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2017-09-20, 01:04 AM
City of Monsters

"When Gregor Samsa woke up one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself changed in his bed into a monstrous vermin."

- Franz Kafka


Meanwhile, in the Palace of Justice...

Grand Inquisitor Connor of the Cudgel frowns as he stands in front of a gigantic canvas in his private garden, which is said to bear fruit unlike any garden in the Upper Planes has been able to grow.

The dozens of caged birds, all of magnificent plumage, attempt to fly out of their barred confines as a young Cuthbertine neophyte stands at attention and watches the birds tilt the cages around in their frenzy, which causes Connor to put down the palette and brush and walk up to the young boy and hold him by the throat as the young neophyte sheds tears of fear.

"You imbecile! I asked you to keep them calm! I cannot paint them if they move around like that!"

The poor boy finds himself a foot off the ground as he tries to squeal an answer to the enraged Connor, whose eyes seem like hell furnaces.

"Y...y..your Holiness! A thousand apologies! I cannot control the birds! They were calm right before you came in and..."

Connor squeezes the neophyte's throat a little more as a smile draws beneath his thick grey mustache.

"Is that so? I make these birds uneasy? Is that it?! How do I make you feel, boy..."

That's when a throat is cleared and a soft knock on the expensive mahogany door causes Connor to release his grasp on the neophyte as this one, pale as a sheet, bows and takes a few steps back, causing Connor to straighten himself and take a deep breath.

"Who is it?"

Dalpinian, Connor's protege, looks at the scene, with awkward silence as he walks in and hands Connor an envelope.

"This is a record of all who have been arrested and put on trial today, your Holiness. Many asked to have a private audience with you, but I know you asked explicitly not to be bothered."

Connor gives the young cleric a stare down and unfolds the envelope and reads it in silence for a whole minute as the birds grow increasingly nervous, which causes the young neophyte to leave the garden as silently as possible, just like a mouse.

Dalpinian tries to read over Connor's shoulder as Halmathan's Savior clenches the letter in his gauntleted hand and this one burns in crimson fire.

"They are vermin! The whole lot of them. Squash one and thousands crawl beneath the cracks!"

"Your Grace... what's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

Connor brushes off the ashes from the letter and walks towards the golden cages as the birds fly to the opposite side, clearly panicked.

"I am the King, am I not, Dalpinian?"

"Well... you are the ... the Steward. Which is like a king, Your Grace! So yes, technically..."

Connor rattles the bird cage with his hands.

"Technically is NOT enough! Have I not saved this City?"

"Yes, your Grace."

"Have I not made it secure?"

"Of course you have, your Grace."

"Have I not made it Glorious?!"

Connor looks at Dalpinian now, his eyes having taken its normal color.

"Yet the people want... The King's Campaign, don't they? They want Airdan back. The rightful ruler. Heir to the Dragon Throne... and I think it is time that happened, yes..."

Dalpinian looks at Connor and takes a step back. He has seen The Grand Inquisitor raging mad before in the Courts of Law, when he would dispense Justice...

But there is something else about Halmathan's Savior.

"I want to have a meeting with the Heads of Church. Only the heads of church. Make it happen, Dalpinian. It is closing time before Halmathan is Rightfully Delivered. You will receive further instructions."

Dalpinian bows and wordlessly exits the private garden as Connor taps the cage with the birds.

"You all wish to be free? To fly away, don't you? Yes... freedom."

Connor walks away from the cage and points his gauntleted finger at the beautiful exotic birds as a green ray strikes the entire cage and the birds flutter around as a monstrous green power surrounds the entire cage and this one chars the birds from within, reducing them to a pile of ashes and feathers.

"Consider yourselves freed."

2017-09-20, 08:03 AM
"Boredom?", Drakan raise an eyerow and shrugs, "Oh well. Do you got a name?"

He look at both of them in turn, "Do you mind if I take a look at this diary? Also it isnt Kara", he says, raising a finger, much like a teacher, "But K.A.R.A., one of the Queen's experiments. Formerly a noblewoman. Anyway, Locke: you're welcome for the help I guess. But be sure to pay attention on your surroundings from now on: the queen have some invisible flying monsters she send to kill and yet even more powerful monsters she call as her Queen Maids: which make me believe that one who fled might be one of them. I cant disclose more information regarding this, but we can meet another in the Bitter Coffee after I speak to my superiors. Then you can pay me a drink or three. Let's go Sasha".

HE waits to see if they allow him to read the diary and then run back to the hideout. Corwin will probably like to know that Hannah Bartell kept a diary.

2017-09-20, 09:59 AM
"Name's Folkir, Fawhmerly of the silvuh gryphon moicenary band."

"In any case, now that this mess is done wit', I happen tuh be in need of anudder job, yuh happen tuh be hirin' Drake? I'll throw in a discount if a solid rouhv is involved. My last place was... fouled by a bunch of them redheads. I cleared the place, but I can't sleep there ennymore. Could always just pick a buildin' and take it, but I am tired of messin' wit' such tings."

2017-09-20, 04:24 PM
Locke listened carefully to Drakan's advice, nodding his head, interest firmly peaked.

Any problems with me asking about any of that new info when I'm at Runestone?

He again covered his mouth and muttered a passphrase before retrieving the diary,

I haven't had time to examine it for codes or hidden information yet, and due to the magic hating trap I haven't even scanned it for sigils or wards.

He passed the diary to Drakan, for a quick examination,

I'll meet you at the coffee later, also I'd be interested in working with you on this, you seem to know what's going on more than most, and if it's in the interest of generally bettering the Mercy I'm all for it.

2017-09-20, 07:00 PM
@Locke: You let Drakan examine the diary found beneath the school house and mention going back to your alma mater.

If any information can be found about that woman, the Crimson heads and those unseen bugs, they surely have an answer.

Leaving behind Folkir, Drakan and Sasha so as to not attract attention, you head to Runestone. If anyone knows anything about this matter, Nerismorel Falconsflight, your mentor, would definitely be in the know.

The Marketplace in The Mercy is pretty much empty as dark clouds block out the sun. Not many things to sell after what happened and what few beggars and stragglers are about on the street, look at each other with grave suspicion, more than usual.

A few bodies are led out in carts by the Mercyfolk towards the large central pyre further away from the wall. The fools playing with undead children have scattered alright, but who knows if they or others will find some dangerous and twisted diversion using those creatures as sport.

The Wall of Separation has been broken down, but not entirely, as a few blocks into the city proper have been cordoned off and tents bearing the symbol of Pelor dot the streets while acolytes of the Sun God keep vigil and treat any Mercyfolk willing to come out and get some help.

In fact, you aren;t free form examination as City Guards stop you and a lowly pelorian priest brandishes his holy symbol and walks towards you, taking out a pocket book and reading it for who knows how many times so far this day as a contingent of City Guards, clearly not happy with being stationed in this makeshift checkpoint, size you up and let the priest go on with his speech.

"Have you been experiencing any strange symptoms? Fever, nausea, exhaustion...

Perhaps a sudden craving for...uhhh... human flesh?""

As silly as the questions sound, the City Guard does take this quite seriously and form a human wall right outside The Mercy entrance.

@Folkir: Sasha listens to you and shrugs.

"Never heard of that outfit before... a new group here? There are a bunch that come and go, so it;'s hard to follow up on who's who recently."

On the matter of asking Drakan for a job, Sasha laughs.

"Drakan is many things, dwarf, but not a quest giver! If you really want to throw yourself into the meat grinder, we aren't going to stop you, in fact...""

The Crimson Tigress watches Locke walk away and crosses her arms.

"If you're a good little dwarf and wait a few days, I can introduce you to someone that can take you for a life's gain of gold and blood. Can you keep your axe in your pocket until then?"

2017-09-20, 08:16 PM
Folkir answers a little hesitantly, "They are not new, they're old, and they're not much of anythin' anymawh. I'm the only membuh still alive. We were mawh famous out east than around here anyways. Enough about that. I can wait a few days easily enough, but the offuh had bettuh be wawth my time, okay?"

2017-09-20, 08:56 PM
Drakan read the diary twice so to better memorize the written content.

"If you plan on making the Mercy a better place it would be good to make a life insurance", Drakan jokes and shrugs, "They're mages so they might know it all in the universe, right? Wont hurt to ask".

He then look at Sasha and Folkir, "All I can say is that once a few people get back to the Mercy in a few days the battles may restart. But for now we are counting our losses and tending to the dying. Once they get back we will get in touch".

He then move away back to the hideout, this time more aware of any wannabe lurker. There were some olidammaran names in that diary that might pick interest to Ross and Corwin.

Baby Gary
2017-09-20, 10:47 PM
Qeu Sera Sera

translates to "what will happen will happen"

2017-09-20, 11:00 PM
@Folkir: Sasha looks at you and nods.

"I guess there are a lot of groups working outside this city as well. And you are the only survivor? Welcome to the club, then:

I am the last remaining member of Sarjon's Scabs... not that I would put that at the top of my CV, believe me. Alright, Folkir, go cause some mayhem, chop some heads, get drunk. The dwarven way.

Lanky and drunk here and myself have to go. You be good now, ok? Will have a friend reaching you in a few days if you're still interested in some good pay."

And having said that, both rogues walk away and disappear amidst the winding streets.

Locke ran off to the city, a place you could go, but who knows how things are ran over there.

The Roosters are said to be in hiding after their fiasco yesterday, trying to take over the Mercy? Ridiculous! Nobody can do that.

The Society are bound to be around, if you know where to look. They are said to have suffered a lot of losses and may need a helping hand taking down opposition in order to maintain an image of strength here.

And then there's those red zeds. You killed a family of them earlier today, but who knows if those were the last ones?

@Drakan: You uncork a flask and gulp down hard as Sasha walks alongside you and clips her nose with her hand.

"You know, scent is a thing. As a shifter, I have it. for all your skills at stealth, I can smell you blocks away. You got enough liquor inside you to burn this whole damn place if needed.

So what did you think of those two?

The dwarf is alright, although he talks kind of funny. Seems to show promise.

The other guy I swear was hitting on me. Sparring match? Sure! If by sparring you mean my blades stuck in your spleen... still, that woman gave me some sort of pause. Not the jumping, but there was something else about her. can't quite put my finger on. And what's that diary say? Used to belong to Hannah, right?""

You both walk down the street with the beggars in disguise giving you nods of approval as both you and Sasha take separate entrances to the den, sliding down the chute as the Crimson Tigress leaps on the old bronze chandelier and relaxes her stance, while this one swings wildly back and forth, dropping an old candle a few inches away from Ross, who walks out of Corwin's room and looks up.

"Hey boss! We're back! Where's the rest?""

"Who knows. So, Drakan! Who was our friendly neighborhood dwarf?""

2017-09-20, 11:20 PM
Folkir watches Locke and Sasha leave, wondering when he'll see them again, and whether they'll still be friendly at that point. After a bit, he shrugs and turns to head for the Bitter Coffee.

On arriving, he gets the attention of whomever is manning the bar. "I need a bottle of your cheapest spirits strong enough tuh be a fire hazard. Doan care if it was distilled from elf vomit or somethin', just need tuh clean out a wound. Then get me a tankard of your best ale and be ready tuh keep it full."

2017-09-20, 11:33 PM
@Will: The Cuthbertine Guards drag you away as large paintings of His Holiness seem to follow you through the clean marble steps, echoing your boots as a group of carriages await you outside and you are put in one, with several other people, all hand cuffed as the soldier that arrested you watches from a distance and shakes his head before a higher ranking officer scolds him and he walks away, looking at your window before this one is shut from the outside and padlocked.

A whistle heralds the vehicles to move as those with you inside begin sobbing while others utter small prayers to save themselves from whatever awaits them.

It seems like an eternity as the sound of large doors open wide and the trip takes about another thirty minutes before guards on horseback unlock your windows and address all inside.


"Behold you new home... and last.""

The Castello di Santa Noria...or St. Noria's for short. This is not a good place to be, as the smell of the ocean washes through your nostrils. This place was not built inside the City of Power, but north of it, against the Oljat Sea, amidst what tales call The Bad Lands.

The castellan that runs this place is said to be a cruel warden and nobody you know has managed to escape. St. Noria's is a maximum security prison, reserved only for the worst criminals in Halmathan. For years, few numbered amongst its prisoners, but ever since Connor rose to power, the place is said to swell and on a clear day, tales speak that you can hear the lashings from within if you stand at Halmathan's North Gate.

The carriages stop in front of a chasm that leads to the raging seas below, riddled in spiky rocks and one of the soldiers blows a massive horn before old mechanisms inside the tower lower a bridge, allowing the slow procession to ride solemnly across the bridge towards the thresh hold and main courtyard.

An Eye in the Sky floats eerily above the castle, ensuring that none get any ideas before the bridge is raised behind you and the vehicles come to a stop and the prison guards open the doors and rudely drag everyone outside, kicking those who cry as they curve into a ball as a massive hideous man walks towards the courtyard flanked by two imposing black as night hounds, the size of a warhorse each:




Knowledge Arcana & Nature to ID these creatures

The dogs bark and snap a few inches away from you and the other prisoners as the mighty man looks at all of you and sneers.

"You poor sorry bags of filth. I would pity you if I didn't enjoy my job. Roster!""

One of the guards hurries to give the beast of a jailer a wooden board with a tacked piece of paper on it and walks along the badly formed line.

"Uh huh... we have twenty six today. A low number. I HATE low numbers!!!"

The man inspects the line and stops at you, looking you down.

"Heh. A pansy half elf ends here? A platinum he doesn't make it through the night....NAME AND CRIME, NOW!!!!!!""

2017-09-21, 04:46 AM
@Folkir: Without not much to do after your recent company has left in different directions, you make your way to The Bitter Coffee, which is still largely empty, except for a few patrons that watch you with wary eyes as they down their own alcohol while playing a game of dice.

Nana Rose, the gnome proprietress and perhaps the oldest wench in Halmathan and anywhere else, greets you with a smile and beckons you to take a seat at the bar.

"Cheapest ale, huh? I think i have something here, let me see...""

It's a tall bottle with a label showing a stylized goblin face sticking his tongue out.

"Goblin Rum. Mercy's favorite. A copper a glass. You wanted cheap? This is it. Can't guarantee it'll be good, though.""

Nana chuckles as she pours you a glass and one for her.

"Elf vomit? That's a good one. I see the old rivalry between dwarves and elves stays strong even in this City. I have seen you here before. You;re the blade for hire, right? I am old and names aren't my forte, what was it again? I ask for two reasons:

I am bored and could have a drinking partner here and two...

A couple of... nice people came here looking for you earlier. Pretty much it was you.""

Nana steps on the stool behind the bar to get a better view of you and raises an eyebrow.

"Hit your head on a wall? That's a nasty lump you got there.""

2017-09-21, 10:34 AM
Folkir says, "I'm not drinkin' de goblin rum beautiful, I'm perfawhmin' field medicine wit' it. I'll also take de good stuff tuh drink if yuh doan mind in a minute."

"In enny case, the name's Folkir, and unless dere's anudder bunch lookin' fawh me, we already met. No dey weren't de ones tuh give me dis lump. We ackshully parted on rel'tively friendly terms. Got a washroom, or just a quiet cawhnuh I can use? I doan tink you'd appreciate me cleanin' out wounds in front of your customers."

2017-09-21, 06:12 PM
Drakan enter the hideout and sit on a regular chair.
"Yeah, we found the guy: Folkir of the Silver Griffon mercenary band", he waves is right hand in the air, "From outside the city. When confronted he said he was bored and looking for someone to hire him. Very weird indeed", he says looking for something to drink, "He was tagging along a monk-like character: Locke. Apparently this Locke was investigating the ruins of the House of Knowledge and found Hannah Baker's Bartell's thirteen tapes diary in an underground cellar. He also mentioned there was a magic hating trap down there. After leaving they found out someone and chased her: a woman mercyfolk which jumped really high and talked like a freak, repeating his name constantly. The girl wanted to get her hands on the diary and once we got there, she fleed, but not before", he begin buzz, "Not before some insect buzzing was heard around us. Like... You know".

He take a deep drink and sighs.
"The diary was creepy. It started with her speaking to te reader, saying that the diary was her confession and how she lived and was raised as an orphan in the Mercy, like so many around here. She tell about her hopes and frustation with the House of Knowledge being built but those there using it as just a refuge just to leave to another day of theft when dawn came. She even goes and mention Sarjon, Ke'era, Borazon, Will, Michael and Travis".

Drakan begin looking for some full bottle in his coat just to fail and grow a little impatient.
"Then things get weird. She talk about the woman Kara and how she lured her to go alone deeper in the Mercy to get a bunch of books. She asked for some hawks to be her bodyguard just to be sliced and teared apart by invisible hands... Those well too known invisible hands. There alone, Kara gave her a blessing and curse: something inside of her that slowly began to corrupt her".

"From there on... Things just get weirder", he warns them but continue anyway, "Whatever was placed inside of her was fighting her to control her and one day when our gentleman Rusty made some obscene comment on her, she had to run away and lock in her room to avoid killing him right there".

"Then came the failed Rooster's assault and she lost control. She asked Byerek to lock everyone inside and... We all know how that ended. In the very end of her notes she stop trying to resist and embrace whatever foul powers have taken over her. She accepted her fate as Queen's Maid along with...", he look to Corwin and try reaching his mind, "And Anya".

Drakan get up and shiver all over, "The last part was still fresh and considering there was a conflagration on the upper floor of this cellar, it was probably written after the battle took place. Those fellow... Folkir and Locke seems intent in helping the Mercy, so I told them I would meet with them in a few days but I dont know.
What you think, boss?"

2017-09-21, 08:33 PM
@Folkir: Nana chuckles and takes out a different bottle and serves you half a glass.

"Orc Raggrutt. This is the expensive one. Chieftains of old are said to brew this and kill anyone who tells the secret. They say it even rivals dwarven ale in strength and taste."

It's strong. You have had strong liquor before but this one punches your liver good and then sets it ablaze. Still... it has a wild berry after taste. Not great, but not terrible.

"Nana Rose, owner of the Bitter Coffee. Pleased to meet you, Folkir. Seen you around several nights, but this place is usually too packed come evening so I can get acquainted with everyone. So you met the ones looking for you?

One you have nothing to worry about.

The other can be a loose cannon sometimes.

As for a restroom, it's in the back and unlocked. There's a mirror there for you to check your wounds, although it wouldn't be the first time people have tended their cuts and bruises here in the open. Worse things happen out on the street.""

@Drakan: Ross rubs his chain.

"Gryphon Mercenary Band? Never heard of them, but if they are from outside the City, they are not a problem. However, as a hired blade, who knows if alone he could be...

And he's just walking around bored with an axe? That's not normal and dangerous. If you are going to deal with this guy in the future, do it in the streets, not here."

Corwin comes out of his room with a chock of white hair on the side of his head as sasha lays on the chandelier and looks down.

"Man you are old!""

The reporter looks up at Sasha and doesn't bother to respond as both he and Ross take a seat and the halfling nods.

"Magic hating trap? Beneath Hannah's school... you think it's the same as that one time..""

Corwin nods.

"It pretty much fits the description, which means if there was one beneath the school, there could be more elsewhere in The Mercy. As for a woman they chased... faced a lot of frightful women in my short tenure as an adventurer. They aren't to be taken lightly. This guy Locke is now known to whoever that woman was, which is not good for us at all if we are to associate with him.""

Both grow silent as you detail what you read in Hannah's diary, with Sasha listening above on the swinging chandelier as Ross looks at Corwin, who opens a mental channel between you, him and the halfling, leaving the shifter out.

Pretty sure those things with the woman were the Novistadors, which means she works for Her. Hannah's diary has a bunch of names, many of which we have met. I am not surprised that she would harbor a hatred for Keéra- she did solve one of her more intricate traps, something She did not expect a sorceress to do.

As for Hannah... poor child. Her good intentions were used to produce a new evil upon The Mercy. I don't know if she can be cured, frankly. Not after what we saw yesterday. And Anya...

She was cured by Calliope from those bites, but who knows what else she has been subjected to. I will go check on her later. See how she's doing.

Corwin breaks the mental channel as Sasha pouts above.

"You know it's rude to leave someone hanging mid convo, right?""

Ross points to the floor.

"You know it's rude to balance off a chandelier that may drop on all of us? Get down. Okay, so we have two guys who want to help? Right now, Rusty is gone and will be gone for a few days. Travis and Raikou left for Runestone, who knows when they'll return.

Will left as well, but not with them.

Calliope has decided to heal as many as she can in The Mercy. Hopefully she won't charge headlong into some pointless fight.

If these guys want to join Rusty's guys to go down there, let's keep an eye out for them. see they don't get into too much trouble... Olidamara knows if they decide to join forces they will find a lot more beneath our feet.""

2017-09-21, 09:42 PM
"Appreciated. If you'll excuse me, I'll be right back darlin'."

Folkir takes a long swig of the raggrut, then takes the goblin ale with him to the washroom. Rolling up his sleeves, he inspects the bite marks obtained over the past few days.

Normally, he wouldn't give a damn about tending to something like this in front of others, but too many would recognize the significance of the bites, and he is in no mood to be chased out of his favorite establishment.

Pulling out a scrap of cloth that is sort of clean, he soaks it in alcohol and starts scrubbing at his wounds. Folkir has on many occasions enjoyed the resistive benefits of his race, but he has also learned it is not all encompassing. The ghoul plague doesn't seem to be bothering him so far, but there's no point in pushing the matter. And there might be something else festering in there anyways. Folkir had no reason to suspect he'd ever reach old age, but by damn, he sure as hells wasn't going to be brought down by a measly infection.

Scrubbing the wounds clean as best he can under the circumstances, he pours more alcohol directly onto the cuts, rolls his sleeves back down, and strolls out of the washroom with his arms still stinging from the abuse. That should do him good for a bit, probably better than the average quack that pretends to dispense medicine around here.

Retaking his seat, Folkir pulls a long draught of the orc roggrut, and says, "Now den, where were we? Anythin' mawh yuh can tell me about dat pair? I might be wawhkin' fawh dem shawhtly.

Baby Gary
2017-09-21, 09:53 PM
My name is Will, and my crime is one, not having any papers because I don't live here. Two, asking about Runestone. And Three, living in the mercy because I am "A vile being" who "aught to be chained up". And because of that you and your holy justice said that I am one of the worse criminals ever, along the lines of one crimson tigress, who, if what I heard it true, escaped. Also, I take your bet

know arcana [roll0]
know nature [roll1]

I hope I am not digging my grave here. I just though that I would come in with a bang

2017-09-21, 11:17 PM
@Will: You look at the black dogs snarling a few feet away as the man next to you drips urine down his pants and shakes all over.

It is said that St. Noria's castle houses no ghosts because even they are terrified of the Castellan's Hounds.

The Hounds of St. Noria, as the legend goes are Nethersight Mastiffs. These creatures were bred who knows how long ago to serve as guard dogs of sorts, but a canine appearance is all that pairs them with common dogs.

The Nethersight Mastiff is the ultimate hunter. These creatures can pierce the Veil of Illusion and none can escape them through magic that would fool a regular man. Their teeth are preternaturally sharp, allowing it to bite and pull into this world creatures like ghosts and other spectral beings with ease. If for any reason you are able to fool their incredible sight, like a pack of hunting dogs, they will sniff you out and find you.

Naturally, Nethersight Mastiffs are exceedingly rare and expensive. Breeding and training a liter takes years and because of that, they make perfect guard dogs for a prison like this.

Regarding the jailer in front of you, you have no idea who or what he is. At first sight, he looks like a half orc, but...

The monstrous man listens to your words and starts turning his back to you, only to back hand you with such strength, your lower jaw nearly flies off. This guy hits like a titan! What the hell did they feed him?!

"Get up, you filthy maggot! I think we can scratch off twenty six inmates today and chalk it down to twenty five...""


It's a set of lighter footsteps coming from the castle as an imposing man makes his way towards the new group and looks at the beast who smacked you.


"Captain Gruul... there is no reason to waste such fine labor force. Even a half elf like this one, Will, is it? Yes...""

Gruul stands back as the guards form in rank as the man stands in front of all of you and holds a book in his hand.

"I am Warden Clavius. You are here because The City of Halmathan has deemed you too dangerous to walk freely. You are here because you have stolen, killed and lied.

Do not think of this place as Punishment, but more like a second chance. A place for you to see the world in a different view...""

One of the Nethersights walks up to Clavius and bows its massive head as the warden pets him.

"I am a religious man. I am sure all of you, if you weren't before coming here, you are now. This is a bible I hold in my hands. Allow me to read you my favorite passage:

I am the light of the world. He that followeth me
shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

The Warden slaps the book shut and looks at all of you.

"I believe in two things: discipline and the Bible. Here you'll receive both. Put your trust in the Lord; your ass belongs to me. Welcome to Santa Noria.""

What follows is a grueling trip inside the castello, as you are thrown into a shower with all the new inmates, stripped down buck naked and hosed up and down as you are given grey patched uniforms with serial numbers right in the upper chest area.

The laughter of the older inmates howling through the bars are enough to send a few of the new prisoners crying as one attempts to run out of sheer despair through the dank stone walls before one of the hounds jumps on him and snaps his neck with one swift bite, being dragged away into the dark as a prison guard smirks.

"No running in the halls... NOW PUT THAT DAMN UNIFORM ON!""

Everyone here responds to shouts and lashings. Oh so many lashings from these guards as you are taken with a group to a different level in the foreboding castle, plastered with dark religious iconography depicting angels of Justice raising blades and fine paintings that show sacrifice and pain dotting the walls.

No wonder this warden likes Connor: he has sent him hundreds of people to rot in these cells as whistles and hollering can be heard above from the many inmates.

Fresh meat!!!

Hey sweetie!!!!

Get me out of here!!!!

No, get ME out of here!!!

I should get out... I'm the KING!!!!

You are directed to cell block 7-B, filled with smaller cells that each house four or sometimes up to six inmates. The number of beds is not equal, so many either share or have a daily fight to see who gets to bunker up as the guard stops in front of cell No. 14.

"Your new home, half elf. Dinner will be served shortly in the mess hall. Get acquainted with your roommates.""

The heavy iron door opens and slams behind you as the guard slides open a peephole and snickers.

"Something tells me you'll be here for a long time.""

It's a four bedroom cell, with a single toilet in the far end for all to use. there are no windows here, but you can smell the sea, which means you must be at the far end of the castello.

All they have given you is a change of clothes, which you are tow ash. Where? Who knows, but being your first day, they will certainly let you know where laundry is done in this hell hole as a large shape on one of the beds looks at you and crosses his burly arms.

"What's your name, half elf... and don't tell me you're innocent."

@Folkir: Nana blushes as you head to the restroom.

"Take your time...and there's some spray inside if you're going to use it!""

Halmathan may have good clean plumbing, but you don't need the can right now.

The jagged mirror on the wall shows the bites on your arms and chest. One of those bastards aimed for your neck before his face was split in two, but thankfully, no fever, aches, nausea... the wounds have formed scabs, but no festering.

But you are no doctor. How the hell are you supposed to know if you're going to turn or not? Those who hunkered with you started getting all tired and vomiting, but they were humans.

Maybe it works different for dwarves? Your race is rather resilient. There has yet to be a poison cooked that you can't shrug off without even thinking about it.

And so, you strap your armor back on and step outside, as a few more tables show new patrons and resume chatter with Nana.

"Drakan is a rogue, like pretty much everyone here, Folkir. If you have lived in The Mercy as much as I, you'd know that you need some degree of skill and stealth to get by. Drakan is rather good at both.

The other one...Sasha. She ran with the wrong crowd. And I know that is subjective here, but believe you me:

She ran with the wrong crowd. If any story of redemption is to be found here, that would be Sasha's, but i am sure she can tell you that tale better than I, since I wasn't there when it happened.""

2017-09-22, 12:13 AM
"My thanks Nana, I have a few tings tuh take care of tonight, one mawh tuh send me on my way?"

It isn't just one more drink, it never quite seems to be, but eventually Folkir exits the Bitter coffee, and starts hunting for a place to stay the night. Most of the good places are taken by one gang or another. Even most of the moderately intact buildings are occupied by some scared family. The dwarf is done with sharing his particular bolt hole with others after what happened last night, but without killing for it or chasing someone out into the street to be killed, that pretty much leaves... dammit all.

Gripping his axe, the warrior starts striding towards the more ghoul infested parts of the mercy. He'll look for some largely intact structure that can be shored up for a relatively secure night's stay in the areas abandoned by the locals.

Survival [roll0]
Spot [roll1]
Listen [roll2]

2017-09-22, 02:06 AM
@Folkir: Nana's assistant, one of Locke's lesser crew members, starts lighting the candles in the place as more patrons come in. True, what is currently happening in The Mercy is terrible. Has been for over a decade but before yesterday, nobody had to worry their mugging friend would suddenly get the urge to eat them.

And although Nana's pub is not an inn, many feel safe here and drink away the night hours. In a few days, this horrible fad will pass and people will resume mugging and stealing and, in the case of a few honest ones around, leaving The mercy to work in the City.

After all, how are people getting money in this place? The district is a dump. Those few who plan to live a better life work as butlers, cabbies, maids, cooks...

Anything that will pay off for them to move to some overpriced apartment in the City of Power... unless they are extorted by guys like you. It's a never ending, very unfair cycle of life over here.

Nana watches the Mercyfolk come in, still silent and shocked and afraid, but thirsty nonetheless and fills you a flask with Orc Raggrut.

"One for the road, Folkir. Be safe out there, ok?""

The sun is setting already over the tall ruined structures that used to be one of the City's grandest districts as beggars light oil drums to keep warm. This is not an unusual sight. They have been doing it for years- the fire keeps them safe, let's them see... and cooks whatever they are lucky to scavenge scuttling about.

Rat being their favored charred delicacy.

However unlike the many other times you have spotted these groups, now they are armed. Not the best of weapons:

A broken broomstick sharpened to dangerous degree.

An old rusted shovel- a relic in these places.

A plank of wood with a few nails hammered through it.

Can't say they aren't prepared, but against those things? Good luck to them...

Finding a place to catch these red zeds is difficult: they just started roaming the day prior. As far as you're concerned, they could be anywhere. Recent tales say that many, terrified by the undead's assault, boarded themselves in one of the hundreds of old apartments here. Who knows if they are human anymore or, like you, locked themselves up with a sick person and are now bare bones and spilled guts... assuming they got lucky and weren't turned.

There is, however, one place you can probably find a room to hole up for the night: The Green Meadows Apartment.

Like all places here, the Green Meadows is a dump, but back in the day, before that nasty fire that consumed it all, the rich folk used to live there. It was some sort of gated community with a playground and pool for their privileged children and state of the art architecture.

Today, the grand gate is rusted and creaky, as you swing it aside and look at the old playground, blackened and charred, with a few empty swings pushed by the wind as the chains make eerie noises.

The pool is now a fetid pond overran by plants and flowers, with the water reflecting the few twinkling stars above.

The apartments have two floors on each side of the complex, with metal stairs leading up and a long balcony to lounge. Today, the windows are boarded up and you can see light coming from many of these places as voices follow suit.

Families have taken to squatting here after their rich residents either died or fled the fire. You could easily tear apart the planks that cover the doors and windows and kick a family out, but no need, as you find one of the apartments on the second floor empty...and destroyed.

Who knows how long ago it was, but by the looks of it, it was as if an explosion brought it down. A wall and a badly singed door can grant you a respite of sorts as you look down at the courtyard and smell the fetid waters of the lagoon below.

You can easily board this up and sleeping on hard floor is not new to you.

What is, however, is beautiful harp music coming from a few apartments down the hall. A master musician by the sounds of it. No dwarven music, but very well played.

2017-09-22, 10:50 AM
"Doan wawhry Nana, I'll be back soon enough. I won't be able tuh resist dat smile of yawhs fawh long."

On scoping out the apartments, Folkir sits and listens to the music for a time. Moments of peace and beauty were fleeting things, doubly so in the Mercy. The music was not really to his taste, but it was good to forget, even just for a few moments, about the ugliness of it all.

But the task at hand beckons, and so the dwarf enters the apartment he had found and starts securing it. A truly solid barrier is likely not possible, but he'll settle for making sure any attempt at entry is both slow and noisy.

2017-09-22, 06:46 PM
@Folkir: This place could collapse any minute now if a fight were to break out.

Who knows how many people are hiding throughout the night in the next apartments, but they definitely aren't to get you. Mercyfolk fear the night, like many other people, but in this district especially, sun down means danger.

Muggers and cutthroats run unchecked in the alleys. Even more so than under the bright rays of the sun. With those red zeds now feeding on the people at any time, never mind whatever crawled up the side of that alley when you and Locke confronted that woman...

The door better hold as you lay down and look at the dark ceiling, axe in hand, your only friend in the cold night.

@The Party: And so, the days in The Mercy went by as normal as they could be, which is to say, not very.

Locke did not get any hassle from the City Guards when walking back to his alma mater. He did not, however, gain any significant information from his mentor, since whatever information about Cutter was deemed 'classified'... even for her.

The Eyes in the Sky did keep a watchful vigil over the monk as he toured back from Runestone, always chugging black smoke and casting their ominous shadow over the City.

Calliope decided to roam The Mercy, helping as many as she could, since upon inquiry, His Holiness forbid the other churches from crossing the wall and granting aid, except for those that would walk towards the entrance, something the City Guard dissuaded with bullying fervor.

In a matter of a single week, over a hundred patients were treated. Be it through the application of traditional medicine, or divine. Sometimes, it was too late, and the Fharlanghnite would ask to be locked in a house with the recently turned so as to reduce casualties.

It became evident that she would always be an Oracle. This was her destiny. Amongst Ravenna's flock, Calliope was always a favored Ambularet Per Pade. One that showed promise. It was now time to focus on the Healing aspect of a call answered years ago.

And so, by virtue of faith and determination from the gods, Calliope Fareyes would be known amongst the downtrodden as The Mercy Traveler and Bringer of Life.

Gain Augment Healing in exchange for one of your existing feats

Raikou did return to the Mercy... if only to bid a quick farewell.

