View Full Version : Saardhıl: City of the Not Quite Damned and Definitely Delirious (IC)

2017-09-19, 08:11 PM
Central Saardhıl

Your group gathers around a table made of a wood-like material, similar to ebony but the texture of petrified wood and covered in vaguely unnatural looking swirls. The chairs are surprisingly comfortable, and match the material and coloration of the meeting table. Your liaison to the Judges, Helene, sits across from you in her usual festive outfit. If her material form had lips, or even skin in general, she would be wearing a sweet smile. She taps a sheaf of papers with some sort of portrait on top, done in full color, and pushes it towards the group, about equidistant from all members.

She spoke, her jaw not moving while a husky and warm, if a bit distant-sounding voice seeming to directly enter the party's mind, "Now, I trust this profile should be enough to get you started on your first mark for my masters.
Our review of your lives seems to indicate a high level of potential in each of you, so there is a considerable expectation upon you to perform well and complete the task. We have provided for about a fortnight to complete this task, including reconnaissance and information gathering before the neutralization of this upstart. My masters have not decided on a set payment yet, and will be watching your performance to determine one."

She paused for a moment, skeletal finger to her mandible as if in thought. She continued, "Oh! I nearly forgot. I have a personal piece of information for you on this mark you've been given. He is a potentially extremely strong rival to Master Hekate, Judge of Arcana and Inevitability, so much so that she personally requested he be the first mark taken. He will be mindful of direct attacks. I wish you wonderful bounty."

She rose from her chair and strode out of the room, hips sashaying slightly as she rounded the corner. The party was then left alone in the room to discuss with each other.

2017-09-19, 09:48 PM
Seated in his chair, Kresnik's chin is only a few inches above the table. He seems used to the size difference however as he sips from a tiny glass of pink colored wine.

"I have to wonder, how does killing someone even work in a realm like this? Does the soul disperse like that of an outsider? Does it get reborn back on the prime? Regardless I cannot claim to be particularly comfortable with the nature of this assignment. What exactly has this one done to deserve such attention?"

As he speaks, Kresnik's thick purple ponytail braid rises and starts dancing around of its own accord. The small man ignores it right up to the point the unseen force starts thwacking him over the head with his own hair. He reaches up and catches the braid, quietly saying to something not visible in the room, "Cut it out, or I'll perform another banishment, I know that is uncomfortable for you."

2017-09-19, 11:21 PM
Escanor looks to the picture for a moment, then turns to his vertically challenged ally. His own massive frame looming over the table, as he stands. The chair provided being too small for him to sit comfortably.

Killing a man sends him to the afterlife he has earned. There is no difference between here and anywhere else in the world. It is a pity we have to kill a man that probably smells like a soggy old dish rag, and isn't strong enough to even lift it.

His mindfulness of attack means little if he is too weak to stop it. Sad truth of these Arcane types. Get past their little tricks and that dress and pointed hat do little to stop an axe blade. Such tiny frail men they are, hardly ever takes more than a single swing.

A shame to make us take so long preparing for something that will be over in seconds.

2017-09-19, 11:59 PM
Xander watches Helene intently as she speaks without speaking. Standing next to Kairn, he comes to about the same height as the fiery wolf, just looking over the table. As Helene leaves, he reaches for the file, but can't seem to get close enough. After struggling for a moment, he mutters some words under his breath and points angrily at the file, and it slides over to him. He glances through it quickly, looking for anything that might stand out.

An assassination, huh? Pays well. Always hated the job, but they do pay well."

After a short pause, Xander turns to the rest of the group.

What can you all do? I can do anything. I can stalk you to the ends of this realm, I can fly, I can open any door, I can assume any disguise, and I even know a bit of magic. And if there's something I can't do, I learn how to.

Kairn grumbles. "And of course, what he means by that is I can fly and I can stalk you to the ends of this realm."

"Mm, details. Oh, and I'd be more careful than that, big fellow. You ever tried an assassination before? I don't mean a brutal, bloody killing, I mean a knife in the dark, hit and run, sneak and strike hit. One where you kill the mark then walk out the front door. I didn't think so. You keep fighting your enemies face to face, eventually one of them sends you to the afterlife. That's why we're here, innit? You do not want to fight a caster and all his little tricks, especially if he knows you're coming. It doesn't matter if you can crush his skull in your fist if you're paralyzed and his army of skeletons is flaying you."

Casting Mage Hand on the file.

Normally, I'd be more specific in what I'm looking for, but I have no idea what's in the file.

2017-09-20, 01:55 AM
The cloaked figure leaned back in the overly-stiff chair, arms crossed. If one didn't know any better it would look like an angry toddler who didn't get his way. Grey eyes studied the.... eclectic group that had been gathered. He shuddered just thinking of having to work with them. There was a reason he worked alone; people are loud. People are hard to hide. He can't control them and no one ever managed to keep u with his stealth. And they wanted them to take on a paranoid arcanist who expected a hit on himself? The madman would see these bumbling idiots from his study. He won't even get into range to loose a single arrow with the kind of attention this lot will draw.

He slowly drew himself to properly sit in the chair and straightened himself. Ahem! He cleared his throat. Who here has actually worked in contract killing? He raised a disinterested hand and waited for the inevitable count of one.

Inspector Valin
2017-09-20, 03:11 AM
Perhaps surprisingly, the woman in the white dress sipping tea half-raises her hand, looking across at the cloaked elf with a curious smile. When she speaks, her voice is similar to Helene's: smooth and dignified, though far lighter than the psychopomp's husky tones. "Would you count military service? Something of an... open ended contract, one might say."

She lets the question hang for a second, before dropping her hand and the point with a gentle snort. Amusing, but it would be better not to get distracted. "Regardless, I'm not sure assassination is our only course of action." Looking to the elf and the halfling, the woman in the dress nods at the pair, agreeing with their prior point. "It's certainly viable. But our brief is to defend Judge Hekate's position, and render this caster a non issue. That raises the question of why he is an issue to begin with."

Such information is likely within the file. Tabitha glances towards it and Xander, pondering just what the halfling might be discovering within its pages. Still, for the moment she can speculate, turning back to address the group. "If it's a matter of knowledge or magical might, then yes, our only course may be the direct one. But if it's this enchanter's influence that is the problem, his resources, his connections within and without Saardhıl, then we may have other avenues to explore. We could chip away at his support network, sabotage his dealings, turn other powers against him or work to undermine his reputation with the populi. The point is to nullify his threat to Judge Hekate. So long as that is done, and done thoroughly, our means will likely prove a non-issue with the judges."

Final words spoken, Tabitha takes a lengthy sip of her tea before turning back to Xander, having not forgotten the magical thief's earlier question. "As to what I do, darling, that would be tailoring mostly. I'm a dressmaker by trade. I once studied the cello and have been looking to purchase one in this life, but for now I simply sew and repair clothes, creating new pieces to order when called upon by those of wealth and taste."

There's a twinkle in the strange woman's eye. It's hard to tell if she's joking or not.

2017-09-20, 04:14 AM
Escanor shifted as he calmly drew the large great axe from his back and spoke a single word. The weapon began to glow like a torch as he held the weapon up for those present to see that it had a basket hilt around the sole hand holding the massive weapon.

Until recently, I made a living subjugating those who would subjugate others. A living legend with strength enough to force any Giant or Titan to bend the knee. I am fortunate, for I have been touched by the divine, and no creature can exhibit dominion over me.

While I am no assassin, I have never had need to skulk in shadow and hide. Why should I fear a being so frail and puny? Because he has magic? He isn't the only one.

2017-09-20, 09:02 AM
"Not knowing of this one's specialties, I can only speculate, Escanor was it? But the right magic can overpower the strongest of beings, and it only becomes more likely that he'll have the right magic on hand if this one knows what is coming. Good preparation is a boon to all mages. I don't think anyone is saying that you must be afraid of this one, just that a direct assault is unlikely to be as easy as it looks."

"In any case, Kresnik Yimble at your service, Orrerist, Alchemist, and dabbler in the mystic arts. I served as a magister in life, a small kingdom's expert and overseer on magic and other matters of higher learning. I have seen plenty of combat believe it or not. You could say that my specialty there is mainly supportive in nature. I keep my allies fighting for much longer and harder than they could alone, though I also have a few directly offensive tricks with a kick to them."

"I would also like to introduce you to my familiar. Twitter, come out and say hi." A tiny tattoo on the back of Kresnik's palm starts shifting and growing. Within a few seconds, a small and somewhat plump bird with a yellow breast hops off of his hand. He waves a wing at the group and says in a high pitched voice, "Heyo, always good to meet new friends. I like crickets, get me crickets and I'll scout anything you like for you."


2017-09-20, 02:38 PM

The file floats over to Xander. He is confronted with an elegantly scaled face [DC 11 Local] twisted into a cruel sneer at the viewer, and is stamped in the top right corner with a symbol, that of a closed fist around a staff topped with a lit candle [DC 10 Religion check]. Flipping it open, he notes that Gadaraz, the subject of the portrait, was an accomplished ascetic with a particular talent for harnessing the arcane powers of the dragons, styling himself as one. He crossed the guardian of his sanctuary, a Naga, and was struck down and displayed as a warning against power.

He has apparently retained this grudge into the afterlife and seeks to establish himself as a Crime lord in the city. His base of operations appears to be a Flayleaf and Opium Den in a derelict red light district, and he is reputable for exploiting various souls and using any latent magical energy to boost his powers. He appears to be partnered with a Medusa, but their true relationship is unknown.

A section on warnings notes that Gadaraz has experience with disabling spells, defensive spells, and fire spells of various kinds. It warns that directly looking into his or the Medusa’s, named Lorelei (unknown if Pseudonym or not), gaze can be disastrous. At the back of the sheaf of papers, there is a section simply titled: Death of the Soul. Reading it, Xander is informed that Gadaraz may be killed by isolating his familiar and killing it with a silver dagger and dealing him any normally fatal wound. The Judges will expect proof of his death.

There should be several ways to complete this mission, with various levels of hands-on participation or subtlety from the party, for the record. I look forward to seeing your planning either In Character or Out of Character.

The face is that of a Vishkanya, a race of reptilian-esque creatures known for their natural charm and dexterity, as well as a paralyzing venom.
The symbol is that of the Judge Hekate, marking this as a personal request from her.

2017-09-20, 03:09 PM
When he gets his hands on the report, Kresnik comments, "So this fellow is a Vishyanka? Never particularly liked them. So many are just adders hiding among roses. I am glad to see this fellow is not just a political rival to Hekate, it sounds like this job will be something approaching justice."

As he hands the report off for others to peruse, he says, "Initial suggestion, split this one away from his support. Lure him away from Lorelei, or vice versa. Strike while he is vulnerable. If we're particularly clever, we can even lure away that familiar before engaging. We'll need to do some reconnaissance before that happens."

"Alternate plan, shock and awe. Figure out where and when he is most vulnerable, steamroll over any opposition, and bring him down before he can formulate a response. This may or may not be feasible depending on how much defenses have to be dealt with."

K autopasses both checks. All Knowledge skills are +10 or higher for him (all are class skills, and a feature lets him add his +6 Cha instead of Int) He drinks and he knows things, like a less drunk and less grumpy Tyrion :smallbiggrin:

Inspector Valin
2017-09-20, 05:06 PM
When the nameless tailor takes her turn with the file, she reads it slowly, frowning to herself. "A viper in looks, a viper in nature. Saardhıl will shed no tears at his passing."

Soon enough, she's finished with the document, passing it along the table. Instead, the stranger turns to discussion of practicalities, nodding to Kresnik, "We'll need to secure a silver dagger, and identify his familiar. I can't find a mention in here of the creature. It might also be as well to ask around for more specifics of his operations and character. The file is an excellent starting point, but it speaks in general terms. The more we know, the stronger our hand will be."

That covers the basics. Tabitha goes silent briefly, before hesitantly adding one final suggestion. "It might be best to use a little... less conventional reconnaissance" The idea does not sit well with her, but committent to the job is important. With a frown, Tab begins to explain, "Gadaraz can have all the wards and guards posted that he please, but he is ultimately a man of business. People have to come and go from this den of his. Joining them for a spell would afford us the chance to look around the public areas."

2017-09-20, 09:18 PM
Renka had been sitting quietly in her seat. She listened to them all talk about what to do and try to assert some kind of authority on the subject. Mention of assassination, silver weapons, sneaking around. Only one part of this suited her. She softly cleared her throat and raised her sheathed blade where the others could easily see it. "If it is a silver blade we require, I am told my sword should suffice. It is no Kiku-Ichimonji, but it is light and holds its edge well. I am not one for skulking or hiding, but I have killed plenty and have found in my bouts with Youkai and Oni, I am resistant to the supernatural." The swordswoman places her blade back at her side. "But, I am one of little importance, so do not let my abilities sway you towards one action or another."

2017-09-20, 10:49 PM
Kresnik looks at Renka for a time, softly he says, "Do not lower yourself for our sake. We are all dead here, and all chosen for skills. Can you stand and work with us as we all are, as equals? What do your skills and knowledge suggest that we do?"

2017-09-21, 02:14 PM
Renka got her hands on the file and looked over. "It is not that I lower myself, it is that I am of little importance. That aside, if we go into battle, we will want to pick up mirrors... Creatures with dangerous gazes can be fought without losing sight if you carry the mirror and use it to watch them, rather than looking directly. The snake-people where I am from are a bit different, so I don't think my knowledge there will be of use. What is required for people like him to use magic? Where I am from, it is a vary rare thing for a person to be able to do..." Fighting fantastic creatures was something Renka was familiar with, but in her world, humans with magic were exceptionally rare. Given the knowledge of what something needs to do, she could potentially figure out a tactic to counter it.

2017-09-21, 05:46 PM
Escanor looks over the file once the others have had their goes at it.

Seems a fairly irritating fellow. Easy enough to take the bite out of fire magic with a resistance spell. Disabling magics could be anything really, but since he fancies himself a dragon I am willing to bet it is Enchantment magic. Defensive magic is like saying he wears a hat. Too many kinds to guess really.

In any case, I am willing to bet that he is full of himself and greedier than anything. Stick a fat sack of gold under his nose and he will listen to anything. Fat enough sack and it doesn't matter how outlandish it is.

2017-09-21, 10:46 PM
Osman digested the brief document, tossing it away annoyed at its brevity. He stood up suddenly and headed for the door. You have fun postulating. I'm going scouting. Don't follow; too many bodies are easy to notice. He stomped out of the bar pulling his hood further forward. He made his way across the city in a meandering, zig-zagging pattern toward Gadaraz's supposed hideout. As he approached the place, he mumbled a few words and he disappeared from view as the magic took effect. Staying just a bit away from the abandoned opiate house, he circled the place studying the building and its surrounding, sweeping it with magic that divines magical aura's.

Basically using Invisibility to study the place unseen. He's paying attention not only to the actual buidling but the neighboring buildings as well. He's using Detect Magic, stopping to study any time it ping's magical. I'll be taking 10 for all relevant rolls; thus the results would be
Stealth 49 (if moving) or 69 (if standing still) Note, I don't take the -5 penalty for moving with stealth
Spellcraft 20
Perception 22

2017-09-21, 11:12 PM
"A Vishyanka? What's that?

In any case, recon of any sort will be tremendously helpful. We have next to nothing on this guy. If he's paranoid, we can play with that. If he trusts some of his support absolutely, we can work with that, too. But we need to know. I do like the idea of going into the lair to do business with the snake. I'm certainly willing to play the part."

Xander turns to Renka.

"I've got a mirror, but we should outfit the rest of the party with them. As for magic, most casters will need to either make complex gestures, or speak magic words. If we can bind his arms and gag him, then he can't do anything to us, although we've still got the medusa and the rest of his support to deal with. Granted, if we have him bound and gagged, we've pretty much already completed the job."

2017-09-22, 10:19 PM
Kresnik abruptly hops off of his chair, his familiar Twitter flying to his shoulder. Before he walks out the door he says, "Welp, Osman has the right idea I think, but I'll keep my surveillance a little more indirect, anyone coming with?"

Kresnik will walk through the streets, chatting amiably with a number of people, and letting his instincts guide him. He'll attempt to obtain as much information on the target this way as he can.

Diplomacy as gather info check [roll0]

2017-09-23, 11:13 PM
"I'll join you. Alone is better for sneaking about, but conversation's better with two."

As Xander gets up, Kairn grumbles a bit.

"Right, of course, sorry. I'll see you in a bit, then."

Xander mutters a few words, and flames envelops Kairn. He appears to burn to the ground, leaving nothing but ashes, which quickly disappear.

"He always has to be dramatic, doesn't he?"

When he reaches the door, he whirls about, facing the rest of the party.

