View Full Version : Thoughts on this MAD Bugbear Concept ?

2017-09-24, 01:03 AM
ok im theroycrafting what could be my replacement character for the character i play on sundays, because its very likely i could die any session, almost happened once already 3HP from getting one shot.

and this is the basic of the concept im thinking of doing. not gonna put all the info obviously not typing out an entire sheet, just the basics

is this dirty ? also can i get some thoughts on this concept :O

Bugbear (+5 Reach on my turn, also there good with stealth and get a surprise attack bonus)
Warlock - Hex Blade - Pack of the Blade lv 4
Mystic - Immortal Lv 2
and either 4 lvs of Fighter either Battlemaster or EK, or 4 lvs of Paladin (Conquest, maybe) This for the Fighting style, also armor and more spells or Maneuvers

Invocations , Devils Sight + Thirsting Blade
And the Spell , Darkness

Polearm Master + sentinel

Fighting Style: Tunnel Fighter = Multiple Opportunity Attacks without needing a reaction, and i can use a reaction to attack anyone who moves atleast 5ft in my reach

From Mystic Immortal I take Giant Growth, for the +5 attack range

What this amounts to is that on my turn i have a 20f attack range, on when its not my turn its down to 15ft

Darkeness Radius is 15ft

so what this build will be amazing at is , Casting Darkness on My Pact Weapon, moving into a crowd of enemies, they cant see but i can see, and then i use my bonus action to activate Tunnel Fighter.

The first one that makes a movement i strike with my reaction. if they try to attack me they have disadvantage , and i have advantage on my attacks cause they are blind.

Because my attack range on there turn is 15 and darkness is 15 if they try to leave the Darkness, because of Polearm Master + Tunnel Fighter i can attack them, and because of Sentinel there movement drops to 0 preventing them from leaving the darkness.

unless im wrong this should all work correct ? it only requires a 10th level character or 8th if variant human but you lose the extra 5ft poke you get with a bugbear, and i really like the idea of just pokeing someone 20ft away. 25ft if i use the Ogre Form from Giant Growth.

thoughts ?

2017-09-24, 02:04 AM
Add in Ranger, Primal Guardian conclave, and up your levels in mystic to get psionic mastery and use all three uses of Giant Growth discipline at once.

2017-09-24, 02:18 AM
if it was not for the 5ft Movement limit on primeval Guardian i probably would, but losing pretty much all my movement just for 5ft more reach does not seem worth it

since it means i cannot follow the enemy if they take the disengage action, and activating Guardian Soul requires a Bonus Action my use of bonus action will most always be Tunnel Fighter.

2017-09-24, 02:31 AM
if it was not for the 5ft Movement limit on primeval Guardian i probably would, but losing pretty much all my movement just for 5ft more reach does not seem worth it

since it means i cannot follow the enemy if they take the disengage action, and activating Guardian Soul requires a Bonus Action my use of bonus action will most always be Tunnel Fighter.

take nomadic step. Start teleporting. Tunnel Fighter is great with this. You just need lots of BA set up turns. I think i went for maximum reach and got 35 feet or something

2017-09-24, 02:47 AM
your not able to get Nomadic Step though as its part of a Different Mystic Order then Giant Growth :O

Giant Growth is part of Immortal
Nomadic Step is part of Nomad

unless there is someway to get more then one Mystic Order

2017-09-24, 07:54 AM
A few quibbles:

Thirsting blade is only available at 5th level warlock.

Darkness is concentration, and I believe so is Giant Growth, so you may be better off skipping it as part of your plan, since you can't do both.

On the other hand, since a mystic gets 3 disciplines to start and only two need to be immortal, there's nothing you from taking nomadic step too.

2017-09-24, 02:07 PM
A few quibbles:

Thirsting blade is only available at 5th level warlock.

Darkness is concentration, and I believe so is Giant Growth, so you may be better off skipping it as part of your plan, since you can't do both.

On the other hand, since a mystic gets 3 disciplines to start and only two need to be immortal, there's nothing you from taking nomadic step too.

in that case i can just switch it up to

Warlock 5 and pick up an extra invocatin to boot.
Or Paladin 5 And get an extra 1st level spell slot and 2 2nd level, and an extra attack, which means i could replace TB as an invocation
Or Fighter for extra attack and be 1 level away from getting War Caster to add to the build.

and drop Mystic down to level 1. which does mean i lose some Psi points but can still do what i want to do.

Also Giant Growth has a passive 5ft reach gain, you can use your concentration and 2 psi points to gain another 5ft with Ogre Form, or if i Take Mystical class to a higher level I could get Giant Form which increases it yet again by another 5ft for a total of 15ft extra reach.

but the passive extra 5ft reach can be used with darkness, as i only need to have Giant Growth to use its passive.

also no you cant on taking Nomadic Step, once you pick a Mystic Order thats the Order you have to stick with. Since im choosing Immortal i can only take immortal Disciplines

When you pick your order you get one of its Disciplines right away but for each order it says that

"At 1st level, you learn two additional psionic
disciplines of your choice. They must be chosen
from among the Immortal disciplines."

2017-09-24, 02:43 PM
your not able to get Nomadic Step though as its part of a Different Mystic Order then Giant Growth :O

Giant Growth is part of Immortal
Nomadic Step is part of Nomad

unless there is someway to get more then one Mystic Order

You can grab any discipline regardless of order it belongs to. The only time it has to belong to the order is the two you get specifically from the subclass feature. The amount of disciplines known on the table is ANY order .

2017-09-24, 02:45 PM
"At 1st level, you learn two additional psionic
disciplines of your choice. They must be chosen
from among the Immortal disciplines."

But you also get an additional discipline at first level that can be from any order.

2017-09-24, 02:46 PM
in that case i can just switch it up to

Warlock 5 and pick up an extra invocatin to boot.
Or Paladin 5 And get an extra 1st level spell slot and 2 2nd level, and an extra attack, which means i could replace TB as an invocation
Or Fighter for extra attack and be 1 level away from getting War Caster to add to the build.

and drop Mystic down to level 1. which does mean i lose some Psi points but can still do what i want to do.

Also Giant Growth has a passive 5ft reach gain, you can use your concentration and 2 psi points to gain another 5ft with Ogre Form, or if i Take Mystical class to a higher level I could get Giant Form which increases it yet again by another 5ft for a total of 15ft extra reach.

but the passive extra 5ft reach can be used with darkness, as i only need to have Giant Growth to use its passive.

also no you cant on taking Nomadic Step, once you pick a Mystic Order thats the Order you have to stick with. Since im choosing Immortal i can only take immortal Disciplines

When you pick your order you get one of its Disciplines right away but for each order it says that

"At 1st level, you learn two additional psionic
disciplines of your choice. They must be chosen
from among the Immortal disciplines."

Two additional. As in: in addition to. Along with. The soul knife would not get anything otherwise. Every order except soul knife gets 2 disciplines from their order, and then can have whatever else they want. The bolder sentence is specifically pertaining to the two additional disciplines

Here I'll even quote when the ua starts explaining disciplines.

Psionic disciplines were each discovered by different orders and tend to reflect their creators’ specialties. However, a mystic can learn any discipline regardless of its associated order.

2017-09-24, 09:51 PM

that does change things up

i guess i missed that part, i was under the total assumption that everything you picked had to be of your Specific Order and only that order.

now imma have to read through the entire Mystic class again -.- , So much reading D: