View Full Version : What alignment are you IRL?

Sorlock Master
2017-09-23, 10:27 AM
True neutral

While I understand that laws help to provide stability and order, they can also be stifling when it comes to growth and sometimes need to be ignored.

Evil acts while distasteful have thier uses. For example killing people in general is considered an evil act but under the right I could take another persons life.

2017-09-23, 10:35 AM
I'm typically lawful good while bordering on neutral good... But I'm quite vindictive against people who hurt/take advantage of others and my Lawful Evil side will come out.

On a side note, bologna will strip paint off cars. Not suggesting you try, but just throwing that out there.

So a dash of NE/CE when you bring out my "red neck" side.

I don't think too many people would stay one exact alignment all the time so saying one alignment won't really work.

2017-09-23, 10:57 AM
Overall? Neutral Good, leaning True Neutral... I'm not a rebel or revolutionary, but chafe under beuracracy: so I'm pretty comfortable with being neutral on the law/chaos axis.

I do a lot of classic 'good stuff' (I'm a special ed teacher, don't have any significant vices, etc) but of course everyone thinks of themselves as more 'good' than they are, so I acknowledge I could be neutral instead of good

Overall, as a person without a divine patron, that puts me in Elysium or the Outlands as an afterlife... the two that I would find most tolerable. So I feel comfortable with that... perhaps even Byopia (which I'd be less thrilled with)

2017-09-23, 11:02 AM
I'm mainly neutral forgetful with a bit of chaotic hungry.

2017-09-23, 11:10 AM
Neutral evil, of course.
It is just that I don't think I could get away with anything.

2017-09-23, 11:15 AM
I'm typically lawful good while bordering on neutral good... But I'm quite vindictive against people who hurt/take advantage of others and my Lawful Evil side will come out.

On a side note, bologna will strip paint off cars. Not suggesting you try, but just throwing that out there.

So a dash of NE/CE when you bring out my "red neck" side.

I don't think too many people would stay one exact alignment all the time so saying one alignment won't really work.

Oh my god I want to hear more about this bologna based vengeance.

2017-09-23, 12:56 PM
Lawful Evil, because WoTC defined their alignments strangely and rather prudishly without regards for who consents to the hot wax.

2017-09-23, 01:31 PM
Oh my god I want to hear more about this bologna based vengeance.

Phosphoric Acid! Other food items like soda has it but walking out and seeing bologna on your car makes the prank seem harmless at first... Until it gets cleaned off.

Plus there is the smell if you do it during a hot sunny day, friend bologna is delicious, but after a while... It will get to you.

I had a 5th grade science teacher who may have been a mad scientist is another life... Taught me quite a few things like this as I was the only one paying attention in class. Makes me nostalgic for pre-Google civilization.

2017-09-23, 01:49 PM
Neutral, that shows his good side when trying to coexist with people but has a pretty dark way of looking at things and deciding what is right or wrong.

Sariel Vailo
2017-09-23, 01:50 PM
Lets see chaotic good and drmatic shifts to chaotic neutral. I see the points of the laws but all it takes is one bad day.

2017-09-23, 03:04 PM
Chaotic Good--at least, I hope so. I try to be good, I strive to be good. I mean, it's important to me to do good. Buuuut who knows, maybe I don't succeed, so maybe Chaotic Neutral. :smallannoyed: I hope not any lower than that, though...

2017-09-23, 04:29 PM
Lawful Neutral with both Lawful Good and Evil Tendencies.

I am not Lawful necesserally in reguards to the actual Law, rather than Tradition, Friends, Bro-Code and Family Matters. I try to be as Lawful as I can in reguards to the actual Law as I believe that, wile some Laws may be wrong or exagerated and some Politicians may be Corupted, I would have no right to judge them if I was no better than them. I aspire to one day become a local politician myself (a mayor) and eliminate corruption, at least from my local society.

I am Neutral with both Good and Evil tendencies; I am a loyal friend. Generally I have a very possitive energy to everyone, and try to do small things to make everyone's day. However! If I get the feeling of non apreciation, this stops. If I get treated badly, I will treat you the same way, and worse. I will initially be good to you, show you my good side. But I have a bad side too, and it's very, very bad. And, once you meet it, it's hard to go back to my good side again.