The young stormcaster was trained by fey. What horrible deeds had been committed to the sons and daughters of the Natural World in this City was way beyond forgiveness as Cyrus and him met Alsira and Severna, sisters to the Great Choralis, warden of the isle of her namesake and there, amidst dozens of foolish pirates turned to animals for daring to abuse her hospitality.

Amidst the emerald waves of the Ossian Way, Raikou would be visited by the last Seelie Court Fey amidst the oceans of Oerth, Lady Daphne, and upon her learning what had happened to her own compatriots. Warriors of a battle thankfully long forgotten, was Raikou kissed on the forehead and granted the true power of the Summer Court.

Nymph's Kiss Feat

And because the Kingdom of Vinessia faces its own demons, Daphne had to return to help Queen Keéra beneath the waves.

Will won that bet.

Captain Gruul did visit his cell that night, with an entourage of guards. His mind made, he would make the half elf pay for talking back at him and in the bowels of St. Noria, Will of Kemp Lane was strung and beaten senselessly and with unabashed cruelty by the monster Warden Clavius employed, as a mysterious figure watched from the shadows and surges of electricity washed upon his body, followed by each lashing, before his vision began to fade...

Only to break the chains of Confinement and face Gruul one on one. Breaking the chain that held him and lashing at the monstrous jailer before killing several dozen guards as he became the one true Legend of the castello.

The man of two worlds who broke the warden.

But Will's path of revenge was not over, as he fought his way through the Badlands, fighting all manner of beasts and making his way to the City itself, leaping over the Eyes in the Sky and plunging right through one of the ornate windows of the Palace of Justice, as he raised Dalpinian by the throat and demanded under threat of death, that all his belongings were returned.

It is said The hand of Justice cried like a waif as the Royal Guards knelt and begged for forgiveness, a trait Will was not completely estranged from.

And as a reward for being left alive, Dalpinian even had his blade immediately replaced by an exact one, but with a wand chamber and a brand new Wand of True Strike.

Satisfied with his feats and exploits worthy of a thousand songs, Will the Half Elf wandered back to The Mercy, as all the guards shivered and stood aside, fearful that this new God would smite them.

And in his ruined apartment, Will meditated and became a recluse from the outside world, asking the Powers from Beyond to grant him the Power needed to consolidate his presence in The Mercy and the world entire.

Trade one of your existing feats for Persistent Spell

Travis gained a plethora of arcane power. With this new found knowledge, he'd be able to take on Alexia. No doubt about it. Noirin was most supportive, as were the other teachers. Not once were you bothered by Connor's guards on account of them never really seeing you...

But as you ascribed the spells into your book, your hands threatening to break off your wrists and scuttle away so as to not suffer another diagram, something in your mind opened.

Something you were not expecting. A True Conjurer must be prepared. if she fancies herself the best Transmuter on Oerth, she has yet to learn a thing or two about the best school of Magic ever created.

Gain this feat as a Bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/expanded-summon-monster/)

Sadly, no one ever saw Anya.

Rumor has it that upon awakening, she used one of her many spells and like a ghost, flew away from the Den. To date, none have seen her. Some say she joined her sister, joining the Society at long last.

Others say she decided to tip the scales and joined the Roosters.

Still others- those that would know more- pray she did not return to her Mistress' service...

Day 13

@Rusty: Sasha and Ross greet you as you walk silently past the sewer grates as these shut down behind you and for a second, you look at your reflection on the still water and after a week of holding it in, both Sasha and Ross are taken aback as you unleash a primal scream, the result of who knows what horrific acts your body and mostly your mind were subjected to.

Enough to cause the Crimson Tigress to actually be afraid of you before you collapse on the ground and both Olidammarans help you on your feet and a smile crosses your lips.

You got it. You could even scare the tiger.

Gain Skill Focus (Intimidate)

By the time you reach the den, you are already back on your feet as Drakan finishes a flask and waves at you.

"You're actually alive?! But how? They said you would never...""

Sasha glares at Drakan and looks up at you.

"Well done, Rusty. Welcome home. He has been waiting for you...""

Sasha steps back and Ross nods and smiles as they show you the single most important person you have been aching to be reunited with:


@The Party: Whether at Runestone, or with the Olidammarans, or at home, or looking for undead to crack and split, separate, you will accomplish nothing.

She brought the battle to you...and now it is time to return the favor.

2017-09-22, 10:05 PM
Folkir has done what he can to keep himself busy these past two weeks. A few minor jobs here and there, a bit of effort put into making his claimed apartment more livable. He still carries everything he owns of real value everywhere he goes, but a few bits of worn furniture and strong timber to secure the place have been obtained. Its still a hole of course, but is now a hole that can actually be slept in.

The first time the apartment building came into contact with the redheaded ghouls, Folkir plowed through them like parchment to the amazement of his new neighbors. Knowing they had jack all to pay him with, the dwarf ended up just taking the opportunity to inform them that if they want him to stick around, they'll leave him and his stuff the hells alone.

Still no word from Drakan or that weird catlike girl. After so long, he'd given up on that lead. Of course, that left him pretty much without any other leads for the moment.

So, once again, he finds himself whiling away the time at the Bitter Coffee, talking with Nana when she's not too busy.

2017-09-23, 12:03 AM
After so long in that damn hell hole, Rusty is glad to finally be free to walk under the polluted sky.
"Oh, I've missed you", he says caressing the hammer's haft, "Remind me never to leave you alone again, my friend".

Looking straight through Sasha's eyes, the brute of a man manage to give her half a smile, "Missed you too, kitty".

More serious he then talk to Ross, "It was a tie", he says. "He tried to break me and I tried to resist it... I'm still here, but he sure did scarred me. Thanks for the vacation, next time I hope you send me to a spa in the Sea of Sands or someplace more cozy. Any news on the Roosters or Pythia? And how about the others?"

It may have been a week buried deep down the city, but in Hannibal's mind it seemed as if half year had gone through. His stay in the sewers made his nose stop sensing smells until now: the dirty in the Mercy, Sasha's fragance and the smell of alcohol from Drakan, "You're smelling, Drakan", he says ignoring the fact he got crusts of dirty and foul stuff back from the sewers, "But is good to see you".

Hannibal nod to the neophytes and Corwin before walking downstairs and take a very long shower. Even longer than usual. His beard and hair was riddled with filth and for those not knowing the redheaded olidammaran would believe his hair were black or brown. He take his time massaging the bruises over his whole body and cutting/cleaning his nails. When he's finally done, he just stop under the cold shower for ten minutes, his eyes closed and his mind blank. He dry himself and cover his lower body with the towel, walking upstairs and shouting for Sasha.

"Yo, Sasha!", he call her, "Do you have any skill with scissors? Want to trim the beard and hair, cause I'm feeling like I'm more wild beast than man now. Can you help me?"

Going back downstairs, he sit on his bed and take his brandy, now pretty much empty.
"Heh, I guess I'll have to break Drakan's legs later", he says to himself and take his olidammaran coin from under his pillow, "Heads he's a dead man, tails he's good", he throw it to Sasha when she goes downstairs.

"Heads or tails?", he asks her.

2017-09-23, 12:49 AM
@Rusty: Drakan steps out of the way as you lift your Hammer. The others made sure it was cleaned and polished as you look at your friends and family:

Drakan, always inebriated.

Sasha, a Dame worth dying for.

Ross the Boss.

And Corwin, forever branded an outcast, just like you and your Olidammaran brothers and sisters by that Despot, Connor.

And yet, the words of that thing in the sewers ring in your mind, a few days, hours or seconds before Sasha and Ross came to retrieve you:

Save the City, Hannibal. If I could not break you...neither can She.

No wonder Sasha and Ross had reservations about taking you there, but it was well worth it. Even if you will have to drink a tankard of ale every night to achieve sleep.

Corwin walks out of his room and is about to give you a hug when he steps back and covers his nose.

"It's good to have you back, Hannibal... but you smell like a sewer.""

Drakan laughs as he gulps down his flask of cheap whiskey and swats away imaginary flies.

"I agree! Go get yourself washed up, big guy. Oh! Ross, Corwin! What about the uh...""

The halfling looks at the reporter, who takes a seat on his comfy chair.

"I'm on it. Get yourself rested and washed, Hannibal. If you are vested in going down there to see her, might as well be cleaned up.""

Everything seems so strange as you take the first few steps down to the forge. At times, you get a bit dizzy and have to hold on to the stone walls so as to not tumble down. That bastard gave you a serious beating, but not one that you could have bested with your Hammer.

As the water falls upon you and the sludge from the sewers turns into a tiny whirlpool down the drain, you close your eyes and exhale, getting ready for a battle that may very well shake the foundations of this entire City if what Corwin had you read a week ago is true.

The others better have trained as well. You are stronger now, yes. But this is not something that can be done alone.

You will need their help in this endeavor. Bunch of casters...heh. Last time you fought with them, they barely made a difference against Hannah. Hopefully they have learned a lesson or two and gotten ready.

You look at the mirror and check your beard.

Damn, by looks alone you'd be arrested on sight. You look like some feral Wild Man. One of those Bear Warriors that are said to live outside the City.

Wrapping a towel around your waist, you call out to Sasha, who appears behind you from the shadows.

"You want me to trim your beard? I have skills with edged weapons, but when I cut necks, I go for the throat, but I'll try. Hold the mirror.""

You sit on the edge of your bed and Sasha sits behind you, looking at your reflection as she starts snipping away.

"It's always different for everyone. Down there, you know? When I went years ago, I... well, I ended doing a lot of nasty stuff for all the wrong people. Maybe I got the message wrong the first time. Not like there will be a second.

Also... there's a couple of guys Drakan and I met shortly after you left.

One goes by the name of Locke Decaldris. Yeah, that's a name. remember Seti? Now add some magic and you get the idea. Likes to pull a Spiderman routine.

The other guy you might relate better to: a dwarf by the name of Folkir. Warrior through and through. Big freaking axe...maybe as big as that Hammer of yours. Works like a blade for hire and seemed bored, so naturally, he trailed Drakan and was snooping around here.""

It is then that you check under the bed and take out the bottle of Brandy. The empty bottle of brandy.

"Drakan is an alcoholic, Rusty. That fool Will emptied the pantry when he came here and of course, Drakan slipped in, looking for some drink after that night when Corwin played Story Teller. If you want to break his legs, go for it, but it was he who got us these two guys. They seem interested in getting their hands dirty, especially the dwarf.

I think Drakan and I saved their lives. They fought a woman out in some alley. Drakan got all preacher like and told us she was, uhhh Kara? Yeah. One of those freaks in Corwin's files. It would seem the Queen is still at large.

We have that robot stored in the room where the others were supposed to sleep. None here have had use for it: those ghouls seems to have been taken out by other factions, but if that woman was out and about, they may be the least of our concerns.""

Sasha finishes the last trim and looks at you as she spins the scissors way to close to your face before catching them tight.

"All done! Not bad for my first beard shave, huh?""

It's actually terrible. She didn't cut all of it, but you'll need to even some spots here and there. Slitting a throat is a lot simpler, after all, as the Crimson Tigress leaps from the bed and lands always on her feet as she walks up the stairs.

"Good to have you back....""

@Folkir: The last week since meeting Drakan and Sasha have been rather eventful.

A few loose zeds attempting to stalk the unwary beggars at night. Thanks to your own far better sight in the dark, the ghouls never stood a chance as you cleaned them up.

A small Rooster insurrection thanks to the decline of power? Commandant Daratra was more than happy to fight by your side as not one was left standing.

A young stupid fool by the name of Masix tried to revive a dead faction by calling people under his banner? Shelsu Sin of the Society's Clark's Office and your axe made sure they stayed down for good.

But in the end, as satisfying as cleaving the living and the dead is, you have yet to meet a good solid challenge in this place and so, you head towards The Bitter Coffee when an unknown voice speaks into your mind. You have heard of these spells before. the Sending. Limited in scope to twenty and odd words or less, the voice is that of a man:

Folkir the Mercenary. I call on behalf of Drakan and Sasha. If interested in work, meet at The Bitter Coffee. Further details once there. Agreed?

2017-09-23, 07:23 AM
Damn it all, how does one respond to these things? Think it? Say it? is there some finger wagging involved?

Eventually, Folkir does both of the former, replying with "about damn time. Already on de way."

He resumes his course to the mentioned establishment, and unless flagged down, takes his usual seat.

2017-09-23, 10:03 AM
"It's good to be back", he says waiting her to leave to finish trimming his red beard where it was still incomplete. Once he's satisfied with the result he get up and dress in his adamantine armor and throw a brown cloak on his shoulders.

He drinks the last drop of brandy and leave the bottle in a corner of the room as a memento. "Need to find some fine liquor next time I wander in the City", he thinks and go upstairs.

"So what happened when I was out and what orders you have for me, boss? Need to get the rust out of my bones and out of my friend here", he pat his hammer as he speak, "Also I need to find those ungrateful morons who left".

2017-09-23, 09:00 PM
Locke was feeling annoyed but partially satisfied, any information about Cutter was classified..... but there was information. He was sitting at a desk in Rune-Stone's library, he was debating whether or not to visit the divination master, maybe to inquire a means to search the mercy for the mystery woman. Ordinarily he knew more about what he wanted to do, but going after K.A.R.A. alone was stupid, but he didn't have the coin to readily keep Folkir around, the remaining hawks were well meaning, but overly incapable. Drakan and whatever company he kept certainly weren't going to help for beneficial reasons. The only thing to do was research until something more happened, to that end Locke threw himself into the library looking for details regarding K.A.R.A, the queen and traces for any of the landscape of the mercy before it was built. It was likely from what Drakan had said, there were subterranean tunnels networked throughout, maybe there would be a trace in the library.

2017-09-23, 11:21 PM
@Locke: Once at Runestone, you analyze your choices.

The Tower of Magi houses the Council of Eight, the most powerful mages Halmathan has ever seen. Each is said to specialize in a School of Magic to an uncanny degree. Currently, a vacant position lies for the school of Conjuration, with its master having been promoted to Dean of Runestone.

There are a few ways to gain an audience with these masters.

One is by being invited to the Tower of Magi by one of them.

Another is to study and devote years in the Arcane, enough to be promoted and take lessons from them directly. Having studied as a mage and a monk, your devotion to magic isn't on par yet with students who'd be allowed inside.

A third option is if you are lucky enough to catch one of them in the rare occasion when they walk campus. With Connor's ever present Eyes above the school, seeing a High Mage strolling around is a rarity. And this case is particularly true for the Master of Divinations, Merla Lidenbrook, who is said to take no students whatsoever as of late.

That isn't to say that Runestone doesn't have other buildings where you can live and learn- this academy might as well be a small city within a city and this includes a library.

Even in a place like this, Royal Guards have been stationed, walking as silently as possible along the rows of books and eyeing suspiciously what each student reads. They aren't bullying them here, given that it's a library, but the message is clear:

They are always watching.

Information about Cutter is classified, to the point that not even your own mentor has access to it, but the higher ups most likely do. He was, after all, the Master of Transmutations at Runestone for many decades, with Master Ydalff Cliffstone to take on the mantle.

As much as you burn your eyes browsing book after book, you cannot find any reference to a K.A.R.A in any written piece.

When it comes to a Queen, you do find information. The Founder of Halmathan, the barbarian Queen Maira Airdan, of the Dragon Throne. She is a legendary, heroic and historic figure, having united the tribes a thousand years ago. These loose bands would, over generations, form the City you live in today.

The Airdans have forever ruled the City of Power, with King Marcus being the last one... before his disappearance. Today, stewardship of this City falls under Grand Inquisitor Connor of the Cudgel. Why? Who knows. Politicians and religious figure heads have debated this for months. Whatever internal shenanigans Connor pulled, worked. And now, with the King gone his rule is pretty much absolute.

Was the Queen referenced in Hannah's diary the legendary Maira? Sure, if Halmathan's founder lived for over a thousand years. Her death is recorded a little over a millennia ago and a mausoleum to her exists inside the Royal Palace, which is currently under lock down by Connor.

Having said that, you have broken a zombie child's neck a few days prior because it was an integral part of a drinking game in The Mercy. Stranger things cannot be ruled out.

You close one of the many books and watch a lone guard browsing the shelves, which shouldn't be that strange:

The Royal guard that serves the King trained here, which makes their presence and intent rather cynical- bullying their own peers. You need to find something about what little you have learned and expand upon it. Folkir was thrown like a rag doll against a wall, but he is a strong dwarf... and not cheap.

Going after that woman alone is suicidal and Drakan and his feline friend cannot be trusted for this endeavor. The Hawks, now leaderless, will surely split and join some other faction without Kyle's guidance, who made sure they didn't become thugs and bullies.

If you are going to find an answer to the Mercy's problems... it won't be in a Runestone library.

Regarding infrastructure, though...

The Mercy is a relatively "new" district in the City of Power, being a few hundred years young. Like the City, it has a sewer system that connects to the City and leads out to sea.

Many of these tunnels were used as storage deposits for the City Guard. Others were used as huge work stations to clean and redirect water.

And recently- as in a few decades ago- The Dragon's Flight stations were built.

This was the revolutionary vision of one of Halmathan's finest families, The Ashfords. The Dragon's Flight was a marvel of gnome and human engineering, designed to travel below ground at top speed. Its purpose was to take passengers all over the city, with several stations already built...

Sadly, the project was short lived, with the Great Fire fifteen years ago. No traces exist of such a machine or directions to its central station. If there is one, it would be in the Mercy, but after decades of abandonment, who knows if it hasn't collapsed or been taken over by some of the many factions claiming authority there.

@Folkir: It's been a relatively slow week before that man's voice rings in your head. Usually, strange people talking to you like that would warrant a good chopping, but he did mention some names you know and hell...

You do need to show that girl that threw you against a wall your gratitude.

As is to be expected, people will always drink, with most of the tables packed with patrons. Your actions and those of other people in the Mercy are starting to give these low lives some semblance of hope... but for how long?

Taking down zombies is easy. All you need is a lynch mob armed to the teeth and sure, you'll get a few casualties here and there, but they can contain it.

Any bitten in the aftermath? Give them a warrior's death. End of story.

That same mob would not fare that well against that woman.

Nana waves at you from the bar as drinks are picked up by a few hawks working for her and handed to the thirsty patrons. If you are to get some more action, it won't be found at the bottom of a dirty glass.

@Rusty: You finish clipping the loose hairs from your red beard and make your best to catch your reflection on the broken mirror shard.

Not too shabby.

Your suit has that new armor smell as you carefully strap on the pauldrons and boots and belt and perform a few practice swings with your best friend.

Just like the old days. You crawled back from Hell itself and now you are ready, as the bottle of brandy is left in a corner, a reminder that you ought to head for the City again and ressupply. These things aren't cheap. It's what nobles drink, and only for special occasions.

You could give Drakan gasoline with those pansy little umbrellas and he'd gulp it down with gusto., as your heavy steps announce your arrival back upstairs and Corwin remains seated on his comfy chair and nods.

"Looks good on you, Hannibal. welcome back. For real this time.""

Ross keeps his hands and arms concealed in his cape and looks up at you.

"You really are going to do this, aren't you? Hell, you did go to that place, after all. Very well. Corwin has spoken to your new friend- Folkir. Dwarven mercenary with a big great axe and studded in iron from head to toe. He should be at the Bitter Coffee right now. He doesn't know who's going, but given the description, it shouldn't be too hard to make him out.

Oh... Drakan says he is a druid of sorts, so hopefully he's not in animal form so as to make it easier to spot.""

Regarding what happened in the Mercy while you were gone, Drakan belches loudly, leaving the scent of cheap whiskey in the air.

"Connor came to the Mercy and started dancing buck naked in the middle of the Market Place, saying he's the king. Paid everyone a platinum piece to kick him in the ass once. An extra ten platinums if you punched him in the face. You missed it.

Oh! And the Society and Roosters are of course trying to rebuild after that whole incident a week ago. Hannah's house is now Looter's Paradise... if ashes are worth anything.

And yet... we here are zombie free.""

Baby Gary
2017-09-23, 11:31 PM
upon getting back to the mercy Will had a few things that he had, namely get back to that hideout and find out what happened while he was gone, but first...

30 minuets later Will finished his beer at the Bitter Coffee, oh how he had wanted one for the entire time he was in that... city. Ah, the taste of home. After will was done he started out to find his companions, to catch up, and to brag a little. Will remembered the way that he and Darkan went to get to that hideout, and he followed his memory. Sure enough he came to that same stretch, with the beggars and the secret entrance in the wall. after greeting the beggars he started to the wall only to stop.

I assume that you are the guards, I know where I am going and if somehow this kills or hurts me I know a few people who would be rather mad with you, Rusty, Calliope, Ross, to name a few. so I better get to the other side in one piece and intact.

when Will finished speaking to the beggars he entered the hideout the same way he had done with Darken. Once again he landed on the cushions in the same room, it felt good to be comfortable again. Now to get another drink and to tell them what had transpired in the city.

2017-09-23, 11:34 PM
Folkir looks around the place while making sure he is seen. Nothing. Figures. Of course they couldn't bloody well be bothered to already be here when calling on him.

Sighing, The dwarf takes a seat relatively near the door and orders a large tankard of Ale. Nothing to do now but wait.

2017-09-24, 12:05 AM
@Raikou, Travis & Calliope: Be it in The Mercy, Runestone or out at sea, Corwin's voice rings loud and clear in your minds:

Hannibal is back from training. I hope you are too. Meet him at the Bitter Coffee if you wish to help.

@Will: You place the mug on the dirty table and wipe the suds off your face as a single copper is left next to it and you stretch and look around The Mercy...

A surly dwarf warrior has been drinking his fill inside and usually, that would be reason for you to be concerned...

But after taking down St. Noria and The Palace of Justice, there is no Power in this City...nay on Oerth entire, that can challenge you. That dwarf would be an idiot to try and charge you with his pathetic little axe. You took down dozens of Royal guards with ease. What can a short smelly cave dweller do?

The route towards the Olidammaran hideout is not easy to find, but you were guided by Drakan a week earlier and so, upon seeing the beggars with their rattling tin cans, you walk around and find the secret entrance to the den, warning them that Ross, rusty and others would kill them if a single glance were directed at you.

The beggars recede into the shadows as you smirk and find the chute, sliding down, but not landing on a cushion, but on hard wooden boards as Corwin, Sasha, Drakan, Ross and Rusty, Hammer always in hand, all take a defensive stance, with the halfling stepping forward and raising an eyebrow, while Corwin remains seated and looks at you from the corner of his eye, deep in meditation.

"Will? How the hell did you find this place?! And where have you been off to? You simply disappeared from the radar completely. Rusty here just got back from training and I hope you are done with yours as well...

Where have you been exactly? I sent Drakan looking for you, but not a single sign of your appearance.""

Corwin covers his mouth and looks at you, keening his eyes and the halfling looks at Rusty.

"Matters not. You have answered the call and are ready to help? I hope so. Right now, a new face will likely join you: a dwarf by the name of Folkir. A mercenary. He wants to help and an extra set of hands is always welcome. Rusty here was about to head to the Bitter coffee and meet with him.""

Baby Gary
2017-09-24, 12:32 AM
Call? what call? I think my ringer is off I just came here because I wanted to tell you guys a couple things.

First, how I got here. It was all thanks to Darken. When he led me here the first time he didn't blindfold me or disorientate me so I knew where your super secret hide out was. So tl:dr, blame Darken.

Second lets see who we got here... Rusty? know you, Darken? know you, sort of, Corwin? same as Darken, Sasha is it? you were the one who broke out of St. Nora's, that super high security prison right? now another person knows what it is like in there, not fun I can tell you, and Ross don't know a thing about you except you run this joint.

so the new mission. What is it?

also I think that I am on the cities most wanted and can never go back, so fun times. Its amazing how much you can ruin in 1 days time.

2017-09-24, 01:37 AM
@Will: Drakan looks at Ross, who gives him a glare as the lanky rogue stands up at attention.

"I swear I turned all manner of ways to disorient him, Ross! I would not lead him straight here! You know me!""

Sasha listens to the rest of your tale and takes a sept forward.

"You broke out of where??? But that's...""

Corwin remains seated and opens one of his magazines, ignoring you addressing him and leafs through them, as Ross lifts his one good hand and smiles.

"Good to have you back, Will. I believe you and Rusty have someone to meet at The Bitter Coffee. He can fill you in on the rest. Get going. I believe you know the way out by now.

Hopefully the others will meet you there too."

And so, both bard and bastard leave the Olidammaran Den in search for the dwarven cutthroat.

@Folkir: It's your third glass of ale and nothing even remotely interesting is going on at the pub as patrons come and go, but mostly stay for more than a few pints before two definitely out of the ordinary people step into the Bitter Coffee...and just when you were about to leave.


This fool had a beer earlier, but given his pitiful aspect, you didn't even give him much notice. a half elf... not the most remarkable sight in this place, but he isn't alone:


You have seen all manner of brutes in and out of The City. Living as a mercenary, you have had to fight these guys too. Many times, but this guy, almost as tall as a giant, with a Titan's maul hoisted over his shoulder, could easily bring down the house with a single swing of that Hammer.

Who is it you have never seen this guy anywhere before?

@Rusty: So Will escaped that dreaded prison... impressive.

Sasha is a bonafide bad ass and she was there for years. This guy made it out in a single night and he definitely doesn't measure up to her. Either Will is up to his spun tales or...

And then you see him, Folkir:


Just as Drakan described: a dwarf suited to take out an entire army. That axe of his could easily slice every single patron here with one swing, Nana included. His armor is of solid make, much like yours...

But that smell! Damn this guy must be one of those Jungle Dwarves or something you've read about somewhere, but his description fits. None other here is even remotely geared up like him. hell, he even has a bow!

No wonder Drakan was scared of him, but you?

You have dealt with tough as nails dwarves before.

2017-09-24, 11:25 AM
Life became busy the last week, but back to normal

On the hideout
"[B]Aye boss. I'll go to the Bitter Coffee then", he says and leave beside Will

On the way to the Mercy
Walking in the lonely streets, Rusty looks to Will.
"How you ended up in jail, my friend? And how the hell you managed to escape?", he asks wondering if that's just anotherover exaggerated tale from the half-elf, "And more important: did you saw or talked to any olidammaran there? Or to a guy named Hathaway?"

Reaching the Bitter Coffee
Hannibal enter the old pub and look at those gathered there, drinking as much as they can afford. Yeah... The Mercy remains the same, with or without an undead menace.

"Nana", he says moving to the counter, "Can I ask you something? I've ran short on brandy. Not the common ones you serve here, but one of those the nobility drink in special events... If you happen to restock sometime soon, could you fetch one for me? The city isnt exactly my place", he says and shrugs, "And how are things going since last week events? Been out for some days"

Once he finish speaking to Nana, he move to the dwarf and sit at his table, "You must be Folkir, right? Drakan didnt lied when he said you smell. Heard you wanted to join the fun, is that true? And doesnt you had a partner or something?", he call Vim and ask a beer, "Name is Hannibal Rust, but people call me Rusty".

2017-09-24, 01:17 PM
Folkir takes a long pull from his tankard, "Feh, Drakan's one tuh tawhk, I've been known tuh have a drink or two, but dat man smells like a wawhkin' distillery. I can't be all dat bad anyways, I sluiced off in dat big rain we had a month ago."

"On tuh mawh impawhtant tings, I have no partnuh, you're probably tinkin' of Locke, he hired me fawh a brief job a bit befawh Drakan and, what's huh name? Sasha, came onto de scene. He headed into de city after, somethin' about lookin' tings up, haven't seen him since. If by 'on de fun' yuh mean finally get some wawhk wawhth my time, den yes. I have had nuttin' tuh smack down lately save fawh ghouls and de occasional jumped up thug."

Folkir pauses and looks Rusty up and down, "Yuh look like yuh know dat hammuh well enough, up fawh a spar sometime, or what? Doan wawhry, de bruises will heal."

2017-09-24, 10:14 PM
Upon hearing Corwin's call, Travis realizes that this time for study and scribing is at an end. In a way it is a relief after a week of intense academic work, but he knows that soon he will probably regret marching once again into another den of death. He prepares spells that he hopes may come in handy. He's also made a deeper study of conjuration magic and figured out how to summon a few more types of creatures than most.

He tells Noirin "Thanks again. It is time for me to go and perhaps to use some of the knowledge I have gained here. These are dangerous times, so stay safe. As for myself, I can't follow the same advice, so don't say it. Good bye."

He takes a cab back to the Mercy and heads over to the Bitter Coffee. Spotting Rusty he walks over.

"Hey. What's going on?"

2017-09-24, 10:57 PM
Rusty measure the dwarf with his trained eye and nod.
"A spar would be nice another time, but right now all it would get you was a few broken bones", Rusty says and look at Travis enter and greet him, "We are looking for a few few recruits. I take that you wish to finish what we started right? If yes, welcome back".

He look at the mage and stay quiet for a moment before offering his hand, "I know we started with the wrong foot, but I hope we can join for the fights that wait us will need all strenght we can muster".

"As for you dwarf, welcome to world of pain. Hope this axe is as nasty as it looks like".

He then wave for then to go with him back to meet Ross and the others, taking his sending stone and trying to contact Calliope.

Time has come for us to attack the Queen's manor. Are you with us? If yes, go back to the hideout in two hours top

2017-09-24, 11:11 PM
@Rusty: You heed Ross' call and head with Will back to the Bitter Coffee, casually asking the brave half elf how he managed to get out of that damn prison.

Then again... how the hell did he end up in there to begin with? St. Noria is reserved only for the worst of the worst... and Olidammarans. Will falls into neither category.

Once at the pub, you head to the counter and ask Nana if she can procure some nice fancy brandy. A request most odd, considering people here drink distilled piss should the need arise.

"And Orc Ragrutt is considered a luxury around here, but you want brandy? I'll see what I can do to make it happen. As for The Mercy... yeah, you haven't shown your face around here much, now that I think about.

It's bad. As always. One group thinks they ought to be in charge. Another group stands up and says they're wrong. They knife each other...

And then zombies. Good times!"

With Folkir in sight, you approach with the confidence of a man wielding a dwarf killing hammer and take a seat, not before hailing Vim, The mercy Muse, as she walks up to your table and places a tall pint in front of you.

"Good to have you back, Rusty!"

@Travis: Who knows if Michael's spirit guided your hand as you toss the last empty ink vial to the bin and massage your wrists as you leaf through your grimoire and check the many extremely complicated diagrams and sigils used to pretty much fill your book.

The spells here should grant you an edge for what is to come. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. It is true that your mind has opened to phenomenal secrets in the arts of Conjuration. You may now be able to call on aid that perhaps nobody here has ever been able o do so....

And hopefully, it will be enough against her, as you get up and crack your back, with Noirin walking with you to Runstone's Gates, as these begin to open.

"I will not wish you safety, Travis. I wish you victory. For Michael and everyone else lost that dreadful day... until we see each other again.""

Cabs are always lined up outside Runestone, ready to take anyone anywhere in the City. Halmathan is, of course, still governed by Connor. All those horrific acts committed in The Mercy aren't even registered here. It's as if they never happened.

Maybe it's for the best that the populace at large doesn't know, as you drive down the streets and look out the window:

Halmathan alone has a population in the millions. About ten percent have actual training in warfare, whether martial or arcane. If whatever happened in The Mercy where to happen here, this could very well come down in History as one of Oerth's biggest tragedies.

And none would be the wiser...

The cab cannot leave you at the Wall itself, but a few blocks away. The pelorian church still has the containment tents and checkpoints and the City Guard is still reviewing everyone coming out, but they don't bother too much if you are going back in. Maybe they just don't care.

And so, you present a stack of papers signed by Merla which, although they do not grant you total immunity in the City, they have so many seals and signatures that they intimidate the lowly City Guard into asking very few if any questions regarding who you are.

This may help you get back in, but who knows if they are just as valid elsewhere in the City.

The Mercy is of course dirty and broken and with very few people sticking around, even in daytime.

Quite natural: they must still be afraid of those damn Crimson Heads and who knows if their numbers have been reduced or swelled exponentially. Regardless, you make your way to the Bitter Coffee, hoping that the others heeded Corwin's call.

Some did.

Rusty is here, Hammer by his side and drink in hand.

Will made it too, as he checks his harp.

But rather than meet Calliope, Anya or Raikou, there's a dwarf here. Tough as nails dwarf that may as well be a living siege engine, not unlike The Hellbore fought a week ago.

Who is this guy?

@Folkir: So these are Drakan's friends? Meh.

The half elf will probably spring into song anytime now. Who has time for that?

This guy...Hannibal Rust. He seems to be the man here. And he's gone directly to the point. Now to see if the offer is anything...

And then some bookworm walks into a bar:


Well, this guy is definitely a mage, down to the flowing robes and walking stick. The last guy you saw use magic didn't wear any shoes, so this is some kind of improvement and he seems to know hannibal rather well.

But can he be trusted?

2017-09-25, 02:07 AM
Raikou and Cyrus carefully make their way into the Mercy after returning from the Ossian Way. Recalling his experiences last time they had flown recklessly over and gotten shot down by the flying machines, Cyrus is quick to remind his master and the two seek out a less obvious route into the Mercy. One that might allow them to avoid much of the city and it's flying guardians.

Once back in the Mercy, the halfling sighs and shakes his head.

You know Cyrus, after a few days back on tropical warm ocean islands, I had almost forgotten how grungy this place was. Oh well. We were sent here with a objective and the quicker we do it the quicker we can leave. Let's see if we can find Jumpy or Hammer.

Guessing that the Bitter Coffee shop was a good a place as any to start looking, Raikou directs Cyrus to head in that direction.

Once there, he sees Rusty walking inside. Then, with a rush of wind, the two quickly cover the remaining distance between them and the tavern and follow the warrior inside.

Hey Hammers! I'm back. And I see you're as gruff as ever.

Raikou also notices Travis and Will and grins.

Oh, Jumpy, and bookworm. You guys are here too. Did you all miss your favorite handsome halfling?

2017-09-25, 03:15 AM
@Raikou: A well deserved vacation...

