View Full Version : Player Help Tiefling Background

2017-09-18, 01:31 PM
Hello friends,

TL;DR tiefling from hell plausible? Exits through Underdark, plausible? and where are the good folk centrally located/knowledge to destroy Archfey?

First character creation, all is well, but not sure of actual locations.

This tiefling lost her parents in youth, got by with older brother and goes back to Titania, who graced and killed her parents. She only knows of the former from an elder. Her brother is driven mad within five years of a ritual to once again create a pact. She drives a dagger through his heart ultimately vowing revenge upon the Achfey, Queen of the Summer court. She ventures out of hell through the Underdark, where she is interned by the Drow. She ultimately escapes with a male drow, who developed a romantic relation with her, who pleads with her to give up her quest. Her and Veserseth(...? something along those lines) split when he offers an ultimatum which she hates him for. She then is in search of knowledge of how to take vengeance upon the Archfey, and the power to employ it, Selfishly she seeks religious folk, clerics and paladins because ultimately she knows she must use the power of good to destroy the bad.

She is lawful evil, trying to become at least neutral, but must serve the Queen, and ultimately keeps her vengeance secret. She hates her tendency but it is her nature, her goal, ideal is free will. However, "Chaos breeds Creation" is one of her traits. Bond with Versephelth, so on, so on.

Yet the question is, Hell is a proper origin? Underdark plausible, I know the story of Drizz't is rare, but this is along those lines in actually escaping the Drow, though aided, and she has been fairly loyal to the Archfey, therefore, probably not of her will to see her kept captive as soldier (the vendetta is a secret).

Yet, for the next five years after the Underdark, what keeps would she search in vain knowledge and where would she be most likely to persuade Paladins and Clerics she wants to help them, gain loyalty and ultimately spring it upon them once she finds out how to destroy her master.

Thank you in advance, you all rock!

2017-09-18, 01:51 PM
No established good aligned anti-fey organization that I know of.

Planetouched like tieflings rarely exist in the aligned Outerplanes, most tieflings there either get shunted off to the Prime to do their 'family's' bidding, or move to the Outlands/Sigil for a mor comfortable environment. Some do get pulled in as the most raw of cannon fodder in the blood war.

Portals between the Outer Planes and a Prime's Underdark may exist ( Kurtulmak for example). Evil Underdark races may maintain them for their nefarious purposes, or they may open 'naturally' (such portals to pandemonium are the most common)

2017-09-18, 01:58 PM
I'm not sure I got what you mean.

Why do your character wants to find good-aligned paladins or clerics to destroy Titania/the Queen of the Summer court, who as far as I recall is generally one of the most benevolent Archfae?