View Full Version : Total War: Crown of Bones IC

2017-09-18, 10:37 AM

A sky of perpetual twilight opened up. It scarred the landscape with heavens fire as the clouds parted and a light bright enough to sear away the eyes of the dead came down with a shattering dissonance. The lich and its followers could not even scream before their bodies were turned to ash. The fighting throughout the Shattered Court was brief but intense. The few survivors have scurried to and fro in an attempt to hide themselves from the cruel whips of the Lich's remaining servants. All within the necropolis of Sires Rend sees the billowing smoke from in front of the spire known as Bone Crown, and feels the magics of their king is already fading or gone. Some even realize for the first time their mind was not their own but in fact belonged to the dreaded undead king all along!

There is no welcome in the necropolis of Zrax Moraxack, the undead city. Known to the young and ill suited as Sires Rend, this is a kingdom of the dead, this is where bones not men march. Where vampires are considered the only regal lords left, and your nightmares forge factions against the very heart of mortal fears. Spiders and rats rule empires here and the walls are broken because the denizens inside don't want to wait for the food to come to them. Even these vile monstrosities need a ruler, lest it all burn down and the magma of the volcano itself deems it unfit of company and sets them all alight. This is where the worst feast. I hope you're comfortable.




Rosh Ka’thul, The shattered Magister, the undead king, the lich of sires rend is dead.
The entirety of the shattered court is destroyed.
Ishara Scythe is dead.
Crag Bloodtaster is dead.
Fangorn leader of house Ghallish is dead.
all 25 of Ka'thuls chosen are dead.


Rumors and News:

Skeletal remnants who once protected Bone Crack pass and bloody pass have turned on all who are not their own. They massacre indiscriminately. Rumors of something giving them orders remains unconfirmed. two vampires, one demon and several ratkin have been found adding their blood to the path of bones. As it has always been.

(1 t soul) has been offered by The executioner for any mortal being responsible for the death of Rosh Ka'thul

The screamers pit is shut down until further notice.

The bloodhorn tribe, werewolves and protectors of the fists go without payment for the first time ever...

The mortals are being targeted by the undead. Their vitae smells sweet in the dark.

ESP 5 or higher can read.
The mortal forces of Farra serving multiple gods of light and "good" assaulted the shattered court.It appears others caused distractions in Bone crack pass Mehrims court and necromancers hold. Scattered dead have been found in the ensuing chaos. Those in control of the districts all seem to be trying to keep a lid on their losses and what exactly went on.

2017-09-19, 11:25 AM
Doktor Arkstien [everyone can read my messages]

The grim clouds above the lightning farm rumbled slowly. A threatening sound like the promise of murder. It was indeed a dark and stormy night, for in the Underrealm it was always night, and the Lightning Farm was always stormy.

From one of the leaning spires of the sprawling mansion strange energies began to gather, and a faint sound of excited laughter.

“Aggo you IMBECILE! The magifex capacitor must be plugged into the thaumen array not the gordian battery!” A wild looking man in white robes stained with blood hops around an operating table, shouting at a wretched hunchbacked human. “HURRY you worm, the storm will release at any moment! We must be ready.” The Doktor turns to the corpse on the operating table, strapped down despite its mort state. “And you my child, must also be ready.”

A series of small explosions shook the walls and dials on many of the instruments spun wildly.
“Hurry Aggo! It is almost here!” Unable to contain his excited laughter any longer Arkstein let loose a manic cackle as lightning began to sear the sky. He danced around his patient puting delicate finishing touches on the complex operation.

“Master! The Thaumen Array cannot handle any more power! It’s going to blow!”
“Do not touch it you fool! This is the critical moment. We need more power!”

Both men crashed about the lab, instruments spilling off of shelves as the tower rocked in the wind. The Doktor frantically moved sinew-like cables between chunks of machinery.
“More power Aggo! MORE POWER!”
The Gordian Battery engaged its backups, spraying the room with static and sparks. The storm was reaching a fever pitch and the Doktor was cackling again. Suddenly, the central machines over the operating table flashed bright and went out, plunging the room into spark filled darkness.

A few moments later Aggo found the emergency lantern and lit it. Sputtering light revealed the Doktor cradling the patient in his arms.

“Did it work Doktor?”
“It is alive Aggo”
A giggle escaped the Doktors lips.

To the Blood Horn Tribe
They dared to destroy the great master, and now you go unpaid! The terrible crime of it. I offer solace though! Savage Beastmen of the BloodHorn! Join together in alliance with Arkstien,
and I the Good Doktor will take over your pay, and make you stronger, faster, BETTER than you ever imagined!

To The Screamer Pits
NO! You must reopen your doors! The best patients all came from the screamer pits! Why have you closed?!

To the Shattered Shipyards
What has been your latest creation undead? I want to give my children the best tools!

To Whoever runs the show in Lasombras caste
Your beautiful plants! I want them all! I will give you protection if you will open your doors to my children! PLEAAASE I must have them!

I am sorry for all of the exclamation marks. Arkstien probably wants to put more in, but Aggo edits those that he can.

2017-09-19, 12:32 PM
The Ska - First Quarter of Ska-Ruun

As the clash and roar of armies faded from the Bloody Pass the rats come out of their holes: Sworn protector's of the citadel's Southern gate the Ratkin had hidden in their deep tunnel holes instead of defending their master's home. Now with their reputation in tatters and ruins their armies finally saw the Under-realms surface; banners held aloft and with skittered-screeching squeeking clearly the Ska had other idea's as to whether the War in Victory Pass had come to an end or not.

As the Ska Warlords with their Warriors and Slaves poured out to the north the small but powerful cult of Warlocks and Seers set to work weaving their Eldritch Magics: Some began the construction of arcane technologies of war, others began stitching and injecting rats to create stronger and more resiliant Ratkin whilst the most dangerous and powerful of their kind sought to receive guidance from the one all their kind knew and worshiped--The Horned Rat.

Espionage: 3

Message carried individually to each faction by a Slave Rat infected with a fatal plague--Each Messenger would make it to their intended target barely alive clutching a piece of human flesh on which the message is written with Blood.

""Flee! The pathetic lich who sought to cage and chain us is no more: The Ratkin of Ska now rule this land--This is your only warning and only opportunity to leave our territory.""
Message carried by a Gutter Runner, personal student of Deathdealer Snitch, and spoken in Goblin to a the first Goblin they meet within Goblin Pass.

"The Ska Ratfolk now control the Southern Gate--if your people wish they are at last free to leave Sires Rend. Send a representative with your reply--avoid contact with skeletons in the Bloody Pass as we have not yet entirely finished deposing of the Lich's remaining corpse guard."
Message carried personally by Deathdealer Snitch

"Ratfolk now control the Southern Gate and are deposing of the Lich's remaining corpse guard and in the North of Victory Path our goblin cousins hold their system of mines and caves--All the remains left under the control of the Lich's corpse guard is the eastern region of Bone Crack Pass. If we could unite as one against the zealot's and their undead forces we could make completely free Victory Path from the control of the now dead Lich... What say you?"

2017-09-19, 01:33 PM
The Sadrazam Cabal

Behind the crimson walls of the Divine Porte, in a hall dimly lit by magical flames of purple and deep red, amidst silken curtains and cushions and languorous, drifting incense, to the strange music of otherworldy instruments and the dancing of mortal slave-girls, the rakshasa of the Sadrazam held council.

They muttered quietly, uncertainly, among themselves. To call the recent events that had befallen the city, Rosh-Ka'athul, and his most trusted servants "disastrous" would be an exaggeration. It would imply the rakshasas had no plan, and that would just be unseemly. There was certainly no panic amongst them. Panic would be indecorous. No, it was not that the meddling of heroic adventurers from the realm of mortals had upset their schemes once again--really, if anything, it was that the Sadrazam Cabal had been too generous, far too generous and yes, far to trusting, putting its faith in a mortal like the Shattered Magister.

The Shattered Magister was a mortal, after all, though he tried to hide it by secreting his soul away in a phylactery and becoming a lich. Once a mortal, always a mortal, and per rakshasa tradition mortals merited nothing but contempt. The poor, honest Sadrazam, humble traders of souls and slaves, merely trying to scrape by a living in the unforgiving multiverse, had been taken in by a shyster who had promised more than he could give. Yes, that was it.

At the center of the hall, on a raised platform laid in with gold and priceless jewels, the great rakshasa called Mithrakhand sat, as if meditating, his clawed backwards-facing hands in a lotus pose. His famed green eyes that glittered like jade were closed, and in his ear whispered the strange and tattooed mortal man they called The Mameluke, his favored slave.

"O my master," supplicated The Mameluke, "as is surely known to your glorious person, with the passing of the Great Necromancer, the ties that bound this great city to his will, and kept order and harmony in the streets, will surely break down."

"This is known to me," came the voice of the rakshasa lord, deep and sonorous. "I will therefore dictate to you several messages, to be sent to all the great leaders and elders that remain in Sires Rend."

"Your excellency sees all ends," said The Mameluke. He bowed low, and clapped his hands. A beautiful elf-maid, chained with silver chains and clothed to satisfy the rakshasas' lust, appeared with parchment, quill, and an ink that looked suspiciously like blood. Without so much as a glance at her, The Mameluke took the instruments and sat beside his master, and began to write.

A letter, put down on a parchment the origin of which is best not considered, is sent to all notables, aristocrats, and elites of the Black City of Sires Rend

With the passing of our dread and fearsome patron, it is to all of us, as his dearest followers and apostles, to see to it that his black work is not undone; that his legend and legacy may be such at all in Heaven and Earth may tremble and fear to speak his name.

Mithrakhand of the Green Eyes, as Master, Captain, and Lord of the Sadrazam and favored of the Shattered Magister, propose the arranging of a great funeral procession for our dearly deceased and dreadful lord, to see his soul to the peaceful and shadowy realms beyond the cosmos that await all the deserving and glorious amongst mortalkind.

Finally we call for the convening of a Dark Conclave, to establish the wise governance and malefic order of this fairest of all the realms of the multiverse.

In undying and unholy friendship,

Mithrakhand of the Green Eyes, Lord of the Sadrazam, Foremost of the Earthbound Evils, etc., etc.

OoC Note: The DM ought to consider this message to have been sent to the various NPC leaders as well.

Espionage 5

The Coven of Thorns

My good master, Mithrakhand Green-Eyes, should like coordinate with the wise maidens of the Coven of Thorns, whom all know to be of unsurpassed beauty, to bring order to the Flesh-Marked Districts. Together we may put down all who would oppose our most excellent designs. We further hope that you should look favorably on my master's proposal of the formation of a Dark Conclave. It will surely help to bring stability, and further our plans and yours.

The Mameluke

Doktor Arkstein

To the honored Dr. Arkstein,

You are perhaps the Black City's most senior necromancer after the Shattered Magister himself. The rakshasas of the Sadrazam have great need of undead servants to further our business ventures--and to serve as more exotic diversions, in service to our blessed Cabal. We hope that you will be amenable to the great Mithrakhand's recommendation of the creation of a Dark Conclave to govern this city. Know, furthermore, that you are invited to the Divine Porte, should you wish, to sup with us and discuss the details of joint business ventures. It is a compliment rarely paid to mortals.

The House of Kenraes

To the priestess Shi'niira Kenraes, favored of the Great Goddess Lolth,

We of the Sadrazam know that you are but relatively recent arrivals to the Black City, and take it upon ourselves to welcome you to Sires Rend on behalf of our late master Rosh-Kathu'ul. We know that the Dark Elves are some of the most discerning among all mortalkind in the most excellent art of slavery, and we hope that you will consider us your first choice in the purchasing of exotic flesh from every corner of the multiverse. We furthermore hope that you will be receptive to our master Mithrakhand Green-Eyes' proposal of the formation of a Dark Conclave for the governing of our fair city.

To good business,

The Mameluke

The Friendsmile Company

To the esteemed tradesmen of the Friendsmile Company,

Let us, the rakshasas of the Sadrazam Cabal, be the first to welcome your fearsome persons to the city of Sires Rend. We hope that you will be receptive to our lord Mithrakhand's proposal of the formation of a Dark Conclave, and that we may have a fruitful business relationship in this most unholy of cities.

The Devourer's Court
Cultured and dignified gourmands, children of the Great Devourer,

We should hope that the passing of our dread patron has not curbed your appetites, and that we may continue to enjoy a cordial relationship with your unholy persons, and hope that you are receptive to our invitation to form a Dark Conclave to govern this city. You are wise and have knowledge of many hidden things, and know that your vast wisdom will be instrumental in the governing of this city. We hope you will dine with us at this meeting. Have you ever tasted the flesh of an angel? It is an experience not to be missed. We of the Sadrazam, as unparalleled walkers between worlds, can provide the most exotic and exquisite flesh that the multiverse to offer.

2017-09-19, 01:40 PM
Response to Doktor Arkstien from the blood horn. ESP 0
The only reason your mutated plaything doesn't come back to you in tasty chunks is because we know by reputation you might actually deliver on the meat. Never indicate you could somehow improve the blood horn! We are the apex. If fresh flesh arrives we will continue to protect the southern gate as your lord once did. If you seek more... Bring more of the squirming tasty mortals.

Your servant is indeed returned alive but parts of its stomach and face have been slashed by claw.

Response to Doktor Arkstien from the bookers of the pits (ESP 0)
Several send notes of apology and promise that things will go back to normal when the situation calms down.
Others talk about keeping those in their cages calm since there are no guards coming from the throne district right now.
Booker Frag (goblin booker): You been good fo' business. ereyone likes to watch dok monstas smash one anota. T'e problem is soul reapas ain't on deir chains no more and are looking to take what ain't deres. Same problem wit da creepies o' da harba. So no shows.

Response to Doktor Arkstien from the leaders of the ring gangs. (ESP 0)
The cog beasts: You will have to make orders through the master. He can be contacted at his offices in envies weight.
The bone broken: Everythings on hold. No orders. Got some things to settle first.
The Grinders: We got some blades ordered by Crag. He isn't going to need them now. What you offering for them?

Response to Doktor Arkstien from The Keepers (ESP 0)
Our poisons and the life we bring into this dark world is not something we part with easily good doktor. We vampires don't need protection but deals can always be made. Especially with one so well respected.

Keeper Venus

To A_Dinosaur
I have to stop myself too. i love me some exclamation points. You are forgiven.

Response to the Ska from the undead of bloody pass (ESP 3)
the skeletal forces stationed in bloody pass do not immediately respond. Instead several hours later skeletal forces dump whatever ratkin they have slain or just collected back into the holes of the ska and carved into their bellys is written "come bleed."

Response to the Ska from the order of the sleeping one. (ESP 2)
The order of the sleeping one sends a single runner to find members of the Ska.
"We have no intention of leaving the bloody pass. The dead will serve us again. Give us time and we can come to some agreement. If you continue to leave your holes looking for a fight we will turn our magics on you and wipe you all out!"

Response to the Ska from the goblin general Slashmouth (ESP 3)
Relying on the tunnels a simple missive is sent to the Ska.
"With the lich dead we can actually get some things done. You stay out of our way we wont be picking any fights. If you're expanding above ground we plan to expand beneath it."

Response to the Ska from the old legion. (ESP 3)
A single ghost will appear before the death dealer.
"We despise the unnatural dead, and while your kind are a pestilence at least you're not a blight on nature itself. If you agree to split bloody pass and expand our battlements we will send our legion to help you against the agents of the bloody pass and if successful the cracked bone pass as well."

GM to Jyssika
you control a faction within bloody pass you haven't completely claimed the whole region. Just making sure you're aware you must finish off or ally with the forces there. there is still a force of undead and this order you must deal with.

2017-09-19, 03:16 PM
Devourer's Court

Gibberwright squirmed around on his throne, lovingly heaped up from all his favourite bones.
"Nonono, hearkens maggotbrain. Is now politickings whentimes, mayhap upheaval changenings, yes? We is now NICE ghoulkins."
He kicked one of the grovelling young ones at his feet into the mud, for good measure then turned back to his reflection in a cracked mirror propped up on the cave wall.
"Talkenings, tongue-waggle likes. Is givens and takens, tradewise and ally-friend makings. Meat is laters. Is all about DELAYED GRATIFICATION. Yes?"
Looking down at the grovelling underlings, he pointed at a few of them.
"Hrm. Petrichor, Finagle, Foulhound, Grimsnare, is ambassadors now. Is most tongue-y ones, yes? Quickenslike now! Goings!"

Espionage 7

To the Ghosts of Screamer's Tongue
"Greetenings welcome likes gooooood friend! We is hearens that master bigshot lichens is dead, yes? So, perhaps you is no longer needings quite so many horsen-fleshs? We maybe coulds be taken somes, and then makes exchangings? Is maybe you needs protections or treasures shiny?

To the Screamer Pits:
"Nooo! Nonono! You is all doings wrong-false things! What you is needs doing now is more than ever ENTERTAINMENTS! Big entertainments! And you is needs helps organisings maybe? Well, is lookens no furtherwise, friend ghoulkins is helpsome! We is hear whisperings and sees letters from yous to Doctor Arksteins, yes? Protection gives gladenlikes, if is needful! Soonsome, is backings to nice fightings and screamings and spillenbloods!"

To the Sadrazam Cabal:

Two letters arrive, one wrapped around the other.
"Negations, no! Hunger-gnawings is eternal, winding deeper deeper deeper black and red and white, yes. Ah, but if wisdom wants, is maybe speakings want with OTHER ghoulkins. So, is takens message deeps, is shown to deepen ones, yes. Is goodfavours yours, bringens back message!"

The second is written on ancient, tanned leather, in much neater handwriting:
"Mithrakand of the Jade Eyes, Foremost Prince of Malachite, Exalted Master of the Earthbound, By His Own Grace Majesty of Majesties...

A Conclave... my people are not traditionally interested in politics. It is perhaps more our way to just take what we want. But then, you offer us rare meats. That, at least, is enough to pay a visit. It has been long since I have eaten celestial. They so rarely venture into dark places. We will have to find you a fitting gift in return.


To the Ska:
Well, well, well. Is what we sees little vermins skitter-creeps in darken places? Amusen-some, methinks. If you is goingswise to bloody-pass to make bleedings like skeletons say, maybe is needings someone alongs? Is always joyous-like to seens bleed and fighten makes!

2017-09-19, 04:25 PM
The Ska - First Quarter of Ska-Ruun

The first day of Ska-Ruun had not gone to plan--already the denizens of the Bloody Pass had begun to send their threats and pleas but it mattered not to the Grey Lord. The Horned Rat had said that the Ska must rise again and so he would march the Ska people into the brink of annihilation to do just that: after all to one so blessed as he even his most loyal and capable advisors were simply slaves.

Espionage: 3

The runner was allowed to return with a message.

"The dead clearly serve you not! We do not have the patience to entertain your childish attempts to control what you cannot! Your feeble attempts to threaten us with the very magic that has failed to control the undead you claim to be master's--Haha Ska like humans, they tell good joke! Make us offer for stay in the Ska-Pass--no stall for time."
Message carried by a Gutter Runner, personal student of Deathdealer Snitch, and spoken in Goblin to a the first Goblin they meet within Goblin Pass.

"You no wish leave? Brave Goblins have guts, I wonder if Goblin guts is tasty? My master goes to speak with Ghosts--attempts to form alliance with those that hate the dead, Rats and Goblins against all the other dead within Victory Path. What say you Brave Goblin?"
Despite the Ska's best attempt to catch the Ghoul messenger they couldn't--eventually it was given a reply to take to its master.

"What interest have Inner-Sanctum Ghouls in the affairs of the Southern Gate and Victory Pass? Your sneaky agents got their ears in our dens? What agenda you follow--you want take our land of fresh corpses for your own consummation? Maybe you want feed of the fresh dead of Ska hordes after we drown the undead forces in our hordes of slaves and warriors? You are sneaky ghouls--If you want us to trust you or if you want any fresh corpse from the Ska we need more than polite and questions. Information on the forces of Victory Pass and we talk more."
Deathdealer Snitch attempts not to jump as he sees a ghost--before remembering that is whom he came to see... Strange ghosts hating undead--maybe not mention to them they are strange... bad for Diplomacy!

"You call us plague yet we do our best to Kill Undead and is that not the same as you? Yes-yes I think we could be good friends. Sharing Bloody Pass not on the table--Ska looking to form Ratkin homeland same as you wish to claim little corner of Victory Path for yourself. Bone Crack's Pass we can share and battlements there we can build?"


Yeah I know--for better or for worse I am playing the Ska as a blunt instrument. Lets hope I haven't wildly underestimated my military power--if I have at worse I can just burn my Slaves and create more Military... :o

2017-09-19, 05:21 PM
The Order of Immortality
Espionage 2 or higher to read messages

The members of the order had gathered themselves in the great hall of the manor, they had made their own. They were sitting at the long table, Theodoric Graves in the one end with Killian behind him, looking menacing, Belinda Moonfall at the other end with the rest of the members sitting at the sides.

The necromancers had been enjoying themselves with food and wine served by their slaves, but after making sure all the members had arrived and finished eating, Theodoric rose from his seat. “I hoped that you all savored the dinner, but now we have come to the true reason for our meeting, the oath.”

He gave a nod to his slaves. One of them brought him a large bowl filled with what looked like clean water and placed it before him on the long table. Another slave carried a pillow on which there was placed a ritual dagger. Theodoric took the dagger and without hesitance cut his hand, letting his blood drop down in the bowl, which quickly changed color. “I swear loyalty to the order, unbreakable bond to its members and that I will not hide any knowledge about the path to everlasting life from them.” Theodoric said and then moved the bowl to the person next to him, while also handing him the dagger.

The other necromancer repeated Theodoric’s actions and in the end, the bowl returned before him. He then took the bowl and drank a part of what was in it and sent it along again. When it returned to him, it was empty. “Now we all are bonded together by blood and shall consider each other family, brothers and sisters, and we will work together for the pursuit of our ambition, immortality!” Theodoric declared and the other necromancers raised their glass in agreement.

To the rest of the students of Rosh Ka’thul, The shattered Magister, the undead king, in deads trial
“Hail my fellow students, I, Theodric Graves, inviting you to join a discussion of what shall happen with us, after the loss of our great master, Rosh Ka’thul. I personally invite you to join the Order of Immortality, but also I wish to hear about your thoughts and plans.”

A respond to the message from The Sadrazam Cabal
We agreed, that we should honor the greatness that was our master, Rosh Ka’thul and the Order of Immortality will send an envoy to participate in the Dark Conclave.

Theodric Graves, pupil of The shattered Magister, Rosh Ka’thul, and head of the Order of Immortality
(Do you want to make a meeting of Vip’s or just a normal messaging?)

To the geist keepers of Screamers Tongue
Greetings to you, keepers of the most exquisite display of beast and monstrosities in all the planes.
I wish to gain knowledge about if the recent loss of our master has interfered in your work of maintain Screamers Tongue and if the Order of Immortality can be of assistance in the continued running of the zoo.

Theodric Graves, pupil of The shattered Magister, Rosh Ka’thul, and head of the Order of Immortality

2017-09-19, 07:19 PM

Nurgle the Butcher Lord of the grey barracks.
Flesh leather is sent to this merchant whom demands unity. The creature that places it before the rakshasa is a grey backed beast with long legs and robes of black, his fingers pincers and his face a disfigured horror of three eyes and several tentacles that appeared to be sewed onto its flesh.
"The Grey barracks refuses your conclave. Filthy living merchants have no right to a voice in the city of the dead. Stick to carving up souls for your betters and making slaves wail."

The eternal stockades
Does not respond back.

Alpha Corpsemaker of the Bloodhorn
We will send a representative to your conclave. It is time this city hears our howl.

Rathor OOC
Let me know if you try contacting the ancient undead dragon.

Beliers chosen
We will be there, it is good to see Sadrazam Cabal is so quick on their paws. We look forward to see what the undead have to say about their multiple failures in the city we invested so much in.

His Excellency lord Maguus ambassador and voice of the city of Dis deems this event worthy of his attentions and will send his most trusted representative to this event. He also demands that the Sadrazam Cabal send a representative of their own to his estate so that they can speak in detail. He questions why a Devil calls council here in Sires Rend.

Covens of Pit fiends hostel
Scaars bloodied: We will be there.
The Pull: Someone will be there. If nothing else just to watch the slaughter.
Rakks boys: Have to pass. You invited Scaar, that ****ing rot eater needs to disappear.

The flesh markets
plenty of the flesh peddlars are happy just to get the invitation and agree to go.

High spirit Tiberius Dreamdread voice of the Daredreamed
I will attend this personally, the spirits seek to understand the happenings of this place with which so many nightmares tread. Consider your invitation accepted.

The Wish markets
All of them send brief promises of attendance.

Mans Solace Residents
Almost all of them politely refuse for fear of being targeted for death.

The cult of the rotted heart
We will be there.

Order of the sleeping one.
We are currently under attack from those filthy ratkin bastards. If you send assistance in exterminating these monstrosities we could attend.

General Slashmouth
What arrives at the cabal is a goblin stalker, he twitches and every movement seems quick and precise. Even his fidgeting devolves into wild but speedy ticks.

"We humble goblins appreciate an invitation to your shin dig and if violence hasn't consumed victory path we will make sure a goblin is out in the open representing."

The Last Legion
Your representative to the last legion does not return.

The Elder council representative Lord Lucius Sabre
The elder council returns their answer. S vampire messenger personally delivering the missive to the Rakshasa faction. There sealed in wax and blood contains the response of the kindred who fall under their purview.

We would be delighted to join in to help minimize the damage done by the assassination of our late lord. The dark conclave is something we can easily get behind. Violence should always be the last possible action. We do ask that we be seated as far from those philistines of the Philosopher kings. Those bumbling idiots will be overjoyed to be invited I am sure but the less I have to hear them prattle on, the less likely you will have to deal with a murder at your soiree.

Lord Lucius Sabre
voice of the elder council

The Mole leader of the Lazarenes
Ha, you may not see us but we will definately be there.

The Stained
DO YOU HEAR THE SCREAMS? Oh you will infernal, the vampires will scream, and hiss and burn. Kings will rise and armies will tear. The streets wont stop whispering... Put your ear down to what remains of a civilized city and listen... Its all below.

The Keepers
Our work requires constant tending and devotions but I will do my best to be present.

Keeper Venus

Philosopher King Killian Quain
The voices of free kindred will answer your call demon. We look forward to where you seek to bring this city. We are even more interested to see what will happen when so much dark energy gathers in one place.

The Judges
Your messenger returns, his body shivering and terror in his eyes when he is before the leaders of the faction he drives his own claw into his jugular and ends his existence.

The ghosts of Mans Folly
Your representative attempted to make contact but they ignored him. If he attempted to use magic at any time he would be found dead on the borders of their territory.

The order of the tattered shepard
Your voice has been heard, and now it has been answered. We will be present.

Poltergeists of bloodmakers court
No representative returns

The Demons of the Demon district
If its on neutral ground and we can bring as many of our kin as we like we will go, if not you devil ****s can be consumed by heavens light.

I cannot imagine my fellow demons were curtious but regardless of location I will be attending your event. I offer my voice for the demons should your location and rules not appease them.

Soul Reapers
No response but your representative returns alive. He was not granted entry to their facilities

The bone broken, the grinders
All of them agree to be there.

The forge owners
We will be sending a representative. We ask you not acknowledge the grinders and bone broken, they are rebellious slaves forgetting their place. Allowing them representation would set poor precedent. If you have invited them we ask you rescind the invitation. They should be crushed soon but just in case it takes a little longer then expected. It would be most agreeable.

Lorana Leader of Isharas daughters
The new Banshee queen will be present for your fascinating little conclave. Know however that your presumption does not go unnoticed.

The executioner
"Refused", the word is cut? Ripped? Shredded? onto a corpse its throat snapped and a noose is tied around its neck.

The Gardeners
We cannot leave... Too many plants to tend to.

KRAK The Reborns new champion.
We be there. Better let us in.

2017-09-19, 07:52 PM

Screamers tongue responds to Devourers court
Compromises can be made.These beasts dont come easily. Nightmares dont manifest every day. We are getting hungry though, sweet souls make the ache of losts beasts heal.

The bookers responds to the devourers court
We dont want to upset anyone. This is just the way it has to be until everything settles. We assure you the games will come back. Any protection you lend to the pits would quiet our concerns and would speed up its returns.


the Order of The Sleeping One respond to the Ska
Filthy rats we will skewer you and use your spirits as undead slaves forever more. Do not come near us you cannot defeat the undead or us! We will be their master! If you leave your holes again, you will face our wrath!

general Slashmouth response to the Ska
We will help for (3 t SLA) we need help digging and we will have to kill them all when we're done so they don't give up our warrens information to you. If you're willing to sacrifice so are we.

The last legion to the ska
Agreed plague rat we will take part of the bone crack for ourselves in return for wiping out these insidious undead horrors alongside you. The sun king will never shine on you, but we appreciate your candor.


Taralane Klan The forsworn to the order of immortality.
Theodric Graves, you are not the only one who views themself as a worthy inheritor of our lords will. Students have joined my side as well. If you wish to unite deads trial you must convince me you're worthy. Otherwise I will end your life and claim your order for myself. We will attend your discussion.

The geist keepers to the order of immortality.
Yes lord graves. We could use your aid, soul stocks are dropping rapidly without the tower sending their supplies. Furthermore soon the beasts will require meat as well and we have not enough slaves to keep them looked after. Any help you can give with this is appreciated.

2017-09-19, 08:54 PM
Chemosh sits in chair idly making small fires in his small incorporeal hands that he makes dance and fly around him. Every so often one gets too close to Helgruk who snaps the flame out of the air to train his reflexes.

The death of our master is troubling. It is going to cause a massive vacuum of power. If someone doesn't deal with this soon the city will tear itself apart. Chemosh says never stopping with the swirling flames. He makes a small castle out of the flames before causing it to explode outwards in chaotic swirls of flames.

So you plan to take over the city with the band of mages you have gathered, master? Even if we somehow got control, I honestly don't think we have enough soldiers to hold it or the money to summon the ones we need. Helgruk says as he starts madly smashing at the flames from the exploding castle. He does surprisingly well though many still elude him.

Of course we don't, that is why plan A is unify. Join the Dark Coven and try to unify all the major promagic factions together to form a powerful political bloc and start stabilizing that way. Worst comes the worst, we use the same plan we had in case the Lich turned on us. Chemosh answered. He closes his fist and all the fires extinguish themselves. Hegruk gets out a paper while Chemosh starts dictating to him.

Espionage 2 for all of them

We accept and will send a representative.

Hello, we are a group of Conjurers who helped with the matters of summoning before our Master's passing. We hear you are looking for more spell casters to join your organization. We are not looking to join your organization but we are looking for more magic allies. These are troubling times and banding together will greatly help our factions weather the chaos that is bound. We could also be helpful to each other with the exchange of magical knowledge, as well as create a political bloc in the Dark Coven to further magical interests.

Hello, we are a group of Conjurers who helped with the matters of summoning before our Master's passing. We are looking for more allies in these troubling times and it has come to our attention that your faction is quite magical in nature. We would quite like to offer you an alliance as we try to form a group of the greatest mage factions to help weather the chaos and to collect the magical knowledge around the city. If the Dark Coven takes off, it would also greatly benefit us to form a political bloc.

Hello, we are a group of Conjurers who helped with the matters of summoning before our Master's passing. We are looking for allies in these troubled times and it has come to our attention you're a faction of spell casters. We would quite like to offer you an alliance as we try to form a group of the greatest mages to help weather the chaos and collect the magical knowledge stored with in the city.

Hello, we are a group of Conjurers who helped with the matters of summoning before our Master's passing. We are looking for allies in these troubled times and are interested in allying with your faction. We feel the exchange of knowledge, unity and power that we could possess together would greatly help in securing the city as well as magic's place with in the new order.

It is vital we bind together in the post Lich era. It is vital the magic with in the labyrinth is protected at all costs and we need to work together to accomplish this. We will be working to set up proper defenses in time but it is vital we have time to set up the needed rituals and have time to reference the books with in.

- Hack -
2017-09-20, 05:13 AM
The Order of the Black Rose

Espionage 1

To all factions of note
To whom it will undoubtedly concern,

It is with great regret that I inform you the Order of the Black Rose will not be undertaking any new contracts for the entirety of the next month, due to unforeseen pro bono commitments. On behalf of the Order of the Black Rose, I personally apologise for any inconvenience. If you are still alive next month or are particularly forward in your planning, do not hesitate to once again covet our services come the new moon.

Lady Carmilla, the Scarlet Duchess of the Von Carstein bloodline and Paymaster of the Order of the Black Rose.

To the other vampire bloodlines of the Ventrue Court
To our most esteemed colleagues, beloved brothers and sisters of the midnight aristocracy,

With the untimely demise of this proud city’s benefactor, times of great civil rest and political uncertainty lay ahead. We venerable bloodlines of the Ventrue Court within our close knit community have fostered long and complicated histories, however in circumstances as delicate as these past animosities cannot cloud rational minds. The stakes we each hold in Sires Rend vary from kindred to kindred, however the "Bloodied Fangs" district has always the sole domain of the vampires. We consider it our right as the venerable exemplars of our exemplary species to claim lordship over this domain, however we are quick to forget it is our solemn duty to enforce that right. It is a duty that we owe not only to each other but also to our often misguided lesser kin, to provide them with the security and leadership they so clearly warrant. As humble servants of mutual communal interests we, the Von Carsteins, wish to summon the Elder Council and those bloodlines reputable pedigree to our Estate to discuss our vested interest in the future of the "Bloodied Fangs" district.

Lady Carmilla, the Scarlet Duchess of the Von Carstein bloodline and Paymaster of the Order of the Black Rose.

I'm hoping to get a more private personal meeting between the Von Carsteins and the other vampire bloodlines of the Ventrue Court rather than just written messages.

To the Blood Horn Tribe
The message is personally delivered by a bumbling fat slave. He is escorted by four Black Rose legionaries, two of whom carry the large banners of the Order with little regard for subtly.

To our esteemed competitors,

The Order of the Black Rose’s reputation as a premier military contracting institution has undoubtedly reached the ears of those whom share our illustrious profession. As upmost professionals, we pride ourselves in having a more discerning eye for talent within the industry so often crassly labelled “mercenary”. And if in the pursuit of our client’s ambitions we found our own militant arm lacking in the raw numbers to undertake the scope of an operation, we could think of no better fellow military contractor to join in our endeavours. Having shared the sentiment, we know all too well that you would appreciate working alongside fellow professionals in the spilling of blood, than under the patronage of those craven clients that fear dirtying their soft hands. If you will excuse the flowery language that women of my station are unfortunately prone to, simply stated the honourable Order of the Black Rose covets the martial services of the formidable Blood Horn Tribe. Details, including payment or operational specifics, regarding this potential contract will be provided upon further parley. Should you most graciously consider our offer, we can promise longevity of service, dutiful and fair compensation, and most honourable carnage.

Lady Carmilla, the Scarlet Duchess of the Von Carstein bloodline and Paymaster of the Order of the Black Rose.

P.S. The mortal is yours to use as you see fit. It is my understanding that your kin prefer your meat, plentiful.

To the Sadrazam Cabal
The message is personally delivered by a Black Rose lieutenant. He is escorted by four Black Rose legionaries, two of whom carry the large banners of the Order with little regard for subtly.

To Mithrakhand of the Green Eyes, Lord of the Sadrazam, Foremost of the Earthbound Evils,

Whilst we cannot speak for our esteemed fellow brothers and sisters of the midnight aristocracy, the Von Carstein bloodline accept your personal invitation to attend the Dark Conclave only to appease Lord Lucius Sabre's desire for diplomatic unity. As the astute vanguards of vampiric hierarchy and noble tradition, we are beholden to the wise governance of honourable Lord Lucius Sabre, the undisputed voice of the Elder Council, whom speaks on our political behalf. The bloodlines of the Ventrue Court are united in the face of potential adversity. We Von Carsteins desire nothing less than “malefic order”, however in these turbulent days time is a most precious commodity. Should this conclave amount to naught but faux pleasantries and needless pageantry, we will hold you warm blood personally indebted to us for such a needless waste of our most valuable resource.

Lady Carmilla, the Scarlet Duchess of the Von Carstein bloodline and Paymaster of the Order of the Black Rose.

2017-09-20, 05:25 AM
The Ska - First Quarter of Ska-Ruun

Again the pendulum swung--the Ska continued to make enemies but with each one they seemed to have managed to make friends also. However, whether or not these attempts at friendship would hold up in the face of the Ska's retched reputation was yet to be seen. One thing was for sure though--Victory Pass would undoubtedly end up consumed by war

Espionage: 3

This time the runner was not allowed to leave--after delivering its message it was quickly killed by the eldritch lightning of the Grey Lord himself.

No message is returned.
The Runner of the Sleeping One carried by a number of Gutter Runners--its dead hands clutching a piece of forged parchment reading--they dumb the corpse near the patrol routes of the Undead warriors and scamper back into their holes not waiting for a reply.

"Filthy rats we will skewer you and use your spirits as undead slaves forever more. Do not come near us you cannot defeat the undead or us! We will be their master! If you leave your holes again, you will face our wrath!"
Message carried by a Gutter Runner, personal student of Deathdealer Snitch, and spoken in Goblin to a the first Goblin they meet within Goblin Pass.

"Slaves you wants? Ska have slaves, hordes and hordes of Ratkin that work good and harder if whip! Not safe for Ska to send slaves with Undead and Sleeping Order--help us remove this hindrance and we send you one hundred slaves each quarter for three quarters! Important we get corpses back though! Vital food feed our slave broodmothers! We have deal yes-yes?"
Message carried by a Gutter Runner.

"Not interested in poxy funeral--Dark Conclave yes-yes. Ska send representative to ensure our opinion taken into consideration."
Deathdealer Snitch bright red eyes seem to glow and he smiles to reveal long yellow teeth.

"So it is agreed! I shall inform the Grey Lord that we march together through the Bloody Pass this quarter and then onwards to Bone's Crack Pass the following Quarter! May the Horned Rat and the Sun King be pleased without our conquest of the vile dead!"


Hope you don't mind my frequent posting! I can slow down if you prefer--didn't realize the Conclave Invite was open to everyone so I wanted to send my belated reply! :O

2017-09-20, 05:54 AM
Devourer's Court

To the Ska:
Is helpenwise! So cynicsome times, when is not acceptings friendsome overture for cooperatings. But if wantens trade, is can oblige. Is will see what can finds out, and in exchangings, we maybe sendens one or twos small groups to helps cleans up battlefieldings, yes?

To Screamer's Tongue:
Wondersome! Is certainly gladens to be able to help new wise friendenlot, sending souls here and theres and maybe is showing reciprocity, yes?

To the bookers:
Certainty of certainties! Is maybe sends some friendly neighborhood ghoulkins to watchens games, is makes sures nothing is goings wrong and helpens clean up afterwardens as gestures of good friendenmakes. Gibberwright hears that friend Creak is BIG fan of games. Is sure Creak is going to watchens too, helps keepen peace. Is just much surety that no one is getting boreds.

2017-09-20, 07:27 AM
The Conjurers

Espionage 2 (forgot them in initial post)

We hear that the undead have started hunting mortals and we were wondering if you need help repelling them? We could send a few devils to help in repulsing the undead. They wouldn't be many but they should help quell undead attacks when backed up with your own forces. To be clear it is to help with undead attacks and not to deal with internal conflicts.

2017-09-20, 10:42 AM
To Hamste OOC
You will have to investigate to figure out the magical ability of most of these factions since they are secretive or subtle in most cases but ill put out the most obvious magic users

Followers of the Slumbering gods to the conjurers (esp 2)
We the ancient spirits, are the makers of your sleeping world mortal. We do not fear the coming storms, this city is perpetual, like death. Like us. If you wish to visit our markets however we welcome you and will offer fair prices for your memories.

High spirit Tiberius Dreamdread voice of the Daredream

The keepers to the conjurers (esp 2)
We the keepers are willing to discuss alliances throughout the city. We have sworn ourselves to this conclave however. Once we have heard the desires of the devil we would consider visiting you mortals as well. Do make sure you provide refreshment.

Keeper Venus

The administration (tremere labyrinth) (esp 2)
Our organization is under the protection of all kindred. The vampire population is more then enough to ensure our security. We do appreciate you reaching out however and if we plan to engage in any joint academic exercises we will contact you.

Administrator Bocell

The order of the tattered Shepard to the conjurers (esp 2)
We have long been forced to suffer in our temples fighting off these damnable ghosts. Any ally in such a matter would please us immensely. We do need to send a representative to the conclave but if you offer yourself to mutual protection we can make sure this alliance is at least considered so long as it doesn't appear too one sided.

The black

Mehrim to the conjurers (esp 2)
What a cocky group of mortals you are sending such a missive to this cities premier demon! I like your style, I am always one for a deal. Consider me invited... Once I have spoken to those of the grand conclave of course. I can't wait to meet your ghost king.

Order of the sleeping one to the conjurers (esp 2)
If you send us aid in destroying these accursed rats we would join an alliance with you!

Residents of Mans Solace to the conjurers (esp 2)
Zaras Keen= It has gotten violent in these parts raids on the less secure number of our inhabitants has been most disconcerting. Aid would be appreciated but I am already putting up my own defenses.
Tarak Losthammer= How is a dwarf supposed to sell these slaves if hes got a bunch of ghouls and other rotten undead bastards picking off his inventory! It aint right. So long as your costs aren't too high I would be willing to take your protections.
Hummel Silvertongue= Only a fool believes they are safe in a place like Sires Rend. For now I am powerful enough to take care of myself though the other mortals here would be grateful for your aid.

To the order of the black rose from the elder council (ESP 1)
The Von Carstein which to host the elder council? What a treat. We will inform the families and request they send representatives at your behest lady Carmilla. Would you be willing to (PM this round?) Or were you hoping to hold this event after the conclave?

Lord Lucius Sabre
voice of the elder council

To the order of the black rose from the blood horn (esp 1)
Well this is rich, the vampires contacting the werewolves. If you're looking for some joint operations we won't refuse. I am sure we have killed one another on more then one occasion working jobs, We know the reputation of the black rose. You are vicious bastards. Send your details we wont refuse out of hand.

Alpha Corpsemaker

P.S. thanks for the snack. You kindred like virgin blood? We will make sure to return the favor at some point.

From the goblins to the Ska
Done. Don't **** us or we set you all on fire.

From the last legion to the ska
The last legion marches alongside the swarms! Raise the banners!

GM to Jyssika
No its all good! I post too much to.

Bookers to the Devourers court
When the security arrives we will open our doors you will have your shows of blood the moment we see ghouls wandering around and not eating our people.

2017-09-20, 11:33 AM
Doktor Arkstien

To The Sadrazam Cabal
YES good! The masters beatiful work must be continued. I will join this cabal, see the legacy continues.

While I am glad of the survival of some of the Dark Lords loyal servants, what could we possibly have too discuss in private? I am busy, my experiments need my attention. If the matter is urgent I will consider it.

To the Bloodhorn Tribe
You would do well to respect my offer. Those under my care become stronger and faster than anything else in the city, and they are merely undead or human. Just think of the power that could be made if the lycanthropes powerful form was twinned with my genius! It would be unstoppable!
(OOC At least I think I have the only mil+mil vip around…)

To the Screamer Pits
Perhaps if I were to move my children into the screamer pits you would reopen? Under my protection the pits could be safe from outside meddling and my reputation might attract some better crowds. Consider my words, for I! Doktor Arkenstien cannot allow the travesty that is no fighting games in Sires Rend to continue!

To the Bone Broken
Settle things? What things? Tell the Doktor and perhaps we can help each other.

To the Cog (at his office in envious weight)
Artisan! I require instruments for my lab! Soul Lens Foci! Argentum Rods! Essences Filters! What do you have on offer?

To the Grinders
Blades? What sort of blades? I want the best for my children. I'll offer [2 souls t.] If they are of sufficient quality.

To The Keepers
Good! I am seeking poisons for weaponry and delicate regents for my experiments. I can offer t. Slaves for your services, or pacts to assist your organization in its affairs.

2017-09-20, 11:48 AM
The Order of Immortality
Espionage 2 or higher to read messages

To Taralane Klan the forsworn
How do you wish to be convinced, by argument, by magic or by force?
We will meet and end our differences so that we can move forward in unity.
To the geist keepers of Screamers Tongue
The Order of Immortality is more than willing to help maintain the great collection of our former master, but I also wish to discuss the possibility of a partnership between us.
To the Conjurors of the Lich
We hear good things about you and would be willing to work together with a common vision of this great city. It is importance to make sure that the more brutish people in this city does make too much trouble in this chaotic time.
What factions are running Thul’s Revelry and are there any other factions in Screamers Tongue besides the geist keepers or the gardeners in Gardens of the Dead?

2017-09-20, 12:05 PM
Cult of Khana
To The Conjurer's of the Lich:

The Cult Of Khana is suggesting alliance and non-aggression pact with each other. Our factions are both superficially the same and substantially similar. Although the object of our Cult is still um, "alive", we nonetheless think it would be a good idea to double up and cooperate with each other. As we understand it, our living members even have relatives in both societies. If we do cooperate with each other, we could help each other with research, for one thing, building projects and other such endeavors.

2017-09-20, 01:49 PM
The Ska - First Quarter of Ska-Ruun

Throughout the armories, barracks, churches and even slave pens of the Ska Under-Dens shields clashed, bells rung and preachers screeched. Word of potential aid from other parts of Victory Pass had spread through the Ratlings like a plague and now the entire nation was infected with an eagerness to slaughter and claim land in their leader's name. Land that the Ska nation could build upon and form a greater hold within the hostile landscape of Sires Rend. But more than words of their own diplomats leaked between the Ska population--Gutter Runners and ratling spies carried word that some alliance's were being formed without the invitation of the Ska or that enemies that were believed to be now outnumbered and ripe for the crushing were seeking allies from outside of Victory Pass.

Espionage: 3

Message carried by a Ratling Warlock accompanied by four Ska Warriors, clearly an attempt is being made to show that the Ska are more than just rats living in tunnels. The Warlock approaches Tremere's Labyrinth and politely requests an audience with a representative of the Conjuror's.

"Thank you-you for having us. I carry message from the Grey Lord of the Ska--our most powerful mage. Firstly allow me to apologize on the Grey Lord's behalf-half for the means by which we have acquired our information--the ears of rats pricked with news of your secret magical conclave and the Grey Lord was most distressed that such an order might be created without at least extending the paw of invitation to our own few but potent Warlocks and Seers. Secondly we have noticed you-you received message from the Order of the Sleeping One--the very same order who have lost control of their own undead forces within our homeland and now we must deal with rampant skeleton warriors attacking and killing our people--asking for aid in defending themselves against us. Already our people struggle against the forces of The Sleeping One and their now rogue Undead forces--if your force's were to add to theirs we would..."

The Ratling Warlock trails off--unable to finish his sentence... For the first time a look of shame on his face.

"Life in Sires Rend has become very difficult for the Living now in this city of the dead--Please do not make it harder for our people who are simply trying to secure a hold for ourselves against those that wish us removed from Sires Rend."
Message carried by several gutter runners and a number of Ska Warriors--more than ever usually leave their tunnels and holes--Clearly foreshadowing someone or something important.

"We have heard rumor's of your kind-kind... Tricky tunnelers that even our own are weary and we are known for such antics. I am sure you more than aware of our work and would be interested in what could be achieved if your leaders met with the Grey Lord himself."
Message carried by a Gutter Runner, personal student of Deathdealer Snitch, and spoken in Goblin to a the first Goblin they meet within Goblin Pass.

"We look forward to a long and prosperous relationship."

Slinks back into the shadow.
Deathdealer Snitch bright red eyes seem to glow and he smiles to reveal long yellow teeth.

"To-to War."

Slinks back into the shadow.

2017-09-20, 04:11 PM
Devourer's Court to the Ska [3]

"You have my interest."

((So, VIP meeting?))

2017-09-20, 06:04 PM
Blood Horn to the dok (esp 1)
You seem quite confident doktor. I doubt you can match our capabilities for violence but send one of these transformed minions to us. We will test it. If it impresses i will send (1 t mil) and if I am pleased with the results. We will create a more fruitful relationship. If it disappoints as I expect it will. I will expect much meat from you as recompense.

The bookies to the dok (esp 1)

Yes. There are others coming to help with your aid as well good doktor We could open as early as (next turn) so long as your... Minions don't kill anyone they are not supposed to.

Bone Broken to the dok (esp 1)
We cant share with you this way. They are always listening.

The cog to the dok (esp 1)
We can produce everything you request. They all sound like custom pieces if you can provide us a blueprint I will put the slag to task. That will also help us to decide task.

Grinders to the dok (esp 1)
They are serrated blades, nasty saw like things. Specialized for ripping mortal flesh. Designed to tear into the living. If you have similar opponents they will be of value to you. (bonus against the living)

The forsworn to the order of immortality (esp 2)
We will speak with you. If we feel you honor our lord correctly we will ally alongside you. If you do not a duel between us and the winner leads both organizations.

The geist keepers to the order of immortality.(esp 2)
We are limited in what we can offer your order, what exactly do you have in mind?

To Mortenkam from GM
Thuls Revelry largest faction are The Reborn, the test subjects of your lich overlord. They have been heinously disfigured. Most of them appear to be mortals now maimed in various ways. Many made more powerful through his twisted experiments. There is also a squad of abomination soldiers there. Thul's revelry wardens
Screams tongue would need to be investigated properly to figure it out but you do know there is packs of roaming monsters of various kinds that could cause problems.
The gargoyles and the garden itself appears to be all there is. Just mortal beings of all kinds dead or dying being turned into hideous works of art for the lich to view.

2017-09-20, 08:37 PM
The Coven of Thorns

Gran hobbled through the streets with the various missives of the day. Her limited motion was in no small part hampered by the lack of toes on her right foot. Further tribute to the Brewess. But she was almost there and that made her foot her ever so slightly less. She arrived at the doors to Slate House and ventured a tentative rap on the door, utilizing one of the large brass knockers. As though by her own command, the door swung open and then immediately closed behind her like a sharp bark.

A man stood before her, bereft of feet or common eyes. Gran tried to look away from the wendigo but caught herself looking at his shadow. And she couldnt look at him in the eyes. Not again. So instead she just held out her hand, the note from the cabal included in her various observations from the day to be delivered to the crones. He-of-the-Red-Maw growled and then snatched the missive from the Cabal. Moreso plucking it, now that Gran thought about it. He silently turned away after sniffy her and ventured downwards, into the Slate House's basements. As the wendigo licked his lips, Gran knew that he would devour her one day. The crones far more valued his aid than hers. She remained, merely as a reminder to herself of how foolish she'd been. Silently and alone, Gran swept up the stairs of the old house to her spartan room. She curled up into a foetal position and half mewled half cried herself to sleep.

Rep 4

The Sadrazam Cabal

You do much to flatter. Such a rarity these days to recognize true beauty, especially from those so young in their ways of the world. We should like to discuss the nature of the Fleshmarkets before any pacts are informed. Perhaps over dinner? We would be happy to provide a meal were you to supply an appropriate venu.

The Ladies of the Wood

The Conjurors of the Litch

A convocation of magical power would be most interesting. We were already planning to cook for one, should another find there way to our table it shouldn't be a problem.

The Ladies of the Wood

2017-09-20, 10:14 PM
The Conjurers of the Lich
Makes sense


If you are sure. Though I hear tell of a vampire bloodline with almost no magic is summoning the elders to speak. I can't help but feel they aren't particularly interested in protecting the magic. After all, you would have to actively be trying to remove magic users to have so little magic. What is more, I hear they are working to hire the bloodhorn werewolves. Just remember, if you need outside help come earlier rather than later.

I was never answered if I would know they have no magic but I assume I would know they have little to no magic as it is abnormally low.

We will see what we can do. Do you wish them permanently ejected from your premises or more controlled? Our Devils and Demons are currently being used to stablize other regions but we can spare some spell casters to support the effort.

Of course, the forces will be sent as soon as possible. You should be able to tell it is them as they are going to be the group with devils and demons close together and they won't be killing each other. The force is being shared with Tarak Losthammer but it should hopefully help with minimizing losses.

We aren't actually charging anything for this. Living beings are going to become valuable very shortly if the undead keep this up and it is important that the market doesn't become too strained. The forces are going to be a combination of devils and demons so they should stick out. It should be noted the force is being shared with Zaras.

Though, while we aren't charging anything; if you are willing we are looking to rent a few slaves to feed some vampire guests we might have we would be much obliged. We would make sure they would have proper food to help get their blood back as quick as possible. Their may be some magical experiments to make their blood magically delicious but that may actually be a selling feature. Optimally we would want to find volunteers but renting is close enough for us on such short notice.

We may take you up on that offer some time. What is the grading for memories? Do you rather pleasant memories or memories of strategic importance or memories containing knowledge? Does the person giving the memories have to be willing and does taking the memories have negative effects on ghosts?

Glad to hear your acceptance. We have been working to stabilize several regions including Man's Solace and our intelligence suggests you doing well with stabilizing the students. If you have any troubles don't hesitate to ask for help. We are pretty tied up at the moment but we would be glad to help in the future.

A skeletal mage flanked with a devil and demon comes out to the request for a representative.
We know all about your problems. We try to keep track of communications that go on as well and the Order of the Sleeping One's are some of the few we can track easily enough. We also know that for their messenger at least that you used a slave infected with a plague with a threat written on human flesh ordering them to leave. We also know that you at least told the truth that they have indeed lost control of their undead.

Despite that, we will at least hear you out. I'm assuming you are either a warlock or seer, show us that your magic is strong enough to justify your people joining...despite your people's poor reputations. The most impressive magic you can do. The mage says. It is clear that he is ready to block the warlock's spell if they try to strike him and the outsiders. He had a few defensive spells already cast but he was quite ready to actively defend himself against random aggression from the ratlings.

We are glad to accept. At the time we had sent the request, we hadn't realized how similar our two groups were. I do quite look forward to working together. Particularly for magical research and economic cooperation. The hope is the unifying of magicians will allow magic to spread between the factions and strengthen the cause of magic.

Our acceptance depends on who is the other guest is. It wouldn't do to talk about a magical alliance if the other guest is one who wasn't originally invited. Even if they know about it, it could be seen as quite rude.

I'm assuming the Mage Alliance meeting is happening the turn after the black coven to allow for the npc to get their VIP back (important as it affects how I distribute my VIP)

- Hack -
2017-09-20, 11:57 PM
The Order of the Black Rose

VIP Meetings (Private/Unreadable)

The Von Carstein Estate

The Elder council and fellow vampire delegates are given the best reception that the notoriously gruff Von Carstein estate can muster, as earnest efforts have been made to bring the fortress manor's interior more into keeping of what the vampire elite would expect of their peers. Luxurious red curtains cover walls once adored with weapon racks, those battered marble statues used for target practice have been made scarce, and long cushioned lounges stand in place of furnishings more suited to a barracks. Premium blood of the highest pedigree is served in silver chalices to the pampered guests, whilst in the background a harp is plucked by stunning slave girl. Although most other factions would stuggle to match the open display of extravagance, to the noble bloodlines of Ventrue Court this gathering still seems to fall short of their prudish standards.

"To my beloved brothers and sisters of the midnight aristocracy, most noble princes of darkness and esteemed members of our venerable council, I, Lady Carmilla, the Scarlet Duchess of the Von Carstein bloodline and Paymaster of the Order of the Black Rose, offer you the warmest of welcomes my family's humble estate," announces the evening hostess, raising her captivating voice above the banter of the crowd.

"It has been whispered that because of our infamous martial disposition, we Von Carsteins are entirely dismissive of the arcane arts. This simply isn't true. You see, I consider myself an amateur student of divination," states Carmilla mocking, her words laced with playful sarcasm. "I have seen both inevitability and uncertainly in the future of our kindred, and have summoned you here tonight to aid me deciphering the later."

"So, before uncertainly let us begin with inevitability. Within the coming weeks, the Order of the Black Rose will march upon the entire "Bloodied Fangs", with strategic objective of progressively securing each district by armed garrison. From Malkavs Labyrinth to Tzimsces Forges to Nosfers Hovels and everything in between, we will raise our banners triumphantly. Although we welcome peaceful submission, we will be marching to undoubtedly to war," the tone of her voice becomes colder and there is a pause as if to let the gravity of her words sink in.

"And we will do so not in the name of the Order nor the Von Carsteins to whom it is beholden. No, the Order of the Black Rose will march and fight to secure the "Bloodied Fangs" in the name of the Ventrue Court. The vultures may pick apart the rest of this city as they see fit, however the "Bloodied Fangs" district has always been the Ventrue Court's manifest destiny. We consider it our right as the venerable exemplars of our exemplary species to claim lordship over our ancestral domain, however we are quick to forget it is our solemn duty to enforce that right. It is a duty that we owe not only to each other but also to our often misguided lesser kin, to provide them with the security and leadership they so clearly warrant. Who else could be entrusted to mould their future? The Brujahs Court, craven and lethargic buffoons? Or perhaps we abandon our lesser vampire kindred to the mercy outsiders, to be puppets of filthy necromancers like common zombies? No, we cannot abide this."

"It is no secret we Von Carsteins are a forward lot with no appetite for subtly, we do not weave treacherous games in the shadows but grasp what is rightfully ours in iron clad gauntlets. And now no honeyed words, silver tongues or barbed threats can steer us from the course we have now set. It is as I said, an inevitability. We offer our sincerest apologies for forcing your hands in such a manner, it is not our intent to hold you hostage with rash action, but now the only choice that remains is determining what happens next."

"I see four futures and am unable to discern possibility from certainly. Perhaps, here you may help me. The first possibility is that, perhaps gripped by fear and ignorance, the Ventrue Court immediately and openly denounces the coming actions of the Order of the Black Rose. And in turn, I suppose the Order of the Black Rose reacts by disavowing the Elder Council for not acting in its subject's best interests. Soon, the streets of our tight knit community run red with brotherly blood as our once awe-inspiring manors and sprawling estates become wretched battlegrounds. Our quest for greatness fumbles at the gate as we are consumed by civil war. A sad prospect don't you agree? No, I think we can do better."

"Why not instead consider a future in which the Order of the Black Rose fights proclaims to fight in the name of the Ventrue Court without their express blessing, effectively leaving our validation in an ambiguous state of limbo. Surely it is an enticing situation in which either way the Ventrue Court triumphs. If the Order of the Black Rose is victorious and secures the "Bloodied Fangs" it is done so in your name. You will claim your deserved title as the undisputed masters of all vampire kindred. And if we fail, defeated by our own hubris, then the Ventrue Court simply denounces us as renegades acting without any legitimate authority."

"The aforementioned apathy indeed seems like an enticing path, no risk of retribution with a chance great reward. However, there is one final future to consider. One in which the Ventrue Court embraces adversity joins their selfless kin in securing our shared future. The largest vampiric fighting force, the Order of the Black Rose, will fight for your interests regardless but it need not fight alone. Seize the initiative and act in tandem, and your supreme lordship won't be a calculated gamble, it will be a guarantee. This not our cause, this is your cause, our cause. Lend us your ever vigilant eyes, fill our ranks with your vampiric sires and spawns and we will ensure that our kindred are beholden only to their true masters, now and ALWAYS!"


@ Hamste
The Order of the Black Rose and the Von Carsteins probably have a high enough reputation, especially seeing as that you are their geographical neighbour, for you to know about their stance on magic. They are not anti-magic, just completely indifferent to it. This may be because as proud military order they view it as dishonourable. It may be because they feel don't need it, as they are inherently powerful and unlike demons or necromancers don't need it to boost their lethality or summon things. It could be because they too bloodthirsty and ignorant to bother with it. Your faction isn't entirely sure, there could be other explanations. Whatever their reasons, magic is outside the Black Rose’s sphere of interests. They would much rather fight typical battles than concern themselves in the antics of mages, especially if the mages don’t interfere with their business.

2017-09-21, 12:25 AM
The Ska - First Quarter of Ska-Ruun

The Grey Lord was out of the Bloody Pass for the first time this year, Deathdealer Snitch was equally vacant and thus it was left to only the infantile Queek to run the Ska homecity. Thankfully for all the only required work was war and slave preparations and that was Queek's undeniably expertise.

Espionage: 3

Message carried by a Ratling Warlock accompanied by four Ska Warriors, clearly an attempt is being made to show that the Ska are more than just rats living in tunnels. The Warlock approaches Tremere's Labyrinth and politely requests an audience with a representative of the Conjuror's.

"Ah yes... In times of war as we cannot-not risk our messengers being tortured for their knowledge. We are not-not sure how well aware of the situation in Victory Pass. Order of Sleeping One lose control of their Undead and we have grown tired of attempting to defend ourselves from an army that isn't even native to the Bloody Pass! Same-similar cleric orders in Bone Crack's Pass yet this order feel they need to to into place-place we call home."

The Ratling Warlock removes a perfectly spherical glass orb from a tube along the side of his heavy mechanical backback.

"You must-must once again forgive my master the, Grey Lord, our magical abilities are few and too rare to risk sending to potential hostile nations. We novice of the Warlocks and thus we magic ability is very limited. Warlocks are war-engineers, we build-build devices that hold or channel elemental power: this sphere example holds toxic acidic fumes--a rudimentary weapon and one of the first a Warlock learns to build."
A very large Ska warrior carrying the personal standard's of the Legendary Queek arrives outside the Doktor's mansion. Behind him a troupe of slaves driven by warriors with large whips. They do not wait to be greeted clearly irritated at the lack of security but on strict orders to give their message.

"Hail-hail Doktor! Excuse-cuse our brevity--ears are rife here. We Ska appreciate your ethos even if not your candor and believe that the Ska can be improved. You seek to work with the Werewolves because you want the best stock but the Ska have the most stock. Our Master Moulders tried many times to breed Rat Ogres most of our attempts based on observed information from your own research. We little success--perhaps cooperation could benefit both of our people."

2017-09-21, 01:49 AM

From the Administration. (esp 2)
We know of whom you speak and until our own kind show signs of betraying the very institutions they built we continue to rely on them. If we must turn to you, and I say this with all due respect it is a dark day for my kind.
From the order of the tattered shepard (esp 2)
expunging the spirits completely is impossible as far as im aware, we simply need to get them away from our most prominent battlements. We have invested much to keep them at bay and they remain a thorn in our side. Aid will be recognized and we will return the favor in the future if you place your resources toward driving off the poltergeists.
From Tarak (esp 2)
You want virgins, we have a few kept on tap for just such an occasion my lord. You help keep our properties safe and ill send you some free of charge.
From High spirit Tiberius Dreamdread voice of the Daredream (esp 2)
Our gifts directly correspond to the value of your memories. If you give up a piece of what truly makes you, you. The return can be immense. We only deal with willing customers, though you might find the occasional pick pocket or fool sorcerer seeking to take without giving is missing more then when he came in. As for ghosts. They subsist entirely on powerful memories. If a spirit or ghost crossed me it would be tragic for them. Again though we are neutral.

PM For the order of the blackrose only
The families of the elder council were some twenty three strong in all. That was including the Von Carsteins. What walked through the door into their manor home was no less then the “old blood” of this vast necropolis. They had ruled and fought with the other families for centuries. They had become used to such dalliances into violence. The early evening festivities, was a thing to behold as the ancients sat in thrones provided for them. These ancients were handed mortals whom they all played with in their own unique and dangerously sadistic way before draining them, some were murdered others merely drained into unconsciousness. Their lessors smiled large all while they kept sharpened metaphorical blades behind their backs hoping to cut down their elders and swiftly replace them before more coups were born at some point.

When the pleasantries ended and the true desires of the evening became apperent this show faded and they all looked at this evenings hosts.

As the lady of the house Von Carstein spoke, several were immediately interested. Furthermore there were only some shocked by this declaration. The first to speak up when the speech ended was not the leader of the elder council but another. Leonardo Crane of House Crane their youngest childer. Created for his wild passions and the love his sire had for his beautiful face. “I wish to speak up in support of the third option. The vampires of the bloodied fang has remained divided too long and it is a manifest destiny all fall under the elder council. My sire informed me even before my arrival to trust my intuition when it came to this great house. I feel its necessary to use this force which has for so long remained neutral, and become battle hardened on their many missions and press forward on behalf of our kind. The lessor houses need our boot upon their necks if they are ever to get better.”

The split between the elders was obvious many liked the idea of waging another war, the Von Carstein stirring in them age old hatreds. Others seemed far less impressed, the most conservative of the elder houses seemed to be remaining silent as the “younger” houses said their piece. In all fourteen houses seemed to support the Von Carstein, while the others remained staunchly opposed.

Lord Lucius Sabre voice of the elder council, did not seem convinced, next to the Von Carstein his family remained the most powerful force on the council and he spoke up not derisive or insulting but quickly articulating his feelings. “I appreciate your tenacity, and your plain speech when it comes to the matter, but I do have a few concerns. What makes you think we can take the bloodied fang? We have been making war on the philosopher kings, the Brujah mediocrities for as long as this city has been led by the lich. Never so openly as you speak but still it remains the case. We have never crushed them. We have come out with our district cut in half. Furthermore if we are making war on our kind do you not fear this is the opportunity where your nightmare comes to pass and the outsiders make their move to conquer our jewel in the crown of this city? As you say we have enemies on every side. I don't want the Von Carstein military being put into the meat grinder just so another can collect the spoils.”

These words immediately roused both sides into furious debate (politely as vampires without rules quickly becomes awful bloody baths) they seem quick to lock in back and forth though many wait to see the Carsteins response to such worries and if the support of the houses they do have would be enough to move forward.

2017-09-21, 10:26 AM
The Order of Immortality
Espionage 2

To Taralane Klan the forsworn
“Very well, but how do you think we ought to honor our Lord? By gaining more arcane knowledge, by restoring the glory of his city or by continuing his vison of the world or a whole other way?”

To the geist keepers of Screamers Tongue
The plan of the order is to first to unify the students in Dead’s Trial, but then we wish to restore proper governance of first the Throne district, later the whole city. I want to ask if you would consider joining us in doing this? We would be willing to ensure that you would not lack neither souls, meat or slaves in you capacity as keepers of Screamers Tongue.
(I am basically asking if they would consider becoming part of my faction or granting my faction control of Screamers Tongue.)

To the wardens of Thul’s Revelry
I wish to hear about the status of your area and your charges after the loss of our great master. If you need aid to pacifier them, I would wish to know about it.

Theodric Graves, pupil of Rosh Ka’thul, The shattered Magister, head of the Order of Immortality

To the gargoyle gardeners of the Garden of the dead
I hope that the running of the garden is still going smoothly, even after the end of our lord and master? I would to visited and see the garden again soon. You have created a display of art, that I would dare say have no equal.

Theodric Graves, pupil of Rosh Ka’thul, The shattered Magister, head of the Order of Immortality

To the Conjurors of the Lich
I am grateful for your offer of help. At the moment, the Order of Immortality is trying to get an overview of the situation in our part of the Throne district to see where we will need to do our part of restore this city to its proper way.

2017-09-21, 11:09 AM
Esp. 4
The Conjurors of the Litch

You misunderstand. We are entertaining a guest of our own, but would be more than happy to send a representative to your meeting on their own, bereft of any guests we undertake to entertain. Should you like, we shall make a meal for all who will come. Praytell, how many more are you expecting? One cannot make a feast if one does not know who the feast is for, after all.

- Hack -
2017-09-22, 06:50 AM
The Order of the Black Rose

VIP Meetings (Private)

The Von Carstein Estate
"You are most correct, Lord Sabre," slyly smiles Carmilla. "The Venture Court has been in conflict with Brujah for centuries, but on behalf of a bloodline that has considers its martial pursuits its finest quality, I must insist that it would misleading to call our past indiscretions a true war by any measure. Daggers in the dark alleys and skirmishes through proxy pale in compression to the storm we intend to unleash."

"Swift, decisive and most terrible, total war…"

"And if the face such a terrifying prospect, we will find compliance more likely than you think. You see, it is those passions that drive our kind that are the very weaknesses that will betray them. As varied as each kindred is, we vampires are all slaves to it in the end. No matter how hard we try, we cannot escape it. Threaten to deprive an immortal of what makes eternity bearable for them, and they will quickly lose any stomach for conflict. For bloodlines of the Lasombras their passion lies in tending to their beloved gardens. Do you think they will allow their treasured greenhouses to become battlefields when the Order of the Black Rose fights with wicked arcane fire? Hollow is even a victory when faced with irreplaceable collateral destruction. The Administration of Tremeres Labyrinth would likewise be hesitant to dissent, lest indifferent flames make ash of sacred tomes. The bloodlines of the Tzimsces have a passion for hording wealth above all. Do you believe that those greedy merchants will fight amongst the rubble of the forges that made them rich? No, they will capitulate." Carmilla pauses casually as she coldly analyses the vulnerabilities of her kin. Though she did bite her tongue, she too knew what passion captivated those before her as well. The prideful Venture Court with their love noble pageantry, how long would these pampered aristocrats wallow in the filth, and blood and mud before they too lost their taste for war?

"Even, us Von Carsteins cannot deny the passion that drives us. However, difference is that the meatgrinder of conflict does not sap us of it. To the contrary, we relish in the carnage. For our passion is violence, and thus our resolve is unshakable."

"Never before has such opportunity presented itself to our conclave. The city is in utter disarray with the death of the Lich King and in the wake of such chaos there is only brief window of opportunity to exploit. We are so certain of our course of action, we are openly wagering our reputations least we cast out as pariahs, to seize this great undertaking on our own accord." Whilst she did not want to disclose the finer strategic details of the war to come, Carmilla decides to offer the sceptics amongst her further reassurance.

"And, there is more to death of Rosh Ka’thul than just political disunity. With the Shattered Magistrate’s demise, the werewolves of the Bloodhorn Tribe, like many mercenary companies, are now open to new patronage. With their sizable contribution complimenting the Order of the Black Rose, we will have numbers to achieve unparalleled strategic scope against those too stubborn to submit. Numbers, combined with ample leadership to draw upon, will allow us to strike out against multiple fronts with enough strength to still overwhelm any adversary. Initial simultaneous strikes allows us to maintain the element of surprise, as well as hasten our advance and deny our targets an opportunity to properly muster any sort of defence. The pieces are place, and plans have been set in motion. We will win this coming war quickly and decisively."

Turning back to Lucius, Carmilla makes one final assertion. "My Lord, trifling outsiders are already making their moves and for us to leave the "Bloodied Fangs" divided is to let ripe for the vultures. This coming Dark Conclave is validation that new political powers are already scurrying to fill the vacuum of left by the Lich King. And when they turn their eyes up us, it will be only through the blood spilt by the Order of the Black Rose that they will see the vampiric kindred as formidable unified force, a reputable power block with but one voice…"

"…your voice."

2017-09-22, 11:50 AM
The forsworn to the order of immortality (esp 2)
We seek to resurrect our dead lord of course. He is immortal, he is a living god and only his return to this plane would be acceptable to us.

The geist keepers to the order of immortality (esp 2)
We serve only the one who rules bone crown, however if you continue to keep us fed we can discuss us coming to your aid when you need us...

The Wardens to the order of immortality (esp 2)
Magics ending. The lords voice has stopped. We dont expect they will remain pacified for long.

The Gardeners to the order of immortality. (esp 2)
It makes us crack inside knowing the lord will not get to see our creations anymore. You have not earned your place as undead yet mortal. You seek to grab it but until you walk among the bones a true lord of the dead. Hnow he doesn't keep you safe anymore. Enter this place without him and your people may join the garden.

VIP Meetings (Private)

The Elder council at The Von Carstein Estate
Lord Sabre did not speak for a long time. His eyes remained focused on the lady, his look was passive but the silence nearly became deafening as they described conquering the other houses with such ease it was like he could smell the bloodlust. "We do not assault the tremere district, our ageless promise to keep their knowledge safe in return for neutrality remains in tact. They have never interfered during our conflicts." He smirked, "the keepers will be no problem either... They have some inkling of nobility." He looks to the others and back at the lady. "The biggest problem will be The Stained of Malkavs labyrinth and the Lazarenes of Nosfers hovel. They are independent but they have stronger ties with the philosopher kings. I doubt they would be interested in just handing over the bloodied fangs to one ruler, and they travel through the underground where none of us bother to tread." He walked forward and his eyes glowed for a moment. A hunger playing there.

"You make us rulers and we will allow the Von Carsteins to follow the natural path of death and desecration into our enemies. End this conflict between the vampires, unite us and the elder council will never forget your sacrifices. We will not disavow you or sit in silence we will lend you some of our resources. As you say this is your bloody business we will not hand over our full force but you may use some of our resources to support your goal. You can be the face of this operation. Go deep and bring them to heel swiftly before they can muster their armies against us. Catch them off guard with endless force." He looks between them finally and leans in close his lips taunting the lobe of her flesh. A very intimate thing in front of the lords.

"I want to discuss tying the Sabre family directly to the Von Carstein a blood bound of your house serving ours. As a show of good faith (A hostage)." With that he pulled back. "If that is acceptable, then you will have the elder councils full support."

2017-09-22, 03:23 PM
Conjurers of the Lich
Sorry about the misunderstanding. The switch to metaphor made us confuse it for a literal invitation to a meal.

You don't have to worry about cooking if you don't want to but I do admit, I have heard that my followers tend to make their food too spicy. Having an alternative for those less used to the heat would be nice.

Currently the people invited and who have accepted to a meeting after the conclave include:

The Keepers (special food is already being ordered for them as our resident entrepreneur wants to get into the Vampire Restaurant business)

The Tattered Shepards should attend unless the ghosts grow too strong

Mehrim the most excellent (who may or may not have spies that read these letters, particularly seeing a demon delivered this one) says they will attend.

Order of the Sleeping One will come as long as Ratlings don't destroy them.

Ratlings want to come after hijacking one of our letters (Hello, again by the way. Your messengers should return home soon; if they haven't already). They only get in if they display magic that is impressive enough to join despite...there poor reputation. As they are mutually exclusive with the Order of the Sleeping One they shouldn't add any more food. By the way, have you kept tabs on them? We're curious how the conflict down there is progressing.

The Cult of Khana have already accepted an alliance with us so while they didn't directly confirm, there is a good chance they come.

The Order of Immortality has said they are interested in working with us and again while they didn't directly confirm, there is a good chance they come.

We will also be contacting the Forsworn if they do not combine with the Order of Immortality.

So rather than cast the spell yourself, you put your magic over time into items to cast it all in one burst? Is this due to most Ratlings not having much capacity for magical energies?

Anyways, if you want to be invited to join then at least some form of strong magic has to be shown. After all this is an alliance comprised of the best spell casters in the city, we can't just have everybody who can cast spells get in. If you really must, use it on the battlefield. I'm sure we would hear if you did something amazing like summon a Balor.

As for us not helping the Order of the Sleeping One, I can't answer on that as I'm just here to act as a relay. Though I'm sure your leader could read it when we send out our answer just like you read our other mail. If that is all I will take my leave. Got to prepare my summons to defend Man's Solace.
The mage said. He seemed mildly interested in the acid orb but otherwise it is as lifeless as one would expect from a skeleton.

We're sorry to say our resources are being taken up elsewhere. We are trying to stablize several of the other districts. If you are still fighting the Ratlings after those districts are stabilized we will send help.

We are coming to you with great concern. As you may know the undead others have created have went crazy and attack the living. We were wondering if there is any chance we could convince you to help a third party? The people of Man's Solace are being attacked by undead hungering for their life force. I get the feeling they want to ask for help but are pretty much trapped in their section of the city. After all, to get to you they would have to come through half a city filled with chaos, innumerable undead, a faction of goblins and a horde of ratlings. Is there any chance you could send a representative over to them to talk about it?

We have taken it upon ourselves to protect them but we fear the extra defenses from our demons and devils would not be enough if no one else deals with the undead.

I understand we are probably pretty opposing on most things. We may not be necromancers but we do include a small number of undead and routinely summon devils and demons but I hope we can agree on the importance of human life. Particularly, the slaves who do not get a choice in their life and those who have no means of ever leaving this city.

(Side note, sending a living conjurer with the note)

2017-09-22, 05:23 PM
The Order of Immortality
Espionage 2

To Taralane Klan the forsworn
“To have our lord back amongst us would indeed be a great fortune, and the knowledge required to do so, is already something the Order of Immortality seeks, because we will need to construct a new phylactery for his soul, before we can go looking for it. The goal of our order is to become immortal like our great master, even if we hardly can measure up to his greatness. Therefore, we both wish to resurrect Rosh Ka’thul, to prove his power and immortality. But first we will need to gain the knowledge of how to create a phylactery, which is deeply connected to the study of how you become a lich.”

To the geist keepers of Screamers Tongue
That is understandable, we do want to gain control of Bone Crown, at some in the future, but until then we would like permission to cross through your territory to get closer to it.

To the wardens of Thul’s Revelry
We might be able to assist keeping them under control, do you say that you used magic to keep them under control?

To the gargoyle gardeners of the Garden of the dead
I understand, then it will be a while before I see the garden again. Do tell me if you run into any troubles.

Do I have any idea of the stats of Taralane Klan the forsworn’s faction and the stats of the reborn and the wardens in Thul’s Revelry?

Also do I have any idea of how hard it would be to resurrect Rosh Ka’thul, The shattered Magister?

Also, how uncommon are a lich in this world and how hard is it to become one?

2017-09-23, 10:38 AM
House Kenraes

Deep within the Devils District sits a black onyx hall, seemingly unassuming and compact until you walk inside. The majority of the house expands below the surface, hallway upon hallway of blackened unlit stone, until you get to the main throne room. The room is lit by black and red flames along the walls throwing flickering light along the walls and the spiderlike structures coming out of the walls. The walls of the room are intricately carved all the way around from swarms of spiders carved with minute detail, each eye following every non drow in the room, to massive man sized spiders preying upon hapless innocents to stumble into their domain.

In the middle of that room Priestess Shi'niira Kenraes, Favored of Lolth, sits upon a massive adamantine spider throne, with the legs arcing over where the sitter would be, listening to the reports of some of her many spies. She shortly dismisses them all and her confidant Sabrae T'orgh walks in, walking over to lean against the spider throne so as to better talk without being overheard by any who would care to. "My Lady. You called me?"

The Drow priestess nods and gestures towards the side door where the spies just left "Our informants tell us that the city is going through many changes and this could be a good chance for us, it's time to extend our tendrils of control through more then just the slave markets. Start driving up our slave acquisition to show our interest in slaves has not changed and I'll let you know our plans shortly."

Esp 6

We thank you for the invitation, it is true we have not been in the city long and we relish the chance to mingle with so many different factions from the city but we have not been here long and will start off with a more observational role. We will however be in contact in the future for the acquisition of slaves, we have heard tales of the diversity and exoticism of your wares.

We thank you for allowing us to make our home within your territories and hopefully we can find some way to come to an even greater appreciation of each other that benefits both parties. As we speak House Kenraes spies are spreading through the city and our priestesses are quite potent, Lolth tells us of the power and deceit of the Devils, we would be honored to put these at your disposal... for a cost.

2017-09-23, 01:35 PM
The last legion to the conjurers (esp 2)
We recognize the risk to human life but our mission remains the same as it was when our liege lord ordered it. To cleanse this city of its vile occupants and return it to its orginal order. If we succeed in against our current foe we may be able to send help afterwards.

The forsworn to the Order of Immortality (esp 2)
Yes... Yes we seek that research as well, but it does not go well. If you have access to such knowledge we would be willing to pool our resources. At least when it comes to this. We are interested in getting into the tower but enemies exist in every corner. Perhaps we can work together. If you share what you have. We will make an alliance and not interfere with your plans so long as you don't do the same to us.

Geist keepers to the order of immortality. (esp 2)
Provide meat or soul (1t) each time you want to travel through and we will let you cross through our borders, but we will watch closely. No taking what isn't yours.

GM to Mortenkam
you would need to investigate the wardens and the reborn but the Forsworn you have a pretty good idea. Tarlane was a sort of rival to Theodoric Graves before the death of Rosh Ka'thul you know she got her hands on essentially your left overs the students you didn't recruit on time. (between + and ++) Mil and a little higher when it comes to magic.

To know if you can resurrect Rosh, that would require going to the shattered court territory and seeing what the damage is.

Lich are up there for some of the most powerful undead beings. necromancers, strive to be lich's lich's strive to be undead gods. That being said he wasn't the only one. There exists others in the fadeland but no others here in this necropolis or any of the surrounding rival regions as far as you know. You put enough research into it (AKA magic) looking it up you could in time have one of your VIPs become one if thats what you want to invest in.)

Maguus to House Kenraes (esp 6)
I owed a debt to House Kenraes, and our kind always fulfill those debts. Now that we are back on even ground know we start anew. Any deals you wish to make, we are open. Just know the city of Dis is represented through me. We hope you are an examplary neighbor. Also know as promised we will not interfere with any plans you make so long as you do not pose a threat to what is in the hook. Everything else is fair game. Like always. Good luck.

Lord Maguus
Ambassador to Sires Rend
Voice of the city of Dis

??? to House Kenraes (esp 6)
An imp would appear before one of the agents of house Kenraes dropping a scrolled missive in their hand. "Bring this to your leader." The imp would disappear in a cloud of smoke upon its delivery.

welcome to town, not many dare tread through the **** that is devils territory. We are impressed you were able to setup shop where you did unmolested. We wanted you to know we have work for you. If you're interested. No one knows you, you have no reputation this might be perfect. We have the souls to pay. You can reach us by smearing a bloody X in the spot where we found your agent.

A benefactor

The keepers of Lasombras Caste to The Coven of Thorns
We feel our two organizations have some potential connection. We would be interested in speaking with you more. Your place in the bloody fang makes you an anomoly and that in and of itself makes you interesting to us. We have not decided yet if we are comfortable with non kindred(vampire) neighbors we hope you can put our minds at ease and discuss the fruition of something more.

Keeper Venus

2017-09-23, 04:49 PM
The Order of Immortality
Espionage 2

To Taralane Klan the forsworn
“Well, what you are suggesting is reasonable, but part of me thinks that we would stand stronger united, also we need to discuss how we are going to run Dead’s Trial.”

To the geist keepers of Screamers Tongue
That is an agreement, I will tell when we will need to pass through Screamers Tongue.

Could I spend a esp. to investigate the Reborn and the Wardens before EoT?
Also, you overlooked what I wrote to the wardens about them mentioning that magic was used to keep the reborn in check.

2017-09-23, 08:21 PM
Ah, so you failed to wipe out the undead in life so you became a strange form of not really undead after death that continues to follow your liege's orders? If you don't me asking, why did the Lich not attempt to remove you? You seem like you would hate everything about the Lich?

Anyways at least someone is dealing with all those murderous undead around here. We heard someone took control of most of the Order of the Sleeping One's undead along with all the other undead that used to pack this region and ordered them to kill everyone. We haven't met the necromancer yet but just imagine the power they must hold. If they could rip control of all the undead in an entire district. They may be one of the strongest necromancers in the city.

Did any pass by you when they came in to destroy the Lich? The sudden appearance of a necromancer who happened to take control of the defenses of an entire district right as a bunch of people killing the Lich comes through makes it sound related.

note: Sent via weakest imp

Greetings, are you controlled by a necromancer? If you are would you be interested in a possible alliance? We are looking to collect all the strongest magicians in the city into a single alliance and if you are capable of breaking the control of another faction's control of their undead then you must be pretty strong.We're sorry we didn't send a stronger devil but we know most who enter die and we didn't feel like wasting resources.

2017-09-23, 10:00 PM
Khana, one of the most powerful of Moraxack, the Lich'es servants, some believe the greatest of them all, was at work.
To The Conjurer's Of The Lich.

"We are celebrating Khana's Annual Sabbath. You are welcome to more than half of our souls for one [Turn] if you join us in the culmination Of The Dark Passing. In short, we will bring life back to Khana, eldest advisor to Moraxack. Assist us, and we will grant you the first boons of the living Khana."
((Pour 2 points of all stats into reviving Khana, leader of the faction, and you will receive all Soul processing for one turn, plus GM appropriate bonuses, IC explained by Khana's boons))

2017-09-24, 09:45 AM
The Forsworn to the order of Immortality. (esp 2)
I will not surrender and serve you Theodric. I am more than happy to split Deads trial. We will work together on any resurrection work and keeping the district safe from any who try to take it from us both. I will not answer to you.

The wardens of Thuls revelry to the order of immortality. (esp 2)
Yes, it was magics of various kinds. Some were barriers and for the more powerful entities mind control and powerful potions ingested into them we do not have access too.

The Reborn to the order of immortality (esp 2)
Do not interfere necromancer. We are alive like you, and if you think you can trust these undead monstrosities you are sadly mistaken. Don't think Rosh's cages can keep us anymore and if you help them we will rip you apart! I won't let anyone put us back into Ka'thuls perpetual nightmare.

Gm to Mortenkam
Yes you may.
Sorry missed it.

The last legion to the Conjurers
The arrogance of that lich is never ending. He found us amusing and trapped us in the territory instead of fight us. We were a trophy that amused that monster. Now that he is dead We are free and we ride again!

As for the ones responsible for his death, I know nothing and even if I did i would be providing them aid not risking their lives to the would be tyrants of Zrax Moraxack.

The undead to The conjurers
Your imp informs you they just slashed at him, none provided any response.

2017-09-24, 02:08 PM
Esp. 3
The Keepers of the Lasombra Caste

Of course, such discussions may only benefit us both in the long run. What would you propose to the Ladies Three?

2017-09-24, 03:20 PM
The Order of Immortality
Espionage 2

To Taralane Klan the forsworn
“I accept, we shall split Dead’s Trial and work together in an alliance. One of the things we will need to do to resurrect our Lord is to study the place he fell, The Shattered Court, but first we need to secure a route to it. I have already made an agreement with the geist keepers of Screamers Tongue, but it is with Thul’s Revelry it gets difficult. The test subject and experiments of our master is breaking free and is calling themselves the Reborn, and are overwhelming the wardens tasked with keeping them in check. I am thinking about helping the wardens put them back in their cages, but what do you think?”
(By splitting Dead's Trial, do we each get an increase of 1 to our stat limit or?)

To the geist keepers of Screamers Tongue
I might have something I could use your aid on. The wardens of Thul’s Revelry is losing control of their charges and I feel that we ought to restore order to the area. I want to hear if you would be willing to assist me in doing that.

To the wardens of Thul’s Revelry
We would want to take over our master’s old responsibilities, and help you put them back in their cages or otherwise pacified those, who is too troublesome, but we would want to know, if you would declare your loyalty to us?

To the Reborn
Have you any reasons for me to distrust my lord’s loyal servants or why I should accept that you are let loose, except that you dislike being caged? Else it would be unlikely that I would be moved by you or your treats.

2017-09-25, 11:22 AM
The keepers to the doktor (esp 1)
Such a pact would be hard pressed considering the distance between us, however if you can ship slaves to our holdings those are always valuable and we would be able to send vials of some of our exotic nectars. Poisons which can arm you against the living... Even the dead, if you are willing to give us more delightful blood bags.

The grinders to the doktor (esp 1)
(If the blades he described are acceptable he will send the order for the slave shipment)

The keepers to the thorns (esp 3)
We request a private meeting to discuss mutual benefits for the both of us. If you could send one of your delegates as early as possible we would be pleased.

Keeper Venus

The forsworn to the Order of immortality (esp 2)
That is acceptable to us, and we will aid you in keeping these reborn in their cages. We will send (2t magic) if you plan on fighting and ensnaring these failed experiments of our lord. It would be worthwhile to place the magisters former abominations under our favor as well. (Yes you would split the territory down the middle and get half of the benefits of that territory)

The geist keepers to the order of immortality (esp 2)
You can cross through our territory for the price we mentioned and if you give us (1 tSOU OR 1 tSLA) we can send a few of our skeletal servents to aid you. (1 tMIL) We can't spare much maintaining the beasts is our purpose.

The wardens to the order of immortality (esp 2)
If you find a permenant solution to keeping these "reborn" in their cages we will not forget your loyalty to our masters cause. We would make sure you are rewarded properly.

The Reborn to the order of immortality. (esp 2)
They eat flesh and are no longer under anyones control. They are trying to keep us caged so they can eat our flesh. They will do the same to you. Side against those undead monsters and we will remember the favor. That lich bastard used plenty of magics against us. If you give us our freedom we will provide you access to his methods as well as all of the notes and books he left behind. What good are hulking abominations if you could make your own. If we see you coming to attack us though we will burn it all!

2017-09-25, 11:32 AM
Doktor Arkstein [Esp 0]

To the Ska
Yes! Yes! YES! Bring me your rat men, let us see what beauty can be unlocked! Not this month though, this month you will need your people and I will need time. Soon though! Soon!

To the Bloodhorn
I will send my greatest creation now and if he impresses you you will send me some of your people [next turn] yes?!

To the Bone Broken
Well then will you speak to me in person? The Soul Shatter district must be strong to survive the coming times!

To the Cog
Very well, what will it cost me to get [something to make the “upgrading” process better]?

To the Order of the Black Rose
Vampire! What does it cost to hire you're dire legions? I may have need of your assistance in the coming months!!!

2017-09-26, 10:29 AM
The Order of Immortality
Espionage 2

To Taralane Klan the forsworn
“Well, then it is settled, except if you think we ought to listen to what the Reborn has been telling me. They claim to possess knowledge of our master and that the wardens is untrustworthy, but personally do not plan to listen to them.”

To the geist keepers of Screamers Tongue
Then we have a deal.

To the wardens of Thul’s Revelry
We will come to your aid and then we will discuss what we are due.

To the Reborn
You claim to have knowledge from my lord and master, but where is your proof?