Choralis' Isle may be a prison of sorts, although the resident fey mistress never really talks about it. The green plateau filled with animals and beautiful fruit trees that provide delicious snacks for those welcome to her home as a relaxing way to spend the days as the white clouds drift slowly above you as you bite into a honey dew before Alsira and Severna, ever the playful type, invite you to descend almost a mile down to the calm waters of the Ossian Way and ditch Cyrus, as you'd join them as a merfolk halfling thanks to your many impressive spells and swim as far down as you could, exploring multicolored coral caves only to then switch into the lithe body of a sea elf and practice something the Sirines brought from Litheum Isle:


What a fun sport! Sure, you ended tumbling several times from the board itself and Cyrus would never willingly go to the water, but hell, there is no danger here, as you;d float on the calm ocean surface and watch the sun set in the distance before flying back up to Choralis' home, where the elder Sirine would challenge you to her own favorite pastime- chess.

A boring game in human lands, but Choralis isn't human.

The grass was trimmed in perfect squares of contrasting colors of green, with animals wearing funny hats resembling pieces on a chessboard as goat headed men catered to your every whim, bringing you large pine apples split in two with a large straw and you'd get nicely tanked with a cool coconut and wild feyberry cocktail said to have driven one of the dreaded Generals under Zyanya's rule mad drunk a long time ago and saved Archaidious and his friend's life since the mighty sahuagin, for all his strength... could not handle his liquor.

But in the end, all good things have to come to an end, as Lady Daphne, known as Titania's Wave of Whimsy, blessed you on your last day at Choralis; Isle and sent you back to the City of Power, powered by the mighty lungs of Kai, the Sea Warden and the biggest fey you have met to date, as he inhaled a great gout of sea air and blew you and Cyrus eastward, towards Halmathan and carefully navigating your familiar, avoid Connor's mean machines as you course past the Marina and towards the poor docks and get a good bird's eye view of the Mercy as you descend with Cyrus and head to their local meeting spot.

What a drag. This place is filthy, rat infested and everyone looks at you like you;re made of gold, ready to stick a shiv in you and take your money. They are welcome to try and fail, though.

Now, to see what this Corwin guy was saying about meeting the others at the pub.

And so it is, as you ride Cyrus and bump into Rusty with his massive Hammer.

Will and his fancy harp, probably already done singing for the day and spinning a tale or two.

Travis AKA Jumpy. He looks like, well... as always. Hopefully he learned a few new tricks while you were away.

But they aren't alone, as a smelly tanky dwarf with a mean axe follows suit... new guy?

@Folkir: Talk about a freak show.

You have seen halflings before, of course. In the City and outside. Consummate rogues. Annoying if they decide to go all klepto on you. Reliable if you are on their good side, but this one doesn't look like those butter knife wielding munchkins you've met in your travels:


This guy dresses much like the human, but flashier. a bunch of nice sea themed items adorn his cloak and you can tell he is not one to be trifled with. Especially when you consider who he is with:


What the hell is that thing? Some new kind of pet?

And he seems to know Hannibal, calling him Hammers.

But whose Jumpy and Bookworm here? Is he going to give you a nickname too?

2017-09-25, 05:39 AM
Folkir eyes the newcomers a little warily, "I take it we're groupin' up a team of some kind? Yuh know Rusty, yuh still haven't told me what dis job is about, or what it pays fawh dat mattuh."

2017-09-25, 08:36 AM
Growling with a mix of exasperation and frustration Locke dropped the latest book back on the table. He stood stretched, and returning it to the shelf, began looking for another book with details about the tunnels & dragon flights. While they may not be in use (or intended use) anymore, they'd certainly make for a more effective way of traversing the city & the Mercy.

Not to mention there wasn't many places to hide besides underground, surely something would turn up if he poked around a bit. He'd spend a bit more time in the library looking for descriptive texts or maybe a map of the tunnel system, even a dated one would be better than nothing.

Once he'd done that he'd go to one of the artificers or mage crafters, he needed an ever-burning torch, once he had that, he'd begin exploring the tunnels.

He figured he'd use some banal cover story to explain his presence to any guards folk or occupants he might meet... what would he say? Rat catcher..? no, structural inspection? That'd work, he had enough knowledge to make that a reasonable excuse.

Locke wasn't fond of exploring the sewers by himself especially with that "woman" around, but Drakan & Sasha were about as trustworthy as a drunk holding your ale, Folkir was plain expensive and everyone else was either missing or dead...

As he looked through the book, a last simple idea struck him....

2017-09-25, 03:00 PM
"Greetings, Raikou", Hannibal pat the halfling on top of his head, "And probably the second favorite halfling for all that means".

He look around and and wair a few more minutes, "I believe Anya and Calliope bailed on us and the Locke guy isnt around, is he? Oh well. Let's talk business then".

He turn to Folkir and the rest, "But not here. Drunken or not, there are lots of ears around and since you brought out a spar before I think I kbow of a good place to speak".

Rusty goes to Nana and ask her to warn Anya, Calliope or Locke they would be heading to the old colisseum before leading then to the former glorious Ludus Magnus.

"Behold the Ludus Magnus and its last champion", he says pointing his toe to his chest, "The place might noy be deserted, but I believe Ukobach frightened any squatter so it might be a good place to speak".

He look to Travis and Raikou, "I hope you had time to master all of the arcane powers as possible, as we'll need it", he then turn to Will, "And I wish to talk with you later about your last home in private and also to ask you not to just walk in my home as if you owned it. You have my trust, but not of all dwellers there, ok?"

At last he looks to Folkir.
"We are making a team of strong individuals to help stop some powerful foe: a menace to all Mercy. Your pay will be an equal share of all we find and sell, but after ten percent of it is reserved for thr team's fund. Should you die, we'll bring you back with whatever spell at our disposal or within our budget. You also get the opportunity to buy things we loot without taxes and that bull**** and will have a few spellcasters to support and help you".

"What you're required to do? Stick along and survive. We are going into the sewers find more evidence about this threat and help plan how to take it down. This threat's name is Alexia, but is also known as the Cruel Queen. She' a powerful archmage, transmuter abd scientist whom is experimentating on mercyfolk and some nobles, creating an army of mutated monsters. Hannah was turned into one of those foul beasts and the crimson heads zombies were her handwork, as where many other atrocities that happened over the years".

Hannibal let all the info sink in Folkir's mind before finally asking him, "So are you the dwarf we're looking for? Or this whole boogey monster story scared you?"

2017-09-25, 04:29 PM
Folkir grins at Rusty's offer, "Sounds like fun, and de recompense sounds acceptable so long as de loot keeps comin'. We might have tuh have anudder chat if dat dries up."

As fawh me, I'm fastuh than I look, hit hard, hit often, and am not easy tuh brin' down by spell or arrow. I wawhk best when I have some room tuh move about and hit wit'... I tink de fancy wawhd fawh it is momentum. I'm also not bad at spottin' traps befawh dey go off, but I make no guarantees about such tings."

The dwarf pauses for a moment and thinks, "Dat ting pretendin' tuh be a woman Locke and I ran into de othuh day, she's involved in dis mess right? I'd love tuh have anudder go at dat one"

2017-09-25, 04:46 PM
@Locke: A bunch of information here, but not all of it useful.

If there is something happening in The Mercy, the tunnels beneath would be the ideal place to start searching, but how to approach this?

Drakan is a drunk fool that can barely be trusted. His friend Sasha might as well fall into the same category.

Folkir is too expensive to hire, unless you can somehow convince him. Tunnels are dark and he is a dwarf after all.

Posing as an inspector for the tunnels might work... in the Mercy. Who knows what kind of security they have in the sewer system under this City. As far as you know, The Mercy is abandoned by the City as a whole- they don't care to explore those places, which means that someone else might have taken residence there. If that woman from the other day is lurking about, any number of Hawks you take will be easily disposed of, never mind you.

One thing is clear, though: sitting in a library, rummaging through books... that won't get you anywhere. You might need to get your hands and feet dirty for this one.

And so, leaving the library, you head for the Bursar's Office, where goods are now being sold. Connor's laws have made it so that items of power are heavily restricted and monitored, with the vast majority being taken to The Palace of Justice to strengthen his own army.

Master Sinio, the gnome mage, acts as clerk with a retinue of Cuthbertine Guards flanking him as you approach his desk and ask for an ever burning torch, which causes the guards to look at each other as the gnome opens a heavy ledger and looks at several items scribbled on it.

"We have one on stock right now. As per the Law, you will have to sign your name here in this form and pay the additional King's Campaign Tax, s you are clearly well aware by now...""

Sinio hands you a form and a price tag for you to check before making your purchase.

Everburning torch*: 165gp

* Tax already included

@Folkir: This Rusty guy seems to know his way around The Mercy, as he leads you, Will, Travis and Raikou, along with his whirlwind friend deeper into The Mercy and to the grand Ludus Magnus Colosseum.

This used to be home to the Cold Hammer gang until recently. There were tales that they had been all wiped out and if Hannibal is to believed...

It was because of him.

And so, amidst the abandoned arena, filled with rotting bestial corpses, Rusty informs you of what is happening in The Mercy. The monsters, Hannah's fate, mad scientists...

A very likely chance of dying.

He isn't sugar coating it. Death is a very real possibility. reason why the other three apparently went into some sort of training, but will they be enough?

And are you willing to take the plunge?

2017-09-25, 05:10 PM
Any irritation Locke might have had over the taxes for the ever burning torch were dispelled when neither of the guards appeared to challenge or openly question the purchase. He happily paid the cost for the torch, then left. He padded outside into the growing darkness, well what better time to use his purchase....after checking his gear, Locke held the torch in his left hand, and began for him what was a modest jog, but what for others was close to a dead sprint.

He wasn't particularly interested in stopping or slowing for anyone, as he dashed through the city, he leapt over some obstacles and darted around others, figuring that unless a guard ordered him to halt or they'd fire, he wouldn't stop moving....and even then....he doubted they'd be able to hit him moving as he was, with his basic defense activated.

Once Locke was successfully back in the Mercy he went looking for a tunnel entrance, he started by checking major, (or what used to be major) crossways and roads, looking for a cover or lid, or a drain large enough to fit down.

Upon finding such an entrance he opened the door, letting whatever odors waft up and give him a taste of what could be coming.

Baby Gary
2017-09-25, 05:28 PM
Hey Raikou, you are looking shocking right now, (Pun totally intended)

so Watt (pun also intended) you been up to? I have just been playing me harp, threatening the inquisitor guy, its something like dolphin, and escaping St. Nora's.

2017-09-25, 06:10 PM
@Locke: The guards may not make a fuss about you buying an everburning torch, which comes in a long wooden box and is not activated until verbally activated, as per Sinio's suggestion:

Within lawfully established areas, of course

It's a one time activated item, but with Connor's laws on magic, Runestone has made sure that some of these items don't automatically attract attention to the buyer. So, they have a one time word written on the torch's side. Once uttered, this one comes ablaze and follows the rules for any other ever burning torch.

What the guards do pay attention to is the name written down in the shopping form. This is very important to them, since they need to know who is buying what.

Many would, naturally, use false names. This isn't unheard of. Has this tactic fooled Connor's regime? Nobody has stepped forward to tell. Maybe it's such a brilliant scheme that nobody wants to share it.

Given your time in the library and shopping, your magical enchantments are long gone by the time you leave Runestone. The Academy is across the entire City from the Mercy. You could jog, leap, attempt all manner of parkour and hopefully, arrive at the Mercy way after sundown, when the torch would come in most handy.

And given that you have training unlike any other person in this City, you begin a city wide marathon, as you zig zag through the hundreds of vehicles and watch the sun begin to slowly recede through the tall buildings as one of those nasty Eyes in the Sky sluggishly chugs above you, casting its ominous shadow over an entire city block, as a woman's voice can be heard from within it, broadcast city wide:

...and remember: Magic is unauthorized and illegal outside of very specific places and only under strict governmental supervision. To cast magic is to defy the City. Do not become an anarchist like the Olidammarans.

Don't cast Magic.

They like reminding people of this every hour or so since those damn things got airborne a several months ago. The idea may be that, through repetition, they will ingrain such thoughts in the populace. So far, it seems to work, since nobody would be stupid enough to be caught practicing magic outside Runestone or approved churches.

By the time you reach the containment area outside The mercy, your legs are about to give in, but a jog is not illegal. It's not like you were stealing anything and the City guard is performing its shift and really don't care who goes inside. It's who leaves The Mercy that's a problem.

Once past the broken Wall of Separation, you watch the few beggars already lighting up the drum barrels to cast off light and warmth. You could activate your tirch here and no one would bother you.

As fopr sewer entrances... choose a manhole. They are easy to spot, even after sundown and with a torch. It should be noted, though, that if you do go...

You are going solo, since none around would be foolish enough to go to the sewers. Much less at night. Having said that, you are Locke Decaldris, an accomplished Transmuter and a Monk. There is pretty much nobody that can stand in your way.

2017-09-25, 06:26 PM
"I cant say for sure, but from what I was told she might be one of Alexia's Maids, much like Hannah, but without the hideous appearence and poisonous aura", he answer Folkir and offer his hand to him, "It's good to have made the deal wih you. It's late already, but we better get on the move to get the last piece of info we need so let's go someplace else".

He start moving back to the hideout, so that they can get from Corwin the location and directions to reach Alexia's manor.

"And Will: how did you escaped St. Noria? So far I've heard about only one person to do it. And how you ended there at first place", he asks while guiding them through winding alleys, "Lots of my folk there, so any info you might have is welcome".

Leading them to the hideout

2017-09-25, 07:11 PM
Folkir says, "Sounds good tuh me, de soonuh de bettuh in my opinion." The dwarf hefts up and begins following his apparent new companions.

As the group moves along, Folkir turns to the mages among them."Say, an old buddy of mine had dis trick where he'd make me grow fair bit. We'd use it when tings were particularly heavy. I doan suppose any of yuh know dat one?"

Baby Gary
2017-09-25, 09:24 PM
I'll tell you about St Nora's in a bit, I think some people *sasha* want to hear about it

Will said to Rusty as they traversed the dusty streets en route to the hideout

While I was away I wasn't able to hear the info about alexia. Can you fill me out on what you know?

2017-09-25, 10:16 PM
"The last person that need to hear about St. Noria is Sasha. That place made her a little bit crazier than she used to be, so I ask you to tell me and if I deem important I'll tell her later", Rusty says to Will and shrugs when he ask about Alexia, "Nothing much new. She experimented with several people to create all sort of monsters. She was an archmage by the age of eight and was under direct tutelage of Dr. Cutter: the boogeyman himself. They worked together until they... Well, didnt. Apparently he found out she was using him and not the other way around and he may be already dead for what I read. She went under an hibernation process sometime, so I take she eventually decided to experiment on herself, which means she might be more monster than she may appear".

"Anything else?", he asks finding easier to answer direct questions than debriefing about all the papers and journals they found.

2017-09-25, 10:47 PM
@Rusty: Having given Folkir enough necessary information about the task at hand, you, the dwarf, Will, Travis and Raikou return to the hideout, as the sun begins to hide beneath the tall charred structures of The Mercy.

It's pretty straightforward: most of the people were there the night Corwin gave his lengthy exposition, so they ought to be all caught up. What nobody knows yet is how to access her domain. where is it... and how dangerous it will be once there.

It's a few blocks away from the hideout when Corwin reaches out to you through his usual Sending spell:

Calliope left some items here. Is the dwarf to be trusted? Ross has activated traps to the den. Will not to enter.

You take a look at the half elf, boasting about his success tale and how he'd rather talk it up with Sasha. Exchange war stories, if you will...

Sasha was already mad before she was sent there. That place turned her into an assassin and you know that ross and Corwin have both been trying to help her for months to get over whatever she went through in that place.

If Will were to just chat it up as he usually does, chances are the shifter might snap and then months of work would go down the crapper.

2017-09-25, 10:59 PM
"Meet us outside and bring the medibot and items. We're a few blocks away and Folkir seems trustworhty. Dont bring Sasha", Rusty answer Corwin and halt on his track.

"Here will be good enough. Let's wait", he says and lean into an abandoned building wall, "Get ready for we're going down the sewers today, so enjoy what little fresh air we still have".

2017-09-25, 11:38 PM
@Rusty: You reply to Corwin and lean on a wall in some dark alley as the blazing fire of some nearby oil drum causes odd shadows to dance around a nearby wall.

Calliope left something, which means she isn't joining you. Not good. As a combat unit, you and the dwarf can probably take on whatever that mad bitch throws at you, but you are bound to end wounded. Not a little, but a lot. That's where Calliope would've shone a lot more.

Can a machine replace a man? Time will tell.

@The Party except Locke: It's nearly half an hour before some twinkling lights in the dark scare off a few beggars as a small ovoid shape floats towards all of you, roughly the halfling's size:


"Greetings and salutations: Travis Wood, Raikou Stormborn, Hannibal Rust, Will and...""

The machine floats towards Folkir and looks at it through one of its lenses.

"I am unfamiliar with this patient.""

It's a ripple in the shadows as a man some of you know better than others steps forth:


"Nice evening, isn't it? You must be Folkir. Charmed. I cannot say I envy where you are going, but it would seem your mind is set, as is of those here.

Hannibal, Anya is nowhere to be found. She has not replied to my sendings and I don't know why.

Calliope stopped by earlier. She has tasked herself with healing the Mercy that much more, becoming a traveling healer of sorts. She is aware of what you are going to do and will not leave you empty handed.""

Corwin taps the floating metal orb and this one unhinges himself, revealing a black void within as the reporter digs his hand inside and takes out several items.

"The Asclepius Unit acts as a Haversack, on top of whatever else it can do. Calliope felt you and the others could benefit from these.""

And so, Corwin produces the following items.

Wand of Cure Light Wounds CL 1st (50/50 charges)

Wand of Lesser Vigor CL 1st (50/50 charges)

Scroll of Panacea CL 7th

Scroll of Restoration CL 7th

Corwin moves his arm around the insides of the Asclepius Unit, still looking for something else.

"I cannot stay out here for long before I am recognized, but these are some files Ross found along with Drakan and Ivo while myself and the others fought against Sarjon. Perhaps they can give you a clue as to where to go first.""

It's two more files. These were not shown a week before.


Although their design and purpose is intrinsically flawed, I have decided to procure three original fey for individual testing. They will not be subjected to the Novistador Program. I have decided to indoctrinate these three into the Phobos Program. Fey have a tendency to be curious by nature. This particular element in their genetic make up leads to a high percentage of death when and if they are to be deployed into the field.

This has to be remedied.

Three of these fey have shown to demonstrate a modicum of leadership amongst the other specimens. These will be fit for experimentation over an extended period of time. Fey are known to be immortal unless terminated through conventional means. A way to establish a protein based nutrient vact will have to be devised to keep them alive during my Hibernation.

There is a possibility that their minds are fractured in the process, but their intellectual capacity was already reduced from the beginning, so at any rate, the Phobos Program should provide illuminating data.

I have ordered these three to be sent to Preparation and be placed under the F-103's...supervision.

If I am to test the Phobos Program at a one hundred percent success rate, this is the most logical and efficient method.

"We know what happened to the other fey, but if this file is true, their leaders should still be down there somewhere... unscathed, or so we hope. If you can find them and free them, perhaps this can make your job a lot easier, since, well...""

Corwin produces another file and lets you read it.


During my years becoming Enlightened, I have come across the concept of creating the perfect soldier. A Hive needs loyal workers, but more so- it needs loyal and strong soldiers. Subjects that are willing to give their life for their Queen, molded to answer at an instinctual level only to me.

The subjects gathered through the years have proved to be insufficient to meet this criteria- only 1% are able to survive the process, which leads to a disappointing percentage of dead subjects, with the surviving ones fit to be Processed into my older experiments.

I have hypothesized that, if the subject has solid training from the beginning, they can successfully assimilate the Ubesoldstat Program. In essence, creating a new line of bio organic weapons. A perfect soldier that will answer only to me.

So far, only a handful have been able to be labeled as such. Thankfully, Test Site 1 has surprised me over the years- a veritable slew of promising subjects have been born and bred here, and if not, many have been brought here as initially planned. This creates a Testing Scenario from which I can determine who are best suited to be brought to the facility. The idea of them claiming ownership over the Test Site is, for lack of a better word- amusing. Lesser life forms... they still cling to such misguided concepts such as free will. Dreams. Desires. Why? Do they not understand that their purpose is to serve me? Are their minds so fractured, beholden to the shackles of free will?

It is clear now that I must release these promising subjects from such a torturous existence. They will come to accept Reality as it was meant to be. They will suffer no more under the oppression of Choice and Emotion. Utter Obedience and Singularity will be the Future of this City...

And they will adhere to this ideals. They will do so...or they will be disposed.

"We believe you may have to face against those below. Not unlike Gram of the Roosters... I am sorry.""

Corwin takes out one final piece, using both hands to extract it as the Asclepius' lights blink on and off and the reporter grunts as he places an ornate piece on the ground. Shy of a foot shorter than Raikou:


"Ross, Drakan and Ivo found this while exploring that place. Cost Ross' hand to get it out. They believe it's half of a whole. Some sort of puzzle, but we don't know what it does. Ross has used all his knowledge in the divine and mine in the arcane to keep it as concealed as possible. We can only hope we have been successful.""

Corwin takes a step back and looks at all of you.

"Well, then. That's it. From here on, I believe you are on your own."

2017-09-26, 07:47 AM
"So there might be more Gram-like soldiers down there? Well... It's going to be fun", he look to everyne, "If you have no questions, let's get going. We need directions, Bob".

Telepathically, Rusty poke Corwin's head.
"Tell Ross to change the hideout. Too much people know lf its locations and even though some are trusty, some might not be anymore: Anya being a clear example. Once we're done with this whole thing I'll contact you".

"Ah!", Rusty says giving Corwin the paired sending stone, "Give it to the boss so that I can repor. Twenty five words at a time".

Giving the pair to Corwin

2017-09-26, 08:25 AM
Locke threw back the manhole lid, chosen at random, dropped down into tunnel below, held the torch aloft, and began moving carefully but rapidly down the passage.

2017-09-26, 09:41 AM
Folkir regards the floating sphere with distrust. To Rusty he says, "Anythin' else we need tuh prepare? If no, what is de plan? What can yuh tell me of de abilities of dis Gram, who we're expectin' tuh fight mawh of?"

2017-09-26, 10:05 AM
"There will probably be many aberrated monsters, among them we already fought against the Novistadors: flying invisible insects that spray acid, teleport and have razorlike claws. Those were former pixies mutated and enhanced by mixing nymph's in their blood or something more... Gross. So if you hear buzzing, ger ready to.have your spleen surgically removed".

"There were other insect-like monsters as well, the Vivisectors. Those are smaller and resistant to sonic. After they kill yoi, they'll surgically cut something in your soul and you cant be brought back to life. Should any falls to one of those we'll need to focus on it and protect the fallen one".

He pause and think for a moment, "We read about some leech monsters capable of becoming whatever they devour or something and about an indestructible monster: immune to magic and weapons, but slow. She's probably an unique experiment though".

"Now the ubersoldt Gram. He took the fight 1x9 and gave us a heavy beating before qe managed to slay him. He looked human until he was blasted and his skin melted , showing a hideous insect-like monster. He was shper strong, super resilient and he was fast. He had some martial and arcane trainning, but I'm not sure it comes with the ubersoldt package or if it was his persobal trainning. He could fly, resisted magic, had an unnatural reach with his clawed tentacle and had a very power grip on whoever he held, so teleportations and the Freedom of Movement spell would be needed to bring him down".

"And lastly, the are the Queen's Maids. If they're all like Hannah, their spongeous body absorb blunt weapons while slashing and piercing damahe her. Problem is her body is like a baloon filled with poison gas that knockout you and then turn you into those crimson heads. She was able to cast several spells, teleporting people, creating tentacles and etc".

"And crimson heads, of course, but I believe you're already familiar with those".

2017-09-26, 12:02 PM
Folkir considers a bit before responding, "Poison doesn't budder me much, and I have a few trinkets fawh telepawhtin' if I get grabbed, dey're radder limited though, took em off dis annoyin' chap who thought I coun't guess where he'd go next. Invisible could be a problem. We got a countuh tuh dat? Or should I just carry gobs of mud tuh flin' when I hear buzzin'?"

Baby Gary
2017-09-26, 03:36 PM
Will sat down on a rock in though, looking at the mysterious files whose contents could be his demise.

I have an idea, we should make ideas. This sounds stupid but for the time that I have been with you all we have just rushed head first into everything and we... got beat up. We should have a plan before every conflict, also ways to get away and places to hide. We should, if we can, chose the battle field and prepare beforehand. As I have learned in my years up study on this subject: planning is key. However we can't take forever to make the perfect battlefield and the best plan; we must also pay attention to the time that we have.

It seems that this Alexia is a few steps ahead of us but she in one and we are seven. We need to play to our strengths and protect our weaknesses, and do this for the rest of us. It all comes down to who is the most prepared. Without preparation we will be destroyed but the same goes for Alexia.

also in all the legends and stories that I know, which there are hundreds, every group of heroes have a name. I am not saying that we are heroes, but we are going to try to save our homes, our friends, our lives, ou city, and, in effect, the world.

2017-09-26, 06:30 PM
@Locke: Nothing ventured...

The manhole falls on the asphalt and rumbles a bit from the force exerted by you as the torch comes into being and your nostrils are assaulted by the worse possible stench a sewer could ever accumulate as a few rung ladders, cold and slippers, help you down fifteen feet and you look around.


How long have these sewers been unchecked? That strange tingling feeling from the other day when you and Folkir went down to inspect hannah's cellar can be felt here, as you still do not tread further in, but thanks to the light granted by your ever burning torch, you can see this place is gigantic.

A large green rancid cistern serves as a pool, which extends further than the torch;'s radius. Clumps of mold have taken to the walls and floor of the sewer, as well as a few claw marks on the stone wall. Old ones by the look of it- none made by any animal you know.

At this point, you still have the option of climbing back up, or continuing your investigation onward.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217160)

@Rusty: Corwin takes one of the rings and pockets it.

"This will come in handy. I will be Sending periodically to you as well, just in case. Since these are one day use only. As for Gram? Yes, I do believe she might have more down there. When Archaidious, myself and many others went to her main foyer, she had that guy Anderson already turned into one of those monster soldiers.

That was many months ago. Who knows if she hasn't made more since... or we simply did not explore deep enough into her domain to find them, but more prowling below is a possibility, reason why I do not envy where you are headed.""

Corwin rubs his chin as you ask where to.

"Honestly? The route I took was not the safest. When myself, Silvia and others were on Mithmironel's trail, we stumbled upon a nest of those things. We were lucky to escape with our lives intact... or mostly intact.

I don't suggest taking my way- even if Ross supposedly blew the nest up, that was months ago and you have read the files: those things reproduce quickly.

I heard there is one access point, but I have no idea how to open it. It is in the sewers as well. Soraya of the Society contacted me with this information. Some stone door with an unusual key. They never found what the key was... or she didn't elaborate enough, but it should get you further inside and to her domain. A dwarf by the name of Davorin Mineshadow should know how to get there. He is Society as well.""

Upon mention of changing locations due to more people knowing, Will just blurts out how plans need to be made.

You are seven- despite only being five, a familiar and a robot- and she is alone. Victory is assured.

And also- and this being extremely important- you are Heroes... but not really. And like not really heroes, you need a name. Nothing else matters... just a name!

Corwin begins to step back into the shadows and looks at the half elf, shaking his head and contacting you and you alone mentally:

Ross and I are concerned about this, Hannibal. We know since Seti that a few people might know our location, but all of them are in The Mercy. None of them have had contact with the City...

Until Will just stammered in.

A mass migration to a new locale will take time. Ross is not taking risks with the half elf, Hannibal:

If he becomes a liability... we will deal with him as one... very swiftly. Reason why I may be contacting you if we find out something sketchy about him. I will let you know... Good luck.

And having said that, Corwin disappears into the shadows and is heard no more.

Baby Gary
2017-09-26, 07:20 PM
No one? no one has any name ideas? really?

I knew that you all were boring. I have some ideas. How about Will and Co.? or Will and other badasses (but I am more badass). Raikou, come up with some shocking. Rusty, I don't think you can come up with a good name.. after all you are a bit rusty. Calliope, whats your call on getting a name for this... group. Folkir is it? you aren't one of the regular folk that are here. And Anya, have any ideas? air guy! I think you need some rest... after all you seem a bit winded

does everyone hate me now? thought so.

2017-09-26, 09:54 PM
"A name wont help help us and I dont think naming our group can even be considered planning", Rusty says simply and lead the way, "Let's find Davorin and get this sewer incursion going, shall we?"

While walking, Rusty look to Will, "And no one hates you, people just dont understand your humor and you creep people when talking to people that arent here", "he looks around, "No Anya nor Calliope at our side. It's almost as if Pythia was here"

He begin to move and make some quesions around, trying to figure out where that sniper dwarf might be.
"Travis, you were Seti and Anya's friend and they belonged to the Society, right? Dont you know where those guys might meet?"

Tracking down Davorin or any Society hideout.

Baby Gary
2017-09-26, 10:37 PM
I don't think from all my days in the Bitter Coffee I have heard anything about where the society meets. I was part of it a long time ago but they almost certainly moved their base. lets see if I can remember anything

gather info [roll0]
know local [roll1]

also I got the names messed up because I was super tired should have gone to bed a few hours ago. that is why I made that mistake, if there is any way we could ignore that I would like that.

2017-09-26, 11:04 PM
Travis says "I probably shouldn't say it, but I don't think we stand much of a chance. We only beat Gram and un-Hannah with a lot of help, and that was fighting them separately. Facing another ubersowhat, plus un-Hannah, plus Alexia who is very likely much stronger than either, plus her other minions, on her turf, is a fools' quest.

I think I have met only one hero in my life, and that was Hannah, the real one. We are certainly not heroes.

But I do like the idea of a name. The old Syndicate of Swords, the group that raided the old SMC factory and found out about the Tank and its stolen control rod, is no more. I guess only Raikou knows what I'm talking about.

How about ... The Righteous Rats? The Sewer Saints? The Deadly Drinkers? The Slightly Above Average Concerned Citizens?

I have a spell that will let me see invisible creatures, and can cast a glitterdust, but that's pretty limited.

I suggest we all stock up on antitoxin before going near the sewers.

I might know where a Society meeting place was, but I won't lead you there. I'll go myself and check it out."

2017-09-26, 11:14 PM
@Rusty: You look at your group and definitely notice Anya and Calliope's absence. Neither priestess nor beguiler will be joining you below towards Alexia's domain.

And about Will's persona? well, he may think people hate him... but that isn't entirely true. After all, without Calliope or Anya with you, he is the closest thing after the floating metal orb you have to a cleric. If you and Folkir are going to be fighting who knows what down there, you will need someone that can heal...

And the medibot's ability to act as doctor is limited. A machine can only do so much before human ingenuity shines on.

@Will: You may have to come up with a name later on for the group. After all, you haven't really got to know all of them in depth and the dwarf is a newcomer.

What you do know is people. A lot of them. You may not know where The Society is holed up, but Davorin is known to a few beggars and brigands as you guide the rag tag group which draws a lot of attention thanks to the metal orb floating beside you as the crackling flame barrels illuminate a smelly alley and the stars are barely visible above with all the smoke.

The distant roar of one of those ghouls echoes through the dark... they aren't all taken down, but hopefully other groups will be on the hunt tonight, as a lone ragged looking man in a patchwork cloak steps forth from a group of beggars and lifts his hand, a sign of peace.

"Word is you're looking for Davorin the Dwarf. Quite a group you have here with you... why, may I ask, are you looking for him?""

2017-09-27, 12:51 AM
His interest is definitely piqued by the latest document given to them.

Last to see it, he reads it over quickly.

Fey leaders... extended experimentation? And not subject to the Novista-program? That's not good, no wait, that is good isn't it? That means these three must still be alive! The enchantress lady will be a little relieved to hear that.
There in something called the Phobos Program? I wonder what F103 is.

If I can't find that Arch fellow maybe at least we can find these fey.

He puts the document away and listens to the others discuss a group name.

Yeah... I don't know if I'd call us brave heroes. Or saints or righteous.

I'd go with the Slightly Above Average Concerned citizens one, well, if I were actually a citizen.

Oh, and bookworm, nice puns. Don't listen to Hammers. I think you're pretty funny. In fact, I think I actually dislike you less now. :smalltongue:

Then on the matter of finding Davorin.

Davorin...? Oh Ol' Gruffbeard? He definitely knows his way around those sewers. He got us out of there when we went exploring... At least he got some of us out alive.

Raikou tells Rusty and the others once Corwin leaves.

He's also right about the door though. There was some door we passed that was locked up pretty well. But I think we found the "keys" needed for it... if they can be even called that. The door asked for Eyes and Teeth... And we found a set of both on some crazy experiment in a slightly different area.

He reaches into his bag and pulls out the Jaws and Eyes of the Stone Skull he had found on his sewer trip. This should help us get further into the sewers than I did with Gruffbeard and Soraya. He grimaces as he is reminded of that fight. Not a very pleasant place.

2017-09-27, 02:49 AM
@Travis: As the group makes its way through the Mercy at night, you look at the tall dark structures, barely illuminated by the fires from different barrels and the shadows cast by the beggars, twisting and turning into eerie forms only to reform.

This is a Death March. Gram was taken down by a combined monumental effort from everyone before he was brought down.

Hannah- or rather the creature that boasted her name- managed to slay several of your friends and allies, needing the intervention of the oldest Church Leader in Halmathan to barely survive and not end up as a zombie.

And now, you are all willing to go against the one who made them? Madness!

But heroes or not, this is your home now. Be it at the mercy of a Tyrant or a Mad Queen, you need to rid of this City of at least one Evil... but which is the lesser of them?

As for names for your entourage? Plenty spring to mind. The Syndicate of Swords did successfully manage to infiltrate the old SMC factory and warn everyone of what was transpiring in this place.

