marching order. Sneaky types with good eyes at the front, less sneaky types with good eyes next, not so sneaky types with bad eyes in the center, and sneaky types with bad eyes in the back to cover us. That's how I'd run it." he suggested to the group, only raising his voice just high enough that everyone could hear but no so far that it would carry down the interior passage.


Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

2017-09-23, 04:30 PM
"I have elven eyes, and I suppose I'm relatively cautious and quiet with my step."

Gus wasn't too keen in going first, but he thought he was probably capable for the task.

"Marza, any idea on how much longer that sneaky spell from the scroll is supposed to last?"

2017-09-23, 04:46 PM
Gwen hung back by the entrance as the trap was magically sprung. She clenched the quarterstaff more tightly and swallowed as she peered into the dark. It was dim, but she could still see a little bit. Not enough for comfort though. She listened as the dwarf explained the strategy and she nodded.

"Aye," she replied, slipping back into her highland brogue, "That seems like a fair enough plan. I can stay in the back and guard the rear." She wasn't too thrilled about the idea of going first down that narrow tunnel that went beyond. Not when she couldn't see where she was going. It was rather terrifying to consider, but she forced that thought out of her mind so that it could dissipate into the mist.

She stepped aside so that the others could slip in front of her to their part of the line and once they had all passed, she would file in behind them, eyes darting around the tunnel and cave.

Green Leviathan
2017-09-23, 06:12 PM
Argath (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334552) looks down into the dark cave, pitch black meeting him. "Some light for those of us who cant see in the dark would be nice." Argath then concentrates on one of the early cantrips he learned from the temple , focusing on his shield. Immediately light sprung forth from his shield, yet it gave off no heat. "There that should help. Now I think that we should deal with these sleeping Kobolds before we proceed any further, they could wake at any time. We might even be able to ask them some questions about whats inside and where the boy is when they do. Assuming any of them can understand us that is." With that he moves to the closest sleeping Kobold, remove it of any weapons it might posses, and begins to tie its wrists and ankles together with the rope strapped to the side of his pack.

Casts light spell on shield. 1 hour duration, no concentration

if i check i need to tie up the sleeping kobold
[roll0] plus any relevant modifier

Whisper Knight
2017-09-24, 03:26 AM
After some of the Kobolds fall asleep from Hargrim's spell, the rest are felled by arrows and bolts. Easy pickings. Hargrim said that they should take care of the rest before the sleeping ones woke up. Why give them the chance?

There was a trap, apparently, right outside the cave mouth. Flynn "disarmed" this trap as Adarvan and the others stood back. Hargrim proposed that their should be a marching order.

"I'm fine at the back. My spells have good reach," Adarvan said.

Argath, the Cleric, suggested dealing with the sleeping Kobolds. Adarvan nodded. No sense having them wake up. Ever again. But then he started tying up one of them.

"Fair idea, but we should dispatch the others. They'll wake up soon."

Adarvan moved towards the other sleeping Kobolds, mace in hand.

Adarvan takes his mace and bashes in the heads of the sleeping Kobolds.

Do I need to roll for Kobold smashing? Or is it automatic considered a coup de grâce?

Adarvan Saoshyant (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hBsS8xbx_rCurftaVmGWHKqesZIMpHqYWnxtUCWPKJo/edit?usp=sharing) casts Armor of Agathys at first level
AC: 13
Spell slots: First: 1/2
Condition: Armor of Agathys (+5 THP, melee hits to Adarvan cause 5 cold damage to attacker. dissipates when lost THP. Lasts one hour)

Equipped weapon: Light Crossbow, +4 to hit, 1d8+2 piercing, 20 bolts

2017-09-24, 09:23 AM
Flynn agrees with Adarvan’s logic. If left alive, the kobolds will harm more people. But somehow the killing of sleeping creatures seems a bit cruel. Secretly, he hopes someone steps up to oppose the tiefling.

2017-09-24, 02:17 PM
"Stop," Gwendalyn interjects, stepping between the sleeping kobolds and the tiefling. She held out her hand and staff. "I will not allow you to murder these kobolds.
We shall apprehend them and bring them back to the village so that true justice might be carried out." She paused for a moment to think. "Also, we do not know what it was that led them to attack the town. Keeping them alive gives us a better chance to learn what we need to know."

She plants her feet and crosses her arms, meeting his gaze. She would not move from this position until she knew they were to be left unharmed.

Whisper Knight
2017-09-24, 02:29 PM
Adarvan looked to the Monk and groaned, but sheathed his dagger nonetheless. Killing the Kobolds would only serve to decrease any risks. Angering these people would only create more.

"Fine. But if you find a Kobold's spear in your back, don't blame me." He looked away and returned to the rest of the party, ready to enter the cave. He looked at one of one of the dead Kobolds on the way. Where's their justice, I wonder?

2017-09-24, 02:51 PM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza flinched when the trap was spring, then glanced to Flynn and muttered. "Easy, sure. Competently? Not so much." She glared at the sprung trap for a few moments, imagining what the trap would have done to one of them should they not have set it off and decided to let it go. In answer to Gus' question about the duration of the spell, she concentrates inward for a few moments. The natural energy still suffused her body nearly as much as the moment she cast it. She found she liked the feeling, and was surprised that she had become accustomed to it so quickly. "Quite a while longer. We should be good as long as I don't lose hold to the connection."

When the light bursts forth from Argath's shield, she almost snaps at the man to put it out. Right. Humans can't see well in the dark. That part of her grandmother's heritage was so ingrained that she often took it for granted. She nodded her head and nervously licked her lips as she thought about how to proceed. She listens to the others bicker about the fate of the kobolds, and finds herself coming down on Gwendalyn's side. "I agree. I'm okay killing in defense, but cold-blooded murder, even against one of these, reduces ourselves each time. I don't plan to lose myself for the sake of convenience."

Wouldn't her father be proud? No...a half-orc warrior chief wouldn't pause a moment or lose any sleep. That's how she knew it was the right thing to do.

Whisper Knight
2017-09-24, 03:05 PM
Adarvan grumbled, not in anger or resentment, but in sorrow. "Not like I can be reduced much more..."

In the back of his head, he hoped something he hadn't hoped before. Maybe he hoped this because he now knew the terrible thing he did those years ago. He hoped that these people didn't assume he would kill the Kobolds because of some kind of bloodthirst.

2017-09-24, 03:08 PM
Hargrim Battleback

"Tiefling's right, though." Hargrim said gruffly, but not without some compassion for the feelings of the others, if not the kobolds themselves. "Got to be done eventually, lass. I'm not fer foisting the responsibility off'n someone else." he said. "Now I'll not fight ye on it either, if yer mind's made up, but this lot has it comin' one way or the other." he said. That was apparently all he would add to the discussion, because he soon turned back to the cave mouth, turning his attention to the other kobolds they were going to have to kill today.


Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

2017-09-25, 01:09 AM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza stops and looks at the dwarf thoughtfully. "Not all of these kobolds may be responsible. Were you born into a clan of your darker cousins, would you prefer to be judged on your actions, or on the fact you were born the wrong place?" Marza ends the sentence in a huff, as if there may be a little too much personal investment in her topic.

2017-09-25, 07:49 AM
“Friends, let us move forward. There’s plenty of fight ahead of us, no need to start fighting among ourselves, rights?”

Flynn glances at the sleeping monsters.

“Let’s leave the kobolds to their slumber. Cowardly as they are, I doubt they will be picking up spears to come after us. No, they will take this chance to run and start a new den somewhere else.”

Trying to act brave, Flynn starts moving further into the cave, squinting his eyes in the darkness if the magical source of light isn’t near enough.

2017-09-25, 11:18 AM
Yes, they'll start a new den somewhere else and become the same simple minded little bandits that they are now, or they'll become the pawn of someone else.

Gus sighed.

At the very least we should gag them, and question one of them. If they can tell us where the boy is, or why they kidnapped him, it would have been worth it.

2017-09-25, 11:41 AM
Flynn removes the rope from his backpack and with his dagger, he cuts a segment of it.

“Here, Gus. You tie that one up. I’ll see to the others.”

With a smug smile on his face, Flynn employs his mage hand cantrip once more to tie up the remaining monsters.

“Hey, this trick never gets old.”

(I suppose other people would help as well)

2017-09-25, 01:13 PM
The four sleeping kobolds are bound and gagged. The party can wait for them to wake and question them or move further into the cave to confront the rest of this den. As far as the party can tell, no alarm has been raised.

2017-09-25, 10:01 PM
Gus was beginning to think that there were too many opinions for this situation and decided to act this time without asking. He grabbed one of the kobolds, picked it up, and dragged it about 10 yards from the mouth of the cave. He reached in his boot, took out his dagger, put it in front of the kobolds face, and slapped the kobold, hard. As the kobold woke up, he made sure the creature could see the dagger and put it up to the creatures throat.

"Nod if you can understand. Gus said in common.

2017-09-25, 10:16 PM
Flynn crouches down near one of the tied up kobolds at stares at the creature as it snoozes in deep sleep.

“I wonder what you’re dreaming about… Hey, there. Sorry for the hassle, but you knew you had this coming, right? What did you expect, kidnapping a village kid like this..”

The slumbering kobold is, of course, unresponsive and maybe even unable to understand the common language Flynn uses, but that doesn’t stop the young sorcerer from going on:

“I’m supposed to interrogate you, but I have no idea what to ask. In all honesty, I’m just acting like I know what I’m doing so I can hang out with this group more often. You know, be in a proper adventuring party.”

And then, Flynn notices something around the kobold's neck.

“Hey, what’s this..?” he reaches out and snatches an amulet from the kobold.

Well, to call it an amulet would be generous. It is no more than a string tied to a strange pendant made of twigs and chicken bones. A rudimentary holy symbol to whatever deity this little guy prays to.

“Do you mind if I keep this? I sort of collect them, you know..”

Putting the holy symbol around his own neck, Flynn adds:

“thanks, buddy. You’re a real pal.”

Then he gets up and move out with the rest of the group. Speaking to anyone who would give him attention:

"I pressed him hard! But the little guy is strong as nails, he won't rat."

Green Leviathan
2017-09-26, 08:24 AM
Argath (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334552) finishes tieing up the kobold in front of him and looks up and to see the other kobolds tied up as well. Glad to see that when given the oppurtunity bloodshed could be prevented even, when as some others pointed out, when it might be better to do otherwise. He turns back to the kobold he had tied up and carries him off to the side of the cave and places him proped up against the wall. Argath mutters a quick prayer for guidance then shakes the kobold awake.

In common
"Stay still and listen if you value your life. It may not seem like it, but you are very lucky to be alive right now. I convinced the others here to spare your life because you might be able to help us. If that turns out to be incorrect, I am unsure if I can keep convincing them that it is worth the trouble. And if your story doesn't match what the others we captured say, I wont even try to stop them. Nod if you understand me so far"

Trying again in Goblin and Giant if it can't understand common, understanding its a long shot.

These are the questions so far I want to ask

"Good, do you know where the boy is being keep?"
"Why was the boy kidnapped?"
"Are there more traps further in? Where?"
"How many more are in this cave"

If Diplomacy is needed
[roll0] + 3 (see ooc for roll for guidance)
if intimidation or another charisma roll subtract 2

To the rest of the group
"Does anyone here understand these things? "

2017-09-26, 12:10 PM
Rakka glowers at Flynn but says nothing to him. Instead, she takes her axe, hefts it near the kobold Gus has tied up, and speaks to Masha. "Marza think she is paldin and redeem souls. Hah! You are nature-tender. You raise snake in your tree, it still be snake. It use you for food; still it just snake. You raise orc in elf land, it still feel fury of mind. Some thing of blood not changes. An orc you teach maybe to choose; a kobold you teach, it not learn, just like snake. Kobold be kobold in cave or tree or city. They know fear."

She stands, her axe a menacing contrast to the restraint others have shown to being persuadable.

She brings her axe down in a brutal swing against the tied and vulnerable kobold near Gus.
hopefully at Advantage
[roll0] [roll1]

Should she succeed on slaying this kobold, she will bloody her axe upon the fresh corpse and bring it over to the next kobold that has been tied up by Argath.

Green Leviathan
2017-09-26, 06:53 PM
Argath (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334552), unable to understand the short yipes, barks, and hisses of the kobold, he speaks up to the rest of the group. "Does anyone here understand these things?" As he does he turns his head to view the scene unfolding between Rakka and the others, unable to intervene in his current position.

2017-09-26, 07:21 PM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza pauses for a moment as she listens to the appeals of the rest of the group. She looks at each of them, then just gives one sad nod. "You each make good points, but I'll not take part." She takes a few steps and looks deeper in the cave. "Make it quiet. We have a ways yet to go."

2017-09-27, 07:10 AM
Flynn casts a spell on Rakka “Whoa! Hey, hey.. Stop!” He whispers softly “They are scared enough. No need for more killing, let’s move on, there will be more enemies ahead.”

Rakka has to make a Wisdom Saving throw, DC 13.

Rolling for wild magic [roll0]

2017-09-27, 07:17 AM
What Flynn has to say make somes sense; No need to kill one that's not a threat when others will be.


But is it worth sacrificing valuable time? Is it worth spending more time in these warrens than they have to, when any moment there could be a tide of the critters? Rakka shakes her head. Kobolds dangerous. We kills this one, others talk. We find prince soon; less foes kill

She holds her axe above the kobold, a menacing profile ready to murder. "Unless this one has words to talk is useless." The threat is real; it's only a matter of time before tbe threat is due.

2017-09-27, 11:35 PM
"Let the town mayor execute justice," Gwendalyn interrupted, holding up her staff to block what might happen with the axe. "For if we kill them, the others may kill the child when they find out. That is a larger risk. If I must stay behind as a guard to ensure that the prisoners will not be killed, I shall."

As the kobolds hiss and such, she tilts her head to listen, frowning, as she tries to identify the language.


2017-09-27, 11:41 PM
Hargrim Battleback

Hargrim leaned against the wall by the entrance to the interior cave, staying far enough forward so that any glaring light from the illuminated shield didn't effect his darkvision down the tunnel. It was times like these he wished he smoked a pipe, it would make time pass faster. "Whatever ye're going te do, be done wit' it. We 'ave a young'n to save, if'n ye even remember..." he grumbled quietly in frustration.


Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

Green Leviathan
2017-09-28, 07:11 AM
Argath (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334552) see's the growing impacience of the group, and sharring their concern, looks back at the kobold he is standing over. "I'm sorry little kobold, but we can't spare the people to watch you and we can't have you give an alarm." With that, he says a quick chant to imbue his quarterstaff with divine energy and swings it at the kobold. Hopefully this strike would only incapacitate it.

Bonus, casting Shilelegh then striking the kobold, hopefully knocking it out instead of dealing a lethal blow.

advantage because kobold is prone

damage if hit

2017-09-28, 08:25 AM
Rakka growls at Gwendalyn, "You save a kobold? It steal more child." Still, the orc backs down. Better to let these other deceive themselves that the Kobolds were worth redemption than risk what would apparently be suicide.

Maybe not everything like old job. Maybe can leave survivors? Thoughts swirl around in Rakka's head. This is a new experience for her.

Whisper Knight
2017-09-28, 08:39 AM
Adarvan watched the spectacle unfold, the half-orc ready to kill the Kobold, not seeming to care about what the others thought. Luckily (for the Kobold), they convinced her to not kill the thing. In the middle of the event, Adarvan decided to watch the half-orc to see if she was going to kill for the very practical and understandable reasons she said, or to satiate some sort of blood-lust. Adarvan hated working with those types, and would like to avoid it.

"Let's get on with this. We save the kid and get out. You wanna kill more Kobolds? Make sure they have a spear in your direction."

[roll0] WIS (Insight) check to figure out if Rakka's killing is based on blood-lust.

Adarvan Saoshyant (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hBsS8xbx_rCurftaVmGWHKqesZIMpHqYWnxtUCWPKJo/edit?usp=sharing)
AC: 13
Spell slots: First: 1/2
Condition: Armor of Agathys (+5 THP, melee hits to Adarvan cause 5 cold damage to attacker. dissipates when lost THP. Lasts one hour)

Equipped weapon: Light Crossbow, +4 to hit, 1d8+2 piercing, 20 bolts

2017-09-28, 11:45 AM
Gus left the kobold outside the cave. He couldn't believe it couldn't understand any of the languages who know, but what was one to do. He had made sure to gag the kobold rightly so it would make little sound. As he made his way to back to the group, he shrugged to say he hadn't learned anything and made it known that he was ready to go deeper through the cave.

2017-09-28, 03:32 PM
Argath knocks out the prone kobold. It is still breathing but won't regain consciousness for some time. The group begins to gather up and prepare to move further into the cave. The tunnel is a bit of a squeeze for the largest members of the party, obviously designed for smaller creatures. The tunnel goes down and turns, the slope not unlike rough-carved spiral stairs. It descends like this for about 20ft, the air getting cooler and damper. The descent ends in a crude hatch made of wood and hide.

Make me perception checks

Green Leviathan
2017-09-28, 07:41 PM
Argath (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334552) lights the way with his shield, knowing that the light could give away there position, but wandering around in the dark was a worse option. He tried to keep a wary eye out.


2017-09-28, 07:46 PM
Hargrim Battleback

"Keep well back, ye derned bright fool." Hargrim hissed as he shouldered his way past Argath, keeping him from giving away their position. He didn't want to physically push the man back, but he would if he had to. He wanted there to be at least some small chance of surprising the kobolds down there before they could see or hear the adventurers coming and slit the child's throat. "Let those of softer step and what can see in the dark take the lead. And yer great big shield's ruinin' me own vision te boot." he whispered.


Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

2017-09-28, 09:35 PM
Rakka favors her axe as they continue down the corridor but doesn't seem like she's in any battle frenzy. She responds to Adarvan, Yes, we will kill them that took the kid, then get kid. Just another job for killings.

2017-09-29, 10:42 AM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

What a strange sequence of events today had been. If Marza hadn't been thirsty enough to stop by the inn, where would today have taken her? Now, instead of cataloging some new leaf she had never seen, she was assisting in the rescue of a child. Fate was a strange thing. Any seemingly small decision could dramatically change your course.

Marza pushes her way in front of the glowing shield. "Who is light of foot and can see in the dark without the help of a glowing beacon? That one should move slightly ahead to help us avoid any surprises."

If someone volunteers to scout, Marza will cast Guidance on them to help out.

2017-09-29, 11:24 AM
Rakka (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334531) says to Marza, "I do this. No killings, just look, yes?

2017-09-29, 12:19 PM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza nods her head to the taller half-orc woman. "No killings. Just look. Come back. Tell us what you see. Thank you. Does anyone have any magics to lend Rakka to help in her search?"

Oops. I can't cast guidance because it's a concentration spell and I'll lose Pass Without Trace, which is obviously the superior choice at this point. Can anyone else cast it on Rakka?

Green Leviathan
2017-09-29, 01:34 PM
Argath (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334552) steps aside as Hagrim and the others push ahead. As they do so he says, "Alright, you can take the lead but the light stays on. I can't see a blasted thing without it." and to Rakka he adds, ""Let me give you Osiris' blessing before you go." With that he reaches out and places a hand on Rakka and mutters a quick word for guidance.

Casting Guidance on Rakka, thankfully light spell doesn't take concentration. Ignore my perception roll from earlier, since i'm no longer in the lead.

2017-09-29, 01:55 PM
Rakka (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334531) steps forward into the dark, confident she has the will of blessings upon her. She does her best to remain soft-footed and alert to her surroundings. With her Darkvision, she can remain alert and hidden in the dark.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1] (+3 from Guidance.)
Guidance (http://engl393-dnd5th.wikia.com/wiki/Guidance) on whichever rolls lower: +[roll2]

2017-09-29, 06:11 PM
Don't forget you guys are still under the effects of Marza's Pass without trace as long as you stay within 30ft of her.
So that makes that a stealth check of 30!

Rakka moves forward and notices no traps on this hatch, she can tell simply by looking that it will be easy enough to pull free and move aside, and is confident she could do so without making any noise. Beyond the door she hears several of the kobolds speaking in their strange language. One voice sounds deeper than the other higher-pitched voices, and the tone seems more confident than the rest of the yapping and barking. She can make out 6 voices in total, and also can just barely make out soft crying somewhere further back in the room.

2017-09-29, 09:48 PM
Rakka (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334531) makes her way back to the group. In a hushed voice, she relays the essential information:

"Room has six kobold and crying of child. I can open door. If we sneaky, kill kobold easy."

2017-09-30, 05:38 PM
Gwendalyn waits for the half-orc to return with the scouting report. She considers the result. Six of them, the kid in the back. Stealth can likely help tackle the kobolds quickly. She nods.

""Let us finish then. See if we can neutralize the kobolds before they have a chance to see what happens with the kid. Would it help you if someone else removes that hatch so that you can catch them most effectively by surprise?"

The last question was directed to Rakka. Gwendalyn was thinking already about what the might need to do to get through the mission successfully.

2017-10-01, 01:27 PM
Rakka nods. "We prepare, then enter. She looks to her companions. This was her moment. Was that sadness she saw in their faces? Reluctance? Or was it confirmation of the savage she'd led them to see? Did they think less of her, that she was a killer, so willing to sever connections to life?

It didn't matter. There was the life of a more civilized society at stake. Who goes in?

2017-10-01, 01:39 PM
Hargrim Battleback

"Well I can't very well be stayin' here after comin' all this way." Hargrim nodded, holding up his battleaxe. He meant to butcher a few lizards today, regardless of his companions' bleeding hearts. Sometimes it was better just to keep things simple, and when you had a kobold infestation you kept things very simple.


Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

2017-10-01, 03:15 PM
Gus took his shortsword out of its sheath.

I'm ready. he said with a low voice.

Whisper Knight
2017-10-01, 03:21 PM
Adarvan let the Dwarf past him. I'm better for throwing spells at the back now., he thought.

The magically-produced light was a bit annoying, but useful for the humans in the group. And Darkvision wasn't always perfect in pitch blackness.

"If any of us are more cloak and dagger, they should strike first, take them by surprise. Regardless, we should move in for the strike and save the kid."

2017-10-01, 06:51 PM
Flynn looks entirely unprepared for combat. No armor, bare hands and his crossbow nicely tucked away. And yet he nods affirmatively when asked if ready to proceed. He dips his right hand fingers in a belt pouch and they come out covered in a strange colorful powder.

Trying to impress the group, Flynn seeks words fitting for the occasion “My magic is yours to command.” …Wait, why did I say that? Who am I even speaking to? He then feels relieved no one seemed to notice this odd statement.

Flynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1333968)

2017-10-02, 12:07 AM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza listens to the others for a moment. "I think this time we should move quickly, and we move to kill. Until the child is safe." She looks over the group one more time, wondering again how things had come to this point. "I'll move in close to the door to keep the spell on those who go in first. If anyone can get close enough to get a couple quick strikes in, maybe we can take out some before we even begin. Once that happens, the rest of us charge. After that point, the stealth won't matter. I'll let that drop once we get the boy and use a different spell to cover our escape. Anyone have anything else to add before we go?"

Green Leviathan
2017-10-02, 07:47 AM
Argath (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334552) nods in agreement. He grips his quarterstaff tightly preparing himself to do some ghastly work. "I'll do what needs be done, don't worry." To Rakka he says. "Lead the way then, and let Osiris's blessing guide your path. I will be close behind."

Casting Guidance again on Rakka. Ready for combat.

2017-10-02, 05:16 PM
Rakka nods gravely and waits for someone to open the door. She'll sneak into the room, and when there, she will attack the furthest kobold she can reach this round.

Move up to 30'

Stealth [roll0] +4 (guidance).
Attack [roll1] ct[roll2]
Damage [roll3]
Guidance [roll4] applied to stealth

2017-10-02, 09:41 PM
Gus nods at Rakka and walks up to open the door as quietly as possible. He makes sure to press it very slowly and steps back to let Rakka enter first.

2017-10-03, 04:07 PM
Gus carefully moves the door aside and Rakka dashes past into the dark room. Her form blends in with the cavern wall as she moves around the group of kobolds to get right up against the furthest one. With her darkvision she can clearly make out five regular kobolds, plus one kobold with a set of wings. They don't notice her as she slips past them and is right next to a kobold that is teasing a small boy, prodding at him with a spear. Rakka' axe comes down on the kobold's head, and the rest of the kobolds hop back in surprise, not expecting a large form to leap out of the darkness right among their ranks.

That's initiative please.

You will notice a side tunnel that leads to another room. This room is also a good 40' wide and 30' deep. The boy is at the back wall, Rakka is now within 5' of him, and she is within 5' of two kobolds. The other two kobolds and the winged kobold are near the wall opposite of the side tunnel.

2017-10-03, 04:12 PM
Hargrim Battleback

"HaHA! Finally!" Hargrim roared as he hopped eagerly through the hatch after Rakka, his bagpipes wheezing at his side from the sudden movement. The second he'd heard the kobolds startle, he knew it was time for some fun, and he charged forward with his battleaxe at the ready.


Initiative: [roll0]

Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

2017-10-03, 05:20 PM
Rakka (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334531) twitches in anticipation of her next strike.[roll0]

2017-10-03, 05:35 PM
Gus saw the boy in the back of the tunnel. There were quite a few kobolds, but he decided to try and make his way to the boy as efficiently as possible. He decided it wouldn't be prudent to run, but nonetheless attempted to hurry.

Initiative: [roll0]

Green Leviathan
2017-10-03, 07:44 PM
Argath (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334552) waits a moment after Rakka sneaks though the door, tense with anticipation. As soon as he heard a surprised yips of the kobolds he springs through the door.


2017-10-03, 07:47 PM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza's hands tremble a little as she follows the others into the room. She had trained a little with guards and such, but she hadn't had anything in the way of combat against other thinking creatures.

Initiative: [roll0]

For the future, I'm okay with the DM rolling initiative for the PCs if everyone else is. It tends to speed up combat by at least a day.

2017-10-04, 07:47 AM
Initiative: [roll0]
I'm also ok with the DM rolling initiative.
edit: I added a wrong bonus. it is supposed to be +3, not +5. which would give me a total of 16.

Flynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1333968)

2017-10-04, 04:55 PM
Gwnedalyn waits near the back as the others hurry into the room. She hears the surprise from the kobolds and then she moves, ducking through the passageway and coming out behind the others. She grips her staff with both hands and swallows nervously. It's difficult to see in the room, but she makes out the boy on the far end of the room. Rakka is next to him, but so were two kobolds. There were two others and one with wings, of all things. She didn't think that she had seen that before.

She went to run across the cave towards the boy, hoping to help protect him from the kobolds.


2017-10-04, 06:23 PM
The kobolds all hiss in anger and surprise, the winged one reacting immedietly to the sudden arrival of the group. It moves around Rakka so at least one of the other kobolds is on the other side of her, then slashes at her with his dagger.

Attack roll with advantage [roll0] [roll1] for [roll2] piercing

The dagger doesn't even nick her hide. (Miss)

2017-10-04, 06:54 PM
Rakka (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334531) grunts in satisfaction at her first kill. She takes a backwards-swing of her axe, doing her best to spray blood in the faces of the kobolds as she readies her next blow. The ploy works; the winged one barely misses her.

She looks for the next available victim. She will ignore he winged kobold for now and will strike at the minion flanking her instead.

crit [roll1]

Prepared for an Attack of Opportunity:
[roll3] crit [roll4]

2017-10-04, 08:33 PM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza had heard stories of combat, but never been part of an actual one. Adrenaline must have been pumping through her system, though, because as quickly as the combat began, and not even remembering drawing and aiming, she found herself shooting her crossbow at the winged kobold.

I think attacking with advantage due to Rakka being in range to threaten it? If not, just take the first number.

Attack: [roll0] or [roll1] for [roll2] damage.

2017-10-04, 09:04 PM
The rush of combat makes Flynn produce a faint scream, sounding like a frightened child. “Yeep..!” Nevertheless, he moves into the room and launches a magical fire bolt.

Movement: Flynn moves into the room but tries to stay a few steps back from the bulk of the fight.

Firebolt: Ranged spell attack: [roll0] and [roll1] fire damage.

Target: Any kobold reading a ranged attack. If none, then the closest kobold.

Whisper Knight
2017-10-05, 05:06 PM
Adarvan waited for the time to strike, hoping to get this over with. Some of these people's goody-goody-ness grated on him.

Rakka was the first in and ssavagely attacked the Kobolds. The rest of the group seemed to be in the swing of things, even the inexperienced ones.

Adarvan threw an Eldritch Blast at one of the dragonlings as he entered the room, keeping behind the others.

Eldritch Blast: +6 to attack, 1d10 force damage
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Adarvan Saoshyant (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hBsS8xbx_rCurftaVmGWHKqesZIMpHqYWnxtUCWPKJo/edit?usp=sharing)
AC: 13
Spell slots: First: 1/2
Condition: Armor of Agathys (+5 THP, melee hits to Adarvan cause 5 cold damage to attacker. dissipates when lost THP. Lasts one hour)

Equipped weapon: Light Crossbow, +4 to hit, 1d8+2 piercing, 20 bolts

2017-10-05, 05:29 PM
Rakka's savage strikes continue as she embeds her axe head in the shoulder of a second kobold, dropping it with ease. The Winged one behind her begins trying to organize with barked orders but is hit in the thigh by a bolt from Marza. It hisses at the druid in anger. Flynn rushes in and casts another firebolt, but his inexperience in the chaos of battle throws off his aim and the bolt of flame hits the floor beside a kobold. As two of the kobolds turn to face the entering group, Adarvan's Eldritch Blast catches one in te shoulder, wounding it.

The kobolds barka nd his at one another and the three still standing move to engage the group. One moves to attack Rakka, taking up the position of it's fallen clutchmates while the other two rush the entrance way, one going for Adarvan and the other for Marza.

Attack on Rakka (with advantage from pack tactics) [roll0], [roll1] and [roll2] piercing damage on a hit
Attack on Adarvan [roll3] for [roll4] piercing (and the kobold will take 5 cold damage if it hits)
Attack on Marza [roll5] for [roll6] piercing

With the advantage of having the winged kobold providing some distraction, Rakka is cut by the kobold with it's dagger. Adarvan manages to avoid his attacker, the same kobold he struck with his blast, but Marza is not so lucky as the kobold attacking her manages to leave a deep bash on her calf. The kobolds hiss angrily.

Rakkas kills 1 kobold
The winged kobold takes 5 damage from Marza
A kobold takes 3 damage from Adarvan
Rakka takes 4 damage
Marza takes 6 damage

2017-10-05, 05:52 PM
Hargrim Battleback

"Prepare te meet me axe, ye l’il scaled chicken!" Hargrim roared as he charged one of the kobolds. As he skidded to a halt, he chopped in a high overhand arch down with a two-handed grip at the lizard thing’s neck, meaning to hew it in half from shoulder to hip.

As he did so, Hargrim started into a little sing-song kind of rhyme, throwing in a wink Gwen’s way to show it was for her. He was obviously having the time of his life and wanted the others to match his enthusiasm!

“Roar ’n’ bite,
Jump ‘n’ kick,
Whack this bugger wit’ yer stick!”

OOC: Move Action to get in range of one of the remaining minion kobolds, or the winged one if the others kill the rest before Hargrim’s initiative turn happens. Bonus Action to give a D6 Bardic Inspiration die to Gwen.

Attack: [roll0]
Potential Damage: [roll1]

Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

Green Leviathan
2017-10-05, 05:57 PM
Argath (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334552) slight hesitation at the start of the combat irritated him. That irritation quickly changed to worry as Marza was struck by one of the kobolds. This was the first time that he'd seen an ally struck with an attack that was intended to kill. This worry and his otherwise timid demeanor switched quite suddenly to a battle rage he had never felt before. His feet started to move toward the kobold before he even realized, chanting instinctively to channel divine energy into his staff to strike at the foul little creature.

Moving behind the kobold to strike at the one that hit Marza.
Casting Shillelagh as a bonus action


Damage if hit
If crit add

2017-10-05, 06:02 PM
Rakka (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334531)'s eyes focus in the melee, and she feels strong despite the wound. The Druid, the one critical to their success, takes a brutal bolt to the torso. The rush of blood in her thigh, the thrill of combat, death surrounding her...It all comes back.

She is in a palace amid a riot. Men are putting down civilians; her target is attacking peasants with a sword. She roars at him; he turns, and for that moment, a few peasants pull him off his horse; her axe takes the tyrant's life.

She is in a pitched battle among goblins. There are others dying around. As she and a few others flee the disaster, someone takes an arrow in the side. More goblins block their way; she bashes them aside. She turns, and a goblin that might have taken her legs falls to a blast of blackened energy.
As time is pulled back to Rakka's present, the pain in her side fades, and her muscles bulge just a little more.

She snarls loudly at the ones not attacking her; she launches an attack at the winged kobold.
Bonus Action to activate Rage.
Advantage on Str. checks (not attacks)
+2 damage on atk. rolls
Resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing damage

Attack: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

2017-10-05, 06:23 PM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza roars as her calf is sliced open. Her vision goes red as the warm fluid runs down her leg. She pulls out her club, which glows a bit as she whispers a small incantation as she pours her will into it. She swings at the kobold who just attacked her.

Cast Shillelagh as a bonus action and bonk the kobold on the head.
Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] damage

Concentration check to maintain Pass Without Trace: [roll2]

2017-10-05, 06:33 PM
Seeing all of the others engaged with the kobolds, Gus headed straight for the child in the back intending to protecthim from anything else that might show up.

2017-10-05, 08:28 PM
Gwedalyn ducked through the melee as she made her way towards the back of the cave. Madness descended, and some sort of spell exploded on the ground not to far away from her. Stone shards splattered across her boots, but she ignored them. The winged kobold was the leader. That's how it appeared, anyways. And out of nowhere, she heard a song from the bard about whacking it with her stick.

Well, that was a good idea, and she could even do better.

She ran towards the winged kobold and as she approached, jumped into the air and spun into the air, putting her entire body into the attack. With one hand, she went to smash the quarterstaff across the kobold, and continuing to spin, strike downwards with her elbows.

Moved to attack winged kobold
Attacked with quarterstaff
Bonus action for unarmed attack

Quarterstaff- 1d20+1d6+5
-Damage- [roll0]

Unarmed- [roll1]
Damage- [roll2]

2017-10-05, 09:00 PM
Argath moves into the room and his club glows with the color of his persnal magic as he brings it into the side of the kobold's head, a loud crack as the creature's head snaps sideways at an unnatural angle and the kobold crumples into the ground. Hargrim rushes to the one helping its winged leader distract Rakka, bringing his axe down with great force and splitting open it's chest from collar to hip, a spray of blood splashing on the bard's fact and tunic. Gus rushes through the chaos to the boy, he yelps slightly, a blindfold preventing him from seeing what was near him. Gwen moves to the winged kobold and swings with her staff, but even with the encouraging rhyme from the dwarf her swing is short and her follow up attack with her elbow passes over the creature's head. It hisses angrily and lashes out at the monk with it's blade.