"If you don't want to do recon or come with, you might want to figure out what supplies we'll need, and buy them. It'd probably be good to send the big guy, haggle down the prices a bit. Besides, he doesn't exactly look like a sneaker or a talker."

2017-09-26, 09:22 PM
Osman Asfour
Outside Gadaraz's Drug House

As Osman scouts out the derelict drug house, he notes several magical auras, several clustered around a few of the direct entrances to the den, and a few apparently moving about within the drug house. He remains undetected by any of the guards, about 12 around the outside of the building, travelling in groups of three. They seem to be heavy on the brawn and light on the brains, and are mostly Nagaji. He does spot one kobold seemingly leading one group, the two other guards are cowed near him compared to their boisterous compatriots in other groups.

There are five main entrances to the drug house, which is basically a large derelict warehouse. Two side doors, and a front door. There is a tower against the back of the warehouse. Surrounding three of the doors (two on the "northeast" side, and one on the "southwest" side, there is an abjuration aura combined with a conjuration aura, both faint. On the other two doors, the front one and the remaining southwestern door, there is a faint abjuration aura and a faint evocation aura. All doors also have a separate abjuration and necromancy aura, also faint, but in a small area behind each door.

Osman's intuition about these traps would tell him the conjuration auras are most likely acid arrow traps. The two evocation auras would most likely deal some form of direct damage, and the necromancy auras inflict some kind of status, but he does not know for sure. There would also presumably be a method of temporarily deactivating traps to allow junkies and 'business' associates of Gadaraz in. Osman sees 3 separate auras of abjuration, necromancy, and transmutation (strength faint) moving near the back of the warehouse, and another nearby faint transmutation aura.

He picks up nothing off of the guards, which is to be expected. Not even the kobold has a trinket. He spots no obvious mechanical traps or hazards to watch for aside from the guards.


Kresnik and Xander
Streets of Saardhıl

Your conversations with people on the street are mostly in a conspiratorial tone, from people who look like they see the sun, (if such a thing was in Saardhıl) too little or the opium too much, as well as a few more upstanding, or at least more respectable looking individuals. You're able to gather a couple of things that were not listed in the dossier on Gadaraz, though each item's truth is not necessarily immediately verifiable.

The first thing you learn about by talking is what form Gadaraz's familiar takes. Most reports seem to agree on a reptilian and probably draconic creature, of small stature and monkey-like temperament, if the monkey was especially cruel and prone to lock picking. It isn't seen much, probably capable of making itself scarce through magical means, or is simply exceptionally good at hiding. This is likely one of the reasons Gadaraz has chosen it. [DC 12 Arcana]

Gadaraz is also, as Escanor presumed, quite greedy to multiple accounts. He is protective of his own fortune, and will seek opportunities that do not significantly endanger life and limb for himself personally to make as much of a profit as possible. He is, however, also quite cautious and will double and triple check before engaging in a venture.

His medusa companion is assumed to be some sort of a fling or business partner, but any interactions between the two seem rather distant. It is gossiped that Gadaraz constantly grinds on Lorelei's gears as she is not a "true" draconian creature. She is, however a dangerous opponent and knows full well the value of having an arcanist like Gadaraz on her side. Xander's question is answered when someone explains that Vishkanya are a reptilian race, known for being elegant but distant compared to the brawny and blunt Nagaji. They are capable of using their own venom, and most that go into the assassination business make effective use of this paralytic poison.

A DC 12 Knowledge Arcana check reveals the creature as a Shadow Drake.

2017-09-26, 11:55 PM
On regrouping with the others, Kresnik summarizes the information gained.

"This familiar sounds like a Shadow Drake to me. They're stealthy tricksters with little of the majesty of their larger cousins. It will be difficult to corner."

"In any case, his behavioral pattern suggests a few strategies. He seems cautious enough to make drawing him out of his hideaway difficult. But he is also quite protective of his investments. If we present the right kind of threat to his business ventures elsewhere in the city, I would be willing to wager that he sends a number of his men to intercede. He might even send Lorelei, letting us deal with that pair separately."

Know Arcana [roll0] its an autopass again,
but might as well roll and see if any other info is picked up.

