View Full Version : Cost of buildings?

2017-09-17, 09:51 PM
Is there a guideline somwhere for what real estate might cost in 3.5 or Pathfinder and how reasonable or balanced towards adventurer wealth is it?

2017-09-17, 10:09 PM
Stronghold Builders Handbook, unbalanced as crap though

2017-09-17, 11:08 PM
Stronghold Builders Handbook, unbalanced as crap though
Unbalanced in which direction?

2017-09-17, 11:41 PM
As in a 20th character could barely afford your average suburb house.

2017-09-17, 11:57 PM
Okay. Is there a reasonable guideline anyone else here follows? I am looking for something that doesnt make it too cheap but doesnt sound ridiculous. My players are looking to purchase property.

2017-09-18, 12:03 AM
Well on the DMG it gives a basic guideline on how much the average person earns on average IIRC. Even if not you can calculate that based on profession checks and just calculating based on that. Use the income rate, calculate expenses and compare that to the average of the same kind of property IRL. That would probably be your best bet if you want to make it both realistic and reasonable.

2017-09-18, 12:54 AM
Pathfinder's downtime rules (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCampaign/downtime.html) are servicable too.

2017-09-18, 03:58 AM
Is there a guideline somwhere for what real estate might cost in 3.5 or Pathfinder and how reasonable or balanced towards adventurer wealth is it?

You could do worse than this: Merchants of Prime (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/218456/Merchants-of-Prime)

2017-09-18, 06:34 AM
Regular houses are okay with the SBG, at about 2000 gp each: basic bedrooms (700) + basic workplace (500) + basic common area (500) + basic storage (250) = 1950 gp for a 40x40x10' wooden house. It's the high-end stuff that balloons quickly. For example, the same house built as two-storey 40x10x10' residence costs 3950 gp. Built of masonry, it costs 11 950 gp. Built of hewn stone, it costs 25 950 gp. Built of obdurium, it costs 241 950 gp, though at that point, you should really consider upgrading your mud floors to stone, as well.

2017-09-18, 07:18 AM
Using the rooms & teams rules from Ultimate Campaign (pathfinder) you could get a basic house with:
Lavatory (120 gp) 1-4 squares
Bedroom (300 gp) 4-8 squares
Kitchen (160 gp) 3-6 squares
So a basic house cost 580 gp, and is usually affordable for 2nd level character (assuming they retire and sell their adventure gear at half market price).

2017-09-18, 11:54 AM
I will dig a little deeper. Thanks all. I needed some direction and numbers to think over. The SBG does seem to get out of hand quickly. The down time rules seem a little low for characters at the level I am running (8th) so I think I may wind up splitting the difference to make it a reasonable hurdle but worth the benefit. Again, thanks everyone.