View Full Version : Ey...Just outta curiosity...

2007-08-13, 11:31 PM
So I love rap. It makes sense since I DO rap, and my account name is my MC name...seriuosly, look it up on google, the first thing that pops up is my myspace, anyway, i wanted to see how many other OOTS enthusiasts are into rap, and if you aren't than what are you into? do you sing? do you twang the gee-tar? just wanted to see what kind of musical creativity i would stir up.

2007-08-14, 01:33 AM
I guess rap is okay, but I don't really listen to it that much, besides MC Hammer. No offense. I can kinda sorta play guitar, I've been taking lessons for a while.

2007-08-14, 01:48 AM
Meh I don't care for it. Unless some of Weird Ale's songs are rap. I'll Sue Ya come's to mind.

2007-08-14, 05:01 AM
tbh, im not into rap for the main reason most of it is mindless "money, gunz and hoes" and i dont care for those things, if some made rap into something worthwhile then it would be good, i liked rkellys trapped in the closet, lol midget sex :)

im going check your rappin' skills brotha and holla back at ya'll fo crunkle ^_^

EDIT: yeah...pointless rap, are you the diamond man, and do you actually own any diamonds?

2007-08-14, 05:29 AM
I listen to the Streets a bit. Original Pirate Material is gold. This is solely because the material is relevant to me and that American stuff is of no interest.

2007-08-14, 07:16 AM
You're gonna be disappointed. Most people on this forum don't really like rap.

2007-08-14, 10:55 AM
omg dragonprime...you are so right lol meh i thought id try, and magioth i AM in fact the diamond man...but no i do not posess any diamonds myself lol

2007-08-14, 11:06 AM
I listen to the Streets a bit. Original Pirate Material is gold. This is solely because the material is relevant to me and that American stuff is of no interest.

This is very much true.

Rap can be okay at times. I'm talking of course about those really silly rap artists who don't bother trying to sound slick and cool but just lay down some beats and make silly rhymes.

2007-08-14, 11:22 AM
I used to listen to rap all the time, but then I found the joy that is classic rock, so no more. I can't really stomach most rap anymore, though like I said, I am partial to MC Hammer and Weird Al. I would listen to the song on your Myspace, SkanMan, but my sister put a High School Musical 2 background on my computer that I can't take off until Friday, and it plays High School Musical 2 songs over and over. I just leave the volume off. Wow, is what I said even coherent? It sounded a lot better in my mind.

2007-08-14, 12:12 PM
dude i really, REALLY feel sorry for you man, high school musical is NOT a good thing lol as for anyone who listens to the streets the hardest way to make an easy living is my favorite album by that particular artist. For those who think that rap is inconsequential narcissistic trash talk I want you to look up an artist named immortal technique this dude is political, socio-economic, balanced, hard and raw

2007-08-14, 01:09 PM
There's very little rap I like. There's no specific rapper I prefer, but I generally prefer really fast rappers; they just sound better to me.

2007-08-14, 01:11 PM
Meh I don't care for it. Unless some of Weird Ale's songs are rap. I'll Sue Ya come's to mind.

My words exactly.

2007-08-14, 02:46 PM
Meh I don't care for it. Unless some of Weird Ale's songs are rap. I'll Sue Ya come's to mind.

Stop reading my mind. Although some of Linkin' Park's stuff is ok. I still say they'd be better without the rap though.

2007-08-14, 03:04 PM
Rap? No.

Hip-hop? Yes!

Like many others have said, cash, guns and hose (Yes I know) just don't appeal to me. But give me Wyclef Jean singing about being the president and I'm a happy camper.

2007-08-14, 04:15 PM
tbh, im not into rap for the main reason most of it is mindless "money, gunz and hoes" and i dont care for those things, if some made rap into something worthwhile then it would be good,
So... many... possible... suggestions...
Grandmaster Flash (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf_q3Y6iu6M)
De La Soul (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pqDwQMq2B0)
Dead Prez (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3RieNmqAws)
A Tribe Called Quest (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhWyGrSV82M)
Public Enemy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uPlIaF65PM)
NWA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Df2vkOd2j7Y) in one of their mellower moments.

Although to be honest, I don't actually mind a bit of money gunz and hoes from time to time - a lot of the time 'glorifying violence' (and this leaves aside that if someone's talking about their friends getting shot, then they're probably more against violence than for it) it's more about believing in self reliance and demanding respect than literally suggesting that you go out and shoot people and steal stuff...

To be pendantic, the Streets isn't hip hop, he came out of grime / UK garage. Don't get me started on the sonic genius that is Wiley.

2007-08-14, 04:52 PM
I used to listen to rap all the time, but then I found the joy that is classic rock, so no more.

You have seen the light. Bless you, my son.

My brother was into rap for about five years before he started doing the techno thing. The genre is a monument to banality. I don't know if this is just somehting my brother does or if it's common, but he never listened to a song all the way through, he would just hear the good bits and then change the track. That really got to me, since even if I was hearing something I could get into I never got to hear it all the way through.

I will say there were a few (and I mean about 1%, maybe one song every ten months or so) tracks that I found surprisingly enjoyable, but that's it. I'm a rock 'n' roll fan, and have been since as long as I can remember, but I've actually been exposed to and enjoy very many different genres, of which rap simply isn't one.

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2007-08-14, 05:34 PM
I personally can't stand either rap or hip hop what so ever. I go for country and classic rock myself. Although I do have to say, Flavor Flav is one funny guy. I mean, how can you not like a guy who walks around with a viking hat on, a giant clock around his neck, and has gold teeth. The man knows how to dress too.

2007-08-14, 06:05 PM
Rap? Does it come with chicken?

2007-08-15, 12:01 AM
okayokayokay! i have argued my obsession with hip-hop/rap enough to bring my opinions to this forum. Allow me to settle this here and now. So, commercial rap is garbage. Period. I'll adress that later. Rap to those who really love it and understand it know that rap is a cultural bind. See, rappers from each part of the country have their own flavor of vernacular, landmarks that only those familiar with their locality understand. They have morsels of their section of the world that would be esoteric to anyone outside of that circle or their circle of appreciators. I represent Northern California(Nor-Cal), but due to the fact my parents are divorced, I play the role of the cross country ping pong ball, and thus I currently reside in the greater cleveland (C-town) area. Now as a Northern Californian Mexican, if i said "Ay we finna get hyphe, mob on over here, andele wey!" someone from Cleveland would translate this as "yo, we 'bout to get it poppin', roll up quick like!" Drop the ebonics and these statements become "hey we are about to have a good time, get over here and hurry up!"
Every now and then there is an artist from one particular area of the nation that permeates the mainstream with their music. This becomes cause for a celebration in the eyes of those that represent the area that particualr artist is from. When E-40 was featured on "snap ya fingers," by lil jon, I was giddy, when he dropped "tell me when to go with keak the sneak I was excited, when he dropped "you and dat" alongside the debut of his latest album I was ecstatic! and I know legions of Northern Caliskrylians were just as hyped (hyphe). to this day when i hear a song by e-40 on the radio i swell with pride for those who rep Nor-cal. the same goes for texans when mike jones comes on (even though he is an ABYSMAL rapper). or clevelanders when bone thugz comes on. or New Yorkers when Jay-Z comes on, or chicagoans when they hear the likes of kanye west. memphis? 3 6 mafia. Florida? Pittbull. Seattle? Sir-mix-alot. Boston? Benzino. LA? Snoop. New Orleans? Lil Wayne. Puerto Rico? Daddy Yankee. Haiti? Wyclef Jean. Atlanta? lil jon. Detroit? yeah here it comes...eminem.
...make any sense to you guys?

oh Inurain? props on the wyclef statement. and I would label him rap before hip hop holmes:smallamused:

2007-08-15, 08:13 AM
Skanman, thou shalt be googled... later. Neverwinter Nights is calling, but I will check it out later.

2007-08-15, 09:13 AM
Really unfortunate that everyone who thinks of rap immediately thinks of the mindless corporate garbage that spews forth from the media every time you turn on an electronic device. You have to look beyond the corporations and multi-billion dollar music moguls to find real hip-hop & rap these days. There are some amazing and intelligent artists out there in the hip-hop industry if you know where to look. Immortal Technique is a great example. Others that people should give a chance before condemning all those who choose to spit, are Aesop Rock, Atmosphere, Mr.Lif, Eyedeas & Abilities, M.U.R.S., El-P,Cannibal Ox,Doseone, Brother Ali,Illogic,Sebutones, MF Doom, Blueprint, Cage, and there are so many more I can list. Hip-Hop & Rap can be about higher qualities, transcending the main stream and helping to build a greater social conscience regarding things like war, politics, religion, philosophy, love, and life general. It also doesn't hurt if the DJ can scratch like mad (DJ Abilities) or drop some phat beats (Blockhead) either. :D

2007-08-15, 09:23 AM
Rap isn't music. It's under the "angsty angry poetry with bad noises being played behind it" category.