2017-09-27, 12:09 AM
Osman returns with a scowl across his elfin face. Infiltration won't be easy. Well, I could do it but not everyone at once. He's got a routine of guards that patrol. Thankfully more brawns, less brains there. There are a few spells placed around the building, mostly traps to discourage further intrusions. There positioned just behind each door, so 'traditional' entry isn't a good idea. Obviously, these defenses have to have a deactivation method, otherwise it be difficult keeping business if he zapped each customer. Finding that will be useful. Thankfully, the guards don't seem to have a lick of magic on their persons, so I don't expect too many surprises from them. He sat down on a chair, scribbling a rough map with the information he gleaned on the back of the dossier for the others to view. An inflitration would be difficult and near impossible with a group this large and.... noticeable. A two-front assault may be more prudent.
The less.... subtle individuals could prove distraction as the sneakier moves in and attacks while the guards are distracted.

2017-09-27, 02:06 AM
Escanor listens to the others speak of what they learned. This was going to be a headache to say the least.

He sighs as he scratches the back of his head.

I have to admit, the idea of taking on the guards outside doesn't sound too fun. Not undoable, but unpleasant.

It also means that our stealthier members will be taking on the two deadliest targets alone until myself and whoever is paired with me finish moping up the grunts. That sounds like a good way to end up with a few of our own dead along the way.

Do we know if he has any other safe houses? It would be a problem to go after him, only to have him flee to another nest.

Escanor places hands behind his head as he looks up and off into the distance. His voice seeming to lose its jovial tone as he moved onto his next thought.

I have an important question for all of you. Do we take these three alive and deliver them gift wrapped to our employer, or do we kill them? The answer to that will determine what gear I suggest we acquire, and how willing I am to cause collateral damage.

2017-09-27, 10:54 AM
"Our employers do not seem to be concerned with taking them alive. They didn't even mention the possibility. In any case, capturing and transporting those three would be considerably more dangerous for us and others. I dislike killing for the most part, but in this case I think it may be necessary."

2017-09-27, 11:48 PM
Xander studies Osman's map, mulling over possible strategies.

"No, it seems that this snake doesn't have much territory, and we didn't hear anything about any other safehouses. It's possible, but I doubt he has much of place to run. At any rate, I can draw the guards away from one of the entrances without risking anything, but it would definitely set off more than a few alarms. The only thing is that once we're in, I'd need a full minute before I could fight half-decently.

Osman, did you perchance get a look at the roof? Except for the big guy, my eidolon can probably fly us all up there. We still have the problem of Escanor taking on the guards, but those who are inside won't be alone.

Instead of sneaking or breaking in, we may be able to just walk in. He has to turn off his traps for his 'business partners', so if we pose as a group interested in a drug deal, we avoid the guards and the traps, but we lose the element of surprise."

2017-09-30, 05:56 AM
Renka sat in her chair examining her blade as she listened to the others talk about what to do or how they should go about it. Assassinations weren't her forte. She was a duelist, preferring to take her opponents head on. Still, she knew all too well what it took to defeat an opponent stronger than herself.

"I am no shinobi, so sneaking in would be difficult for myself. That being said, if needed, I could place myself as hired muscle. There was a time where I acted as a youjinbou for a merchant when I was low on funds. Though, I doubt he would be receptive to hiring me just for being able to best his current guards... It only truly works due to being an unknown here anyway."

"Going in as 'customers' sounds good at first, but then you must realize we will be in the middle of all his guards, him and possibly the Medusa. Just because we ignore the guards initially does not mean they disappear. It means they come in from behind and seal potential routes of escape if things go sour. Unless we can defeat him in a single, decisive strike, we would be surrounded. However, if he is defeated, his guards should rout. I have met few hired hands that will continue to fight when they will no longer be paid." She didn't look from her blade as she gave her opinions, examining it for any imperfection she would need to rectify before putting it to use again.

2017-10-02, 03:28 PM
"Mm... We can't kill him with one strike; he'll know as soon as we take out his familiar that we're after him... Kresnik, is there some way to keep him from communicating with his familiar? If we can locate it and/or lure it away from Gadaraz, we can have a few of the less-stealthy people take out the shadow drake, and then the rest of us can assassinate Gadaraz immediately after."

2017-10-02, 05:38 PM
Kresnik scratches his chin. "That is not an easy bond to break. The only thing that I know works is distance. The connection between me and Twitter gets tenuous and eventually fades entirely at about a mile out. I suspect the same would be true for him, but luring the drake that far away from its master is likely to be difficult."