2017-09-23, 04:38 PM
Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good on a good day. Inconsiderate people who think they're too special for the rules frustrate me.

2017-09-23, 04:40 PM
Depends. How hard do you have to strive to meet D&D's standards for good? I'd probably be considered somewhere between Lawful and Neutral on that scale and I'd like to think I'm Good, but I don't think I can judge if I'd qualify. Notably, my Lawful tendencies come from my belief that right and wrong are rarely context sensitive (though you can do something wrong and get arguably good results), not that I always try to follow man-made laws to the letter.

2017-09-23, 05:30 PM
Lawful good with an occasional hard right towards chaos on certain issues. I prefer to live in a neutral good society.

2017-09-23, 05:51 PM
When I worked for the Intelligence Community earlier in my life I was definitely Lawful Good because it just made sense not to not screw up your job with security investigations repeating every 5 years.

Still a Goody two shoes mortally/ethically but more of my independent streak (Influence of Chaos) shows in retirement.. I still keep the oaths I took scruplously but I am far less patient with senseless bureaucracy in lesser matters. :smallwink:

I too think there is much to be said for a Neutral/Good society too.

2017-09-23, 07:02 PM
I believe that myself and most other people in the United States are Chaotic Evil.

2017-09-23, 07:07 PM
If Lawful Good doesn't involve an element of sacrifice, then I'd say I'm Lawful Good. If it does... I'm honestly not sure as to whether or not I'd be Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral. I'd have to be put in that kind of situation myself, and luckily I haven't gotten to it yet.

2017-09-23, 07:07 PM
Chaotic Neutral. I really don't give a damn about others. Just let me do my thing.

2017-09-23, 07:17 PM
Probably Chaotic Good.

I tend to do good things and like to help people, but I am strongly opposed to the established order of the world I live in as it exists to keep the wealthy in power and everyone else are disposable, unimportant cogs that feed the rich. It's absolutely sickening most folks work for minimum wage while the work they actually do earns many, many times that amount of money for other people.

I'd destroy all law and order if I could because while law is nice in theory, in practice it is pure corruption. Catering and pandering to voting demographics to get elected rather than what is good for society as a whole. Ugh.

But I like helping folks, I like making people feel intense emotion through my music, i'm very generous and giving. But I have zero respect for law and only follow what I agree with personally. I don't think a bunch of old white men thousands of miles away who don't know anything about me have a right to dictate to me what I can and cannot say or do.

I tend to be aggressive and passionate, but never towards good and innocent people, just those who have done something to incur such wrath. I used to be quite the scrapper before I started to get a little famous. :D now i'm too scared i'll get sued by some ******* that starts something with me then i'm the one who gets punished for it.

Maybe i'd respect law some more if it was legal to punch the face of people who harass you.

2017-09-23, 07:31 PM
lawful good. My memory is too poor for me to do things without a strict policy guideline to get me through tricky things, so I occasionally adhere unreasonably to my code of ethics when softer management would probably yield more perfect benefit. And good simply because even if I were purely selfish, I can't see anyway to benefit myself in the long term that doesn't first ensure the benefit of those around me. So against my own will, lawful good.

2017-09-23, 07:42 PM
Probably Chaotic Good.

I tend to do good things and like to help people, but I am strongly opposed to the established order of the world I live in as it exists to keep the wealthy in power and everyone else are disposable, unimportant cogs that feed the rich. It's absolutely sickening most folks work for minimum wage while the work they actually do earns many, many times that amount of money for other people.

I'd destroy all law and order if I could because while law is nice in theory, in practice it is pure corruption. Catering and pandering to voting demographics to get elected rather than what is good for society as a whole. Ugh.

But I like helping folks, I like making people feel intense emotion through my music, i'm very generous and giving. But I have zero respect for law and only follow what I agree with personally. I don't think a bunch of old white men thousands of miles away who don't know anything about me have a right to dictate to me what I can and cannot say or do.

I tend to be aggressive and passionate, but never towards good and innocent people, just those who have done something to incur such wrath. I used to be quite the scrapper before I started to get a little famous. :D now i'm too scared i'll get sued by some ******* that starts something with me then i'm the one who gets punished for it.

Maybe i'd respect law some more if it was legal to punch the face of people who harass you.

It's illegal to punsh them first, but, if you have 3-4 neutral party witnesses that can prove that he punshed/physically attacked you first and you were only "defending yourself", you have every legal right to... well defend yourself by punshing them in the face.

That's what's cool about laws. If you know the rules well enough, you also know how to bend them in your favor to get the result you want, without getting prosecuted for it.

Step 1: Go to the anoying b@stard's ear, say something provocative and personal
Step 2: He Physically asults you, taking your bluff
Step 3: You say (out loud) "Hey, this was a joke man"! Naturally, he only gets more angry, and asult you more.
Step 4: In an act of self defance, you deck him to the floor. :P

...and here they are again, those Lawful-to-Neutral Evil tendencies I was talking about in my previous post XD Just make sure it's worth your time and effort I guess?

2017-09-23, 08:13 PM
I range from chaotic good to neutral nasty.

2017-09-23, 09:08 PM
I vary around the LG corner; lately I've been a very soft-hearted Lawful Neutral, but I mostly hang out around the LG with occasional dives into NG.

Amusingly, a girlfriend made me take an alignment test (the one from the 3.0 character guide), and I came up as LG, and she as NG. Which would seem fine, except it turned out we had certain compatibility issues that were rather explained by that ethical difference.

2017-09-24, 09:05 AM
Lawful neutral, but only because of limited resources

2017-09-24, 12:41 PM
I'm probably chaotic or neutral good. I just do whatever I think is morally right by my philosophy in any instance. I follow the laws to the best of my abilities but would break them in an instant if they would contradict what I believe is right.

2017-09-24, 12:42 PM
On the lawful good side of true neutral.

Too weak to be any kind of paragon of virtue but I value sacrifice and good intentions. I believe that laws are important and that a common well understood codified baseline for what is acceptable in society is generally helpful to society as a whole. That said I also feel it is easy to take this to extremes where it is unhelpful.

2017-09-24, 12:44 PM
True Awesome.

Sorlock Master
2017-09-24, 01:16 PM
Is it me or are there a lot of Chaotic Good going on?

2017-09-24, 01:36 PM
Neutral. I don't care about the whole alignment bull****. I'd say unaligned, but that's for non-sapient creatures.

2017-09-24, 02:33 PM
I'm more Lawful than good, but Lawful good am I. I try to obey laws, rules, and standard procedures where possible, and I don't like it when things are changed without a very good reason.

2017-09-25, 04:40 AM
Lawful Neutral, hands down.

I'm methodical, I adore organizing and categorizing things, and I'm pretty rigid in my own self-control. I like the structure and discipline of military life (which is why I've stayed in as long as I have).

And yet, I'm pretty much indifferent to the importunes of the less fortunate. I care about those close to me, certainly. And for them I would make sacrifices. But strangers can go hang.

I also tend to value what is just and fair over what is "right".

Even on the negative aspects. I like plans, and I don't respond well to plans changing. It's very hard for me to "change tracks" as it were.

My wife is almost certainly Lawful Good, occasionally leaning more towards Neutral Good. We keep each other pretty well balanced. She helps me with the (otherwise alien) ideals of compassion and empathy, and I temper those ideals in her, so that we do not cause detriment to our own lives by helping others.

2017-09-25, 05:45 PM
Here's my measuring stick.

On my drive into work today I passed a beggar on the off-ramp. This happens about everyday.

I didn't help this person in anyway, but neither did I harm them. So Neutral.

I also don't think anyone should force this person off the street. They are free to be there. So Chaotic.

2017-09-25, 06:36 PM
I believe that myself and most other people in the United States are Chaotic Evil.

Then...I think you might be the villain of this story. Maaaaybe a small possibility of scrappy protagonist versus the empire with a dark past and self doubt issues. Either way, it's a great campaign. :smalltongue: