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2017-09-18, 11:10 AM
Tea Agony put on a weak smile at Deepwood adorable attitude: " I swear if you didn't become the sweetest stallion ever, I would have curse you for putting me throught so much."

She hugs Deepwood then turn back to her breakfast. Before starting eating, she say: " I'll stay Bubbles, at least for the breakfast. I need to eat something and Sugar made this for me. Hopefully, the little monkey inside my belly will allow it to stay in there as well. "

Celestia look surprised: " Wait, it's a monkey? "

Tea Agony chuckle: " It's just a expression little rascal. Now Bubbles, would you mind telling us why are we reunited here for?"

2017-09-18, 04:18 PM
"There is a report of suspicious movement in the castle. It requires investigation espcially if we take into account the problem with plagues we had just a few days." BubbleGuard explains.

2017-09-18, 06:17 PM
'I'll research it. Couldn't be too terrible'

2017-09-18, 06:49 PM
"Suspicious movement? The mouses that have been wandering about?" she asked Bubbleguard.

2017-09-26, 11:47 AM
You suddenly hear the sound of glass breaking and bloody scream in the kitchens...

By the time you rush to see what's going on, you hear: " THIS MEAN WAR YOU RODENT THIEVES! "

Sugar Rush is now holding a broom and seem very angry at this unexpected situation!

And when you enter, the rats on the ground... :



The rat are climbing throught the broken window via a tree branch that seem to have crash it open. You'll have to be careful about the broken glass on the ground. If you were to walk toward the rat on the floor, you might step on broken glass!

The window have being broken by a tree branch but its not a broken one: its like it sprouted and grew toward! the ceiling.

Emperor Ing
2017-09-26, 01:43 PM
Tailwind looked up wide-eyed from sipping her coffee as she heard the screaming from inside the kitchen. Fear not, Sugar Rush! Reinforcements are on the way! She said, immediately pumping her wings in the direction towards the kitchen.

Then she sees the rats. Oh no... She whispered. This will require several blocks of TNT at once! She glanced up at the broken tree branch that...was still growing? Much TNT indeed!

Rolling initiative (body?)

2017-09-26, 04:01 PM
Deepwood whistled, carefree, following as well.
He shrugged. 'Pff. Such a drama. Just a hoofull of harmless rats." Deepwood whistled, while looking and listening



2017-09-26, 07:05 PM
BubbleGuard is the next to enter and watches the rat attack unfold. "My, my. Its even worse than I though."

Observation: [roll0]

2017-09-27, 12:09 AM
Looking around the room Astral Glimmer saw rats rats rats RATS everywhere!!! Looking she saw that they came through a broken window which meant broken glass! "Careful everypony there is glass everywhere!" her horn shine grey as she started gathering the biggest pieces of glass up and away from the ponies.

2017-09-27, 02:12 AM
Tea Agony grumpled something about eating something before letting the mosnter in her belly kill her slowly in her bed as you go to the kitchen...


The rats suddenly stop moving and a tremor seem to run their whole body... They are utterly quiet for one short moment.

While it doesnt stop Sugar to slam a few of them with her broom.

Suddenly, they ALL swarm over... Deepwood and start biting him! Their eyes are red and they seem desperate!

" IT'S HIM! "



" DIE ! "

Deepwood get [roll0] damage from the first rats coming off to bit him in a surprise round.

The Princesses gasped in fear and fly throught the ceiling! Sugar is astonished by the sudden change...

Fortunatly, the rat will act will act last on the next round. Unfortunatly, if nothing is done, the whole swarm are gonna overrun Deepwood if you let them and I'll have to increase the damage by A LOT!

Act quick! :smallbiggrin:

2017-09-27, 04:46 AM
Deepwood paused his whistle, and his expression turned to his signature expression

"How typical."
He tried to shake the rats off, by flying up as suddenly and fast he could.

This trick didn't helped against the babboons- but it was worth a shot.


2017-09-27, 11:35 PM
BubbleGuard stokes his chin. He didn't want to hurt the creatures but he couldn't let them attack Deepwood. "What we need is something to startle the creatures. Maybe a loud noise or a bright flash might be able to make them back off. Maybe a combination of both." BubbleGuard wonders if he should cast a spell.

Emperor Ing
2017-09-28, 12:25 AM
You mean like this?! Tailwind beamed, reaching into the pockets of her uniform and pulled out a red cylinder with an ominous looking fuse, which she lit on a nearby stove before throwing it into the air, attempting to explode it in midair, where it couldn't damage anything.

Explosions solve everything

2017-09-28, 09:22 AM
Astral Glimmer was pondering a spell, one that would create a sense of dread and horror in the rats forcing them to flee like if there was a predator in the area. She looked around for something or someplace to hide the dark greenish glow that her horn would take but all that was interrupted by Tailwind's use of explosives. She immediately switched to looking for anypony that would be affected by the red stick.

2017-09-28, 01:25 PM
Deepwood manage to get away from the reach of the rat and they keep jumping up and down in rage, not attacking everypony else. As the firecrackers sound however, they begin to twitch as they close their eyes and cover their eyes. Some are bleeding from their ears even but they no longer have any attacking motion.

In fact... they seem quite miserable. Most are crying now... Their miserable low squeaks tell you they are completly defeated.

Sugar seem perplexed at what to do next. She seem unwilling to let go her anger but in the same time, she is unwilling to harm the rats more. Then she gasp, suddenly realizing something: " Wait, it is me or the room got a lot darker? "

And indeed it have. You can now see a tree trunk covering every windows so much that now the room is barely litted. Only the fire of the fire in the stoves is lighting the place now...

2017-09-28, 06:58 PM
Deepwood screeched his teeth, in suffer from the noise.
'Uggh... how terrible.. Tailwind..' he moaned in pain, covering his ears.

He blinked, looking sadly at the rats.

and then everything gotten darker.
'Well. Things got terrible today earlier than usual.' he said dead paned.

2017-09-29, 04:51 PM
The firecrackers exploded which seemed to have halted the rats at least but now the rooms was dark. Astral Glimmer's horn glowed with a faint light to add a bit of extra light. "What now? Rats don't controll trees ... anypony saw Harvest Moon? Isn't that her domain of expertise?"

Emperor Ing
2017-09-29, 05:04 PM
I concur! Who has last seen her? Reveal yourself at once! Tailwind agreed that they needed Harvest Moon's expertise.

2017-09-29, 08:01 PM
"Harvest Moon is not exactly the easiest pony to find and even if it wasn't the case, I don't think he or she would come to the kitchen. He or she doesn't eat." Bubbleguard points out. "If I was able to see, I could heal the creatures."

2017-09-30, 01:43 AM
Sugar finally give up on her anger after a sidelook to the Princesses who look at the rats with worry.

" Bubbles, maybe we should heal the rats and ask them why they want to attack us? "

Celestia goes next to Bubbles and give her the puppy eyes: " ... Please Bubble? "

Luna goes next to Deepwood and whisper to him: " Are they gonna be ok? Are you gonna be ok? "

In the corridor behind you, you hear grumbling. If you turn around, you can hear Tea Agony coming over: " Who turned off the lights everwhere? Tell me it's the judgement day so I don't have to move with this huge belly slowing me down... "

Once she get close enough, you see she is using telekenesis to make her weight be lighter so she can move easier. A old pregnant unicorn mare trick.

2017-09-30, 08:34 AM
BubbleGuard nods and speaks up hoping everypony could still hear them. "Time to offer some healing then though I cant actually speak with rats afterwards."

Healing Bubbles DC 8
Improved Blaster caster: 8 - [roll0]
Casting: [roll1]

2017-09-30, 05:21 PM
Deepwood sighed.
"Pff. You rascals are louder, and I survived.' Deepwood waved his foreleg dismissivly, and landed, turning to the rats.
'Squeak, squeekity sqeeks?'

"well. why were you so angry about? What is going on?"

Deepwood perked his ears, when he has heard Agony. He smiled, and started to whistle happily again, as if nothing happened.

2017-09-30, 05:32 PM
Astral Glimmer looked around as she waited for Deepwood's chat with the rats to end. "I can't quite figure out why the trees are growing wildly like that and what does it have to to with the rats ... or the other way around."

Emperor Ing
2017-09-30, 06:43 PM
I sense the presence of Starswirl's colleagues to blame! Tailwind remarked, noting that the darkness appears to be everywhere, not just in the kitchen caused by the errant growth of a tree. I dare say their presence has caused greater disruption than anticipated!

2017-09-30, 07:19 PM
Celestia hugs Bubble in a charming way when the Healing Bubbles seem to do their jobs: " Thank you."

One of healed rat go foward and squeak to Deepwood:

" The mouse told us the high pitch noise that prevent us from sleeping came from a pony in this house. And here you were, making those sound that chip our ears constantly! We were digging a hole in the walls when you decided to make the tree come over all the way from the forest and try to squash us too! Why did we rodents ever did to you to deserve this?! "

Tea Agony growl: " From what I remember, Starswirl was supposed to have something big panned this morning but he didn't told me what. Something about not worrying a pregnant mare... I didnt dare to ask, must be Goden Hour rules or something. Poor him... Im such a burden to him right now," She seem even gloomier thinking about it.

You suddenly hear a loud crash behind you in the distance and a faint voice you recognize as Sketch Book:

" Guys?! Where are you! Darn we are in so much trouble... Wood Chuck, get a hold of yourself! DON'T... Well I guess I'm on my own."

2017-09-30, 07:43 PM
Deepwood stopped whistling, looking awfuly guilty.

Squeakydo, squeakin? squeaks...'

"You mean my whistles? I am.. so sorry.. I was just so happy, that my mate got pregnant with a great healthy litter.'

Deepwood folded his ears.
"No.. actually it's my fault.' he bowed his head, kicking the the floor with self frustration.

"I am coming, Sketch.' he groaned, face hoofing.

He was about to fly and help Sketch.
"Oh. The darkness is from a tree that the rats have convinced to smash us all to doom. Just to let you know.' and with that, he used his sonar hearing to help Sketch.

2017-10-01, 07:33 PM
"WHAT!? Hey come back here Deepwood! What do you mean they convinced a tree to smash us all?!" She turned around and gave the rats a death stare.

2017-10-02, 12:07 PM
The rats who being healed squeak back at Deepwood leaving and that increase at Astral Glimmer stare. You can all sense some vague... anger? indignation?

However, they are not being actively aggressive. They seem very distant toward Tailwind, being as far from her as possible.

Sugar sigh: " Great... humm, would it be ok to ask those rats to leave now? Im not fond of having animals in the kitchen. "

The Princesses are not sure what to do.

Emperor Ing
2017-10-02, 01:00 PM
((The forum ate my post! :smallmad:))

Take heart Sketchy, I am on my way! Tailwind cheered as he flew towards where she last heard Sketch Book. It looks like what ever is happening is not just affecting the kitchen. Getting everypony together will surely help.

2017-10-02, 01:59 PM
((The forum ate my post! :smallmad:))

Take heart Sketchy, I am on my way! Tailwind cheered as he flew towards where she last heard Sketch Book. It looks like what ever is happening is not just affecting the kitchen. Getting everypony together will surely help.

(First time I heard that excuse :smallbiggrin: I'll update fully now since you updated.)


As you guys reach Sketch Book, you find him near a unconcious Wood Chuck.

Sketch Book hugs Tailwind: " My little storm, Im glad you are ok! But we should try to find Starswirl, this have getting out of hooves! I was on the third floor and the tree still reached that high! "

He look at Wood Chuck: " He panicked and lost consciousness. I think this situation was too much for poor Wood Chuck. "

If Any of you remained in the kitchen, Sugar managed to convince the rats to leave by dropping a few cheese bread by the half-opened window. Althought it could not open further, it was enough for the rat to exit. Sugar close the window with a relief as the last rat is gone.

2017-10-02, 11:34 PM
Deepwood easily enough has returned to himself...
"And where the fang is Harvest Moon? She supposed to deal with that. Ugh. Probably the tree ate her, or something worse."
Deepwood looked at Wood Chuck. "Wood Chuck need Golden Hour. You two...". he paused.
"I am terribly sorry."
And with a squeak, he flew to look for Golden Hour.



Emperor Ing
2017-10-03, 07:44 PM
We have transgressed against the forest, now it seeks the wages for our sin! Tailwind exclaimed in Sketch Book's hooves. Perhaps not, but we shall take Wood Chuck to safety! She releases Sketch and tries to grab hold of Wood Chuck. Come! We shall deliver him safely to my room to rest!

2017-10-04, 05:21 PM
As Deepwood and Tailwind flew off to help Wood Chuck, Astral Glimmer remained in the kitchen now free of rats alongside BubbleGuard, Sugar Rush, Tea Agony and the princesses.

"I'm heading down to see where that tree is coming from and what we can do about it and I could probably use your magic BubbleGuard." she announced and slowly started to step out of the room.

2017-10-05, 12:57 AM
(Since I have being commented to make thing easier to comment and follow, I will skip the mystery part of my intro and go to the action)

Sketch Book help Tailwind to put Wood Chuck in her room, which is closer to the infirmary... By the time you get out, Bubble, Tea Agony, Astral and The Princesses are outside Tailwind room as you cross them. You suddenly see a speedy little Elusive buzzing around in panic around Tea AGony. She look even grumpier if that was possible: " So only the other side of the castle have not being engulfed by the forest expansion? Well at least its a relief we CAN get out of the castle I suppose..."

You hear a grumbling, thunder sound outside... Their wasn't a thunderstorm planned today.


Deepwood don't have to bang on the infirmary door, Golden Hour get out all grumpy and sound half-asleep at first: " Starswirl I said no I won't - Oh, you are not Starswirl. Did he and Harvest Moon came back from the Everfree Forest yet? "

Emperor Ing
2017-10-05, 02:58 PM
Tailwind frowns. Prepare yourselves! Rogue weather strikes! Erhm...DO we have pegasi in the Castle? Tailwind asked, genuinely unsure.

2017-10-05, 03:59 PM
Deepwood tilted his head.
"no...." but this could explain few things...

"Wood Chuck is hurt... tree eating the castle... come.' he tried to make things simple- he couldn't avoid the guilt- somehow.. all that becuase he has lowered his guard down, and let himself be happy about something. He tried to relocate Wood Chuck with sonar hearing and lead Golden Hour.

2017-10-06, 04:43 PM
"Agreed. We need to relocate Wood chuck first to safe area to be treated. Afterwards, we should try to look for solutions to our current situation." BubbleGuard adds trying to keep a close eye on every pony. it was important that everypony manage to get out safely.

2017-10-06, 08:15 PM
Tea Agony sigh: " You guys are hopeless. Miss Sugar is a pegasus AND know how to manipulate the weather. "

She suddenly goes a bit pale, gulp down and make a weird face: " Well if anypony dont mind, while you guys go save us, Im going to lay down. "

Golden Hour sigh grumpily but nods: " I'll take care of Wood CHuck and Miss Agony. Take Sugar with you and please be careful alright? "

The Princesses are following you outside. As promise the expension of the forest close to the castle. You notice it might be linked to the strange rune glowing on the fence of Harvest Moon garden...

As you go closer, you hear the distinct voice of Harvest Moon inside. She's crying her heart out...

Emperor Ing
2017-10-08, 01:23 PM
Tailwind collects Sugar, looking for her help in managing this rogue weather. Though not usually her job, this time she'll make an exception. Onwards! Tailwind exclaimed as she lead the two of them towards the rogue thunderstorm. To victory! It might have been wiser to come up with a plan, but she heard Harvest Moon in tears and her heart broke for her. This monstrosity must be destroyed NOW if she is to comfort her in any meaningful way! Tailwind flew at the thunderstorm, intent on bucking it out of existence.


2017-10-08, 02:23 PM
The mysterious sure looked ominious, as much as she wanted to wait and study it to avoid unwanted surprise from it but Harvest Moon's cries and Tailwind's energetic charge inspired Astral Glimmer to overcome her initial hesitations.

With a running start the grey unicorn ran and tried to jump up and if needed climb up the fence.

[roll0] + 3

2017-10-08, 03:33 PM
Deepwood sighed.
"Thank you. You are a lighthouse of sanity around here."

Deepwood frowned.
"Princesses... Stay here." he commanded and flew, following the cry.


2017-10-08, 05:19 PM
Sugar look a bit worried toward the garden but shake her head and explain what to do to Tailwind as they fly towards the thunderstorm...

The forest below sound unpenetrable from above toward teh large canopy. A strange Wind seem to be blowing on every tree in the forest...

Because of her mishap though, she get strike by a small lightning bolt. She receive [roll0] damage and her mane is spoofed for a moment. However, Sugar assured her she did fine for her first time dealing with weather cloud.

As you were about to get back to the group, Sugar voice sound behind you, alerted: " Wait..."

As you look back, you see she is watching toward a lake on the west... Sugar growl: " This is bad. See this lake? Im not sure how but the water there is drying up and forming other clouds. Its like... No, its crazy... Look! "

She point out the part between the forest and lake. There, the vapor is dense and it seem to gather there from the lake in a breathing kind of rhytm. Then he goes above and seem to form a very small cloud.

Sugar say: " Darn. I need to stay here and deal with this otherwise, the clouds will keep piling up! Go tell the others that the forest is creating weather pattern on its own! "


Its easy to climb above teh fence as a tree is leaning againt it. Astral however get [roll1] damage from teh fall into the garden.

The noise attract Harvest Moon Attention. She finally show herself as she walk to teh road...

And she look normal! Liek anypony! If not from her crying, she woudl seem fine!

She is surprised to see you, help you get on your feet: " It's Astral isn't it? Wait, if you are here... Where are the others?"

She goes toward the entrance... and open the door! (Guess making loud noise like yelling or knocking would have worked huh?)

She see the group, she look both gloomy and desperate: " Cmon in, cmon in. I bet you guys have a lot of questions."

The Princesses actually ignore Deepwood and get to Harvest, gasp: " You look exactly like before! "

Emperor Ing
2017-10-08, 06:18 PM
Any effect the lightning bolt had on Tailwind's mane was hardly noticeable, as frazzled seemed to be its natural state. It was painful, but she wasn't discouraged. She was about to try it again before Sugar called her attention to the misty forest forming from the lake.

Weather? Forming of its own volition?! Preposterous! What sorcery allows such phenomenon? Tailwind exclaimed. Getting to the bottom of this mystery us insufficient, we shall upturn and examine the very ground upon which it rests! If my assistance is required do not hesitate to call upon me! She said to Sugar before rejoining the group from above.

Everypony! New problem! Somehow this forest now manufactures clouds of its own accord!

Now then, hello Harvest! Tailwind smiled, pulling Harvest Moon in for a hug to help her feel better.

[roll0] 11

2017-10-08, 09:24 PM
BubbleGuard sees the princesses and Deepwood run ahead. BubbleGuard sighs but decides to keep on walking. There was no point in running to get there. Reckless actions rarely lead t safe situations.

2017-10-09, 11:37 PM
Astral quickly shook off the little daze of the fall and gave Harvest Moon a little smile "Yep, thats me, sorry for dropping in like that but when I heard you crying I just rushed in ..."

"What happened here? Why the fence? And you?"

2017-10-10, 01:23 AM
Deepwood stepped slowly, focused on Harvest.
"You don't look terribly happy..."

2017-10-10, 05:28 AM
Harvest first stiff on the hug but then cry a few more tears as she embrace Tailwind. She finally sigh and get away from the hug: " Im sorry. I wanted this for so long but now Im afraid I'll need to forsake my old self again..."

She sigh... And start explaining:

" Lately, my magic over plants were getting out of hoof. Everything I touched started to transform into wood. Master Starswirl tried to even invite some of his best colleques and he told me his colleques and him came out with a new complex ritual to return me to my own myself. Once he did a few tweak from that spell at least. I being confining myself in my garden since that day, too afraid of touching anything. This morning, he brought me in the heart of the Everfree Forest after having put a situal spell around the garden " as a anchor " he said. In case something went wrong. I was teleported back here when it all went arry... "

She take a small pose: " ... If really felt like a blessing in disguise this morning. I mean this woody-touchy thing I mean. He told me that if it was getting contagious, it meant it can be expelled. I didnt understand half of what he said but he looked so happy and confident in curing me."

She look ashamed: " But now he... I just hope he... that..."

She seem to be struggling for her words as they seem to be struck in her throat. She glance at the Princesses. It doesn't take a genious to figure out she hesitate to say it before them as Starswirl is like a parental figure for the fillies.

Something definitly went wrong in that forest and it seem like Starswirl is still inside!

2017-10-11, 12:06 AM
Deepwood remained silent for few moments.
"Are you ok?" he looked at Tailwind.
"You don't have the touchy woody thing anymore?" he paused.

"Where is Ol' One?"

2017-10-11, 10:42 AM
BubbleGuard arrives in the middle of Harvest´s explanation. "At least, it seems you are fine, relatively speaking. Now, then can somepony inform me about the "he", Mr./Mrs. Harvest Moon was speaking of?"

2017-10-11, 12:09 PM
"Starswirl and his collegues are still in the forest." she answered to BubbleGuard. "Something must have gone a little bit awry. Celestia, Luna, you two should stay with Harvest Moon, keep her company and take care of her please."

"Meanwhile the rest of us needs to go see and help."

Emperor Ing
2017-10-11, 12:59 PM
Behold, my assurances I am unharmed! Tailwind exclaimed. Mostly!

The answer is clearly 'Starswirl.' The maid identified with a point from her hoof. For certain, I cannot say, yet I dare say the forest creating its own clouds is clearly symptomatic of what ever is happening! I propose we investigate the lake at our soonest convenience,
RIGHT now!

2017-10-12, 01:15 AM
" No, its not just the lake the whole forest have gone..."

You suddenly hear a omnious howling in the background. It is strangely loud... and distorted.

"... wild. Feeding whatever magic was inside me. And its gonna expand if leave the garden protective spell... Starswirl wont be able to help... He..."

She sigh: " He should be a wooden statue in the heart of the forest. "

She seem close to crying again: " Im so sorry..."

2017-10-12, 11:01 PM
"We will deal with the rest, don't worry. Try to rest and avoid doing anything reckless considering your situation." BubbleGuard replies with a serious tone. "Deepwood, could you guide us into the forest? You are the one with the most knowledge on the territory."

Emperor Ing
2017-10-13, 03:01 AM
Tailwind wrapped her hooves around Harvest Moon, drawing her in for another hug. Take heart, my friend, all will be well! She smiled. You had no knowledge this would happen, you have to believe that! Believe in yourself, and if you cannot then I give you mine! Believe in me who believes in you!

Allow us passage at once, Deepwood! Tailwind points a hoof imperiously to the forest before casting an eye upward, trying to spot Sugar's work on the thunderstorm.

2017-10-13, 09:03 AM
Deepwood frowned.
"Let's go... we have to make sure,
things doesn't get worse."
And added a smile.
"My little warrior trust me
And with that he led the way.



2017-10-13, 08:38 PM
Harvest wish you good luck as you head toward the forest...

The Princesses look horrified at first but then excited like it was Christmas: " Our first adventure! WOOHOO! " Luna don't say anything but follow the group eargerly.

You all realize that as you get in the forest, the canopy is hiding the sun more then it should be. In the same time, like flower pollen are released in the air in profusion... and it glow! On the plus side, it give you some lightening. On the downside, all of you are soon covered in pollen. It seem quite harmless however.

You have all the impression that their is life everywhere, the constant expression of being watched...

You hear a howl ahead. Following by a other, this time closer... Something is coming your way!

You realize you are surrounded. You catch glimse of yellow eyes glowing in behind trees or in bushes even. You can't see what is it yet... but you know their is 3 of them.

2017-10-14, 03:13 AM
As the Celestia and Luna followed them into the forest she shook her head obviously thinking this was a bad decision. "You two stay real close. No heroics."

The amount of odd glowing pollen sure was a bit terrifying. If it happened that it was not so harmless they would probably all be in trouble.

[roll0] + 3

Perception reaction edit:

She wasn't sure what but something was coming and already Astral Glimmer moved between the sound and the two princesses. "Keep close!" she warned the two.

2017-10-14, 05:09 PM
"three trouble makers around us." Deepwood has prepared his bow with an arrow.

Emperor Ing
2017-10-14, 05:11 PM
Tailwind hummed a catchy tune as the group marched into the forest, ready to face what ever danger came their way, while also lifting Celestia and Luna's spirits. She wasn't oblivious, at least not this time, as she carefully and subtley maneuvered them to the very center of the group so they're protected.


2017-10-14, 09:20 PM
"Deepwood, get ready to inform us of the creatures lurking around. I wouldnt want to get involved in damaging creatures unnecessarily." BubbleGuard informs Deepwood ready to face the posible threat.

2017-10-15, 02:15 AM
Celestia and Luna keep close but the proximity... make them sniffle as the pollen enter their nostrils...

" A... A... ACHO!"

Luna clear out a impressive sniffle that blow the pollen out of the area near you completly!

Althought it put you in the dark, you can completly see around you clearly even more. From the dark and coming from ahead, you see this coming out of the shadows from in front of you:


The being you detected on the side jump as well, identital to the one who appeared on the front. They are all growling threateningly but don't dare to attack... They seem hesitating and nervous...

The ones in the front seem curious mostly and the little ones are playful and carefree...

2017-10-15, 03:30 AM
Deepwood dropped his bow, and with dead pan expriession...
dropped on playfull stance, wagging his tail.

"Woof! woof! hooooooo!!!"

"Hey friends! We don't mean to disturb your territory! We are just getting through! Are you ok? Do you need help?"

2017-10-15, 06:48 AM
The grey unicorn's horn glowed for a moment before thinking that her magic was unreliable at best. So Astral Glimmer dropped into a ready stance while looking at the closest of the wooden wolf-like creatures.

Hopefully Deepwood would be able to disarm the situation. Seeing as there was some cubs along with the group it probably was not a hunting pack. "No sudden movement ..." she reminded herself loudly enough for the others to hear.

2017-10-15, 04:28 PM
Seeing Deepwood acting like that, one of the little pups playfully wanted to go forward but was stop with a small bark from the adult Timberwolf they being harrassing. She turn to Deepwood:" Grrr, Waf, BArk-Bark-Bark "

You brought a big pack here... No glowy head or else!

One of the Timberwolf take a small bite in the air near Astral before retreating one step again... It seemed like a warning?

As if the sudden apparance of wooden wolves wasnt enough to startle you, in a flash, a creature drop from above and CRUSH the wolden wolve in front of you!

The Small pups run in a panic toward you... You see this creature starting to feast on it's prey:

The sword is comptlety rusty, he smeel like rotting flesh and and you hear making it monkey/horsey noise as it start pecking:


2017-10-15, 05:43 PM
Deepwood gasped, and frowned, spreading his wings to hide the cubs.

Deepwood reached for his bow and shoot an arrow at the creature's "flank".


2017-10-15, 11:48 PM
"What is that?!" BubbleGuard replies in surprise hoping Deepwood would explain the dangers of the creature.


Emperor Ing
2017-10-15, 11:51 PM
Tailwind gasped in fright as the...thing jumped out from them. Horrid abomination! Girls, stay close to us!


2017-10-16, 02:50 AM
The creature have the time to make a hole on the back of the tinderwolves when Deepwood arrow get in his right wing. He rise his head, finally noticing your group in the dark... He tilt his head, yell SO loud that it sound like the Canterlot ROyal voice then the creature jump-fly from tree to tree up in the canopy. However, you can hear some wings flapping from time to time now... Althought its avoiding conflict with you, it seem unwilling to give up on its preys

The adult timberwolves cowers behind you in a group. Their might from before is all gone and the timberwolves pup are hiding among your group. They whimper weakly, afraid, looking at the sky.

The mother timberwolf on the other hoof... she have trouble standing up. Some sap suddenly cover the wound and solidify to make amber but even so, she seem more... stiffy then before.

Celestia and Luna are actually hiding behind Tailwind and Bubbles, a bit shaken as well.

One of the Timberwolf puppy seem a bit angry, jump on Deepwood back and how at the sky in anger. In response, the creature from before yell back even if you can't see him.

The other two pup run to their mamma and whimper to her while trying to lick the tree sap that flowed out of her body. Slowly, the adult Timberwolf behind you are trying to regroup toward the front if you let them regroup toward their injured pack member.

Emperor Ing
2017-10-17, 12:55 AM
That...thing is preying upon the wolves! Tailwind exclaimed as though that needed explanation. Group up around the injured! Tailwind says, allowing the other wolf to join the injured mother while she guides the princesses behind her towards them as well while helping to form an explosive pony perimeter to protect them.

2017-10-17, 12:43 PM
Deepwood wondered what in him attracted kids to him.
Now awaiting for "cub' of his own, he felt more sentiments toward children.
He would have chased the creature. But he couldn't with the cub. Instead he asked for his help.

"wooooo" he yawled.
"Help me locate the monster."

. He drawn another arrow, closed his eyes, and squeaked "eep", and tried to locate the creature and shoot another arrow.


2017-10-17, 02:02 PM
Unfortunatly, the little pup howling to help Deepwood backfired: He cant locate the creature accuratly as it mess with his hearing. When he throw his second arrow, all you hear is some wing flapping a bit further away.

The wooden pup, unaware, seem proud to have "helped"... he jump from his back and goes to his mom, trying to cheer her up.

Luna and Celestia, in a common accord, goes to Mama wolf and Luna of them cast a spell on her. She glow sowly green then suddenly seem to be less stiff. She lick Luna face in thanks while Celestia is getting lick all over by the wolf puppies. Her clear laugh is reassuring... considering the timberwolves seemed hostile a moment ago.

2017-10-17, 11:48 PM
"I am surprised by this though I must say I am proud of you little ones. You seem to have been practicing with your magic." BubbleGuard replies proud of the duo.

2017-10-18, 03:51 AM
There was a moment of hesitation at the sight of the creature. Astral Glimmer wasn't sure how to deal with something like that.

"Standing here won't get us anywhere ... Deepwood does the wood wolves know of a cavern we can hide in?" Her eyes was looking everywhere to spot the creature if it came back to attack and was looking to jump in the way of it.

2017-10-18, 06:13 AM
Deepwood was about to take off to the sjy, fixated on the creature. But once again, Starlight proved again, she thought like a Commander.

"Woff?" he turned to the mature Timber Wolves.

"I know, we are strangers to your territory, but we want to take you to safety. Do you have a cavern or any other Haven close to here?"

Deepwood just nodded with aproval at the princesses action. While waiting for answer he tried to shoot again.


Emperor Ing
2017-10-18, 12:14 PM
Tailwind, lacking any other ideas, scanned the trees, attempting to spot the creature, and interpose herself between it and the timberwolves and princesses.


2017-10-18, 01:24 PM
Deepwood suddenly realize his arrows and wooden arc are growing leaves and are no longer able to be shot with :smallwink:

The leading wolf whimper and lower her head as she reply:

We have nowhere to go. A tree is blocking our cavern. The forest did this to us because of the bad pony glowing head.

Luna look super pleased by the compliment while Celestia roll her eyes and pout before turning attention to playing with the wolves.

Celestia: " We should probably try to find Starswirl? The more we wait the more this forest is gonna go crazy. "

Tainwind cannot see above the canopy of the trees. It would take a miracle to see above. (Traduction, even a carbox crit wont do)

2017-10-18, 06:37 PM
"Stupid bow." Deepwood grumbled, and tossed it away.
"A terrible tree blocking their cavern. We should move forward."

Emperor Ing
2017-10-18, 06:40 PM
We stand united in common agreement, Deepwood! Tailwind said, unable to find the creature much to her annoyance. Do these timberwolves know the location of Starswirl?

2017-10-18, 07:29 PM
Deepwood pondered. "Hmmm.. they did mentioned a pony with glowing eyes...."

2017-10-18, 08:55 PM
BubbleGuard thinks hard. "A pony with glowing eyes. This might be hard. How do we deal with Sir Starswhirl if is in a dangerous state without harming him?"

2017-10-19, 01:15 AM
"Deepwood might be drunk on fatherhood, earlier he said the rats convinced the trees to smash us and we learned that it was Harvest Moon and Starswirl's doing." the unicorn shimmed in. "Perhaps it was a glowing horn he meant, you know, like Starswirl and his colleague."

Astral Glimmer looked around at the ponies and wooden wolves before stopping at BubbleGuard "Should we ask and follow the wolves to that pony with glowing 'eyes'? If we can't seek shelter from the creature in a cave, staying here won't help us."

2017-10-19, 10:17 PM
The headwolf take a few steps in front of Deepwood, willing to show the way if asked...

2017-10-21, 08:40 AM
"Deepwood, could you ask the creature to guide us?" BubbleGuard requests to his friend.

2017-10-21, 06:01 PM
"Woof!" he asked of the wolf.

2017-10-22, 02:03 AM
The wolf family lead them toward the woods and stay close to the group. One of the pup, the same as before, climb on Deepwood and howl at the sky when the flapping sound are getting close. But otherwise, it doesn't seem to want to engage in a fight.

However... after a moment, it seem to have lost your trace?

After a moment however, the timberwolf stop in their track and seem to shake with fear. They start whimping even.

In front of them, you see... a apple tree? It seem their is something above in the branches.

Their is green-yellow flux of energy above in the tree. Around it, their is creatures who seem to surround it.


2017-10-22, 02:35 AM
Deepwood steppwd forward. He tried to squeak in common battish.

"Eep! Eeeeeep! Squick!"

"Greetings! We come in peace. Who are you? Have you seen any creatures like us?"

2017-10-22, 01:34 PM
The flock of bats turn in unison and open their wings. As they start flying around the branches,, you can see something inside the green and yellow energy that was withing the branch of the tree: a book.

You don't have time to ponder more as a crackling sound happen and the bats send a HUGE thunderbolt in your direction!

(Everybody: Roll 2 body roll. One to dodge it, the other against a paralysis effect)

Go away!

2017-10-22, 06:24 PM
"Bats were never THAT terrible before." Deepwood tried to dodge by flying up.


our territory is in danger! You WILL help us!""





2017-10-23, 04:00 AM
"Deepwood what do they want!?" Astral yelled as she tried to jump out of the lightning's way.

Evasion: [roll0] + 3
Resistance: [roll1] + 3

2017-10-23, 07:14 AM
"They want us to go away!" Deepwood yelled back

Emperor Ing
2017-10-23, 12:07 PM
Thunder Bats! Or Boomer Bats, Lightning Bats? Boombats? I don't know! But I want one! Tailwind exclaimed as she attempted to avoid the creatures' lightning arcs.


2017-10-23, 02:57 PM
BubbleGuard prepapred to brace himself. Whatever happened, he was sure of one thing. This is all Deepwood´s fault.


2017-10-24, 12:54 AM
Most of you manage to dodge the lighting bolt... except for Astral who manage to push Tailwind away to get hit by the lighting bolt. She fortunatly resist a paralysis effect but her eyes twitch in a uncontrable fashion.

Celestia had use her telekenesis very skillfully to save the wolf pup, including the one who was on Deepwood back, who he forgotten as he was dodging away...

The timberwolf go hide behind the trees behind you, same for the Princesses.

Luna: " Those bats are so mean! What did we do? "

Celestia: " Hey its the middle of the day, maybe they are just grumpy? You know, like Deepwood was gonna become a daddy? "

Luna make a weird face: " I'm never gonna play leapfrog as long as I live... Wait what's that in the branches? "

In your mind, you are happy they don't say more on the matter... The bats actually ignore Deepwood and return to hide the book and seem to... absorb something from it in the aura around it. It looks like rainbow lightning?!

2017-10-24, 02:42 AM
Deepwood clench his teeth. It went worse than he wanted.
Time for action!
He flew toward the book, trying to grab it.


2017-10-25, 10:03 AM
"Be careful, we don't know what that is or what it could do to you." BubbleGuard warns Deepwood.

2017-10-25, 01:05 PM
Every hair on her body stood up straight from the lightning strike and her tail still had a small trail of smoke coming out of it. "Less wanting more dodging next time please." Astral commented to Tailwind.

"Poke it with a stick first or move it with telekinisis." she added after BubbleGuard as she started to rub her eyes a little bit.

Emperor Ing
2017-10-25, 11:14 PM
Astral!! Tailwind exclaimed in surprise and alarm as the guardspony took the bolt meant for her. You saved me!

Right, the dodging shall be doubled! She decreed as the maid awaited the boombats' next move.

2017-10-26, 08:05 AM
Deepwood charge the bats, wanting the book...


He get blasted away from both a mix of sonar blast and thunder. Its way stronger this time as he get [roll0] damage of thunder damage AND from the fall as he he sent blasting to the ground. It even leave a small craterimprint on the ground! One of the Timberwolf and the Princesses rush to Deepwood, super worried!

Luna heal Deepwood of [roll1] damage with her magic. The Timberwolf whimper and lick Deepwood face twice before laying down by his side.

Luna have tear falling down after seeing Deepwood will live a other day: " Deepwood dummy! Stop being a guano brain. You could have died! "

Deepwood twitch on the ground in a uncontrollable fashion even as healed.

2017-10-26, 10:37 AM
"DEEPWOOD! Are you okay? Can you breath?" BubbleGuard runs concerned and his first instinct is to cast his healing bubbles spell again. He couldnt let Deepwood be in this state. (If Deepwood responds, asume that BubbleGuard immediately hugs him.)

Healing Bubbles DC 8
Improved Blaster Caster reduces the DC by [roll0]
Roll for casting [roll1]

2017-10-26, 06:25 PM
Deepwood flicnhed and cringed.
"Well.. that was a terrible idea..." his eye still twitched, and he gasped as Bubble Guard hugged him.


Emperor Ing
2017-10-26, 07:36 PM
AAAAAAAAH!!! Tailwind howled and wrapped her hooves around Bubble Guard, who in turn was hugging Deepwood.

The power of Harmony compels you! The power of Harmony compels you!

2017-10-26, 08:33 PM
"Gah! Calm down, I am fine. I am fine. " BubbleGuard declares trying to breath while locked down by Tailwind. He had released Deepwood in the meantime.

2017-10-27, 12:37 AM
Deepwood still cringed and twitched.
"Prove it!"

2017-10-27, 12:49 AM
Celestia look confused: " Why would Bubbles be possessed? Wasn't he always caring about the Staff? I think he just thought you were about to die," Then she actually pull Deepwood ears with her telekenesis: " ...just like me in fact. What were YOU thinking?! "

Celestia clearly try to look vexed but it just look... adorable. And shes not pulling Deepwood ear even that hard even.

Luna just isnt sure what to do now and look at everyone with curiosity.

Emperor Ing
2017-10-28, 12:58 AM
That you care, there is no doubt! Yet such an outward display is truly unlike you, High Chancellor Bubbles! Tailwind explained to Bubble Guard. We cannot be too careful, the point has been made! That was a most reckless and dangerous of maneuvering Deepwood, and I shall lay all due praise for it! You possess the bravery that legions would find lacking, and I love you for it (platonically!) We have already won this trial, Starswirl the Bearded is practically returned to us, already! Metaphorically speaking.

2017-10-28, 07:16 AM
"I am not really sure how but I am sure this is your fault, Deepwood." BubbleGuard complains. "We need to be more careful. We dont need to crazy magic ponies running in the woods."

2017-10-28, 05:37 PM
Astral Glimmer looked as Deepwood was sent back by thunder and lightning. "I told you to poke with a stick or try telekinesis!" she barked not too worried about the ranger.

"I'm pretty sure that bats aren't supposed to have magical books so we need to retrieve it. How about I distract them, draw them away so you guys can take it? Maybe Celestia and Luna can just grab it with magic?"

2017-10-28, 07:35 PM
Deepwood struggled up to his hooves.
'Umf. You are terribly kind." His ear twitched from Celestia's yell.
"Well, I know it's somehow my fault." he admitted.
"So.. I terribly need to fix it, no matter what the cost." he blinked.
"And umm.. brave, is very diplomatic way to describe it Tailwind..."

"Sometimes, I wonder if you Astral, would be less terrible commander than me.." he grumbled.
"Maybe you, Bubble, can trap it with one of your bubbles.

2017-10-28, 07:50 PM
The sternness she had just expressed at Deepwood faded away like shaky autumn leaves in the middle of a tornado "Noooooooo! Nuh uh,
no way, not happening again. I remember last time I was in charge while you were away. Leadership is all yours!"

"But you're right. BubbleGuard could isolate the book from the bats no? I can draw them away, or at least have them discharge their lightning at me."

2017-10-30, 09:11 PM
You hear wails coming from the bats above and Celestia chuckle and say happily: " There, happy now? "

She make levitate the book that was in the tree in front of your nuzzles. Their is a flicker of electric energy that quickly vanish as you look at it.

Above, their seem to be a strange reaction from the bats. The rainbow lightning seem to explode and ... zap them!

You have to brace yourself from the gust of wind provoqqued by the explosion but its nothing serious.

A flock of rainbow bats seem to dispurse from the tree. the apples from the tree seem to have a strange methamorphosis since the book is gone. They are now of every colors of the rainbow.

The book is written in a language from ancient time. Those who dont know Old Ponish can't read it :smallbiggrin:

The Timberwolves however seem less nervous now that the bats are gone.

2017-10-30, 09:59 PM
"That was... Unexpected. Terribly fine job, rascal!" Deepwood praised Celestia.
"Bubble Guard.. Can you read it?"

2017-10-31, 12:18 AM
"Not really my area of expertise. Maybe Cornucopia could be of assistance here." BubbleGuard declares annoyed.

2017-10-31, 04:37 PM
"Then, maybe me and Astral, will keep on our search, and you and the else, will go fetch Cornucopia?'

2017-10-31, 05:00 PM
Astral Glimmer was quite impressed with Celestia's handling of the situation. A good sign for their future she was guessing.

"Rainbow apples, we'll have to ask Sugar Rush later, I'm sure if someone can make something delicious out of them its her!"

She looked over at the book quite intrigued by it but was quickly distracted "The monster that attacked the wolves could still be around,
I think it would be better to not split up."

[roll0] + 2

Emperor Ing
2017-10-31, 06:42 PM
Magnificent! Electricity resulting in exotic fruit? I simply MUST have one, yet my desires remain suppressed! Surely if we are the first to identify such phenomenon, I shall presume to name them! I christen these fruit to be: Blast Apples! A most magnificent of rings unto its name!

I concur, united we are mighty! Tailwind boomed as she attempted to extract a Blast Apple. I believe the rule is: "Don't split the party."

2017-10-31, 07:16 PM
Deepwood sighed.
'It's terribly adorable, but what are we supposed to do with the book?'

2017-11-01, 12:59 AM
Tailwind successfully get a Zap Apple. Nobody recognize the book.

The mother Timberwolf suddenly bark. As you look in the direction of where she is looking, you see one adventurous Timberwolves pup come out of behind the tree... holding a saddlesack in his mouth?

You all recognize the pattern on it but Luna say it first: " Hey it's Starswirl saddlebag! Their is cutie mark on it! "

2017-11-01, 01:57 AM
'Well that suspisoucly convinent. We should be prepared for the worse.' Deepwood grumbled.
he barked to the wolves.
'Arfff, grrr woof woof?'

'This thing belong to our Alpha. But our noses are weak, could you please help us track him?

2017-11-03, 03:15 AM
The mama wolve bark something to Deepwood then go grab her pup. Celestia levitate the book in the saddlebag and ask: " I cant keep levitating this. Who wanna hold it?"

That's what we planned to do but my kid went ahead without me noticing

As you bypass the few apples trees there, You suddenly arrive in a giant cavity in teh ground. A huge hole... with grass reasing up to the border! Its so long, like tree, that it look like a small pond made of grass.

The edge is a sharp slope into it. The Timberwolves turn around, clearly taking their distance in a obvious way to show they do not want to go in there.

Your alpha is in there. By respect to the peace treaty, we wont hurt him but that's as far as we will go.

2017-11-03, 09:15 PM
The mama wolve bark something to Deepwood then go grab her pup. Celestia levitate the book in the saddlebag and ask: " I cant keep levitating this. Who wanna hold it?"

"I will gladly take over the book carrying duty. I used to be the castle librarían before Cornucopia." BubbleGuard declares proudly.

Emperor Ing
2017-11-03, 09:34 PM
Tailwind looks down in to the crater. Crater, was that the right word?

One can only wonder what Starswirl sought to accomplish! She remarks.

2017-11-03, 11:02 PM
"Harvest Moon said it was to turn her back into a regular old pony." she replied to Tailwind. "Book secured, good job Celestia!
Lets head out with haste."

2017-11-05, 05:37 PM
|Deepwood took a rope. he tied it to a tree, tieing the other end to a small yet heavy rock, tossing it down, listening

Emperor Ing
2017-11-05, 10:21 PM
Consider me skeptical! Tailwind declared, raising a hoof before leaning down, trying to listen for the rock.

2017-11-05, 11:12 PM
After crossing the grass, it take a small moment before Deepwood hear a soft " thud" sound when it land. Its not loud though, it must have hit some soft soil below?

The others would need to roll a Mind check to hear it at all...

2017-11-06, 12:53 AM
"At least it soft. But let's slide down slowly and hold and the rope- it might prevent things from getting worse."

He led the way, flying a bit above the rope, prepare fo aid of somepony was in trouble.

Emperor Ing
2017-11-06, 01:52 AM
Tailwind needed no such aid, but carefully hovered down with the group.

Mind check

2017-11-06, 11:47 AM
Carefully, Astral Glimmer went down the rope laid down by the ranger. "Thanks Deepwood."

[roll0] + 2

2017-11-06, 02:43 PM
"This can only end well." BubbleGuard replies sarcastically. He then went ahead and followed the rest.