Attack on Gwen [roll0] for [roll1] piercing

In it's wild rage the winged kobold manages to bury it's dagger deep into Gwen's shoulder, leaving a grevious wound. It withdraws it's blade, a cruel smile across it's scaley lips, but that smile goes lopsided as a rush of wind and a line of blood appears down the kobold's center. Raka's axe rests between its feet, a few inche in the stone and blood covering the blade as the winged kobold's body falls in half, wings giving one last twitch. Marza, her foe slain by Argath, rushes beside Adarvan and her own club glows as she brings it down on the kobold attacking him, caving in the beast's skull. It falls away, bleeding out. Allt he kobolds now lay dead.

Argath kills the kobold attacking Gwen
Hargrim kills the kobold by Rakka
Gwen misses, and is dealt 9 damage by the winged kobold!
Rakka does 17! damage to the winged kobold, killing it!
Marza kills the kobol attacking Adarvan
All the kobolds are dead!
As the sound of the short lived battle dies down you can hear a feint roar from outside the cave and barely make out what sounds like the flapping of... wings?

2017-10-05, 09:23 PM
Gus heard something coming from outside the cave. He put the short sword in its sheath and took out the shortbow as well as an arrow.

Something is coming from outside! Get ready!”

All sense of caution had left him and Gus shouted to make sure everyone could hear.

2017-10-05, 09:40 PM
Hargrim Battleback

Hargrim, having heard nothing as he was wiping his axeblade free of kobold blood, assumed what he thought was the obvious and called out derisively, "Told ye we'd have to deal wit' those kobolds outside eventually! They've slipped their bonds and now they're comin' back in!" He scoffed and muttered something about soft hearts being the death of them all, and went over to Gwen.

His voice was softer as he examined the monk's shoulder wound. “That wasn't exactly what I had in me mind, girl. Next time don't try nothin' fancy and just whack the bugger, eh? Now sit still 'afore the rest of 'em make their way in.” he said. He leaned his axe against his belly and took up his flute again, playing a short but calming melody that seemed to warm her from the inside out. The notes became visible as a stream of golden light that danced in the air around her before sinking into her skin. Amazingly, Gwen found that she felt better as her wounds began to close and seal over, leaving new, baby pink skin with nary a scar to show for the previous injury.

OOC: Going to cast Cure Wounds on Gwen to get her back in the fight. I have a feeling our cleric and druid are going to need their spells more than Hargrim in a moment. Gwen heals [roll0] hit points.

Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day - 2/3 remaining)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

2017-10-05, 10:33 PM
Gwendalyn slammed into the ground, blood gushing from the wound in her shoulder. Darkness blurred around the edge of her vision and she could see the mists at the edge of the world. They beckoned her forward, taking on the faces of the monks that had raised her. They were calm and the smiles gave her courage, but a song wrapped itself around her mind and called her back into the cave. Hagrim was beside her and speaking softly.

It took a few moments for his words to sink in, but she nodded.

"Aye," she shook her head to clear it and stared at the blood-stained rend in her clothes. "Perhaps so, but it was how I was trained. Move like the mists. And sitting sounds good," she agreed.

2017-10-05, 11:03 PM
Hargrim Battleback

“HA! Don' be sittin' too long, aye? There's more axe work t'be done!” he slapped her comradely on the formerly injured shoulder, forgetting that it still might be a little tender. "Oh!" he pulled his hand back with a contrite look and swapped his flute out for his axe again. "Heheheheh!" he chuckled and ambled back off following the motion of the rest of the group, who no doubt wanted to get back at it. There was also the boy to be worrying about now.

He was loud, but not off key as he started up another warrior's march, keeping time by slapping the flat of his axe against his own bare head.

"Up and at 'em, me soldiers few,
There's bones to split and mail to hew!
Grip yer axes good and tight,
Or ye'll be sayin' a quick g'night!"

OOC: Giving another D6 Bardic Inspiration to Flynn, just because he seems to need a little extra luck. :smallwink:

Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day - 1/3 remaining)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

2017-10-06, 12:07 AM
Told ye we'd have to deal wit' those kobolds outside eventually! They've slipped their bonds and now they're comin' back in!

Rakka, still in the thrill of her rage, replies to Hargrim briefly, Good! We brings them death and someone rescues boy! With this reminder, she will head back towards where the other kobolds had been tied up.

Will abandon stealth attempts
Move to entrace of room & check for Kobolds down the corridors; if so, will Taunt them towards her.
If not, will move towards the entrance to engage any that oppose her.

2017-10-06, 12:42 AM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza shakes her head as she stands and looks back up the tunnel. "It's not kobolds. Something else." She looks around at the others. "Be ready! Protect the child!" Her grip tightens on her club as she readies herself for whatever may be coming. She absently reaches down to her leg and runs her hand over the cut from the fight. She stops just short of healing herself and turns to the others. "Does anyone need healed quickly before we start again?"

If anyone takes her up on it, she will cure wounds on whomever is the most hurt:
Cure wounds for [roll0]

2017-10-06, 07:07 AM
Rakka moves all the way to the first chamber and spots the kobolds still tied up. She can now hear the beating of large wings, coming from outside. She can also vaguely make out the sounds of two people shouting, when suddenly a small pink door of extra-dimensional energy opens up in roughly the center of the room and Twitch steps through the doorway, stumbling a bit as the door appeared a few inches off the ground. She turns and spots Rakka as the Dimension Door closes behind her, expression looks somewhat fearful. "Do you have the boy?! We need to get to the village! Now!" As she shouts there is another loud roar, much closer this time.

Green Leviathan
2017-10-06, 07:38 AM
Argath (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334552) recoils slightly from the corpse of the kobold at his feet and reply's back to Marza, "You best be tending to yourself. I'll go and back up Rakka. Someone grab the kid." With that he heads toward the entrance, ready for another fight.

As he approaches the first room he hears the tail end of Twitch and shouts back down the tunnel "GET OUT NOW! WE GOTTA MOVE!" he then rushes up to as far as he can to stand by Twitch. Thats when he hears the loud roar. He paused briefly thinking to himself that maybe staying in the cave would be safer but continued on.

2017-10-06, 07:57 AM
Flynn feels enthralled by the bardic inspiration.

He was feeling rather useless up to this point, but now he is renewed with optimism, regardless of the threatening flap of wings in the distance.

He crouches next to the boy “Hey there little fighter, how are you holding up?” taking out his waterskin and offering a piece of shortcake from his travel rations “Are you thirsty, boy? Do you want to eat a bit? We’ll get you back to your pops now, don’t you worry.”

Flynn hoists the boy up and will give him a piggyback ride back to town. He glances at the tunnel leading to a different room and wonders what kind of treasure could be there, but he shakes the idea of his mind.
He is ready to move, if the rest of the group does the same.

2017-10-06, 10:40 AM
Decisions can be messy. If there's a dragon outside, these Kobolds are due to spill a whole lot more information that is safe. Morality didn't factor into it; When dealing with people that talk, it's first best to not be seen; but if you're seen, it's just best practice to leave no one to talk.

But these don't cross Rakka's mind; it's already a habit of hers.

"Do you have the boy?! We need to get to the village! Now!"

The pump of voices strains at her; she's aware she doesn't have much time.

The beat of wings. The Thrum of the portal. The sounds swirl around her in a frenzy that makes what she does now easier. Emotionless, she chops into each of the tied-up Kobolds.

That done, she starts running to the rest of the group.

2017-10-06, 12:31 PM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

In the lack of anyone else speaking up, Marza applies the healing energy to herself. The flesh feels odd as it closes up, then she is distracted from that as Twitch suddenly appears. She sprints up the tunnel with the others, watching out for any danger that may be headed in from outside. She turns to Twitch. "Where is Sevanti?"

2017-10-06, 12:49 PM
"He's the reason that roaring isn't happening right in our faces right now! Let's move!" Twitch steps aside to make sure the members of the group, and especially the young boy, start making their way towards the town, planning to bring up the rear and defend the back in case the paladin can't drive off whatever is making the roaring.

2017-10-06, 01:02 PM
Hargrim Battleback

“Well don't be coy, me girl! Wha' kind'eh beast is it? Dragons? Bugbears? Me Great Aunt Brunhilde???” Hargrim asked grumbily as he hurried after the little gnome, irritated with Twitch's lack of details. If there was something or somethings attacking the village, he wanted to know what kind! His bagpipes wheezed and groaned like a sick animal as his stumpy legs carried him out of the cave, flavored by a smattering of dwarven curses.


Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day - 1/3 remaining)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

Green Leviathan
2017-10-06, 01:07 PM
Argath winces as Rakka finishes off the remaining kobolds, but he knew there wasn't any time to argue it now. At Twitches order, he moves forward, taking the lead if no one beats him to it. He starts heading straight for the town as fast as he can, occasionally looking back to make sure the others are keeping up and making sure that Flynn doesn't falter while carrying the boy. Making a note that if he does, he will fall back and carry the boy himself.

2017-10-06, 01:29 PM
“You know.. When I offered to carry the boy I wasn’t expecting us to make such expedite retreat!”

Flynn is trying his best to keep up with Argath, but the young man simply isn’t built for athletics.

2017-10-06, 01:34 PM
Rakka grunts at Flynn. "If you falls, I carry both"

2017-10-06, 01:42 PM
Gus stayed next to Flynn who was making decent progress but seemed to still be struggling a bit.

Come on Flynn! You can do it, we need to hurry. If you need to trade off, let’s do so. Don’t hesitate!

Gus wondered what the roar had come from. . .he agreed with the dwarf that the gnome should’ve told them right away. . .but tried to shut out any fear he felt. While several of the others were probably tired or a bit injured, he was completely fresh and knew he should try and be one of the first to act if it came to that.

2017-10-06, 02:32 PM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza sighed. Just when she thought they were wrapping up, something else comes along. Of course, she had been traveling today, and didn't really have any magics that would help in combat. She readied her crossbow and made her way down the tunnel.

Pass Without Trace is still up for anyone who wants to be sneaky. Marza isn't though...she just wants out and a good night's sleep.

2017-10-07, 04:40 AM
As the group flees from the cave heading back towards the village they can hear a loud roar and crash from beyond the treeline of the clearing behind them. Any that look back can vaguely make out a large black form with curved horns and black wings battling a humanoid figure with a sword and shield. There is a bright flash, like a burst of sunlight, and bright green flames seem to engulf the massive winged form. It roars once again then takes off, flying north away from the village. Those towards the back of the group can clearly make out the shape of a large dragon, larger than a war horse. The form of Sevanti emerges, jogging to catch up with the group.

There are no other encounters as the group emerges on the northern edge of the village, by the lumber mill. Despite the immediate threat seeming gone, the two experianced adventurers have a sense of urgency in their steps. Murkon moves among the group, touching any that have minor injuries and curing them of their wounds, then ensuring the boy receives healing as well. The tall woman that was in the tavern earlier calls out as she spots the group, and the tavern owner and his wife rush out to meet the group. The reunion is sweet as the boy runs into his parents arms and they both manage to praise the group for returning their son, in between sobs of joy.

Murkon Sevanti turns to the group now, his face determined. "You all did well against those kobolds. It is good to see the boy returned to his family, and it seems we have a good idea what provoked the kidnapping. These kobolds are working under a young black dragon. Twitch and I had the fortune to run into him as he was trying to approach the cave from the direction we were waiting, and while I may have wounded him in the brief struggle I am certain I only made it out unscathed thanks to the watchful spirits of the woods. I fear the boy would have been the first taste of humanoid flesh for the beast had we not intervened. But now it's cover is blown and we know it is somewhere to the north, though it could be hours away, even days depending on how far it will fly to recover what little damage I could do to it. In the meantime it is likely to expect the kobolds will increase their aggression against the village. I know I have no right to ask this after you've already proven yourselves, but it is that very reason I do so. Stay and help this village. The Champions of Fate will formerly offer contractual initiation into our Guild for any who will accept the offer, which includes a place to sleep, eat, and train."

The Inn keeper steps over to the group, "Thank you again for saving my boy. I overheard what you said Mister Sevanti. I am happy to offer my rooms to these fine adventurers as well, if they are willing to help the village. No charge.
It is the least I would be able to begin offering." The paladin nods to the Inn Keeper and turns to the gathered group. "Twitch and I will patrol the immediate area for the evening. You do not need to make any choices now but I urge you not to take too long to decide. Yuo may only have this night to rest up. Come morning, a decision will have to be made."

2017-10-07, 08:55 AM
As Murkon talks, Rakka finds vindication in his explanation. When he's finished, Rakka thumps her chest in a tribal salute. "Of course I help! Enemy of village is enemy!

2017-10-07, 10:50 AM
Hargrim Battleback

“Aye, I'm always for havin' a wee spot of adventure! No tales were ever sung of a man that stayed home!” the skald replied immediately. "In fact, I'll be goin' back te that cave over yonder te make double sure we cleared out te critters. We left rather suddenly." he added somewhat more gruffly. They needed to be thorough with the kobold cave or else the scaly critters would be back to cause more trouble. Not to mention he wanted to check a few pockets to see if he might make up for the money he would have earned performing that night rather than swinging his axe around.

OOC: Hargrim will return to the cave immediately to search the bodies and other rooms we didn't check for anything of use, and also to kill any remaining kobolds that might still be there.
Then he'll take a long rest at the guild hall once he's back. (If he can get back without incident, that is.)

Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day - 1/3 remaining)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

2017-10-07, 10:54 AM
Flynn listens to the paladin, all the while feeling his pockets uncomfortably light.

“Excuse me, sir. Fighting evil is a reward of its own, we can all agree on that. But my magical talents fare for more than simply room and board. If you want a serious commitment.. We should talk treasure.”

2017-10-07, 11:34 AM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Rushing out of the cave and back to the village was exhilarating for Marza. Part way back, the magic of the scroll faded, and she felt the warmth and tingle of the natural magic leave her body. Things seemed less colorful, and she felt less connected to the world. She would have to make sure she learned more so she could cast magics like that.

She wondered, though, if Paladin Sevanti was capable of single-handedly fighting off a dragon...what had the town needed them for? It seemed like they already had some worthy champions. If there was indeed an entire guild of people like this man...her talents would pale in comparison. Would she be able to keep wandering? Finding new places? New people?

On the other hand, it had been a while since Marza was some place she could call a home. She looked around at each of the other saviors of the boy. It had been a while since she had friends. Small towns like this weren't normally welcoming of her kind, so it was nice to end up someplace where she didn't feel like everyone was staring at her. Maybe this guild would have more experienced druids she could learn from? She would spend the night thinking about it.

2017-10-07, 02:51 PM
As the adrenaline started to wear off, Gus began to sag in exhaustion. Before the commotion kicked off, he had already had a pretty long night drinking. The run back was strenuous too, and although he didn’t think anyone had seen him, he had thrown up in a bush almost immediately after stopping before the village. At this point, Gus wanted nothing more other than to sleep.

”I’ll take up the offer to stay at the guild, as long as I don’t have to sign my life away tonight. And if it’s alright, I’d like to go sooner rather than later or I think I may collapse.”

2017-10-08, 12:57 PM
Hargrim Battleback

“In fact, I'll be goin' back te that cave over yonder te make double sure we cleared out them critters. We left rather suddenly.

Rakka can feel the weight of responsibility settle into her. Indeed, their departure was too swift. The rush of her rage has past, and though she is weary, the dwarf speaks truth she cannot contest.

I go with Ha-grim. Best know we is done with kobolds here.

Green Leviathan
2017-10-08, 02:06 PM
Argath (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334552) grins at the reunion between father and son. As Murkon speaks and invites them all to the guild he nods along, this must be what his visions had placed him here for.

"You need not wait until the morning for my answer, I will accept my role within the Champions of Fate."

To Hargrim and Rakka

"I would join you if you will have me. I have not expended my abilities yet so I can still be of some use, but i feat that in the coming dark, the light i must use may give off our possition. I leave the choice to you."

With that he grabs a drink from the bar while waiting for their answer.

2017-10-08, 03:12 PM
Rakka shrugs. "Is your choice. Not my choice. Your spells, you use good ways.." A stealth job was easier with less people. But more adventurers meant worse odds for the kobolds.

2017-10-08, 03:20 PM
Hargrim Battleback

“Eh? No; the time for surprise is past. I'm not carin' if'n yer stayin' 'r' goin', but if'n ye are, then follow me.” Hargrim grunted and shouldered his battleaxe again, leading the way back to the now familiar path.

OOC: Hargrim will return to the cave immediately to search the bodies and other rooms we didn't check for anything of use, and also to kill any remaining kobolds that might still be there.
Then he'll take a long rest at the guild hall once he's back. (If he can get back without incident, that is.)

Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day - 1/3 remaining)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

Green Leviathan
2017-10-08, 04:49 PM
Argath nods. "Okay, lets make this quick then."

2017-10-09, 12:09 AM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza shakes her head in disbelief as the others discuss marching back out to the cave. "Yeah..yeah, that....that sounds like a really great plan. Except for the fact that there's a FREAKING DRAGON OUT THERE!!! Maybe we were running too quickly for some of you to notice. Fire! Wings! Flap, flap, burn burn? Sound familiar?"

2017-10-09, 11:12 AM
Hargrim Battleback

Marza's warning followed the dwarf out the door, but he was already too far up the road to have a meaningful conversation about it.

OOC: Hargrim will return to the cave immediately to search the bodies and other rooms we didn't check for anything of use, and also to kill any remaining kobolds that might still be there. Then he'll take a long rest at the guild hall once he's back. (If he can get back without incident, that is.)

Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day - 1/3 remaining)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

2017-10-09, 01:56 PM
Rakka, too, had already set her course with Hargrim's; she'd help him explore the caves, dispatch any kobolds, and find what they could.

Green Leviathan
2017-10-09, 02:03 PM
Argath quickly finishes his beer, setting it down on the counter. He quickly hurries after Hagrim and Rakka saying as he leaves, "Thanks for worrying about us Marza, I'm sure it will be fine. See ya in a bit."