2017-09-27, 02:27 PM
The bloodborn to the dok
Yes. Send your monster we will see how he handles the tribe!

Bone Broken to the Dok [PM]
Arriving at the labs of the good doktor in a district in which he was not expected to show his face the sentient flesh golem wrapped himself in heavy fabrics to hide his appearance as his eyes darted about the lightning cracked with a constant terror and the beast waited to see if he could form the necessary alliance.

The cog to the dok
We could provide you with permenant tools to maximize your magic usage for your experiments for (10 tSOU) which would make all your experiments cost (1 less tm permently)

The forsworn to the Order of immortality
I wouldn't trust anyone who was punished by the master. We should put them back in their cages.

The Reborn to the order of immortality
If you keep your ravenous necromancers at bay (1 turn) I will bring you the materials left it will be more then enough to make you and yours more powerful.

The wardens to the order of immortality
Your aid is appreciated.

2017-09-27, 06:00 PM
Doktor Arkstien [ESP 0]

To Bone Broken [PM]
Good GOOD welcome! I want to be friends! Do not fear the lightning, it is mine to command. Now, what manner of beast are you and what problem is stopping your works?
Before the creature can respond the Doktor continues.

Oh and WHAT do your people create!? And when can we bind our forces into one?

To the Keepers
Good! I will buy the poison for humans. They must pay for what they did to my beautiful master!

To the Cog
Good! I will return when the funds have been assembled!

To the Devourer's Court
WHAT is your business with the screamer pits? My perfect minions have failed to get me your messages? They must must MUST be reopened. They are the best source of beautiful patients.
You wouldn't interfere with that would you?

2017-09-28, 12:38 PM
The Cult Of Khana [ESO 0]

The Ceremony
All points are being spent for this turn empowering Khana to resurrect him and grant him his lost power. I don't know how the GM will interperate this.

2017-09-28, 01:10 PM
To Doctor Arkstein [Esp 0]

"Nonono, is not interferings! Is just nice visit makens, is to watchen games! Is mayhaps helpens bits, here and there, but is just friendly visitens. Greatly lovens us game watchings, is for reopenings all very much!"

2017-09-29, 05:12 AM
I'm sorry but we can't really afford to do that right now. We have already promised to help in other areas but if the ritual isn't too time sensitive we may be able to help in a little while.

2017-09-29, 11:10 AM
The Order of Immortality
Espionage 2

To Taralane Klan the forsworn
“Then we are in agreement.”

To the Reborn
We will see you soon.

2017-10-04, 01:37 PM

Rumors, Whispers and truth spread through the Necropolis

The Throne District

The monstrous creations within Thul's Revelry appear to have gone silent as quickly as they were rising. A combined force stomped them down with brutal force.

The Banshees announce a new Queen of the whisper Lorana Scythe. She immediately demands that all those looking to pass through her territory pay tribute worthy of their noble position as the royalty of the dead.

The executioner has begun hanging undead from his trees for daring to provide false mortals. He demands only the lives of those truly responsible for the death of his master.

The Soul Shatter District

The Screamers pits open once again! New protectors have been added and flesh eating ghouls now wander the territory. (No mortal attendees have yet to be found eaten on the premises.) The first fighters are rumored to be someone who aided in the destruction of the great Lich.

Shattered ships harbors erupts in civil war as the creations who have mindlessly worked for the war machine of the necropolis have become sentient and are now making war on one another. As some remain loyal and others seek to hunt down their former masters.

The Soul forges have been marched on by Doktor Arkstiens zombie armies and have pushed back the reapers who have been creating the soul stones. They appear to be on the ropes.

Victory Path

The mindless skeleton army of the bloody path has been wiped out as have the order of the sleeping one. Rats have emerged from the earth en masse and with goblin and ghost allies overwhelmed all pressed against them. It appears even demons were involved in the fray but the chaos made it almost impossible to confirm. What can be confirmed is that half the district now burns and is firmly in the control of the Ska.

The Flesh Marked

Protectors of the district have grown and while many slaves have been stolen by unknown assailants there is now a firm military presence growing to keep the slave and soul trade alive. Several factions appear to be involved.

The bloodied fangs

Rumors of renewed war between the Elder council and the philosopher kings rises again. It seems the blood flows eternal among the vampire lords.

The Demon District
Happiness seems to be spreading through Brimraks hostel. You have been warned!

The Devils District
Sightings of Spider monsters in Magaavs consulate. Many wonder what might be occurring among the devils territories.

The Dragon of Death continues to sleep.
The bones continue to hold fast to their northern gate.
The grey barracks remains in their proper district.
The Bone Crown tower remains silent.

Rumors of the city of Midnights rise gearing up for war again rise. The death of the lich may have already reached the ear of the insidious dragon who rules there.

Scouts from the fae of the vein rivers have been spotted roaming the lands of glass.

The executioner offers 1 temp soul for every mortal involved in the death of the shattered magister, the great Lich.

Tremeres Labyrinth is offering 10 temporary souls for anything brought back from the lands of glass. Rumors of new ruins being discovered has peeked their interest.

Map of the surrounding fadelands.


2017-10-04, 02:04 PM
The Devourer's Court

The crack of a heavy whip echoes through the tunnel, followed by a shrill shriek. Watery-clear fluid drops from the wound, before the black, glossy flesh warps and grows back together.
Creak is hunched down, long, broom-handle thin limbs folded up tight. It makes a resentful, clicking, chittering noise as its eyeless head turns back to the faintly glowing blade and the slave chained to the muddy floor. Gingerly, it extends a hand towards the blade. There is a flash of searing radiance and a hissing noise and Creak shrinks back.
The lash cracks again.

To Doctor Arkstein:
Gibberwright, dressed in his sunday best, politely stands outside the doctor's area, waving excitedly with both hands.
"Doctorens! Masterlike sciencewise! Is goodfriends Gibberwright, here for talkenings, yes? Is talkings about arenas!"

To the ghouls of Harrow's Field
A deep voice pulses throughout the tunnels and ruins of Harrow's field, echoing from walls and making waves in dark, deep pools.
"Cease this foolishness or be destroyed. Devourer's Court can no longer indulge your follies, when there are prizes to be had greater than any. Join us in the feast, greater than any that we've had in ages untold, or be crushed."
As the message fades, small gangs of heavily mutated, muscled ghouls gather near the known headquarters of smaller ghoul gangs, presenting two things to each gang: a fresh corpse, and a rusty blade.

As the way is becoming difficult, is it possible to find or dig a tunnel from the games in Screamer's Pit to my home territories? Finding tunnels and unusual ways to get somewhere should be one of my specialties, after all. Probably an EOT project, and a big one using a lot of magic, so I'm wondering how feasible this is.

2017-10-04, 02:05 PM
The Ska - Second Quarter of Ska-Ruun

As the fires of war die and the ruins smoulder Ska banner's and flags raise high above each and every burrow of the Bloody Pass: out across the land--even after the losses of war--skittering and squeeking can be heard as even the smallest and most pathetic of the Ratling species carry world of the Ska's triumph. Larger bipedal cousins that form the majority of the Ska people now walk openly across the surface of the Bloody Pass--building walls and burrows in the ruins of the now destroyed factions and piling up the dead into large storage burrows.

Espionage: 3

Message carried by the same personal student of Deathdealer Snitch. Behind him a squad of large Ska Warriors leading a 100 slaves.

"My lord passes on their highest regards your forces per-performed admirably and allow us to deliver the first of three slaves shipments we agreed to. If you would allow us-us to take a moment of your time we would like to discuss a few other subjects."

The little rat pauses briefly--pulling out a little piece of paper with quite indecipherable text upon it.

"Our scouts report digging activity adjacent to the Bloody Pass area: some of it we believe to be your own people but more worryingly is that of an unknown faction. We am not sure what secrets it is your people dig for nor have we been instructed to ask but we thought you would be interested in knowing that you are not the only fact-faction searching for treasure below this cities crust.
We are also instructed to seek your opinions on the intervention of the Conjurer's of the Lich and their assault on our combined forces."
Message carried by a Eshin Assassin body-double of Deathdealer Snitch

"Truely you are a righteous and honorable ally."

The little rat bows deeply--although it is noted at no point does his hand ever leave his blade or his eyes ever leave the Ghosts own gaze.

"As we speak the Ska population work to rebuild and civilize the lands we have now claimed--from the undead--for the living and for that we have in great-great amounts your people to thank.
Our military has been bruised some but we believe with some extensive recruitment we will be able to continue with our plans--I hope to confirm you too intend to continue with out intentions and that your own forces did not fare too badly? We also noticed your forces came under assault by the forces of the Conjurors of the Lich and we wish to hear your opinions of this potential new foe."
A very large Ska warrior carrying the personal standard's of the Legendary Queek arrives outside the Doktor's mansion. Behind him a centurion of slaves driven by the master Breeders of Clan Moulder: retched musclebound and twitchy eyed beasts carrying barbed whips and man-catchers. (2 t Slaves)

"You told us to-to return and we have Docktor. The Warlord has demanded Clan Moulder give up a tithe of slaves along with their very best breeders to your service: should you prove-prove capable of breeding mighty Ska varients we will discuss your payment in the future."

One of the largest and most imposing Breeders says something in Squick-Sqeek.
"The oppertunity to work with our people should be payment enough."
Before he is run through and killed by the message bringer.

"Excuse-use this one. All of the slaves--and the breeders should you run out--are expendable but do not return to us without results Doktor-tor."

Message carried by a larger rat similar to the one that had previously visited the Devourer's Court and a number of Ska Warriors yet not as many as before; clearly this rat is still rather more important than a simple message boy.

"Corpses are a-plenty--Did your peo-people fulfill their duties?"

The little rat looks around--this one is intelligent enough to know they are being watched.

"Conjuror's of the Lich attacked our people--this is a problem that-that might require more of your attention."

It nods slowly allowing what it is saying to sink in.

"We hear digging on our-our new boarders--perhaps treasure hunters."

2017-10-04, 02:12 PM
To the Ska:
Gibberwright slinks out of the shadows in his usual sideways crouch, rubbing his hands.
"Negate desparations, goodfriends! Developmentations is slightenlike unforeseen, but things will goodenwise endings. Things are wellenlike underways for laterly strikings, yes?"

(Translations: Sadly, we needed most of our resources for other things, but now we're free to help you more. We have done some preliminary infiltration of the targets in preparation for later operations.)

To the Necromancers of Death's Trial and Necromancers Hold:
"Greetensome! These ones are consideration-makes of clearing's out Shatteren Court, but is running into obstaclenings specterwise. So, is wonderingsome, is wisen-smart necromancers knowledgeful of countering-measures for specterling problems?"

(I.e. would they know anything that would help in fighting spectres?)

To the Soul Forges:
Hello-hello-halloo! Goodwise, slaughterkins, is salutations! Since you is adepten-skilled in ghostenslaughters, wouldst be knowledgesome of specter-slayings?"

(Same question as above, really.)

To the Tremere:
"Greetings, noble sanguivores, masters of the red magics. We find ourselves in need of a consultation with the wise. Specifically, we have run into some problems with spectres and are looking for efficient methods for dealing with the dead now inhabiting the Shattered Court. Could we come to an arrangement?"

2017-10-04, 06:10 PM
Doktor Arkstien [Esp 0]

The smell of wet fur and blood dominated the arena. Surrounded by howling werewolves and screaming sacrifices two combatants face each other; One a snarling lycanthrope covered in scars, the other a hulking beast of a zombie, clothes torn up and ragged merely from flexing.

No signal is given to start fighting, but both monsters simultaneously charge. The wolf man attempts to leap and plunge upon the zombie, but Arkstien Great Creation dodges to one side with a swipe. The blow sends the werewolf flying and the creatures circle one another, processing what they can from the initial blows. This time, the zombie initiates, charging with a wide sweep of fists.

The Bloodhorn Champion ducks the blow and follows with a rake of claws before things devolve into a wrestle. The crowd howls and screams, pressing in to see. The fighters topple, zombie on top, and something in the werewolf makes a sickening ripping sound. When they break apart, the Bloodhorn's arm is twisted near off. Arkstien monster by contrast, has grown almost two feet since the beginning of the fight, and the brutal tears that the werewolf made are already closing.

“This… battle… is over” the zombie wheezes. “Now choose how you die”

The lycanthrope howls and charges, but in vain. After one last bout of fighting, No.3 wraps one monstrous hand around the Bloodhorn's neck and slams him to the ground.

The howls of the gathered wolves drown out the screams of the dying slaves.

To the Ska
Impudent rats! My experiments must not be interrupted in this way. I will work on your creatures, but payment will be up front!

To the Devourers Court
Yes the games are open once more! It is good that you helped open their doors, with the lighting farm and ghouls working together, the screamer pits will be more popular than ever.

To the Bone Broken [pm]
Now where were we? My previous questions stand, but what is all of this fuss about machina turning on their masters?

To the Order of the Black Rose
Are your forces available for hire yet?

2017-10-05, 02:38 AM
The Ska - Second Quarter of Ska-Ruun

Espionage: 3

The Large Ratling hesitates--the other dead ratling still trembling on his spear--as he gazes to his counterpart. It is clear this one was not made for diplomacy but its frantic and cunning brain can be seen ticking in its bright red eyes.

"Ex-excuse our...impew-dence... our nation has been targeted by a powerful enemy and tensions are high."
The ratling allows the dead breeder to slide slowly down his spear and to the floor.
"Name your price and I will take it to my Master--but we need to be sure-sure any avenues towards a stronger Ska are reliable in this uncertain f-future."

Message carried by a larger rat similar to the one that had previously visited the Devourer's Court and a number of Ska Warriors yet not as many as before; clearly this rat is still rather more important than a simple message boy. The little rat twitches violently

"Poof Demons appear--Poof Order of Sleeper and Demon's leave."

"Powerful magic alliance against Ska-Ska--new priorities. Mitigation failed--must damage control."

"Ghosts and we Go East--Goblins Dig North."

2017-10-05, 03:26 PM
The Order of Immortality
Espionage 2

To Taralane Klan the forsworn

I thank you for your assistance in dealing with the Reborn, but now it seems we must come to agreement about what to do with Thul’s Revelry. I personally think that since the Order of Immortality took the biggest burden in dealing with the problem, we ought to get the biggest reward, but I am willing to listen to what you have to say.
On another note, we ought to discuss if we have discovered any interesting knowledge the last couple months. I confess that the Order of Immortality did not have much time to do research lately, since it took a lot to deal with the Reborn, but I would still like to hear how it went for you.

Theodric Graves, pupil of Rosh Ka’thul, The shattered Magister, head of the Order of Immortality
To the wardens of Thul’s Revelry

It seems we should establish how our relationship is going to be forward. I would like to suggest an oath of loyalty to the Order of Immortality. The responsibilities that would entail is up for debate though.

Theodric Graves, pupil of Rosh Ka’thul, The shattered Magister, head of the Order of Immortality
To the Devourer's Court
Greetings to the Court of Devourers

If I understand you right, you wish to deal with specters in the Shattered Court? That is very interesting to hear, since the Order of Immortality and presumably the forsworn also want to regain control over the Shattered Court. It would be best if we came to some sort of agreement.