I'm da Rogue!
2007-08-15, 09:43 AM
Nah... i don't like it.at all.

I listen to 70's music, rock, metal, prog rock, post rock, space rock, art rock, also fussion, funk, some acid jazz, some raegge and prog metal.

But rap? nooo

2007-08-15, 09:55 AM
Rap isn't music. It's under the "angsty angry poetry with bad noises being played behind it" category.
Unlike 99.8% of popular music, which of course has lyrics to match Shakespeare.

2007-08-15, 09:59 AM
when he dropped "tell me when to go with keak the sneak I was excited
I was excited when that dropped. I'm about as far from North Cali as you can get, but the beat!

Shhalahr Windrider
2007-08-15, 10:14 AM
Only rap song I've ever really taken to was "One Night in Bangkok". And that's mostly 'cause I went through a "Musicals are Awesome!" phase and appreciated the story.

Rap can be okay at times. I'm talking of course about those really silly rap artists who don't bother trying to sound slick and cool but just lay down some beats and make silly rhymes.
Hook me up with some of those guys and I might go for them.

Hip-Hop & Rap can be about higher qualities, transcending the main stream and helping to build a greater social conscience regarding things like war, politics, religion, philosophy, love, and life general.
Oh, I can certainly appreciate messages like that. But that doesn't mean I find the way in which the message is conveyed pleasing to my ear. But then, hey, different strokes and all that.

2007-08-15, 10:31 AM
Oh, I can certainly appreciate messages like that. But that doesn't mean I find the way in which the message is conveyed pleasing to my ear. But then, hey, different strokes and all that.
Yeah, that's fair enough. If you like your musical content to be primarily melodic / harmonic (rather than rhythmic, timbral, atmospheric) then a lot of hip hop probably isn't going to be for you.

I do get annoyed with the way that people go from that to some sort of self righteous position about it being vile anti-music that requires no skill and has no useful content or function, despite the fact that they've never made any actual effort to understand how it's made or what it has to say... and often despite the fact that they're quite happy listening to all sorts of other music that doesn't require any great skill or convey any particularly deep meaning, but which do so via means that they find more pleasing to the ear.

2007-08-15, 10:31 AM
Hook me up with some of those guys and I might go for them.

You might wanna be checking out MC Frontalot (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MC_Frontalot) then.
I've heard a bunch of others, but their names didn't stick unfortunately. Bit of a shame really, 'cos they were all kinds of awesome.

Edit: Poop at you sir for remembering Jurassic 5. I don't know why I couldn't when I have four albums. :smalltongue:

2007-08-15, 10:44 AM
You might wanna be checking out MC Frontalot (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MC_Frontalot) then.
I've heard a bunch of others, but their names didn't stick unfortunately. Bit of a shame really, 'cos they were all kinds of awesome.
On a marginally more serious note
Jurassic 5 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZmQIGLNxBs)?
DJ Format (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Y9qngZZwMA)?

2007-08-15, 12:53 PM
yo.. jorkens and jaberwocky....

i could seriously kiss your toes, it is soo refreshing to hear someone else understand that rap/hip-hop is more than just ignorance paired with an obscenely large ego over simple drum patterns.

oh, and a couple more intellegent artists to add to the roster, Krs-1, EDAN (check them out), Goodie-Mob, Jadakiss, Dead Prez, outkast, UGK (anyone hear international players anthem?), some of Ludacris' less circulated material, Gangstarr, the obvious Tupac and Biggie and of course myself lol

2007-08-15, 03:20 PM
I've never been much of a HUGE rap fan...the only time I've ever really liked it was a short time where I listened to Eminem some. But I will say this in rap's defense, I know that most of the rap we hear is just corporate garbage, kinda like most of the modern day rock is, and just like there are Rock bands out there that are REALLY good, I know that there are rappers that are out there that are REALLY good. Rap just isn't my thing though.

