View Full Version : Optimization Swashbuckler

2017-09-22, 10:10 PM
With the 30th anniversary of my favorite film, "The Princess Bride" around the corner, I took another look at the swashbuckler class.

Is it me, or does it seem strange that it's optimized for two weapon fighting, and more specifically, optimized for two short swords, unless you burn a feat on two weapon fighting style?

I guess I just think of fencing swashbucklers using a rapier, or a rapier and a main gauche.

The Zoat
2017-09-23, 06:41 AM
Dual-Wielding is optimal for most rogues ultimately. The option of trying again when you miss your otherwise only attack of the turn gives the class a lot more consistency so you don't feel like an absolute idiot when you swing at the ogre, miss and and run away without doing anything. If the swashbuckler gave you shield proficiency, that also would be quite viable.

2017-09-23, 08:58 AM
It is on its face optimized for TWF, but all it does is free up your bonus action. Dip fighter or anything else for shield proficiency and grab shield master. Take some levels in sorcerer and quicken BB.

There are loads of paths to take the character down if you are open to MC that utilize that bonus action.

2017-09-23, 09:51 AM
Le Mousquetaire Noir: Lucifer

Tiefling Winged Variant.

Dragonic Bloodline Sorcerer (Red Dragon) 1
Hexblade Warlock (Pact of the Blade) 4
Swashbuckler Rogue 12

Str 10
Dex 18
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 20

Lawful Evil: He believed in torture equal to the pain the criminal had made his victimes suffer. He was however Kind to his friends and to those who were not harming anyone (by his standards), and lead a Hedonistic life.

Feats: War Caster, Crossbow Expert, Sharpshooter, Dual Wielder

Was a Renaisance-inspired One-Shot Adventure. I reflufed the scales as manifesting whenever he wanted to, and visible to whoever was under the Influance of his Hex (either the Spell or Hexblade's Curse). I also made his wings wrap up under his cape, so that they would look like part of his clothes to someone looking. He had a Musket (16th Centuary bastard version of the Rifle and the shot gun for whoever is not familiar with it), a Rappier and a Dagger, the Dagger being his Pact weapon.

"Je suis Lucifer; J'ai baucoup de noms"

What I was initially going for, as a Character concept, was "Lucifer", from the Series of the same name. I ended up with a similar, yet a bit different character, that was, nevertheless, quite as interesting.

With the ability to "Charm" anyone with a succesfull persuation Check, Expertise in Persuation, Intimidation, Deception and Stealth, and 20 Charisma I feel I was playing the literal Devil.

I chose the Dagger as my pact weapon for two reasons. A) It fealt more right, rp wise. When I'm unarmed, and you don't expect me to have a weapon, pulling a dagger out of nowere is more dramatic than a Rappier. B) I could profit from throwing the Dagger and calling the weapon back to do so again next turn.

Eldritch Blasting was always exelent to have, but on this character I used it with moderation, as I engaged in melee combat half the time and usually used it as a finisher, or at the begining of the fight.

Finally, the musquet was there for when someone was wearing armor and was far away, as the DM gave it a pseudo-Piercing property, meaning I had advantage to hit whoever wore heavy Armor. With this+Shocking Grasp, Heavy Armor was like showering someone in gas and giving me a torch.

2017-09-23, 11:40 AM
It is on its face optimized for TWF, but all it does is free up your bonus action. Dip fighter or anything else for shield proficiency and grab shield master. Take some levels in sorcerer and quicken BB.

This. I'm playing an archer swashbuckler and absolutely love it.

Very hard to lock me down and even if you do get in range I'm probably going to get my sneak attack before getting away.

Opening up sneak attack options is huge, so is saving a bonus action.