I confess to not have visited the place, since the fateful battle that lead to the loss of my mentor and master Rosh Ka’thul, so my information of what has infested the Shattered Court is minimal, but when it comes to dealing with specters, the short answer is magic. I could consult to see if there is any trick could make use of, but again we really ought to make an agreement about who gets to control the Shattered Court.

Theodric Graves, pupil of Rosh Ka’thul, The shattered Magister, head of the Order of Immortality
What do I know about dealing with specters and about what is going on in the Shattered Court?

2017-10-06, 11:46 AM
The ghouls of the harrows to the Devourers court (ESP 3)
Unlike the ancient ghouls of the devourers court who have grown crafty and dangerous in their elder years. These young ghouls are brutal and stupid.
Face Smashers:You large ones think you can just boss us around. We are not scared! Bring your violence.
blood squirters: You bring nice things to the harrows, give us some and we will show you respect.
Arm rippers: Wipe out our rivals for us and we will take the meat and work with ya.

To Eldan PM
There is no tunnels under the throne district because of orders from the Lich. He is dead now. You can dig as you like. It will require slaves or magic though. Or both.

The goblins to the Ska (esp 3)
What met the ratkin was a single goblin cloaked with his cruel blades hanging around his tiny waist. The response is quick and he seems to fidgit some.
"Conjurors are too far to be a threat and as for the diggers, as long as they stay out of our way we will stay out of theres. Bloody pass is your problem now. Just make sure your (t slaves) arrive."The goblin then grins big. "Been awhile since our kind got to bleed something my masters want you to know though price will be steeper if you call on us again. We have our own work to do."

The last legion to the Ska (esp 3)
The great looming spirit glowed with holy energy nodding its head.
"As were you. As for the conjurors i do not know what those are. We attacked demons and the undead as is our mission. Until every last one of us falls again we will be fighting the undead scourge. The lich kept us contained but no longer! We continue on to bone crack pass and there we will split the territory as promised. If more of those monsters come back we will slay them as well!"

The forsworn to the devourers courts. (esp 1)
Such secrets are expensive. I do have some means of fighting the ghostly entities. Depends how strong they are however.

The order of the tattered shepard to the devourers court. (esp 5)
You will find it difficult but not impossible. If you are well versed in magical means we can share the spells for a price. If you are not and must use your warriors. There are spirit imbued weapons which are very effective at cutting their forms. We have a few but we cant afford to part with them. We have vicious enemies that maintain the territories around us.

Soul forges to the devourers court
No response is given your agent tells you the soul reapers who carve up the spirits there are under siege from an army of zombies.

The administration of the Tremere to the devourers court
We are willing to part with knowledge if a small donation is granted. Support for our causes should be universal.

The bone broken to the Dok
We intend to take the docks for ourselves and bring the ****s who have owned our ass thus far to heel. We are gonna finally bury them deep and make weapons independent like. The cogs are still loyal pieces of trash, but not us. We plan on running things without those higher level undead and mortal sorcerers pulling our chains.

The forsworn to the order of immortality
We are willing to make the change based on burdens. Its expensive to keep these failed experiments under control. We are willing to split the weight of their maintenannce down the middle in exchange for the resources there in. If you want to make the permenant investment of magical energies to claim the whole district we wont argue. We only ask for two of the experiments so we can extrapolate our lords research.

The Wardens to the order of immortality
If you take on the weight of our burden we will swear ourselves to you.

Gm to Mortenkam (PM)
Plenty. You know that traditional military means are far less effective then against other opponents. Magic is better, necromancy specifically. If an enemy does not wield those magics then exorcisms holy magic and finally spirit weapons are the best ways to improve someones chances to slaying their opponents.

2017-10-07, 03:41 PM
Doktor Arkstien [esp 0]

General Announcement to Sires Rend:
Here me Sires Rend! The Screamer Pits are under the Protection of the Lightning Farm! Any attacks or attempts to stop the games will be considered a declaration of WAR! Come and see the games and witness the POWER of the Underworlds strongest warriors!

To the Bone Broken [pm]
Are those renegade beasts yours then? I can see support for your cause, but unless you want me to see what Cog and Grinders have to offer,
you would do well to make yourselves valuable to Arkstien. What sorts of weapons do your folk produce? And what prices could the Lightning Farm expect(Gambling on the FEAR and REP here. Pray to the Dice gods)

To the Screamer Pits and Devourer's Court
It is good that we are in agreement on this: The doors must be open. I will levy my good name to bring in the crowds but I have another proposal: If the Screamer Pits truly do have someone who brought down the Lich, let us invite the Executioner to fight them. A truly epic debut no?
With our combined voice, he may refuse, but he would be hard pressed to ignore.

To the Ska
BETTER! I will require [2 t. magic] to cover the extra cost of running so many experiments, and IF I am successful in making new and GLORIOUS creations for the Ska you will pay me [3 t. souls]. If the experiments fail I will pay back the lost slaves.

To Whomever Crushed the Beasts in Thul's Revelry: We need to talk.

2017-10-08, 04:29 PM
House Kenraes
Esp 6

One of the Houses more trusted agents is sent to this location and smears a bloody x over the area where they had met with the Imp.

It couldn't hurt to hear his offer of work surely.

Greetings Lord Maguus, Voice of the City of Dis
Lord Maguus we are looking for two things with you. To bind ourselves in a more concrete alliance signed in blood; declaring an alliance between us saying we will protect the other when war is declared, join in war when declared, and if able and willing provide aid in actions.

The other is that we notice the dead of the Eternal Stockades are disturbingly close to the territory we both live in and are a danger should they be controlled by those who would wish us ill. I propose a great work of magic to regain control of these creatures and bend them to our whims, it would take great magic from us both (4 t.mag each).

Priestess Shi'niira Kenraes

Greetings Denizens of the Hostel
As our erstwhile neighbors we should or be enemies, we extend the hand of friendship to you. We should work together to expand the hold of devil's through this great city.

Priestess Shi'niira Kenraes

Greeting soldiers of Sires Rend
You have not had much to do but if you are looking for purpose we could possibly provide that for you.

Priestess Shi'niira Kenraes

2017-10-08, 06:27 PM
The Order of Immortality
Espionage 2

To Taralane Klan the forsworn
You can of course have two of the experiments. I have yet to reach a decision the rest of the experiments, but I wish to discuss securing the Shattered Court and the place of our masters last battle.
To the wardens of Thul’s Revelry
We will take on the responsibility of taking care of the experiments.
(Will the wardens become a faction subservient to mine or can I make them a part of my faction?)
To Doktor Arkstien

It was us the Order of Immortality that dealt with the experiments of our lost master, with some assistance from our allies of course. I believe that I know what you to discuss, and I will start with saying that we managed to put some of them back into their cages, but I will let you state what you wish to talk about.

Theodric Graves, pupil of Rosh Ka’thul, The shattered Magister, head of the Order of Immortality
Is there any trace of the magical knowledge the Reborn talked about?

And what do I know about what is happening in the Shattered Court?

2017-10-09, 07:29 AM
Well, that could have turned out better. Though, we held our own pretty well considering the numbers they had on their side. If only we had the Cult of Khana aiding as well, then we may have been able to hold against them. I guess, we should move forward though. So here is what, I think we should do. First you should go rest while we try to heal your wounds. Your people should start setting up what ever magic rituals you need here and we will see if we can find any bodies for you to animate. Though currently we can't set up your soul manufacturing. With the amount of magic we have here we are already close to the limit of our housing contract and we simply can't fit anymore in here. To get more here we would either need permission from the Administrator or come up with some other means to follow the contract. Other than that we will have to take some more territory for you to set up again.
Chemosh says speaking to the leader of the Order of the Sleeping One. Little imps sit on each of his ethereal shoulders. Every so often one whispers into his ear and then one of the ones on the other side whispers another opposing idea. Usually both ideas they whisper seem outwardly intelligent but have some small flaw in them that would kill any who followed them exactly.


I hear that the demons and devils were enough to guard the most important among you but your own defences weren't enough to defend the rest. Is everything ok there?

Our main forces should come to help soon. They were tied up defending elsewhere but it seems like with the help of our mages and your fortresses the spirits haven't really advanced.

It seems like you have been right so far. No one tried anything in the last three months and the district has been quiet despite the fighting the rest of the vampires are doing. I still don't share your confidence that it will always be this way but you may be right.

Anyways, we are messaging to give you warning that we are having some guests that may stay for an extended period of time and they will put us close to the maximum occupancy and resource load that the contract stated when we bought the house. As such, you may send a few people to search our house if you wish to insure that we have not broken the contract.

We are also planning to have a meeting with many magical people in 3 months. They won't be staying long and shouldn't break our contract but we are required to give warning for any planned party or meeting involving more than a certain number of outside people.

The magic meeting is next turn/3 months right? As the Dark Coven is this turn? I'm also assuming the Administration acts as the Home Owner's association here as there is probably quite stringent regulations on what can be done in Tremere's Labyrinth giving its neutral status in the center of vampire territory. If not I can edit it.

Did the torrential rain go off last turn and did it help put out the fires and stop the ground digging at all?

Also sorry for taking so long to respond. Just had to get some inspiration up for this.

2017-10-10, 03:59 PM
The Ska - Second Quarter of Ska-Ruun

Espionage: 3

At the mention of souls the Rat gives an incredulous look: barely able to hold together its own irritation.

"Slaves--slaves is souls. One is living other is dead. You wishes to kill our slaves before you even attempt to breed them better?"
He waves a hand to the rest of their troop: a universal sign of Packing Up and Going Home.
"Perhaps magic is understandable--but we have no souls that are not inhabiting the living. We are sorry we cannot supply what you need."

A rat barely standing, infected by a vile infection, and struggling to breath arrives within their land. Within his hands he clutches a note.

"We will not forget your attack on us."
A Ska Ratling arrives carrying a note.

"Dear Fellow Leaders,

The Ska are now in firm control of the Southern Gate of the City and are busy repairing and reconstructing the damage wrought by the invasion forces of our enemies. Any factions wishing to use our gate for Exploration, Trade, Diplomacy or Military purposes should contact us prior to entering the Bloody Pass to avoid any misunderstanding but we are more than willing to discuss terms under-which friendly factions can freely pass to and from the outside to Sires Rend via our gate.

We hope that the Ska can secure the Southern gate in the future better than our predecessors but would appreciate any help or information that would aid us in this task.

--Grey Lord Snikrit"

2017-10-11, 09:34 AM
Bone Broken to the Dok (PM)
We can handle this ourselves... What we expect, what we want from you Dok is that you not interfere. We know you marched your personal monsters into the soul forges. Handle that and we will handle this, so long as you don't side with those in your own district, the ****s who had us on collars and leashes until now. We will make sure you get decent discounts on future purchases. As for what we offer we're multi purpose, tools, weapons, you make the request we can do it so long as we have the materials for it.

The Screamer pits to the devourers court and the dok
We got our hands on a paladin hiding out after the fight. We had to pay handsomely to keep him out of the grip of the executioner. Making them fight would entertain our blood crazed audience.

??? to house Kenraes (esp 6)
When he leaves the bloody X it seems to trigger some sort of magical spell and a letter appears on the spot smearing with the blood left the agent would return with it.

Their exists a terrifying fiend leading the grey barracks. Should you kill this leader they become nothing but mindless abominations. We can provide a great deal of souls for this job and we will not interfere if you choose to act on the chaos that follows afterwards.

A patron

The Maguus consulates to House Kenraes (esp 6)
The eternal stockades is an entire army that has not left its post for centuries, I have no interest in interfering with them lest they abandon their posts. I recommend picking a softer target.

The pit fiends hostel to House Kenraes (esp 4)
Several replies come from the hostel.
Skaars kin: We welcome our new neighbors and look forward to working with you.
The Pull: We see no need for hostilities as well. We could easily work alongside you for the future of our territories.
Rakks boys: But of course, such kind words we welcome you into this place openly. Visit us anytime.

The eternal stockades to House Kenraes (ESP 0)
The undead of the stockades remain silent and looking to the north, there was no response to the skeletal forces there.

The forsworn to the order of immortality (esp 2)
That is acceptable in both cases. We do not wish to be without his remains if they can be found. His return will be easier with them.

The wardens to the order of immortality (esp 2)
We are grateful to be released from this burden and will place ourselves in your hands.
(subservient faction when you spend the magic to keep the reborn ensnared.)

GM to Mortenkam
You did find some documents burned.

Everyone sent without a plan turns out dead.

(OOC: Will post the rest tomorrow)

2017-10-11, 10:39 AM
Doktor Arkstien [Esp 0]

To the Ska
Fine, slaves will do. It is good that you have pledged to guard the South gate. Provide the t.magic for the experiment and I will perform the experiments. We will create rat ogres as you wished.

I think the Doktor is trying to say that he will take the t.slaves as payment, we will need [2 t. magic] to run the experiments. And things would work best if we could... borrow... 1 [t.mil] for the turn.
Slave stock is likely to be weak and disloyal. Though if your military is needed we will certainly try on the slaves.

-Aggo, a humble servant and editor.

To the Order of Immortality
You captured some of them?! Amazing, I would dearly desire to study them if you would let me. Though by your admission of some of them you imply that some perished in the fight. I worked closely with The Lich to create powerful creatures like them. With the Lich gone, I need to study their bodies. If you send me the corpses from your battle I will of course share anything I learn with your Order.

To the Friendsmile Company
YOU there! Would you be willing to trade [t.slaves] for [t.magic] this month! I require more power for my experiments!

To the Keepers
Thank you for the delightful poisons. I hope the snacks served well. Tell me, would you be willing to trade some raw magical power for more slaves?

To the Soul Reapers
REAPERS! I, DOKTOR ARKSTIEN, NOW RULE HERE. Submit to my forces and continue your dark work under my command or end your unlife here! Together we will rule souls shatter, alone, YOU will die. Choose!

Any factions that Arkstein might know if that will trade magic for either souls or slaves?

2017-10-11, 05:18 PM
The Order of Immortality
Espionage 2

To Doktor Arkstien
I must admit having plans for the living ones. It will require a bit of fitness, but if we can leach the experiments, then it would be a nice addition to the forces of the Order. I accepted your suggestion, I will send you some of corpses we have left, in return we expect detailed notes of your findings.
I would like to use the Orders 2 t. Esp on getting a report on what is going on in the Shattered Court.

Also do I have an idea how much magic it would take to get control over the experiments?

2017-10-16, 06:20 AM
The Ska - Second Quarter of Ska-Ruun

Espionage: 3

A Ska Ratling arrives carrying a note.

"Dear Doktor Arkstein,

Under further consideration of myself and my Generals I believe it would be best that we move our entire breeding process to the Lightning Farms for this Quarter; you will get the t.Magic you require and the t.Mil to help keep our t.Slaves in line and aid with any thing you need however we will be sending more of our own t.Mil and t.Slaves to work alongside whatever resources you provide. It seems like a much easier solution that running two separate breeding programs separately and I am sure we can both benefit from each other's knowledge.

I do hope this is acceptable and we will keep our citizens from running amok or causing trouble whilst we remain in your space.

--Grey Lord Snikrit"