But that seems like years ago. Faces have come and go, with only Raikou being a constant. And a good constant he is:

The little guy should be able to blast through several of Alexia's minions with ease. He did so before. He can do it again.

@Raikou: You read one of the files detailing three 'fey leaders'....

Could it be that these are Fyrune's friends? They were her mentors before Alexia abducted all the fey in Halmathan. If they are powerful enough to not have been turned to those grisly bugs, then you can rescue them. They can be saved!

But the file mentions they have been captive for a long time. Phobos Program? What is Phobos anyway? And they are guarded by a number... not good.

If Archaidious is down there, maybe these fey can help get him out. But for that to happen, you need to rescue them first. Running around sewers with those unseen creatures is a death wish. You;ll ran low on steam before they overwhelm you, something you discovered all too well last time you went down to the sewers and discovered Cutter's little play pen. Which brings another issue at hand...

Subject Stan.

That monster was taken down by you, Soraya, Davorin, Isobel and the very small group of surviving Society mooks. Subject Stan was a true horror in battle. Had Cyrus not been able to keep you aloft, you would most likely not be here now.

However, you prevailed. And as tough as that rotting corpse was, you managed to best him and pluck his stone eyes and lower jaw from his body. essential pieces to open a door that, by the time you and the others were done with Stan, was the last thing you wanted to explore, given how exhaustive that mission turned out to be.

But now you are rested. And you have a way further into the sewers and to Alexia's domain. Thankfully, you know Davorin and halflings and dwarves get along well, that's a fact... or is it gnomes?

And this becomes true as one of the beggars questions Will and several crossbows are locked and loaded in the shadows above before the Leader of the Fraternal Cobblers comes out of the shadows, arms extended and a smile on his face:


"Stormy, old boy! How the hell are ya?! I thought you'd have left after that whole Hannah House of Horror show! Put down your weapons, boys.""

A bunch of shadows move above on the old buildings, but you can tell they are watching all of you as Davorin walks up to you and shakes your hand.

"What brings the Master Blaster to this side of town? And I think I remember some of the faces with you...

Except that guy... and that thing with you.""

Davorin looks at Folkir and the Medibot, who hovers beside you and Cyrus.

"So what can I do for you, Raikou? Interested in something? I might have a trinket or two from that battle with The Roosters... for the right price.""

2017-09-27, 08:28 AM
Inwardly wondering if his nostrils would ever recover from the perpetual wave of filth that was battering them, Locke hefted the torch in his left hand proceeded forward and to the left. He kept an eye out for things on the walls and ceiling as much as on the floor infront of him, every so often he'd check the great green pool for ripples of movement. Something was down here, that was for certain, what and where........ he didn't mind finding out, getting surprised by it though....he'd definitely try to avoid that.

As he walked he let a small smirk place itself on his face as he walked, humming a song the children had often sung when they had to clean chamber pots or outhouses. "Great green globs of greasy grimey....."

2017-09-27, 11:11 AM
"Good evening, Davorin", he greet the dwarf, "We are looking for some instructions below and the reporter told you might know your way down in the sewers. The night seems pleasant for tour underground".

At the mention if trinkets, Hannibal look at his pockets for some gold, "Climbing apparatus, ropes, some chalks and a handful of torches would be good. Maybe some flasks of oil and antitoxin. And portable ram and a crowbar. How much would that cost?"

Masterwork Climber's kit
Grappling hook
Silken rope (100ft)
10 pithons
One backpack
5 torches
10 piece of chalk
Flasks of oil (as much as he have in stock)
Antitoxin (as much as he have in stock)
One portable ram
One crowbar

2017-09-27, 03:26 PM
@Locke: The strong smell of methane fills the air in this place.

If someone were to cast or throw something flammable, you could turn this whole sewer system into an inferno... and char yourself in the process.
Thankfully, the place isn't too big ceiling wise- fifteen feet tops.

But nevertheless, you move forward, allowing your torch to help you see as you keep an eye out for the immense pool riddled with green goop and floating debris of who knows what nature.

Something has latched to the edges of the cistern, clinging to them as your torch casts light upon them:


They are as big as a coconut and all of them cracked. It's an egg, but of what? and there seems to be dozens of them stuck to the edge of the pool, with shells of them bobbing on the fetid water a few feet away.

A wooden door can be seen a few feet away, slightly ajar, but the path continues on around the green pool.

Roll a Listen

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217228)

@Rusty: Davorin listens to your words and looks at your group.

"You guys must be mental! My scouts said they saw someone not too long ago head down there... alone. What is it with you and death wishes, anyways? I have a limited map of the place: Raikou and myself covered as much as we could. The entrance isn't too far, but I will not send my people down there this time.

If you go, you're on your own. Besides, anything we could loot, was already looted.""

However, on the mention of coin, the dwarf rubs his red beard and looks at one of his rogues, who signals another one and within minutes, bring a crate.

"I can't offer everything you;re asking, but you are Raikou's friend and he did save my ass. Having said that...""

Davorin points at Will.

"That guy blinded me with his magic when we fought Hannah. I could've died to that freak.""

The rogues open the crate and shed some light inside as Davorin shows you the goods.

Torches x3: 30 cp

Crowbar: 3gp

Backpack: 3gp

Chalk x10: free

Flasks of Oil x10: 10 silver

Antitoxin x10: 600gp

"That's what we got. Poison and its treatment have become a lot more necessary now, hence the price surge, but hey! You get free chalk. Not a bad deal, right? Besides, if you're going down there, inflated prices will be the very least of your worries. This is a one time offer, boys. I suggest you take it.""

2017-09-27, 05:08 PM
Locke cocked his head, ears craning to here something from behind the door. Last thing he wanted was to get ambushed, but he couldn't similarly investigate any crack or hole that happened to appear. He glanced at the ground around the door, looking for scrape marks or footprint or tracks, anything to indicate something had recently moved through the area.

He'd investigate noises and movement, but otherwise he figured he'd keep moving, after all if there was a super evil lair down here, how well hidden would it be? Protected yes, hidden.....hopefully his enemy didn't have that many resources to spend hiding, after all they were in the sewer of the slums.

Rolls: Listen & Spot (if allowed)
Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2017-09-27, 06:33 PM
@Locke: You keep moving deeper into the sewer system and keen your senses for any movement as you lift the ever burning torch so as to get more mileage out of its light...

The door is slightly ajar and you can see on the slimy floor old foot prints of varying sizes coming in and out and heading east and deeper towards the sewers.

The smell of rotting flesh coming from the room is particularly nasty, as your torch allows you to see a ruined military tent and the remains of a bonfire, long extinguished.

Your torch also catches sight of a hole in the ground a few feet away. Looks old, as if something burrowed through solid stone.

As for sounds, only mild ripples in the water as the drain pipes above drip drop onto the cistern. There doesn't seem to be any...

It is then that you are attacked!

Unseen claws rip into your flesh as the deafening sounds of buzzing wings fill the sewers. Something has flown straight towards you and although utterly unseen, you can see your arms being squeezed and scraped as the smell of acid begins to invade your nostrils!

What the hell lairs down here?!

8 damage

3 damage plus improved grab DC 22

And as if an unseen creature ripping your flesh weren't bad enough, your face and torso are bathed in acid!

12 acid damage. Reflex DC 16 for half

The sounds of buzzing wings echo throughout the entire cistern... how many are they...and where?!

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217285)

2017-09-27, 07:26 PM
Rusty take out the coin to pay Davorin, "A shame you have no climbing apparatus. Not even hempen ropes?", he ask and pay the man.

Torches x3: 30 cp
Crowbar: 3gp
Backpack: 3gp
Chalk x10: free
Flasks of Oil x10: 10 silver
Those are paid from Rusty's money.

Antitoxin x8: 480gp
Rusty will buy 8 out of 10 antitoxin with Party Funds, leaving him with 48gp and the Party Funds with 46 gp. If anyone want to buy the last 2 antitoxin, they can empty the Party Funds.

"And you said your guys saw someone going down there? We should track him or her as it may be one of the Queen's agents and we might extract some information from it", he tell the others and begin sharing the antitoxin and some party items, "I dont believe Cyrus can drink, right?"

Raikou and Cyrus: 2 antitoxin;
Travis: 2 antitoxin
Will: 2 antitoxin, Wand of Cure Light Wounds (1st, 50 charges), Wand of Lesser Vigor (1st, 50 charges), Scroll of Panacea (7th) and Scroll of Restoration (7th)
Folkir: 1 antitoxin
Rusty: 1 antitoxin

"Where did you guys see the person entering the sewers?", he asks finally and add, "And can you give us the map?"

2017-09-27, 07:35 PM
@Rusty: Davorin counts the money as his men give you the goods, which you are already splitting amongst the group.

"Hemp Rope? Yeah. I will throw that in along with the chalk, since I keep the good stuff for myself. Hand the man fifty feet of hemp!""

Regarding the lone agent in the sewers, Davorin shrugs.

"If he's in good graces with whatever lives down there, then he's fine. Otherwise, he's already as good as dead. My scouts did mention he had a hood on...and walked barefoot. If you know anyone like that, by all means, he's all yours.""

Davorin and his group walk with you and the others towards a sealed entrance as his men start moving the barricade.

"When Raikou and a few others ventured in, I decided to seal this place. That isn't to say other tunnels don't exist, but it should get you where you want faster than any other route. Not that it will be safer.""

It's a nasty smell coming from an old set of dam stairs inside a crumbled building as Davorin gesture inside.

"It's dark, dangerous and smells like any other sewer ought. Maybe even worse. However! And this is important:

Once you go down there, I am resealing this entrance. And we will not be opening it again, so there's that.""

2017-09-27, 07:40 PM
"I appreciate your help, Davorin. And yes, please seal it once we go down", he take the rope, crowbar, oils and torches and stuff them into the backpack, "Anyone have anything to say before we use the flush and go down the sewers?" he ask the party, "And more important, anyone with a free hand to hold a torch or with a spell to make my hammer shine like a sun?"

2017-09-27, 07:58 PM
"I'd go with the Slightly Above Average Concerned citizens one, well, if I were actually a citizen."

Travis replied "Stormy, we didn't need swords to form the Syndicate of Swords, did we? Slightly Above Average Concerned Citizens it is! With that name, we may strike more fear into the hearts of our enemies, than any other group of the same name will do to the same villains."


"Rusty, thanks.

Davorin, fair enough. The Slightly Above Average Concerned Citizens hope to do business with you again sometime. In fact I'll purchase one of those last two antitoxins; on the admittedly slim off chance that I survive the night, it might come in handy someday."

ooc: Spent 60 gp

Travis pulls out his everburning torch.

"Rusty, you do realize that fire is dangerous down there, I hope. There's explosive gas in places. Not that I have any objection to igniting it, I just prefer if our enemies are caught in the blast instead of us."

Travis casts several spells on himself before going into the sewers.

Mage Armor (10 hr, +4 AC)
Heart of Earth (10 hr, 20 temp hp, swift DR 10/admt 10 rnds max 100 hp then ends)
Alter Self (troglodyte) (100 min; +6 natural armor, +4 hide)
Dragonskin (100 min; black; +4 natural armor, acid resist 20)
Heart of Water (10 hr; 30' swim, water breathing, +5 escape artist;
swift Freedom of Movement 10 rounds then spell ends)
Note: 25% chance to negate crit with 2 Heart spells active
Resist Energy (fire resist 20, 100 min)
See Invisibility (100 min)

AC is 30

2017-09-27, 08:25 PM
Folkir tosses in some gold pieces of his own and picks up the last antitoxin. After hearing Rusty ask for a lightsource he says, "Here, Lemme take point by a bit down dere, I doan need light. no point in advertisin' we're down dere if we doan have tuh. "

Baby Gary
2017-09-27, 10:06 PM
So be are being locked in the sewers with some crazy lady who mutates any creature she can get her hand on? sounds fun!.

Now to prepare. one spell, the others have way to short of a duration. I have a scroll of scrying here, should we try it and see what we can see? I also have on of Clairvoyance, I can use that later to spy on Alexia.

Rusty, I have a spell that could make your hammer glow bright as a burning torch but I think that we want the element of surprise, not the one of "oh hi we are over here by the glowing hammer", see what I mean?

After seeing to those affairs Will looks around at the mercy for what may be the last time

when this is all done I will either be with my family or my friends... I hope that what ever happens I will be with one of those groups, not alone. Alimyra I may at last join you this day.

so down we go, every one ready?

Alter Self into Troglodyte 80 mins (+6 NA, 2 claws [1d4] and 1 bite [1d4], Multiattack [b], and +4 hide

checks for when we go into the sewers: listen [roll0] and spot [roll1]

2017-09-27, 10:21 PM
Folkir nods, "As long as de rest of yuh lot doan have anythin' else tuh prepare, I've been ready fawh somethin' like dis fawh months. Lets get dis started befawh de foe hits old age and retires from de fun stuff."

To himself, muttering quietly enough that hearing it will be difficult, he adds, "Here's hopin' yuh are made of sternuh stuff than my last team."

Reminder, can spot traps with survival, at -5 penalty
spot [roll0]
listen [roll1]
survival [roll2]

2017-09-27, 10:28 PM
"As stupid as it might sound, I prefer to be able to see than not. Whatever lives down there is probably suited for night hunting, so light ort no light will make no diference for them, but will do a world for me", Hannibal says and raise the hammer closer to Will to cast Light on it, "And the main reason I'm bringing torches and oil is to set things on fire. If it goes with a big boom the better".

Spot [roll1]

2017-09-27, 10:34 PM
Folkir shrugs, "Doesn't sound stoopid at all tuh me, just covuh it up or somethin' when we need tuh scout a cawhnuh or a doawh. I'd like tuh get de drop on dem radder than de othuh way around from time tuh time."

2017-09-27, 10:44 PM
Travis tells Will "Forget the Scrying. She has some kind of defense for it that covers her prisoners and probably herself and her minions. You might get a very brief glimpse, but she will notice you too, and it might even hurt you. It slightly cracked my friend's scrying stone. Who knows what effect it would have here."

2017-09-27, 10:58 PM
@Will: So this is it.

A grim purchase indeed. Feels like the last one, as the group follows suit and descends a few old stone stairs as debris blocks the entrance you came in.

So in the bowels of The Mercy you are to meet your maker... whoever that may be. Probably, but you won't make it easy on this mad woman that lives in such a smelly place, that's for sure.

And so, you chant and cover your body in deep purple scales, as claws and fangs replace teeth and hands and your skin becomes tougher than any wall built in this place.

@Folkir: You watch both Travis and Will begin to cast and cast and cast some more. Especially the mage.

You have traveled with mages before. At tops, two or three spells are all that is needed, but this guy is casting as if he's getting ready for war. He's got enough spells on him to make him untouchable... hopefully, he can do the same for you should opposition below be harder than expected.

It is after a few minutes descending that the rancid smell of waste and offal invades your nose and the metal orb flies next to you, switching lenses every few seconds.

You can see the sewers, but they were smelled way before catching up to them. This place is enormous and who knows how long it extends as your ears catch a distant buzz in the air and stop to see several feet away from you:


Locke the Monk... and why is he dancing alone in the dark? It's like he's some professional contortionist.

@The Party: There is no turning back now, as you leave the entrance in what could be described a million miles behind and enter the sewers, where Alexia is supposed to reign supreme.

A mad mage that can twist and create any bizarre and horrific form? Nonsense! Such a thing cannot exist. Maybe the tales are simply an exaggeration... still, for those who fought Hannah, that wasn't something cooked up in a drunkard's dream.

Sparky, formerly known as The Asclepius Medical Bot stops a few feet off the ground and waves his metal limbs around.

"Analysis: Multiple Life Forms detected. Source unknown.

Proposal: Approach with caution.""

@Travis: You shower yourself with arcane might to as to make the Master at Runestone jealous and follow the group below, smelling the methane in the air as your ever burning torch grants you guidance and blink twice in disbelief as the others start hearing buzzing and ripples in the rancid water.

What the hell indeed lives down here! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qS8DWlbaRZM)


Are these from those files? If that is the case, she turned those fey into that?! And they aren't small in number. Dozens of them seem to fly over the cistern and one is engaged in bloody fight with some barefoot monk, who would come here alone.

But worse still... your presence has definitely been noted. problem is...

Only you can see them. as far as the others are concerned, it's a bunch of buzzing in the dark.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217289)

Raikou & Cyrus
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors

2017-09-28, 05:04 AM
Raikou watches as Travis and Rusty purchase the necessary equipment and discuss possible uses for oil and torches... But the mention of fire and explosions has the halfling on edge, enough even that Cyrus is able to notice his master's slight apprehension.

Why does it have to be fire? I guess it could be useful. One of those other rogue guys mentioned blowing up a Novistador hive right?

Let's just save that for a last resort. If it's a boom and a thunderous applause you're looking for, I can definitely provide.

Not terribly looking forward to another venture deep into the sewers, Raikou silently and nervously follows Rusty and the others including the newcomer who seemed to speak in a strange language.

He does make sure both he and Cyrus are ready though. Remembering how the Novistadors liked to stay invisible, he pulls out a special scroll just for the occasion, one that should allow him to see them without any trouble.

heart of water cl 9mage armor cl 8
dragonskin (green) cl 9 (grants resist 18 acid)
shield cl 8

see invisibility cl3

alter self (on Cyrus) cl 8

Once down in the sewers and confronted by the swarm, Raikou gulps. He almost wishes he hadn't cast that see invisibility spell.

(in Auran)
Alright Cyrus. You know what to do... Just like last time. Lets peek around that corner.

On command Cyrus flies forward to just around the corner and Raikou unleashes a powerful blast of energy that strikes three of the Novistadors in a line of bright electricity.

Cyrus moves 15ft forward.

Raikou uses a standard to cast lightning bolt targeting the three Novistadors in the top left of the map

Lightning for [roll0] electricity damage; reflex DC 20 for half

The rest of you might want to spread out. They're about to swarm us. But they also have acid breath that can be a bit annoying. I’d recommend we spread out if you don’t want to get caught by that. Oh, and they like to get up close and invade your personal space so watch out if you're not a fan of that.

2017-09-28, 05:29 AM
@Raikou: It's another delve into the dark...

And just like last time, when you went down with Soraya, Isobel, Davorin and his crew, those hideous Novistadors have began attacking some poor fool several feet away.

Last time, the brunt of the group were novices. A vast majority of them were dragged into the tunnels and others were ripped apart in a most gruesome manner.

Not this time, as Cyrus, now bigger than you, serves as a mount and you move past your allies and fix your sight on three of those disgusting creatures, unleashing a massive concentrated storm in the shape of a line.

These things can kill you if they gang up on you, but against your spells, they fall down easy, a fact made all too clear as the three bugs screech in pain and collapse on the sewer floor, belly up and fried all over.

You can stay where you are and blast all night. You know you will kill them. Problem is- and this was true last time-

Who knows how many of these are flying around, away from the torch's radius. If you remain idle, you may become overwhelmed, never mind having attracted their attention.

@Locke: Who knows who that halfling is, but he just blasted way too close for comfort and by the thud sound made in the spell's wake, he brought something down.

Now if only you could break free of whoever is holding you...

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217302)

Raikou & Cyrus
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors

2017-09-28, 08:20 AM
Folkir grips his axe and growls in frustration as he looks around uselessly, "Why in de hells din't I make someone answuh me about how tuh countuh dese damn tings?"

Deciding to go for the one creature he can identify the location of instead of standing around uselessly, Folkir charges off around the pool, jumping high for the last few paces in order to swing through the air above Locke.

With a 10' jump and a charge, can move up to 18 squares. Not raging yet, I get the feeling I'll be needing to reserve that for later. Twisted charge to make it to Locke without stepping into pool. Rolling a 1d2 for total concealment miss chance, a result of 1 would be a miss. (Blind fight is yet another feat on the very long list of things I wish I could've fit in, even before this came up.) Taking a -10 penalty to AC for PA bonus on strike
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] [roll4] [roll5]
Edit: Yay, I'm not looking like a complete dolt swinging through thin air. Not this round at least

2017-09-28, 08:41 AM
Taking his time to concentrate his ki on whatever was clawing at him, Locke brought his right fist around after a moment of aiming. Why the hell were invisible flying insects the first damn thing he ran into, oh well, apparently something was looking out for him, he half noticed the crowd moving across from a different entrance.

"Well I'll be...."

Reflex from last time: [roll0] (if passed no damage via evasion)
Attack roll to strike grappling opponent with stunning decisive strike [roll1] DC 23 or it's stunned
Damage roll [roll2]

2017-09-28, 02:53 PM
@Locke: What manner of unfairness is this, that a man cannot walk alone in abandoned sewers and have to face unseen foes? If you're alone, you need to face something akin to a rat. Maybe a baby gator... a very small one.

Not clawing acid spitting critters that remain invisible!

But such is luck. You threw your lot by coming to inspect this place alone. There is a reason why no squatters were found around and the claw marks on the walls and the strange eggs clinging to the cistern's edge meant nothing:

You are Locke Decaldris...and you will punch your way out of this situation.

Despite being invisible, you manage to strike your opponent, nearly breaking your fist in the process.

Whatever it is, it's immensely tough. So much that it doesn't seem to loose its grip on you. Thankfully, you are a monk, and so, that acid spray is not fast enough to catch you, but if you cannot see them and you can't hurt it well enough, how are you going to...

And that's when thanks to your torch light, you watch Folkir speeding up towards you, axe held high.

@Folkir: Unseen monsters in the sewers... ok.

You can deal with these creatures. However they may be. Be it one or a thousand. All fall under your axe, that's a fact.

Locke seems to be in trouble as you speed around the edge of the cistern and leap upwards, axe aimed hopefully at the enemy tangling with the monk...

It's a satisfying squish as bluish black blood splatters you and Locke, causing a nearby thump to release the monk from more suffering as you try and catch sight of the corpse, but cannot see anything.

Whatever it was... it's dead. Nothing could survive that.

@Travis & Raikou: Folkir was a good idea to bring along. He has shown tremendous promise dispatching one of those creatures. Perhaps he is even better than Rusty.

The Slightly Above Average Concerned Citizens is definitely showing Alexia what's up down here...

And then you watch several more of those hideous bugs emerge from the holes in the ground in large numbers as a few of them begin to emit a dark purple aura and in a flash, they are gone...

Only to surround both Folkir and the monk, who cannot see them. They used something identical to the Dimension Door spell, but completely innate and silent.

@Folkir: Just as you land and take down one of those nasty unseen creatures, several claws start gripping and clawing at you, along with an acid spray that seeks to melt your face away, as the claws grip tight against your burly arms.

3 damage

6 damage plus Improved Grab DC 11

16 acid damage. Reflex DC 16 for half damage

4 damage

8 damage plus Improved Grab DC 9

13 acid damage. Reflex DC 16 for half damage

4 damage plus Improved Grab DC 26

10 acid damage. Reflex DC 16 for half damage

@Locke: Similar to Folkir, several claws and acid sprays attack you at a moment's notice.

4 damage

8 damage plus improved grab DC 17

9 acid damage. Reflex DC 16 for half damage

5 damage plus improved grab DC 10

11 acid damage. Reflex DC 16 for half damage

6 damage

6 damage plus improved grab DC 12

14 acid damage. Reflex DC 16 for half damage

5 damage plus improved grab DC 16

16 acid damage. Reflex DC 16 for half damage

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217354)

Raikou & Cyrus
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors

2017-09-28, 03:32 PM
Folkir grimaces as all of a sudden the buzzing closes in, and unseen claws start digging in. It was good to know that he could still hit and harm these things, but this looks to get out of hand fast.

Reminder for DM since it seems relevant here, uncanny dodge means I'm not flatfooted just because I can't see these buggers.
Reflex rolls vs DC 16;trying to halve 16,13,10 damage respectively
[roll0], [roll1], [roll2]
BAB+Str check vs grabs, DC 11,9,26 respectively
[roll3], [roll4], [roll5]

2017-09-28, 08:10 PM
Hannibal watch as people begin to get shredded by invisible claws and grip his hammer. Well, he warned them about the mosnters they would be facing and the ery high risk of needing to raise them from the dead, so his conscience was at ease.

"Raikou, blast those things and lead the way: where should we go to reach the door?", he shouts and rush towards Folkir and the unlucky monk. Damn monks, hopefully it's not Seti all over again.

Double moving up (40ft), Asclepius will fly by his side.

Regarding Rusty: he got Blind-Fight and Pierec Magical Concelament, so they get no bonus on attacking Rusty nor does he loses his Dexterity to AC against them and shoul Rusty go hammering them he ignore the miss chance due invisibility.

"Will, Travis: dont stand still! Move!", he shouts back.

2017-09-28, 08:29 PM
@Rusty: No wonder Corwin did not want to venture down here.

You cannot see them, but you can definitely see the injuries inflicted upon Folkir and that barefoot monk.

Why would anyone come down here alone? And without shoes? The whole he's siding with Alexia theory can be ruled out, unless she rolls that way and sends her allies to be devoured.

And although you cannot see a corpse, those axe swings by Folkir were brutal- not unlike your Hammer on a talkative day. Good idea on Drakan letting you know about him.

Retreat is not an option- Davorin sealed the entrance. Unless Travis can use his magic to get you all out, you can move or you can die.

And you are not dying down here.

The Medibot floats beside you as his lenses rotate, attempting to sense any other enemies nearby. Raikou was here before. You need that halfling to be your guide in this Underworld... and you need him to be a fast guide.

Which reminds you, as you look back at Travis and Will, both brimming with spells so much, they don't look human anymore:

To shake a goddamn leg!

This place is big, that's for sure, but you need to find an exit and soon...and hope these unseen horrors don't chase.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217385)

Raikou & Cyrus
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors

Baby Gary
2017-09-28, 08:51 PM
I think that it is time to get out, plain and simple.

Double moving for 60 ft, taking the most effective route.

2017-09-28, 10:00 PM
ooc: This map isn't working for me.

Travis casts shield on himself and moves towards the action, hoping that his many protective spells will allow him to safely distract the bugs.

2017-09-28, 10:39 PM
Locke dodge backwards then back to each side as the acid blasts seemingly came from nowhere. Blast, what kind of so many, and so fast.

Save 1:[roll0]
Save 2:[roll1]
Save 3:[roll2]
Save 4:[roll3]

2017-09-29, 02:45 AM
@Travis: The best Offense is Defense.

Maybe all these Somewhat Concerned Citizens will die horribly down here, but you?

You're casting.

It's a circular sigil drawn expertly by your trained hand as you move forward, well aware of these hideous bugs as they partake on making a late night snack out of Folkir and the barefoot monk.

There is no way these creatures will ever lay a claw on you. That's a guarantee you can take to the grave.

@Will: You could blast whatever attacks the group with a plethora of arcane power, but Rusty's words ring true:

You need to move. Movement is Life. Idleness is Death.

And so, amidst the sounds of buzzing wings in the dark, you speed as fast as you can , attempting to cover the edge around the filthy cistern.

Folkir does not look well- whatever is attacking him likes to spew acid. Your skin is not made to resist acid at all.

The monk is not faring that well, either... but which way to go? You cannot see them. A blind rush through the gauntlet could leave you just like them.

@Travis & Raikou: Here they come...

Those that aren't feeding off the dwarf and the vagrant monk set three blank eyes upon all of you, with slavering mandibles dripping acidic bile as the Novistadors screech and charge in, claws open, ready to take you down.

Thankfully, both of you are very well protected, what with so many spells on you.

The same cannot be said about your companions.

@Will: As you are about to turn the corner and run heedlessly into the dark, several claws slash at you, always unseen and attempt to hold you down as acid sprays upon your lithe frame.

5 damage

8 damage plus improved grab DC 11

15 acid damage. Reflex DC 16 for half damage

It's another claw that nearly punctures your bladder, followed by acidic vomit.

7 damage plus improved grab DC 11

18 acid damage. Reflex DC 16 for half damage

@Rusty: Whatever these things are, they are no different from a mage- the ability to become invisible is all too well known to you and so, your training should give you an upper hand...

Except for that one nasty claw swipe and acid spray that threatens to melt your face and beloved Hammer.

7 damage plus improved grab DC 16

14 acid damage. Reflex DC 16 for half damage

@The Party: Amidst the screeches and acidic belching, a woman's laughter can be heard in the darkness, echoing through the sewers...

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217393)

Round 2

Raikou & Cyrus
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors

2017-09-29, 07:38 AM
Shrugging off the worst of the acid and the attempts to grab hold of him, Folkir starts lashing out around him, trying to clear the air a bit before he needs to move again.

On hearing Raikou shout out, The dwarf takes a few steps away from the halfling, not wanting to get caught up in whatever the mage has in mind

AC is back up to 28 for this round, taking a 5' step to the empty space to his northeast
Main [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
iterative [roll3] [roll4] [roll5]
Cleave (if kill achieved) [roll6] [roll7] [roll8]
extra (if someone manages to cast haste or the like) [roll9] [roll10] [roll11]
Edit: and there goes my luck, concealment misses across the board...

2017-09-29, 12:12 PM
Hannibal feel the sting as the bug get lucky and bold to go for him.
He look as Travis is similarly attacked and by the Novistadors and decides to give the mage a hand, "Keep on moving, I'll take care of those here".

Rusty takes a step back and swing his hammer in the air like a madman, trusting his trainning against illusionists to bring down these oversized bugs.

Taking a 5ft step to southwest and attacking the Novistador in the j-column. PA 4

1st [roll0] dmg [roll1]
2nd [roll2] dmg [roll3]

He ignores the miss chance

If someone cast Haste, add +1 to the attack rolls above and make this extra attack:
Haste [roll4] dmg [roll5]

Raikou look at those gathered ahead being swarmed by the Novistadors and shout:
"Spread! I'm going to give those insects a shocking surprise!"

Free action to speak.
Ready action to blast all ten novistadors and anyone left behind (sorry) once Will, Folkir and Locke act (if possible moving away, but failing that oh well, blame Richard :xykon:)

Activate robe, rod of sculpting (to make a 20ft radius blast) and empowered blast spell (he never told me what it was, but I believe it is lightning bolt?):
Lightning damage [roll6] empowered for: 79 (Reflex DC 22 for half)

2017-09-29, 05:44 PM
Recovering trying to recover from the two blasts of acid he hadn't dodged, Locke delivered a straight jab to the last bit of acid to fly at him, then Locke let his monastic training take hold, swaying his body, then moving his feet, he tried moving out of the swarm surrounding him, and back towards other members of the new arrivals.

Attack vs a square suspected of having a creature in it
[roll0]to hit [roll1] dmg
Tumble Check @ full speed [roll2]

2017-09-30, 03:40 AM
@Folkir: Swinging an axe at an unseen foe is literally a hit or miss.

You managed to slay one of these unseen enemies, but as you move closer down the cistern, you axe is unable to strike anything! These creatures are invisible and given their nature...invincible.

You are a tough mercenary. Trained never to feel fear and strand tall against all odds, but this enemy is one even your dwarven senses cannot pick up. It's swing aimlessly or run at this point.

@Locke: An unseen enemy is a difficult endeavor. For one, unless you have the right training or spell, you cannot make sure you strike him true, which becomes clear as your leg strikes the cold stone floor, missing its mark entirely.

Folkir is here, and he isn't alone. Perhaps it would be best if you retreated, find a way out...

Praying to whatever god may deign to watch over you, your body reacts and flips backwards, hopefully towards the exit, and closer to the people the dwarf brought with him.

Who knows how many enemies are here, but there are more than one, that's for sure.

Your torch allows you to see deeper down the cistern: you cannot see the end of it, but you can see a hole on the ground, about your size. The tunnel keeps going deeper. If you ever needed speed, now is the time to run. Run as fast as your legs can take you and hope someone has a way to clear the path.

@Rusty: Why move forwards when you can move backwards?

Yes, Davorin sealed the exit, but you have your Hammer and with it in your hands, there is nothing that can stand in your way...

Except an extremely tough body that refuses to go down as you bring your Hammer with such force, that you forgo accuracy in the name of strength.

No, you haven't brought down your enemy. You could have moved forward, but Travis looked like he needed help. Even as a powerful mage, he may need some assistance.

@Raikou: These bastards will never stop coming. Last time, you watched Davorin's team's guts sprayed all over the floor. The Novistadors are vicious. Yes, you can bring them down with a single spell, but can you afford to waste all you arcane power in this place?

The mystery door is over a hundred paces away. You should be able to cover the distance riding Cyrus, flying over the cistern, but what about the others? They can't fly. They are certainly not as fast as your familiar.

But you can clear a path. Maybe not take all of them down, but certainly a lot. Enough to give your allies a chance to run. To run for their lives... and hopefully, with such immense electric power at your disposal, not end them in the process.

Folkir has moved somewhat, striking blindly and missing every swing.

The barefoot monk has chosen to leap back towards you. Perhaps not the best idea, since there is no exit route. You know where you need to go. You can fly on Cyrus easily over the cistern ad reach that damn door and open it, but these things are as fast as your familiar, Maybe faster.

You need to bring them all down, using your innate powers as a Stormcaster. Thin their numbers. Fry them all.

But for that, you need to make sure Folkir, Will and the barefoot monk are not caught in the immense and monstrous blast.

@Travis: With so many spells on you and none on your allies, there is no way you can go down to these horrid bugs. If it worked once, it can work again. Besides, you have the Acidic Splatter, a trick you can spam endlessly, enough to bring down a god if need be. Victory is assured for you. Maybe not the others, but definitely for you.

After all, you have become not unlike a god of Magic with so many spells surging through your body. One could say you have becomes as powerful or more so than the Masters at Runestone.

You could easily take on Alexia on your own and her army of bugs if the need arose. You are a conjurer and you have the ability to Abrupt Jaunt. Nothing, not even a Deity can take you on, let alone some twisted bug critters.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217576)

Raikou & Cyrus (readied after Will acts)
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors

Baby Gary
2017-09-30, 11:14 PM
I'll think I ought to get out of here, don't want to be fried. Now to do it without being hit...

with that said Will turned tail, did a combat roll to try to escape the vicious claws of the invisible bugs, and ended back with his friends.

ok, going one square to the left and the rest down, am doing a full round move but there are some tumbles in there to not provoke any AoO

using lore song x2, one for each tumble. I have 3 left.


