View Full Version : [PTU] Poke-Knight Academy IC

2017-09-20, 09:57 PM
The sky overhead was a dismal grey, the few weak rays of sunshine breaking the smog cloud over the Academy drown out by the cloud cover and the gentle yet persistent rainfall that was threatening to turn the ground underfoot into a squelching, sticky mess

Today was the 'big day' as it where, but it seemed like no-one had bothered to tell the sky overhead, and it cast a palor over the event. Three weeks ago, the news of the peasant uprising in Gaul – this so called Team Firebrand's takeover of Argyll City – had reached the capital and, in turn, the Academy. Two weeks ago, an event that served only as fodder for gossip had exploded out into something more, as a royal decree came to the academy; that the task of breaking the rebellion would be handed to the Knight-Initiates, as chosen by the Instructors – with the home guard away combating an open attempt to independence in the Dunborough Islands and the task beneath the Knights of the Round, an opportunity to distinguish oneself to crown and country came to the fore.
The past two weeks had every almost student putting everything they had forward, rising to the little tests and tasks set to select the candidates, making sure to appeal to every foible and use every tool in their disposal to ender themselves to the staff, motivated by ambition, duty, pride or personal excitement. Two weeks with – in what may be the most shocking effect – very few students cutting classes, sleeping through lectures on history or politics or the running of a successful buisness. Two weeks without the banquet hall descending into a personal battleground of cliques and family grudges every meal, as many lesser nobles gathered around those whos names and families carried real clout. For two weeks, the academy seemed to be running as perfectly as it was always intended, and beneath it all was a growing undercurrent of anticipation, ambition and excitement

Until the crowd here had been selected, gathered for what you where told was a final test to determine the agents of the crown; A final task before the news of your glorious new mission would e handed to you, along with the – assumed at least – power of an agent of the crown. Each of the twenty or so gathered students had been delivered an invite and numbered seal of approval, and given the date of the last mustering. Now, those students who had managed to distinguish themselves and carried the proof their choosing – by strength, dilligence, wits or guile – had been gathered come the crack of dawn at the borders of the vast greenwoods in the Academy grounds, before a wooden stage set with three currently empty podiums.

When first you had arrived, the air had been buzzing with excitement. But then, as minutes passed and the rain began, the mood began to dip and then sputter and fall. What had once been neatly regimented lines had broken into small clumps of people gathered together for warmth or seeking those they are familiar with, and the air was filled with of chatter and gossip, cut with an undercurrent of disappointment and confusion – had they got it wrong, was this the test, had something happened, had that old bastard of a groundskeeper Cobb changed the time just to get everyone here soaked? The discipline had melted in the rain, leaving behind twenty or so nobles-to-be stood out in the cold waiting around, and many of them where not happy about that

Among the other students knight-initiate's gathered, you can make out a few of the more famous faces from the Academy. Surrounded as always by a gaggle of hanger-ons and toadies was Tybalt York, the blonde haired heir to the Duchy of White Rose City and the surrounding lands. Standing nearly half a foot taller than almost any of the other candidates, he exuded an aura of complete confidence around himself, seeming completely unphased by the rain and muck underneath, a loud and rippling laugh coming from him as he talks to those who gathered around him, forming the largest group. The other faces do not immediately come to mind, though the only person of the group not either grumbling or hanging onto Tybalt's every word is a young girl with her long black hair pulled up into an elaborate set of ringlets that must have taken hours to prepare, yet she seems full of energy despite the early hour and dismal conditions.

Standing on their own, clad in immaculate blue plate in the only dry patch is Elizabeth of House Montrose. Immediately recognisable by the house crest emblazoned on his cloak, the measured frown on her pretty face and short, almost boyishly cropped blonde hair, and the fact the rain around her was literally bending to avoid her, she's one of rising prospects of the academy, the winner of the inter-house tourney two months past. If York was the student most distinguished by blood, the knight of azure as she'd come to be known was most likely the single most skilled and personally distinguished of the gathered initiates

A bit to the side of the young heir to York and the tourney champion, hiding slightly in the boughs of the woods, are a trio chosen from the mages, judging from their garb. They seem to be keeping to themselves, the rivalry between the knight and mage's courses at the academy fierce. A low whisper is passing between them, and they keep casting glances at the third group leaning against the stage itself and complaining loudly

“Damn insult is what it is, am I right or am I right? Kayes is just jealous his time in the spotlights done. Old bastards probably in the banquet hall, nice and warm while we freeze our asses out down here. Feh” Scowls Reynard Hanson between tossing and catching a small throwing knife, palming it and producing another from his person every throw. Just how Hanson and his cronies got chosen for this job is beyond most of you, as its almost common knowledge the only reason he was still in the academy was because of his families clout and the generous donations they made to keep the academy running. “What do you say, Sir Porky. Wouldn't you rather be in breakfast than waisting time out here? I mean, its clear its gonna be me, golden boy over there and little-miss-trident-up-her-ass. The rest of you should just clear out and save us all some time” he shouts at Reynuld, before gesturing towards Tybalt and Elizibeth, laughing to himself.

A couple of other clumps of students are looking for shelter, doing very little to live up to the fact they've been chosen as the best of the best. And then, of course, there are the five of you – even if no-one else knows it yet, the real heroes of this tale

well, 'heroes' might be something that still needs to be decided

Reynard nods towards you as you enter. The Gilded Bastard – as he likes to call himself – seemed to have taken a shine to you since you came into the academy, and has been trying to get you to fall into his cadre of cronies since then

With your father being a close friend of Tybalt's mother, you and he have some familiarity – a few times meeting formally before coming to the academy, and a lifetime of being compared. He gives a friendly wave to you, and a smile that speaks of the absolute confidence of someone whos' never had a real challenge

The trio of mages arrived after you, one of them – a girl you recognize as Genevive Walters, from a minor house to the far east who is in your practical aplication of sourcery class – has a warm smile and a thumbs up, before turning back to the other two and fishing what looks like a set of hand-made sandwiches from her robes, handing them out between the trio when it seemed you'd have to wait

Upon getting into the waiting area, you catch Tybalt York stealing glances between you and Elizabeth Montrose, even if he hides it well beneath his general demeanor. After a few of his 'subtle' attempts to check you out, the black haired girl with the ringlets turns to scowl at you

2017-09-20, 10:45 PM
"And miss this fine weather?" Reynuld asks placidly. His hood back, Reynuld turns his head toward the sky, feeling the icy drops on his skin and running through his hair. "A harder storm is going to follow this. I can feel it." He makes a show of shaking the stray droplets from himself, pulling his cloak up once more. "Anyone facing the brunt of it could be torn to splinters."

2017-09-20, 11:44 PM
Now why the hell are you still talking so big, Sir Gelded Bastard? Elric says, hoping the boy would catch his (rather intentional) mispronunciation. On Elric's shoulder, Bludraven gave a quite chuckle, before returning to preen himself. However, with the constant rain, it wasn't doing much good.

Of course, Elric wasn't taunting the other boy out of any desire to protect Kayes; he probably hated that old has-been of a Knight more than anybody else here. No, he taunted Reynard because it was fun. He might claim himself as a bastard, but he was as much a noble as half the other useless idiots here. Daddy dearest paid for everything, and Reynard couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag.

That is, unless daddy is just going to pay the peasants away, Elric says, leaning forward from the wall, still smirking slightly. He was wearing his eyepatch on the right side today, just like he always did when he expected a fight. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go do something about this rain instead of just griping, he says before winking at Reynard and walking towards Elizabeth with purpose.

Blud, you know what to do, right? Elric whispers to his pale companion, drawing a curt nod from the Murkrow. Excellent.

As the Bastard of House Ruven approached the apparent prodigy of the Academy, Bludraven begins shaking slightly, as if he was suffering from the dampness and cold of the rain. As soon as they were within earshot, the Murkrow began wailing.

Oh, woe is me! the bird cries dramatically, drawing an eye roll from Elric. I'll catch my death of cold!

It can't be much longer little guy, Elric says, awkwardly patting his companion. Kayes will be here soon. After all, what kind of monster would make us wait in this rain when they could do something about it? Elric says, making sure to project enough for Elizabeth to hear.

2017-09-20, 11:51 PM
Midnight is not happy. Rain and fire-types do not agree. But, as is their custom, she is outside of her Poke-ball at the moment, sitting under a tree and glaring at Percy as if the storm is somehow his fault. He glowers back, as if to say, "No, this is not my fault. If you want to blame someone for causing Arceus to send this storm upon us, look no further than the loudmouth with the knives on the stage. I doubt he's been inside a church his entire life." If she could speak, Percy imagines she would tell him how irrelevant it is who caused the storm to come compared to the importance of getting out of it. But Percy stubbornly refuses. His armor will need to be cleaned after this (after all, what fool shows up to a test like this not prepared for a fight, real or not?), but he paces back and forth in the rain, arms crossed, shield slung across his back, and spear stuck in the ground beside him, looking very put out.

Tybalt was a welcome presence. They were familiar with each other, and that is as far as it went, but that familiarity made the future duke a comfortable person to be around. No one really could say they were close to Percy except for his Pokemon, so he didn't care about the lack of real depth to their relationship. Percy knew how he was expected to act and how he expected Tybalt to act. In light of that, Percy had the utmost confidence that Tybalt would be among the five picked. As was evident for all to see, his leadership skills could attract many to his side and hold them in his sway. Men would listen to him. He returns Tybalt's nod and chooses to stick near his group, even though his impatient pacing keeps him from fully joining it.

Reynard's words are the last straw in his already thin patience. "Oh come off it. You're making yourself look like a fool," he says, raising his voice, "I would think that they would send someone who inspires confidence in the army." He gestures to Tybalt. "There you have charisma." Next he gestures to Elizabeth. "And there's power. Both qualities inspire armies to do the impossible on the field. What do you offer an army on par with that? Do you think that soldiers' tongues are less prone to wag than our servants here? They'll be laughing behind your back every step of the way."

Unwise, perhaps, but he had Legis strapped to his hip. One of the sword's eyes cracked open, just in case Reynard should take especially poorly to this.

Arceus above, here he was agreeing with Elric of all people. What an unusual, ill-made day.

2017-09-21, 10:12 AM
Eva smiles a bit between Tybalt's glances, but pulls the hood of her cloak up to hide her face a bit better when the girl with the black ringlets turns to glower at her. These kind of interactions weren't ones that she was familiar with. Growing up with four brothers, the only advice she'd ever gotten from them about courting was that 'they kill whoever tried to court her'. Which is not, in all honesty, the most useful advice.

Inside her hood, Lagos chitters in her ear. Eva reaches up to scratch the Noibat's head with one finger. "It shouldn't be too much longer now," she reassures him. Everyone's starting to get testy. There's some words exchanged, and personally, she agrees with Alexios, but decides to stay out of that conversation.

2017-09-21, 01:13 PM
Elizabeth gives a theatrical sigh at Bludraven's squawking and the incredibly subtle hint Elric dropped, looking skyward with the slightest hint of a smile crossing her face “That's an interesting way to ask for a favour, truly so polite and charming, but very well then.”

the tourney champion retrieved an ornately jewelled pokeball from her belt, the shined metal surface catching the weak morning sun before depressing the sapphire that served as the button. In a flash of red light, a small yellow duck pokemon was stood at her side, a wide brimmed feathered hat on it's head

“Truth be told, I find the rainfall relaxing, but I could be biased since I seem to bbe the only here dry.” she adds in a teasing tone with the slightest hint of a Gaelic accent “Symon, clear the skies, please”

the small duck looks up to the grey skies as its eyes glow a pale blue, the clouds beginning to part and recede in the area around her and her psyduck, forming a wider dry patch that stretches around ten metres on all sides from her and her pokemon. Though the sun remains weak and the skies miserable, at least its dryer. That's something, right?

“So then, when can I call in my favour? Saving your poor, tormented partner must be worth something, no?”

Being a Duck pokemon distinguished by its slick yellow down and vacant, mindless stare. The oft-pitiful creature possesses great psychokinetic powers, held back by its own lack of awareness and chronic migraines

the heraldry pokemon for house Montrose is the skarmory, their breed distinguished by a bronze sheen and hailing from the mountains of far Gaul. Elizibeth's perchant for water and water pokemon would seem to be personal, judging from what is commonly known of her family

--- --- ---

Reynard makes a show at scoffing off Percival and Elric's comments, though he's clearly put out by Reynult not rising to his taunts and the other two initiates words, his ever-present smirk threatening to turn to a scowl at the corners when Elric using his own self-given title against him, and he seemed to nearly choke when Percival questioned his worth

“What do I bring, Alexois? Ha, that's obvious - I'm the brains. You can take your honour and your duty and your 'charisma' and shove it up your ass, because if you think any of that will help you break a siege or rout a foe, your living in a fairyland.” Reynard said, taking a moment to breathe efore continuing in a tone lacking some of his usual ego. “ Logistics, supplies and equipment, overland routes and supply chains, money to pay your mercenaries and smugglers - even if this so called team firebrand really do have the intentions they claim, if they really are 'heroes of the masses', they still need trade and supplies to do anything but starve within the walls they've claimed. And thats where I come in, because I know more about the how and the why of how the world works and how to figure it out than you ever will – You don't break a seige by force, you call in those of us with wits in our heads.”

“Oh, and before we forget, I'm also here because I could cut any of you milksaps down without breaking a sweat, even if I don't follow your hoity toity rules, Percy” Reynard was back to playing with his knife, sheltering under the stage and scowling at Elizabeth since she hadn't cleared the rain around his chosen spot, and when he'd tried to move into the dry spot he'd found the rain following him. He may have intended for that to be a threat, but it sounded more like he was trying to rassure himself and his cronies.

Gold is a mans worth

Though technically a vassal house to the Duke of Maltese cross, House Hanson's history is more muddied than most noble houses, and as Reynard is proud to brag, they descend from pirates and bandits granted armastice and land in return for allying their fleets to the crown.

Even today, generations later, they remain an unruly lot that many noble houses would rather not deal with, but their influence over the sea trade and the fact that despite posturing and preening they've been loyal to the crown since the deal was struck, they remain one of the richest houses in Albion

The family's heraldry pokemon are a line of black furred meowth, hailing from exotic Alola initially, said to share the curious gift of House Ruven's heraldry in greatly increased wits and speech

--- --- ---

As if to echo Reynuld's premonition, the sound of thunder cracks in the distance, the sky growing darker still – it's somewhat surreal for those inside the weather-less dead zone, to e stood in a clear sky yet know mere feet away it threatens a downpour. Beneath his feet, in the earth he is used to, Reynuld can feel a tension rising from the woods nearby. With a second crack of thunder, numerous species of bird pokemon flee the tree boughs, heading skywards

Inside Eva's hood, Lagos seems to hear something from afar, the small draconic bat reacting to some sound he heard, nuzzling into Eva's neck as if nervous or frightened

It's been nearly an half hour since dawn now, yet still no sign of the instructors

2017-09-21, 02:03 PM
Midnight eagerly takes refuge in the offered space and dries herself with a small burst of blue flame. Then, just in case some had come loose, she checks through her feathers to ensure they are all properly aligned. Percy lets the course of his pacing carry him inside the radius and gives Elizabeth a grateful smile.

“Oh believe you me. We all know how well you know the ways of the world,” Percy says with a slight smirk, “Your boldness, however, has impressed me. Few are so readily willing to admit their own flaws. But really, you should make your confessions to a priest. I doubt that the middle of a field is proper place for it. Though by all means, don’t let me stop you. I believe you were saying something about your wits. Did you lose them? I believe I smelled something rotten that way. You might try that direction first.”

He turns away. “Rotten brains are worse than none.”

Not the most eloquent speech. In truth, Reynard’s words had left little room for attack. But Percy trusted that whatever generals were in charge of the army they’d be called upon to lead (and he hoped to be among the leaders) would provide better advice and know more about such things than the grandson’s grandson of a pirate.

The threat is real, however. Legis’ eyes all open and a slight hum travels through Percy’s body, a wordless sign that the Pokemon stands ready to leap to his defense.

Pfft. What is this ‘knowledge’ you speak of?

Psyduck: [roll0]
Big, loud bastard: [roll1]

He pays no mind to the storm, though the lightning does cause Midnight to ruffle her wings nervously.

2017-09-21, 05:46 PM
Why, my lady, I thought you were doing this out of the kindness of your heart! Elric says with feigned surprise, before gently petting Bludraven's beak as the Murkrow tried to shake the water off his feathers. I only kid, my lady, Elric says, continuing to emphasis the difference in their stations, if only to see how Elizabeth will react. Ask whatever you wish of me, and it will be yours, Elric says, bowing low with an exaggerated gesture. When he rises, he offers a hand.

Unfortunately, I don't believe we've been properly introduced. Elric Feathres, pleased to meet your acquaintance, the boy says, before his eyes flick upwards at the lightning. He thought nothing of it until he saw the birds flying away. Elric had spent enough time in House Ruven's Rookery for that small sign to unnerve him, and even as he holds his hand out for Elizabeth he looks at Bludraven pointedly. The white Murkrow takes off from Elric's shoulder, flying upwards to try to see if anything is moving within the woods.

2017-09-21, 06:26 PM
Garrik didn't particularly like this overcast weather; it meant it would be a cloudy night. He liked the belly-aching even less however, and skirted around the edge of the group to join the trio of mages. Maybe it helped that he was in a smaller house or perhaps that he was comfortably safe from major responsibilities, but the young man didn't see the point on the posturing. Still, clearing out the rain a little bit was mildly impressive. He might have to learn that trick himself to get a good view of the night's sky.

Sliding up next to Genevieve of the mages, Garrik conjures an illusory umbrella. "Maybe it's a bit more dry under here?" he says with a smile.

Charm to make a good impression [roll0]
Gen Edu checks [roll1] and [roll2]

2017-09-22, 11:22 AM
As the rain threatens to become a downpour, Eva moves closer to Elizabeth Montrose's dry patch her Psyduck has created. Though her cloak was waterproofed, she could not say the same of the rest of her clothes. She's grateful for the small burst of warmth she receives as Alexios's Ponyta dries herself; it brings some feeling back into the ends of her chilled fingers.

Eva tenses as thunder booms over the training ground and the bird pokemon take flight. It happened often up in the mountains of her home; usually it meant that a predator was nearby. Lagos's reaction strengthens her feeling of trepidation.

General Education 1: [roll0]
General Education 2: [roll1]
Perception to see if there's anything in the woods she can see: [roll2]

2017-09-22, 01:00 PM
“Thank you ever so much, Garrick” Genevive says with a bright, cheerful smile, lowering her hood a fragment to reveal midnight-purple hair bound in a tight bun before a raindrop passes through the illusionarry umbrella and splashes on her freckled nose, startling her “well, it was a nice gesture, anyway. Hungry?” the magus in training asks, ruffling through her robes for a package wrapped in abra-print paper and offering it to Garrick “Oh, I only had pickle and jam left, is that OK?”

Garrick recieves one sandwhich, filling of questionable sanity. It grants a digestion buff to restore one tick of hp! :D

Regardless of whether Garrick took her offered snack or not, Genevive seems happy you came to say hello “I'm so glad there's someone else I recognize here. I was worried it was ll going to be grim faced high lords and serious knights.... not that there's anything wrong with that, of course. Hehe.” she adds nervously, her words carrying not the distinction of nobility but a more earthy, common accent “So, what do you think has happened to the instructors? It's not like them to be late.”

“Elizabeth Montrose, heiress to the Montrose Estate, Vassal to the Duke of Twinflower. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sir Feathers” Replied the lady-knight, taking you hand in a firm handshake, then giving a slight curtsy. You can hear a note of genuine amusement in her tone, the slightest hint of a laugh “Your reputation proceeds you, though it paints you in a black light that seems rather unearned. I'm glad such rumors where unfounded”

“Hmmm, for my favour... I'll admit, you catch me unarmed even though I was the one to bring it up in jest. Most here give me such a wide bearth, I don't know what would be appropriate to ask. I shall think on it while we are away on our mission” she finishes with a light laugh, a clear smile on her lips

before your conversation can go much further though, you see Blúdraven flying back from his scouting mission, wings flapping as hard as they can, carrying tidings: Something big is coming through the undergrowth, and coming fast. It's got most of the wild pokemon rilled up, and a large throng are headed right for the clearing

While you've had enough mandatory training lessons in the undergrowth to know the pokemon there aren't dangerous enough alone, in a large group, it could be trouble - and how convenient this happened on the day of the final test when the testers where late, hmmm?

--- --- ---

The waiting atmosphere is broken by Elric's Murkrow Blúdraven flying back from his quick scouting trip, squawking ill tidings at the top of his miraculous voice. His last second warning is followed massive roar sounding from the forest boughs, but it was enough to prepare you all when the ground underneath your feet egan to churn and shift, spikes of earth rising up from below. The more nimble initiates manage to scatter out of the way, but the spikes continue to grow outwards, forming walls of stone, slick with wet mud and rainwater that divide you into seperate groups.

As the spikes where rising, Genevive panicked and tripped, the rising earth knocking her around and leaving the girl unconscious at Garrick's feet. The other two mages reach out for her, but the spikes rising between you leave you and the girl on one side, and them on the others.

Taking a quick check of the situation, it looks like the five of you have all been herded together by the spikes, as well as Elizibeth Montrose and the unconscious Genevive Walder. You can hear a few curses and screams from the other sides of the walls, but before you have a chance to react, the shaking of the trees and the slight tremor underfoot gives way to reveal a pack of wild Nidoran surging from the greenery, throngs of the poison rodent pokemon in many stages of development.
At the centre of the pack stands the beast you can only assume let loose the roar – standing nearly two metres tall is a massive, purple hued beast, stood on its hind legs with one wicked horn pointed skywards, circling sparks of electricity playing across the point. The Nidoking leans back, letting out on more massive, deafening roar before it sets itself, seemingly ready to charge, it's pack gathering around its feet.

“Well, this certainly serves to break up our boredom. Stand back, I shall handle this – no need to put yourselves at risk” Elizabeth says, sizing up the large Nidoking and stepping forward, the groundwater at her feet seeming to surge and swirl while she pulled a long ivory trident from the ground next to her, unslinging a half-moon shield from her back. If she sounded amused talking to Elric, she sounds elated now, a slightly crazed smile across her face “'lest not before I decide what sweet treat you shall buy for me, Elric”

Nidoran, being a poisonous rodent pokemon, is a pack hunter renowned for its toxin barbs and large, sensitive ears. The species shows quite shocking sexual diamorphism, and seems to have a crude understanding of proprietry and nobility, being led by their own 'kings' and 'queens'
Nidorino and Nidorina are the adolescent stages of the Nidoran. More developed, they display an increased sense of cunning and ferocity. The male boasts of a horn harder than diamond and filled to the brim with venoms most foul, and the female, while more gentle, can emit a terrible supersonic cry
The so called Nidoking are the leaders of Nidoran packs. It's steel like hide, visciout claws and powerful muscular tail declare its dominance, and the beast has a fell reputation for leaving forests and farmlands in ruin when in a rage

While the nidoran and nidorino are native to the woodlands on the academy grounds, there shouldn't be anything like an alpha nidoking in the pack - the academy magaes the forst to keep the truly dangerous wildlife out to avoid loosing students. Furthermore, that nidoking looks a little too well groomed to be 'wild' – a lot like the beasts the Herman Cobb, the academy's crotchety old groundkeeper keeps around and uses to try and intimidate any initiate on disciplinary action

In the shadows of the trees, you can make out the shape of a figure in a dark green forestry cloak, leaning against the bark of a great oak and watching you. The familiarity of your time in the academy lets you identify the figure as the groundskeeper, Herman Cobb. Chances are, this isn't a random event

Battlemap/Stat tracker (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19kSjDVgRIBPq47IzyfSLwozMcWZxtnUv5o4UjdPUri4/edit#gid=1581829132)

everyone, please choose a spot behind the red line towards the right of the map and choose a pokemon to send out (or don't, if you want to solo it, fine by me :D). please note it in the Ooc :)

the stage is raised one and a half metres off the ground, with a set of stairs leading to the top at Q7 – othrwise traversing it will require climbing

and if you or your chosen pokemon are faster than the wild critters, feel free to take your first turn :) I'll update the map soon – just testing out if it works like this or if it'd be better to use a less pretty but more interactive google sheets one (or if anyone knows a good online map program?)

also, right now I'll just use the mugshots on your sheet for map icons, but I you want anything specific etc, tell me and I'll change the one used for you for future conflicts

2017-09-22, 03:57 PM
As Blud starts flying back, cawing frantically, Elric silently draws his sword, grinning slightly. He gives it a few quick spins, listening for that slight hum in the air as he prepares himself.

When Elizabeth walks forward though, Elric lets out a barking laugh before walking right next to her, pulling his own small shield from his back as he does so.

Why, it's not very ladylike to have all the fun, Elric says, his one uncovered eye burning. He'd been cooped up at this school for too long and, with Kayes around, Elric hadn't been able to truly pummel something into the dirt in months. Long story short, he needed to let off some steam. Why don't I bring you his head? A fitting gift, no? Although Kobb might be a bit angry if I kill his pet, Elric says, continuing to run his mouth.

Less talking, more doing lover boy! Bludraven shouts, before flying forward. A series of bright points of energy gather around him before flying forward, unerringly striking the twin Nidorino that were so fortuitously bunched together for the Murkrow.

Damn birdbrain, Elric says affectionately, before nodding towards Elizabeth. Like the helmet, by the way.

With that, Elric springs forward, launching himself forward about ten feet before he reaches for a Pokeball at his belt, releasing the tiny Aron in front of of Bludraven, who had just swooped down to the ground.

Sorry Cassie, but I'm going to need that armor of yours for a moment, Elric says, looking at the sparks hanging around the Nidoking's horn. They were concerning, to say the least, and with Cassie's positioning she'd protect Blud from ranged attacks from the Nidorino to an extent, and also be in a prime position to block any attack by the Nidoking.


Shift: Move to L12!
Standard: Use Swift on both Nidorino!

Automatically hits, rolling to see if it critically hits:
AC: [roll0], Critical 17+
Damage: [roll1]
Critical: [roll2]

Swift: Disengage from N10 to L11!
Standard: Release Cascabel to K12!
Shift: Use Flutter! +3 Evasion, and can't be Flanked!

2017-09-22, 04:40 PM
The two nidorino take the full brunt of Bludrávens star strike, flinching back in pain but they mamage to hold their ground, though looking worse for wear

In response, the massive nidoking surges forward with a swiftness belying it's huge frame, the electricity sparking from its horn egining to surge and dance around its form as it raised one huge paw to point towards Elric, the lightning surging around the creature gathering in the tip of its horn then following the arc it drew

Nidoking uses Thunderbolt on elric because I made the map one square larger than initially intended XD

Accuracy: [roll]1d20-2
Damage: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]

Sheer Force activates!

2017-09-22, 05:30 PM
Ah. So that was what was going on. Percy felt he had a better grasp of the situation now. Well, he was not going to fall before such a challenge. "Tenebra!" he calls, using Midnight's real name since this is a public setting after all. He runs towards her and swiftly gets into the saddle. She takes to the sky with only a nudge from his knees. That should keep them safe from some of the attacks. Curse the rotten rain, though. With his spear, Percival points out the first target. A grass type should make for an easy target, despite the damp weather.

Percival spends his turn mounting up. Midnight flies a few feet above the ground and Embers the first Bulbasaur. No Swift Actions for either of them.
Standard: Mount
Shift: Move to mount.

Standard: Ember
Shift: Move 1 square up and 6 squares over to J5.

AC 2+Evasion [roll0] Burns on an 18+
Damage: -5 from rain. [roll1]
Crit? [roll2]

2017-09-22, 06:10 PM
The bulbasaur lets out a pained yelp as the flames lick across its body, dropping low to roll in the shallow puddle and try to douse the flames. it is successful, but the creature is clearly winded and pained

The tide of nidoran and nidorino take the opportunity to surge forward, heading towards Percy and Elric. The lead nidorino try to surround Percival and Tenembra, but their attempts to reach them fall short, the creatures settling for bristling their spines, launching a barrage of poison stings into the air at the duo

The other group head towards Elric and his two partners, also launching venomous spikes as they run forwards, bombarding Blúdraven with a rain of spikes

@ Percival/Tenembra
NIdorino 2 uses Poison Sting on Tenembra - Hits + Poisons!
Accuracy:[roll0] versus Tenembra evasion - poisons on a 17+
Damage: [roll1]

NIdorino 3 uses Poison Sting on Percival
Accuracy:[roll2] versus Percival evasion - poisons on a 17+ - Miss
Damage: [roll3]

NIdoran 2 uses Poison Sting on Tenembra
Accuracy:[roll4] versus Tenembra evasion - poisons on a 17+ - miss
Damage: [roll5]

@ Bludraven
NIdorino 2 uses Poison Sting on Bludraven - Hits
Accuracy:[roll6] versus Bloodravens evasion - poisons on a 17+
Damage: [roll7]

NIdorino 3 uses Poison Sting on Bludraven - Hits
Accuracy:[roll8] versus Bloodravens evasion - poisons on a 17+
Damage: [roll9]

NIdoran 2 uses Poison Sting on Bludraven - Hits
Accuracy:[roll10] versus Bloodravens evasion - poisons on a 17+
Damage: [roll11]

lets see if I can dice this time

2017-09-22, 10:44 PM
Eva swings her bow over her shoulder and strings it, moving up the stairs to have the higher ground. "Go on, Lagos. Get out there!" she hisses at the bat. "We're being watched, probably graded." She draws her bow and takes a breath to calm herself. Her hands steady as she releases the air in her lungs. She aims, and shoots at a Nidoran that's underneath Percy and his Ponyta. Her nerves settle. This was no different than the thousands of drills they'd done at the Academy over the years.

Lagos pokes his head out of Eva's hood and puts his ears flat against his head as the rain wets his fur. He hisses at his partner before darting out into the fray. He flies over to a clump of the poison-types and a purple energy surrounds a Nidorino. The energy squeezes in on the Pokemon, making it squeal before it's thrown backwards.

Shift Action: Move to Q6
Standard Action: Use Bullseye on Nidoran M-1
AC 2, Crits on a 16+: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If Crit: [roll2], +Sniper [roll3]

Shift Action: Shift to L4
Standard Action: Use Psychic on Nidorino 1
AC 2, Lowers Spec. Defense on 17+: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
If Crit: [roll6]
If it hits, Nidorino 1 is Pushed to I4

2017-09-23, 04:47 PM
Garrik takes a bite of the sandwich trying not to make a face. It's a weird combination of flavors, but maybe he could get used to it. His mouth is full when the ground begins to quake so he has no chance to reply, instead stumbling awkwardly as the girl next to him falls over.

When he looked back up the field was in chaos and he may well have been the slowest to respond to the attack. He readied his simple magical rod and released Comet high over the land bound foes to get it into a good position. The sturdy Minior should be more than fine in the midst of all this.

"Alright Comet, all eyes on us. Hidden Power." Garrik drawled lazily as he pointed his weapon at the Nidorino and a small ball of prismatic energy sprang forth.

Garrik Releases Comet 3 meters in the air above J4 and uses Rending spell on Nidorino.

Attack [roll0] deals a tick on 14+
Damage [roll1] Normal
Crit [roll2]

Comet floats over to H5 and gently lowers itself into range (1m up) and uses Hidden Power Ground!

Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4] Ground
Crit [roll5]

2017-09-23, 05:29 PM
The Nidorino manages to deftly sidestep Eva's shot, but it is blindsided by Lagos' psychic wave, tossed into the air with a pained yelp and - before it can land - struck by Garrick's spell. With a heavy thud, it crashed back onto the floor, unconscious

As comet descends from on high, the pulse of energy it releases bathes across the two nidoran on either side of the meteor pokemon. Scramble though they may to try and avoid it, both the poison rodent pokemon take the full brunt of the strikes, only barely hanging onto consciousness

--- --- ---

Elizabeth strides forward towards the nidoking, confidently spinning her trident in a lazy arc and drawing the water from the ground with her as she completes a rotation, pointing the tip at the Nidoking and letting loose a forcefull ring of water. The ring strikes the massive brute, washing over it and leaving it seemingly confused

Elizabeth uses Water Pulse on Nidoking
Accuracy: [roll0] versus 4. confuses on a 15+
Crit: [roll2]

--- --- ---

The slower members of the nidoran herd began to move forwards, the bulky nidorina moving up to support it's male compatriots while the two female nidoran scattered, one heading for Elizabeth while the other went to take revenge against Comet for the pain it caused its siblings, both launching volleys of toxic spikes, however both strikes ended up inefective

The two bulbasaur, drawn by the commotion and angered by Percival and Tenembra's strikes, move to join the fray. The first that had suffered the brunt of Tenembra's Ember launches a volley of seeds from the bbulb on its back, hoping the parasitic plants would latch onto the flying foal invain as Tenembra deftly dodged, while the other released a wave of sleep inducing powder over Comet, sending it into a state of inactivity

Nidoran F 1 uses Poison Sting on Elizabeth
Accuracy: [roll3] versus evasion. poisons on a 17+
Crit: [roll5]

Nidoran F 2 uses Poison Sting on Comet but it is immune
Accuracy: [roll6] versus evasion. poisons on a 17+
Crit: [roll8]

Bulbasaur 1 uses Leech Seed on Tenembra
Accuracy: [roll9] versus speed evasion. if it hits, Tenembra is seeded. it looses 1 tick of HP each turn and the bulba heals it

Bulbasaur 2 uses Sleep Powder on Comet
Accuracy: [roll10] versus speed evasion. if it hits, Comet is asleep
Hits! Comet is asleep

The Breach


2017-09-23, 07:54 PM
bludraven mirrored strike sends a pulse of earth through the gathered nidoran herd, knocking the nidoking's entourage down and leaving the king reeling and woozy

Elric's blade finds purchase in the Nidoking's hide, leaving terrible gashes in it's body, but the beast seemed ready for the srike, rolling with it and using the opening Elric left to lash out with it's tail, smashing hard into the bastard of house Reuven, but the beasts addled mental state caused it to stumble and fall

Nidoking uses Counter it takes half damage from elric's strike, and elric takes 28 damage

confusion: [roll0] one a 1, nidoking is left with 4 HP

also, rerolled damage from first thunderbolt due to missreading of rules last time: [roll1]

2017-09-23, 08:23 PM
"I've got a friend who can help even these odds!" Reynuld calls out, clearly amused by something. "Just make sure to stay out of range of her teeth!"

Reynuld steps into the fray and hurls a callstone forward, its charge releasing into the ground below. The ground begins to tremble and shake as a deep, raspy "Traaaa..." emanates from the earth. "Get attem, girl! It's feeding time!" Reynuld calls with a hearty laugh. Grinning widely he hollers to the other nobles in the field, "Oy, guys, if she starts looking at you funny put your arms over your head and clap three times. That's this week's 'not food' signal!"

At her master's prompting The Breach bursts forth from the dirt, her cavernous maw stretched towards the sky. She takes in her surroundings with wide black eyes and thrashes about, churning the earth around her violently!

Reynuld moves to J13, sends out The Breach!
The Breach burrows to G7, surfaces and uses Bulldoze!

ATK: [roll0]
DMG: [roll1]

2017-09-23, 08:37 PM
As the reach surfaced, the violent shaking of the ground brought many of the nidoran gathered down, the two smaller nidoran that comet had injured fell, and the previously unscathed nidoran females and the untouched Bulbasaur felt the full brunt of its rage, left battered and bruised

The violent rage of the reach deeply scarred the nidoking, leaving it injured and exhaused, ut the east seemed ready for the strike, tensing to roll with the damage and using the momentum to smash its heavy, muscular tail into the Breach

Nidoran 1 and 3 faint
Nidoran F 1 and 2 and bulbasaur 2 take heavy damage
Nidoking takes heavy damage
Nidoking uses counter! it resists the strike one stage further (so neutral damage) and inflicts 54 damage to the Breach!
Nidoking hurts itself in its confusion

Tenembra/Percival (ride as one)
Nidoking if still alive (prolly not)

2017-09-23, 11:24 PM
Elric lets out a stream of curses as the Thunderbolt hits him, barely managing to hold onto his sword in the process. Still, the boy somehow remains conscious, albeit barely. As the Minior and the colossal Trapinch wreak havoc on the Nidoran, a savage grin plays across his face.

Elizabeth, I promised you its head, right? he says with a clenched jaw. Blud, take it for me, Elric commands, causing the Murkrow to laugh maniacally. Bludraven darts forward, effortlessly coasting above the massive horde of Nidoran, before latching his gaze on the Minior floating across the way.

Heads up uglies!

An instant later, a wave of Ground energy bursts out of Bludraven, laying the horde of Pokemon low and finally sending the Nidoking to its knees.

Elric lets out a short laugh, before spitting out a globule of blood. Its head is yours, my lady, Elric says, before bracing his shield in preparation of the assault of the handful of remaining Pokemon.

Shift: Move from L12 to J12 while also going up 2 (3), Move to G12, one square above the Nidorino (3), descend diagonal into G11 (2)
Standard: Use Mirror Move on Minior! Bludraven uses Hidden Power (Ground)! This will hit both Nidorino, the Nidoran, and the Nidoking.
AC 2: (1d20+1)[16] (boosting with Bludraven's AP), Critical 17+
Damage: (2d6+33)[38]
Critical: (2d6+8)[15]

Swift Action: Disengage to J11
Standard: Ready Shield
Shift: Flutter

2017-09-24, 01:55 PM
Bludraven's mirrored duplicate of comet's strike rocks out across the Nidoking and its entourage, bringing them all down low, the nidoking falling into unconciousness with a massive THUD that cause a slight tremor through the ground.

The few scant remains of the nidoran herd let out a mournful cry as their leader falls, seemingly worried about their future facing down insurmountable odds

Elizaeth Montrose watches the Nidoking fall with a smile, though she seems somewhat offput she didn't get a chance at the beast herself "A Man of your word, Sir Elric. I graciously accept2"

Nidoking, nidoran and the Nidorino faint

everything fast has fallen. everyone besides the Breach is faster than the oposition. feel free to mop up the rest :smallamused:


2017-09-24, 02:29 PM
Well, this battle had turned around quickly. In the heat of the moment, Percival decides that today might be a good day to catch a prize. Commemorate this moment. Especially if, Arceus willing, he were one of those chosen to go on this mission. It would have been poetic justice to capture the one that hit Tenebra, but that was not going to be the case, it seemed. So, better to go for the one she had hit. Besides, Bulbasaur were rumored to be an easy to train Pokemon. It would take less effort to integrate one into his team than one of the others.