2017-11-06, 03:01 PM
You realize the ground is... grey? And don't look like soil at all.
If you touch it with a other part then your hard hooves, a shiver of horror goes throught you as it makes you think of ... skin!

With the help of the flyers, Bubbles and Astral safely land on the ground. Those who fly have to land because of the high grass.

As you landed at the bottom of that crater, you all suddenly realize this... is gonna be difficult. Not only that, something is difinetly weird here.

You can see the bottom part of the grass (up to your torso) is actually grey or white before changing to its normal green. This part is also feel softer then normal grass is normally.

You suddenly hear a familiar shriek coming from above. Its that creature again!

As you hear it, you can see a little timberwolf jumping in the crater to avoid getting catched! He is in freefall! Celestia try to stop his fall with telekenesis but she lost control and the pup fallen in the sea of grass.

Celestia is panting: " Im sorry, I tried but..."

Luna sigh, console her sister: " Well at least he landed mostly safely thx to you sis. "

Above you can hear the creature getting away as you presume the Timberwolves hide back under the canopy. Frustrated, the flying woodpecker monster let a large shriek before flying back above the crater. Seeing nothing, it fly back in a random direction.

2017-11-06, 03:43 PM
Deepwood frowned. "I had enough of this thing." Deepwood grunted.
Bubble Guard, can you trap it or something?'

2017-11-07, 02:42 PM
"Thanks for the help." she called out to those who helped her down unto the weird ground, the odd grey ground ... a few pokes of hooves and some curious testing resulted in her skin crawling and a shudder of disgust.

"Ok ok ok ok, it flew away, lets move now!" Astral Glimmer says with a bit of urgency, she really didn't want to stay around.

Whatever happens she tries to grab Deepwood or BubbleGuard away from the princesses to tell them about her theorie about the ground being skin and the grass hair. The creature probably a flea-like creature.

Emperor Ing
2017-11-07, 05:16 PM
Tailwind felt...odd. Something about the ground seemed unnatural to her, so her instincts were to hover just a hoof above the ground. Any sign of Starswirl? She asked.

2017-11-08, 02:15 AM
Deepwood frowned. "Well.. that terrible." he grunted, but for now, they only could move forward.
He let out a squeak.


2017-11-08, 02:25 AM
Deepwood frowned. "Well.. that terrible." he grunted, but for now, they only could move forward.
He let out a squeak.


Tailwind can only follow the group. Its harder to fly in a sea of grass like this, no room for her wings. However, she notice they sway at her wingbeat, even if slightly...

As for Deepwood, he sense something not far from them. It seem to be small and something moving but slightly. It seem to come in your general direction? He cant make a distinct shape however because of the grass interference.

2017-11-08, 04:57 PM
"Something is coming." Deepwood densted prepared for battle.

2017-11-09, 07:48 PM
"Something is coming." Deepwood densted prepared for battle.

From between the grass, the timberwolf pup come up. He run to you guys and hide between Deepwood leg's growling at the sky.

OCC: You might now try something. Either you capture the flying creature first or try to find Starswirl is up to you. BUT please do something.

Emperor Ing
2017-11-09, 07:58 PM
Remain joined, as if by tar, everypony! A very emphatic way to say "stick together" as Tailwind began looking around for any sign of statues.


2017-11-09, 09:01 PM
Remain joined, as if by tar, everypony! A very emphatic way to say "stick together" as Tailwind began looking around for any sign of statues.


Tailwind see nothing in the close proximity but she can easily figure out they would need to walk into the deepest part of the large hole if they wanna find Starswirl.

2017-11-10, 12:56 AM
Deepwood sighed.
"Let's make formation and move forward. I'll scout at the front, Bubble, Astral, be prepared at the rear with some terrible spell, Bubble and Tailwind stay close to the rascals. Any objections?"
he tried to make things move forward.
The more urgent thing was to locate Starswirl.

2017-11-10, 01:01 PM
"I can try casting my bubble capture spell." BubbleGuard proclaims as he tries casting his spell.

Capture Bubble Spell DC 9 - [roll0]

Mind roll to see if what BubbleGuard noticed, can be share with the rest. [roll2]

2017-11-11, 02:52 AM
Bubbles sucessdully cast his capture bubble. However, the creature see it coming. It try to smash it with its sword. The sword actually break on the bubble and he is captured in it. However, once captured, the bubbles falls in the trees above, out of reach. The creature scream in pain and seem in some sort of panic. You ignore it after a moment as you get deeper in the grass...

Celestia and Luna are distracted enough by the scream and panic of the creature. They look in that direction until asked to move with the group.

Because of it, the info Bubbles and Astral found it is shared among the group successfully... On the other hoof, Luna and Celestia seem torned. Celestia whisper something to Luna and pat her back.

The little timberwolf wag his wooden tail and show up his leafy tongue: " Arff, hoohoo, woof woof! "

Your alpha is at the center! Can I be the leader and lead you here?

As you go deeper, the sun is more dim... The grass move easily but seem to restaure itself after you pass.

OCC: Roll Mind roll... And others roll if you want to give yourself advantage in moving blindly in the grass.

2017-11-11, 02:55 AM
Astral Glimmer followed the group from behind as best as she could using telekinisis to split the grass in front of them apart as fast and best she could. "Stay close and alert everypony."

2017-11-11, 07:54 PM
Deepwood barked aprovingly to Bubble

"Finally! Good job!"

and the pup said. "Hmpgh. Sure. Lead the way."

To the princesses he said. "Starswirl is close.. just a little bit more."

Emperor Ing
2017-11-11, 08:03 PM
My vision is obscured! I cannot continue like this! Tailwind exclaimed as she attempted to jump into the air, hoping to get enough clearance to use her wings.

Body (jump)

Mind check

2017-11-12, 01:29 AM
"I think that whatever we are walking on might be a living creature. We should be careful." BubbleGuard warns the others though travelling through such an structure wasnt exactly easy.

2017-11-12, 04:25 PM
Tailwind sucessfully manage to fly above the grass, thx to Astral telekenesis. Astral action also allow her to see thr group clearly. But Tailwind see something ELSE while flying up the group: several spot in the grass are moving away from the group. 2 of them. It see you are not alone in the grass...

The Princesses look confused at Bubbles Statement but as they figured out what he means, tehy start flying, not touching the ground. Both of them seem uneasy and nervous....

Meanwhile, as the rgoup progress, the Timberwolf suddenly stop and growl before juimping in the grass where it cannot be seing. It doesnt take long before he come back with... a huge flea in its mouth?!

The flea is as big as a kitten. It squirm Inside teh Timberwolf puppy mouth who wag its tail, happy of his catch.

The Princess however, arent so happy. They fly behind Tailwind in the sky, screaming: "EEEEEWWWWW! "

2017-11-12, 08:02 PM
"Oh wow!" Deepwood was amazed.
"This surely a big cute one!" his voice softened, and he patted the timber pup's head.
"Not so terrible! Good boy!"

Emperor Ing
2017-11-12, 09:46 PM
Tailwind happily kept the fillies by her side, but did not echo their disgust. Rather, she was impressed. My goodness! A normal specimen is barely larger than what is visible, yet that pup secures one larger than a pony's hoof, and then some! A glorious find!

2017-11-12, 11:12 PM
The puppy seem super happy by all teh praise. He put the flee down by Deepwood hoof: " Waff! "

Then he turn around and guide you again... Unless you do something about it, the flee make a impressive jump out of the aread to return in teh sea of grass. (Body Roll to kill the flea, restrain it or whatever)

It takes some time but you finally see a shadow of a pony in the grass... After clearing it up, you see it,s... Starswirl?!

At least, it LOOKS liek Starswirl. It seem like a earth elemental that would be made to look like starswirl. His body is made of dirt and his mane of grass. His hooves seem to fuse with the ground in a straneg fashion.

When you see him, you realize he try to say something. But each word he speak is extremely slow, like it requiere some efforts: " Is... Harvest... safe? "

2017-11-14, 12:32 AM
"Starswirl!" Astral Gimmer gasped. "Yes she is safe don't worry about her for now. But you, you are fused with the land itself!
What happened?"

2017-11-14, 01:19 AM
"Master! Are you alright?" BubbleGuard declares worried and goes ahead to answer to Starswhirl. "She or he is fine."

Emperor Ing
2017-11-14, 02:17 AM
Your spell was a glorious success, alas your sacrifice was demanded of it! Tailwind observed before her mind turned to the crater itself, and its uncannily flesh-like qualities.

Where....ARE we, exactly, and why is the ground so...hairy?

2017-11-14, 04:56 AM
Deepwood tried to leash the flea!

Deepwood stared at Starswirl.

"This... is.. terrible. How are we fixing it?'

2017-11-15, 03:36 AM
Deepwood can't find a way to leash the flea easily but his little wooden puppy friend catch it as it try to bounce away like a bullet and is more then happy to keep it in his mouth as you go along...


Starswirl continue soon enough, each words spoken very slowly: " Ans...wers... la...ter... please... kill... fleas... cant... even... scratch... tor...ture... please... magic... cant... please..."

You actually see a tear from his wooden eyes fall off... This tone is imploring, like he is in pain.

2017-11-16, 10:33 AM
With a stomp of her hoof Astral Glimmer declares her intention in a manner very close to Tailwind's usual tone "Ponies! We know what we have to do!
That odd creature that has been stalking us must be vanquished!"

"Celestia, Luna and the wood wolf must be protected during our fight though."

Emperor Ing
2017-11-16, 01:35 PM
At once! Tailwind booms, raising a hoof imperiously. Yet I must point out: His exact words were 'fleas!'

I shall take watch from above, point to where I see those overgrown monsters! The wolves hunt magnificently, allow them to lend us their aid!

Tailwind scanned the area, looking for any rustling of 'grass' to point out the location of any fleas.


2017-11-16, 08:10 PM
Deepwood nodded, leading the pups for hunt.

Harmony with Tailwind

2017-11-17, 06:25 PM
Thx to Deepwood and his timberwolf pup below, Tailwind can see some brushing grass. Two this time. You cant see them yet but you know where they are.


Body rolls everyone if you try to take them on without magic. If you use spells, roll accordingly.

Emperor Ing
2017-11-17, 10:34 PM
Behold, your quarry, revealed! Tailwind boomed as he pointed to either disturbance in the grass for the others.

Harmony applied to whomever attempts to catch the fleas first.

2017-11-19, 02:11 AM
Using the wood pup guidance, Deepwood try to pounce the flea and squash it.


2017-11-19, 02:37 AM
Following Deepwood's charge Astral goes for the flea's flank to leave it less room to dodge the ranger's squashing attempt!

Harmony on Deepwood's

2017-11-19, 11:49 AM
BubbleGuard decides to assist in the capture by casting his spell to capture one of them.

Bubble Capture Spell: DC 9 - [roll0]

2017-11-19, 11:56 AM
As they attack the giant flea and reveal its body, you realize now it's as big as a bulldog. It also have a strange turf of its behind his head.

The one Deepwood, Tailwind and Astral was focused on got hit big then try to jump away but Tailwind push it back in front of Deepwood, make it land on its head even, revealing its belly and wingling its legs in a attempt to roll over on its legs...

Bubbles proven to be most unlucky. As he try to trap the second one, he actually trap HIMSELF in the capture bubble. (DC 9 Body check to pierce it).

The second one, alerted, jump like a cannonball on the edge of the hole. It land on the rock with a loud nose and making stones fall off the edge in the crater. It wriggle around and finally seem to spot Tailwind and the Princesses. A Murderous bloody aura seem to come from his legs as its preparing its next move...

2017-11-20, 04:07 PM
Deepwood tried to squash the flea.