"On the other hand, if the connection between the pair is like mine, it is empathic in nature, not true communication. To actually speak with a familiar, one needs another magical effect, or to be in vocal range. If the drake is attacked and dealt with swiftly, he'd likely feel a burst of fear and/or pain, then nothing. He wouldn't know how it happened, which may or may not be enough of an advantage."

"The other thing that might work would be a null magic zone, but generating such an effect is well beyond my capabilities I am afraid. Do any others know the trick?"

2017-10-04, 04:15 AM
Escanor looks to Knesnik, I can't create a null magic zone, but I can create a field of Silence. No sound will be able to be made, so any spells that rely on verbal components can't be cast. If I put it on one of us or an item we carry it can move with us and if we can keep him in it, he will be considerably weaker.

The same can be said for casting spells that will provide us with resistance to fire and delay the onset of poison. These tactics will take the bite out of his offense and buy us precious time to bring him low.

From there it is a matter of neutralizing his defenses. We don't know the layout or environment inside the warehouse walls. We don't know what defensive magics he favors to protect against attackers. We don't know how well he fights in tandem with the Medusa or his men.

The last thing we want is a war of attrition while our defenses against his offense slip away like sand through an hourglass.

Once we get in there we need to provoke and taunt this snake into acting like the dragon he wishes he was. Make him mad, insult his pride and vanity, make him forget he is the one who is out manned and out armed. Make him forget to run until it is too late.

2017-10-07, 05:29 PM
Kresnik nods, "I'd appreciate it if I'm warned to get clear before a zone of silence goes up. I'm not exactly of much help in a ruckus without spells on hand."

2017-10-10, 03:15 PM
"I would definitely appreciate a warning, as well. I'm far from helpless without my spells, but I'm definitely more comfortable with them available. I just had a thought, however. I can summon creatures that can move through the earth as though they were swimming. I'd need some way to talk to them, but if I could, we could have them scout inside the building for us. Perhaps they could tell us where this snake spends his time, or if there is a mechanism that disables the traps. Does anyone know Terran, or have a way to know Terran? If not, we may be able to find a bard in the city who can scribe a scroll of tongues for us, but it'd cost approximately 200 gp."

Ready for a time leap forward if everyone else is. IZ, can we find a willing bard in the city? Xander will of course try to haggle the price of the scroll down, but 200 gp is the listed value for a level 2 bard scroll.

2017-10-10, 03:35 PM
Kresnik hums to himself, "The only elemental language I know is Auran, which won't help here. With advance warning, I can beseech the spirits for a Tongues spell, or indeed two of many low valence spells. But that will keep me from beseeching them from other things."

Spirit Guide each morning lets me tap into Shaman spirits, Picking the Lore spirit would allow me to prepare a limited number of Wizard spells at that time. I usually use Ancestor instead for Charisma instead of Int on Knowledge skills

2017-10-16, 02:34 AM
"Really? I remember you telling me something about being able to understand any language at will. Were you talking of the spirits then? If you have some other power to understand the elements, then by all means, let's go back to the snake's lair and snoop around."

2017-10-20, 02:40 AM
Without waiting for an answer, Xander flies out the door, leaving with "What are you waiting for? Let's enter the snake's lair!"

Heading to the drug den. Assuming Kresnik follows, Xander will ask him to cast Tongues on him, and then he will summon [roll0] earth elementals, instructing them to scout out the lair for 2 minutes before returning. They last for 5 minutes.

2017-10-20, 05:57 AM
Somewhat bemused by the abruptness, Kresnik follows suit and does as requested. He waits patiently for the results.

2017-10-20, 12:58 PM
Renka let out a soft sigh as she followed behind. For just a brief moment, one could hear the crackle of electricity as it sparked off her body. "I shall provide my blade. If spotted, it will likely turn into a fight. I am sure swimming through earth is not silent, after all..." Something about this strange place made her feel different than when she was alive. More powerful in some ways, even. And this made part of her wish to test her blade.

Elemental Attunement is Air. If she manages to duck into a shop that would carry them on the way, she'll pick up some smoked goggles.

2017-10-23, 09:59 PM
Kyran follows along, staying alert for any opportunities to help with the intelligence gathering efforts.

2017-10-24, 11:03 PM
Xander patiently waits for his Earth Elementals to return with new intel.