He whips a red ball out of his bag and hurls it with all his might. At his order, Tenebra shoots up into the sky, out of range of any other attacks for now.

Only Percy this turn.
Standard: Throw a Basic Ball at the Bulbasuar!

[roll0] vs 6.

Shift: Move four meters up and over to H4. Total of five meters in the air.

2017-09-24, 02:45 PM
Garrik was happy to see the results of his hidden power and the ineffectiveness of the poison attacks but he was annoyed when the sleep powder worked on Comet, causing the Minior to float to the ground. "I can do that too, cheeky little fellow. Gazer sing them a lullaby!" As he calls out, Comet is returned and with a flash of light Garrik's Jigglypuff emerges in the enemy's midst and begins to sing a soothing song.

Garrik moves to J2 and as a standard swaps Comet for Gazer

Gazer uses Sing on Bulbasaur 1,2 and Nidoran 2!
Attack [roll0] vs AC 10

Gazer uses Lullaby on Bublasaur 2, putting it to sleep automatically.

2017-09-24, 03:07 PM
Lagos flits over to the singed, dozing Bulbasaur and strikes it with one outstretched wing. He squeaks in excitement upon attacking one of his favorite prey, grass-types.

Eva pauses for a moment when the giant Trapinch comes bursting out of the ground, sending a cloud of dust into the air, momentarily obscuring her vision. She takes stock of the battlefield once the dust settles, and sees that the biggest threats that they faced on this side of the battlefield were gone. Now they just needed to clean up the stragglers. She almost cheers as Elric's Murkrow takes down the Nidoking, but manages to contain herself before she fires off a shot underneath Reynuld's Trapinch at one of the Nidoran that's left.

Shift Action: Move to H3
Standard Action: Use Wing Attack on Bulbasaur #1
AC 2: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If Crit: [roll2]

Shift to P6
Standard Action: Shoot at Nidoran F #2
AC 5: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
If Crit: [roll5]

2017-09-24, 03:50 PM
Responding to the fell spine aimed at Tenumbra's vitals, Lagos' erected shield guards his ally, even as Percival's pokeball throw goes wide, the all landing on in the mud behind the bulbasaur - still perfectly useable, but it might want a good cleaning

The dulcet tones of gazer ring across the battlefield, lulling the two bulbasaur and one of the Nidoran female's to a helpless sleep

Eva's shot goes wide, but lagos' wings find purchase and hit hard, rousing the sleeping bulbasaur for but a moment before the blackness of unconsciousness claimed it

Reynults trainer turn
wild pokemons
The Breach

2017-09-24, 10:25 PM
"Good goin' girl!" Reynuld shouts, beaming. "That snack ought to hold you over for a little while." Studded club in hand he makes a dash towards the Nidorina and swings the weapon mightily. "If you don't want to be breakfast you'd better git!"

Reynuld shifts to F12 and uses Wounding Strike

ATK: [roll0]
DMG: [roll1]

2017-09-25, 10:24 AM
The Nidorina flinches back as Reynuld's club makes a heavy crunch with its face, chipping a tooth and leaving it bleeding. The adolescent rodent gave a low growl, fixing its eyes on Reynuld after it recovered

--- --- ----

"Symon, leave the rain and focus on the Nidoran" commanded Elizabeth behind her to the duck pokemon that was stood staring into space. At her words, the faint patter of midmorning rain returned, as Elizabeth herself headed towards the nidorino

"Allow me to aid you, sir Engal" Raising her trident, the tip drawing an arc of crashing water as she swung at the Nidorina, using the momentum to raise her shield against the Nidorina, covering herself and Reynuld. The strike connected, but the Nidorina seemed more irritated by it than injured

SYmon, the little yellow Psyduck, stood in place for a moment, seemingly unaware of what was going on efore it snapped out of it, waddling off towards the still-awake Nidoran before coming sliding to a halt, its eyes glowing a pale blue as a wave of wierd energy fired off towards the Nidoran, causing the creature to collapse

Elizabeth uses Waterfall on the Nidorina
[roll0] versus 5. flinces on 17+
damage: [roll1]
crit [roll2]
uses swift action to activate shieldbearer, granting Reynuld +4 evasion and +10 damage resistance until next turn

Symon uses Confusion on the Nidoran F1
[roll3] versus 4. confuses on 17+
damage: [roll4] x 1.5. its super effective
crit [roll5]

Nidoran F1 is KO'd

--- --- ---

2017-09-25, 10:35 AM
The Nidorina let out a vicious hiss as it leaps into the air, lashing out at Reynuld with both of its muscular rear legs, hoping to score a vicious hit on the hefty nobleman, one hoofed foot connecting while Elizaeths sheild deflected the other, though Reynuld's muscular ulk ounced the strike off like it was nothing

The two sleeping pokemon continued to dream of cake and joy, unaware to the world around them, though the bulbasaur begins to stir

Nidorina uses Double Kick on Reynuld
Acuracy one: [roll0] versus Reynulds evasion +4
Acuracy one: [roll1] versus Reynulds evasion +4
Damage (one hit): [roll2]
Damage (two hits): [roll3]
Crit one [roll4]
Crit two: [roll5]

Bulbasaur sleep roll: [roll6]. wakes up on a 16+
Nidoran F sleep roll: [roll7]. wakes up on a 16+

2017-09-25, 12:44 PM
Elric laziliy twirls his sword as he watches the remaining Pokemon on the battlefield getting picked off one by one. With a bored grin Elric sheathes his sword, before pulling out a Pokeball.

Blud, why don't you say hello? Elric asks, lazily bouncing the ball on his palm. Bludraven glides upward before looping around to the back of the Nidorina, the same swarm of stars appearing around him. They slam into the unfortunate Nidorina, drawing a series of cries.

After Bludraven finishes his parlor trick, Elric flings the Great Ball forward, aiming for the Nidorina's head. He didn't particularly want the Pokemon, but he could use the coin.

Shift: Shifts to D13, using Sky to avoid provoking an AoO! This should Flank the Nidorina, causing a -2 to Evasion.
Standard: Use Swift! Can't Miss! Friendly means Elizabeth and Reynuld aren't hit.
Damage: [roll0]

Shift: Flutter!
Standard: GREAT BALL GO!
AC 6: [roll1] (AP!)
Capture: [roll2] (+1 Capable, +2 Great Ball, +1 AP!)

2017-09-25, 06:55 PM
Seeing the flying Ponyta trainer's capture attempt Reynuld gives him a thumbs-up. "Hey big girl, leave the little plant and snack on the rabbit instead!"

The Breach swings her massive jaws around, snapping them at the sole Nidoran!

Bitey Time!

ATK: [roll0]
DMG: [roll1]

2017-09-26, 01:47 PM
The Breach's massive jaws clamped shut over the slumbering nidoran that never saw it coming, vanishing into that massive maw never to be seen again, while Percival's second catchstone found its mark true with the bulbasaur, enveloping the creature in a red aura before it vanished, the magic circle engraved on the metal sphere changing shade to indicate its succession. With that, only you and your allies still stand in this patch of the field, all of your foes fallen, eaten or tamed. Victory is yours!

Elric has caught a level 19 Nidorina with nature and ability of his choice. It knows Growl, Scratch, Tail Whip, Poison Sting and Double Kick. It's probably going to be sold for cash :smallbiggrin:

Percival caught a level 15 Male Bulbasaur with the nature and ability of his choice. It knows Takedown, Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Poison Powder and Sleep Powder.

Percival also recovers his previously thrown pokeball, adding it back into his inventory

Everyone recieves 2 trainer exp.
Everyone recieves 100 EXP to distribute between their pokemon at their choice

As the last of the wild pokemon where either caught or defeated, you heard the sound of combat from beyond the earthen wall begin to quieten and cease, and a minute or two later they all began to descend back into the mud, revealing the other initiates had been caught up in similar situations to yourselves. To the north of the field, you can see Tybalt York and his group looking worn and haggered atop a fallen nidoqueen, the heir to White Rose and the girl with the black ringlets being the only one of that group seemingly unscathed. To the south of where your battle took place stands a different scene though, a Nidoking of simmilar stature to the one you felled standing triumphant over a group of 7 initiates – Hanson's cronies among them, and only the rich heir to the Hanson Estate was still standing against it, barely. Before the nidoking and its cohorts finish the job, however, an arrow flies from the woodlands and stops them, and looking beneath the boughs you can see the Academy's groundskeeper, Richard Cobb, giving a half salute to the lot of you. Seeing it's owner, the Nidoking stops, the last few gathered nidoran assailing the other groups scattering.

“Congratulations. A knight must always be prepared, always be ready to stand by themselves, or to stand with others. This morning, you have proved you possess these qualities. True, some more than others, but all have you have made me proud to call myself your teacher” Comes the clarion words of Sir Edmund Kayes, headmaster and chief instructor of the academia as you see him ambling purposefully into the field, clapping slowly. The ageing knight still holds himself with regal bearing of his youth even if his age is starting to bear down on him, his tall and broad frame clad in dull steel plate the same shade as the long, drooping moustache and close cropped hair on his head. A fur lined red cloak sits on his shoulders, and he walks with a fine oak cane, his left leg stiff.
Any question of how he watched the proceedings from such a distance was queted when, a step behind him underneath, beneath a frilled purple parasol to keep off the rain, was professor Esme Goodwitch, head of the arcanist studies and deputy headmistress of the academy - and a noted warper and oracle. With her black hair in a loose bun and dressed in a flattering and opulant low cut dress of purple and black, the youthful professor – only 4 to 5 years older than some of the students – was a stark contrast to the strict, traditional headmaster, more lighthearted and light on discipline. She seemed somewhat off-put y the few injured students, especially upon seeing the unconscious Guineveve

“Feathers, Engall, Montrose, Avington, Locke, York, Celeste, Alexois. Each of you have proved yourself this morning; Stay. The rest of you, I am afraid to say, have not been chosen – return to your lodgings and rest, and take solace in having come close."

Reynard was glaring daggers at you as he slunk off, mumling something about being wasted here and grumbles of revenge, and a general air of disappointment and despair hung over those leaving the field, one or two of the more able bodied initiates lending an arm or shoulder to those more banged up. A faint purple aura formed around the few unconscious initiates, originating from Professor Goodwitch, before they vanished – likely warped to the infirmary, one of the magi's specialities

After a few minutes and clearing up the field for any remains of the battle, you and the other three chosen initiates are back before the stage, this time occupied by the Instructors – Kayes at the front, with Goodwitch and Cobb flanking him; Kayes and Goodwitch with serious expressions, Cobb making a play of being disinterested, though you can catch him carefully looking over each of the knights still there. Tybalt york and the girl with the black ringlets – Celeste, you'd have to assume – both looks exhausted but happy to be chosen, while Elizabeth Montrose was paying rapt attention to the headmaster, a slight smile on her face but otherwise acting like being chosen was the obvious outcome

“Firstly, let me again congratulate you on your success in this last test and for your achievements so far – it is not my style to deceive you, but sometimes digression is needed, as my colleagues advised me, and so you can thank groundskeeper Cobb for your last test. Know that all of you stand here by your own merits, and take pride in being the first and greatest of the next generation.
Now, to get to buisness – I am sure none of us want to remain out here in such weather for long.” continued the headmaster, taking a deep breath all of you knew meant he wouldn't be particularly brief “As you all are aware, the city of Argyll has recently fallen under the control of an insurgent group calling themselves Team Firebrand. They deposed the ruling lords during the night, with thankfully minimal bloodshed though we do need a new Duke Argyll, and though we know not their methods, to take a city overnight requires planning, discipline and skill. To put it simply, this is not a simple peasants uprising, though we know little about the key players moving pieces to hide such a feat from the crown until it is too late.
So far, they have issued no demands and no moves have been made to for them to expand their influence, but the situation remains grave and cannot be allowed to stand. Now, normally, a subtle touch would be used for a precarious situation like this, but Her Majesty has decided, with the wisdom and impetus that comes only from the young, that a show of force was needed. With the homeguard preoccupied abroad and the Knight of the Round deciding such a task is beneath them, the task falls to us, or – as my orders say – you” Kays adds, sardonically, a frown creasing his features
Furthermore, to make matters worse, five days before the uprising a missive was sent from Argyll's chapter of the Engineers guild – a missive boasting of a new weapon to ensure Albion's dominance of the seas and the mainland that, if even half-true, would cause disaster in the hands of an insurgent group. We are told it is not yet functional, that this Team Firebrand could not get it to work, but it remains a priority of why force was chosen.
I am afraid to tell you you will not be leading a glorious army to rout the insurgents or meeting them on the fields of honour.” the headmaster paused a second, almost on cue for a disapointed gasp from Tybalt York and a snort of laughter from Cobb "While what forces remain here in Albion are being mustered, your task is to find a way inside the city and identify the means, resources and leaders of the uprising and how they intend to defend and hold the city – as well as what noble house or institution must be backing them – as well as to retrieve the blueprints for this weapon, and to bring them to the armies commander. While the task is far from glamorous, its importance – and the risk involved – cannot be understated. In a moment, we will go over what we know of our foe, but for now, are there any questions?”

Kayes seems clearly unhappy with the situation, especially when mentioning the Knights of the Round – an institution he was a member off until the end of the civil war, when he left to head the academy. Most of all, though he's hiding it quite well, he seems worried

Kayes hesitated for just a moment when he mentioned the engineering guilds weapon, his hand tightening over the pommel of his cane. It may be more functional than he'd mentioned

2017-09-26, 04:19 PM
Elric can't help but laugh slightly when he sees that the Gelded Bastard wasn't able to succeed in battle. He'd always known the boy was incompetent; seeing it proven was a welcome change of pace. That humor, however, vanishes when Kayes appears, instead replaced with a scowl. He still remembered how Kayes had treated him on his first day at the Academy, and Elric was a bit of one to hold a grudge. As they gather at the stage, Elric gives Cobb a slight wave. He'd always liked the groundskeeper, even if he was more often in trouble with the man than not.

As Kayes explains their mission, Elric is not quite sure how to feel. On the one hand, this was an assignment many would kill for. A rebel faction taking over a city, with some kind of stolen superweapon that could change the face of war? It was a mission that, were they to succeed, would result in a rapid rise through the ranks, and likely put one in a good position to become a Knight of the Round. On the other hand, they would be doing reconnaissance, the single most boring aspect of any given war. While he was as amused as Cobb by Tybalt's response, he couldn't pretend he wasn't also slightly disappointed.

When Kayes pauses for question, Elric looks around at the others. You're sending us balls deep into enemy territory, Elric says, choosing his words carefully to annoy Kayes as much as possible. Will we have some way to contact you, or am I suppose to make Bludraven ferry letters back and forth? Elric asks.

Not gonna happen, Blud mutters, drawing an annoyed glance from Elric.

In addition, I'm not sure if you haven't noticed, but we're nobles, Elric says with a scowl. Sure, I might be able to go without notice, but any highborn in that city is going to recognize Tybalt in about three milliseconds, Elric says. If we're going to make appropriate disguises, we're going to need coin, and probably a decent amount. Will this be provided, or should I write home to father dearest? Elric says, sarcasm dripping off his last few words.

2017-09-26, 10:39 PM
Percy immediately spots several flaws in this plan. For one, each of them had in their possession Pokemon that anyone with half their wits and a book concerning the noble houses would be able to pick out. Was he supposed to keep Midnight inside her ball? Calling her out would be just as good as screaming to the sky, "The Black Knights have arrived! Tremble, ye enemies of the empire! Fall, fail, and fade before me!" And almost all his training depended upon him riding her.

He sighed. But such was not his concern. He won this honor. Now he just had to survive it.

He rubbed Midnight's flank and reached into his belt for a sugar-cube: her favorite reward. She gobbled it up greedily. Percy bowed his head to the pronouncement. "The Queen's will be done. Though Elric..." Percy can't believe he's agreeing with that bastard again, "Raises some good points. Perhaps not...tactfully, but they do require some additional information."

2017-09-27, 01:34 AM
"Alright girl, that's enough. Come on back for now." Recalling the satisfied-looking trapinch, Reynuld moves closer to better hear the faculty heads' address. He catches Reynard's eye as he slinks off the field, stoically returning his gaze. Better luck next time... he thinks to the deflated noble. A bruised ego is slow to heal.

As Sir Kayes addresses the group Reynuld stands quiet, taking in the proceedings. The old ursaring's sure looking tense. Reynuld muses. Wonder who on the Round has a bee in their bonnet over this? At mention of the newly-developed weapon he catches the man's slight flinch. At that instant his eyes dart up, meeting Kaye's own for that split second as the senior knight continues looking over the others. Definitely something up with that as well...

As Sirs Flashy and Flighty make their concerns known, Reynuld mulls over what was both said and unsaid so far. Infiltration, information gathering and potential sabotage. A dangerous weapon in the hands of Firebrand. The higher order bypasses something like this and the bill is passed to us instead?

"I feel this is only the calm before the real storm." he says quietly.

Intuition tells me the furret hole is much deeper than it seems.

2017-09-27, 07:57 AM
As expected, it was all a test. Garrik was more concerned about the injured girl than his own well being. He really felt he had handled himself quiet well and it was no surprise that he was one of the students named for this new task that was being laid out for them. Though it meant working with the complainers, it would seem. The thought of someone more famous than him walking around actually sounded like a good distraction.

"I, for one, am not terribly concerned. About myself at least. I think with a bit of help and discretion we could become just like the common folk. Though you might want to keep your heraldry under control." Garrik explains slowly while eyeing the mouthy Murkrow. To demonstrate, with a wave of his hand an illusory muzzle appears over its beak.

2017-09-27, 11:32 AM
As the muzzle appears over Blud's mouth, the bird shakes its head, trying to shake it away. As the beak goes through artificial muzzle, causing it to vanish, Blud's feathers puff outwards, the Murkrow clearly annoyed by the whole thing. Bloody mages...

Elric, on the other hand, is rather amused by the whole spectacle, and smirks at the boy before distracting Blud with a small bangle. The Murkrow instantly takes the jewelry before flying off, trying to get some alone time with his new shiny toy.

2017-09-27, 01:42 PM
Eva smiles at her group as the walls separating the rest of them come down. She's not surprised to see that York and Celeste have defeated their Nidoqueen, nor that Reynard's group failed. She releases Vigil and the two of them assist some of the more injured students to leave the field if they need help.

Once everyone is off the field, Eva returns to the stage and stands at attention as Sir Kayes speaks.

The Knights of the Round don't deem it necessary to deal with this Team Firebrand? But they killed Duke Argyll... and have access to a weapon that could turn the tide of war, if they could get it to function. Her father had always told her that the Knights of the Round were brave, noble knights, but hearing this from Sir Kayes himself made her stomach turn.

Feathers and Alexios both make good points. Feathers with his white hair, Engall with his peg leg, York's look in general, and Alexios's winged Ponyta would all attract too much attention for a stealth mission. Surely Sir Kayes would have considered this though.