2017-10-01, 02:17 AM
@Will: Raikou is already amassing such a surge of electric power around him... that's your cue to get out of the way.

Taking a deep breath, you speed towards Rusty, Travis and the rest, leaping into the air only to land and do a barrel roll as unseen claws swipe at the tip of your elven ears.

Who knows if you are safer here, but at least you have walked this area before. The rest is unknown and going solo would be most unwise.

@Raikou: You have faced these monstrosities before when you came down here with Davorin, Isobel and Soraya.

True, in swarms they are deadly. You saw first hand how they picked apart the dwarf's team limb by limb, but you also know how to deal with them, as Cyrus mimics your own hand gestures and the entire cistern begins to crackle with electricity as the air begins to waft the smell of ozone...

Unable to contain the power granted to you for generations, The Storm is unleashed, punishing the twisted fey as a barrage of blue lightning threatens to collapse the entire tunnel above you, lighting the whole place up as dozens of shadows from these creatures dance over the walls and ceiling of the cistern and those within eyeshot are, for the most part, fried, amidst ghastly screeches of pain.

Not all are dead, but a vast majority. Enough to clear a path. There are still a few with you, but given your spells, they should not be able to harm you or Cyrus.

But that brief flicker of light caused by your spell did give you some relevant information:

There are way more Novistadors down here than those currently engaged with.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217663)

Raikou & Cyrus (readied after Will acts)
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors

2017-10-01, 03:55 PM
@Folkir: Although you cannot see them, you did see the massive storm conjured by that halfling and heard the screeches of pain and several bodies hitting the floor.

Hopefully he got them all and...

No. He did not get them all, as several claws scrape your body once more.

4 damage

7 damage

5 damage

@Rusty: Moving back to smack things with your Hammer is fun... except when they smack you back.

8 damage

7 damage

@Travis: You're a wizard.

A million of these creatures could swarm you and none would be able to touch you. Let the fools without spells suffer a little more, as one of these pitiful bugs swings and definitely misses.

@Raikou: You're a sorcerer... and just got their immediate attention. They are not willing to let you go and pull that trick again.

16 damage Plus Improved Grab DC 19

The others swing as well, but are unable to land such a lucky strike.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217699)

Round 3

Raikou & Cyrus
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors

2017-10-01, 04:22 PM
Travis says "Wow, Raikou.

Let's go on then. I don't have the right spells prepared to help with these and still play my part later. I will try a research experiment instead."

He tries shooting acid at one of the remaining bugs.

ooc: [roll0] ranged touch, [roll1] acid

2017-10-01, 06:20 PM
@Travis: With such few remaining enemies, you congratulate Raikou on his prowess to cause massive destruction and move further down the sewers, hoping to reach the famed door that will lead you deeper into the sewers and finding all those taken by Alexia.

But not before testing these creature's durability against acid: they aren't durable.

The orb strikes one of them and although part of its face is melted, it isn't dead, but it isn't resistant either. They can be brought down with endless application of Acidic Splatter.

Moving past them isn't a problem either- you have so many spells on you that they can't...

It's then that a lone green phantasmal Novistador flies from the darkness further east of the cistern and aims straight at you. Being so dark, you cannot see who sent this, but it's a spell. Innately cast, so no sounds are made. A brutal spell. A spell meant to lower your defenses immediately.

But who cast it?

Mage Armor
Alter Self
See Invisibility

AJ possible

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217706)

Raikou & Cyrus
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors

2017-10-01, 06:53 PM
Though the spell was unexpected, Travis manages to make a short teleport to avoid it.

2017-10-01, 09:28 PM
@Travis: Someone is starting to use magic from afar, not good.

Your Runestone training has managed to shunt you further away from the entrance and the spell has struck stone wall, but between an unseen caster and these creatures, who knows if you can keep this up for long.

Thankfully you have the Acidic Splatter, which will never fail you. That, coupled with your spells, guarantee that you will survive this ordeal.

@Rusty: You watch the group move back to you and then look at Folkir up ahead.

Staying in place will only get you killed and with someone casting from the shadows it gets only worse.

The medibot hovers next to you as you look back to Raikou and Will, ordering them to leg up and move, move, move!

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217709)

Raikou & Cyrus
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors

2017-10-01, 09:33 PM
Looking back to the others who are still flaffin' about near the entry, Folkir calls, "If we're goin', let's go!"

He still has a lead on the others, and they'll need to pass through the buzzing near him, so Folkir does what he can to try and clear them out. Diving away from the swarm, he runs off, and then back again, swinging his axe in broad sweeping strokes.

Signature charge attack, dropping attack penalty to AC again.
Main [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
Iterative [roll3] [roll4] [roll5]
Cleave [roll6] [roll7] [roll8]
EDIT: Oh come on dicebot, you wasted a crit on a concealment miss?

2017-10-01, 10:49 PM
@Folkir: You could have ran forward and get a head start on the rest, but with these creatures buzzing around unseen, best clear a path...

And so, you take a few steps back and deposit all your strength into your axe, leaping into the air and coming down with furious dwarven vengeance...

A lot of clanking... not a single squish.

Unseen and hard shelled, these buggers are not even hit by your axe!

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217712)


Raikou & Cyrus
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors

2017-10-02, 12:52 AM
Raikou grins as his thunderous powers fry a massive number of the bugs. Perhaps he ought to start calling himself the Bugzapper! Cyrus senses the thought through their mental link and does an elemental's version of a facepalm.
Unfortunately, Raikou's grin turns to a frown as the light flashes from his spell briefly illuminate the rest of this dark expanse and he sees hordes of Novistadors further beyond in the sewers.

Immediately he calls out to the others and lets them know.

Hey guys... I'd suggest getting to that door as fast as possible. From what I can see, there's wayyyy more of these guys out there and I won't be able to fight them all. That combo I pulled I'll only be able to do a few more times for today and I'd rather save it.

Let's get a move-along people!

But as he turns, he realizes he had stopped paying attention to the bugs right next to him. Big mistake, as he quickly finds himself in the embrace of a particular lucky Novistador.

Agghhh let go of me! I am a halfling not a chew toy.

With a quick gesture he activates an earlier spell and slides out of the grapple with a fluid motion.

Swift action activation.

freedom of movement for 9 rounds

You three should count yourselves lucky I'm not in full happy-halfling-blasting mode. Now just go and BUG OFF!

Now come on everyone. Last one to that door is a rotten egg!

Then with a sudden burst of wind, Raikou and Cyrus fly away from the three Novistadors and across the disgusting sewer water in Folkir's direction.

Taking three AoOs from the bugs

Cyrus's great speed in the air is enough to carry the two all the way to the walkway past the dwarf. And as the two fly by him and the foes he is currently engaged with, Raikou gestures with his fingers and focuses a small amount of electricity into a small orb, which he promptly sends flying towards one of the three bugs.


Come on Mr. Axe-happy. Quit standing around and move those dwarf feet of yours.

Cyrus will use a double move action to fly 200ft in the direction of the door.

Raikou will use a move action to pull out the Eyes of the Stone Skull

And a standard to cast lesser orb of electricity.
Targeting the northern-most Novistador

ranged touch attack [roll0]
hitting it for [roll1] electricity damage

Baby Gary
2017-10-02, 01:06 AM
Everyone else is moving over to there, I think I should join them

Will thought while he started one his way to where he companions were.

Guys, have you heard the great tale about the incomparable elvin archer Illenia Nialo? thought so. She was the best archer in the entire kingdom and went on many a valant mission to save the world from catastrophic events...

Move action to move to one square to the left of the med bot, standard to activate Inspire Courage. Using the Badge of Valor (+1 IC) and my Masterwork lute (+1 level for all bardic music) so I am effectively level 8 for IC, so the base is +2. Everyone gets +3 to attack, weapon damage, saves against fear and charms.

2017-10-02, 01:32 AM
@Raikou: Nothing beats lightning.

You should open a Pest exterminator job once this whole horrifi affair is dealt with as the amazing powers that surge within you turn your limbs as fluid as water, causing one of the Novistadors to lose its grip as Cyrus moves you at top speed towards the damn door, taking out one of the key stones needed to open it, if the files are to be trusted.

And just to show some good faith, you conjure a sphere of crackling electricity and toss it at one of the bugs with Folkir, making his life a bit less miserable right now as you urge them to hurry and move... MOVE!

That's one less bug to deal with as the door is pretty much in sight of you and purple flame erupts on the sides of it, revealing it to you:


Now to get these bone eyes and jaws in place and...

That's when a chill pierces your soul and that of Cyrus, as a creature, never before seen, crawls on sebveral chitinous legs way too close to the door:


What in the name of the gods is this?! It's as big as a house! It is also surrounded by four Novistadors... wait.

Juanita's diary! She mentioned one of these things. It didn't even bother to become invisible and blocked the way for Captain Wyldon. Could this be the same one? And what is this feeling of dread you're getting?

Will DC 26 or be shaken for 3 rounds as long as you are within sight of a Broodmother.

Shaken Condition

A shaken character takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

You have not seen a monstrosity like this before. It's bigger than any other creature fought down here to date. Who knows if the group has a chance against it?

You need to get this door open and quickly. Either that or retreat as fast as you came.

@Will: You dart forward, getting close to the medibot, now known as Sparky and begin to weave a tale of Courage and Valor, enough to give your allies a much needed boost against whatever lurks down here.

Sure, your allies and you should be able to take these guys down, but who knows how many they are and one of the guys that can see them flew off at great speed on his whirlwind.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217715)

Raikou & Cyrus
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors & Broodmother

2017-10-02, 02:19 AM
@Locke: You could try and tumble away from these unseen creatures, but who knows if more will be coming.

Speed is key here, as you dash around the cistern, torch held high like some Olympic Athlete and run past the group and even Folkir, known to be as fast as you, even with heavy armor.

This does not go unnoticed by your enemies as a few claw at you as you run past them and follow the flying halfling.

Claw 1: 6 damage

Claw 2: 3 damage

@Travis: Several of those bugs set their blank eyes on you and speed like flies from hell itself, with one clawing you across the face, nearly slashing your jaw off.

11 damage

@Will: Music or not, these creatures are vicious and relentless. You have invaded their domain and they don't plan to take prisoners, as two of them dig their claws in deep.

6 damage

13 damage

@Folkir: Kord seems to be on your side this time as you anticipate their moves, even if you cannot see them and dodge their lightning fast attacks.

@Raikou: By all that is good and holy... what have they created?!

Two of the Novistadors remain buzzing around the big bloated one, but two others fly up towards you. Thankfully, they are unable to land a hit. Still, the big one has yet to move in and it doesn't look like a pushover.

The door is right there! You need to get it open or the others will be slain. Pure and simple.

Round 4

@The Party: Rusty takes no chances and, along with the metal sphere that has replaced Calliope, moves as fast as he can deeper into the sewers, following Raikou's path.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217718)

Raikou & Cyrus
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors & Broodmother

2017-10-02, 08:35 AM
Panting in pain, deliberation, fear and a dozen other emotions Locke choked back his emotions, and darted after the lone individual who had vanished and reappeared ahead, he moved as fast as he dared, muttering an incantation of fire and form, he saw a hole ahead of him, he'd leap it easily, and as he landed, his spell ignited in it's hellish glory. Lines of flame licked his hands, extending behind him as he ran.

Actions: move 50' to the right, jumping over the hole in the ground.
Cast Flame Tentacles.
Jump Check: [roll0]
(technically move, jump, stop then cast, but it's more dramatic this way. )

Baby Gary
2017-10-02, 03:26 PM
these darn bugs! I hate them, but they are a bit hard to hit cause they are invisible... hmmmm... also it would be nice if they were not able to see us... hmmm... I have a solution for this!

Will started to run away from the invisibugs, but to avoid being hit he dropped to the floor and rolled, then hopped back up to his feet and threw a pinch of a glittery dust at the air where he was.

move 4 squares to the right, tumble to avoid AoO [roll0]

then standard to cast glitterdust centered one square to the left of where I was, will DC 18 or blinded

2017-10-02, 04:17 PM
@Locke: You need to get to where that flying halfling is and take as many of these bugs as you can with you.

Punching will not do... you need to whip them into shape. And so, you chant one of the most powerful Transmutations you know and drop the ever burning torch- your hands are not suited to hold it anymore.

It's a searing pain as your hand light up in flames and extend, pulling bone and muscle as they reshape into a pair of flailing fiery whips and you drag them like some mad monster through the sewers, getting close, but not close enough towards the halfling. This place is enormous and you will need to dedicate your entire monk speed to cover the distance.

@Will: Spell conservation is key, but you need to see these creatures in order to hurt them.

It's a failed dodge system as you narrowly escape several claw slashes that hit way too close to your face and ribs as you perform another barrel roll and turn back, aiming just a few feet away from Travis as the ground explodes in multicolored glitter...

Three such monsters are outlined. You can see them. All of you nearby can, but something's wrong:

They aren't even resisting the spell. Yes, they are revealed to the naked eye, but they aren't blinded at all!

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217773)

Raikou & Cyrus
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors & Broodmother

2017-10-02, 05:26 PM
Axe is proving useless for once, the others are passing by. Time to move.

Folkir turns, and dodging to avoid the bugs around him, runs up the channel towards the door indicated by the halfling.

Run action, Tumbling a bit to avoid AOOs. Total distance F can cover: 160 feet
Tumble1 DC 15 [roll0]
Tumble2 DC 17 [roll1]

2017-10-02, 05:48 PM
@Folkir: Even though Will managed to light up a few of these bugs further down, going to strike them would be doing a Crab walk.

No, you need to move forward here. And so, mustering every last bit of your dwarven and barbarian strength, you out speed Locke Decaldris, master monk of The Mercy and hop over a hole in the ground as you stop dead in your tracks once Raikou is extremely close, and always aloft on his little tornado...

But what in Kord's name is that?!

You can see the famous door everyone's been blabbering about. Pretty big and solid, but there's a big bug the size of the door and twice as wide. This thing is horrific to look at as it begins to make its way towards both you and the halfling, while more buzzing sounds can be heard around.

You were not able to see it before, due to this place being so freaking immense. Your dark vision is good, but only goes so far. This thing has been lurking back here for who knows how long.

How the hell are you going to bring it down?

You have faced all manner of monsters back in your days outside the City, but nothing like this as the giant cockroach from Hell drips acid on the ground from mandibles roughly your size and begins spreading several sets of wings, enough to send shivers down your hardened spine.

Will DC 26 or be shaken for 3 rounds as long as you are within sight of a Broodmother. A successful save renders the target immune to that Broodmother's Frightful Presence for 24 hours.

Shaken Condition

A shaken character takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

This is not a Spell or SLA, so dwarven racial bonuses do not apply.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217777)

Raikou & Cyrus
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors & Broodmother

2017-10-02, 08:58 PM
Damn! Well, I'm still alright, I guess.

ooc: Travis hp 76/67

Travis heads towards Raikou.

ooc: Not sure how far that is; if Will save needed [roll0]

How close to the big monster can he get in one move action? He may move + cast a spell ...

2017-10-02, 09:04 PM
Bleeding from multiple wounds and marked with acid, Folkir grips his axe, at least this one he can see. Though he can't claim to like the looks of it.

Will [roll0] edit: uh oh

2017-10-03, 12:17 AM
Holy sh**! Now ain't that an ugly one! I didn't realize these damn Novistadors came in extra-large options as well.

Even in spite of Will's inspirational music and his own innate halfling resistance to frightful effects, Raikou is visibly shaken. He trembles nervously and gestures to Cyrus to fly back in the direction they had come. Cyrus is quick to oblige, as even the elemental is effected, with small droplets of rain visibly condensing...

Taking an AoO from each

He calls out to Folkir as the two move.

Hey Dwarf. Stay away from the big one. It doesn't seem to be attacking yet. But watch out for the invisible ones. There's four over here...

With that, Raikou and Cyrus fly back towards Will and Travis. He briefly glances at both Travis and Locke running towards the door. As they pass Rusty, Raikou points in the direction of the door.

Big scary one over there. Needs a conversation with the hammer. Go nuts.

It's then that Raikou notices the heavily injured Will and the multitude of Novistadors surrounding him. Now that most of the others were scattered running towards the other end of the room, Will seemed to have been left mostly alone with the remaining bugs.
If he didn't do anything, the bard might get overwhelmed.

Looks like you're in quite a predicament Bookworm.

Why don't you let a handsome halfling and part-time bug exterminator give you a bit of an assist.
I call this one the thunder special.

At first, Raikou's ring glows. Then, with yet another sudden surge of energy, Raikou channels several mighty bursts of electricity through his body and launches them at several of the Novistadors, where the electricity explodes in a crescendo of blue light.

Cyrus used another double move to fly back next to Rusty.

Raikou uses a swift to activate his ring for +2d6 lightning.

Then uses a standard to cast sculpted lightning bolt. Sculpting it into four 10x10 cubes to hit all the remaining Novistadors on this side of the map

Each takes [roll0] electricity damage; reflex DC 20 for half

2017-10-03, 12:47 AM
@Raikou: The hell if you're going toe to toe with that guy!

The door is right there, but who knows what this big mother can do? Best not risk it as both you and Cyrus ride the stinky winds of the sewer back over Folkir and the barefoot stranger, now bearing long flaming whips, as you stop a few feet above Rusty and watch Travis surrounded by the lesser, much weaker Novistadors.

These are good. Small is good. They go down easy.

Your body once again charges up with electricity as the entire cistern smells of ozone and the walls electrify and the polluted waters bubble and fizz.

The Storm is once again unleashed around Travis, annoying him mildly as you bring down Lightning's Wrath upon the shelled killers and watch most of them fry with a mix of electric prowess and Travis' own acidic splatter.

Your body is on the verge of exploding after having burnt through so much arcane energy, but this isn't over- that big bug down the path is still alive.

Let the guy with a Hammer handle her... if he's so eager.

However, as potent as your attack was, a few of these bugs remain...and they are not happy.

@Will: You glittered several of these bugs. Those are dead thanks to Raikou.

It's a few claw scratches that remind you that this is far from over.

5 damage

8 damage plus Improved Grab DC 12

5 damage

@Travis: These cowards are going after Will! They have sensed your superior arcane prowess and know that attacking you is futile, but Will?

He can't see them. He's an easy target.

@Folkir: You watch Raikou and his pet fly back as fast as you can and then, buzzing around you as four sprays of acid focus on you.

14 acid damage. Reflex DC 16 for half

12 acid damage. Reflex DC 16 for half

14 acid damage. Reflex DC 16 for half

21 acid damage. Reflex DC 16 for half

If only you could see them! You are going to melt down here!

It is then that the one you can see spreads its wings and lifts her gigantic bulk as it buzzes with such strength that your beard and hair cover your eyes for a few seconds before it lands a few feet away from you, causing the entire cistern to rumble as it looks at you and opens its mandibles wide, allowing acidic drool to fall on the ground before a hideous extremely loud shriek attempts to cement you in place and garble your brain.

But what's worse. And this is true for everyone, not only you:

Distant shrieks echo this one.

A Broodmother can emit a disturbing shriek that can stun non Novistadors for 2 rounds. Fortitude DC 32 negates. This effect only forces Folkir to roll, not the rest.

Reminder on Stun Condition:


A stunned creature drops everything held, can’t take actions, takes a –2 penalty to AC, and loses his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any).

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217779)

Round 5

Raikou & Cyrus
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors & Broodmother

2017-10-03, 07:48 AM
Rusty listen to Raikou and nod, "On my way there then, take care of these bugs and dont take too long. Sparky!", he call the medibot, "Heal Will".

He then set on the run towards Locke and Folkir.

Run action x4 (or x3, will check and edit as needed)
Edit: x3 it is (due heavy armor) for a total of 60ft movement this round.

2017-10-03, 08:50 AM
Folkir calls to Raiku as he retreats back down the tunnel, "Where de hell are yuh goin'? We need dat doawh open now."

The dwarf tries to shield himself as acid spews over him yet again, and feels real fear for the first time in years as that hulking monstrosity sets down before him and makes a horrendous call.


2017-10-03, 09:01 AM
Folkir can feel himself weakening, but he grips his weapon again, growing angry at the thought of dying down here.

"Come on yuh ugly bastard! You're gonna feel my axe if lodgin' it in your skull is de last ting I do!"

Raging and charging, at this point it wouldn't surprise me if this thing were immune to all slashing damage, but I gotta try.
Main attack[roll0] [roll1]
Rage bonus attack[roll2] [roll3]
Iterative [roll4] [roll5]
Edit: forgot to factor in shaken condition, so that's a -2 on these rolls

2017-10-03, 09:32 AM
Having finished his spell Locke sprinted towards Folkir and the latest monstrosity they had to face. He vaulted the oncoming hole and readily approached the creature, as he neared it, he slid to a stop, pivoting on his foot and bringing one of the fiery whips around. Letting the end or flaming limb lash across the face of the creature.

He glanced at Folkir now that he was closer, the dwarf looked in about as much pain and was covered with similar injuries, "well this is certainly more interesting than the last time you and I went somewhere."

As he spun from the first blow, Locke concentrated hoping to deny the creature a chance at lashing out at them. He focused on sliding scales, striking fangs, and as he finished the spell, lashed out with his other arm, aiming a second fire blow towards the creature, hoping that Folkir could add another blow to finish or at least cripple the vile thing.

Jump check over the hole: [roll0]
charge towards ugly, stopping with 10' between us to use 15' reach.
Charging Attack vs brood mother [roll1] vs Touch AC
Damage: [roll2] fire damage.
Concentration check to cast defensively [roll3]
Cast Snake's Swiftness Mass: Anyone within 200' that is in the party has the option for an immeadiate attack.
Immeadiate Attack: [roll4] vs Touch AC
Damage: [roll5] fire damage.

2017-10-03, 09:44 AM
Folkir flashes the monk a manic grin as the spell lets him strike out once more, "Good news locke, I'm not bawhed any mawhe."

[roll0] [roll1]
Yet another flub...

2017-10-03, 12:17 PM
What? No thunderous applause?

Raikou says, winking at Will.

But then he grimaces as the surviving bugs continue to swarm the very injured bard. It seems they were smart enough to know that he and Travis were too tough for them to attack so they were going after an easier target.
This wasn't good. He was having to spend too many spells here. They had to get to that door and get it open.

Holding his palm open in front of him, the halfling conjures another orb of electricity which he tosses at the nearest injured Novistador.

Hey! Back off the Bard!

Meanwhile Cyrus readies to move once Will moves, making sure to stay slightly behind him.

Standard action to cast lesser orb of electricity

ranged touch attack [roll0]
it takes [roll1] electricity damage

Watching the orb sail past the Novistador and explode harmlessly into the ground, Cyrus utters a snarky comment.

(in Auran)
Nice shot...

Raikou responds only with a silent glare then turns to Travis.

Hey Jumpy! Can you get us over to that door any faster?

2017-10-03, 05:19 PM
@Rusty: You order the Medibot to go heal Will's injuries and take off as fast as you can, Hammer gripped in both hands as the shrieking sound of that horrific bug echoes through the sewers.

Even at full speed, you are unable to get even close to this monster, but at least Folkir should keep it busy.

@Will: Panting and bleeding all over, the metal floating orb leaves Rusty's side and floats towards you at great speed, focusing its lenses on you as a small tube extends from its circular body.

"Analysis: Patient is suffering from multiple wounds. Internal bleeding detected. Death is a strong possibility.

Proposal: administer HealingGel. Please stand by...""

It's a stinging white spray that covers your many wounds as a bit of them seal up.

16 HP healed

@Raikou: Will may have been healed by Sparky, but it won't be enough. You need to clear the space for him with a little more shock & awe.

Your trademark crackling sphere comes into existence and flies towards one of the Novistadors...

Only to miss its mark by a small margin. Not good. Not good at all.

At this point, either will uses that famed blade of his or Travis comes to the rescue before he's minced meat.

@Folkir: Your primal ferocity is unleashed, as you look up at the massive bug and sidestep, gripping your axe and striking with unmatched power. One that would make Kord proud.

The bug's shell is tough. Very tough, but one of your axe swings hits a soft spot, as yellow bile gushes forth from the wound and the Broodmother shrieks in pain.

It's not immortal. It can bleed. That swing hurt her, but not as much as you'd like. Still, it's a deep, VERY deep wound.

@Locke: With your hands turned to flaming whips, you charge towards the Broodmother, knowing well that the speed needed and the strength behind your lash will not allow you time to cast a second spell.

Still, nothing beats fore as you run towards the creature, only for your mind to be assaulted by her horrific visage.

Will DC 26 or be shaken for 6 rounds as long as you are within sight of a Broodmother.

Shaken or not, you need to beat this monster down with fiery vengeance as you approach it and then...

Then the creature unhinges a very long shelled and spiked limb that reaches out to you fifteen feet away, smacking you with unnatural strength!

22 damage

And so your body drops on the ground. Not dead, but not in the best of shape, either.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217838)

Raikou & Cyrus
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors & Broodmother

2017-10-03, 09:20 PM
Travis heads towards the Brood Mother as quickly as he can.

2017-10-03, 10:20 PM
Desperate, and currently swarmed by Novistadors, Will attempts to tumble past them and run after the others.

I believe he has to beat a DC 15 to tumble past one, and an additional +2 to the DC for each additional foe

Tumble check... [roll0]

If he makes it out, he uses all his remaining actions to hurry after the others. (40ft more after tumbling I believe)

Baby Gary
2017-10-03, 10:42 PM
lets see here, theses things are very annoying, they hit me whenever I run past them, and well I can see them now so I can do this

Will said as he started forward only to teleport 10 feet back and cut across one of the novistors with a vicious undercut. then he dove to the right and started to run to where his allies were

anklet of tranlocation 10 feet to the right
Attack the Novistor there (I can see them due to glitterdust) also using wand of true strike for +20 to attack. Attack and damage [roll1] +4 sonic +[roll2] cold

then retreat 15 feet to the right (can't see the map right now so Will will talk the most movement effective route), also tumble [roll]1d20+7
using one more lore song (have 2 left)

[edit] I can only move 15 feet, I did a stupid

2017-10-03, 10:48 PM
@Travis: Standing in place will accomplish nothing. You need to run!

The Novistadors do not take notice of you yet as they surround Will. For that matter, you don't take much notice of Will either, as you run as fast as you can, torch held in one hand and cast enough light to stop a few feet away from Rusty, gasping for breath.

This place is endless. Who knows how much longer you have to run- or swim- before you get to that damn door?!

@Will: You attempt a feat of athleticism. One unlike ever recorded in the history of Oerth...and fail.

One of those damn bugs nips you in the back as you try yet another barrel roll.

5 damage

Hopefully still alive, you stumble a few feet forward and follow the errant mage and his torch.

@Raikou: That's your cue.

Cyrus keeps up the pace with Will, watching him from above, always staying close in case your amazing bug zapping skills are needed.

@The Party: Dozens of buzzing wings can be heard in the dark, along with those inhuman screeches as The Broodmother's mandibles open and close with what can only be described as glee.

For Travis and Raikou, that means over a dozen more Novistadors are quickly closing in on the group, flying over the polluted cesspool. That giant bug is calling reinforcements!

@Folkir: The Broodmother looks at Locke, face down on the ground. His hands still turned into fiery whips, but out for the count after that massive claw slam.

And then it looks at her own wound, caused by your axe, still pouring bile from it.

This monster is not happy you just cut it as it looks at you and then at the pool's edge, roaring in your direction as it lifts one of its shelled limbs and smacks you with monstrous force on the side, but worse...

She's trying to throw you into the pool!

27 damage plus Reflex DC 27 or be moved 10 ft. south and into the water.

If Folkir fails to resist...

Everyone can see or hear the dwarf make a sound splash in the dirty polluted water as his body begins to sink in the sewer mire.

If conscious, Folkir may attempt a swim check DC 10. Apply ACP, if possible. Additionally, whether concious or not have Folkir make a Fortitude save. Results will be revealed upon success or failure.

If Folkir is still standing and was not thrown overboard...

The Broodmother moves past him, giving him a chance to strike once more.

vs. The Broomother ONLY if conscious and not in the water

@Rusty: The sound of something big is getting nearer as Travis' torch sheds enough light to see the face of true horror down in this place.

Will DC 26 or be shaken for 1 round

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217839)

Round 6

Raikou & Cyrus
Folkir (if conscious)
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors & Broodmother

2017-10-03, 11:01 PM
Folkir briefly exults in the deep strike he scored, ready to follow it up with plenty more, but he barely has time to register the fact that Locke is downed when a limb swings out at him. Its impact launches him down into the fouled water, which burns his existing wounds badly on contact.

Reflex Save [roll0]
Unidentified Fort save [roll1] (+2 if poison effect)
possible AOO attack [roll2]
possible AOO damage [roll3]

2017-10-03, 11:41 PM
@Folkir: This bastard just smacked you aside like you were nothing!

The idea of floating or paddling in what you can only hope is water is far worse than being smacked like Locke was and being face down. At l;east he's being ignored completely as that bug gets ready to meet the others in combat.

Thankfully, you are one tough dwarf. Just keep your mouth shut and hope that none of your wounds get infected. Although remaining in the water will eventually prove fatal- be it by drowning or catching whatever this sludge is contaminated with- you need to get out.

If you are strong enough and can swim, you could make it to shore, get close to that door Raikou was about to open.

Either that or swim back to where you got smacked and give this thing a piece of your mind.

Raikou & Cyrus
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors & Broodmother

2017-10-04, 09:06 AM
Folkir is dying, and he knows it. He heads for shore and basically plays dead for the novistadors aside from retrieving and drinking a cure wounds potion he'd stashed away. He'll go for the broodmother again if he can, but if he's going to have any shot at bringing it down, he requires a moment to breathe without being sprayed with too much more acid.

Won't be able to charge this round, so engaging right now is likely to be a useless effort. In the event I fail the swim check and start sinking, I'll burn a charge off of my anklet of translocation to get to shore. Folkir will use an immediate action to kip up onto his feet without AOOs (skill trick) if the novistadors move in to tear him apart with claws. Unfortunately, he has jack all to do in response to more acid sprays other than hope they ignore him in favor of more currently active targets.
Swim [roll0]
CLW potion [roll1]

2017-10-04, 09:09 PM
"Hey ugly! Now I understand why you wanted your kids to be invisible!"

Travis walks towards her and tries to give her similar treatment to what he gave Gram, not that it worked as well as he'd hoped then either ...

ooc: [roll0] ranged touch, force damage = 60+ 1/2 ([roll1]) = 82

Finally got the map to work in a different browser by re-downloading Flash.

MAP (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217885)

2017-10-04, 10:09 PM
Seeing the path ahead blocked, Rusty look at the monstrous creature in front of him and charge it, bracing for the impact that would surely come.

PA of 5
[roll0] dmg [roll1]
I recall Raikou casting Sonic Weapon on Rusty's Hammer, but couldnt find it anywhere in the new IC. Please let me know if I'm wrong or not, niwrad.

He'll charge diagonally, moving so to stay as far from the water as he can (and closer to the wall).

2017-10-04, 11:11 PM
Upon seeing the oncoming horde of reinforcement Novistadors, Raikou proceeds to unleash a series of fey and halfling profanity.

With a look of horror, he shouts out to the others.

GUYS!! We have to get through that door now! There's more bugs flying straight for us!
Forget fighting them, or even that big one.


He then shouts to the robot.

Yo Sparky! Get to that monk and get him back up!

Then to his familiar.

(in Auran)
Come on Cyrus show us the meaning of haste!!

With a terrific burst of speed Cyrus and Raikou fly across the vast expanse, reaching the door in barely more than a second. Raikou winces as they fly by the Momma Novistador, fully expecting a hit. But hopefully Rusty would keep it occupied.

Once at the door, Raikou places the Eyes in the appropriate spot. Then he removes the Jaws of the Stone Skull from his bag.

Cyrus uses a double move action to fly towards the door. He'll fly through the broodmother's threatened space.

Raikou uses a standard to place one of the keys. And he'll use a move action to take out the other.

The medbot will fly as close as it can to Locke

2017-10-05, 01:58 AM
@Folkir: You swim as fast as you can towards the shore, using your axe to help you out of that cesspool and look at your entire body:

It's covered in a disgusting green muck. You smell horrendous. Who knows if someone could get sick just by slapping you on the shoulder. But one thing is certain:

if you don't do something soon, that big bug and her unseen kin will tear you apart. Another statistic in The Mercy. You need to heal up. heal up quickly, as you take out one of your potions and chug it...

Damn clerics... you bought the cheap version!

@Travis: Having successfully resisted the Broodmother's horrific gaze, you move up towards it and call her on her disgusting progeny, as you place both hands together and a sphere of purple arcane power begins to increase in size, much like an egg, aching to burst as you reel back and like a professional; player, hurl the sphere at the monstrosity.

Most of her left flank is utterly destroyed by the immense explosion, as the Broodmother shrieks in agony. That blast hurt it. It hurt it a lot...

But not enough to kill it.

@Rusty: Time to nut up or shut up.

Your Hammer is eager for a chat as you charge the beast diagonally, well aware of what it did to the dwarf as you grip your closest friend and attempt to bring the Hammer on her...

Only to fail, as she slams you on the ground with one of her claws, not unlike Locke. However, this slash is brutal, nearly eviscerating you in two!

45 damage

By Olidammara... this thing hits like Gram! Maybe even more so!

The Medibot leaves Will and flies as fast as he can, over the cistern, hoping to assist anyone. But in lieu of speed, he cannot readily heal.

@Raikou: You let the others now that this is the time for running, not fighting, as Cyrus flies you over the Broodmother and you look down at Rusty.

He's alive, but damn! He left a mark on the dungeon floor. That bug sure can hit!

Folkir is nearby too, covered in sewer sludge all over, as you place the stone jaws on the corresponding skull, followed by a loud click as that skull begins to blaze in purple flame and writing begins to appear on the massive wall:

Grant me Eyes to see the face of the Divine.

Grant me Teeth to Savor it...