2007-08-16, 12:50 AM
okayokayokay! i have argued my obsession with hip-hop/rap enough to bring my opinions to this forum. Allow me to settle this here and now. So, commercial rap is garbage. Period. I'll adress that later. Rap to those who really love it and understand it know that rap is a cultural bind. See, rappers from each part of the country have their own flavor of vernacular, landmarks that only those familiar with their locality understand. They have morsels of their section of the world that would be esoteric to anyone outside of that circle or their circle of appreciators. I represent Northern California(Nor-Cal), but due to the fact my parents are divorced, I play the role of the cross country ping pong ball, and thus I currently reside in the greater cleveland (C-town) area. Now as a Northern Californian Mexican, if i said "Ay we finna get hyphe, mob on over here, andele wey!" someone from Cleveland would translate this as "yo, we 'bout to get it poppin', roll up quick like!" Drop the ebonics and these statements become "hey we are about to have a good time, get over here and hurry up!"
Every now and then there is an artist from one particular area of the nation that permeates the mainstream with their music. This becomes cause for a celebration in the eyes of those that represent the area that particualr artist is from. When E-40 was featured on "snap ya fingers," by lil jon, I was giddy, when he dropped "tell me when to go with keak the sneak I was excited, when he dropped "you and dat" alongside the debut of his latest album I was ecstatic! and I know legions of Northern Caliskrylians were just as hyped (hyphe). to this day when i hear a song by e-40 on the radio i swell with pride for those who rep Nor-cal. the same goes for texans when mike jones comes on (even though he is an ABYSMAL rapper). or clevelanders when bone thugz comes on. or New Yorkers when Jay-Z comes on, or chicagoans when they hear the likes of kanye west. memphis? 3 6 mafia. Florida? Pittbull. Seattle? Sir-mix-alot. Boston? Benzino. LA? Snoop. New Orleans? Lil Wayne. Puerto Rico? Daddy Yankee. Haiti? Wyclef Jean. Atlanta? lil jon. Detroit? yeah here it comes...eminem.
...make any sense to you guys?

oh Inurain? props on the wyclef statement. and I would label him rap before hip hop holmes:smallamused:

Do you come with English subtitles? :smallconfused:

2007-08-16, 12:56 AM
Hehe... I live in NorCal. Gotta love that hyphe movement round my neck of the woods. I live an hour or two east of the bay.
And horseboy, at least he made a minimal attempt at capitalization and punctuation.

2007-08-16, 12:53 PM
Hmm. Didn't get round to it as soon as I liked, but listening to that Diamond Man track now for 3rd time in a row... I like it. I won't pinpoint what about it I like 'cos that's not what I do, but I like it. :smallwink:

2007-08-16, 04:26 PM
Coolgaelbert...WESTSIIIIIIIDE!!!! do the thizzle dance when you read this lol

hoggy, THANK YOU! youre the first to give me positive imput from this forum, download it, show your frinds, pump it in your car spread the word of skanman lol the first verse is me btw dont be afraid to hit me up via the mespace either

oh, horseboy, NO I do NOT come with english subtitles ( which is proof that ebonics should be taught as a foreign language in school...there's even different dialects, as i have addressed in my previous expository)

2007-08-16, 04:35 PM



I'm speechless... How can you do that to Karl Jenkins' Palladio...

2007-08-16, 11:30 PM

what? consider it a tribute to mister jenkins, I thouroughly enjoy classical music as well, I plan on rappin to something by phillip glass next (most likely a sample from porcelain dolls, which is like virtually identical to candyman, with chimes instead of a piano) , I just figured, hey, people are gonna recognize palladio from the zales commercials..hence "im shinin' man, youre blinded man, so call me the one and only diamond man...aye!"



Raiser Blade
2007-08-16, 11:45 PM
i beatbox but thats it

[breakin'itdown] (deep beath) brrrd dun dun kssh dundun dundu ksssh awiikwikiwiki waaaah[/breakin'itdown]


2007-08-16, 11:50 PM
yo trogdor dude...the kitty's cute...and do you actually beat box or did you just want an excuse to write onomonapeas (i cant spell that...im not even going to bother) on a computer screen...because I too beatbox lol

2007-08-17, 12:23 AM
There is definitely rap I enjoy. Immortal Technique is my favorite. Geto Boys, Tupac, and Public Enemy all get play time from me. As far as actual writing music goes I almost exclusively play indie/pop/blues music though.

Also, can someone tell my why Tech N9ne never leaves Boise?