2017-09-27, 09:04 PM
“I wouldn't worry too much, Elric – Mother insisted I learn how to mingle with the smallfolks, as it where. I'm sure I can pass as your run of the mill commoner.” Said Tybalt confidently, his enunciation perfect, flawless and clearly trained in ballrooms by the finest tutors as he placed an arm around Elric's shoulder friendlily, seemingly oblivious to what the Reuven bastard might think “but thanks for looking out for me!” he adds with a huge, guileless smile.

The lady Celeste seemed to be indecisive for a second, seemingly having something to say and fidgeting a little when Elric brought up everyone's nobility, but in the end decided to hold her tongue. She looked uncomfortable to be present

“Very well, please listen closely. I don't care to repeat myself. You will depart by train come tomorrow morning, heading towards Argyll. The railway routes in and out of the city have been sealed by both the crown and the insurgents, so you will be taking the railway to the nearest station in the village of Bluebell, where you will rendezvous with one of the crown's agents, who will provide you with papers identifying yourself as “Vossler' Glorious Company” as well as any further information discovered.” Kayes began, getting back into speech mode “While the gates are under the control of the insurgents, we have reports of them opening for merchants and mercenaries. As such, we have procured the name and colours of a mercenary company, which will be the cover you use to enter into the walls”
“If all goes as planned, you should be able to slip in without much scrutiny. While inside the walls, avoid trouble – concealing your lineage from the highborn may be difficult, but from our reports most nobles have been ejected from the city or taken hostage by the insurgents, and worst come to worst, swallow your pride and claim to be bastards, or thieves, or whatever you need to. Honour has its place, but on;y of you still have a head on your shoulders. Engage in combat only if you have to, and keep bloodshed to a minimum – we do not want them any more on guard.”
Kayes stops to consider Elric's comment, especially when Percival echoed the sentiments, a frown creasing his features and ruffling his moustache “You raise a valid point feathers – a stipend will be provided from Academy coffers to help provide for any disguise needs. Clothes, wigs, what have you – I am sure you know this matter better than I, so I will trust your judgement.” Kayes says this earnestly. He may mean it honestly, but it comes off a touch condescending “You where all chosen because you displayed the skills and resourcefulness needed for such a task" with that he gestured towards Garrick's illusions and a nod towards Reynuld, momentarily catching his eye then bbreaking eye contact "and I trust you will be able to overcome such hurdles, but we shall still provide what aide we can.”

“Sorry to tell ya, but the insurgents weren't polite enough to leave the mail towers running. Pretty rude of them, I tell ya, but when you're in Argyll, you'll need to leave to send a message, or find a way yourself” chipped in Cobb, a cocky smile on his face when Kayes paused, talking quietly to deputy headmistress Goodwitch behind him “Though since that feathered fiend of your can't shut up, making it a messenger may actually be a use for the little bastard. And speaking of that, try to keep your family's fancy pokemon out of sight if you can – no point in making this harder for yourselves”

“Indeed, now, Esme, please brief our initiates – no the crown's agents – about what we know of the situation”

Esme goodwitch stepped to the front podium, clearing her throat as she lowered her hood, opening up a paper file and laying it on the podium before her “We've sadly turned up very little information about the insurgents though scrying spells and fortune reading, but that tells us something important of itself; they have a magi with them capable and skilled enough to block divination attempts.” Goodwitch seems to be taking it personally, though as she's built her reputation on knowing the future, her second sight being denied might be a hit to her ego “but we have a few things. The factories are still running, and many ships are still headed for Argyll's port, so it would seem they intend to maintain the cities industries for their own benefits. As for the Insurgents themsevles, details are sketchy; a logo, an image of a battlefield strewn with gasses, a man with a prosthetic leg and arm, and a large metal beast – these are all my divinations can turn up, and even those are fragmented.”

“Though don't worry, we ain't. Sure, fancy magic may not have told us much worth knowin', but some of our tried an' true methods turned up a morsel or two before they started shooting down our aerial watchers.” Cobb added, his comment about magic earning a sharp glare from Goodwitch “you'll be getting a dossier when ya meet up with Horace in bluebell, since he'll have info that aint a week out of date”

“Finally, and I cannot stress the importance of this, be careful. If the choice comes between completing the mission or keeping your lives, then retreat. You all have too much potential to waste it, and this is a delicate situation – we don't want to loose one of you, nor do we want to make these fools into martyrs and light the fire of rebellion across the empire. Take care, show digression, and success will come. Act in haste, and failure is guaranteed. And do keep quiet about the details of this operation to your peers”
“That is all, initiates. Your train will depart in the morning. Enjoy the rest of your day” Kayes finished his speech, rapping his cane on the stage as he walked down and started to leave the field.

Elizabeth started to leave the field as soon as the speech finished, her psyduck at her heels "I will see you in the morning. I must prepare, and send the good news to my mother. Perhaps I will see you in the marketplace this afternoon? Today has been quite exhilarating so far"

“Now, before you go, I should be able to aid somewhat with the communication conundrum. If you could all pass me your Encyclopedia Pokemonica, I will look into linking their magic into a communication spell” said Professor Goodwitch as Kayes and Cobb left the field, Elizabeth not seeming to take notice either ”it should let you message each other so long as you are within a mile's proximity, and in times of need, send a distress signal. It's far from a perfect solution, and not as elegant as I would like, but without having had time to prepare, it's the best I can do.It should be finished by morning” After collecting the pokedex's of everyone that agreed, the Mage vanished in a purple flash, the jeweled eyes of the sableye that was on her back lingering for a second before vanishing too, leaving the five of you with Tybalt and Celeste. The sky above began to turn darker, the rain gowing slightly stronger as the sky began to make good its threat of a storm

You now have nothing to do until the morning plotwise, so you have time to spend on your own time. You have time to train your pokemon, as well as some other things such as

go training. Apply double experience training instead of single, as well as having options to fight duels or the like
Attend class: you gain one skill trick of your choice, or you can study towards something bigger. Three days of lessons earns a skill edge or an edge requiring a knowledge as a prerequisite, seven days worth earns a general feature that requires a knowledge skill as a prerequisite. These can be done over a period of time
Search for pokemon in the woodlands or around the academy. This will find a random pokemon (probably not a wishlisty one) as well as other scavenged items
go shopping or search out specific things in the Academy or surrounding city
spend time making things using crafting features or the like
anything else you want to do, ask about

You also get $8000 to spend between the five of you on tools and supplies

let me know when you want to move on from this scene or if you want to stick around and roleplay

2017-09-28, 07:38 AM
Elric had to physically bite his tongue to keep from snapping at Tybalt. A casual "my lord" with the wrong enunciation would be enough to give the boy away as the highborn he was, which would not end well for the group of them. When Kayes tells the others to swallow their pride and claim to be a bastard if caught he grinds his teeth loud enough for anybody within a few feet to easily hear it. Cobb does draw the slightest of smiles from Elric, and causes him to briefly glance towards the tree that Blud was currently roosting in.

Still, Elric couldn't say he wasn't dissatisfied with the results. A little bit of slush money, an upgraded Pokemonica, and enough information to start some early planning. It wasn't perfectly, but it would have to do for now. The large metal beast and the battlefield covered in gasses were concerning, to say the least,

Hey, Liz, Elric shouts loudly. Wait up, alright? May as well introduce ourselves, Elric says before handing his Pokemonica to Goodwitch. If the others will follow him, Elric heads towards the nearest building, more to simply get out of the rain than to find any sort of privacy. Blud follows, flying through the door and cawing loudly as he passes over the other students. Somehow, the Murkrow's bauble seems to have morphed into a half dozen others, none of which Elric recognized. Once all that followed are inside, Elric clears his throat.

So it looks like the group of us are going to be playing spy, Elric says, looking around the group of companions. We've got a decent amount of money to work with; if the lot of you trust me, I'd like to propose an easy split. Everybody gets 1,000 for personal expenses, then I'll spend the rest getting us some disguises, at least for the more obvious of the lot of us, Elric says with a pointed look at Reynuld's peg leg. For some of the more subtle of us, I think I can pull of some disguises for our Heraldry as well, although that is obviously case-by-case. If we try to pass ourselves off as a mercenary crew it might be halfway believable, unless the group of you have better ideas, or you would prefer to infiltrate individually. Is that acceptable to everyone? Elric asks, before pausing slightly.

But where are my manners! Elric Feathers, Bastard of House Ruven, at your service, Elric says with an exaggerated bow that comes off as more mocking than respectful. And this is Bludraven. Maybe this mission will give him an opportunity to shut up for a change.

Heh, fat chance of that.

Elric continues on as if Bludraven hadn't said anything. We should also plan on going over our different talents at some point, just to see what our options are, and to see if we need to purchase anything else for this mission, Elric adds. It's our first mission, and we're going deep into enemy territory. I'd hate for us to be under-prepared. Now, who wants to go first, Elric says, folding his arms behind his back and smirking slightly.

Going to use that free Training session! Everybody is now Brutal, and Cassie gains 5 EXP!

And Fortune: [roll0]*20 = 100 coin!

2017-09-28, 02:17 PM
"Are you implying my rough-cut appendage here is regular noble garb?" Reynuld says with a smirk. "This stick makes me seem like more of a mercenary if anything. You don't see too many shown off at court, after all." He stands on his good leg and rolls up the leg of his slacks, showing off his prosthetic. "Carved it myself from a hardy maple, stained with an Occa-based oil so I don't have to worry about it catching fire easily, and if you're wondering what caused the loss, well you saw her there in the field." he says with a chuckle. He sets his 'foot' back down and heaves a little sigh. "Catching that Trapinch nearly killed me, but I'd do it again if I had to."

"Name's Reynuld. Guess I probably should've started with that. Conversatin's never been one of my strengths. If you need someone afield though, I'm your man. I spent nearly five years walking Albion, learning what it takes to live off the land free and simple. I also learned a thing or three about medicine, from my own experience in the wilds and some taught to me by a traveling hospitaler friend." While talking he removes his cloak, hanging it on a nearby hook. Slung on his shoulder is a pack which seems quite full, an iron pot firmly tied to the bottom of it. "I've also got a knack for reading between the lines. Spend enough time alone with companions who can't really carry on a conversation, you learn to pick up on subtler cues. Body language, intonation, a flick of the head can say more than words. Case in point, I got a feelin' from watching old Sir Kayes out there. Some serious friction in the Round. Not only that, the weapon we're supposed to be investigatin'? I think he thinks it's more operational than we were told."

2017-09-28, 08:51 PM
Percival knew Elric Feather's name. In fact, he was surprised the whole continent didn't know it, the way that one dressed. But still, they were allies now, supposedly, though he would be having Legis keep watch while he slept from now on.

He clears his throat. "My name," he begins, "For those who don't know, is Percival Alexios, of the Alexious house, and future leader of the Black Knights." He puts on a bow at the end of it. "And now that we are alone, allow me to say that I don't like this one bit and I think this plan is one of the worst I've ever heard. 'Blend in'. Brilliant. I am a knight. That means I ride a Pokemon. And currently, I have only one Pokemon I can ride." He pats Midnight on her withers. "Notice anything? Blue fire, black coat, well, more of a dark blue, really, and what's this? Wings! Bloody wings."

Midnight snorts and strikes him on the back of the head with said appendages.

"Yes. You are the best mount a knight could ask for or even dream of. You know I'm not making light of you. But you also know what I mean," Percy says, "There's a slight problem of how we are going to hide her wings, if it's even possible. If not, I may get to have the unenviable position of mountless cavalry."

2017-09-28, 09:32 PM
"It worries me that Sir Kayes seems to be keeping things from us," Eva says after Reynuld finishes, "but I trust him." She pulls her hood down and Lagos pops his head out. The draconic bat notices the Murkrow and his shiny baubles and takes off from Eva's shoulder, intent on checking out the other flying-type.

She laughs a little as the future Black Knight's horse chastises him. "I'm sure we can think of something Percival. Perhaps a caparison could conceal her wings?"

"My name is Eva," she says, smiling around at the others. "You may not have gotten to see much of it in the last battle with how well everyone else dealt with those Poison-types, but I'm a skilled marksman. I grew up hunting on the mountains behind Larkspur, so I've learned from a young age how to move stealthily and a little of how to live off the land. Not as well as Reynuld, of course, but I won't starve if I have to rough it for a few weeks in the wilderness. I've also taught my Pokemon how to take advantage of our allies' attacks in battle. They can make use of the small openings an opponent leaves after defending from an attack. I look forward to serving with all of you."

I think I'll take the double XP.
Lagos gains 30
Vigil gains 26
Basa gains 24

2017-09-28, 10:11 PM
Reynuld nods at Eva's appraisal of the old knight. "Kayes is a good man. If he's holding something back it'd be for a good reason. Perhaps he wasn't meant to know what he knows." Perhaps the reach of Firebrand extends all the way to the top. he wonders grimly.

"So, Larkspur, y'say Eva? Good hunting in the cold copses up that way. Summers bring Deerling and Farfetch'd, winters bring Piloswine. Say, did you ever manage a glimpse of the Silver Stag during your excursions? Bein' a Larkspur lass I'm sure you've heard of the legend. The ancient Sawsbuck with pelt and antlers that shimmer in the sun like sterling." Reyuld closes his eyes, picturing it all before coming back to reality. "I never saw him when I was traveling through, but I like to believe he's out there."

Turning to Percival, Reynuld gives him a wink. "There's worse than bein' mountless. You could have a bum leg and a team of partners who prefer to bite than listen, sir Future Leader of the Black Knights." He rummages through a pocket of his knapsack, pulling out a few sugar cubes to offer to the Ponyta. "That said, I doubt you'll get much use out of this one if we're to be undercover. A winged beauty such as she'd be recognized for sure. Unless we're making a hasty retreat I'd suggest keeping her in the pocket. I'm sure you've got more than just the one partner, right?"

2017-09-28, 10:16 PM
Garrik sighed and did have his doubts about working with this colorful group of people, but you can't choose your group partners can you? Might as well make the most of things. He nods to each in turn listening with a bored look on his face until there is a enough of a break for him to squeeze in a few words.

"Garrik Locke," the young man yawns,"Second grandson to a very healthy family, last I checked. Avoiding notice is somewhat of a hobby of mine. Yes yes, I'm a mage and not a warrior, but it seems to me that it's just the thing we might need if we are to infiltrate successfully. I might be able to to help your mount, at least sometimes."

Targeting the Pontya, Garrik focuses his illusion magic for something useful for once. The pokemon is a bit large to fully encompass, but the wings are only a small part of her. His magic creates a veil over top of them to make them disappear, though it seems to take quite a bit of concentration to maintain such a complicated glamour effect.

2017-09-28, 10:39 PM
Well that's a neat trick, Elric says with a respectful nod, looking at the missing wings. Still, that only handled one small piece of the puzzle.

With the magic we can almost pull it off, he says with a frown. Even if we cover the wings and dye the fur, I have no bloody idea how we'd make that fire look normal, unless you can handle that too, he says, nodding at Garrik.. With that much resolved, Elric looks towards the others.

Still, let's save that for later. Think on it a bit and all that. We all know your Trapinch is impossible to disguise, Elric states bluntly, nodding at Reynuld. What about the two of you? What weirdos have your families cooked up for you? Elric asks, nodding towards Garrik and Eva. I'm just going to dye Blud, so if that'll handle yours that would be a pleasant coincidence.

At that comment Bludraven looks up from playing keepaway with Lagos, eyes bulging slightly. What did you just say? The momentary distraction is just enough for Lagos to snatch the bauble, darting away. Bludraven quickly gives chase, shouting a rather creative mixture of curses as he pursues.

2017-09-29, 11:15 AM
Eva gets a dreamy look in her eye when Reynuld mentions the Silver Stag. "Though I never did, my brother Roland managed to see it once, so I know that it's not just a legend. Of course, he was with one of our older brothers, Terryn, and no one ever believes the taleshetells. Roland says he caught a glimpse of something moving through the trees, so he wanted to check it out since they were out looking for a couple of Swinub for dinner. Roland followed it to the edge of the edge of the trees, and there it was, standing by the edge of the lake. It must've heard Terryn crashing through the trees behind him though, because it took off into the forest again a moment later. Roland painted a picture of that moment he saw it, even though Terryn says he was just seeing things. It hangs in our father's office. He says he could never do it justice, but I think it's one of the best paintings he's ever done."

Eva calls Lagos back to her and he drops the bangle in her hand. "Lagos's differences should be fairly easy to conceal. It's if he evolves when were under cover that I'm worried." When the bat's wings are spread, there are two smaller wings underneath his main ones. Eva folds the two smaller ones in her fingers and they disappear within the Noibat's fluff that covers his body. "Can you fly like that?" she asks the bat.

Lagos takes a few experimental flaps before lifting off again. Eva tosses the bangle in the air and the Noibat misses the catch. The shiny tumbles in the air only to be caught by Bludraven before it hits the ground again. "Well," she says, watching that bat fly around, "He seems to have lost some maneuverability, but that shouldn't be too much of hassle if we're not fighting."

2017-09-29, 11:23 AM
Midnight eagerly accepts the sugar cubes from Reynuld and gives him a friendly nuzzle. Of course, that's not just a sign of affection. She also wants to see if he has anymore stowed away. Percy is about to say something, both to warn him and answer his question, when an illusion covers her wings. He blinks. Magic. Right. He sighs in relief. "Thank you, good Garr-" He notices the strain it seems to be putting on him and his heart falls. "Please, do not overtax yourself. We will keep it in mind if we need to go out. And..." He sighs. "Some dye would help, yes."

"If supplies are taken care of," he says, "Then I am going to ensure that my team is ready to go. And, well." He holds up his newest capture. "I should evaluate this one. Make sure that it will not be a problem. How well it listens to orders, etc."

2017-09-29, 12:11 PM
Garrik nods back at Elric and Percy. "I might be able to hide a bit more but you are right. I can do little else while focusing on following the movements of a living being. Objects and normal fire are much simpler. And something the size of that beast would need more than just visual figments to conceal." He lets the spell drop returning to normal. "As for Comet, it is a rare variety of a rare pokemon and it would certainly draw attention to us. But my star spawned friends might serve as useful scouts." As he talks he briefly releases his Minior and Prime Unown. At a nod, the swirling mass of lid less eyes fade to invisibility.

2017-09-29, 03:07 PM
You're full of surprises, aren't you? Elric says, trying to keep the awe out of his voice with little success. Illusions and invisible Pokemon? What else could this man do?

If we're going over talents, I'm, well, a bit more mundane. If you need general brigandry, look no further, Elric states, idly playing with a coin. Infiltration, sabotage, hell, I've never tried it, but I'm open to assassination as well, if the job calls for it, Elric states. And if any of you bastards can beat me man, or woman- he says with a nod towards Eva, -to man, I'll eat my boot, he states, hoping to provoke somebody with that taunt. And that unsightly bird over there is Bludraven. He can talk, but I suppose you all probably noticed that already.

Now then, as for disguises... Elric says, looking around the assembled party. Dye for Bludraven and myself, dye for the Ponyta, paint for your armor, Elric begins, looking around the group for any other specific requests.