It's incomplete! This door wants to open, but it's missing something.

This has not gone unnoticed by the Novistadors and its mother, who set blank eyes upon you and the others.

@Will: You watch Rusty get slammed by the massive beast and make a quick run past it, hopefully it won't attack you as it did with Raikou...

And then, as you run close to the gigantic bug, every fiber that makes your body tells you this is hopeless. There is no chance to escape this place!

Will save DC 26 or be shaken for 3 rounds

@Travis & Rusty: The Broodmother roars as a few Novistadors fly behind her and land on the ground, buzzing their wings as they begin to lift the barefoot monk.

Knocked out and incapacitated, the man cannot defend himself as these sinister insects are not killing him, but they seem intent on taking him away. Where? Who knows.

As for you and a few Novistadors with you, it's not pretty as the Broodmother's mandibles drip a lot more acidic bile before it's sucked into its bloated body, churned and with a loud belch, vomited in a ninety foot cone over both of you and a few of her already weakened children, which, given their numbers, she finds no problem disposing of.

51 acid damage. Reflex DC 30 for half damage

And having doused both of you in acid, it sidesteps its massive bulk, not really giving Rusty a chance to strike.

@Will: You watch both Travis and Rusty covered in a wave of acid spat from that massive cockroach and then the Novistadors, always unseen, make a pincushion out of you.

4 damage

8 damage

4 damage

6 damage

3 damage plus Improved Grab DC 25

@Travis & Raikou: These bastards are using a few to Dimension Door around the place, charging and pouncing at Will. Never mind that the barefoot guy is slowly being taken away by a couple of them.

The other group of Novistadors swarm the Medibot, but this little machine was built to last, as they attempt to claw and tear his spheroid body, to no success.

One of the Novistadors lunges towards Travis, but given his ample plethora of spells, he can't be hurt.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217900)

Round 7

Raikou & Cyrus
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors & Broodmother

2017-10-05, 05:49 AM

Meanwhile, deeper beneath the bug infested sewers…

Kara sits in the main conference room and watches the battle unfold above as a well dressed half orc stands by her side, his eyes an odd color, even for a half orc as kara looks at a list and then back at the screen before this one turns into a blank wall and faces the half orc.

“Barring any mishaps on their behalf, they should be here soon. Are the subjects already loaded?”

The half orc bows to Kara and grins.

“As per The Queen’s orders! All those of relevance are in perfect stasis and awaiting that you board to leave… but if you’ll excuse my inquiry:

What about me?”

Kara gets up from the main chair and walks past the half orc, not once looking at him.

“You are in charge of this place now. Locke Decaldris should be taken by the Novistadors. Failing that, it falls upon you to make sure he and those with him are kept here. Is this understood?”

The half orc gulps as Kara starts walking away.

“But you have seen what they can do against The Novistadors…and a Broodmother! I don’t think that…”

“You defy the Queen’s orders? This installation should have everything you need to keep them here. Defense systems are now fully operational and awakened. There is no excuse for failure. That is all.”

Kara walks away and the half orc peeks out the door making sure she’s out of sight before clicking a small rod and opening the screen again.

Fine! I can deal with them. They think the Novistadors are bad? Wait until they get a load of me!

2017-10-05, 10:45 AM
Gritting his teeth against the pain, Folkir jumps up and look around for his target. There she is, hammering on his current employer. Time to end this if he can. Running along the wall to the north to avoid the swarms, he leaps up at the monstrosity, bringing down his axe as hard as he can.

Tumble checks to avoid AOOs, looks like I'll be needing 3 of them, DCs 15,17,19
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

Main attack [roll3] [roll4]
Rage bonus [roll5] [roll6]
Iterative [roll7] [roll8]

2017-10-05, 10:48 AM
Spotting a chink in the thing's plating, Folkir shifts the angle of his axe slightly. As he leaps up, he shouts at the top of his lungs, "Die yuh ugly bastard!"

Critical hit confirmation [roll0] extra damage [roll1]
Edit: I take it back dice bot, you're the best ever.

2017-10-05, 03:06 PM
@Folkir: Whatever Raikou has done on that door isn't enough. And to make matters worse, these bugs are already swarming around all of you, with the big one crushing and melting your employer.

Locke is being taken away, who knows where by these creatures. But airborne targets aren't your thing:

Their mother is, though.

Will can probably shake off the unseen claws that nip at him, as you grip your axe and perform one of your most suicidal moves ever, as your mind tells you to stay, but your body is already on the move.

One, two, three.. a million of these creatures would not be able to stop your path as you cry out to The Broodmother and run towards her, your body leaving a trail of blood in its path as you leap and feel Kord's very essence imbue your axe as the hideous bug shrieks in pain, waterfalls of bile pouring over you as your axe buts deep. Even more so than before, leaving bits of shell on the ground as the Broodmother wails in sheer agony!

No one you know. Absolutely NOBODY, would survive punishment like this...

However, your last swing is not true enough as the shelled beast swats your axe with one of its limbs and fixes her horrendous visage on you.

It lives... and it's angry! Her attention is now focused solely on you. Hopefully the others can finish her off. At least you can go to Kord's Hall and claim you hurt a beast of this magnitude.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217939)

Raikou & Cyrus
Sparky Bot
The Novistadors & Broodmother

2017-10-05, 08:04 PM
With the Jaws in his hand, Raikou is about to place the second key when he is temporarily distracted by a crazed, howling dwarf. The halfling's jaw almost drops when he sees Folkir bring his greataxe down on the broodmother with colossal strength. How was a dwarf barely larger than him capable of such tremendous might.

Remind me never to piss that guy off Cyrus...

Unfortunately, that giant creature still wasn't quite finished off yet, and now she was very very angry!

At least the dwarf would die in a blaze of glory.

Raikou turns his attention back to the door. The faster he opened this the faster they could get out of this place.

Standard action to place the jaws

2017-10-05, 08:40 PM
@Raikou: Both you and Cyrus cannot believe that a stinking dwarf can leap so high and cause so much pain!

You have yet to see anyone in the desert or at sea to perform such a feat...and yet, despite his brutal strength, that gigantic bug isn't going down!

It's a last click as you complete the keys needed for the door as the words blaze brighter :

Grant me Eyes to see the face of the Divine.

Grant me Teeth to Savor it.

For the keys to Heaven I wield

And the Queen in her Brilliance I yield

@The Party: Who knows what causes the Novistadors- even the Broodmother- to twitch in pain as the large set of stone doors slowly opens and the skull key opens its jaw, but says nothing.

All of the horrific bugs shift between seen and unseen as the Broodmother shrieks towards her shelled kin and all of them surround themselves with a purple aura before disappearing completely from the cistern.

Whatever the halfling did, sent them away.

Locke is dropped on the ground, still bleeding profusely.

The same can be said for Rusty.

As for the newly opened door, there is an ornate stone lift, big enough for all of you as a faint ticking sound comes from the door.

Baby Gary
2017-10-05, 08:59 PM
Finally we are all alive, I think, but we are badly hurt. I have a wand of healing, I can you guys. Here

time for that wand of lesser vigor cl 3

one charge to heal 13 hp (fast healing 1 for 13 round to be exact). Tell me how many charges you need to get back up to full or close to full.

I (Will) am taking 5 charges (65 HP)

2017-10-05, 09:45 PM
Folkir can't believe it, he gave that thing everything he had, and it is still up. It turns, and he is facing death in the face. Well, damn... His axe feels heavy, heavier than it had ever been before he first started training to use its bulk to his advantage. He can't take another hit, and he knows it. All of a sudden some kind of purple stuff floats about, and then the thing is gone.

The dwarf drops to a knee, tired and bleeding profusely, he looks about and perceives nothing, and the others don't seem to do so either. With effort, he gets up and hobbles towards the door, "It seems we have a bit of room tuh breathe now. I uh, I could use a hand. Locke and Rusty are down fawh de count ovuh here too."

7 charges would leave me 11 short of full. I think it would be best to go ahead for 8 under the circumstances.

2017-10-05, 10:00 PM
Well, damn! Damn. Damn!

Travis says "I could use some healing too, though I wasn't hurt nearly as badly as some."

He heads towards the doorway.

ooc: 45/67 so he could use 2 charges of vigor to get back to full hp.

2017-10-05, 10:28 PM
The acidic breath was too much for Rusty, as he tried to evade it for nothing, as acid poured all over his face and torso.
As much strenght as he tries to gather, he simply fail to resist the pain and remain motionless in the sewer ground, his beloved friend by his side.

He's a -6 and bleeding.
He needs 9 charges to get to be 111/114

2017-10-05, 11:02 PM
@The Party: Be it through judicious use of wands, innate powers or assistance from Sparky, the ticking sounds begin to reverberate louder as Those who have fallen get up and limp towards the large open set of stone doors, which close behind you as the distant sounds of the Novistadors can be heard beyond it in the cistern.

The keys keeping the door open are on the other side, with the unseen bugs.

The way in originally has been barricaded with explosives and debris by Davorin and his crew.

And as Rusty pushes the only button and the lift begins to descend, it dawns upon you:

You are not leaving the same way you came in. If you are going down here, you best find a different way to the surface, as the sound of grinding gears comes to a full stop after a minute of descending and the doors open:


The floors, wall and ceiling are made of metal, with strange roots breaking through and twisting around the walls, as if they were hands. A few dim lights have been placed on the ceiling which flicker on and off, as the scent of spring flowers fills the entrance lobby.

The place is rather cold, however. Almost clinical in nature.

Two small ducts- big enough for Raikou to crawl in or the medibot can be seen on both ends of this room. With one of them having the lid open and a slimy trail going inside.

A painting hands askew on one of the walls with a plaque beneath it:


And lo, her Maidens were quick to worship her in all her radiant Beauty and Perfection

@The Party except Folkir & Rusty: Something feels strange here. An uncomfortable tingle that goes up and down your spine.

A massive metal door greets you up ahead, but it is closed.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217967)

2017-10-05, 11:48 PM
Hannibal look at everyone while silently waiting the regenerative magic run its course and recover the many wounds.
"Okay guy, we are on the lion's den now", he says looking at the others, "As I told you before, getting out alive isnt guaranteed, but dont leave anyone behind, dead or not. Sparky", he says looking to the cleric-in-a-can, "Please make a check up on Folkir. He fell in that dirty pool and who knows what it might contaminate him with".

He tap himself with the wand of cure wounds, closing the very last one.
"You should be at your best", he says shaking the wand, "These are useless if we're dead. Now, if you're all good", he says and look at the heavy door in front of them, "Let's get this party started".

2017-10-05, 11:56 PM
Folkir stands, working an arm that until recently had been mangled by acid. "Dat reminds me, I haven't properly expressed my gratitude fawh bringin' me in on dis mission Rusty." Throwing his arms wide, and flinging a bit of polluted with who knows what sewage to the side, he gives the warrior a somewhat manic grin. "Come here and let me give yuh a big hug."

2017-10-05, 11:56 PM
@Plaehn: It's been... a month? Maybe two. Who knows.

You have been drugged so many times and kept in this damn capsule. What should have been a rescue mission sent by Sir Randolph himself has failed miserably.

The people you were sent with, all capable warriors and clerics and masters of the arcane were no match to those damn bugs. Especially the big one, which managed to drop you with a series of brutal claws.

When you opened your eyes, you were stuck in this cold metal shell, who knows how much further below ground, as the icy cold mists of the room wafted a clinical sterile smell and you could swear several in your company were kept in identical cages.

It wasn't but until a few days ago that a pretty peasant girl was brought in. Red haired. Her eyes in a trance as she was placed in a capsule for a few hours and then let go, but other than that, there have been two people that have been in this room to check on the many captured people in the Mercy.


This bastard goes by the name of Gorf Clawhand. A half orc in face and name only. Something about him is definitely out of place, even for a race such as his.

Knowledge The Planes (trained)

"A good day indeed! The Novistadors managed to bring in aasimars! These should please her Majesty tremendously and... oh! An ilumian? Is this the one that she...hmmm.""

Gorf would sift through some notes and look at you, frowning.

"Not the one she wants. At any rate, I am sure she will have something extraordinary planned for you... Plaehn? What a stupid little name. I am Overseer Clawhand. The ultimate authority in this facility! You and your aasimar friends bit a lot more than they could chew. But don't worry:

You and them, just like everybody else... will soon join in Glorious Singularity. You are very fortunate...hehehehhehee.""

This guy was thought to run the entire complex, but as it turns out, another big fish was soon seen in this room, clearly commanding more presence than him.


This one Gorf refers to her as Kara and although haggard looking, it's enough to have the half orc at attention all the time. Especially today, when your aasimar allies were carried by grotesque looking creatures trailing slime and featureless.

They made sure none of them were armed and geared. For that matter, neither are you as Gorf stood out of the way and all of them were taken out of the room as kara looked at you, always trapped in that metal capsule and looked at half orc.

"Meet me at the Conference Room. The Novistadors have engaged hostiles.""

In an unprecedented act, Kara walked up to you and fidgeted with some buttons as cold steam filled the inside of the capsule.

"This will open in a few minutes. What you do after that, is up to you.""

2017-10-06, 12:05 AM
"A share of the loot, promises to bring back your corpse to life and a deadly adventure", Rusty says to Folkir, "No hugs was in the deal. But I might give you one once we're back to the surface and have washed yourself: even I smelled nicer after returning from one week down the sewers", he says and pocket the wand.

"Let's try opening that door", he says moving to it and trying it.

2017-10-06, 12:56 AM
@The Party: Rusty has all of you stand in a huddled position and so does he, as the Medibot hovers a few feet away and looks at all of you.

"Analysis: High concentration of pollutants found on all patients.

Hypothesis: Exposure to Arcane Pollution in the Sewers. Possible long term ailments that may include fever, nausea, exhaustion and death.

Proposal: Decontaminate patients immediately so as to prevent any infection.""

It's a sprinkler that tastes like old off the counter remedy as all of you are sprayed, just in case.

The medibot can decontaminate an area of disease or poison in a 15 ft cone, clearing the place of danger by contamination. It can also decontaminate it's own body as a free action, but being a construct, such instances are very odd.

The area remains sterile for at least 10 minutes before natural forces begin working again. Creatures who are diseased or poisoned are not cured (but see medical spray).

@Folkir & Rusty: Washed clean by the metal orb, you look around the room and head for the thick set of metal doors covered in roots from who knows where.

Its your backs put together as both grunt and force the door open a few inches before gears can be heard within the walls and the door begins to open by itself...

Only for the roots to hold it tight, enough to give both of you and the others a chance to squeeze through before the door slams loudly behind all of you.

The lighting here is faulty, just like in the room before. A few ducts on the ground and ceiling waft cold sterile air into the long hallway, which has a ten foot ceiling. This place was not built to have very big occupants, but those damn roots are everywhere.

of note, the end of the hallway has a dim blinking red light that casts off some eerie illumination.

To your right, you can see a bloodied wall with scratch marks that reads:

Specimen Containment

However, rooted on the ground in grim poses, are five disgusting clumps of green ..metal? Stone? Who knows:


For those who were there that fateful day, this is what happened to hannah before coming out in that disgusting and deadly new form. These shells have not broken out and more of that slimy trail circles around the room and towards the ducts.

@Plaehn: Why would that woman release you?

Your body shivers as you step out of your metal confinement and look around.

A lot of capsules with frost covering the glass, so it is quite difficult to see. Your gear is nowhere around and all you are wearing is a patient outfit.

A strange console has several blinking lights at the end of the room, opposite the door.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217968)

2017-10-06, 01:15 AM
Folkir drops his filthy arms, "Feh, no sense of humawh. We'll have tuh wawhk on dat."

He is more than glad the bot has a means to wash him off. He doesn't care much about washing off his own musk, but there are limits.

As the group files into the next chamber, Folkir gently prods one of the cocooned figures with his axe, "What de hells happened tuh dem?"

2017-10-06, 01:34 AM
@Folkir: You've had showers before, but not from some flying metal ball.

Having said that, you just fought a plus sized cockroach a few minutes before, so anything goes now.

But of course this place has to get weirder as you and the rest walk to the next room and you walk towards one of the cocoons.

They look human and if you look closely, you can tell there are faces on them. Distorted in pain. What the hell happened to them? Of note, despite this entire hallway being cold, these things are warm to the touch..and a tad slimy on the surface.

The Medibot flies towards the one you are prodding and then orbits around the figure.

"Analysis: Living organisms of unknown nature inside organic casing. Threat possibility at 0%.""

2017-10-06, 02:07 AM
Past the door and below in the strange facility, Raikou stares at the dwarf barbarian with a very confused look. He still couldn't seem to understand this guy.

Hey there. You know, I don't think we've really officially met. My name is Raikou, but you can call my Stormy. Everyone seems to call me that... That was a mighty fine axe slashing you were using on that big ugly one back there.
What's your name?

And.... if you don't mind me asking... can you speak Common? I'm afraid I don't know what language you've been using... Dwarvish?

Raikou then looks up and is alarmed to see several cocoons, like the ones that had contained Hannah before she transformed. This wasn't good.

Uh... Hey Hammers aren't those like the shells Hannah had before she turned into that monster thing? Sparky, is there a way to help these people and get them out? If not, any idea of when they might break free and start attacking us?

The halfling asks, turning to the robot.

2017-10-06, 02:29 AM
@Raikou: That dwarf hits good... but he can't talk right.

As a halfling, you have met all manner of races around Oerth. the latest being fey, which have a very complex if beautiful language, depending on the fey whose doing the talking, of course.

But dwarves... it's the gruff tone coupled with cheap ale that makes them seem drunk all the time. And this guy takes it to a whole new level.

Still, he's on your side. Even if he talks funny, so there's that. In fact, given what you saw above in the cisterns, this guy could definitely give Rusty a run for his money in the D&M department.

That's Demolition and Murder, for those not aware and in the game.

But your attention then goes to the several cocoons placed around this new area. The cold air makes you wrap your robe around you. Cyrus being a fan doesn't help and then there are those roots that have somehow broken through the walls of this place.

And that strange feeling you are getting all over... what is it supposed to mean?

The Medibot turns its lenses to look at you and gestures with a metallic limb at one of the cocoons.

"Analysis: Mode of encasement in...cocoons is unknown at this point. More research will need to be conducted. Heartbeats can be sensed from within, so alive patients is confirmed.

Hypothesis: If patients are removed from the cocoon, this may have a fatal outcome for those inside. probability of them being attached physically to this casing by nerve senses is high. Rupturing them may result in death.

There is no way to determine when and if those inside will emerge any time soon.""

2017-10-06, 05:57 AM
Plaehn makes a few steps and tries to heat up by rubbing his arms together.
What is this place? Where are the others? Why have I been freed?
Looking right and left, he sees the room is empty but for the buzzing console near the wall. For lack of anything more informative to do, he approaches and takes a look, while remembering his strange half-orc gaoler.
He wasn't entirely from this plane, or from pure mortal blood maybe?

Knowledge (the Planes) check: [roll0]

2017-10-06, 08:26 AM
The dwarf looks at the halfling, "Yuh must have heard it by now, name's Folkir. And if yuh must know. My parents were not de prettiest of tawhkers. And de guy who taught me common was from some far off land. De mix of accents has been tough tuh shake."

On hearing more about the cocooned individuals. Folkir says, "So we can't help dese people, and dey'll be a big threat if dey emerge. Any reason not tuh just end it?" He pantomimes swinging his axe towards the nearest entombed neck for emphasis.

2017-10-06, 11:16 AM
Hannibal enter the room and look at the fossilized people and remember of Hannah and reach to his belt and drink his antitoxin.

"Hannah became a cocoon like this and when she broke free she became a poison spilling aberration, so you mighy consider taking your medicine".

Looking at the possible girls trapped inside, Hannibal agree with Folkir, "Apparently nothing stop us. But without much more information, we risk awakening those girls. Give Hannahs would be suicidal as one pretty much beat us with reinforcements, stoping only when High Fayher Jace joined. I say let leave them be for now, until we know more how these things work".

Rustythen focus on his eyes and scan the room for magic.

2017-10-06, 01:35 PM
@Plaehn: Having nothing but a white patient outfit and being barefoot on cold metal floor is enough to cause you ti chatter as you look back at the capsule that contained you for who knows how long.

They did keep you awake for short intervals before putting you to sleep and in that time frame, they must've moved people in and out of here, but how often?

As for Gorf the half orc, there is a reason why he is so strange. Not like others of his kind.

As a Favored Soul of the Archpaladin, you are attuned to the Knowledge of the Realms Above. Having lived in a temple dedicated to him and in company of clerics, you have read in their vast libraries about the many Realities that await a soul after death...

But there is a place beyond the common knowledge of Man. A place that exists away from the Great Wheel and is, for good reason, not studied into further for fear of being broken mentally:

The Far Realms.

It is impossible to describe what that place looks like. How it works. To date, no scholar has willingly ventured there and returned whole of mind and body to accurately describe it.

What is known are of a few "blessed" by such a place that, for some reason or another, make it back to the Material or never left this place and The Far Realms reached out to these poor bastards.

Gorf falls into a whole new creature known as a Pseudonatural.

When in this realm of existence, a pseudonatural creature already has an unsettling look. Appearance varies: some are utterly monstrous and horrific to look at. Others have a slight unsettling characteristic: the color of their skin, an extra finger, eye coloration...

And that's before revealing their true form, which is so terrifying, that can drive even the strongest warrior insane and unable to wield a club properly.

If attacked by magic, these creatures have a way to nullify it. The stronger the individual, the stronger the resistance. If attacking it with melee, weapons forged of magic themselves will do the trick.

If there are any other abilities these creatures have, it eludes you now. You have no idea who Gorf was or did before becoming such a creature, so his training ought to be considered if facing him.

That being said, he is not considered of this world anymore. He can be sent back to that Impossibly Mad existence known as The Far Realms if you have the right spells and his mind is weak enough.

You could probably deal with him alone... if you had your gear on. For now, you walk to the blinking control deck and check the many buttons on them, all blinking on and off, with several that draw your attention.

1. Lock Release

2. Temperature Regulation

3. Subject Retrieval Data

A file has been left here as well, placed on top of the only chair.


Atte: Subject Clawhand

Although authority for this installation have been granted to you, it is imperative to know that the exit door to 'Paradise' is encrypted with a code. The Queen has the code changed every day, so as to dissuade anyone from leaking relevant information or sneaking in.

Today's code has been changed according to something very personal to her. We have already discussed this in our prior meeting. Make sure you do not forget it.

Of note, Subject Felg is to be awakened immediately upon my leave.

That is all.

@Folkir: You grip your axe and tease the group as you perform a faux swing that ends way too close to one of the cocoons. It would be nice to slash these things...whatever they are, but who knows what's inside.

Then there's Raikou and his questions. well of course you weren't born speaking the Common tongue! You;re a dwarf. Not much use for human speech in the bowels of the earth... unless people like the ones you are with decide to travel down there but why would they?

That place is a death trap. If your own people don't ambush them, duergar will, or drow, or illithid... the list goes on.

@Rusty: You look at the cocoons and then warn Folkir not to do anything foolish.

Hannah used to be in one of those and she nearly killed everyone at the school, turning most into zombies. If these are more Hannah's, that means there are five such creatures to fight off and then there is no chance for success at all.

Having said that, antitoxin is a thing. Good idea having bought it from Davorin earlier.

And having warned the vicious dwarf about the potential danger in those cocoons, you scan the room carefully, trying to get a signature for anything magical.

It's not coming from the cocoons. Whatever magical that may have transpired, already happened. Strong readings from the roots entwined around the walls, however. Special notice to some bulbs growing from the roots, but nothing to say yet that they are a threat.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217981)

2017-10-06, 02:51 PM
Scratching his beard, Folkir states, "It seems tuh me dat if dey're changin', and close enough tuh bein' done tuh leave de coccoon, den dey might pop out from behind us. How suicidal would six Hannah's plus whatevuh lies ahead be? If dey're not close tuh bein' done, den bringin' dem down now should be safe, and dere's six less of dese tings tuh wawhry about latuh."

"I'll not object tuh learnin' mawh first if we can, but either way, I'd guess dat finishin' dem now will be safuh than facin' dem latuh. Whethuh or not dey start defendin' demselves, at least we get de first strikes in dat way. Hardly a fair fight, cuttin' dem down in deir sleep, but dese bastards doan seem tuh care about dat."

2017-10-06, 03:32 PM
Raikou keeps staring at Folkir, very confused. The dwarf seemed to understand him, and was replying, but most of what came out of his mouth didn't seem to be common, at least to him. At the very least, he was able to gather that the dwarf's name was Forkir... or something.

Forkir...? Do you mind if I just call you Fork? That'll be easy for me to remember.

Then, as Folkir keeps talking, Raikou looks at Rusty. It seemed this human was able to understand him at least. How many languages did Rusty know?
He also mutters to his familiar in the language of air.

(in Auran)
Do you understand this guy?

Yes... Do you not?

Wait but how? You know even less languages than I do...

True, but he's using common. Heavy accent. He and the Hammer Human are currently discussing what to do with the cocoons here...

Not really sure how Cyrus could understand this dwarf when he couldn't, Raikou turns for another look at them.

I think I agree with you there Hammers. There's no way we can fight another Hannah with just the few of us. We can leave these alone for now I guess. I'll follow your lead on what to do with these. I really dont want to fight another one of those things. I might have spells now, but I don't think that will really help.

Getting bored of arguing about the cocoons, Raikou and Cyrus begin to float down the hallway to the right, and towards the large door there.

Hey! Let's see where this goes!

2017-10-06, 03:36 PM
"I agree with you, but our mission here is to gather information and intel. If we attack and they wake, then we're as good as dead. But there is a possibility they dont awake and just remain slain. With the information we have it's pretty mcuh a coin toss, so the question is", Hannibal says taking his own olidammaran coin and flipping it to Folkir, "Want to bet your life in a coin toss? Or, more important, have you prayed to Olidammara today?"

He point to the roots, "Those things seems magical and I couldnt feel any magic coming from the coccons, so let's try and explore this place".

2017-10-06, 04:32 PM
@Folkir: Being a mercenary is dirty business. You knew this years ago when you signed up for the job.

A target is a target. Sleeping one or not. Are these creatures targets? Most likely, but if you cannot guarantee a quick and swift kill with your axe on the first swing and whatever is inside awakens...

At any rate, you are already down here and going back is not a safe option, unless you want to deal with those bugs in the sewers. If you had a chance to patch your wounds, chances are that big one did so as well and who knows if you'll get lucky this time?

@Raikou: Sure, Forks here can't really speak your language, but his weird accent isn't the issue here:

It's these cocoons. Who knows why they are here and now. Definitely disconcerting. If they are like Hannah, who knows if all of you can deal with five of them. One alone almost killed every last one of you and you had help then.

And so, bored with chit chat amongst Hammers and Forks, you and Cyrus float towards the right hallway labeled "Specimen Containment", which radiates intense cold from the vent ducts located on the sides of the wall as locks turn and the door opens smoothly for you and your familiar.

@Rusty: You take out your precious Olidammaran coin and toss it in the air, asking Folkir if he feels lucky and want to test Fate. You know what came out of one of them a week ago. Not taking chances here and rushing in like fools.

This is first and foremost, an intel gathering mission. If The Hammer is to be used, it will be at the right time...

And then Raikou flies off ahead of the rest, prompting the group to follow him, so he doesn't face danger in these unknown halls.

@The Party: The door opens with Raikou in front and you look inside, amidst the cold fog:


This is a large room, filled with metal capsules, all covered in a thin layer of frost. Wires run across the floor and slime trails can be observed here as well, running up the air ducts.

One of the capsules is open and you can see a lone figure fidgeting with some odd contraption in the end of the room:


Bald and shivering, this guy is dressed like a patient, with nothing on him but a white test suit. An enemy?

@Plaehn: You haven't even messed with the buttons on the panel when the door at the far end begins to open and you instinctively reach for your holy symbol and weapon...

Only to realize you don't have them on you. So this is it:

They have come to get you now.

And they sent an army of all manner of cutthroats too:


Who are these people? This guy does not look happy.


A scaly mage? That much is clear. One of Gorf's minions? has to be.


A brute with a Hammer. Is this a prisoner take over, or murder on the spot?


Confirmed... they sent people to kill you. Plain and simple.


And they have a scaly looking musician with them as well? What a sick way to go: killed through sheer numbers while listening to bad music.


And a... a kobold? Must be with the short size and the scales. He's riding a most unusual creature.


You have seen these in The City, before Connor placed the no fly ban. Air elementals.


And what the hell is that thing?! How on Oerth are you going to fend these guys off?!

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217983)


2017-10-06, 07:02 PM
What in Heironeous name are those...

Plaehn turns arounds and tries to make out the six incoming frames, but he rapidly concludes they seem actively menacing. Looking around, he does not see any exit to the room other than the one barred by the newcomers. He is naked and disarmed, and they are six.

"O Heironeous, please make something happen!" he cries out, slightly panicking, clicking on all the buttons at once in the hope that it activates some secret door.

2017-10-06, 07:05 PM
Folkir looks to those with him for guidance. This one doesn't look like a threat, but that's hardly a good indication down here.

2017-10-06, 07:34 PM
@Plaehn: With such strange figures coming in and effectively blocking the door, you cry out to the Archpaladin for Divine Assistance and frantically mash the buttons on the console, hoping that one will set you free...

@The Party: The bald mad man starts fidgeting with the console all the way back in the room as several lights turn from red to green and an automated female voice can be heard in the room and perhaps the entire place:

Containment Holders released. Project Strelats initiated. All A-Class personnel secure themselves in Safety Zones. Thank you.

It is then that the far wall behind the mad man opens on both sides, revealing a large window pane- akin to an aquarium filled with what you can only guess is water, but there are no fish in there:


What are flowers doing here...? The light from the aquarium basks the room in crimson light as several capsules on the sides of the walls emit a healthy amount of cold steam.

Baby Gary
2017-10-06, 10:16 PM
With his sword still in hand but not in one of the four defensive positions, his sword was in the fool's guard to be exact, he approached this new figure of which he knew nothing and attempted to fix any misunderstanding that might have occurred

Greetings good sir, an illumian I see. If you are not with the people who run this place there is no need to be afraid of us. Our quarrel is with the people who run this place, not the poor soles that they test their inventions and experiment on.

I am known by many as Will, some call me the Mercy Bard, other the Breaker of Chains, and some others a Silver Tongued Devil. I am not particularly fond of the last one, I would consider myself more like... I don't know, just not a Devil. These who accompany me are all just people of the Mercy, to be exact we are the slightly above average concerned citizens.

And you are?

[in giant to Rusty]

I think that we can trust this guy, something about him tells me so. I don't know what it is but there is something that is telling me don't kill him imeadeatly

2017-10-07, 12:11 AM
@Will: The metal containers blink with red lights as more cold steam rises from them and you watch the room take on a crimson hue and those odd flowers behind the glass watch you walk towards the very confused bald man, making sure your blade, killer of Guards in St. Noria by the dozens, is ready, but not threatening the man.

And then you let him know who you are:

The Mercy Bard

The Breaker of Chains

The Silver Tongued Devil... although that one is not a favorite. But given the crimson hue the room has taken, a most appropriate monicker.

The glass tank behind the man bubbles as the flowers seem to move and watch you walk towards him.

@The Party except Folkir, Rusty & Plaehn: As Will walks towards the strange man, clamoring for Heironeous, you can all feel a monstrous assault from somewhere, as your bodies are punished several times over by an unseen force.

The following PCs must roll a Fortitude with a -4 to the save (Except for Cyrus, he does not take the penalty). I will let you know if the save was made or not.

Failed results are as follows:

Travis: take 5 damage. Lose Mage Armor

Raikou: take 2 damage. Lose Shield

Cyrus: take 9 damage. Lose Alter Self

Locke: take 1 damage. Lose Mage Armor

Will: Take 2 damage. Lose Alter Self

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217987)

2017-10-07, 02:40 AM
Plahn sees that no secret exit has appeared, first with horror as one of the intruders walks up towards him, sword drawn, but then with relief mixed with suspicion as he speaks soothing words.

Plaehn walks up to him and scans him with Detect Evil. It is then that he witnesses the strange blast occurring before him to that Will person and the others behind.

Move 30ft up to the east, use Detect Evil spell-like ability. If appropriate, spellcraft check to identify what is happening:[roll0]

2017-10-07, 03:01 AM
@Plaehn: You watch Will introduce himself as he and several others in his entourage writhe in pain and then walk away from the control module and focus on Will the Mercy Bard, attempting to read if not his mind, his heart.

There is no flames of evil within this man, who carries so many names. Not immediately recognizable...

And that's when your body is assaulted by some unseen force. You know of spells used by mages that can tear your body and mind and rip away your spells. Normally, this is painless, as with the well known Abjuration Dispel Magic, but this is actually painful and seems to attack anyone casting or with spells upon them.

The following PC must roll a Fortitude with a -4 to the save (Except for Cyrus, he does not take the penalty). I will let you know if the save was made or not.

Failed results are as follows:

Plaehn:* take 2 damage. Lose Detect Evil until recast

*Be aware that Plaehn has no gear on him, so save boosting items do not apply here

But where is this nefarious power coming from?

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=217989)

2017-10-07, 05:33 AM
Plaehn grits his teeth, surprised to be assaulted by the magical force too.
"Gnn...I am Bloodhorizon Plaehn, Favored Soulf of Heironeous, blessed be his holy blade. I can see no evil in you, so I shall trust your word. Would your comrades allow themselves to be screened as well? You have my word that I mean no harm."
Plaehn holds his hands up, palm towards the half-elf, to show his peaceful intentions.

If the party agrees, Plaehn closes in and scans them all in one more use of Detect Evil: they all fit in the cone. At the same time, he wants to check whether the magical force will strike him again.

Fort saves: 2 in a row. [roll0], [roll1]

2017-10-07, 05:59 AM
Hannibal look around to the aquarium filled with flowers and to the strange patient.
"What have you done?", he bark and look at the panel he was playign with, "Undo that!"