"Rascals! Run!"

He looked at Bubble Guard. "Bubble.." he face hoofed.

2017-11-21, 07:03 AM
Astral smiled for a moment at the teamwork but quickly noticed the new flea coming. "Keep on this one!" she told Deepwood before moving near the fillies and Tailwind yelling at the bug "You shall not pass!" The grey unicorn stomped her hoof down and her horn glowed for a moment hoping to challenge the creature and ready to put herself between it and any of the other ponies.

Emperor Ing
2017-11-21, 03:13 PM
What in Equestria IS that thing?! Tailwind exclaimed as the flea suddenly appeared much more...monstrous. She flew down, trying to aid Deepwood in squashing the monster.

Harmony for Deepwood

2017-11-22, 10:34 AM
Why did I fail? My roll was a success. Anyway, moving on..... :smallconfused:

Strenght roll: [roll0]

"Stay on the mission. Forget about me." BubbleGuard orders as he tries to burst the bubble.

2017-11-22, 12:44 PM
Deepwood attack made the flea shell crack and made it dizzy as he stroke near its head. Tailwind arial assault ,by dropping hard on it, made it squash.

As the giant fleas is killed, a weird glowing blood was about to slash everywhere but it seem it was attracted to the ground. Once it touch the ground, it would disappear instantly. The silver/white portion of the air slightly reduce as a result, becoming green again.

However... you hear two panicked cries above your head. Ignoring Astral provocation, the flea jump like a cannonball toward the Princesses as soon as Tailwind charge the flea below.

Tailwind realize her mistake too late. Fortunatly for them, Luna horn glow and they teleported... right under Bubbles, INSIDE his own bubble spell.

Surprisingly, the flea seem to adjust its trajectory in midair... to go still after the fillies?!

As soon as they teleported, its trajectory adjusted. It collided HEAVILY with the giant Bubbles, making it pop in a loud noise... For the giant flea to land on Bubbles back!

Althought the bubble spell acted as a shield, Bubbles have to resist caving in and dropping prone on the Princesses below him from the impact (Body TN 7) and take [roll0] damage.

You have a ominous feeling that those giants fleas... are more trouble then you thought at first.

Emperor Ing
2017-11-23, 09:37 PM
What monstrous abominations does Starswirl cultivate upon his mane?! Tailwind asked rhetorically, what ever it was, it was not natural, at all! Why were they going after the fillies, exclusively?

Then she remembered, the princesses are as powerful, if not more so than Starswirl, they're attracted to, if not directly feeding on magic!

They're after the princesses! She observed. They may be the culprits behind Starswirl's current state! She then flapped her wings and flew hard at the flea, intent on hitting it hard.


2017-11-24, 10:43 AM
"I said that you would not pass!" Astral Gimmer yelled at the creature. Her horn glowed as she casted a spell to hold it down.

Shadow Bind
Target: Individual
Range: Seen
Duration: Sustained
Effect: Animate
Subject: Body, Shadow
Spell Level: 8 (Easy, DT 5)
Description: Tendrils of physical shadow-stuff comes out of the target's own shadow and holds it down.

[roll0] + 2

2017-11-25, 08:45 AM
"What we need is a plan to get them all in the same place. There is going to keep a lot of chaos coming if we keep trying to just catch one at a time. " BubbleGuard points out to the others.

2017-11-25, 03:10 PM
Deepwood groaned. "Not that terrible plan, Bubble Guard." he barked to the Timber pup, trying to sincrenize with him- like sheppered dogs, they are chasing off the fleas attempting to turn them into one hoard.
He also using the fact they are going toward the princesses, to gathwr them at the same direction.

"Bubble them up!"

2017-11-25, 07:19 PM
Thanks to Astral, the giant flea bit its own shadow, before entangling it and making it easy to kill.

Following your plan, the unnamed timberwolf puppy and the Princesses use hit and run tactics to attract the fleas in one place. Their is still 3 of them.

With Tailwind in the sky guiding them, you soon realize the fleas don't understand your speech, fortunatly.

Soon, the 3 of them appear before you... You have one chance to do something before they charge your group, which now have the Princesses in them.

2017-11-27, 03:42 PM
BubbleGuard takes this chance to try and cast his spell one more time. He had to do it if he wanted to keep everyone safe. He knew that Deepwood was right and this was the moment for the truth. He moved his wand and launched his spell. "Here goes nothing!"

Bubble Capture Spell DC 9 - [roll0]
Casting: [roll1]

Emperor Ing
2017-11-27, 05:11 PM
Tailwind circled around and flew behind the fleas, intent on corralling the critters together so they couldn't escape Bubble Guard's spell.

Harmony with Bubble Guard.

2017-11-28, 02:11 AM
Three bubbles spell hit the three fleas... They seem unbalanced but unfortunatly, they are able to move them!

Most of them however jump in random direction. It was a strong force but one is hitting Astral for [roll0] damage and the two others hit each other in midair and fall back on the ground.

Their balance is way off however and you have a other turn to do something from from the direction they are trying to jump from, the two who didnt hit anyone were trying to flee in one way and the one who hit Astral seem to wanna flee the other way...

2017-11-28, 07:57 PM
Deepwood frowned,
"Oh no, you don;t!" he flew after the flea who hit Astral, trying to squash it.


2017-11-28, 08:12 PM
Deepwood frowned,
"Oh no, you don;t!" he flew after the flea who hit Astral, trying to squash it.


You squash it good! Only 2 fleas remaining...

Emperor Ing
2017-11-28, 08:24 PM
While the fleas were still preoccupied, Tailwind flies away as quick as she could to the thunderstorm Sugar Rush was battling, attempting to pull a piece out of it. Sugar do you mind I must burrow this at once, my thanks, goodbye! She said quickly before flying the small dark cloud back to the hole, where she quickly positioned it above one of the fleas, before bouncing on top of it to zap it with lightning.


2017-11-29, 12:57 AM
"I am sorry, everypony but I cant just squash poor innocent creatures. " BubbleGuard decides to try to capture one of them with his hooves but gente enough to avoid hurting it.

Body roll to catch flea?:

2017-11-29, 02:46 AM
Tailwind try to get a cloud from the edge of the forest where they are gathering but having no experience in weather work, the cloud become mist before it even reach the rest of the group...

Deepwood kill one of the fleas and Bubbles capture one in his hooves.

The last one try to get away by jumping hard but the poor unlucky Astral get kicked in the guts as it try to jump away...

The timberwolf puppy and the Princesses manage to hold on the last one with a mix of body weight and telekenesis.

Celestia and Luna look at the group, not sure what to do next...

2017-11-30, 11:29 PM
"I think Deepwood should handle the rest. Being the most knowledgeable of us on strange creatures and especially fleas." BubbleGuard suggests.

2017-12-01, 12:55 AM
Deepwood tried look in his exprience if there anything to do beside suqasbing it.


2017-12-01, 07:35 AM
Deepwood tried look in his exprience if there anything to do beside suqasbing it.


From his knowledge, fleas are brain dead, only moved on a desire to reproduce, eat, multiply. From what you experimented thus far, they are targetting any magical blood and unless their is a magic to transfore the blood they took back in Starswirl body, he might be stuck like a statue forever...

2017-12-03, 01:22 AM
Deepwood shaked his head sadly.
And then tried to squash the flea as fast as he could.


2017-12-03, 01:38 AM
Deepwood shaked his head sadly.
And then tried to squash the flea as fast as he could.


Deepwood successfully smash the two fleas remaining!

You hear Starswirl voice coming from not so far away as the magic in the blood reach the ground: " Aaaah, such a relief! "

His voice is no longer slow: " Please find my spellbook! I can only revert back everything if I can find the right spell in this. We cant let this chaotic magic out of control more then it already was! "

Celestia voice chip in happily: " We have it Master Starswirl! Im coming! "

Celestia use her telekenesis to clear the way and get to Starswirl directly... " His earth form nods: " Very good! Let's see... "

He flip the page with his own telekenesis and stop it soon at a page. he read it and his horn suddenly Glow bright white, blinding you all for a long moment!

When you can see again, the forest feel different... Their is no longer grass in the crater you are in and you can see a few fleas a big bigger then normal jumping away (like the kitten one from earlier).

Starswirl is also back to normal and he stretch out with a few sigh of relief: " Oh, that feel so much better! "

2017-12-03, 06:20 PM
Deepwood sighed.
"It was all because of my whistles. Right?"

Emperor Ing
2017-12-03, 06:37 PM
Behold! Starswirl's return to his true, glorious form! Tailwind cheers. A more lengthy explanation would be appreciated as to the nature of this...sorcery!

2017-12-04, 01:05 AM
Starswirl sigh, shake his hoof: " Im gonna spare you the magic details and theory over the complicated and wonderful spell I concocted to save Miss Harvest. Well, maybe only one detail that you should know: I could only save her by incorporing elements of chaos magic..."

Chaotic magic is used by creature like draconoquist (Discord) and other evil creature. It can be used for good but it is hard for a creature not affunated to chaos to completly control it...

He grumble: " You can say... I was overconficent, slightly. Even with all my preparation, I suffered the backslash at the last moment after her transformation. You can say the spell that was affecting Harvest was... fused with Chaotic magic and rebounded on the whole forest..."

He turn to Deepwood: " Of course it wasn't your fault Deepwood. Why would you think that I wonder? You are not proficient with magic after all! "

He seem unaware of what happened of your adventures. He look a bit confused but shrug: " I do admit though that nature isn't for me. Those fleas probably were too much of a distraction. I wish I could use a bug repellant spell but Tea Agony would not appreciate I torture her little Elusive..."

He then jump at the sigh of the little Timberwolves puppy who jump from behind Deepwood: " Waf waf! "

Starswirl eyes look battle ready, his horn glow threateningly: "What the heck is that thing?! Deepwood, step aside, quick! "

The Princesses look horrified and jump in front of the puppy!

Starswirl frown even more but stop making his horn glow: " Princesses, did you do this? I warned you about dealing with the unknown! "

The Princesses seem speechless and a bit stunned at Starswirl reaction.

2017-12-04, 01:25 AM
Deepwood wouldn't have undeerstood it any deeper anyway.
to first of question of Starswirl he has answered wearily. "There are forces much stronger and wilder than magic."
Like Murphy's laws.
But he didn't said that. The others weren't ready to accept some realities just yet.

Things turned seriouse. He pushed the princesses to the sides, but stood proud with puffed chest and spread wings.
"No. Ol' One. No. Those are YOUR doing. And not only that, they helped to save you. You are many things, Ol' One. But you are NOT ungrateful!"

2017-12-04, 01:32 AM
He take a step back: " W-What?! But... the ramifications of this would implies... "

He seem to get a bit panicky: " Tell me, how far was the blast range?! No... It cant be... My spell should have cancel everything! It... It... "

He massage his head, rise his hoof to encite silence. He taking a few deep breath... then turn to the others: " Please tell me the situation outside of this... hummm... crater. "

After some explinations...

He look bewildered. Then he take a heavy sigh... " It looks like I messed up big times. We will have to study the changes that happened within the forest because of my magical experiment later. Let's just leave for now... I want my bed, I feel a bit weak."

2017-12-05, 03:18 AM
Deepwood shaked his head. "It could have been much worse, Ol' One. You are safe. Moon Harvest is normal again, and we have a whole brand new ecological system to study." he forced himself to frown, with new superstition, that if he is acting happily out of character, some mysteriouse forces would make everything worse for everypony.
"I'll carry you." he said softly, bowing to let Starswirl to ride him.