2017-09-29, 04:11 PM
Whether it was not because she didn't hear Elric call before, or a conscious decision to be alone, Elizabeth Montrose didn't slow her walk out of the field. She gave a half wave to Elric as he slipped into shelter, too far away for words to carry over the weather, and then vanished into the distance. Maybe next time?

Stepping in from the rain as Ava and Reynuld are discussing their previous adventures, Tybalt York takes a moment to shake off some of the rain and dampness, seemingly enraptured by the tales being woven of the wilderness and gasping in awe as Garric's pokemon fade from sight, before he seems to snap too “Oh, where are my manners today. In the excitement, I seem to have lost my head. While I have no doubt you know of me, it is still right to introduce myself as we are to work together. I am Tybalt York the third, next in line to the house of york – if mother has not appointed her potted plant the next in line by the time I graduate.” Tybalt said with a low, flourishing bow, a big smile on his face and a short laugh “I'd wager I share many of Percival's talents, having shared a few tutors, though I do not think I match his skill – I am trained to fight from pokemon-back and account for myself with sword and lance, and I've had some coaching in managing and running a battlefield, which might help if we do go posing as mercenaries; I can play the captain, haha.” he adds cheerfully, still oozing easy-going confidence, as if the danger or risks of the task hadn't occurred to him, or he believed whole heartedly they where more than up to it “Now, if we're showing off our pokemon, behold! Oh, and watch out, she's a bit of a prima donna”
A flash of a callstone later, and Tybalt's heraldry pokemon was sharing the cozy space out of the rain. fittingly, for the heir to white rose city, Tybalt's pokemon was a roselia, the two roses on the flower pokemon's arms a perfect snow white, and it's leaves a lucent, pale shade of green. The creature perfectly matched the icon emblazoned on his shield, and compared to a standard member of it's family, the thorns seemed sharper and more plentiful. The Roselia began to preen and primp the moment it saw eyes where on itself, a self satisfied smile on its small face “My family's pokemon should be easy to conceal in the same manner as Sir Elric's, but I'd like any second opinions I can get; I'm told I am as subtle as a Rock Slide. I will likely have to find a new shield regardless – this one might be rather conspicuous.” with that, Tybalt wheels round to face Eva, smiling widely as he takes another step closer, almost touching in the cramped conditions of the shelter “My apologies for interuppting such brilliant tales of bravery and beauty, earlier. Tell me, Lady Arlington, do you have any more such tales you may want to share, over tea, perhaps” Tybalt said, taking Eva's hand and kissing it, once again completely unaware of others personal space, before he was yanked backwards, Lady Celeste holding his ear and pulling him away. “...owowowowow Marriane, what gives?”

“Lady Avington, I must apologise for this geodudehead – I mean, my lord's – advances. He means well, but he can sometimes forget himself. I'm Marianne Celeste, retainer to this oaf. My family has served his for genertions, and when he got it in his head to be a knight, I was dragged along too” Marianne sighed, still holding onto Tybalt by the ear, the much taller man struggling in her grasp, before letting him go to give an elaborate curtsey, lifting her simple-if well made- skirts to keep them from brushing the floor, the act revealing a small pistol strapped to her lower leg. “I will do whatever I can to help out, but I'm afraid I might not be of much use. I don't particularly have any battlefield skills besides some small talent with medicine and... I fear as with my admission to the academy, I was chosen because I am lord Tybalt's servant and aide, rather than my own merits” Marriane added in a small voice, her eyes downcast “Especially if we're to face a functional weapon or such a task. I suppose... if I had to volunteer a skill, I am good at blending into a crowd, and I can... pass a commonor, very well. I.. I may be able to help out making disguises, as well; I have some talent with needle and thread.”

“Awww, don't put yourself down, so, Marriane. You have so many wonderful talents; you can brew an excelent cup of tea, and it's amazing what you can do with fabric and string. You needn't be so modest” Tybalt added when she finished, slipping out of her grasp and idly rubbing his now red ear, smiling at Eva but keeping a step away. Marriane, for her part, seemed to shrink more at the comment, a fountain of doubt.

“At least my pokemon can't give us away...”

Celeste is not a name of a noble house, or if it is, it's so minor so as to hardly count at all. Considering how Marianne referred to herself, she is most likely not a noble at all, but she seems reluctant to admit it

When Marianne Celeste mentioned her talents, it seemed like she was holding something back, especially from Tybalt

2017-09-29, 04:23 PM
Elric nods as Tybalt explains his talents, listening carefully. Unfortunately, Tybalt would likely be a liability on this mission; was there any chance they could convince him to play a mute? That might help...

I'm sure we could find a lowly lord willing to trade with one of the great House York with little effort, Elric says, putting just enough subtly on his sarcasm so as for it to hopefully go over Tybalt's head. I can certainly look into finding dye for your comrade though. We may wish to give you a haircut or something of the like though; with your size, you'll be conspicuous and draw eyes no matter what. The less you look like a York, the better odds we have of succeeding. And Lady Marianne, Elric says, his voice softening as he spoke to somebody more like himself, Passing as a commoner is a rare art here. I would appreciate whatever aid you can give me in acquiring disguises, Elric says, musing to himself about how he might use the alone time with the woman to get leverage over Tybalt.

Now, with introductions complete, we do have one last issue to address before we prepare. Our roles within this mercenary company. Tybalt, as commanding and powerful as you are, I don't think many would buy that you are the leader of a band of killers for hire; you're simply too kind and pleasant to be around, Elric states, trying to be as gentle as possible. If I may, I would like to put myself forward as the face of our band. I am lowborn, if only half, and even if discovered I have the best alibi for investigating the rebels. I also, well, look the part, Elric says with a slight smirk as he gestures towards his attire. It would be a title in name only, but nobody will buy a mercenary band that can't seem to decide upon its leader, after all, the boy says, idly playing with his eyepatch.

Charm to not offend Tybalt: [roll0]

2017-09-29, 04:52 PM
Marrianne seemed to cheer up somewhat as Elric adresses her, some of her gloom vanishing "I'd be honored to accompany you, Sir Feathers. I believe I have some idea's to cover Sir Alexois' steeds wings, especially if it's still raining in Argyll"

Tybalt clapped Marrianne on the back, gently nudging her towards Elric as he considers what the rogue said to him"Oh, of course. You make a good point, Sir Elric - you are the most intimidating of us all, I must say. Why, if I didn't see the inate nobility of your blood shining through, I'd be afraid to talk to you myself, so I have no doubt you can cow the insurgents into believing our ruse" Said Tybalt cheerfully "And I'll take up that suggestion; I bet I'd look dashing with a roguish ponytail, wouldn't you say?"

2017-09-30, 10:45 AM
Garrik is amused by all the go stroking going on with Tybalt. "You sure do like to her the sound of your own voice," he replies to Elric. "A fine quality for a low class brigand. Better anyone else than me. It would be quite hard to observe and manipulate with the spotlight on me. I think a simple cloak and some dirt is all I'll need to to come off as an apostate mage, trying to hide his identity. I have some of my own preparations to do before we leave, so if there's nothing else I may just excuse myself."

2017-09-30, 12:48 PM
With a voice like this, who wouldn't? Elric says with a smirk, ending his coin tricks as he slips it into a pocket.

There is one thing, Sir Garrik, before you leave, Elric says, a slight smirk playing across his lips. I've never had the pleasure of fighting a mage. One on one, or Pokemon by our sides, I don't care. But I want to see what you can do other than those little light shows, Elric says, drawing his sword a few inches from its scabbard. What say you?

2017-09-30, 01:38 PM
with that, Tybalt wheels round to face Eva, smiling widely as he takes another step closer, almost touching in the cramped conditions of the shelter “My apologies for interuppting such brilliant tales of bravery and beauty, earlier. Tell me, Lady Arlington, do you have any more such tales you may want to share, over tea, perhaps” Tybalt said, taking Eva's hand and kissing it, once again completely unaware of others personal space, before he was yanked backwards, Lady Celeste holding his ear and pulling him away. “...owowowowow Marriane, what gives?”

“Lady Arlington, I must apologise for this geodudehead – I mean, my lord's – advances. He means well, but he can sometimes forget himself. I'm Marianne Celeste, retainer to this oaf. My family has served his for genertions, and when he got it in his head to be a knight, I was dragged along too”

Eva blushes deeply as Tybalt takes her hand. He does, however make a large misstep as he opens his mouth. "My name is Avington, Sir York." She pulls her hand away as Celeste takes his ear. "I understand. I grew up with four brothers. I know how their minds work sometimes. It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Celeste."

2017-09-30, 07:03 PM
With a voice like this, who wouldn't? Elric says with a smirk, ending his coin tricks as he slips it into a pocket.

There is one thing, Sir Garrik, before you leave, Elric says, a slight smirk playing across his lips. I've never had the pleasure of fighting a mage. One on one, or Pokemon by our sides, I don't care. But I want to see what you can do other than those little light shows, Elric says, drawing his sword a few inches from its scabbard. What say you?

"As you wish." Garrik sighs. "Though it would be nice to show some of my other spells." He offhandedly grasps at Gazers ball before gesturing to an open area off to the side.

Our duel thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?537877-PTU-Poke-Knight-Academy-Duel-Thread&p=22434406#post22434406)

2017-10-01, 11:10 PM
After a rather humiliating defeat at the hands of Garrik, Elric decides to do something he was more adept at: shopping, or, more specifically, haggling. Anywhere not inside the walls of the Academy was a welcome change of pace, and Elric was more than happy to get away from the others with Marianne.

Elric started, of course, by buying the various party supplies. 3,000 was probably more than he needed, as Elric quickly learned. Through some shrewd haggling Elric was able to buy enough dye for himself, the Murkrow and Percival's horse with little trouble, and had enough left over for some basic medicines. With the warmup done, Elric managed to trade the Nidorina for a few magically enhanced Pokeballs that would give him yet another trick to use in battle. Other than that, Elric replaced his Great Ball, and bought Bludraven a rather gaudy necklace that the Murkrow was happy to strut about in. Throughout the entire day Elric made conversation with Marianne, trying to subtly pry a few choice facts out of the woman while still remaining pleasant.

The rest of Elric's day was preparation, although of a different sort. He replaced his shield emblazoned with the House Ruven sigil with a plain one in the armory, and took the time to find a weapon different than the sword. While it had a certain knightly charm he was a fan of, his fight with Garrik had very clearly illustrated that it wasn't his best option. Instead, Elric took a long length of chain with a nasty, spiked mass at the end. While it took the rest of the day to get used to, by the time night fell Elric felt confident enough in his capabilities with it to leave his sword behind in favor of the chain. The boy was exhausted by the time he finally went to sleep for the night, but still took the time to dye his hair as well as Bludraven's beautiful feathers (to only minor complaints).

The next morning, Elric sauntered into the designated meeting place, new equipment hanging from various places on his person. A small sack was slung over one shoulder, primarily just holding spare clothes and other more conventional equipment. If the others were there, Elric went to wait with them, idly talking with Elizabeth until Kayes arrived.

Sell Nidorina for 2,500!
Buy Eviolite for Blud for 3,600!
Buy two Flash Cases for 1,440!
Buy a Great Ball for 400!
Buy Black Hair Dye x2 for 450!
Buy Black Feather Dye x2 for 450!
Buy White Hair Dye x2 for 450!
Buy Super Potion x2 for 760!
Buy Antidote x2 for 400!
Buy Burn Heal x2 for 400!

And Guile to learn things from Marianne: [roll0]

2017-10-02, 05:43 PM
Elric shopping trip with Marriane goes well, the female initiate making a few detours to grab a few reams of roughspun cloth and clothing dyes, as well as a heavy tarp she says she has a plan for. carefully grilling her about Tybalt and herself, you get a few minor facts and a lot of fond complaining about Tybalt - calling him rock headed, clueless and every other synonym she can think of, and she seems to be relaxing from the morning out of the academy. She mentions serving Tybalt since the two where both small, his mother's disappointment at Tybalt's choice of profession and the fact he never displayed much aptitude in the family's hereditary poison magic, as well as letting slip she has a second task from Duchess York than just looking after her son, but when she realized she'd mentioned it she started to panic, going tight lipped and then tried to segue into asking about your family, though you did learn she's bbeen in direct contact with Duchess York despite her low station

--- --- ---

The last night passed without incident. The rain of the day before made good it's threat, growing into a heavy thunderstorm as the day went on, but for the most part, it continued as a standard day at the academy for each of you, pursuing your schedules and free time. The only real difference is a slight shift in the constant gossip, a few times you catch people watching you that normally wouldn't – while the details of the job have yet to break to the public, it's clear you yourselves have become a topic of conversation, tough whether that's good or bad is yet to be seen

As the clocks across the city began to chime 8am, each of you made your trip to the Station.While a straight road, and with traffic light due to the weather, it was still a good 30 minutes away without hiring a coach. A small crowd of other initiates had gathered at the Academia's gates to watch you leave, many of them being unusually friendly, everyone trying to be your friend in case you come back famous. Eva finds herself showered by an almost insane amount of flowers and compliments, and even Elric has many students that had shunned or ignored the bastard where suddenly trying to make ammends.

--- --- ---

With countless of the railway lines that intersect Albion diverging into a tangled spider-web, Queen's Crown Station is the gate to the nation from Rosebay City; a vast building, it's modern and efficient architecture standing a clipped contrast to the more archaic and decorative buildings that neighbour it, and stepping inside you can get a glimpse of how landed remoraid feel. The building is packed to the brim with people going too and thro, the roads outside awash with waiting carriages drawn by irate ponyta or spluttering, noisy automobiles – either discharging their passengers or crowding to await their arrival, and the noise is staggering. On the upper walkways stroll noble and well-to-do families from their private train cars, luggage from buisness trips or vacations with them, while on the lower platforms emerge throngs of workers coming into the city from the suburbs to head to factories and shops, or leaving for a days work in the farms and fields. A little lost Furfrou is making quite a racket, barking as it rushes through the cramped space and any tiny hole it can find, looking for its owner – and providing just the distraction needed for the most plentiful 'worker' in the station building, the many pick pockets that use the press, the chaos and the rush to their advantage, making off with the valuables of anyone that lets their guard down

Thankfully for you, with the recent discord and discontent at your destination – a favoured topic of the broadsheets, speculation and rumours taking wings – your platform is fairly quiet, free of the usual casual riders or explorers. Arriving, Elizabeth is already there, giving a curt nod to each arrival. The water mage has swapped out her stylized cerulean armour for a roughspun blue dress and traveller's cloak, a wide brimmed hat of last years fashion over her short blonde hair. While it looks very different from her usual style, she looks very uncomfortable out of her armour, and keeps reaching for a trident handle that is no longer there. She seems to cheer up a bit when you turn up, happily making awkward small talk though her topics tend towards battle and strategy, asking about personal feats in combat.

Marrianne and Tybalt arrive at the last minute, Marriane seeming stressed and dragging the upper Lord along behind her, him still wearing the same relaxed, confident smile as the day before. The two managed to make their way through the crowd easily enough, Marriane deftly navigating the press while people stepped out of the way of the nearly 7 foot youth with a sword at his side. Tybalt seems to have taken Elric's advice, his frosty blond hair now cut close to his hairline and far less immaculate, while Marrianne had forgone the ringlets, her black hair now falling to her waist and tied off near the bottom with a simple red ribbon. Tybalt was still in the same armour as the day before, but the cloak of his family colour and the emblazoned shield where absent, and he seemed to have tried to overcompensate on looking less like a noble lord, buying a cloak that looked like it was made of more patches than material, and his armour looked like he'd hosed it down in sand or grit. Elizabeth met Tybalt with a scowl, ignoring him, but she gave an understanding nod to Marrianne, and Tybalt looked to be trying to avoid Eva's eye after yesterday's goof.

“Did you manage to find everything we need, Elric?” Tybalt asked good heartedly “I think we should get everything ready before we arrive, don't you agree? First impressions, and all that. I've never been that far north so I am looking forward to it. Your family live in Gaul, right, 'Liz?” to witch he just got another scowl, her turning away from him and making a show of ignoring him

“uuum, excuse me, Sir Alexois, if it's not too much of a hassle, could I please see your Ponyta?" Marrianne asked, breaking off from Tybalt to talk to Percival, rummaging through her luggage "It might be better to try this before we get onto the train”

2017-10-02, 07:38 PM
Percy thinks it's only natural that the other students would try and get in his good graces. He has proven himself and been shown favor for it. The nature of that favor may not be to his liking, but he fully grasps the responsibility and trust placed in him along with it. He's not about to shirk his duty. That is not the Alexios way. So, he politely nods and smiles once or twice to those who try to use obvious ploys in order to gain his favor. They pretend to like him and he pretends to believe them. When he returns victorious, he will make good use of those sentiments, to be sure.

The next day, Percy's choices for disguise are fairly simple. His armor was a suit of hardened leather anyway, not the official full-plate of the Black Knight as he had yet to officially join the ranks. So, simply removing the device from his shield and switching out the family tabard for a plain one made him look like an inconspicuous foot-soldier.

He smiles at Marianne. "Of course. What did you have in mind?"

2017-10-02, 07:46 PM
When Elric arrives, he begins looking around at all the other students with a frown. For a covert mission, the school was making a rather big show of sending them all off. For the most part, Elric is at least respectful to those that had shunned or ignored him, although any that had made the mistaken of calling him a whoreson simply got the iciest stare he could muster. When they finally arrive at the railway, Serhe subtly lets his own Furfrou out, keeping a close eye on it as it tried to calm the lost Pokemon. For some time Elric contents himself with making small talk with Elizabeth, at least until Tybalt shows up and speaks to him.

More or less, I believe, Elric says, before tossing a small back of supplies towards Reynuld. Here's what I could find after buying disguises. Hopefully it'll be enough to keep us in one piece, he says, before tossing a second, smaller satchel to Percy. Some white dye. Won't do much for the fire, but could help with some of the more mundane things, Elric says, before looking around for a moment, and whispering quietly to Elizabeth.

M'lady, Elric says, speaking more like a commoner than another noble, Whatever your issue with Lord Tybalt is, I suggest you put it aside for the moment, otherwise I'm likely to end up dead because of it, he hisses, hoping that his earlier friendliness would earn him some points here. And if I die, how will I ever repay you for your kindness?

For Reynuld
Super Potion x2
Antidote x2
Burn Heal x2

For Percy
White Hair Dye x2

2017-10-03, 10:20 AM
Eva graciously waves away any attempt to actually hand her flowers, as if her brothers found out they would feel personally obligated to hunt every single one of them down. She's changed her cloak out for a normal black one, but other than that, is dressed normally. Since Larkspur is a mountain town, most of her clothes are made of heavier material and resist wear and tear, not unlike what hunters normally wear and shouldn't look out of the norm for commoners.

She greets everyone as they arrive with a smile and a "Good morning!", even Tybalt.

If he allows, she'll pull Tybalt aside to talk to him after he seems to be avoiding her. Once she gets him away from the group, she says, "Sir York, there are no hard feelings about yesterday, correct? I am sorry that I may have embarrassed you in front of the others. I wasn't thinking. Can we put this aside for the mission?" She offers him a handshake, hoping that he'll see her more like an ally or partner than a lady.