Watching as everyone but himself and Folkir are in pain he's quick to elaborate, "Those flowers must be harmful to spell casters and...", he begins to remember the many files showed to them by Corwin, "Damn it! There was a file talking about them: something about Hamalthan's Park and its ability to siphon magic. We need to close those again before they do any more harm. The file said one mound took one hour to devour a spellcaster".

He hear the favored soul and frowns, "And I'm Hannibal Rust. How you ended in this place and what kind of tests did they used you for?"

2017-10-07, 08:24 AM
Folkir turns to the others with him while Rusty talks. "If yuh lot are gettin' drained, den get out of here. No point in standin' around like dat."

2017-10-07, 08:49 AM
Satisfied with the result of his scanning, Plaehn quickly processes the huge human said.
I hit every button of this console back there, hoping one would open a way to escape. One button must have revealed the glass pane on the back.

The Illumian rushes to the console, his sigils floating above him, and after a quick glance tries to hit the "Lock Release" button again. If nothing happens, he tries to switch back everything or looks for some sort of emergency stop button. He then answers the Hannibal person, intentionally not revealing the reason of his descending into the sewers in the first place.

They didn't test anything on me, or at least not while I was conscious or nothing that I remember.

2017-10-07, 02:39 PM
Travis is of the opinion that it's better to slay the monsters in the cocoons now, rather than risk letting them emerge, but many of the others disagree and he doesn't try it himself. Like Rusty, he takes an antitoxin just in case.

"Hello, I'm Travis. What can you tell us of your captors?"

He tries to figure out what just happened ...

ooc: Fort save includes -4 penalty [roll0]

Knowledge (arcana) [roll1]

2017-10-07, 05:28 PM
@Rusty: You watch Travis hold his chest in pain as Will loses the scales and coughs some blood on the cold metal ground.

Locke isn't doing much better himself either, as leans against the closed metal door you came in and pats himself, attempting to feel what took away his own arcane protections.

That idiot activated the flowers! The ones that kill casters, which means Corwin's files were not a complete crock. But how to make them go away?

@Plaehn: You have Heironeous by your side, being a Favored Soul. There is no power on Oerth that can deter you, as you walk closer and resist the initial surge, intent on finding out if Will's company is true of heart.

This does not go well, as that monstrous backlash strikes you again, never intent on letting go... but not only you.

The following PCs must roll a Fortitude with a -4 to the save (Except for Cyrus, he does not take the penalty). I will let you know if the save was made or not.

Failed results are as follows:

Travis: take 9 damage. Lose Alter Self

Raikou: take 2 damage. Lose Shield (if first save failed, lose See Invisibility and take 7 damage)

Cyrus: take 9 damage. Lose Alter Self (provided he passed the first save)

Plaehn: Take 2 damage. Lose Detect Evil.

The good thing is that you can't feel any darkness from these guys, odd group as they may be. The bad thing is that you are being attacked again and again and again.

@Travis: Whether you have another spell removed from your unbreakable body or not, you try to see what is causing this.

All clues point towards that newly revealed batch of flowers. You have seen them blooming around The Mercy, but they never caused much more than a slightly annoying itch, something Anya once complained during her many fruitless espionage tasks.

Down here, though... it's a very real and painful threat. Why do they do this? No idea. More research may have to be conducted on them.

@Plaehn: You ilumian nature coming in full bloom as the sigils surround your bald head, you rush back towards the control panel and mash the "Lock Release"button, as the walls in front close and the room returns to its blue grey tone as the water tank is sealed again.

You may have just figured out how to run this entire place. You did it. A true genius if there ever was one.

As for a lock? No clicking sound. No door abruptly opening... maybe this module is just broken.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=218026)

2017-10-07, 07:53 PM
With the danger apparently over, and the stranger apparently identified as a non threat, for now, Folkir takes a look at the shield the plants disappeared behind. Those things had possibilities, "I doan suppose I could get your help takin' some of those tings when we go? I'd love tuh have somethin' like dat in my pocket de next time I have tuh go hit a mage."

2017-10-08, 03:42 AM

Meanwhile, far away from where you are now….

Kara kneels before a dark figure as several tanks are carried away into the shadows.

“My Queen, here are the ones you requested. There are no more to report. At this point, Subject Clawhand and Gelf have been left in charge of the facility.”

The shadowy figure watches the people in tanks moved into the dark and walks away from Kara, odd shapes moving around in the shadows.

“You are sure no others have been left behind? These subjects are no regular specimens. Not to mention the ones that infiltrated Subject Transition… particularly the monk from Runestone.”

Kara looks at the floor and grips her fist, taking a few seconds to respond.

“Subject Gorf has the lesser specimens, my Queen. They have no way of getting here. This has already been foreseen. Your newest specimens have been activated as per your earlier orders.”

The shadowy figure moves without making a sound as several test tubes the size of a giant light up, basking the room in a sickly green light.

“I am well aware of this, my loyal and unwavering subject. I do find it rather amusing that these genetically inferior specimens believe they have a chance. They actually wish to make it all the way here.

Corwin Knell… that foolish reporter and his Olidammaran allies. They think these homo sapiens have a chance? It is at times like this that I fall, if only momentarilly, back to base human instincts of anticipation and eagerness.

They ought to know by now- despite their limited intellect- that there is no way they can succeed. Or have years in the Test Site atrophied their common sense and survival instinct? This proposes an intersesting Testing Scenario.

How long are they willing to go before they realize the futility of their actions? At an intellectual level, there is a plethora of information to be gleaned, although given what I have seen so far, a few of them are, for lack of a more clinical term, brain dead.”

Kara remains with her face looking down as the shadowy figure walks past her.

“The ilumian Plaehn has been released from confinement… I can only wonder how. And why?”

Kara takes a deep breath and keeps looking down.

“A malfunction in the facility, my Queen. Caused by some anomaly due to Arcane Pollution, no doubt. He should not be a problem.”

The shadowy figure’s eyes glow with crimson light as she walks away from Kara.

“I am sure that is the case. Go back to stasis, Subject K.A.R.A. You will not be needed now. The Verdugo will oversee the subject’s progress if they manage to get past Subject Clawhand and Gelf."

2017-10-08, 07:48 AM
Plaehn grins with satisfaction. Typical illumian celerity and cleverness prevailed once more. Turning to the mage that just spoke:
"I have been attacked and captured by those horrible invisible insects, and the enormous one. I suppose you have faced them on your way down there? Given that you are alive and free, you must have beaten them, congratulations!". The illumian shows sincere appreciation.
"After that, I was locked in one of those cabins you can see on both sides of the room. There, two more persons appeared, who must be the overseers of the place: a half-orc and a human.
The half-orc is named Gorf Clawhand, and he has been mutated by the energies of the Far Realms. The human is named Kara, and is the higher of the two in the hierarchy. Around 10 minutes ago, the Kara woman hit a switch on my cell to release me, I have no idea why; and they then both went into the "Conference Room" because some hostiles were incoming. I can only guess that refers to you all."

2017-10-08, 10:51 AM
"Kinetic Armed Reconnaissance Assassin", Rusty says after hearing the two underling's names, "K. A. R. A.. Kara".

"Let's move then, but let you be warned: if you sprout tentacles, try anything funny or somehow do anything alien, my hammer here will turn your bookhead into a pulp", he says waving with the hammer, "Did you came down here the sewers all by yourself?", he says looking to Locke, who have remained quiet for too long, "Or did more came along with you?"

Hannibal approaches the control panel and take a look before leading the guys outside the room. Nothing left here to in vestigate apparently.

"We are here to nvestigate and gather some inteligence on the one behind all this madness. You're welcome to come along with the same deal we gave to Folkir", he says before adding, "The same goes for you Locke, right? A share of anything we loot after ten percent are removed to party funds, promise to try and revive your dead body should you die helping, carrying or trying to recover it after the risks are considered and a small network of above average citizens contacts and abilities. The same helping nature will be required from you. If the deal is okay, you can tag along. Else, scram".

"Do we have a deal?"

Baby Gary
2017-10-08, 12:24 PM
wait, why kinetic? If I remember correctly kinetic is a type of energy, kinetic energy. Also energy is not like the bolts of force that we mages can hurl around, energy is the ability to do work on something, or move something some distance. that doesn't really make any sense.

after thinking about this for a bit will asked the illumian

where did the half-ork and K.A.R.A. go? also how much do you know about this place. As you know knowledge is power and the more we know the more power we have.

While Will is talking he is looking around the room for any big things that could easily be toppled or somehow knocked down in case of a battle. things like giant pipes in the celling, vats in the walls, raised platforms, etc.

2017-10-08, 12:27 PM
"Ouch. I could use some healing again" Travis admits as he assumes human form again, though he still has black scales.

2017-10-08, 12:58 PM
Plaehn did not expect that slight rebuke from Hannibal. He frowns but answers precisely.

"K.A.R.A., really. So is that person some sort of cyborg, or any kind of artificially enhanced humanoid. She did seem perfecrly ordinary when I saw her. And, Will, they went to a place called the "Conference Room" as I said. Does that ring a bell?

Plaehn skulks around, looking for his gear maybe stashed somewhere behind a pipe. He keeps talking to Hannibal.

"Additionaly, no, I did not come here alone. I was accompanied by a task force of aasimars, all working for the church of the Archpaladin. We were to dig under the Mercy and find back a missing, important person. Our target's identity has not been revealed to me. The half-orc mentioned that we were brought here by the "Novistadors", so I assume this refers to the bugs that captured us. After that, the rest of my crew was jailed exactly as I was (with some red-haired humanoid girl joining us at some point), until today, when everyone but me got carried away from here by some sort of goo-covered faceless monsters. I couldn't properly see what was happening from my viewpoint.

Finally, given that I'm more or less naked in a place like this, I would gladly accompany your team around that place, as long as I can find my fellows back and possibly leave with them. And I have no intent to sprout tentacles. Deal? Oh, and don't forget the memo there, I could make nothing out of it but it does seem full of meaning."

2017-10-08, 01:01 PM
@Rusty: You eye the ilumian suspiciously. After all, whatever he did on that console revealed those flowers, which have affected most of the guys here... except you and Folkir.

You let Plaehn the ilumian know that if he goes crazy. Turns into some monster. even the smallest tentacle sprouts from his bald head...

He's the getting The Hammer. And it is then that the console, not the wall, begins blinking as it projects a programmed illusion in red, visible to all. This must have been a result of the ilumian messing with all the buttons at once.

What the hell is this?!

Subject Containment Data

The following subjects have been categorized according to their current status as of the date of this list:

1 Bolt, Frank - Deceased
2 Copp, Charles - Deceased
3 Gregory, Leon - Transferred
4 Coldhammer, Kurgen - Deceased
5 Henry, Forrest - Deceased
6 Bartell, Hannah - Processed/ Transferred
7 Hills, Ralph - Deceased
8 Zeni, Zanthar - Transferred
9 Hood, Adam - Deceased
10 Holme, Frederick - Deceased
11 Janda, Edward - Deceased
12 Utzditch, Seti – Deceased/ Processed
13 Johnson, Luby - Processed
14 Landers, William - Processed
15 Limas, Manuel - Transferred
16 Marud, John - Deceased
17 Nurnvazi, Anya - Transferred
18 Mumma, William - Deceased
19 Nelson, Jack- Processed
20 Paris, Angelo - Deceased
21 Tirrus, Vasla- Transferred
22 Petarson, John - Deceased
23 Prokopf, Leo - Deceased
24 Riley, Joseph - Processed
25 Golzz, Rurin - Deceased
26 Mithmironel, Archaidous - Transferred
27 Dunston, Michael - Processed
28 Grunwald, Heos - Deceased
29 Serk, Cutter- Processed
30 Litvu, Aramian - Deceased
31 Wolfe, Gilbert - Deceased
32 Bannik, Kyle - Transferred
33 White, Cordelia - Processed
34 Moxon, Robert - Deceased
35 Indil, Bharthran - Transferred
36 Gram, James- Processed/ Deceased
37 Souza, Frank - Deceased
38 Orok, Felg- Processed
39 Fernandez, Hal - Deceased
40 Ironfoot, Borazon - Transferred
41 Dean, Harry - Deceased
42 Nix, Pharis - Transferred
43 Downfeather, Wyldon - Transferred
44 Smith, Mack - Processed
45 Sarjon, Maxx - Deceased
46 Stadig, John - Deceased
47 Amitiel, Gabriela - Transferred
48 Amitiel, Michael- Transferred
49 Israfil, Hadriel- Transferred
50 Jamyang, Gyaltsen - Transferred
51 Balthiul, Raquel- Transferred
52 Galizur, Ramiel - Transferred
53 Fontaine, Harold - Diseased
54 Golebrowski, John - Deceased
55 Moten, Frank - Deceased
56 Jax, Ivo - Processed/ Deceased

The following subjects are to be considered top priority for retrieval:

1. Knell, Corwin
2. Kyrich, Githslayer
3. Decaldris, Locke
4. Underhill, Roscoe
5. Malley, Drakan
6. Mirakyn, Sasha
7. Edglin, Daratra
8. Nurnvazi, Soraya
9. Byerek, Githslayer

@Plaehn: Numbers 47- 52 are known to you:

They were the aasimars that joined you here and got captured. Where have they been taken to, though? And who are all these people. What exactly does this even mean?

@The Party: The Programmed Image remains silently floating above the console, rotating slowly in red hues.

They have been taking tabs of a lot of people in The Mercy... and who knows for how long.

2017-10-08, 01:36 PM
Rusty look at the many names there and begin to quickly note a few of interest there.

"Number 4 and 36 I killed myself", he mumbles, "Hannah was transfered, Seti corpse was processed... Anya was transfered as well, so she was probably captured after Hannah's battle. Damn... Even the famed Archadious and Mercy Father Borazon are in this list: both transfered".

He stop at the name of Cutter, "Serk Cutter? I believe his first name was Aloysius... Could it be there are some relatives to Dr. Boogeyman here?", he says and keep reading, "Kyle was never killed in the end, just captured and used. Good job, Travis. But look: Barthran fled from us and went to somewhere way worse as well, maybe the third time is the charm, right? But he'll have Ukobach sprouting from his body probably".

"Pharis, Downfeather... even Sarjon is in the list. Gabriela and Michael Amitiel? Could it be the same Michael I punched the face, Travis? We all saw him being turned to barbacue so maybe not", he stop and look back up, "No no, Michael Dunston, number 27. Thats the one I punched and... he got processed. Might end punching him again".

He then look at the last name in the list and frown.
"Well, at least Ivo is dead now, may Olidammara welcome him in his den of thieves", he pray and wonder how safe his friends are, when he know all but one in the list of top priorities.

Turning to everyone, "Let's keep on moving, no time to waste".

2017-10-08, 02:55 PM
Folkir doesn't know many of these names, but one stands out, "Hah! Hey Locke, your new girlfriend wants yuh back. Tink she's a snuggluh?"

"Seriously though, I'm inclined tuh deny dese pricks what dey're hopin' fawh. If Locke falls, and we can't brin' him, can we destroy his body?"

Folkir will move out with the others.

2017-10-08, 03:11 PM
@Plaehn: You watch the Programmed Image with several dozens names pop up from the console and begin looking around for your gear. They definitely must've put it here, right?

Wrong. Not a single trace of your items of power in this room. However, you let these guys know who your captors are, mainly Gorf the half orc and Kara or K.A.R.A, whatever she may be.

@Rusty: You look at the list and make a quick note of those dead and not.

Anya's been taken. Same for Hannah, but that was a given, seeing how she teleported out. Archaidous and Borazopn the Merciful Father have been taken elsewhere. They aren't here.

The list goes on and on. This mad woman has been experimenting on people. A lot of them did not make it...and who is this Cutter Serk?

@Will: That's ridiculous!

How could anyone use kinetic energy? Come on! It's mot like you can use such power to lob orbs and turn into other creatures... silly, indeed.

You do walk around the room, looking for a few places to hide or use as barricades, but the metal capsules are all that can be seen here, along with thawing ice in front of a few, which catch some names:

Serk, Cutter

Orolin, Cask

White, Arnost

Angelou, Maria

Cosin, Clark

@Raikou: You and the others listen to the metal capsules begin to open as some patients stumble out, slowly waking up, with one in particular catching your attention:


No way... Cutter Serk? This is the halfling that took off when you, Soraya and the others went to investigate the sewer prison. He left you all for dead fighting against Stan!

Like everyone else that came out of their metal containers, he is wearing nothing but a white patient's outfit, as Locke coughs a little and rests against the far wall, near the door.

The halfling looks at the others that came out, who slowly begin to get up and then at you.

"Raikou! My brother from another mother! You came to get me out? Awesome! Look, we REALLY need to...owwww! No! NOT ME!!!! Take them but not...ahhhh!!!!''

@The Party: The halfling and the other four patients that stumbled out of the metal capsules begin grabbing their chest in abject pain, but they aren't the only ones:

Locke has fallen on one knee and coughs copious amounts of blood as the female voice can be heard once more, as the doors you cam in are shut twice, reinforced:

Commencing Strelats Program: Alpha Test Phase

It is then that the halfling, those that stumbled out and even Locke writhe in agony and burst into flames, as their bodies become chrysalis, just like those seen outside, leaving grim twisted expression of pain...

And immediately afterwards, they crack, like a cocoon, but it isn't a butterfly that comes out of them as the shells of what they were formerly, collapse on the metal ground and several horrid new creatures begin surrounding you:


They look reptilian... sort of. Not unlike a Fleshraker, walking on all fours, but there is something definitely alien about them.

Knowledge Dungeoneering (Trained)

The list rotating on the control panel switches one name:

Locke Decaldris- Processed

And with the programmed image gone and the exit secured, the creatures move in. So that's what rests inside those cocoons? And how did they get to Locke?!

Round 1

@Will: What used to be Locke, shrugs off any magical gear he had on himself and screeches like some primeval lizard as it runs towards you and leaps into the air, coming down with vicious claws, bite and tail.

10 damage plus poison DC 23. initial damage 5 Dex, secondary damage 3 Dex one minute later.

8 damage

6 damage plus Trip DC 24. If failed, grapple Check DC 22 or be grappled AND pinned beneath the Strelats.

@Plaehn: Is this what they are doing with all these people?! What manner of monster would do this?

But too late to ponder on such madness, as one of the newly born creatures makes a beeline for you and leaps, similar to Will. Unlike Will, your flesh is cold and very much unprotected!

11 damage plus poison DC 23. initial damage 6 Dex, secondary damage 4 Dex one minute later.

15 damage plus poison DC 23. initial damage 3 Dex, secondary damage 5 Dex one minute later.

9 damage

3 damage plus Trip DC 11. If failed, Grapple DC 15 or be grappled AND pinned beneath the Strelats.

@Folkir: They are not catching you unawares now.

You have trained to fight all manner of enemies. and these you can see, but fast and deadly as these creatures are, the one that leaps upon you manages only to bite you.

7 damage

@Travis: Proving once again that a wizard is the only kind of adventurer there is, your multiple arcane protections keep one of the lizards at bay, as it attempts to get the jump on you.

Good thing you didn't share the buffs around. It's good to be prepared.

@Raikou, Folkir & Travis: One of the creatures slithers close to the ground and stops between all three of you, puffing its cheeks as these begin to grow and then, followed by some eerie dance on behalf of the reptile, a gas is expelled from its back scales, obscuring sight... and deadly for your body.

A Strelats can expel a green noxious cloud in a 10ft. radius around itself that obscures vision, identical to an Obscuring Mist spell. This cloud persists for 1 round and anyone within it is subjected to poison as if they had been hit by the Strelats' claws.

Fortitude DC 23 initial damage 3 Dex, secondary damage 5 Dex one minute later.

@Will & Folkir: Another one of these hideous creatures crawls towards both of you and begins its rhythmic aline dance as green noxious gas covers both of you and the beasts fighting you, rendering them very much concealed.

Fortitude DC 23 initial damage 5 Dex, secondary damage 5 Dex one minute later.

It is yet another fight for survival in Alexia's domain and still no sign of her. But if she was able to transform Locke just like that...

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=218058)

Strelats x6
Raikou & Cyrus

2017-10-08, 03:25 PM
Folkir brushes by the thing before him in another of his weird twisting charges, axe flailing about as he seeks to end the thing before it causes too many more problems.

Intended stopping point, to the west of the creature in front of me, outside of the twin clouds.
Tumble check DC 15 [roll0]
Main attack [roll1] [roll2]
Iterative [roll3] [roll4]

Fort saves (+2 vs poison included) [roll5] [roll6]

2017-10-08, 03:41 PM
"Go ahead and smash Locke, indeed", Rusty shout to Folkir as he look at the illumian patient waiting for him to turn into a monster too, "Not going to change? Great. Take cover or fight".

Hannibal charges the strelat closer to Plaehn and bring his hammer with great force.
Moving below Plaehn and smashing the strelat in melee with him.

PA 3. [roll0] dmg [roll1]

2017-10-08, 03:54 PM
@Folkir: There has yet to be a poison that can affect you, being one of the baddest, toughest dwarves around.

Swinging in the midst of a noxious cloud is unwise, however and so, you leap back, pushing your entire weight on armor and rush the ugly lizard chewing on the bald man.

The axe hits. Beautiful clean cuts, spilling green blood over the metal floor...

But like the Novistadors in the sewers, this skin is tough. Very much so. Still, it shrieks in pain. It felt the axe.

@Rusty: They are attacking the bald man, who most likely set them free by going all mad and mashing up buttons.

Locke has changed too. You never had a chance to bash Seti, but if the list is right, you may get your chance after all.

Right now, a silent monk has turned into some scaly thing from who knows where and is eating Will's face up. The half elf can take it.

The bald man cannot.

The Hammer talks...and the Strelats listens.

It's a loud squish as the cranium is broken by the sheer weight of your Hammer, added to your ridiculous strength. These guys are not resisting blunt weaponry. Good.

You can have a field day with these guys.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=218084)

Strelats x5
Raikou & Cyrus

2017-10-08, 04:00 PM
"Rusty: one", Hannibal says raising his hammer back, "Folkir: zero", he adds grinning to the dwarf, "Want to keep tabs? And dont says kill steal"

2017-10-08, 04:14 PM
Raikou grits his teeth as some mysterious effect attempts to rip the magic from his body. Thankfully he is able to partially resist it, and as one of his spells is removed, leaving behind only a painful sting, he looks around for the source of the effect.
However, the strange power ends as quickly as it began.

The halfling turns towards the end of the room and sees the Illumian and the large screen.

You know, normally I'm all for button-mashing mysterious panels. But seems like you've triggered something bad. What's going on here?

As he moves closer, the console projects the list of names and Raikou is even more perplexed.
There's a few names on the list that catch his eye. He points out one of the names to Cyrus.

(in Auran)
Hey look, Cutter... Serk... That's the halfling guy we found in the sewers our first time here remember? I wonder what happened to him. Processed...? That sounds ominous. He shouldn't have run off. And all these transferred people. Transferred to where?

At least it looks like Soraya is alright.

Cyrus also notices a different name and points it out to his master.

Archadious Mithmironel....

So Lady Choralis's wizard friend had indeed been down here.

Raikou looks up at Rusty and Travis.

Looks like this is Queenie's list of subjects. Should I feel insulted that I'm not on here...?

Before he can say anymore, a bunch of people are released from the capsules, and are promptly transformed into yet more horrific monsters, including that Cutter guy and the monk...
Then the new horrors unleash a toxic cloud. Raikou coughs as the deadly poison attempts to take ahold, but he is lucky enough to resist the worst and he and Cyrus fly out and towards Rusty.

So I suppose we should just start getting used to normal people spontaneously transforming into monsters huh Hammers? You know, I think Queenie's latest creations must not have very good digestion. That gas stuff of theirs is disgusting. Let's clear the air a little.

Calling on his storm powers, Raikou takes a deep breath, then blows with all the power of his lungs. At first it seems like he isn't doing anything, but after a few seconds, the air around his familiar starts swirling with greater and greater intensity, until it forms a might blast of wind that begins blowing across the chamber.

Cyrus uses a move action to fly over to the console.

Raikou uses a standard to cast gust of wind from the right to left side of the room. I believe it should disperse the current poison cloud in a round, and should prevent the Strelats from making more poison clouds until then.

Also, this.

Medium creatures are unable to move forward against the force of the wind, or if flying are blown back 1d6×5 feet.

2017-10-08, 04:16 PM
"If yuh doan wanna hear me say kill steal, den doan bloody well do it." Folkir grumbles as Rusty gloats on smacking down the creature he'd just heavily wounded.

2017-10-08, 04:39 PM
As the sound of the wind begins to pick up, Raikou hears Folkir and Rusty arguing.

Now wait a minute. If we're keeping tabs I should get to count all the bugs I killed back in the sewer room...
That already puts me way ahead of both of you. :smalltongue:

2017-10-08, 04:39 PM
@Folkir & Rusty: One kills with an Axe, able to slice a thousand heads with one swing.

The other could topple Creation by bashing the pillar that holds it with his Hammer.

And they have decided to join forces in a killing streak... good times!

Sure, racking up kills is fun and all, but not many here would agree to it. Definitely not Locke Decaldris, who is in the very near future, about to become a game statistic.

@Raikou: What manner of power is hidden down in this place? Some of your spells have been painfully stricken away... and then the list.

So many names. Processed? transferred? Deceased... that last one is a lot more clear. But what did she do to the others? where have they been sent to?

And then Archaidious' name shows up on the list. She got him, which means you may have to venture deeper in this hell to rescue the elf mage. But that's not the only name you recognize, as several prisoners are freed from their metal capsule, amongst them Cutter Serk before they all writhe in pain and burn up, crystalizing their flesh and turning it into a cocoon, just like those left outside, as they are reborn into a hideous new monster.

Just like with Hannah. These creatures are still ugly, but not as ugly as hannah turned out to be.

But like her, they like to release gas. Deadly one, too. This Alexia has a fixation with turning everyone into gassy monsters.

Cyrus isn't even bothered by it, but you are, holding your breath, you order your familiar to move back to where Rusty was. This gives one of the Strelats within the gas cloud a chance to effectively strike at you with its claw, seeking to poison you innthe process.

16 damage plus Fortitude DC 23, initial damage 6 Dex, secondary damage 5 Dex one minute later.

That hurt, but hopefully you can shrug it off like last time as you sit on top of Cyrus, who begins to spin you like a top as you mutter the words of power and blow a soft gale at first, which, within seconds, turns into a hurricane force wind that begins washing away the noxious clouds.

Walking through through this wind tunnel would be impossible for anyone- friend or foe.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=218092)

Strelats x5
Raikou & Cyrus

2017-10-08, 05:28 PM
Folkir braces himself against the wind produced by the always surprising Raikou as he looks for his next target.

A fort save negates Gust of Wind's effect, +2 vs spell included in roll [roll0]

Baby Gary
2017-10-08, 06:08 PM
I hate weird mutant things in the sewers, they are so annoying. so how do I get out of this bad spot. I am poisoned, on the ground, and about to be killed by these abominations. So what to do now... risk it!

Will said as activated the second and last charge in his magical anklet. He teleported back, still on his back and grabbed a root out of his belt pocket, then he tossed it up in the air and said, as those who know the language of the angles would know, run fast my friends. Then he hoped to his feet, his sword in his hand and ready to strike those... things

Yo people!, If I die here can you donate my stuff to the mercy? thanks!

using anklet of translocation to move 10 feet to the right, then casting haste, it will last for 9 rounds

know dungeon [roll0]
know devotion [roll1] this is +2

2017-10-08, 06:26 PM
@Will: You heard a long time ago that a bunch of Fleshrakers from Halmathan Park in the City had gone missing. Fleshrakers are rare creatures of a prehistoric nature that have survived over the ages and are favored companions to druids, especially those of considerable power.

Nobody knew what happened to such savage and regal animals until now...

It would seem Alexia tampered with them and created these... Strelats. Who knows how she got to make humans turn into them, but if she has been active for a long time unchecked, this should not come as a surprise by now.

As has been observed, these beasts are fast and vicious, carrying poison in glands that filter it to their claws. They also appear to have the ability, like Hannah, to produce a cloud of it in lieu of attacking, so as to catch as many people as possible.

Their hide is tough. A good Hammer will do it, but bladed weapons are not going to cut it.

If they have other abilities... you would have to field test them.

And then the tales become all too clear, as Locke the Lizard leaps upon you and rakes your elfin body, poisoning your blood and causing your muscles to atrophy.

If you remain on your back, this will not end well for you, as the whole place becomes engulfed in green toxic gas, which prompts you to click your heels together and in a pink swoosh, you disappear from the beast's reach and get up, at the cloud's edge.

Raikou has uttered words of power and a wind is already blowing the cloud away. It should help you see these beasts even better. And just to make sure, you enable everyone on your side of this fight to be better, faster, invincible.

And speaking of that, why are Folkir, Raikou and Rusty talking about a kill count? You are about to be a part of it unless you can muster all your wits to get out of this situation.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=218096)

Strelats x5
Raikou & Cyrus

2017-10-08, 06:50 PM
The medibot look at the poisoned WIll as its metal body blinks with several lights.
"Patient Will the Mercy Hero down. Diagnosis: poisoned and multiple cuts. Possible internal bleeding. Solution: spray him with Panacea Elixir and treat his wounds".

The metal sphere then flies above the gust of wind effect, avoiding it and moving to the bard, spraying him a stinging spray.

Poison neutralized

2017-10-08, 06:57 PM
@Will: It's a stinging spray as the Medibot, given as a reward for taking down the Hellbore Tank, removes any toxins in your body. You don't really know how well this thing works, but it's a cleric in a can...a floating can, which makes it even better.

But still, you need to face off against these mutant lizards. Even with the Medibot beside you, spraying heal after heal after heal, you need to cut them down. Cut them down good!

After all, you are Will the Mercy Bard...who is suffering multiple cuts and possible internal bleeding. At least your head's ok.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=218098)

Strelats x5
Raikou & Cyrus

2017-10-08, 11:29 PM

Travis withdraws from the cloud and tosses acid into it.

ooc: miss >50 [roll0]
acid [roll1], damage [roll2]

2017-10-09, 02:30 AM
Plaehn has just the time to realise that his aasimars allies have been "transferred" when a scaled horror jumps at him, on his unfortunately unprotected flesh.

Fort saves against poison: , [roll1], Ref save against being tripped: [roll2]

He manages to stand his ground, but he feels already numb from the poison seeping into him. Before he has the time to make a single move, however, the dwarf Folkir and the human Hannibal have already downed the monster, not without one more menacing comment from Hannibal though. Making a step back, Plaehn decides it is time to heal all those attacked by surprise by the creatures, and to bolster the effectiveness of these two effective warriors.

Recovering his focus, and not letting in a joke during the fight as the others did, Plaehn invokes Heironeous twice in a quick succession. The two main sigils orbiting around him briefly join into a single, glowing symbol and flash for a moment.

Standard action: cast Righteous Wrath of the Faithful. For 10 rounds, everyone except Travis and Plaehn gains one extra attack during full attacks, and + 3 morale boost to attack and damage. Will also gains 15 temporary HPs (Deity's Favor ACF).
Free action: cast Quickened Mass Cure Light Wounds, using the Naenhoon sigil word to pay for the metamagic cost with four uses of Turn Undead. That affects Will, Folkir, Plaehn and Rusty. That restores [roll]1d8+10+10 (thanks to the Augment Healing feat) HP to each, and in addition to that Plaehn gains 15 temporary HPs for 5 minutes (thanks to the Deity's favor ACF).
Move action: to A26 to get closer to Travis and hopefully lure more of the horrors towards him and thus closer to the main warriors.

2017-10-09, 03:26 AM
@Travis: Not good, fighting inside a toxic cloud. It's the School House all over again as you move back and take in the lab air, which is preferable to a noxious one and call one of your trademark acidic splatters, hurling it inside the cloud...

Nothing! Not even a shriek of pain from these creatures. The Strelats are immune?? To acid???

@Plaehn: Without your gear- and this includes your Divine Focus- you are unable to call on Heironeous to cast one of your most powerful spells, but that doesn't mean you cannot heal yourself and those fighting to save you against these scaled horrors.

The magic granted by your intensive training pays off, as many are healed, which isn't much, but you have to help them in order for them to get you out of here.

If only you could find your gear!

Round 2

@Will: Raikou's spells has effectively dissipated the green cloud of pure poison, allowing you to see these hideous lizards as one of them rears back and takes off at unseen speeds towards you, leaping in the air as it assaults you with claws, fangs and tail.

10 damage plus Fortitude DC 23, initial damage 5 Dex, secondary damage 3 Dex.

14 damage plus Fortitude DC 23, initial damage 2 Dex, secondary damage 4 Dex.

10 damage

He does not manage to lash his tail at you, but his sheer weight attempts to make you fall on your back once more.

Trip DC 9. If failed, Grappled DC 18. If the grapple check fails, Will is grappled AND pinned.

@Folkir: These bastards are vicious. Almost as much as the Novistadors above, as one screeches loudly and leaps towards you with untamed ferocity and hunger.

7 damage plus Fortitude DC 23, initial damage 4 Dex, secondary damage 1 Dex.

20 damage plus Fortitude DC 23, initial damage 5 Dex, secondary damage 6 Dex.

9 damage

The tail, like in Will's case, is not able to lash at you, but like the half elf, this hideous freak of nature- if that is what it can be called- attempts to pin you down!

Trip DC 20. If failed, Grappled DC 13. If the grapple check fails, Folkir is grappled AND pinned.

@Travis: Acid doesn't work on them. This is not good. Not good at all!

And like Folkir and Will, one of these Strelats dashes across the room and leaps upon you with ravenous fury. You can evade him, of course- your training as conjurer makes sure not even a deity can touch you.

And these are not even gods... but you can muster the Abrupt Jaunt only so many times per day.

14 damage plus Fortitude DC 23, initial damage 5 Dex, secondary damage 2 Dex.

7 damage plus Fortitude DC 23, initial damage 6 Dex, secondary damage 1 Dex.

3 damage

8 damage

Trip DC 10. If failed, Grappled DC 17. If the grapple check fails,Travis is grappled AND pinned.