2017-12-05, 06:37 PM
"Let me assist you, Deepwood. You deserve the help afetr all you have done." BubbleGuard replies giving his recognition to Deepwood in a rare momento of friendship.

2017-12-05, 06:49 PM
"All of this, is my fault, Bubble. You know it." Deepwood argued

Emperor Ing
2017-12-05, 09:56 PM
A pony stands liberated from her curse, be proud, Starswirl! Tailwind points out. Come, Deepwood!
Do not carry the burden of your actions both perceived and actual alone!

2017-12-06, 03:58 PM
Even in his weakened state, Starswirl telekenesis himself to make himself lighter for you guys to bring him away from the forest.

Strangely, the forest seem to still have a strange life to it still. Sugar report that the weather still act on his own near the forest but is no longer unmanageable. However, you cant find the strange flying creature anymore and you don't cross path with the timberwolves either.

Once you are at the castle, you see the Princesses try to sneak in... the Timberwolf puppy in their saddlebag! They blushes and teleport before you can questions or stop them however.

The ponies at the castle feel a lot better. Harvest is extremely relief and let Starswirl hugs her. He chuckle: " Now I hope you'll stop pretending you are a tree. How about we celebrate with a feast tonight? It's being a while I saw you eating with us. But warn you: don't eat the pumpkins pie. They are magicly enchanted to make yourself fat!"

Sugar cough: " Oh? But master Starswirl always try to eat them all by himself when I make them... "

Starswirl smile big: " The more powerful a magic, the more tiring you become. I specially scheduled my biggest experiements the day their is pumpkin pies on the menu. I need the extra energy! "

Tea Agony grumble: " Mister Starswirl, I saw you eat like that everyday. It seem like a cheap excuse."

Master Starswirl yawn: " You have a better one Miss Agony, since you are eating for two now. Now if you excuse me, Im gonna go rest. Deepwood please, I'll trust you to report me the change in the flora and fauna around here. Oh and if you promise to start blaming yourself for today events, I'll consider letting you keep the Timberwolf puppy. You know, the one you being keeping silent about the Princesses attempt of sneaking in it in the castle. Yes, I noticed it from the start."

He winks at Deepwood playfully before leaving for his quarters... Sugar excuse herself: " Now excuse me, it seem I have to prepare a large unscheduled feast for tonight. I'll be in my kitchen if you need me."

2017-12-06, 06:50 PM
"I am glad that at the very least everything turned out fine. "BubbleGuard proclaimed in relief. Then he hears about the offer of a timber Wolf puppy. "Are we sure about them letting them have a pet? If we are, I will need to start working on the rules for its care. Deepwood, your insight might be necessary. And with that I mean that you will be kept sleepless while we work on the rules for its caring and I wont take a ddecline for an answer."

2017-12-07, 03:32 AM
Deepwood had to force himself not to smile at Tailwind's kindness.
"Hmph. Fine. Help me at your own risk.'

At the castle he looked the other way, when the princesses sneaked the timber pup, smiling when he thought nopony looking.

"Well, you should be glad Harvest. Now you can have stomach aches just like anypony. Lucky you." he congraluated her in his own way.

Deepwood hugged Agony tightly with love. "I terribly missed you." and kissed her lovingly infront if everypony.
Usually, Deepwood was quite discredte on affection expriessions.

Deepwood growled nervously, when he was exposed by Ol' One.
"Of course it's my fault. I whistled." he said seriously.

Deepwood sighed at Bubble's urge to legalize everything.
"I dont think there is need for any rules.. but sure. That sound like terrible way to spend my days. So why not?"

2017-12-07, 09:38 PM
Tea Agony is surprised at first, getting red even to her ears. She hide on Deepwood chest after that passionnate kiss. She grumble in a low voice: " You big slowpoke. I'm glad to see you are ok too but we shouldn't in public. Everypony is watching! "

Golden Hour and Sketch Book walk in. Golden Hour smile seeing everypony is ok, go to Tea Agony: " You should probably relax now Miss Agony. Deepwood, I hope you can find a way to make her smile a little, she throw me pillows each time I told her a little joke!"

Tea Agony grumble: " You are a wonderful doctor Mister Golden but your puns are more horrible then my husband cooking. "

Sketch Book rush To Tailwind: " My little whistle, are you ok? "

Elusive suddenly flyby chased by the timberwolf puppy... with the Princesses following with dreading look on their face.

" Bark! Bark! " (traduction: play with me strange creature!)

The Princesses soon appear and shrink back at the sight of everypony, looking guilty.

2017-12-08, 04:38 AM
Deepwood couldn't completly shake away his good mood, so he hugged Agony with his wing.
"Ehh. Smiles are over rated. She kind of cute as grumpy." he seemed to ignore her embaressment.

When the pup barked, he frowned and walked slowly toward the prncesses.
"Well... this was a bad move from you two. Now you got to be punished"
e took a deep breath.
"You would to feed him, three times a day. You have to walk him AT LEAST twice a day. And you will have to train him under my guidance. Am I clear?!

2017-12-08, 05:27 PM
"You are already thinking of the rules? I am glad to know you are alreadyt thinking about the work but I will still need you later tonight to work everything out either way." BubbleGuard declares with glee.

"Speaking of which, I will go to the library and get everything set. The process requires lots of paper work and revisions so I should try to get everything set up." BubbleGuard declares before leaving to the library.

Emperor Ing
2017-12-09, 12:37 AM
You have my assurances I am (mostly) unharmed! Tailwind replied to Sketch Book, hugging him back. The forest itself has underwent a most radical transformation, behold! She releases Sketch to stretch a foreleg to the Timberwolf puppy. A wooden canine! I dub it, the Woodwolf!

A most helpful critter it was!

2017-12-10, 05:53 PM
"Paper.. work?" Deepwod has asked weakly, and horified.

2017-12-12, 11:56 PM
BubbleGuard went ahead and spoke with Cornucopia. "Hello. I have arrived here today because we are in need of the rules revisión formats. We also require the book for rule submission and we need everything before tonight since its for an unexpected situation."

Emperor Ing
2017-12-14, 05:07 PM
Ah, of course. The large Librarian smiled to Bubble Guard. Punctuation and procedure, so important when you are coming up with new rules! You don't need to wait long. He insisted as he trotted into a back room where he could be heard fumbling for something, before returning, adjusting his glasses.

I have EXACTLY what you need, sir. He smiled, before setting down a bottle of wheat cider on the counter.

2017-12-14, 06:05 PM
Deepwood had to beat his lips not to laugh.
He forced himself his signature grumpy expression.
"Finally somepony understand what you need."

2017-12-14, 10:06 PM
Ah, of course. The large Librarian smiled to Bubble Guard. Punctuation and procedure, so important when you are coming up with new rules! You don't need to wait long. He insisted as he trotted into a back room where he could be heard fumbling for something, before returning, adjusting his glasses.

I have EXACTLY what you need, sir. He smiled, before setting down a bottle of wheat cider on the counter.

"I never drink on the job." BubbleGuard replies not getting the joke. "And I pride myself for being on the job. Anyway, we are here to make history." He proclaims while lifting his right hoof.

2017-12-15, 02:08 PM
Elusive go hide in Tea Agony mane. Seeing that, the Timberwolf puppy jump and grab Deepwood tail, use it to swing on his back then jump on his head. He sit there happily: " Bark! Bark! " (Traduction: I can do it too! )

He then start licking with his leafy tongue Deepwood mane for a moment before lying down on his head, looking comfy... Celestia and Luna found it funny.

Tea Agony give a reality check to Bubbles: " Since you don't understand the message, I'll translate it for you: Cornucopia think you should relax. Rules are important but thinking about others well-being is more important... and you definitly need to relax more. "

Wood Chuck arrived soon after that but he spotted the Timberwolf Puppy and got nervous, slowly backing down...

Sketch Book observe the Timberwolf puppy with interest: " How interesting... It seem to be fond of you Deepwood..."

Emperor Ing
2017-12-15, 09:08 PM
We are making history. Cornucopia smiled. For a thousand years, foals will be taught how three brave ponies taught one uptight unicorn the value of relaxing once in a while.

2017-12-16, 09:47 AM
"Well, then. If it is how the story shall be told, then I have no other choice but to challenge you three to a duel, as per unicorn traditions. " BubbleGuard declares in front of the three ponies. "I shall defend my honor and prevail in combat. The battlefiled will be in my extra room. "

2017-12-16, 06:27 PM
Deepwood looked happily grumpy.
"Hmph. I don't have energy to shake him off."
Deepwood shrugged. "I guess, I could tolerate him around." he hidden a smile.

"Dual? Unicorn dual?" Deepwood face hoofed.
"Some of us are lacking horns. I don't see how we can make an unicorn dual."

2017-12-16, 10:15 PM
Tea Agony grunt: " And I'm pregnant, a duel is out of question. My - OUCH! "

She grunt, hold her belly with one hoof, take a deep breath: " My little demon is enough excited as it is. But our point still stand Bubbles: you need to relax. And be more wary of the situation. Can't believe you asked a pregnant mare for a duel. The more stressed everyone is, the more stressed I am and the more excited my baby is! "

Golden Hour step in: " She is right. And Wood Chuck already had enough stress today as well. Let,s try to be fuel with positive emotions here...A duel is too foal-ly right now... "

Tea Agony grinch visibly at this bad pun.

Emperor Ing
2017-12-17, 08:32 PM
I refuse. Cornucopia answered to Bubble Guard flatly. Ordinarily i'd jump at the chance, but, Bubbles,
your honor? It is not in question and I will not validate such delusions.

I ACCEPT!! Tailwind says, the lavendar pegasus maid landing from the ceiling like a lightning bolt, landing with a grand flourish before rising on her hind legs and raising a hoof imperiously to the broken-horned unicorn. We shall face each other in glorious combat, one one one! Pony to pony! Only the MIGHTIEST shall prevail! Steel yourself, Grand Emir Bubble Guard, for nothing, neither your training nor your iron determination shall properly prepare you for the greatest gauntlet that now presents itself before you! I challenge thee...

To a comedy duel!!

2017-12-18, 01:36 AM
Deepwood looked mortified. He knew that straight forward refusal would force the forces of Irony, to make him join.
"Oh no! My. What a bad luck! This Timber puppy need a walk, or else, there would be a terrible accident! I guess, I'll have to walk him now..."
And with that Deepwood tried to gallop away with the puppy.

2017-12-18, 01:23 PM
"A unicorn duel is a battle of wits, not one of combat. The point of the cahllenge is too pass a puzzle made by different ponies. The one to pass the most challenges would be declared the winner. " BubbleGuard explains to Tailwind.

"A BubbleGuard´s unicorn duel? This, I got to see." Charcoal Knight declares as he makes a bag of oatmeal float to his side.

"Why? Is he any good?" Night Shift declares with curiosity.

"No, he is terrible but this is a nice chance to have BubbleGuard do all kinds of hilarous stuff without repercussions or buts. Not to mention the hilarity of him losing duels against stuff like Harvest Moon´s pet plant." Charcoal Knight shares by whispering.

Emperor Ing
2017-12-19, 01:25 AM
Now who will be crafting these challenges? Cornucopia gave a mischievous smirk as he looked to Charcoal Knight, as though prescient to their thoughts.

We should depart! Separate, and prepare ourselves for glorious mental battle! Tailwind suggested imperiously. When we reconvene, Lord Bubble Guard, we shall engage in a glorious competition for the glory and honor of declaring ourselves victor of this magnificent competition!

2017-12-19, 02:34 AM
Deepwood halted. "Bah. It's still better than making up stupid new rules. Sure. Why not?"