2017-10-03, 08:32 PM
The night before. Garrik lamented the rain and clouds that obscured his view of the night's sky. Still that didn't stop him from at least trying to get one last look of the night's sky from this corner of the world. Wrapped in a long, hooded traveling cloak with his three pokemon in tow. Gazer and Nebula's eyes looked to the sky and Garrik took a peek through his handheld telescope trying to find a gap in the storm. He had brought his Great Work with him, a giant tome hanging from his back in it's waterproof case if it turned out he could see enough to add another night's work into his star maps

After some time outside, Garrik finally saw what he was waiting for and a small break in the clouds appeared and few faint stars twinkled beyond it. However, it was no ordinary twinkle; it was the moment he was waiting for. Watching closely, Garrik could see a small pokemon seemed to descend from the star and impossibly traverse the massive distance in seconds. Though he had seen it many times, the sight still amazed the stargazer. Still, something happened that he did not expect and instead of a single Unown appearing before him, a second one floated down to greet him this time. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. He still wasn't sure what about him attracted the strange pokemon, but it seemed his connection was growing. Wordlessly, Garrik smiled, rather pleased with himself.


Confidently, Garrik strode through the crowds like he owned the places, wearing a deep blue tailored dress uniform complete with a cape that that fluttered majestically behind him. The whole getup sparkled with little points of rainbow colored lights fading in an out of view and Garrik himself emitted a bright glow everywhere he walked. His hair and beard are finely groomed and smiles and waves at anyone who looks at him.

He tries not to express any disappointment when he arrives to meet the others, many of whom were already looking very out of place. In a low voice he asks,"You don't have to hide yourselves yet, you know. If you leave the city in disguise, people may recognize your disguise. Best to hide in plain sight for the time being. Besides, might as well enjoy the recognition while we can."

2017-10-04, 04:11 PM
"Tada! I stayed up all night whipping this up" Marrianne retrieved what looks like a bulky canvas rapidash rug, with what looks like a couple of long saddlebags sewn into the underneath. Looking closer, however, and you can see the saddlebags are fake, with enough space for Tenembra's wings to fit in underneath if folded against her. While it won't be the most comfortable and may make riding her a little awkward, it should hide her wings, and the extra width when closed against her, well enough - especially when combined with the dye.
"What do you think?" she looks quite proud of it. From inside her pokeball, Percival can feel Tenemra's displeasure at the rather plain garment

The telltale yapping of the lost Furfrou is calmed as it approached, Pyree managing to get the small dog to calm down, it's pyramid haircut ruffled and bedraggled from its panic. The dog pokemon seems to cheer up when it met another of it's kind, the constant yapping taking on a more cheerful tone as it played with Pyree - and helped mask Elric's whispered conversation

"We're likely to end up dead if Tybalt comes with us. The blundering fool is treating this like a holiday vacation. Though I suppose you are correct, I must keep my mind on our task even if others will not" Elizabeth hissed back, keeping quiet but not being nearly as subtle as Elric, then sighing. "And I would miss talking to you should you perish"

"Yes, York, my family's current estates are located in Gaul, but I do not believe I will be able to play tour guide. We live in the Bearberry. i have never had cause to visit Argyll, so I suppose... this will be a new experience for me, also" Elizabeth said louder, still a hostile edge to her tone, but seemingly taking Elric's words to heart

Tybbalt looks happy to have got a response from Elizabeth, then is taken aback when Eva drags him away from the small ground, listening to her intently "Oh, of course, Lady Avington, er, Eva, I was worried I'd offended you; Marrianne always says I stick my foot in my mouth too often, and with yesterday's kerfuffle I was worried we might get off on the wrong foot" Tybalt said hesitantly, as if admitting he'd done wrong was unfamiliar to him, taking Eva's hand and giving it a shake and a smile.

When Garrick arrived, Tybalt gave him a friendly wave, looking confused when he mentioned attention, and a bit downcast with the Magi's advice

2017-10-05, 01:10 PM
For some reason I didn't think Hayes would announce our departure to the entire school, Elric says to Garrik, the annoyance evident in his voice. I'm starting to think The Academy doesn't quite know the definition of covert.

When Elizabeth whispers her concerns to Elric, the boy can't help but too agree. Still, they were stuck working with one another, so they may as well do their best to make nice.

I'll handle Tybalt. Maybe I can get him to play the mute on his vacation, Elric whispers back, before looking around at the others assembled there. So when do we get to start this journey? I'd rather we leave sooner rather than later, Elric says in annoyance.

2017-10-05, 07:21 PM
"Well, it's either brilliant or stupid." Garrik replies. "I tend to think skulking around might arouse more suspicion than this fanfare. Surely our destination isn't public knowledge. Maybe We can plan another distraction on the way. Anyways, I presume we leave when the train arrives," he finished with a smirk. He looked down the tracks both ways for a sign of their ride.

2017-10-07, 07:33 PM
Shortly thereafter, the sound of rushing steam and squeaking wheels heralded the arrival of the train, a solid brass and bronze beast a few generations old, steam chuffing out of the top and the gleaming red-painted body pulling to a stop on the station before you, the doors opening and an elderly conductor, followed by an Electabuz in a jacket and cap bearing the train company's logo, welcomes you on board, checking your tickets and directing you towards the front carriage, while he and the Electabuz work to move luggage onto the train.
As you board and find your seats, Elizabeth pulls out a small sheathe of papers she says where given to her by Cobbs – inside is a an address in Bluebell town where the train is due, a rough map of the area around Argyll marked with Bluebell and the gathering point for the crowns forces – mortons cross by the scrawled handwriting -, and the name James Cordon, presumably the informant you are to meet with.

The train pulls out of the station with a mighty whistle, and through rain-soaked windows you can see Rosebay city left behind. Rows of crowded suburbs, countless buildings, factories, shops and stores of every kind fade into the distance as rural landscapes overtake them – the journey will not be short, traveling from one side of Albion to the other, but at least the train offers comfort and commodities, even if the fare of the meals aren't quite the standard of noble plates and the jilting rocking of the train a constant companion.
Travelling cross country, though, gives those so inclined a chance to check out the sights. Tybalt and Marriane seem enthralled when the lines passed through the moors or near the great lakes, and when the train passed forts of old or ruins and carins of faiths long past - staring with intent when a stray pidgeot flew past the window or a wild rapidash tried to race the steaming behemoth. Elizabeth, for her part looked pale and concerned for most of the trip, making a point not to look out the window and barely touching her food when it came.

As the long journey draws to a close and the train pulls into Bluebell station, dusk has begun to overtake daylight and the sun is setting. Compared to the crowded station you departed from, Bluebell Station is much more humble and far less busy – a small stone building with just one line, only a few workers are milling about amicably and the trappings and furnishings are simple and basic. By this point, the nly other passangers to have rode the line this far are a couple dressed as farmers and one man in a wine-red jacket, who you recall boarded in the Capital at the same time you did. Tybalt seems to have used up the novelty of traveling as he alights and collects his luggage from the conductor, flipping a silver coin to the Electauzz as a tip, while Elizabeth just looks glad to be on solid, unmoving, ground/

Stepping out of the station and into the town square, Bluebell seems to be your every day small settlement – a few shops closed for the day, a modest white-stone church and space enough for a town market, some stalls still standing though stripped of their wares for the evening, housewives and workers going about their buisness, and the cobblestones of the town square work with use and with clear signs of the heavy footfalls of mudbray. A well lit and well loved tavern – The Fat Pidgey according to the hand-painted sign – stands opposite the station, one of the few places you can see with electrical lighting and the beginning of a nights festivities starting to kick up a song. A farming town according to the maps, it seems the industrial revolution has barely reached Bluebell, but to the north you can make out the telltale signs of factory stacks and rising smog that speak of cityscapes, and the imposing Greythorn mountains loom above the horizon to the northeast, their peaks topped with white and vanishing into the clouds
While not visible from where you are now, you know from the journey and passing it on the train that just beyond the town borders are acres of fields, full of grazing miltank and tauros, of gogoat and skiddo just beginning their winter cycle and mareep ready to be sheered of their wirey, static wool – once an unfortunate option for itchy uncomfortable clothes only for the lower classes, now a premium used in electronics across the empire. Rows of hardy crops and fields of plowed earth, ready to begin the heavy task of feeding an empire as they have for generations, even among the highland slopes.

As the day is winding down, the town square is all but empty, and you can see the fellow passenger in the red jacket heading purposefully into the tavern, a paper wrapped package in his hands. The towns folk seem to be going about their day normally, though the more astute of you can make out a few wearing wine-red armbands, and on the tall noticebboard in the town square is a prominent warning about whats happening to the north in Argyll, as well as a curfue set by the town watch.
The most noticeable of the few people in the town square, though, are a trio in nearly wine-red jackets, white breeches and short military caps stood in the shade of a blacksmith's store, with small gathering of hangers and listeners around them and the many wooden crates behind them, one of which the apparent leader of the trio – a young, blonde man with a green sash over his torso - was using as a stand to talk to and address the people, more than a few of whom are wearing armbands the same shade as the speaker's jackets. From this far away, you can't make out the words, but you can see the fervor in the speaker's actions and gestures, and the crowd seem to be entertained, some getting caught up in it, while others are giving the group a wide bearth. A woman in a farmwife's bonnet pulls her sun away from the group, hushing his questions and hurrying away, making the sign of the Arceist Church as she leaves

The address you where given is for a store, Cordon's wines, though no help is forthcoming from the small scrap of paper in finding exactly where, though the town is small enough it should be easy to find with a little searching

While the atmosphere seems relaxed, you can feel an under current of tension in the air, especially around the gathering. People are skirting around the issue, or maybe it's not that big of a concern to them, but no-one here seems ignorant of their closeness to the insurgent uprising

While hard to make out from a distance, each of the people in red has a relief of burning torch on their person somewhere. The way the three hold themselves though speaks of clear millitary training of some kind, but their outfits are just different enough from each other to make it clear their not town guard or the like

Hard to make out among their covered belongings, but you can make out the silhouette of firearms beneath a tarp – quite a few of them, rifles by the look of it though of make and quality is obscured by the tarp

2017-10-07, 07:41 PM
Percy pastes a smile onto his face at the sight of the garment. He knows Tenebra won't like it, but it will allow her to be out of her ball and him to ride her. Good. "Thank you very much," he says, accepting it with grace, "Your efforts are very appreciated. After all, I have trained to fight from her back. It would be a shame if she were not able to come out at all now, wouldn't it?"

That last bit was directed more at Midnight than anything.

"And thank you for keeping it simple. We do not want to...stand out." He glances in Tybalt's direction.


Stepping off into this town with no one to great him and no one to hail him is a disorienting experience. Percy prided himself in being more prepared for the realities of the world than the sillier members of the school, so it was disheartening to realize just how like them he really was. At least he didn't stamp his feet and turn red in the face, like a few members of their peers would have. And besides, there was work to be done. He immediately let the air of the town, both literal and figurative, wash over him. Good, the people were aware of what was going on. They weren't ignoring the troubles of the wider world. So long as they did not succumb, that fear would keep them alert.

Speaking of being alert, that woman who signed herself boded ill. As dis those men over there. Percy whispers to the group. "I am going to wander that way. When you know where we are headed, fetch me."

2017-10-09, 08:47 AM
While on the train Elric did his best to idly pass the time. He talks with Elizabeth or his other companions as he waits, while occasionally glancing out the window. Traveling had never been something Elric had been able to, so the chance to see more of the world was something that Elric relished that chance.

There was, however, one very important task that Elric tried to accomplish before they get off the train.

Tybalt, a word, Elric says, putting an arm around the large man as he sits down. I had an idea for your disguise that might help a bit. As-is, you look rather imposing. Massive, heavy armor, big old weapon. Problem is, you're the most affable person I know. It might be a good idea for, well, you to pretend to be mute. It would make it a hell of a lot easier to maintain our cover, and if people think you can't talk you might even be able to get some information.

The rest of the ride is rather tame. As they get off the train, Elric nods at Percival, before looking around. The tension in the area was palpable, and the fact that there was so many around the gathering was a rather concerning. Still, the man in red piqued Elric's interest, and he looks at his companions for a moment.

I'll be back in a moment, Elric says, before slipping into the crowd to tail the man in red, intent on figuring out what he'd brought all this way.

Stealth: [roll0]

2017-10-09, 09:17 AM
Eva enjoys looking out at the landscape as it whisks by through the window. It reminded her of how much she missed flying. The last time she'd gotten to fly was on her father's Noivern's back, about three or four years ago. She couldn't wait until Lagos evolved and she could once again feel the wind rushing through her hair and her stomach drop as they soared hundreds of feet above the ground. If it hadn't been raining, she would've opened one of the windows on the train so she could get a small taste of the wind. She passes the rest of the ride reading her Encyclopedia Pokemonica and talking with the others in her group.

Stepping off the train, she forgot for a moment that she was in Bluebell, and not in her hometown. It was so similar that it made her feel a little homesick.

"I'll come with you Percival," she replies to the Black Knight. "Something doesn't seem quite right over there. We should also probably try to stick in pairs, at least for now until we get the 'lay of the land' so to speak." Eva will follow Alexios to the gathered crowd.

2017-10-09, 09:19 AM
Over the course of the journey, Garrik phased out his dress clothing for his hooded cloak he'd worn the night he left. The rain had helped wear it down some, but the thing didn't look worn enough by his estimation. Nothing he couldn't fake, but he'd rather not spend the concentration all the time. He took every chance he got to allow it to get rained on or muddied when the train stopped moving.

Stepping out of the train was a relief. The town felt quaint at first glance, a feeling Garrik found fascinating. As much as he spent away from his holdings on his trips to his family's observatory, he'd still gotten quite accustomed to luxury. Still, things couldn't be that bad. He wrapped himself in his cloak, and even darkened the light under his hood to more properly obscure his face. Garrik had been preparing his unregistered mage disguise in his spare time, which was plentiful.

Curious, Garrik wandered behind Elric and nodded to the others before following after the other student.

I dunno if it would help but Gen Ed check to see if I know our can learn anything useful about the town [roll0]

2017-10-11, 09:12 PM
“A good idea. I'll shall see if I can find our informant while you handle matters here – would you mind accompanying me, York; I find your presence much more tolerable when you're not talking” Elizabeth said as the groups began to form, seemingly amused that Elric got Tybalt to play the Mute. The taller youth nods, nearly replying by habit but catching himself. “I believe it would be prudent to rendezvous back here within the hour if no-one has found anything. If something does come up, do let us know.” she adds as she and Tybalt begin to break away, gesturing subtly to the Encyclopedia Pokemonica on her belt, before heading into the sidestreets.

--- --- ---

Marriane joins Eva and Percival as they head towards the gathered masses, the words of the speaking growing stronger and clearer as the three of you get close. This near, you can feel a buzz of anticipation from the crowd, though more than a few are mumbling uncomfortably between themselves. The speaker, though, seems unpreturbed, his voice now picking up, and you can feel the fervor and passion in what he says; he clearly believes every word
“...toil for them every day – but it does not have to be that way. Please, my friends, do not believe the crowns lies; we are not mere dissidents or troublemakers, we aren't trying to start another war or overthrow the govornment we are just people, like you, who have had enough and are are taking what actions we can for equality, for us to be treated like people, not cattle!
To the nobles, those who declared themselves our superiors, we are just a resource, to be used up, trodden on and thrown away. Even now, the crown pushes down harder than ever – higher taxes and longer hours, wages that wouldn't feed us before they hiked the prices, harsher laws, all brought about by their feud of ten years passed, yet we suffer for it! We, who fought for them, we who died for them, we who where betrayed by them! How many of us have seen loved ones taken away, have seen children starving on the street, have seen our homes taken away and given to the 'nobles' that curried the fake queen's favour? Too many, I am sure, too many!
But we say enough is enough! Any who would build an empire on the corpses of their people are unfit to rule. It is time for us to show them that we are not their cattle, not another bauble for the to covet and discard.
Argyl city was a message, a remind that we people are not powerless, that we are unwilling to submit, to suffer for them. It was a drastic and regrettable measure, but if it is the only way to make them listen, then so be it. We have sent our demands to the crown and queen – demands for fairness, for equality for all of you – and if they are not met, then Argyl will not be the last.
It is a dark time for us all, and with the heaviest of hearts that I – and our leaders, those first few brave enough to carry the spark of hope – ask you to take up arms so soon after senseless bloodshed cost us so much, just ten short years ago. But this is for a true cause, not just for us, but for our children and the memories of our ancestors.” the speaker wiped away a tear from his eye, well and truly getting into his own retoric, but this seemed to get the crowd invested, many letting out slight affirmations or agreements, a few raising their voices in agreement – Marriane seeming to be getting caught up in it too.
“So, please, my friends – keep my words in mind, and lend us what aid you can. We promise we will protect you, we promise we will free you from the heavy chains of servitude the crown forces upon you, we promise we will never rest until justice is done! Let those who will not see their mothers and sisters suffer take up arms, let those who cannot stand to see more bloodshed wear our flag and fly our colours. We will let the crown know – the people have had enough, and the torches are closing in on their corrupt and heartless luxury!”
“I hope my words have lit a fire in your hearts, my friends – my comrades. If you feel the flames of freedom burn within you, come to us in Argyl, we will welcome you with open arms.” with that, the man stepped back taking a deep breath, holding his hands up as many of the men in the crowd stepped forward, crowding him even as the two other red-coats stepped up to take names, handing out the red armbands you saw when you arrived. “And, of course, I will be happy to answer any question until the slaves of the nobles come to chase us away. Maybe from our newcomers? Did you hear the song of freedom and come to our fair villiage, my friends?” the speaker finishes, directed towards the three of you.

--- --- ---

Following your fellow passenger into the tavern, you're met with a rush of warmth from the lit hearth as the door swings outwards, chasing away the cold and wet of the evening. The interior of the Fat Pidgey is spacious, but even still there is a press of bodies inside, most dressed in the garb of farm hands or miners. A trio of barmaids mill around, carrying trays of drinks and hot food to some of the patrons, dodging and weaving through the press deftly, and at the far end of the Tavern – near a flight of stairs leading to what you'd presume where lodging on the second floor – is a wide oak bartop and stools, a number of stuffed pidgeys fighting for space with patron's glasses, and a massive mounted pidgeot head on the back wall. Behind the counter, a genial old barkeep with balding red hair leaning over it, having an animated chat with a local.
Just to the side of the bar is a door leading into a kitchen, one of the barmaids coming out of it as you enter, giving a brief glimpse of a counter and lines of ale kegs. A burly man with a striking resemblance to the barkeep save looking twenty years younger is sat on a stool near the kitchen, a watchful eye cast over the place, especially where the crowd is getting rowdy.
Your mark doesn't take much effort to avoid being seen, walking into the Tavern amicably, nodding a hello to a few of the other patrons and looking like he owned the place. He headed straight for the bouncer before the kitchen door, exchanging a few words in a low tone, lost in the press of the crowd, before disappearing into the kitchen. You can see he left his parcel with the Barkeep,who quickly stashes it beneath the counter top

2017-10-13, 08:31 PM
Percy weighs his options. The longer he stands there, the more conspicuous he will become. He could summon Midnight, take to the air, and ride them down like the treasonous dogs they were. Of course, if he did, their mission would be a complete and total failure. And he could not tolerate failure. Nor would he live it down. Perhaps appealing to the crowd? But then again, impassioned speeches will blow their cover even more. There was no good option here.