2017-10-09, 05:42 PM
Marza Garuut ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1336704)
First Level Druid
HP: 10/10 AC: 13
Concentrating on: –
Other effects:

Marza watches in disbelief as the others run out the door. "But...the dragon...the other dangers...." she says to nobody. Fine. Let them hurt themselves...or worse. She sighed. She hadn't known this group long, but she would feel bad if any of them should come to harm. She grabbed her club and followed after.

2017-10-11, 05:30 PM
As the sun descends in the sky the group splits up, some going to the guild hall to sign up with the Champions and get a room for the night. Others return to the Inn, where the owner offers a round of drinks and gives a key to one of the rooms for the night. And a trio of the adventurers head back to the kobold den to investigate.

You arrive around when the sun is below the trees, casting the clearing in shadow. There is no sign of movement and no noise as you approach and the bodies of the kobold guards are where you left them, though they have begun to smell. The are a few rats that have begun nibbling at the bodies, but the vermin scatter upon your arrival. Flies have begun to gather and soon other carrion will probably arrive to feast on the kobolds. Venturing down into the cavern you find the side room that Hargrim spotted earlier and inside is a small collection of goods, likely stolen from the town. These include a small gold bracelet, two blue quarts gemstones, an empty map case, a slightly dented flask, 3 unused candles, and the broken remains of glass vials, with one intact vial that seems to be oil. There is also a total of 21 silver coins and 18 copper coins between the bodies of the kobolds and the side room. Finding nothing else you make your way back to town, arriving after the sun has fully set and a larger moon has risen in the sky, with a small moon peakign out behind it.

The guild hall resembles a small stoen fort within what was once a courtyard of flagstone. A well sits at it's center, where the caravan many of the adventurers arrived with has set up camp for the night. The outer walls have crumbled a great deal leaving mainly the corners and the gatehouse intact, and a forge sits at one corner of the courtyard with hut beside it, a number of weapons and armor on display as a dwarf is visible at an anvil, hammering at some small glowing hot spikes of metal.

The keep itself is somewhat overgrown with vines, though there are signs of upkeep, and a stable attached to its side seems to be relatively new compared to the old stones of the fort. Only half the stalls are filled right now, 4 horses in all, and an old man watches the adventurers as he cleans the horses. The front doors are a rich, dark wood with emtal bands and the Champions of Fate sigil carved into them. They open smoothly, revealing a well lit interior. The entrance is a long hallway of cobblestone with some benches and giold decorations, as well as a long red carpet leading to the far end of the room, where a man sits behind a table placed under a large hourglass, which seems to flow constantly without changing.

The man stands, greeting the party. He has tan skin and oily black hair and wears a fine leather armor. "Welcome to the Champions of Fate Guild Hall of General's Last! I am Rimaldo Pasamo, Hall Keeper. I am pleased to hear from Murkon that we have new potential recruits. He informed me about the kobolds and the dragon. That was probably just a small outpost of theirs, but more on that tomorrow. Right now we rest and tomorrow will be paper work and talking about what to do further. There are side rooms attached to this hall. Feel free to claim one of those beds for now. If you need food simply let me know and I'll ask our cook, Dorn, to whip something up. I will be here at my desk if you need anything." He smiles and sits, opening a large book and scribbling away with a quill. The hallway has two side rooms with benches and 4 doors in each room, with each door leading to a cozy little room with a bed, a nightstand, and not much else. The beds are reasonably comfortable and a candle on each nightstand can be used for illumination.

The Inn Keeper, who properly introduces himself as Carric Amakirr, thanks the adventurers and fills a round of drinks for those that will take them, even getting a round for any traveling merchants or locals that are present. He also has his wife Lidia prepare a meal for the heroes and hands them each a key to one of the rooms. He talks freely with them, answering any questions they might have. The adventurers are also free to carouse with some of the other people in the tavern should they be so inclined. (OOC: Ask questions INC, if you speak to other people in the bar roll a Charisma check as well to see if you gather any rumors.)

2017-10-11, 06:32 PM
Hargrim Battleback

Hagrim immediately shared out the coins between the four of them that were present, keeping the remaining one silver and two copper pieces on the condition that he'd keep them to add to any coin he got from selling the more valuable items. The only other piece of interest to the dwarf was the slightly dented flask, which he took if there were no complaints from the others. He'd keep the gold bracelet and the quartz pieces to sell in town the next day, then split up the rest of that coin amongst the others later...assuming of course that anyone wanted to buy them.

He did also remind the others that it could be the bracelet had a rightful owner, and in that case all he could do would be to see about the chance of a reward for its return, but he wasn't going to press the issue with some poor, grieving folk just to make a few more coins.

Then, weary but at least having made enough on this venture to buy another round or three when he got back to the tavern, Hargrim returned to his cups and merriment until sleep found him.

OOC: That'll be 5 silver and 7 copper pieces to the four of them with one silver and two copper leftover to be added to whatever Hargrim makes from selling the other items. He wants the flask, but anyone else can feel free to take the other bits and bobbles.

Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day - 1/3 remaining)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

Green Leviathan
2017-10-12, 10:16 AM
Argath (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334552) pats his pocket of new coins as he heads back into the Inn. "I know you had valid concerns Marza, but see, I told you it would be fine. Now I'm going to grab a drink and get some shut eye. I suggest you do the same because I think we're going to have another busy day tomorrow." With that he gives her a smile and true to his word he gets a drink and a room at the Inn, planning to head to the guild in the morning.

2017-10-12, 10:43 AM
Rakka, somewhat perplexed that she hadnt found the cavern of the dragon, soon forgot it as they discovered the meagre collection of gold. She will sniff the oil and dip her finger in to take a taste if it doesnt smell acrid.

2017-10-12, 03:27 PM
At the guild hall, Flynn is feeling very confident about himself “finally a chance to make it as a famed adventurer!” He wonders if it would have been better to follow the group back into the cave, but quickly dismisses the thought. “I missed every shot I took today.. What use was I to the group? I need to practice more.”

He approaches Rimaldo at the table and stares at the hourglass for a brief moment “fascinating..” Flynn says “Greetings, sir. Thank you for your warm welcomes! If I could only borrow another minute of your time.. I’m curious about the monetary compensations of joining your Champions of Fate. Don’t take me for a greedy gold grabber, far from it.. It’s just that magical work do require the acquisition of expensive components here and there.”

2017-10-14, 10:48 PM
Rakka is able to determine that the oil is the kind used in lanters. It could also be poured out or thrown on a creature then set alight, burning much more rapidly in that situation.

Rimaldo smiles at the young Flyyn and chuckles, "Eager to start your career, aye? I can assure you that quests pay out a considerable amount. Many members can live respectably at inns or other lodging for a fortnight after completing a single quest. Some quests are enough to afford brand new gear or investments into your own craft. I know some, like Murkon, who donate a great deal of their earning to good causes and temples and can still ahve money left over to support their needs. This is of course in addition to whatever treasures you find on any foes you face, or gifts recieved by those you help. And the guild is happy to reimburse for any truly expensive components you had to utilize to complete any quests you undertake."

The tavern is a lively time for the night until one by one the locals and travelers leave and the Inn keeper and his family clean things up, closing up the Inn for the night. In the morning, as the mechant caravans depart, one of the adventurers leaves with the caravan. The rest are left to do as they wish.

The sounds of the guild hall awakening occurs around an hour after the sun hits the horizon,
as the hall keeper gets his desk organized and the attendants go about their chores. A plate of fresh bread, salted emats,
and a bowl of fruits is left out on the tables in teh side rooms the sleeping quarters are attached to. Murkon Savanti is up early,
talking with Twitch in the hallway, awaiting the 'new recruits' to awaken and have breakfast.

Mr Amakirr and his wife are up early preparing a warm morning stew for the adventurers that stayed overnight, as well as any other guests. Any offer to pay for the meal is graciously declined.

2017-10-15, 11:02 AM
Rakka will eat and drink heartily, and will ask the tavern owners if they have a meat shop in town; after all, she is a fan of smoked meats and enjoys carrying extra preserved foods.

2017-10-15, 05:23 PM
Flynn will seek the postal agent and send a letter home to his parents.

Please let me know how much to pay for the mail.

Dear mom and dad,

I’m writing so you’ll know I’m well and safe.

I have joined a guild, the Champions of Fate. So you can tell my dear brother Bryce that he was wrong, I did not end up rotting in a dirty jail cell after all.

Do you remember Hargrim? He used to be a regular at our family tavern. Well, you’d be proud to know I went on a mission with him! We didn’t get to reminisce much, but I think he remembered me from way back when.

I have been keeping my act clean. I didn’t steal anything for the last two weeks! Well, except for the paper and ink on this letter, but we could rule it as a misdemeanor, right? Also, I haven’t had one of those incidents in a long while, so I must be getting better at controlling my magical powers.

After all this while, I guess you haven’t forgiven me yet. Jared was very generous to offer me a chance to squire for one of his allies, but I just couldn’t take it. No matter how influent or famous he is, I need to find my own path.

Please send my love to my brothers Jared, Bryce and my sister Sarissa.