2017-12-19, 02:10 PM
Now who will be crafting these challenges? Cornucopia gave a mischievous smirk as he looked to Charcoal Knight, as though prescient to their thoughts.

"The staff. Anypony in the castle can put a challenge except the participants..." Charcoal Knight shares with Cornucopia "....but only one challenge per pony".

We should depart! Separate, and prepare ourselves for glorious mental battle! Tailwind suggested imperiously. When we reconvene, Lord Bubble Guard, we shall engage in a glorious competition for the glory and honor of declaring ourselves victor of this magnificent competition!

"We first need a few volunteers for challenges." BubbleGuard tells Tailwind.

2017-12-19, 02:22 PM
Deepwood looked conflicted. But a new pony apeared on the scene, checking what the source of the commotion now.
Money Bags. "I will." she said.

Deepwood backed off. "I can think of a challenge or two."

2017-12-21, 08:36 PM
"Well, it seems we have our first challenge. What do you propose?" BubbleGuard replies ready to face the dangers of the tasks coming ahead, at least that was what he was expecting.

2017-12-23, 09:19 AM
Tea Agony froen, put herself between Deepwood and the exit, whisper something in his ear: " Do not be a coward! Make me proud! Even though I normally wouldn't allow it, how about you challenge Bubbles in a flea eating contest? "

Emperor Ing
2017-12-23, 02:11 PM
Deepwood is no participant, but may issue challenges nontheless! Tailwind points out to Tea Agony, knowing full well it will be HER who would be eating fleas in such a contest.

Loudest pony competition! Cornucopia suggests.

2017-12-23, 08:14 PM
Deepwood. "Ehh.. you want me to practicate...?" he has asked Agony, puzzled.

"Easy!" Money Bags said to Cornucopia

2017-12-23, 08:21 PM
Tea Agony state honestly: " I can state a champion in my name since I cannot participate in any activities too stressful. Any duels have such rules. If I want, I can issue any challenge and choose Deepwood to complete them for me. "

Golden Hour step in: " I have to agree with Miss Agony. As her personnal dorctor, I forbiddly forbid her to participate in any competition right now. She already have a hard tie with her prenancy and should concentrate on that, let's not make her... duel-task! "

He refrain to chuckle at the end...

2017-12-24, 04:57 AM
Deepwood facehoofed at the pun.
"Uh. I didn't thought you would care about competition, Agony. Shouldn't be too terrible...

2017-12-24, 04:52 PM
"As BubbleGuard´s brother, I will make sure to keep a list. We have a flea eating competition. Then we have a loud pony challenge. And we can fisnh this competition with Night Shift´s own secret challenge." Charcoal Knight declares. "Deewood, could you provide us with the fleas for the first challenge? Our competitors will be BubbleGuard, Tailwind and Deepwood representing Tea Agony."

"I am ready for any challenges. I will assure victory this time around." BubbleGuard declares confidently.

Emperor Ing
2017-12-25, 03:58 AM
I have never eaten fleas before and the very prospect of doing so absolutely revolts me! The rapid rotation of my stomach is providing me with vast amounts of energy at the sheer thought performing in such a competition! She exclaims her disgust at the idea in a strangely upbeat manner.

Thus I decree, I shall consume ALL the fleas! I cannot fail!

Alas, I demand an inquiry as to what Baron Von Bubble Guard means by 'this time around?'

2017-12-25, 11:29 AM
Money Bags's face turned green.
"I...i..if Bubble can do it, so can I!"

Deepwood blinked, careful to express his hopes..
maybe finally those deaf ponies would learn of the great pleasures of life? Though it seemed, they have missed about 80% of the concept- biting the fleas off from each other...

that won't happen.
He nodded and saluted.
"I guess, I could trouble myself for such porpuse." and flew away to gather the worst cases of flea bags from the forrest.

2017-12-25, 09:09 PM
Celestia and Luna, who being listening to everything made a disgusted face. Luna goes to Tea Agony: " Can we play with Elusive, please? "

Elusive get out of Tea Agony mane, looking hopeful. Once Tea Agony agree, it fly to Luna and Celestia, get a size bigger and buzz at their side. It looks alost like purring...

They leave with Elusive, far more interested in having a pet then watching you guys eating fleas...

Deepwood get the help of his little wooden puppy who found a bear with fleas to spare... Deepwood convince him easily to clean himself from his fleas and get back with a bag full of them.

2017-12-26, 02:38 AM
Meanwhile, Charcoal Knight prepares the table and the competitors. Many members of the staff leave their Jobs just to come and watch either to cheer for their favorite or to watch BubbleGuard in one of those amusing duels.

"I shall come out on top on this competition. I have great discipline. " BubbleGurad declares confident in his skills.

Emperor Ing
2017-12-27, 01:42 AM
Tailwind saw the bag, and her muzzle twisted and cortorted in revulsion. The writhing, skittering things within turned her stomach into a veritable turbine, with its rapid rotations.

All of the fleas! She exclaimed. I shall devour ALL of the fleas!

2017-12-27, 02:00 AM
"MmmMmmm!" Deepwood hummed with delight.
"It's been too long! I'll let myself indulge like a terrible bat pony!"

2017-12-27, 09:22 AM
Tea Agony watch her stallion with love as he comes back. Although it came at everypony else misfortune, seeing him so happy that everypony was gonna try fleas made her relief... Beside, if they liked it after all, she could maybe try it later?

Tea AGony is not completly heartless toward everypony else however... She turn to Golden Hour: " Golden Hour, please, go in the kitchen and bring back some honey and spoons. It should make the challenge a bit easier for everypony."

Golden Hour agrees with it, not sure it was a good idea at first but hearing about the honey, he decided to trust Tea AGony and go bring them back.

Tea AGony turn to Bubbles: " Once he is back, we can start the challenge. You have to dip a spoon of honey in the bag and eat it. Bubbles, Deepwood, which one of you wanna start first? "

SHe knew Deepwood would be quite happy to start the challenge but she suspected Bubbles wanted to prove himself and start it to show his determination. Which one would wanna start?

2017-12-28, 02:00 AM
"I say ladies first. Especially because I dont think Tailwind is going to wait for her turn." BubbleGuard points out. "I will gladly take the second turn and Deepwood can go last."

Emperor Ing
2017-12-28, 03:04 AM
Tailwind gave Bubble Guard a determined grin. ALL of the fleas! She promises.

2017-12-28, 05:34 AM
Deepwood sighed. "Fine. Have all of them." with jealuse?

2017-12-28, 10:48 AM
Tea Agony shrug: " We have enough for 3 rounds only. In the occurence nobody throw up or that everypony managed to last until the end, it will considered be a draw. "

OCC: DO we roll Body roll to not throw up? DO everypony would actually not mind the taste once dip in honey?

Emperor Ing
2017-12-29, 06:28 PM
Tailwind disregarded the spoon, as simply diving into the bowl muzzle-first, while by no means the most hygenic of actions, at all, it did make sure she would at least make a good attempt on her promise to devour, no, inhale all of the fleas. Whether she could actually pull it off is uncertain but it was likely she will raid the castle's supply of anti-flea shampoos for the next week.

Body check

2017-12-29, 07:40 PM
Tea Agony Actually levitate the bag out of Tailwind reach and... make it disappear?!

" Tailwind, no recklessness. The spoon only."

In the spoon, the fleas are wriggling in the spoon... and as she tried to eat it WITHOUT biting them and swallowing whole, she cant swallow.

She almost vomit and she try to spit everything... Her stomach complain however as soon was swallowed. It hurt, so much!

Tailwind fall on the ground, holding her stomach. Deepwood could have warn her that she should bite them or it would be harder on your stomach.

Golden Hour frown, who haevnt expect this... He fly away saying: " I'll bring back some medecine."

He come back with it and make sure Tailwind get it. She can now stand up normally but she feal heavy. She cant continue the competition of this round at least.

Emperor Ing
2017-12-30, 05:13 PM
By the boiling blood of a billion hell-ponies! Tailwind exclaimed as she came well enough to stand up on her own, still uncomfortable, but now less so. Become radiant with my gratitude, Golden Hour! If you will excuse me, I have failed to eat all the fleas, and this shall be rectified shortly! She exclaimed, moving to attempt to resume the competition unless somepony stops her.

2017-12-30, 05:48 PM
Deepwood smirked. "You should bite them first...." he glared at the fleas with barely contained gluttony

2017-12-30, 06:50 PM
Tea Agony frown: " Fine but you are NOT eating all the fleas. This is Bubbles turn after all."

She make the bag reappear, get Bubbles spoon and present it to Bubbles. She make the bag disappear again, eyeing Tailwind as she does. She dont trust her to not jump and eat all of them.

2017-12-31, 10:55 AM
BubbleGuard closes his eyes and treis not to think about what he is about to eat. He then goes ahead and tries the disgusting gruel put before him. "Try no to think of it...." He keeps repreating to himself.

Body roll: [roll0]

2017-12-31, 11:37 AM
As Bubbles masticate the mixture, he suddenly realize... it's not that bad! Sure it's not something he especially likes to eat but it's not something as revulsive as he thought once it's in his mouth. His stomach also doesn't react like Tailwind does. For him, it just like he took a spoon full of fish oil. Who knows, if he took this for a few weeks, it wouldn't be that bad?

If Tea Agony is disappointed Bubbles doesnt react like Tailwind, she doesnt show it. However, she is giving a sweet smile to her husband and playfully say: " Say aaaahhhh"... " like he was a little foal.

Golden Hour suddenly voice: " Miss Tailwind, I think you should retire of the competition. Your stomach seem to especially not take it well. I would rather avoid making you do a stomach purge."

Sketch Book also hugs Tailwind: " Please my little whistle, you tried your best. Don't harm yourself further!"

OCC: Tailwind rolled way too low. If it wasnt a freeform competition, I would have give her some damage as well.

2018-01-01, 01:22 AM
Deepwood blushed,but played along, opening a wide mouth.
Though her ear was perked toward Tailwind with worry.

2018-01-01, 01:27 AM
Deepwood blushed,but played along, opening a wide mouth.
Though her ear was perked toward Tailwind with worry.

Deepwood was worried the honey would ruin the flea taste, like it usually does. But... he discovered that the bear blood combined with honest actually taste SUPER good! It makes him think of candies!

He enjoy it a lot, it's being a nice surprise for him!

Tea Agony also look back at Tailwind. She try to hide it but she also seem a bit worried: " Tailwind, I also don't think you should continue. Not everypony can handle new types of food so suddenly, especially... this. You have no shame to have on this. "

She wait for Tailwind confirmation before continuing, She dont want her to make her fall the bag of fleas or something from a rash action.

Emperor Ing
2018-01-01, 02:04 AM
Urgh... Tailwind grasped her belly with a foreleg, wrapping her other one around Sketch in a hug, and with support. Though it did feel better than...before, it wasn't nearly at 100%. Your continued support and concern bestows the warmth of a mighty bonfire upon my heart! Yet I cannot allow myself to be so easily beaten! The contest shall continue, and I shall continue in its participation!

2018-01-01, 02:38 AM
Tailwind clearly made Golden Hour angry from his expression, as well as making Sketch Book eyes get moist. The latter let go of her hugs toward Tailwind and refrain from looking at her. He walk towards the stairs, his voice sounding defeated: " I can't watch the rest. I'll go take care of the Princesses."

OCC: ROll Body again everyone. The TN will be higher now. Ing, if Tailwind roll low again, I making her sick for a full week.

2018-01-01, 09:32 PM
BubbleGuard decided to stick with his plan. He couldnt let himself be conscious of the situation. He started repeating the same thing as last time. "I can do this...."

Body roll:[roll0]