These people were all going to die. He accepted that as fact. All traitors did, sooner or later. Yet standing here, for the first time he saw their faces. In his defense, being level with them was something new. He'd never bothered looking at them before, merely expecting them to play their part as he did his. And yet, they all had faces. Different ones. And following this path was going to lead them all to their deaths. If not at the end of his lance, then some other knight's. So, he simply spoke to them and the men up on the stage. "Please don't do this," he said, "Think of what you have. Your families. Your friends. Your city. Don't throw it away. When it comes down to it, people like me have little to lose in battle. But you have everything to lose. Go home. Care for one another. Support one another. But once you take up the sword, you can never put it down."

And then he turns to walk away.

2017-10-14, 10:44 AM
Elric glances around the bar, before smirking at Garrick.

I'd rather like to know what's in that package. Any chance you'd be willing to help? Elric says, glancing at the barkeep for a moment. People don't travel this far for no reason. If I keep the barkeep occupied, can you magic that package away?

2017-10-14, 03:09 PM
Garrik wasn't normally into getting into mischief, but this whole uncover thing was a lot of fun. And it just so happened he might have the tools to do just what Elric asked.

Already formulating a plan, he replied, "I think we can manage to do that. I have a few ideas myself."

2017-10-14, 08:38 PM
--- Percival --- Eva ---

When percival finished his heartfelt appeal, a number of the crowd that had been caught up in the agitator's rhetoric had lost their fire, listening to his words and you can feel the tension begin to simmer down. Near you, Marrianne is looking embarased for getting caught up in the moment.

One of the red-garbed men - who you can safely assume is a member of Firebrand at this point - steps forward, a sour expression and glare on his ruddy face, but the speaker from before places a hand on his shoulder, telling him to step back and turning to Percival. The other rebel gave Percival and Eva a dark look, but obeyed, going back to hoisting goods onto the cart

"My brave young lad, we do this for our city, friends, families, our loved ones. That is who gives us the strength to endure, the strength to press on, the reason we cannot back down." the lead speaker says to Percival, a bemused expression on his face and a slight hint of weariness in his words, responding to the doubt the black knight spread with the same fervour as before "but this fine young lad speaks right in the risk, my friends, and he speaks it from concern and compassion, even for strangers. Do not take up the sword lightly, do not swear this oath unless you feel it in your heart and can see no other means to help those you care for, for then you are no different from our oppressors."
"This is no easy task, no sure sure. History is full of good men like you and me - noble souls and bastards both, so far from the self-described 'nobles' who would not know sacrifice or compassion if it kicked them in the arse - who stood up for hat was just and right and where cut down, and we would never ask this of any of you should the situation not be dire, should this not be the turning point between a life of freedom or an eternity of slavery. We know we pay our lives for our cause, but some causes are worth dying for - some messages so vital they must be made, even in the blood of martyrs!" The last line was delivered as a shout, echoed by his two peers, and while the second speech seemed to have relciamed some momentum, a numer of the crowd had broken off.

As people continued to disperse, the blond haired speaker stepped up to Percival, adressing him not in the same booming voice hed used for the crowd, but a more even tone, his Gaelish accent slipping into his words "It takes a lot of heart to stand in front of a crowd and speak your mind, lad, especially an armed one. I'm impressed. I doubt we could sway yer conviction, but if you ever do reconsider, come to Argyll and ask for Robert Hendelson, tell him Jacob sent you. we could use someone with your fire."

2017-10-16, 09:15 AM
Elric grins as Garrik confirms that he's willing to help, before clapping his friend on the shoulder. I'll try to not get into too much trouble. Don't get caught, the boy says with a wink, before walking over to the bar, sitting a few seats down from where the package was currently stuffed. Elric nods towards the barkeep, trying to draw his attention over to himself. If he was like other barkeeps, getting him to start talking would be a rather trivial task.

2017-10-16, 06:35 PM
"Likewise," Garrik replies, and instead he searched for a seat at a table, preferably alone. He wonders briefly if he should take off his hood. He didn't want to look like he was up to no good, after all. Instead, however, he settles for simply putting on a jovial face which he hopes will put anyone around him at ease.

Looking for a chair to sit at, alone if possible! If it isn't, or for when he interacts with a waitress, Garrik will try to use charm to appear nonthreatening and raise their disposition towards him.
Charm: [roll0]

2017-10-16, 08:13 PM
--- Elric --- Garrick ---

as Elric takes his seat at the bar, it takes a minute or two before the Barkeep gets to him, inundated with orders or just sharing a word with patrons. He's still smiling when he gets to you, though, taking a quick moment to size you up. "Welcome lad, new in these parts? Ain't been getting many visitors over the last week since the kerfuffle happened in Argyl. What can I get for ya? My wife brews a particularly good Scotch - puts hairs on your chest it does"

After a bit of searching, Garrick manages to find a seat in the crook between the door and the wall that - while not 100 percent private - is more secluded than most of the tavern, still just an arms reach from another table, but the only resident was a plump glameow looking disapprovingly at him shooing her from where she napped, going to pester one of the barmaids.

2017-10-17, 03:14 PM
Aye, heard there might be work hereabouts, Elric says, slipping into an accent that would hopefully hide his heritage. How much for the scotch? the boy asks, before searching through his coin purse for the appropriate amount and placing it on the table.

I was gonna ask you 'bout that kerfuffle, as it were, but I find myself a bit distracted, the Bastard of House Ruven says, nodding towards the Pidgeot head mounted on the far wall. Your work, I presume?

2017-10-17, 03:25 PM
Percy doesn't know quite what to say to the man. But he nods and decides that generic is best for now. "And thank you. I believe I understand your cause a little more clearly now."

Traitors and heretics all. The leaders at least. The common people couldn't be counted to understand the finer points of religion and social hierarchy. This did not excuse them, but a merciful lord might show them mercy after the lesson was taught. Should he see any of these faces again, he'd have no compunction about riding them down.

He gives the man a tight smile and a nod. Now, if he can just slip away before this develops into a full-blown conversation...

2017-10-17, 08:03 PM
Presumably, the distraction Garrik was underway. Hopefully, it would be enough. Carefully, he released two pokemon at once; Gazer and his Unown Z. "Unown, go invisible," he whispered, hoping that the flash of a pokemon would cover his real plan. The Unown that seemed drawn to him came so frequently he never bothered to give them a name unless they joined with Nebula. Still, he'd rather not risk his one of his trusted pokemon with a task like this. Besides, a single Unown would have an easier time slinking around. "You're looking for a package like this behind the counter." Garrik forms a quick image of the package under the table. "Grab it with Telekinesis and return to me." He did not her any reply, which he took to be a good sign.

The mage leaned back, "Well Gazer, how long should we wait?" Counting in his head, he gave the Unown to a slow count of ten before getting up on his own to make sure he was there to cover the would be thief's escape.

Stealth for Unown Z [roll0]

2017-10-17, 10:02 PM
"That'll set ya back $25, lad. Be sure to brace yourself" the barkeep replied, turning to the row of bottles behind the bar and grabbing a glass bottle with a homemade paper label, then setting a glass down on the table and it half full with an amber liquid "Wish I could brag about that beast, but it was my grandpappy who took it down. got him the license to open this place, and it's been in the family since then. Now you want to watch out heading down to Argyll unless your sure of yourself, lad, but if you are I could use someone to take a package that way for me. Not much other work round here, I'm afraid, save some o' the locals claiming will-o-the-wisps and spooks on their farms at night"

the Unown cast a lazy gaze around the room from one half lidded eye as it studied Garrick's image, before turning on the spot and vanishing from sight, even as Garrick and Gazer made their own small scale distraction. A tense minute passed, then another and another, the limit on it's invisibility starting to run low before the alphabet soup pokemon reappeared before Garrick, the paper wrapped package in tow. Success!


the rebel leader took percy's response with a nod, seemingly content. He and his companions finished loading up their cart, chatting quietly among themselves, and pretty soon they where off, with the lazy clip-clop of the mudbrays hooves on the cobblestones taking them away, and Eva could soon make out them leaving the towns borders as their cart crested one of the rolling hills

the rest of the crowd in the square started to disperse, many slipping into the tavern or heading into homes, while the few villagers who had recieved those red armbands from the agitators heading off together.

2017-10-18, 12:22 PM
Elric slides the coins over, before taking a long drink as the barkeep spoke. When he mentions work, Elric's eyebrows rise slightly.

I can take care of myself well enough. Got a mercenary band I've been leading for a bit, Elric says simply, trying to keep his face calm despite the fact that he was going to be handed the package that they were trying to steal. If you have coin I wouldn't mind taking the package down, but what's this about spooks you're saying? Elric asks, hoping to draw the conversation out. Either way, anything that could make them appear more legitimate would be good for their cover.

2017-10-18, 03:53 PM
Eva breathes a sigh of relief after the situation is defused. She hadn't expected the leaders to walk over and start up a conversation. So much for being inconspicuous. "I'm glad you thought of something to Percival. I'm not the best liar. That could of been... really really bad."

She tugs her hood up and pulls out a scrap of paper where she's copied the name of the store they were supposed to find to remind herself of the name. "Cordon's Wines," she murmurs. "Shall we?"

2017-10-18, 07:51 PM
Well, now that he had the package, Garrik wasn't sure what the next step was for a successful operation. Was it more suspicious to leave without getting a drink or was it safer to do so? Honestly, when he thought about it, he didn't really fear the consequences of being caught. It was just a bit of fun, really. With his mind made up, Garrik took the package into his robes and leaned back in his chair. "Well Gazer, I guess we're in for a few drinks." The jigglypuff bounced up to the table and looked around the room in wonder. It was new to both of them, really. 'It's no starry night, but I wonder what we can learn from watching these bodies in motion." He chuckled at his own joke, and kept an eye on the crowd, Elric's plan largely forgotten.

2017-10-19, 06:36 PM
"Leading a band at your age, lad? That's impressive, I tell ya" the barkeep whistled "Well,You should be able to help us out then; bunch of the locals have been having mareep and skiddo going missin' from their flock, even a couple'a miltank gone. Normally we'd be callin' the constables to look for the rustlers and ruffians responsible, but our few eye witnesses are claiming it was the work of ghosts and spooks, things that vanished when they looked away save some snickering.
If you ask me, it's just a bunch of folks seeing things, but this has the constables running scared and with all thats happening in Argyll we aint been able to get much help save from them rebels. so if yer looking for work, I'm sure folks'd be happy to reimburse ya." the barkeep says, before going for the countertop where the parcel once was, not that Elric or the Barkeep knew that yet "Course, if you're willing to make a trip to the City, I'll pay ya well. I need to get this over there, but I can't take the trip."

From his vantage point at the table, Garrick was getting his first real view of common tavern life. Near him, some of the songs where getting rowdy as the singers started to push and rock against each other, alcholol starting to spill freely
"Can I get ya, anything?" asked one of the barmaids as she made her rounds, stopping by your table, and giving Gazer a quick pat, the Glameow you'd distrubed before cycling her legs and purring.

2017-10-19, 06:44 PM
More facilitatin' then leadin' if you catch my drift, but aye, Elric says, taking another drink. Still, might have to talk to the constable about that. Could always use more coin, especially if I'm going into a war zone.

Elric panics for a moment, before realizing that there is a very good chance that the package is still there and, if missing, he might be able to find it regardless.

I can just pick the package up on my way out of town, if need be, he offers helpfully. That way if I'm killed by spirits you won't lose it, he says with a good natured laugh. Although that's not likely to happen.

2017-10-20, 08:43 PM
"I'll have...a sample of what they're having," Garrik gestures to the singers. He almost blurted out that he'd like some wine, but stops himself short. "And Gazer her will have a water. Someone has to stay sober among us." The Jigglypuff didn't seem to mind, but he too was very interested by the singers and began to coo in tune with them, or at least at well as one could expect to follow a drunken song. "Not too loud, now," Garrik warned. He cast one last look at Elric to confirm he was still talking, and settled himself in his chair once more.

2017-10-21, 06:08 PM
--- Percival --- Eva ---

The two of you notice a slight rumble and a ding sound from your Encyclopedia Pokemonica, and retrieving the enchanted tomes, you see a message on the back page, the new communication function, presumably

"we found the shop. follow the backstreet past the tavern - Tybalt"

A few minutes journey, and the three of you find yourself at a storefront, a new glass pane window with the title Codon's Wines' printed on the front, above a rendition of the royal coat of arms... and a very clear hole punched through the centre. Outside, a wooden sign with the words 'tresspassers will be shot. No exceptions" leans against the wall, the paint looking fresh and new, and a closed sign hangs across the front door.
There is light coming from inside, but most of the shop floor is in darkness, the illumination backlighting three figures; one you can easily make out as Tybalt and a smaller feminine figure at his side that must be Elizabeth, talking to a wiry male figure

the door looks to be unlocked - heck, on closer inspection, you can see the lock has been jarred and broken.

--- Elric --- Garrick ---

"You make a good point lad. Don't want my goods going to "ghouls", ha. You'll want to talk with Goodwife Carwin if you'll be looking into them spooks - just a coupla miles up the slopes to the west. Says she's seen them more than most, and the battleaxe is chafing after her lost flock" The Barkeep nods, stepping back away from his cubbyhole and not noticing a certain missing object, considering the instructions for a moment before he gave you them "Be sure to come and give me the tale when you're done. I'm sure it'll be worth a chuckle or two over a strong drink, if nothing else. speaking of, can I get you anything else?" he adds at the end hopefully

The Barmaid seems amused at Garrick's comment, taking off towards the bar and passing the order along. Next to you, the song has progressed to verses about a milkmaid, a sailor and a tauros that should not be repeated in polite company... or impolite company, really. On the up side, Gazer's starting to get the tune down!

2017-10-21, 06:38 PM
Eva breathes a sigh of relief after the situation is defused. She hadn't expected the leaders to walk over and start up a conversation. So much for being inconspicuous. "I'm glad you thought of something to Percival. I'm not the best liar. That could of been... really really bad."

She tugs her hood up and pulls out a scrap of paper where she's copied the name of the store they were supposed to find to remind herself of the name. "Cordon's Wines," she murmurs. "Shall we?"

"It helped that I was not trying to deceive them," Percy replies, "I have no stomach for lying and therefore no practice. Had he asked uncomfortable questions, we would have been in trouble. I merely spoke from the heart." Really, the other nobles should try it sometime. Enough with the backstabbing, please.

He extends an arm out of courtesy. "I agree. Let us leave. Shall I escort you?"

--- Percival --- Eva ---

The two of you notice a slight rumble and a ding sound from your Encyclopedia Pokemonica, and retrieving the enchanted tomes, you see a message on the back page, the new communication function, presumably

"we found the shop. follow the backstreet past the tavern - Tybalt"

A few minutes journey, and the three of you find yourself at a storefront, a new glass pane window with the title Codon's Wines' printed on the front, above a rendition of the royal coat of arms... and a very clear hole punched through the centre. Outside, a wooden sign with the words 'tresspassers will be shot. No exceptions" leans against the wall, the paint looking fresh and new, and a closed sign hangs across the front door.
There is light coming from inside, but most of the shop floor is in darkness, the illumination backlighting three figures; one you can easily make out as Tybalt and a smaller feminine figure at his side that must be Elizabeth, talking to a wiry male figure

the door looks to be unlocked - heck, on closer inspection, you can see the lock has been jarred and broken.

Percy sighs heavily. Arceus help them all if he discovers that this was Tybalt's doing. However, he elects not to enter just yet, not without first consulting Eva. "I believe this is the place," he says sourly, "And it looks like our good friends are already here. Shall we go in or let them finish up whatever unsavory business they've got themselves into this time?"

2017-10-22, 09:47 PM
He extends an arm out of courtesy. "I agree. Let us leave. Shall I escort you?"

Eva takes his arm lightly, maintaining adequate space between them to be polite. "Thank you, good sir. It shouldn't be too far from here."

Percy sighs heavily. Arceus help them all if he discovers that this was Tybalt's doing. However, he elects not to enter just yet, not without first consulting Eva. "I believe this is the place," he says sourly, "And it looks like our good friends are already here. Shall we go in or let them finish up whatever unsavory business they've got themselves into this time?"

She takes a look at what use to be the lock and sighs along with Percy. "With a sign like that you'd think one might try to be more discreet. I think we should just go ahead and enter. We could be missing important information from what I'd assume is our contact."

2017-10-22, 10:57 PM
Two drinks, Elric says, putting sixty coins worth down on the counter. Plus tip, he adds with a grin. I'll be back for that package after I've dealt with the ghosts.

After getting his drinks, Elric casually walks over to Garrik's table, sliding one over to his companion.

Anything interesting happen?

2017-10-23, 08:32 AM
"Not too much really. I finished a whIle ago. Just observing for now. Figured it was less suspicious than leaving without a drink. Speaking of..." Garrik takes a sip of his drink, not sure if he likes it at first, but takes another sip shortly after. "But yes, I was successful. After we finish here I think we should regroup. I think I felt something from our encyclopedia. Did you learn anything useful?" Garrik takes another much longer drink from his mug, a single drop escaping from the corner of his mouth.

2017-10-23, 11:07 AM
He wants to pay us to deliver the package, Elric says with a wide grin. So if we could, well, put that back by the morning, it might not be a terrible plan. Other than that, there's some work to be had if we want to hunt ghosts. Not much beyond that, however, Elric says, taking a long drink.

2017-10-23, 11:22 AM
Percy nods in agreement. "You are correct, I suppose. We will have to join up with them sooner or later. So let us go." He steps forward across the threshold and clears his throat. Hmm, perhaps he better act a bit more brigandly. The Black Knights had been called such before anyway. "Ah, there you are. We found you at last." Oh well, not good for a start, but he could work on it as they went.

2017-10-24, 08:52 PM
A bell behind the door gave a tinny little tune as you make your way into the store. Racks of wine lined one far wall, green-glass bottles of many sizes set into shelves with a wide selection of red,white and rosé. A number of oaken barrels where stacked in a pyramid formation behind a countertop. The Royal coat of arms is repeated again inside, a wooden plaque on the wall behind the counter, boasting of being a 'royally recognized' brewery since 200 years ago, and next to it hangs a slightly torn military uniform, a number of medals displayed as well. There looks to be space for a rifle to hang beneath, but the hooks are empty...
…because the man talking to Tybalt and Elizabeth has turned to point it at the three of you, a steely glint in his eye. Up close, you can see a wiry sort of strength from him, and he held the gun like it was a natural extention of his hand. Marrianne eeeped and hesitated, trying to hide behind Percival
“Who the hell are you? Not got eyes in yer head?” the man asked, finger on the trigger, before Tybalt and Elizabeth reacted.
“Please hold. They're with us” Elizabeth said, stepping forward. Cordon lowered the gun, the scowl softening slighty.

“Evening, Percy, Eva, Marrie” Tybalt said enthusiastically after the gun was lowered, his attempts to be silent discarded for the moment “find anything of use from those base ruffians? What happened to Elric and the Magi... Garrick?”