Oh, and if Sarissa comes home, you can tell her I won our bet. I definitely was not eaten by a kobold on my first adventure.

Your loving son,

Flynn W. Birtchwood

Moving over to the breakfast table, Flynn greets the people he thinks to be in charge.

"Good morning Sir Murkon! Good morning Miss Twitch! What have we for today? Breakfast is good, but I hunger for adventure! "

Green Leviathan
2017-10-15, 05:41 PM
Argath (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334552) proceeds to partake of the innkeepers hospitality. After eating breakfast, and with a hearty thanks, he heads toward the guild to present himself and hopefully find out why Osiris sent him out here.

2017-10-15, 05:46 PM
Birds were chirping and floorboards creaked, but other than that, Gus awoke to peaceful silence. It took a few seconds for Gus to recall the events of the day before. Pleased with the result, Gus rose, quickly dressed and headed down to the smell of breakfast he planned to devour.

Seeing Flynn over by the table with people eating, Gus headed over and patted Flynn on the back. Hoping he would be able to eat soon, he waved to the two vets who had been in charge the night before.

2017-10-16, 10:32 AM
Hargrim Battleback

Hargrim, predictably, had ended up in the tavern at the end of the night. So when the sun shined through the window of the little room he'd been given and woke him up he rolled heavily out of bed and got moving. He used the provided dish and jar of water to wash himself, dunking his face entirely under and then shaking off his beard like a wet dog. Then he gathered up his things, partook of the offered breakfast downstairs, and went to introduce himself at the guild hall since he hadn't been bothered the night before.

He started up a lovely, little tune on his bagpipes to make sure that everyone in the general vicinity was awake when he got there...


Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day - 1/3 remaining)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

2017-10-21, 02:31 PM
The inn keeper directs Rakka to Pavel, the large woman that works at the lumber mill. He says that in addition to gathering and processing lumber she also hunts the surrounding area, so she's the most likely person that will have an assortment of dried meats. She could also try the half orc Thrask, he owns the Trade and Barter next to the Inn. The inn keeper goes on to say that the half orc seems the type to be into big game hunting.

At the Guild Hall, Twitch and Murkon Sevanti greet the adventurers, bringing over some extra chairs for them. Twitch lays out a small map that shows the town and the surrounding farms, lake, and forests. Sevanti points to a point on the map just north of the village. "That is the location of the cave your group cleared out yesterday. We have determined it was a small outpost, a forward base for the kobolds to keep an eye on the town. Thanks to you lot, we were able to disrupt them and now know that the kobolds are not acting on their own but are being controlled by a black dragon. It wasn't up for chatting much but it is young, probably only a couple of decades old. It must have recently moved in to a lair somewhere to the north. It likely encountered the kobolds and began bullying them into subservience." He points to a string of hills near the north edge of the map. "We've determined this is likely their main hive, the hills just a day north of the town. They will likely have other outposts like the cave yesterday scattered around the hills. The dragon might be living there, but more likely it is living in one of the ruins beyond the edges of the map. We need to weaken the kobolds control of the area between here and their hive, then try and deal with them in a way that prevents them from being a threat in the future. I'd prefer some way to broker peace with them, but failing that... well, one step at a time. First thing we need to do is prepare the town in case the dragons has the kobolds send an attack. I know you may not have experience in such matters, but ask around town and warn the people, see if there is anything that can be done to help. Twitch will be heading to the nearest town to request some reinforcements for the guild. I am heading up to the Mayor's manor to see if I convince him to provide his personal guards to help with securing the perimeter. If you need anything, Keeper Pisamo might have some ideas with how else you can help."

2017-10-22, 10:27 AM
Hargrim Battleback

The dwarf scratched at his unruly beard as the last of the air wheezed out of the bagpipes hanging from around his neck. "What ye'll be needin's a proper wall. Even a wooden fence might be doin' the trick with kobolds. Anythin' te keep'm from swarmin' ye. Piled straw with lamp oil might just slow them a bit, or pitfall traps if'n we've got time te dig'em." he thought aloud. "Ah, but any defense goes straight te the Nine Hells if'n that dragon decides to come along. Walls and fire won't be concernin' that big bastard one bit." he growled in frustration. "Never understoot ye humans. Proper towns are built down, not up. Defenseless and open te the sky, waitin' for any dragon to come swoopin' down te burn it all away." He shrugged helplessly and took a swig of his breakfast beer, which he'd arrived with from the tavern. "Anyway, I don't s'pose ye've got time te build some towers, 'bout three times the height of a human, te post some archers and lookouts on? Or somewhere ye might send any noncombatants to camp out fer a few days in safety?"

That was really pushing the limit of Hargrim's expertise in defensive fortifications. Truth be told, he'd been brought up in the household of a brewer, and knew beer and spirits better than stone. The most he might be able to do was make some firebombs out of high-proof liquor, and that wouldn't make the tavern keeper very happy. (Nor Hargrim, if he was forced to think about it. Wasting good liquor fighting kobolds was a tragedy.)


Hargrim Battleback (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334061)
Mountain Dwarf Bard 1 CG

AC 14 HP 9 Speed 25 ft.

Str 17 (3) Dex 11 (0) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 11 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Handaxe +5 1d6+3
Battleaxe +5 1d8/10+3

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Advantage vs. Poison Save
Resistance vs. Poison Damage
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer)
Dwarven Armor Training (Light & Medium)
Bard Weapons (Simple, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords)
Bardic Inspiration (D6 3/day - 1/3 remaining)
Jack of All Trades
Routines: Instrumentalist, Singer, Storyteller
Feature: Back by Popular Demand

2017-10-22, 11:48 AM
Flynn enjoyed the company of Gus for breakfast and now listens to the explanation given by the paladin and begins to worry.

He had thought the enemies to be a small band, limited to the squalid clan of hooligans the party had dealt with so easily. But now, from the looks of it, he is up against an entire kobold hive. This overwhelming realization makes his head spin.

I might have bitten off more than I can chew. What do I know of diplomacy and warfare? I’m just a kid who does tricks. Magical tricks, sure. Powerful tricks? Hmm… maybe. But tricks, nonetheless.

He tries to hide his discomfort by saying something assertive.

“I have no knowledge of diplomacy or strategy to offer, but should it come to violence, my magical prowess is at your disposal. In the meanwhile, who oversees matters of purse? There are magical components better bought sooner than later. I’m confident 50 gold pieces will suffice.”

In his mind, however, Flynn is far from confident.

It would have been better to be arrested. Who am I fooling trying to play hero? I am going to die. I will make no gold out of this and I am going to die.

Persuasion check: [roll0]
"Unscathed gold sitting idle in the bottom of your chest will not stop a horde of monsters. My magic, however, just might."

Flynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1333968)

Green Leviathan
2017-10-23, 07:53 AM
Argath (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1334552) listens to Sevanti as he lays out the situation as well as Hagrims response and adds,"Adding to that, we should see if we can make sure everyone has a ranged weapon of sorts. Even a simple sling can do some damage if it hits the right spot. As far as defenses, I also think we should focus on what can be done quickly, like moving carts and barrels to try and form a temporary barricade and getting some caltrops to slow advancing kobolds."

He pauses and looks down again at the map, "But I'm not from around here, so as you said Sevanti, we need to talk to the locals and see what they can offer to help, they might have some great ideas that we would never think of.

He looks up as Sevanti and adds, "Also, other then that dragons are some overgrown lizards that fly and spit out death, what can you tell us about dragons of this type and size?"

2017-10-23, 02:01 PM
Rakka visits both Pavel and Thrask, at least to get to know them and what they sell. She asks about deer, boar, all of the varied meats they offered. Rakka liked meats.

When she arrived back at the guild hall, many of the others were talking strategy. The barbarian didn't have the brain for it. When she was younger, she relied on the cunning minds of halflings and gnomes to direct her axe; she just followed instructions. Soon her head swam with ideas; trying to listen was an effort in futility.

She'd rather be eating meat.

But something caught her ears.

First thing we need to do is prepare the town in case the dragons has the kobolds send an attack

Rakka guwaffed. You don't prepare for kobolds; those buggers prepare to attack you. As she prepared a retort, the conversation flowed onwards.

Finally Argath said something absolutely absurd:
"Adding to that, we should see if we can make sure everyone has a ranged weapon of sorts. Moving carts and barrels to try and form a temporary barricade and getting some caltrops to slow advancing kobolds."

Rakka drank more beer until Argath was finished. She might not have been of great brain, but she had a little common sense. These villagers were not experienced. Rakka gave a belch and said, "Harg rim truth: dragon burn what build. Weapon, bow sling; dragon kill all. Bad.

Rakka then points to the sections of the map Twitch and Sevanti chose out and continues "Dead kobolds not kill towns. We kill all here, kill all there, be OK.

You plans for Kobolds. Kobolds is quick and use bad armors. You uses sticks and pokes them like boars. This easy make; maybe one days, and everyone gets stick to kills kobolds. People trains one hours a day two week, be strong. She beats her chest for emphasis.