2007-08-17, 01:35 AM
I'm impressed, SkanMan. Keep up the good work.:smallbiggrin:
I'm spreading the word to my friends, who are less nerdy than me. You might get a fanclub!:smallwink:

2007-08-17, 01:57 AM
Any who think rap is shallow should actually listen to Tupac. Specifically Thugz Mansion. The original acoustic version.

I love all rap. I also love hip-hop. I'm white as snow but I still love it. I love Wyclef, I love Ludacris. I love Geto Boys, I love Eminem, 50 Cent.

Skanman, I think that one track is pretty damned cool. Why don't you have an actual music myspace? On the other hand, I gotta wonder why your myspace is covered in dipset logos. I lost respect for you when I saw those. But your music's good, just your affiliations that need a little work. Yeah, it's good.

*I* actually beatbox, and I've been known to write raps, although they invariably only wind up on paper when they're very, very personal poems to another person.

2007-08-17, 01:59 AM
He has a music page. Just type SkanMan in music. It worked for me. I almost lost my respect when I saw that quote about Hillary Duff. Shame, man.:smallbiggrin:

2007-08-17, 03:32 AM

what? consider it a tribute to mister jenkins, I thouroughly enjoy classical music as well, I plan on rappin to something by phillip glass next (most likely a sample from porcelain dolls, which is like virtually identical to candyman, with chimes instead of a piano) , I just figured, hey, people are gonna recognize palladio from the zales commercials..hence "im shinin' man, youre blinded man, so call me the one and only diamond man...aye!"



I actually recognise it from studying it in Music lessons in school...

2007-08-17, 06:07 AM
I like Kanye West and can't wait for his new albulm. The Beastie Boys are also the bomb. However I hate people like 50 cent who think that getting shot 9 times is some magical blessing that is something to be proud of.

2007-08-17, 10:40 AM
why does everybody have to hate on the diplomats? check out some of their lesser known mixtapes (more than music is pretty good), and some of their lesser known labelmates, i.e. 40 cal, hell rell, un kasa, J.R. Writer, Bezel etc.. all of them are freestlye gods, and for the record that background is like two years old, i fully intend to update my myspace in due time...even if it takes another two years lol
my music page is not nearly as good as I wish it was. the only songs im realy proud of on there are diamond man and a bokononist memoir...the other stuff is kinda old...not really representative of me now, Im waiting to record some more songs for this mixtape im coming out with before i start putting some of my latest songs on there

oh and doihaveaname...you impressed? lol rap isnt the only genre im familiar with

and coolgaelbert, I SERIOUSLY appreciate it man...and whats wrong with Hilary duff? I TOTALLY respect her as an artist...*cracks up*

2007-08-17, 11:06 AM
A bit of a coincidence... The album Palladio came out on was called Diamond Music...

2007-08-18, 12:37 AM
Skanman, I loved bokononist memoir. That was great.

I hate on dipset because their stuff that's on the radio sucks. When 50's on the radio, 50 sounds good(except that damn HA HA song). But damned if we fly high doesn't drive me crazy. Cam'ron also had the crazed idea to get lit and call into the radio station and diss 50. I like Lil' Wayne. I think he's got some good stuff going on. Mainly the reason why I hate on dipset is because all they ever seem to do is start beef.

I'm with Chamillionaire, let's just drop this whole beef deal.

2007-08-18, 02:16 AM
Ah, i see, i suppose thats why zales chose that particular piece for thier ad campaigns, hmm...nice, and i still stand by my earlier statement that the recording quality of "diamond man" and the effort in which my two frinds and I put into our respective verses makes that song professional. tell me you couldnt see that on the radio

and skywalker, I suppose you understand my signature eh? lol but yeah that song is deep...and i even squeezed a diplomats reference in there (middle of the second verse) Its more poetry than rap if you really listen to it, me and a buddy of mine made tht instrumental from scratch too, him on the keyboard, myself on the drum pattern. also. to fully understand the title read cats cradle by kurt vonnegut. excellent read.

but the dips? its jones and cam that start all of the drama, the other member of the hit churning triad, juelz, gets along with EVERYBODY, thats why he doesnt refrain from working wit the people his labelmates pissed off (i cant feel my face the mixtape is RAW!). if youre familiar wwith the cam'ron vs. Jay-z thing, cam was SO in the right, he has like this eight minuite track him and DJ kayslay put together that is soley matterial that jay-z stole from other artists (swaggerjacker, check it out). and for the record...dude 50 sucks...for real...give me one hot line he has ever come up with post get rich or die trying lol