View Full Version : Beast Heart Adept?

2017-09-20, 09:19 AM
So I was looking through the WotC archives at 12:00 AM and I stumbled into the Beast Heart Adept class. So after a hour or two I put together this build using resources from the SRD and the archive. So here is the build copy/pasted directly from

Name: Elizabeth
Class: Ranger 5
Prestige Class: Beast Heart Adept 1
Race: Orc
Hit Points: 51
Armor Class: 14
Level: 6
Hit Dice: 6d8
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Fortitude: +6
Reflex: +4
Will: +3
Skill Points: 52
Skill Level: 9
Feat: Animal Affinity
Feat: Improved Initiative
Feat: Wild Cohort: Wolf

Handle Animals: 9
Arcana: 4 (8)
Dungeon: 4
Hide: 9
Move Silently: 9
Ride: 9
Survival: 4

Strength: 17
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 6

Dark Vision
Light Sensitivity
Orc Blood
1st Favored Enemy: Dragons
Wild Empathy
Combat Style
Animal Companion: Wolf
2nd Favored Enemy: Elves
Monster Animal Companion: Worg
Monstrous Empathy
Monster Handler

Bonus Hit Dice: 2
Bonus Natural Armor: +2
Bonus Strength/Dexterity: +1
Bonus Tricks: 2

Wolf (Wild Cohort)
Bonus Hit Dice: +3
Bonus Natural Armor: +3
Bonus Strength/Dexterity: +1
Bonus Tricks: +2

Bonus Trick: 1

Given the fact I was very sleep deprived when I made this there is probably a lot or errors but the basic goal was to make a character that controls animals.

Karl Aegis
2017-09-20, 09:33 AM
Worgs are not animals. The class you are looking for is the Beastmaster.

2017-09-20, 10:04 AM
Worgs are not animals. The class you are looking for is the Beastmaster.

Beast Heart Adept is a PrC that specializes in controlling magical beasts. Hence the worg.

If you want to focus on magical beasts, then Obtain Familiar/Improved Familiar might be a better option than Wild Cohort.

2017-09-20, 01:49 PM
I really like this, I think it's awesome that you have basically 3 cohorts, wolves and worgs it's kind of awesome and has great roleplay capability.