“Oh, just a couple more kids” Cordon said sardonically, taking a seat at a small table in the back room and gesturing for you to follow, an odd assortment of chairs and stools laid around it, and a gass lantern in the centre, next to a few open bottles of wine of various vintage “Figures, everything's going voltorbs up and they send a bunch of greenhorns. Bloody typical really. Sorry about that, but you can't be too careful these days. You the last lot? Ah, to hell with it, if there are more coming, you can fill 'em in. I guess I can trust Kayes to have sent me his best, so you've probably got a reason fer being late”

“Here” tossing a sheathe of documents onto the table. Opening it up, you find a map of Argyll and the surrounding area, with a second note of rough scribbles about the city, There are also a few rough, blurry photographs of large numbers of men and women in regimented lines, armed with guns and swords, and a few cleaner,clearer shots of what looked to be many village squares, all showing a scene percival and Eva where familiar with, men and women in red coats preaching to the masses. A pencil sketch of an elder man in a priests robe followed, save the usual symbol of Arceus was ripped off, under which was the name 'Cornelius Randalph' and a short bio. A sketch of a three mast ship, the Dirty Goldeen with the name 'Patrick Bluequil. lodging in the 'Taurus' Head' in the Shipyards. SHow him this.' in ink. Lastly, a few dog eared sheets of paper that, on a close look, where mercenary contracts and commissons and receipts, some dating back over 10 years, all for Vossler's Glorious Company. “So you've been told the basics of the situation, I assume? That's good. In there's everything i've been able to scrape up from out here Right, now for some nitty gritty details”
“I don't know if you are aware, but the crown 'aint exactly popular round these parts. Lots of grudges and bad memories from the civil war around, something these loons are taking advantage of. A few days ago, they went from holing up and hiding in their city for a massive recruitment push – sending guys to every settlement in a days travel, maybe further, harping their cause and message. The bad part is, it looks to be working – people are lapping it up, and their 'hero of the common folk' schtick is sticking. I can't say for sure as I've lost every one of my men in the city itself over the past week, but I'd bet Dollars to Dunsparce that they've caught wind of the gathering army. Argyll's locked down tighter than the queen mother's britches, and they've been putting on quite a show. What few guys I have left in the Sprawl say they've been bringing out one noble after another each night, making 'em 'confess' to their crimes then executing em – a right old poochyena and ponyta show. Something's making em confident, and that worries me. Our window of time's closing in, and I can't help you out as much as I'd like. I had them red coat traitors in here earlier, and I recognize a few of em from the Civil war – and they recognized me, which is the bad part” He sighs, setting the rifle down on the table before him next to a half-full bottle of red wine, a slight fruity armoma coming from the bottle, nodding slightly to the broken window “and with my men going down like flies, I'm flying blind here."
After a moment where he seemed almost hesitant for words, head hung low, he snapped back up, looking over you “You kids got a plan to get in? I ain't been briefed on what you're capable of so I'm gonna trust you know what you're doing, but me and my boys have got a few tricks to call on if you need em. I'm told Sir Kays' told ya about the merc cover we managed to 'procure'? Well, we've been spreading a few choice rumours about 'Vossler' and his group of heroic merry men – two can play at telling a tale, eh – and they're only opening the gate for recruits, workers and Mercenaries, and I wouldn't want to try and get in through the sewers, but you might have a stronger stomach than me, and the damn place is built like a fortress. Getting out should be easier, since we have a merchant who owes me a favour moored at the docks. Old bastards of a smuggler helped me slip my last few boys in there, and I trust him. You'll find his name in there.”
“That's all I got to tell ya – wish I had more. Anything I can do to help you, you let me know here. I'm just one washed up soldier, but I know people and more than like to admit owe me a favour? heh, if nothing else, a toast? To us idiots loyal enough to take the suicide missions!” Cordon finished, taking a swig from the bottle before him, before offering it around the room, a crooked grin on his face highlighting a scar on his lower lip.

the uniform hanging on the wall was that used by civilian conscripts during the civil war. Cordon's colours indicate he was a soldier for Princess – now Queen – Victoria. The medal displayed is one for great valour in the field, assigned mostly to casualties or posthumoursly

Curiously, the colours and cut of the coat are very simmilar to that worn by the agitators in the town square

the Duke's Quarters are the centre of the city, an oppulant and resplendant palace within it's own separately walled segment of the city, free from the dust, chocking air and crowds of the rest of the city. The outer wall was an addition in the past two decades, erected by the last duke after a small scale riot following forced conscription during the civil war. According to Cordon, the place was set alight during the coup d'etat, a bonfire used to signify the new rulers of the city.
Only the duke and those families he favoured where allowed within this small subsection, and it was once the central point of wealth and fortune in the city, one of the largest single concentration of value in Albion before the flames.
The Shipyards are the old lifeblood of the city until 50 years ago, the oldest part of the city still standing. While still a vital shipping route for Albion, these days less ships and traffic flow through, and many of the ships are outbound, carrying recently built machines or arms. The Dock is a natural cove, and the walls of the city extend into the water around it, but value and much of the richness that once filled this space is leaving, and many of the old businesses still there are starting to struggle.
It was also rumoured to be the hotbed of the cities' old established crimes, contrasting the new breed from the Sprawl, and here is where Firebrand was rumoured to be started and where their headquaters are. Recently, there have been complaints of filth and grime from the sewer outlets starting to heavily pollute the water.
Bonsley Way is the richest region of the city, once the place every up and coming merchant and new money wanted their house to be – a location built up with the affluence and influence of those who live there. Spacious, clean and comfortable, with houses of white timbre and stone from the local quarries, it was the place to come for bespoke goods, and held a number of walled parks for those with fortune and affluence to relax. The Watchhouse was found here, and the name comes from the many Bonsley and Sudowudo imported to to give a hardy kind of greenery to the parks, able to survive all year round.
Crystal Close is the old noble quarter, the place where storied and monied families have their own estates and holdings. The Quater is said to currently be on lockdown, deserted and with most of the inhabitants made into makeshift prisoners in their own homes, or having been escorted out of the city – or to the chopping block. The Cathedral is located in Crystal Close, where the quarter gets it's name, as well as the home for most of Argyll's magical studies and services
Carneige Market: is the trading hub and centre of commerce in Argyll. A cramped space, with may buisnesses there once in the space now dominated by the industrial district, forced out by the Duke when he saw the gold the new technology could bring him, and as such the Market is fit to burst, once gentried shops now sharing space – and those unlucky enough not to afford the sharply rising prices forced to set up in the Sprawl. One of the most famous attractions of Cerneige Market is Mantine Banking – one of the oldest banks in Albion, built in the centre of the artificial lake made before Carneige was cramped and overrun, and it still has a reputation across Albion for it's street food. One of the cities two train stations is located in Carneige, both closed by the insurgents
The Narrows are the housing for the common man in Argyll, those with enough income to avoid the Sprawl but not enough to afford space in Crytsal Close or Bonsley Way. The housing here is nice if somewhat cramped and economical, many buildings multi-storied with a family per floor, and mostly housing workers in the Industrial Sector or storekeeps and the like. The commodities of every day life are found here, and it is one of the spots of Firebrand's most impassioned support
The Industrial District dominates much of Argyll, the sky above it a constant miasma of smog and smoke from countless factories working non stop. The beating heart of the engineering profession in the North, Argyll's industrial distruct underwent a massive growth in recent years, forcing out older districts and buisnesses to make way for new ways. With access to trade routes, local resources, and bringing in skilled tradesmen and inovators from across Albion – and the world – it was in a prime location to sieze the market, and the deceased Duke ensured it happened, even if such a move earned him the ire of the rest of his subjects, siezing land and offering tax breaks to the new industry.
Massive amount of machinery, metal goods and arms move from the Industrial District every day, and from the smoke clouds, it's clear it's still running to this day. The local branch of the Engineers guild set up shop amidst the almost maze like streets of the Engineers District, further cementing it's wealth and future. Most of the manual labour in the city works in this district, and vast amounts of every resource possible are brought in from outside every day to fuel the engine.
The Industrial District is walled off from most of Argyll, once the place with the highest watch presence to ensure every peny is successfully extracted and fed back into the city and the duke's coffers, with none falling to 'reprobates or beggars'. While the gates open easy, the district can be locked down as well with just two choke points to escape, in case of riot or fire from the many experimental engines and the cramped, crowded factories
The Sprawl is the informal name for the many recently constructed slums that rose up around Argyll as the demand for labour with the exponential growth of the industrial, mechanical and production buisnesses in the city as the last duke refocused much of the ancient city in a new direction.
Outside the walls and formed of ramshackle and haphazard housings of every different stripe and type, many hastily constructed, in cramped and tight conditions, where people are pressed together. A virtual and partialy lawless shanty town, it's also the base of much of the more distasteful elements of the city, with illness and crime rampant, as well as formerly being a hotbed of anti-government sentiment, with near daily raids by the city guard before the rebelion

Also known as the false priest. A former bishop of the church that was excomunicated four years ago when it was found he was guilty of grand heresy, abuse of his position and conspiring with factions from Kalos against the crown, as well as attempting to poison other high ranking church officials. The note says he was spotted in the area recently, and goes on to warn about him being a powerful magus and orator, underlining a warning to run if he is spotted, as well as a substantial reward for his capture, preferably dead. In more recent ink is the words 'blocking scrying?' and 'firebrand fits his MO. Possible instigator or member'

2017-10-26, 07:52 AM
"Put it back?" Garrik snorts."I could have one of my friends sneak it back in somehow I'm sure. Without looking inside even?" He downs the rest of his drink. It had disappeared faster than he thought. "We'll worry about that in a minute. I'm going to check on the others. Come on Gazer, lead me out." The mage was a bit wobbly on his feet without the help of the little Jigglypuff nearby to lean on. Gazer navigated the the chairs, tables, and people on the way to the exit.

If he gets out without problems, Garrik will check his encyclopedia and catch up with the group if he can!

2017-10-30, 03:51 PM
Seems easier than trying to string together too many lies, Elric says. We can check it out without issue once we're delivering it for real. But aye, let's hit the road, Elric says, finishing the last of his drink as well and following Garrik.

2017-10-31, 11:48 PM
As the mans rifle swings to point at them, Eva's hand tightens around Vigil's callstone in the pocket of her her cloak before Elizabeth can call him off. "Good evening, Sir," she says evenly, taking her hand out of her inner pocket.

She smiles at her other two companions, but her face falls as she answers, "Unfortunately nothing we didn't already know, Tybalt. Firebrand is calling upon the common people with frightening efficiency. Garrik and Elric followed a rather suspicious package, but they should be along shortly."

She listens intently to Cordon's information, eyes flicking to the uniform and medal displayed on the wall as he mentions the civil war and widening when she realizes that the medal is usually one awarded posthumously. In her opinion, that alone was proof enough that his man was to be trusted.

"Currently I believe our plan is to infiltrate the city by going to the gates as the mercenary company with the papers, with Elric acting as our leader. After that, we gather as much information as we can. 'Identify the means, resources and leaders of the uprising and how they intend to defend and hold the city, as well as what noble house or institution must be backing them, retrieve the blueprints for the weapon in the Engineer District, and then to bring them to the armies commander'," she paraphrases from Sir Kayes' speech from just yesterday morning.

Eva grins as Cordon offers the bottle, but politely declines. "I'm sure it's delicious, but I would like to keep a clear head for now. I'll take you on that drink when we come back."

2017-11-01, 08:57 PM
Leaving the Fat Pidgey, Garrick's check of his humming tome gives him the same directions as Eva and Percival got, and following it, the two of them made their way to the wine store a few minutes later, in time to see the aforementioned duo enter. You can faintly hear Eva through the door

2017-11-01, 09:10 PM
The gun gave Percy pause, but a Black Knight never shows fear. Or at least he tries not to. Nope, definitely no fear. The cold drop of sweat that went down the back of his neck was mere coincidence and he dared anyone to say otherwise. But he refrains from saying anything. And it wasn't because he was afraid his voice would tremble. It certainly wasn't because, despite all his training, no one had ever pointed a gun at him before.

The news, however, is not good. But he agrees with Eva's assessment. "Of the lot of us," he says, "We believe that Elric is the most...suited to play that role." It wasn't a compliment, but it was an accurate summary of Percy's view of the situation. "And I will turn down the drink as well."

2017-11-01, 09:51 PM
Shall we? Elric says, slurring his words slightly as he pushes through the door, not waiting for Garrik to respond. When he spots his allies within, Elric tosses them a mock salute, before nodding towards the man.

Sorry for our lateness. Did I miss anything exciting? he asks casually, cracking his neck from side to side.

2017-11-02, 08:36 PM
Garrik followed the boy into the wine shop. "Now this is more like it." He says offhandedly while looking around the room. The local bar was an interesting experience to say the least, but wine was he real favorite. He was so fixated on the bottles, it was a wonder he noticed the uniform and medals hanging on the wall at all, or the now lowered rifle.

"Looks like we missed the whole thing and skipped to the drinking," Garrik remarks to Elric. "Again, that is. My apologies for arriving late." Garrik bows his head at his companions and especially to the war hero in front of him.

Gazer shuffles in behind the mage, humming the tune he had learned just moments before at the bar.

2017-11-06, 08:31 PM
"Fair enough. Suit yourselves" the old soldier said to Percy and Eva, throwing back a shot right from the bottle as Garrick and Elric entered. A few minutes later, and the information had been repeated for everyone

"Kayes thinks a noble house is behind this, eh? They're orginized and well supplied, true, but I just can't see it. Maybe a foreigner, or someone who jumped ship during the civil war and now regrets it...
The engineering college - you can't miss it. it's the newest building in the Industrial Sector and the only one that's not covered in a layer of smog. Obnoxiously big too, like the old DUke needed to show off" Cordon aid, tapping a spot in the map, to the north of the city "Getting there might be a hassle though, even when you get inside albion - the gates in and out aren't just for show, and there's no way they hit Argyl first without wanting those forges, so it's gonna be swarming with rebels..." cordon trails off, a little less bitterness to his words and thinking "still, can always try going under them, if ya don't mind the smell, or see about convincing the guards you're supposed to be there. worst comes to worst, that little corner of the city'll go up like a candle with a big enough spark. too much fuel and combustibles crammed together"

Tybalt looked to be listening to Cordon, but after Elric and Garrick came in and took their seat, he seemed to shift his attention "So, did you find anything good?" Tybalt asked enthusiastically "any dark secrets? did you get that delivery? and Percy, what was it like coming face to face with a rebel? can't be like back on the training fields, right?"

he seemed to be enjoying this. To his side, Marrianne looked deathly embarrased, and Elizabeth scoffed, picking up some of the documents and reading them through.

2017-11-07, 10:58 PM
"Well," Garrik says after getting brought up to speed. "You have been busy over here. Our own side trip was interesting for a while, but I think it might be more trouble than it was worth." The young man sighs with exasperation. "We have the package, but we may have gotten a job from the man we took it from. Two in fact, one of which being to take this package some where. I wonder if it might be worth the time to carry them out in order to strengthen our claim to be a mercenary band. If it's worth the time, that is. There's no telling how long we have."

Garrik reached for the bottle, however, "I think I do need a sip to help me think better."

2017-11-08, 11:18 PM
"If it comes to burning it down, I suppose that is better than leaving it in their hands. And it seems I am the best prepared. Midnight and I can fly away, should it come to that, and escape." Percy envisions himself, flying on Midnight, the rebels burning behind him. In his dream, he shouts down a witty axiom that leaves them in awe of their own ignorance and short sightedness. Of course, given the situation, that would not be wise or the best outcome.

In response to Garrick, he says, "Aggravating. Very aggravating. I couldn't attack him for fear of blowing our cover."

2017-11-09, 07:14 PM
Nothing worth mentioning, Elric says in response to Tybalt's question. Might be able to get us some coin though, if we feel the need to put in a little extra work tonight, Elric adds, before looking at the map.

What's to stop us from just walking in? They'd let rebels go to the College, right? Elric says, the baseline of a plan starting to form.

2017-11-12, 07:24 PM
Cordon happily handed over the bottle to Garrick when he asked. Taking a sip, it has a very strong fruity flavour, leaving a pleasant burn on the way down. "Huh, the inkeep you say? damn, and I'd have staked Patrick for a loyal man, or at least too much of a coward to risk his own neck. Still, you raise a good point, lad - having buisness in the city from one of their own should help you get in. Think you can get it open and close it again without making it too obvious. I'll admit I'm curious"

"That does make sense, Elric - there's no need to keep your own out, after all. are you saying we should join the rebels?" asked Marriane, slightly unsure but clearly thinking "or... steal their uniforms? I suppose we could catch up to their recruiters or waylay someone within the city - acting honourale may not aid us here, after all"

2017-11-12, 08:16 PM
If all of us have the stomach for it, Elric says with a pointed look at Percy, We join. If we get caught with stolen uniforms in a place we shouldn't, we're dead. If we get caught somewhere we're not supposed to be as recruits, well, things are a might bit easier for us.

2017-11-13, 10:00 PM
Eva nods, agreeing with what's been said so far. "Percy even got an offer by one of the rebels. He said to go to Argyll and ask for Robert Hendelson, and to tell him that Jacob sent us. That gives us some credibility at least."

2017-11-14, 11:15 PM
Percy rankles at the idea of joining, but can't argue with the logic. He wants to live long enough to be honorable, after all. "As you say, Elric," he says coolly, "You won't find complaint from me in that matter."

"That I did," he affirms, shifting uncomfortably, "However, I am unsure as to whether or not we could reconnect with them. Given the...circumstances of our parting, I doubt they would accept me without questions. And I have no skill at lies."

2017-11-16, 09:03 AM
"I'm curious as well," Garrik says, the package still hidden in his cloak. He passes the bottle to Gazer to free his hands and the Jigglypuff closes one eye to peer into the mouth before turning it upside down to gulp down much of the rest of the drink. Garrik carefully produces the package to look at it more closely.

"As for the rest, if nothing else, it gives us an alibi to get past the gate. You needn't lie, or even meet with anyone if Elric acts as our representative. Either way, we're going to have to be discreet."

2017-11-16, 05:37 PM
Hell, you can be sullen and angry about it if you want, Elric says. Might be more convincing then. Leader of our merry little band wanted to join up, and you got roped in as a result. Not even a lie, Elric continues, before turning to Cordon and the others.

What do you think? Terrible idea, or halfway plausible?

2017-11-16, 09:48 PM
judging by its weight and shape and the slight 'tink' when you move it, Garrick can conclude it seems to be a box of some kind beneath the wrappings, the contents somewhat loose, and putting your ear close to it when you shake it, you can hear the faintest sloshing of liquids; the whole thing is a little larger than your average book, longer and wider than it is deep. The wrapping itself is unmarked and plain, offering no clues.

It would seem the most efficient route we have to complete our task; since we already have both an invite and an excuse, then providence supports us, and it would be rude to turn it down - and I am sure a simple show of skill would put any of their doubts away, Percival. let your actions do what words cannot. " Elizaeth said, her lips quirking into a slight smirk "though I do fear we may have a rather boring show of it, if all does go smoothly. A pity, but there will be time to enjoy ourselves once we meet with the oncoming army and take to the field proper"

2017-11-19, 02:43 PM
"Well I'm in agreement. But I I'll let you all think on it for a few. I should return this package before it is missed." Garrik sighs as he puts the object in question away. He turns to leave with a flourish of his cloak. "I'll be right back. This shouldn't take long."