@Plaehn: You need to stay alive through this harrowing experience, as you watch those around you assaulted by these horrific lizards.

They are not letting their guard down. Not giving you a chance to take a breather, as one of them dashes straight at you.

26 damage plus Fortitude DC 23, initial damage 1 Dex, secondary damage 4 Dex.

8 damage plus Fortitude DC 23, initial damage 3 Dex, secondary damage 1 Dex.

7 damage

4 damage

Trip DC 17. If failed, Grappled DC 15. If the grapple check fails, Plaehn is grappled AND pinned.

@Rusty: These creatures may be newly 'born', so to speak, but they aren't stupid. Not when one of their brethren has had its cranium destroyed by your Hammer and so, as your allies struggle with these new horrors, the last Strelats stands on its hind legs and widens its frill even more, as sharp bony protrusions emerge on the edges of his frill.

It's a loud snap from its back as a projectile of these flies towards you and break on the metal floor, with some lodging into your body. The radius is big enough to catch other people... were they close to you.

8 piercing damage. Reflex DC 19 for half. DR applies.

And then it moves further away, as its frill lowers, but you can tell those spikes are quickly reforming, ready to be launched again.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=218103)

Strelats x5
Raikou & Cyrus

2017-10-09, 05:50 AM
Folkir growls at the thing before him, refusing to budge so much as an inch before he dashes off, only to return and attack again.

Trip [roll0] Grapple[roll1]
Fort Saves vs poison [roll2] [roll3]
Main Attack [roll4] [roll5]
Haste bonus [roll6] [roll7]
Iterative [roll8] [roll9]

Edit: add 3 to the above attack and damage rolls, wasn't aware that Inspire Courage was active

2017-10-09, 09:10 AM
Plaehn suffers a terrible blow, but he reflexively casts a spell to cushion the effect. He still manages to stand up.
"Where's my holy symbol when I need it? I'm glad I've been farsighted on this issue..." he grumbles.

Carefully so as not to let an opening to the monster before, Plaehn quickly calls to him a temporary holy symbol, before dipping his finger in his own blood and starting to write one of Heironeous' holy prayers on his own arm.

Immediate action just after suffering the critical hit: Close Wounds on himself, negate the damage. Augment Healing: cure 4 HPs. Deity's Favor:
give oneself 6 temporary HPs for 2 minutes. Concentration check: [roll0]
Free action: Quickened Summon Holy Symbol. Concentration check:[roll1]
Fulll-round action: write a holy text of Heironeous on his arm with his blood. I suppose that draws an AOO as well.

2017-10-09, 11:52 AM
The medibot float to Plaehn, its lights blinking as the woman's voice speaks.

"Unnamed patient. Diagnosis: several cuts and self-mutilation. Treatment: numbing gas to stop the self-mutilation and then proceed on...", it begin speaking as Rusty growls to it, "No, Sparky! Just apply healing gel. And quickly!".

The robot float for a momebt before obeying its owner.
"Applying healing gel".

Healing [roll0] from Plaehn

"Let me help you, weirdo", Rusty say barely scratched from the bone attack, "And Raikou: if you font have a two handed weapon you cant join the compefition!"

He swings his hammer with joy, as it turns black and bypass the creature's tough skin.

UMD [roll1]
PA 6, 5ft step towards the one close to Plaehn.
1st [roll2] dmg [roll3]
Haste [roll4] dmg [roll5]
2nd [roll6] dmg [roll7]

2017-10-09, 03:57 PM
@Folkir: These things may bite and scratch... but they will never topple you.

The axe strikes twice on the monstrous man sized lizard. And tough as its hide may be, it cannot help shrieking in pain as your weapon of choice hits it, bleeds it...

But doesn't kill it.

There is no music here. No songs of valor and courage. Just your strength and desire for Survival.

@Plaehn: Once again on your back. Never a good sign.

However, even in this state, you can help. You need to help, otherwise, those that came to rescue you will end up like those creatures. And who knows what they will do to you as well.

It's a momentary holy symbol bearimng the hand and lightning of Heironeous that appears around your neck, as you begin casting spell after spell after spell, hoping to renew your body as you dig your fingers into one of your many wounds and begin scrawling ancient holy texts on your slashed torso...

Only for the hideous fiend to take its chance, rake you and possibly poison you further.

16 damage plus Fortitude DC 23 or take 1 Dex damage and 6 Dex one minute later

@Rusty: The amount this Plaehn guy can heal is not equal to the damage he's taking. Those bone sours barely scratched the surface of your skin, but this guy is on the verge of death, as the Medi Bot flies towards him and sprays the bald man, healing him for a minor amount.

And then, you make yourself towards the Strelats, gripping your Hammer and causing it to shroud itself in black flames. The infamous Geist is back to talk some mean game. No matter what creature stands before you, as long as you have Geist on your side, it will fall...

Except when it doesn't.

Three massive Hammer swings. Two which pound the metal ground as the lizard dodges them, only for one to get lucky enough and strike it, causing it to shriek in pain, but not kill it.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=218122)

Strelats x5
Raikou & Cyrus

Baby Gary
2017-10-09, 04:10 PM
Will knew it was time, he couldn't go throughout all of this without getting some blood on his hands.

He feinted with an Overhau and cut up with a vicious Unterhau, then a Zwerchhau that caught the monster on the right side of its face. Will knew what he was going his strikes were cool and calculated.

two attacks, one of them is because haste

first attack [roll0] damage [roll1] + [roll2] cold + 4 sonic
first attack [roll3] damage [roll4] + [roll5] cold + 4 sonic

IF one of the attacks hit I am using my sudden stunning ability, ref DC 21 or be stunned for [roll6] rounds, I can use this 5 more times today (from DMG 2)

[edit] its 1d4+1 rounds, do stunned for 3 rounds

2017-10-09, 05:04 PM
@Will: Not doing so well after being leapt upon and clawed and poisoned, you attempt to stab the Strelats with your own blade, trusting in your ample Knowledge to devote a True Strike...

But these things are fast and tough. The blade hits once, but not enough to hurt it significantly. It isn't stunned and rather than kill it, you have drawn its total attention.

Strelats x5
Raikou & Cyrus

2017-10-09, 09:12 PM
"Acid have guessed they'd be immune" Travis says. If my attacks don't kill them, maybe my puns will.

He uses an Abrupt Jaunt to evade the monster, and tries an orb of electricity to give Will some relief.

ooc: [roll0] ranged touch, damage [roll1]

2017-10-09, 10:53 PM
Hey now. Why is this only a competition between people with two handed weapons? I think handsome halflings with blasty magic ought to be able to participate too. I bet you just don't want me to play because then there's no way you'd win.

Besides, you're never gonna beat the dwarf with lame swings like that. Do you need some help from a friendly thunder mage?

Raikou says, teasing the hammer-wielding fighter as the guy misses the creature in front of him twice. Sadly it seemed like the dwarf was having just as much trouble with his pouncing monster.

He shakes his head and mutters to his familiar and the elemental replies before starting the swirl and move.

(in Auran)
Well Cyrus, shall we show them how it's done?

Let's line em up...

With a start, Cyrus flies closer to the bottom of the room and Raikou turns to face three of the Strelat's currently engaging his allies. Perfectly lined up.

And as he hears Travis's pun, Raikou visibly winces and calls out to the wizard.

Yo Jumpy. That hurt me... physically... Why don't you leave the puns to the experts here and keep doing that wizardry stuff you're good at?

As he starts preparing another blast of thunder, a smile creeps across his face. His skin begins to sparkle with arcane energy, his eyes turn white, his ring glows, and his hair begins to stand on end.And as quickly as the build-up began, Raikou releases the gathering energy in the form of a single bolt of thunder that races across the room and through three of the Strelats.

Cyrus uses a move action to fly 20ft south and 15ft to the west.

This should put Raikou in a line with the Strelats fighting Will Folkir and Rusty.

Standard action to cast lightning bolt and swift action to activate ring for +2d6 electricity damage

Each Strelat takes [roll0] electricity damage; reflex DC 20 for half

2017-10-09, 11:48 PM
@Travis: Screw this- you're teleporting!

No matter how wicked these creatures can be, there is no chance in Hell they can ever lay a single claw on you, as you transpose Time & Space and reappear a safe distance away from them and close to Rusty, the fearless Hammer wielding maniac.

Who knows if you would have survived that attack, but since acid won't do against them, you focus on the one mauling Will, who is not doing too well and emulate Raikou, conjuring forth a crackling sphere and lob it at the creature.

This does not kill it, but does cause its frills to twitch as its three eyes look at you and it hisses, clearly hurt, but not dead.

@Raikou: It's amateur time here...and you need to show them who's boss!

Cyrus knows the score, as you fly across the room and spit ball some quick measurements in your head, trying to line these ugly scaled things and not fry your friends.

It's a kiss on your ring as static electricity begins to accumulate in the room and lightning sparks on the control board causing the Strelats to turn and look at you as one, further away and hiding between two capsules seems to gulp.

You will have to catch that one later, but for now... time to Steal some Kills!

It's a massive arc of blue lightning that pierces three of these horrific mutants, with the one engaged with Folkir not even having a chance to react before its carcass drops, charred and friend on the cold metal ground.

The one engaged with Will is not so lucky either, but bleeding all over, still manages to stand its ground.

The other two engaged with Rusty close their frills in a split second and seem to avoid the worst of your massive spell.


Elsewhere in the lab...

Gorf Clawhand watches the screen as a massive hound prowls the room and the half orc raises an eyebrow.

"The Strelats were hatched too early, but they should still be able to provide valuable data however...""

The screen zooms in on Raikou as the half orc furrows his brow.

"That halfling demonstrates great promise. More so than the others in the room. If they are allowed to leave and decide to look around...""

Gorf holds his adam's apple and gulps as the massive hound looks at him.

"Do not confuse this with fear! I am in charge! They will not be leaving this base alive. Not if I have anything to say about it...""

And then he presses a button on a remote as several smaller windows pop up on the screen.

"... or do, to be more precise.""

Round 3

@Will: The very injured Strelats, having been blasted twice in such a short amount of time, begins an assault with all his claws and **** and tail. he may not be able to pin you down, but he's definitely going for the kill.

13 damage plus Fortitude DC 23 or take 3 Dex damage and 5 Dex secondary

10 damage plus Fortitude DC 23 or take 5 Dex damage and 1 Dex secondary

3 damage

5 damage

@The Party: The Strelats that moved further away after bombarding Rusty with ranged bone spikes, crawls along the floor, a good distance away from you and begins performing a rhythmic dance, as that green noxious cloud surrounds him, covering a ten foot radius centered on hismelf and making him virtually invisible. Almost as if inviting you to come after him.

@Plaehn: One of the savage reptiles close to you is definitely going for the kill...

8 damage plus Fortitude DC 23 or take 6 Dex damage and 6 Dex secondary

13 damage plus Fortitude DC 23 or take 3 Dex damage and 1 Dex secondary

5 damage

7 damage

@Rusty, Plaehn & Travis: The last Strelats left here has been hurt, but not killed, as it performs that deadly dance, stomping its claws on the ground as its scales release a thick green cloud that obscures all vision and attempts to numb all three of you.

Fortitude DC 23 or take 5 Dex damage and 3 Dex damage 1 minute later. The cloud acts like Obscuring Mist, so concealment penalties apply, unless you have a class feature/feat that may reduce or negate them.

@Rusty: You can barely make the lizard's outline as it begins to move away from you, using the cloud as an effective cover, but perhaps you can get lucky this time.

from Rusty to the moving Strelats. apply any concealment penalties as appropriate.

And a perfect swing! as the Strelats shrieks in pain and although you can barely see it, you hear its body slump on the metal floor.

You got him, alright. Tallying those kills with skills! And the poison isn't even bothering you. Good call on those purchases.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=218130)

Strelats x3
Raikou & Cyrus

2017-10-10, 12:12 AM
"Dis is ridiculous"

Folkir charges after the next target he can clearly see, once again swinging for all he's got.

Main attack [roll0] [roll1]
Haste bonus [roll2] [roll3]
Iterative [roll4] [roll5]

2017-10-10, 12:17 AM
Raikou watches his thunderbolt blast apart the creature next to the dwarf and winks at Rusty.

Now that's how you kill-steal Hammers!

But then he frowns as the creatures expel clouds of nasty gas once more.

Again?? I just made the air smell nice again. Dammit I'm a sorcerer not a glorified air freshener.

On command, Cyrus flies around the edge of the cloud so that Raikou is once more facing the far side of the room and the two begin conjuring up another gust of wind to blow away the poison cloud.

Cyrus flies around the cloud so that the two are next to the med-bot.

Raikou casts gust of wind in a line that runs through both poison clouds.

Should blow the two away by next round.

2017-10-10, 12:17 AM
"That's two for Rusty, Folkir!", he shout from inside the poisonous mist and step closer to the one close to Plaehn, "Make it three! Geist!"

UMD [roll0]
PA of 5, 5ft step to get in FA range.
1st [roll1] dmg [roll2]
Miss chance [roll3] and [roll4]

Haste [roll5] dmg [roll6]
Miss chance [roll7] and [roll8]

2nd [roll9] dmg [roll10]
Miss chance [roll11] and [roll12]

2017-10-10, 12:21 AM
@Folkir: Smart ass halfling.

Nobody steals your kills... NOBODY!

You could get inside the clouds. Ride out the weak poison from these things and swing blindly...

Or you could assist the Mercy hero, Will and fillet the lizard with him...yeah. That sounds like a good plan.

It's another point for Team Folkir as the axe brutally chops the already badly burnt flesh from this creature, causing it to splash its green blood on you and the half elf as it wails towards the ceiling one last time before your Axe decapitates it, sending the frilled head rolling down the floor, trailing green blood with it.

Another day at work for you.

@Raikou: These scaled gas bags...

Sure, you could blast blindly, but where's the fun in that? Time to pull out the odl air freshner trick, as both you and Cyrus move around and line your spell between both clouds, making sure- or rather hoping- that none of your allies are caught in it as a tremendous gale force wind stretches from your hands and both clouds begin to quickly disperse.

@Rusty: Bald man needs help badly... as always.

Your trusty Hammer once more sheathes in black energy and you sidestep, smelling the hideous creature before you bring down The hammer twice,. First, it's a shriek of pain.

There is no time for the Strelats to shriek a second time. hard to do when your head has been flattened!

The man with The Hammer rules supreme! If this is the best Alexia can send your way... she's as good as dead.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=218133)

Raikou & Cyrus

2017-10-10, 01:42 AM
Once again, Plaehn has to quickly cast a Close Wounds spell to avoid the worst of the attacks of the monster. He can feel number by the minute and knows the real danger is paralysis rather than direct death. Then, now equipped with a holy symbol and a holy text of Heironeous, he can try to empower his allies and be useful at last.

Immediate action: Close Wounds to prevent the second claw attack he suffers. Cancels out the 13 damage, heals 4 HPs, grants 6 temporary HPs (that are immediately put to use to cushion the bite and tail attacks)
Concentration check: [roll0]

Standard action: Recitation. Everyone but Plaehn gains a +2 luck bonus to attack rolls, AC and saves (+3 if they worship Heironeous) for 10 rounds. Will gains 12 temporary HPs.

2017-10-10, 03:10 AM
@Plaehn: Body is feeling as nimble as a boulder.

If these things target you again and you cannot resist their poison, you are done for! Hopefully the others have some way to remove this, otherwise you will not be able to complete your own mission.

But where there's a will, there's a way, as you call out to the Archpaladin and ask hi to bless all those fighting against these unnatural fiends. Immediately your allies are bathed in a golden light as the symbol of Heironeous blazes dimly on their foreheads.

At this point, it's up to them to finish the job. And if you can survive this. Maybe, just maybe...

You can get out of this place alive.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=218135)

Raikou & Cyrus

2017-10-10, 10:20 PM
Travis says "Sorry Stormy but they are too re-volt-ing for me to resist it."

ooc: Travis Fort vs DC 23 [roll0]

Looks like there's one left. Ready an action to use another lesser orb of electricity when Travis can see it:
[roll1] ranged touch, damage [roll2]

2017-10-10, 11:55 PM
@Travis: You watch the many lizards dead on the ground, with many missing body parts thanks to Folkir and his axe.

A few others have their heads utterly smashed by Rusty and those that survived such massacre, have been deep fried by Raikou. You cannot be left behind in the killing department as you ready your own arcane power and get ready to blast the lone Strelats as the halfling's spell begins to wash away the noxious clouds...

@The Party: It's a shriek from the creature hidden in the gas as the sound of a duct being pushed and slithering reptilian sounds echo through the walls.

Once the poison clouds dissipate, you can see a duct beside one of the capsules. This one is big enough for Raikou to go through or a creature that would move like a lizard, with its whole body slithering on the ground.

The Strelats has escaped, unless you decide to pursue it through the ducts, but who knows where they lead.

The main and only door unlocks itself as the automated female voice from before can be heard again:

Testing phase ended. Thank you for your cooperation...

There was a lot of cooperating here alright. Locke is dead- one of the lizards dropped around the ground. Some of you are not in the best of shape and some spells are still running.

But where to go from here?

2017-10-11, 12:05 AM
"Damn, we din't need tuh lose a man down here, not so easily." Folkir starts quickly rummaging through the things left behind by Locke in his transformation. Finding the antitoxin vials, he hands them off to Plaehn. "Here, drink one of dese. Who can use de rest of dis stuff?"

Can we get a full inventory of what Locke had on him? Folkir has no qualms about taking it all under the circumstances.

2017-10-11, 12:19 AM
@Folkir: Already down here and you lost Locke.

And what a horrible way to go too: turned against his will in fire and resurfacing as one of these... things.

Who knows if any of those here, especially the ilumian, won't turn at a moment's notice? Who knows the extent of this malady and how it affects everyone? You are not turning into a monster. That's a fact.

Several here are not in top condition to keep on fighting, but they can be: that floating orb is a cleric of sorts. You should be able to move forward, but first...

Hat of Intellect +4

Monk's Belt of Hidden Pouches

Vest of Resistance +2

Ring of Sustenance

He did not delve down here with you and the others. You found him fighting the unseen bugs, already in trouble so... he never bought any antitoxin.

2017-10-11, 02:07 AM
Panting, Plaehn carefully stands up, agile as a wooden planck.
"Well, damn! Thank you all for fighting with me, I would have died otherwise. And I think I was the one who triggered their release by frantically mashing all the buttons, earlier. I apologize for putting us all in danger." Plaehn bows to all.
"And I am very sorry for the loss of the monk Locke. Was he one of yours?"

The Illumian slowly walks up to Folkir.
"Would it be possible for me to borrow some of the protective items here? I badly need some, until I find my gear back. "

2017-10-11, 02:29 AM
@Plaehn: Right now, even a blind man could shoot an arrow a mile away and hit you- that's how agile you are after being poisoned by these Strelats.

The aasimars that were taken... are they lizards now too? Those creatures to the unprepared are a threat, but these guys were able to take them down with ease. Maybe they can help you find your previous company and find out from the aasimars themselves who they were sent here to rescue.

Thankfully, the butcher Folkir shows a generous streak and hands you some of the man Locke's belongings.

Locke and the others.. were you responsible for them turning into those things? It seemed like a very painful transformation. Worse than being killed. You had heard tales of possession of some sort unheard anywhere else happening in The Mercy. Is this what they were talking about?

If that be the case. If anyone above ground in the City can become one of these in an instant...

Best to cast those thoughts aside as you take some of the items from the deceased former monk and not really knowing where to go, you follow the group outside the only door, which opens smoothly.

@The Party: You find yourself back in the main hallway, before Raikou flew off to Containment, but there is something strange going on here:

For one, the cocoons in this place have hatched. Whatever was inside is not here, leaving behind the molt crusts from their casing. The ducts on the ceiling and ground level have been chewed upon and left the grates behind. Whatever came out, it's prowling through the walls.

That isn't it, though:

The roots that line this place of who knows what plant, burrowing through the ceiling and walls leak some viscous liquid as man sized pods dangle from the roots, empty.

Human footprints can be seen stepping on the embryonic liquid and trail off deeper down the hall before disappearing altogether.

You could retrace your steps. Head back to the lift and escape... leave it all behind and have a few cold ones at The Bitter Coffee.

Or you can go forward and find out what the hell is happening here.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=218229)

2017-10-11, 03:47 AM
Plaehn looks at the empty chrysalids. Guilt assails him.
"Heironeous, your humble servant prays for the souls of the poor lads that died today. If your servant has had any part in their transformation, he will atone and ask for forgiveness."

He then turns to the others, showing the bloody inscriptions on his body. "These won't last. Would any of you have something to write on and something to write with? And some sort of wooden stuff I could roughly carve? I need to have more sturdy divine focuses at hand. Also, can this medical construct heal poison? Because the second wave of the poison I suffered is going to hit very soon, and I will be utterly paralysed when that happens."

2017-10-11, 04:25 AM
@Plaehn: You watch the broken cocoons on the ground and can only wonder if these too were a result of your hasty button mashing in the other room.

Your body is soon going to become really stiff. Utterly rigid and even with a few borrowed items on and bloody scripture on your body, chances of finding your gear won't help if you are unable to move.

And so, as you ask the group if that floating construct can assist you with some form of disinfection, Gorf's voice can be heard on the hallway as this one blinks erratically, causing the lights to flicker and threaten to leave the whole place in darkness:

Subject Plaehn! You managed to survive... if only barely. I see that neither the Novistadors nor the Strelats were able to stop your friends.

But I urge you to look at them closely, ilumian: They have not walked out of this unscathed. You can still save yourself and those in your company.

Go back to Specimen Containment and lock yourself in stasis. Same for your intruding captors. She is not devoid of mercy. Comply and you shall be aptly rewarded.

Defy and you shall soon realize that unseen insects and warped raptors are the very least of your troubles...

You cannot see him. He is projecting his voice somehow into this hall, but what to do? The others are heavily armed, but you? You don't have the necessary resources and gear to deal with that half orc.

2017-10-11, 05:00 AM
Plaehn tries to slowly move his head upwards as to better hear the voice. Time to gain some time now.

"Gorf, can you hear me back? You are right, I cannot hope to survive long in that place without my equipment and without allies. But what will await me if I go back there? Will I suffer the same fate as my fellow aasimars did? And what happened to them? What does "her mercy" hold for, exactly? If the fate before me is worst than death, I might as well carry on and try to escape."

2017-10-11, 05:31 AM
@Plaehn: You look around at the unnatural roots and the torn bulbs that drip that foul smelling juice from them as the hallway flickers.

Hehehhehee... Subject Plaehn, you think it is your equipment that will give you an advantage? You and your aasimar friends were fully armed and STILL you ended here.

You don't really believe the ones with you will fare any better, do you? As for the aasimar's fate, it has already been decided. You need not worry about them if you have any semblance of wisdom. Go back and sleep in stasis. You and those with you will awaken from this lurid dream you call Life and be reborn anew into something wondrous...

Challenge Her designs and you shall regret ever leaving that capsule! I am in charge here and you and the others will do as they are told.

You will obey... or find a fate your mind dares not even contemplate await you and those that tread your path! I am a generous Overseer and so, I am giving you one last chance to do as you are told.

2017-10-11, 08:08 AM
Plaehn tries to cross his arms, but they are too stiff.

"I don't understand, then. Why was I ever released from my cell in the first place? What was there to be gained by you from that?"

2017-10-11, 03:22 PM
Once Locke and his new lizard friends are dead or escaped, Rusty look at his earthly possessions and, finding nothing that would help him, ignore it for those who need.

"Sparky: please treat those patients poison", he says pointing to the poisoned ones, "If you need healing, just ask".

On Travis, Raikou, Will and Plaehn to remove the poison.

He then step outside just to see the coccons are gone and the room filled with a foul liquid from the plants. He is about to investigate it when he hear the Overseer's voice and listen to Plaehn speaking with him.

"Wonderful creation. Perfect beauty. Meh, that's not for me", he says and take the empty vial of the antitoxin he drank earlier, using it to gather some of the foul liquid that came from the plant bulbs, "Sparky: can you analyze this thing? If not, just store it".

Hannibal point north, "Let's keep on moving and beware as we wont be alone".

2017-10-11, 03:55 PM
Folkir looks to the cocoons and shakes his head, "Feh, should have taken dese down while we had de chance. Guess we'll be dealin' wit' dem latuh. New guy, whatevuh de hells your name is, just stay out of mine and Rusty's way and keep us up and movin'. Dis ain't gonna be easy."

2017-10-11, 04:21 PM
@The Party: Gorf's voice is growing increasingly mad at your inquiries and comments.

You are not here to question. You are here to OBEY! And She has no place for disobedient meddlesome trespassers such as you!

You are not getting out of this place alive. Mark my words...

His voice is cut short as the hallway goes dark, except for the light cast by whoever holds a torch and a faint blinking down the end of the north hallway as The Asclepius uses his many useful doses to remove any poisonous elements on Raikou, Will, Plaehn and Travis.

Upon scooping up a sample of the disgusting liquid dripping from one of the bulbs, the medibot looks at it with his various lenses.

"Analysis: Traces of embryonic protein and plant sap detected. Faint traces of arcane pollution present as well.

Proposal: Avoid arcane pollution.""

The medibot stores the vial inside him as the group keeps walking down the hall, with the torch casting sufficient light to check a door to your left which has a dragonfly emblem carefully etched in front with bronze, as well as a small metal box next to it, with a slot to insert something.

Foot print traces lead through this door- both human and animal alike, but it will not open unlike the other one with the Strelats inside.

The hallway isn't too long as you come to a stop.

At the far end, you can see a mural, rather than a door:


This is the kind of religious art you'd see at a church, not at a place like this... why is it here?

A device has been nailed to the side of the wall, next to the mural- it's a control panel with buttons numbered 0 -9. It has a screen and a blinking red light.

_ _ _ _

It seems to be asking for something.

There is another door to your right:

Staff Quarters

This one doesn't have any kind of lock or mechanism or emblem, but you can see traces of that liquid from the roots going past it.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=218282)


2017-10-11, 06:41 PM
You probably learned a lot of things at that fancy wizard school of yours, but clearly there's one thing your education was puns and wordplay. If we get out of this place alive Jumpy, Will and I can teach you so maybe you won't be quite so bad.

Raikou says as he stares at Travis.

Then he looks at the poisonous cloud that was clearing up thanks to his wind spell. The creature was gone. Seems like it was smart enough to know a losing battle when it saw one.
With the cloud gone, Cyrus and Raikou fly over the grate the creature had escaped down and they look down, considering the option of following after it.

Nahhhh. Not at all suicidal...

Pretty much unscathed from this fight, Raikou waits around while the others are healed, then follows the others out. As he waits, he also downs one of the antitoxin vials Rusty had given him. Who knew how many more of these enemies might have dangerous poison tactics.

+5 fort save vs poisons for the next hour

I guess we lost the monk guy but picked up a new one? So guy... what's your name? And how did you end up stuck in this dump? And very importantly... what's your favorite color?

Then, at the next door, Raikou sees the buttons and the empty spaces.

Hey look guys! More buttons to mash!

2017-10-11, 07:05 PM
Travis says "Thanks Raikou, I will definitely take you up on that if we make it out of here.

If you can, please cast a mage armor spell on me. Mine was dispelled.

Please don't press any buttons yet.

By the way, if anyone still needs antitoxin, I have a couple extra."

He goes over to Locke, takes the hat and tries it on in place on his headband, and searches for any possible spell book.

"Locke, we didn't pick you, but I'm sure we would have. So sorry for what happened to you.

Was that one any better, Stormy?

By the way, this is a pretty smart hat. If we could spare about fifteen minutes, which I know is probably not going to happen, I think with its help I could whip up another alter self spell to protect me so I won't need so much healing."

ooc: Knowledge (arcana) on screen etc. [roll0]

2017-10-11, 07:25 PM
At Travis's request, Raikou flies over and casts mage armor on him.

Caster level 8

2017-10-11, 08:02 PM
@Plaehn: You look at the mural that ends the hallway...

This is not unlike the many you have at the church of Heironeous, or any other church in the City. Basically, it's an artist's depiction of Heaven. The paintings vary from artist to artist and church to church, but the message is usually the same:

All are welcome to His Kingdom.

Why they would have this here, in a place filled with monsters? Who knows.

@Travis: You try on Locke's hat and do feel a great surge of Knowledge visiting your mind, but no book.... not visible, anyways.

Locke's belt has many pouches and inside one of them, is a small leather bound grimoire. Not even close to what yours looks like, but standard Ruenstone books for the studious mage.

If Locke were alive, he would make deciphering this easy, but he's very much dead. Turned into one of those aberrant lizards, it is doubtful he'd be able to teach you anything now.

As for the screen next to the mural? An advanced device. Not unlike those seen at the SMC Junkyard over week ago. This one however, looks a lot newer and state of the art. Button mashing these blindly may not give you what you want.

Hacking the panel may prove risky. If this was designed by Alexia, she most likely knew people would attempt that and who knows what kind of defenses it could have.

@Raikou: You could leave Cyrus behind, get on all fours and probably ask Will to cast Grease and Haste on you so as to not get stuck in the air ducts and give that lizard chase.

You could... but you won't.

Without Cyrus to provide tactical air support and movement, you'd probably be stuck in those ducts and get ambushed by the Strelats. Never mind any others that may be roaming around.

However, as you leave the room and cast a powerful protection on Travis, you check the panel by the mural with buttons.

You may not be some fancy wizard from some prestigious school, but you do know one thing:

Buttons were meant to be pushed. And there's a lot of them here. That being said, the last person that went button mashing released a bunch of monsters and turned that monk guy into one of them, so perhaps Travis may have the upper hand on this one.

2017-10-11, 10:38 PM
Rusty motions to the Staff Quarters room.
"Well, maybe we can get a hint about this one inside here. Stay alert", he says and open the door.

2017-10-11, 11:04 PM
@Rusty: You could bash your way through this entire place, but who knows if that's the best way to go about this, as you lead the group towards the Staff Quarters. If there is any clue as to how to escape this place, it must be found there.

@The Party: It's a squishing sound as the metal door opens on its own, unseen gears grinding within the walls as these open and immediately you can see the staff:


The roots have taken over most of this hallway and have formed a barrack on the end door, but these five, covered in that embryonic fluid, moan in pain as a cancerous flower like bulb pulsates upon their heads and immediately several of you feel a brutal lash!

The following PCs roll a Will save DC 20. Failure affects you in the following ways:

Travis: Lose Resist Energy and take 8 damage

Cyrus: Lose Alter Self and take 7 damage

Raikou: Lose See Invisibility and take 8 damage

Plaehn: Lose a 2nd level spell slot and take 11 damage

Will: Lose a 2nd spell slot and take 7 damage

They look like humans...or at least they used to. Their attire indicates they may have worked here at some point, but what happened to them?

Knowledge Nature to ID them

It would seem Gorf doesn't want you leaving this place alive and is planning to bank on this threat big time.

Listen & Spot

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=218290)

Round 1

Raikou & Cyrus
Medi Bot
??? x5

2017-10-11, 11:13 PM
"Let's go Rusty" Folkir says as he almost casually charges at the plant things.

Charge is of course contingent on not noticing something that would actually give him pause
Knature (untrained) [roll0]
Listen [roll1] Spot [roll2]

Ignore bonus attack and subtract 1 from attack rolls if Haste buff from last fight no longer active.
Main [roll3] [roll4]
Bonus [roll5] [roll6]
Iterative [roll7] [roll8] (oops, -5 to hit on this one)
Cleave [roll9] [roll10]

2017-10-11, 11:23 PM
@Folkir: You cannot hear anything other than the painful moans from these decrepit creatures.

Will and Plaehn's spells expired awhile back, but this doe snot stop you from moving into the hallway amidst these horrible plant- zombies - whatever they may be...

You do know one thing, as torsos are separated from legs and several limbs fly and splat across the root filled hallway:

They cut easy. Is this the death that voice promised? Pathetic!

@Raikou: You manage your best to stave off whatever power these things have, but Cyrus isn't as lucky.

Your trusty familiar shrinks back in size as one of the creatures' flower bulb opens wide as arcane energy flies from Cyrus and is swallowed by this thing! Worse, yet, it seems to have gotten stronger, as sinew bulges and root like whips break from its back.

These things feed off magic... not good.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=218291)

Raikou & Cyrus
Medi Bot
??? x3

2017-10-12, 12:09 AM
Looking at the plant freaks, Rusty growl to the mages.
"Stay back! If they feed on your magic then we're better without you for this one! Who knows how long this run will be and we'll need you on your top shape".

He then grip the hammer and make a short charge to the closest plant-thing.

PA of 6.
[roll0] dmg [roll1]

2017-10-12, 12:21 AM
@Rusty: Folkir and you may not have trouble with these petty withered plant...whatever they are.

But the same cannot be said about Raikou and the others. These things were placed here to weaken the casters. take the casters out, and it's game over for you and the dwarf.

Only they can keep you going. Empower your weapons. Make you fly and disappear if need be.

And so, teaching the wizards and bards and sorcerers who the leader is here, you order them to stay back as The hammer and you make great conversation with one of these new enemies as you break every single bone in their bodies...

Now normally, no man would survive a strike like that. Hopefully Will saw it and can sing about this one beautiful swing in ballads over years to come...and he better give you credit too.

However, unlike the lizards you smashed in the previous room, these lurching magic eating mulch people are rather resistant to The Hammer. Not like Hannah- it's badly bruised and its neck is broken, causing its head to lop on the side- but it's not down!

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=218292)

Raikou & Cyrus
Medi Bot
??? x3

2017-10-12, 01:27 AM
Seeing how effective the two warriors are, and given how vulnerable he is, Plaehn pays good heed to Hannibal's advice. He first blesses all then exits the room and stays just on the other side of the door, paying attention to put the wall between him and the flower monsters.
"If they work like the flowers in the other room, a solid obstacle will block their effect!"

Standard action: cast Bless, everyone gets a +1 morale boost to attack and saves vs fear for 10 minutes. Rusty gains 3 temporary HPs.
Move action: get to the other side of the door in t13